June/July 2016 - Saint Andrew Church


June/July 2016 - Saint Andrew Church
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 908 Murfreesboro Road, Franklin, TN 37064
In Christ, We Worship, Love, Grow, Serve, and Send.
Vol. XXVII No. 6 & 7
JUNE 19, 2016
The American Red Cross Blood
Drive will be held at St. Andrew
Lutheran Church on Sunday,
June 19 in Pearson Hall for
blood donations!
Appointments begin at 8:30
a.m. and continue until 1:00
Schedule your appointment by
signing up on the sheet located
on the sign-up board in the
fellowship hall or by calling the
church office at 615-794-1624.
Our goal is at least 23 pints or
Rapid Pass - To speed up the
process, the day of your
appointment go online to:
Thank you for your
lifesaving gift!
Summer Choirs
Spring has sprung and it’s time for summer fun! All of the choirs, singers,
ringers, and instrumentalists have worked hard this school year to bring
the gospel of Jesus Christ to you through their music. Now it’s time for a
little break for some of them. And that means we need many of YOU to
help us out during the summer months.
Check out our summer calendar and see where you, your family, and
friends can contribute to our music ministry.
The Adult Choir will sing through the month of June except for June 12.
On that Sunday the Vacation Bible School children and youth will sing
and ring handbells. During July the Adult Choir will be on vacation. On
July 17 and 24 a “Y’all Come” choir for all ages, children, youth, parents,
grandparents, friends come and sing for the 8:30 a.m. service. No robes
are required, and there is only one rehearsal at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday.
(Those of timid voice may request an advance copy!) Familiar and easy
hymns will be used for the anthems those days. On July 31 an allfemale choir of all ages will sing John Rutter’s “All Things Bright and
Beautiful.” The ladies are invited to a special rehearsal the Wednesday
before, July 27 at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.
I promise that you will have fun, meet some new friends, and enjoy
singing together. There is security and less work with LOTS OF
SINGERS. Come and make a joyful noise with us!
Marsha Scheusner
Director of Music
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Senior Pastor
The Rev. Dr. Michael A. Lippard
Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. Eric C. Pearson
Associate Pastor
The Rev. Katherine Museus
Director for Youth & Children’s
Sandy Vollmer
Director of Music
Marsha Scheusner
Dr. Darryl Miller
Parish Administrator
Newsletter Editor
Jolene Richardson
Administrative Assistant
The Rev. Susan Springer
Children’s Choir Director
Katherine Mansouri
Nursery Attendant
Kristen Burress
Sunday Schedule
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion
9:50 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion
Nursery available throughout the morning
Council News
Our fiscal year at St. Andrew matches the calendar, but
Council members are elected to two-year terms that begin
each July 1. Jen Roberts recently was appointed to serve out
the remainder of a term that began last year. On May 1, the
following individuals were elected to become new members of
Council: Meredith Frantz, Ed Hunt, Patty Norem, Jolene
Richardson, and Jody Smith.
This year marks a significant turnover for us as two Council
members complete consecutive two-year terms, the maximum
allowed by our constitution: Mitch Counts, who has served as
president, and Chuck Campbell, who has chaired the
Administration Committee. We owe a debt of thanks to them
for their devoted service, and to other members of Council who
are completing terms. Shirley Swan, who was appointed
treasurer shortly after Mitch and Chuck began their terms in
2012, will continue in that capacity: thank you for your ongoing
service, Shirley! (The treasurer and financial secretary can be
appointed rather than elected, and when appointed, do not
have constitutionally mandated term limits.)
We'll jump-start our July 1, 2016–June 30, 2017 Council with a
retreat June 10-11, led by the Rev. Dr. Delmer Chilton. Pastor
Chilton is well-known to many at St. Andrew: a few years ago,
while serving on Bishop Gordy's staff in the Southeastern
Synod, he was our Consecration Sunday leader and preacher.
The Council retreat will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, June 10,
at St. Andrew with a catered meal in the fellowship hall: we will
recess for the evening to return to our homes around 8:30 or
9:00 p.m. Saturday morning, we’ll gather at church at 8:30
a.m. to share a simple breakfast together, concluding our
retreat around 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 noon. Council members will
be installed in office at worship on June 26.
Congregational Council:
Vice President
Financial Secretary
Faith Formation
M embership Development
Outreach M inistries
Worship and M usic
Youth Representatives
M itch Counts
Juli-Kay Baumann
Shirley Swan
Skip Warchus
M arty Emrath
Jen Roberts
M arlene Boshears
Chuck Campbell
Jim Adams
Christy-Lee Lowe
Jane Franks
Beth Lindsay
Linda Strickland
M ason Schey
Emily Wainner
I'm grateful to everyone who has served on Council and for
those who will begin this new term. The June retreat is a great
opportunity for us to become better acquainted, worship
together, and organize ourselves for service in the year ahead!
Yours in Christ’s service,
Pastor Lippard+
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To Outgoing Council Members!
New council members will be installed on
Sunday, June 26. We will also recognize
outgoing council members. Participants
may choose either worship service time.
Those going off council are Mitch Counts, Juli-Kay
Baumann, Beth Lindsay, Chuck Campbell, Frank
Baugh, and Mason Schey . We appreciate and
thank these members for their faithful service to the
mission and ministry of St. Andrew. Well done,
good and faithful servants!
Meet Our New Council Members
Elected at May congregation meeting for terms
beginning in July 1, 2016.
Meredith Frantz - Meredith and her late husband,
Jerry, joined St. Andrew in 1980. Meredith served
on Council in the 1980s and is active in WELCA, a
group that is near and dear to her heart. She’s
involved in the Wednesday morning Bible studies,
the Altar Guild, and serves as an assisting minister
in worship. Meredith retired from the Williamson
County Medical Center, where she worked as an
OB nurse for 26 years. She has four children, nine
grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter.
Meredith would like us all to know that Pastor
Pearson married all four of her children and that she
loves St. Andrew very much.
Ed Hunt - Ed, Julie, and their son Thomas joined
St. Andrew in 2007. Ed has served on the
Congregation Council, the Memorials and Tributes
Committee, the Membership Development
Committee, the Long-Term Planning Committee,
and is an usher and greeter. Ed is currently a VicePresident at Health Connect America, where he is
responsible for the company’s finances with a focus
on mergers and acquisitions. He is an avid UT fan
and enjoys playing golf.
Patty Norem - Patty, Jeff, Amanda, and Savannah
joined St. Andrew in 1999. At that time, Patty was a
stay-at-home mom with two children under 6, who
have grown up at St. Andrew. Patty taught Sunday
School and Vacation Bible School and, along with
Jeff, chaperoned numerous mission trips. Eleven
years ago, Patty received a Master of Arts in
teaching and has taught 6th grade math at
Grassland Middle School ever since. Amanda
recently married Paul Wiersma and Savannah is in
her second year of college at UT.
