newsletter - St Monica`s Primary School


newsletter - St Monica`s Primary School
Term 2 Issue 7 May 28th 2015 NEWSLETTER
St. Monica’s Primary School 20 Robinson Street Moonee Ponds 3039 Phone (03) 9375 1132 Faith
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Anthony Feeney
Principal: Mr. Peter Moore
Parish Office: Phone 9370 5035
Mass Times: Saturday 6:30pm (Vigil), Sunday 8:00am, 9:15am in Italian, 10:30am and 5:30pm
OSHP Number 0412 616 491
Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,
You will no doubt know that our school motto is “Faith,
Hope & Love” and in the life of our school, we actively
encourage the expression of these values in all we do. I
get to see a lot happening around the school. This week I
witnessed these values in action in the following ‘snapshot moments’ of my day:
A busy Mum offered to help another busy Mum to organise dinner for her
family that evening. Even though the offer wasn’t taken up, the genuine offer
was still there. Families supporting each other is a visible sign of the care and
concern of people who willingly invest time and effort into relationships within this community.
A big brother walked along the footpath one morning, arm extended over his little brother who
looked like he’d had a bad start to the day. In this gentle, but supportive movement, I witness great
love, care and compassion.
I heard that one generous Mum organised another family’s ‘luck dip’ casual clothes day prizes for
another family when she heard that one of the parents was unwell. This kind gesture shows how our
families look out for each other and take action.
It is always a privilege to witness these moments; simple gestures that characterise this generous
Congratulations to Cathy McNeill for organising a truly
spectacular version of Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. I do
not know anyone who hasn’t been touched by cancer in some
way, so all efforts to fundraise for a cure are enthusiastically
received. Well done Cathy and your generous supporters.
On Tuesday night the Year Six students attended a very informative session on the changes that everyone
experiences during puberty and adolescence. Mums, Dads and students all appeared engaged in this
session which encouraged lots of family discussions about the uniqueness of each child and the common
changes that are a part of growing up. I thank Mrs. Turville for organising this session and to Mrs. Biondi,
Miss Morgan and Mr. Conway for using this session as a springboard for a future unit of work. Thank you
to all the families who made time to come along.
Miss Assouad is spending a few days this week preparing for her wedding on Saturday. We wish Jaqui and
Joseph all the best as they prepare for the big day. Miss Assouad will be away for two days of next week,
but will be back on Wednesday. She will be taking some Long Service Leave later in the year in order to
have an extended break for her honeymoon. If you would like to take a peak at Miss Assouad in her
wedding dress, she would be delighted to see our school families on her wedding day. Here are the details:
]tÖâ| tÇw ]ÉáxÑ{Ëá jxww|Çz
2:00pm at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
183 Hope Street Brunswick West
Corner of Hope St and Melville Road
Anti-Bullying Week & Harmony Day
At last week’s Assembly, we celebrated the culmination of Anti-Bullying Week. The children took it in
turns to share some of their learning from across the school. I was pleased to hear that the students had
experienced activities that ranged from writing & drawing - to dance and rap. Congratulations to Mrs.
Michelle Lawlor-McNamara (our Student Wellbeing Leader) who took the responsibility of organising the
week and put together the arrangements for the assembly on Friday. It was great to be able to use the
church and I thank the families who attended to support the children in their creative expression of
learning. It was a fun assembly with an important underlying message.
Paella Night
Thank you to the organisers of the
Parish Paella Night.
A job superbly done once again.
Paella Night
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Spectacular Swimmers
On Sunday 24th May – 3 Students from St Monica’s
completed their 3km swim at Paul Sadler – Essendon.
That’s a huge 120 laps of the PSS Pool! James Smith
(3K) – Connor Van Der Linde (4C) – Charles
Saunders (4C) are all pictured below. Dante Juhasz
(pictured right) also completed a big swim. He is
pictured with his 1km medal.
At our recent Confirmation ceremony, I was delighted to see so many of our generous
Altar Servers supporting our Parish (some of them serving for the very first time).
At last week’s assembly, I was pleased to see Parishioner and Grandparent, Mrs. Connors (pictured below left). She witnessed not one, but three grandchildren receiving
their ‘Student of the Week’ Awards! Ellen-Nora is pictured with son-in law John,
daughter Nora, son Dermott and daughter-in-law Linda.
Thank you to our wonderful S.R.C Representatives for the planning and
organizing that was done to arrange the Harmony/ Anti Bullying/
Standing Together assembly on Friday. Congratulations on a very
successful assembly.
