October 2012 - Manson Northwest Webster Schools
October 2012 - Manson Northwest Webster Schools
Manson Northwest Webster Mastering New Worlds Vol. XXI, Number 2 October 2012 Manson Northwest Webster Community School District Newsletter www.mnwcougars.com Teaching, Learning and the Technological Child-Your Kids Really Do Think Differently By Supt. Mark Egli percentage fast speed MTV), over 500,000 commercials The much-heralded arrival of Chromebook laptops seen all before the kids leave college. And, maybe, at the in the MNW elementary has taken place. I don’t know who is more excited, the students or the teachers. Several very most, 5,000 hours of book reading. These are today’s Digital Native students.” years ago, smart boards found a place in our classrooms And those figures were based on the year 2001. Where and have become an integral part of instruction. The effect of individual laptops will be even greater as we learn might they be now? You may decry and protest the way the world is turning, but neither you nor I can change it. to incorporate and integrate this learning tool into our The best we can do is provide instruction according to the curricula. ways our children learn best, and that is going to include The laptops make possible new avenues of inquiryinstructional technology. Research has shown that the based discovery, interactive digital communications and physiology of the brain is different for children raised collaboration. They come to the elementary as the junior with the computer. As researcher Peter Moore explains it, high and high school teachers are implementing the “Children raised with the computer think differently from process of combining face-to-face and online teaching/ the rest of us. They develop hypertext learning known as a Blended format. minds. They leap around. It’s as Technology is truly blowing the though their cognitive structures covers off the text books and the walls were parallel, not sequential. Linear down from around our traditional thought processes that dominate classrooms. Information is growing educational systems now can actually exponentially, and web 2.0 tools allow retard learning for brains developed us to network and collaborate with through game and Web-surfing anyone anywhere in the world. Text processes on the computer.” books and the traditional classroom These children will not respond units cannot contain this explosive favorably to lectures and worksheets. change in what and how we are Returning to Prenskey, “Digital able to learn. The changes at MNW Natives accustomed to the twitchare not ground-breaking, but they speed, multitasking, random-access, graphics-first, active, are keeping us apace with the inevitable, as schools and connected, fun, fantasy, quick-payoff world of their video educators learn to adapt to and adopt the technology in games, MTV, and Internet are bored by most of today’s the world around them. We are fortunate to have a board that understands that education, well meaning as it may be. But worse, the many skills that new technologies have actually enhanced (e.g., the education of today’s students is not only enhanced parallel processing, graphics awareness, and random by technology; today’s students require a new and access)—which have profound implications for their different approach to their education. This is not your learning—are almost totally ignored by educators. The or your Grandpa’s school, and these students are a lot cognitive differences of the Digital Natives cry out for new different from Grandpa. Today’s students really do think approaches to education with a better fit.” differently, and we must respond by teaching differently. What I have quoted from Prensky was written over 10 Listen to the words of Marc Prinskey, acclaimed international consultant, speaker and writer in the area of years ago, yet schools are still struggling to incorporate these student-preferred technologies into the teaching/ educational technology. learning process. So we move forward at MNW looking for “Our children today are being socialized in a way that that better fit, and one can say moving forward slowly if one is vastly different from their parents. The numbers are compares our schools to the rest of the technological world. overwhelming: over 10,000 hours playing videogames, We are making strides every year. There is still much to over 200,000 emails and instant messages sent and learn about how today’s and tomorrow’s students learn best, received; over 10,000 hours talking/texting on digital but it behooves all schools to put into place what we already cell phones; over 20,000 hours watching TV (a high know. MNW Jr.-Sr. High School 712.469.2245 * MNW Elementary School 515.542.3211 Notes from the desk of Elementary Principal Justin Daggett The rate at which technology is changing in our world today is alarming. It seems like right when I get comfortable with my device, the new and improved one is just coming out. But that is the world we live in right now. That is the world we need to equip our students not only to function in, but to excel in. We live in a digital world that is going to look a lot different by the time our students graduate high school, and we need to begin preparing our students for jobs that have not even been created yet. This is our mission. MNW elementary took a big step toward that mission this month as we implemented a 1:1 laptop initiative for grades 4-6, which means that each student in those grades was issued a brand new laptop. Grades PK-3 were not left out, as each of those classrooms will receive 8-10 chromebooks in their room based on the number of students in that room. The new laptop is a Chromebook by Google. These Chromebooks are state-of-the art notebooks that will allow students to research on the web, use MyOn (our web based reading program), as well as create or design projects in all different content areas. In addition to using the Chromebooks in our core instruction, we will be having a “Tech Club” for sixth grade students run by our librarian and technology integrationist, Christine Sturgeon. This club will work on projects such as: videos, podcasts, infographics, and possibly even some computer programming. This is a very exciting, yet challenging, time in education as the advance of technology has changed the whole landscape of school. We here at MNW are committed to embracing this change, and doing everything we can do to prepare our students to be successful for their future. Justin Daggett MNW PK-6 Principal Mr. Daggett reading us a story called, ‘Go Away Big Green Monster” Mrs. Nelson’s Kindergarten on the first day of school! 