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CENTER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 26JT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING Fyock Library Community Room April 9, 2013: 8:00PM AGENDA 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Mr. Richard Barela Mrs. Yuridia Cendejas Mrs. Margaret Faron Mr. Michael Lobato Mr. James Sanchez Pledge of Allegiance: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Student, Personnel & Legal Matters: TIME: __________ Call to Order: Regular Session: TIME: ______________ 2. Welcome to Visitors: 3. Approval of Agenda: 4. Staff/Student Reports: 1. 6th Grade Class- Ms. Carolyn Ruybal 2. 8th Grade Class – Ms. Linda Donaldson/Mr. Joe Martinez 5. Brief Comments from the Public: 6. Special Visitations: 7. Administrative Reports: A. Elementary Principal’s Report: Mrs. Kathy Kulp: Page 3: B. Elementary Instructional Coach: Mrs. Sarah Vance: C. Middle School Principal’s Report: Mrs. Carrie Zimmerman: Pages 4-5: D. High School Principal’s Report: Mr. Kevin Jones: Page 6: Directory of Instruction/Vocational Coordinator’s Report: Mrs. Lori Cooper: Director of Finance Report: Ms. Betty Casanova: E. Superintendent’s Report: Mr. George Welsh: 1. District Accountability 8. Consent Agenda: A. (229.) Addition to: 2012-2013 Coaching Assignments List: Pages 7-8: B. (230.) Addition to: 2012-2013 Substitute Teacher List: C. (231.) Approve: 8th Grade Class Trip to Colorado Rockies game: Pages 9-10: 9. Resolutions/Motions: D. (232.) Staff Hiring: Middle School Annual Sponsor: Page 11: E. (233.) Accept: Letter of Resignation: Middle/High School Paraprofessional: Page 12: F. (234.) Board Policy: ADE, Innovation In Education: Second Reading: Pages 13-15: G. (235.) Board Policy: GBGI, Staff Military Leave: Second Reading: Pages 16-17: Interim Discussion: Page 3 9. Resolutions/Motions: H. (236.) Resolution: March 2013 Payroll Transfers: Page 18: I. (237.) Resolution: Transfer from General Fund to GDPG Fund: Page 19: J. (238.) Approve: March 2013 General Fund, GDPG Fund and Cafeteria Fund Bills K. (239.) Assign: Half-Time Elementary Secretary/Half-Time Teacher Assistant: L. (240.) Accept: Letter of Retirement: High School Language Arts Teacher: Page 20: M. (241.) Other: 10. Approval of Minutes: March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes: Pages 21-32: 11. Discussion and Report Items/Request for Information: 12. Adjournment: TIME:______________ Recommended Motion: Motion to adjourn the meeting at __________ (time). By:_______________________________ Seconded by: ______________________ Page 2 CENTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING FYOCK LIBRARY COMMUNITY ROOM The Board of Education of the Center Consolidated School Joint District Number 26 met in a Regular Session on March 12, 2013 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Mr. Lobato called the Regular Session to order at 8:00PM Roll Call: Mr. Richard Barela Mrs. Yuridia Cendejas Mrs. Margaret Faron Mr. Michael Lobato Mr. James Sanchez Pledge of Allegiance: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Student, Personnel & Legal Matters: TIME: Mrs. Faron moved to go into Executive Session to discuss matters required to be kept confidential by Federal Law, specifically the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.C.A. § 1232g, and by the Colorado Open Records Act, Article 72, Title 22, C.R.S., and that by this motion, the Board announces that such is the purpose of the Executive Session inviting Mr. Welsh. Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye 205. (A.) Appointment to Board/Deliver: Certificate of Appointment: Mrs. Faron moved to appoint Mr. James Sanchez, to the Office of School Board Director, Member At-Large. Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 206. (B.) Administer: Oath of Office: School Board Director: Member At-Large: 207. (C.) Reorganization of Board of Education: Mrs. Cendejas moved to nominate Mr. Michael Lobato, for the office of School Board President. Mrs. Faron seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye- Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Mr. Barela moved to nominate Mrs. Faron, for the office of School Board Vice President. Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Mrs. Faron moved to nominate Mrs. Cendejas, for the office of School Board Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Page 2 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 207. (C.) Reorganization of Board of Education: Mr. Barela moved to nominate Mrs. Faron, for the position of BOCES Board Representative. Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Mrs. Faron moved to nominate Mrs. Cendejas, for the position of BOCES Alternative Board Representative. Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Call to Order: Regular Session: TIME: 8:07PM Mr. Lobato called the Regular Session to order at 8:07PM 2. Welcome to Visitors: Mr. Lobato welcomed all of the Classes and their sponsors to the meeting. 