September 6, 2015 - St. Peter Catholic Church
September 6, 2015 - St. Peter Catholic Church
Catholic Church Pastor......................... Reverend Monsignor John M. Costello Associate Pastor ................................Reverend Edward J. Voltz Senior Priest in Residence ........................................................................................ ..................................... Reverend Monsignor Gregory L. Schmidt Deacons …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. Deacon John Komotos Deacon Richard Renard …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Deacon Joseph Sulze (Retired) PARISH STAFF School Principal..................................................................... Dr. John Freitag Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation ................................................................................... Linda Doyle Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation ...................................................... Janice M. Hartmann Business Manager.................................................................. Kevin Stillman Director of Sacred Music …………………………………………………………Ryan Bolinger St. Peter Mission Statement Built on the rock of St. Peter, the Apostle of faith, love and forgiveness, we are a Catholic parish dedicated to live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ through worship, education and loving service to each other and our community. Visit us on the Internet at or send your comments to: YEAR OF GRATITUDE Sacrament of Baptism Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details regarding participation in the preparation program. We encourage expectant parents to make arrangements for the preparation program at least a few months prior to the birth of their child. “The root of joy is gratefulness. . . It is not joy that makes us grateful; Sacrament of Marriage Please contact the rectory for details regarding the preparation program. In accordance with Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a member of the parish clergy at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. It is gratitude that makes us joyful.” -David Steindl-Rast Please see to submit why you are grateful. Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life If interested, please call the parish rectory or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM Rectory/Parish Office 243 West Argonne Drive Saint Louis, Missouri 63122 966-8600 (Phone) 966-5721 (Fax) Weekday Mass Schedule Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM Saturday: 8:15AM Saint Peter Elementary School Pre-K thru Eighth Grade 215 North Clay Saint Louis, Missouri 63122 821-0460 Holy Day Mass Schedule Consult the bulletin for Mass times Parish School of Religion Jan Hartmann, 821-0460, ext. 4208 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment Religious Education Offices - Ursuline Hall Offices of Faith Formation Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001 Eucharistic Adoration Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM St. Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall adjacent to the Church building For more information or to sign up for a weekly Holy Hour of prayer contact Kathy Fotouhi at 821-4347 Wedding Coordinator Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3000 Pastoral Council Mr. Geoff Daniels, Chairperson, 616-7700 Mr. Ken Boyd, Vice Chairperson, 913-6529 Mr. Paul Loida, Secretary, 825-1603 Finance Commission Mr. Tim Fagan, Chairperson, 962-7737 Mr. Jack Herrmann, Vice-Chairperson, 966-3217 St. Vincent de Paul Society 314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail) Baptism Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details regarding participation in the preparation program. We encourage expectant parents to make arrangements for the preparation program at least a few months prior to the birth of their child. Weekly Anointing and Prayer After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests, limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress, addiction, etc. for all ages. Parish Center 821-6219 Bulletin Deadline!! Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be submitted to the rectory ( by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. All announcements must be in writing with a name and telephone number attached. Please gather in the pews at the front of church and the priest will be with you approximately 10 minutes after Mass is over. Please remember St. Peter Catholic Church in your will. 2 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 6, 2015 The Altar (Part 2) The ambo is a place for the act of proclamation. By its form and appearance it honors Christ present in the word, and hence evokes reverence and attentiveness when the word is sung or spoken from it. Here is the place for the proclamation of the scripture readings, the leading of the singing of psalms, for preaching God’s word and perhaps for leading prayers of intercession. All other announcements and speeches are to be made elsewhere. Have you ever noticed the priest kiss the altar at the beginning and end of Mass? This graceful and reverential act highlights the significance of the altar as a central symbol of our worship life. Apart from the introduction of the use of the vernacular at Mass, the change in the location of the altar – away from the back wall of the church and into the midst of the assembly – is probably the most obvious effect of the Second Vatican Council. This change allowed people to gather more easily around the altar. It made this great symbol more visible. Two related changes were also mandated by the Council. In the pre-Vatican II liturgy, because the priest alone performed most of the liturgical functions, a long altar was needed so that the two readings could be proclaimed from opposite ends of the altar while remaining separate from the Eucharistic action, which took place in the center of the altar. Such an elongated table is no longer necessary. Secondly, because communion should be given from the sacrifice just enacted on the altar, the tabernacle was removed from the main altar. This maintains the integrity of both altar and tabernacle as sites of Christ’s real presence in the church. We have grown in our awareness of Christ’s presence in the gathered assembly, in the proclamation of the word, in the person of the priest, and in the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine that become the Body and Blood of Christ. We have been less attentive to the symbolic significance of the altar itself. The ambo should be beautifully designed and carefully proportioned to suit its function – not as a shrine for the lectionary, but as a cradle for the word that embodies the story of our salvation, the mystery of the word made flesh among us. Ideally, the ambo would match in style and material the altar to show the close connection between the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist. Both our ambo and altar at St. Peter are crafted from Indiana limestone and black onyx marble and match in style and design. The Chair… The ancient Latin word cathedra, used to designate the chair of a high-ranking civic official, was adopted by the early Christian church to refer to the cathedra or chair of the bishop. It was from the cathedra that the bishop presided at the liturgy and preached on the scriptures. Other chairs (sedilia) for attending priests and deacons were placed to the side. Later developments of church architecture saw the cathedra of the bishop elevated on a podium and more throne-like in design. As parishes developed in the fourth century, a less ornate chair was used in the local church by the priest. The presider’s or presidential chair soon became superfluous as the priest stood at the altar for most of the liturgical action. The Rite of Dedication of an Altar (which most often takes place during the dedication of the church in which the altar is located) gives us a glimpse of the significance of this symbol. In that rite, the altar is sprinkled with water, anointed with Chrism oil and incensed by the bishop in a pattern much like our initiation rituals. It is then clothed with an altar cloth and adorned with lighted candles. These rituals leave no doubt that the altar is “the midpoint between heaven and earth.” With the ancient images of Abraham’s altar of sacrifice and the table of the Last Supper firmly rooted in our tradition, we encircle our parish altar, confident that God is present in our midst. The liturgical reforms of Vatican Council II has sought to recover the function of the chair of the presider. The material and design of the chair should identify it as part of the particular place of worship. Its style should speak of the ministry of presiding, not of remoteness or prestige. Since we now have a fuller understanding of Christ’s presence in the assembly of all the faithful, the presider’s chair cannot signify privilege, but rather a sense of leadership in prayer, as well as the dignity and service that are inherent in Christian ministry. Also traditionally, altars contain the relics of holy martyrs