November 1, 2015 - St. Lucy Parish


November 1, 2015 - St. Lucy Parish
Saint Lucy Parish
Feast of All Saints
Methuen, MA
November 1, 2015
Saint Lucy Parish
254 Merrimack Street
Methuen, MA 01844
Fax 978-794-0383
Office Hours
Mass Schedule
Pastoral Staff
Saturday Vigil
4:00 PM
Father William Lohan
Father John Cassani
Parochial Vicar
Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald
Facilities Manager/RCIA Coordinator
Sr. Rina Brunetti, p.m.
Hospital & Home Care
Mr. Brett Iannazzo
Weekend Assistant
Mr. Karl Jackson
Director of Faith Formation
Samantha Moore
Coordinator Youth Ministry/
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
Monday - Wednesday - St. Lucy - 8:00 AM
Thursday & Friday - St. Monica - 7:00AM
Saturday– Saint Monica- 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday from 4:30 -5:30 pm,
and Saturday from 3:00 - 3:45 pm
or by appointment
Sacrament of Baptism
Second and Fourth Sundays of the
month at 12:30PM
Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world,
show forth, we beseech Thee, in Thy
Church the Holy Spirit with whose
power the apostles were so
abundantly filled. We thank Thee for the blessings
bestowed upon the work of priests and religious;
and we pray that Thou wilt add to the number of
those who now pray, labor, and sacrifice
themselves for Thy glory and the salvation of
souls. Give them unselfish zeal for Thy glory. O
good Jesus, give us more priests and religious
after Thine own Heart! Amen.
November 1, 2015
Sacrament of Matrimony
Contact the Pastor at least 6 months
prior to the celebration
Pastoral Care of the Sick,
Homebound, or Elderly
Contact Sr. Rina at rectory offices
978-686-3311 Ext. 34
All Saints Day
In March, 2015, the School Board of St. Monica School launched the formation
of a Strategic Plan to carry us forward in the next several years. Using the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, Board members were formed into subcommittees covering the
areas of Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality.
Regina Haney, PhD, from the National Catholic Education Association, agreed
to be our Facilitator. Msgr. Fay was very supportive of the planning during the
three months he was involved. Father William Lohan has been a very active
participant since June. The subcommittees have been meeting in their small
groups, as well as with the whole School Board, since March. They have come
up with recommendations and strategies in their respective areas.
There will be a Town Meeting on November 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the St.
Monica School Hall to present the Strategic Plan to you and to ask for your input. The Plan is expected to be approved and celebrated in December. So
whether you are a teacher or former teacher at SMS, have a family member in
the school, are an alum, or are simply interested in Catholic Education, please
plan to come to the Town Meeting on November 10. Watch the bulletin for further details.
Our mission is to form students spiritually, academically, technologically and socially, equipping them to be leaders and disciples in the twenty-first century.
We are proud of our students, our dedicated principal, Sister Suzanne Fondini,
mfic, and the highly-qualified Faculty and Staff. We are excited about being
part of the bright future of our school!
Please keep this important endeavor in your kind prayers.
Rachel Voiland, Chair
SMS Strategic Planning Committee
Fr Bill Lohan
0 5 Grand Annual Appeal
My friends the coming week you will receive a letter from me regarding the grand annual collection for this fall.
This collection stays in the parish and is an important piece for us to meet our weekly operating expanses.
Please watch out for it and prayerfully discern what you are able to contribute. I apologize that the letter is going
out a little late. We are doing the mailing in house this year which will yield a savings of $13,000 dollars.
Thanks for your generosity.
Fr Bill Lohan
November 1, 2015
All Saints Day
As we are beginning our new year, we invite
all women to consider joining the Sodality.
We are a dynamic and growing organization that serves
our parish and our community. We work to build up and
support our parish, and we love to reach out to our brothers
and sisters in need. Please join us at our next meeting.
You are always welcome!
NOVEMBER: Sodality members help to fill Thanksgiving
Baskets at the Lazarus House Food Pantry...Date to be
Saturday, October 31, 2015
4:00PM Gennaro & Filomena Buco Memorial
Sunday, November 1, 2015
8:00 AM Janet Szostak
9:30 AM Michelangeo Iuvara
6th Anniversary
11:00 AM Community Intentions Mass:
Henry Bruno
Henry Dupuiyo
3rd Anniversary
John J. Piazza
Month’s Mind
DECEMBER: Christmas visits to members who are in
nursing homes and homebound.
Monday, November 2, 2015
8:00 AM For all those who have died
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
8:00 AM Valenty & Apoloma Gabala
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
8:00 AM David and Joanne Harris
Saturday, November 7, 2015
DECEMBER 13th: Sodality Christmas Dinner/Party and
Yankee Swap
We are a sodality dedicated to the Blessed Mother in
service to our parish and our community.
4:00PM Perry, Clara, Steven, & Beverly Autiello
Sunday, November 8, 2015
8:00 AM Parishioners of St. Lucy & St. Monica Parishes
9:30 AM Raymond F. Roeger
3 Month Anniv.
11:00 AM Community Intentions Mass:
Anthony and John Fiato
Charles Pattavina
2nd Anniversary
Darlene Illingworth
Jennie Ciardello
Donna, Margaret and John Scanlon
“If you are attending Mass at St. Monica on Thursday
and Friday mornings, please remember that students
are coming to school starting at 7:00 AM. Please
follow the school traffic pattern of entering the parking
lot from Lawrence Street at the entrance near the
Church and exit the parking lot at the exit near the
ranch house. You must take a right upon leaving the
parking lot so as not to hold up traffic in the parking lot
which can back up onto Lawrence Street. This is
mandated by the Methuen Police. If you park in the
Park Street lot, please park head out so that you can
see children who get off the bus at the Park Street
entrance and when leaving please exit onto Park
Street. Please do not drive through the front parking
lot. Thank you for your cooperation. This traffic
pattern is for the safety of the children”
“It is good and holy to pray for the dead.”