22 little people Mrs. Merritt’s class used their laptops to download a creative Mrs. Merritt’s Music site with Mr. bleam. The Classroom... students were able to create their own pieces by experimenting with different sounds. Mrs. Merritt is enjoying using this new technology for the elementary. Mrs. Schreier’s Class Daily 5 is in full swing in Mrs. Schreier’s 2nd grade class. Daily 5 is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence. Daily 5 is made up of 5 components, they are; Read to Self, Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, and Word Work. We will have three 20 minute sessions where students will be working on these five areas. Between the three sessions, we will meet together on the carpet for mini lessons and to reflect on how our sessions went. While students are working on the Daily 5, I will be meeting with reading groups and doing individual conferences with students. Iowa Core and Common Core At Manson Northwest Webster by Laura Horan situations or simulate audiences for projects. Iowa, along with many other states, has adopted However, if our goal is to prepare students for the Common Core State Standards in the areas of life beyond school, they need to be given real English Language Arts and Math. Since Iowa had experiences like those they will have later. previously legislated the Iowa Core, representatives • Teach argument, not persuasion - Logical from around the state completed an alignment study argument convinces the audience because of the and found the Iowa Core and the Common Core in merit and reasonableness of the claims and proofs English Language Arts and Math are basically the same offered rather than the emotions of the writing. thing. So now when we say Iowa Core in these two Emotions come and go. Reasonable claims and areas, we really mean Common Core and vice versa. proofs do not. • Increase text complexity - It’s not just about the What does this mean for Manson Northwest textbook anymore! Besides making sure that an Webster? The purpose of the Iowa Core/Common individual text is challenging enough, teachers can Core is to transform teaching and learning in all also raise the level of content in their classroom by classrooms so students are college and career ready. using multiple sources of information. Providing The Core highlights five shifts that should happen as multiple sources on the same topic can help a result. So when the Iowa Core/Common Core in students see a variety of perspectives, and it can English Language Arts and Math is fully implemented help students adjust to texts at varying levels of in every classroom at MNW, we should see these shifts. difficulty. • Lead high level, text-based discussions – This is Although the MNW staff has been learning about as simple as when asking students to discuss a the Iowa Core for a couple of years and thinking about text as a whole class or in small groups, make sure what it means for the classroom, teachers will have the the questions are grounded in the text, and that opportunity this fall to further their study of the Core students refer to the text in their responses. While by taking part in area-wide professional development personal reactions and opinions are important, sessions. These sessions are called Iowa Core they should first be in response to what is being Investigations and will run four full inservice days, read. once a month, from September through December. • Focus on process not just content – Teachers are Mr. Egli made reference to these sessions his passionate about their content areas and we are September newsletter article as well. While there are glad they are serious about teaching skills and many great learning opportunities going on in MNW concepts because content obviously matters. classrooms, it’s quite likely not all classrooms have However, we cannot merely fill students’ heads been completely transformed to reflect the Iowa Core/ with content; we should no longer ask students Common Core. Giving teachers the opportunity to just to memorize facts and details. Instead, we learn the Core at a deep level during these 4 inservice should engage students in the learning process. days will act as the first steps to changing instruction We should give students the opportunity to really understand the concept and connect it to their own and learning. We could approach the Iowa Core/Common Core lives. When students make multiple connections between a new learning and their own experiences, as a compliance issue, but instead we have chosen to look at it as an opportunity to help prepare our they develop a better understanding of what they are learning and can transfer that learning to other students for their life beyond school. The Iowa Core/ Common Core is about learning and that’s what we’re situations. about at Manson Northwest Webster. • Create assignments for real audiences with real purposes - Of course teachers can create fake The 6th grade band performed in the homecoming parade. The band played and sung the song “Dynamite” by Taio Cruz. RESERVATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR MNW’S AUTUMN GRILL Are you looking for a new and different place to eat lunch on Tuesdays? We have just the place for you! Six Advanced Foods and three Independent Study in Foods students have been busy preparing and testing delicious meals to be served at Manson-Northwest Webster’s student-run restaurant, the Autumn Grill. Meals will be served on Tuesdays from October 9th through November 13th. You are cordially invited to dine with us at the Autumn Grill, carryout a meal, or have a meal delivered to your home or workplace. The MNW students are anxious to share their delicious menu choices with you and to serve you. Please support them by making a reservation for one or all of their restaurants. Reservations to eat in, pick up or to have a meal delivered need to be made at least 2 days in advance to 712-469-2245. Meals are ready at 12:00 noon, with seating beginning at 11:45. Each meal will include a small appetizer, an entrée and a dessert. This year’s menus include: Tuesday, October 30th Tuesday, October 9th Asian Lettuce Wrap with Thai Sweet Chili Sauce Fried Dill Pickle Slices Grilled Hamburger with Cheese