April 2008 Newsletter - Manson Northwest Webster Schools
April 2008 Newsletter - Manson Northwest Webster Schools
Manson Northwest Webster Mastering New Worlds Vol. XV, Number VIII The Numbers Tell the Story at MNW May 2008 Manson Northwest Webster Community School District Newsletter www.mnwcougars.com ICCC Business Competition By Supt. Mark Egli Another school year is nearly past, once again seeming to have gone at warp speed. Later this month 66 seniors will take their leave from the halls of MNW. Across campus at the elementary school, 50 prospective students attended kindergarten roundup in March. The gap between those two numbers, the difference between the number of students coming in and those graduating, tells the story of the MNW district. We now have class sizes in the 30’s at grades one, two, three and five. Grades nine through 12 currently number 255 students. In four years, based on current Front row, from left, Breanna Kuebler, Kristin Lawler, Shelby Steiner, Mackenzie Schreier, Cassie Paterson, Jessica class sizes, grades nine through 12 will total 193 Moser, Allie Seavert. Back row, Josh Berg, Grant Schreier, Cory Schuttler, Brenan Green, Kristen Twait, Hali Dencklau, students. That is a loss of 62, about 1/4 of the Ashley Quade, Tom Brundige (partially hidden) and Houston Ramthun. high school student body, in the next four years. Without increases across the grade levels, this The following students went to the Iowa * Brenan Green, Kristin Lawler, Mackenzie will also bring our k-12 population below 600 for Central Community Business Competition on Schreier, and Kristen Twait--First Place, Team the first time. Adding the next two grades brings Wednesday, April 9, 2008 and did a fantastic job. Marketing There were over 400 students and 19 schools in * Josh Berg, Third Place in Economics and the number of students in grades 7-12 to 273, less attendance. The students that attended were Josh Introduction to Business than the high school population of recent years. Berg, Tom Brundige, Hali Dencklau, Brenan * Houston Ramthun--Third Place in I am aware that I have elaborated upon Green, Breanna Kuebler, Kristin Lawler, Jessica Marksmanship * Brenan Green--Fourth Place in this situation time and time again over the past Moser, Cassie Paterson, Ashley Quade, Houston Ramthun, Mackenzie Schreier, Grant Schreier, Computerized Accounting several years. I do so in order that there will be Cory Schuttler, Allie Seavert, Shelby Steiner, * Cassie Paterson--Fourth Place in Human no surprises for the patrons of the MNW district and Kristen Twait. The following placed at the Relations as we continue to downsize our personnel and competition in these areas: * Mackenzie Schreier--Fifth Place in facilities. What we must do in the short term is * Allie Seavert--First Place, Business Math Accounting I * Kristen Twait--First Place, Introduction to * A special Congratulations goes to clear. Three school buildings with a total capacity Computers Mackenzie Schreier for winning the $500 ICCC of over 1000 students will not be needed for fewer * Jessica Moser--First Place, Keyboarding Business Scholarship!! than 600 students. What we will do in the long Pro run is less clear. Neighboring school districts have not indicated a willingness to participate in the give and take that reorganization requires. A district of 550 to 600 students can be constructed so that students receive a world-class education with ample opportunities. For the interim, until our future picture becomes clearer, the MNW district will take care of business, educationally and financially. Every decision relative to reduction will be analyzed in relationship to what is best for kids under the circumstances. Even though it presents some limitations, smallness also brings staff and students into closer proximity with one another so that the sharing of responsibilities can be done more easily as well as the individualization of the educational program. The School Improvement Advisory Committee will meet in May or early summer to discuss the year’s test scores among other things. The Building Use Committee will also meet in the Inventors competing at state were, from left, Ty Patzner, A.J. Larson, Nathan Walsh, Adam Siepker. immediate future to discuss objectives and tasks Emma Nelson and Alex Vetter. * Jordan Neuman with Easy Sheets The State Invention Convention was held on for the committee members relative to building These students were chosen from 30,000 April 5th at Iowa City. Students who advanced evaluations and data collection. students who participated in Invent Iowa this to the state level were: All in all, it has been a successful and pleasant spring. There were 358 students chosen to go on * Nathan Walsh and A.J. Larson with the school year. We continue to explore ways to Handy Fishing Belt to state and Manson Northwest Webster had seven students as part of that group. The inventions better educate the children of this community and * Alex Vetter with the Heely Wheel Holder were judged at the State Convention for a chance * Emma Nelson with the Snap Back Signs provide them a happy and creative environment to go to the Iowa State Fair this summer. The * Adam Siepker with The Shirt that Never in which to learn. These priorities will never participants will be informed in the next month Fails change, regardless of which building our children if they will advance to the next level. * Ty Patzner with the Cool Blanket attend or which bus they ride. MNW High School phone (712) 469-2245 • MNW Central Office (712)469-2202 Invent Iowa! State Competitors Page 2 Making the Right Choices Report to Parent Taken from the Communicator, March, 2008, Volume 31, Number 7 Children can often be delightful. They also can sometimes be unkind, be the bullies or the victims, and even dishonest. Sometimes the difference can be in the lessons they learn, both at home and at school. Here are some ways to help your child grow up to be respectful and kind, and to have the self-respect they need to make the right choices, both now and in the future. Trade Places: TV shows and movies can be helpful in teaching children how to be more sensitive to others’ feelings. When you’re watching a program together and one character behaves unkindly to another, pause the movie or ask at the commercial: “Did you notice how mean that character was? How do you think that made the other person feel? What would you do in that situation?” Talk it through together and stress the importance of treating people with respect. The Golden Rule. Teach your children to treat others the way that they, themselves, would like to be treated. Reinforce it at home, by treating your children with respect and expecting to be treated respectfully in return. Reinforce it through involvement in community activities that work to help others. Most importantly, show your children you truly believe it by behaving respectfully yourself. No Excuses. Sometimes parents are unaware that their children are misbehaving in school until they are notified by a teacher. The problem is that parents too often react with denial. That denial doesn’t help anyone, particularly not the child, who learns that he or she can get away with bad behavior at school as long as the parents are fooled. If you get that call or note from the teacher or principal, swallow your pride, talk, to your child, and make an appointment to meet with the teacher or principal. Read up. From the time your children first hear bedtime stories through the time they’re old enough to read for themselves, look for books that quietly impart messages about selfdiscipline, kindness to others, dealing with peer pressure, and telling the truth. Talk about the stories and see if they’ve ever been in a situation like the character in the book, or if they know of someone who has. Share your family values about how best to deal with those situations. Truth or Consequences. Every child, at one point or another, will try to lie. Discuss with your children that trust is one of the most important characteristics a person can ever have, and that it is very hard to re-earn that trust if people think of them as someone who does not tell the truth. Ask them how they would feel if they found out someone had lied to them. As a parent, show in your words and deeds that you are a trustworthy and honest person as well. Face the Mirror: Too many children are very skilled at being angels in front of teachers or parents and the opposite when adults are not around. One of the most powerful lessons parents can teach their