Cougar Chr nicles - Cornell Grade School
Cougar Chr nicles - Cornell Grade School
Cornell Grade School Cougar Chr nicles December 2012 Cornell Grade School is embracing the season of giving! The kindergarteners have been collecting school supplies, student council is supporting local families through the mitten tree, and student council is raising money to support students at our school. The kindergarteners have brought in school supplies and even donated some of their own along with donations from other teachers. All together the kindergarteners have brought in 150 school supplies for a school in Staten Island which was affected by Hurricane Sandy last month. The mitten tree is a tradition at Cornell Grade School, and this year it runs from Monday, December 3rd through Monday, December 17th. Please stop in and pick up a mitten, then return it with the items requested. All items collected will be donated to local families. Three upcoming events are raising money to support eighth graders Ivy Motl and Seth Melvin. Both are undergoing surgery, and PAWS (Student Council) members came up with these activities to help. Hat Day is Thursday, December 6. Hats must be school appropriate and worn facing forward. To participate you must pay $1. “Staching Through the Snow” Mustache Day is Thursday, December 13. Students can pay $1 to wear a mustache all day. All students are welcome to wear an ugly Christmas sweater on Friday, December 21, but students must pay $1 to participate in the contest. The winning class will earn a pizza party. In This Issue: Superintendent’s Message: page 2 PTO / Booster Club News: page 2 K-5 Highlights: page 3 6-8 Highlights: page 4-5 Sports & Activities: page 5 Entertainment: page 6 Activity Calendar: page 7 Menus: page 8 November 21, 2012 Dear Community Members, We are in need of your help! We are planning a school wide project and we are asking for your recyclable materials. Specifically, we are in need of: • Cleaned out plastic or cardboard milk and juice containers, either gallon or half-gallon size • Empty cardboard paper towel rolls • Cereal boxes—any size • Plastic bags • Old puzzle pieces • Old magazines with the address label removed We need these items by Friday, December 8, 2012. Thank you so much in advance! Cougar Chr nicles Page 2 Superintendent’s Message Its’ growing colder and the threat of snow looms in our 2012-13 school year. Please make sure that you are receiving school closing messages. I have sent out two messages in the past month on early dismissals from school. If you received these messages then you are in the system. If you have not received these messages, please let Cheryl know in the main office and she will add your phone number to receive these alerts. The flu has found its way into the school district. Please follow these few reminders: 1. Avoid close contact with people who are ill. 2. Stay home when you are sick. 3. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing. 4. Clean your hands and surfaces frequently. 5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. 6. Get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious food, and stay physically active. 7. Change clothes after school. cannot replace the valuable instruction time spent with our teachers. Dress appropriately for the weather conditions. It is the time of year where heavy coats, scarves, mittens/ gloves, and hats will be needed. Students will be permitted to come inside when the temperature drops below 40 degrees. Please do not drop your students off before 7:30 unless they are attending the Study Session or meeting with a teacher. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at the school 815-358-2216 or email me at tbean@ Have a wonderful and safe Christmas holiday! Please review the student Thank you for the continued handbook on attendance. We want you support of our school district. at school, except when you are ill. You PTC / Booster Club News PTC will be having a Gondola Dinner before the Christmas Program at 5pm on December 18th. Dinner price will be $5 for 1/3 of gondola, chips and a drink or 1/3 of gondola for $3. Cookies and drinks will be served following the Christmas program in the cafeteria. If anyone would like to donate cookies for this, please contact Nicole Gourley at 815-419-8134. We are still in need of volun- teers for the concession stand for all home games for volleyball and boys’ basketball this year. Please contact Nete Traugott-Olsen if you would be able to help volunteer at 815-867-2151. We would like for all parents of the players to work at least one game. We have our old popcorn machine for sale; we are asking $150 for it. Please contact Nicole Gourley at 815-419-8134 if you are interested in Contributors to this Month’s Edition Design Editors: E. Burkitt, C. Campbell, S. Melvin Primary Grade Editors: K. Barlow, C. Kreush Intermediate Grade Editors: T. Brown, A. Dodge, M. Egerstaffer Middle School Editors: A. Fletcher, B. Long Sports & Activities Editors: A. Dana, M. Melvin Entertainment Editors: S. Melvin, I. Motl Editorial Committe: S. Decker, M. Hagaman, T. Sullivan Published November 27, 2012 at Cornell Grade School Cornell Grade