
Annual Report 2008
Statement of Her Excellency Baroness Nicholson of
"I admire the swift progress that Asociatia Telefonul Copilului have made,
especially emphasised by the implementation of the European harmonised number 116
111, which is a highly important measure for the help and support of children in
As the increased number of children calling the helpline highlights, it is an
essential and developing resource for the children of Romania and one that will
considerably improve the ability of children to be heard.
I am therefore most pleased to see that Asociatia Telefonul Copilului, that I
have proudly chaired since its launch, have taken strong strides forward and I will
always encourage this wonderful team in its efforts for protecting child's rights in
Statement of Mrs. Cristina Liberis – President - “Asociaţia Telefonul Copilului”
Within 2008, through its actions, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului
succeeded to become known on the European level. Asociatia Telefonul Copilului
proved once more that everything is possible when it comes for the rights of the
child. The recognition of the steps taken by the organization is given by the license
for the implementation of the European harmonized number 116 111 in Romania,
offered to Asociatia Telefonul Copilului and Romtelecom. This is the natural
consequence of the long experience of Asociatia Telefonul Copilului, consisting of
establishment and maintenance of 0800 8 200 200 number, to which both children
and parents received counseling for different problems during the last 7 years.
The professional team of the organization will continue, through the number 116 111, to help
children who need care and protection, children affected by the abuses and also to provide
counseling for parents. In the field of humanitarian actions, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului is, and will
remain, a permanent and active presence in the domain of children’s rights protection in Romania. I
consider that Asociatia Telefonul Copilului deserve all our attention, also support for carrying out
further what it has started in the information area and for increasing responsibility of the citizens
concerning the child’s rights protection.”
About Asociatia Telefonul Copilului
Who are we?
Asociatia Telefonul Copilului offers the free of charge information and counseling service 116
111, specialized on child protection issues. 116 111 is the European harmonized number, according to
the European Commission’s decision, already implemented in 9 European countries. The Child
Helpline is a social responsibility initiative, developed due to the information and counseling needs of
both, children and parents, in view of knowing and respecting child rights in Romania. Having been
set up and being accessible with the support of Romtelecom, it is the only service of this kind in
Romania, providing professional counseling to children and parents.
Our purpose: Protection and promotion of the child rights
Our vision: All the children deserve to be happy
Our mission: Ensuring immediate support for children
ü November 2001 – the launch of “Linia Verde pentru Protectia Copilului” 0800 8 200 200, financed
and promoted through European PHARE programmes: “Casa de Copii nu e acasa”, “Drepturile copiilor
sunt lege”, “Si tu poti fi un parinte mai bun”.
ü January 2006 – the considerable number of calls and reported cases confirmed the social
importance of this service, which led to the permanent implementation of the special phone line,
managed by the nongovernmental, independent, non-profit organization “Asociatia Linia Verde pentru
Protectia Copilului”.
ü November 2007 – in order to make the name of the organization more accessible for children,
also in order to emphasize our organization’s main activity, the General Assembly of the Founding
Members decided for our organization to change the name into “Asociatia Telefonul Copilului”.
ü October 2008 – 0800 8 200 200 was replaced by 116 111, the European harmonized number for
children, free of charge in Romtelecom network.
About Asociatia Telefonul Copilului
116 111 is available to both children and adults, 7 days a week, from 8 o’clock in the
morning until 8 o’clock in the evening.
It provides the following services:
- information in order to promote and respect the child rights
- counselling in order to promote and respect the child rights
- referral to the institutions able to offer the adequate assistance to each case
- cases monitoring
- monitoring that child rights are respected in Romania
We work with professional staff specialized in child rights. In the counseling process, the
counselors use a legal database developed and permanently updated with new legal publications. The
Association benefits, as well, from legal assistance provided by a lawyer specialized on child
protection issues whenever necessary.
A total number of 1.460.613 phone calls have been registered by our Child Helpline during 22
november - 31 december 2008, among these we identified 17.692 cases which required the
immediate intervention of competent institutions. All the cases are registered in the database of the
Association both statistically and in details.
Whom do we target?
Children from Romania
Children – victims of abuse or persons who want to denounce any kind of child abuse
Young persons who are to leave placement centres
Parents from Romania
Professionals activating in the area of child protection
General public
About Asociatia Telefonul Copilului
Children who turn to the Child Helpline 116 111 may point out personal problems related to
their family, inadequate behaviour of their teachers or schoolmates or, in the most severe cases,
physical and sexual abuses. The calls registered from children are, usually, abuse cases.