Jolene Richardson - Jolene has been a member of
St. Andrew since 1990. She is married to Mike
Richardson, and they have two grown daughters,
Nicki and Michele. In July 2006, Jolene became
Parish Administrator at St. Andrew. She has served
on most committees and has been president and
vice-president of the Congregation Council. Jolene
was chair of the Building Committee during the
church expansion. She is an assisting minister in
worship, a Home Eucharist Minister, and currently
serves on the Administration Committee, the
Columbarium and Meditation Garden Committee,
the Nurture Committee, and the Finance
Committee. Jolene enjoys spending time with her
family and Clover, their Havanese dog; she enjoys
being home and working outdoors in her garden.
Jen Roberts - Jen is a new member of St. Andrew
and a recent transplant to Franklin from Los
Angeles, CA with her husband Michael, and two
daughters, Lucy and Stella. In California, Jen
worked in entertainment marketing. She is
currently doing consulting work while looking for a
full-time position here in the area. In her previous
congregations, Jen taught Sunday School and
Vacation Bible School. Even though she misses
the beach, she is happy to be in Franklin, ready to
dive in and be an integral part of the St. Andrew and
Nashville communities. Jen wants to thank
everyone for making her and her family feel
welcomed at St. Andrew.
Jody Smith - Jody and her husband Mike joined St.
Andrew in March. They attended Trinity Lutheran
ELCA in Chesterfield, Missouri, before moving to
Franklin to be closer to their son and his family. At
Trinity Lutheran, Jody chaired the Organ
Committee, taught 4th and 5th grade Sunday School
and Bible studies, assisted with church bulletins,
and was a member of the Welcome Committee.
Jody also accompanied the Children’s Choir on the
piano when needed. As chair of the Organ
Committee, Jody made numerous presentations to
the council and congregation regarding purchasing,
funding, and maintaining the new organ at Trinity
John McElroy - John is one of two appointed youth
representatives on council. He will share this
position with Emily Wainner. John is a rising junior
honors student at Franklin High School and a
member of the FHS marching band, wind ensemble
and swim team. He is also a member of the Boy
Scouts and hopes to earn the rank of Eagle scout
next year.
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Counts and Darrel Reifschneider will serve as St.
Andrew’s voting members, and Elizabeth Short is
coming along to serve as an assembly volunteer.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Museus
St. Andrew at the 2016 Synod
Depending on when you read this article, a group
from St. Andrew will be preparing to attend,
attending, or already have attended the 2016
Southeastern Synod Assembly in Birmingham, AL,
held the last weekend in May. From where I sit in
time – in mid-May – we are in the midst of preparing
for this big weekend of elections, resolutions,
workshops, speakers, and worship (and maybe a
little bit of Beer & Hymns).
This year’s theme is “We are Lutheran.” While it
sounds like an obvious statement, this simple
sentence is part of a larger plan for exploring the
identity of the ELCA. The theme comes from the
four emphases that Bishop Eaton laid out for the
church near the beginning of her time as Presiding
Bishop: we are Church; we are Lutheran; we are
church together; we are church for the sake of the
world. As a church we have been exploring these
themes one by one, paying attention to what each
one means for our self-understanding and our
mission. (Fun fact: the youth of our synod have
also embraced this theme for their activities this
year, such as the All Tennessee retreat. It’s been a
year of connections!)
At this year’s synod assembly Pastor Lippard and I
will help to lead a workshop about healthy and
growing congregations. Along with Pastor Pam
Smith of First Lutheran in downtown Nashville and
Pastor Rick Roberts of St. John’s in the Donelson
area of Nashville, we will share stories about the
ministries of our congregations and how we have
seen our churches grow in healthy ways.
St. Andrew has also been involved in the worship
planning for the assembly: Pastor Lippard, Pastor
Smith, and I helped to plan the Sunday worship –
which will be based largely on what we do here at
St. Andrew! I will be preaching at Friday’s opening
worship service.
Other members of St. Andrew will also be
participating in the assembly: Mitch and Tamara
The good ol' summertime used to have different
connotations than it does today. Do you remember
when it began promptly on Memorial Day and lasted
through Labor Day? Never mind what the calendar
had to say, everyone knew when summer officially
began. In the good ol' days families slowed down
long enough to take a week or two of vacation to
the mountains or the shore. And once the family
bus returned home the kids were left to their own
devices, playing pick-up ball in the neighborhood or
heading off to the swimmin' hole with friends - and
school was out long enough to allow all of this to
happen. Now we are faced with year-round
classes, adult-supervised summer athletic programs
for the kids and people just too frenzied to let up
even for a moment or two, let alone two weeks. Ah,
the good ol' days. But then as I reminisce, I am
reminded that the good ol' days were never really
as good as they were cracked up to be. But that's a
story for another time.
That much being said, I hope that many of you will
seize the opportunity that the summer months
afford and head for the lake, the mountains, the
backyard or wherever it is that you go to find
renewal. Such times are important to spiritual and
emotional contentment. But even as your thoughts
and bodies may be looking elsewhere, I urge you to
keep involved at St. Andrew this summer and offer
to help out where you can when you are available.
Worship assistants and helpers of all sorts will be
needed in ever increasing numbers as the summer
wears on. And of course, be alert to the many
visitors who will come our way as they begin their
settling in process. Look for the number of visitors
to increase over the summer months as people
search for a new church home. Greet them warmly
and invite them to become a part of the St. Andrew
Don't leave it up to someone else - see to it
Grace and peace,
Eric C. Pearson +
Pastor Emeritus
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The school year is soon ending, which means
family time, vacations, and longer relaxed days and
weekends. The traditional Sunday School year will
also come to a close. But have no fear; faith
formation never ends, worship continues as normal,
and summer Sunday School will begin on June 5!
The summer program has a more relaxed format,
placing children in larger groups and exploring Bible
stories for two weeks at a time. The summer
months are an opportunity to give our regular
volunteer teachers a break from the weekly routine
and offer the chance for new volunteers to step in
and teach a week or two. Parents who would like to
teach are always welcome, but teaching Sunday
School is not limited to parents of children in our
program. Parents of older children and
grandparents make great Sunday school teachers
too. Other adults make great teachers, too!
Summer Sunday School runs from June 5 through
August 7, from 9:50 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. We will
use the Spark House curriculum from Augsburg.
Lessons we are using this summer are: Wandering
in the Wilderness, Hannah and Samuel, Love is...,
Lydia, and the Last Supper. These easy to follow
prepared lessons engage kids with Bible stories,
games, art, drama and music. If you have been
thinking about teaching Sunday school, this might
be a wonderful opportunity to give it a try. If you
have any questions, please get and touch with me
and we can visit and talk about the faith formation
opportunities and Sunday school programs at St.
Andrew Lutheran Church.
Sandy Vollmer
Newsletter Deadline
ALL articles and photographs for the
newsletter must be
submitted to the
Parish Administrator at
The deadline for submissions is
TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016
Sing-along Fellowship Event
For ALL Ages!
Sunday, June 12
ALL age groups will gather at the church on June
12 at 4:00 p.m. to go summer caroling to our
church friends who live in assisted living or nursing
homes. Our shut-ins get bombarded at
Christmastime with caroling groups so we will
present another “opportunity” to delight these folks
with “other songs.” If you have a guitar or
instrument, you are welcome to bring them along.
We will end up for fellowship at Meredith Frantz’
home, 201 Churchill Place in Franklin, for some
pool fun and potluck dinner. Watch for the sign-up
sheet on the fellowship hall bulletin board and
suggested dishes to bring. Bring your voices and
come sing-along!
