Localization of a data centre in Vinge
Localization of a data centre in Vinge
Velkommen til Frederikssund – hovedstadens grønne vækstmotor Som borgmester i Frederikssund Kommune er jeg stolt af at kalde Frederikssund for hovedstadsregionens vækstmotor: Vi oplever en løbende tilgang af nyetablerede virksomheder i kommunen – og to tredjedele af de allerede etablerede virksomheder forventer ifølge Dansk Industri yderligere vækst i de næste år. Fra kommunens side ønsker vi et tæt og udviklende samarbejde med erhvervslivet. Derfor satser vi på en effektiv sagsbehandling med hurtig afvikling af byggetilladelser, nødvendige justeringer af lokalplaner mv. Frederikssund er en kommune med fokus på bæredygtighed: Vi er i samarbejde med Henning Larsen Architects – arkitekterne bag Operahuset i København – i færd med at etablere fremtidens bæredygtige samfund. Det er en helt ny by kaldet Vinge med plads til 12.000 indbyggere og store områder udlagt til erhverv. Byen er en naturlig del af Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, og udgør hovedstadens største byudviklingsområde. (billede) Nullam commodo imperdiet nec congue Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Vinge bliver bygget efter fremtidssikrede og bæredygtige principper – derfor er der også planer om at opføre en vindmølle ved byen for at sikre en grøn energiforsyning. Byen får en unik beliggenhed – midt i naturskønne områder med skov og fjorde, men med kun 50 km til Københavns Internationale Lufthavn og hele fire universiteter samt Copenhagen Business School inden for en 40 km’s radius. adipiscing elit. Derfor er det også let at rekruttere højt kvalificeret arbejdskraft i vores kommune. De bliver så at sige uddannet lige rundt om hjørnet, og kommunen tilbyder sine tilflyttere unikke bosætningsmuligheder og en rigtig god social infrastruktur med pasningsmuligheder, skoler, ungdomsuddannelser, gode natur- og kulturtilbud og et blomstrende forretningsliv. Flere store, internationale virksomheder med en grøn profil har allerede etableret sig i området og begynder at trække på den klyngeeffekt, der opstår, når flere virksomheder med samme profil slår sig ned tæt på hinanden. Det gælder blandet andet Topsil Semiconducters og Haldor Topsøe. Copenhagen CleanTech Cluster Frederikssund Kommune har i øjeblikket en stor vindmøllepark i høring, og som en yderligere understregning af kommunens arbejde med bæredygtighed kan jeg nævne, at bl.a. energiforsyningen i Vinge bliver støttet af statens Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram. Her søger man at opnå en omkostningseffektiv og grønnere forsyningssikkerhed. Localization of a data centre in Vinge Frederikssund har meget at tilbyde – både borgere og erhvervsliv. Og jeg ser frem til at kunne demonstrere fordelene ved at slå sig ned i hovedstadens grønne vækstmotor for netop jer. Ole Find Jensen Borgmester, Frederikssund Kommune 1 Welcome to Frederikssund Copenhagen’s green engine of growth As mayor of Frederikssund, I am proud to call Frederikssund the growth engine of the Copenhagen region: We are experiencing a continuous influx of new companies to the municipality – and two thirds of the existing companies expect further growth in the coming years, according to Dansk Industri (Danish Industry). The city council strives to maintain a close collaboration with companies in general. We are therefore focused on having an effective expedition of cases, with a swift handling of building permits and necessary adjustments of local planning regulations and so forth. Frederikssund is a municipality with focus on sustainability: Together with Henning Larsen Architects – the architects responsible for the Copenhagen Opera, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Riyadh and Waves of Adu Dhabi - we are currently developing the sustainable society of the future. This will be realized in the new town Vinge, which will have up to 12,000 residents, and substantial business areas with up to 3,000 jobs. Vinge is a natural part of Copenhagen Cleantech Park, and is the largest new urban development in the Copenhagen region. Mayor Ole Find Jensen Vinge will be built following sustainable and ambitious guidelines – which are why there are also plans to build a windmill to secure a sustainable power supply. The location of the town is unique - surrounded by scenic countryside with fields, forests and fjords, but only 50 kilometres away from Copenhagen International Airport, with four international universities and Copenhagen Business School within a 40 kilometre radius. It is therefore easy to recruit highly