children is this: The real you is the way you behave when no one is watching. Children need to learn to behave well and treat others well because that’s the kind of person they want to be, and because that’s the only way to respect the person they see in the mirror. News from High School Principal Shawn Holloway With a long winter and a cold spring it is hard to believe the first of May is upon us, with that comes the end of another school year. We will be saying good bye to the graduating class of 2008. I would like to personally thank them for their leadership and dedication for making MNW a first class high school. I have included some important dates at the high school to remember for both parents and students. Important Dates to Remember: May 8th Senior Awards Night 7:00 PM May 12th and 13th Senior Semester Exams May 22nd and 23rd Music Students Semester Exams May 28th and 29th Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Semester Exams May 18th Graduation Commencement 2:00 PM May 30th Last Day of School I would like to thank the students and staff for a great school year. There will be some changes in the high school staff for next year. Mr. John Morse, Mr. Nick Schumacher, and Mrs. Jill Jamieson will not be with us next year. I wish them all good luck with future endeavors. Some new faces walking the halls next year will include Mr. David Freed, Science and Ms. Vicki Belik, Special Education. I look forward to a great 2008-2009 school year. I hope everyone has a great summer and I look forward to seeing everyone back in the fall. Eighth Grade Poetry/Writing Contest Three young eighth grade language arts students from Manson Northwest Webster Middle School were recently selected to be published in the distinguished scholarly journal published by Creative Communications. The opportunity to submit writing was self motivated and all three girls represented the Cougars with dignity. All three young ladies chose to submit Essays that were to be no longer than 250 words in length. Caitlin Poppen submitted the essay entitled “Being Kind to Others.” Jordan Neumann submitted the essay “Super Sportsmanship,” and Kea Bergren submitted the essay “How to Deal with Celiac Disease.” Jordan Neumann, Caitlyn Poppen, Kea Bergren Being Kind to Others Being kind doesn’t mean just being nice. It also means doing nice things for different people that need it most. Whether it’s volunteering for community projects, donating food or money, or just helping someone on their math assignment. Being kind may be hard at times such as if you’re sticking up for someone, sticking up for yourself, or doing the right thing, but just know that, “it may be nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” So if you want to be remembered, you might as well be remembered as a nice person that someone could come to in need. I believe that being kind to everyone is the number one key to making friends. If you want to make friends you must be kind and have a good heart. Not everyone is going to be your friend, but the ones that do will always be there for you. If your friends are kind to you than you must be kind to them also. If someone says something mean to you just ignore them and move on, but if it really bothers you can always go and talk to your guidance counselor at school, your parents, your friends, or even your siblings. So treat others the way you want to be treated. Author- Caitlin Poppen Super Sportsmanship Good game, good game, good game, this is what you hear at the end of every sporting event, but do the players really mean it? Well, they should. What fun is it to play a volleyball or football game against a team who put the other team down, trash talk, or make rude remarks? It’s not a fun game anymore. When the other team starts to put your team down, or make rude remarks the game isn’t played for fun anymore. The game is played to shove the win in the other team’s faces. Who wants to lose one of those games? I know I don’t. Sports are to be played for fun: not to tell the other players that your team is better than they are. Sports give you something to look forward to after school. So, we should play them like they were meant to be played. For fun. Sports were also made to have fun and spend time with friends doing something you enjoy. So enjoy the time. Sportsmanship is the key to a good game. So, go out and play, and remember… HAVE FUN! Author- Jordan Neumann How I Deal with Celiac Disease Hi, I am thirteen years old and I have Celiac Disease. What is Celiac disease you ask? Celiac disease means I have to live my life absolutely gluten-free. I cannot have any ingredients that contain wheat, rye, oats, barley, spelt, and malt. These ingredients can be found in the foods I eat to the deodorant that I put under my arms. If I get gluten into my system I will get very ill and fall into the fetal position because the pain is so bad. Every day I take my own lunch to school. I have to make sure everyone washes their hands before handling my food. Going out to eat is a challenge because not everyone has a gluten-free menu. In restaurants there is a chance of cross-contamination. So I have to be very careful. Being a teenager with Celiac disease can be difficult around my friends. Those that know me well understand and keep me safe. Those that aren’t close to me think I am weird or odd. But once they understand they are fine with it. Then they have a lot of questions. On the internet I can find a lot of information, we have spent many hours doing research and look if there are any updates. Now my friends and family have learned to read labels on their own, and most let me know new products they have found. So I guess all in all living with Celiac Disease isn’t all that bad. That’s how I deal with Celiac Disease. Author- Kea Bergren Instructor: Mrs. Wiemers MNW SCHOOL BOARD Don Fitzgerald, Pres. Julie Hewitt, Vice Pres. Joe Bush Dan DeWall Terry Lawler Duane Paterson Zuella Swartzendruber MNW ADMINISTRATORS Supt. Mark Egli 712-469-2202 K-8 Principal Marlene Johnson Elem. 712-469-3598 Middle School 515-542-3211 9-12 Principal Shawn Holloway HS 712-469-2245 Page 3 News from Mrs. Skophammer’s Art Rooms On March 18, the fourth graders went on a trip to the Blanden Memorial Art Museum in Fort Dodge, where we were given a tour of the Blanden. We had already had a visit to our school by the Blanden Educator and learned about artist Andy Warhol and his life and how he became a famous artist. He was known for his quirky habits like eating Campbell’s Tomato Soup every day of his life. He painted and did silk screen art of the everyday things in life... making them popular art or POP ART. We also looked at art from other places such as Africa, Asia, and Mexico. We learned that people wore their artwork! If we think about it, we also wear expressions of ourselves, or adorn ourselves with art. We saw carved art and woodblock prints, Grant Wood’s art, who was an Iowa artist... we remembered Mrs. Skop showing us Grant Wood’s American Gothic painting. We also saw a self-portrait of Rembrandt. We were so impressed by the collection that the Blanden has in its possession! The parent chaperones that went along on the trip with us were Vicki Fiedler, Denise Besch, Rosie Lenz, Carol Patzner, and Julie Siepker. A big thank-you to the chaperones for the day and to the Blanden for having us! Written by Katie Condon with help from Mrs. Skop Talk about talent! Three of our students have taken top honors in the Iowa Energy Poster Contest sponsored by The Iowa Energy Center and The Center for Energy and Environmental Education at the University of Northern Iowa. These three students designed posters about energy conservation in Mrs. Skop’s art class and then she submitted them to the state. Randi Morrow, Konnor Ferguson, and Liz Stange will each receive $100 savings bonds, a plaque with their names engraved featuring their works of art, and they and their parents are invited to the State Capitol in Des Moines for a private tour! Congratulations students! Jacobsen, 4th grade, Emma Rae Snell, 3rd grade, Erica Birkey, 1st grade, and Konnor Ferguson, 2nd grade. Katelyn Jacobsen Emma Rae Snell Erica Birkey Konnor Ferguson Max MacVitie critiques his painting. The seventh grade class is involved in their drawing unit. So far we’ve drawn a still life, our shoes, and pop cans. We’ve learned the meaning of blind contour, contour drawing and shaded drawing. Several students have won awards in the Webster County Soil and Water Poster Contest. The students designed the posters in Mrs. Skophammer’s art class while working on conservation, painting, and advertising themes. Congratulations to the following students: K-3rd grade division: Derek Girard and Brian Pearson. 