TERM 1 Week 6 2015 - St Joseph`s School Temuka


TERM 1 Week 6 2015 - St Joseph`s School Temuka
Dear Parents
We were delighted with the initial feedback from the ERO Team
in which they spoke of the very positive relationships they saw
among staff and students especially the respectful way everyone
dealt with each other. They also commented on the rigorous
systems to ensure that no student “falls through the gaps” and
the high quality of education students are receiving. We now
await their formal findings which we should have by the end of
the term and will be available on our web site. Thank you to the
many parents who came to speak with them during the review.
We certainly saw these positive relationships and cooperation
evident during our two events last week, the Temuka field trip
and Top teams. It was extremely heartening to have feedback
from the museum, stock yards and people who observed
students on the street about how well students behaved, helped
each other and were engaged in their tasks.
We are extremely grateful to Genesis Energy working in
conjunction with our local Rotary group to fund Solar panels in
our school on the roof of Rm 3. As well as giving us an opportunity to save costs on our electricity account this is an excellent
opportunity for students to learn about sustainability of
resources. The programme involves an ongoing programme
for students learning more about energy conservation.
Included in this newsletter is the Draft Strategic Plan. Please take
the time to read the draft document and add comment of
anything you would like to see added. Once this has been
completed the BoT will complete the annual charter which will
be available on the web site.
Julie and Craig Gibson and family have
donated this beautiful statue for our
garden to acknowledge their fourteen
years involvement in our school. The
statue is entitled “Genesis and looks very
comfortable nestled in among our roses.
We are extremely grateful to them for
this wonderful gift.
Doing Your Bit
We are very grateful to Suzy Duffield, her
brother Phil and John Simpson from
Flooring Xtra for organising and gifting us
some carpet squares to use in the supper
room and our new music room.
Thanks to Natalia Voice for bringing in
wood offcuts for the Tech shed.
Our students are thoroughly enjoying working with Harry
Ippenburg making their wooden cars.
Thanks to Rose Rooney for taking students to the SC Triathlon.
Kirsty Eastmead, Sarah Sullivan & Janine Steinmann for assisting
at the TSG swimming sports.
Thanks to Margit and Donna for assisting on our field trip.
Student Success
Temuka Swimming champions overall –
Yr 5 Girls Tallulah Rooney, Yr 6 Boys Flynn Sugrue,
Yr 8 girls Loren Sugrue
On Friday 6 March Loren, Grace, Angus, Taimana, Maya,
Flynn and Tallulah went to the South Canterbury Triathlon
at CBay. It poured with rain and was very cold. We had
butterflies in our tummys.
3..2..1.. We were off. The year 7 & 8’s swam 2 lengths, ran
on the board walk and biked on the grass. Year 5 & 6
swam 1 length and the rest was the same. It was all worth
it at the end when Angus, Taimana and Flynn all got spot
The day was an amazing adventure and we had a fantastic
By Taimana & Loren
Included in this newsletter is the family
Lenten calendar with ideas of how your
family can participate in this important
season of the year. We had sixteen
students put their names forward to be part of the school liturgy
team who take responsibility for leading our weekly school
liturgies. This requires them giving of their own time to prepare
this each week. We feel very proud that so many students are
keen to be “actively catholic” by taking on this role.
Best wishes
Bernie Leonard
Top Team Photos
Draft Strategic Plan 2015-2018
Three Strategic Plan
Student Achievement
Strategic Plan
Annual Charter to
Ministry of Education
From BoT
Student Achievement Targets
Annual Plan
Strategic Plan for Year
The BOT and staff have put together the draft strategic plan for the next three years for our school. This plan
identifies our next areas growth and development in aspects all designed to raise students achievement. This sits
alongside the Student Achievement targets which are set for each year based on the data from the previous year
and Ministry of Education directions. Please take the time to read the draft document and add comment of
anything you would like to see added. Once this has been completed the BoT will complete the annual charter
which will be available on the web site.