to show our long-standing roots. The altars of the early Christians were often the stones marking the graves of those who shed their blood for the faith. In the pre-Vatican II liturgy, the relics of the martyrs were imbedded in the altar itself and sealed on dedication day. The new rite of an altar dedication places the relics of the martyr underneath the altar. The altar at St. Peter contains relics of the martyrs both within the altar itself and underneath the altar. If you were ever wondering what that little box is underneath our altar it is the reliquary case containing the relics of the saints. Deacon Dave Osmack, formerly of our parish, crafted it for us several years ago. From this chair, the presider calls the people of God to prayer, joins them in attentiveness to the word, keeps with them moments of silence, leads them in petitions of forgiveness, invites them to profess their faith, lifts up their intercessions for every need and sends them forth with God’s blessing. And although rarely done by anyone other than a bishop, the rubrics allow preaching from the chair, too. Thus, the altar, the ambo, and the chair are the three most important liturgical furnishings in today’s Catholic sanctuary. It is from these three that the liturgical rites are carried out and led. It is good when they match in design and style to show their interconnection during the Holy Mass. The Ambo… The word ambo derives from the Greek verb anabainein (“to go up”) and was the name given to the elevated platform from which the scriptures were proclaimed in the large churches of the early Middle Ages. In smaller churches of the time, the priest and lector stood at the altar rail; only the bishop stood at the chair (the cathedra or bishop’s chair) for proclaiming and preaching and teaching. A later development saw elaborate, elevated pulpits attached to church pillars for better visibility and audibility. The liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962 – 1965) called for the location of the ambo to be a natural focal point for the assembly during the liturgy of the word. September has begun and soon Fall will be in the air and on the trees. We are entering a beautiful time of the year in Missouri. Enjoy God’s abundant beauty and bounty. Happy Labor Day. Thank God for the privilege of work, for our work builds up the Kingdom of God and is for the glory of God. I’ll see you in church! 3 Monsignor Jack 1-3-5 September 6, 2015 LABOR DAY On Monday, September 7th, we will celebrate Labor Day. Start the day, if possible, by attending 8:15AM Mass. This is a great way to give thanks to God for all the gifts and talents that He has bestowed on each of us. Whether we are actively employed, searching for employment, or retired, we all have “work” that we are called to do. As followers of Christ, we are called to a life of service while continuing His mission here on earth. St. Peter Parish Prayer Lord, thank you for the rich history you have bestowed on our family of St. Peter in Kirkwood. Blessed by your grace, we ask that you be present in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our gifts through worship, education and loving service. Holy Spirit, create within us a vision for the future that we live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ. So, have a Happy and Blessed Labor Day! Perhaps, reflect on these words from scripture: And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17) Amen PLEASE NOTE . . . hypo allergenic incense will be used at the 5:00pm, 9:00am, and 11:00am Masses. 1. Mass on Labor Day, Monday, September 6, 2015 will be celebrated at 8:15AM only. MASS INTENTIONS Monday, September 7, Labor Day 8:15AM Maria Yanick Tuesday, September 8 6:45AM Edward Costigan, Sr. 8:15AM Larry Etzkorn Wednesday, September 9 6:45AM Eugene Schmidt 8:15AM Patricia Fete’ Thursday, September 10 6:45AM Glenn Haley 8:15AM Mary Fuegner Friday, September 11 6:45AM Marie 8:15AM June O’Sullivan Saturday, September 12 8:15AM Maria Yanick 5:00 PM Warren Schmidt Sunday, September 13 7:30AM David Charles 9:00AM Evelyn Krone 11:00AM People of St. Peter 6:00PM Maria Bernardi 2. All parish offices will be closed in observance of Labor Day. 3. There will be no Eucharistic Adoration on Labor Day. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - September 12/13 Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( ) Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister? Call Bob & Trish Martin 821-3303 Saturday, September 12 5:00PM: M. E. Dick, M. Bender, S. Imig, D. Imig, D. Connell, K. Morgan, L. Schrock, B. Hutcheson Sunday, September 13 7:30AM: T. Booth, J. Booth, M. Elli, C. Herre, L. Flick, J. Collins, F. Johnston, J. Sulze 9:00AM: L. Pfile, M. Raizman, R. Zoellner, J. Gau, (R. Medley), (B. Banta), (D. Cantwell), (S. Randall) 11:00AM: Women’s ACTS Retreatants 6:00PM: T. Saputo, S. Allen, S. Jensen, G. Jensen, M. Lorbert, K. Stillman, K. Wurtz, N. Wurtz MASS SERVERS Saturday, September 12 5:00PM Alex Ehrlich, Lindsay Kocher, Ryan Kramer Sunday, September 13 7:30AM Annie O’Brien, Oscar Moran, Ben Thomas 9:00AM 11:00AM 6:00PM LECTORS Jack Martel, Sophia Bellon, Mackenzie Hull Time First Lector Saturday, September 12 5:00PM Paul Reilly Kevin Sembrot, Colin Wagner, Eli Saadi Grace Wojciechowski, Lucas Smith, Michael Krausz Sunday, September 13 7:30AM Doug Caldwell WELCOME VISITORS We are happy you decided to worship with us today. Please introduce yourself to Father following Mass in the Gathering Area in the back of church. If you would like information about registering as a new parish member please call Jamie & Jennifer Moritz, 314-909-6756 or jenmoritz@gmailcom or contact the parish office (966-8600) for a registration form. The Welcoming Committee Second Lector Brian Wellinghoff Maureen Wessels 9:00AM Ken Mersmann Randy Krone 11:00AM Women’s ACTS Women’s ACTS 6:00PM Catherine Enslin Melissa Rolfes SCHOOL LITURGY SCHEDULE September 9 September 16 4 St. Peter Claver 8:15 St. Cornelius 8:15 K-8 K-8 September 6, 2015 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication LIGUORIAN Are you looking for hope? Inspiration? Spiritual Guidance? Liguorian offers all this and more! Grow in your relationship with Christ through timely pastoral messages on matters of faith, practices, Christian living and social justice. Liguorian is a leading Catholic Magazine published by the Redemptorists. It reaches about 60,000 households each month and provides solid and straightforward answers to the important questions and problems facing today’s Catholics. Our mission at Liguorian is to help you navigate your day-to-day lives, assisted by your faith in both print and digital formats. Your print subscription now also includes FREE access to Liguorian Online Digital Edition; register at to received access. The Liguorian App is also available at iTunes for ios platforms: iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Visit and click on the subscription tab to learn more. Or call 1-800 -325-9521. SAVE THE DATE THE FRIENDS OF BIRTHRIGHT GALA A NIGHT FOR LIFE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 Dinner and dancing at Busch Stadium-now that’s a winner! For more information, please call Janine DiMarco at 314-660-1009 or Barb Finnegan at 314-740-1717. All proceeds to benefit Birthright Counseling, St. Louis CIRCLE OF CONCERN FOOD PANTRY . . LIFE CHAIN DES PERES/KIRKWOOD Des Peres/Kirkwood Life Chain will occur on Sunday, October 4, from 2:00PM to 3:00PM at the intersection of Manchester and Ballas Roads. has an ongoing need for disposable diapers (especially size 3 and up), wipes, diaper cream and formula. By collecting these baby items monthly we can regularly help parents and babies in need. Please drop off your donation on the front porch of Angela and Randy Dalton, 328 W. Washington Avenue, 63122. Thank you. Please join us for the 50 Plus Anniversary Dinner! When: September 16, 2015 Where: St. Peter Dining Hall Time: Drinks and conversation starts at 6:00, dinner at 6:30. Cost: $15 per person Please RSVP and send checks to Charlene Henke (see below for mailing information) Questions and Joining: Email Brenda Moore at or call 314-498-0333. Dues are $10 year. When mailing checks please include your name, address, phone numbers, and email address. Send checks (payable to ‘50 Plus Club’) to Charlene Henke, 439 N. Geyer Road, Kirkwood, MO, 63122. Email Charlene at or call 966-4168. 5 THE CORNERSTONE SCRIPTURE STUDY Join The Cornerstone Catholic Scripture Study as we begin our 2015-2016 study of the beautifully written Gospel of Luke, often referred to as "the Gospel of Prayer." This new study will begin in September, 2015. Please join us at one of our seven locations. St. Louis County locations: St. Monica, Tuesdays 9:30am11:30am; Annunziata, Thursdays 9:30am-11:15am; Mary Mother of the Church, Wednesdays 9:30am-11:30am; Mary Queen of Peace, Thursdays 7:00pm-8:45pm; and ROC at Our Lady of Lourdes, Thursdays 7:00 pm- 8:45 pm. St. Charles county location: St. Cletus, Mondays 11:00am-1:00pm. Metro East location: St. Clare of Assisi, Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am. For more information please call Sue