Commission Scolaire Marguerite
Commission Scolaire Marguerite
Commission Scolaire MargueriteBourgeoys (CSMB) Verification report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) reduction project – CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions project- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 September 24, 2014 September 24, 2014 Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP Suite 2000 National Bank Tower 600 De La Gauchetière Street West Montréal, Quebec H3B 4L8 Mr. Stéphane Bergeron Assistant Manager - Financial Resources Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys 1100, Blvd de la Côte-Vertu Saint-Laurent (Quebec) H4L 4V1 Telephone: 514-878-2691 Fax: 514-878-2127 Subject: Verification Report on a Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) Emissions Reduction Project – CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions project- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is our verification report on a GHG emissions reduction project performed at several locations in buildings that belong to the Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys. The quantification report that is subject to our verification is included in Appendix 2. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information you may require. Yours truly, Chartered Professional Accountants Mathieu Lendick, CPA auditor, CA Senior Manager, Engagement leader Chartered Professional Accountants Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd Gontran Bage, ing., Ph.D. Manager, Lead GHG Verifier Verification Report on the Declaration of GHG Emissions Reductions Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP Suite 2000 National Bank Tower 600 De La Gauchetière Street West Montréal, Quebec H3B 4L8 Telephone: 514-878-2691 Fax: 514-878-2127 Mr. Stéphane Bergeron Assistant Manager - Financial Resources Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys 1100, Blvd de la Côte-Vertu Saint-Laurent (Quebec) H4L 4V1 Dear Sir: We have been engaged by Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys to perform the verification of Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys GHG emissions reduction project as an independent third party verifier. We have verified the accompanying greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions reduction quantification report entitled CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG emission reductions Project - January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 (the “quantification report”). This quantification report dated September 19, 2014 is included in Appendix 2 of our report which is intended to be publicly posted on CSA’s GHG CleanProjectsTM Registry. The present report is the fifth consecutive verification report issued for this project. Responsibilities Management is responsible for the relevance, consistency, transparency, conservativeness, completeness, accuracy and method of presentation of the quantification report. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls relevant to the preparation of a GHG emissions reduction quantification report that is free from material misstatements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion based on our verification. Standards Our verification was conducted under ISO 14064-3 International Standard, entitled: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions (2006). This standard requires that we plan and perform the verification to obtain either a reasonable assurance or a limited assurance about whether the emission reductions declaration that is contained in the attached quantification report is fairly stated, is free of material misstatements, is an appropriate representation of the data and GHG information of Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded. Chartered Professional Accountants Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd 2 Level of assurance It was agreed with Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s representatives that a reasonable assurance level opinion would be issued and we planned and executed our work accordingly. Consequently, our verification included those procedures we considered necessary in the circumstances to obtain a reasonable basis for our opinion. Scope A reasonable assurance engagement with respect to a GHG statement involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the quantification of emissions, and about the other information disclosed as part of the statement. Our verification procedures were selected based on professional judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement in the GHG statement. In making those risk assessments, we considered internal controls relevant to the entity’s preparation of the GHG statement. In order to meet the verification’s objectives, our engagement also included: Assessing physical and technological infrastructures, processes and controls over data. Evaluating the appropriateness of quantification methods and reporting policies used and the reasonableness of necessary estimates made by Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys. Identifying GHG sources sinks and reservoirs, types of GHG involved and time periods when emissions occurred. Establishing quantitative materiality thresholds and assessing compliance of results to these thresholds. Ensuring ownership of the project by observing that all reductions are obtained directly by the client on its own premises. Identifying the period within which the reductions occurred. The verification team Before undertaking this assignment, we ensured there were no conflicts of interest that could impair our ability to express an opinion and the conflict of interest review form was completed by all participants to this assignment (see Appendix 3). We also ensured we had the skills, competencies and appropriate training to perform this specific assignment. The work was performed by ISO 14064-3 trained professionals. Training was provided by the Canadian Standards Association. This is an energy efficiency and fuel switch project that all the team members are competent to undertake since, on top of their professional training, they all have performed many similar projects. This project has been quantified under ISO 14064-2 “Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancement (2006)” using the CDM II.E/Version 10 Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings methodology which the following team of professionals is competent to assess. The auditors assigned to this audit work were: Mathieu Lendick, CPA auditor, CA Mr. Lendick is an ISO 14064-3 trained professional. Mr. Lendick is the Engagement leader for this verification. 3 Gontran Bage, ing., Ph.D. - Lead Verifier Mr. Bage is both an ISO 14064-2 and ISO 14064-3 trained professional. He has performed many GHG reduction projects quantification and verification reports. He is an engineer and Ph.D. specialized in sustainable development and chemical engineering. Mr. Bage was responsible for the verification work and ensured the production of this report. Victor Poudelet, ing. jr - Verifier Mr. Poudelet is an ISO 14064-3 trained professional. Mr. Poudelet assisted the lead verifier. The verification team has reviewed and understands GHG CleanProjectsTM Registry’s registrations requirements. All team members can be reached by contacting Mr. Gontran Bage, Director – GHG Audit team at 514 393-4849 Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys, one of the largest School board on the island of Montreal, manages 115 establishments, mainly schools, in a strongly urbanized territory. The establishments are located in 13 different municipalities in the west end of the island of Montreal. The emissions reduction project The project is located in 98 differents establishments, while the main office is located at 1100, Blvd de la Côte-Vertu, Saint-Laurent, (Quebec), H4L 4V1 and the geographical coordinates are Lat. 45°31'02'' N Long. 73°40' 40'' W. Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s project consists in the implementation of energy efficiency measures that include the installation of high efficiency boilers from heating systems, installation of automatic controls and the switching of furnaces from light oil to natural gas. The project has started on January 1, 2003 and the emissions reduction initiatives were completed on December 31, 2013. The main GHG sources for the project are from the energy consumption related to the occupation of buildings (heating, ventilation). The various gases involved at Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). The expected life time of this project, as per page 8 of the attached quantification report is 10 years. Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s management has declared its intention to quantify GHG reductions each year for the remaining duration of the project. Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys has implemented a monitoring system that aims at insuring that all installed elements of the project that contribute to GHG emissions reduction are in operation constantly and consistently. 4 The principal contacts for this project are: Developper: Stéphane Bergeron, Assistant Director - Financial Resources Financial administration: Stéphane Bergeron, Assistant Director - Financial Resources Data collection and monitoring: Jocelyn Poisson, Project manager - Material Resource Services The quantification report The quantification report was prepared by National Ecocredit, in accordance with ISO 14064-2 “Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancement (2006)”. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (2007), II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings was used as a guide for the quantification methodology. The approach that was used for the quantification of the GHG emission reductions was one of comparing the intensity factors of the sources of energy used for the project to those used for the baseline scenario. The quantifier determined the GHG emissions for every source of energy by using appropriate emission factors multiplied by the consumption of every GHG source. The emission factors chosen are based on the National Inventory Report 1990-2012 Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. The verification work Planning At the planning phase of this verification assignment, the following points were reviewed with Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s representatives: Major processes of Commission Scolaire MargueriteBourgeoys’s operations, comprehension of the different operation stages with the purpose of assessing the complexity of the operations, Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s internal control and finally, emission sources and GHG involved. Jocelyn Poisson, Project Manager, was interviewed concerning the description of major processes and controls at Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys as well as concerning the data collection and monitoring process. This preliminary review resulted in the assessment of the following risks: The inherent risk which is associated with the nature, scale, complexity of the project and the task being performed; The control risk which concerns the risk that the GHG project controls will not be able to prevent or detect a material discrepancy; and The detection risk which