The parents, instead, besides the possibility of pointing out cases of domestic violence, may
receive information related to legal forms of family support for families in need, the rights they have
as parents or future parents, responsible institutions they can turn to, or institutional alternatives.
The calls from parents are, usually, juridical couselling issues.
The other categories, who belong to the target group, turn to the Child Helpline to point out
cases of abuse towards children and also to inform themselves regarding the child rights legislation.
Types of problems reported to the Child Helpline
Despre Asociația Telefonul Copilului
General Assembly of the Founding Members
Within the General Assembly of the Founding Members,
which took place on April the 15th, there were exposed the
activities developed in 2007 and the action plan for 2008 was
Objectives, activities, results 2008
I. taking over the license for the implementation of the European harmonized
number 116 111
II. maintenance of the services’ quality
III. children’s participation in the organization’s activities
IV. increase of the number for the valid cases, implicitly for the beneficiaries
of the services provided by the child helpline
V. reducing the number of testing calls to the child helpline
VI. improving children and parents access to the services provided by the
child helpline through the promotion of the free phone number during constant
awareness campaigns
VII. fundraising for ensuring the sustainability of our organization
Objectives, activities, results 2008
I. Taking over the license for the implementation of the European harmonized
number 116 111
“The child helpline” movement at the European level determined the European Commission to
decide upon the existence of a unique number for child helplines.
Thus, in October 2007, 116 111 became the European harmonized for child helplines, following
the European Commission’s decision (2007/116/EC), modified by an annex to the decision (2007/698/
EC); according to it, through 116 111, children have the possibility to express their fears, to talk
about the issues that affect them directly and to contact someone in case of emergency.
In Romania, on the 29th of June 2008, Romtelecom in partnership with our organization
submitted the necessary documentation to the National Authority of Communication in order to
participate to the call in view of taking over the license.
Following the evaluation, on the 30th of July 2008, 116 111 was assigned by the National
Authority of Communication to Romtelecom in partnership with Asociatia Telefonul Copilului. It came
natural especially due to our long experience in partnership for the implementation and very good
management of 0800 8 200 200, a number dedicated to both children and parents, who received
counseling regarding different issues during the last 7 years.
116 111 became functional at national level on the 1st of October 2008. 116 111 replaces the
old number 0800 8 200 200 and continues to offer support to all children in need. The service is
noncomercial and is free of charge 7 days a week, not only for children and parents from Romania,
but also for tourists who visit our country and want to denounce any violation of child rights.
With Romtelecom’s support, the green line 0800 8 200
200 operates in parallel with the European harmonized
number for 12 months, in order to allow us the promotion for
116 111. Romania is the 3rd country in Europe, after Czech
Republic and Hungary, in which 116 111 became functional,
according to Child Helpline International (CHI), the
international organization that reunites all the child helplines
Objectives, activities, results 2008
from Europe. By the end of 2008, 116 111 was assigned also in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Finland,
Irland and Danemark.
By requesting and getting this service, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului and Romtelecom proved as
a permanent and active presence in the child rights protection field in Romania, making all the
efforts to offer a helping hand for all the children in need, in order for them to have a happy
One with the implementation of the European harmonized number 116 111, with Romtelecom’s
support, our organization was tailored with a new visual identity. Members of “SPUNE” Children's
Council had a significant contribution to the decision in this respect.
II. Maintenance of the services’ quality
The investment in the organization’s human resources is a permanent priority, therefore there
have been developed training courses for the consultants regarding juridical counseling and legislation
in force on child rights protection in Romania, and also with reference to the communication skills
towards beneficiares.
Also, with the support of Child Helpline International, our
organization and the Hungarian corresponding organization - Kek
Vonal, had the opportunity to share their experience during our
visit, from the 5th until the 9th of May 2008, in Budapest. The
twinning consisted of sessions regarding the implementation of the
European harmonized number 116 111, the child helplin’s data
bases, the types of registered calls, the website, the recruitment
strategy, trainings for personnel,
motivation of the staff and the
organization. We met the whole team, both the employees and the
volunteers. Also, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului was nominated for “Carol
Davila Awards” within the section dedicated to social campaigns and for
“2007 best annual reports” award, competition organised by the
Romanian Donors’ Forum.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
III. Children’s participation in the organization’s activities
Children’s participation in our organization’s activity was possible with the support of the
Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation and of the Children’s High Level Group Organization.
