June 26 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church
June 26 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church
2 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER MEETINGS Bible Study Wednesday, 7:30PM (Parish Ctr) Cenacle of The Blessed Virgin Mary Every Tuesday, 7:30 PM (Church) Divine Mercy Cenacle on the 3rd Friday at 7:30 pm (St. Seton Room) Charismatic Prayer Group Thursday, 7:30 PM (St. Joseph Center) Legion of Mary Mon: 9:30am (St.Vincent Rm) & 7:15pm (Parish Ctr) Portuguese Cursillo 1st & 3rd Friday, 7:00 PM (St. Joseph Center) Spanish Prayer Group (Grupo de Oración Evangelicación) Todo primer Viernes del mes, de 7:15pm-9:00pm 1st Friday of each month from 7:15pm-9:00pm “La Hora Santa” dentro de la Iglesia “The Holy Hour” inside the Church 2nd & 4th Viernes/Friday, 7 PM (St. Joseph Center) Sabado/Saturday’s at 7:00PM (St. Seton’s Room) Estudios Biblicos/Bible Study DEVOTIONS Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Daily ~ 8:30AM & 6:15PM Eucharistic Adoration Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri: 9am -6:15pm (Exposition Room) Wednesday - 9 am - 2 pm ( Exposition Room) also Wednesday 2pm - 6pm (Church) First Friday - 7 pm-midnight (Church) No Exposition on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays Rosary for Life Every Tues after the 8am mass & Divine Mercy. The Miraculous Medal Saturday Devotion 1st Saturday of each month after the 8am Mass Rosary with 15 minutes Meditation. Liturgy of the Hour Monday - Saturday 7:40AM (Church) Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesdays, 8:45am and 7pm (Church) Rosary Monday- Saturday, 7:15AM (Church) SAINTS AND OBSERVANCES Monday: St. Cyril of Alexandria Tuesday: St. Irenaeus Wednesday: Ss. Peter and Paul Thursday: The First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Friday: Blessed Junípero Serra; Canada Day; June 26, 2016 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading - The LORD tells Elijah to anoint Elisha as prophet to succeed him. (1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21). Second Reading - Use your freedom in Christ to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:1, 13-18). Gospel - While journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus speaks of the costs of discipleship (Luke 9:51-62). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23; Mt 8:18-22 Tues: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27 Wed: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Thurs: Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Fri: Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131; Mt 9:9-13 Sat: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Sun: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9] BAPTISMS The following were baptized into the Catholic Community on June 18, 2016 Roman Adan Gallardo Issac Josue Lucas Luna Adam Pedro Solis Gomez Sofia Valladares REST IN PEACE We pray for and remember those who have died. Haydee Cabalde Ireneo Romualdo Whoever believes in Me,even though that person dies, shall LIVE." June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS (Parish Priest: Fr. RD = Fr. Raymond, Fr. JA = Fr. Joachim, Fr. JS=Fr. Joshua, Fr. JC=John Cordero, Fr.PP=Pius Pareja, Fr. RS=Raja Selvam, Fr.AL=Alexis Libao ) Monday, June 27 8:00am/ Fr. RD †Antonio Couto 6:30pm/ Fr. JA †Ofelia Gonzalez Tuesday, June 28 8:00am/ Fr. JS All Souls in Purgatory 6:30pm/ Fr. RD Carlos Guzman(Special Intention) Wednesday, June 29 8:00am/ Fr RD Joseph Motus(Birthday) 6:30pm/ Fr.JA †Anthonipillai Kirubaraja Thursday, June 30 8:00am/ Fr. JA †Domingos Fagundes 6:30pm/ Fr. JS †David & Becky Vega Friday, July 1 8:00am/ Fr. JA Costa Family(Special Intention) 6:30pm/ Fr. AL Robert Sigala(Special Intention) Saturday, July 2 8:00am/ Fr. JC †Pelegrin Natividad 5:00pm/ Fr. JS †Leonora Mercado 7:00pm / Fr. AL Isabel Espina(Special Intention) Sunday, July 3 6:30am/ Fr.AL All Souls in Purgatory 8:00am/ Fr.JA †Jose & Maria Jimenez 9:45am/ Fr.JA Holy Family Parishioners 11:30am/ Fr.JC †Francisco & Maria Barcelos 1:00pm/ Fr. LP †Constantine Cordeiro 