December 2012 - Honiton Community College
December 2012 - Honiton Community College
Honiton Community College AUTUMN TERM 2012 MAGAZINE Let’s Celebrate! The 2012 Year 13 cohort results are the best in recent years. Results reflect the sustained rise in standards at Honiton Community College and our commitment to producing excellence at Post-16. Mr Smith Celebration Awards Exam results Fundraising Enrichment Programme Sport News Department News 1 THE PRINCIPAL WRITES Season’s greetings to all staff, students and their families Glad tidings to one and all! I hope you have had chance to take a peek at our new website that was launched earlier this term. Vector 7, a local web designer company, based in Honiton, won the tender to work with us to design and create a modern, fresh, informative and easy to use website. Feedback has been excellent – I trust you would agree. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of Mr Wright (Director of ICT), Mr Riggs (ICT Technician) and the staff of Vector 7, specifically with the design and the population of the website. With more frequent uploading of information and news to the website – often on a daily basis, together with the daily Twitter releases, I made the decision to release a newsletter that celebrates student accomplishments termly. In conclusion, our social media provides recent topical news, whilst the termly newsletter is a summary document. Last summer’s GCSE results were record breaking for the third year running. The 2011-12 Year 11 cohort achieved the highest ever 5+A*-C percentage; it being 80%! We also doubled our best ever percentage of A*/A grades. At Post-16, we celebrated a further rise in points per entry and points per candidate (now a three year positive trend). I am extremely proud of the achievements and performance of both GCSE and Sixth Form students. We welcomed back high numbers of Year 11 as they embarked on their Key Stage 5 studies, and bid farewell to many Year 13 students now well in to their first year undergraduate degrees at Universities across the country. Year 7 have been with us a whole term now and I must congratulate them on a smooth transition; made more successful due to the support and guidance of Mr Browne (Year 7 Head of Learning), Mrs Smith (Year 7 Student Wellbeing Coordinator), Miss Adams (Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing) and the Additional Needs Department. Last year, many, many students from Honiton Community College experienced an overseas trip – an opportunity to develop social, moral and cultural knowledge and understanding of the wider world. My staff and I encourage every student to make the most of the wonderful opportunities these voyages offer. Last year, students journeyed as far away as India and the Himalayas, Poland, Germany, Spain, France, and Austria. This year many of the excursions will be offered again. If you have not yet considered getting involved then please do – there are still places left on the French Exchange and also the Ski trip to Austria. Finally, I would like to welcome new staff: Mrs Sarah Dunn is our new receptionist (and replaces Mrs Sally Boland who is now working in the Finance Office), Miss Kathryn Blaszkiw (Psychology), Miss Pippa Wyatt (Sport and PE), Mr Tom Skelding (Sport and PE), Mrs Isobel Stacpoole who is covering for Mrs Margo O’Keefe, Mrs Marian Littlejohn who is covering for Mrs Jenny Habbal, and Mrs Rachel Smith (Maternity cover for Mrs Shelley Walker). I am extremely pleased with the calibre of teacher we have appointed; indeed recruitment is a real joy for me as our reputation guarantees the best candidates available are keen to join us! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year Glenn Smith, Principal STUDENT ATTENDANCE 2 Thank you all Last year was a successful year for student attendance at Honiton Community College. Our whole school figure rose from 92.88% to 94% meaning the ‘average student’ was in school for 179 of the 190 school days. The staff would like to thank students and their parents and carers for their hard work and commitment in helping achieve this. For this year, we have all been set an even more challenging target of 95%. Below you will find details of our attendance procedures and how your child’s attainment will improve as their attendance increases. Why is attendance important? Attending school is a legal requirement. For every 17 days absence from school, a pupil can drop one GCSE grade. Nationally, only 10% of pupils with poor attendance achieve 5 A* - C grade GCSE’s compared to 58% of pupils with good attendance. 21% of pupils with very poor attendance leave school with no qualifications compared to 3% of pupils who have regular attendance. Every half-term 100% attendance is rewarded with points added to the inter-tutor group competition. Holidays and absence requests The school will not normally grant requests for absence in term time. Your child’s Learning Manager will consider requests in exceptional circumstances if a child has greater than 95% attendance. The school will not grant requests for: 1. Any student below 95% attendance. 2. Students in Years 10 or 11. 3. Any exam week or in the week preceding exams. 4. The first 2 weeks of any school year. 5. The first week of any term. Please tell us To support your child in establishing good habits for their working life we have a clear pathway for monitoring and supporting attendance (below). To help us work with you, please keep the school informed of any issues that may affect your child’s attendance 01404 42283. Miss Adams, Assistant Principal Honiton’s attendance escalation pathway 1. FIRST DAY CALLING All parents/carers receive a first day call after registers are confirmed. Intervention led by Honiton Community College staff 2. FIRST AND SECOND LETTERS Student’s attendance slipping or showing a pattern that causes concern. Meeting with Head of Learning if necessary. 