Spring 2013


Spring 2013
St. Lucy’s
By Christi Cameron ‘13
On January 18, 92 St. Lucy’s Regents traveled to Washington D.C. to witness the inauguration of President Barack Obama. The trip was
coordinated by Smithsonian Student Travel, which is operated by EF (Education First), an organization that works with the Smithsonian Institution
to organize educational trips for students.
On their first day in the capitol, the group took a guided sightseeing tour of landmarks, including Mt. Vernon and Arlington National
Cemetery. They witnessed the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and visited the gravesites of President John F. Kennedy,
his wife, and many other men and women who have served America.
In the afternoon, the group viewed the United States Marine Corps Memorial, and at night they visited the Vietnam War Memorial, the Korean
War Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. On Sunday, January 20, St. Lucy’s had the opportunity to explore The American History Museum, The
Natural History Museum, The National Art Gallery, and the Air & Space Museum. Some girls also visited the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian
Castle, which are also located on the Mall. On Inauguration Day, despite the heavy traffic, a crowd of one million and many closed roads, the group of 92 made it to their official spot
on the Washington Mall about a mile and a half from the Capitol Building,
“The Inauguration was more exciting than I expected it would be. It was what we came for and was my favorite day of the trip because it was
exciting to be around so many who are enthusiastic about democracy,” says Senior, Brittany Young. That night, they attended a formal Inaugural
Ball that was hosted by EF for student groups from across the country.
The next day, they explored the National Archives Museum, which houses the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Magna
Carta. They also visited the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the World War II Memorial, and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.
The students also had the amazing opportunity to visit and tour the White House, thanks to Chelsea Bollinger ’08, who is currently working
in the Visitor’s Center at the White House. They were able to walk through the Vermeil Room, the State Dining Room, the East Room, and the
Green, Blue, and Red Rooms. Some students even met the “first dog - Bo.”
“I am so grateful that I was able to experience this trip,” said senior Chelsie Kent, “I learned so much and I am lucky to be a part of history.”
Greetings from your Alumnae Office
Jane Koenig Herring
Director of Development & Alumnae Relations
Dear Alumnae:
The Alumnae Annual Gift Giving Fund at St. Lucy’s has supported many activities over the years. The funds “grow” by
supporting the sales of St. Lucy’s Dolls and merchandise in the Regent Spirit Store. Alumnae gifts also help to supplement
Kairos retreats, provide financial assistance for families in need and honor the achievements of outstanding students in the
form of academic scholarships.
Several scholarships are awarded each year to deserving Juniors and incoming Freshmen. They honor the Benedictine
Sisters and also memorialize alumnae and friends that have brightened our campus while here, but their light has gone out
too soon. Your gift to any of these scholarships, in the name of a loved one or because of your own special memories, are
a way to remember and to help us touch many more decades of students. The following are scholarships that were awarded
this past year.
ST. LUCY’S ALUMNAE SCHOLARSHIP: This first scholarship was established in 1986 and is presented annually to a junior
for her outstanding academic achievements and school involvement. It is funded by contributions from alumnae and their
ALUMNAE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship was established to honor the memories of graduates for the past
forty-nine years who have passed away – and we keep alive their spirits with this tribute. It is presented to a junior for her
outstanding academic achievements and school activities.
CORDOVA FAMILY SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP: Established in 1992 for a Junior who is interested in and excels in science.
MARA BORKOWSKI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship was established by her family because of her love and
devotion to St. Lucy’s. She had two daughters graduate: Donna 1980 and Linda 1985.
JENNIFER CASTILLO ’94 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP was established in 2003 by her friends in the Class of 1994 after her
sudden death in February 2003. These alumnae continue to fund it each year.
MOTHER AUGUSTA PARLE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: The Benedictine Guild established this scholarship in 1992 as a
tribute to Mother Augusta Parle, the first prioress. Mother Augusta spearheaded the purchase and the establishment of
St. Lucy’s Priory in 1952 and St. Lucy’s Priory High School in 1962.