School / 300 N 7th Street / Cornell, IL 61319 the machine. The next PTC/Booster Club meeting will be held on Thursday, December 6th, 2012 at 6pm. Friend us on Facebook! Keep up-to-date on PTC activities, announcements and meeting minutes by visiting Cougar Chr nicles K-5 Highlights Page 3 Thanksgiving Play By: Katelyn Barlow, Cheyanne Kreush The first graders had a Thanksgiving play. The kids were very excited about making their costumes and their boat. This play contained music, Indians, and Pilgrims. First grader Joshua said sitting down and eating at the table was his favorite part while Shea said “I like the music best”. Brooklyn likes when the Indians show them how to plant corn. and Tristan shared ”I like when we act like we are tired.” Primary Grade Activities By: Katelyn Barlow, Cheyanne Kreush The kindergarteners have been quite busy this month. The kindergarteners are learning about the Pilgrims and Indians as well as their shapes. The kindergarteners made 3-D shapes and they are now reading out of books! Kindergartener Annalyse learned “Pilgrims eat with their fingers because they did not have forks.” In second grade this month they have been very busy. Something very exciting for the 2nd graders is they all have made honor roll for the first quarter which means they all had only A’s and B’s! Good job 2nd graders! They have been making turkeys, which are brightening Kindergarteners Annalyse, Blake, and Carter show off their costumes. Photo Credit: Katelyn Barlow. up the hallway. They have been learning about the first Thanksgiving as well as solids, liquids, and gases. One of their favorite parts of learning about solids, liquids, and gases is they made a gas by mixing a solid and a liquid. Second graders Kaylynne, Jacob, and Neve said, “We learned that water is a solid, liquid, and a gas.” Intermediate Grade Activities By: Timothy Brown, Alison Dodge, Mariah Egerstaffer getting eaten on Thanksgiving. In December the fourth In November the third graders had character graders won’t be 4th graders anymore. They will turn into education about morals and respect. In December they plan little elves as a Christmas event. to begin a Science unit about force and motion. They will The fifth graders just finished their unit on be making a rocket out of paper towel tubes and a 2 liter division and learned friendly numbers using partial quotient bottle. They will connect the bottle to the tube and step on methods. The fifth graders have less students because Lola the 2 liter bottle to see how far the tube goes. moved again and Nichole moved as well. The fifth grade In November the fourth graders learned about class shrunk to 5 outstanding students, but “Everyone onomatopoeias. Also, they did a “how to blow a bubble” misses them and we wish them the best!” says the class. project, which turned out great! Next, they did a disguising They are starting a unit on hurricanes and learning more a turkey project and wrote about how to save a turkey from and more every month. Warm fire. Art Credit: Tyler Fitzpatrick. Name Art. Art Credit: Destiny Bennett. Cut paper landscape. Art Credit: Toby Hansen. Secondary color boingos. Art Credit: Romiah Stiff. Cougar Chr nicles 6-8 Highlights Page 4 Class of Cornell 2013: Who Are They? Seth Melvin came to Cornell Grade School at the end of 2006, so he has spent the majority of his school years in Cornell. He has been a very active student at CGS, participating in chorus, band, basketball, track, speech team, PAWS (student council), and math team. Seth won a first place award at solo and ensemble contests for playing the drums. He also earned the Accelerated Reading trip to Mary Poppins and loved the show. Seth’s favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold and he eagerly awaits their new album. He is quite a reader and enjoyed the Harry Potter series immensely. If you hear the tap, tap, tap of fingers beating the rhythm on a desktop, you know Seth is near. Besides his “practice” at school, much of his spare time is spent practicing his beloved drums! Seth greatly admires James Owen Sullivan who is a great drummer. I can see future CGS newsletters mentioning Seth as the great drummer someone admires! There are many events and activities Seth is looking forward to, such as the possibility of having an 8th grade lock-in this spring! Seth is also planning to participate in golf, band, track , and basketball when he attends Flanagan-Cornell High School. He hopes to attend college to become an architect or an English teacher – and continue to play the drums. He also believes that he’d still like to live around this area. One of the things that Seth really likes at CGS are the Promethean Boards. His comment, “I need to get one of those in my room!” When Seth leaves CGS, he knows he will miss Mrs. Nussbaum and Mrs. Decker! All of us here will miss Seth, too. We wish him the best at FCHS and whatever else he chooses for his future. Our hallways will echo with memories of Seth’s beat! Cheyanne Kreush came to Cornell Grade School in 2nd grade and became an important part of the class immediately! Cheyanne has been part of the CGS Student Council and has helped plan and