June Outing at Third Coast Clay
Parents of small children will meet on Sunday,
June 26 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Third Coast Clay
at The Factory. The cost is $6 plus the item you
paint. Please contact Jen Roberts at 818-749-7470
or jenroberts96@gmail.com if you have questions.
July Outing at Port Royal Park
Parents of small children will meet at Port Royal
Park Splash Pad In Spring Hill on Saturday, July 16
10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Port Royal Park is located at
4285 Port Royal Road in Spring Hill, TN 37174.
Wear your swim gear and sunscreen, then prepare
to get soaked! The splash pad opened summer
2014 and is fun for all ages, including toddlers. If
you have questions, please contact Chad and
Jeana Butler at Jeana.r.butler@gmail.com
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Jesus said, "...... I came that they may have life, and have
it abundantly.” John 10:10
National Women's Health Week National Men's Health Week
As I am writing this article on May 12, I am aware of
at least five emails that I have received this month
regarding National Women's Health Week which, by
the way, happens to be this week. Since I am
writing for the June/July newsletter, I went to the
National Health Observances list for June and
found that National Men's health Week is June 13 19. The purpose of both of these weeks is to
increase awareness of preventable health problems
and to encourage early detection, treatment and
participation in lifestyle changes that can reduce the
risk of a variety of health issues.
Dr. Nancy Lee, Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Health, states that science is always changing but
the basics of caring for our health never changes.
A few simple steps adapted to age and ability for
both women and men can guide us in day-to-day
activities ensuring that we are doing the best that
we can to keep ourselves healthy. These steps
include the following:
Know what you are eating. Focus on foods like
vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean protein.
Read labels and know that the healthiest foods do
not come in wrappers. Choose smaller plates
making the bigger portion on your plate foods with
lots of color; vegetables usually fill this description.
Choose whole fruits instead of fruit juice and skip
other sugary drinks and sodas. Save sweets and
desserts for special occasions. Use mealtime as a
time to teach children the basics of a healthy diet.
Kick the sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle
can set the stage for weight gain and major health
problems. You do not have to go to the gym to get
your daily recommended 30 minutes of physical
activity. You also do not need to do all of the 30
minutes of daily activity at one time. Think of ways
that will work with your lifestyle to get moving.
Increase your steps by parking further away from
work or a store entrance. Take advantage of nice
days during your lunch hour and walk outside. Use
the stairs instead of the elevator. Team up with a
family member, neighbor, or friend to walk, run or
bike several days a week. Walking the dog several
times a day can quickly give you the recommended
30 minutes of physical activity.
Reduce your stress. Stress is a big part of our
everyday lives. It is how we respond to the stress
that affects our health. Long-term stress can
increase an individual’s risk for depression and
anxiety, obesity, heart disease, cancer and many
other health problems. Improving nutrition and
exercising are great starters for reducing stress.
Getting a good night’s sleep - recommended 7 - 8
hours for adults - can also help in reducing stress.
Some changes that might aid in better sleep could
include winding down an hour before bedtime.
Replacing electronic devices with a good book at
least an hour before bedtime can help you do this.
A bedtime that allows you to get the recommended
amount of sleep can help you to be more resilient
and better able to cope with life's stressors.
Seek assistance from the medical community.
Schedule a well visit with your physician, ensuring
that you have received the appropriate age-related
screenings and vaccines. Share with your
physician concerns about your health, and ask for
referrals for health-related problems that he/she is
unable to provide when needed.
Make smart decisions. Even what seems to be a
small decision can make a big impact on your
health. In addition to what has been discussed
above, not wearing seat belts and talking on the
phone or texting while driving are decisions that
could cost you your life or the life of another person.
A helmet when biking could save you from
life-threatening brain trauma.
May and June have been designated nationally as
months to focus on the health of women and men.
If you have not already done so, pledge to take
steps to be the healthiest that you can be
throughout 2016.
Connie Pearson, Chair
Health Ministries Team
Lee, Nancy, Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Women, Office of Women's Health, U. S. Office of
Health and Human Services, Back to Basics, June
12, 2016, womenshealth.gov
National Men's Health Week, menshealth.org
Page -7Editor’s Note: Many thanks to Bruce Clark for your
faithful and invaluable safety articles and watchful
eyes for safety which benefitted our congregation!
We fondly and sadly say good-bye to you, our
“Safety” guy at St. Andrew. Bruce and Karen have
moved to Smithville, TN. If you are interested in the
Safety Coordinator position or have experience in
this field, please speak to Jolene Richardson,
Parish Administrator, at St. Andrew.
Be Safe Out There
Prayer Shawl Update: Exciting News!
Within this column I believe the universe of safety
topics have been addressed. The bottom line is:
safety begins and ends with a mind set. This
cannot be over emphasized and has been
reiterated by many smarter than I. Move about your
daily life focusing on the safety of yourself and
others. We are all individual members of God's
family and obliged to watch out for one another.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry (PSM) began at St.
Andrew seven years ago and continues to reflect
God’s love and care to others in times of need.
The shawls are knitted or crocheted with countless
hours of prayer, reaching out to bring peace to
those who journey through illness, stress, and other
life challenges. Thank you to all who have
contributed to this ministry!
Accidents happen…although rarely an unavoidable
event! Successful companies conduct walk-through
observational inspections looking for safety
hazards. Generally what is noted are employee
actions leading to accidents and not physical plant
issues. Essentially, we cause our own harm by how
we act.
Jody Smith, an avid knitter and new member at St.
Andrew, will take over leadership of this ministry.
She was involved with PSM at her church in St.
Louis, Missouri. Jody is eager to bring new ideas,
fellowship, and more involvement into our group.
She even has space in her home to store all our
yarn, needles, and other items!
It has been my pleasure to work with so many of
you through the years. Due to illness, I have not
been able to continue as leader. Please help Jody
revive this powerful gift that God has laid into our
hands. No matter what our talents, we are blessed
through giving. Please stop by the PSM table at the
Ministry Fair in August, and volunteer to grow this
ministry with Jody.
Do not rush - largest contributor of accidents
Do not overdo physically or mentally
Conduct DIY (do-it-yourself) work only within
your expertise
Think before you act and be aware of your
Clean up after yourself as you work or play
Do not attempt dangerous tasks while
Purchase and use safety equipment
designed for specific tasks
Use equipment and tools as they are
Never travel stairs with your hands in your
pockets nor run with scissors
After drafting 50 something articles since mid-2009 I
have essentially exhausted all appropriate safety
topics. "You have ran out of things to say?" states
wife Karen. My response is "yes, I have."
Respectfully Submitted,
Bruce Clark
SALC Safety Coordinator
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Jody, for
continuing our love and prayers for those who need
God’s loving care. Bless you all with appreciation
and love. You have helped me in so many ways.
Josette Starkey
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Pool Party!
June 21, 2016
Help us collect Labels for
Education which are on many
Campbell Soup, Pepperidge
Farm, and other boxed items.
These labels are sent to
Lutheran Ministries of Alabama and are used in
their ENRICH program for disadvantaged children.