SR. SERENA STEIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP was established in 2002 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of St. Lucy’s
Priory High School and to honor and pay tribute to Sister Serena who was the first Principal. Sr. Serena passed away in
February 2007.
ELIZABETH FRYKE SCHOLARSHIP was established in 2003 by her family to celebrate 20 years of service to St. Lucy’s as
Director of Development.
SOFIA GIULIUCCI-HOSFELD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Sofia graduated in 1978 and was ASB President and very
involved while at St. Lucy’s. Sofia died in 1994 and her family established this scholarship in her memory.
SR. ELIZABETH BROWN SCHOLARSHIP – established in recognition of St. Lucy’s 50th Anniversary. This award will be
presented for the first time to honor Sr. “EB”, St. Lucy’s Prioress.
SR. MONICA COLLINS SCHOLARSHIP – established in recognition of St. Lucy’s 50th Anniversary. This award will be
presented for the first time to honor Sr. Monica, St. Lucy’s Principal.
SR. HELEN DZIUK SCHOLARSHIP – established in recognition of St. Lucy’s 50th Anniversary. This award will be
presented for the first time to honor Sr. Helen, St. Lucy’s Vice-Principal.
Our 50th Anniversary Events were a success because of the assistance of many alumnae and staff. THANK YOU to Anne Bowen Orosz
‘79, Athena Chiera ‘02, Elva, Laura ‘12 & Carla ‘09 Miller, Erin Perez ‘03, Gina Giuliucci ‘76, Gina De Santis Travis ‘83, Jessica
Zetino ‘07, Judi Roset Kemp ‘66, Kathryn McDermott Thompson ‘80, Katie Rossi ‘03, Lisa Manning-Pratt ‘86, Lori Nielsen Lavik ‘79,
Monica Gutierrez ‘94, Nadine Bencomo Heinrich ‘80, Veronica Brias Kummerfeldt ‘80, Janice Bollinger Lee ‘70, Jennifer Reh Hoge
‘95, Colleen Julien Torres ‘03, Teresa Hendrickson Scaletta ‘72, Michelle Chamberlain ‘96, Kaitlyn Swan ‘08, Christiane Hoffman
‘96, Catherine Pizzoli Flores ‘80, Elizabeth Bangert Gribbin ‘75, Jane Olin Carlone ‘72, Lisa Manning Pratt ‘86, Terese Schiro
Sholander ‘79, Jessica Stillwell Johnston ‘97, Amy Butz Malerba ‘84, Victoria Carr Sinclair ‘91, Teresa Tancredi, Kim O’Rourke, Judith
Belanger, Kathy Littleton, Lori Venne, Charlene Littleton, Donna Watkins, Ken Bencomo and Father Peadar Cronin.
Our Jubilee year featured celebrations through all seasons in 2012. On March 31, the Golden BASH Dinner & Auction attracted over
500 generous bidders. The Spring Starlight Serenade in April took the audience on a trip down memory lane through five decades of
music. On June 9, 450 alumnae returned to campus for our Jubilee Mass and Brunch, an event with memorabilia and retrospective video
presented again for school families at the September 22 Mass and Celebration Dinner.
On the exact 50 year anniversary of the school’s opening day, September 24, our ASB modeled past uniforms while the Benedictine
Sisters and representatives from the Class of ’66 symbolically “cut a ribbon” to the next 50 years. Students gathered in the amphitheater
for the singing of the alma mater that coincided with a dove release to honor our motto of “Light–Truth–Peace.”
The holidays began with our Golden Boutique on November 4, where over 200 alumnae signed the autograph boards in the Regent
Spirit Shoppe. The festivities finally ended on the Feast of St. Lucy, December 13, with a Mass and Sophomore Medal Ceremony. A fiftyyear time capsule – to be buried under the foyer stairs – was unveiled and all students were treated to blue cupcakes!
Time Capsule contents: 50th Anniversary commemorative book and event invitations and programs, 2012 Yearbook, Alumnae
Newsletters, St. Lucy’s Athletic letter, diploma, Laureate newspaper, uniform sweater, class colored bracelets, Junior Ring, Sophomore
Medal, Benedictine Cross and autographed book of students and staff during 2012.