3. MEDICAL LETTER At this point, written medical evidence is required for medical absence and illness. This can take the form of a letter, appointment slip or photocopy of prescribed medical label. Education Welfare Service informed 4. ATTENDANCE CLINIC Parent/carer is invited to attend a meeting with our College Attendance Support Advisor, Mrs Rees. 5. FAST TRACK OR PENALTY NOTICE At this meeting, a Penalty Notice may be requested from the Education Welfare Service (EWS) or a Fast Track may be deemed appropriate. 6. PROSECUTION THROUGH EWS EWS advise and lead when appropriate 3 ENRICHMENT College Enrichment Programme This term’s enrichment programme is up and running and turn out so far has been excellent. There are 56 clubs and activities running across a huge range of areas. The College considers it vitally important for your son or daughter to take part in enrichment activities outside of their regular lessons and that enrichment should be at the heart of school life helping him or her to become a well-rounded individual. We very much hope you will support us in encouraging your son or daughter to take part. Students, remember to talk to Mr Hall if there is an enrichment activity you would like to see but which we don’t already offer and we will see what we can do! Mr Hall Aim Higher Geography, A-level Maths help sessions, Badminton, Basketball, Boys’ Football, Boys’ Futsal, BTEC Coursework catch up, Chess Club, Community Sports Leaders Award, Computer Programming, Debating Matters, Drama Club, Fit 4 Teen Gym, Further Maths (AS), Food Hygiene Course, GCSE French, GCSE History, GCSE Music, GCSE Religious Studies, GCSE Textiles, HCC TV, History Club, Homework Club, ICT catch up, Imagination Station, International Society, Let’s Get Cooking, Maths Challenge, Maths Class (A*), Modern Languages revision, Music Technology Club, Netball, Photography, Positive Parenting, Psychology Club revision, Reading Group, Rocket Club, Rugby, Samba Band, Science Club, Spanish revision, Squash, Staff Student Choir, Table Tennis, The Honiton Jazz Project, The Vocal Group, Trampolining, Year 11 Homework Club. FRENCH EXCHANGE cost now £350 to cut from £199 Fly from Exeter (9 March 2013) Return Paris (15 March 2013) Further details from Mrs Theeten St Kizito School, Uganda Mrs Kyagamo is a primary school teacher from Uganda. Her school is partnered with Littletown Primary School and she was here to share best practice regarding the English education system. As part of her week-long visit she spent the day with us at Honiton Community College; keen to look at our English, Mathematics and our Special Educational Needs Department. Mr Smith toured the College with his guest and explained the rudimentaries of leadership and management of a secondary school. Mrs Kyagamo also sat in on a CET meeting where she presented images of her school and region along with pertinent facts and figures. We were very interested to learn about life in her school. Mr Smith EXAM RESULTS 4 Exam Results GCSE RESULTS AUGUST 2012 53% of the year group achieved 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Mathematics, 80% achieved 5 or more, A*-C (up 15% on last year). Students of note this year were: Sam Johnson 8 A*, 2 A Rory Norrington 3 A*, 4 A, 3 B Max Mason 3 A*, 3 A, 3 B Amy Hutchings 2 A*, 5 A, 5 B Ione Pidgeon 2 A*, 6 A, B, C Meg Falkner 1 A*, 6 A, 2 B, C TEAM DYNAMICA Designers of the future . . . Team Dynamica, consisting of Cameron Boland, team manager, Nick Long, design engineer, Lloyd Batten, resources manager and Ellis Kennedy-Holland, manufacturing engineer, have continued to work hard this term. They will be taking part in the regional finals of the F1 in Schools Competition in February. The aim of the competition is to design a car based on the Bloodhound SSC. The car measures approximately 20cm in length and will be raced down a track 20m long. The boys meet regularly at lunchtime, working on the development of their car and a strategy to fundraise through sponsorship. It was as a result of this that they were pleased to welcome Martin Taylor of Goodridge Fluid Transfer Systems Ltd to College lately. Following a presentation explaining their work to date and their future plans a deal was agreed whereby Goodridge will help Team Dynamica with both funding and with the development of the car. YEAR 13 RESULTS AUGUST 2012 The 2012 Year 13 cohort results are the best in recent years. Results reflect the sustained rise in standards at Honiton Community College and our commitment to producing excellence at Post-16. Noteworthy statistics include: Another 4% rise in A* - B grades (up a total of 17% in two years) Average points score per entry has risen again (18 points in two years). Significant individual performances include: Tommy Shepherd (off to read Maths at Nottingham) Sam Loescher (off to read Electrical Engineering at Bath) Annabel Frost (off to read Adult Nursing at Plymouth) Jess Doe (off to read Medicine at Southampton). Mr Holt Team Dynamica are currently sponsored by Westward Paper Sales, The Consortium, Everys Solicitors, TelesisEagle, Goodridge and ProServe. They are still hoping to raise more money to cover travel costs, manufacturing of the car and materials to finish the car such as paint and decal stickers to display sponsor details. They would be pleased to hear from anyone who is able to help in any way. The team will also be assessed on their marketing strategy and would like to ask as many to follow them on Twitter as possible @Team Dynamica. 