concerns the risk that the verifier will not detect a material discrepancy that has not been detected or prevented by the GHG project controls. As a result of the assessment of the inherent and control risks, a materiality level was defined, a verification program was designed to mitigate the detection risk and a sampling plan was developed accordingly. Assessing performance materiality Materiality is an amount that, if omitted or misstated, will influence the reader of the report in his decision making. Performance materiality is defined in the Canadian Auditing Standards as an amount, set by the 5 auditor at less than materiality to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements exceeds the materiality. We have assessed a materiality level based on the above definitions, using Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton’s performance materiality determination system. This system considers the following information: User expectations; Prior year’s measures of materiality; Industry standards; Entity’s concept of materiality; Our assessment of detection risks; Other entity specific information. We have assessed materiality at 5% of declared emission reductions. The inherent risk and the control risk were assessed at an acceptable level for verification purposes. The detection risk, considering the verification program that was designed, is assessed at an acceptable level for verification purposes. Sampling plan determination Standard sampling and testing procedures were the following and were not modified during the verification: Documentation review: Quantification report, sampling of energy bills for natural gas; Interviews with key personnel: Jocelyn Poisson; Cross-checking of Quantification report’s calculations: Calculating GHG emissions form electricity, natural gas and light oil taking into account the variation of heating-degree days between the baseline and the project as well as any modification in the total area of each building.; Reconciliation of Quantification report to worksheets: natural gas, building area, heating-degree days and emissions factors; Sampling of GHG emissions based on the materiality and the performance materiality previously assessed Obtention of a declaration of ownership of reductions and removals; Description of relevant information systems used for data collection and monitoring: internal system collecting automatically the monthly consumption of energy from the website of the different energy providers; Testing the conception of monitoring systems. Conclusion of planning At the end of the planning phase, information obtained on the project, the data and information management systems and the quantification report were complete and satisfactory for verification purposes. The verification team had an appropriate understanding of the project approach as well as the quantification methodology to assess them. 6 No outstanding issues remained unresolved after the preliminary review. . Consequently, we could proceed with the verification work. Execution A draft of the quantification report was submitted to us on September 24, 2013 (that version concerned only the reductions of 2012, we also received a version with the reductions of both 2012 and 2013 on August 25, 2014). Our initial review of the documentation was undertaken on October 10, 2013 and a verification plan was prepared. We then toured Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s premises on January 22, 2014. In doing so, we interviewed Jocelyn Poisson to discuss the operations and to understand the use of different equipments as well as their maintenance programs. We subsequently received the final quantification report dated September 19, 2014. Location of the project Latitude and longitude of the premises were verified during the on-site visit. Information systems Each monitoring system that may have an effect on the data used for emissions reduction calculations has been identified. The staff responsible for data input and reporting of these systems (Jocelyn Poisson, Project manager) was interviewed and the control procedures were assessed. We have ensured that the controls had been operating properly throughout the verified period. All reports used in the calculation were reconciled to the calculations. Assessing quantification methodology We have assessed the appropriateness of using CDM II.E/version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, as a methodology by comparing each condition of applicability of the methodology to the project conditions and by ensuring that each step of the methodology was properly applied using our “Assessment of quantification standards and methodologies used” form. We agree with the methodology used for this project. Assessing the additionnality of the reductions We have assessed the additionnality of the reductions by using our “Assessment of baseline scenario” worksheet. The rationale for accepting the additionnality of the reductions is the following: The previous equipments (furnaces and boilers) would have been able to provide the energy required for heating the different buildings as the CSMB still has similar equipments in function in other buildings. 7 Findings Findings were listed, valued and compared to our established materiality levels. All findings exceeding the materiality level or aggregates of findings with a common effect on the calculation of reductions exceeding the materiality level were discussed with the client and generated a request for correction to the GHG quantification report. All other findings were revisited at the conclusion of the verification to determine if they should be aggregated to generate a request for correction. During the course of our verification, we obtained all the necessary cooperation and documents required from Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s management. Restricted usage and confidentiality This verification report is produced to be used by the management of Commission Scolaire MargueriteBourgeoysand parties interested in the above described GHG emissions reduction project. Reliance on the conclusions of this verification report for any other usage may not be suitable. The quantification report entitled CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG emission reductions Project - January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 and dated September 19, 2014 is an integral part of this verification report and should in no circumstances be separated from it. This verification report and the supporting work files are kept confidential and are available to the client on request and will not be disclosed to anyone else unless compelled by law. They will be safeguarded for 10 years after which period they will be safely destroyed. Appendix 1 – Verification statement Appendix 1 – Verification statement Report to: Mr. Stéphane Bergeron Assistant Manager - Financial Resources Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys 1100, Blvd de la Côte-Vertu Saint-Laurent (Quebec) H4L 4V1 Object and objectives of the verification We have verified the attached CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG emission reductions Project January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 project’s quantification report dated September 19, 2014. The objective of the verification is to assess data, controls and processes supporting the emission reduction or removal calculations as presented in the attached CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG emission reductions Project - January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 and corresponding GHG assertions. The quantification report entitled CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG emission reductions Project - January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 and dated September 19, 2014 is an integral part of this verification statement and should in no circumstances be separated from it. Generally, the data supporting the verification is classified as following: Project data associated with the emission sources are historical; Baseline scenario data associated with the emission sources are extrapolated from the project data; Emission factors, global warming potential and any other constants are hypothetical data taken from recognized sources. Criteria 1. The attached quantification report is in compliance with the requirements and principles of ISO 14064-2. 2. The approach and methodology used for the quantification are appropriate. 3. The baseline scenario is appropriate. 4. The supporting data are subject to sufficient controls to be considered fair and accurate and should not cause any material discrepancy. 5. The calculations supporting the GHG assertion are sufficiently accurate to be considered fair and should not cause any material discrepancy. 6. There are no competing claims to the ownership of the GHG project and the resulting emission reductions or removals. 7. The project start date is accurate and the lifetime estimation of the project is fairly stated. 8. The quantification report has a low degree of uncertainty and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded. Applicable standard Our verification was conducted under ISO 14064-3 International Standard, entitled: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions (2006). Conclusion No limitation was imposed on our verification work, no findings exceeded our materiality level and our opinion below is not affected by any reservation. Reasonable assurance opinion: 1. The quantification report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 standard: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements (2006), and the principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy, transparency and conservativeness have been respected. 2. The approach and methodology used for the quantification are appropriate. 3. The baseline scenario is appropriate. 4. Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys’s data control management system is appropriate. 5. The quantification report and the GHG assertion are free of material misstatements and are an appropriate representation of the data and GHG information of Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions projectJanuary 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 6. To our knowledge, there are no competing claims to the ownership of the GHG project and the resulting emission reductions or removals. 