Annette Lourenco ’83 passed away on October 27, 2012.
Annette developed a love for theater and drama while a
student at St. Lucy’s. She is remembered as a great friend to
many classmates and was always ready with a joke and a smile.
She is survived by her mother Bertha and brother Mike.
Jane Vinatieri Telkamp ’80 entered eternal life on December
12, 2012. She had three grown children, two girls, Taylor and
Lauren, and son, Jake. A large gathering of friends and family
held a service near the Seal Beach Pier on December 29. She
will be remembered as being a great mom, friend, entertainer
and cook.
Sympathy to the Benedictine Community on the recent death
of Sr. Mary Aidan Murphy. May 27, 1925-Dec. 4, 2012. Sister
Mary Aidan taught in local parish schools for many years.
God of our hearts, grant us vision and inspire us.
God of our hearts, grant us light and guide us.
God of our hearts, grant us wisdom and direct us.
God of our hearts, grant us courage and strengthen us.
God of our hearts, grant us trust as we rely on you. Amen
St. Lucy’s Alumnae Office will be happy to provide Reunion Chairpersons with classmates’
contact information and remember to submit photos of your reunions!
If you are interested in helping to organize a reunion,
please call Jane Herring at the Development/Alumnae Office at 626-963-0017.
Class of 1987 enjoyed their 25 year Tri-School Reunion on August 4, 2012 at the Mount Palomar Winery in Temecula.
The music was provided by DJ Richard Blade.
Left: Melanie Knight-Hertig, DJ/Richard
Blade, Trish Fatta-Rodriguez, Joanne
Left: Laura Kaup-Bingle, Rene
Magallon, Becky Fikel-Morgan,
DJ/Richard Blade, Tosha
Thomas, Kathleen Brizuela-San
Left: Amy Gross-Dietz,
Jeannette Chase-Chasworth,
Leilani Libao-Sorber
Right: Helen Vadnais-Schultz &
Valerie Ramos-Caustrita
Right: Kelly Blackburn-Arthur,
Anne-Marie Bobela-Valum,
Linnette Guidera
Left: Anne Lamp-Galullo,
Lisa Kasper-Chiladakis,
Julie Smith-Schrady-front
Left: Jennifer Lopez-Borba,
Melanie Knight-Hertig,
Tosha Thomas, Connie DoughertyWeathers, Joanne Phinney-Micheil,
Belinda Dominguez-Littlefield
St. Lucy’s has influenced my life in ways I never would have expected.
Throughout high school I just thought of St. Lucy’s as another
place to be, not a community of girls that would have this unique
connection with each other, but since high school graduation my
thoughts have changed. I realized that St. Lucy’s helped me grow
and be the confident woman I am in all aspects of my life. I went
on to graduate from the University of
Arizona and will be attending law school
in the Fall of 2013. Without the things
I’ve learned at St. Lucy’s, my success in
school and in life thus far would not be as
profound as it has been.
Jessica Barakat ‘08 pictured with sister
Erika Barakat ‘06
St. Lucy’s has provided me with memories and friendships
that will never be replaced. My teachers helped me grow
academically and spiritually by challenging me to be a women
devoted to fulfilling God’s plan. I am now blessed to be finishing
my BSN at Azusa Pacific University and am participating in the
AFROTC program at the University of Southern California to
become a nurse and potentially a
Doctor in the US Air Force. I pray
that God will continue to teach me
on my journey as well as richly
bless the St. Lucy’s community.
Kristina Montgomery ‘09
St. Lucy’s Alumnae Facebook page has over 700 fans!
Become our “friend” and keep up with the happenings at your alma mater. Share the link with your classmates and
encourage your friends to send us their email addresses as St. Lucy’s begins a new era in electronic communication.
~ ~ ~ ~
Visit us on Facebook at
St. Lucy’s Priory High School Alumnae or online at www.stlucys.com to “stay connected.”