5 COLLEGE AWARDS College Awards Honiton Community College held its annual Celebration of Achievement evenings in September and October to recognise students’ academic, sporting and pastoral achievements from the past year. As well as recognising individuals, the events were also an opportunity to celebrate the continuing success of the College, including record breaking Year 11 and 12 exam results. The guest speaker for the Upper College Awards’ Evening was Mary King, equestrian and London 2012 Olympian. She gave an extremely inspirational talk to the students and presented the awards. Equally, impressive was Cllr. David Foster, Honiton Mayor’s talk when he presented the awards to the Lower College in October. Awards were given to the most improved and highest performing student in each subject and each year group. Year 7 Winners English - Joshua Buss, Katrina Nellist; Mathematics - Jack Haigh, Jacob Rabjohns; Science - Michael Johnson, Michael Porton; Beliefs and Values - Jack Haigh, Rhys Lane; History - Florence Parker-Gifford, Sam Ellett; Geography Michael Johnson, Imogen McFarlane; Modern Languages - India Tisbury, Joe Gillard; Resistant Materials - Charley Horn, Kattre Voznjuk; Food Technology - Joshua Bus, Jordana Mason; Textiles - Vanessa Jackskon, Giles Derryman; IT Erin Marshallsay, Daniel Sampson; Music - Olivia Miller-Ratcliffe, Jordana Mason; Drama - Amelia Hibbert, Perry Foot; Art - Joe Gillard, Lucy Willis; Sport Kyle Newham, Zoe Kidson; Pastoral Award - Jack Haigh, Zara Sillitoe; Highest Praise Points - Jacob Ambrose, Vanessa Jackson, Zara Sillitoe; Governors’ Award Jack Haigh. Year 8 Winners English - Ben Nursey, Sophie Land; Mathematics - Cameron Boland, Anthony Wright; Science - Gabriel Parker-Gifford, Aleksandra Morawska; Geography - Carys Lilley, Luke Heaven; History - Weasel Hooper, Abigail Blake; Beliefs and Values - Lauren Davey, Hollie Johnson; Modern Languages Hannah Ferry, Blake Freemantle; IT - Gabriel Parker-Gifford, Snezhana Klimentinova; Music - Megan Dixon, James Craig; Art - Carys Lilley, Makindi Trim; Drama - Matthew Ayres, James Loader; Sport - Blake Freemantle, Carys Lilley; Resistant Materials - James Dunne, Chelsea Masters; Textiles - Sophie Land, Matthew Ayres; Food Technology - Ben Nursey, Lucy Patch; Pastoral Award - Ashley Munt, Megan Dixon; Highest Praise Points - Al Forsyth, Holly James; Governors’ Award - Gabriel Parker-Gifford. COLLEGE AWARDS 6 Year 9 Winners English - Ben Williams, Emma Prettejohn; Mathematics - Zhengchao Lu, Matthew Jackson; Science - Sam Riley, Louis Groves; Geography - Cerys Little, Ben Facey; History - Kira Foster, Scott Kelly; Beliefs and Values Jessica Jacobs, Adam Fullick; Modern Languages - Jessica Jacobs, Brandon Knight; IT - Ella George, Matthew Jackson; Music - Ben Williams, Dean Guest; Art - Sirin Bozkurt, Jamie Johnson; Drama - Ben Mason, Josh Fuller; Sport Owen McCreadie-Taylor, Lauren Hunt; Resistant Materials - William Tyers, Zhengchao Lu; Textiles - Ben Williams, Scott Kelly; Food Technology - Lauren Hunt, Joseph Turl; Pastoral Award - Ben Willis, Kira Foster; Highest Praise Points - Joshua Goodier, Emma Prettejohn; Governors’ Award - Ben Williams. Year 10 Winners English - Megan Hawkins, Janie Wright; Mathematics - Hazel Tucker, Leah Chester; Biology - George Hack, Tiffany Jefford; Chemistry - Megan Hawkins, Katie Durrant; Physics - Robert Bourne, Daniel Nellist; Core/Additional Science - Ayse Huggett, Samuel White; Geography - Katy Burnell, William Lamb; History - Jordan Clements, Janie Wright; Philosophy and Ethics - Megan Hawkins, Daniel Nellist; French - Megan Hawkins, Rebecca Stace; Spanish - Ella Symonds, Hazel Tucker; IT - William Lamb, Ruairi Edwards; Art - Brittany Lakin, Connie Smith; Photography - Katie Durrant, Ollie Thomas; Music - Kieran Rew, Reuben Drake; Graphics - Tommy Gillard, Erin Rhode; Food Technology - Clare Lemon, Ruairi Edwards; Textiles - Kristina Debenham, Jazmine Richards; Business Studies - Ella Symonds, Rebecca Hooper; Sport - Billy Reed, George Hathaway; Pastoral Award Thomas Hembrow; Governors’ Award - Megan Hawkins. Year 11 Winners English - Samuel Johnson, Bud Harris; Mathematics - Samuel Johnson, Thomas Haigh, Ione Pidgeon, Caitlin Russell; Statistics - Amy Hutchings, Jazmyn Horn; Biology - Amy Hutchings, Jazmyn Horn; Chemistry - Lewis Trim, Amabel Jeffries; Physics - Samuel Johnson, Ione Pidgeon; Core/Additional Science - Emily Bramhall, Jack Dare; BTEC Science - Matthew Cann, Sammy-Jo Sprague; Geography - Samuel Johnson, Frederica Lemon; History Madison Rogers, Joshua Marshall; Philosophy and Ethics - Samuel Johnson, Zoe Dunn; French - Rory Norrington, Alexander Stoykov; Spanish - Polly Bucknall, Frederica Lemon; IT - Andrew Adams, Sammy-Jo Sprague; Art Samuel Johnson, Beverley Long; Drama - Max Mason, Zoe Dunn; Photography - Meg Falkner, Rowanne Small; Music - Darcey Williams-Alleway; Citizenship - Sophie Pugsley, Abigail Munt; Resistant Materials - Lewis Trim, Edward Keywood; Food Technology - Daniel Churchill, Natalie Sampson; Graphics - Alessandra Cobban; Business Studies - Katie Davey, Alexander Stoykov; Child Development - Pollyanna Briant, Sophie Pugsley; Sport Ashley Trudgeon, Ebony Lacey; Pastoral Award - Emma Galbraith; Governors’ Award - Samuel Johnson. Sixth Form Winners Work and study skills programme - Alex Trevisick; Level 2 - Jodie Blake, Jessica Smith; BTEC/Vocational Annabel Frost, Alexander Donne-Davis, Jemma Butt, Charlie Wright, Tara Drew, Lydia Hodson; AS exams Tamara Rutland, Lucy Meecham, Katherine Storey, Christopher Hack, Andrew Moth, Daniel Stevens; A2 exams Lauren Facey, Sam Loescher, Natasha Haward, Kayleigh Pearse, Patrick Feeney, Stuart Larcombe, Georgina Paul, Natalie Turl; EPQ project - Sam Loescher, Alexander Hughes; Academy excellence essay awards - Claire Baily, Bethany Hutchings; Positive attitude, work ethic and tenacity - Rob Kingdon, Emily Dunn, Zoe Inkpen, Laura Ma, Charlie Pym, Oliver Loader; Contribution to Sixth Form - Claire Baily, Matthew Reed, Josie Denning, Alex Jackson, Zoe Warner-Harris, Bethany Sillitoe; Lower Sixth Cup - Lewis Gillingham; Tirard Trophy - Jessica Doe; Upper Sixth Cup - Thomas Shepherd. 