Sauce Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice Green Beans Peas and Carrots Chocolate Mousse Parfait Strawberry Angel Food Cake Tuesday, October 16th Mozzarella Sticks with Marinara Sauce Italian Sausage and Pepper Burger Creamy Pasta Salad Blueberry Swirl Cheesecake Tuesday, November 6th Fresh Fruit Kabob with Dip Chicken Caesar Salad Broccoli Cheese Soup in a Bread Bowl Strawberry Rhubarb Pie a la mode Tuesday, October 23rd Stuffed Mushrooms Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla Cinnamon Chips with Fruit Salsa Spiced Apple Cake Tuesday, November 13th Fresh Garden Salad Italian Pasta Supreme Garlic Bread Stick Lemon Bar Students involved in this year’s Autumn Grill include: Harley Janssen, Tanner Peterson, Evie Taylor, Katie Smothers, Matt Callahan, Adam Kolar, Karlee Buchanan, Drake Harman and Brandon Volf. Thank you in advance for your support of MNW programs and we hope to see you soon! Fourth grade is off to a great start! We are studying about scientific inquiry, the election, and geometry. We are continuing to read, write, and research using the Daily 5 program. We are excited to get our new laptops!!! Check out our web-sites! http://awesome4thgraders.wikispaces.com/ http://merritts4thgraderocks.wikispaces.com In this picture, we are showing our “Circle Art”. This was a fun way for us to explore lines, line segments, angles, and using a compass to draw circles. Go Cougars! HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELOR NEWS As we are half way through the first trimester of school already it is an important time for seniors and senior parents. There are a lot of things to be getting done and here is checklist to be looking at to see if they are finished. ACT Testing Information Test Date Registration Deadline December 8, 2012 November 2, 2012 February 9, 2013 January 11, 2013 April 13, 2013 March 8, 2013 June 8, 2013 May 3, 2013 Late Registration (late-fee required) November 3-16, 2012 January 12-18, 2013 March 9-22, 2013 May 4-17, 2013 Test fee per test option ACT (No Writing)$35.00 Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to four college choices (if valid codes are provided when you register). ACT Plus Writing$50.50 Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to four college choices (if valid codes are provided when you register). The $15.50 Writing Test fee is refundable, on written request, if you are absent on test day or switch to the ACT (No Writing) before testing JUNIORS - These are the ACT testing dates for 2012-2013 and fees for the test. I would recommend any junior that is thinking about attending a 4 year college to take these this year. I would recommend taking the test after at least Christmas break to have some Chemistry and Algebra II/ Geometry background. You can take this test as much as many times as you want and only your best scores are sent on. You do have to pay the fee each time however. SENIORS - If you are going to plan on going to a 4 year college, or thinking about it, and have not taken the ACT you need to do this at the nearest most convenient date. You MUST have ACT scores to be considered for acceptance at any 4 year college. TO REGISTER TO TAKE THE ACT. You go to www.actstudent.org and all the information is there. You pay online after you register and it will tell you the location of the testing site then. The sooner the better because you can take it as many times as you like and your best scores are the only ones that count. The ACT test is only offered six times per year so it is important to get it done now in case you want to retake it.It is either @ FDSH or ICCC. You also need to enter a school code which for MNW is 162-720. Scholarship opportunities - Scholarship opportunities are starting to roll in to the Guidance Office. As they do I will be emailing any and all out to seniors and their parents with specific information about each individual scholarship. 90% of these are all online applications anymore so this is the best way to get them to you. Keep an eye open for these and if you are not receiving them please contact the HS office to be sure we have your correct email address. There are some that are open to anyone and everyone and some with very specific requirements to look at before completing an application. Take advantage of these as there is always a lot of scholarship money out there that is not sued because no one applied for them. College Planning Night - Annually we have representative from ICAN visit MNW to provide information on Planning for College. This great information for seniors AND juniors as well as their parents. They give you some great information on what you should be doing and what you should be looking for as you are less than 2 years away, or closer for seniors from heading off to college. This year’s meeting is scheduled for October 18th @ 6:00 pm in the HS Media Center. College Visits - Go out and visit colleges you are interested in. Each senior is allowed 3 college visits during the school day if you want to go and visit schools of interest. It is great to do this if you have questions or just want to go during a school day and get a feel for campus life. Call the admissions office of the college you intend to visit and set up an appointment with them. Then just be sure to call the school office and let them know your son or daughter will be gone. College Rep Visits – Each year we will have representatives from 30-40 colleges come to the high school twice per year to visit with any student interested in their specific college or with questions about colleges. I encourage all juniors and seniors to take advantage of this opportunity. Emails will be sent to student and parents of these opportunities with the specifics of each visit included. As always if you have question please feel free to call Mr. Anliker in the high school guidance office with questions. Big changes this summer at the elementary library If you haven’t been to the elementary library in Barnum lately, you’ve missed a lot! In late 2011, the school district was informed they were the recipient of a gift of $5,000 from the estate of Joyce Gordon that was to be used in the school library in Barnum. Mrs. Gordon was a dedicated school librarian at Barnum for many years. How would this generous gift be best used? There were big decisions to make. Looking around the library, Christine Sturgeon, MNW’s K-12 Teacher Librarian/Technology Integrationist, and Donna Ulrich, the