We love getting your updates via e-mail at stlucysalumnae@aol.com Watch your email for news from us!
Please help us locate and update the records on these missing graduates so
they can receive reunion information for their milestone year!
Andrea Aguilar
Mariana Aroditis
Jillian Baucher
Aimee Burkholder
Holyce Caldwell
Jennifer Ching
Beatrice Collins
Jennifer Davison
Janice De Guzman
Alyssa Rae Diaz
Sarah Formica
Nicole Galli
Stefanie Garcia
Juanita Guevara
Sally Guirguis
Mary Hanna
Cynthia Hsing
Heidi Humberstone
Jennifer Lopez
Christina Molina
Michelle Nam
Alana Pague
Andria Perez
Tiffany Smith
Stephanie Smolka
Samantha Yang
Leyla Abazari
Noha Abdellatif
Elena Agramonte-Cerda
Miranda Alexander
Julie Barnes
Jennifer Barrett
Tara Bishop Davis
Elizabeth Blankenhorn
Cristina Canty Knolton
Elaine Carrillo
Jennifer Casillas
Jessica Castanares
Jennifer Crouse
Jenny Espinoza
Katie Gallagher
Aissa Galoso
Rhonda Gibson
Amber Hamel
Kimberly Henderson
Nathalia Jaramillo
Sonia Johnson
Nada Khattar
Stacy Lobato
Agustina Malizia
Debra Manzano
Danielle May
Marjorie Mendoza
Marina Nieman
Kyung Oh
Jennifer Paalani Bonte’
Teresa Raine
Jennifer Ramos
Bronwen Reagan
Amber Rodriguez
Rebecca Ross Zorzi
Jennifer Sinclair Thoman
Christina Tickamyer
Adrienne Totten
Jennifer Wilkiewicz
Kimberly Williams
Anna Alongi
Elise Blais
Jemmabel Bosch
Virginia Burch Obert
Sonya Cabrera Perrotti
Deidra Carl
Angela Cassani
Fiona Culligan
Rebeca De La Cerra
Jerlyn Dworak Bryant
Maricela Gomez Sanchez
Jodie Goodrich
Shannon Griffiths
Heather Haggard-Dunlap Jackson
Kristin Harris Kittilson
Shannon Henry Paige
Lynnae Hitchcock
Sandra Kason Kelley
Kathrine Kennedy
Denise Klein Burns
Kristen Kuhnlein
Hae Min Lee
Jeannie Lee
Marta Leff
Pilar Leff
Theresa Maldonado
Ana Mata
Jodie Matula
Kathleen McKemy Holloway
Michele McKnight Brady
Julee Michaels Christie
Juliann Mitchell
Susan Mirielle Mitchell Barrett
Jo-Anne Nolan
Debra O’Brien Gomez
Julienne Overland Hernandez
Sarah Persinger
Kathleen Probst Schroder
Heidi Rayburn
Serena Rodriguez Armijo
Judith Ruiz
Cynthia Ryan Briggs
Annie B. Sitter
Mary Speckert Churchill
Shannon Summers-Herrera
Stephanie Tancredi
Mary Tressel
Jenelle WahrenbrockArndt
Kelli Walsh
Kimberly Walsh
Katrina Wasson Knox
Gilda M. S. Bidet
Alice Blash-Beachum
Elaine Carlson
Laura Donnelly
Margaret Gilford
Cheryl Johansen Nelson
Catherine Kirk Rapp
Sara La Barge
Janelle Lange Pignotti
Francine Lawrence Salas
Deborah Lecce Roll
Susan Macy
Teresa Magallon
Davina Mock
Anne Marie Norris
Adriana Oddo Amaral
Tiffany Pennington
Ann Piatt-Lambert
Lori Pieri Cook
Yvonne Reiss Jefferson
Tracy Scheuerell
Christina Schwindt
Jacqueline Velasquez
Renee Villaescusa
Karen Williams
Brenda Wishard
Leslie Wolfrom Hartman
Marcia Zagorski Lane
Melinda Byers Burbank
Mary Lou Canale
Maureen Cleary
Debra Courtright
Kathleen Crowley
Dawn George Ryan
Kathleen Giraud Orozco
Barbara Goodman
Susan Hall
Susanne Hengler Harter
Deborah Kerekes Kennedy
Michelle Martin Turner
Jacqueline Mayorga
Theresa Mulherin Thompson
Deborah Smith Stanley
Deborah Vessels-Horton
High School News
2nd Annual Mother-Daughter Rally
The second annual Mother Daughter Rally held on January 25, 2013 was a fun-filled evening of “Minute To Win It” games,
a modified ASB Rally and elaborate Class Color Dessert Bar. The outrageously costumed pairs of moms and daughters
raised the roof with cheers and posed for portraits. Thanks to assistance from alumnae Jennifer Seman ’10, Lauren Pycz
Karns ’05, Colleen Julien Torres ’03, Juliana Herring Treadway ’03, Shannon Nicholas Herrera ‘00, Charity Capili ‘97,
Jessica Stillwell Johnston ‘97, Raymonda Bitar Houshan ’86, Jeanne Hester Fecteau ‘83 and Gina Giuliucci ’76.