7 SPORT REPORT Sport Report INTER-TUTOR COMPETITION Year 7 Boys’ Cross Country 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Rowan Westall (JMR) Oscar Walsh (KLA) Aidan Harrison (VWR) Oliver Chesterfield-Talbot (JMR) Ashley Mitchell (RCO) Jake Williams (KLA) Year 7 Girls’ Cross Country 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Chloe Howard (RCO) Charlotte Holdsworth (WCO) Hannah Land (RCO) Hannah Selway (VWR) Charlotte Lynch (VWR) Olivia Fenton (RCO) Boys’ Basketball 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 8KTA 8BGU 8DDA 8SWA 8RWA Girls’ Netball 9DKU 9KHE 9JPN 9MOK 9DCL 8RWA 8DDA 8BGU 8KTA 8SWA 9DKU 9DCL 9JPN 9MOK 9KHE RUGBY TRIALS Honiton Community College was well represented at the u.16 county trials which were held on 13 September. Finn Parratt, Cody Northcott, Connor Long and Wes Keywood all went to the trials, where they performed excellently. The format of the trial consisted of four 20 minute games under the close scrutiny of the county selectors. After a long day, Finn, Connor and Wes were invited back to a training camp in Braunton on SPORT REPORT 8 Year 8 Rugby U.13 Netball Year 11 Rugby 29 September, with Cody being first reserve. The PE Department is very proud of the achievements of the four boys and hopes that the boys’ success will inspire the other year groups to follow in their footsteps. Mr Skelding Year 9 Rugby YEAR 11 Rugby 9 YEAR GROUP NEWS Sixth Form Non-uniform Day 12 October The grand total raised on this day was £687.66. This will be equally divided (£343.83) between Sixth Form funds and the Red, White and Blue Day charities which was run jointly by ABF The Soldiers' Charity, The RAF Benevolent Fund and The Royal Navy. Another £164 was raised for Jeans for Genes from a cake sale. Dr Bawn Year 11 Year 11 Mock Interviews Who knew this event would be such a success? All Year 11 students were invited to attend for interview. Local employers and College ed at an ‘Apprentice’ style ceremony in the afternoon. Turner, Stephanie Sparks, Harry Wright, Brittany Lakin. WINNERS: Katy Burnell, Jack O’Riordan, Auriel McShaw, Tiffany Jefford, Rosie Turner, Danielle Curley, Lucy PerryBaker, Jessica Hall, Harriet Wallis, Paul Stapleton, Megan Denning, Hazel Canniford, Luke Harbor, Rebecca Hooper, Connie Smith, Saphire Martin, Sam White, Olivia Stephenson, Matthew Hodge, George Hathaway, Chris Lynch, Jimmy Smith. Congratulations too, to the following students who produced outstanding work experience presentations which they delivered to local business people at the “Work Experience Celebration Breakfast” recently. The content and quality were particularly impressive along with the students’ presentation skills. Well done to: Cody Northcott, Work Experience Hazel Canniford, Zara Boots, Sam White, Joanne Davey, Connor Long, Auriel McShaw, Jordanna Broom and Jazmine Richards together with Cllr. Halse the Deputy Mayor (pictured above). In July 2012, Year 10 undertook their week of work experience. The whole year group attended placements, some within the Honiton community and some much further afield; two students were at placements in London, two in North Somerset and one girl attended and enjoyable week at Exmoor Zoo. Seventeen of our students undertook two placements each; also attending Royal Marines and Army courses, Devon and Cornwall Police and hospital placements. These placements were very sort after and some of the students had to interview for these placements. governors acted as the interviewers. Students were told to dress in ‘interview’ clothes and conduct themselves as if this were a real interview. The whole year group threw themselves wholeheartedly into the exercise. Students were grouped by ability and each group of students were competing for two ‘jobs’ and the winners were reward- The following students were nominated by their employers for outstanding work during their placements: Hollie Miller-Ratcliffe, Lucy Baker, Zoe Beanlands, Molly Meads, Grace Bucknall, Jordan RoeLavery, Andrew Olive, Laurisa Selway, Oliver Lee, Rebecca Hooper, Sampson Roberts, Kay McLachlan, Harriet Wallis, Courtenay Appleby, Jessica Hall, Rosie Mr Robson Year 10 Work Experience Now, preparations are underway for the present Year 10 to find a placement for their week of work experience which will be 22-26 July 2013. All of Year 10 parents should now have received a letter outlining the work experience programme for next summer. Students have already started working towards finding a placement and will have received advice and information to help them complete their application forms. All placements need to have a YEAR GROUP NEWS 10 health and safety check before students can attend and this is arranged through the Devon Education Business Partnership. Due to the length of time it takes for all placements to be checked the completed yellow application forms must be handed in to Mrs Andrews before the Christmas break. Students will not be allowed on placements without the completed paperwork and checks. Competition for work placements is always high, and as well as students from Honiton there are students from other Devon colleges and schools competing for places at the same time. We would, therefore, appreciate your help in encouraging your son or daughter to secure a placement as soon as possible. “What’s my line?” As part of the Year 10 Impact Day, students were invited to quiz a group of visiting professionals on their work and career paths. Included in the line up was a police officer working in the Criminal Justice Department, a Head of HR, a dispenser, a chartered accountant, the managing director of a web design company and a chartered surveyor. student had a hands-on tasters of the courses on offer. Duke of Edinburgh We started doing our DofE bronze award in October. There are four sections: physical, skills, volunteering and an expedition. So far, for our volunteering we have been helping out at the homework club every Thursday after school. At homework club, we support and help younger students and we have to do this for three months. For our physical we have both chosen to do it for six months. We have to attend a physical