April 2015 Evangelist - Jimmy Swaggart Ministries
April 2015 Evangelist - Jimmy Swaggart Ministries
BIRMINGHAM, AL It’s not an event; it’s a movement. #GSRally | @GabrielSwaggart MARCH 20, 2015 | FRI 7PM Birmingham - Jefferson Convention Complex | Concert Hall 2100 Richard Arrington, Jr Blvd N | Birmingham, AL 35203 For a complete listing of Gabriel Swaggart’s meeting schedule, please visit www.jsm.org All seats are free. An offering will be taken. APRIL 2015 FEATURES ON THE COVER April 2015 | Vol. 49 | No. 4 6 CATHOLICISM & CHRISTIANITY Catholicism & Christianity BY JIMMY SWAGGART PAGE 6 by Jimmy Swaggart 14 THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HAPPENING TODAY by Frances Swaggart 18 ERE THE LAMP OF GOD WENT OUT IN THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD by Donnie Swaggart CROSSFIRE YOUTH MINISTRIES 30 THE PRAYER OF JABEZ part iii by Gabriel Swaggart EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JIMMY SWAGGART EDITOR DONNIE SWAGGART STAFF WRITER/EDITOR DESIREE JONES ART DIRECTOR TOM COLEMAN CONTRIBUTING EDITORS CATHIE MOODY SHARON WHITELAW PHOTOGRAPHY JASON MARK JAIME TRACY 32 OBTAINING THE PROMISE by Loren Larson 34 CHANGE part iii by John Rosenstern 36 HE IS RISEN by Mike Muzzerall 38 FROM ME TO YOU by Jimmy Swaggart SPECIAL FEATURE by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. 13 CHRISTIANITY PLAYS DECISIVE ROLE IN CHINA’S ECONOMIC BOOM, STUDY FINDS 5 60th Anniversary Celebration Product Warranty 9 SonLife Radio Stations & Programming Jimmy Swaggart Ministries warrants all products for 60 days after the product is received. As well, all CDs, DVDs, and other recorded media must be in the original plastic wrap in order to receive a refund. Opened items may only be returned if defective, and then only exchanged for the same product. 12 2015 International Youth Conference Jimmy Swaggart Ministries strives to provide the highest quality products and service to our customers. Visit our Website at: www.jsm.org or email us, our U.S. office address is: info@jsm.org, our Canada office address is: swaggart@cogeco.net. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 prayer 225.768.7000 | main 225.768.8300 | orders & donations 1.800.288.8350 20 2015 Resurrection Campmeeting Schedule 22 SonLife Broadcasting Network Programming & TV Stations 28 Letters From Our Audience 33 Why WEBC&S? 43 JSM Ministers’ Schedule www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 3 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org 1970s GROWING FROM CHURCH MEETINGS TO WORLD-WIDE CRUSADES Editor's Note: The following article, “Giant Area-Wide Crusades: Christ’s Great Commission In Action,” is a reprint from the 1982 JSM publication, Portrait of a Spirit-filled Ministry by Howard “Bud” Fisher with Terry Byars. JESUS SAID, “GO YE into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). When Jesus gave this great instruction to His disciples immediately after His glorious resurrection, it must have seemed to them to be an impossible assignment to carry out. Without planes, cars, trains, printing presses, radio, television, or microphones, how could they possibly preach the gospel to every creature? These methods that we today so often take for granted had not yet been invented. Yet these great men, full of the Holy Spirit, went forth preaching the gospel to every creature they could reach. God honored their willingness with the breath of His Holy Spirit—and daily thousands were added to the church. When God called Jimmy Swaggart at the age of 8 years old, he, like the early apostles, never dreamed what answering God’s call would mean. But the desire to reach a lost and dying world burned within him, and soon Jimmy began crossing and re-crossing the United States (along with his wife, Frances, and little son, Donnie), holding revivals in churches as the Holy Spirit brought the anointing. For 12 years, Jimmy traveled from city to city, pulling a tiny travel trailer behind his car — staying in cramped hotel rooms or church basements. But Jimmy’s desire to see souls saved never lessened because of the hardships of travel. God rewarded his efforts with each passing year. His church revivals (which had been lasting two to three weeks) began lasting up to nine weeks! Because of God’s anointing on these revivals, Jimmy was being “held over” time after time — blessing the hearts of pastors and congregations alike. In those early days, Jimmy remained faithful to God, and hungry people searching for reality in Christ were saved in virtually every service. The crowds kept coming. Seemingly, Jimmy Swaggart’s ministry had reached a point of success most evangelists would have accepted as the apex of service. But God had further divine plans for Jimmy Swaggart’s life and ministry, and He began to speak to Jimmy’s heart about preaching in large arenas. Jimmy loved the churches, but often they were filled to capacity, and people were left without seats or turned away completely. FROM BROTHER SWAGGART » “Clearly “ in the 1970s, we had to adapt our methods to the changing times. But we never changed the message.” One Sunday morning, with crowds filling the aisles and exits, Jimmy was finding it hard to preach. He felt totally bound in the service. Jimmy could sense the Holy Spirit saying deep inside him that it was time to move to the auditoriums. “Until you do,” God said, “My Spirit will not move.” Then and there, Jimmy said yes to God. He resolved to begin area-wide crusades where no one would ever have to be denied a seat. From that day on, the giant, area-wide crusade services have grown to become one of the most vital phases of the world outreach of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. Today, Jimmy ministers, along with an outstanding professional music team, to literally hundreds of thousands of people in crusades all over the nation and around the world. Jimmy has held as many as 35 crusades in a year’s time — with special foreign crusades in such countries as South Africa, Australia, the Philippines, Canada, New Zealand, and Panama. Friends of the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries are often invited to journey overseas with Jimmy, Frances, and the entire crusade team, joining them in these foreign [ CONTINUED ON PAGE 39] ONE MINISTRY. ONE MESSAGE. 60 YEARS. Catholicism & Christianity By Jimmy Swaggart Again, it is the old, old story: “If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Mat. 15:14). I love the Catholic people with a deep and abiding love. I also feel that the ultimate test of love is to work for the eventual good (and happiness) of those we love. UNFORTUNATELY, I HAVE BEEN branded antiCatholic. I do not, however, consider this to be a valid assessment of my feelings. Unfortunately, I have been branded anti-Catholic. I do not, however, consider this to be a valid assessment of my feelings. I love the Catholic people with a deep and abiding love. I also feel that the ultimate test of love is to work for the eventual good (and happiness) of those we love. Unfortunately, when we truly love someone, it can be necessary at times to cause momentary unhappiness in order to bring about long-term good. This is what has happened as I sincerely have tried to direct my Catholic friends toward a Bible-based relationship with God. To my way of thinking, the term anti-Catholic describes someone who does not approve of or like someone simply because he is Catholic. I can honestly say that I have never met a Catholic I disliked. Having said that, I would like further to state this fact: I do not feel that pointing out errors in basic doctrine — caustic as it may seem at the moment — is anti-Catholic. I agreed as a young man to accept the Godgiven calling of evangelist. In his epistle, the Apostle Paul told Timothy to do the work of an evangelist and then laid down the blueprint for this job: “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (II Tim. 4:2). Sometimes it is not easy to follow God’s directions. It is imperative, however, for the minis- 6 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST ter (or anyone else for that matter) who desires to walk in total obedience to God and His will. It is my God-given imperative (and calling) to reprove and rebuke — all the while with longsuffering and doctrine. Sometimes this is not well received, so I am resigned to having my efforts castigated within the organized arms of the Catholic empire. Still, as the Apostle Paul said: “I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19). This question is far more than just a goodnatured discussion on doctrine, for there is nothing more tragic than a false path to salvation — a shimmering mirage that lures men to their death as they die of thirst. I firmly believe that the primary doctrines of the Catholic Church portray a fraudulent path to salvation, and I can think of nothing more tragic (however well-intentioned) than a promise of salvation that delivers eternal torment instead of eternal life. I am convinced that many, many Catholics have been truly born again. Naturally, they will make heaven their eternal home, just as born-again Protestants will. However, for every one who is saved, scores of others are trusting in a false sense of salvation, which will, sad to say, cause them to be eternally lost. This is my only reason for writing on the subject. Even though I know beforehand that it will not produce any extended hands of love and appreciation from the Catholic hierarchy (or from many of my Protestant brethren either for that matter), I write because I feel led of THE PRICELESS CORNER CATHOLICISM & CHRISTIANITY We have set aside this corner of The Evangelist to show God’s Plan of Salvation. If you are unsure where you will go when you die, please listen to what God has said in His Word: FIRST: GOD LOVES YOU! the Lord to do so. I only hope and pray that at least one precious, seeking soul will read what will be presented and find himself directed toward the Lord Jesus Christ — the only source of salvation under heaven. For this I will accept gladly whatever vilification may be heaped upon me. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). “For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life” (Jn. 3:16). SECOND: MAN IS A SINNER, AND SIN HAS SEPARATED HIM FROM GOD “For there is not a just man upon Earth, that doeth good and sinneth not” (Eccl. 7:20). “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). THIRD: JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY REMEDY FOR SIN “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God ...” (I Pet. 3:18). THE HOLY BIBLE Let us consider for a moment just what the Word of God — the Holy Bible — really is. The Bible is, in actuality, God speaking to reveal His inner nature and His design for creation. There is a self-revelation of God throughout nature, which is His creation. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). FOURTH: YOU MUST RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOUR The Bible tells us: Jesus calls this experience the new bir th. He told Nicodemus: “... Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:3). “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork” (Ps. 19:1). We invite you now to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (Jn. 1:12). “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Rom. 1:20). Further, the conscience of man is a moral guide, inbuilt by God to tell us whether we are doing right or wrong. “The Gentiles … show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another” (Rom. 2:14-15). It must, however, be expressly understood that man cannot find God through nature alone — even though nature is a divine witness — because man is blinded by sin and thus fails to read accurately the creation that continually proclaims the eternal Creator. “When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image … Wherefore God also gave them up … Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator … even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind” (Rom. 1:21-28). This same sin blinds man and distorts and lacerates his conscience until it can no longer serve as an accurate barometer of the divine moral law. So, for sinful man (and without the Saviour, we are all sinners), there is the necessity for self-revelation from God (special revelation) beyond that of conscience and creation (general revelation). That revelation comes to us in the form of the Word of God. The Word of God consists of two parts: (1) the written Word of God, which we call the Holy Bible or Scripture (II Tim. 3:16; II Pet. 1:20-21) and (2) the Word of God as manifested in Jesus Christ, who is the Eternal Word incarnate (Jn. 1:1-5). WE BELIEVE: »»The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God (Ps. 119; Mat. 4:4; Lk. 24:27). »»There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7). »»In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His Sinless Life, in His Miracles, in His Vicarious and atoning Death, in His Bodily Resurrection, in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this Earth in Power and Glory to rule a thousand years (Jn. 1:1-4; Eph. 2:13-18; Rev., Chpts. 19-20). »»In the Blessed Hope — the Rapture of the Church at Christ’s Coming (I Thess. 