elementary school library associate, realized there wasn’t anything about the space that indicated this was a library for children. (Of course, just a few years ago it was a library for middle school students.) They felt the space, with its plain walls, metal shelving, and inadequate lighting, did not welcome students in the library appropriately, even if it was frequently used by classes. Mrs. Sturgeon and Miss Ulrich didn’t want to simply use the money on books, which the district would be buying anyway. Instead they felt it should be used on something that would allow Mrs. Gordon’s family and friends to say, “Look what she did!” Students were asked for their input, which ranged from painting the walls to building a fish tank in the floor. Jenn Pearson’s third grade class frequently came into the class to do Daily 5 literacy activities, where she would conference with a student at a table. Classmates would be working in the library computer lab on their class blog on Edmodo, and still others would be scattered on the floor reading “good fit books” from the library. Mrs. Pearson’s students gave Mrs. Sturgeon and Miss Ulrich an idea. Going to the social networking site of Pinterest for inspiration, there were many ideas to consider. The librarians settled on the idea of a “stage” on which the students could sprawl out while reading. It could be used for storytime and even as an actual stage for groups of students doing a readers theater presentation. It should also include shelves for picture books. Mrs. Sturgeon created a simple plan, and Adam Kolar, a sophomore student in Kandice Roethler’s Virtual Reality class, used that to create a 3D model of the space using the computer program, Blender. In late May the plans were finalized and the project began in earnest. Donna Ulrich painted the entire library with a countryside scene, complete with lots of trees, hills, and a bright blue sky. To the north, Josh Anderson, elementary art teacher, painted a sun and wishing well on top of a Loess hill. Brian Nelson built the stage and shelves. Carpet was installed on the stage, the shelves were stained, and books were put back on the shelves. Reaction from parents, staff, and students has been overwhelmingly positive. Elementary counselor Pam Bleam said, “The changes to the library makes me ask, ‘Why didn’t we do this twenty years ago?’ It’s hard to believe what paint, talent, rearranging, and fresh new energy can do to a familiar space.” Sixth grader Brian Pearson stated, “How the library looks, it makes me feel like this is a room where nobody should be mean to each other because it’s all so colorful and nice.” If you haven’t seen the changes in person yet, plan to come to the Fall Literacy Night to be held at the elementary school on Tuesday, November 13. Kickin’ It Up! “From the top… And five, six, seven, eight!” The 2012-2013 dance season is off to a strong start at Manson Northwest Webster High School. Pre-season practices began in June for the 14-member squad which is led this year by senior co-captains Miranda Simpson and Daniella Wille. In addition, several squad members participated in dance camps over the summer to improve their skills. Simpson returned to Brainerd, Minnesota, for her second year at Just for Kix’s Summer Dance Intensive. While there, she took classes in contemporary, hip hop, lyrical, and jazz dance styles with So You Think You Can Dance top ten finalist Ashley Galvan and choreographers from Minneapolis, New York City, and Florida. New squad members Madison Moser and Emma Simpson also kicked off their season early with a trip to the JFK Drill Team Camp in Storm Lake, Iowa. The camp is designed to help dancers from across the state Madison Moser, improve their overall technique while learning routines in kick, pom, and jazz. Emma says it was a great experience and it’s something she hopes more girls will participate in next year. Kate Jacobsen, and The season officially got underway with a two-day team camp Emma Simpson at MNW High School in August. While there, team members began learning their Homecoming routine and focused on dance technique including leaps and turns that will be incorporated into many of their upcoming routines. They also had the opportunity to try on the new state uniforms and poms which were made possible through the support of the MNW Cougar Club. This is just the beginning of what promises to be a busy year for the dance team. Members commit to 6 a.m. practices 2-3 times per week and sometimes even more as they gear up for the state contest. During these practices, dancers focus on improving technique and learn the routines they will perform during basketball games, the ISDTA State Contest, area dance team nights, and their own annual MNW Drill Team Night performance. For now, the team is busy learning new pom and novelty routines for the ISDTA State Competition. Last year the squad finished with a Division I rating in pom and a 2nd place trophy for their novelty blob routine. They’re hoping for even more Meridith Callahan success when they return to Wells Fargo Arena on November 29th. Squad members are also given the opportunity to participate in the ISDTA State Solo Contest, which Miranda Simpson will be and Julianna competing in this November. Biedenfeld Mary Fitzgerald, who is in her 11th year of coaching the squad, says she’s excited for the upcoming season. “We are thinking outside the box a bit as we have put together an upbeat, quirky pom routine and will also compete with another fun Blob routine. The girls are dedicated to the 6 a.m. practices and have great attitudes. They are working hard to earn Division I ratings, which is a good goal to set,” she says. The team’s commitment definitely paid off with their first performance of a pom/hip hop routine at the MNW Homecoming Pep Rally on September 12th. The routine showcased the growing talent of this team with increasingly demanding technical skills and plenty of crowd-pleasing moves. Expectations for their performances are high, but dancers are expected to be students as well as athletes. “My first goal is always the team academic award which we again qualified for,” says Fitzgerald. “The team will be awarded an Academic Award of Excellence at State for their Lucy Besch, Alex Jones, team GPA.” Fitzgerald is joined this year by new co-coach and MNW Amanda Lang, Ali Miller, and Drill Team alumnus Kristin Lawler. To offset the costs of uniforms, travel, and other team