Bulletin 14 February 2016
Bulletin 14 February 2016
Celebrating FAITH, LIFE and LOVE in COMMUNITY. 14th February, 2016 - Year C ALL HALLOWS’ PARISH CHURCH 2 Halley Street FIVE DOCK 2046 Parish Priest: Fr Greg McGregor Assistant Priest: Fr. Tibebeselassie Abza Secretary: Elena Di Perna Presbytery: Monday: Closed Tues - Fri: 8.30am - 3.30pm Closed for lunch 12.30-1.30 pm Phone: 9713 7960 Fax: 9713 5172 Email: parishallhallows@gmail.com Web: www.allhallows.org.au All Hallows’ Parish School Principal: Mrs Helen Elliott Phone: 9713 4469 Fax: 9712 5184 Email: info@ahpsfivedock.catholic.edu.au Web: www.ahpsfivedock.catholic.edu.au Sacramental Life Eucharist: Saturday - 9.00am & 5.30pm Vigil Sunday - 8.30am Sunday - 10am Children’s Liturgy Sunday - 6.00pm Youth Mass Monday - 9.00am Tues - Wed - 8.00am Thurs - Fri - 9.00am Lauds (morning prayer) is prayed 20 minutes before morning mass daily. All Welcome. Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30 - 10am & 4.45 - 5.15pm Anointing: First Friday of the month at 9am mass. (except January). Sick Calls: Any time - day/night. Funeral Masses: In co-operation with Funeral Directors. Exposition: Third Thursday of every month after Mass. 1st Sunday of Lent Dear Parishioners, 1. Bread and Stones In the Gospel Reading, Jesus has not eaten for forty days, and then he feels the whole forty days’ worth of hunger. That’s a lot of hunger! Satan urges Jesus to turn stones into bread. Now there’s nothing good about hunger, and there’s nothing bad about bread. On the contrary, Jesus himself commands us to pray for bread daily. And there is no question about the fact that Jesus has the power to provide bread for himself. He can stop being hungry by using his divine power to turn stones into bread. In fact, Jesus himself tells us that if a son asks his father for bread, no good father will give him a stone (Lk.11:11). So Jesus could get bread from stones just by asking his father, who is God and good, to give him bread. Why doesn’t Jesus do so? And what are we to make of the line with which Jesus refuses Satan’s suggestion: People do not live by bread alone? If I suggest that you might like some ham, what sense does it make for you to tell me that people do not live by ham alone? Notice, though, that that line does make sense if what you are telling me is that you are full. In another Gospel, Jesus says, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mt 4:4). Jesus himself is the Word of God, and he came into the desert filled with the Spirit of God (Lk. 4:1). Even though he is hungry after so long a fast, then, there is another sense in which he really is full. Jesus’ rejection of Satan’s urging gives us a pattern for our lives. In our suffering, when those things we think we need in order to live are denied us, we do not have to be desperate. When we are hungry for what we do not have because our Father God has not given it, we still have the Word of God, which comes into us and can fill us. Jesus, who is the cornerstone of the Church, is our bread at the same time. And so we can be like him: full—even when, in the stony parts of our lives, we are hungry, too. 2. Reading Seminar Cancelled I received a call today from the Liturgy Office sending apologies on behalf of Fr Don Richardson, who unfortunately is unable to conduct the seminar due to work commitments. He is now the Dean of the Cathedral and with the Archbishop’s illness his workload has been overstretched. They will try to obtain a date later in the year. 3. Men Of The Parish Fishing Trip Just a few spots left for our fishing trip on 27th February. Please contact the Parish office if you would like to attend. Pick up location: Thames Street wharf, Balmain. Time : 6.30 am (boats will leave at 7 am) Back : 12.30 - 1.00pm 4. Stations of the Cross As the tradition during Lent, there will be the Stations of the Cross after Friday morning mass. 5. Caritas Australia Please take home a Project Compassion box and/or a set of donation envelopes and support Caritas Australia this Lenten season as they celebrate 50 years of Project Compassion. In Pope Francis’ words, “Lent is a time for drawing near to Christ,” You will be helping to empower the world’s poorest children, women and men with vital learning and renewed hope. 6. 