4th-6th grade division: Connor Hokinson and Zak Larson. Seventh grade art students draw their shoes. Derek Girard, Connor Hokinson, Brian Pearson Visiting artists, Jim Givan, left, and his assistant, Loren Esse, work with the sixth graders. Liz Stange, Randi Morrow, Konnor Ferguson The Optional Kindergarten through second grade students have been studying the artist Henri Matisse and how he used cut paper to make enormous works of art. In his later years he was confined to bed and cut paper was a medium he could easily work with from his bed. Each grade made various collages and characters using cut paper and other found objects such as nut cups and buttons. The third and fourth graders learned about symmetry, color and design when writing their name and completing it in its reflective state. The resulting designs were phenomenal! Most students wanted to do more than one! The fifth and sixth graders finished up their conservation puzzle pieces and then moved on to their chalk pastel Mexican Murals. We learned that the Mexican Muralists worked with narrative art telling stories to be preserved for future generations. Diego Rivera was considered the leader of the muralist movement. He wanted his art to explain what he felt had taken place during the revolution in Mexico and he was quite successful at that! The sixth graders also worked on papier mache projects. The idea was to fashion an American icon or symbol of American culture. We had everything from Elvis Presley to the Chipmunks! Such fun! On Monday, April 14th, the three sections of sixth graders were fortunate to have Jim Givan and his assistant Loren Esse (both from Des Moines, Iowa) give a workshop for them through a grant written by Mrs. Skophammer provided by VSA Arts of Iowa. VSA arts is an international organization founded in l974 by Jean Kennedy Smith as an affiliate of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The affiliate network includes 39 states and the District of Columbia...of which Iowa is one of the states. Affiliate programs serve 4.3 million Americans! Jim provided a 1 hour and 20 minute workshop/ class three different times for the students on painting on Plexiglass. We used acrylic paints . Color mixing, the elements of art, and just plain fun were emphasized. When the workshop was over, each student had his/her own hanging piece of artwork designed exclusively by himself/herself to take home! We all agreed the day was beneficial. We’d like to thank the other teachers in the building for being cooperative with the altered schedule for the day so we could fit all sections in... we didn’t want any of the students to miss out on this wonderful experience. Four students from Manson Northwest Webster Middle and Elementary Schools received prizes in the Sakura’s Wonderful Colorful World Art Contest. These students drew and colored 12” by 18” pictures with oil pastels in Mrs. Karen Skophammer’s art class. They each received tee shirts with their artwork printed on them, oil pastels, and various other art related prizes. The students’ art is also on display in a national art gallery. The students are Katelyn Zak Larson Phillip Dorage Several students have placed in the Calhoun County Soil and Water Conservation Poster Contest. The theme this year was Water Is Life. The students drew conservation messages depicting that theme to learn about Water Conservation. Congratulations to the following students: 4th through 6th grade division -2nd place Hailey Green; 3rd place Phillip Dorage K-3rd grade division - 1st place: Sydney Michalski; 2nd place: John Schuttler; 3rd place: Matthew Helmers Sydney Michalski, John Schuttler, Matthew Helmers Page 4 INTERVIEW New Teacher Nears End of First Year MNW Middle School/Elementary School Yearbook The MNW Middle School/Elementary School yearbook for 2007-2008 will have covers designed by students. The front cover contest was open to middle school students. The back cover contest was open to 4th graders. There were many excellent entries to choose from! The winners will have their art work featured on the yearbook covers, and the runners-up will have their drawings displayed on an inside page. The cover will be by Katie Smothers. (middle school winner) The back cover will be by Kourtney Condon and Jordyn Johll (Partners) (4th grade winner) Runners up, which will also be printed, but smaller, on the inside, include: Middle school: Kayla Birkey, Mahaley Ross, Brandon Volf, Lucy Besch, and Alli Rinard 4th grade: Taylor Wood, Brenna Peters, Faith Troshynski and Emma Simpson (partners), Kate Jacobsen, and Madison Moser. There is still time to order yearbooks. They are in full color, and only cost $10.00. Please call the elementary or middle school office if you are interested. - Jodi Jacobsen, Co-Yearbook Sponsor “Crop for Cougar Kids” a Success! The MNW Elementary PEP Club would like to thank everyone who donated time and resources to our “Crop for Cougar Kids” event on April 5, 2008. It was a very successful day! The gym was full of vendors, and people browsing their booths. The PEP Club was able to give some awesome prizes, thanks to the many donors. Over 25 ladies came to scrapbook, and work on other Little did Stacy Nimke guess that her first teaching position would be at the school where she received her K-12 education. A 2002 graduate of MNW, Ms. Nimke earned her teaching degree from Iowa State University. “I’m glad to be back in Manson. It feels great to come back to my hometown and work with the youth,” she said. Ms. Nimke is the 7-8 grades special education teacher at the middle school. She co-teaches in 7th and 8th grade language arts and in 7th grade math. She also helps students with academic and behavioral goals. She commented on some of the things she most enjoys about her job. “I love working with the kids. It is great to be able to talk to the kids and learn about their interests and hobbies. I enjoy connecting with the kids to help them,” she said. “I also love being able to co-teach in the classrooms. It is fun to be able to play off another teacher’s ideas and create a really powerful lesson,” she added. Ms. Nimke has been surprised by how fast her first year of teaching has flown by. “In the blink of an eye, the first three quarters have come and gone,” she commented. The elementary gym hosted many vendors. Thank You! Box Top Goal Met By Jodi Jacobsen We have made our Box Tops goal this year again! PEP Club will celebrate with the students, and thank them for bringing the box tops in by providing popsicles for all elementary students on May 13, at 2:30 PM, on the playground. Thank You to Everyone Who Saved Box Tops. Your Support is Appreciated!!! PAY ONLINE We are pleased to offer our online payment processing system, PaySchools. This program allows you to make school related payments online via e-check or credit card at your convenience all from our school’s web site. The first time you use PaySchools.com to pay school-associated fees online you will need to create an account to complete your checkout process. Instructions are on the website. If you have questions or comments call Diane or Karen at 469-2202. Scrapbookers settled in the lunch room to create beautiful pages. crafts. The PEP Club hopes to have an event like this again! Enough funds were raised so that elementary classes can go on some fun and educational field trips this spring. For example, 4th grade is going to visit the State Capitol in DesMoines, and 3rd grade is going to the Grotto. Being part of this community is great! By Jodi Jacobsen Page 5 Cougar Tracks Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class May Issue 2008 Prom 2008 Springtime Grill By Laura Johnson By Megan Lansing MNW’s junior/senior prom, themed Rendez-vous à Paris, was held on Saturday, April 26th. The day began early for many of the girls with hair and makeup appointments, pictures with friends, and final adjustments to their dresses. Many then attended mass at St. Thomas before heading over to the school to have their picture professionally taken. There, the seniors first saw the juniors’ transformation of the gym into a beautiful Parisian setting, complete with park benches, bistros, and a lit-up Eiffel Tower. After taking more pictures, the prom goers then began to line up for the Grand March, which commenced at 5:30. There, the public was able to see the MNW students in all their finery. After