From The Parish
We have Year 5 students currently participating on the PARMrs Marieke Beadle will continue
ISH FIRST COMMUNION programme. We ask for your prayers for these candidates for this important stage of their Cath- taking our school choir this year at
8.30am on Wednesday mornings in
olic life.
the supper room at present. She
is now taking names of interested
Urgently needed
students to begin working with her next week. If your
We desperately need a parent to
child is keen to be part of the choir please return the
supervise the road crossing every
tear off slip. Mrs Beadle will send home an information
Friday for fifteen minutes from
letter next week with further details. Students can have
3.00-3.15pm. We are not allowed
a two week trial period to see if they enjoy it, otherwise
to have the barrier arms operating
without a supervisor present. If you are here to collect once a commitment is made we discourage withdrawals.
your children could you possibly help us??
Indian Takeaway Lunch Offer
Sports Uniforms
Yr 3-8 have their Kiwi sport time with our new facilitator on
Mondays for which they need their sports uniforms. Can you
please ensure your child has theirs in their bag on a Monday.
We are encouraging all students to pack their own school
bags in the evenings to try to minimise the morning rush and
have what they need each day. The order for new uniforms
has been put in so those waiting for new uniforms should
have these soon. In the meantime any shorts and t-shirt will
be fine.
The new Indian takeaway shop in Temuka have offered a
lunch pack for students on a WEDNESDAY. This would
be a serving of butter chicken with rice and nana bread
for $5.00. The orders will be rung through from the
office and the lunches delivered hot.
If you are interested in this lunch option can you
please return the slip to indicate whether it is viable.
Indian Takeaway Lunch Offer
Cyber safety Agreements
These must be returned to school for all students. Extra copies can be obtained from the school office if you misplaced
My child/ren are interested on lunch offer.
Vision hearing Check
__________________________ Number interested
We have our Vision hearing check Nurse coming in on Tuesday 17 March. If you would like your child checked please fill
in the return slip.
Assembly Certificates
MacKillop Values Award
Jasmine Peneamene
Joven Antony
Kendra Taylor
Keita Frisby
Principal’s Award
Brendan Chenier— Being kind and compassionate in
helping another student.
Room 1
Phoebe Scarsbrook—incredible organiser, showing
care and responsibility for all house group.
Allen Fajardo— excellent active listener, showing
interest in all areas.
Room 2
Riley Columb - perseverance in all activities
Maya Hewson – high level of work ethic in all areas
Swimming Week 4&5 9.30am
12 March School Triathlon 10.30am—12noon
18 March Mass Room 5
Maori Parent Consultation Evening 6-8pm
19 March St Joseph’s Day—Father & male role
model breakfast 7.45-9.00am
20 March Assembly Room 2—1.30pm
25 March Mass Room 2
BOT Meeting
27 March Benediction—1.30pm St Joseph’s Church
2 April
Assembly Room 5
Term 1 Ends
3 April
Easter Friday
Room 3
Monique Fitzgerald— excellent room 3 helper
Holley Ferguson— Great start to school
Daniel Eastmead— Great start to school
Room 4
Tremaine Gemmell— Fantastic start to St Joseph’s
Bridget Moffitt— Amazing descriptive writing
Room 5
Dilana Smith— helpful and courteous at all times
Dominic Smith— positive contribution to room 5 team
Kelisha Loader is missing her school uniform. It was
lost on the day of the Top Teams. It has her name
labelled in the inside with a bright pink ironed on label.
Please hand it into the office if it is found.
Scholastic Book Club Orders are due
back to the office by
Friday 20 March.
For the next two Mondays we have the Netball
development officer coming to school to take Netball
as part of our Kiwisport programme. She has asked if
there is any parents that would like to come and help
on these occasions.
The times are:
Y3/4 – 11.45am – 12.30pm
Y5/6 – 2.15pm – 3.00pm
Y7/8 – 1.30pm – 2.15pm
If you are keen to come and help please leave your
name and number at the school office.