7. The quantification report has a low degree of uncertainty and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded. 8. The GHG emission reductions presented in the quantification report entitled CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG emission reductions Project - January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 and dated September 19, 2014 for the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 are, in all material respect, fairly stated at 7717 tCO2e and are additional to what would have occurred in the baseline scenario. The following breakdown of those emission reductions by vintage year is fairly stated: Year CO2 CH4 N2 O HFC PFC SF6 Total 2012 3851 -8 10 NA NA NA 3853 3861 -8 11 NA NA NA 3864 2013 Note: 9. HFC, PFC and SF6 have not been quantified and consequently have not been verified. All emissions are provided in t CO2 e. The project start date is accurate and the lifetime estimation of the project is fairly stated. Chartered Professional Accountants Mathieu Lendick, CPA, CA Senior Manager, Engagement leader Montréal, September 24, 2014 Gontran Bage ing., Ph.D. Lead Verifier Appendix 2- Quantification report Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSMB) energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions Project Greenhouse Gas Project Report Period from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2013 Project proponent: Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys 1100, Bd de la Côte-Vertu Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4L 4V1 Prepared by: National Ecocredit 1100, René-Lévesque West Bvd, Suite 1310 Montréal (Québec) H3B 4N4 September 19th, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... ii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... iii ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... iv SOMMAIRE EXÉCUTIF ................................................................................................ 5 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 6 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................. 8 2.1. Project title .......................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Objectives ........................................................................................................... 8 2.3. Project lifetime .................................................................................................... 8 2.4. Type of GHG Project .......................................................................................... 8 2.5. Location .............................................................................................................. 8 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation................................................................... 9 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements ....................................................................................... 9 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and expected level of activity ............. 9 2.9. Aggregate GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements likely to occur from the GHG project....................................................................................... 10 2.10. Identification of risks ........................................................................................ 10 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................ 11 2.11.1. 2.11.1. 2.11.2. 2.11.3. Project proponent and representative ...................................................... 11 Monitoring and data collection ............................................................... 11 Quantification and reporting responsible entity ...................................... 11 Authorized project contact ...................................................................... 12 2.12. Project eligibility under the GHG program ...................................................... 12 2.13. Environmental impact assessment .................................................................... 12 2.14. Stakeholder consultations and mechanisms for on-going communication ....... 12 2.15. Detailed Chronological Plan ............................................................................. 13 2.16. Ownership ......................................................................................................... 13 3. SELECTION OF THE BASELINE SCENARIO AND ASSESMENT OF ADDITIONALITY ......................................................................................................... 14 4. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF GHG SOURCES, SINKS AND RESERVOIRS ....................................................................................................... 16 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report ii 5. QUANTIFICATION OF GHG EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS ............ 20 5.1. Baseline GHG emissions/removals................................................................... 22 5.2. Project GHG emissions/removals ..................................................................... 24 5.3. GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements ....................................... 25 5.4. Emission factors ................................................................................................ 25 5.5. Global warming potential (GWP) ..................................................................... 26 6. DATA MONITORING AND CONTROL ................................................... 27 7. REPORTING AND VERIFICATION DETAILS....................................... 29 ANNEX I .......................................................................................................................... 31 ANNEX II ........................................................................................................................ 34 ANNEX III ....................................................................................................................... 37 ANNEX IIII ..................................................................................................................... 38 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Project implementation ....................................................................................... 9 Table 2-2 Expected and Achieved Emission Reductions (t CO2e) .................................. 10 Table 2-3 Chronological Plan ........................................................................................... 13 Table 3-1 Barrier Assessment ........................................................................................... 14 Table 3-2 Baseline scenario – baseline year for each cluster ........................................... 15 Table 4-1: SSR’s Baseline Scenario Inventory ................................................................. 17 Table 4-2 SSR's Project Scenario Inventory ..................................................................... 17 Table 5-1 Building size alteration ..................................................................................... 21 Table 5-2 Emission factors summary ............................................................................... 25 Table 6-1 Monitored data.................................................................................................. 27 Table 7-1 Baseline scenario GHG emissions for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) ............................ 29 Table 7-2 Project scenario GHG emissions for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) ............................... 29 Table 7-3 : GHG emission reductions by Cluster for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) ...................... 30 Table 7-4 GHG emission reductions for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) ......................................... 30 Table 0-1 : Monitored data per cluster .............................................................................. 37 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report iii ABBREVIATIONS BS CDM CH4 CO2 CO2e CSA CSMB EF EPA HCFC HDD HVAC: GHG ISO IPCC kWh N2O PS SSR t VER Baseline Scenario (GHG Emission Source) Clean Development Mechanism Methane Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide equivalent (usually expressed in metric tons) Canadian Standards Association Commission Scolaire Marguerite Bourgeoys Emission Factor Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Hydrochlorofluorocarbon Heating degree day Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Greenhouse gases International Organization for Standardization Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Kilowatt hour Nitrous oxide Project Scenario (GHG emission source) Source, Sink and Reservoir Ton (metric) Verified Emission Reduction CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report iv SOMMAIRE EXÉCUTIF (Please note that the remainder of the document is in English) La Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys a depuis 2003 implanté des mesures d’efficacité énergétique dans plusieurs des édifices qui lui appartiennent. Ces mesures ont pour objectifs de minimiser la consommation d’énergie, les impacts environnementaux et coûts monétaires qui y sont associés. Ces mesures ont graduellement été implantées depuis 2003, année durant laquelle elles ont été mises en place dans 87 établissements (Groupe 2003-2008). En 2009, 7 établissements supplémentaires ont subi des améliorations afin de bonifier leur performance énergétique (Groupe 2009). En 2010, 3 établissements supplémentaires ont implanté des mesures d'efficacité énergétique (Groupe 2010). En 2011, 1 établissement a implanté des mesures d'efficacité énergétique (Groupe 2011). Les diverses activités (mesures mises en places) forment un projet global de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet (GES). Ces réductions sont obtenues grâce à diverses mesures : Installation de chaudières au gaz à haute efficacité pour le système de chauffage; Installation de contrôles automatisés pour les systèmes de ventilation, de chauffage et de climatisation; Changement de carburant du mazout au gaz naturel pour le système de chauffage; Remplacement des systèmes de réfrigération. Ces mesures permettent la réduction d’émissions de GES de deux façons : La diminution de la consommation totale d’énergie; L’utilisation de sources d’énergie moins émettrices de gaz à effet de serre. Le projet et les réductions d’émission de GES seront enregistrés au Registre des GES ÉcoProjets®. Ces réductions sont quantifiées selon les principes et lignes directrices de la norme ISO 14064-2 tel que stipulé par le Registre des GES ÉcoProjets®. La méthodologie employée est inspirée de la méthodologie AMS-II.E du CDM 1 . Les réductions d’émission pour les années 2012 et 2013 sont au nombre de : Réductions d’émission de GES Groupe 2003-2008 2009 2010 2011 Réductions d’émission totales 2012 (t CO2e) 3474 258 97 24 3853 2013 (t CO2e) 3504 261 78 21 3864 1 CDM, Methodology II.E/ Energy and fuel switching measures for buildings, Version 10, November 2007. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 5 1. INTRODUCTION The Commission Scolaire Marguerite Bourgeoys (CSMB) acts as an intermediate structure between the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports in Quebec and schools. Its mission is to promote and enhance public education and ensure the quality of the education, effective management of financial, human and material resources. Proud of its institutional standing, the CSMB displays an understanding and a commitment to today’s societal concerns including environmental issues and acts as a leader to address these with novel solutions. The nature of the services delivered by the CSMB implies the occupation and operation of buildings of considerable sizes. Total energy use is significant and translates into large quantities of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. In 2003, the CSMB began implementing a series of energy efficiency measures aiming at reducing its environmental impact with the dual benefit of reducing their costs for energy consumption. This report outlines the results of the GHG emissions reduction associated to these efforts. The GHG project is first described with statements of its objectives, nature, location, lifetime and main characteristics. The most appropriate baseline scenario is identified and the GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) for the baseline and the project scenarios are inventoried. GHG emissions are then quantified using an outlined methodology. The achieved emission reductions calculated as the difference between the baseline and project emissions are reported in the final section. A CDM methodology, AMS-II.E version 10 - Energy and fuel switching measures for buildings2, is selected to offer a guideline to identify the sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) to be included in the quantification and a guideline for the calculation of emission reductions. This methodology is deemed to be the most appropriate given that all applicability conditions apply to the project. In section 3, the selection of the baseline scenario and the assessment of additionality were performed according to best practices and the expertise of the quantification team. A barrier analysis is performed and used to confirm the most plausible scenario and to provide a solid argument on which to base the additionality assessment. This GHG report meets the requirements of the CSA’s GHG CleanProjects® Registry and the ISO 14064-2 guidelines and principles: Relevance: All relevant GHG sources are meticulously selected and presented in section 4. A precise methodology is used along with project specific parameters values. The methodology AMS-II.E version 10 - Energy and fuel switching measures for buildings is certainly 2 CDM, Methodology II.E/ Energy and fuel switching measures for buildings, Version 10, November 2007. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 6 relevant for this grouped project. It has been developed following the rigorous CDM procedures which include an internal technical review and a public review period. Completeness: A complete assessment of GHG sources is made and all GHG types are considered in the applied quantification methodology. CO2, CH4 and N2O are the GHG included in the quantification. Other GHG (PFC, HFC and SF6) are not relevant to the project (refrigerants being used in cooling systems are HCFC).. Complete information regarding project implementation, activities and GHG quantification is given through this GHG report. All elements to be quantified as prescribed by the methodology are included. Leakage is neglected since the methodology requires its consideration only if the energy efficiency technology is equipment transferred from another activity or if the existing equipment is transferred to another activity. Consistency: Chosen quantification methodology is appropriate for CSMB’s specific project. Established baseline scenario, as explained in section 3, is consistent with the project level of activity related to the heating needs of the buildings. The heating needs, measured in heating degree days (taken from major Montreal airport weather station), apply to both project and baseline scenarios, both hence being functionally equivalent. Accuracy: Calculation uncertainties are kept as small as possible. Transparency: Project related information is transparently communicated through this document so that the intended user knows what the important data are, how they are collected and how the project actually leads to GHG emissions reduction. Data monitoring and GHG emission reductions calculation are clearly detailed in order to provide the reader sufficient information to allow the user to confidently make decisions. Conservativeness: GHG emission reductions are not overestimated. When accuracy is jeopardized because of assumptions, conservative choices are made to make sure that GHG reductions are not overestimated. This report will be made available for public consultation. It is intended to serve as a transparent reference document to support the prospection of potential verified emission reductions (VER) buyers. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 7 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1. Project title Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSMB) energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions Project. 2.2. Objectives The objective of the project is to minimize the GHG emissions due to energy consumption by the CSMB in the buildings they manage. 2.3. Project lifetime A first phase of implementation began in 2003, a second in 2009, a third in 2010 and finally a fourth in 2011. These 4 phases are considered as distinct phases of one GHG project the start date of which is January 1st 2003. In theory, the project ends when the equipment used for the various measures has reached the end of its useful life or when the principle of additionality ceases to be respected. It is reasonable to assume that these conditions will be respected for a minimum of 10 years with a possibility of extension after review. The project activities described in this report are continuous and the data used for the quantification will keep being monitored as long as the crediting period is ongoing. 2.4. Type of GHG Project The project falls under the category ‘‘energy efficiency’’ and is characterized as a grouped project since it accounts for various project activities implemented at different locations and times. The project activities are mainly energy efficiency measures and fuel switching. The emission reductions are therefore the result of lower energy consumption and the use of less GHG-intensive energy sources. All the measures implemented at a given building are considered to be a single project activity. This grouped project avoids the release of a large quantity of greenhouse gases (produced by the consumption of fossil fuels) in the atmosphere. These gases are primarily composed of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). 2.5. Location CSMB’s 98 buildings included in this project are located on the island of Montreal. A detailed list of their street addresses and postal codes are given in Annex II. Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys 1100, blvd de la Côte-Vertu Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4L 4V1 Latitude: 45° 31’ 02’’ N Longitude: 73° 40’ 40’’ W CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 8 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation The conditions in place before the project implementation were status quo on energy efficiency technologies, on energy switch and on high efficiency natural gas boilers for heating system. All the changes implemented and described in section 2.7 had not been put in place prior to the project. 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements The project scenario consists in the implementation of four major energy efficiency measures: Installation of high efficiency gas boilers for heating system Installation of automatic controls for the ventilation, heating and conditioning systems; Switching furnace oil (light fuel oil) heating system to natural gas; Replacement of the absorption refrigerating systems by a centrifuge cooler model equipped with variable frequency drive that consumes 8 times less energy. Emissions reductions are the result of: A reduction in energy use compared to the baseline scenario The substitution of a GHG intensive fuel for a source of energy which emits lower amount of GHG for the same amount of energy produced. 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and expected level of activity The technologies and products employed by the CSMB are not unique but they are among the most recent and effective available at the time of their implementation. Although they are not unique, the installed technologies are not common for the type and age of the buildings managed by the CSMB. A total of 98 buildings of the 115 buildings operated by the CSMB implemented one or more of the project activities listed in the table below. Table 2-1 Project implementation Projects 1) Installation of high efficiency natural gas boilers for heating system (85% to 95%) 2) Automatic controls for the ventilation, heating and conditioning systems 3) Heating system energy switch (furnace oil to natural gas) 4) Replacement of refrigerating systems Number of buildings 70 95 11 7 All the technologies described above are part of a single energy efficiency and fuel switch project for which the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology proposed by the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) titled: AMS-II.E.version 10 - Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 9 validated 2 November 20073 is relevant. Project specific conditions such as important temperature variations from year to year and specific geographically determined emission factors must be taken into account in the project development and for GHG reductions calculations. More details are provided further in this document (Section 5). Although roof and fenestration rehabilitation will have a small overall impact on the total GHG emission reductions, it is nonetheless worthy to mention the substantial environmental efforts displayed by the CSMB with this measure. 2.9. Aggregate GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements likely to occur from the GHG project This is the fifth GHG report being published for this project. Emission reductions were already reported and verified for the years 2003-2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. This report quantifies the emissions reduction for 2012-2013. Table 2-2 Expected and Achieved Emission Reductions (t CO2e) Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL Expected Emission Reductions 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 2045 20 450 Achieved Emission Reductions 1351 2980 1656 1989 1968 2330 2940 3626 3656 3853 3864 30213 2.10. Identification of risks This emission reductions report was written according to ISO 14064-2 specifications requirements for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal enhancements assertions. In order to minimize risks, the methodology and GHG emission factors were selected based on their completeness and their international recognition. One risk is that the project, for one reason or another, had ceased to respect the principle of additionality over its course. As a result, the project would cease to be eligible under 3 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, Internet link: C8APNP CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 10 the CSA’s GHG CleanProjects® Registry. To ensure that the principle of additionality was respected throughout the project, the following was checked: The measures responsible for emissions reductions did not become common practice or mandatory via new regulation. The new equipment did not malfunction to be temporarily substituted with equipment with a poorer environmental performance (or equivalent to what was previously in place). Emission reductions are not only the results of technological improvements. They are also closely related to management methods. Attention must be paid to energy use practices and management in order to achieve emissions reduction. 