In the period 1 – 6 September 2008, the
participated at “Spune” Summer School, in “Stejarul”
Camp – Dambovita. The child helpline’s consultants
presented the new European harmonized service,
addressed to them and, with their support, other
children, collegues and friends were informed about it.
The children also contributed to the decision on the new
visual identity of our organization and the first promotion
campaign for 116 111, “Discover a better world for you”.
The decision was the result of the comments and votes
sent by the children folowing our proposals.
The reprezentatives of the National Council of Pupils developed promotional activities for 116
111, as well. The children were informed about the existence of this service and were offered the
promotional materials of our organization during the General Assembly of the National Council of
Pupils, which took place in Deva, on 11-13 of December 2008. After the event, the children led the
message further, among their collegues, in their education units.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
IV. Increase of the number for the valid cases, implicitely for the beneficiares of
the servicies provided by the child helpline
This objective is reflected in the statistics offered by our organization’s database, which
presents a significant increase of the valid registered cases compared to 2007, respectively 82%.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Objectives, activities, results 2008
V. Reducing the number of testing calls to the child helpline
In 2008, there was registered a major reduction of the testing calls, respectively 62%, which
represents a better understanding from the part of the target audience regarding the servicies they
could contact us for. Due to the communication campaigns developed by our organization, not only
the target audience, but also the general public realised how important it is that the child helpline
should not be used abusively.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Objectives, activities, results 2008
VI. Improving children and parents access to the services provided by the child
helpline through the promotion of the free phone number during constant
awareness campaigns
The promotional activities were developed especially for the visibility of 116 111, since
Romtelecom and our organization were assigned the European harmonized number.
December, the 1st
Discover a better world for you!
Asociaţia Telefonul Copilului and Romtelecom have launched the
awareness campaign „Discover a better world for you!", addressed mainly
to children. The campaign was developed exclusively with the financial
support of Romtelecom. Also, Romtelecom’s staff was directly involved in
the organization and implementation of the campaign.
The awareness campaign aimed at getting children familiar with
the European harmonized number 116 111, free of charge in
Romtelecom's network, they can call whenever in need of protection. The
campaign was also addressed to parents who were encouraged to report
cases of abuse towards children or any case of violation of children's
The firs part of the campaign was developed in schools from all over the country, in
Romtelecom’s stores, in Kaufland hypermarkets chain and with Euromedia support. Other components
of the campaign are to be developed during the first part of 2009.
In order to support the campaign's message, the metaphor of a full of color universe was
chosen, where every child can play, dream and explore without boundaries.
„Discover a better world for you!" is the second campaign developed at the national level for
the past two years together with Romtelecom, which has supported the Child Helpline since 2001.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
Other events where we promoted the free phone number and the services offered by our
May, the 17th – The International Day for the Child Helpline
Child helplines like to use modern and traditional communication tools to help children, from
all over the world, to access the information and resources they need. Child helplines are an
important mechanism to connect to children and enable the voice of each and every boy and girl to
be heard.
The focus of 17 May was on highlighting the work undertaken by Asociatia Telefonul copilului in
Romania and its child helpline partners all over the world.
Together with Child Helpine International, all the European organisations which are hosting
“child helpline” services sent a common message through both the promoting materials and the press
release under the slogan:
Together we are celebrating that no child is alone!
On this occasion, the children watched the play “Samanta Vrajita” (“The spell seed”) at the “Ion Creanga”
Theater in Bucharest.
ü June, the 5th – “The National Day against the violence towards children” – event organized
by Bucharest General Police Department (Prevention and Proximity Police Service of Bucharest) in the
“Town of Children”.
ü December, the 11th – Lisbon Treaty and a Europe closer to the citizens – The first dialogue
– Generation Europe – French Institute of Bucharest
ü November, 11th – 13th – “The priest and the contemporary pastorale challenges” –
Romanian Patriarchate
ü November, 21th – 23th - The National Conference for Modern Management in Education –
Sinaia. At this event there took part the management staff of the educational units and the
representatives of the Ministery of Education, Research and Innovation.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
ü October 16th to december 10th 2008 – Council of Europe – “Raise the hand against violence!” –
7500 copies of the Council of Europe publication “The abolition of the corporal punishment against
children – questions and answers” were the basic suport of the debates which were hold with
teachers, children and parents together with the promotional materials of the child helpline.