4:13-18). »»The only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8-9, 13-18). »»Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal Salvation (Jn. 3:5-8; Titus 3:5). »»The Redemptive Work of Christ on the Cross provides Healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer (Ex. 15:25-26; James 5:14-15; I Pet. 2:24). »»The Baptism with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 is given to Believers who ask for it (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:1-7). »»In the Sanctifying Power of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life (Rom. 6:3-14; 8:1-2, 11). »»In the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the one to Everlasting Life and the other to everlasting damnation (Rev. 20:5-6, 11-15). Pray this prayer and mean it with all of your heart: “Dear “ Lord Jesus, I now realize that I am a sinner. I accept the fact that You died for me on the rugged Cross of Calvary. I now open my heart’s door and receive You as Saviour and Lord of my life. Please take full control of me and help me to be the kind of Christian You want me to be. Amen.” If you prayed this prayer in all sincerity, you are now a Child of God. So that we might rejoice with you, we invite you to fill out this coupon and mail it to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, P.O. Box 262550, Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550. In Canada, mail to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada, P.O. Box 1020, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6V9. We will send you a free copy of Jimmy Swaggart’s book What Must I Do To Be Saved? This book will help you grow in grace and knowledge. DEAR JIMMY: TODAY I ACCEPTED JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR. NAME ADDRESS CITY [CONTINUED ON PAGE 8] STATE/PROVZIP DATE OF DECISION AGE CATHOLICISM & CHRISTIANITY [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7] To reconcile sinful man to Himself, God sent His only begotten Son, who is the eternal Word. He assumed human form in the person of Jesus Christ (compare Phil. 2:5-11): “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved” (Jn. 3:16-17). that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:8). Any source (be it the church, the pope, or a religious fanatic or cult leader) promulgating a statement or doctrine about the Lord Jesus Christ that cannot be supported by the clear and concise language of the Bible should be dismissed out of hand! He was (and is) the Word of God incarnate: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Jn. 1:1). The written Word of God (the Bible) and the Word of God incarnate (Jesus Christ) forever are united, inseparable, and in agreement. They must stand in eternal unity and agreement, or they are not of God! Of course, the written Word and the incarnate Word are of God, so they do stand in perfect agreement and unity. It must be clearly understood that there is no Jesus other than the Jesus revealed in the Bible. If anyone states anything about the Lord Jesus Christ that does not agree with scriptural revelation, it is at best speculation and at worst a blatant lie! “I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaching another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit, which you have not received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him” (II Cor. 11:3-4). “Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD Just what do we mean by the word inspired? In the strictest interpretation, inspired simply means “breathed.” So, statements which we sometimes hear preachers use — such as “Godbreathed” — are nothing less than literal interpretations of this word. By this we mean that God utilized certain men to put down physically the words of the Bible, but they did so under the influence of the Holy Spirit. God actually breathed on them as they wrote. They (and the work they produced) were God-inspired. They were moved and influenced within their own intellect to put down on paper (or papyrus or parchment, as the case may be) exactly what God wanted written. Oddly enough, one of the most beautiful explanations of this is found in an encyclical of Pope Leo XIII (A.D. 18101903), which states: “God so moved the inspired writers by His supernatural operation that He incited them to write, and assisted them in their writing so that they correctly conceived, accurately wrote down, and truthfully expressed all that He intended and only what He intended; and only thus can God be the author of the Bible.” Does this suggest some form of mechanical dictation by God, where men functioned as little more than robot tape recorders? No! All human instruments of God retain their individual personalities and writing abilities. However, these men were overshadowed by the Spirit of God, even to their choice of specific words. In this way, their manuscripts were free of error doctrinally, historically, geographically, scientifically, or whatever. This is what is meant (and correctly so) that the Holy Bible is inerrant. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II Tim. 3:16). “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the Day Star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (II Pet. 1:19-21). [CONTINUED ON PAGE 10] 8 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST FULL-POWER STATIONS Baton Rouge, LA............................. 88.5 (WJFM) Covering parts of Southern Louisiana Crete, IL........................................... 88.1 (WBMF) Covering South Chicago and Chicago Heights Lake Village, AR/Greenville, MS......95.9 (KUUZ) Covering parts of Western Mississippi and Eastern Arkansas Ottawa, IL...................................... 88.9 (WWGN) Covering Ottawa, West La Salle, East Joliet, and North DeKalb Bowling Green/Toledo, OH. . . . 730 AM (WJYM) Covering parts of Northern and Central Ohio, Eastern Indiana, and the Southern tip of Michigan Kankakee, IL...................................88.3 (WAWF) Covering Northeastern Illinois and Northwestern Indiana Atlanta/Texarkana, TX. . . . . . . . . .100.1 (KNRB) Covering parts of Northeastern Texas, Northwestern Louisiana, Southwestern Arkansas, and Southeastern Oklahoma Nashville, AR....................................96.9 (KSSW) Covering Southwestern Arkansas Mobile/Citronelle, AL.....................102.1 (WQUA) Covering Mobile, Alabama Graysville, TN................................... 95.7 (WAYB) Covering parts of Southern Tennessee and Northern Georgia Lafayette/Church Point, LA.............91.9 (KCKR) Covering Southern and Western Louisiana Camden, AR..............................1450 AM (KNHD) Covering parts of Southern Arkansas Ada, OK.............................................88.7 (KAJT) Covering South Central Oklahoma Grenada, MS....................................95.7 (WTGY) Covering parts of Northwestern Mississippi Albion/Rochester, NY.................... 102.1 (WJCA) Covering North Western New York State Bentonia/Yazoo City - Jackson, MS. . .92.1 (WJNS) Covering Central Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana Norman/Oklahoma City, OK.............89.3 (KSSO) Covering Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Guthrie, OK................................1490 AM (KMFS) Covering Oklahoma City, Edmond, and parts of Central and Northern Oklahoma Jonesboro, LA.................................104.9 (KTOC) Covering Northern Louisiana Augusta/Little Rock, AR..................97.7 (KJSM) Covering Central Arkansas, Western Tennessee, a small part of Northwestern Mississippi, and a small part of Southern Missouri Desoto/St. Louis, MO...................... 100.1 (KDJR) Covering Southern Missouri, parts of Eastern Missouri, and Western Illinois Panama City, FL................................91.7 (WFFL) Covering Panama City, Florida Beatrice/Lincoln, NE....................... 88.9 (KNBE) Covering South Eastern Nebraska Grand Island/Hastings, NE...............90.7 (KNFA) Covering South Central Nebraska Lakewood/Jamestown, NY........88.9 (WYRR) Covering Lakewood and Jamestown, NY Corrigan/Lufkin, TX.........................99.3 (KYTM) Covering Corrigan and Lufkin, TX Palm Springs, CA..............................90.9 (KPSH) Covering the Coachella Valley Bastrop, LA......................................88.3 (KJGM) Covering Bastrop, Monroe, and the Northeastern part of Louisiana Winfield/Wichita, KS........................91.9 (KBDD) Covering South Central Kansas and North Central Oklahoma Bristow, OK.....................................104.9 (KREK) Covering Bristow, Sapulpa, Cushing, Drumright, Okmulgee, Chandler, and the southside of Tulsa, OK TRANSLATOR STATIONS Andalusia, AL.............. 89.7 Eufaula, AL.................. 88.9 El Dorado, AR.............. 89.7 Bishop, CA................... 91.7 Key West, FL................ 90.5 Dublin, GA................... 90.9 La Grange, GA............. 90.3 Waycross, GA.............. 90.7 Carlinville, IL............... 89.1 Effingham, IL............... 88.7 Freeport, IL.................. 91.3 Jacksonville, IL........... 88.1 DeRidder, LA............... 89.5 Grayson, LA................. 91.9 Many, LA..................... 91.3 Minden, LA.................. 91.1 Morgan City, LA.......... 91.5 Natchitoches, LA......... 90.1 Alexandria, MN........... 91.7 Morris, MN.................. 90.5 Kirksville, MO.............. 88.1 Mountain Grove, MO... 91.7 St. James, MO............. 89.3 Springfield, MO........... 91.5 Willow Springs, MO.... 90.5 Columbia, MS.............. 88.3 Morehead City, NC...... 91.9 Rockingham, NC......... 88.3 Corning, NY................. 89.5 Chambersburg, PA...... 89.7 Franklin, PA................ 90.3 Lock Haven, PA........... 89.3 Mansfield, PA.............. 91.5 Andrews, SC................ 88.7 Clinton, SC.................. 88.3 Manning, SC................ 88.7 Winnsboro, SC............ 91.9 Brookings, SD............. 89.7 Mitchell, SD................. 89.3 Watertown, SD............ 90.1 Yankton, SD................. 90.7 Pikeville, TN................ 91.3 Bonham, TX................. 91.1 Columbus, TX.............. 91.1 Midland, TX................. 91.7 Palestine, TX............... 90.7 www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 9 [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8] RADIO PROGRAM GUIDE ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL TIME ZONE TIME PROGR AM 6:00 - 7:00 AM The Word with Gabe and Jill Swaggart 7:00 - 8:30 AM LIVE The Message of the Cross 8:30 - 9:00 AM LIVE Insight with John Rosenstern 9:00 -11:00 AM LIVE Frances & Friends with Frances Swaggart 11:00 -12:00 PM Sonlife Radio Music 12:00 - 1:00 PM Loren Larson 1:00 - 2:30 PM The Message of the Cross (different than AM broadcast) 2:30 - 2:55 PM Sonlife Radio Music 2:55 - 3:00 PM A Daily Devotional reading by Gabe Swaggart 3:00 - 4:00 PM Donnie Swaggart Broadcast 4:00 - 5:00 PM Sonlife Radio Music 5:00 - 6:00 PM Jimmy Swaggart Broadcast 6:00 - 7:00 PM Sonlife Radio Music 7:00 - 8:30 PM The Message of the Cross rebroadcast 8:30 - 9:00 PM Insight with John Rosenstern rebroadcast 9:00 - 11:00 PM Frances & Friends with Frances Swaggart rebroadcast 11:00 - 12:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music 12:00 - 1:00 AM Loren Larson rebroadcast 1:00 - 2:30 AM The Message of the Cross (different than AM broadcast) 2:30 – 3:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music 3:00 - 4:00 AM Donnie Swaggart Broadcast 4:00 - 5:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music 5:00 - 6:00 AM Jimmy Swaggart Broadcast 7:00 - 8:30 PM WED LIVE Family Worship Center Service wednesdays only 7:00 - 8:30 PM THU Crossfire Service thursdays only 9:00 - 10:00 AM SAT Salvation Station (Children) saturday only 11:00 - 12:00 PM SAT Crossfire with Gabriel Swaggart (Young Adults) saturday only 5:00 - 6:00 PM SAT Bob Cornell 7:00 - 8:00 AM SAT/SUN The Message of the Cross replay 10:00 - 12:00 PM SUN LIVE Family Worship Center Service 6:00 PM SUN LIVE Family Worship Center Service 10:00 - 12:00 AM SUN Family Worship Center Sunday AM Service 10 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST rebroadcast The entirety of the Bible is true, trustworthy, and dependable — even in matters not directly related to doctrine or salvation. (It is also interesting that the Bible, although physically set down by scores of individuals of widely varying backgrounds and experiences, and over a span of millennia, has a cohesive, recognizable meter and style that cannot be mistaken — even when read or heard out of context.) Oddly enough, the statements concerning inspiration and inerrancy in the Word of God are accepted without reservation by Catholics, Protestants, and all of evangelical Christianity. As a qualification of the above statement, it should be noted that evangelical Christianity is backpedaling in this area. Certain liberal elements are making efforts to soften the formerly firm stand on biblical inerrancy. It may also be noted that while official Roman Catholicism continues to affirm the principle of scriptural inerrancy, there is a large percentage — perhaps even a majority — of Catholic priests (especially in these modern times and in certain orders) who are finding their beliefs eroded in this area. When faith in inspiration and inerrancy are destroyed by liberal concepts, the churches accepting these apostate (liberal) views inevitably find themselves bereft of divine guidance through the Holy Spirit. The result is always coldness, indifference, social busyness (not to mention such spiritual aberrations as liberation theology), and a marked indifference to the proclamation of God’s message of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. INTELLECTUALISM Some “great, intellectual theologians” state that the Bible is not an “intellectual certainty.” I do not believe this is true. The word intellectual here infers knowing of a certainty — as opposed to sensing, thinking, or feeling. So, while their statement may hold technical truth, it misses