organize many terrific activities including fund raisers. She has also participated in volleyball and track at school as well as numerous plays outside of school. Cheyanne loves music, to sing and play her instrument; she is part of the choir and band here at Cornell. She hopes to be part of Flanagan-Cornell High School’s Student Council next year. Cheyanne has lots of favorites including the singing group One Direction, the book My Sister’s Keeper, purple, and zebra print! Her favorite trip was to Chicago to see the play Lion King which happens to be her favorite movie as well. She also liked our Titanic Enrichment Day because we watched the movie about the Titanic which made all the information from the day seem very real. Once Cheyanne has graduated from high school, she plans to go to Illinois State University in Normal and become a teacher. The teachers at CGS are one of reasons Cheyanne is planning to be a teacher; they have influenced her decisions and choices and from them she feels that it would be fun to teach. Good job, CGS teachers! Cheyanne will miss the terrific Accelerated Reading trips even though she worked hard to earn them. She is looking forward to the 8th grade field trip to Chicago in the Spring. We’ll miss Cheyanne’s willingness to participate and her beautiful singing next year but wish her the best at Flanagan! 3-inch squares. Art Credit: Hannah Dunahee. Meeting Constitutional Requirements By: Carrie Campbell Every year the 7th grade class has to pass the Constitution to go to 8th grade. Students are required by the state of Illinois to demonstrate knowledge of both the Illinois and United States Constitutions before they can be admitted into high school, and at Cornell Grade School U.S. History is covered during the seventh grade year. Mrs. Nussbaum teaches students about how our government was formed and how the government works, using the 225 year-old document as well as other resources. In addition to this year’s seventh graders, students who spent their seventh grade year at another school are learning the material as well. The eighth graders don’t seem too excited about this additional work: Katelyn Barlow says “It's OK”, Tim Brown says “It is not the most exciting thing in the world, but it is something you just have to learn,” and Alison Dodge says “I don’t really like learning it but it’s going to be better when it’s over.” Cougar Chr nicles Page 5 Middle School Activities By: Abbie Fletcher, Bailey Long In language arts the eighth grade watched a movie on the Holocaust. Students saw how the Nazi’s took the Jews and put them in concentration camps, starving them to death and throwing them in mass graves. It was a sad movie that was hard to write about, but Mrs. Decker said she was glad to hear what students learned and was glad she taught them about the Holocaust. In science eighth graders are starting the science fair. It will be an actual science fair so you can go all the way to state. You can win cash prizes or a scholarship. The seventh grade class is studying microbes (bacteria and viruses) in science. As part of that study, they went to the sewage plant in Pontiac and were surprised how big it was; they thought it would have be smaller. They said that it was interesting to see how the sewage plant worked and that the guide explained it very well. They also loved going to Joe’s Station House Pizza afterwards. The sixth grade is working on decimals and division in math. They have studied division for several years now, but it is important for them to understand. They will need to use these skills as seventh graders, as eighth graders, and in high school. Bear batik (close-up), Clay tablet tree, and paper mache dog. Art Credits: Michael Moranville, Dylan Swanberg, Carrie Campbell. Sports & Activities Lunch for a Cause Activity News By Amanda Dana, Morgan Melvin Get reading because 5th- 8th grade will be going to Potted Potter in Chicago on Wednesday, December 5th. In order to go you must reach your goal for AR points. You must need 9 out of 10 take-a-breaks. Get reading! Get those heels dancing because the Winter Ball is on December, 7th 2012 from 5-8pm. Fifth through eighth graders pay $5 if they are formally dressed and $7 if they are casually dressed. The Christmas parties will be on Friday the 21st . The Christmas parties will last from 1-2pm. Happy Holidays! Sports News By Amanda Dana, Morgan Melvin The volleyball season started on November 26th. They are practicing very hard to go all the way this year. Good luck, volleyball girls! The boys’ basketball first game in December is on December 3. They will be facing Braceville. It will start at 5pm and is a home game. By Amanda Dana, Morgan Melvin On December 2nd CGS will have Lunch for the Cause. Teachers and staff at CGS will be hosting a lunch fundraiser. It will be held in the Cornell Grade School gym from 11:00 am- 1:30pm. The lunch will be pork chops, baked beans, cole slaw, chips, drinks, and dessert. Adults pay $5 and students or seniors pay $3. We are raising money to purchase technology for our classrooms. Technology like iPads, computers, and interactive white boards will help our students be more engaged. It is important that we keep our students active and provide them with 21st century learning skills. The more active our students are, the more they will learn and remember! Cougar Chr nicles Entertainment Page 6 10 Ways to Annoy Reflection on the Holocaust 1. Specify that your drive-through order is “to go.” 2. Claim that you must always wear a bicycle helmet as part of your “astronaut training.” 3. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with Lysol. 4. Wear a special hip holster for your remote control. 5. Holler random numbers while someone is counting. 6. Invite lots of people to other people’s parties. 7. Learn, “Ice, Ice, Baby” by heart and recite it endlessly. 8. Never make eye contact. 9. Never break eye contact. 10. Make appointments for the 31st of September. Jokes By: Matthew Inman Did you hear about the fire at the circus? It was in tents. A magician was driving down the road...then he turned into a drive way. What’s invisible and smells like carrots? Rabbit farts. A neutron walks into a store and asks “how much for a soda?” The clerk says, “for you? no charge.” Why is there no gambling in Africa? Too many Cheetahs! Why was the sand wet? Because the sea weed! What do you call it when a dinosaur crashes his car? Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. A man drove his expensive car into a tree. He finally found out how the Mercedes bends. What did the worker at the rubber band factory say when he lost his job? OH SNAP! After studying World War II, reading The Boy in Striped Pajamas, and visiting the War Museum, the eighth graders watched a DVD of the British soldiers liberating the concentration camps at the end of the war. After writing about the terrifying sights they witnessed, they decided to share some of their writing. No matter what happens in their lives, the British soldiers will never forget those scenes of those people (Jews) who are now just a little piece of the earth. – Cheyanne You can see the horror the Jews endured through their expressions they left behind. – Carrie Starving bodies, trapped inside, little hope, is in their lives. – Alison Do you see scars, pain, that is too deep to heal? / Listen to me, son, The Holocaust was real. – Seth Today we might have wealth. / We’ll never know because I’m dead, / All because I was never fed. – Mariah If I was a British soldier, I would cry and have those pictures in my mind forever. – Amanda No letter or apology can take those memories away, No matter how much you try, They come back like it was yesterday. – Emily It was wrong to kill the Jews, starve them, and lead them to the gas chambers. – Morgan When I first heard about the Holocaust, I did not have a clue what it was about. Now I’m an 8th grader, and I know the man named Hitler was pure evil. – Katelyn Ivy Motl December Menu M Tu W Th F 3 4 5 6 7 Breakfast: Apple Breadstick Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Donut 2 Slices Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast 1/2 Orange Juice Milk Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Milk Lunch: Ravioli Lettuce Salad Cucumbers Breadstick Pineapple Milk Lunch: Shepherd's Pie Celery w/Peanut Butter Roll Applesauce Milk Lunch: Chicken Fajitas Lettuce/Cheese/To mato Mexican Rice Refried Beans Mixed Fruit Milk Lunch: Deli Turkey on Bun Tater Tots Corn on the Cob Pears Milk Lunch: Mini Corn Dogs Carrots & Cauliflower Ranch Dip Apple Milk 10 11 12 13 14 Breakfast: Egg & Cheese Biscuit Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Pop Tart Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: French Toast Applesauce Juice Milk Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Milk Lunch: Ham on Bun Baked Beans Warm Cinnamon Apples Milk Lunch: Fish Patty on Bun Broccoli & Celery Ranch Dip Mandarin Oranges Roll Milk Lunch: Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes Bread & Butter Pears Milk Lunch: Barbecue on Bun Cole Slaw Peaches Milk Lunch: Hot Dog on Bun Chips & Salsa Carrots Orange Milk 17 18 19 20 21 Breakfast: Lumberjack Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Cinnamon Roll Yogurt Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Mini Cheese Omelet Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Donut 2 Slices Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Milk Lunch: Beef Gravy Mashed Potatoes Cooked Carrots Deviled Egg Bread & Butter Peaches Milk Lunch: Turkey & Noodles Peas Mixed Fruit Bread & Peanut Butter Milk Lunch: Walking Taco Lettuce/Cheese/Tom ato Breadstick Refried Beans Pears Milk Lunch: Cheese Pizza Green Beans Mandarin Oranges Milk Lunch: Chicken Patty on Bun Lettuce Salad Cherry Tomatoes Pineapple Milk Cougar Chr nicles Page 10 Support classroom technology at Cornell Grade School! When: Time: Where: Cost: Sunday, December 2, 2012 11:00 a..m. - 1:30 p.m. Cornell Grade School Gym $5 Adults $3 Students / Seniors What’s for Lunch? - Fabe’s Famous Pork Chop Sandwiches - Baked Beans - Coffee - Coleslaw - Tea - Chips - Lemonade CORNELL GRADE SCHOOL 300 N 7TH ST CORNELL IL 61319-9282 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDDM RETAIL Local Postal Customer
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