24 hours for the Lord On Friday 4th March the Church will be open for 24 hours, beginning on Friday at the 9am Healing Mass, at 7.30pm there will be Mass celebrated again followed by Holy Hour at 8pm and Benediction at 9pm. Reconciliation will be available during Holy Hour. The church will remain open up until 9am Mass on Saturday 5th March. 7. World Day of Prayer As advertised in the bulletin the World Day of Prayer will be celebrated at Abbotsford Presbyterian Church on Friday 4th March at 10am. If you would like to attend and be a reader at the mass please contact Linda on 0404 992 540 or Rosetta 9712 3076 8. Exposition Next Thursday, 18th February after the 9am Mass we will celebrate Exposition and Benediction. All are welcome. 9. Windward Manor Mass Mass will be celebrated at Windward Manor on 19th February at 11.00am For those who are unaware I had an infection and was hospitalized on Tuesday. I will be on convalescence leave till Thursday, with Fr Tibby looking after the parish while I am away. I thank you for your prayers and good wishes. Happy Valentine’s Day God Bless Fr. Greg PIETY STALL NEW STOCK - Communion gifts, Rosary beads and statues come check it out Walk through Lent 2016 with The Catholic Guy Lent can be Life Changing. Go to TheCatholicGuy.tv/Lent2016 to view a short 3-minute video that will help make Lent a more meaningful and powerful time for you. Join thousands around the world receiving a daily email with a short video featuring Bruce Downes and focus on the real meaning of Lent in preparation for Easter. The program is free! All you have to do is sign up. Should you want more information call 1300 734 880. All Hallows Catholic Primary School Please join us for our Open Day Tuesday 8th March 2016 For prospective kindergarten 2017 enrolments We will be conducting a tour of our school grounds and facilities followed by an information session at each of the following times: 9.30am, 11.30am, 3.30pm Applications for Enrolment Packs will be distributed on this day and forwards. We look forward to meeting you on the day. People of ALL Faiths are invited to: WORLD DAY OF PRAYER- CUBA Friday March 4 at 10am hosted by Abbotsford Presbyterian Church (opposite Abbotsford Public School, Great North Rd. ) Jesus said to them “Receive children. Receive me.” Anyone who would like to be a reader for this service please phone Rosetta on 97123076 WELCOME LADIES to the first Catholic Women’s League meeting for 2016 on MONDAY 15 FEBRUARY commencing with a shared lunch at 12pm in the Parish Hall WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED In your love and concern, please pray for:- Register your interest. Keep updated and find out more at … www.catholicyouthservices.org/wyd 6 MONTHS TO GO TILL WYD 2016! WYD has become in international phenomenon attracting the largest gatherings of young people in the history of the world. Every WYD touches hearts and changes lives; it is an experience of the universality of the Church gathered in faith around the Pope. WYD is an event for all young people; it is an invitation to consider who we are and who we are called to be. Pope Francis is inviting YOU to join him in Krakow for World Youth Day on 26-31 July 2016! Will you respond to his invitation?! Come join many young adults (18-35) of the Archdiocese of Sydney on the journey to the City of Mercy! Registrations close April 1 2016. There are four pilgrimages on offer: Krakow Direct Footsteps of JPII Holy Land Marian Shrine For more information, go to www.catholicyouthservices.org/wyd. You are invited to a morning of quiet reflection at the Grail Centre, 22 McHatton St, North Sydney, on Tuesday 16 February from 10am to 12 noon. We will be reflecting on the theme of ecological conversion, in response to Laudato Si. There will be time for silent meditation and the opportunity to share thoughts in a group. Lenten Reflections on Two Women Mystics This Lent, the Grail is hosting two Saturday reflection mornings on the writings of two