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities 2.11.1. Project proponent and representative Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Stéphane Bergeron Directeur adjoint au Service des ressources financières Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys 1100, Bd de la Côte-Vertu Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4L 4V1 Tél. : 514 855-4500 2.11.1. Monitoring and data collection CSMB is responsible for the project implementation and emission reductions. M. Poisson is responsible for the data monitoring and the communication between CSMB and National Ecocredit. Jocelyn Poisson Chargé de projet et technicien en mécanique du bâtiment Service des Ressources Matérielles Secteur des Immobilisations (611) 1150, rue Galt Verdun (Québec) H4G 2P9 Tél. : 514 855-4500 ext. 4530 2.11.2. Quantification and reporting responsible entity National Ecocredit is a firm specialized in non-traditional corporate financing. An expertise has been developed in the quantification of GHG emissions. Services are offered for GHG inventory, GHG emissions reduction project implementation, GHG markets advising, regulatory requirements and much more. Camille Orthlieb works at National Ecocredit as a carbon credits advisor. She has an environmental engineering master degree from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 11 Lausanne, Switzerland. Before joining National Ecocredit, she worked with an engineering company, specialized on building energy efficiency. Camille Orthlieb Carbon credits advisor National Ecocredit Tel. 514 871 5335 ext. 305 2.11.3. Authorized project contact Karine Desjardins has the signing authority for National Ecocredit. She is authorized by the project proponent to perform requests and administrative tasks regarding the project registration. Karine Desjardins VP-Sales, Marketing and Structured Transactions National Ecocredit Tel. 514 871 5335 2.12. Project eligibility under the GHG program There is no specific Federal or Quebec law or regulation that stipulates the obligation to install more efficient technologies in existing buildings when they have the possibility to repair or change their old technologies. In other words, the CSMB was not required to change its inefficient heating technologies or install the other energy efficient projects described in this report. The project implementation was voluntary. The project is eligible under the GHG CleanProjects® Registry. It is implemented following the ISO 14064-2 guidelines and principles, is not attempted to be registered under another GHG program and does not create any other environmental credit. 2.13. Environmental impact assessment Environmental impacts generated by the project activities are relatively low. The impacts are mainly GHG emissions from the fossil fuel and electricity consumption. The nature of the project does not require an environmental impact assessment. 2.14. Stakeholder consultations communication and mechanisms for on-going Jocelyn Poisson is a project manager at CSMB and is responsible for the communications with the quantifier, the verifier and the CSMB’s board. In addition to the information request from the quantification team sent out to M. Poisson, National Ecocredit periodically informs her on the project’s evolution. National Ecocredit’s team remains available to address any concerns and questions that may arise during the project period. Any updates are communicated to the CSMB’s board as a means to keep them involved and informed. None of the communications with stakeholders has generated results warranting a mention in this report. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 12 2.15. Detailed Chronological Plan The first projects activities were implemented in 2003. The project start date is established as January 1st 2003 and will be ongoing until it ceases to respect the principle of additionality or the equipment used as part of the energy efficiency measures have reached the end of their useful life. Since 2003, new activities are added to the overall project every year. This is the fifth GHG report: the first report was published for the years 2003-2008, the second for year 2009, the third for year 2010 and the fourth for the year 2011. The current report publishes the results for 2012 and 2013. Emission reductions of the subsequent years will be reported on a yearly basis. Table 2-3 Chronological Plan Before Project Implementation During Project After Project 2.16. Date 2002 January 1st 2003 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 - Steps in Process Data monitoring started to create baseline scenario Project start date 1st GHG report covering 2003-2008 2nd GHG report covering 2009 3nd GHG report covering 2010 4th GHG report covering 2011 5th GHG report covering 2012-2013 - Ownership The CSMB is a school board and has the legal responsibility of managing the buildings it operates for within the budget allocated by the government of Quebec. The board is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all mechanical, electrical and architectural systems of its buildings. It also handles requests from the services and facilities for buildings and ground maintenance. Furthermore, it manages all school projects required to meets the needs expressed by the institution and its services for activities in the field of construction. The board also coordinates activities related to the use and rental of temporary and permanent space in the buildings of the School Board. It ensures user comfort through sound management of energy. The board is hence the owner of the carbon credits that will be generated in the context of this project. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 13 3. SELECTION OF THE BASELINE SCENARIO AND ASSESMENT OF ADDITIONALITY The baseline scenario is selected among alternative scenarios representing what would have happened without the project. The alternative scenario that is most likely to occur is selected as the baseline scenario. In this case, the project is voluntary. It aims to lower the energy consumption and the GHG emissions. The scenario that is most likely to occur in the absence of this project is to keep using the equipment that is in place prior to the project activities initiation (status quo) and the GHG emissions that are associated with the consumption of energy in that case. A barrier test is used to help identify barriers to any of the identified plausible baseline scenarios. A barrier test is a common technique used to help justify the most realistic baseline scenario; identified as the option which faces least significant. Table 3-1 Barrier Assessment Potential Barrier Financial / Economic Financial / Capital Investment Existing systems: No efficiency measure No barrier. Energy costs are likely to keep increasing though. No barrier Technology Operation No barrier Regulation Barrier No barrier Alternative 1: Replacement of boilers with high efficiency ones No barrier; should result in monetary savings on the long run Moderate to high initial investment (depending on the size of equipment). Significant investment barrier as it requires important amount of cash available New equipment requires training and personnel adaptation No regulation enforces nor prevents such measure Alternative 2: Installation of automated controls for HVAC systems No barrier; should result in monetary savings on the long run Moderate initial investment Effectiveness depends on the proper operation of the system. Technology must be fully understood and mastered. No regulation enforces nor prevents such measure Alternative 3: Fuel Switch from Fuel Oil to Natural Gas (where applicable) Potential savings depend on energy prices fluctuations. Moderate to high initial investment (depending on the size of equipment). Significant investment barrier as it requires important amount of cash available New equipment requires training and personnel adaptation No regulation enforces nor prevents such measure As illustrated by the above barriers test, the scenario that faces the least significant barriers is to keep using the existing systems. Status quo in terms of heating and energy CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 14 consuming systems is therefore selected as the baseline scenario. Project activities were not all implemented simultaneously. Therefore, a specific baseline performance is computed for each group of buildings that were modified in the same year. In the absence of the project, energy performance would have remained somewhat similar to the performance observed during the year preceding the implementation of energy efficiency measures. As such, baseline energy intensity in terms of “energy units / heating degree day” is identified for each group of buildings (referred to as a “cluster”) and the baseline energy needs for each year is obtained by the multiplication of the baseline energy intensity with the actual number of heating degree-days for a given year. In the following table, the baseline year is presented for each cluster. Table 3-2 Baseline scenario – baseline year for each cluster Clusters Baseline years 2003-2008 2002 2009 2008 2010 2009 2011 2010 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 15 4. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION SOURCES, SINKS AND RESERVOIRS OF GHG To determine the sources, sinks and reservoirs relevant to the project and baseline scenario, a systematic approach was used to meet the requirements of ISO 14064-2. In order to insure good practices relating to the criteria and procedures for the determination of relevant SSRs (Sources Sinks and Reservoirs), the following documents were consulted: CSA (2006), ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements4; CDM, II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 5 , Table 1: “Summary of gases and sources included in the project boundary and justification/explanation where gases and sources are not included”. To proceed with the identification and selection of elements, we used the decision tree from the standard ISO 14064-26 that provides a procedure to assist project proponents consider GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs. The SSRs for the baseline and the project scenario are identified in the table below and it is stated whether they are included or excluded from the quantification. The selection of the SSRs was guided by the CDM methodology previously stated, however, in view of the lack of specific guidelines, it was mostly based on the quantification’s team knowledge and expertise. As aforementioned, the methodology stipulates that the energy baseline is the energy use of the existing equipment that is replaced. It follows that the sources of GHG are all the energy sources used by the equipment. Fuel combustion represents the most important sources of GHG emissions involved in this project. CO2, CH4 and N2O are three types of GHG commonly resulting from combustion, CO2 usually being a more abundant product of the reaction. No source of PFC, HFC and SF6 has been identified. They therefore are excluded from the quantification to ease the understanding. Although the methodology does not require the quantification of methane and nitrous oxide, these were included in the calculation for a more complete emissions profile. 