St. Lucy’s at Girls State
St. Lucy’s Alumnae are asked to help sponsor a
candidate that will represent St. Lucy’s - for the
first time - at Girls State, a leadership program of
the American Legion Auxiliary, which met for the
first time in 1940.
The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s
largest women’s patriotic service organization and
works side by side with veterans of the American
Legion. The Girls State experience presents the
candidate with a unique educational opportunity
that instills the basic ideals and principles of
American government.
This year the 70th Session of Girls State will
be held at Claremont McKenna College from
June 17-22. Our faculty will nominate five Junior
candidates that exhibit outstanding leadership,
scholastic merit, interest in community,
character, honesty and cooperativeness. The
final delegate and alternates will be chosen by the
American Legion Auxiliary.
The sponsorship cost is $400. Any group or
individual alumnae may contribute.
St. Lucy’s Women’s Wellness Day
Women’s Wellness Day will be held on
Tuesday, March 19th from 12:00 to 2:30 p.m.
We are in need of guest speakers to share and
discuss various topics related to the health and
wellness of our students. If you would like to
volunteer as a speaker, please contact
Ms. Valeria Leiva ‘91 at 626-335-3322 ext. 117 or
E-mail at vleiva@stlucys.com.
Alumnae Moms attend Junior Ring Mass
Left: Marlene Carrillo Meza ‘91 & Karina Meza, Heather
Lassiter ’­­ 86 & Samantha Lassiter, Cassidy San Filippo &
Kathleen Brizuela San Filippo ‘87 , Elizabeth Robbins &
Anne Basekens Robbins ‘82, Gabriella Butler & Gina
Giulucci ‘76, Nadine Bencomo Heinrich, ‘80 & Nicole
Heinrich and Stephanie Diaz & Aline Nolan Diaz ‘82.
St. Lucy’s 2012-2013 Dance Team
Congratulations St. Lucy’s Dance Teams for their outstanding accomplishments at the California State Cheer & Dance
Championships. Freshmen team placed 1st, Novice placed 2nd and Intermediate placed 3rd. Other honors go to
Lauren Kim a finalist for the Scholar Athlete, and to Mr. Bencomo named top ten California Coach of the Year.
Front Row: Amanda Aguilar, Vanessa Romin, Allison Oei, Zayi Reyes, Sophia Markoski, Lauren Kim, Samantha Bencomo, Alexa Baldizon
2nd Row: Katrina Sim, Karina Meza, Madison Markstrom, Gabriella Rubert, Allison Mayol, Alexa-Sofia Montoya, Sophia Balla, Kayla Estrada
3rd Row; Karissa O’Hanlon, Melissa Martin, Katherine Birgen, Amber Romeo, Melissa Ashdown, Sydney Bast, Christina Dorado, Lauren
Renteria, Taylor Black. Back Row: Mattea Malerba, Camille Schwan, Julia Gross, Mallory Morgan, Michaela Larson, Megan Schaefer, Rachel
Kwinn, Cynara Lightfoote.