Derdeyn at 314-821-4661 or visit our website September 6, 2015 LAST CALL FOR PSR ENROLLMENT 2015-16! NEED CONFIRMATION? (INCOMING 8TH GRADERS ONLY!) Enrollment for 2015-16 is currently underway online for parish families. Please access the enrollment site through this link: For information contact Principal Jan Hartmann: or 314-821-0460 Ex. 4208 Confirmation preparation begins in early Fall of 2015 for Confirmation reception on Thursday, May 5, 2016. If you are a St. Peter Parish 8 th grader attending a private Catholic school, please contact Jan Hartmann, Coordinator of Faith Formation, You will be added to the list of Confirmation candidates. Students attending St. Peter School and PSR will receive information through their programs. IT’S TIME TO REGISTER FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL! ST. PETER DASH 5K SPONSORSHIP OPPRTUNITIES The St. Peter DASH is coming up (October 10, 2015 at 7:30 am) and we are looking for sponsors. We are making it even bigger with a new company, Big River Running. Registration is open for St. Peter Sunday School! Sunday School is a place for children ages 3 (by July 31, 2015) through Kindergarten to sing, create, and make friends as they learn about our church and Jesus’ great love for us while their parents attend 9 a.m. Mass. Classes begin September 27, 2015, and run through the beginning of May. Registration is online using the following link: opportunities/SundaySchool2015-2016RegistrationForm. Please contact or if your company would like more information. Proceeds benefit the new playground coming late summer. Thank you for considering! CYC BASKETBALL REGISTRATION St. Peter CYC basketball registration will be open from September 15 through October 15 on the Athletic Association website: CYC basketball is for boys and girls in grades 3 through 8. Get your players signed up! Welcome to Sunday School! EIGHTH GRADE COTILLION 2015 Cotillion is a great opportunity for students to be exposed to social situations and etiquette. Students also learn a variety of basic dance steps from instructors from the beloved U Can Dance Studio. Cotillion is open to incoming 8th grade students and is coordinated with students from St. Gerard Parish. This program has consistently been a sellout. Don’t miss out!! If you have any questions about CYC basketball, please contact either Paul Golomski or Pete Villhard at It will be held Sunday evenings starting September 13th thru October 25th, 7-8:45 p.m. at St. Gerard. The cost is $60 per child. Current St. Peter and PSR students will receive information via email. FOR ALL PARENTS: For questions, contact Ann O’Connell at 314-984-8134 or Anne LaBarge at 314-966-4245. DE SMET JESUIT “SPARTAN FOR A DAY” VISITS THIS FALL! Learn the Authoritative Style of Parenting which is linked with the most successful child outcomes. Children parented this way are more likely to become cooperative, independent, self-reliant, socially accepted, and academically successful. De Smet Jesuit is accepting reservations for our “Spartan-for-aday” visits, where you can “shadow” with one of our students during a typical school day, attend classes, meet teachers, coaches, enjoy a free lunch, and get a feel for the school. Schedule a visit to by contacting Mrs. Anne Gibbons in the Admissions Center at 314.567-3500, ext. 247 or email Anne at Experience CBC for Yourself! CBC is now accepting appointments for the 8th Grade Junior Cadet Shadowing Program. Shadowing allows a young man the opportunity to experience a day at CBC, while meeting current CBC students and teachers. This program is by reservation only. Please contact Mrs. Melissa Ryan at (314) 985-6095 or to reserve your day in CBC’s Junior Cadet Shadowing Program. Dates are filling up fast!! “Terrible” two’s wearing you out? Tired of constant fighting? Bracing for upcoming “homework battles” with your tween? Feeling discouraged? Want more peace & joy & harmony in your home? Foundations of Parenting Class (six sessions) BEGINS: Sept. 21, 2015 Location: Art Room in St. Peter School Mondays 7:00 - 8:30 pm September 21, 28, October 5, 19, 26, November 2 ALL are welcome! Register NOW: search “Parenting Class” “This was life changing & invaluable.” 