activity which is challenging and will help us improve in our chosen sport. I am doing basketball for Exeter Eagles women’s team and Dan is doing football for Honiton Town FC. For our skills which we both have to do for three months, we have to take up a new skill, learn more and improve on it. Every so often we have to upload evidence to our DofE profile, this can be in the form of pictures, writing and videos. Last of all, we are doing an expedition next year which will be for two days and one night. Dan Hole and Ameerah Askew Amateur finals in the 1.10m class. This was run over three days with a warm up class on the first day which James won then on the second day there as a warm up and heat 1 and James won of these. On the third day, there was another warm up and heat 2 and James also won both of these. James was presented with a Wales and West jacket, the gold medal, sash and really big 1st Rosette and also won £160. James’ other ponies also did really well coming home with a 1st, 2nd, two 4th, two 5th and another £100 between them. The next big competition for James is the Welsh HPI in July next year. Mr Williams Year 9 Blue pathway students Great Eight Grace Congratulations to our students who are following the Blue Pathway and who are out on work experience on Thursdays. The reports received from employers have, so far, been excellent. I have been riding quads since I was 4 years old I have been racing quads since I was 8. My dad started racing quad because he used to sell them and he got into the racing. Now all my family race. We all go as a big team with others that my dad sponsors. We race in the southwest and British Championships and also in Europe. Apprenticeship tasters In early November, a group of students visited Bicton College, to find out about the range of Apprenticeship-based courses that are on offer at Bicton, Petroc and Exeter College for post-16 students. Each Gold medal for James James McLachlan won the gold medal at the Wales and West Junior This year my little sister and I rode Great Eight which is an 8-hour endurance race which you race with a team mate. We were the 1st 11 YEAR GROUP NEWS placed ladies team. Grace Keitch Food Technology Two Year 9 groups have just completed their course in Food Technology and have been making food and photographing it for a magazine article. (Honiton) Squadron Air Training Corps? We are looking forward to seeing a group photo from the year 8s in their ‘Blues’. Younger students in Year 8 who were disappointed as they were not quite old enough to join are hoping to join in the next intake. Mr Phillips Year 7 I have been impressed with the cooking standard most students have shown, in particular the boys! Matthew Ayres made a delicious looking cake, Jacob Chugg-White cooked lamb shank and too many more to mention by name. Best in Show Jacob Chugg-White showed his calf in the Honiton Show and received 1st in Best Beef Calf. He also came 4th in the Young Handlers. He also took part in the Grand Parade. Well done Jacob! First bronze award James Craig has done really well, yet again, being the first one back with his Activity Passport, gaining his bronze badge for the last halfterm. Well done James! Miss Carnell Year 8 Air cadets How proud are Mr Phillips and Miss Fawcett of the students in Year 8 who have joined the Air Cadets after a presentation in assembly last half-term from 1064 Year 7 students have settled into College life seamlessly and, I am pleased to say, are gaining in confidence and seem to be enjoying their time with us. Lots of students have joined in with our wide variety of after College clubs and activities. At the time of writing, Year 7 has accrued over 1,500 praise points, congratulations to them for this achievement! Residential visit to Brixham We are all looking forward to our residential to Brixham, given the time of year, we just hope the weather will be kind to us! Just a reminder, the dates for the visits are: Monday 10 December and Tuesday 11 December (RCO and WCO), Wednesday 12 December and Thursday 13 December (VWR and KLA), and Monday 17 December and Tuesday 18 December (JMR). Lepra Fundraising We were delighted to welcome Barbara Tinsley into our assembly to introduce the charity, Lepra and raise its awareness with Year 7 students. We had a fundraising fortnight and the students raised an impressive £795 by selling cakes, washing cars, etc. Particular mention must go to Corbin Beckett (7RCO) who raised over £185 by doing a sponsored silence for a whole weekend! College Executive Team Congratulations to Max Neil and Faith Foster who were voted by the Year Group to represent them as our Year 7 CET representatives after some impressive speeches in assembly. This is a very important role and we know Faith and Max will carry it out responsibly. Zumba As a ‘thank you’ for raising the money for Lepra, we had a Zumba session in an extended assembly and Year 7 proved to be some pretty sharp movers! Mr Browne GOVERNOR INTERVIEW 12 Governor interviews Immediately when interviewing the new College Governor, Richmal Shorter, it was obvious why she had become a school governor: funny and passionate about helping the College, it’s clear she will be a valuable member of the board. Richmal works as a science technician in the College and is now part of the staff governors after she volunteered at the start of the year to be on the board. Having no previous experience in governing she went on a course and enjoyed it as well as the several meetings she’s been to since. Her term will be for four years and she hopes to be able to support the staff and students at Honiton College and help the body continually improve the College. great emphasis on how she is “proud to be a governor here” because of all the great things she hears about the students at Honiton. Mrs Smith also recently received royal approval after meeting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, she