3. Approval of Agenda: Mrs. Cendejas moved to approve the agenda with the following changes: T. (223.) Staff Hiring: Full-Time Cafeteria Cook: U. (224.) Addition to: 2012-2013 Substitute Teacher List: V. (225.) Approve: Student Trip to national Space Symposium: W. (226.) Authorize: Electronic Check Signing: Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 4. Staff/Student Reports: 1. 2. History Fair – Carolyn Ruybal: No Show Science Fair – Lisa Renner: Ms. Renner reported that the Science Fair took place March 1, 2013. Ms. Renner reported that there were 12 entries. Ms. Renner reported that the AmeriCorps volunteers were the judges for the event. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Ms. Renner for her report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if they had any questions of Ms. Renner. There were no questions asked of Ms. Renner. Page 3 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 4.Staff/Student Reports: 3. 4. 6th Grade Class – Soyla Guadiana/Carolyn Ruybal: No Show Middle School Student Council – Lisa Renner Ms. Jordan Lobato reported that Student Council has had 5 meetings this year. Ms. Jordan Lobato reported that the biggest fundraiser this year was “Pennies for Patients.” Ms. Jordan Lobato reported that Student Council has also had many candy fundraisers. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Ms. Lobato for her report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if they had any questions for Ms. Lobato. There were no questions asked of Ms. Lobato. 5. Key Club – Diane Parker/Kindra Rounds Ms. Aidee Valles reported that Key Club has 25 active members. Ms. Aidee Valles reported that Key Club helps Ms. Banning with the Backpack Project. Ms. Aidee Valles reported that Key Club helps the Center Kiwanis Club with the Annual Pancake Dinner. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Ms. Valles for her report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if they had any questions for Ms. Valles. There were no questions asked of Ms. Valles. 6. High School Knowledge Bowl – Ms. Diane Parker Mr. Kevin Garcia reported that there are 13 members in Knowledge Bowl. Mr. Kevin Garcia reported that practices are every Wednesday for during lunch. Mr. Kevin Garcia reported that meets are held once a month at ASU. Mr. Kevin Garcia reported that the 6 top members competed in Regional’s in February and took 5 th in their Division. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Mr. Garcia for his report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if they had any questions for Mr. Garcia. There were no questions asked of Mr. Garcia. 7. Junior Class – Angel Chavez, Kevin Garcia, Nicholas Lobato and Louise Vazquez Ms. Louise Vazquez reported that the Junior Class too 2nd place in the Homecoming Float contest. Ms. Louis Vazquez reported that the class won all the Winter Fest games. Ms. Louise Vazquez reported that as of right now the class is working on getting everything ready for prom. Ms. Louise Vazquez reported that the class has budgeted $3,500.00 for prom. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Ms. Vazquez for her report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if there were any questions for Ms. Vazquez. There were no questions asked of Ms. Vazquez. Page 4 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 4.Staff/Student Reports: 8. Sophomore Class – Christian Espinosa: Mr. Christian Espinosa reported that the Sophomore Class held concessions at 4 football games, 1 volleyball game and 4 basketball games. Mr. Christian Espinosa reported that any student who did participate in concessions will have the class dues doubled for the year. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Mr. Espinosa for his report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if they had any questions. There were no questions asked of Mr. Espinosa. 5. Brief Comments from the Public: There were no signatures obtained on File, BEDH-E. 6. Special Visitations: There were no special visitations at the meeting. 7. Administrative Reports: A. Elementary Principal’s Report: Mrs. Kathy Kulp: Mrs. Kulp was not present at the Board Meeting but, did submit a report in electronic form. Mrs. Kulp reported that the elementary teacher participated in two webinars, which provided professional development. Mrs. Kulp reported that the Elementary BLT met on February 26th, to work on the 2013 Improvement Cycle. Mrs. Kulp reported that on March 1st the Admin team and 3 teachers attended a CDE session that was held in Del Norte. B. Elementary Instructional Coach: Mrs. Sarah Vance: Mrs. Vance was present at the Board Meeting and submitted a report in electronic form. Mrs. Vance reported that the last few weeks of instruction were spent administering review lessons that were designed around the TCAP requirements. Mrs. Vance reported that elementary held a Pep Rally designed to celebrate the hard work that teacher and students have done to this year. Mrs. Vance reported the Summer Academy planning has already begun. Mrs. Vance reported that the tentative dates for Summer Academy are June 10 th – July 3rd. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Mrs. Vance for her report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if there were any questions for Mrs. Vance. There were no questions asked of Mrs. Vance. Page 5 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting C. Middle School Principal’s Report: Mrs. Carrie Zimmerman: Mrs. Zimmerman was present at the Board Meeting and did submit a report in electronic form. Mrs. Zimmerman reported she was able to finish the 3rd quarter teacher walkthroughs. Mrs. Zimmerman reported that during the February 13th PLC teachers broke into groups and were directed to look at their curriculums and assessment frameworks. Mrs. Zimmerman reported that on February 20th she spent the day meeting with middle school teachers to review Winter NWEA scores. Mrs. Zimmerman reported that TCAP will take place March 18th – 22nd. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Mrs. Zimmerman for her report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if there were any questions for Mrs. Zimmerman. There were no questions asked of Mrs. Zimmerman. D. High School Principal’s Report: Mr. Kevin Jones: Mr. Jones was present at the Board Meeting and did submit a report in electronic form. Mr. Jones reported that both teachers and students are doing their best to prepare for TCAP. Mr. Jones reported that this year’s TCAP pep rally will be held Monday, March 18th at 8:00AM. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Mr. Jones for his report to the Board. He asked the remaining Board Members if there were any questions for Mr. Jones. There were no questions asked of Mr. Jones. Directory of Instruction/Vocational Coordinator’s Report: Mrs. Lori Cooper: Mrs. Cooper was not present at the Board Meeting but did submit a Board Report in electronic form. Mrs. Cooper reported that she completed the third quarter TIG proficiency data report and posted it to Tracker. Mrs. Cooper reported that she has begun the fourth quarter Lindamood-Bell walkthroughs. Mrs. Cooper reported that she is working with Julio to develop a 3-year Technology plan. Mrs. Cooper reported that she and Mrs. Adele Alfson worked together to update the High School Course description book. Mrs. Cooper reported that she along with Ms. Betty Casanova, Mrs. Cindi Brown met to prepare data for a Federallymandated OCR collection. Mrs. Cooper reported she has requested $8,100.00 from Perkins for the updating of the Adobe Suite program for student laptops. Page 6 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 7. Administrative Reports: Interim Director of Finance: Betty Casanova: Ms. Casanova reported that the District is spending more money this year than last year but is bringing more revenue in this year also. Ms. Casanova reported that she is anticipating a year-end balance of $690,000. Ms. Casanova reported that the District will receive most property tax revenue now and through May. Ms. Casanova reported that $25,000.00 was paid to Wall, Smith, Bateman for the audit in February. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Ms. Casanova for her report to the Board of Education. He asked that remaining Board Members if they had any questions for Ms. Casanova. There were no questions asked of Ms. Casanova. E. Superintendent’s Report: Mr. George Welsh: Mr. Welsh was present at the Board Meeting, but did not submit a Board Report. Mr. Welsh reported that the funeral services for Center High School 10th grade student Alea Villagomez will be held on Saturday March 16, 2013, at 11:00AM in the Varsity Gym. Mr. Welsh reported that he will be attending a Region 9 Day at the Capital on March 20th, and encourages the Board Members to attend as well. Mr. Wels reported that he will travel to Grand Junction on March 18th, for a meeting with the Governor of Colorado, concerning the future of Colorado. Mr. Lobato delivered a “Thank You” to Mr. Welsh for his report to the Board of Education. He asked the remaining Board Members if they had any questions for Mr. Welsh. There were no questions asked of Mr. Welsh. 8. Consent Agenda: 208. (D.) Approve: 5th Grade Trip to Audience with an Astronaut: Mr. Welsh recommended that the 5th Grade Class be allowed to attend Audience with an Astronaut at the Colorado Springs Air Force Academy, along with 3 sponsors. 