A big thank you to the teachers for arranging the buddy activities
during the week, to the grade level presenters and performers who
shared their experiences with the whole school and parent community.
Whilst arranging the day I did not STAND ALONE and I received
enormous help from Mr Di Nuzzo, Miss McPherson and Mrs Mifsud – my
sincere thanks.
To all the children who prepared ‘a foot’ for the church display – stay
tuned to see where your feet will take you!
Miss Michelle
Student Services and Wellbeing Leader
School Captains: Matthew Lynch & Caitlyn McDonald
Deputy Captains: Joseph Romero & Connor Joyce, Lilianna Morgan &
Nicole Eshak
Social Justice Captains: Georgia Padden & Peter Elasmar
Social Justice Deputy Captains: Talia Motta & Gabi Barresi, Jonah
Phelan & Lachlan Mason
All that you read about these days in education suggests that
learning and thinking cannot be separated from each other.
Reflective thought (or active thinking) is an important aspect of
how we teach in the classroom and a greater amount of time
each day, than in the past, is placed on students discussing what
they know, how they know it and how they might apply this in
other situations. This understanding of how children learn
means that we spend less time focused on rote learning - a
focus on the acquisition of specific skills, facts and the memorizing of information, rules and procedures.
Take learning multiplication facts as a point in case. In the classroom we would focus our learning more
on how the learner processes information, concepts, ideas and how they develop a network of connected
ideas in order to think. All of this is done to foster divergent and creative thinking. Teaching strategies
help reduce how much children have to commit to memory and reduces the cognitive load. There are 100
Facts to be learned. Through using strategies we reduce the amount learnt to 21.
We then encourage children to use what they know, to help with what they don’t know.
For example
4X7 can be 2X7 doubled
3X7 can be 2X7 and 1 more group of 7
6X7 can be 5X7+7 or double 3X7
If you know two or three times a number you can work out 4 or 6 times the number by simply doubling.
5 sevens THINK: half of 10 sevens, 35
9 eights THINK: less than 10 eights, 1 eight less than 80, 72
Does this mean we shouldn’t spend time rote learning facts? No it just means that this type of learning is
probably better as a focus at home. Using speed tables or other timestable charts but still always
encouraging children to use what they know. Learning is about building on what the learner already
knows rather than focusing on what they don’t know.
Growth Mindset in Math
In general, a growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and ‘smartness’ can also be learned and that
the brain grows from experience and effort. The opposite, a fixed mindset, is the idea that you are smart,
or you are not. In math, that translates into “some people are good at math, and some are not.” Did you
know that praising efforts rather than intelligence or results can impact your child’s ability to persevere
in challenges?! The goal is to have children thrive on challenges and see failures, not as a sign of low
intelligence, but as a learning opportunity. Brain research tells us that making mistakes actually wires
more connections into the brain! When a person has a growth mindset, they accept challenges, see their
efforts as worthwhile, and are open to learning from mistakes. Students with a growth mindset achieve at
higher levels than those with fixed mindsets. How can you help? Some simple ways:
Adding “yet” when they claim they are “not good at this” (Respond: “You are not good at this… yet.”)
Ask questions that focus on their effort and choices and get them to reflect on satisfaction of that effort
e.g. What did you learn today? What mistake did you make that taught you something? What did you try
hard at today?
Model this yourself as you share about your day.
Caught in the Act
Look out for more photos in the coming weeks and the launch of the ‘Caught in the Act’ site!
Mr. Di Nuzzo
Deputy Principal/Numeracy Leader
As always it’s been a busy time for the Parents Associations and we wanted to give you a
quick re-cap on some of our events and to update you on some important dates coming up.
Mothers Day Stall: the Mothers Day stall was a big success! It was lovely to see the children
choosing their gifts with such thoughtfulness and care. We hope you loved your gift! The stall
raised about $1500 so big thanks to Silv Pane and Andrea Palmieri for organising.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea: Many thanks to all those who came along to help make our
Biggest Morning Tea such a special morning. Please see the notice from Cath McNeill in this
Casual Clothes Day: The casual clothes day has ensured we have an ENORMOUS amount
of gifts for the Lucky Dip stall at the fete! Thank you to all parents for helping with the
purchase of gifts and a special thanks to the many teachers who also contributed a gift.
Congratulations to 1S who bought in the most gifts, we hope you enjoyed your special treat!