4:00 pm/ Fr.JC †Raymundo Maranan 5:30pm/ Fr.JS †Constancio & Beatriz Santiago 7:00 pm/ Fr.AL †Marrieta De Joya **The Priests’ Schedule is Subject to Change** Wedding Banns First Announcement Eric John Gutierrez & Denise Betonio Second Announcement Jeffreyson Augustine Biadora DelMar & Leilani Marie Visorde Third Announcement Donn Gerard Cusio Calumpang & Diane Angelo De los Santos 3 WE PRAY FOR THE SICK Rafael Aceves, Armando & Armanda Adonis, Augustine Aguilo, Angie Ambler, Debbie Anderson, Olivia Aranjo, Molly Bakalar, Benita Barrios, Barbara Barnum, Blake Barros, Ray Baugh, Pedro Benzon, Norma Bertrand, Tony Bibal, Frances Boudreau, Nido Canlas, Renee Canlas, Gloria Carillo, Rachel Castro, Noe Cevallos, John Chun, Maria Teresa Chun, Joe Coelho, Cheryl Collier, Gregory Collier, Ernesto Cordero, Diana Dantic, Joey David, Elvis Daza, Sally Dumaraos, Anthony, Remy Gonzales, Joe De Guzman, Marcelina & Sebastian De Guzman, Yolanda Dirlam, John Doria, Isabel Doria, James Doria, Richard Doria, Marvin Dumlao, Erlinda Eriza, Miqui Alex Eriza, Marcelo Espina, Lourdes Espiritu, Mary Esteves, Rosa Faria, Eve Ferreira, Renato Fuentes, Nick & Flo Gandolfo, Julia Garcia, Clarita Glaraga, Olga Gomes, Rocio Gomez, Mary Grace, Efma Grecia, Christopher Hinojos, Olivia Jaquez, Amanda Johnson, Diana Kenna, Sean Kenna, Priscila Lano, Fernando Lara, Lowell Lawrence, Angela Lee, Eunwha Lee, Josefina Limtao, Gunter Liu, Ernesto Llamas, Ira Llamas, Antonio Lopez, Frank Lopez, Mark London, Grace Lyn, Benjamina Mangune, Christine Martinez, Uriel Medina, Claude Merchant, Cindy Monroy, Becky Moss, Louie Newman, Herminia Niebres, Andrew Nieto, Robert Norman, Estrella Nufable, Fred Nunes, Anthony Nunes, Manuel Nunes, Fernanda Otero, Kyla Orr, Delia Ovalles, Jose Patron, Nina Pham, Hugo Pennock, Maria Prieto, Maria Dionisia (Jenny) Ramos, Sylvia Redor, Lorraine Robinson, Ivy Rodriguez, Lupe Rodriguez, Althea Robertson, Etelvina Rocha, Mario Rodriguez, Glenda Roop, Phillip Ruiz, Marlene Sague, Josefina Salamanca,Louie Salamanca, Rita Salas, Elenita Santos, Rita Santos, Vic Santos, Alexander Sasbone, Andrew Shiota, Lily Silveria, Sister Stella, Damrong Sithichai, Clay Solancho, Sergio Tamayo, Jun Tan, Joseph & George Tharaniyil, Frank Tom, Ryon Tom, Agueda Toste, Catherine Unanka, Reina Uyan, Rufino Valenton, Thea VanDe Mortel, Nanette Vergara, Cresencio Villegas, Marcus Walton, Marie Williams, Dee Dee Wilson, Paul Yasutake, Josie Yu, Joe Zamora. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS In order to maintain our services, meet our expenses, and restore savings, the parish needs an average of $22,000.00 in its weekly collection. June 18-19, 2016 $21,068.56 Building Fund Collection June 18-19, 2016 $2,721.00 ~Thank you for sharing what God has given you with our Parish. ~ 4 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 6 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Words are not enough when it comes to committing ourselves to the mission of Jesus. Jesus was hard on people who claimed they wanted to follow Him, but then gave excuses for putting off their commitment. What are we using as an excuse for not giving our all to and for Jesus? What will it mean to our way of life if we do give our all to and for Him? ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE It’s Your Turn!!! If there is a star next to your name you are the Lead Altar Server for that Mass. Please be sure to call a substitute if you are not able to serve. We thank all of you for the continued commitment to your ministry. God bless! Saturday, July 2 5pm R Villegas*, R Villegas, A Alzona, S Laurel 7pm J Nacua*, J Nacua, A Elomina, C Agor Sunday, July 3 6:30am 8:00am G Perez*, G Perez, E Honeycutt, I Monterroso 9:45am N Sutandar*, M Sutandar, r Guitche, S Pascual 11:30am A Ruiz*, C Ruiz, C Caballes, A Caballes 1:15pm M Barcelos, C Avila 4:00pm J Closa*, V V Arnold, A Vito 5:30pm D Bornilla*, K & J Bornilla 7:00pm S Tulud*, A,L & L Bates, J Kastner Marriage Encounter Weekend Pope Francis calls us to find the Joy of Love in our family life every day. A Marriage Encounter Weekend