Fruit In Schools Roster
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Wednesday Sarah Sullivan
Margit Schenk / Donna Columb
Margit Schenk / Donna Columb
Altar Services
15 March:
Jamie Fitzgerald
Quintessa Schoknecht
Emillea Tate
22 March:
Amber Gillies
Sophia Marshall
Angus Rooney
10.30am – 12.00noon
Temuka Oval. Spectators at the Stadium
Children to bring:
Bike/Scooter, Swimming togs and towel, Helmet.
Everybody to have a drink bottle with water Sports
Sausage Sizzle
16 March
Suzanne Fitzgerald
Anna Thew-Page
23 March
Tara Gilles
Karen Jamieson
Please collect sausages from Eastside Butcher on way to
cook BBQ.
St Joseph’s Day – Thurs, 19 March
Special Breakfast – 7.45am to 9am.
St Joseph is the Patron Saint of our School and
His feast day is next Thursday, 19 March. St Joseph was Jesus’ earthly father, his step-father, and he cared and loved
Jesus and guided him into adulthood along with Mary.
We wish to recognise and celebrate Father’s and other Male
Role Models in our lives who care, love and guide our
We would like to invite Father’s, Grandfathers, Uncles or any
Male Role Models for students at our school to attend a
celebratory Breakfast on Thursday 19th March of Pancakes
and Sausages.
The breakfast will begin between 7.45-8am and go until 9am.
Once breakfast is complete you are then invited to have a
tour of the school by your child (ren).
If you are able to attend this breakfast please complete the
form in newsletter with your name and how many children
you will be attending breakfast with. This is so we can
guarantee we have enough food.
Please return to St Joseph’s School by Tuesday, 17 March.
RE Newsletter
We are fully within Lent now and you will find enclosed a Lenten Calendar to share with your family – this gives a wide array of ideas on how your family can take part in recognising
Benediction with Children – Diocesan Liturgical Commission Christchurch
The Year of the Eucharist (Oct 04-Oct 05) provides us with an
opportunity to offer our school children Eucharistic Adoration
and Benediction of the Blessed of Sacrament. For the majority of our children the only Eucharistic service they know is the
Children have the right to know that public and private devotion toward the Eucharist is to be encouraged. Eucharistic
Adoration and Benediction are expressions of this.
As we wish to offer our students a full and rounded Catholic
Life and Understanding, our students will be attending Benediction at St Joseph’s Church (Hall) on Friday, 27th March at
1.30pm. I wish to take this opportunity to extend the invitation to parents and whanau who would also like to take part
within this Adoration to join us. We look forward to seeing
you there.
Class Masses to be held in the Mary MacKillop Chapel –
parents are welcome to join.
Social Fundraising Night
Saturday 27th June
Keep this date free for an entertaining night with an
auction, raffles, mystery envelopes and a lot of
laughs! More details to follow.
Weds Mass 9am
Wed, 11 March
Rm 1
Wed, 18 March
Rm 5
Wed, 25 March
Rm 2
Next FOSJ Meeting
Tuesday 28 April 2015 at 7.00pm, all welcome.
Mitre 10 / BBQ Car Wash
Saturday 30 & Sunday 31 May.
We have booked these dates for a fundraiser and
would like to have as many parents helping as
possible. If we have enough names it would be just 2
hours needed per family.
Please indicate on the
attached slip which day and what times would suit
you best and return to the school office.
Sausage Sizzle Roster
If anyone has an hour or so to help Nicola Nimo draw
up a roster for the Monday sausage sizzle this would
be appreciated. Please put your name and phone
number on the attached slip and return to the school
office so Nic can contact you.
Pastoral Care
If you would like to help our school but find it difficult
to attend meetings we also need parents who can
provide baking for families in times of need (ie
bereavement, illness). Please write your name and
phone number on the attached slip so Rose Rooney
(FOSJ Pastoral Care) can contact you when the need
Our first fundraiser for 2015 is an Easter Raffle.
Each family is asked to donate an Easter grocery
item. Please place in the box in the school office
and put a tick against your family name on the
list. This is required as soon as possible, no later
than 25 March.
Raffle tickets – each family is also asked to sell 10
raffle tickets (enclosed with newsletter). Please
return the raffle card and money in the bag
provided to the school office by 27 March.