LEFT: St. Lucy’s Dance Team & Yearbook staff
surprised faculty member Mr. Bencomo
with a puppy for Christmas.
“Mr. B” has taught at St. Lucy’s since 1998.
His yearbook & dance teams have
received national recognition.
RIGHT: Mr. Bencomo shown with his sisters and
niece - Nadine Bencomo Heinrich ‘80,
Yvette Bencomo McGarrigle ‘82,
Jessica Bencomo ‘92 and Nicole Heinrich ‘14.
Thanksgiving Food Drive - ASB
“Gifts for Girls” with Tijuana Mission Project - ASB
“There is Hope” Foster Family Agency - ASB
Cinderella Project
donations of Prom dresses & jackets
School supplies
donations to St. Turibius School, LA - Social Issues Club
“Shoes That Fit”
new shoes for local school children - KIWINS
Lenten Project
clean water for African children - Thirst Project
Pen Pals for Peace
correspondence with students in Afghanistan
50th Anniversary Memory books, featuring St. Lucy’s history
and photos, are available through the Development & Alumnae
Office for $15.00 each + $5.00 for mailing.
Left: Caroline Smith (softball) West Point Academy;
Rachel Stock (Water Polo) Mercyhurst University and
Arden Davis (Volleyball) University of California Irvine.
Download Transcript Request Form at www.stlucys.com
and must be paid at time of request.
Lindsay Van Lund ‘03 married Garret Van Leeuwen
September 29th in San Diego, CA. The bridal party was all
St. Lucy’s alumnae! Maid of Honor- Lisa Van Lund ‘05
Bridesmaids Katie Busse Kerr ‘03, Jennifer Ray ‘03, and
Molly Scott ‘05.
Cindy Verduzco Cornelius ‘01 BA Liberal Studies with
Department Honors, University of La Verne 2013.
Life’s winding road
Tacy Abbott ‘04 has a degree in Sociology from UC Santa
Cruz. She is currently the program coordinator for the MS
in Human Genetics at Stanford in the Dept. of Pediatrics
Jasmine Warmington ’12 broke the Johns Hopkins
University single season record for Volleyball “kills” in
October. She also received honorable mention as a 2012
AVCA Division All-American.
Oksana Nicholls ’12 earned All Rookie All Conference
honors for the Northeastern Univ. Soccer team. She led the
team in minutes played and started every game this season.
Stephanie Ramos ‘92 married Tony Ratkovic on Nov. 11,
2012 in Malibu. She is a stay at home mom to Ryan 19,
Christian 13, Miranda 10 and Lynnesa 10.
Natasha Martinez
‘09 Miss Greater
Hollywood 2012
placed 3rd in the
Miss California
Pageant on Jan. 13.
Rita Garabet
‘11 was
named Miss
Covina Valley
on Jan. 25,
Victoria “Tink” Gibb ’09, was the first Azusa Pacific University
swimmer named as a NAIA National Swimmer of the Month
during the 2012 season. Victoria is an Education major.
Amy Epperson ‘12, a cadet at the U.S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis, met with Quinn Luster ‘13, Hilary Adkins ‘15
and Brittany Seman ‘13 during their visit to Washington,
D.C. for the Inauguration.
new additions
Left: Abigail Katherine,
daughter of Mike &
Vanessa Vasquez Fahey
‘03. Nov. 6, 2012.
Right: Jackson Nathan, son
of Joey & Natalie Fox Webb
‘03. Sept. 22, 2012.
Left: Christian & Claudine Crisostomo
La Rocca ‘01 traveled to Rome &
Florence, Italy. She was able to capture
a photo on the rarely
empty Spanish Steps.
Left: Audrey Jaynel, daughter of Rosanne Montgomery
‘03 - & Nicholas Mecca. Nov. 18, 2012.
Right: Breger James Anton,
son of Ben & Lauren
Gasparo Anton ‘92 Nov.