Please join the ladies of WELCA for their annual
Pool Party on Tuesday, June 21 at the home of
Meredith Frantz, 201 Churchill Place in Franklin
(Royal Oaks subdivision). The gathering begins at
6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to share. Swimming
is optional! For more information or directions, call
Meredith at 615-974-0457.
You are called to attend the Twenty-Ninth Annual
Convention of the Southeastern Synod Women of
the ELCA. For more information, you may go online
at www.seswelca.com or to download a registration
form. Watch for more information in the weeks
ahead. The dates are September 16-18, 2016 at
the Hilton Hotel in Peachtree Corners, Georgia.
Ladies of St. Andrew toured Sprouts at their May
meeting and then walked around the corner to eat
at el Gave Mexican Restaurant!
You will find reservation forms on the WELCA
bulletin board. Each person attending the
convention must turn in a form. Please note there
are several deadlines this summer for registration.
The first "early bird" deadline with the cheapest
registration rate will be June 15. Take advantage of
the lower rate and get your form in soon!
A special thanks to all St. Andrew members who
have so willingly made donations for our Lutheran
World Relief projects recently. We have received
old and new bed sheets, fabric, lots of soap, and a
huge mound of aluminum pop tops.
WELCA Board members for 2016-17
President - Joni Donegan
Vice President - Susan Shannon
Treasurer - Beth Smith
Secretary - Jessica Jennette
Missions - Local; Diane DeVooght
LWR - Peggy Frost
Historian - Jackie Walters
Sunshine - Laura Rogers
Chaplain - Meredith Frantz
WELCA Quilting - June 13, 20
July 11, 18, 25, 31 - 9:30 a.m.
June 19
June 21
WELCA Pool Party - 6:00 p.m.
July 17
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Eighty-two ladies of varied ages spanning
over seventy years enjoyed a WELCAsponsored Tea/Luncheon on Saturday, April
30. Pearson Hall was turned into a lovely
Tea Room by ten women of St. Andrew, who
each hosted a table clothed in white table linens
and festooned with fresh flowers, ornaments,
dishes, and items from their private collections.
Themes for the bedecked tables included Regal
Roses, Harmonizing Horticultural Herbs, Great
Green Thumb Gardening, Particularly Pretty
Persian Tea, Fascinating Fruit and Vegetable
Characters, Positively Posh Polish Pottery Pieces,
Keen Kentucky Derby Components, Mother’s
Memorable Tea Cups, Amazing African Adventures,
and Simply Silver. Tasty tea tidbits were made and
donated by women from the church and included
cucumber sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches,
artichoke-tarragon salad stuffed baby bell peppers,
pimento cheese sandwiches and crab spread
sandwiches. Chocolate chip scones were also
served as well as lemon curd tarts, strawberries
with clotted cream, petit fours, and molded
chocolates. Take-home favors included frosted
sugar cookies in the shape of teapots. The very
young ladies received charming plastic tea sippee
cups. Marvelous musical selections included two
mother-daughter numbers, two violin solos, a
clarinet solo, and girls from the children’s choir
singing while accompanied by clarinet and
piano. Three generations of one family acted as
Mistress of Ceremonies, Assistant Mistress of
Ceremonies, Director of Seating, and
Photographer. Ladies were most ably served by
seven of St. Andrew’s finest gentlemen
appropriately garbed in white shirts and dark
slacks. These same gentlemen plus two others
set up all tables and chairs and cleaned up
following the event. Because of the generosity
displayed by the folks of St. Andrew in donating
most items, approximately $500 was raised for the
WELCA Church Kitchen Fund.
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Meet Our New Members:
We welcomed these new members to St. Andrew
Lutheran Church on Sunday, May 22, 2016.
Chris, Katy, and Jesse Campbell live in Franklin
and transfer their membership from St. Stephen’s
Episcopal Church in Birmingham. Chris and Katy
met in college and have been married 18 years.
Chris is an information security consultant, and Katy
is a financial analyst and accountant. Jesse is a
rising 3rd grader at Oakview Elementary School.
The Campbells stay busy with an eight-year-old boy
and his activities, such as Cub Scouts and various
sports including golf! As a family, they enjoy
exploring and learning the history of their new
David and Kendra Cox met in Physical Therapy
school and married in 2012. They live in Franklin
with their son, Breckin, who was born in February.
David and Kendra are joining St. Andrew through
Affirmation of Baptism. Breckin will be baptized in
August. Kendra and David both enjoy running,
traveling, and hiking.
Frank and Kristen Davis moved here from
Mississippi and live in Franklin. Kristen was born
and raised here and was a member of St. Andrew
before moving. Frank was born and raised in
Virginia and comes to St. Andrew through transfer
of membership from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in
Fernandina Beach, FL. Both Kristen and Frank
work for pharmaceutical companies. Frank is an
avid golfer, and Kristen loves exercising and yoga.
Kristen has two grown daughters: Megan Hamilton,
who is at pharmacy school at David Lipscomb, and
Madeline Hamilton Kuykendall, who is married to
Patrick and also living in Franklin. Kristen loves
being back in the area near her parents, sisters,
daughters, nieces, and nephews.
Farewell and Godspeed:
We say Farewell and Godspeed to Bruce and
Karen Clark, members of St. Andrew since 2004.
They are moving to their new lake home at 535
Savannah Dr., Smithville, Tennessee 37166. Bruce
and Karen have been active in the Administration,
Nurture, and Mutual Ministry Committees. We
thank them for their ministry here and wish them
God’s blessings in their new surroundings.
In Memoriam:
Patricia (Pat) Ann Bratton Hale
Patterson, of Nashville,
Tennessee, and more recently
of Franklin, Tennessee, joined
the Church Triumphant on May
11, 2016. Pat was born March
1, 1932 in Nashville, Tennessee
and was the daughter of the late
Ethel Padgett Bratton and
Marion Courtney Bratton. She is survived by her
sister, Betty Mecke of Nashville, her sister-in-law,
Barbara Martin of White Bluff, TN, her sons, Les
Hale (Donna), Douglas S. Hale (Brenda), John E.
Campbell (Patty), Chester Hale (Myra), her
grandchildren, Shelly Hale Fraley (Michael),
Courtney Hale Crosby (Marty), Kathleen Hale
McClellan (Michael), Ann Crockett Hale Rodriguez
(Jonas), Caroline Hale Berberich (Garrick), Travis
Hale (Darlene), Jeremy Campbell (Julie), Travis
Vernon (Tara), Jason Vernon (Susan), nineteen
great grandchildren, and several nieces and
nephews. Pat was a reporter for Dodge McGrawHill for many years and was very fond of travel both
domestically and internationally. She loved her
family dearly and enjoyed many fun times dancing
and singing. She loved to read and constantly
surrounded herself with books to satisfy her zest for
learning. She was known for bringing smiles to the
faces of everyone she met with her sincere and
loving compliments. A Celebration of Life service
was held at St. Andrew Lutheran Church on
Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. with internment
in the Columbarium. Memorials may be made to
the Memorial Garden or General Memorial Fund of
St. Andrew Lutheran Church.
Congratulations to Elizabeth (Rutter) and Hill
Stoecklein on the birth of their daughter,
Lucy Clark Stoecklein,
born on April 21, 2016.