the whole point of a relationship with God. Their statement derives from the fact (and it is a fact) that the Bible cannot be understood on an intellectual basis alone; there must be an underlying faith CATHOLICISM & CHRISTIANITY in God before His written Word becomes quickened (brought to life) in our heart. This can only be brought about through the power of the Holy Spirit acting on our intellect and will. “It is the Spirit who quickens; the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (Jn. 6:63). “For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). Elsewhere we read: “God has dealt to every man the measure of faith” (Rom. 12:3). It is through this specific (albeit, small) measure of faith that man can accept the beginnings of believing in God, and this is what eventually burgeons into a full understanding of the person of Christ and the Word of God. Naturally, this comes through faith, and it comes automatically at every person’s salvation experience. So, anyone who tries strictly through intellect (undergirded often with a preconceived skepticism) to understand the Word of God on a cold, rational basis is almost surely doomed to fail. On the other hand, those persons with true intellect, who come armed with an underlying desire to know truth (or at least with an unbiased neutrality in their position) will almost surely find themselves coming away from their investigation as Bible believers. but immediately a Roman fallacy intrudes. The church teaches (and this has been reaffirmed as recently as the Second Vatican Council) that “there is but one revelation from God, but it has two sources: the first is written, which is the Bible, and the second is the ‘traditions’ of the living church.” Here we have an obvious (and awesome) contradiction. The Bible has been officially endorsed by the Catholic Church as the inspired, infallible Word of God, but then, an adulterant is allowed to intrude, which is, in fact, the basis for all Roman Catholic error! This is tradition! The end result is that the (humanly inspired) traditions of the church not only are placed on parity with the genuine Word of God, but they are actually given precedence over it! When tradition and God’s Word fail to agree, the Roman Catholic Church chooses — without fail — to accept their human traditions and reject the true Word of God! When tradition and God’s Word fail to agree, the Roman Catholic Church chooses — without fail — to accept their human traditions and reject the true Word of God! This article will continue in the next issue of The Evangelist. This message was taken from the Jimmy Swaggart hardback book, Catholicism & Christianity. ORDER IT ONLINE www.shopjsm.org Catholicism & Christianity (11-041) | Price: $30 AREAS OF AGREEMENT We have already alluded to two areas of agreement between Roman Catholicism and evangelical Christianity: (1) The Bible is truly God’s Word — His written revelation to man, and (2) the Bible is inspired and inerrant. A BASIC FLAW IN ROMAN CATHOLIC TEACHING The primary Roman Catholic teaching on the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible is sound, www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 11 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org CHRISTIANITY PLAYS DECISIVE ROLE IN CHINA’S ECONOMIC BOOM, STUDY FINDS by thomas d. williams, ph.d. (reprinted with the author’s permission) A NEW STUDY IN the China Economic Review exploring the impact of religious beliefs on economic development has found that “Christianity has the most significant effect on economic growth” and that the steady increase of Christianity has played an important role in China’s economic rise. The study by Qunyong Wang of the Institute of Statistics and Econometrics at Nankai University and Xinyu Lin of Renmin University of China finds that Christianity has significantly contributed to China’s economic growth. The researchers discovered a positive correlation between areas of particularly robust economic growth and the prevalence of Christian congregations and institutions in these areas. Wang and Lin analyzed provincial data during the ten-year period from 2001 to 2011, comparing the relative impact of different religious beliefs on regional economic growth, and they found Christianity to have the most significant effect. The study builds on the prior research of Zhao Xiao, a Chinese economist who gained attention for arguing that China’s economy would benefit from the spread of Christianity. Zhao went to America to study the differences between the market economies of the United States and China. He found that “there are churches everywhere” in America, whereas in China, “there are bathhouses everywhere.” His studies led him to write an article titled “Market Economies with Churches and Market Economies without Churches,” which argued that the key to America’s commercial success was its churches. Part of the reason for this seems to be the institutionalizing tendency of Christian groups. Although Christians make up only 5 percent of the Chinese population, Wang and Lin found that Christian congregations and institutions account for 16.8 percent of all religious institutions, or three times what would be expected. The positive connection between Christianity and the economy is good news for China, since Christianity is growing so fast in China that some predict that it will be the most Christian nation in the world in only another 15 years. The study revealed that religion in general had a positive impact on China’s economic growth, though the impact of Christianity was notably higher. Religious institutions impact the economy in a number of ways, including direct spending for goods, services, and salaries, as well as a broader “halo effect.” This effect comprises the often unmeasured benefits, such as the safety net and networks provided to individuals, the magnet effect of attracting everything from lectures to weddings, and valuable public spaces that provide communities with centers of cultural, ethical, spiritual, and even recreational value. Wang and Lin also argue that Christianity’s social ethics may have an impact on the Chinese economy, as well. The emphasis on the overall development of human beings present in Christian ethics, they contend, tends to result in legal and rational investment behavior, rather than illicit or wild speculation. The mounting data for a positive correlation between a strong Christian presence and stable economic growth has important policy implications for China’s officially atheist government. Even from a purely economic standpoint, the recent crackdown on Christianity may prove to be shortsighted and counterproductive. Not biting the hand that feeds you may translate into not slapping the hand that blesses you. www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 13 THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HAPPENING TODAY by frances swaggart SOMETIMES IT CAN BE hard to notice a miracle, even when one happens right in front of you. While preaching on a Wednesday night at Family Worship Center, my husband gave an excellent illustration of this very thing. As far as the Lord was concerned, David’s selection was the single most important event happening in the entire world because it ensured the continued lineage of the coming Messiah. He was teaching from I Samuel, describing the Prophet Samuel’s mission — instructed by God to anoint the next king of Israel. He told of all that was happening in the world of that day — the grandeur of governments and the innovations and progress of nations — God’s focus, His eye, was on one shepherd boy, the person He wanted anointed as king. Yet, this obscure selection about to be made by God’s prophet went virtually unnoticed by everyone, including Israel. Think about that for a moment. As far as the Lord was concerned, David’s selection was the single most important event happening in the entire world because it ensured the continued lineage of the coming Messiah. But Samuel almost missed it; he had his eye on Jesse’s oldest son, Eliab. “But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (I Sam. 16:7). Not one person would have chosen David to be anointed as king, except God. Only God knows the heart. God chose David for one of the most important positions on the face 14 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST of the entire earth, and for all time, because a thousand years later, the Saviour would come through his lineage. As the angel said to Mary: “The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God” (Lk. 1:35). In that same message, my husband likened the importance of David’s obscure selection to what is happening in the church today. He said, “I believe this with all my heart: I believe what is taking place now in the church — this Message of the Cross, Jesus Christ and Him crucified — I personally believe that it is the single, most important thing that’s going on in the entirety of the world today.” Then he asked the congregation, “How does it feel to be involved in the most important thing in the world?” My husband and I believe that nothing is more important than a soul being saved or a life being changed. Back when we were holding crusades, nationally and internationally, there was no way we could reach people in the most remote areas of the world. But the Lord has made what was impossible then possible now using SonLife Broadcasting Network (SBN). Today, we’re able Visit my website at www.francesandfriends.com | Find us on Facebook THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HAPPENING TODAY to look into these television cameras here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and reach millions upon millions of people — by television, by the Internet, and by radio — people who have never even heard the gospel preached before. Ladies and gentlemen, this network — from the way it came about to its constant growth — is a miracle. I feel like I need to share with you what is happening as these SBN programs are going forth because we’re asking for help to support this ministry, and people need to know the results that are being reaped around the world. Here at the ministry, we see these results every day. Emails, letters, and phone calls pour into our office daily from people testifying about how blessed they are by SBN. A handful of those are printed in this magazine every month, but I wanted to share a few more with you that were especially moving to me. I think we need to be more vocal about what the Lord is doing through this network and in the hearts and lives of our viewers. Testimony is powerful; it helps build the faith of others, and I want these testimonies to show you exactly what your help — your giving, your prayers, and your support of this ministry and this network — is doing for people around the world. YES, ZOEY, JESUS CHRIST IS REAL In January, we had the distinct privilege of leading a little 9-year-old girl to the Lord on a live broadcast of Frances & Friends. It was one of the most precious things that we’ve ever had happen while on the air. The little girl’s name was Zoey, and she had her mom help her call during the time we were taking questions. She said, “My cousin told me this year that there’s no Santa Claus, and I believed on my life that there was, so how do I know that there’s not no God, if that’s not a fairy tale?” We explained to Zoey that Santa Claus is a fairy tale, but that the Lord Jesus Christ is very real, and that she could be assured of that by the testimonies of so many lives being transformed every day by the love and the power of God. I asked Zoey if she wanted to be saved. Before she said yes, you could hear her little 9-year-old heart reaching out to believe as she asked again, “So, just because Santa Claus is not real, Jesus really is real, right? Because Santa Claus, I never seen him, but I never seen Jesus, but Jesus really is real then, right?” We assured her again that Jesus was real, and Donnie asked her if she wanted to receive the Lord. She said yes, and Donnie started explaining to her how he would pray, and she would repeat the sinner’s prayer, believing the words. When she told Donnie, “But I never done much sins,” he reminded her that all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. As Donnie led Zoey, line by line, through the sinner’s prayer, you could sense the Spirit of God working on that little heart through the phone line, moving her to tears as she prayed. After she said the last line, “I am a new creation in Christ Jesus,” our praises to the Lord were interrupted when we heard Zoey holler out, “Mommy, I just got saved!” Anyone listening to the program that day — saved or unsaved — got to hear the miracle of this little girl receiving Christ into her heart. This is that for which we labor. Anyone listening to the program that day — saved or unsaved — got to hear the miracle of this little girl receiving Christ into her heart. This is that for which we labor. This is what SonLife Broadcasting Network is all about. Incidentally, this precious conversion happened on the exact same day that Islamic terrorists gunned down 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. But, praise the Lord, in the midst of such violent acts, the Holy Spirit was still moving in the world, drawing people to the Cross. That’s what SonLife Broadcasting is doing: shouting the message of the Lord Jesus Christ from the housetops so that people like Zoey can answer. BIBLES RECEIVED IN INDIA At the first part of every month, we dedicate one day of live airtime on SBN to take in donations that Visit my website at www.francesandfriends.com | Find us on Facebook www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 15 THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HAPPENING TODAY are used to purchase Bibles for pastors in other countries. Each month, we focus on one or two specific regions for this outreach. In the spring of 2014, we sent 10,850 copies of The Expositor’s Study Bible to India, where they were distributed to local ministers. Keep in mind that 80 percent of the 1.2 billion people who live in India are Hindus. Less than three percent are Christians. That’s what makes this email we received so special. It reads: Dear Brother Swaggart: I am the national director of Scripture Union India, an organization that ministers among children, young people, and families. I have been in the publishing ministry specializing in Bible reading notes for 22 years. Recently I received a copy of The Expositor’s Study Bible, published by you and your organization. My family and I find it very useful as a guide to study the Word of God, and it also helps us to understand the text in a different perspective. Our organization received 150 copies of it from one of my friends, and [we are] distributing to all our staff who are working all over India. 