said Prince William was “very nice- which was great”. She met him after volunteering to help at the Olympics and the main press centre nominated her. There were 70,000 volunteers and as Mrs Smith had a background in marketing she worked at the main press centre and had to help 6,000 photographers and journalists! She said that the Olympics made her “proud to be British”. Overall it seems that Honiton College is in very safe and competent hands! Beth Norris and Zoe Warner-Harris Richmal mainly grew up locally and now that she has her own family she feels passionate about helping the College; especially with raising the profile of the Sixth Form and ensuring every student performs well. She says she is “passionate about young people’s opportunities, it’s not all about A*s, it’s about moulding young people and ‘success for all’!” Another governor we interviewed was Kate Smith. Kate used to work for the MET Office and when they moved to Devon she took up a place on our governing body. She told us a bit about how the governing body works, for example they oversee any major decisions such as when the College wanted to go to academy status and the board had to look at the pros and cons and decide. Mrs Smith also wants to support the drive to be Outstanding and the “spread of scientific ideas”, as we are a science status school. Mrs Smith says she enjoys being a governor because “there is a lot of variety” and as a member of the Financial Committee she has a responsibility to oversee how the College spends the money and ensuring that it’s spent in the best way. She also puts n tio p e c ble a l i va wa T no s t e ick f rom Re 13 PARENTMAIL and PAYPOINT Art This term Mr Dormand's Year 8 Art group has been working on Expressionist portraits. These acrylic paintings by Shay Crewe, Ellie England, Tirion Johns and Callum Abbott, clearly show some accomplished paint handling. Well done! Mr Dormand News from the Finance Office Parentmail2 Here at Honiton Community College we are improving our communications with parents and carers. As many of you are aware, we have adopted the use of Parentmail2 which will allow us to send home information via email or text message rather than via traditional paper letters which may only ever see the inside of a student’s bag. We are now on a final drive to sign up the last few parents in order that we can start to use the system during the next few weeks. If you have received a letter recently please register now. Registration is needed for each child although accounts can be linked together. This system will be invaluable in case of school closures or other emergencies to allow us to keep parents up to date. No one wants their child to be the only one to arrive at College to find we are closed due to snow! Ultimately we expect to use this system to send home information such as trip letters, newsletters and general updates. Please direct any queries to the Finance Office. Tutor winners Congratulations to the following tutor groups who were all rewarded with a non-uniform day on 23 November for being the winners in their year group: 7WCO, 8RWA, 9KHE, 10MTH and 11BWO. CHRISTMAS MENU Tuesday, 11 December Wednesday, 12 December Thursday, 13 December £3.00 Traditional roast turkey with all the trimmings, served with a choice of trifle or Christmas pudding. There will also be a vegetarian choice on each day (also available for students on free school meals). Paypoint Cards Paypoint cards are only valid for topping up your child’s dinner money account. If you are unable to make a payment for a trip online using Parentpay please contact the Finance Office for a barcoded letter. A different letter is required for each trip/item to be paid for. Mr Wills As it is now the winter term Innovate is providing soup every day (£1) or together with a roll (£1.25). From the week commencing 3 December there will be ‘Christmas Goodies’ on sale until the end of term. HCC TV 14 On Thursday, 15 November, the Mayor of Honiton came to visit our ICT Studio. This was in connection with the Year 7 version of HCCTV; but this was called HCC Blast! Over the past month, around twenty Year 7 students have been working on producing a show in groups of five or six. One group of girls, (including the Mayor’s daughter), decided he was the person they wanted to interview along with Diddy the Bear. What a Blast! The girls rehearsed it over and over again to make it perfect and on the day they took control of everything from operating the cameras to helping arrange the set. They did fantastically and have set a great example of what can be achieved as a team. I very much look forward to seeing what the girls can do as they improve their techniques over time. I would also like to say a massive thanks to Mrs Creed who has helped run HCC Blast and did some fantastic work with the girls. Mr Riggs Introducing our new Prefects . . . Ella Symonds Jaydn Summa-Neal Lucy Lear Katy Burnell Luke Harbor These students were selected from a field of eleven Year 11 students. They survived a rigorous application process to support students across the College and have specific areas of responsibility: Ella Symonds (Academic Mentoring) - “I am passionate about my learning and really wanted to inspire others to do the best they possibly can. By becoming a prefect I have the ability to do this”. Jaydn Summa-Neal (Wellbeing Mentoring) - “Hi, I'm Jaydn and I wanted to be a prefect, not because I am the perfect role model - believe me I have made mistakes, but because I feel I can help the younger children deal with problems that they may be facing”. Lucy Lear (Extra-Curricular Opportunities) - “I am very passionate about College work and achievements and the effects this has on later life when applying for jobs or college etc. I work closely with the students in order to ensure they reach their maximum potential and have good references and achievements to fill their CV's up with. If they have any suggestions on inter-tutor events or extra curricular activities please feel free to share these with me and I will do my best to help run them”. Katy Burnell (Praise and Reward Opportunities) - “I am enthusiastic about encouraging students to do well and to feel as though they have done well, this motivated to me to get involved with the praise and reward system”. Luke Harbor (Praise and Reward Opportunities) - “As one of the reward and praise prefects, I aim to improve and enhance the current status of the reward and praise system within the College”. 