6 “I will absolutely recommend this class to my friends!” September 6, 2015 ROOM AT THE INN St. Peter hosted 8 guests on Friday evening, August 21 and Saturday morning, August 22. We opened our doors to 5 adults and 3 children in need of a place to stay. Thank you to the following people who brought food or helped in some other way: Brian Fitzgerald, Judy Jackson, Chris & Nancy Hartrich, Carol Bouchard, Rita Hennessey, Liz Alexander, Brett & Laurie Russell, Anne Loida, Leslie Weinberg, Sara Bevins, Patty Boyd, Mike & Joan Turnure, and Kelly Andel. St. Peter hosts clients from Room at the Inn on the third Friday of every month! We always welcome new helpers. Please call Joan Turnure at 221-7408 or email her at if you would like to know more about this ministry. To sign-up to help or bring food, go to http:// Compliance with the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program is required to host (5:30 to 8:30 pm) or stay overnight but not to provide food or clean up. Thank you! THANK YOU FROM ST. PATRICK CENTER As Catholics, we are called to embrace the attitude of Jesus as "servant to the poor". St. Patrick Center extends a heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in and volunteered for the Back-toSchool Backpack Giveaway. With your help St. Peter collected 47 backpacks and the program provided more than 1,800 new backpacks and school supplies for children in need. May the Lord continue to bless our faith community. Thank you! 7 September 6, 2015 ST. PETER MEN’S GROUP YOU ARE Presents: Scripture Study MATTHEW: THE KING AND HIS KINGDOM A CATHOLIC BIBLE STUDY PROGRAM CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE NEXT ST. PETER ACTS RETREAT! Matthew: The King and His Kingdom is a Catholic Bible study that brings the history of Christ to life through Matthew’s Gospel. You will see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament, establishes the New Law, and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven. Join the men and women of St. Peter Parish for a weekend of Faith, Fun and Fellowship. What was Christ’s mission, really, and what does He mean when He talks about the “Kingdom of Heaven”? Set in the rich context of Jesus’ life, Matthew shows us who Jesus is and what His life and teachings mean for us today. Enhance your knowledge of Scripture by studying its history and background. This exciting study will bring the Gospel to life and draw you closer to Christ. This parish-based retreat offers the opportunity to renew your spirituality, to strengthen your faith and its application in your daily life, and to build lasting friendships in your community. It is presented by your fellow parishioners with spiritual direction from our parish priests. The Women’s Retreat will take place September 10-13. The Men’s Retreat will take place September 24-27. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 To register for these retreats, please contact Christy Patritti at 314-822-1347 or e-mail her at You can also register online at: ParishMinistries/ACTSRetreat/ACTSRegistration.aspx. Program Format: Light home reading of scripture, group DVD lessons and discussion. Program extends for 24 sessions and meets every other week. Join us for our 1st session: When: Monday, Sept. 14th, 2015 Where: STP School Dining Hall Time: 7:30 – 9:00 pm Coordinators: Jeff Coleman, Terry McHugh and Jeff Vann If you plan to attend, please let us know by Sept. 10, 2015. Email us at: SISTER OF ST. PETER CLAVER CONVENT - GALA The Sisters of St. Peter Claver Convent, whose first North American Convent has been in St Louis over 50 yrs, are inviting you to participate in their First Annual Gala for their missionary activities around the world, on Thursday, September 10 at the Frontenac Hilton. For more info please contact Molly McCann at READINGS Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Is 35:4-7a/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37 Col 1:24--2:3/Lk 6:6-11 Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 Col 3:1-11/Lk 6:20-26 Col 3:12-17/Lk 6:27-38 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14/Lk 6:39-42 1 Tm 1:15-17/Lk 6:43-49 Is 50:5-9a/Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35 ©Liturgical Publications Inc 8 September 6, 2015 RCIA - RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION "To come to the Eucharist to adore is not to flee the real world for religious things - it is to penetrate the center of all that is most real." RCIA SESSIONS BEGIN: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 at 10 AM in Ursuline Hall. WHAT IS THE RCIA? RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process (often called a “journey of faith”) aimed at welcoming others into our Catholic family through reflection on the experiences of their lives, the messages of sacred Scripture, and the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church. -Fr. Ronald Lawler, OFM, CA PLEASE NOTE: Eucharistic Adoration