16 we all get there, you’re going to have a lot of people come up to you and say, “Because of you, I found the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.” Now, my husband is the face of this ministry. He’s the minister up there preaching the gospel, and people recognize him. But he could not do what he’s doing without you behind him as a very supportive team helping to finance this gospel going out. You’re not going to be overlooked; the Lord knows what you’re doing. You will never know in this life, but in the life to come, you will know what you’re giving to SonLife Broadcasting Network produced. This effort was a direct result of our monthly Bible-thons, so when you give in our Bible-thons each and every month, this is where your money is going. TWO WOMEN WHO DECIDED TO KEEP THEIR BABIES We, from our ministries and families, thank you for having invested a lot of money, time, and energy in publishing this study Bible and giving it as a free gift. It is my sincere prayer that God should bless your ministry. It is needless to say that your product is useful and educative to all our personal lives. During one of our recent share-a-thons, a young lady called in to make a donation of $300 — the money she had been saving up to have an abortion. Like so many in her situation, this girl was young, scared, and didn’t know what to do, but after listening to our programming and praying with someone on our prayer line, she decided to keep her baby. Praise the Lord! This child will now live and not die; that is a miracle. Praise God. This effort was a direct result of our monthly Bible-thons, so when you give in our Bible-thons each and every month, this is where your money is going — to people like this dear brother in India. You may never see this man or all the others who benefit from these outreaches this side of heaven, but when Our stand on abortion is very clear. We believe that life begins at the time of conception; the moment a baby is conceived, that baby becomes a human being — a living soul. To purposefully end that life during any stage of pregnancy is murder. Thank the Lord that there is mercy and forgiveness for APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST anyone who has had an abortion, who comes to God with a repentant heart. The Cross of Christ is the only remedy for the brokenness and guilt caused by abortion. Right now, our middle grandson and his wife are expecting (it will be our eighth great-grandchild) and when they had the sonogram done, that little baby’s face looked just perfect; you could see its little hand. Looking at that, I wondered how anybody could stand up and lie— and that’s all it is, a lie — and tell anyone that that baby is not a baby — that it’s not a human being. That child is already there, the features are already in place, and that little soul, that little spirit, is in that baby’s body. As joyful as it is to receive a call from a girl deciding to keep her baby, it’s equally heartbreaking to hear from women who made the choice to abort. The guilt and regret of their decision deeply affects them personally and, on a larger scale, our nation. It’s been 42 years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in America. Since then, it is estimated that more than 56 million abortions have been performed in this country alone. That’s two generations of American women raised with the right to choose. Thankfully, the abortion rate is beginning to decline, very slowly, with reports showing more millennials as pro-life. During a recent pro-life march, one college student explained why. She said, “I think one big reason is because our generation is the one that’s missing so many people because of abortion. There are many people, college age, who have siblings who were aborted. There are people missing in our lives because they were never given the chance to live — siblings, friends, maybe even people we would have married. We mourn them, and Visit my website at www.francesandfriends.com | Find us on Facebook we resolve to stand up for their God-given right to life so that others will not share that same fate.” On a recent episode of Frances & Friends, we had a call from Sharron, who gave us her perspective on abortion. In the 1970s, Sharron found herself in a troubled marriage and pregnant. She didn’t want the baby and for three months, tried to get the required doctor’s approval to get an abortion. At three months, she felt the pregnancy was too advanced and carried the baby to term. Sharron said, “What we think is right, God has another plan. That baby was born, and that baby saved my life. That baby gave me so much joy in the hard times I was going through. That baby was my peace. That baby was my joy. Every day I would come home from a hard day’s work, struggling, and that baby would give me a smile that would just change my whole life. We need to think, not about the position we’re in, but you don’t know what God has planned for us. That baby could be our saving grace, no matter what we’re going through at the time.” I appreciated Sharron telling us her story on air because I know it ministered to other young women who may have been contemplating an abortion. Sharron was absolutely right: we just don’t know what God has planned for us, or what He has in store for that little life entrusted to its parents, but if you will let the Lord help you, you can be assured that His plan will succeed. TODDLER CHOOSES “HALLELUJAH” OVER MICKEY MOUSE This next email we received just blessed my heart, and I believe it will bless yours as well: Brother Swaggart, I’m writing you about a special 3-year-old who watches you on television all the time. His name is Justin, and he really admires you — who you are and what you do for Jesus. He lives with his great-grandparents and has a lot of adversity that’s facing him through his life. His mother is on meth; his dad is on drugs as well. Now he has a birthday coming up in a few weeks, and my family and I were going to take him to Disney World and to SeaWorld. When we told him about it, he told us he didn’t want to go see Mickey Mouse, that he wants to go see “Hallelujah,” that’s his nickname for you. Justin said he wants to hug you, not Mickey Mouse. Brother Swaggart, if [there is] any way possible that we could come to a service to see you and let him hug you so then he will know that there is really hope in Jesus. I would much rather that he has a hero in a man that loves Jesus than in a mouse that cannot tell him about Jesus. Isn’t that amazing? This child is just 3 years old, but that’s what the Spirit of God does. We can’t do that, but the Spirit of God ministered to that little child who doesn’t have a mother (she’s on meth) and the father’s on drugs. Thank God, his great-grandparents are letting him watch SonLife Broadcasting and instead of this little life being destroyed and heading for destruction, this child can grow up knowing the Lord and doing great things for God and have a great life. That’s what our Lord Jesus Christ does. I invite you to join with us and CONCLUSION Going back to my husband’s message from that Wednesday night, he spoke to the supporters of this ministry and reminded them that God has chosen them for a specific task. He said, “You must understand the importance and the significance of your place and position that God has at this time in history. He has chosen you for what you do; don’t take it lightly because anything that God does is extremely significant.” As you can see from these testimonies, the Lord is moving mightily through SonLife Broadcasting Network. I invite you to join with us and be part of what the Lord is doing. It may not look like much to the world, but it could very well be the most important thing happening in the church today. be part of what the Lord is doing. It may not look like much to the world, but it could very well be the most important thing happening in the church today. Paris attack: http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/10/world/franceparis-who-were-terror-victims/index.html India: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-worldfactbook/geos/in.html abortions: http://www.numberofabortions.com http://www.christianpost.com/news/march-for-life-42-yearsafter-roe-v-wade-half-of-americans-say-abortion-is-morally-wrong-132958/ Visit my website at www.francesandfriends.com | Find us on Facebook www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 17 ERE THE LAMP OF GOD WENT OUT IN THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD by donnie swaggart I Sam. 3:1-3 – “And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see; And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep.” Martin Luther said: 'A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing is worth nothing.' What a perfect description of much of the modern church. 18 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST MARTIN LUTHER SAID: "A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing is worth nothing.” What a perfect description of much of the modern church. It gives nothing to the people as it regards the Word of God, it suffers nothing because it is not a threat to the kingdom of darkness, and it is worth nothing to the kingdom of God because it stands for nothing. Why? It is because there is no Word, there is no Spirit, and there is no light because the lamp has gone out. A CORRUPT PRIESTHOOD In I Samuel, Chapter 2, Verse 12, the Scripture says: “Now the sons of Eli (the high priest) were sons of Belial (Belial means worthless, evil, ungodly, sons of the Devil); they knew not the Lord.” These sons of Eli — Hophni and Phinehas — were priests, yet they were wicked beyond imagination. Scripture says of Eli that he was blind (physically and spiritually). He knew of his sons’ great wickedness, yet he did nothing, and by doing nothing, he was, in effect, condoning their actions. pastors who stand for nothing, who no longer hold on to the doctrinal foundations of God’s Word, and who openly invite the world and its ways into the church, thus leading the people into deception and destruction. The minister of the gospel is to be a watchman (Ezek. 3:17). It is our job to stand watch and to warn the church when the enemy tries to infiltrate the church for the purpose of destroying the sheep. The watchman will win no popularity contests, but when he stands before the Lord, his hands will be clean. THE WORD OF THE LORD WAS PRECIOUS A nation, a church, or a denomination can only rise as high as its leadership. I Samuel, Verse 1 states: “The Word of the Lord was precious in those days ; there was no open vision.” The word precious means “scarce” or “rare”; in other words, God’s Word was neglected. There were no revelations, no prophecies, and no visions from those in spiritual leadership. Too many churches today have “sons of Belial” as pastors. I know that to some, that is a harsh statement; however, the truth is the truth. We have too many Without strong Bible preaching, the sheep will be devoured and destroyed, and as the church goes, so goes a nation. Visit my website at www.donnieswaggart.org ERE THE LAMP OF GOD WENT OUT IN THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD THE LAMP OF GOD WENT OUT IN THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD The lamp of God referred to the golden lampstand that provided the light for the priests to fulfill their duties. Without the light, they were blind to their duties, their work, and their walk for God. WHAT THE LAMP REPRESENTED The lamp of God represented three things: 1. Jesus Christ: Jesus said: “I am the Light of the World: he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (Jn. 8:12). John 1:4-5 says: “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness.” Jesus Christ is the Light of the World; therefore, we must preach Christ, we must teach Christ, and we must sing Christ. We must preach Christ crucified, resurrected, and the only hope for mankind. 2. The Bible: If the Bible is not preached as it should be preached, there is no light. The Bible is the only book of true light, true hope, and true power. The Bible is the revelation of Christ and Him crucified. If the Word of God is preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, then “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn. 8:32). 