can help! THIS Summer, give your marriage the love and attention it deserves! Presentations made by married couples and a priest, teach valuable communication tools creating more intimacy and romance. Our next hotel Weekend is August 5-7. We strongly encourage signups by July 5 to reserve your spot! Worldwide Marriage Encounter(WWME) has been a Vatican de facto Association of the Faithful for over 40 years and a recognized Apostolic Movement of the LA Archdiocese. WWME was voted BEST MARRIAGE WORKSHOP by About.com. Apply Online at www.ilovemyspouse.net or contact Sarah & Jacob Flores at 562-923-7335 or Ginny & Boon Hazboun at 562-861-7562 for more details. RCIA is a process by which ADULTS are prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. We invite you to come and see without commitment this learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Christ Jesus - our Savior. Please call (562) 924-5075 to register and be interviewed. CLASSES START ON JUNE 27, 2016 June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 Summer Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 6:00pm to 8:30pm Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm Friday & Sunday- Office closed Office closed on holidays Registration dates: 2016-17 school year Fechas de inscripción: El año escolar 2016-17 9:30am-1:30pm JPII room (Next to REP office) July 17, 24 Aug 7, 14, 21, 28 Fees: $100. one student $125. two students $150. three or more students For New Students: Parents submit a copy of the Baptismal certificate at registration. 9:30am a 1:30 pm Sala de JPII (situado junto a la oficina REP): 17 y 24 de julio 7, 14, 21 y 28 de agosto Tarifas: $100. un estudiante $125. dos estudiantes $150. tres o más estudiantes Payments accepted by: Credit/debit card, cash and check Para los nuevos estudiantes: Los padres presentan una copia del certificado de bautismo en registro. CONFIRMATION El pago aceptados como: Tarjeta de crédito/débito, en efectivo o cheque Enrollees for Confirmation 1 & 2 this coming Fall 2016 will be on Sundays at 2:00pm-4:00pm and conclude with Mass at 4:00- 5:00pm REP Recruitment for 2016-2017 school year Notice Pass On the Good News! What good news? – The Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! This fall, over 800 children and young people, Preschool through High School, will sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. You can help them learn and grow in faith by becoming a catechist for REP. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the students!” We provide you with training, materials, and support. Classes begin in September. If interested or for more information, contact Teresa Paulino or Abigail deJesus @ 562-860-5973. Join our REP Team today! PRAY FOR PRIESTS CALENDAR - Sponsored by LA Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women SUNDAY June 26 Rev. Jose Martinez St. Joseph, Pomona MONDAY June 27 Rev. William Ruther Mary Immaculate, Pacoima TUESDAY June 28 Rev. Kevin Nolan Holy Family, Glendale WEDNESDAY THURSDAY June 29 Rev. Khoa Mai St. John Fisher, Rancho Palos Verdes June 30 Rev. Adrian San Juan St. Peter Claver, Simi Valley FRIDAY July 1 SATURDAY July 2 TBA TBA 8 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 5 Tips for a Spiritual Summer 1. Vacation Church Search Rather than taking a vacation from church, make church an exciting part of your vacation by celebrating mass somewhere new. While on vacation, make it a point to find an old, popular or interesting place of worship nearby. 2. Rekindle Your Spark Plan a backyard or beach bonfire with family, close friends, or by yourself! Relax. Roast some marshmallows and make s’mores. When you are comfortable, reflect on aspects of your life where you are succeeding. Congratulate yourself with another s’more! Then, think about what is holding you back. Write down a list of those things that are keeping you from being the person you want to be. 3. Stop To Smell the Roses Take time to appreciate God’s world around you. Walk barefoot in the grass or on the beach. Swim in a natural pond, lake or ocean. Sit under a beautiful old tree or go for a hike. And while you’re in nature, spend some oneon-one time with God. Share your gratitude for the gifts in your life, including the gifts of nature and the environment, and enjoy your time surrounded by God’s beautiful creations. 