BLJC 2011 Sustainability Report Final_3


BLJC 2011 Sustainability Report Final_3
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
BLJC is the first Canadian organization to offer fully-integrated, national Real
Estate Management Services. Providing services to over 134 million sq. ft. of space
in Canada, BLJC offers its clients innovative outsourcing and on demand solutions
that address their unique requirements. We work hand-in-hand with our clients to
manage their buildings efficiently, optimize their space, lower their energy usage
and reduce costs in their facilities, leases and construction. BLJC’s shareholders
include Johnson Controls Inc. and Brookfield Properties Corporation. Combined with
our related companies, we have over 40 years of experience and our team of 1,500
skilled professionals leads the industry.
A Message from BLJC’s President,
Gord Hicks
A caring, innovative, high performing team…this is our culture at BLJC.
As I reviewed this report and reflected on what our organization has accomplished over
the last year, it gave me great pride to find numerous examples where day-to-day
decisions and actions reinforced our culture.
It is my strong belief that our values of Unwavering Integrity, Relentlessly Building Employee Engagement,
Driving Change in the Pursuit of Customer Satisfaction, Passion for Innovation, and Living Sustainability,
encourage behaviors that are making a positive contribution to our customers, team members, shareholders
and our communities at large.
To reinforce the adoption of BLJC values, in FY2011 our Annual Merit Review program was revised to directly
measure our team members’ performance against our values, hence, making success at BLJC both a function
of what results are achieved and how they are achieved.
Our commitment to operating in this manner has not only resulted in tremendous business success with
almost 25% growth over the last 24 months, but of equal importance, we made tremendous strides in all areas
of Sustainability... Environmental, Economic and People.
In 2011, within the area of Environmental Stewardship, we supported our clients in reducing their energy
consumption by over 200,400 GJ, which resulted in reducing their CO2 emissions by 22,140 tonnes. This is
equivalent to removing 5,000 cars from the highway annually.
Further, in direct alignment with our Vision as "a role model for sustainable operating practices”, BLJC hosted
a “Sustainable Workplaces” event last March. We engaged over 150 Real Estate professionals from across a
number of industries to learn about the innovative initiatives that some of Canada’s leading companies have
successfully implemented. Attendees learned how these organizations reinvented their respective workplaces
to operate at optimal efficiency, reducing both their costs and carbon emissions.
Our environmental sustainability commitment was validated in May of 2011 when Macleans and Canadian
Business magazines recognized BLJC for the second consecutive year as one of Canada’s Top 30
Greenest Companies.
Under the pillar of Economic, BLJC continued to support our communities by
fundraising and making donations to charitable organizations and institutions,
equivalent to a minimum of 1% of our annual earnings.
Hundreds of BLJC team members participated and volunteered in different events across the country this past
year—from the Walk for Prostate Cancer in St. John’s, Newfoundland, to the Victoria Charity Casino event that
raised $32,000 for Kidsport, CARING continued to be a big part of BLJC team members’ agenda.
People is the third pillar of our triple bottom line approach to sustainability. In 2011, our company invested over
$400,000 in training and development for our team members.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
We launched a major Critical Environment training initiative founded on the ICOR certification program. With
the knowledge that great leaders create a great workplace, we introduced an eight module Leadership
Development program to over 100 people managers in BLJC.
We continued to invest in our technology tools and platforms, streamlining and automating work processes,
while enabling greater opportunities for some team members to work remotely, contributing to an enhanced
work life balance.
At BLJC, we have 11 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) committees that are each led by a Regional
Ambassador. These leaders and their committee members
contribute a great deal of their time to drive successful CSR
Accountability: The Vice President of Energy and
initiatives within their respective regions. I would like to
Sustainability is responsible for leading all
environmental initiatives at BLJC. The Vice
personally thank them for their significant contribution to our
President for Human Resources is responsible
success in 2011.
for all people initiatives at BLJC and the Vice
These leaders are:
• Pat Coady – Newfoundland
• Adrian Munroe – Nova Scotia
• Alain Chaput – Quebec
• Joe Abel – Ottawa
• Susan Featherstone – GTA
• Bradley Stephens – Southwestern Ontario
• Cathy Blanch – Edmonton
• Shelby Guthrie - Calgary
• Dena Chicoine -BC Interior
• Ian Watson – Vancouver Lower Mainland
• Joanne Lawrence – Vancouver Island
I would like to also thank all our valued customers, suppliers
and team members for their participation, contribution and
support of our sustainability program throughout 2011.
President of Finance of BLJC is the lead for all
economic initiatives within BLJC. These three
team members directly report to the President
on the status of all BLJC sustainability initiatives
and any corrective measures that are necessary,
and the President is ultimately accountable for
the sustainability of this organization.
Transparency: BLJC is making every effort to
report our results with the highest level of
integrity, and transparency. In doing so we hope
to emphasize the hard work and dedication made
by all BLJC team members, and the lessons
learned both positive and negative, as we move
forward on our sustainability journey.
Honesty: This CSR report outlines our ability to
recognize daily challenges, how we plan to
address these challenges and establish a
strategy to move forward on being a socially, and
environmentally conscious company.
As you review this report, I am confident you will conclude that
BLJC is indeed improving our society—in the services that we deliver to our clients, how we provide leadership
to our industry, and how we make supporting the communities in which we operate a priority through our
fundraising, donations and volunteerism.
In as much as BLJC achieved a great deal this past year, we are committed to do even more in 2012!
Gord Hicks
President, BLJC
Copyright © 2011 BLJC
At BLJC, we strive to make decisions that have a
minimal impact on the environment on behalf of our
clients, suppliers, and team members. We
understand that in order for BLJC to decrease its
ecological footprint we have to dig deep and go
beyond changing a few light bulbs, and shift our
perception towards a sustainable business that is
built for the future. In doing so, BLJC hopes to
continue to invoke a leadership presence in the
industry that can assist our clients and other
organizations by demonstrating an excellence in
environmental stewardship. Our goal is to provide
sustainable real estate solutions for our clients’
portfolios that have zero impact on the environment
and, in some, instances may produce restorative
capabilities as well.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Environmental Initiatives at a Glance
FY 2011 Metricss, Objectives, and Results
Reporting Performance Indicator
Policy and
• To ensure all staff are trained on all
environmental policies and our
environmental management system in
order to be in compliance and/or above
compliance with environmental
• To achieve zero non-compliances
throughout 2011.
GHG Emission
• To reduce corporate office GHG
emissions intensity by 5% in 2011 from
• To reduce our GHG Fleet emissions
intensity by 5% from 2010.
• To reduce GHG emissions by 3% in 2011
at our client sites by introducing energy
conservation and efficiency initiatives.