qualified employees in our municipality. The municipality offers attractive settlement possibilities for this workforce. Amongst other things, this encompasses good daycare facilities, schools, highschools, fantastic natural areas and a vibrant town centre with an interesting array of cultural offers and a diverse shopping area. The most recent result of our sustainable profile is a wind energy plan for the municipality. Furthermore, we are currently developing a plan for the possible sustainable energy supply for Vinge. This is being developed with some of the leading experts in Denmark, with financial support from the government. Several large, international firms with a sustainability profile, have already established themselves in the area and are contributing to the cluster effect we are striving to create here. This includes Topsil Semiconductor Materials and Haldor Topsøe. Frederikssund has a lot to offer to both residents and firms. I look forward to presenting the advantages of locating here, in Copenhagen’s green engine of growth. Ole Find Jensen Mayor, Frederikssund Municipality 2 vinge vinge technical university of denmark 35 KM Risoe, technical university of denmark 35 KM university of copenhagen roskilde university 40 KM 28 KM Copenhagen airport 49 KM Real Estate Information Land Area – where is the site located? The site is located in Frederikssund Municipality’s new business district situated 40 km west of Copenhagen. The business district is a part of a new sustainable city and business district – Vinge - to be built over the next twenty years. Please see appendix 1. Vinge – The largest urban development What is the typical industry in the area in which the site is located? Being a part of Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, the area is intended mainly for high tech Industry. Interests in the land – who are the The land is owned by the Municipality of Frederikssund. There are no equity owners. equity owners? GPS Coordinates area in the Copenhagen region. - E:6.191.144,53; N694.839,86 UTM Zone 32 - N:6.191.193,00; E:694.924,35 UTM Zone 32 - N:6.190.994,35; E:694.879,29 UTM Zone 32 - N:6.191.042,08; E:695.017,05 UTM Zone 32 Please see appendix 2. Shape (outline of the site) - who are the property owners next to the lot? The site - m.nr. 20 g Oppe Sundby By - is 20.835 m2. (2.1 hectares) and rectangular in shape. The land to the west and north of the site is owned by the municipality. The land east of the site is owned by the cleantech industry Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S. The land south of the site is owned by a farmer. 4 Zoning - what classification of zoning is the property? Does the current zoning classification permit a data center? The property is situated in an area planned for industry in category 2 – 6 (+ 1). Examples on the different categories: Category 1: Professional services, offices/administration, shops, small workshops (including a shop). Category 2: Laboratories, workshops for electronic devices. Category 3: Workshops for craft and service. Category 4: Food production, workshops for industry for surface treatment. Category 5: Machine factories, concrete production, colour and lacquer production. Category 6: Asphalt production, abattoir, bigger machine factories and concrete production, iron foundry. Category 7: Medical industry, pesticide industry, power plan and steel rolling mills. (+1) means that an office (category 1) can be added to an industry in a higher category. The current zoning classification permits a data centre in the area. 5 Permitting process – any permits already established? The general planning for the area was completed in 2011. Costs for permits? Timeframe for permits? The site is therefore ready for immediate development, pending sale and building permit approval. In general The Municipality of Frederikssund offers expert guidance and a key contact to guide the client through the application process. As a standard procedure, companies who intend to locate to Frederikssund, are offered a sequence of meetings, based on their project, starting with an identification of all permits needed to realise the project followed by a joint time schedule. In this process the investment authority and their advisors must assist in the obtainment of the permits, by supplying the municipality with supplementary information. Building permit Any construction at the site requires a building permit given by the Municipality of Frederikssund. One applies for a building permit by presenting a precise project to the municipality. When the municipality