210. (E.) Approve: Trip to Key Club District Convention: Mr. Welsh recommended that the High School Key Club be allowed to attend the 61st Annual District Key Club Convention on April 4th-5th, at the Sheraton Denver West Hotel. Page 7 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 8. Consent Agenda: 211. (F.) Addition to: 2012-2013 Coaching Assignments List: Mr. Welsh recommended to add the following people to the 2012-2013 Coaching Assignments List: Mr. Brian Ullery, Main Middle School Wrestling Coach with the Salary of $1,273.00; Mr. Carlos Valencia, Assistant Middle School Wrestling Coach, with the Salary of $1,209.35; Mr. Carlos Lopez, Assistant Middle School Wrestling Coach, with the Salary of $1,209.35; Ms. Linda Donaldson, Main Middle School Track Coach, with the Salary of $1,273.00, and Mr. Joseph Martinez, Assistant Middle School Track Coach, with the Salary of $1,209.35, in accordance with the Teacher Master Contract. Mr. Barela moved to make a consent motion to approve the items list on the Consent Agenda, as presented on pages 17 to 20 of the Board Packet, as recommended by Mr. Welsh; and, include required documents, if appropriate, as a record of the Official Board Minutes. Mrs. Faron seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 9. Resolutions/Motions: 210. (G.) Staff Hiring: Elementary Annual Sponsor: Mrs. Cendejas moved to hire Ms. Brenda Montoya for the position of Elementary Annual sponsor for the 2012-2013 School Year, with the salary of $1,243.00, as requested by Mrs. Kathy Kulp; and, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Sanchez seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 211. (H.) Staff Hiring: High School Annual Sponsor: Mrs. Faron moved to hire Mr. Dennis Schoenfelder for the position of High School Annual Sponsor for the 2012-2013 School Year, with the Salary of $2,952.13, as requested by Mr. Kevin Jones; and, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 212. (I.) Board Policy: ADE, Innovation in Education: First Reading: 213. (J.) Board Policy: GBGI, Staff Military Leave: First Reading: Mr. Barela moved to make a consent motion to adopt Board Policies ADE, Innovation in Education and GBGI, Staff Military Leave, as presented for First Reading, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mrs. Cendejas seconded VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Interim Discussion: There was no interim discussion concerning the two aforementioned policies. Page 8 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 9. Resolutions/Motions: 214. (K.) Board Policy: IC/ICA, School/School Calendar/Instruction Time: Second Reading: 215. (L.) Board Policy: ICA-E, 2012-2013 School Year Calendar: Second Reading: Mrs. Faron moved to make a consent motion to adopt Board Policies IC/ICA, School Year, School Calendar/Instruction Time, and ICA-E, 2012-2013 School Year Calendar, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Interim Discussion: Mr. Welsh explained the changes to Policy ICA-E, 2012-2013 School Year Calendar were added the Saturday PLC Day as a workday and extending Spring Break an extra day because of this. 216. (M.) Resolution: Superintendent’s Evaluation: Mr. Sanchez moved to adopt the following Board Resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Center Consolidated School Joint District Number 26 has evaluated the performance of Mr. George S. Welsh, Superintendent, and the performance of the District in accordance with the Board Policy CBI, and has determined that the Superintendent has performed well in most management areas and has agreed to take action in those areas where the Board has expressed concern; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is authorized by Colorado Law to employ all personnel required to maintain the operations and carry out the educational programs of the District; and, has reviewed the qualifications of the Superintendent. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors of the Center Consolidated School Joint District Number 26 agrees to offer a one year contract to Mr. George S. Welsh commencing on July 1, 2013, with the total contract amount of $110,000.00. The mutual obligations and responsibilities o the parties are fully set out in the Superintendent’s Contract as negotiated between the parties; and, include a copy of this resolution as a part of the record of the Official Board Minutes. DONE AND SIGNED this 12th day of March 2013. CENTER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 26JT. BOARD OF EDUCATION Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 217. (N.) Approve: Superintendent’s Contract: Mrs. Cendejas moved to approve the Superintendent’s Contract, for Mr. George S. Welsh, for the 2013-2014 School Year as presented; and, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Sanchez seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Page 9 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 9. Resolutions/Motions: 218. (O.) Resolution: February 2013 Payroll Transfers: Mrs. Faron moved to adopt the following Board Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Center Consolidated School District Number 26JT., hereby authorizes the following transfers to the Payroll Clearing Account, for the purpose of the February 2013 Payroll Transfers; and, include a copy of this resolution as part of the record of the Official Board Minutes. General Fund: Preschool Fund: Governmental Designated-Purpose Grants Fund: Cafeteria Fund: $392,532.94 5,160.50 26,941.30 13,293.44 DONE AND SIGNED this 12th day of March 2013. CENTER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 