Saturday 6th June: Bunnings BBQ. Need something at Bunnings?
You should plan to pop into the Maribyrnong store (just up from
Highpoint on Rosamond Road) on the June long weekend and
grab a sausage while you’re there. Thanks to Mark Blackmore
who is organising this BBQ.
Saturday 15th August: Parents Function. We have
booked a night of Bogan Bingo! This is a chance
for parents to dress up (or down, depending on
your view of the world) and have a load of fun.
Thanks to Julie Bibby & Renae McElligott who are
organising the night.
Saturday 21st November: The FETE!!! This is the
biggest event for the year so make sure it’s on the
family calendar. Contact the fete coordinator Jess
Lothian with any questions.
The next Parents Association meeting is next Tuesday 2nd June at 7:30pm in the Staff Room.
We would love to see some new faces come along, particularly from the junior year levels, it
really is a great way to keep informed of what is happening around the school. We hope to
see you there.
Ange Horton & Cathy McNeill
President & Vice President Parents Association
Student of the Week
Certificates will be presented at assembly on Friday 5th June at 3.00pm,
Whole School Awards Assembly (Location: Senior Yard)
Samuel Bongiovanni FM
For working hard to complete tasks during the given time
and for helping others on his table. Well done!
Thomas Fleming FM
For writing an exposition about something he likes and
dislike and explaining a reason for this using the word
'because'. Well done!
Pia Caruso FR
For retelling the story of Abraham and Sarah. Well done Pia!
Alessio Pianta FR
For using blocks to model different ways to make 10. Well done Alessio!
Paul Smith FT
For his excellent work identifying vowels during reading session. Keep up
the great work Paul!
Chantel Staberhofer FT
For being a wonderful and caring friend to others. You are wonderful
Emily McCLeave 1B
For her outstanding participation in our Mathematic lessons on place
value. Fantastic work for challenging herself by working with three digit
Luca Visalli 1C
For trying to do his best work at all times.
Alessandro Scarpino 1S
For his amazing work ethic across the curriculum, always striving to do his
very best and for being a great role model in Year One S. Well done!
Alexander Nguyen 2A
For his wonderful, thoughtful contributions to our class discussions. Well
Isla Prentice 2D
For her fantastic efforts in all areas of learning. Well done Isla!
Melba Hughes Schwab 2M For her thoughtful and interesting contributions to class discussions.
Lachlan Monger 3K
For using amazing strategies to solve addition problems. Well done Lach!
Anthea Gollant 3L
For her fantastic work in reading and writing. Well done!
Zane Raciti 3M
For being an engaged learner who contributes great ideas to classroom
Shivnan Bailey 4C
For being a good role model to his peers with his self motivated and
focussed work ethic.
Max Caputo 4D
For investigating enthusiastically measurement tasks and for making
connections during class discussion.
Maddison Komljenovic 4P For being focused on the task at hand and completing it in the set time.
Isaac Abdilla 5C
For his outstanding effort preparing his colonial Australia museum exhibit.
Celia Abbenante 5G
For always giving us a new perspective on topics or issues.
Olivia Eaton 5M
For her excellent work in writing, including excitement and drama in her
Mercedes Pell 6B
For her valued contributions to small group and whole class discussion.
Well done!
William Garvey 6C
For his excellent presentation of his Confirmation Saint PowerPoint.
Guy Furina 6M
For frequently offering to share his thoughts and ideas with his peers in all
subject areas.
ICAS Science
The ICAS Science competition for all Year 2-6 students
who entered will be held next Wednesday, 3rd June, at a
time to be decided by the class teachers.