has all the needed information, estimated time for processing of the application is app. 3 weeks. In 2012 the price for a permit for industrial buildings, no larger than 5000 m2, is 41, - Danish kroner/m2. Permit for back-up generators If integrated in the building, appliance permission from the municipality will be included in the building permit. Please note that DONG (the electricity company) has an obligation to provide electricity to any site. 6 Permitting process (continued) Approval to build redundant power lines Redundant power lines must be approved by the municipality and DONG. The cost depends upon the project and must be agreed with DONG. Utility permits Utility permits concerning water and sewage are given by Frederikssund Forsyning (the utility company in Frederikssund). As the area is ready for development, permit processing time is app. 2 weeks. Regarding “costs” please look in the paragraph “Utilities Information”. Do designs have to be approved by Owner? The design of any solution concerning utilities, must meet Danish standards according to the law. Descriptions and drawings concerning these matters, should be part of the building permit application and should also be aproved by Frederikssund Forsyning and land owner. Permit to recycle water (sea, river, lake, or sewage treatment plant) required? Permission to recycle water is required. Permission is given on request by the developer by the municipality without charge. Appliance must contain a detailed description of the project and meet Danish standards. Estimated time for processing is appr. 3 weeks. 7 Permitting process (continued) Enviromental Act Please be aware that the industry could need permission according to environmental act. The Municipality of Frederikssund is the approval authority. Building restrictions – copy of restrictions Copy of restriction as mentioned in the planning permission nr. O42. § 8.1 Urban settlement percentage is 50 %. § 8.2 The size of the building must not extend 3 m3 pr. 1 m2 site area. The volume is calculated only for the part of the building situated above ground. § 8.3 Maximum height of the building is 15 m. However chimneys and ventilation can go higher. § 8.4 The buildings must be placed on the site according to the zoning (appendix 4) and other defined distances showed in appendix 3. § 8.5 For each site, at least 75 % of the built area must be situated in the border zone according to appendix 3. § 8.6 The front facade of the building must be placed in the border zone according to appendix 3. The front facade can be placed anywhere in the zone, but must be parallel to the front facade zone. § 8.7 No building must be placed closer than 6 meter to the boundary. 8 Building restrictions (continued) § 10.1 Symmetric pitched roofs are not allowed. §10.2 Copper, zink or other materials that could harm the environment may not be used for roofing. § 10.3 Vegetation for roofing (green roofs) is allowed as long as it meets Danish standards. §10.4 Where convenient sun panels etc. can be used as a part of the architecture as long as it causes no unwanted reflections. Back-up generators The municipality will not reject an application for establishing more back-up generators. Permission is given on request by the municipality. Cost for permission in 2012 is 1.535, - Danish kroner. Estimated time for processing is 2 weeks. The number of back-up generators and the share of costs must however be agreed on by DONG by any given time. Easements – where are they located? None. Topography - is the property relatively flat? The property is relatively flat and situated 18 meters above sea level. See appendix 5. 9 Existing structures on site Power substation Power substation, 10kV cables, 100A . Network Standard access to communications network (telephone and broad band). Connection to utility Connection to utility in the area is available. Depending on the data centres needs additional pipes may be established after agreement with Frederikssund Forsyning (the utility company of Frederikssund). Frederikssund Forsyning is ready to provide any service needed. Please see appendix 6 showing water and sew in the area. Electricity and network is also included in the red line. Additional buildings on site? None. Cost (purchase v. lease) – who owns the land – government or private seller? If government owns the land, what is the process to either purchase or lease the land? Is a council vote required? Is there a bidding process? If there is a bidding process for the land, what are some criteria in which the government views to make a determination? If government owns the land, can price be negotiated? Is the land free of encumbrances? The site is owned by Frederikssund Municipality. The sale of land owned by municipalities must be done by public tenders, where the decision to sell is made by the City Council. The tender begins with a public announcement of intent to sell, typically through a relevant media, where after interested buyers can make an offer. As a basic principal, the municipality must accept the highest offer, but other factors than the price can weigh in. Furthermore, terms and conditions can be set as prerequisite for the tender. The latest sale of land in the area, was at 350 kr. pr. m2. 