Lucy weighed 7 lbs. and
6 oz. Proud
grandparents are Kirk
and Carlotta Rutter, and
aunts and uncles, Claire
(Rutter) and Zach Harris,
Megan (Rutter) and Tom
Branch, and Hannah
Rutter welcome Lucy with
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Congratulations to Graduates!
Eagle Scout Award:
Emma Louise Wicks,
daughter of Gary and Sherre
Wicks, graduated Cum Laude
on May 13, 2016 with a
Bachelor of Science Degree
from the University of
Missouri. She majored in
Food Science with a minor in
Nutrition Science. Following
graduation she will begin
working part-time in the
dietetics department at the University of Missouri
Medical Center. She plans to pursue a Master of
Dietetics Degree at the University of Missouri
beginning in the Spring of 2017.
Congratulations to James
Vollmer for earning and receiving
his Eagle Scout Award during his
Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony
on May 22, 2016 at St. Andrew
Lutheran Church. James built a
new mailbox unit for congregation
members and several new wall
hanging literature racks. Thank
you, James, for these wonderful
items for the church! They are
much needed and appreciated. We
are proud of James and congratulate him on his
special award.
Nathan Thomas, son of
Frank Thomas and Patte
Belin, graduated from the
College of William and Mary
in Williamsburg, VA on May
15, 2016. He earned a
Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Government and a Bachelor
of Arts in History. Nathan
was a four year member of
the Cross Country and
Track & Field teams, and
captain of the Cross
Country team his
sophomore year. He was an active member of
SAAC – Student Athletic Advisory Council, as a
team representative sophomore year, secretary
junior year, and president senior year, leading
several local service projects with members of all
athletic teams. He interned in Washington, D.C.
last summer for Senator Lamar Alexander as part of
William and Mary Summer Institute. Nathan has
chosen to join Teach for America for the next two
years and will be teaching middle school Social
Studies and English in inner city Cleveland, OH.
Master’s Degree:
Matt Kroeger, son of Tom and Nancy Kroeger,
graduated on May 6, 2016 with a Master of
Accountancy from Jones College of Business at
MTSU. While attending college, Matt participated in
Beta Alpha Psi (the accounting honor society)
where he was a member since 2014 and assisted
with tutoring students in Accounting 1 and 2. He
has worked for Publix Super Markets since May
2007. Matt’s post-graduate plan is to pursue
employment with the State of Tennessee, Publix as
an accountant, or a regional public accounting firm.
Matt’s long-term career goal is fraud
investigation/internal auditing in the federal
government, possibly the Government
Accountability Office or the Defense Contract Audit
Chuck, James, Sandy, & Tim Vollmer
4th, 5th & 6th graders, Pentecost Sunday
Atrium Fun!
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compassionate Lord, patiently waiting by the
Rainbow Bridge.
Animal Welfare Ministry
On a lighter note, we recently found out that Judy
Hanson adopted an adorable all black Dachshund
mix puppy several months ago! Adorable "Daisy
Mae" was one of seven puppies who were rescued
by Judy's good friend in Illinois, and this lucky
puppy was blessed to have found her way into
Judy's loving heart and home! Blessings to Judy
and Daisy Mae for a long, happy and fun life
Finally, warm weather is here and we can enjoy the
blessings of summer beauty and fun! Please be
sure to protect your pets with heartworm testing
and preventative, be updated on rabies and booster
shots, and check for fleas and ticks. We recently
talked to our vet about the canine flu virus and he
told us there have been no reported cases in our
area, but it's wise to be mindful of the disease and
the possibility of it spreading.
Our warmest thanks to all Anonymous Angels and
Known Angels (Marge Fottrell, Bill & Peggy Frost,
Thomas Hunt, Nancy Seitz, Donnie & Sammy
Smith, Linda Strickland and Shirley Swan) who
contributed so many lovely and much needed items,
along with cash donations, this past month!
FOR THE DOGS: Cash donations that purchased 6
lg. bottles fish oil (1,160 capsules in all..!) and
4 leashes; 25 lg. cans "wet" food; 2 bags treats; 30
lb.bag "dry"; an ex.lg. plush bed; a round fleece
bed; a rectangular bed. FOR THE KITTIES: 39 lg.
& sm. cans "wet" food; a bag of treats; 20 lb.
container of litter. OTHER: Towels: 5 bath, 7
fingertip & 2 dish; 2 bottles bleach; many assorted
food coupons. Thank you all so much!
An update on the shelter in Bedford County
(Shelbyville): most of their needs are now being met
by the County and the residents, so we are
returning to delivering your donations to Pet Pals in
Maury County; the hoarding cases are still pending.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your
loving and generous support of the animal ministry.
Every donation is appreciated and put to good use
in each shelter, helping to defray costs and most of
all, helping to save precious lives. God bless you
all. We wish you a safe and happy summer!
Yours in Christ, for the animals
Tom and Suzanne Berrey and
Pastor Susan Springer
Thank you!
We received a generous donation in memory of Mr.
Phil Leahr from Thomasville, GA, given by his close
friends Donnie and Sammy Smith, who live in the
Westhaven subdivision in Franklin. They are not
members of our church, yet graciously and
thoughtfully sent the donation to our ministry
because of Mr. Leahr’s abiding love for dogs. Their
kind gift was given to All American Dachshund
Rescue in Lewisburg. We sincerely thank the
Smiths for their wonderful gift and are keeping
them, Mr. Leahr and his widow in our prayers.
Dear St. Andrew Lutheran Church,
Thank you so much for your generous
donation of $120. We appreciate your ongoing
support of our cause. So far in 2016, we have
financially assisted over 900 spay/neuter surgeries
for pet owners in need in middle Tennessee. So
many unwanted litters were prevented!
Thank you,
Ann Roush, Treasurer
People for Animals
Two dearly beloved pets from our church family
went to Heaven in late April. We extend our most
heartfelt sympathies to Josette, Richard, and Luke
Starkey for the loss of their precious 16- 1/2 year
old Rat Terrier "Little Dude.” Following his passing,
the Starkeys held a beautiful and loving farewell
ceremony as they buried him in their back yard.
A few days later, Art and Diane Devooght lost their
darling 13-1/2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi,
"Sadie,” who was suffering from painful arthritis.
Both Little Dude and Sadie enjoyed long, happy
lives with their devoted, loving "parents" and
brought them unconditional love and joy. They are
now resting in the arms of our merciful and
We can be friends despite our differences!
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Show and Tell
By Jay Brinkmeyer
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD
is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of
the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his
understanding no one can fathom. He gives
strength to the weary and increases the power of
the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and
young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in
the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on
wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you remember back in the day when you were in
elementary school and got to bring something for
‘show and tell’? That must have been a pleasant
memory -- unless of course some other kid trumped
your precious item with photos and souvenirs from
their trip to Disneyland or somebody else’s parents
brought in their new puppy. These children from
Cap Haitian have no clue what the words ‘show and
tell’ mean. They have never had that event at their
school and at the time this photo was taken in 2005
their school didn’t have a Trinity/HOPE feeding
When visiting schools like this in Haiti it is easy to
‘tell’ that there is no food here as the children have
a small amount of energy and not much excitement
when asked to sing along to a new song about
Jesus that the missionary has shared with them;
learning is difficult and often the young voice
sharing the love of Jesus is too quiet to be heard.