expenses, Katie Smothers the squad is once again participating in two annual fundraisers. MNW pocket calendars are going fast but are still available by contacting any drill team member or coach. The cost is just $5. In addition, squad members are currently selling their popular butterbraids. Butterbraids are $12 each and sales will continue through October 8th with delivery on October 18th. Returning veterans of the 2012-2013 squad include senior co-captains Miranda Simpson and Daniella Wille; seniors Karsyn Steib and Jordan Ukena; and juniors Lucy Besch, Alex Jones, Amanda Lang, Alli Miller, and Katie Smothers. New squad members Karsyn Steib, Miranda include sophomores Juliana Biedenfeld and Meridith Simpson, Dani Willie, and Callahan; and freshmen Katelyn Jacobsen, Madison Moser, and Emma Simpson. Jordyn Ukena Little Cougars Preschool Verified by Department of Education “This is a preschool I would send my child to. Your school district gets it!” With those words on April 20, 2012 the teachers and administration of MNW Elementary were informed that the Little Cougars four-year-old preschool program had been verified by the Iowa Department of Education and AEA. It also meant that the Program had met all ten Quality Preschool Standards and 152 criteria needed to continue to receive state funding for the program and, more important, to assure a quality early childhood program to the district patrons. Several areas of the program were recognized as strengths: opportunities for large motor development with the new playground equipment and the new trike track, but also supplies many opportunities to plant and watch the growth of many types of vegetation from squash to wild flowers. • Parent Involvement The parents are asked to be involved in ways that go beyond conferences and volunteering for field trips. The advisory board took an active role in the visit by giving an opening welcome to the verifiers and by preparing all of the meals, among other things. The verifiers were very impressed with the monthly projects that go home with the students throughout the year that encourage • Technology Technology is used all day in the learning structure as well as at play time. From the smart board, to solo computer time, from live streaming during play time to teachers using I Pads to record data, technology is integrated into every part of the day. • Inclusion All of the special needs children are given support within the classroom with minimal pull out time. This is the least parents to reinforce the skills that are being taught at school. They also commented on the value of the web site and Facebook pages that allow for parent involvement in learning. The four-year-old preschool program runs four days a week, with the fifth day, Friday, reserved for a one day a week three-year-old exposure to the program structure. The 2011-12 MNW Preschool Program served 53 four –year-old students and 24 three-yearold students, the largest class since its beginning in 2006. The 2012-13 Program serves 69 three and fouryear-old students. restrictive environment for all involved. • Nature-based playground Noted as “exemplary”, the preschool playground not only supplies multiple Apple Picking Time! The preschool classes went to the Apple Orchard last month. They enjoyed learning about apples, seeing the Orchard’s apple peeler, and playing in the Back 40 playground. Thanks to all the parent volunteers! At Manson Northwest Webster, we believe the integration of technology enhances learning by increasing knowledge and skills and the ability to think critically to apply new learning in real life situations. Teachers and students use technology as tools to access content, to collaborate, to communicate, and to assess progress as students move through the MNW system. anson M t a y ! nolog h c e entary T m w e l E Ne ebster W t s e Northw Laptops and tablets? Even in Kindergarten? Can’t Wait! Quality teaching is at the heart of implementing technology in all classrooms. Technology will never replace a teacher. Elemen t ary Tec hnolog y 300 student laptops 200 tablets 19 Smartboards—one in each classroom 10 iPads 2 desktop labs/25 computers in each lab MyOn Electronic Library MyOn Reader matches student interest and reading level with content to personalize learning. The collections of books are available anytime, anywhere, for any student. How are teachers using technology in their classrooms? Websites and apps to practice skills Web tools for researching and creating To collaborate with classmates and others at a distance To read books online for more choice and appropriate levels It is an exciting time in education! Manson Northwest Webster is committed to meeting the needs of all learners and preparing them for them for the world beyond our K-12 system. Cougar Tracks Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 1 Thank you to Fitzgerald Welding for donating and setting up a computerized plasma cutter at the high school. Through this donation, MNW students will be able to incorporate the plasma cutter in Introduction to Cad, Laser Manufacturing, Exploring Technology, and Ag Construction. With donations like the Fitzgerald’s students continue to learn twentyfirst century skills. Yearbook students want to say a big thank you to all the local and area businesses that sponsor pages in the yearbook. These sponsorships help to pay for book production, new cameras, batteries, and other necessary supplies for the class. Homecoming 2012 By Brody Eischeid Homecoming was held the week of September 9 - 14, 2012. Powder puff football kicked off the week of Homecoming on Sunday night, with the junior and freshman ladies coming up with the victory. Powder puff was then followed by He-Man volleyball in the gym and the senior boys came out with a victory. Wednesday night was the pep rally and coronation. Skits winners were seniors in first place, sophomores in second place, juniors in third place, and freshman in fourth place. The Homecoming court consisted of Jordan Schreier, Maranda Olson, Emma Johnson, Emily Lawler, Kayla Birkey, Cole Rowen, Kolin Sukovaty, Jordan Reuter, Brennan Thompson, and Brody Eischeid. The Homecoming king and queen are, Kolin Sukovaty and Jordan Schreier. Monday was Theme Day: Old Time Rock and Roll. Monday’s winners were Jordan Schreier, Lucy Besch, Anna Pederson, and Adam Bryne. Tuesday was Character Day. Tuesday’s character winners were Emily Lawler, Jocelyn Keller, Callie Patterson, and Klay Ridge. Wednesday was Teacher Day, and the winners were Austin Hauge, Jenna Sankey, Brennan Thompson, and Jordan Ukena. Thursday was Animal day. The winners for animal day were Marcus Bell, Caitlyn Dewall, Josh Markert, and Karsyn Steib. Friday is always Cougar Spirit Day and the winners were Cody Blair, Matt Johnson, and Josh Neumann. To sum up the day time events, Friday involved of a parade and quantum show. That night the Cougars played the Wolves from IKM-Manning; it was a close battle with IKM winning by four points. The dance followed from 10 to midnight. Continued on page 2... Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 2 Homecoming Dress Up Days Old Time Rock n’ Roll dressers : On the left, Adam Byrne, Hunter Ramthun, and Katie Smothers. Above: Anna Pedersen, Lucy Besch, Alli Miller, Shelby Quade, and Jenna Sankey. Mr. Richman and Mrs. Rechkemmer are dressed as Freddy and Daphne from Scooby-Doo. Austin Hauge and Alesha Hanson dressed up as Mr. Holloway and Ms. Gaskill. Lucy Besch and Caleb Wubben are dressed as Mr. Richman and Mr. Wubben. Ashley Nicholson and Jordan Ukena also dressed for Teacher Day. Cole Kitten and Shelby Quade dressed for Character Day. Shelby Wood, Jordan Schreier, and Ashley Sousa dressed up for Animal Day. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 3 Dress Up Days Continued... Eight graders Kadence Junkman, Emma Nelson, and Liz Stange get involved in dress up days. Anna Pedersen posed as Mr. Fredrickson from the movie Up and Katie Smothers dressed as a minion from Despicable Me. Billie Smith sports a Little Red Riding Hood outfit for favorite character day. Kayla Watne dressed as Batman and Shelby Wood dressed as Hannah Montana for character day. Right: Elsa Martens characterizes Minnie Mouse. Jordan Ukena, Brandi Peterson, Mikaela Winter, and Jeremy Rohner doing their 50’s and 60’s rock-n-roll style. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 4 Pep Rally/Coronation King Kolin Sukovaty about to hug his father. Seniors performing their skit called Rock n’ Roll Heaven. Sophomores grooving to the beat. Dani Willie, Marcus Bell, and Miranda Simpson dramatize their skit for the crowd. King and Queen being congratulated. King Kolin Sukovaty and Queen Jordan Schreier. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 5 Homecoming Decorations Miranda Olson says it’s okay to color the building. Sophomores discuss their theme for hallway decorations. After writing senior names on the window, Jordan Schreier pauses for a smile. It wouldn’t be Homecoming if car windows didn’t get painted. Homecoming is about gathering together to celebrate the past and the present. Juniors create a wall poster to support Cougar football and other sporting events at MNW Junior High and High School. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 6 Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 7 FFA is FFun By Austin Thielmann As the new school year began, it brought with it many opportunities to participate in FFA events. On September 8, 2012 the 34th annual FFA Trapshoot was held at the Manson Gun Club. The event commenced at approximately 8:00 a.m. with 27 teams participating; consisting of 95 individuals from 9 different school districts. After the competition ended and the results were totaled, Newell Fonda 2 won the Trapshoot participants include Keyton Strutzenberg, Zach Larson, Collin Christensen, Bryce Birkey, Austin Thielmann, Devon Kirchoff, Cody competition with a score of 44, Denison Anderson, and Sam Wood. 2 got second with a score of 42, and MNW 3 got third with a score of 41. MNW 3 team members included Cody Anderson, Austin Thielmann, Connor Hokinson, and Lucas Dolder. The top four individuals from Manson competing in the competition were Cody Anderson, who placed 4th in the competition, Zach Larson, who placed 17th in the competition, and Callan Anderson and Logan Fiedler, who tied for 18th in the competition. Many thanks are due to those who helped make the Manson Northwest Webster FFA Trapshoot possible including the Manson Gun Club, Coon Valley Trophies, and members of the Manson FFA. In support of a nonprofit organization out of Michigan the Manson Northwest Webster FFA has begun selling ice cream after school in the commons. Sam Wood and Austin Thielmann serve ice cream for one dollar a cup, and all proceeds are given to the Leader Dogs Organization. The Leader Dogs Organization sends dogs from their headquarters in Rochester Hills, Michigan to the Fort Dodge Correctional Facility where inmates teach the dogs simple commands. After the dogs’ training is complete at the Fort Dodge Correctional Facility they are then sent back To Rochester Hills, Michigan where they are taught more complex commands. Once finished with their training in Rochester Hills, Michigan the dogs are put into service as guide dogs for the blind. The Manson Northwest Webster FFA would like to thank all those who support their current endeavors. On September 6, 2012 Farm Safety Management took place. Four FFA members, Bryce Birkey, Hunter Ramthun, Natasha Irwin, and Kylie Bergren educated children about safety on the farm. The four FFA members used various activities to educate the children about hidden hazards and how to be safe on the farm. Last year the Manson Northwest Webster FFA took responsibility of the recycling program. At the last chapter meeting which took place on August 21, 2012 the chapter members decided to renew their commitment Continued on Page 8 Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class page 8 FFA Continued to keep the recycling program going for another year. On every other Friday a few chapter members take a half an hour out of their morning before school to pick up the paper in every classroom’s recycling box. The paper is then taken to the local recycling bin by Mr. Gaul. Recycling is a great way to improve our community and a great way for lower class men to get to know their future teachers. It’s great to be an FFA member to be able to participate in all the various activities and events. Above: Hannah Van Meter, Austin Thielmann, and Kelsey Strandberg recycling paper. Virtual Reality By Jacob McGill On September 11, 2012, Virtual Reality students Westley Aden, Caleb Sturgeon, Jacob McGill, Austin Zinnel, Jacob Koons, and Nick Girard traveled to Storm Lake for a Virtual Reality conference. Upon arrival, students helped set up class sessions. Westley and Caleb began