scheduled Holy Hours will not be held tomorrow, Monday, September 7th due to the Labor Day holiday. Eucharistic Adoration will resume at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 8th. WHO TAKES THIS “FAITH JOURNEY”? An unbaptized person interested in learning about the Catholic faith. Persons baptized in other Christian faiths, who are seeking to learn more about the Catholic Church and feel God calling them to become Catholic. Catholics, who are baptized, but did not complete their sacraments of initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation). As always, thank you for your faithfulness in prayer! The following Holy Hours are in need of an adorer: Monday 3:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday 2:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Please call Kathy Fotouhi, 821-4347. WHAT IF I AM NOT SURE I WANT TO BECOME CATHOLIC BUT WANT TO LEARN ABOUT CATHOLIC TEACHINGS AND PRACTICES? The RCIA journey respects each participant’s faith experience and their individual faith development timetable. Those “inquiring” into the Catholic faith meet with other inquirers, faith community members, and RICA team members, at informal sessions. Friends and family members are also welcome to attend. AMAZINGLY AWESOME BLOOD DRIVE! There are SOOOO many people to thank for the amazingly awesome blood drive on Sunday, August 23rd: The SEVENTY-ONE donors who came out to produce SIXTY-FIVE red cells and 5 units of platelets! The American Heritage Girls who set up the drive, and Lyn Berglar and Mary McEvoy who staffed the canteen! Msgr. Jack and the rest of the St. Peter staff who supported the drive! Frank Kane of Citizen Kane’s Steakhouse, Bob Menendez of Sunset 44 Bistro, and Emma Rosenow of Billy G’s; they all chipped in gift certificates for the Bring-A-Buddy campaign! McArthur’s Bakery for their delicious offerings! WHAT DO YOU “STUDY”? RCIA is MORE ABOUT FAITH “FORMATION” than information. Resource materials are provided, videos are used where applicable, but the “heart” of RCIA is developing a relationship with Jesus and conversion. It is more about how we change from behaviors and attitudes that are selfcentered, to actions and choices which come from forming a relationship with a compassionate and loving God and Savior. We are truly blessed with so many people who are so giving… LITERALLY! WHAT DO YOU LEARN ABOUT IN RCIA SESSIONS? Sessions include topics such as Jesus Christ, the Trinity, Sacred Scripture and Tradition, the seven Sacraments, our Catholic Mass, how we pray, the Church calendar, the Virgin Mary, moral decision making and the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. Finally, to all the above, my thanks…and the thanks of the over TWO HUNDRED patients in St. Louis area hospitals who were helped by this great blood drive. It’s the best drive we’ve had since…I’m not sure when…at least the last 10 years! HOW/WHERE DO I BEGIN THE RCIA PROCESS? You begin the process by contacting Linda Doyle at 314-822-1347 or at Let’s do this again, shall we? Next drive is: Sunday, November 1st (No rest for the weary!) ST. VINCENT DEPAUL St. Peter Parish has a rich tradition of loving God through love of our neighbor. With your financial help, St. Vincent dePaul during April, May and June was able to assist 76 families totaling $13, 653 in aid for food, electricity, gas, water and rent. Unfortunately, calls into our help line are unending and we continue to need your support to provide basic living necessities to those reaching out to us. Please: Regularly contribute using the blue SVDP collection envelopes mailed to you. Place donations into the SVDP collection boxes located at church entrances. Support the Kirkcare food pantry. If you need help, or know of someone who does within our parish boundaries, please call our help line 314-289-6101 ext. 2220. ROOM AT THE INN’S CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BENEFIT THE HOMELESS 9 Room at the Inn invites you to stand up for the homeless women, children and families of the St. Louis area and, in so doing, receive recognition for your participation in our First Annual Golf Outing for Room at the Inn. The event is a collaboration between Webster Groves Christian Church and Westborough Country Club to raise awareness and support for the homeless in the area. The First Annual Charity Golf Outing for Room at the Inn will be held at the Westborough Country Club, on Monday, October 5, 2015, beginning at 10 a.m. With the involvement of nearly 60 interfaith congregations, including your own, Room at the Inn offers temporary, emergency