You’ve been ‘shown’ the photos of children who
have a daily meal from Trinity/HOPE and their eyes
are bright and smiles are shining and bodies are in
motion. What a difference a daily meal makes;
learning is improved and their witness of a living
and loving Savior is strong and vibrant. Please
“show and tell” the wonderful story about the work
Trinity/HOPE is doing in Haiti: providing daily meals
and preparing young missionaries to go and share
the Good News throughout the country of Haiti.
Making a Difference
By Denise Gudlin
Sometimes we don't see the fruits of our labor but
we know when God is in the middle He has a plan
for it to multiply. While on my trip to Haiti in March I
had multiple school principals share how thankful
they are to have the Trinity/HOPE feeding program
in their school. "Please share this with your
supporters what a blessing it is to our school!"
The principals go on to say that because of the noon
meal the children receive each day their school
attendance is more consistent. Previously the
students would sometimes stay home to help the
family bring water, go to market, or work to help feed
the family. They love school but feeding the family
was very important. Now their parents ensure the
top priority is that each child goes to school because
they know their children will be fed.
Jean Philippe is our feeding program director in the
Artibonite district. He shared what the feeding
program means to him. "You know that food is a
part of life. In Haiti I see almost every day people
who are asking for food to feed their children and
bring some life in their houses. Trinity/HOPE makes
me the 'Joseph' of the Artibonite where my operation
"Jesus is coming to bring peace, comfort and
freedom. He invites all children to come to him.
Even that a child seems to be shy at school when he
is at home his parents know everything that has
been happened there during the school day. Let me
tell you that those children are preachers to their
parents at home they tell their parents about Jesus
who feeds people, who loves them and comes to
bring freedom and peace to them. They tell really
everything. The result is that wherever the
Trinity/HOPE is, the church of that school has more
Thank you for your support financially and
prayerfully. Know that the children are growing
physically and spiritually. They are the future of
Haiti and great disciples for Christ!
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St. Andrew
Lutheran Youth
JUNE 5 -9, 2016
Vacation Bible School
will begin on Sunday, June 5 at
5:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner and
programming open to the whole
congregation. During the week,
VBS will run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon on Monday June 6 through Thursday June 9.
We will close our week of VBS with a celebration
dinner on Thursday, June 9 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Families are asked to bring a dish to share on
Thursday night. BBQ will be provided. To register
your children (ages 3 years old to grade 5) please
fill out a registration flyer at the registration table or
online at www.saintandrewchurch.com/children, and
click on the VBS link. For questions about
Vacation Bible School, please contact Sandy
Vollmer at sandyvollmer@saintandrewchurch.com
AFFIRM 2016: June 19-24
Monday, June 13 at 6:30 p.m. until
Wednesday, June 15 at 11:00 a.m.
An awesome summer event just for
middle schoolers! If you are going into the 6th, 7th
or 8th grade next fall, you are eligible for Nights
Alive. We will stay up late and explore the wonders
of the night along with incredible games, glow in the
dark activities, and exciting Bible stories that happen
at night as we discover what it means to encounter
God in the dark times. The location is Look-Away
Farm on Lewisburg Pike in Franklin, TN. The cost is
only $35. Scholarships are available. We will
gather with middle school youth in our community
and from other churches in our area. If you have
questions, contact Sandy Vollmer at
Volunteers Needed for Nights Alive!
Nights Alive retreat will need help with transportation
to our service project. The middle school youth will
volunteer at Therapeutic Animal Partners on
Tuesday afternoon, June 14 from 2:00 - 5:30 p.m.
We need help driving participants to and from the
service project. Pick up is at Look-Away Farm, 1850
Lewisburg Pike, Franklin, TN 37064, and travel to
Therapeutic Animal Partners 3781 Talley Moore Rd.
Columbia, TN 38401. Please contact Sandy
Vollmer if you can help, and let her know how many
people can fit in your vehicle.
Youth and adults attending AFFIRM please attend
worship on Sunday, June 12. We will recognize,
bless, and send you on your way to camp. Please
keep our youth and volunteers in prayer as they
travel to and from Affirm this year. Youth will leave
from St. Andrew on Sunday, June 19 at 8:30 a.m.
sharp. We arrive back at St. Andrew on Friday,
June 24 around 3:00 p.m. A volunteer is needed
to drive the youth to Affirm at Berry College in
Rome, GA on Sunday, June 19. If you are
interested in helping with this, please contact Sandy
Vollmer at sandyvollmer@saintandrewchurch.com.
Confirmation Camp - LUTHEROCK
July 10 - 16, 2016
Youth and adults participating in Confirmation
Camp and Pathfinders Camp at Lutherock please
attend worship on Sunday, July 3. We will
recognize, bless, and send you on your way to
camp. Please keep our youth and volunteers in
prayer as they travel to and from camp this year.
We leave for camp on Sunday, July 10 at 7:30
a.m. sharp. We arrive back at St. Andrew on
Saturday, July 16 around 3:00 p.m.
STAKK youth made cookies at their May lock-in
at St. Andrew and then took them across the
street to the firemen at Fire Station #2 who
were much appreciative!
Page -15-
& ADULTS at 9:50 a.m.
Every Sunday!
All our volunteers who help with the youth
and children’s ministries here at St. Andrew.
All our Sunday School teachers, helpers,
and volunteers. Our faith formation
program would not be the same without
Monday Bible Study
The Monday Evening Bible Study will take a break
for the summer. Pastor Katherine Museus will
convene sometime in August; watch
communications for details.
Wednesday Women’s Bible Study
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study group will
finish up the second book of Phillip Keller's A
Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd on July 6.
Because of June events, we will not begin our
summer schedule of individual studies until July 23.
At that time, members will lead us in studies of
songs, Bible verses, and Christian values.
On September 14, we will start the study of Esther:
Royal Rescue by Jane McNabb. Why Esther, you
ask? "As a Christian, do you believe that God is
always with you? Are you certain that He is always
working things out for your good?" We will study
this book of the Bible with our Bibles, a movie, and
Please join us for prayer, fellowship, and fun.
Remember there is a babysitter available, just let
me know at wanda.jasper07@gmail.com or
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda Jasper
Studies of the Sunday Lectionary
This adult class meets at 10:00 a.m. in Pearson Hall
and studies the scripture readings appointed for the
Sunday. Bring your coffee and join Pastor Lippard
or Pastor Museus.
Newcomer/Inquirer’s Class
The Newcomer/Inquirer’s Class (SALC101) will take
a summer break with plans to resume following
Rally Day in August. These classes are made to
order for people considering membership in the
congregation and cover a wide range of topics,
including the Reformation and the teachings and
worship practices of the Lutheran Church. The
classes are led by Emeritus Pastor Eric Pearson
and meet on Sunday mornings during the Sunday
School hour. Watch upcoming publications for
start-up times, and speak with Pastor Pearson some
Sunday if you have questions.
Companions in Christ (CIC)
Companions in Christ (CIC) meets in the classroom
off the fellowship hall in Room 124 at 9:50 a.m.
Grab a cup of coffee and bring a friend. We love
new faces! We study a variety of books and
subjects. Discussion is always lively and easy to
join if you are unable to attend on a regular basis.
Active Parenting Class
The Active Christian Parenting Group will recess for
summer and begin again in August. Please watch
communications for a date to begin again.
June 3 - VBS decorating 12:00 noon. Call Sandy
Vollmer for evening decorating times.
June 4 - VBS decorating 9:00 a.m.
Volunteer Commissioning at Worship Services
VBS Potluck at 5:30-7:00 p.m.
June 6-9 - VBS Activities 9:00 a.m. - noon
June 9 - VBS Closing Dinner & Celebration 6:00 p.m.
June 12 - VBS Children & Youth Sing at Worship
June 12 - AFFIRM & Nights Alive Sending at Worship
June 13-15 - Nights Alive Event
June 19-24 - AFFIRM at Berry College
July 3 - Lutherock Sending during Worship
July 10-16 - Leave for Lutherock at 7:30 a.m.
Page -16-
Please Remember in Your
Mary Smith
Julie Anderson
Sandy Bennett
Josette Starkey
Judith Anderson
Art Lebahn
Myrabel Theobald Lee Harms
Bill & Lynn Robinson Greg Bennett
Linda Strickland
Randy Miller
Joan Norsworthy
Julie Shaub
Sarah Lewis
Margaret Lorenzini
Frank Baugh
Connie Pearson
Rachel Haltiwanger
Susan Stewart
Shirley Swan
Liz Gargus, cousin of Sharon Helmintoller
Lydia Emrath, granddaughter of Marty & Linda Emrath
Susan & husband, sister of Marty Emrath
Norman Grau, brother-in-law of Roger & Ethel Meyerhoff
Sylvia Collins, friend of Wally & Liz Combiths
Denny Moore, friend of Suzanne Berrey
Craig Kievit & family, friends of Cheryl Tallyn
Riley Quinn, brother of Tim Quinn
Scott Blumenthal and family
Rhea Little Sr., friend of Vello & Ivi Niemann
Nick Galotta, brother-in-law of Pat Willer
Hideko & Tatsuo Abe, friends of the Berrys
Diane Irwin, friend of Suzanne & Tom Berrey
Bailee Christianson, friend of Laura McElroy
David Tuleen, godfather of Roseen Medina
Ted Schreiber, nephew of Marty & Al Dieterle
Amy Ryan, niece of Carl & Ann Moeck
Jimmy Marshall, friend of Bruce & Carole Wegner
Michael Paul Lewis-Cooper, nephew of Cathy Miller
Amy Groce, wife of Pastor Lewis Groce
Ashley Deckard, friend of Margaret Bearss
Sandra Parchment, sister of Kathy Ignatz
Bob Holloway, husband of Linda Holloway
Tessa Chuvulas,niece of Larry & Sue Eltoft
Liam Daniel Baumann, nephew of Juli-Kay Baumann
David Eyer, friend of Eric & Connie Pearson
The Grills family, friends of the Hunt family
Wayne Masters, friend of St. Andrew
Gwen Hampton, sister of Jeanne Parr
Michael Paul Lewis-Cooper, nephew of Cathy Miller
Harold Squires, father of Sandy Bennett
Gerry Melendy, friend of Jennifer & Aaron Walton
John Allen Hundt, son of Vic & Susan Hundt
Gloria Ladnier, mother of Morgan Gordy
Matt Capell, cousin of Connie Pearson
Carolyn Galegor, friend of Ken Cockerham
Janice Williams, friend of the Blanchards
Cody Brown, great-nephew of the Richardsons
Matthew Hodge & family, friends of the Vollmers
Dianne McClendon & family
John Rogers & familly, friends of Ken Cockerham
Steve Reckard, brother of Julie Anderson
David Downey, cousin of Lisa Blanchard
Mary Brogan, friend of Connie Pearson
Brita Besnard, mother of Tina Hill
Bishop H. Julian Gordy, Pastor Morgan & family
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Area ELCA congregations & those in transition
Mission Partner - Peace Lutheran Church in Springhill
The Trinity/HOPE Feeding Program & the people of Haiti
St. Andrew Building Debt Reduction
Pastor Palmer Clemmer
Pastor Paul Frank
For the communities healing from loss
Christian families persecuted & suffering in the Middle East
For communities to mend from violence and for peace
For communities and countries suffering from natural disasters
For those suffering from domestic violence
For caregivers who care for loved ones
For service men & women who defend our country & their
families who have lost loved ones
For those battling depression & mental illness
Those unemployed, under-employed, or seeking jobs
For those contemplating surgery
Mistreated, abandoned & homeless animals
Pat Patterson, mother of Doug Hale
Howard Kroeger, father of Tom Kroeger
Gladys King, mother of Judith Anderson
Joe Townsend, friend of Michael McBlane
Joe Kennon, father of Linda Wright
Mike Vehec, friend of Amy Vehec
If you know of someone who is in the military or has been
deployed for duty, please let the church office know so
that we can list them in prayers.
Jay Tully, son of Jim & Becky Tully
Andy Richardson, nephew of Mike & Jolene Richardson
Jacob Moxley, great nephew of Jim & Pat Pitt
William Lehmann, nephew of Diane & Art DeVooght
Joey Ladnier, nephew of Morgan Gordy
Jeffrey P. Hill, son of Jeff & Tina Hill
Nick Smith, son-in-law of Jeff & Tina Hill
Tony Wirth, cousin of Dana Nethercutt
Matt Parr, grandson of Jeanne Parr
Cole Jorgenson, son of Barbra Jorgenson
& grandson of Ron & Sue Hartman
**Please note that all names will be removed after
two months on the prayer list. If you would like for
someone to remain on the prayer list indefinitely,
please let us know.