walking across the stage, the students then were ushered into the gym for a wonderful sit-down meal of chicken, ham, mashed potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, and a choice of French silk pie or angel food cake with strawberries. At 7:00 everyone filed into the auditorium where they were amazed and thoroughly entertained by the hypnotist show. Following this amazing show, the Senior Video of Memories was shown which brought back fond memories for the seniors. The dance then began at approximately 8:45 and lasted until midnight. After changing into more comfortable clothes, the students returned at 1:00 a.m. for After Prom which included such fun activities as an inflatable obstacle course, blackjack, air hockey, video games, and various contests held throughout the night. Overall, the students had a wonderful time at prom and would like to thank all who made it possible. Since the onset of second semester, Mrs. Tague’s Advanced Foods class has been impressing many hungry people with their culinary skills. The Springtime Grill students served their first meal at noon on Friday, March 20th. Chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice, tortilla chips, and homemade salsa comprised the main course. An ice cream delight, a crowd pleaser, was served for dessert. Students participating in the Springtime Grill include Aaron Passow, Megan Lansing, Kristen Twait, Jordan Partlow, Alana Eatinger, Grant Schreier, Houston Ramthun, Eddy Albrecht, Katie Herrmann, Brittany Volf, Melissa Boring, Lauren Christianson, Lauren Becker, and Rachel Castle. Students have various responsibilities to complete each week. They take turns creating the menus, cooking the meals, serving the public, and delivering carry-outs. Spring Musical By Ben Sonntag The Manson Northwest Webster Music Departments presented a production of the musical, “Guys and Dolls” on March 28th, 29th and 30th. The four leading roles were played by Kylia Bleam as Adelaide, Ben Sonntag as Nathan Detroit, Cory Waller as Sky Masterson, and Ashley Quade as Sister Sarah Brown. Large supporting roles were played exceptionally well by Ethan Netz as Nicely-Nicely Johnson and Scott Meier as Benny Southstreet. The musical pit was directed by Bryan Willer and he too did an outstanding job with the music sets and scene change music when things may have been a little long. Overall, the production of “Guys and Dolls” went very well. Also a thank you would like to be sent out to everyone who helped with the musical in anyway ant to the ones who attended the musical. Drill Team Night By Kasie Kangas Drill Team Night was held on March 15, 2008 in the high school gymnasium. Performances by the MNW and RC-L drill teams began promptly at 7:00 p.m. The MNW drill team girls performed their state pom, blob, light, kick, jazz, and military routines. The action continued as the MNW drum line and flag members performed. Another highlight of the evening involved the middle school students who demonstrated the routine that they learned from the high school drill team. The crowd remained enthusiastic throughout the night. Drill team night is an important event for the squad because it helps the team raise money to buy uniforms and other necessary supplies. The 2008 senior captians are Alex Gleason, Mackenzie Schreier, and Kristin Lawler. Other seniors include Jordan Partlow and Amber Hauge. Junior participants are Kelsey Hood, Kirsten Rasch, Kinsey O’Hern, Amber Onnen, Shelby Steiner, Fairon Bleam and Elizabeth Calmer. Sophomores on the team include Brooke Birkey, Kristine Condon, Alyssa Miller, and Kennedy Spedding (alternate). Freshman drill team performers are Jamie Keil and Breanne Harman (alternate). Under the direction of Coaches Mary Fitzgerald and Karen Lawler, the drill team squad had an excellent year. EDDY ALBRECHT- WORK SOUTH CAROLINA TO SEE MY BROTHER. AND GO TO A Sampling of Senior Future Plans By Aaron Passow Alex Weiss- Iowa State Engineering Dalton Rasch- Iowa State Engineering Eddy Albrecht- ICCC Physical Therapy Lucy Fitzgerald- Le Cordon Bleu- Baking Aaron Passow- ICCC Broadcasting Corey McNeil- ICCC Electrician Kristen Twait- ICCC Business Megan Lansing- ICCC Zoology Jordan Partlow- ICCC Pre-Law Cassie Patterson- Iowa State Athletic Training Lee Morrison- ICCC Pre-Med. Stephanie Gaillard- Minnesota State Pre Med. Summer Plans By Ben Sonntag ETHAN NETZ- WORK AND GET MONEY LISA LANG- LANDSCAPING, RELAX, GO TO BALL GAMES, AND HOPEFULLY GO ON A VACATION JESSICA KOLAR- HANG WITH FRIENDS, GO TUBING, AND GET OUTSIDE FOR SOME FRESH AIR. BRANDON SCHOON, ALEX WEISS, BRAD CABRERA”LIVIN’ IN DA BACK WOODZ AND LIVIN’ OFF DA LAN’ ” Page 6 Summer Birthdays May Maranda Resseguie Whitni Warnke Jason Schuttler Kassandra Calmer Grant Stange Skyler Zahrobsky Caleb Alne Amber Onnen Shyler Thoma Jenifer Zinnel Dustin Anderson Cassie Paterson Brandon Schoon Jordan Partlow Megan Schofield Carlton DeWall Kaylee Wolfe Charles Hennessey Malorie Callahan Megan Schreier Kennedy Spedding Shawn Wiemers Robin Devlin May 1 May 3 May 3 May 4 May 4 May 10 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 25 May 28 May 30 May 31 July Nick Steiner Alexandra Gleason Nathan Waller Chris Bloomfield Zach Steinhoff Tanner Gerken Aaron Terwillegar Skyler Rice Ashley Quade Laura Johnson Bradley Cabrera Amber Hauge Nick Naberhaus Sydney Weiss Anthony Berg Michael Lewis Mitchell Lewis Barry Russell Thomas Lawler Brooke Birkey Kasie Kangas Pat Lawler Aaron Passow Jessica Moser Kaden Cue July 2 July 3 July 3 July 5 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 13 July 14 July 20 July 20 July 21 July 23 July 23 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 29 July 29 June Kalib King Kylia Bleam Ben Sonntag Spencer Nimke Stephanie Gaillard Richard Butler Danny Licht Haleigh Kreber Matthew Lawler Lauren Christianson Ashley Markert Mika Rodewald Mackenzie Knigge Devin Degagnes Hilary Jones Trent Crouse Landon Rasch Heather Condon Blair Miller Reggie Netz Morgan Markert Megan Byson Sara Reicks June 2 June 5 June 5 June 5 June 7 June 7 June 8 June 10 June 10 June 13 June 13 June 15 June 18 June 18 June 19 June 24 June 24 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 28 June 29 June 30 August Ray Eccles Josh Berg Becky Stuhrenberg Rachael Castle Sarah Albers John Butts Jordan Martin Megan Lansing Mariah Rank Kyle Twait Mackenzie Larson Austin Birchard Brendan Libbey Brittany Volf Kelsey Cerwick Emily Mallinger Daxton Kelly Mitchell Leppert Jared Leppert Ethan Netz Brittany Taylor Shailan Clark Jacob Witte Ginny Casey Marissa Olson Morgan Troshynski Catie Schoon Daniel Sutter August 1 August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4 August 5 August 5 August 7 August 8 August 10 August 11 August 13 August 13 August 14 August 14 August 14 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 20 August 20 August 20 August 25 August 27 August 30 August 30 August 31 August 31 Cougars Looking Forward To Upcoming Season By Tyler Lennon and Mr. Richman The 2008 season promises to be a fun and exciting one for this year’s edition of Cougar Baseball. Mike Richman returns as the head coach of the Cougars and will once again be assisted by 2004 MNW graduate, Alex Sappingfield. Matt Rowen and Landon Schuttler return to lead the pitching staff. Rowen and Schuttler led the team to twelve of the Cougars’ twenty wins last season, and they have the experience to improve this year. Austin Johnson and Brandon McGinty will transfer their successes on the mound during last year’s JV season into additional wins for the varsity this year. At the plate, the Cougars return their top four hitters from a year ago. The lead-off hitter, Kyle Twait (.318 avg., 14 RBIs, 23 runs), made huge strides offensively for the Cougars last season. He was able to use the whole field and showed continued signs of success as the year progressed. Brandon Wessels, (.309 avg., 16 RBIs, 18 runs) with one year of experience under his belt, will help the Cougar offense. Wessels will also be leaned on defensively as he moves from third base to catcher. Landon Schuttler (.337 avg., 20 RBIs, 21 runs) will be called on for steady production at the plate as well as with defensive strength in the outfield. Matt Rowen (.323 avg., 28 RBIs, 22 runs) will anchor the top half of the line up and continue to provide leadership at the plate and in the field. Defensively, Rowen, Wessels, Twait, and Schuttler will be looked upon to provide experience. Austin Johnson and Brandon McGinty will add to the robust infield while Ben Sonntag will be asked to