extraordinary women mystics. They will be held at the Grail Centre, 22 McHatton St, North Sydney, from 10am to 12 noon, as follows: Saturday 27 February Saturday 19 March Therese of Lisieux Etty Hillesum There will be time for silent meditation and the opportunity to share thoughts in a group. We ask for a small donation to cover costs. For more information or to register your interest, please contact ruthcrowe@ozemail.com.au, or Tricia Gemmell (pgemmell@tpg.com.au) or the Grail Centre (ph:9955 3053). Kid’s Corner Q. What do you call a computer superhero?? A. A screen saver! Recently Deceased: Carmine Grieco, Giovanna Falanga, Josephine Hili Anniversaries: Loretto Kerley, Silvio Peruzzi, Albert Tanzini, Francesco Rocca Also for: Robert Tavish, Warren Brash, Sabina Godinho, Giuseppe & Elena Giardina For the following ill members of our community:Robert Webber, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, Mary Pulis, David Jessimer, Victor Alacqua, Carlo Zuccorononno, Lucia La Cava, Giuseppe Princi, Joyce Kelly, Emilia Bocconi, Tom Fonti, Natalina Denaro, Brian Gallagher, Crochetta Valenti, Vanessa Lane, Muriel Daly, Margaret Gleeson, Mary Johnson, Mary Longrell, Carmen Gallagher, Benilda Buenafe, Lorenzo Mioli, Antonietta Ciaglia, Tomas Laming, Ida Bova, Amelia Casarotto, Madelina Michael, Monica Moschella, Marcello Cheles, Brian Lees. GET YOUR COPY OF THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY · · · · · · · · · · · · Festa di Sant’Antonio at All Hallows Church Tribune turns sleuth on the trail of the Resurrection Benvenuto to a little bit of Italy Learning at the feet of a rock star philosopher Marriage is for opposites – and fruitful, faithful and forever Raise your voice so Sunday isn’t left to take a fall 24 hours of mercy, faith for the Lord A bumpy ride, but the joy of God’s love helps it go smoothly Rethink ‘refugee’ definition before it’s too late Victoria – an alarming state of disquieting affairs When did the Mass switch to the vernacular? Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese ONLY $2.00 AVAILABLE FROM THE STAND An Afternoon for Couples Hoping to Conceive Saturday 12 March 2016 2.00pm - 4.30pm Dooleys Waterview Club Silverwater Road, Silverwater The afternoon will include presentations by Natural Fertility Services and FertilityCare, a testimony from a couple, the opportunity for questions and an Individual Blessing for Couples. Afternoon tea will follow. Please call 9307 8403 to register POSITION VACANT: The Parishes of Balmain and Rozelle are inviting applications from suitably qualified persons interested in taking on the role of Housekeeper/Cook. This is a casual position and will be based between the Balmain or Rozelle parishes. T&Cs: Child must be with a health fund and covered for general dental. Appointments are required and are subject to availability. For appointments call 9810 3044 Dentist & Co Suite 1/3 Montague St, Balmain Please contact the Parish Support Team on 9390 5233 or parish.support@sydneycatholic.org for further information. Applications close: Monday, 22 February 2016. Only candidates with the right to work in Australia may apply for this position. An Invitation to An Encounter with Conviction Convictions—what we have learned about life that matters most. In his recent book “Convictions”, published not long before he died, Marcus Borg explores the convictions that have shaped his life, and the way in which those convictions have developed. We will explore together those realities of which we are most convinced, why these things matter, and what difference they make in our life. Marcus Borg Author Marcus J. Borg was an American New Testament scholar, theologian and author. He was among the most widely known and influential voices in progressive Christianity. As a fellow of the Jesus Seminar, Borg was a major figure in historical Jesus scholarship. He retired as Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion and Culture at Oregon State University in 2007 and died eight years later at the age of 72, of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Sydney - Sun 28th February 2016 2.00—5.00pm The