4 CSA (2006), ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements, Figure A.2, Available at: 5 CDM (2007) CDM methodology II.E/Version 10:Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, Internet link: C8APNP 6 CSA (2006), ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements, Figure A.2, Available at: CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 16 SSR - Baseline Table 4-1: SSR’s Baseline Scenario Inventory Included Controlled/ GHG Explanation /excluded Related / Affected BS1. Fuel extraction and processing Excluded Related - BS2. Electricity Generation Included Related CO2, CH4, N2O BS3 Electricity Consumption Included Controlled CO2, CH4, N2O BS4. Fossil fuel combustion Included Controlled CO2, CH4, N2O BS5. Maintenance Excluded Controlled - BS11. Cooling fluids Excluded Related - SSR - Project This emission source is assumed to be negligible compared to the combustion. This source of emission may be significant, depending on the production means. This emission source, although not so important because of hydropower origin, is easily tracked and is therefore include for enhanced accuracy. This source of emissions is taken into consideration by including emissions from electricity generation for the amount of electricity consumed An important source of greenhouse gases. Emissions from maintenance activities result from fossil fuel combustion in vehicles used for transporting maintenance personnel to and from project site. These emissions are assumed to be negligible Fugitive emissions from use in cooling systems are conservatively ignored from baseline scenario. Table 4-2 SSR's Project Scenario Inventory Included Controlled/ GHG Explanation /excluded Related / Affected PS1. Fuel extraction and processing Excluded Related - PS2. Electricity Generation Included Related CO2, CH4, N2O This source of emission may be significant, depending on the production means. This source of emissions is taken into consideration by including emissions from electricity generation for the amount of electricity consumed This emission source is assumed to be negligible compared to the combustion. PS3 Electricity Consumption Included Controlled CO2, CH4, N2O PS4. Fossil fuel combustion Included Controlled CO2, CH4, N2O An important source of greenhouse gases. PS5. Maintenance Excluded Controlled - Emissions from maintenance activities result from fossil fuel combustion in vehicles used for transporting maintenance CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 17 personnel to and from project site. These emissions are assumed to be negligible PS6. Equipment manufacturing PS7. Transportation of equipment to the site PS8. Decommissioning of equipment PS9. Transportation of decommissioned equipment to landfill or recycling center PS10. Recycling of components of decommissioned equipment PS11. Cooling fluids CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report Excluded Related - This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. Excluded Related - This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. Excluded Related - This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. Excluded Related - This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. Excluded Related - This one time source of emission is assumed to be negligible when distributed over the useful life of the equipment. - Refrigerant used in the new cooling systems is chlorodifluoromethane (R-22), a HCFC that is not subject to a reporting obligation as per ISO 14064. Furthermore, fugitive emissions from use in cooling systems are likely to be reduced with the use of more technologically advanced systems. Reductions are excluded due to lack of accuracy and to remain conservative Excluded Related 18 Figure 1: Project Elements CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 19 5. QUANTIFICATION REMOVALS OF GHG EMISSIONS AND This project is based on a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology proposed by the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) titled: AMS-II.E.version 10 - Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, validated 2 November 20077. The methodology stipulates that “The aggregate energy savings of a single project may not exceed the equivalent of 60 GWh per year”. This condition is respected because the total energy savings per year are 19 GWh in 2012 and 10 GWh in 20138. The quantification is done in accordance with the selected methodology, which stipulates that: ‘‘each energy form in the emission baseline is multiplied by an emission coefficient. […] IPCC default values for emission coefficients may be used.’’ Hence, the quantification method consists essentially of multiplying appropriate emission factors to the total consumption of different types of energy namely electricity and natural gas. Doing so is pretty straight forward in the project scenario. One just needs the actual consumption of those energy sources (taken from energy suppliers bills) and to multiply by the appropriate emission factors (taken from the latest Canadian National Inventory Report). The Canada National Inventory Report from Environment Canada was used as the main reference document to obtain GHG Emission factors for CSMB project. They were used in the calculations for the following reasons: Choosing the emission factors from the Canada National Inventory remain the most appropriate choice for the project since CSMB buildings are in Canada. Emission factors reflect the Canadian energy consumption; and the province of Quebec electricity generation emission factor; The Canada National Inventory Report contains well researched and established emission factors for different types of fossil fuel. The major greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, as per IPCC 2006 guidelines, are: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), perfluorocarbon (PFC) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Gases quantified in this project are limited to CO2, CH4 and N2O given the nature of the measures which are related to energy consumption. Buildings included in the quantification Only the energy consumption data for the buildings where energy efficiency measures were implemented is used for the quantification. This approach is deemed most 7 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, Internet link: C8APNP 8 Energy savings computation is developed in Annex 4. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 20 appropriate to expose the environmental benefit of the measures over the years. In the spirit of the conservative principle of the ISO 14064-2, all buildings where energy measures were implemented were considered even those where a fuel switch from electricity to natural gas was implemented. This measure raises net GHG emissions, since the consumption of electricity (in Quebec) is far less GHG emitting than that of natural gas. It remains that overall GHG emission reduction balance is positive. Building size Some buildings have been expanded over the course of the project. To allow to compare energy consumption for these buildings over the course of the project, the energy consumption was corrected for the additional area. Between 2002 and 2008, four buildings changed in size, in 2011, eight more changed in size and in 2012, one changed in size as it is shown below. Table 5-1 Building size alteration Building # Year of building alteration Size alteration (m2) 056 065 068 071 072 154 053 055 057 064 070 250 263 272 091 154 189 463 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2008 2008 2005 2007 6 517 to 7 183 2 792 to 3 740 3 283 to 3 344 6 434 to 8 401 3 702 to 5 632 5 145 to 7 985 2 288 to 2 988 3 172 to 4 083 2 771 to 4 345 3 372 to 4 618 2 170 to 6 023 5 697 to 6 965 4 052 to 5 058 2 978 to 4 033 24 029 to 29 225 3 910 to 5 145 24 851 to 25 750 11 435 to 12 094 Normalizing energy consumption data The weather is a factor that can greatly influence the energy consumption of a building. It is therefore important to isolate the influence of this factor when comparing a building’s energy consumption over many years. Heating degree days (HDD) reflect the need for heating due to weather conditions. The process of “normalization” thus aims at isolating the effect of weather conditions by benchmarking the energy consumption per heating degree days (e.g. Ratio of GJ/HDD). Depending of its end use, each type of energy is more or less affected by the weather conditions; some type of energy are almost solely consumed for heating needs and, as such, are closely affected by the number of HDD. On the other hand, some energy type may be used no matter the climate conditions (e.g. for hot water or for cooking). Therefore, the normalization procedure is performed only on CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 21 the portion of the energy consumption that is assumed to be dependable of the climate conditions. The normalization equations are outlined in the following subsections. The impact of the variation of cooling degree days (CDD) is negligible on the total GHG emission because cooling needs are met with electrical air conditioning systems. Consumption of electricity in Quebec is responsible for almost no GHG emissions due to its production with hydro power. Normalization with CDD is not performed for simplification and has marginal impact on GHG emission reductions quantification results. Total emission reductions The following equations for the baseline GHG emissions, the project GHG emissions, and the emission reductions are applied for each cluster. The total emission reductions are the sum of the reductions of each cluster. 5.1. Baseline GHG emissions/removals The baseline energy consumption is estimated relative to the energy performance (in terms of energy/HDD) of the baseline year and to the actual heating needs (in HDD) of the year being considered. The baseline year is selected to be 2002 for the first cluster of 87 buildings that were modified between 2003 and 2008. The selection of the energy performance of 2002 as the baseline energy performance for project activities implemented over the following five years is done for simplification as opposed to selecting a new baseline year for all measures newly implemented each year. This approach should not have major impact on GHG emission reductions estimates due to the normalization procedure. As for subsequent changes (2009 and later), baseline energy performance is established as the energy performance of the year prior to the changes for the buildings being modified (2008 in the case of the cluster 2009, 2009 for the 2010 cluster and 2010 for the 2011 cluster). BSy = BSElec + BSNG+ BSOil BSy= BSElec,= BSNG= BSOil = Baseline Scenario emissions for year “y” (t CO2e); Baseline Scenario total emissions associated with electricity use (t CO2e) Baseline Scenario total emissions associated with natural gas (t CO2e) Baseline Scenario total emissions associated with fuel oil combustion (t CO2e) BSElec = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQE * RS BSNG = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQNG * RS BSOil = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQO * RS BSQE = CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report Normalized quantity of electricity consumed for the baseline scenario (kWh); 22 BSQN = Normalized quantity of natural gas consumed for the baseline scenario (m3); BSQO = Normalized quantity of light fuel oil (no. 2) consumed for the baseline scenario (Liters); EECO2, EE CH4,EEN2O = GHG emission factors for electricity ENCO2, ENCH4, ENN2O = GHG emission factors for natural gas combustion EOCO2, EOCH4, EON2O = GHG Emission factors for fuel oil combustion GWPCH4 = Global Warning Potential of methane (21) GWPN2O = Global Warning Potential of nitrous oxide (310) RS = Ratio of areas in year “y”/ baseline year RS = Ay / Abs Abs = Ay = Area of building “i” in baseline year (m2) Area of building “i” in year “y” (m2) BSQE = ∑(CElec,bs,i * RSi) * [Peccluster+ Pevcluster * (DJp/DJbs)] BSQN= ∑(CNG,bs, i* RSi) * [Pnccluster+ Pnvcluster * (DJp/DJbs)] BSQO= ∑(CO,bs, i* RSi) * [Poccluster+ Povcluster * (DJp/DJbs)] Peccluster= Pevcluster= Pnccluster= Pnvcluster= Poccluster= Povcluster= CElec,bs = CNG,bs = CO,bs = DJbs = DJp = RSi = Portion of electricity consumption not varying with the weather conditions for a cluster (no unit) Portion of electricity consumption varying with the weather conditions for a cluster (no unit) Portion of natural gas consumption not varying with the weather conditions for a cluster (no unit) Portion of natural gas consumption varying with the weather conditions for a cluster (no unit) Portion of oil consumption not varying with the weather conditions for a cluster (no unit) Portion of oil consumption varying with the weather conditions for a cluster (no unit) Actual total electricity consumption in the baseline year (kWh) for building “i” Actual total natural gas consumption in the baseline year (kWh) for building “i” Actual fuel oil consumption in the baseline year (kWh) for building “i” Degree days of the baseline year9 Degree days of the project year10 Ratio of areas in year “y”/ baseline year for building “i” RSiThe degree-days are taken from P-E-Trudeau international airport weather station. 