2, 2012.
Left : Avery Filomena, sister to Aubrie
and daughter of Brandon & Ann
Griffin Coletta ’94. Nov. 2, 2011.
2011-2012 Annual Giving and $50 for 50
Anna Aguilar
Rebecca Aguilar ‘08
Joseph Alderete
Erin Alderete ‘97
Casey Amorelli ‘07
Bank of America
Janice Barnes ‘89
Eden Barragan ‘11
Maria Pia Bella
Raul & Rose Bencomo
Anne Marie Bisharat Coman ‘89
Clarissa Bitar ‘11
Alfred Borkowski
Donald Boughton ‘96
Teena Boyk Collins ‘73
Linda Braun Wilson ‘69
Veronica Brias Kummerfeldt ‘80
James Butz
Sabrina Brutocao ‘10
Robert & Maggie Byrne
Capitol Group
Angela Capone ‘03
Stephanie Carniello Williamson ‘83
Dolores & Gilbert Carrillo
Athena Chiera ‘02
Karen Corcoran Miller ‘75
Karyn Corcoran Elkington ‘71
Joan Corcoran
Annette Corona
Darcy Coulter
Dallen Coulter ‘10
Maureen Brick Crabbe ‘81
Jolene Verlich Crittenden ‘89
Vanessa & Danica Crosby ‘09
Jane-Anne Crutchfield Hanks ‘69
Jessie Daigle Grove ‘66
Mark & Lisa Davis
Bryn De Freece De Beikes ‘76
Delta Dental
Karen A. Dearborn ‘81
Kellie Dearborn Piper ‘79
Colleen Dieterle ‘76
Karen Sullivan Donohoe ‘80
Steve & Amy Duncan
Kristen Duncan ‘03
Edison International
Kathleen Fabello ‘00
Kathleen Torres Fausak ‘76
Paul & Mary Fecteau
Michelle Fogarty Clark ‘84
Kathryn Foxen ‘72
Susan Gallagher Morgan ‘68
Marcella Balderas Garberoglio ‘94
Patricia Garrison
Carole Gemeinhardt Quackenbush ‘66
Kelly Gordon Mullan ‘91
Norma Giuliucci
Cynthia Gullick Wood ‘69
Carrie Peer Haber ‘92
Thomas Haid
Theresa Daverio Haisley ‘81
Bruce & Danielle ‘01 Herring
Melissa Hohl Silvers ‘85
Marty Petrak Hunt ‘72
Holly Kathol ‘11
Kathleen Keegan Tarver ‘93
Joan Kelly Stoelker ‘67
Merit Perry Koponen ‘87
Darlene Krainik Kuchel ‘69
Jerry & Sherry Krellwitz
Karen Kucharski Wood ‘87
Margaret Kumpis ‘73
Brooke Norton Lais ‘98
Rebecca Lampert Bowers ‘75
Caren Lantz Dickson ‘96
The Legend Group
Patricia Leiva Traglio ‘75
Shannon Mousakis Lohbrunner ‘88
Anna Marie Lopez ‘80
Rick Lopez
Linda Lopez-Kiran ‘69
Elita Loresca-Nuveman
Laura Mabie Serxner ‘73
Ellen Maloney Dauchy ‘67
Sal Manzur
Frances Marsolais
Lena Bahouth Martinez ‘00
Lora McBay Marconi ‘99
Kathryn McDermott Thompson ‘80
Lee Ann McNerney Sheridan ‘96
Marie McDonald Sirney ‘66
Kellie McWhirter ‘09
Nicholle Safavi Mineiro ‘94
Bridget Montanez-Hunt
Elizabeth Brady Moursund ‘94
Valerie Moussa
Shannon Mouzakis Lohbrunner ‘88
Kathie Naish Conaway ‘84
Laurie Navo Mikolaycik ‘79
Denise Nishimura Lovejoy ‘85
Paula Renna Orlandini ‘71
Anne-Marie Panlilio ‘93
Michelle ‘Shelly’ Pate Potwardowski ‘86
David & Delilah Patterson
Laurette Picard Estes ‘77
Michelle Pate Potwardowski ‘86
Mark Proctor
Carina Quezada ‘84
Cecilia & Brenda Ramirez ‘09
Nancy Reed O’Kelly ‘67
Tiffany Riady ‘02
Julie Roberts ‘99
Ralph & Margarita Romo
Aimee Roush Scribner ‘78
Julianne Sager Fisher ‘04
Wayne Sager
Rossana Salas Helbert ‘82
Doug & Sharon Sanicola
Daniel & Zahra Sauter
Bridget Schoenborn Domaszek ‘96
Herter Lou Sebastian ‘05
Susan Seman
Stephanie Sevilla ‘11
Stephanie Smith ‘94
Laura Smolka Gallardo ‘99
Ann Kelly Steichen ‘92
Kymberley Stewart Atkins ‘85
James & Marita Stoneman