Page -17-
June Birthdays
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
Gene Evenson
Ron Hartman
Wayne Kruse
John Lillie
Liz Combiths
Earl Abrahamson
Gretchen Reynolds
Barbara Adams
Larry Anderson
Anne Huddleston
Greg Maniscalco
Wayne HIgbe
Doris Torrence
Stella Roberts
Kendra McNiel
Eric Miller
Sarah Basel
Sean Meyerhoff
Katy Campbell
Krista Gutierrez
Stacey Bauman
Carol Robertson
Charles Boshears
Sandi-Jo Schey
Adelynn Chapman
Bill Dickerhoff
Julian Gordy
Collin Schey
Joshua Kida
Jody Smith
Doug Ellwood
Savannah Norem
Robert Belcher
Chuck Campbell
Michael Roberts
Nancy Seitz
Jolene Richardson
Michelle Gordy
Heather Morris
Tom McElroy
Doug Paton
Debbie Caughorn
Roseen Medina
Cindy Campbell
Cyndy Dyer
Allison Fikejs
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 11
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 23
July 24
July 25
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 31
July Birthdays
July 1
July 2
July 3
Julie Hunt
Ryan Meyerhoff
Peggy Downey
Paula Kelling
Pat Pitt
Jimmy Felker
Linda Holloway
Tim Quinn
Katherine Crispell
Susan Shannon
Aaron Thomas
Alec Thomas
Terry Huddleston
Wendy Simko
Marc Bussone
Debra Craven
Frank Kirkpatrick
Bijan Mansouri
Brian Miller
Judy Gandee
Tom Kroeger
Charlie Bowker
Dwight Bonifacius
Caitlyn Ellis
Christine Geuther
Chuck Vollmer
Julia Craven
Emilie Walton
Juli-Kay Baumann
Bill Frost
Margo Warchus
Braden Butler
Ryan Chapman
William Abrahamson
Sandy Bennett
Rick Craven
Zach Harris
Art Lebahn
Jackie Gustafson
Sarah Baker
Matt Coleman
Dominick Santarpia
Michael Terrell
Skip Warchus
Jonas Rodriguez
Frank Hale
Sara Yamada
Elaina Bussone
Samuel Elkins
Tom Karriot
Keegan Medina
Mark Wainner
Matt Helou
Ken Reynolds
Carol Edwards
Cathy Miller
Jennifer Walton
June Anniversaries
June 1
June 2
Jimmy & Leesa
Greg & Carla
June 3
June 7
June 10
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 20
June 22
June 24
June 29
Jeff & Tina Hill
Rick & Debra Craven
Adam & Lori McGee
Andy & Karen
Fred & Ruth
Jimmy & Susan
Frank Thomas &
Patte Belin
Michael & Laura
Kurt & Corissa Wiest
Vello & Ivi Niemann
Cliff & Wanda
Larry & Julie
Dave & Linda
Jeff & Patty Norem
Donny & Kim Nowell
Kevin & Sandi Schey
Aaron & Jennifer
Randy & Cathy Miller
Anthony & Krista
Tak & Ai Yamada
Chuck & Sandy
July Anniversaries
July 5
July 7
July 14
July 16
July 21
July 31
Elvis Lindsay & Beth
Xenofon & Sheree
John & Susan
John & Jorja Trocino
Jerry & Lisa
Dwight & Karen
Dennis & Wanda
**If we have inadvertently left
your name off the birthday or
anniversary list, we apologize.
Please write on the back of a
yellow pew card the date and year
of your special event, place it in
the offering plate and we will
correct the information in our
data base. Thanks!
Page -18-
A heart-warming illustration of the theology of abundance.
The Wedding Ring
(author unknown)
When I was a young man, my favorite great-aunt
Violet told me that when I was prepared to get
married, she wanted me to have her diamond ring to
give to my fianceé. I was overwhelmed and couldn't
believe that she was willing to give away something
so precious to her. She and my uncle Frank were a
wonderful couple, loving in every sense of the word.
His death was a great tragedy for us all.
When I was prepared to become engaged to Alice, I
went to Aunt Violet and asked if she did, indeed,
want me to have that ring. When she gave it to me
she cried ... not because she was losing something,
but because she loved me so much that she knew
that something that signaled her love for her
husband would live on in the love I have for Alice.
She understood the theology of abundance, in
which there is no ultimate quantity of love to be
shared among a select few. Those who believe in a
more limited quantity follow a theology of scarcity, in
which we must be careful not to distribute our goods
too widely; for fear that there won't be enough. My
Aunt Violet understood that by giving Alice and me a
piece of her love, it didn't diminish her supply of
love. There was plenty to go around.
Our God loves us that much also, and gave for us
something far more valuable than a diamond. In the
death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus, he has
given us the gift of eternal life.
expenditures in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Regular
mission support gifts totaled $2,124,997 last year.
This amount was supplemented by an additional
$41,314 in undesignated receipts from
congregations and individuals through the “Together
We Can” appeal, far from the Synod Council’s goal
of $100,000 but important nonetheless.
The total received for mission support was a slight
increase over the prior year, though 2.3% less than
what was expected in the mission funding plan.
Although we underspent the authorized budget by
1% overall, the shortfall in mission support giving
caused us to finish the year with expenses
exceeding actual income by $32,593. That deficit
compares to the small $7,516 surplus we
experienced the year before.
The percent of giving from congregations to mission
support has declined for at least the past three
decades. Since 2008 we have addressed the
decline with severe cuts in both our synodical
programming budget and our support of committees
and task forces. We have significantly cut our
support of our synod’s agencies and institutions,
and we have cut salaries and staff positions in the
synod office. While we have hoped that there would
be a turn-around in mission support giving, your
Synod Council and staff are committed to do the
best we can with the resources we are given.
Thank you for your partnership and your support of
the ministry we are called to do together in this
synod. Your prayers and your efforts to increase
mission support giving are very much appreciated
and very much needed.
In Christ’s service,
+ H Julian Gordy
H. Julian Gordy
May 5, 2016
Dear Southeastern Synod Partners in Ministry,
Please accept my sincere thanks for your
congregation’s mission support for the previous
fiscal year, 2015-2016. It is gratifying that through
the generosity of our congregations we have once
again been able to carry out this synod’s mission to
raise up and train leaders, assist congregations in
calling new pastors and other leaders, support new
and renewing congregations, help congregations
that are experiencing struggle, support our agencies
and institutions, and join in this church’s work in
domestic and global mission.
As you know, unrestricted mission support giving by
congregations is the major funding source for
synodical ministries, accounting for 94% of our
Page -19St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Designated Funds
January 1 to April 30, 2016
Beg Balance
January 1
Designated Fund
Disaster Relief
World Hunger
Memorials - General
Meditation Garden
Debt Reduction/Organ
Youth Fund
Capital Replacement Reserve
Christmas Food Baskets
Wedding Deposits
Misc. Designated
Total Designated Funds
$ 26,707.03
$ 14,842.00
Financial Update
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Surplus (Deficit)
APRIL Budget
APRIL Actual
YTD Budget
Beg Balance
Mortgage #1
End Balance
April 30
YTD Actual
End Balance
Cash Balances
In memory of Pat Patterson, mother of Doug Hale,
to the Meditation Garden by:
John & Jorja Trocino
Jessica Jennette
Your Finance Committee has been considering the
establishment of a foundation for financial gifts to
grow and be utilized for the long term benefit of St.
Andrew, much like a retirement account for
individuals. The committee would like to form a
special committee to study this issue, leading up to a
recommendation on whether to proceed and how to
proceed. If you can serve on this select committee,
please advise Marty Emrath or Jolene Richardson.
In memory of Pat Patterson, mother of Doug Hale,
to the General Memorial fund by:
Pr. Lippard and Pr. Springer
Bill & Peggy Frost
In memory of Lawrence Mohr, father of Martha
Elwood, by:
Jimmy & Susan Shannon to Building Debt Reduction
John & Jorja Trocino to the Meditation Garden
In memory of Howard Kroeger, father of Tom
Kroeger, to the Meditation Garden by John & Jorja
In memory of Phil Leahr, friend of D.R. & Sammy
Smith, to the Animal Ministry
An Upcoming Youth Event
Lutheran Services in Tennessee is organizing a new
event for Lutheran youth in Middle Tennessee called
FUSE. The mission of FUSE is to help teenagers
explore poverty and the power of connection. But
don’t worry – it won’t be a seminar. We are in the
process of planning games, music, and other fun
activities – and, of course, food! Stay tuned (to St.
Andrew communications) for more information.
FUSE will be held at St. Andrew on Sunday,
August 7 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
908 Murfreesboro Road
Franklin, Tennessee 37064
(615) 794-1624
God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters
in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth. Genesis 1:22