• To continue our commitment to purchase
100% renewable energy for our corporate
• We used energy more efficiently in our Corporate offices in 2011
with a reduction in absolute emissions of 34.5 t CO2e. GHG
emission intensity also decreased in 2011 by 19% surpassing our
GHG emission reduction target of 5%.
• In 2011, our fleet GHG emissions increased by 405 t CO2e due to
our expansion of our roving technician service and additional fleet
vehicles. We continue to look for opportunities to make our fleet
more efficient as we grow our business.
• We supported our clients in reducing their energy consumption by
over 200,400 GJ, which resulted in reducing their CO2 emissions
by 22,140 t CO2e, a 5.4 % reduction. These reductions surpassed
our 2011 target of 3% and were achieved by implementing
comprehensive energy and sustainability programs within our
client portfolios.
• Purchased 100% renewable energy in 2011 for BLJC corporate
• To demonstrate industry leadership by
promoting best practices where possible
and through our involvement with CaGBC
and the Green Greater Toronto Council.
• To begin reporting performance metrics
on our Zero Waste Challenge Initiative.
• To continue to promote successful
environmental initiatives internally with
our team members and clients through
out Acts of Green website and through
our BLJC daily electronic news stories.
• To host a “Sustainable Workplaces”
conference to educate and inspire
industry executives to reduce their
corporate environment footprint.
• Gord Hicks, our President, and many team members continue to
be involved with CaGBC providing needed support and promotion.
Our President served as the Vice-Chair of the Canadian Host
Committee for GreenBuild held in Toronto this past October.
• We reported successful accomplishment on our Zero Waste
Challenge, 100% diversion of waste from landfills.
• BLJC continues to promote environment initiatives internally
through our green wall, case studies, intranet new stories,
employee newsletters and Acts of Green website.
• BLJC developed and hosted the “Sustainable Workplace” event in
Toronto on March 2, 2011, with over 150 industry executives
present to learn about workplace optimization best practices.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
• All relevant team members have been trained on environmental
policies and our environmental management system.
• Systems in place for compliance:
• Compliance Work Order system for ozone depleting
• Standardized Incident Report (IR) system for spills.
• Annual Building Inspection (ABI) process.
• Internal Environmental Compliance Audits.
• EMS training and awareness for all staff.
• No fines or penalties were received by legislative bodies for
non-compliance throughout 2011.
Looking Forward
d: 2012 Performance Targets
Performance Target
Policy and
• To continue to ensure all staff are trained on all environmental policies and our environmental management
system in order to be in compliance and/or above compliance with environmental regulations.
• To implement enhanced quality assurance to validate current processes and audit compliance records.
• To achieve zero legislative non-compliances throughout 2012.
GHG Emission
• To reduce corporate office GHG emissions intensity by 3% from 2011.
• To reduce GHG Fleet emissions intensity by 3% from 2011.
• To reduce GHG emissions intensity by 5% from 2011 at our client sites by continuing to introduce and implement
energy conservation and efficiency initiatives.
• To continue to commit to purchase 100% renewable energy for our corporate facilities.
• To increase the overall number of ISO 14064 CSA Inventory trained staff in 2012.
• To continue the training of our key team members so they can support our clients with their sustainability
initiatives. This will help prepare them for GHG emission management activities in the future.
• To conduct in May/June 2012 a Canadian wide “Inspired Future” sustainable conference, engaging 500 industry
professionals around sustainability performance in real estate.
• To continue our voluntary support to CaGBC throughout 2012.
Environmental Policy and Regulatory Compliance
Environmental Policy and Management System
BLJC is committed to integrating environmental aspects in its vision,
business planning activities and day-to-day operations. All aspects of our
company, from building management to project management, are
conducted in accordance with sound environmental practices. We ensure
this through the implementation of our environmental policy and
management system, which is reviewed annually, has a system of
accountability, and a process to ensure above standard compliance with
regulations. We continually expect all of BLJC employees to be diligent
with regards to environmental considerations and we reinforce this by
building their Environmental Management System capacity through
knowledge, skills, technology, and training.
For the 2nd year BLJC participated in
the McNabs and Lawlor Islands
Beach Cleanup, N.S.
Regulatory Compliance:
Reducing Ozone Releases into the Environment
Ozone depleting substances (halocarbons) continue to track as one of BLJC’s most significant environmental aspects. This
is due to the fact that much of our business involves maintaining and servicing HVAC equipment on behalf of our clients. In
order to ensure regulatory compliance on behalf of our clients, BLJC leverages its Work Order and Computerized
Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) to track equipment requiring specific attention under the regulations. Specific
job plans within CMMS are implemented as appropriate for all tasks involving ozone depleting substances; the job plan
forms a trail guide to the technician performing the work by carefully laying out work protocols. This, coupled with regular
team member training on storage tanks, halocarbon management, and EMS awareness, ultimately serves to reduce the
frequency of accidental spills or releases. Compliance adherence is a metric that is measured and reported monthly at all
levels, including BLJC's President.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Spill Prevention and Ensuring Environmental Compliance
Our standardized Incident Reporting (IR) system is also an effective tool used by BLJC to ensure that appropriate parties
are quickly engaged in the event of a spill or release. Evaluation of spill containment, spill response preparedness, and
other leak prevention/detection systems are elements of the scheduled Preventive Maintenance Program, the Annual
Building Inspection (ABI) process, and the environmental compliance audits performed by BLJC’s HSE management team.
The regulatory compliance system in place at BLJC ensures that all releases or spills are reported, where appropriate,
according to regulations. In FY 2011, BLJC received no fines and/or penalties from legislative bodies due to environmental
non-compliances. This is directly attributed to the effective policies and processes that continue to be maintained under
our ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System.
BLJC Procurement Sustainable Policy
Incorporated in our RFx (commercial contracting) processes , we include an
environmental questionnaire as part of our evaluation criteria. Furthermore, as
part of our vendor qualification, suppliers are also required to sign off on the
"BLJC Health, Safety and Environmental policy for Contractors Handbook". Both
of these initiatives ensure that suppliers adopt similar environmental practices in
their business to those of BLJC.
BLJC has implemented strategic partnerships with organizations such as Pinchin Environmental Services providing
solution-focused services in the environmental remediation, building science and health and safety fields for our clients.
As janitorial services can consume large portions of harmful chemicals, BLJC has established strategic partners with a
select group of Canada’s premier janitorial and building services companies.
Green Building Services include:
Green Cleaning policy and a green/high performance cleaning program
Effectiveness assessment
Purchase and use of green cleaning products, materials and energy efficient equipment
Chemical and pollutant source control
Solid waste management (recycling)
Resource conservation
Additional sustainable procurement programs include integrating our vendors into our long term sustainability plans. We
are working with vendors like Philips Lighting to implement lighting programs that include the safe recycling of bulbs and
lighting upgrades throughout our managed portfolios. Philips Lighting is a worldwide leader in developing LED and other
lighting technology solutions that aid in the global transition to a sustainable society, while delivering economic, ecological
and social benefit.