Piazza, 53 Leopold St , Croydon Park 2133 RSVP: Mon 22nd Feb Sue Flood smflood14@outlook.com 0427 282 943 For women of faith looking for more … You are always welcome to bring along a friend, another woman who would appreciate this opportunity. Encounters is an initiative of the Australian Ursulines. There is no cost associated with this reflection afternoon Information Mornings Term 1 2016 · · · You are invited to an Information Morning to: meet the Principal Dr Maree Herrett and members of the College Executive and Leadership team explore the classrooms, facilities and grounds led by teachers and students share morning tea with Dr Herrett, key staff and current and future parents. Friday 26 February 9:15-11:15am – Years 6 - 12 Friday 18 March 9:15-11:15am – Prep - Year 5 Please reserve your place at: https://www.ssc.nsw.edu.au/enrolment/visit-us/ We look forward to seeing you. POPE’S COLUMN Pope’s Homily at Ash Wednesday Mass “He knows how much we need forgiveness, He know that we must feel loved to do good The first is that of Saint Paul: “Be reconciled with God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). It is not simply good paternal advice and even less only a suggestion; it is a true and proper supplication in the name of Christ: “We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (Ibid.). Why such a solemn and heartbroken appeal? Because Christ knows how fragile and sinful we are, He knows the weakness of our heart; He sees it wounded by the evil we have committed and right away, He knows how much we need forgiveness, He knows that we must feel loved to do good. Alone we are not capable: therefore, the Apostle does not tell us to do something, but to allow ourselves to be reconciled by God, to permit Him to forgive us, with trust, because “God is greater than our hearts (1 John 3:20). He defeats sin and lifts us from our miseries, if we entrust ourselves to Him. It is for us to acknowledge ourselves in need of mercy: it is the first step of the Christian journey; it is about entering through the open door that is Christ, where He Himself, the Savior, awaits us and offers us a new and joyful life. There can be some obstacles, which close the doors of the heart. There is the temptation of armouring the doors, namely, of living with one’s sin, minimizing it, always justifying oneself, thinking one is no worse than others; thus, however, the locks of the heart are closed and one remains closed inside, prisoners of evil. Another obstacle is the shame to open the secret door of the heart. In reality, shame is a good symptom, because it indicates that we want to detach ourselves from evil; however, it must never be transformed into dread or fear. And there is a third snare: that of distancing ourselves from the door: it happens when we remain in our miseries, when we brood continually, linking negative things among themselves, until we sink into the darkest cellars of the soul. Then we even become familiar with the sadness we do not want, we are discouraged and we are weaker in face of temptations. This happens because we remain alone with ourselves, closing ourselves and fleeing from the light, whereas only the Lord’s grace frees us. Let us then be reconciled, let us listen to Jesus who says to those who are tired and oppressed “Come to me” (Matthew 11:28). Do not remain in yourselves but go to Him! There is restoration and peace. Present in this celebration are Missionaries of Mercy, to receive the mandate to be signs and instruments of God’s forgiveness. Dear brothers, you can help to open the doors of hearts, to overcome shame, not to flee from the light. May your hands bless and lift brothers and sisters with paternity, so that through you the gaze and hands of the Father rest on His children and cures their wounds! There is a second invitation of God, which says, through the prophet Joel: “Return to me with all your heart” (2:12). If there is need to return it is because we have distanced ourselves. It is the mystery of sin: we are distanced from God, from others and from ourselves. It is not difficult to realize it: we all see what an effort it is to