10 Cost (continued) The municipality has the possibility of leasing out land on contracts of up to 50 years, without a public tender. The price for this must reflect the market value. If the lease is for more than 50 years, the process must be publicly announced as with a sale of land. There are no encumbrances, liens or easements for this property. Fencing – what are the limitations on the property to construct a fence? Does the ordinance permit a security fence? According to the planning permission for the site, fencing is only allowed as wire fencing. Where the planting of trees is towards the road is desired, the wire fence must be established behind the planted trees, away from the road. If a security fence can be established as described above it does not require further permission. Expandability - Is it possible to exercise an option contract in which CLIENT can purchase an initial portion of land and reserve land around the purchased land for future purchase to avoid not being able to expand? If this is possible, what are the terms of the option contract? It is possible to exercise an option contract and a purchase contract without immediate purchase. A purchase contract without immediate purchase, on the surrounding land for example, must be publicly announced in the same manner as a sale of the land, and will, if it is for several years, usually include an agreed upon regulation of the price. An option contract does not need to be publicly announced, and can be agreed upon in combination with the purchase of a specific site. 11 Site discovery – has a firm already performed an evaluation of the site to determine if the site is suitable for a data centre? No firm has evaluated the site. If so, who is the firm? If so, can we receive a copy of the report? Does the area support the resell of data center heat waste? If so, who can CLIENT resell the data center heat waste? Is it the same company as the utility company being utilized at the site? What special equipment has to be used? Does CLIENT pay for this equipment from the utility company? If so, can the cost be spread over a period? If so, is there an interest rate per month? The municipality welcomes all sustainability related initiatives. At the moment however, we are not able to facilitate the sale or purchase of waste heat. This must be done by a private company such as EON, that already has arrangements with certain companies. Whether or not an arrangement can succeed, depends on several factors - such as quantity, temperature etc. - to be negotiated with EON. We have not been involved in the specific financial arrangements concerning these matters. 12 Denmark is the worlds leading wind power nation. There are specific investigations into the construction of one or two windmills in Vinge, which the areas firms will be offered ownership of Vindmøllesekretariatet Real Estate Information Access Distance to nearest highway 500 meter to National Highway 211. 19.5 km to motorway. Driving time 18 minutes. The Danish Government has decided to establish a motorway to Frederikssund. The budget for this project has been agreed upon and construction has begun. S-trains to Frederikssund. A new station is planned for Vinge. When the project is completed, the distance to the motorway will be 2 kilometers or less. Access road? Type? High standard municipality road. Nearest commercial airport? Copenhagen International Airport (CPH). Road distance: 53 km. Driving time: 42 minutes. Rail access? Frederikssund Railway Station. Road distance: 4 km. Driving time: 4 minutes. When the construction of the new city Vinge commences a station on the existing rail line will be established. 