4. Write It Down Start a Summer Spiritual Journal. Each day, record moments when you feel close to God and moments when God feels further away in your daily life. Writing them down will help you reflect upon these times, and may bring to light new moments of strength or challenge in your faith. In addition to your personal reflections, write down quotes, phrases or scripture that are meaningful and relevant to you at that moment. You might remember something you’ve read or heard from a friend during the day. In doing so, you may find new ways to think about your daily interactions with God and others. 5. Class It Up Take a class or go on a retreat to rejuvenate your spirituality. Find a summer Bible study or discussion group in your parish or community. Sign up for an art class to feed your creative side. Have you always wanted to learn a musical instrument? Now is your time to give it a try. Or take a cooking class to improve your culinary skills. Prayer for Month of June (Sacred Heart of Jesus) - Sponsored by Legion of Mary "The thought of His heart lasts through every generation!" Feast of the Sacred Heart O MOST HOLY HEART OF JESUS, FOUNTAIN OF EVERY BLESSING, I ADORE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND WITH LIVELY SORROW FOR MY SINS, I OFFER YOU THIS POOR HEART OF MINE. MAKE ME HUMBLE, PATIENT, PURE AND WHOLLY OBEDIENT TO YOUR WILL. GRANT, GOOD JESUS, THAT I MAY LIVE IN YOU AND FOR YOU. PROTECT ME IN THE MIDST OF DANGER. COMFORT ME IN MY AFFLICTONS. GIVE HEALTH OF BODY, ASSISTANCE IN MY TEMPORAL NEED, YOUR BLESSING ON ALL THAT I DO, AND THE GRACE OF A HOLY DEATH, AMEN. “Share your Blessings” We Need Sack Lunches We are need of volunteers to commit to bringing sack lunches on week days. These lunches are to be distributed to the less fortunate in our community. If you are interested in participating please call our rectory office during business hours 8:30 am-5:00 pm and ask for Sofia at 562-865-2185. Thank you for your support! June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time La Colecta de Peter’s Pence- Segunda Colecta Hoy En la segunda colecta de hoy, apoyamos al papa Francisco en sus obras de caridad. La Colecta Peter’s Pence se lleva a cabo en el mundo entero para apoyar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que viven al margen de la sociedad, incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra, oppressión y desastres naturals. En este Año del Julieo de la Misericordia, la colecta es una oportunidad para unirnos al papa Francisco y ser unos testigos de la caridad para nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren. Por favor, contribuyan generosamente en la colecta de hoy.. 9 Peter’s Pence Collection- 2nd Collection Today In the second collection today, we are supporting Pope Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the collection is an opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous in today’s collections. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN PROTEGIENDO A LOS NIÑOS Fire safety: planning and preparation The United States has the highest fire death and injury rate in the world. Every 80 seconds, a family—somewhere in the U.S.—is impacted by a residential fire. A little planning and effort can help minimize your family’s risk. You can start by installing, testing, and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. For a list of other suggestions please email jvienna@la-archdiocese.org or call (213) 637-7227 to receive a copy of the VIRTUS® article “A Reminder About Fire Safety in the Home.” Seguridad contra incendios: planeación y preparación Estados Unidos tiene el índice más alto de muertes y heridas por incendio en el mundo. Cada 80 segundos, una familia en algún lugar del país, es impactada por un incendio residencial. Un poco de planeación y esfuerzo puede ayudar a minimizar el riesgo de su familia. Usted puede comenzar por instalar, probar y mantener detectores de humo y de monóxido de carbono. Para una lista de otras sugerencias, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a bmelendez@la-archdiocese.org o llame al (213) 637-7508 para recibir una copia del artículo de VIRTUS®, “A Reminder About Fire Safety in the Home” (Un recordatorio de seguridad contra incendios en el hogar). Do you have some extra time? We are currently seeking volunteers for our rectory office morning, afternoon and evenings Monday thru Friday. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer we need you to be at least 18 years of age and have completed your Virtus Class and also need to be fingerprinted. If you have any questions please call us at 562-865-2185 and ask for Sofia from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday 10 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 Holy Family ProLife Ministry Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the Month Please join us in our next meeting on July 12, 2016 at 7:15 pm at Good Shepherd Room WE WELCOME NEW AND ACTIVE MEMBERS! Be the voice and protector of the unborn! Let’s stand up for life from conception to natural death! For details please contact us at 714-488-9663 / 714-525-6976 or mariawhc@yahoo.com Preeminent Threats The second reading’s teaching on freedom creates the opportunity to preach today on the relationship between freedom and the right to life. Unwilling to describe the details of dismemberment that the abortion procedure entails, supporters of its legality have taken refuge in much more positive words like “freedom” and “choice.” Ironically, of course, abortions do not happen because of “freedom of choice,” but rather because some pregnant women think they have no freedom and no choice but to have an abortion. Hence the pro-life movement works daily to provide alternatives to abortion. But to invoke “freedom” to justify abortion twists the very notion of freedom, in a way that today’s second reading warns against. The corrective truth that Paul gives is that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. The unborn children are our neighbors, and loving them starts with protecting them from violence. We invite parishioners, family and friends to attend HOLY HOUR AND MASS for “LIFE”... a life poured out in loving service of that kingdom… the blood of Christ that all draw the strength to commit themselves to promoting life. JULY 20, 2016, AT 5:30 PM AND EVERY 3RD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH The command to “love our neighbor as ourselves” doesn’t simply mean to love them “to the same extent” as we love ourselves, but more fundamentally to love them “as a person like ourselves.” In other words, it means that we recognize in them a person with the same worth, value, dignity, and rights as we ourselves have. This is precisely where the “pro-choice” mentality has gone wrong, when it fails to see the unborn child as our neighbor. The justifications for abortion would not hold if invoked as a reason to kill a born child. “Love your neighbor as a person like yourself.” Our Declaration of Independence invokes the “right to life” as an “unalienable right” granted to all “by their Creator,” not their government. What God gives, government cannot take away. This is the foundation of our freedom – that God himself grants our human rights, and that “to secure these rights, governments are instituted.” This is the basis of the freedom we enjoy in America. Preserving that freedom requires preserving the fundamental rights that are its foundation, starting with life itself. - from priestsforlife.com Umbert appears courtesy of Holy Family Pro-Life Ministry. 