9 Natural Resources Canada, Data for Montreal, Internet link, accessed February 13, 2014 : CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 23 Below are the values for the portion of each energy type that vary or that are constant with the HDD. These values are taken from a Natural Resources Canada database and are given here for each baseline year selected for the specified clusters of buildings. Cluster 20032008 Cluster 2009 Cluster 2010 Cluster 2011 Pev 0,12 0,15 0,10 0,06 Pnv Pov 0,84 0,85 0,77 0,65 0,81 0,60 0,80 0,62 Pec Pnc Poc Cluster 20032008 0,88 0,16 0,15 Cluster 2009 0,85 0,23 0,35 Cluster 2010 Cluster 2011 0,90 0,94 0,19 0,20 0,40 0,38 CElec,bs= ∑ CNG,bs= ∑ CO,bs= ∑ CElec,bsi = CNG,bsi = CO,bsi = n= 5.2. Actual electricity consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Actual natural gas consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Actual fuel oil consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Number of buildings with efficiency measures implanted for this cluster Project GHG emissions/removals PSy = PSElec + PSNG+ PSOil PSy= PSElec, = PSNG= PSOil= Project Scenario emissions for year “y” (t CO2e); Project Scenario total emissions associated with electricity use (t CO2e) Project Scenario total emissions associated with natural gas combustion (t CO2e) Project Scenario emissions associated with fuel oil combustion (t CO2e) PSElec,y = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * CElec,y PSNG,y = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * CNG,y PSOil,y = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * CO,y CElec,y = CNG,y = CO,y = Actual total electricity consumption in year “y” (kWh) Actual total natural gas consumption in year “y” (kWh) Actual total fuel oil consumption in year “y” (kWh) CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 24 Degree days of the project year “y”11 DJy = CElec,y= ∑ CNG,y= ∑ CO,y= ∑ Actual electricity consumption in the year “y” at building “i” (kWh) Actual natural gas consumption in the year “y”at building “i” (kWh) Actual fuel oil consumption in the year “y”at building “i” (kWh) Number of buildings with efficiency measures implanted for this cluster CElec,yi = CNG,yi = CO,yi = n= 5.3. GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements These following equations illustrate the GHG emissions reduction quantification. These calculations were done for each building with energy efficiency or fuel switch projects. Each of these building has their own baseline year, i.e. the year before the implementation of the projects. TPERy = ∑ z= Number of clusters TPERcy = BSy– PSy Total Project Emission Reductions in year “y” for a cluster “c” (t CO2e) TPERcy = The GHG emissions calculations are presented in the Annex I. 5.4. Emission factors Table 5-2 Emission factors summary Factor EE EN EO Gas CO2 CH4 N2O CO2 Value 2 0.0002 0.0001 1878 Unit g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/m3 CH4 N2O 0.037 g/m3 0.035 g/m3 CO2 2725 g/L Source National Inventory Report 2012, Greenhouse Gas Source and Sinks in Canada, Part 3, Table A13-6 National Inventory Report 2012, Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, p.194, Marketable Natural Gas National Inventory Report 2012, Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, p.195, Institutional National Inventory Report 2012, Greenhouse Gas 11 Environnement Canada, Données pour l’Aéroport Trudeau : CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 25 CH4 N2O 5.5. 0.026 g/L 0.031 g/L Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, p.196, Light fuel oil, Institutional Global warming potential (GWP) GWP CH4 N20 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report Value 21 310 Source National Inventory Report 2012, Greenhouse Gas Source and Sinks in Canada, Part 3, Table A12-3 26 6. DATA MONITORING AND CONTROL The monitoring requirements listed in the standard 5.10 of ISO 14 064 part 2 12 were applied. Data control system and procedures are very limited since they mostly come from the energy suppliers data acquisition and storage system. These systems are deemed sufficiently safe and reliable and allow for transparent communication of the relevant data. These are easily verifiable. Data values are inputs in the quantification model and are therefore critical for accuracy of the GHG reductions estimation. Both calculations and data values are internally reviewed by the quantification team from National Ecocredit. Data source for all energy consumption are the energy bills. These are entered in Helios, a database management software. The CSMB accounting Department is responsible for data collection and input into Helios. Mr. Jocelyn Poisson is responsible for the energy bill’s approval. She is also in charge of following up the overall energy consumption of the 115 CSMB buildings. Data are kept in a central server at the head office. A complete data back-up is processed weekly and data is systemically entered into the database daily. Table 6-1 Monitored data Data / Parameters Data unit Description Source of data to be used Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied QA/QC procedures to be applied Electricity kWh Electricity consumption from CSMB Buildings Hydro-Québec energy bills per building Electricity meter monitors the power usage. Monthly reading of the meter is achieved and invoices reflect the usage of that period. Cross-check between consecutive years inventories. Data are collected and entered into Helios software. These data are judged sufficiently accurate so that no further quality control than invoice double check is performed. Data / Parameters Data unit Description Natural Gas m3 Natural gas consumption from CSMB buildings Gaz Métro energy bills per building Source of data to be used Description of measurement methods Collect data directly on energy bills and enter them into Helios software. and procedures to be applied These data are judged sufficiently accurate so QA/QC procedures to be applied that no further quality control than invoice 12 International Standards ISO 14064-2 :2006(F), section 5.10, p.13. CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 27 double check is performed. Data / Parameters Data unit Description Light fuel oil Liter Light fuel oil consumption from CSMB buildings Energy bills per building Source of data to be used Description of measurement methods An oil reservoir is filled when required. The volume of each fill is measured by volumetric and procedures to be applied flow meter upon delivery. Invoices reflect the delivered oil quantity. Entire year invoices are compiled and assumed to adequately reflect the actual usage in that year. Data are collected and entered into Helios software. These data are judged sufficiently accurate so QA/QC procedures to be applied that no further quality control than invoice double check is performed. Figure 2 Data Flow Chart CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 28 7. REPORTING AND VERIFICATION DETAILS The project plan and report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 standard and the GHG CleanProjects® Registry requirements. The methodology that is used, the choice of region specific emission factors and a rigorous monitoring plan allow for a reasonably low level of uncertainty. National Ecocredit is confident that the emission reductions are not overestimated and that the numbers of emission reductions that are reported here are real and reflect the actual impacts of the project. Emission reductions will be verified by an independent third party to a reasonable level of assurance. Emission reductions are reported here for years 2012-2013 and this is fifth GHG report. Baseline emissions and project emissions are shown for each cluster in the two following tables. The last table shows the total emission reductions. Table 7-1 Baseline scenario GHG emissions for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) 2003-2008 Cluster 2009 Cluster 2010 Cluster 2011 Cluster Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil TOTAL CO2 102 12706 804 1 619 0 0 328 0 0 141 0 14701 2012 CH4 N2O 0 1 5 73 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 80 Total 103 12784 806 1 622 0 0 329 0 0 141 0 14786 CO2 104 13894 973 1 667 0 0 355 0 0 152 0 16146 2013 CH4 N2O 0 1 5 80 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 89 Total 105 13979 976 1 670 0 0 357 0 0 152 0 16240 CO2 103 11343 34 2 402 0 1 273 0 2013 CH4 N2O 1 2 5 66 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 Total 106 11414 36 4 406 0 3 276 0 Table 7-2 Project scenario GHG emissions for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) 2003-2008 Cluster 2009 Cluster 2010 Cluster Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report CO2 101 9928 122 2 357 0 1 226 0 2012 CH4 N2O 1 2 5 58 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 Total 104 9991 124 4 361 0 3 229 0 29 Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil 2011 Cluster TOTAL 1 112 0 10850 1 1 0 13 1 1 0 70 3 114 0 10933 1 126 0 12285 1 1 0 13 1 1 0 78 3 128 0 12376 Table 7-3 : GHG emission reductions by Cluster for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) 2012 2003-2008 Cluster 2009 Cluster 2010 Cluster 2011 Cluster Total 2013 CO2 CH4 N2O Total CO2 CH4 N2O Total 3461 -2 15 3474 3491 -2 15 3504 261 101 28 3851 -2 -2 -2 -8 -1 -2 -2 10 258 97 24 3853 264 81 25 3861 -2 -2 -2 -8 -1 -1 -2 11 261 78 21 3864 Table 7-4 GHG emission reductions for 2012-2013 (t CO2e) CO2 Baseline emissions Project emissions Emission reductions 2012 CH4 N2O Total CO2 2013 CH4 N2O Total 14701 5 80 14786 16146 5 89 16240 10850 13 70 10933 12285 13 78 12376 3851 -8 10 3853 3861 -8 11 3864 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 30 ANNEX I Calculation examples for cluster 2011 in 2012 BASELINE