Josephine Polizzotti
Jerome Benuck
John Mugavero
Jean Reinhold
May their souls and the souls of all our beloved dead
rest in peace
November 1, 2015
All Saints Day
Collection for W/E 10/25/15
Fifteenth Annual
Project Warm & Fuzzy
Offertory: $4,541.00
Ashley Bolis, a resident of the
Merrimack Valley and Corpus Christi
parishioner is continuing a project which
she started as a student at St. Monica’s Grammar
School. The project is called “Warm & Fuzzy.
Beginning Saturday, October 10th through November
22nd (the Sunday before Thanksgiving) there will be
boxes at the main entrance of the Church where you
may drop off new hats, mittens, gloves, scarves and
socks (for children and adults). These articles will be
distributed to the needy during the winter months. Any
help you can give Ashley with her project will be greatly
Thank you for your continued generosity.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
St. Lucy’ Church Hall
All St. Lucy and St. Monica parishioners are
invited to take part in a monthly Ultreya. This
Spanish word means “Onward!” “Persevere!”
“Hang in There!” Words of encouragement to
each other as we travel on life’s journey.
Ultreya this month will be begin with a prayer
service lead by Sr. Anne Whittaker and Sr.
Ann Marie O’Shea, along with music,
voluntary sharing in small intimate and
refreshments that signify Christian hospitality.
Our guest speaker, one of our own
parishioners or neighbors has been invited to
offer a personal witness of what life was like
before Cursillo and how it is now after the
Cursillo experience.
All are invited to come and share in this
monthly evening of praise and worship.
Please feel free to invite a friend to join you!
St. Lucy/St. Monica Adoration located at
St. Monica’s Church Chapel
Adoration is held every Friday at St. Monica
Parish in the church chapel from 7:30am
(after 7am Mass) until 7:30pm with
benediction. There is a great need for
more committed adorers at various
hours. Please prayerfully consider and call
Contact information:
Bonnie Doherty, 978-270-3366
Also see our website:, for
information about adoration in other parishes
and an updated newsletter.
Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley
"Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley is hosting
their Annual Pasta Supper on Friday, November
6, 2015 from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at St. Lucy's
Church Hall.
Donation is $10 for adults and $5 for children 10
& under
All proceeds will benefit the children currently in
foster care in the Gr. Lawrence/Gr. Haverhill
Tickets can be purchased by calling 978-6832220 or at the door."
November 1, 2015
Avianna Rosa Lograsso
Michel Joseph Torossian
Please pray for peace in the
Holy Land and in the Middle East
and especially
for our persecuted brothers and sisters.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.
All Saints Day
Program for Adults
desiring to receive the Sacraments
All Lectors are invited to come to a practice
where we can help each other to improve our
proclaiming of Holy Scripture. We will meet at
St. Lucy Church at 7pm on Tuesday November
3rd. Anyone is invited to attend either though
there may be more value in practicing where you
proclaim. Please bring a scripture of your choice
to read and we will each practice one reading.
Sessions are just beginning for any adults
interested in our Catholic faith and in
becoming a member of the Catholic
Church through the Sacraments of
Confirmation, a program commonly
known as RCIA. Anyone interested in
receiving any or all of these sacraments,
which they may have not received in their
youth, are encouraged and welcomed
to attend. Sessions began on October
25th at 11:00am at the St Lucy Parish
Sessions will last 90
minutes and are held on Sunday
mornings. Any questions please contact
Kevin Fitzgerald, at 978-686-3311 or
Bonnie Bonanno at 978-609-7307 If any
adult would like to prepare to receive
these Sacraments but is unable to attend
on Sunday mornings, please contact Fr.
Bill Lohan at the parish offices.
St Monica School Taste of Autumn Fundraiser
Nov. 4, 2015 6 - 8:30 pm
Relief’s In, Lawrence, MA $25/pp
Join us for our annual Taste of Autumn Fundraiser
benefiting St Monica School. Enjoy delicious
samplings from area restaurants including main
dishes, desserts and appetizers. Food, fun and great
raffle prizes await you! Tickets are available by calling
Sharon Tully at St Monica School at 978-686-1801.
NEW this year: Donate to our online auction at
Praise and Worship Night!
Come join us on the second Tuesday of each month
at 6:30pm in the St. Monica lower rectory for Eucharistic
adoration and worship music. We always meet together
afterward for fellowship. I hope you'll join us. Our next
Praise and Worship Night will be on Tuesday, November
10th. All ages are welcome! Please contact Sammie Moore
with any questions at or (978) 6861801.
November 6th, Saint Monica School will
be holding their First Friday Mass at
8:15am. As noted in the new weekday
Mass schedule, because of the school
Mass there will be no 7am morning Mass
at St. Monica’s on Friday.
All are
welcome to join us for the 8:15am school
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena
continues at St. Monica Church each
Monday beginning at 7:00pm with a Holy
Hour. during which the Rosary and Novena
Prayers will be said. The Holy Hour will end
with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Please
join us for this Novena in honor of Our Blessed
Saint Monica Parish will be sponsoring a Protecting
God’s Children class on the following date:
Thursday, November 12 at 6:30 PM
All are in the School Hall and anyone wishing to
register should contact Sharon Tulley (978) 686-1801
at the school office.
November 1, 2015
Note: The Novena will end on Monday, November 9th.
All Saints Day

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