Carbon Footprint: GHG Emission Reductions
Climate Change Strategy
BLJC recognizes the impact that our operations have on the planet. That’s why we have a variety of GHG reduction
initiatives for our corporate sites and we focus on energy conservation, technological improvements, behavioral changes
and GHG reductions for our clients. Here are more details on these initiatives.
Corporate Initiatives
Installed centralized monitoring systems: This initiative provides enhanced monitoring and control of building energy
systems to improve environmental performance and occupancy comfort.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Philips Lighting Innovation Technologies: This strategic partnership includes efforts to
optimize lighting effectiveness and leverage incentive programs from utilities for
auditing facilities, calculating ROI on new projects, as well as, safely recycling bulbs
that have reached their end of life.
2011 BLJC Corporate GHG
Emissions Profile
Workplace Flexibility: This year, we increased the options for specific team members
to work from home and virtually. Based on departmental requirements, a work-fromhome-policy is in place to encourage team members to reduce their GHG emissions,
and have a more flexible work schedule. The initiative reduces GHG emissions from
employee commuting, business travel, and helps Team Members achieve work-life
balance. If every BLJC team member were to telecommute once a week for an entire
year, BLJC would be able to reduce GHG emissions by 500 t CO2e. That’s the
equivalent of reducing CO2 emissions from the combustion of 51,000 gallons of
Corporate GHG Inventory: In 2009, we committed to publicly reporting our corporate
GHG emissions from a 2006 baseline. In this year’s report, we have included our 2011
BLJC Corporate Emissions Profile and our total absolute GHG emissions (t CO2e). In
2011, BLJC's business grew significantly. As a result, our total GHG emissions
climbed 22% to 3,312 t CO2e.
We were able to use energy more efficiently in our Corporate offices in 2011 with a
reduction in energy intensity of 2%. The following charts illustrate the reductions
BLJC has made in the area of building energy and building GHG
emissions intensity.
Energy Intensity [MJ/m2]
Total Building Emissions Intensity
2006 2007 2008
Emissions Intensity [tCO2e/m2]
Total Building Energy Intensity
Building Direct Fuel
Building Indirect (Electricity)
reduction in energy
intensity of
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Reducing GHG Emissions from our Fleet: Our vehicle fleet continues to be our largest source of GHG emissions. In 2011
our fleet GHG emissions increased by 405 t CO2e due to our expansion of our roving technician service and leasing of
additional vehicles. We continue to look for opportunities to make our fleet more efficient as we grow our business.
Given that this is such a large proportion of our emissions, BLJC is committed to exploring new opportunities to reduce
emissions from our service fleet. Wherever possible, we purchase hybrid vehicles to be utilized in the delivery of our
services.Today, BLJC has 16 hybrid vehicles in our fleet and plans on purchasing more, as older vehicles reach the end of
their useful life.
BLJC Vehicle Fleet Emissions Intensity
(Only Measured KM's included)
Emissions Intensity [tCO2e/km]
Client Initiatives
Reducing GHG Emissions from our Client Sites: In the past year, we have
implemented a number of GHG reduction projects for our clients, from small
retail sites to large complex corporate data centres.
total emissions
reduction of
22,140 t CO2e in 2011
Some of our innovative projects include:
• Lighting Retrofits
• Energy Conservation Projects including Building Automation system
• Operational Commissioning
• Demand Response Management
In 2010, BLJC met our target to reduce GHG emissions by 5% at our client sites, compared to 2009.For 2011, we reduced
GHG emissions a further 5.4% 1, which resulted in a total emission reduction of 22,140 t CO2e since 2010. This is equivalent
to taking 5,000 cars off the road for a year2 . In 2012, we plan to achieve further reductions at our client sites by continuing
to provide energy efficiency service solutions to our clients.
Demonstrating Industry Leadership
Sustainability Road Show - “An Inspired Future”
In 2012, BLJC is hosting a cross country road show to engage 500 industry professionals in sustainability initiatives in
commercial real estate. The theme for the road show will focus on inspiring leaders to make changes that will ultimately
affect the future of our planet through significantly reducing their corporation‘s environmental footprints.
1 The following assumptions were used to calculate this data: 1. Companies that have significantly increased their footprint or where their core business operations growth has
materially impacted their energy consumption, have been excluded from the calculations. 2. Estimates were used for some leased spaces where direct energy consumption
data was not available; these estimates were based on generally accepted proxy data.
2 Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved February 2012:
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
LEED EBOM Certification
This year, a number of BLJC client buildings are obtaining their certification for the LEED EBOM Certification, a new
standard for certifying existing buildings to the LEED standard. BLJC will support this process alongside our clients by
providing consulting services.
Our Support and Involvement with CaGBC
Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) is an organization whose goal is to lead and accelerate
the transformation of buildings to high-performing, healthy green buildings, homes and
communities throughout Canada. BLJC team members are committed to serve in positions
within CaGBC; for example, Gord Hicks, the President of BLJC served as the Vice-Chair of
Greenbuild 2011 Toronto Host Committee. The Greenbuild conference is the world’s largest
international conference and expo dedicated to green buildings. Currently, we have over 100
team members who are members of the CaGBC and 49 team members that are LEED™ AP’s, of
which many are involved with CaGBC’s Green Up program and the training of new LEED
Accredited Professionals. Through these efforts, BLJC continues to push the envelope and help
make our industry greener.
New in 2012
Green champions
Michael Wymant at
the Evergreen
Brick Works,
in Toronto.
This year BLJC is expanding its CSR committee and creating a Green Champions round table. The focus will be to create
unique and interactive ways for the team to engage fellow co-workers. By using a bottom up approach and creating a
grassroots method for reaching out to all those green champions on the BLJC team, we will strive to channel their
passion and love for the environment to drive change across the business.
Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-Up (Stanley Park Vancouver):
Garbage total weight 140 lbs,
Recycling weight 45 lbs.
Total of 29 team members.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Zero waste initiative’s greatest value is in its scalability!
In 2012, BLJC will begin to take the Zero Waste
Challenge to our clients as a service offering.
Looking back at 2011’s Solid Waste Diversion Program,
BLJC achieved some major targets! BLJC’s Head office
located in Markham, Ontario – just north of Toronto
demonstrated its leadership in waste management. This
single 100,000 sq. ft. facility diverted a total of 77 tons of
solid waste from landfill-this represents 100% diversion,
including 13 tonnes of waste to energy, 13 tonnes of
compost, 7 tonnes of cardboard and 42 tonnes of paper.
To understand the impact, this is equivalent to 11
elephants, or 51 Toyota Priuses.