ü October, 27th – 29th – The National Conference of the Educational Management Inspectors from
the Schools Inspectorates – Oradea
ü September, 1st – 2nd – The National Conference of the Romanian Language and Literature
Inspectors - Constanta
Mass media played as well, a very important role in the promotion of the “child helpline”, as it
is shown in the monitoring report exposed in the chapter reserved to press exposure.
The Child Helpline was promoted also within other projects:
March 2008 - Project "Street Children Initiative"
In March 2008, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului in partnership with The National Authority for the
Protection of Child’s Rights (NAPCR) launched the Project “Street Children Initiative", aiming at the
prevention of the “street children” phenomenon and the identification of solutions for the homeless.
This project developed from March to September 2008.
The campaign’s slogan was: “Do not give money to children who beg, offer them protection!/ If
you want to help a child who begs, call 0800 8 200 200!”
The involvement of Asociatia Telefonul Copilului consisted of the identification of cases and
beneficiaries, through registering calls from the persons who knew about children in situations of risk
in the street, from the exploited children, who wanted to be helped. The registered cases were sent
in emergency to the General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection. Their intervention
teams made investigations, offered counselling to the families or, in the most severe cases of abuse,
they took a measure of protection for the child.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
ü March – June 2008 - The awareness campaign regarding the “child helpline” service and
educational activities in schools
The aim of this initiative was to inform children about the existence of the service which is
dedicated to them, to help them to communicate better and to be more sympathetic to each other.
The children met the Child Helpline’s consultants, became friends and received Child Helpline
promotion materials. The children also participated to educational activities, organized by our
consultants, in which they learned that violence was not a solution to their problems and realized
what to be discriminated meant. At the end of each meeting, the children found themselves the
conclusion of the themes developed in the games.
Children from School no. 171 ”Petre Ispirescu” participated also to a competition launched by
Child Helpline International through Asociatia Telefonul Copilului and they created draws with the
theme “ What makes me happy?”
Also, at the School no. 171 “Petre Ispirescu” there were organized awareness sessions about the
Child Helpline within the teachers and meetings with parents.
VII. Fundraising for ensuring the sustainability of our organization
In order to acomplish this objective there were organized fundraising activities, mainly
targeting the private sector in order to get financial and in kind support.
Romtelecom has continued to support our activities, having been constantly with us ever since
the foundation of the helpline in 2001. Romtelecom’s contribution does not cover only the phone
calls’ traffic costs, but also part of the financial resources needed for the development of our activity
and the call center is hosted by Romtelecom, as well. Romtelecom is very much involved also in the
awareness campaigns organized for the promotion of the child helpline, offering both financial and
logistic support, also visibility on the company’s own products like the pre paid calling card and
Children’s High Level Group, the organization chaired by the Baroness Nicholson of
Winterbourne, has been devoted to our mission since the launch of our organization and supported
our activity as well, in 2008, helping our objectives to be fulfilled.
Objectives, activities, results 2008
In 2008, Aem Timisoara continued to donate to our organization the necessary funds in order to
ensure part of our administrative costs, thus contributing to the sustainability of our organization.
In December 2008, Cosmote organized a fundraising campaign in the benefit of Asociatia
Telefonul Copilului, as well. The objective of this campaign was raising money from the SMSs sent by
COSMOTE’s users on the New Year’s Day and redirected part of the total revenues to programs
developed by our organization. The name of our organization was mentioned in the tv spot aired for
awareness during December 2008.
A big thank goes also to the people who chose to redirect 2% of their annual income, following
our promotion campaign.
X3 studios’ pro bono initiative was highly appreciated, coming as a “must” for the development
of a new image of our website. In October, once with the launch of the European harmonized number
116 111, X3 studios started to create, through their “1000 Project” CSR, a new design for, following the evaluation of our application. Our website will be launched in a
new graphic presentation and with a new content in January 2009.
Closer to children
Support for the development of Afterschool activities in School no 171
"Petre Ispirescu"
Close to the Easter Holidays, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului donated to School
no 171 "Petre Ispirescu” the necessary materials for the “afterschool” activities:
stories and drawing books, encyclopaedias, puzzle games, other educative games,
sets of colored pens. All the children in school who accessed the afterschool
services or the library could benefit from it.