solidify the outfield. In order for the Cougars to make it to the next level and succeed in post season play, a number of players will need to step up and be key contributors. The Cougars open up the season on the road on May 21st at Laurens Marathon. The first home field action will take place against Prairie Valley on May 30th. Girls Golf By Megan Lansing The girls first golf meet of the season took place at the RCL/MNW Invitational at Manson on April 7th. Three of the girls placed in the top five for the day. Whitni Warnke tied for first with a 49; Jordan Partlow tied for second place with a score of 50, and Hilary Jones placed fifth with a 51. On April 8th at Twin Lakes, the girls won their first invitational of the season. Their first conference meet was April 14th at Sac City. The Cougars finished the meet with a tie for second place. At the West Bend-Mallard meet, the team won the triangular over West-Bend Mallard and North Kossuth with a score of 218. Congratulations to Allie Seavert, a sophomore, who medaled with a 51 and Hilary Jones, a junior, who came in not far behind with a 54. A Day in the Life of an MNW Track Athelete By Aaron Passow Jessica Kolar, a junior returning letter winner for the Manson Northwest Webster girls track team, gave a succinct scenario about her typical daily routine as she prepared for the track season. Every morning Jessica awoke at 7:00, ate a heart, healthy breakfast and got ready for school. She arrived at school around 8:15 and made it a point to keep herself hydrated on an hourly basis. She used her time between classes to help her stay in shape. Jessica walked at a fast pace to each class. At practice after school, Jessica completed routine stretches, practiced form running, and followed assigned workouts. When the prerequisites were done, she ran the hurdles to improve her form and speed. When Jessica got home, she ate another nutritious meal and relaxed by doing a variety of fun activities. She believes in getting a good night’s sleep, so she goes to bed at a decent time, so she is ready for the next day. Girls Track Update Softball By Stephanie Gaillard By Jessica Ritts With only two weeks of practice to get ready for the UNI State Indoor Meet, the girl’s track team depicted impressive resolve to compete well. Kelsey Sukovaty broke a 37-year old shot put school record that was set by Jacalyn Junkman in 1971. With a 37’ 7 1/4” throw, Sukovaty earned a 10th place finish among the best throwers in the state. Another highlight of the meet for the Cougars occurred when Lauren Christianson finished 18th out of 205 runners in the 200 meter dash. She ran an impressive 27.93. The next track meet for the girls was the Cougar Co-ed Invitational. The team accumulated 97 points and won 14 of the total 19 events. Kelsey Expectations are high for the Manson Northwest Webster softball team. Six returning seniors top the roster. Stephanie Gaillard, Jessica Moser, Hali Dencklau, Jessica Ritts, Cassie Paterson, and Kristen Twait have the experience to provide the rest of the team with the ability to vie for the Twin Lakes Conference title. The girls will be guided by Head Coach Arlin Top and former Manson softball players Alicia Onnen and Hailey Beneke. Practice begins on May 5, and their first game will be against Humboldt at Manson on May 16th, at 6:00 p.m. The team and coaches hope to attract a large crowd of supporters. Go Cougars! Boys Track Update By Aaron Passow Sukovaty broke her own record by throwing a 40 foot shot put. The Cougars next challenge was the Pocahontas Invite. Due to soreness the girls did not enter the 4 X 400, but they still managed to win five events and the meet with a total of 31 points. The Emily Markert Rlays is the last home meet for the Cougars. At this meet, the seniors are recognized by the rest of the team, coaches, and community. The Manson Northwest Webster boys’ track team has shown a lot of improvement after competing in only two meets. On Monday, March 31st, the boys competed at Gowrie. One of the main highlights of this meet occurred when Zach Steinhoff won second place with a 21 foot long jump. This jump was his first ever competitive long jump. On April 4th at the Humboldt meet, the boys 4X2 placed first. With continued individual and group effort, the boys track team could become a tough team to beat in the near future. Graduation day is here! Baccalaureate will be at Our Savior Methodist Church, 1130 11th Street, in Manson on May 7 at 7:00 p.m. Senior Awards Night will be held in the Kate Toben Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. on May 8. Commencement begins at 2:00 p.m. in the High School Gymnasium. Sunday May 18, 2008 Boys’ Golf By Tyler Lennon The 2008 Manson Northwest Webster golf season was supposed to begin on Tuesday, April 1st, but due to weather the meet was postponed. The first meet was instead hosted in Manson on Tuesday, April 8th. This year’s team is led by first year golf coach John Guion. The team consists of one senior: Eddy Albrecht; four juniors: Brendan Libbey, Landon Rasch, Landon Schuttler, and Ben Sonntag; and five freshmen: Jarod Gross, Kohltan Heiter, Taylor Huseman, Austin Rasch, and Grant Stange. The MNW Cougars are anticipating another successful season and hope to be a contender for the TLC title. State FFA Convention By Aaron Clark The Iowa State FFA Leadership Convention took place on April 14th and 15th at Ames. The Iowa FFA Association has 230 local chapters with over 12,000 FFA members. FFA is a national organization that has more than 500,000 members who are preparing for leadership roles and careers in science, business, and agriculture technology. State and national programs provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills that they learned in the class. The mission of the FFA is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. At the state convention, a Green Hand quiz was given to students to test their knowledge. Josh Berg and Samantha Condon both received gold rating. The Farm Business Management team was given a marketing test and problem solving activity. The team placed 29th out of 72 teams and received a silver rating. Nicole Knigge, Kristin Lawler, and Brent Lamphier each earned their Iowa Degree, the highest degree that can be given by the state. FFA members also participated in workshops, a career show, and toured Monsanto in Boone. MNW placed 22nd in the national chapter award program which judges all of the activities that a chapter does throughout the year. Page 7 MNW Music Department Finds Success at State Contest By Jason Stuhrenberg As another musical season drew to a close, the music students of the MNW Fine Arts Department turned their attention to the State Solo and Small Ensemble Contest held on April 5th at Ogden High School. With only days until contest, the students began rigorous preparations to finalize their musical selections. For some students, frustration soon turned to determination after a brief recital on April 3rd. The practice performance allowed the students to acquire a strong concept of the central aspects of contest conditions: a live judge and audience, appropriate introduction and manner, and performance level playing. By the end of the night, the young musicians were set for success. Long before April 3rd, the music students had chosen and began to prepare a variety of solos, duets, or other ensemble charts for the contest on April 5th. Students sought to perfect their musical expressions that were being critiqued according to specific categories of the musician’s accomplishment such as articulation, tone quality, and interpretation. Based off of the scores given in each of these categories from one to five, with five being the strongest, a rating was given to the performer on a scale from I (Superior) to IV (Good). Regardless of preparation time, students strove to attain the highest possible score in each musical category to achieve a higher standard of excellence in performance. The students and staff of the MNW Music Department awoke to a cold Saturday morning on April 5th as they grasped feelings of high hopes before departing to face the challenges that awaited them in Ogden. After arriving at the high school, the MNW music students unloaded the bus and made their way into a crowded gym. The students chose an empty corner and settled in the midst of the bustling contest traffic and noise surrounding them. As the day unfolded, the students were free to watch their friends or other visiting students perform, find food in the cafeteria, relax in the gym, or