3. The Holy Spirit: Twice a day the lamp was to be replenished with oil in the bowls of the golden lampstand. The oil was a type of the Holy Spirit. As the oil was the fuel source for the golden lampstand, the Holy Spirit is the fuel source for the believer and the church. The Holy Spirit brings power and anointing, which will play out to souls saved, bondages broken, and a church that is on fire for the Lord. In all of this, we see the three ingredients for the church, for the nation, and for the believer—Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit. With these three ingredients, the lamp will shine brightly, and Jesus Christ will be glorified. Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org 20 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST E X PE R I E NC E T H E DI F F E R E NC E! WEBC&S PRECAMPMEETING SESSIONS (Located in the SonLife Radio Building) Monday........................................................... 1-4 PM & 6-8 PM Tuesday............................................................ 1-4 PM & 6-8 PM Wednesday........................................................... 9 AM – 12 PM CAMPMEETING SCHEDULE OF SERVICES (Located in Family Worship Center) Wednesday 7 PM Donnie Swaggart 8 AM David Borg 10 AM Loren Larson 2 PM Bob Cornell Thursday 7 PM Gabriel Swaggart Friday 7 PM Jimmy Swaggart Saturday 7 PM Donnie Swaggart 10 AM Jimmy Swaggart 6 PM Gabriel Swaggart Thursday - Saturday Sunday ACCOMMODATIONS HOTEL PHONE HOTEL PHONE Siegen Inn Honore Ln. 225.366.6776 Hampton Inn Commercial Rd., Port Allen, LA 225.389.6655 Chase Suites Hotel Corporate Blvd. 225.927.5630 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Siegen Holiday Circle 225.778.5722 Comfort Suites Valley Creek Dr. 225.923.3377 Hyatt Place Bluebonnet Blvd. 225.769.4400 Courtyard by Marriott North Mall Dr. 225.293.7200 La Quinta Inn Reiger Rd. 225.291.6600 DoubleTree by Hilton 4964 Constitution Ave. 225.925.1009 Microtel Inn & Suites Reiger Rd. 225.291.6200 Drury Inn and Suites Essen Park 225.766.2022 Wyndham Gardens Bluebonnet Blvd. 225.293.1199 Embassy Suites Hotel Constitution Ave. 225.924.6566 Renaissance Bluebonnet Blvd. 866.469.5448 Fairfield Inn by Marriott 7959 Essen Park Ave. 225.766.9493 SpringHill Suites by Marriott 7979 Essen Park Ave. 225.766.5252 Hampton Inn Reiger Rd. 225.751.4600 TownePlace Suites by Marriott 8735 Summa Blvd. 225.819.2112 Call for special rates during JSM Campmeetings! RECREATIONAL VEHICLE ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE ON JSM PROPERTY Paved parking spaces for Recreational Vehicles with electricity, water, and sewer connections - $16.95 per day FOR MORE INFORMATION: 225.768.3438 or visit www.jsmcampmeeting.org FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER 8919 WORLD MINISTRY AVENUE, BATON ROUGE, LA 70810-9099 www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 21 CHANNEL LISTINGS PREACHING THE CROSS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK UNITED STATES ( NATIONWIDE ) CABLE, SATELLITE, & DIGITAL LISTINGS S AT E L L I T E DIRECTV® Network Dish Network Verizon FiOS Glorystar Covers: US/Canada/Mexico/Central America Galaxy 19 Covers: US/Canada/Mexico/Central America Roku AT&T U-Verse Charter S TAT E Alabama Alabama Arizona Arizona California California California California California California Connecticut Connecticut Delaware Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Georgia Georgia Hawaii Idaho Idaho Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Indiana Indiana Indiana Iowa Kansas Kansas Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Minnesota Minnesota Mississippi 24 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST D AY S 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week 7 Days A Week TIMES 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day 24 Hours A Day UNITED STATES ( REGIONAL) CABLE LISTINGS CITY Anniston Birmingham Safford Show Low Bakersfield Los Angeles Palm Desert San Diego San Francisco San Rafael Hartford, Northaven, etc. Mancester Wilmiington Astor ∙ Astatuloa ∙ Lakes of Mt. 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Comm., Inc. 16 Highland Comm. Services 161 MTCO 201 Comcast 74 Comcast 103 Brighthouse 87 Comcast 90 Comcast 111 Cable One 91 United Telecom 162 Cable One 91 Cox Cable 276 Clear Choice Cable 225 Cox Cable 389 Time Warner 489 RCN 270 Comcast 389 Brighthouse 193 WOW (Wide Open West) 194 Time Warner 176 Comcast 191 Sjoberg’s, Inc. 182 Cable One 91 S TAT E Mississippi Mississippi Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri Nebraska Nebraska UNITED STATES ( REGIONAL) CABLE LISTINGS [CONTINUED] CITY Columbus Grenada Higginsville Kansas City Kirksville St. Louis Fremont Norfolk Audubon ∙ Burlington ∙ Central ∙ Gloucester ∙ Jersey City ∙ Meadowlands ∙ Monmouth ∙ Ocean County ∙ New Jersey Plainfield ∙ Pleasantville ∙ Princeton ∙ Somerset ∙ Hillborough ∙ Trenton ∙ Union ∙ Vineland New Jersey Long Beach Island New Jersey Northwest New Jersey Toms River New Mexico Rio Rancho New York Albany ∙ Binghamton (Montrose ∙ Bath ∙ Jamestown) ∙ Syracuse New York Buffalo New York Carmel New York New York New York New York New York Rochester North Carolina Asheboro ∙ Denton ∙ New London North Carolina Charlotte North Carolina Charlotte North Carolina Charlotte North Carolina Greensboro North Carolina Raleigh North Dakota Enderlin Ohio Akron ∙ Canton ∙ Cleveland Ohio Cincinnati ∙ Dayton Ohio Cleveland Ohio Columbus Ohio Columbus Ohio Toledo Ohio Wapakoneta Oklahoma Altus Oklahoma Clarksdale ∙Batesville Oklahoma Duncan Oklahoma Ponca City Bucks County ∙ Chester County ∙ Delaware County ∙ Elizabethtown ∙ Harrisburg ∙ Lancaster ∙ Greencastle ∙ Pennsylvania Williamsport ∙ Millersburg ∙ Levittown ∙ Lower Marion County ∙ Montgomery County ∙ Willowgrove Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pennsylvania Philadelphia (8 AM to Noon) Rhode Island Providence South Carolina Charleston South Carolina Statewide South Carolina Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Lancaster, York, Chester, Clover, Lake Wylie South Dakota Beresford Tennessee Dyersburg Texas Amarillo Texas Austin Texas Dallas Texas Gilmer Texas Port Lavaca ∙ Aransas Pass Texas San Antonio Texas Texarkana Texas Throckmorton ∙ Lake Graham ∙ Newcastle Texas Waco ∙ Killeen Washington Goldendale NEW Washington Seattle NEW Washington Seattle Washington, DC Washington, DC West Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin NEW Wisconsin NEW Wisconsin CABLE SYSTEM Cable One Cable One Citizens Cablevision Time Warner Cable One Charter Time Warner Cable One CHANNEL 91 91 122 489 91 155 10/14/21 91 Comcast 190 Comcast Comcast Comcast Cable One Time Warner Time Warner Comcast Time Warner RCN Time Warner Randolph Telephone Charter Comporium Time Warner Time Warner Time Warner MLGC Enderlin Time Warner Time Warner WOW (Wide Open West) Time Warner WOW (Wide Open West) Buckeye Telephone Service Co, Inc. Cable One Cable One Cable One Cable One 22 280 19 91 487 293 191 487 270 293 257 81 391 113/382 287 487 150 192 194 193 186 193 109 75 91 91 91 91 Comcast 190 Comcast Comcast Cox Cable Comcast Time Warner Comporium Cable Beresford Cablevision Cable One Cable One Time Warner Time Warner Gilmer Cable Television Cable One Time Warner Cable One TGN Cable Time Warner J&N Cable Comcast Frontier RCN Riverton Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone (SKSRT) 190 4 70 270 487 391 487 91 91 487 487 205 91 487 91 487 193 487 14/102 24 270 Wheeling Green Bay ∙ Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Comcast Time Warner Time Warner/AT&T Charter 190 186 68/1068 22 34 www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 25 CHANNEL LISTINGS PREACHING THE CROSS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK UNITED STATES OVER-THE-AIR ( DTV ) LISTINGS For those of you who are not familiar with digital television, these are free “old fashioned TV channels” that are able to be picked up with a digital tuner and antenna. Most new televisions are equipped with built-in digital tuners or you can purchase a tuner from your local electronics store (Best Buy®, Radio Shack®, etc.). As well, you can purchase the proper antenna at your local electronics store. Many viewers under the broadcast signal of the television station can use a small, digital antenna inside the home. For those on the outer edge of the signal or to receive the best signal, an outdoor antenna may be required. Both indoor and outdoor antennas are available for less than $50! S TAT E CITY S TAT I O N S TAT E CITY S TAT I O N Alabama Berry 38.4 Florida Tampa 43.1 Alabama Fayette 15.4 Georgia Atlanta 16.2 S TAT E CITY S TAT I O N Ohio Cincinnati 25.6 Oklahoma Oklahoma City 21.2 4.1 (8AM-Noon) 4.3 (24 Hrs) 8.2 Arizona Phoenix 22.3 & 50.3 Idaho Boise 41.3 NEW Pennsylvania Philadelphia California Bakersfield 34.6 NEW Illinois Chicago 62.3 Pennsylvania Philadelphia California Fresno 33.5 NEW Kentucky Louisiville 50.1 Puerto Rico San Juan 25.2 16.3 31.3 California Los Angeles 35.4 & 64.1 Louisiana Baton Rouge 14.1 South Carolina Spartanburg/ Greenville California Redding/Chico 41.2 NEW Louisiana Monroe 39.4 Tennessee Nashville California Sacramento 9.1 & 49.6 NEW Missouri St. Louis 7.2 Texas Austin 17.3 California Salinas 27.4 NEW Nevada Las Vegas 30.3 Texas Dallas 31.1 California Santa Maria/San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara 40.2 NEW New Mexico Albuquerque 32.3 Texas Houston 10.2 Colorado Denver 5.1 New York Cobleskill 41.4 Texas Odessa 22.3 NEW Florida Miami 16.2 New York New York 42.5 Washington Seattle 24.1 NEW Florida Orlando 55.4 North Carolina Charlotte 55.3 Wisconsin Milwaulkee 68.1 NEW INTERNATIONAL LISTINGS INTERNATIONAL CABLE & SATELLITE LISTINGS COVERING C A B L E / S AT E L L I T E D AY S TIMES CHANNEL Sky Satellite 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 594 United Kingdom Freesat 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 695 United Kingdom Freeview 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 239 United Kingdom Asia & India ABS 1 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Africa Intelsat 20 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Africa Thaicom 5 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Australia & New Zealand OPTUS D2 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Austria AustriaSat 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 313 Lime TV 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 4 Belgium TéléSAT 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 532 Belgium TV Vlaanderen 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 356 sonlifetv.com for more info Barbados Brazil (Nationwide) StarOne C2 Satellite 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Bulgaria Dcable 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Bulgaria 3 Air Media 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Lime TV 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 104 Hispasat 1E 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Skylink 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 265 France WEBSERVICE - Play Media 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day France Canal Sat 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Germany - Cologne, Dusseldorf, Bonn & Aachen Net Cologne 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 409 Germany Unity Cable 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 238 Germany Kabel BW 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 302 Germany Kabel Deutschland 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 847 Cayman Islands Central & South America/Caribbean Czech Republic 26 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST INTERNATIONAL CABLE & SATELLITE LISTINGS [CONTINUED] COVERING C A B L E / S AT E L L I T E D AY S TIMES CHANNEL Germany Sky Deutchsland 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 975 Germany Stadtwerke 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 442 Germany HD+ 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 983 Astra 1 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Israel, Middle East, Northern Africa, Europe Germany Hot Bird 6 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info 180 Israel Hot Cable 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Italy Tivu 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 75 Italy Sky Italia 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 850 Middle East & Asia Eutelsat 25 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Netherlands Canal Digital 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 208 New Zealand Sky 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 203 Poland Korbank 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Poland MGK 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day Puerto Rico Choice 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 155 Russia & Eastern Europe Amos 2 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 4˚ West Russia West Yamal 1 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Slovakia Skylink 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 265 Intelsat 21 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day sonlifetv.com for more info Canal+ 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 463 South America Spain Until a channel comes to your area, enjoy your favorite radio and television programs by visiting www.sonlifetv.com. You can already view live services and prerecorded programming online! Watch SBN anytime, anywhere with the SonLife Broadcasting Network app. Available for FREE at: All letters are current and have been edited for space. CALLER FELT