really trust in God, to entrust ourselves to Him as Father, without fear; how arduous it is to love others, sooner than thinking evil of others; how hard it is to do our true good, while we are attracted and seduced by so many material realities, which vanish and in the end leave us poor. Beside this history of sin, Jesus has inaugurated a history of salvation. The Gospel that opens Lent invites us to be protagonists, embracing three remedies, three medicines that heal sin (Cf. Matthew 6:1-6.16-18). In the first place prayer, expression of openness and trust in the Lord: it is the personal encounter with Him, which shortens the distances created by sin. To pray means to say: “I’m not self-sufficient, I need You, You are my life and my salvation.” In the second place is charity, to overcome extraneousness in dealing with others. True love, in fact, is not an external act; it isn’t to give something in a paternalistic way to quiet our conscience, but to accept one who is in need of our time, of our friendship, of our help. It is to live service, overcoming the temptation to satisfy ourselves. In the third place is fasting, penance, to liberate us from dependencies in facing what is happening and to train us to be more sensitive and merciful. It is an invitation to simplicity and to sharing: to take something from our table and from our goods to rediscover the true good of freedom. “Return to me – says the Lord – with all your heart”: not only with some external act but from the depth of our being. In fact, Jesus calls us to live prayer, charity and penance with coherence and authenticity, overcoming hypocrisy. May Lent be a time of beneficent “pruning” of falsehood, of worldliness, of indifference: not to think that everything is well if I am well; to understand that what counts is not approval, the search for success or consensus, but the cleansing of the heart and of life, to rediscover our Christian identity, namely, the love that serves, not egoism that serves itself. Let us begin the journey together, as Church, receiving the Ashes and keeping our gaze fixed on the Crucifix. Loving us, He invites us to allow ourselves to be reconciled with God and to return to Him, to rediscover ourselves. Jesus Christ is the face of Mercy, as Pope Francis writes in Misericordiae Vultus. "Encounter the Face of Mercy" This Lent, through a guided silent retreat given by the Verbum Dei Missionaries: Saturday, March 12 (9am) - Sunday, March 13 (2pm finish). For more information contact Kylie 0403453620 or verbumdeisdyney@gmail.com THE JOURNEY CATHOLIC RADIO PROGRAM – AIRS 14 FEBRUARY 2016 This week on The Journey we start our program with a Gospel reflection for the 1st Week of Lent from Fr Ken Cafe, Sr Hilda Scott OSB shares a segment called “To Die For” we hear from Trish McCarthy shares in her Milk and Honey segment and Marilyn Rodrigues The Peaceful Parent talks about “Knowing Your Neighbours.” Add to these talks some amazing music from talented artists. Go to www.jcr.org.au or www.itunes.jcr.org.au where you can listen anytime and subscribe to weekly shows by email. Encounter Mission and Development, Encounter Love and Justice, Encounter humble volunteers, Encounter faith, Encounter God. Palms Australia will be conducting a guided tour of the communities in which their global volunteers are working in East Timor from 11 -23 April 2016 4 – 16 July 2016 26 September – 8 October 2016 There are limited places. RSVP: February 22nd Call 02 9518 9551 or register interest online: www.palms.org.au/Encounters Discernment Retreat for Men, 11-13 March A retreat for young men open to explore of God is calling them to the Priesthood. The weekend will include talks, time for personal prayer, sacraments, spiritual guidance, a movie, time with seminarians and discussions. This retreat is designed to help men discern their vocation. Seminary of the Good Shepherd-Homebush Please call 9307 8424 for info and registration http://ww.vocationcentre.org.au Open Day Sunday 13 March 2016 11.00am – 3.00pm Please join us at our Open Day Meet our teaching staff and students and tour our dynamic school 121 First Avenue, Five