St Joseph’s Day—Thursday 19 March
………………………………………………………………………………………………………. will be attending the St Joseph’s Day Father and Male Role
Model breakfast with my child(ren) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signed ………………………………………………………………………… Date………………………….
Netball Helpers
Yes I can help on:
Y3/4 – 11.45am – 12.30pm
Y5/6 – 2.15pm – 3.00pm
Y7/8 – 1.30pm – 2.15pm
Please tick which times and
Monday 16 March
Monday 23 March
dates you can help.
____________________________________________________ (Name)
FOSJ Mitre 10 / BBQ Car wash
I can help on
Saturday 30 May
Sunday 31 May
Please tick day/s you are able to help
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Sausage Sizzle Roster
I can help Nicola draw up the Monday sausage sizzle roster.
My child/ren are keen to be part of the choir.
Student Name/s________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________ Phone______________________________
Hearing Vision Test
I would like my child’s vision checked.
Student Name/s________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature __________________________________________________
FOSJ Pastoral Care Helper
I would like to help provide baking for families in times of need.
Bring your pet out to our place and join in the fun! Enter the
Pet Parade or bring out your favourite Pet Photo and enter
the Competition, watch the dog obedience and agility
displays, meet the Husky dogs with their sleds. Lots of
displays and stalls to see. Meet and talk to the experts! Face
painting for the children and pony rides available too! free
SC Irish Society
Presents “The Awakening”- music by Keltic Mix—Saturday 14
March at the Celtic Clubrooms, Craigie Ave, Timaru. Come
along and join in the St Patrick’s Day celebrations. Tickets
$20.00 from The Sail and Anchor, Sacred Heart School and St
Joseph’s School.
Email: scirishsociety@gmail.com
Temuka Family Fun Day
Saturday 21 March 10.30am—2.30pm
Temuka Domain (Stadium if wet)
All proceeds go to Temuka St John &
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Free Entry, free bouncy castle, face painting, bungy race,
heaps of prizes, the gladiator, free water slide, pony rides,
food and refreshments, great stall, easter bunny, awesome
balloons, emergency service display, donut eating contest.
Live music by Jaz Paterson.
Also at 11.15am Suba Suzie the clown
12.30am Mullet Man
1.45pm East Egg Hunt
For more information email:
Temuka Hockey Club …..
is looking for more junior players for the 2015
season. Interested?
Come along to our registration day on
Monday 16 March from 3.15—4.15pm at our
Gunnion Square clubrooms.
Any inquiries to Paula Crawshaw 615 6911 or 027 488 2781.
Come and be part of the fun and exciting sport.
Temuka and Districts Netball Centre
Registration for all children Years 3 – 6 are being held on
Friday 20 March 2015, 3.15–4.15pm & Saturday 21 March
2015, 10.30 – 11.30 am at the Temuka Pavilion. Subs to be
paid on the day $35.00 per child. Registration for Years 1 & 2
and Seniors will be held at a later date.
All enquires to Letitia Uren 0274 607 116 or Leah Blackmore
0273 297 793.
Temuka Football Club welcomes all existing and new
players to attend the clubs registration on Friday 13th
March 4-6pm & Saturday 14th March 10-12am at the
clubrooms on Richard Pearse Drive, Temuka.
The club is looking to enter teams in all grades
including senior mens and women's. We will also be
running the ‘first kicks’ skill sessions for 4-6yrs olds.
All interested players, coaches and team managers
are welcome to attend.
2015 FEES 6-9 yrs $70, 10-18 yrs $85, First Kicks $35.
We look forward to seeing you there. Alternately find
us on Facebook or contact Theresa Booth on 615 6383.
Quiz Night—Doing Our Bit for Cure Kids
26 March 7.30pm, Crown Hotel Temuka.
Portia Kroon will be shaving her hair on 2 April to fundraise
for Cure Kids. Team Prizes, $20 per team, four people per
team, nibbles provided.
Please register your team by 23 March by emailing