EMISSIONS: RS = Ay / Abs RS = 7 549/ 7 549 RS = 1 BSQE = CElec,bs * [0.94 + 0.06 * (DJr/DJbs)] BSQE = 472 680 * [0.94 + 0.06 * (4 575/3 868.9)] BSQE = 472 810 kWh BSElec = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQE * RS BSElec = [2 + 0.0002 * 21 + 0.0001 * 310] * 472810 * 1 BSElec = 0.95 tCO2e = 0 tCO2e (ROUNDED DOWN) BSQN= CNG,bs* [0.2 + 0.8 * (DJr/DJbs)] BSQN = 74 865 * [0.4 + 0.6 * (4 575 / 3868.9)] BSQN = 75 143 m3 BSNG = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQNG * RS BSNG = [1878 + 0.037 * 21 + 0.035 * 310] * 75 143 * 1 BSNG = 141.12 tCO2e = 141 tCO2e (ROUNDED DOWN) CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 31 BSQO= CO,bs* [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJbs)] BSQO = 0 * [0.4 + 0.6 * ( 4 575/ 3868.9)] BSQO = 0 L BSOil = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQO * RS BSOil = [2 725 + 0.026 * 21 + 0.031 * 310] * 0 * 1 BSOil = 0 tCO2e (ROUNDED DOWN) BSy = BSElec + BSNG+ BSOil BSy =0 + 141 +0 BSy = 141 tCO2e PROJECT EMISSIONS: PSElec,y = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * CElec,y PSElec, y = [2 + 0.0002 * 21 + 0.0001 * 310] * 432 960 PSElec, y = 1+1+1= 3 tCO2e (ROUNDED UP) PSNG,y = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * CNG,y PSNG,y = [1878 + 0.037 * 21 + 0.035 * 310] * 59247 PSNG,y = 112+1+1 = 114 tCO2e (ROUNDED UP) PSOil,y = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * CO,y PSOil,y = [2 725 + 0.026 * 21 + 0.031 * 310] * 0 PSOil,y = 0 tCO2e (ROUNDED UP) CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 32 PSy = PSElec + PSNG+ PSOil PSy = 3 + 114 + 0 PSy = 117 tCO2e TPERcy = BSy– PSy TPERcy = 141 - 117 TPERcy = 24 tCO2e CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 33 ANNEX II List of the buildings included in the grouped project CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 34 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 35 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 36 ANNEX III Monitored data per Cluster Table 0-1 : Monitored data per cluster Cluster Year Electricity Bi-Energy Natural Gas Light Fuel Oil Area m2 kWh kWh m3 L 2002 43 206 787 6 152 724 6 795 222 301 668 517 116 Cluster 2012 44 589 901 5 857 260 5 286 453 44 557 542 361 2003-2008 2013 45 654 891 5 734 560 6 039 725 12 228 547 933 2008 832 446 0 329 730 0 15 805 Cluster 2009 2012 914 207 0 189 831 0 17 379 2013 807 580 0 213 886 0 17 379 2009 422 222 0 192 737 0 11 059 Cluster 2010 2012 382 183 0 119 990 0 11 059 2013 401 980 0 144 886 0 11 059 2010 472 680 0 74 865 0 7 549 Cluster 2011 2012 432 960 0 59 247 0 7 549 2013 372 840 0 66 714 0 7 549 CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 37 ANNEX IIII Computation of energy savings per year. Cluster Cluster 2003-2008 Cluster 2009 Cluster 2010 Cluster 2011 Year Electricity kWh 2002 2012 2013 2008 2012 2013 2009 2012 2013 2010 2012 2013 Energy saving in 2012 Energy saving in 2013 43 206 787,34 44 589 900,92 45 654 891,09 832 445,65 914 207,24 807 580,40 422 222,00 382 183,07 401 979,97 472 680,00 432 960,00 372 840,00 Bi-Energy Total electricity Natural Gas Total NG in Light Fuel Total Light oil kWh kWh m3 kWh Oil L fuel in kWh 6 152 723,75 49 359 511,09 6 795 222,06 69 964 455,73 301 667,70 3 241 251,88 5 857 260,00 50 447 160,92 5 286 453,31 54 429 984,07 44 556,62 478 736,07 5 734 560,00 51 389 451,09 6 039 724,88 62 185 762,36 12 228,11 131 384,19 0,00 832 445,65 329 729,78 3 394 939,04 0,00 0,00 0,00 914 207,24 189 831,22 1 954 526,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 807 580,40 213 886,15 2 202 198,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 422 222,00 192 737,00 1 984 444,24 0,00 0,00 0,00 382 183,07 119 990,26 1 235 434,66 0,00 0,00 0,00 401 979,97 144 885,82 1 491 762,52 0,00 0,00 0,00 472 680,00 74 865,24 770 821,88 0,00 0,00 0,00 432 960,00 59 246,84 610 012,86 0,00 0,00 0,00 372 840,00 66 714,46 686 900,43 0,00 0,00 total kWh 122 565 218,70 105 355 881,06 113 706 597,65 4 227 384,69 2 868 733,24 3 009 778,94 2 406 666,24 1 617 617,74 1 893 742,49 1 243 501,88 1 042 972,86 1 059 740,43 19,56 GWh 10,77 GWh Source of energy conversion parameters: CSMB 2012-2013 GHG Report 38 Energy savings GWh 17,21 8,86 1,36 1,22 0,79 0,51 0,20 0,18 Appendix 3 – Conflict of interest review checklist Conflict of interest review checklist The verifier and the verification team must ensure that they are truly independent from the project, project proponent(s), quantifier, and/or other agents related to the project. The verifier shall avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest with the project proponent and the intended users of the GHG information. Client name: Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Report identification: Verification report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) reduction project – CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions project- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 Date of report: September 24, 2014 Professional: Gontran Bage I confirm the following: Yes No Details Independence I remained independent of the activity being verified, and free from bias and conflict of interest. I maintained objectivity throughout the verification to ensure that the findings and conclusions will be based on objective evidence generated during the verification. Ethical conduct I have demonstrated ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification process. Fair presentation I have reflected truthfully and accurately verification activities, findings, conclusions and reports. I have reported significant obstacles encountered during the verification process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinions among verifiers, the responsible party and the client. Due professional care I have exercised due professional care and judgment in accordance with the importance of the task performed and the confidence placed by clients and intended users. I have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the verification. 24 septembre 2014 Signature Date Conflict of interest review checklist The verifier and the verification team must ensure that they are truly independent from the project, project proponent(s), quantifier, and/or other agents related to the project. The verifier shall avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest with the project proponent and the intended users of the GHG information. Client name: Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Report identification: Verification report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) reduction project – CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions project- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 Date of report: September 24, 2014 Professional: Victor Poudelet I confirm the following: Yes No Details Independence I remained independent of the activity being verified, and free from bias and conflict of interest. I maintained objectivity throughout the verification to ensure that the findings and conclusions will be based on objective evidence generated during the verification. Ethical conduct I have demonstrated ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification process. Fair presentation I have reflected truthfully and accurately verification activities, findings, conclusions and reports. I have reported significant obstacles encountered during the verification process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinions among verifiers, the responsible party and the client. Due professional care I have exercised due professional care and judgment in accordance with the importance of the task performed and the confidence placed by clients and intended users. I have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the verification. 24 septembre 2014 Signature Date Conflict of interest review checklist The verifier and the verification team must ensure that they are truly independent from the project, project proponent(s), quantifier, and/or other agents related to the project. The verifier shall avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest with the project proponent and the intended users of the GHG information. Client name: Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Report identification: Verification report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) reduction project – CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions project- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 Date of report: September 24, 2014 Professional: Mathieu Lendick I confirm the following: Yes No Details Independence I remained independent of the activity being verified, and free from bias and conflict of interest. I maintained objectivity throughout the verification to ensure that the findings and conclusions will be based on objective evidence generated during the verification. Ethical conduct I have demonstrated ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification process. Fair presentation I have reflected truthfully and accurately verification activities, findings, conclusions and reports. I have reported significant obstacles encountered during the verification process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinions among verifiers, the responsible party and the client. Due professional care I have exercised due professional care and judgment in accordance with the importance of the task performed and the confidence placed by clients and intended users. I have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the verification. 24 septembre 2014 Signature Date Conflict of interest review checklist The verifier and the verification team must ensure that they are truly independent from the project, project proponent(s), quantifier, and/or other agents related to the project. The verifier shall avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest with the project proponent and the intended users of the GHG information. Client name: Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Report identification: Verification report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) reduction project – CSMB energy efficiency measures for GHG Emission reductions project- January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013 Date of report: September 24, 2014 Professional: Gérald Daly I confirm the following: Yes No Details Independence I remained independent of the activity being verified, and free from bias and conflict of interest. I maintained objectivity throughout the verification to ensure that the findings and conclusions will be based on objective evidence generated during the verification. Ethical conduct I have demonstrated ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification process. Fair presentation I have reflected truthfully and accurately verification activities, findings, conclusions and reports. I have reported significant obstacles encountered during the verification process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinions among verifiers, the responsible party and the client. Due professional care I have exercised due professional care and judgment in accordance with the importance of the task performed and the confidence placed by clients and intended users. I have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the verification. 24 septembre 2014 Signature Date
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