Paper was 54 percent of our waste stream and we are
committed to becoming more digital and less paperdependent. BLJC continues to invest in our technology to
address our goal of becoming a paperless organization.
There are approximately 500 occupants in our corporate
office. Their success in diverting waste from landfill
provides a point of reference for other BLJC clients and
offices to adopt similar practices.
The lessons learned at our corporate office are being
applied to other buildings within our clients’ portfolio,
helping them achieve their waste reduction targets. The
greatest impact of the zero waste initiative is the
scalability. If we assist clients launch a zero waste
program across their portfolios – the opportunity for
reduction is enormous, and the positive impact can be
very significant!
BLJC’s Waste breaks down into
8 different waste streams:
Digging deeper, BLJC knows that with the initial success
of becoming a Zero Waste facility comes loftier targets
for 2012 and beyond. By assessing the Waste Diversion
reports provided by our waste provider, we see that there
is still room for improvement.
As part of the CSR committee and the Green team, BLJC
will focus on how these numbers can be improved. We
understand the importance of recycling and reusing, but
our primary aim is to reduce. This means minimizing our
consumption in all environmental areas including
energy, water and waste.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Energy + Sustainability Team Profile
“Collaboration – that’s what this is all about, it’s working as a team to get the end result for the client.” Penny Prebble,
BLJC Energy Coordinator.
A team is only as good as the sum of its parts, however in
the Energy & Sustainability (E&S) department’s case, it’s
even better. The department is made up of a balance of
engineers, certified energy managers, GHG Inventory
quantifiers/verifiers, LEED AP’s, project managers,
energy analysts, and several technicians. Collectively,
they have worked on well over 200 LEED projects,
implemented Zero Waste initiatives, and are members of
the CaGBC, International Facility Management
Association (IFMA), and a myriad of industry/sector
committees and organizations.
Working across BLJC’s Canadian portfolio, the E&S team
used a proactive solution-based approach to identify
major savings through operational efficiencies and
conservation measures. A prime illustration of the team’s
impact was implementing energy retrofit projects for two
clients that covered over 1,400 sites across Canada. There
was a cumulative reduction of 42,000,000 ekWh’s –
enough to power nearly 4,200 homes per year!
Major Milestones for our Team members
• LEED certification of a Class A building of 1.5 M sq ft
Another major project included a comprehensive energy
retrofit plan that would reduce construction cost, reduce
operating costs, and improve the retail shopping
experience. The client received 27.4% ($4,487,270) of the
installation and material costs back in rebates and
incentives. These incentives coupled with the proven
results of this project yielded a simple payback of
approximately 2.62 years. The client also reduced their
annual utility cost by $4.5Mand GHG emissions fell by
10,850 metric tons/year, which is equivalent to taking
2,455 cars off the road for a year or planting 64,974 trees
per year.
By utilizing proven processes, technology and
collaboration, below are examples of how BLJC’s Energy
& Sustainability team continues to positively affect
clients’ triple bottom line, and reduce the environmental
impact on the planet. Their hard work is a testament to
BLJC’s overarching value of sustainability.
Calgary, Alberta.
LEED EBOM Certification of 3 Class A towers in Calgary
5M sq. ft.
LEED EBOM Certification of Canada's first bank branch.
Implemented energy retrofit projects for two clients
that covered over 1,400 sites across Canada.
Reduced the energy consumption cumulatively by
42,000,000 ekWh’s – enough to power 4,200 homes
per year.
Ontario District School Board energy conservation
measures valued at more than $7M, and resulting in
annual utility savings of $800k.
Ontario Hospital energy conservation measures valued
at more than $10M, and resulting in annual utility
savings of $1.1 M.
Municipality energy conservation measures valued at
more than $2M, resulting in annual utility savings of
Major Financial Institution whose lighting project
costing $770K saved 3.6 million kWh, a reduction of 790
t CO2e of annual GHG emissions and financial savings
of $360K per year.
Re-commissioning low cost/no cost savings of $70,700
identified for a major business park and implemented
by the landlord’s own operations and maintenance staff.
Identified 8,370 GJ savings for a retail client for 20
stores with an overall payback of 5 years.
Identified 11,480 GJ savings for a telecommunications
client with an overall payback less than 5 years.
Sustainable planning and strategy for 200 energy
projects including 100+ LEED locations.
BLJC’s E&S Team:(Back row left to right) William
Hum, Reta Lew, Peter Rombos, David Hewitt, Evan
Jones, (Front row) Tommy Wong, Mike Mahabir,
Penny Prebble. (Absent: Michael Wymant, Eddie
Camilleri, Eddie Wood, Craig Chan, Will Trayner,
Richard Egli, Jim Dyke, Rob O’Keeffe)
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
At BLJC, we recognize that our team members are
the life force of our organization and may come from
varying backgrounds, different generations, and are
dispersed across Canada. The entire team is
dedicated to the BLJC values;
Unwavering Integrity, Relentlessly Building
Employee Engagement, Driving change in the
pursuit of Customer Satisfaction, Passion for
Innovation, and Living Sustainability.The hard work
and dedication of BLJC team members is supported
through continuous career development
opportunities like Continuous E-Learning, Tuition
Assistance and professional designation training.
Our team member’s effectiveness does not stop at
our walls; it flows into our communities. We are
continuously supporting local charities, not-forprofits, and other philanthropic organizations, that
help build healthy communities, promote team
building and develop positive relationships in the
communities in which we operate.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
People Initiatives at a Glance
FY 2011 Metriccs, Objectives, and Results
Reporting Performance Indicator
Team Member
• To implement a Leadership Development
Training Program by April 1, 2011.
• To train all BLJC Team Leaders by
deploying our Leadership Development
• To value our team members by investing in
their career development and training.
• To increase our promotions from within the
company as an indicator of team member
• To increase quarterly Beyond the Promise
(a peer to peer recognition program)
nominations by 25% through the creation
of a culture of spontaneous recognition.
• To deliver our Total Rewards Statements to
team members in February.
• To ensure that 75% of Facility Managers
are either certified or are working towards
completion of either a CFM or RPA
designation (ongoing).
• To increase the number of LEED™ AP
certified team members, and ICOR
Certified team members.
• To maintain turnover rates 25% below
industry averages.
• To ensure that all team members have
development plans (“What are your career
aspirations?”) by January 15, 2011.
• To redesign and deploy our Performance
Management system to incorporate
behaviours and values.
• BLJC implemented an 8 module Leadership Development
Program to over 100 people managers in BLJC.
• BLJC team members spent 6,300 hrs or 3 person years, training
on core safety and values including WHMIS, Ethics, Integrity and
• In 2011 we invested over $400,000 into team member
development representing a significant increase year over year.
We supported 39 team members who attained their ICOR Certified
Data Centre Professional accreditation, thus enhancing their
knowledge and skills in managing critical facilities on behalf of
our clients.