Dock NSW 2046 T: 9712 2133 E: info@domremy.catholic.edu.au W: www.domremy.catholic.edu.au In 2015, Pope Francis called a Jubilee Year of Mercy, which calls all people to seek and show Mercy. In response, Catholic Youth Services will host the “Mercy Series” at our monthly formation talks - Catholicism 101. The “Mercy Series” aims to breakdown the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy and provide a basic theoretical understanding of them and then to show by the example of others in our community how we can practically live these works out in our lives. WEEK ONE we are excited to welcome Rev Bill Crews from the Exodus Foundation (http:// www.exodusfoundation.org.au/) who will speak practically on "To Feed the Hungry and Give Drink to the Thirsty" and our very own Fr Chris Higgins who doesn't have a problem "Instructing the Ignorant". TUESDAY 16, February 2016, supper from 7:30pm (straight after City Silence) with the talk beginning at 8pm. CARING FUNERALS PTY LTD Inc. BURIALS AT SEA “Proudly Australian Family Owned and Operated” ADAM J. LEE Director Head Office: 9713 1555 160 Great North Road Five Dock Email: carefunerals@ozemail.com.au Fax: 9713 1400 Pager: 9937 2478 Eastern Suburbs: 9699 7877 L.A.R. Limousines Excellence in service and quality Weddings and Formals - Accredited Business Call Enzo or Terri on 9712 1990 www.larlimousines.com.au Devotions to Honour Our Lady of Lourdes Residential Builder New Homes Extensions Renovations John Biazzo M: 0419 238 809 F: 02 9712 3750 T: 02 9713 5676 E: john@statensw.com Frank’s Pitstop Motors Specialising in: BMW ALFA ROMEO FIAT MERCEDES SAAB AUDI Mass and Blessing of the Sick will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, Earlwood, on Sunday the 14 February (behind Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Earlwood), entrance via St. James Avenue, Earlwood, with recitation of the Rosary at 2:30 p.m. followed by Mass and Blessing of the Sick at 3pm Some parking for disabled people is available in the school grounds and general parking in the nearby council car park. THE XT3 MERCY THEMED LENT CALENDAR APP 2016 is now available to download. Visit: www.xt3.com/lent or search for “Xt3 Lent” in the Google Play or Apple App store. Also don’t forget to download the Archdiocese of Sydney App for news, events, Mass times and more. Carmelite Retreats Frank & Tony Ph: 9799 7688 FRANKSPITSTOP@OPTUSNET.COM.AU 45 Liverpool Road Summer Hill NSW 2130 Joe Calabrese P: 9743 1333 M: 0438 869 883 joe@calabreselaw.com.au All court matters - Criminal Law - Debt Recovery Family Law - Civil & Commercial Litigation - Wills & Estate Law - Property Law & conveyancing 22/103 Majors Bay Road, Concord Practice Information Sheet Shop 3 Level, 213-235 Parramatta Rd, Five Dock (Next to Officeworks) Phone: 9745 6728 Bulk Billing Practice Practice Opening Hours Monday 9:30am-8.00pm Tuesday 9:30am-6.00pm Wed/Thur 9.30am-8.00pm Friday 9:30am-4:30pm Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm Sunday Closed Practice Doctors Dr Georgette Boctor (Female Doctor) Dr Natascha Bohm (Female Doctor) Dr George Thiraviarajah (Male Doctor) Allied Health Service Katja Bulic (Psychologist) Day retreat: Healing Wounds, Lifting Burdens, Setting Free Presenter: Fr Greg Burke, OCD When: 5 March, 2016 Cost: $25 Bring your own lunch Pick-ups from Minto train station at 9.30am and 10.00am Phone: 8795 3400 email: retreats@carmelite.com www.carmeliteretreats.com.au 40 Hours for Vocation 26-28 February Pray with us for an hour at the Seminary of the Good Shepherd as the Archdiocese of Sydney dedicates 40 Hours of Adoration to pray for vocations in the presences of the Blessed Sacrament. Includes Mass, confession, Prayer and Guided Meditation. Sign up for one hour of prayer at http://www.vocationcentre.org.au/ Grace & Silence Retreat for Young Women Grace & Silence Retreat days are back in 2016 with a slightly different character. For young women desiring a general retreat day, time to reflect etc, the day starts with a short input at 9am. For young women wishing to use the retreat day to discern their vocation, the day begins with morning tea