teaching about the program Blender and how to make background images and modeling mesh. Jacob McGill assisted students who got stuck or had a questions about something on Blender that they couldn’t figure out. The morning went smoothly and kids enjoyed learning a new program. After a lunch break, participants chose from three other classes that Westley, Jacob, and Caleb were demonstrating. These choices were lighting, game making, and compositing. After the student teachers were done teaching the students about different concepts in Blender, they were proud of their accomplishments. Getting In the Groove By Alex Dangelser September 9th, 2010, the French Club put on its first fundraising event: the Junior High Dance. Thirty-seven students arrived to support the fundraising event. DJ’s Lucy Besch, Hunter Jud, Amanda Lang, and Alex Dangelser chose from a variety of music to keep the night alive. Bags of candy were given away for prizes, and refreshments were sold at the dance for students to enjoy. Students who attended, enjoyed the French Student’s effort. On September 27th French Club students served a taco in a bag supper before the volleyball home game. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Band is Her Thing: Megan Benz By Alex Dangelser Helping the band, improving their playing techniques, sounding great, and having fun are Megan Benz’s goals for teaching at Manson Northwest Webster. She has been teaching for two years; in the summer she enjoys working at the USD band camp. She also played in the Spencer Municipal band and the BV Community musical. Outside of school and band camp she enjoys reading, playing with her dog, and watching television. She loves working with students, which makes her dream job of teaching band in Iowa, a perfect tune. It’s All in the Numbers: Annie Hoth By Klay Ridge Annie Hoth is the new middle school and high school math teacher. She teaches Geometry, Pre-Algebra, and Math Apps. Annie grew up in Northeast Iowa by the Mississippi River. She has a younger brother. She graduated from Wartburg College in Waverly. Annie chose to come to Manson Northwest Webster because she likes the community, the size of the school district, and the fact that there is 21st century technology. Annie finds it very easy to interact with the students and teachers. She said she is very outgoing and is a people person. Annie’s hobbies include reading, working out, and boating with friends. She may take up a side job teaching piano lessons and eventually coaching. During the summer Annie was a lifeguard, worked in an assisted living facility, went to Mexico and flew to Seattle and then drove back to Iowa! She loves working at Manson Northwest Webster! “Go Cougars!!” Meeting the Challenge: Chris Wood By Cole Kitten Chris Wood, brother of Kevin Wood, is one of the several new teachers this school year. He was a Behavioral Specialist at Rabiner Treatment Center. At MNW Chris is an associate for the seventh grade. Although he liked Rabiner, he likes working at Manson a lot more. He says he does enjoy working with his brother but their is a bit of a sibling rivalry. When he was asked why he started working here, he said he wants time for college. He says his dream job would be to do exactly what coach Anliker does. If he could change one thing about the school he said he would definitely choose to add air conditioning to the super hot second floor. Chris has two children who attend Manson. He said this is a plus because he gets to see them in the hallways and it’s easier to check their progress with the other teachers. page 9 Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class page 10 Matt Pohlman By Austin Pohl Matt Pohlman is a new teacher this year at MNW. His MNW classes include Exploring Computers, Intro to Business, and Intro to computers. His college classes include Iowa Centrals Into to Business, Accounting, and Intro to computers. Matt has been teaching for approximately 18 years. He and his family live in Latimer which is about a hour and fifteen minutes away. Before MNW he taught at Cal Latimer for 17 years. He worked for the past five years as sports reporter for Hampton Chronicle and Clarion Times newspaper as sports reporter and a photographer. Matt also coached track and cross country for 17 years and was head boys basketball coach for five seasons from 1998 to 2003. Matt has two children Miranda, is in 2 grade, and Grant is in kindergarten. His wife’s name is Dawn. This year his goals are getting to know the students and faculty better. He also said that he was really impressed with the students at Manson schools and he likes how there are many opportunities for the kids. State Coach now at MNW By Austin Bedford Stacy Rice, state wrestling coach, now holds a teaching position at Manson Northwest Webster High School. He has worked for the Rabiner treatment center for many years and now is working at the high school, but he is not stranger to MNW. He has been a resident for nine years now. Also, he is entering his 8th season as a coach. He is also a coach for the 7th and 8th grade football team. He finds the Manson area a good fit for his family along with a good learning environment. The specific duty Coach Rice has tackled is the special education and supervision of the Rabiner students. Coach Rice describes MNW as “excellent and couldn’t ask for more.” If someone asks him for advice he’d say, “Try wrestling, you might like it.” Meet Anne Reuter By Karsyn Steib Anne Reuter was not born in Iowa. She came from Germany! She lived in Reaensburg, Bavaria. She wanted to work here because she enjoys working with the students. Her job here is a high school associate. She easily interacts with the kids and teachers, and she loves this job. Anne’s favorite part about this job is the kids. Before she moved here, she was a hotel expert. She graduated from Wirtschaftsschule breitschaft in Regensburg. Anne’s hobbies include reading, walking, and photography. Another job Anne has is running her own photography business. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class page 11 Mrs. Waller’s Chemistry By Treston Hanson The new Chemistry teacher at MNW is Jessica Waller, her husband is a former MNW student. Jessica has been teaching for five at Muskatine in Southeastern Iowa. Before coming Manson, she thought about teaching in a different country; but her husband decided to farm so they never really talked about it. When asked about the way technology has effected education these days, she says it was a turn for the better. She said that if kids didn’t have technology, they wouldn’t feel as much obligation to stay in school, and that’s not including the appeal technology has on teens. When asked if she include a little technology into her style of teaching, she said yes, and that her class would mostly be paperless, everything but tests anyway. She went to Wartburg Community College in Waverly, Iowa, and her favorite aspect of teaching is sharing her passion for science with students, which she also said fascinated her since she was a child. She loves working with kids, and science has always been her best subject. Drill Team All Iowa! By Karsyn Steib Over 500 girls try out and only 270 girls are chosen to perform at All Iowa. This year two seniors Dani Wille and Miranda Simpson tried out. They auditioned in Ames on September 9th and they said it was hard work and they are very sore. They and over 200 other girls must learn a routine very quickly. If girls get chosen, they go back in March and have a three day practice. Some are chosen for a patriotic flag routine performed on Friday and Saturday and others are chosen to do a pom/kick/hip hop routine performed at Wells Fargo during the final half time. Mary, one of the coaches of our MNW drill team, loves having our girls try out. Mary’s favorite part about this is the girl’s excitement and the costuming. This is her 11th year doing All Iowa try outs and up to 4 girls have made it in the past, and she thinks for sure they will make it this year. Odyssey of the Mind By Austin Pohl Odyssey of the Mind is a problem solving competition where student compete in different exercises to see what team can be the most creative. Student have to think outside the box to come up with an 8 minute solution to certain problems. These problems range from building structures to acting in a performance. There is also an on the spot performance were the student will be given a task to complete within a certain time limit. Kids from kindergarten to 12 grade are able to join and there is even a college division. About 15 student are in Odyssey of the Mind this year. Each year is different because there are different problems that students will solve. Last year the students did an acting performance where the they had to create a humorous act. Many Liz Stange shares her thoughts student enjoy Odyssey of the Mind about Odyssey of the Mind. “It’s because they are able have fun and pretty cool!” be themselves. Katelyn Jacobsen, Emma Simpson, and Taylor Wood discuss their likes about Odyssey of the Mind: Odyssey of the Mind makes us think. When we practice, it brings our relationship with each other and Ms. Roethler closer. Hands-on problems are worked out together, and they go very well. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class page 12 Cougar Cafe By Emma Johnson Cougar Cafe refers to Family, Career and Community and Leaders of America. It is a class offered by Mrs. Tague. She created the class that will totally be run by students. Advanced Foods students will also help with baking of some of the foods FCCLA will serve. Since this is a new program, students have decided to try out Cougar Cafe on Fridays from 7 to 8:20 before school to see how popular the idea is. The reason that they want to open the cafe in the morning is so they can avoid conflicts with students and teacher schedules. Every Friday three FCCLA members will work the coffee bar, and then the next Friday, three FCCLA students: Caitlyn DeWall, Callie Paterson, Kim Hokinson, different students will. They are Autumn Martin, Ellie Herzberg and Maranda Olson. hoping to make a profit so that they can buy more things for the FCCLA class and for trips Mrs. Tague is planning for the class. The Cougar Cafe is planning on being cheaper than other places where people can buy coffee, but as of right now they don’t set prices . Different flavors of coffee and syrups will be offered. The FCCLA group has also thought about selling orange juice, smoothies, breakfast pizza, pretzels and muffins for kids who don’t like coffee. The Cougar Cafe will be located in the library. Mrs. Tague believes that this will bring more activity to the library. FCCLA students are planning to have the cafe open by the end of October once the painting and redecorating is completed. FCCLA By Ellie Herzberg Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a new student-run organization at Manson Northwest Webster. The organization is nation wide and the members can participate in events and competitions. The students involved will get the chance to run the Cougar Cafe’, which is a coffee shop that will be held at the school on Friday mornings. They will also get to participate in chapter activities, trips, and projects. MNW’s group of students involved is run by Mrs. Tague. Approximately ten students, which are a mixture of ninth through twelfth graders, have signed up to join the FCCLA. They will have meetings approximately once a month, and they elected officers to run those meetings. The president is Callie Paterson, the vice president is Maranda Olson, the secretary is Katie Smothers, the publicity coordinator is Caitlyn DeWall, and the treasurer is Autumn Martin. Everyone involved is very excited to begin doing activities, and they all hope the new program will run smoothly. Manson Northwest Webster Publications Class Page 14 Fort Dodge Marching Band Festival By Jacob McGill Saturday September 22, the MNW Marching Band performed at the Fort Dodge Marching Band Festival at Dodger Stadium. The band played the songs It Don’t Mean a Thing and Caravan. The band placed fourth in 2A division. The marching band gets ready for the competition by practicing out side daily on the field. Ms. Benz selected the music for this years marching band. Miss Benz stated, “The jazz style works well with our instrumentation. It is fun music, and a good learning opportunity for kids.” Above: saxophone players Chase Almond, Caleb Sturgeon, and drummer, Keagan Heun. Above: drum majors Jordan Reuter, Jordan Ukena, and the marching band . Above: Kierstyn Ferguson, Miranda Simpson, Adam Siepker, and Miss Benz. Above : MNW marching band. Left: MNW girls perform at Dodger Stadium Above: Allie Miller, Jordan Schreier, Emma Johnson , and Miranda Simpson are ready for flags. MNWCentral Office 712.469.2202
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