• In 2011, we had 93 internal promotions representing an almost
45% increase from 2010.
• We experienced a steady stream of quarterly Beyond the Promise
Award nominees and continue to leverage our daily news program
as a means for nomination, easing the process for team
members. This resulted in greater visibility throughout the
organization and a marked improvement in the quality of
nominations submitted.
• In February 2011, we issued our updated Total Rewards
Statements Program for the second year in a row with great
success and excellent Team Member feedback. Our efforts were
recognized in the leading Canadian HR Reporter.
• We continue to see year over year increases in the number of
Facility Managers pursuing either the FMP, CFM, RPA, and FMA
designations with 70% of our Facility Managers registered or
working towards a CFM, RPA, or FMA designation.
• Our total complement of LEED™ AP certified and LEED™
Associates continues to grow steadily.
• Our 2011 turnover rates declined to 14% below industry averages.
BLJC continues to look at initiatives that will reduce our turnover
• All team members have development plans in place as part of our
“Optimizer Performance Management Program,” which includes
a mandatory minimum bi-annual performance review with all our
team members.
• Our Performance Management System was successfully
redesigned to incorporate the measurement of team members
adoption of our values and corresponding behaviours which are
now weighted equally with results related objectives for the
purpose of determining merit increases.
invested over
into team member development
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Team Member
• To achieve a Hewitt Best Employer survey
participation score of 85%.
• To introduce the measurement of a Team
Member evaluation of our Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) activities.
• To increase our overall Hewitt Best
Employer survey engagement score to
• To continue to value our employees by
enhancing our employee rewards and
recognition program.
• To focus on coaching skills and
motivational skills, enhancing BLJC’s
workplace environment and in supporting
our culture of a caring, innovative, highperforming team.
• To continue to engage Team Members in
recruiting activities for new Team
• Our Hewitt Best Employer survey participation score remained
very high and we surpassed our participation target with a score
of 86%.
• Our Corporate Social Responsibility metric has increased to 88%
and remains on par with other Best Employers in Canada. As a
result of our continued exceptional performance, we were
selected for the second year in a row to the prestigious Green 30
representing the 30 Greenest Employers in Canada.
• Our employee engagement score climbed back up to 61% from
2010. We saw significant increases in our engagement scores for
our People Leaders as well, with increases in 19 of the 21 key
engagement drivers.
• HR team continues to promote rewards and recognition through
enhanced and more frequent rewards-based communications
which has led to a 29% increase in the number of “Beyond the
Promise on the Spot” rewards issued to our team members. In
2011, we saw an 8% increase in our overall Recognition score as
measured by the Hewitt Best Employer survey.
• Our HR team developed and facilitated two interactive leadership
training courses (Coaching and Leader As Motivator). The first two
modules were delivered to over 100 Team Leaders across the
country with excellent feedback received.
• Over 50 Persona cards in the amount of $750 for part time
permanent hires or $1,500 for full time permanent hires were
given out to Team Members who recommended individuals for
employment and that were ultimately hired in our Team Member
Referral Program.
Health and
• To ensure that 100% of our staff have
renewed or completed their WHMIS Health
and Safety training in 2011.
• To improve our medical aid, lost time and
days lost rates from our 2011 levels with a
target of zero.
• 100% of our staff have renewed or completed their WHMIS Health
and Safety Training in 2011.
• The BLJC Medical Aid rate decreased in 2011 by 0.06%, although
the severity of the incidents as measured by the Lost Time
incident rate increased. The Lost Days rate also saw a significant
jump due to a single case where the team member could not
immediately partake in the modified work offering due to the
nature of the injury.
Looking F
Forward: 2012 Performance Targets
Performance Target
• To value our team members by continuing to invest in their career development and training.
• To enhance the technical skill level of select team members with respect to Critical Facilities/Environments and
provide more value added capabilities to our clients via ICOR Level I and Level II training, increased ICOR
certified staff to 60.
• To develop and facilitate two Leadership Development programs (i.e. Managing Performance and Influence and
Persuasion) to be delivered to our People Leaders throughout the organization by June 2012.
• To increase our promotions from within the company as an indicator of team member development.
• To enhance and rollout our updated Total Rewards Statements program in February 2012.
• To have 75% of Facility Managers either certified or working towards completion of either a CFM, RPA, FMA, or
FMP designation by June 2012.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
• To achieve a minimum of 88% participation rate for the 2012 Hewitt Best Employer Survey.
• To launch an annual Career Fair within BLJC to support career advancement of team members.
• To partner with a vendor to develop and deliver an on-line Optimizer Performance Management solution to be in
place by September 2012.
• To continue to measure Team Member opinion of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and
engage more team members in this program.
• To increase our overall Hewitt Best Employer survey engagement score by 4% over the prior year.
• To review and redesign our team members’ rewards and recognition program and continue to enhance the
effectiveness of the program.
Health and
• To achieve a Total Recordable Injury Rate Goal of 0.75 (TRIR) the sum of Medical Aid Rate and Lost Time
• To achieve a Lost Time Injury Rate Goal of 0.20 (LTIR).
Creating a Safe and Healthy Workspace:
Health and Safety Record
Over the last few years we have been investing to improve our health and safety record and we have made significant
achievements. Our three year health and safety rate is as follows:
Medical Aid
Any workplace injury beyond first aid
# Medical Aid Cases X
200,000 / Total Hours
(2009) 0.67
# Lost Time Cases X
200,000 / Total Hours
(2009) 0.25
Lost Time
A medical aid injury where a worker
has missed time away from work on
his next scheduled shift the day
immediately after the injury.
NEER stands for New Experimental Experience Rating and is used
by the province of Ontario to benchmarrk a firm’s performance
within a given rate group.
Rate (2009-2011)
(2010) 0.56
(2011) 0.50
(2010) 0.28
(2011) 0.65
Rate (2009-2011)
(2009) 0.21
(2010) 0.02
(2011) 0.00
Safety Training
As of September 30th, 2011 100% of the BLJC staff has completed their annual WHMIS and required role-based safety
training. All new and current team members are required to re-certify annually.
Team Member Development
Investing in our Team Members
At BLJC, our team members are ambassadors of our organization and they are our greatest asset; therefore, we place a
major emphasis on skills development and related training. BLJC invests significant dollars for skills development, as
well as, Health and Safety and specific on-the-job training and development. All team members have development plans
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
in place as part of our “Optimizer Performance Management Program,” which includes a mandatory minimum bi-annual
performance review with all our team members. Our Performance Management System was successfully redesigned to
incorporate the measurement of team members’ adoption of our values and corresponding behaviours. These values and
behaviours are weighted equally with results related objectives for the purpose of determining merit increases. At the end
of the day, we believe that it is equally important how our team members achieve their objectives ensuring that our core
values are upheld. We have also delivered our enhanced 2011 Total Rewards Statements close on the heels of last year's
successful inaugural publication. The Total Rewards Statement provides all team members with an easy-to-read and
comprehensive overview of the cash and non-cash elements that make up their total compensation package including any
rewards and recognition.