14 Everybody needs good neighbours – become a part of Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster Real Estate Information Enviromental Natural disaster history None. Temperature records (over the past ten (10) years) Measurements are on a national level, they indicate max. and min. temperatures. Because of Denmark’s geographical build up, there are only insignificant variations in local measurements compared to the national average. Humidity records (over the past ten (10) years) Measurements are on a national level, they indicate max. and min. downfall. Because of Denmark’s geographical build up, there are only insignificant variations in local measurements compared to the national average. 16 Noise restrictions – where are the noise restrictions level measured (how far from the data center site)? Have there been any violations with this site? The area has been planned for industry and allows for the location of industries with high noise levels. Industry in category 2 – 6 is allowed. The noise restriction level is measured from the nearest house. In this instance there is only one house, situated 230 meter away from the south-east boundary. There have been no violations with this site. Emission restriktions Industry in category 2 – 6 is allowed in the area. Restriction of emissions will be defined by the municipality when information of expected emission is known. The restriction follows Environmental Act at any given time. Contamination None. The area is a former agricultural area. Proximity to flood plain No risk of flooding. Wetlands Closest wetlands is situated appr. 500 meter east of the site. Please see appendix 5. 17 A large part of Frederikssunds power supply is from solar energy, and new solar plants are currently being planned Real Estate Information Ownership Site Owner The Municipality of Frederikssund Torvet 2 3600 Frederikssund Denmark Real Estate Agent Frederikssund Municipality will handle the sale of sites in this area. Municipality of Frederikssund 19 Together with the government and leading private firms, Frederikssund is investigating how the sustainable society of tomorrow – Vinge – will be powered Real Estate Information Utilities Information Electricity Primary provider DONG is the only company from wich you can buy acces to the electricity grit. Electricity is purchased on a free market. DONG Energy Nesa Allé 1, 2820 Gentofte Mail: kundecenter@dongenergy.dk Phone: +45 72 10 20 30 Existing service? Yes (please see “Existing structure on site”). Redundant service? DONG Energy can eventually provide redundant service if the client chooses not to establish their own facilities. Available power (MW) Dong Energy will provide the required amount of power. Transmission voltage (kV) Dong Energy would like to engage in a dialogue about the request for the electrical connection. Distance to substation Dong Energy has a 50/10 kV station placed in Frederikssund and 10/0,4 stations placed in the relevant area. Substation dedicated or shared? This depends on how much power Dong Energy has to provide and how you want your plant built. Typical energy cost (per kWh) The cost depends on the terms of connection, but Dong Energy would like to engage in a dialogue about the terms. 21 Utilities Information Electricity (continued) Demand charges ($/kW) The cost depends on the terms of connection, but Dong Energy would like to engage in a dialogue about the terms. Other charges The cost depends on the terms of connection, but Dong Energy would like to engage in a dialogue about the terms. Fuel mix (% hydro, % nuclear, % coal, etc.) Coal 40%, Natural gas 13%, Renewable Energy 33 %, Nuclear Power 7 % Oil 7 % Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) flexibility? Dong Energy needs more information about the project to be able to answer this question. What is the process for building the power connection to the facility? Dong Energy needs more information to be able to answer this question. What is the typical fee? Dong Energy needs more information to be able to answer this question. Can the fee paid to the utility company be spread over the period of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to reduce the initial cost? Dong Energy needs more information to be able to answer this question. If so, what is the interest rate? Dong Energy needs more information to be able to answer this question. 22 Water Name of provider Frederikssund Forsyning, Marbækvej 2, 3600 Frederikssund. Phone: +45 88 88 72 00 Mail: post@frederikssundforsyning.dk Provider is owned by Frederikssund Municipality. Line size & pressure Line size currently 160 mm, but a bigger line can be provided. Pressure is currently 2 Bar, but larger pressure can be provided. Cost of water 13,00 Danish kr. pr. m3 (ex vat). Other associated charges Junction contribution depends on consumption. Meter duty 660,00 Danish kr.