begin preparing for their own performance. Accompanists Pam George and Carol Ebbers collaborated with soloists to discuss the important task at hand. Hour by hour, students found their contest areas, performed, and eagerly awaited the posting of their scores. By the end of the day, the MNW Music Department had acquired 18 Division I Ratings, 12 Division II Ratings, and 4 Division III Ratings, proud accomplishments that reflected the hard work of the young musicians at MNW. In addition to the fine results of the day, the contest also recognized the MNW Saxophone Section as Best of Center IV with their outstanding performance of El Capeo. Senior Spotlights Name: Kevin Michehl Parents: Travis and Missy Name: Kyle Odom Parents: Larry Odom, and Carla Bass Siblings: Alex, Geoff, and Elizabeth Name: Kelly Moritz Parents: Don and Barb Moritz Siblings: Eric and Nici Miller If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: China, South Africa, and Antartica. I would like to have dinner with these three people: Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, and Syd Barrett. When I’m not at school I’m: Playing football and guitar. When I grow up I want to be a: Physicist or a musician. My role model is: Robert Plant. I can’t go a day without: All my bracelets and my guitar picks. It would surprise people that: I’ve played over fifteen different sports in my life. Extracurricular Activities: Guitar, Trumpet, Football, Basketball, and Track Favorites: T.V. Shows - “Lost” and “Scrubs” Foods – Pizza and Spaghetti Music – Rock, Blues, and Jazz Color – Red Name: Lorenzo Tua Teacher – Mr. Lynch Parents: Paols and Renata Morre Class – American Government and Speech Host Parents: Brenda and Wayne Biggest Pet Peeve: Babies who cry in indoor places Dobson Quote: “Living without trying is like remaining with Sibling: Ludovice the doubt that you would have done it.” If I could travel anywhere in the world, I If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: would visit: The Red Light District or South The Bahamas. America. I would like to have dinner with these three people: I would like to have dinner with these three My real dad, my Great Grandma, and Zak Efron. people: Eliza Douschk, Al Capone, and Landon. When I’m not at school I’m: Watching TV or out with When I’m not at school I’m: Partying like a friends. rock star! When I grow up I want to be a: Model. When I grow up I want to be a: Plastic My role model is: Tyra Banks. Surgeon I can’t go a day without: My cell phone. My role model is: Me, Myself, and I. It would surprise people that: I can get mad. I can’t go a day without: Checking someone Extracurricular Activities: Football and Wrestling cheerleader. out. Favorites: It would surprise people that: I am smarter T.V. Show- “Greek” than what I act. Food – Mashed potatoes Favorites: Music – Country and hip-hop T.V. Show- “Family Guy” Food – Lobster Color – Green Music – All but Country Color – White Teacher – Madame Teacher – Mrs. Tague Class – French Class – Cooking or anatomy Name: Kasie Rae Kangas Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are self-centered. Biggest Pet Peeve: People who talk about their Parents: Tom and Jody Walsh and the Quote: “It is better to know and be disappointed, than to car all the time late Calvin Kangas not know and always wonder.” Quote: “Party like a rock star!” Siblings: Lucas, Zach, and Alyssa Shout Out: Never give up on what you’re trying to Shout Out: Live like your going to die overcome. Walsh tomorrow. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Australia. I would like to have dinner with these three people: My Uncle Trent, Chad Reed, and Will Ferrell. When I’m not at school I’m: Riding motorcycles with friends. When I grow up I want to be an: Architect. My role model is: Chad Reed. I can’t go a day without: Listening to music. Extracurricular Activities: Riding motorcycles. Favorites: T.V. Show – “Superbikes” Food – Pizza Music – Rock, Rap, and Country Color – Blue Teacher – Mr. V Class – CAD/Drafting Biggest Pet Peeve: When someone hangs up on me. Quote: “If you’re not first, you’re last.” Shout Out: Shake and Bake. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Germany. I would like to have dinner with these three people: George St. Pierre, Ricky Carmichael, and Ty Murray. When I’m not at school I’m: At home. When I grow up I want to be a: Police officer. My role model is: My sister. I can’t go a day without: My cell phone. It would surprise people that: I ride horses. Extracurricular Activities: Wrestling, FFA, Soccer, and Trap Shooting Favorites: T.V. Show- “Ninja Warrior” Food – Mac and Cheese Music – Country, bluegrass, rock, and rap Color – Black Teacher – All of them Class –P.E. Biggest Pet Peeve: Chewing with your mouth open Quote: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” Shout Out: Git’er done!!! Name: Trent Crouse Parents: Laura & Dennis Jepsen Sibling: Luke Groat If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Mexico. I would like to have dinner with these three people: Rachel, Tyler, and Steph When I’m not at school I’m: Working on my car. When I grow up I want to be a: Contractor. My role model is: Travis Main. I can’t go a day without: Talking to Rachel. It would surprise people that: I’m going to college. Extracurricular Activity: Working out Favorites: T.V. Show- “Family Guy” Food – Pizza Music – Rap Color – Blue Teacher – Mr. Whaley Class – Gym Quote: “Ram Rod” Page 8 Senior Spotlights Name: Cameron Christopher Kennedy Parent: Christopher Kennedy Sibling: Christian It would surprise people that: I’m usually quiet after school. Favorites: T.V. Show - “Supernatural” Food – Pizza rolls Music – Rock Color – Red Teacher – Mr. Whaley Class – Auto Tech Biggest Pet Peeve: Not doing it right the first time Quote: “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” Shout Out: Dale! I would like to have dinner with these three people: Adam Gontier, Trent Crouse, and David Trammel. When I’m not at school I’m: With friends or working. When I grow up I want to be a: Kid again. My role model is: Dad. I can’t go a day without: Music. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: The U.K. I would like to have dinner with these three people: Stephen Hawking, Groucho Marx, and JFK. When I’m not at school I’m: Everywhere. My role model is: My mom. I can’t go a day without: My phone. It would surprise people that: I like to cook. Favorites: T.V. Show- “That 70’s Show” Food – Prime Rib Music – Alternative Color – Orange Teacher – LOL Class – Language Literature Biggest Pet Peeve: Poor Grammar Quote: Never let the future disturb you, you Name: Kevin Dean Board will meet it, if you have to, with the same Parent: Lynn Underberg weapons of reason which today arm you Siblings: Nicole Fortune, David Board, Michelle Roberts, and Devin against the present. Kelly Name: Ray Lawler Parents: George and Alicia Lawler Siblings: Matt, Jaden, Jaffa, and Lacy If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Ireland. I would like to have dinner with these people: Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, and my grandfathers. When I’m not at school I’m: Chillin’ with my homies. When I grow up I want to be an: Auto-Mechanic or Tattoo Artist. My role model is: My cousin Cody. I can’t go a day without: Sleep. It would surprise people that: I’m in the Army. Extracurricular Activities: Working on Cars, Lifting Weights, Exercising, Playing Guitar, and Doing Tattoos Favorites: T.V. Show- “Family Guy” Food – All Meat Pizza Music – Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Oldies Rock, Rap Color – Black Teacher –Mr. Williamson Class – Auto Tech Biggest Pet Peeve: People asking dumb questions. Quote: Yo Son! Shout Out: What up to all my homies from Basic Training! Name: Hali Carolyn Dencklau Parents: Steven and Amy Siblings: Joshua, Shanna, and Emily It would surprise people that: I like to sing. Extracurricular Activities: Softball, Volleyball, Track, NHS, Community Cares, and Football Statistician Favorites: T.V. Show- “King of Queens” Food – Chili Music – Country Color – Green If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would Teacher – Mr. Williamson visit: Australia. Class – Language Arts III I would like to have dinner with these three people: Biggest Pet Peeve: Waiting Uncle Denny, Great-Grandma Frieda, and my brother. Quote: “In his heart a man plans his When I’m not at school I’m: Riding horses or course, but the Lord determines his babysitting. steps.” When I grow up I want to be a: Good role model. -Proverbs 16:9 My role model is: My mom. Shout Out: Always stand up for what I can’t go a day without: Family. you believe. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Prague. I would like to have dinner with these three people: Dane Cook, Richard Gere, and Channing Tatum. When I’m not at school I’m: Working. When I grow up I want to be a: Lawyer. My role model is: My mom. I can’t go a day without: Being with my friends. It would surprise people that: I want to join the USMC. Extracurricular Activities: Speech, Musical, and Cheerleading Favorites: T.V. Show- “C.S.I. Miami” Food – Chicken alfredo Music – Variety Color – Purple Teacher – Mrs. Keller Class – Speech Name: Amy Jo McDonald Biggest Pet Peeve: People who don’t wash their hands Parent: Tina Weishaar Quote: “People are just about as happy as they make Sibling: Aaron McDonald their minds up to be.” Name: Derek Tylor Eaton Parents: Debbie Koval and Gary Eaton Siblings: Devin and Damon Koval If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Ireland. I would like to have dinner with these two people: Derek Thomas and Dan Gable. When I’m not at school I’m: With friends. When I grow up I want to be an: Electrician. My role model is: My dad. I can’t go a day without: Gatorade. Extracurricular Activity: Wrestling Favorites: T.V. Show- “Dirty Jobs” Music – Rap Food – Ice cream Color – Orange Teacher – Mr. V Class – P.E. Biggest Pet Peeve: When people chew on Name: Lee Morrison Name: Keegan Barkley ice Parents: Don and Barb Morrison Parents: Anne and Bill Barkley Quote: “Sports do not build character, they Sibling: Sam Siblings: Amy, Cale, Mandie, and reveal it.” Kholtan If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would visit: Hawaii. I would like to have dinner with these three people: Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, and Chris Tucker. When I’m not at school I’m: Working or working on someone’s car. When I grow up I want to be an: Auto Mechanic Favorites: T.V. Show - “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” Music – Rap Color – Blue Teacher – Mr. Wood Biggest Pet Peeve: When someone passes you on the highway, and then they slow down. If I could travel anywhere in the world I would visit: Germany. I would like to have dinner with these three people: George Bush, Sr., Bill Clinton, and Jimi Hendrix. When I’m not at school I’m: At one of my two jobs or asleep. When I grow up I want to be a: Pediatrician. My role model is: My Grandpa Larson. I can’t go a day without: Mountain Dew. It would surprise people that: I have two jobs. Extracurricular Activity: FFA Favorites: T.V. Show- “Parental Control” Food – Pizza Music – Alternative Rock Color – Blue Teachers – Mr. Huck, Mr. Harman, and Mr. Zinnel Class – P.E. Biggest Pet Peeve: People that talk about themselves Quote: Life is short, live it. Shout Out: Take as many college classes as you can before you graduate. Page 9 Vocal students sing show tunes, spiritual songs, classic standards It is easy to sing in the car or shower. However, possessing the confidence to perform comfortably in front of an audience is a learned skill. MNW High School Band Competes at State Solo Ensemble Contest On April 5th, the members of the MNW band traveled to Ogden to compete in the class 2A state solo ensemble contest. MNW had a very successful day by bringing home 18 Division I ratings, 12 Division II ratings and 4 Division III ratings with a grand total of 34 entries. 10 more than last year. MNW had among its entries a sax choir, low brass choir, flute quartet, mixed brass ensemble, percussion ensemble and numerous solos, duets and trios. The Saxophone Choir took top honors of the day by earning Best of Center. The sax choir consists of Laura Johnson, Jessica Moser, Allie Seavert, Devon Porter, Jamie Keil, Whinti Warke, Taylor Huseman, Shyler Thoma, Brad Hanson and Sam Schreier. The Sax Choir moves on to a State Awards Recital in Ames on May 13th. - Bryan Willer, band instructor Students are shown rehearsing for spring concert, directed by Roger Netz and accompanied by Janice Loving. “Having a friendly audience of family and friends helps soothe those nerves,” said voice coach Roger Netz. Netz teaches students in Manson at the high school and middle school in Barnum. His students, who range in age from 14 to 18, performed selections in the final concert of the school year which was held on Monday, April 28th. “When the performers get past (their nervousness), and that happens a lot with these students, it is a lot of fun to be able to move people musically,” Netz said. The program included: “Festival Sanctus,” “Sing Gloria In Excelsis Deo,” “Agnus Dei,” from their upcoming State Festival performance. Row one, Jamie Keil, Chloe Peterson, Jenna Remsburg, Megan Schreier, Allie Seavert Other songs being performed are “Joshua Fit The Row two, Taylor Huseman, Devon Porter, Shyler Thoma, Jason Stuhrenberg, Scott Meier battle Of Jericho,” “Oh Captain! My Captain,” Row Three, Mitch Leppert, Jared Leppert, Brad Hanson, Daniel Sutter, Whitni Warke, Laura “The Syncopated Clock,” “Scarborough Fair,” Johnson “Blues in the Night,” “How Sweet It Is (to be Row four, Ben Butcher, Aaron McDonald, Brandon Berg, Jessica Moser, Jessica Ritts, Blaire Loved By You)” “Chapel Of Love,” “My Wish” Schoon and more. Row Five, Marcus Tague, Carl DeWall, Cory Waller, Sam Schreier, John Jenkins Senior Chip Hennessey performed the baritone solo of “Oh Captain! My Captain! From a song cycle by John Leavitt entitled, American Song.” The text of this song is from one of America’s most influential 19th century poets, Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman wrote the poem about President Abraham Lincoln and the president’s assassination just as the Civil War was coming to an end. Janice Loving, local pianist and poet, accompanied the concert choir students on piano while Pam George, our favorite local postal employee, accompanied the Treble Choir. Operatic style was part of Netz’ musical training. “Rarely does a MNW student need to study opera,” he said. “However, there is value in studying classical techniques.” Netz looks for songs for his students to sing that “teach something interesting and something that stretches them.” Squeaky high notes and lack of volume were two problem areas for many students before they learn some of the techniques taught by Mr. Netz. Saxophone Choir: Front Row, Laura Johnson, Jessica Moser, Whitni Warnk, Taylor Huseman. “Mr. Netz is teaching us how to blend our Second Row, Devon Porter, Jamie Keil, Allie Seavert, Brad Hanson, Shyler Thoma, Sam Schreier voices -- how to power the sound with my breathing, instead of singing just from my throat. That’s made a big difference in my vocal range Taylor Huse- MNW Music Department and the sound quality,” said Daniel Sutter. man was our top “Our choir is using dynamics much better and individual of Travels to Orlando, Florida our tone seems to be coming together,” Hanna the day bringing Pelz said. On May 25th, high noon, members of the home 6 Division “I love singing songs and being with my I ratings on alto MNW Music Department will be traveling friends,” says Amber Onnen, a junior in the sax solo, tenor to Orlando Florida to participate in Disney’s concert choir. sax solo, alto sax Magic Music Days. Both the band and Cory Waller, a senior at Manson Northwest duet, sax trio, sax Webster, who wowed the audience in the choir and piano choir will be in clinic with world renowned School’s latest musical “Guys and Dolls” as Sky musicians an conductors. Star Destinations solo. Masterson says,” I love it when we sing acappella out of Carroll Iowa has organized the trip. music. There’s nothing to hide behind and when things are all together it really rocks!” The MNW music department would like to - By Mr. Netz thank everyone for all their support for the fine arts. Page 10 Calhoun County Building Trades Class Open House, Sat., June 7 1 - 4 p.m. 1120 21st Street Place Manson The beautiful, new, three-bedroom home under construction by the Building Trades class on the north side of Manson now has a family. Tony and Jodi Jacobsen, Barnum, have purchased the dwelling. The south/front side of the new Building Trades Class 2007-2008 home. Each year, for over 20 years, the building trades class has built a home somewhere in the area. Initially, these were speculative homes that were sold in the summer following the school year of construction. Then the program changed to building a house for a particular home builder such as the recent construction of the Warnke and Zehr houses on the Manson golf