Janet Dobson
ICAS Coordinator
Important Dates
Year 6 Interschool Sports
Year F - 2 Assembly 3.00pm - Hosts FR
Year 4 Family Mass - 10.30am
Year 3 Students attend Mass to receive their prayers
Parents’ Association Meeting - 7.30pm
ICAS - Science
Special Food Day
Class Mass 1C
Whole School Awards Assembly
Year 6 Interschool Sports
Parents’ Association - Bunnings BBQ
Public Holiday - Queen’s Birthday
Parish Education Board Meeting 7.00pm
Whole School Mass - Feast of the Sacred Heart
Year 3 - 6 Assembly 3.00pm - Hosts 3L
Class Mass 5G
Whole School Awards Assembly
Week Beginning 25th May
Friday 29th Maria Pricone, Serena Smith, Jocelyn Alajaji, Melissa Humann
Week Beginning 1st June
Lisa Osborne, Emily Devers, Tereza Barun, Angela Cashin, Jude
Gianna Willoughby, Gianna Ripa, Tania Lewis
Wednesday Josie Russo, Mel Moore, Tracey Larobina, Serena Pegus
Silv Pane, Vivian Scarpino, Carol Moudoukoutas, Michelle McMenamin
Friday 5th Julie Durling-Landa , Michelle Christian, Annmaree Carmichael, Abbey Vandeloo, Di
Week Beginning 8th June
Lynn Garvey, Tania Pamment, Nicole Donegan
Wednesday Kellie Jeffery, Ann Stevens, Natalie Richards, Lisa Miller
Jodie Kukuljan, Kate Farmelo, Sharron Paravizzini
Friday 12th Jaklina Visalli, Franca Abbenante, Cathy McNeill, Melissa Moran
If you are unable to work on your rostered day would you please arrange a swap. Alternatively please
contact the office.
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy for Term 2:
7th June - 5.30pm Mass
14th June - 10.30am Mass
21st June - 10.30am Mass
All children, pre-school to grade 6 are welcome to join us for Gospel related craft and activities. Parents
welcome to come along.
On behalf of the Parents’ Association, I would sincerely like to thank the following people for donating
all their wonderful time and food to the biggest morning tea:
Nigel Haynes from Bakers Delight – Milleara Mall
Sky Page – Bella Cupcakes
Alma Kennedy – Paul Kennedy and Savour Chocolate and Patisserie School
I would also like to thank all those people who made donations either on the day, via the website and also
all those who sent money via the school office.
Thank you to all those helpers who helped set up the Symons Centre and also clean up at the end of the
day. A break up of donations received is as follows:
$523.50 via school office
$976.80 on the day
$420.00 via the Website page
Which means we raised a grand total of $1920.30
Thanks again to everyone for the wonderful support we have had during this fundraising event.
Ange Horton and Cathy McNeill
Sam Merrifield Library in Moonee Ponds.
Following on from their success earlier in the year, we are running our
cartooning and chess workshops again, and are fortunate to now be running a
regular Lego club as well.
All of these events happen on a Monday afternoon 4-5pm.
Cartooning- Monday 22nd June 4-5pm
Lego Club – Monday 29 June 4-5pm
Chess- Monday 13 July 4-5pm.
Please see attached fliers for more information.
St Monica’s Parish Newsletter
The new and improved St Monica’s Parish Newsletter is on its way, and
we are looking for talented parishioners to join the newsletter crew!
We are searching for budding
Graphic Designers
We are also hoping to find a local publishing business that may be able
to assist in the newsletters production.
If you or someone you know are interested please feel free to contact:
Jacqueline Le Grand-Condello Mobile: 0439558309 or
Joanne Barrett Mobile: 0419117399 or
St Monica’s Ladies Tennis
Our St. Monica’s Ladies C Grade tennis team needs players for next season (Tuesday night comp). If you
are interested in joining this team please let me know. Contact Kelly Clark on 0417 144 263 or
OSHClub News
Before School / After School Care Program
Program Update
Dear parents and families,
An exciting week planed at OSHClub! We will be continuing our look into what we can do to
help Orangutans in the wild. Along with lots of other fun activities and games!
Important Reminder: Please remember to book in for Before and/or After School Care if you
know in advance. It helps us to ensure we have enough staff rostered on, and also for catering
- Emma
Note: Our menu for the week is displayed in our program room on the whiteboards. Feel free to pop in to see
what we’re eating
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU CAN GET YOUR KIDS TENNIS LESSONS DONE WHILST THEY ARE AT
ST. Monica’s Tennis Club
Contact – Steve Riley – Club Professional
0403 433 750 or
about your tennis lesson (day & time)
(Children must be booked into After Care session to be dropped off and picked up.)
Next Week’s Activities…
- Pom Pom
- Tissue Paper
- Rainforest
- Rainforest
- Soccer
Before Care Making
Activities - Table Tennis - Octopus
After Care Project
Activities - Fruit Salad
- Minecraft
- Red Light,
Green Light
- Bird Seed
- ‘Knock Out’
- Kite Making - Straw Rockets
- Silent Ball
- Footy Skills
- Orangutan
- Giants
- Bubble
- Musical Bobs
Parent Information
OSHC program phone: 0412 616 491 Coordinator: Emma Assistants: Jyoti, Sarah, Maranda, Vanessa, Melissa OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day
bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.