at 9:30am and an input c.a. 9:50am. Note that if you are discerning your vocation, the input applies to all forms of vocation i.e. Single Life, Marriage & Family and Consecrated Life. Location: Mount Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Road, Mulgoa Date/Time: 27th February, from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Cost: $30 – includes morning tea, warm lunch, afternoon tea and materials. Further Details: Sr Julie Brcar – juliebrcar@gmail.com 0408 738 334 FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/ events/196432644040710/ NEXT WEEKSunday 14th February, 2016 - FIRSTSUNDAY OF LENT READINGS: Deut 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 SATURDAY 5.30pm WHAT’S ON IN OUR PARISH? Catholic Women’s League Five Dock 3 Monday of month 12.00pm in Parish Hall For more information please contact Rosetta on 9712 3076 rd Accordion Society of Australia Practice every Monday night from 7pm to 9pm in the parish hall. All Accordion Players welcome For more information please contact Sylvia Granturco on 0422 936612 Bingo/Tombola 1st Friday of month in the parish hall at 10.00am. All profits to charity Inner Wheel Club - Balmain Group 1st Tuesday of month 6.30pm - 9pm in Hall St Vincent de Paul Society Meetings held each 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm in the meeting room connected to the garage. Contact Gerry Modini on 0418 966 247 Italian Prayer Group Tuesday - 1 pm in Parish Hall Messa Italiana ogni ultimo martedi del mese Enquiries: M. Mureddu 9712 2394 Playgroup 9.30am -11.30am in Parish Hall (not during school holidays) Wednesday - Antonella 0417 068 323 Choir Practice All welcome to choir practice in the Church 7.30pm every Monday. Ring Maria on 9713 7310 Italian Choir Group Tuesday -12.30 pm in the Church Family Mass Choir Practice Wednesday 7.45pm in Church. All welcome! Italian Prayer Group - Thursday In Chiesa, ogni settimana dopo la messa delle nove (9). Ogni terzo Giovedi del mese l’intenzione è per il Gruppo di Preghiera di Riparazione Eucaristica. Per informazioni: Lucia 9713 1800 Siete tutti benvenuti! All welcome! B. Gallagher R. Pollifrone F. Hume M. Piccolo SUNDAY 8.30am G. Favotto J. Heffernan H. Chow G. Giliberti SUNDAY 10am READERS L. Regan AM Ludeke B. Pinto SUNDAY 6.00pm Youth Mass Intro & P/F: Liam A Ist & Psalm: Emma S 2nd: Jill M EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION C. Tramonte B. Smyth A. Panuccio T. Coghlan K. Smyth M. Virtu M. Tomasello M. Hinds G. Favotto M. Mureddu J. Livolsi MJ Megna M. Megna L. La Cava D. Scelzi L. Scelzi M. Caldareri A. Caldareri A. Roberts A. Incampo V. Jacobs A. Zol A. Kirby C. Alexakis A. Pavan Group 6 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 ALTAR SERVERS HOME VISITS: J. Livolsi, M. Hinds, D & L Scelzi NURSING HOMES: Visit 18 Feb - Parkview: Claudette & Natalie Visit 19 Feb - Russell Lea: Maria P & Veronica COUNTERS: Group 3 TRANSPORT: Theresa, Mary, Sue ALTAR SOCIETY: Bernadette, Linda, Sharon, Tina, Connie PIETY STALL: Sue & Pina CHILDRENS LITURGY: Bernie NEXT WEEKSunday 21st February, 2016 - SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT READINGS: Gen 15:5-12, 17-18; Phil 3:17 - 4:1; Lk 9:28-36 SATURDAY 5.30pm M. Zol L. Gatto D. Tomasello N. Rogheto SUNDAY 8.30am SUNDAY 10am READERS J. Pappalardo R/A Kirby J. Mylott A. Fabro R. Salvato A. Kerley L. Ebbs SUNDAY 6.00pm Youth Mass Intro & P/F: Isabella P Ist & Psalm: Chris M 2nd: Hugh M EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION D. Grippi G. Bonaddio J. Bonaddio V. Radice R. Glover B. Pratelli S. Walsh J. Heffernan M. Moschella R. Pietrobon C. Mylott A. Merlino J. Walsh B. Walsh E. Ferraro D. Squadrito A. McMahon M. Hadjidakis C. Petrucco N. Ancona S. Carbone M. Carrick A. Di Bella M. Di Bella N. Lazzaro Group 7 Group 3 Group 4 Group 1 ALTAR SERVERS HOME VISITS: P. Moschella, J. Heffernan, E. Ferraro NURSING HOMES: Visit 25 Feb - Parkview: no visit Visit 26Feb - Russell Lea: no visit COUNTERS: Group 4 TRANSPORT: Michael, Margaret, Sue ALTAR SOCIETY: Mary , Bianca, Catherine, Christine, Susan PIETY STALL: Vicky & Mary C CHILDRENS LITURGY: Gabriella & Sonia