THE PRESENCE OF GOD THROUGH JSM PRAYER LINE DEAR EVANGELIST: I just want to say thank you to the lady who prayed with me over the phone when I called in a few weeks ago. My grandson, who is 4 years old, had his appendix burst, and they had to rush him to surgery almost as soon as they diagnosed him. I felt the presence of God when she prayed with me. My grandson’s name is Gabriel, and he is doing fine now, praise God! Thank you so much for your faithfulness and God bless you all! – Alabama CHURCH SERVICES ARE DYNAMIC; YOU HAVE TO STAY ON THE AIR DEAR EVANGELIST: Your services on Sunday, both morning and night, were so dynamic and uplifting. Thank you so very much for blessing us on this Sunday. We have been unable to go to church the past two Sundays because of tribulation, and are so thankful for your ministry. God bless you all for a wonderful share-a-thon. To think we would have to do without your broadcast saddens me. You just have to stay on the air. Until the rapture, your distant family loves you! – Email of hell-breaking, demon-busting, sin-killing gospel through the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. No other gospel, only Calvary. I started the ministry in Zimbabwe. Thank you, Brother Jimmy. May the Almighty reward you, accordingly to the great work in which you have run a good race and fought a good fight of faith. – Zimbabwe BELIEVER TESTIFIES OF BLESSING AFTER TITHING ON EVERY COMMISSION DEAR EVANGELIST: I wanted to share my testimony with you. About 15 months ago, I started a new career as a real estate agent. I committed to the Lord that I would tithe on every commission check to the ministry. Everyday, I start my day in prayer and trusting in the Cross that the Lord would bless my business. I have learned from you to “ask big because our God is a big God!” In just 15 months, I have sold 37 properties with over $7,300,000 in sales, and I can assure you that all my tithe has gone to the ministry. Our cupboards have never been fuller and our refrigerator is never empty! In our home, we are experiencing the blessing that Obed-Edom received in II Samuel 6:11. My faith is solidly in the Cross as I know every need has been met and every battle has been won. I give God all the glory! – New Hampshire SAVED 30 YEARS AGO AND STILL A SOLDIER OF CHRIST DEAR EVANGELIST: When I stumbled onto your website and also onto the telecast, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Reason being that 30 years ago, in 1984, I was 19 years old, all alone in my hotel room, waiting to go on stage to sing as I was a jazz singer. Then, suddenly, I don’t remember what happened, or who switched on the TV, and there was Jimmy Swaggart pointing a finger at me as if he were in that room. I freaked; the words pierced my heart because I had given my life to Jesus two years earlier, but I not experienced anything. That day, that very night, I felt an awesome presence. Brother Swaggart spoke about the infilling of the Holy Spirit to resist sin; all I can say is that that is the day up to now I am a soldier of Christ. I am a preacher 28 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST WOMAN RECEIVES COUNSELING, PRAYER THAT CHANGES HER CHRISTIAN WALK DEAR EVANGELIST: I have a beautiful testimony regarding your family’s ministry. I went through a very horrific and traumatic divorce several years ago. Family members were busy with their lives and I found myself with no one except Jesus. On one particular desperate day, I dialed the prayer line and poured out my troubles to the most compassionate prayer warrior on the other end, all while she spoke beautiful Scripture and positive, uplifting things to me. I would hang up saying, “I just don’t think that could apply in my life.” I figured she just said that to everyone. I also spoke to Jim Nations who spoke ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 27 - MAY 1 DON'T MISS OUR SPECIAL ONE-WEEK INTENSIVE COURSE THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST to me as a compassionate father figure and when I bitterly spouted off about a few details concerning my divorce, he said in a gentle voice, “Let’s start with your attitude, young lady,” and I knew deep down he was right. The prayer line and Jim Nations helped me so much. They gave me Scripture from the Bible and reassured me that through this ordeal of mine that not only were they there for me, but, most importantly, Jesus was with me. After this was all over, I saw where He never did leave my side. The Lord gave me a gift that was so far above and beyond any monetary asset that I could have received in my divorce settlement. It was a deeper way to worship Him, truly worship Him, that as a born-again Spirit-filled believer, I never knew existed. This is a gift that stands out from any other gift that I have received from the Lord. I worship Him more deeply and lovingly, and it brings me to tears because it is my most treasured gift from the Lord to date. Your ministry blesses me and I wanted to share this beautiful news that in the worst crisis of my life that godly people from your ministry held my hand and saw me safely to the end. MONDAY ‑ THURSDAY 9-11:45 AM | 1-3 PM FRIDAY 9-11:45 AM INSTRUCTOR BOB CORNELL – Email BIBLE-THON WILL DETONATE A CATACLYSMIC EXPLOSION OF FAITH DEAR EVANGELIST: Listening to the brethren speaking of the upcoming Bible-thon, I can’t help believing that as these Bibles will get into all the hands that want them. There will be a cataclysmic explosion of faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross that will shake, and go on shaking, all the nations before Jesus comes. WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE pastors or any student of the Bible to attend this one week intensive, free of charge. The class will be held on the grounds of World Evangelism Bible College in Baton Rouge, Louuisiana. The student is responsible for travel and lodging, but there is no charge for attending the course. Come learn the Word of God with others. Please call 225.768.3890 to register. – Australia THIS COURSE IS AN OVERVIEW study of Bible prophecy, and an RUSSIAN FAMILY THANKFUL THAT SBN IS AIRING IN THEIR COUNTRY DEAR EVANGELIST: Thank you for showing the SonLife Broadcasting channel in Russia over Yamal 300K. We really like your preaching, and we will watch every week with all our family. They are very interesting and helpful! in-depth study of the millennial reign of Christ. The millennial passages in Revelation, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah will be the foundation of our study. We will be studying subjects such as the second coming of Christ, the physical reign of Christ on the earth, the activity of glorified saints, the restoration of Israel, the condition of the earth and the nations of the earth during the millennium, and more. – Australia P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 225.768.3890 | info@webc.edu | www.webc.edu THE PRAYER OF JABEZ part iii by gabriel swaggart I Chronicles 4:9-10 – “And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” THAT YOUR HAND MIGHT BE WITH ME As a believer, through every trial that we may face, we can have the assurance of knowing that the Lord’s hand is with us and upon us, and it will never let us fall to the ground. 30 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST THE THIRD REQUEST ASKED by Jabez was that the hand of the Lord would be with him. Hallelujah! This is what is referred to as the “hand of strength,” and I want you to know that only the Lord is capable of such! As a believer, through every trial that we may face, we can have the assurance of knowing that the Lord’s hand is with us and upon us, and it will never let us fall to the ground. With His hand leading us, guiding us, and sustaining us, we cannot fail. What a promise! A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE It’s one thing to read this, but it’s another thing to experience it. I was about 22 years of age, and at that time in my life, I was experiencing a difficult situation. It was a Monday morning around 10 o’clock, and I will never forget it for as long as I live. As I stood up from my desk in my office, I walked across the little office that I was in and sat down on the floor, with my back up against the brick wall. My heart was heavy, and my eyes filled with tears as I buried my head into my hands. I began to cry out to God for His help and His strength or, in reality, anything that would help me get through that situation. As I began to ask God for an answer, for something to help me through the situation, I glanced over at my Bible, which was sitting right next to me on the floor. I reached over, picked it up, and just opened it. Before my eyes came a passage of Scripture that literally jumped off the page to me. It was as if all other words on the page became clear, and all that I could see was the following words: “But now thus says the Lord who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour” (Isa. 43:1-3). As I read those words, the presence of God filled that room, and I began to worship Him Call us at 225.768.3072 | Email us at crossfire@jsm.org | www.crossfireyouthministry.org THE PRAYER OF JABEZ PART III and speak with other tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance. After a few minutes of this, the Holy Spirit spoke to me as clearly as if He were right beside me, and told me, “Son, as long as you hold on to the Cross, I’ll never let you go.” Praise God! I can sense the presence of God even now as I recount that event in my life, and I believe that you can sense it as well. In other words, He was telling me that even though I might go through some difficult times, as long as I trust Him, He will always see me through. And not only will He see me through, but He will see you through if you trust Him. GOD SPECIALIZES IN THINGS THOUGHT IMPOSSIBLE As Jabez put his trust in the Lord, we must put our trust in Him, for when we do, He will uphold us in the power of His right hand (Isa. 41:10), and He will bring us through any trial and tribulation that we face. This reminds me of the words to a song that we sing here at Family Worship Center: Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible. He’ll do for you what no other power can do. Just believe that today, and no matter what difficulties come your way, believe that His hand will be upon you, and with His hand upon you, you cannot fail. KEEP ME FROM EVIL demolished. However, when Christ said, “Lead us not into temptation,” He was telling us that God is the One who draws the parameters, not Satan, which means that Satan can only do what God has allowed him to do, and nothing more. THE CROSS BRINGS DELIVERANCE The word deliver in that verse is used to signify a trap that was set by Satan, and the believer cannot dislodge himself from it by his own accord, and he must be delivered by the power of God. This deliverance can only come about through the means of the finished work of Christ and nothing else. That’s why Christ proclaimed that the Spirit of the Lord had anointed Him to “preach deliverance to the captives” (Lk. 4:18), which means that deliverance can only be obtained by simple faith in Christ and Him crucified. When a preacher of the gospel points the individual to anything other than Christ and the Cross, that preacher is not giving that person the means by which he can be delivered. Deliverance can only come about through the means of the slain Lamb, which is Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for us at Calvary’s Cross. It all goes back to the Cross. AND GOD GRANTED THAT WHICH JABEZ REQUESTED After Jabez made his request, the Bible tells us that God granted Jabez “that which he requested.” This means that the Lord heard his request; He approved his petition; and He granted that which he had asked. If God would do this for Jabez, He will do the same for anyone who dares to believe Him. This means that the Lord heard his request; He approved his petition; and He granted that which he had asked. If God would do this for Jabez, He will do the same for anyone who dares to believe Him. The last request given by Jabez said, “Keep me from evil that it might not grieve me.” This statement, in effect, is what the Lord Jesus Christ told us to pray when He gave us the Lord’s Prayer. Christ would say, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Mat. 6:13). The evil mentioned here by Christ is referring to Satan, the Evil One, and is designed to destroy you and me. Christ tells us that Satan has a scheme that he has concocted that is extremely clever and put together ever so subtly to see to it that we are completely www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 31 OBTAINING THE PROMISE by loren larson II Cor. 1:20 – “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” The fear of the unknown has stopped many believers from attaining to the 'new level' of spiritual truth that God desired for them. THE PROMISES OF GOD are yes and Amen! However, in most cases, promises are not always simple to obtain. There is often a preparation time wherein the individual who will receive the promise is prepared for the advent of that promise. In addition, there are spiritual forces that oppose the individual’s reception of that promise or word from the Lord. Both areas are traversable as long as the believer understands the process and is willing to be changed and helped by the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, there are four key areas over which we must be sure not to stumble. I’m sure that there are many other obstacles that the believer will face during