26JT. BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 219. (P.) Resolution: Transfer from General Fund to Preschool Fund: Mr. Sanchez moved to adopt the following Board Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Center Consolidated School District Number 26JT, hereby authorizes the transfer of $50,000.00, for the General Fund to the Preschool Fund, for the purpose of the partial required transfer; and, include a copy of this resolution as part of the record of the Official Board Minutes. DONE AND SIGNED this 12th day of March 2013. CENTER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 26JT. BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Sanchez seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Page 10 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting: 9.Resolutions/Motions: 220. (Q.) Resolution: Transfer from General Fund to the GDPG Fund: Mr. Sanchez moved to adopt the following Board Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Center Consolidated School District Number 26Jt., hereby authorizes the transfer of $44.10, from the General Fund to the Governmental Designated-Purpose Grants Fund to cover February 2013 Bank Fees; and, include a copy of this resolution as part of the record of the Official Board Minutes. DONE AND SIGNED this 12th day of March 2013. CENTER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 26JT. BOARD OF EDUCATION Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 221. (R.) Approve: February 2013 General Fund, GDPG Fund and Cafeteria Fund Bills: Mrs. Cendejas moved to approve the February 2013 General Fund, Governmental Designated-Purpose Grants Fund and Cafeteria Fund Bills as presented; and, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 222. (S.) Staff Hiring: Viking Navigators/STARS Sponsor: Ms. Barela moved to hire Ms. Kathleen Hintz, for the position of Viking Navigators/STARS Sponsor, retroactive to February 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2013, for a total of 300 hours, with the total contract amount of $3,000.00, as requested by Mrs. Katrina Caldon-Ruggles; and, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mrs. Faron seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 223. (T.) Staff Hiring: Full-Time Cafeteria Cook: Mrs. Faron moved to hire Ms. Jasmine Manriquez-Apodaca, or the position of Full-Time Cafeteria Cook, retroactive to February 21, 2013, with Wages of $7.94 per hour, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Sanchez seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Page 11 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting 9.Resolutions/Motions: 224. (U.) Addition to: 2012-2013 Substitute Teacher List: Mr. Sanchez moved to add Ms. Lisa Mott to the 2012-2013 Substitute Teacher list, for the remainder of the 2012-2013 School Year, as recommended by Mr. Welsh Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 225. (V.) Approve: Student Trip to National Space Symposium: Mr. Barela moved to approve the student trip to the National Space Symposium, on April 10, 2013, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for 50 students and up to 5 sponsors, as requested by Mr. Kevin Jones; and, as recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Sanchez seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 226. (W.) Authorize: Board Signatures: Mrs. Faron moved to authorize Board Signatures to be directly imprinted on checks during check processing, as re requested by Ms. Casanova; and, recommended by Mr. Welsh. Mr. Sanchez seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 10. Approval of Minutes: February 12, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes and the February 27, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes: Mrs. Faron moved to approve the Minutes of the February 12, 2013 Regular Meeting and the Minutes of the February 27, 2013 Special Meeting as presented. Mrs. Cendejas seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye 11. Discussion and Report Items/Request for Information: Mr. Welsh reported that he would like to hold another School Board Business Hours on April 10, 2013, from 10AM2PM. Mr. Welsh reported that he would like to move the March Special Meeting to Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00PM, due to Spring Break. 12. Adjournment: TIME: 9:56PM Mrs. Cendejas moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:56PM Mr. Barela seconded. VOTE: Mr. Barela-aye; Mrs. Cendejas-aye; Mrs. Faron-aye; Mr. Lobato-aye; Mr. Sanchez-aye Page 12 March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting Signature Page ______________________________ Michael C. Lobato, President _____________________________________ Margaret J. Faron, Vice President ___________________________________________ Richard Barela, Director __________________________________________ Yuridia Cendejas, Secretary/Treasurer ___________________________________________ James Sanchez, Director __________________________________________ Jessica Ornelas, Board Clerk