12 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Summer time is a chance for young and old and not so old, to relax, and enjoy family and friends; but it should not be a vacation from the Lord. Parents remind your children to take time to pray when they wake up and when they go to bed; or anytime, and ask the Lord to guide them to be the best person they can be, and to thank Him for all the gifts He has provided them. Going on vacation does not give us a free pass from attending Mass. Do your homework before leaving on your trips, and find the nearest Catholic Church. What other faith provides us a home away from home. No matter where we go in the world, no matter what language is spoken, the Mass never changes. Enjoy your summer and be safe. God’s blessings! June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Monday June 26 June 27 5:30am – 6:30pm De Colores Choir CHOIR ROOM 9:30am – 10:30am Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM 7pm – 8pm Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM. Tuesday Wednesday 13 Thursday June 28 June 29 June 30 9am – 11am Knitting Group ST. VINCENT RM. 2pm – 6pm Adoration CHURCH 7pm - 10pm Charismatic Prayer Group ST. JOSEPH CTR. 10am – 12pm Spanish Intercessory Group ST. SETON RM Friday Saturday July 1 July 2 7pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm Grupo de Estudios Evangelización Biblicos para el ST. JOSEPH Grupo de CTR Evangelización ST. SETON RM. . 7pm – 9pm De Colores Choir CHOIR RM 7pm- 9pm Young Adults Mtg. JOHN PAUL II CONF. RM Parish Priests - To contact them thru e-mail: Rev. Raymond Decipeda, MMHC - frraymondd@holyfamilyartesia.org Rev. Joachim Ablanida, MMHC – frjoachima@holyfamilyartesia.org Rev. Joshua Santos, MMHC – frjoshuas@holyfamilyartesia.org Parish Finance Council Members: Angela Amenero, Maria Ayerdis, Remy Dulguime, Danio Fajardo, Karen Hillman, Lizzie Juan, Jason Machado, Raymond Mangahas, Roger Pavon, Jeanelle Padre-Tom, Hugo Vega. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: hfcfinancecouncil@holyfamilyartesia.org Parish Pastoral Council Members: Frank Cardiel, Diosdado de Leon, Vina Dungo, Ronnie Espinosa, Maria Luisa Lapidario, Betty Lou Ormonde, Nenita Solancho, Skip Vega, Joe Vicente To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: hfcpastoralcouncil@holyfamilyartesia.org Parish Ministry: Adoration Chapel-Mafalda Canlas (562) 865-2185 ext. 405 Business Manager – Karen Hillman (562) 865-2185 Finance Council – Roger Pavon (562) 865-2185 Office Manager – Sofia Luna (562) 865-2185 ext. 223 Plant & Property Manager – Hope Vega (562) 865-2185 RCIA – Rudy & Mila Perpinan (562) 924-5075 Safeguard the Children-Ulises Pérez-Flores (562) 865-2185 School Secretary – Jessica Perez (562) 865-1621 Young Adult Ministry – Michael Maglonso (562) 865-2185 Bereavement – Hector Gomez (562) 865-2185 Confirmation – Abigail de Jesus (562) 860-5973 Homebound Min. – Willie & Wilma Simbol (562) 926-0720 Liturgy Coordinator – Maggie Gudino (562) 924-8024 Pastoral Council – Joe Vicente (562) 402-4496 Publication Team – Abigail de Jesus (562) 726-2735 Religious Education – Teresa Paulino (562) 860-5973 School Principal – Juan Nagore (562) 865-1621 Web Master – Bobby Canseco (562) 607-8839 Youth Ministry – Natasha Sumabat (562) 865-2185 This bulletin is printed free of charge thanks to advertising THANK YOU, ADVERTISERS! If interested in placing an ad in our bulletin please contact: Bernie Mendoza - (562) 631-1111 This week’s editor is David Spargur The Bulletin Team coordinator is Annie Jiu RCIA Herald RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Holy Family Catholic Church, Artesia, CA 562.924.5075 * rciaholyfamily@yahoo.com June 26, 2016 Issue 80 JESUS IS KNOCKING ... ONLY YOU CAN OPEN YOUR HEART . . . in the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT in the SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION, HIS FORGIVENESS in the SACRAMENT OF PENANCE, HIS BODY and BLOOD in the SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST, HIS TEACHINGS in the HOLY SCRIPTURE, HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and HIS PEACE! JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER! We invite you to come and see without commitment this learning and loving process in which conversion of heart brings you to CHRIST JESUS, our SAVIOR. CLASSES START TOMORROW - JUNE 27 PLEASE CALL 562.924.5075 TO REGISTER
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