(ex. VAT) pr. anno. Sewer Name of waste water company Frederikssund Forsyning, Marbækvej 2, 3600 Frederikssund. Phone: +45 88 88 72 00 Mail: post@frederikssundforsyning.dk Provider is owned by Frederikssund Municipality. Existing service description Existing service is provided to site. Discharge cost 30,00 Dkr. pr. m3 (ex. VAT) Other associated charges 1 junction contribution for each 800 m2 used ground area, 49.083,00 Danish kr. (ex. VAT). Duty pr. junction to sewer system 534,00 Danish kr. pr. anno. 23 Network Local dark fiber providers TDC A/S - TDC Business Teglholmsgade 1-3 0900 København K Phone: +45 80 30 90 10 TDC Business can deliver the following types of fiber solutions. Standard-products - Fiber for Internet (layer3). - Fiber for MPLS IP/VPN (layer3). Non-standard products - Dark fiber (layer1). This type of LAN-LAN fiber will be connected to TDC’s backbone infrastructure. If the need is a short dark fiber on a short distance, for example between two buildings on the same address, TDC does not deliver this type of fiber. - LAN-LAN fiber 1 GB (WDM, layer2). - LAN-LAN fiber 10 GB (WDM, layer2). Cost for non-standard products is individually calculated on the specific case. We will need the specific address at both sites. Distance to site Regarding fiber infrastructure at Siliciumvej,3600 Frederikssund, TDC has no fiber at the address or close to. Therefore you also have an additional installation cost in the file enclosed. 24 Network (continued) Lease and purchase cost Fiber for address Siliciumvej, 3600 Frederikssund, there will be an additional installation cost of 32.000 Dkr. TDC BizBase fiber - Basic fiber solution with Internet. - Up to 100 Mbit speed. - Installed with a media converter (FE Interface). - OTC: 14.995 Dkr. (one time cost). - AIC: 32.000 Dkr. (additional installations cost). - MC 25 Mbit: 3.795 Dkr. (monthly cost). - MC 50 Mbit: 4.095 Dkr. - MC 75 Mbit: 4.395 Dkr. - MC 100 Mbit: 4.695 Dkr. TDC MultiBase fiber - Basic fiber solution with Internet and MPLS. - Includes and MPLS netWork(VRF). - For headquarter/main location. - Up to 100 Mbit speed (shared between Internet and MPLS). - Installed with Cisco 3560-8 layer3 switch. - OTC: 16.995 Dkr. - AIC: 32.000 Dkr. - MC 50 Mbit: 4.595 Dkr. - MC 75 Mbit: 4.895 Dkr. - MC 100 Mbit: 5.195 Dkr. TDC ExtraBase fiber - Basic fiber solution with MPLS. - For sublocations in MPLS network. - Up to 100 Mbit speed (shared between Internet and MPLS). - Installed with Cisco 1801 router up to 25 Mbit. - Installed with Cisco 3560-8 layer3 switch up to 100 Mbit. 25 Network (continued) - OTC: 14.995 Dkr. - AIC: 32.000 Dkr. - MC 10 Mbit: 3.595 Dkr. - MC 25 Mbit: 3.795 Dkr. - MC 50 Mbit: 4.595 Dkr. - MC 75 Mbit: 4.895 Dkr. - MC 100 Mbit: 5.195 Dkr. TDC Fiber - Fiber solution whith can be individually designed. - Internet and MPLS. - Up to 1Gbit speed standard (Non-standard up to 10Gbit). - Installed with a media converter (FE Interface) or Optical B interface. - Installed with TDC’s Cisco routers switches or customer’s own equipment. The prices below is without a TDC equipment. Fiberaccess - OTC: 18.000 Dkr. - AIC: 32.000 Dkr. - MC: 3.790 Dkr. Internet VLAN Speed - OTC: 1.500 Dkr. - MC 10 Mbit: 950 Dkr. - MC 20 Mbit: 1.650 Dkr. - MC 50 Mbit: 2.900 Dkr. - MC 75 Mbit: 3.500 Dkr. - MC 100 Mbit: 4.300 Dkr. - MC 250 Mbit: 8.600 Dkr. - MC 500 Mbit: 12.200 Dkr. - MC 1 Gbit: 15.000 Dkr. 26 Network (continued) MPLS VLAN Speed - OTC: 1.500 Dkr. - MC 10 Mbit: 690 Dkr. - MC 20 Mbit: 1.400 Dkr. - MC 50 Mbit: 2.450 Dkr - MC 75 Mbit: 3.200 Dkr. - MC 100 Mbit: 3.750 Dkr. - MC 250 Mbit: 5.000 Dkr. - MC 500 Mbit: 8.000 Dkr. - MC 1 Gbit: 15.000 Dkr. National fiber infrastructure TDC Business is the largest ISP provider in Denmark with the largest national fiber infrastructure. Internet infrastructure (IPX’s, IPS’s) and broadband acces infrastrukture (FTTH) Regarding IPX(IP Exchange) and IPS(Internet Provider Security), it has been discussed with some of TDC’s backbone managers. TDC will need a more specific question regarding these issues. Regarding FTTH, fiber to the home. TDC deliver FTTH to the private consumers, but it is not national at the time. At this link you can see where and contact our TDC Private Division for further questions. http://privat.tdc.dk/element. php?dogtag=p_shop_pak_tbt_fiber You will need the specific address, if you need to clear if FTTH is a possibility. 