Some of the learning opportunities that BLJC team members have access to include:
• Continuous e-Learning: This provides all team members with 24/7 access to approximately 50 courses, including
personal development, leadership development and various Microsoft applications. In addition, we have also now added
both the Management and Project Management Knowledge Centres which serve to significantly broaden the course
offering targeted for our Project Management team and all of our people leaders.
• Tuition Assistance Program for Team Members: A tuition reimbursement program in which team members can apply to
receive funding for academic courses towards their career development goals. From October 2010 to September 2011,
we invested almost $160,000 into team member development through this program.
• CFM/RPA or PMP: Facility Manager and Project Manager professional designation training and development
Our current turnover rates declined in fiscal 2011, and were favourable compared to the industry averages.
Leadership Training
Our HR team developed and facilitated two interactive leadership training courses (Coaching and Leader As Motivator).
The first two modules were delivered to over 100 Team Leaders across the country with excellent feedback received.
Integrity and Ethics
At BLJC, Unwavering Integrity is one of our five core Values. It is evident in everything we do
and, as such, our team members participate in recurring training that promotes ethical
behaviour and always acting with integrity. Depending on one's role, they also participate in
substantial role specific training. In 2011, we introduced Integrity Training Workshops for many
of our team members. As of September 30th 2011, 100% of BLJC team members have
completed Ethics training.
internal team
members were
in 2011.
Promoting Excellence
We believe that excellent work should be recognized and we do this through our performance management and team
member development program. As a result, 93 internal team members were promoted in 2011.
Team Member Engagement
Employee Engagement Survey
At BLJC, we are driven to become an Employer of Choice within our industry and a Best Employer in Canada. We believe
that this can only be accomplished through the development of a caring, innovative high performing team culture.In order
to gauge our progress against this goal, we participate annually in the Aon Hewitt Best Employers in Canada survey, which
provides us with deep, meaningful insights into the organization.
The top three areas of strength that Team Members identified within BLJC are:
1. Corporate Social Responsibility.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
2. Co-worker Relationships.
3. Benefits Programs.
In the past year's survey Team Members identified three areas that would have the greatest impact on employee
engagement at BLJC:
1. Work Process Improvement.
2. Enhanced Employer Reputation and Market Awareness.
3. Opportunities for Career Development.
In response to our team members’ feedback, we are focusing on the following
three initiatives for fiscal 2012:
1. Streamlining Work Processes to improve efficiency and provide a greater
work/life balance:
a. Invoice Processing CI deployment.
b. Work Order management Continuous Improvement (CI)
c. Vendor qualification Program deployment.
d. Role clarification and continuous technology application training for
Facility Managers and Property Service Coordinators.
e. Review and enhancement of the Annual Building Inspection process.
Annual Holiday Toy and
Drive conducted at Head Office
2. Enhance BLJC’s Brand and Image internally and externally:
and GTA client sites raised numerous
boxes of toys for Toy Mountain, and
a. Penetrate target markets and audiences by providing effective
food for a local Food Bank
messaging into those markets.
b. Provide enhanced and more frequent local leadership
c. Increase BLJC’s involvement and visibility in Industry Associations including ICSC, IFMA, ICOR, BOMA,
3. Continued focus on career planning and tracking for BLJC Team Members:
a. Offer career fairs internal to BLJC.
b. Drive career and training development discussions as part of the Optimizer process.
c. Rollout the second phase of Leadership Development training by June 2012.
We will continue to use Townhall meetings and conference calls to communicate our progress against these actions on a
regular basis. We will also be utilizing BLJC Insights Newsletter, as a vehicle to keep our Team Members up-to-date and
well-informed on how these process improvements are having a positive impact on team members’ day-to-day activities.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Score
We have been awarded for the second year in a row to the Green 30, representing the 30 Greenest Employers in Canada.
Our emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility is clearly having an impact on our team members and the organization.
Valuing Our Employees
Since the inception of our company, we have consistently strived to demonstrate how much we value our team members.
Over the years, we have developed the following incentives and benefits to ensure that our team members feel valued and
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
• Flexible Benefits — A benefits program which allows all Team Members to choose the benefits that support their
personal situation. The BLJC benefits plan ranks in the top 75th percentile when compared against other plans within
our industry.
• LifeWorks — This is an employee assistance program, which is a holistic offering of
counseling consults, research, and materials matters ranging from financial and
estate planning to parenting and elderly care.
Team Member Referral Program — Team members are encouraged to refer
increase in the “Beyond the
Promise on the Spot”
candidates for all open positions at BLJC with a $1,500 bonus for all successful
rewards program.
referrals. In 2010, we paid out $74,250 to team members for referring excellent
candidates that were ultimately hired by BLJC.
Paid Floater Days / Personal Responsibility Days — These are an allotted amount of days in which team members can
take off in order to take care of personal life issues.
Professional Dues Reimbursement — All professional dues for our team members are paid for by BLJC.
Beyond the Promise Recognition Program — A Peer to Peer and Team Leader to Team Member recognition program.
Our HR team continues to promote rewards and recognition through enhanced and more frequent rewards-based
communications, which has led to a 29% increase in the “Beyond the Promise on the Spot” rewards program.
Home and Auto Insurance Group Discount — Through The Personal Company, our team members can choose to receive
a discounted home and auto insurance rate.
Canada Savings Bonds — BLJC team members can make contributions to Canadian Savings Bonds through a payroll
deduction program, which provides a convenient method for making contributions. It is our intention to maintain and
strengthen these programs based on team member feedback.
Negotiated discounted fitness program at GoodLife Fitness.
Nutrition and Managing Stress seminars.
Wellness Week - In 2011, we launched our Wellness Week in an effort to further promote healthy living. It was a first for
BLJC and featured several webinars on health related topics; exercise classes; massage therapy; and a benefits fair
hosted by our group benefits provider.
Years of Service Awards program.
We are committed to strengthening our programs based on team member feedback and insights that we gain from our
partnerships in benchmarking activities.
Employment Equity and Diversity
The Employment Equity project was successfully implemented and included the creation of an Employment Equity
Committee which will help steer the organization to achieving its goals. We believe that our organization is enriched with a
diverse workforce, and our team members see it that way. It is a key differentiator both in terms of our success and our
ability to connect with the communities we serve and support. We will continue to weave it through the very fabric of our
COSTI Leadership Award
Beginning in 2010, BLJC partnered with COSTI Immigrant Services, a community-based multicultural agency providing
employment, educational, settlement and social services to all immigrant communities, new Canadians and individuals in
need of assistance. In our first year, we provided six week work placements to 13 program participants resulting in 3 fulltime contracts. In 2011, we grew the number of work placements to 23 program participants resulting in 3 full-time hires
and 13 full-time contract assignments. As a result of our efforts to support this program, BLJC received the COSTI
Leadership Award in 2011.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
BLJC Headquarters in Markham supports the youth of tomorrow, today!