shelter for women and families, up to 20 people each night. All proceeds from the golf tournament will benefit the homeless of St. Louis County. The cost is $150 per golfer or $600 per foursome. To purchase tickets (by Sept. 21), or to find out about our sponsorship opportunities, or donating to the auction, contact Colleen Price at 314-209-9181, or in our website, September 6, 2015 ST. PETER YOGA FUSION CLASS The TUESDAY night class is taught by Catherine Enslin of St. Peter Parish. Catherine is an AFAA certified group fitness instructor and an ACE certified personal trainer. Please pray for the safety and well being of the following loved ones of our parishioners who have been called to military service: US Army Chief Warrant Officer 2, Cpl. John R. Weber, III, USMC, Major Matthew Kelly, Michael C. Wood, Army, Airman Joseph Sidlo, M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine Haga, Sgt. Erik Thompson, Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia-Adkins, Sgt. 1st Class Michael Adkins, US Army Capt. Nicholas Jablonski, USMC, Sgt. Mark Nitz, USMC, Major Mark Jackson, IV, Captain Jeremy Reynolds, US Army, Pfc. Josh P. Stack, Capt. Christopher Moskoff, US Army, Michael Backer, 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, Captain Robert Winkler, US Army, Lt. Kevin Jackson, LT CPL. Thomas Weber, USMC, LCPL. E. Conor Decker, Major Joseph G. Skryd, USMC and Conner Hardesty, USMC. Date: Tuesdays, September 1, 8, 15,22, 29 Time: 5:30 to 6:30pm Cost: $25 for 5 week session Drop in classes are $8.00. Class minimum - 10 people signed up on a monthly basis to continue classes. Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room For questions contact Barb Michael with Optimal Lifestyles, Inc. at 314-984-0592. The THURSDAY night class is taught by Mary Beth Wilczak. Mary Beth is an AFAA certified group fitness instructor. Date: Thursdays, September 3, 10, 17, 24 Time: 5:30 to 6:30pm Cost: $20 for 4 week session Drop in classes are $8.00 Class minimum – 8 people signed up on a monthly basis to continue the Thursday classes. Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room Names will remain on the pray for the sick list for 4 weeks then automatically be deleted. To be included on this new list, you need to call the Parish Office 966-8600. A call to the Rectory Office is necessary to request additional weeks. John Kindschuh (2) John Menousek (4) Harold Brown (4) Trish Martin (4) Bob & Susanne Griffen (4) Elaine Lee (3) Diana Williams (2) Carol Allgeyer (2) Pat Pollman (2) Anne Marlowe (1) For questions contact Barb Michael with Optimal Lifestyles, Inc. at 314-984-0592. TAI CHI CLASSES ARE BEGINNING AGAIN! Tai Chi has proven benefits of improved balance, lowered blood pressure, improved immune system, and improved mood. Classes will be held Thursday mornings beginning on Sept. 24th at 9:00 am in Ursuline Hall, just east of the church. Classes are just $5, pay as you go, and last one hour. Dress comfortably. No need to register. Bring a friend or make a friend. You'll enjoy this soothing meditation in motion! WEDDING BANNS (2) Christina Mudd & Paul Castellano. TOGETHER AT BAPTISM August 30, 2015 TREASURE REPORT AT-A-GLANCE Alexander Robert John, son of Stephen & Sara John. “Be doers of the word and not hearers only...” (James 1:22) What do you do to live God’s word? Do you share your time in prayer with God? Do you use your talent to help those in need? Are you generous with your financial resources? If not, what are you waiting for? Offertory for August 30, 2015 Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes 2093 Envelopes Returned $18,921. Loose Donations $ 1,646. Weekend of August 22/23 Total $20,567. Auto Debit Weekly Allocation $ 7,053. Prepaid Contribution Weekly Allocation $ 1,487. Online Giving Weekly Allocation $ 963. Total Actual $30,070. July Weekly Budget $31,186. Over/Under <$ 1,116.> LIVE LIVELY – TRY SQUARE DANCING FOR THE HEALTH OF IT Intro to Square Dance (sponsored by Singles & Doubles Square Dance Club) Free intro classes begin on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, at Christ Lutheran Church, One Selma Ave, (at Lockwood)…near Webster Groves Webster Groves. We’ll meet weekly on Wednesdays, 7:30 PM - 9:30 pm. The first 3 classes (9/9, 9/16, and 9/23) are free; then they will be $2/class. Both couples and singles are welcome. No experience required…wear casual clothes…expect good exercise and mental stimulation and fellowship. Contact: Susan 314-909-0393, or Eunice 636-861-6943; email 10
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