15 FUNDRAISING Children in Need raised £786 on 16 November 2012. Fundraising for 2011-2012 Students and staff have raised substantial amounts of money for charities: Macmillan Cancer Support Jeans for Genes Breast Cancer Care (Pink Tuesday) BBC Children in Need (2011) Children’s Hospice South West Sports Relief Exeter Leukaemia Fund RSPCA Cancer Research Wildcru (Kids 4 Cats) Total Year 7 raise money for LEPRA with Zumba! 10.00 125.14 613.91 797.13 330.58 1,888.73 71.75 41.36 50.41 1,059.01 £4,988.04 ENGLISH 16 In Year 8, we have written action-adventure stories, using a photo as our starting point. Erin Marshallsay chose this photo. Dr Kirby The Stranger on the Mountain I I travelled on the rock hard surface. Grit flicked up behind me, as I sprinted towards the sound. Faster now, my legs were just a blur, the sun letting out hot gas which beamed down on me. “STOP” a voice yelled. Was that Ella? I took a glance down. Ella sat trapped, squashed in a cramped hollow in the rock. She was gripping her leg, trembling and shivering. “I’m cold, Sophie,” Ella cried, still clutching leg. “I’ll get help,” I exclaimed, and scrambled back. stepped towards the life-threatening edge. The view was astonishing – just like a fairy tale. Suddenly exhaustion travelled through me. The vast moor spanned out to the horizon. It was all I could see apart from the drop. The blackbirds were trilling and chirping in the shrubbery below, the swallows darting and swooping across the clear blue sky. An arête was just in my sight, and a rock-face overhung with ivy. I breathed in appreciatively. My hand tingled, sending shivers through me. I had to help. My feet clashed on the ground, the sound sent from rock to rock. I gazed around at the other hikers, looking for Mum and Dad, but each and every person looked the same. My eyes watered and it was all a blur. Salty water trickled down my face. “Hey, Ella, isn’t it beautiful?”. It bounced off the cliffs towering around me. I turned, seeing thin air. Where was Ella? I screamed and yelled – “ELLA!”. The other hikers stared at me, but I ignored them. I scanned the area looking for her. But she was nowhere to be seen. It was a lady, hair tied back. I went tense. A soft chilly hand touched me. What was I to do? Erin Marshallsay, Year 8 I stepped back in horror. Whooh! The cliff crumbled – a part of the cliff tumbled down the rockface. My heart was thudding vigorously – I hope it wasn’t as loud as I thought! I could hear the faint sound of footsteps in the distance. Then a glimpse of pink jacket as it vanished down the pebbly rocks. Suddenly, I heard a scream echo into a silence. Now I felt panicky, my head rushing with thoughts. That was Ella! “Ella, I’m coming,” I bellowed out. A weak cry rang in my ear. “MUM!” I yelled in shock, “HELP!”. I could now focus on a figure coming towards me. 17 DEPARTMENT NEWS DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY MGB restoration update Progress on restoring our MG has been slow due to recent holidays and timing issues but we are now pleased to announce that starting on 8 November we will be holding monthly four-hour community workshop sessions every second Thursday of each month. If you or your parents are interested in old cars or can offer help with mechanical or bodywork repairs please come along anytime 3 to 7pm. to T14 on any second Thursday and I will be pleased to give you more information. Mr Erskine MUSIC Career in the Royal Marines On Thursday, 18 October, Colour Sergeant Neville Dudnam led an excellent interactive one-hour workshop for ten KS4 students considering following a career in music in the Royal Marines. The presentation was informative and interesting, focussing on the training that all marines do as well as the excellent opportunities to perform music of different kinds all over the world. All those who attended the workshop enjoyed what they saw and may well be thinking about it as a potential career. Mr Carter LEARNING SUPPORT Devon ability games On 17 October, eight students ranging from Year 7 to 11 accompanied Mr Lane, Mrs Price and Mrs Webb to the Devon Ability Games at the Tarka Tennis Centre in Barnstaple. The day started off with a short presentation featuring three of Team GB’s paraolympian medal winners. The group then embarked on the first of their three events, Table Cricket. The entire group worked well and thoroughly enjoyed the game which was developed by the English Cricket Board and used a converted table tennis table. Next we moved on to Boccia, a game in which involved underarm throwing adapted balls, aiming for targets and accumulating points. Finally our team participated in Frisbee Golf, a game in which each person had to throw Frisbee into cages. Congratulations to the group which completed all tasks and overcame all obstacles in their path, doing so with great zest and good teamwork, with the final obstacle being the fallen tree in our path on the way home about 5 miles outside Honiton. Connor Barrett, James Loader, Alistair Gibbings, James Stanbury, Jimmy Smith, Liz Blackmore and Leila Fawcett. A big thank you to Dean Patch for helping on the day. Mr Lane Students who took part: FOOD TECHNOLOGY Chutney making The College is holding a Christmas party for senior citizens. The students in Year 10 have been hard at work making chutney for the visitors to take home with them. Ingredients were donated by keen garden growers amongst the staff. Year 10 made the whole College smell lovely! Mrs Clegg BIOLOGY Pig dissection A piglet dissection was carried out in S24 by some of the students in Year 10 and 11 that have a keen passion for Veterinary Science. Mr Hudson instructed and aided them with the dissection. The piglet was kindly donated by Mr Wills after it was unfortunately crushed by its mother. All students that wanted to take part in the actual dissection had the opportunity to do so. Stu- DEPARTMENT NEWS 18 dents put on aprons and gloves and then followed the instructions from Mr Hudson. Some made incisions to peel back skin and muscles, where as others removed different organs. This allowed us to discuss the structure and function of different organs and systems. This was a thoroughly engaging session where students asked questions and obtained answers through kinaesthetic learning. It was a fantastic experience and very rewarding for all those students that took part in the activity. Mr Hudson Behaviour Policy as well as introducing key members of staff such as, ELT, Heads of Learning and Heads of Departments. We had fun making them and working together to find out all about the College. Olivia Baber and Imogen Lyne Visit to Barnfield Theatre “When we got there we were introduced to the manger. At first she told us about the history of the theatre and that there were big cogs under the floor that raised the chairs up and down. The theatre was built in 1890. When we finished talking about the history we went to the Green Room where the actors go to chill out or to rehearse their lines before they go on stage. Working as a team CREATIVE ARTS Remember, remember . . . Remember, Remember the Fifth of November was the plan this year for catering manger Sue Pym who wanted to give College diners a dining experience they wouldn't forget. Sue created a special Bonfire Night themed menu which included Monster Muffins, Toffee Apples and a Firey Chilli Con Carne. Creative Arts and Media Technician Denize Creed helped Sue with her ideas by creating a piece of spooky As a class, we came up with different solutions to the problem, made, tried and tested each other’s games which was fun. The winning teams were “Teacher Tack” informing students of the Ps and Cs system and teachers strictness based on Top Trumps. “Moving on” and “Jumping 4 Joy” based on the Olympic games. Each game explored the College’s Code of LEARNING SUPPORT The WASSP Sixth Formers all went to visit The Barnfield Theatre in Exeter on 5 November as part of their Performing Arts work. LIFE SKILLS Our learning objectives were to learn how to work as a team and to consider how we all learn in different ways and have different learning styles. To understand the importance of rules and to become creative thinkers. We were given the brief to design and make an entertaining board game to be aimed at Year 6 students moving up to Honiton in Year 7. living art; a headless Guy Fawkes who came to life at lunchtime with the kind help of six formers Lamara Blackmore and Lisa Campbell. Mrs Creed Afterwards she showed us where the actors go to get changed. They have speakers above the doors in the changing rooms so the person in the wings can let the actors know when it is their turn on stage, there is also a running list on the wall in the changing rooms so they know when they have to get ready. We were told what the superstitions are in the theatre and what you shouldn’t do on stage when you are performing”. Laura Enticott CONGRATULATIONS! Innovate, our College caterer, has been awarded an Education Excellence Award 2012 for Contract Caterer of the Year, sponsored by ParentPay. Wanting to maintain or improve your current fitness levels, or get into shape for Christmas? Why not come along to Honiton Community College's Monday evening Zumba Class with Johanna and party yourself into shape with this easy-to-follow, effective, Latin inspired dance fitness party! Everyone is welcome to come along and join in an hour of pure fun at ONLY £4 per class - FIRST CLASS FREE! The evening class is held in the Dining Hall to the left of Reception: 6pm - 7pm. Anyone wishing to attend the classes should wear something comfortable to exercise in, along with trainers. It is advisable to bring along a bottle of water and a towel. Dates 7 January 18 - 22 February 28 March 15 April 27 - 31 May 26 July First day of Spring Term Half-term Spring Term ends First day of Summer Term Half-term Summer term ends Any questions, please contact Johanna directly on 07739518587 or CHRISTMAS SWITCH OFF FORTNIGHT Carol Service Starting on 19 November was ‘switch off fortnight’. This means that when a classroom was not in use all extra lighting, projectors etc. were to be switched off. Tuesday, 18 December 7.00 pm at St Paul’s Church Some of the Science Club members went around the College snooping to see what was left on. They wore ‘green’ badges so that staff and students knew what they were up to. When they found something that was still switched on they left a sticker on it to remind staff to turn it off. They also kept marks for each department to see which was the most energy efficient and kept a log of this. At the end of the two weeks the students presented a certificate to the head of a department that was the most energy efficient. Mr Hudson ALL WELCOME Free admission, with a retiring collection for charity Book Amnesty Week, 7 - 11 January 2013 Currently, there are 200 student (and staff) overdue books from the Library. For this week only, there will be no charges, or letters home to parents, if books are returned. Mrs Tancock, Librarian
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March 2014 - Honiton Community College
PHOTOGRAPHY Nicole Stevens, Emma Salter; MUSIC Shaun Summers, Jack Mandrupson; FOOD TECHNOLOGY
Clare Lemon, Megan Denning; GRAPHICS Hollie Miller-Ratcliffe, Hollis Wills; TEXTILES Gemma O’Connor,