Alina Sturgis ‘11
Target Corporation
Cara Taylor ‘85
Kate McDermott Thompson ‘80
Christine Thornton ‘77
Amanda Timko ‘10
Toyota Corporation
Kimberlee Triepke Robershaw ‘94
Kristeen Turek Costa ‘83
Jolene Verlich Crittenden ‘89
Angela Vredenburg ‘94
Mark & Michelle Walker
Katie Ward
The Wells Fargo Foundation
Erin Wilson ‘87
Laura Worthington Toledo ‘67
Colleen Wynn ‘96
Linda Zeien ‘78
Saturday, March 23, 2013 • 6:00 P.M. • $50 per person
Appetizers • Buffet Dinner • California Wine • Dessert
$10,000 Grand Prize Drawing • Catering by Spaggi’s
Our Hot Air Balloon theme for BASH brings to mind all of the
places we have gone and will go. At the event, we want to
highlight the travels of our alumnae during all of the past 50
years. If you have a photo in front of any world landmark,
while on vacation, work or military service – IN ANY YEAR –
please scan and send a copy to jherring@stlucys.com. Your
picture will be used in a travelogue collage or postcard display.
Include a comment about how St. Lucy’s helped you to “take
flight.” Please include your name, the place and the year and
send to us by Tuesday, March 19, 2013.
Make reservations on-line at
I/We would like to purchase
_______ Raffle Tickets
@ $10.00 each = _______
Deadline of submission for Auction Items, Gift Certificates and
Monetary Donations for the BASH catalog is March 8, 2013.
GOLDEN OAK $1,000.00
VALUE__________ DELIVER BY ____________
____ BUSINESS CARD $200.00
____ HALF PAGE AD $300.00
____ FULL PAGE AD OR 1/2 PAGE INSIDE $500.00
____ CATALOG BACK COVER $1,000.00
Submit artwork in jpeg. or pdf. format, to
or contact Laurie Pycz at 626-963-0017.
A great big
THANK YOU to Marissa Maynor ’12,
a graphic design major
at Chapman University, for our invitation designs.
DONOR NAME____________________________________________________________________
NAME TO BE LISTED IN CATALOG_____________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________
PHONE___________________________ EMAIL_________________________________________
CREDIT CARD # ____________________________________ EXP. DATE ____________________
NAME ON CARD____________________________________3 DIGIT SECURITY CODE_______
SIGNATURE ________________________________________
TOTAL ENCLOSED ____________
For further information, Call Laurie Pycz at (626)963-0017
St. Lucy’s Priory
Office of Development
655 West Sierra Madre Avenue
Glendora, CA 91741-1997
Parents, if your daughter does not live
at home, please notify the Development
Office of her correct address.
Complete the bottom portion and e-mail, write or telephone the Development/
Alumnae Office at 626-963-0017 or stlucysalumnae@aol.com with new information.
We are always interested in what you are doing. Have you been recently married,
had a baby, new job, travel plans? Please send us a note anytime. PLEASE SEND
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE: (_____)______________________
YEAR OF GRADUATION: ______________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________________________________

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