As a way for BLJC to provide practical support to the
community, and develop long lasting relationships with
tomorrow’s work force, BLJC launched an outreach
program with students in their senior years from Dr.
Norman Bethune High School. Over the years, students
have gained professional experience in the working
environment thanks to BLJC’s head office in Markham,
which has supported over 20 high school student
Starting in 1999, the relationship between a few young
teenagers has blossomed into an impactful opportunity
for members of the community. By allowing students
from the Scarborough high school to work in various
professional environments (marketing, procurement, I.T.,
finance, etc), BLJC helped open the door for many young
The program was adopted to give youths the opportunity
to understand what a work environment is like, since
many young people are not sure what they want to do in
their professional careers, BLJC offers an insight into the
working world. This allows young students to experience
real world projects and learn from people that help
mentor them for success in their career selection. In
some cases the co-op students have generated long-term
relationships with BLJC and have continued to work as
team members long after their high-school careers have
Dar Lei, has been working at BLJC for over 10 years,
starting at the age of 17 through the Grade 12 co-op
program in 2002. “That sort of opportunity does not come
along often”, says Lei. Dar began his Co-op program in
Marketing, as a Graphic Designer and Administrator.
Since then, he has found the BLJC corporate culture quite
accommodating to developing his skills and climbed up
the corporate ladder to Senior Marketing Specialist. He is
viewed by the leadership team and his peers as a vital
asset to BLJC’s Marketing and Business Development
she highly valued the diversity of her experience, and it
influenced her decision to take the Office AdministrationExecutive program in College. Archana says she
appreciates the opportunity to gain various experiences
from multiple departments within the Organization.
“When you’re in Grade 12, you’re unsure where you want
to go after school, and the Co-op program guides you in
the right path” she says. “I got to see these different
areas through the Co-op program at BLJC, and I got to
pick and choose what I really wanted to go into.”
In January 2003, Archana joined BLJC’s Procurement
department shortly after graduating from college, and
shortly after moved to the Operations Centre, where she
remained until 2006. She then moved to Human
Resources working as an HR Administrator. From there,
she rejoined Supply Chain in 2009, where she remains
She says the culture of the organization has been the key
to her nearly 10-year stay. “BLJC offers great programs
like Tuition Reimbursement, in-house E-learning, and
Reward & Recognition. Also the people we work with, are
very friendly, and there’s a lot of opportunity for growth
within the organization.”
BLJC considers the student mentor relationship with
coop students to be vital to ensuring the support of the
external community. They believe the success of the
company is due in part by how young professionals are
guided and mentored by senior staff at such a young and
impressionable age.
Procurement’s Supply Chain Coordinator, Archana
Vijayaratnam, was a Grade 12 co-op student at BLJC in
2000-2001 who also joined at the age of 17. Archana’s coop experience began in the Marketing department, but
she also spent time with the IT, Human Resources,
Payroll, and Procurement departments. Archana says
Archana Vijayaratnam & Dar Lei
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
BLJC has a commitment to our
stakeholders to operate in an efficient
and effective manner. At BLJC, we
believe that by acting responsibly,
investing in our team members, our
communities and providing the right
solutions for our clients, we can continue
to grow as a company. Our philosophy is
to operate sustainably, and focus on long
term business relationships, that benefit
our organization, our team members and
most importantly our clients.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Economic Initiatives at a Glance
FY 2011 Metricss, Objectives, and Results
Reporting Performance Indicator
Contributing to
• To contribute 1% of BLJC earnings per year • In FY 2011 BLJC has contributed $348,000 into the communities in
which we operate, focusing these donations into children and family
into our focus areas of children and
families within our local communities This
programs. This exceeds our commitment of 1% of FY 2011
will be in the form of direct, contributions,
raising of funds through charity and in• In FY 2011, BLJC has paid a total of $6.2M in federal, provincial, and
kind voluntary actions from Team
municipal taxes.
• To pay our taxes according to federal,
provincial and municipal regulations.
• To make investments towards reducing the • In FY 2011 the total investment value of energy and GHG projects
implemented for our clients is estimated at $2.1 M, which
impact of the space we manage at our
contributed to exceeding our 5% reduction target.
client sites through operational measures
that target a 5% reduction in GHG
• 100% Renewable energy was purchased for our corporate sites in
New Brunswick, Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia.A total of
approximately $30,000 was invested into purchasing renewable
• To purchase 100% renewable energy for
our corporate sites.
• In 2011, BLJC will contribute to and/or
• In FY 2011, BLJC donated $53,500 to Acadia University to support
donate more than $50,000 to support
the Environmental Sciences program.
organizations that are having a positive
impact on the environment.
• To grow our business volume by 10% in FY
2011. • In FY 2010 BLJC grew its business volume by 26% and in FY 2011 by
3%. Based on timing of market opportunities, BLJC expects strong
growth in 2012.
Looking Forwarrd: 2012 Performance Targets
Performance Target
Contributing to
• To contribute 1% of BLJC earnings per year into our focus groups areas of children and families.This will be in the
form of direct contributions, raising of funds through charity, and in-kind voluntary actions from Team Members.
• To pay our taxes according to federal, provincial, and municipal regulations.
• To contribute to and/or donate more than $40,000 to support organizations that are having a positive impact on the
• To make investments towards reducing the impact of the space we manage at our client sites.
• To achieve double digit business volume growth in FY 2012.
Contributing to Local Communities
1.4 Million Dollars in Corporate Philanthropy
We are proud of our commitment to Canadian communities. From coast-to-coast across Canada, BLJC supports a wide
variety of charities and community organizations. Our focus is on children and families, as we believe that a strong family
unit provides healthy roots from which a community can successfully grow. Over the last 11 years, BLJC and our team
members have contributed to organizations such as The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation and SickKids Foundation,
in Toronto; Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, in Vancouver; Salvation Army, in Ottawa; Charles Bruneau Cancer
Foundation, in Quebec; The Humane Society, in Edmonton; Ride to Conquer Cancer, in Alberta; The Big Bike Campaign
supporting the Heart and Stroke Foundation, in Williams Lake; Easter Seals, in Vancouver Island; The TD Food Drive, in
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Southwestern Ontario; The PC Foundation for Disabled Children, in Montreal;
and, various Earth Day events across Canada.