the growth process, but these four stand out as some of the most prominent obstacles to the believer’s pursuit of God and His promises. FEAR The first obstacle is fear. Often we are afraid of moving out of our comfort zone into something new. The fear of the unknown has stopped many believers from attaining to the “new level” of spiritual truth that God desired for them. Fear grips the heart and causes us to head in one of two wrong directions. First, fear may cause us to act prematurely or presumptuously. We feel that due to circumstances, we “just have to do something.” Secondly, fear may cause us 32 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST to stop moving altogether. We stop moving toward the goal that God has given because we are unsure or uneasy. Fear is overcome by choosing to trust that God knows the needs that lie ahead and that He will meet each one as they arise. Faith does not guarantee the absence of fear. Faith overcomes the obstacle created by fear. DISTRACTION The second obstacle the believer must defeat is the obstacle of distraction. In Mark 4:14-20, Jesus explains to His disciples the true meaning of the parable of the sower. It is here that we learn of the great opposition that comes from both Satan and self. As soon as the word (the promise) is given, Satan attempts to steal it. If the word falls on a heart that will receive it, that word has the capability of growing and bringing forth fruit. If it passes the initial attack of persecution, the believer has to be careful not to be “lulled” into a destructive state of apathy. The entrance and focus of other things — usually physical desires of some nature — create this scenario. In Mark, Chapter 4, we see that the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. Pay attention to the promise or to the word that God has given. Don’t be distracted from it. Meditate upon it. Hold it close to your OBTAINING THE PROMISE heart. God will both confirm His word to you and will enlarge upon its purpose and definition. Don’t lose sight of what God has revealed to you. God’s way to DISCOURAGEMENT faith in the Cross The third obstacle is discouragement. Very rarely will a promise of God come to pass immediately. Usually there is a time frame that is involved from the promise to the possession of that promise. If we become discouraged along the way, we will release our faith in what God has said and in what God desires to do. In Joshua 1:6-9, God tells Joshua to “be strong and of a good courage,” or words to that effect, three separate times. Why was this? It was because of the fact that Joshua would face many battles before God’s people possessed the land promised to them. Time would pass. Giants would have to be faced and defeated. Opposition would arise. Don’t let discouragement cause you to stumble. Don’t let discouragement stop you short of the goal that God has set before you. of Christ! There is THE RIGHT WAY IS GOD’S WAY The last obstacle that I will mention is the everpresent tendency in man to try to accomplish the right thing in the wrong way. God has a way in which everything He has designed and produced defeat sin is by no other way. is to be accomplished. Man’s problem is that we truly hear from God and then try to bring about what God has proclaimed by our own method. This is the evil tendency of the flesh. It is trust in oneself and trust in ways that are the manufacturing of man’s own mind. If we want the Holy Spirit’s power to work in our situation, we must submit completely to the prescribed order that God has in regard to the goal that He has set before us. For example, sin must be defeated by faith in the finished work of Christ. It cannot be prayed out or fasted out. That is the wrong way as it regards overcoming sin and its power over an individual. God’s way to defeat sin is by faith in the Cross of Christ! There is no other way. Cain came up with another way, the way of a vegetable and fruit offering. God rejected that offering and because of the way that Cain chose, God rejected Cain. If we want to be acceptable to God, we must do things His way. Why WEBC&S? ““In the Romans class, Brother Larson was teaching on Chapter 7. He taught in Verse 1 how Paul says that a man is under the law as long as he lives, and then how in Verse 4, Paul states that the believer in Christ is dead to the law. So, in Verse 9, when Paul says that he was dead to the law once before the commandment came, Brother Larson explained that this verse indicates that Paul must have been saved before the account in Verses 7 through 13 took place. I had known this already, but it being explained in this fashion really stayed with me and gave me a greater appreciation for the seventh chapter of Romans.” Benjamin louisiana P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 225.768.3890 | info@webc.edu | www.webc.edu www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 33 CHANGE part iii by john rosenstern PRIOR TO THE REFORMATION, education in Europe was limited to the elite ruling class. Martin Luther changed things in 1524. He wrote a letter to German princes, urging them to establish schools “for every man’s child.” Furthermore, he believed it should be government-paid. The object of his effort was 'to get rid of Christianity, and to convert our churches into halls of science.' In 1559, the Duke of Wurttemberg established the first compulsory attendance system, one in which detailed records were kept while fines were levied on parents of truants. Later, the Wurttemberg system became the model for compulsory public schools in most Protestant states in Prussia. Just a short time afterward, John Calvin became the head of government in Geneva, Switzerland, where he established a state-sponsored educational system. Both men realized that the way to inculcate religious learning into the citizenry was to educate them with the right literature. The advent of the printing press, nearly a century later, made possible the advancement of Christian learning. The Puritans came to America and unashamedly taught the precepts of God and Jesus Christ. Our forefathers came to America with this heritage and immediately established schools and universities for every child in the New World. LIBERALISM’S RISE It only took 70 years for liberalism to gradually replace the Puritan charter. The public schools, also called the common schools, were imbued with humanism as a framework for character developing in opposition to Christian principals found in the Bible. How did our schools backslide from the foundational faith of our forefathers and revolutionaries? How could the great city of Boston, the citadel of learning, enlist the 34 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST conscripts of liberalism? The Unitarians in Boston copied from the pages of Luther and Calvin the concept of public education supported and funded by the government. However, Unitarianism crept in and became the mother of secular humanism and ultimately rejected the moral teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Isn’t it interesting to see that nearly half of the signers of our Declaration of Independence were either Bible school or seminary graduates, while a large percentage of the signers of the Humanist Manifesto in 1933 were Unitarians? The Unitarian movement was formed out of the Reformation. “Unitarians have liberal views of God, Jesus, the world, and purpose of life as revealed through reason, scholarship, science, philosophy, scripture, and other prophets and religions. They believe that reason and belief are complementary and that religion and science can co-exist and guide them in their understanding of nature and God.” Faith in God can only be proven by science, according to their thoughts. The dynamics of education in America vastly embraced their new standards. Fundamental Bible teaching and morals were replaced with liberalism. The steps of liberalism were small. For example, Harvard University embraced liberal theologians, whose thinking process originated in the humanistic minds of Europe. The 100-year battle between fundamentalists and liberals raged at Harvard, but the Unitarianists grew stronger and their influence prevailed. CHANGE PART III SOCIALISM Robert Owen, an Englishman, often labeled “the father of modern socialism,” established a socialist community in Scotland with the intention of conditioning young minds and future generations to accept socialism. He believed education was a prerequisite to the success of socialism. Owen joined the humanist movement and began to work insidiously for the takeover of public education. The object of his effort was “to get rid of Christianity, and to convert our churches into halls of science,” according to Orestes A. Brownson, a Universalist minister. Orestes revealed, “The plan was not to make open attacks on religion, although we might belabor the clergy and bring them into contempt where we could: but to establish a system of state-we said-national schools, from which all religion would be excluded, in which nothing was to be taught but such knowledge as is verifiable by the senses …” These “Owenites” organized in 1829 in New York City. By 1832, the Bible had already been excluded from the curriculum of secular public education. A three-step plan to take over the public educational system included: 1. Make school attendance mandatory. 2. Establish government-sponsored “free” schools. 3. Establish teacher-training schools, controlled by the elite. Gradually our schools and libraries reflected the atheism of Europe. The departure from God was by design. It happened because believers in Jesus Christ lost their vigilance, while the humanists sought positions of influence to gain control of what children learned. The deception came in “unawares.” The goal of the humanists and socialists had more to do with indoctrination of our youth with the theories of humanism than in academic-achievement scores. From Horace Mann to John Dewey, they introduced the harmful progressive education that included look-and-say reading, child-centered teaching techniques, and challenged moral absolutes. After him came the new math, sex education, and values clarification. The defrauding of parents and bilking the taxpayer has produced an “undereducated” child. Few have stepped in and opposed the system. The education system has trained its followers well. Anyone who opposes the system is stereotyped and labeled, thereby, discouraging others in the pursuit to educate their children with an alternative way. We will proceed next month in our brief journey of the changes in education to the different methods the system uses to make it appear they are “fixing” the problem, but, in reality, it is simply just another part of their strategy. “Go “ ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” - Mark 16:15 World Evangelism Fellowship was born out of a deep desire of Christians from all denominational backgrounds to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was realized that when churches and ministries band together under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to attack the strongholds of Satan, much can be accomplished. This is the reason World Evangelism Fellowship was formed – to channel the efforts of churches and preachers from all over the United States, Canada, and the world into a unified, proven plan to reach the lost and dying with the Good News of the Gospel. The call of God to win the lost is clear. World Evangelism Fellowship is answering that call and we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us. This is not a denomination, and we pray it never will be. It is, however, a fellowship of Ministers and Churches united in their efforts to reach the world for Jesus Christ. How do I, as an individual, affiliate with World Evangelism Fellowship? There are several ways to join World Evangelism Fellowship, and the method you choose depends on what God has called you to do. • Christian Worker • Licensed Minister •Ordained Minister •Church Affiliation For more information contact: World Evangelism Fellowship P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 225.768.3106 | www.jsm.org HE IS RISEN by mike muzzerall Mark 16:6 – “And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: You seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: He is risen; He is not here.” HE IS RISEN INDEED! What powerful words that even today causes the saint of God to rejoice. What a life-changing moment! Hope and happiness replaced hopelessness and despair by one simple phrase: He is risen! THEY JUST DIDN’T GET IT At first, the disciples struggled with what seemed to be an impossibility. Why would the resurrection of the Son of God be so hard for them to accept? After all, Jesus had raised the widow’s son at Nain (Lk. 7:11-17), Jairus’ daughter (Mat. 9:18-26), and Lazarus from the dead (Jn. 11:1-44). Jesus had also told them ahead of the time of His death, burial and resurrection: “And He began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again” (Mk. 8:31). And yet they struggled. They just didn’t get it. It took physical visitations by Jesus before they would accept the news. Before we belittle them for their lack of faith, consider that we may have acted the same way. THEN WERE THE DISCIPLES GLAD “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when He had so said, He shewed unto them His hands and His side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord” (Jn. 20:19-20). There’s a world of difference between hearing the good news about Jesus and experiencing that good news first hand. As the saints of old used to say, “It’s better felt then 36 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST telt.” Experiencing God’s love, grace, and mercy is far better than merely hearing of it. THE CHURCH TODAY REJOICES IN THE RESURRECTION During Resurrection Sunday, all around the world, bloodbought saints rejoice in the announcement, “He is risen!” Added to the excitement of the resurrection is the hope of our own personal resurrection whether in the rapture or from the dead. As a result of the completed work of Calvary we have an assurance of a future resurrection. We have been co-crucified, co-buried, and co-risen with Christ. Therefore, as believers we know we will be raised from the dead. “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (I Cor. 15:20-22). GOD’S SEAL OF APPROVAL We have been falsely accused of not believing in the resurrection. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Message of the Cross encompasses the resurrection. It was the death of Christ that paid for the debt of sin, not the resurrection. The resurrection was God’s seal of approval on the blood that had been offered as full payment for sin! Jesus said on the Cross, “It is finished” (tetelestai), with the result it remains finished or paid in full (perfect tense). The resurrection did not pay our debt nor add to that payment. The resurrection did not overcome Satan. The blood of Jesus Christ did and still does (Rev. 12:11). We rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ because it is God’s seal of approval on the completed work of Calvary. Therefore, rejoice. He is risen! »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Genesis [639 PAGES 11-201] Exodus [639 PAGES 11-202] Leviticus [435 PAGES 11-203] Numbers Deuteronomy [493 PAGES 11-204] Joshua Judges Ruth [329 PAGES 11-205] I Samuel II Samuel [528 PAGES 11-206] I Kings II Kings [560 PAGES 11-207] I Chronicles II Chronicles [505 PAGES 11-226] Ezra Nehemiah Esther [288 PAGES 11-208] Job [320 PAGES 11-225] Psalms [688 PAGES 11-216] Proverbs [320 PAGES 11-227] Ecclesiastes Song Of Solomon [245 PAGES 11-228] Isaiah [688 PAGES 11-220] Jeremiah Lamentations [688 PAGES 11-070] Ezekiel [520 PAGES 11-223] Daniel [403 PAGES 11-224] Hosea Joel Amos [496 PAGES 11-229] Obadiah Jonah Micah »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah [530 PAGES 11-230] Haggai Zechariah Malachi [448 PAGES 11-231] NEW Matthew [625 PAGES 11-073] Mark [606 PAGES 11-074] Luke [626 PAGES 11-075] John [532 PAGES 11-076] Acts [697 PAGES 11-077] Romans [536 PAGES 11-078] I Corinthians [632 PAGES 11-079] II Corinthians [589 PAGES 11-080] Galatians [478 PAGES 11-081] Ephesians [550 PAGES 11-082] Philippians [476 PAGES 11-083] Colossians [374 PAGES 11-084] I Thessalonians II Thessalonians [498 PAGES 11-085] I Timothy II Timothy Titus Philemon [687 PAGES 11-086] Hebrews [831 PAGES 11-087] James I Peter II Peter [730 PAGES 11-088] I John II John III John Jude [377 PAGES 11-089] Revelation [602 PAGES 11-090] Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION AND COUNTING THAT’S RIGHT, WE ARE in 75 million homes in America presently, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By the first of the month, we should go on 5 million more. They won’t let me tell you where at this time, but I am eagerly anticipating this addition. as you’ve never heard before. If you can come and don’t, you will wish you had. MINISTRY MUSICIAN WANTED If you play rhythm guitar, can read charts, and you want to help touch the world for Christ, give Robin Herd a call. The number is (225) 768-8300. VISITORS NOW AIRING IN 75 MILLION HOMES IN AMERICA. There are 115 million homes in America with a television set. We want to be in every single home. We feel that everyone deserves the opportunity to hear the gospel, whether they accept it or not. Counting all the cable systems, satellites, and stations that we’re on overseas, and including the Internet, which is much larger than any of us know, we are told that some 2 billion people can tune in to SonLife Broadcasting Network if they so desire. RESURRECTION CAMPMEETING It’s going to be a blockbuster! It’s going to be a little bit of heaven on earth! The dates are April 1-5. If at all possible, you should be making your plans now to be with us. Regarding music and singing and regarding the preaching and teaching of the Word, we think it will be worship such 38 APRIL 2015 THE EVANGELIST We have people every single Sunday morning that visit Family Worship Center, and how so glad and happy we are to have you. Whether you are just passing through, or you especially come for the service, I don’t think you will be disappointed. So, on your vacation this coming summer, or whenever, make your plans to stop by and be with us. The service begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning and at 6 p.m. on Sunday night. If you happen to be with us on a Wednesday, the service begins at 7 p.m. CHINA I pray that you will read the article in this magazine on China (see page 13). I think you will be pleasantly surprised. OFFERS We have, we think, some of the best offers in the world in each issue of The Evangelist, and this one is no exception. We do our best to give the finest product that money can buy, and at the same time, we cut the price to the bone in order for more people to obtain these offers. So, whatever you do, take advantage! THANK YOU I’m speaking of all the well wishes as it regards my 80th birthday. That sounds old and, in fact, is, but to be frank, I’ve never felt better in my life, and we give the Lord all the praise and all the glory. We still have an awful lot more to be done for the work of the Lord, which we cannot do without your help. I AM SO GRATEFUL I am speaking of the prayerful support and the financial support that you give to this ministry. I told the congregation at Family Worship Center a short time ago, which many of you heard, that I believe the single most important thing in the world was and is the Message of the Cross. I realize that’s quite a statement, but I believe it to be true. What Jesus did on the Cross nearly 2,000 years ago is the greatest thing, as should be overly obvious, that ever happened to the human race. The door was opened to heaven that all who will may enter in. It is the Cross of Christ that has made and does make it all possible. RESPONSE The emails, letters, phone calls, and testimonials of whatever stripe that we are receiving from all over the world is encouraging to say the least. I do believe that we are getting some of the greatest testimonies that we’ve ever gotten in the history of this ministry. The Message of the Cross is bringing about the victory that it alone can bring. Thank God, many are taking advantage of what the Lord did so long ago, but which is just as effective now as it was then and ever shall be. LITTLE ONE Harper is our great granddaughter. She is 3 years old. She belongs to Jennifer and Cliff. She was riding with her grandmother the other day, and to show how much she listens to the programming (they live in Atlanta, Georgia), she said “Mee Mee Frances says, ‘Praise the Lord,’ while Papaw says, ‘My, my, my.’” She is exactly right. Again, thank you so very much for standing with us. Our prayers are that God will continue to bless you abundantly so, as I am certain that He will. In the Master’s service, yours, Jimmy Swaggart 1970s [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5] crusades. Each of these uplifting pilgrimages is called a “journey with a purpose” — a unique experience to travel with the Swaggart family. With specially arranged tours and activities during the day, and the dynamic Spirit-directed crusade services at night, these foreign crusades have become a tremendous source of blessing — not just to our friends in the U.S. and Canada but to overseas brethren as well. Planning for an area-wide crusade often begins a year in advance. A highly trained, dedicated crusade staff, headed by Donnie Swaggart, oversees the thousands of details that must be worked out before Jimmy and the team actually arrive in a particular city. Counselors, ushers, bus drivers, and other workers are enlisted on the local level; and they coordinate with the ministry’s personnel to ensure that every duty will be handled smoothly once a mammoth crusade has begun. Five giant tractor-trailers transport all the paraphernalia needed for each crusade — including sound and television equipment, musical instruments, and many other necessary items. God has blessed this ministry with a television remote production truck of the highest quality. A virtual “television studio on wheels,” this colorful, yet functional, truck plays a key role in the production of the Jimmy Swaggart telecast. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries’ extremely talented and professional television team videotapes each crusade service. These tapes are later aired on television stations around the nation and throughout other parts of the world—reaching literally millions of hungry hearts with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. It has truly been a long way from the street corner in Mangham, Louisiana (where Jimmy Swaggart preached his first sermon in 1953), — to the thrilling Spirit-charged mega crusades of today. But this ministry is indeed reaping the seeds of faithfulness sown in Jimmy’s many years of hard work, Bible study, and seeking the perfect will of God. Today the Jimmy Swaggart Crusades see multiple thousands saved by the power of God — a reality that was once only a dream in Jimmy Swaggart’s heart. But God has brought the increase and is honoring Jimmy Swaggart, His servant, who was willing to answer Christ’s great commission by saying, “Yes, Lord, I will go. Send me.” www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST MARCH 2015 39 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org »» Regular Print Bonded Leather $100 $60 (0415A) »» Giant Print Hardcover $90 $50 (0415B) »» Spanish Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 (0415C) »» Russian Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 (0415D) »» Crossfire Edition Hardcover $60 $40 (0415E) »» Signature Edition Cromwell Premium Genuine Leather $200 $125 (0415F) »» Portuguese Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 (0415G) »» Ladies’ Edition Bonded Leather $100 $60 (0415H) »» English New Testament $40 $25 (0415J) »» Spanish New Testament $40 $25 (0415K) 09-103 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through April 30, 2015. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at www.jsm.org Donnie Swaggart David Borg Office: 225.768.8300 Email: info@jsm.org Office: 225.768.3890 Email: davidborg@jsm.org APRIL 10-12, 2015 – PACHUCA, MEXICO APRIL 24-25, 2015 – HAZLEHURST, MS ² SAT 5 PM | SUN 11 AM ² FRI 7 PM* | SAT 6 PM* Special Musical Guest - Martha Borg Pastor Moises Gomez Pentecost Principe de Paz Avenue Ejercito Nacional, Colonia Militar Mineral de la Reforma, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico 771.71.91941 Pastors Billy & Dondri Mangum Tree Of Life Worship Center 6007 Beasley Road, Hazlehurst, MS 39083 601.894.8429 Pastor Abraham Gomez Centro Familiar de alabanza y Adoración Emmaus 5 de Febrero 83, Colonia el Pedregal Tizayuca Hidalgo, Mexico Bob & Sharon Cornell Office: 225.768.3887 Email: bobc@jsm.org ² SUN 6 PM APRIL 24-26, 2015 – PALM HARBOR, FL Pastor Joe Peterson Christ Church of Palm Harbor 1111 Indiana Avenue, Palm Harbor, FL 34683 727.784.5829 | www.christchurchpalmharbor.com ² FRI & SAT 7 PM | SUN 10 AM & 6 PM APRIL 24-26, 2015 – DENVER, NC Pastors Jason & Summer Collins Lakeside Church 6636 Pine Ridge Drive, Denver, NC 28037 704.620.8583 | www.mylakesidechurch.com ² FRI 7 PM (Sharon ministering) | SAT 6 PM SUN 10:30 AM & 6 PM (Sharon ministering) Gabriel Swaggart Office: 225.768.3072 Email: crossfire@jsm.org SPECIAL EVENT: MAY 8, 2015 – SAN ANTONIO, TX Gabriel Swaggart Rally Lila Cockrell Theatre 200 East Market Street, San Antonio, TX 78205 MAY 23-24, 2015 – COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Pastor Eric Harding Finished Work Worship Center The Garden Ranch YMCA 2380 Montebello Drive West, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 719.244.4939 | fwwc.cs@gmail.com | www.fwwc-cs.com ² SAT 7 PM | SUN 10:30 AM ² FRI 7 PM SPECIAL EVENT: JUNE 26, 2015 – LAKELAND, FL Gabriel Swaggart Rally Youkey Theater 701 West Lime Street, Lakeland, FL 33815 ² FRI 7 PM SPECIAL EVENT: AUGUST 28, 2015 – SPARTANBURG, SC Gabriel Swaggart Rally Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium 385 North Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303 ² FRI 7 PM Please visit www.jsm.org to view full list of meetings. Jim Nations Email: jimn@jsm.org APRIL 12, 2015 – EUNICE, LA Pastor Danny Ortago Maranatha Christian Ministry 331 Jake Street, Eunice, LA 70535 337.305.2118 | www.faithagchurch.org ² SUN 10:30 AM www.jsm.org THE EVANGELIST APRIL 2015 43 Family Worship Center Church, Inc. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries P.O. Box 262550 Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER CHURCH, INC. COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission. Family Worship Center Church, Inc. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada P.O. Box 1020 Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6V9 ForCHANGE moreSERVICE information and to REQUESTED register for classes, please visit onlinecourses.webc.edu. P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 COPYRIGHT © 2015 |by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission. 225.768.3890 info@webc.edu | www.webc.edu