course. The decision was made this year to go back to building a house to sell so that the class could build in Manson. This year’s house has some excellent features that will be worth viewing during the open house that are very pertinent at this time. As fuel prices have sky-rocketed, many homes are turning to ground source heating and cooling. This feature uses the constant temperature underground to help heat the house in the winter and cool it in the summer. This is a very efficient system and saves a great deal in energy costs. The house is also being wired for an auxiliary generator so that a switch can be flipped and the critical fixtures in the home such as the furnace and refrigerator will continue to run off of a generator. Applying siding are MNW students, from left, Corey McNeil, Dan Licht and Anthony Berg. The 1648 sq. ft. main floor features a large master bedroom with master bath and walk-in closet, and it has two additional bedrooms with a shared bathroom. The kitchen opens toward a great room and with vaulted ceiling and dining room. A mud/laundry room is located just off the two-car garage. A full basement with sump pump system has studded in walls. The exterior of the home features an overhanging porch extending from the front of the house. Located where the town meets the country in north Manson, the home is near the Manson aquacenter and athletic fields, and only a few blocks from the elementary and high schools. The Calhoun County Builidng Trades Class is taught by Russ Bristow. This year’s class has had had four Manson Northwest Webster students and four Rockwell City/Lytton students. Students from Manson Northwest Webster are Dan Licht, Corey McNeil, Anthony Berg and Lee Morrison.. The back side of the home features a sliding, patio door and casement windows in the livingroom. Raising “Cash for Cougars” Page 11 Optional Kindergarden Visits Partner in Education Seniors, from left, Megan Lansing, Sara Woolery and Mackenzie Schreier place phone calls in the “Cash for Cougars” phon-a-thon. Members of the Manson Northwest Webster Education Foundation thank the Manson Northwest Webster Community School district and Webster-Calhoun Co-op Telephone Association for making the “Cash for Cougars” scholarship fund drive a success. Thirty-four seniors chose to participate in the phone-a-thon to raise scholarship funds for the class of 2008. Through a phone bank sponsored by WebsterCalhoun Co-op, the students attempted to contact all residents of the Manson Northwest Webster Community School district. More than $10,320 was pledged. Certificates will be presented on Senior Awards Night, May 8. If you were not contacted and wish to contribute to this scholarship fund, donations may be sent to Manson Northwest Webster Education Foundation, 1227 16th St., Manson, IA 50563, or contact Jerry Chizek, foundation president. On April 23rd, Mrs. Larson’s optional kindergarten class visited their partner in education, Manson Industries. The students enjoyed a tour of the popcorn factory with Don Schuttler, operations manager. They were excited when Mr. Schuttler sent some popcorn with the students to take back to the school for a snack. Students are, from left, Brayden Johll, Andrew Gross, Reyd Oldson, Avery Hofbaur, Danny Thoma, Kelsey Nelson (partially hidden), Alicia Westering (back), Sean Rogers, Hannah Horn, Nathan Thoma, Emma Reicks, Jasmin Miller, and Delaney Marine. School Board Board Recognition RecognitionWeek Week School May 11 - 17, 2008 Houston Ramthun, left, and Danny Licht prepare to make a phone call. Manson Northwest Webster Education Foundation Opportunity The Manson Northwest Webster Education Foundation is a local, non-profit, volunteeroperated, tax-exempt community scholarship foundation. It was organized in 1996 to provide financial assistance to the Manson Northwest Webster schools and operates independently from the Manson Northwest Webster school district. The Foundation is the sponsoring organization for the annual “Cash for Cougars” Phone-AThon. The Foundation is seeking district patrons interested in serving as future board members. Each year, five members of the 15-member board have their three-year terms expire. Interested individuals may not know how to let the Foundation know of their interest to serve. What does it take to be a Foundation board member? As with any organization seeking leadership, the Foundation is interested in people that are creative, visionary, can commit to attending monthly meetings during the school year, and are interested in the future of our school and students. Interested parties may contact School Board Secretary, Karen Wallace by phone at 712-4692202 or by e-mail at wallack@manson-nw.k12. ia.us with their name and contact information. First row, from left, Pres. Don Fitzgerald, Vice-Pres. Julie Hewitt, Terry Lawler. Back row, Dan DeWall, Joe Bush, Duane Paterson. Absent from the photo is Zuella Swartzendruber. May 2008 Monday Tuesday Wednesday At lunch, five food group items are offered. Students must choose at least three of the following to be considered a lunch meal: entrée, vegetable, fruit, milk, or bread (bread is generally included with the entrée). 6Pop Tart, Cereal & Sausage Gravy on Biscuit, Cereal Toast USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 5 Taco Corn Pineapple Cookie 13 Waffle Stick, Cereal Chicken Patty Green Beans Peaches 12 Donut, Cereal Hamburger on bun French Fries Peaches 19 20 Cereal & Toast 26 27 No School 28 Please check for calendar updates under the District Information link on the school website: 8 Pancakes, Cereal Italian Sub Broccoli Orange Slices N I O WA BOXHOLDER French Toast, Cereal 9 Fish Mixed Fruit Au Gratin Potatoes Corn Bread 16 Breakfast French Toast Sandwich, Cereal Stick & Cereal & Toast Wiener Wink Baked Beans Chicken Nuggets Fresh Fruit Peas & Carrots Apple Crisp Mixed Fruit Cookie 22 Cereal & Toast 23 Cereal & Toast 15 Corn Dog Fruit Vegetable Egg Salad Sandwich 29 Cereal & Toast Cook’s Choice 30 Cereal & Toast Hot Dog Chips Fruit Snack Carrots B CL S CHECK OUT THE MNW WEBSITE FOR ALL THE COUGAR CLUB INFORMATION. NE Have a Great Summer, Cougars! M Rib Patty Peas & Carrots Pineapple Pudding Peanut Butter Sandwich Another school year is coming to an end, however, for the Cougar Club it is still a busy year. Softball and baseball season will be here soon. We are in need of openers and closers for ALL of these events. Without some volunteers to open there will be NO concession stand. This responsibility can be split among several people. If interested please contact Lisa Lang via the link on the MNW website. www.mnwcougars.com A NS O Friday 2 Long Jon, Cereal Macaroni & Cheese Vegetable Fruit Cereal & Toast U AR G U CO www.mnwcougars.com Manson Northwest Webster Community School District 1227 16th Street Manson, IA 50563 Thursday 1 Breakfast Pizza & Cereal Scalloped Potatoes & Ham Mixed Fruit Green Beans Ham & Cheese Fruit Vegetable Turkey Patty Fruit Vegetable May 20 - 3rd-4th grade concert, 7 p.m., elementary gym May 30 - Last Day of School Cereal & Toast Deli Sandwich Vegetable Fruit Cereal & Toast Changes in School Calendar Cereal & Toast Goulash Lettuce Salad Applesauce Homemade Bread 14 Cereal & Toast 21 Chili Crispito Fruit Vegetable Maidrite on bun Tator Tots Fruit Early Dismissal 7 Spaghetti Applesauce Lettuce Salad Pizza Green Beans Pears Cereal & Toast All meals subject to change and may be different at each center. W Page 12 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID CAR-RT SORT PERMIT NO. 45 > High School > Cougar Club. Make sure you check our all of the new information posted on the website. A schedule of upcoming events and the concession stand worker schedule can be found here. You can also view the Cougar Shop items and the newly purchased uniforms. We would like to thank everybody for their help and support throughout the year. We couldn’t do it without your help. The MNW Newsletter is a publication of the Manson Northwest Webster Community School District, published eight times a year at Manson, IA. The newsletter is distributed free to residents of the Manson Northwest Webster School District. Circulation is approximately 2000 copies per issue. Editor: Karen Wallace Asst. Editor: Diane Davis The newsletter deadline for the Aug/Sept. issue is July 11, 2008. Please submit your articles to Karen Wallace at wallack@manson-nw.k12.ia.us or Diane Davis at davisd@manson-nw.k12.ia.us MNW Middle School phone (515)542-3211 • MNW Elementary phone (712)469-3598
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