Regional Ambassador Program
By appointing Regional Ambassadors and creating Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) Committees across the country, we have encouraged BLJC
team members to get involved in supporting their communities beyond the
provision of our business services. BLJC’s CSR Committees engage our broader
team in conducting fundraising events and sponsorships in support of local
charities and community programs.
Industry Leadership
In 2011, BLJC hosted an industry first “Sustainable Workplaces” event. This
event was attended by over 150 industry executives, representing Canada’s
leading companies. In addition to the sharing of “best practices” to support
organization in their quest to reduce their environmental footprints, BLJC raised
$25,000 for the Climate Reality Project, a Canadian not for profit organization
affiliated with the David Suzuki Foundation, that serves to build awareness on
the subject of climate change.
In 2009, BLJC committed to
$100,000 to
Sick Kids Hospital over
the next
4 years.
Investments in Sustainability: Creating Savings for our Clients
In the past year, we have identified and implemented Millions of dollars of our clients’ funds into energy conservation and
efficiency projects in their buildings across Canada. These sites consist of small retail to large complex corporate data
centers located coast to coast. Additionally, BLJC invested in an Operational Awareness and Measurement and Monitoring
Program, together these programs resulted in a 5.4% reduction of GHG emissions across our clients portfolio. This
initiative saved millions of dollars for our clients and reduced their carbon footprint by over 22,140 t CO2e. This is
equivalent to removing 5,000 cars off the road on an annual basis.
Being Profitable and Viable
At BLJC we believe that a triple bottom line approach to conducting business is beneficial for all stakeholders including
team members, suppliers, clients, the public, and our shareholders. We enhanced our environmental stewardship
programs through continued investment in sustainable development initiatives and supported industry leadership with
innovative education forums and sponsorships.
We continue to be very excited about the future of our Industry and our Company. We are very confident that BLJC is well
positioned to continue to grow our business and lead the industry to think creatively on methods to reduce social and
environmental impacts, while bringing prosperity and high quality service to our stakeholders.
5.4% reduction of GHG
emissions across our client portfolio.
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
At the Heart of BLJC’s Corporate Social Responsibility
BLJC prides itself on the great strides it makes in respect
to Corporate Social Responsibility and its community and
charitable initiatives. Many hands work together toward
these accomplishments.
One such person who lives and breathes her charitable
work is Susan Featherstone. Featherstone’s position with
BLJC is Executive Assistant to President, Gord
least that’s what they pay her to come to work for. But
what makes her tick, is the charitable work she gets to do
on behalf of BLJC.
As part of BLJC’s Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee in the GTA, she facilitates the other committee
members in organizing various charitable functions
throughout the year. The two events that Featherstone
puts her heart and soul into are a Charity Casino in
support of The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, and a
Charity Golf Classic in support of cancer research at
SickKids Foundation and The Princess Margaret Hospital
Featherstone has been organizing the golf tournament
since 2002. Many hours of planning go into these events,
and with the help of an event staff of 12 other BLJC team
members, it’s a very successful day of golf and
networking for BLJC suppliers, clients and Managers,
ultimately raising $50-60,000 for the charity. “I couldn’t
do these events without the help of my event staff”, says
Featherstone, “especially the assistance of co-worker,
Mary Lou Horton, who is my right hand, both at my events
and every single day.” Featherstone and Horton work
side-by-side every day and have an unprecedented
working relationship. “As event times approach, Mary Lou
covers off more and more of my day-to-day duties, freeing
me up to concentrate on my event details. She’s a life
Along with the casino, Featherstone implemented
programs within Head Office to raise funds for the CBCF
including “Casual for Cancer Fridays” where staff
members can wear jeans on Fridays for a voluntary $2
contribution. Also in 2011, a “Pennies for Cancer”
challenge was launched where individuals or teams
would collect their spare pennies throughout the year and
donate them to breast cancer. The challenge was
successful and a total of $1500 was raised. In 2012, the
program was expanded to “Coins for Cancer” to include
all spare change in a hopes of increasing this goal.
“I believe what makes this fundraising so successful is
the personal aspect this disease has for so many people.
Few families have not been touched by breast cancer in
one way or another.”
In May 2011, Featherstone’s best friend was diagnosed
with breast cancer. In a show of support, she decided to
get personally involved and signed up for the “Run for the
Cure”. With the generous support of her friends, family
and co-workers--and even some complete strangers—
Featherstone was able to raise $7,157, and was the
second top fundraiser in the Barrie area, where she was
registered to participate. “It was my way of personally
contributing to the awareness of breast cancer, and make
a difference. I was running for Nina.”
“I am passionate about my charitable work,” says
Featherstone. “I have really enjoyed working for BLJC for
almost 14 years now, and am grateful that I am allowed to
have such flexibility and diversity in my job to allow for
this. Thank you to all the team members who have
supported me. Together, we have made some awesome
In 2009, BLJC got involved with the Canadian Breast
Cancer Foundation with Hicks being appointed as cochair of the Leaders for the Cure program. With that
involvement comes an annual significant financial
commitment for support of the Foundation. Most of these
funds are raised through an annual Charity Casino cohosted by BLJC and Govan Brown. The first two casinos
raised $47,000 and $56,000 respectively, and the third
casino—planned for March 2012—is shaping up to be
equally as successful.
Susan Featherstone &
Mary Lou Horton
Copyright © 2012 BLJC
Attended by BLJC suppliers, 2011
Charity Golf Classic raised $61,000
for cancer research for SickKids
Foundation and The Princess
Margaret Hospital Foundation.
2011 KidSport Charity Casino – With
the support of team members and
valued suppliers, we were able to
raise $32,000 for KidsSport Greater
Debbie Dahl and Phyllis Mattioda,
supporting BLJC's CSR Kelowna
Committee and community activity.
Raised $260.
BLJC WSI team members in
Williams Lake, B.C, supported the
Big Bike Ride for Heart & Stroke.
2nd annual charity casino in
Toronto raised $56,000 for the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
for critical cancer research.
The BLJC Ski Team at the 24 hrs
Tremblant 2011 edition where we
raised 12K for the Fondation Centre de
cancérologie Charles-Bruneau, the
Ottawa Senators Foundation, the
Fondation Martin-Matte and the
Tremblant Foundation.
Decanstruction: Teams gathered at
the PNE Fairgrounds to dismantle
can structures and pack the cans
for donation to the Vancouver Food
Bank Society.A total of 28 team
members participated.
Our office supported a local
“Christmas Family.”We raised a
total $390 with $41 of that raised
from our office ‘Tacky Sweater’ day.
BLJC team members and vendors
joined together for a golf tournament
in support of “Our Place”, a homeless
shelter in downtown Victoria. Hundreds
of pairs of socks were collected.
Contact Us
BLJC’s 2011 Sustainability Report is available for viewing or printing on our website If you have any questions
regrading the corporate responsibility activities, please contact
Copyright © 2012 BLJC