27 Network (continued) Latency Issues: Within country? National latency comparison v. site. To other countries? If needed please require TDC’s nordic SQA for MPLS IP/VPN (layer3) from krasm@frederikssund.dk. Here you see the specific technical information in our backbone, and also from fiber-to-fiber between two locations. Latency for layer1 and layer2 products is often better than layer3, but the specific latency information for these types of products can only be calculated, when the LAN-LAN fiber has been delivered. Latency for fiber/access outside our national and nordic market, is calculated individually per specific case. 28 The workforce is just around the corner – Frederikssund is a popular place to live Country Information - Please see information provided by IDK Taxes Real property taxes Tax of land value is 3,25% Tax of building value is 0,745% Incentives Grants None. Tax relief None. Other economic incentives - Flexicurity system. - High educated pool of labor force and high density of universities within the Copenhagen region. - High pool of unskilled labor force available in the area. - Free health care and hospitals. Non-economic incentives - Locations adjacent and neighbouring to a number of word-leading cleantech companies e.g. Haldor Topsoe Ltd. www.topsoe.com and Topsil Semiconductor Materials Plc, www.topsil.com (EU Commissioner for climate action to inaugurate new Topsil silicium wafer factory in Copenhagen Cleantech Park, October 1st 2012). - Access to certified Clean Green Energy. - A co-op Wind Park is under consideration. - Access to formalized networks, value-chains and communication platforms which Frederikssund Municipality and Copenhagen Cleantech Park are actively involved in, such as; Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster www.cphcleantech.com Copenhagen Cleantech Journal www.cphcleantechjournal.com 30 Incentives (continued) - Partnership- and Collaboration agreements with world-class Universities and R&D Institutions such as National Research Centre Risoe (15km), Danish Technical University (35km), Copenhagen University (30km). Location close (2km) to the shoreline of the Historic Viking Fiordlands of Zealand offering access to comprehensive cultural, sport & leisure and family activities. Access and use of adjacent public beaches, recreational facilities, marinas and Viking heritage facilities. A safe and secure environment providing free primary schools and colleges. 31 SITE The site has a wide scope of posibilities, and is ready for development. Size: 20,835 m2 Frederikssund - Vinge Vinge is a new town on the outskirts of Copenhagen. The town will have 12,000 inhabitants, 3,000 workplaces and incorporate sustainable design with high quality public spaces, the unique surrounding countryside and effective modern infrastructure. For further information, please contact Karen Rasmussen krasm@frederikssund.dk (+45) 47 35 24 34 The road to Copenhagen will be upgraded to a motorway, thereby linking Vinge and Frederikssund directly to the European motorway network. Infrastructure A new station will be built on the Copenhagen - Frederikssund S-train line in Vinge, giving easy access to the city and airport. Appendix Appendix 1 - Aerial photograph 32 va n ge n Appendix 2 - Site maps with coordinates St ra nd 20a 7000bp N: 6.191.193,00; E: 694.924,35 UTM Zone 32 20e 1 E: 6.191.144, 53; N: 694.839,86 UTM Zone 32 ic Sil iu m ve j 20g 2 7000cl 3 20f N:6.191.042,08; E:695.017,05 UTM Zone 32 2 39 N: 6.190.994,35; E: 694.879,29 UTM Zone 32 Gamme rupvej l Slange c 33 Appendix 3 - Principal for placement of buildings 34 Appendix 4 - Zoning 35 Appendix 5 - Topography map 8 21 10 15 12 10 13 14 14 77 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 11 13 14 11 14 13 7 7 7 7 7 9 10 8 7 13 16 16 14 12 14 15 9 17 15 18 14 14 14 8 99 20 1 17 10 11 Kommune 12 16 8 12 13 13 13 10 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 7 21 9 8 8 13 1 10 15 15 8 19 12 13 19 15 19 9 8 18 13 21 22 23 24 11 7 18 13 1 9 17 19 17 18 10 9 11 9 19 7 21 20 9 20 8 7 20 7 20 21 21 22 9 12 19 20 12 9 7 21 7 7 10 8 8 9 8 9 14 15 9 7 7 7 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 77 77 7 7 7 7 7 10 13 77 7 7 9 10 8 9 7 7 8 9 99 10 9 14 9 10 4 18 19 20 16 13 12 12 14 15 16 14 13 17 14 13 14 13 13 13 13 18 9 20 19 18 21 20 21 18 17 19 8 9 9 10 10 10 20 21 11 10 9 11 9 10 9 11 10 21 21 22 16 9 11 9 9 15 13 15 16 17 10 20 20 15 14 14 12 16 15 15 13 9 16 16 21 22 20 10 10 36 va n ge n Appendix 6 - Utilities St ra nd 20a 7000bp 1 20e ic Sil iu m ve j 20g 2 7000cl 3 20f 2 39 Gamme rupvej l Slange c Water Sewer Rainwater 37 MUNICIPALITY OF FREDERIKSSUND Mayor’s Office Torvet 2 3600 Frederikssund Phone: +45 30 31 61 78 morje@frederikssund.dk www.frederikssund.dk