"A sweet smile for children"
Starting June, our organization offered sweets and toys to a number of 769 children, living both
in families and placement centres. The donation was possible due to Mega Image Supermarkets chain,
which ensure the goods. Children who enjoyed the toys and the sweets came from: Domniţa Bălaşa
Placement Center, Sf. Ana Placement Center, Sf. Maria Placement Center, Sf. Andrei Placement
Center, Pandora Daycare Center, Schools No. 171, 172, 141, 142, 156, Petru Maior High School, Marin
Preda High School, "Regina Maria" Kindergarten No 145, Kindergarten No 283, Draganeasca School
(Giurgiu), children from monoparental families.
Child Helpline International
Child Helpline International is an international organization gathering all the child helplines
from all over the world. CHI activates in over 160 coutries and offers support for all the children who
needs protection. Asociatia Telefonul Copilului has become a full member of CHI since 2006.
Child Helpline International
Fourth International Consultation of Child Helplines under the patronage of Her Majesty
Queen Rania Al Abdullah and hosted by The Jordan River Foundation 16 -19 November 2008,
Amman, Jordan
Agenda of the consultation:
identifying ways of implementation for the harmonized European number 116 111 / the
implementation stage in each European participant country
116 111 – global number for child helplines
new ways of communication, support, monitoring and evaluation of child helpline service
confidentiality vs disclosure of the callers identity
child traffiking – a global problem
children participation in the child helpline’s activities
motivation methods for volunteers
testing calls
safe internet for children
During the regional session dedicated to the European child helplines, the main subject of the
discussion was the harmonized European number 116 111. Each participant country specified the
achievements and obstacles in implementing the European Commission’s Decision. As a result of the
consultations between the participant member organizations, CHI will make recommendations to the
European Commission regarding the support for the implementation of 116 111.
Mass media coverage
Publications and internet
During 2008, the activity of our organization was promoted within 92 mass media channels (57
press articles were published and 35 appearances within tv and radio news / shows):
Gândul - 2008 10 18
9AM - 2008 10 17
Ziua OnLine - 2008 10 16
Gardianul - 2008 10 16
Azi - 2008 10 09
Hunedoara online - 2008 10 08
Stiri Locale Maramureș - 2008
10 06
Presa online - 2008 10 06
Curierul de Vâlcea - 2008 10 04
Servus Hunedoara - 2008 10 03
Hunedoreanul - 2008 10 03
Gazeta de Transilvania - 2008
10 03
Gazeta Văii Jiului - 2008 10 03
Curierul zilei - 2008 10 03
Antena3 - 2008 10 03
Telegraf - 2008 10 02
StiriROL - 2008 10 02
România liberă în viitor - 2008
10 02
România Liberă - 2008 10 02
Realitatea - 2008 10 02
News today - 2008 10 02
Net ziare - 2008 10 02
Monitorul de Cluj - 2008 10 02
Kappa - 2008 10 02
Curentul - 2008 10 02
Consumator online - 2008 10
Azi - 2008 10 02
Adevărul de Vaslui - 2008 10 02
Realitatea românească - 2008
10 01
Europa FM - 2008 10 01
Euractiv - 2008 10 01
Einformații - 2008 10 01
AMOS News - 2008 10 01
Time out - 2008 09 25
Șansa Buzoiană - 2008 09 04
Child abuse and neglect
in eastern Europe - 2008 08 26
Obiectiv - 2008 08 08
Curierul de Vălcea - 2008 08
Gazeta de Sud - 2008 08 05
Telegraf - 2008 07 31
Smart FM - 2008 07 31
Obiectiv - 2008 07 31
Monitorul Expres - 2008 07 31
Jurnalul Național - 2008 07 31
Evenimentul de Botoșani 2008 07 31
Evenimentul Regional
al Moldovei - 2008 07 31
Euractiv - 2008 07 31
Cancan - 2008 07 31
Adevărul de Vaslui - 2008 07
TVR1 - 2008 07 30
Observatorul de Călărași 2008 07 30
Adevărul - 2008 07 30
Euractiv - 2008 07 14
Responsabilitate Socială- 2008
06 24
Evenimentul Zilei - 2008 05 18
Gândul - 2008 05 17
Gândul - 2008 03 12
Mass media coverage
TV & Radio
During 2008, the Child Helpline was promoted on the crawl of tv channels, within radio and tv
news, also on the national tv station teletext.
Financial report
Annual budget in 2008
Total income: 426.287 ron
Total expenses: 425.602 ron
The result of the financial exercise: 685 ron
Auditor’s report
Sponsors and Parteners
Sponsors and Parteners
Contact details of the Asociatia Telefonul Copilului: