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Annual Report
2009 – 2010
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre
Co-funded by EU Safer
Internet Programme
Table of Contents
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre
Latvian Internet Association
The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre’s tasks and objectives
Safer Internet Programme
Communication with target groups
Safer Internet Centre in Media
Educational work
Informative and Educational Materials
Surveys and Researches
Activities at European level
Safer Internet Forum 22
Summer Camp on Internet Safety in Romania 23
Work of Hotline
Work of Helpline
Centre’s Planned Activities 2011 – 2012
Awareness Raising Work
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre is currently the only
body in Latvia engaged in public awareness rising about internet safety issues and child safety online. The only body
ensuring society the possibility to report illegal content on
the internet to hotline via web site
and helpline via telephone 80006008 or international number 116111.
The work of Safer Internet Centre was started in September 2006. Over the years the Centre
has gained a certain reputation in society – both – government institutions and Internet industry representatives have found that the work of Centre is valuable, necessary and reliable.
Until September 2009 the project was coordinated by Governmental institutions - initially the
Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs, later the State Regional Development Agency, but since September 2009 the leading coordination of the work of the Centre
has taken over by the Latvian Internet Association.
Safer Internet Centre consortium consists of two partners – Latvian Internet Association, which
is responsible for public awareness rising activities and hotline; and the State Inspectorate for
Protection of Children’s Rights (the Inspectorate), which is responsible for helpline.
Centre’s activities are strongly supported by stakeholders from government institutions, NGOs
and the internet industry. In March 2010 the Centre signed a cooperation agreement with the
State Police on the processing the reports on illegal content. This agreement shows the support of the State Police to the Centre in the fight against illegal and harmful content online.
Safer Internet Centre’s objectives and goals comply with the goals set out by the European
Community’s Safer Internet Programme – to educate, inform and raise awareness in society
about the safer use of internet and provide an opportunity to report breaches on the Internet
to hotline and helpline. In addition to these goals Net-Safe Latvia has set a goal to serve the
society as a leading expert regarding internet safety issues and ensure the excellent quality of
all services provided to the society.
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre’s key figures:
77 seminars, training sessions and conferences were organized:
1548 children and youngsters were educated and informed
1054 teachers/ social workers/ librarians and parents were educated and informed
36 librarians and teachers were trained, which have provided further training and information
to 542 children/youngsters/ teachers/ educators/ librarians
1220 electronic reports received and processed by hotline
599 calls received and processed by helpline concerning online cases
Year 2010 website had 349 888 visits; 105 318 unique visitors
Latvian Internet Association
Latvian Internet Association (LIA) was founded July 2000. LIA
is a public organization that represents Latvian Internet Service
providers (ISP) and other domestic and foreign enterprises dealing with different Internet services. LIA is a public organization
that unites Latvian enterprises working in Internet sphere and in
development of Latvian Internet environment.
LIA objective is to develop, secure and popularise widely accessible Internet environment in
Latvia. The main tasks are.: to represent LIA members, develop Internet related legal provisions,
express opinion about Internet related social and legal issues, collaborate with non/governmental organisations and focus on development of national broadband. LIA is the leading
Project consortium partner responsible for awareness rising, hotline and industry co-operation
The Inspectorate was founded in 2005 to monitor and control the environment in Latvia concerning the children right protection and accommodation of the Protection of the Rights of the Child Law. As a Project
consortium partner the Inspectorate is responsible for helpline activities.
The Children Helpline (CH) originally was established on February 1, 2006
with the aim to give a psychological help to children and teenagers who
are in difficult situations. This goal – to hear out children and teenagers,
learning them to speak about themselves and trust others – is still the
most important work of the CH. However, since January 2009 CH is processing also the reports
concerning illegal internet content.
The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre’s tasks and
December 2008, an agreement was signed with the European Commission on co-financing
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre’s activities for a period of two years: from January 1st, 2009
until December 31st, 2010. Net-Safe Latvia is a continuation of the previous projects Net-Safe
(started in 2006) and Hotline Latvia (started in 2007).
Centre’s work is aimed at informing and educating children, adolescents, teachers and parents
on the safety of Internet content, i.e. the potential online threats (incitement to hatred, racism, child sexual exploitation images and paedophilia, cyber bullying, identity theft and data
abuse). Centre ensures the possibility for society to report illegal internet content at the website electronically. The reports are processed and, if necessary, sent for examination to the Cybercrime Prevention Department of the State Police. The project activities
also include the Helpline 116111 (80006008) of the State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights.
There are 3 main activities carried out by the Centre:
✓✓ Awareness work – aimed towards 3 main target audiences: children/youngsters; parents/
caretakers; teachers/educators;
✓✓ Hotline – for reporting illegal internet content;
✓✓ Helpline – to report illegal content and receive a professional psychological consultation.
Safer Internet Programme
Young people and children are today amongst the biggest user groups of online and mobile
technologies in Europe. The Safer Internet Programme aims at empowering and protecting
children and young people online by awareness raising initiatives and by fighting illegal and
harmful online content and conduct. It was set up in 1999 and has evolved over the years, taking into account the latest technological developments and their impact on young people’s
lives. The Safer Internet Programme launches calls for proposals to select and finance projects
aimed at creating a safer online environment for young people. It also supports two annual
events, Safer Internet Day and Safer Internet Forum.
The Safer Internet Centres, present in 30 European countries, develop information/awareness
raising material and organize information sessions for children, parents and teachers. They also
receive reports on illegal content found on the Internet and give advice on how to stay safe
online. The Centres have also set up youth panels that are consulted on safer Internet issues
and information materials.
Insafe Network
Insafe promotes positive, ethical use of online information and communication technologies.
The network calls for shared responsibility for the protection of the rights and needs of citizens,
in particular children and youths, by government, educators, parents, media, industry and all
other relevant actors.
Insafe partners work closely together to share best practice, information and resources. The
network will interact with industry, schools and families with the aim of empowering people to
bridge the digital divide between home and school and between generations.
INHOPE Association
INHOPE, the International Association of Internet Hotlines was
founded in 1999 under the European Commission’s Safer Internet Action Plan to combat the growing concern of illegal content. INHOPE represents and co-ordinates a global network of
Internet Hotlines, supporting them in their fight against illegal
content to make the Internet safer.
Illegal activity on the Internet is a cross border problem that no organisation can effectively
tackle alone. INHOPE is expanding and every year new organizations from countries all over the
world join the association. As for December 2010 INHOPE association has 38 members from 33
countries – Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
Insafe is a European network of Awareness Centres promoting safe, responsible use of the Internet and mobile devices to
young people. The mission of the Insafe cooperation network is
to empower citizens to use the Internet, as well as other information and communication technologies, safely and effectively.
Communication with target groups
Advisory Board
To ensure qualitative and good work of Centre as well as add value of different society partners
to the activities carried out by Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre an Advisory Board has been
set up.
The aim of the Advisory Board is to act as a communication channel between the Centre and
relevant stakeholders within the field of children and young people’s use of the internet and new
technologies, also within the field of education, involving representatives from educational institutions. It also ensures networking, exchange of best practices and knowledge between relevant
parties. Occasionally to Advisory board meetings different experts and stakeholders can be invited depending on specific activities and targets.
For the implementation period January 2009 – December 2010 the following institutions are represented in Advisory Board apart from the consortium partners – Latvian Internet association and
the Inspectorate:
✓✓ The State Police
✓✓ The State Educational Centre
✓✓ Youth Organization „Tellus”
✓✓ Talsu Crisis Centre for Children and Women
✓✓ Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy
✓✓ The Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government
Youth Panel – J@P
Net-Safe Latvia Youth Panel was set up in May 2009 and consists of 12 young people, aged 11 -17. Members of the Youth
Panel represent different regions of Latvia. They share their experiences and thoughts with the Centre and help coordinators
make decisions about internet safety issues that affect children
and young people. The Youth Panel has an important role in
development of educative materials, organizing social campaigns and other Centre’s activities
oriented towards children and youth audience.
Tasks of the Youth Panel:
✓✓ Provide project with information about their online activities and use of modern technologies,
share information about positive and negative experience of modern technology usage;
✓✓ Evaluate existing project materials that are provided for children and youth and give advice
on what kind of materials are more relevant for them and how the existing materials could
be improved;
✓✓ Provide ideas of, how to increase awareness of internet safety issues;
✓✓ Involve their peers in internet safety activities.
Teacher’s Panel
Centre’s Teacher’s Panel was developed with an aim to help Centre in reaching teacher’s and
educator’s audience in a more targeted and qualitative way. Teacher’s Panel helps to indicate
the areas where additional information is needed for teachers, what kind of materials are needed for education of students. There are 10 teachers and other representatives of educational
sector in the Teacher’s Panel. Meetings of the Teacher’s Panel are irregular and are organized
on request by Centre’s representatives when necessary, however online discussions on current
topics are organized as well. Teacher’s Panel consulted the Centre in developing the Guide for
Teachers on Internet Safety.
Web page is intended as a resource
database and a point of contact for internet and
modern technology safety, where everyone can
find useful and valuable information no matter if it is a child searching some information on
internet safety, a teacher planning a lesson on internet safety or a concerned parent, who wants
to find information on how to protect their children online.
Hotline reporting form to report illegal content is accessible in the web page along with information on helpline 116111.
Number of visits and visitors of website
To ensure that younger audiences are regular visitors of the web page there is a developed
possibility to participate in a „Micro quiz” – give answers to 5 multiple choice questions on different internet safety related topics every month, new set of questions is released and best participants have possibility to win small prizes from Safer Internet Centre or its supporters. Every
month 100 – 200 children and youngsters participate in this „Micro quiz”.
Year 2010 website had 349 888 visits; 105 318 unique visitors, on average - 8000 visitors per month.
Year 2009 came with changes for the web page Web page has now two
designs – one for the general public – other for
children and youngsters. Web page is available
in 3 languages – Latvian, and shorter versions in
Russian and English.
Awareness Raising Work
Safer Internet Day
On the second Tuesday of February every year Latvian Safer Internet Centre joins
the international celebration of the Safer Internet Day. This celebration is organised to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile
phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Each
year is dedicated to a specific internet safety related topic.
10th February 2009 “Stop Bullying Online!”
To celebrate the Safer Internet Day Latvia along with other countries organized social campaigns
and events dedicated to the topic of bullying and emotional harassment online. Public event in
the centre of Riga in the shopping centre “Galerija Centrs” was organized to raise the awareness in
society of cyber bullying problem.
The event was hosted by a popular actor and MTV Latvia VJ. Local celebrities participated and
shared their experience and thoughts of cyber bullying. Different contests were organised with
support of several industry representatives, Microsoft Latvia, Telia Latvia, IBM, Lattelecom and
Pro Technologies. One of the members of Latvian Internet Association - Lattelecom ensured live
broadcast of the event in their news portal During the SID celebration several interviews
were given to different TV broadcasts and online media.
Banners and clips of the campaign were published in different portals online. Broadcasting of the
SID 2009 TV spot “Stop bullying online!” was carried out for two weeks in 7 TV stations LTV, LNT,
TV3, TV6, MTV, LZK, LMK. The TV spot was transmitted 684 times.
9th February 2010 “Think Before You Post!”
Safer Internet Centre in Latvia along with 78 organizations from 60 countries worldwide celebrated the Safer Internet Day and organized social campaign “Think Before You Post!”
On 9th February in cooperation with Microsoft Latvia a public discussion was organized to
bring together youngsters, managers of biggest social networking sites, psychologists, representatives from governmental institutions and other experts to discuss how to make social networking sites safer for children. During this discussion such topics as development and future
of internet, ones privacy online and problems that might occur if person is posting information
online recklessly were discussed. The main conclusion of the discussion was that people and
especially children and youngsters behave differently in real life and online – online environment seems more anonymous and that is the reason children are willing to disclose more
personal information. Every participant of discussion acknowledged that this is a serious topic
and more attention should be paid to it.
A special material was developed and distributed in schools on privacy and posting information online. Teachers were encouraged to use this material in discussions with children on information posting online.
In the beginning of year 2010 children and youngsters were asked to vote on Internet celebrities in Latvia of the Year 2009. Different categories were created and the winners were announced on Safer Internet Day:
✓✓ Virtual Music Star – singer Aisha
✓✓ Virtual Fashion Star – TV host Maija Silova
✓✓ Most Popular Politician – Ingmārs Līdaka
✓✓ Technology Guru – Reinis Zitmanis
Microsoft Latvia, Radio Star FM, Domina Shopping and portal gave the prizes to the
winners of the categories.
E-skills week 2nd March – 5th March 2010
Safer Internet Centre supported the
initiative of E-skills week, where every
inhabitant of Latvia had a possibility to
participate because the central event took place in Riga and was broadcasted online. Every
person interested in the E-skills conference could view the presentations made by participating companies and non/governmental organizations and join the discussions online. Centre in
the scope of this event made an informative presentation on possible threats online as well as
reminded that everyone should be cautious when posting information online.
Coordinators of E-skills week are The Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government
and The Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association, the initiative was
supported by several governmental institutions, NGOs, private sector enterprises, schools, universities and libraries. In total more than 18 000 people participated in the E-skills initiative.
Social Campaign „Be responsible! Report illegal content!”
In co operation with the State Police in October 2010
Centre launched a campaign on reporting illegal online
content to Centre’s hotline. Campaign was strongly supported by major ISP’s of LIA members who distributed
information to their clients about the campaign and possibility to report illegal content. It was also supported by
some of the most popular Latvian portals as well as governmental institutions and local municipalities.
As an opening event of the campaign was a conference
for social workers, social pedagogues and school psychologists “Child Sexual Abuse Online and Offline”. In total 126 specialists from all Latvian regions participated in
the conference and acknowledged its value and necessity. This was the first conference organized in the history
of Latvia dedicated to the topic of sexual abuse of children, touching upon topics as – links
between online and offline child sexual abuse, signs and consequences of sexual abuse, information on the current situation in Latvia in the rehabilitation possibilities for children and the
probation process of the sex offenders as well as information on where to report online and
offline child sexual abuse.
Throughout the campaign the web site was promoted as well as helpline
Safer Internet and Friendly School
Safer Internet and Friendly Home
In the beginning of Year 2010 the Inspectorate launched „Friendly School” and „Friendly Home”
initiatives dedicated to developing safer and friendlier environment in schools and children’s
homes – with no violence, mutual tolerance and cooperation between adults and children as
well as to gain that children are more involved and interested in developing nice environment
in their schools or homes.
At the end of Year 2010 two conferences – “Safer Internet and Friendly School” and “Safer Internet and Friendly Home” were organised to bring together representatives from each institution involved to discuss how these movements could develop and inform on internet safety
issues which should be raised in schools and homes. 570 representatives from 141 schools
from “Friendly School” initiative met on 22nd October in Riga and 80 representatives from 21
children’s homes from “Friendly Home” initiative met on 16th December in Lilaste.
Safer Internet Centre in Media
Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre representatives as internet safety experts regularly give
media interviews and comments to different TV and radio broadcasts and news programmes
on current internet safety topics. Some of the topics where comments have been given over
the years 2009 – 2010:
✓✓ cyberbullying and emotional harassment online,
✓✓ child sexual exploitation material accessibility and circulation online,
✓✓ publication of personal data and pictures,
✓✓ internet content filters,
✓✓ psychological aspects of dangers that children face online,
✓✓ responsibility of parents and teachers in the process of informing about internet safety,
✓✓ social networking sites and publication of one’s private information,
✓✓ financial fraud cases and trusting strangers online, etc.
During this period Centre’s representatives have participated in 21 TV and 6 radio broadcasts. 2
interviews and comments to newspapers have been given and 4 informative article series have
been prepared by Centre’s representatives and published in several online media. Information
on Centre’s activities and events organized has been published more than 200 times in different local, regional and national media online and offline.
Social Media
The role of social media is rapidly increasing in every person’s everyday life, especially amongst
youngsters and children. To gain the attention and communicate with target audiences it is
no longer enough to have just a web site so during the Year 2010 Centre’s profiles have been
developed in several popular social media:
Safer Internet Centre regularly organises different creative competitions for children and
youngsters as well as for families, schools and libraries. Centre considers these competitions
as a great way to attract attention and increase interest in internet safety in a fun, creative and
interesting way.
Wallpaper competition for families „Wallpaper for my computer!”
In September a wallpaper competition was announced. Families with children were invited to
design original and unique background images for home computer desktop and write a short
description on how they deal with internet safety issues in their families – have they set up any
Internet safety rules in family, do they debate potential online threats, how are they helping
each other and etc. Centre received more than 50 nice and beautiful wallpapers and best of
them are available on the web site
Creative advertising competition „The Other Hollywood”
Competition for libraries „Creative Event on Internet Safety in My
During the competition from 5th January to 23rd April libraries in Latvia were invited to organize creative events on internet safety for any visitor of the library. In total 64 libraries participated in this competition and organized 167 creative events and in total 4657 people – children,
youngsters, teachers, parents, pensioners, other librarians and library employers were involved
in events organised.
In the scope of competition different discussions, training sessions, seminars, quizzes, researches, games, plays, exhibitions and meetings with experts were organised and different educational materials were developed on internet safety topics.
All the participants of the contest joined together in awarding ceremony to receive prizes, exchange experience and ideas for future activities.
Entertaining programme was prepared with musical performance by Latvian band Putnu Balle
along with humorous stand–up comedy by Latvian actor Jānis Skutelis. All participants received a certificate for participation in competition. The grand prize – video camera was given to
In November 2009 Net-Safe Latvia took part in
Junior Achievement Latvia annual advertising
competition “The Other Hollywood”. Contest
consists of several advertising tasks proposed
by the local enterprises operating in different
fields and seeking new ideas for advertising
their products and services. Net-Safe Latvia in
co-operation with Microsoft Latvia set an advertising task in which children of school age were
invited to develop advertising poster for the social campaign “Think Before You Post!”. The most decent poster idea was mass-produced and
distributed to libraries and schools in Latvia for placing them on bulletin boards during February
2010, Safer Internet month.
Alūksnes City Library. Microsoft Latvia, Telia Latvija and Latvian Librarian Association gave their
supporting prizes to their sympathies. Each library received an acknowledgment of participation.
This competition was considered valuable both by the Centre and the libraries participating so
the cooperation will be sustained and developed in future.
T-shirt design competition
In cooperation with online T-shirt design Studio MY STUFF a T-shirt design competition “Think
Before You Post!” was launched during May 2010. Creative people were invited to make a design for T-shirt expressing their idea of people posting personal information on the internet.
More than 60 designs were received and best 21 were chosen for an exhibition which was
organised in one of the shopping centres in Riga “ALFA” from 1st to 8th of May 2010.
International children drawing competition „How do you see yourself
and the internet? Is it a good, safe place to be?”
Centre invited children from schools and kindergartens up to age of 9 to participate in the
international drawing competition. The information about the competition was sent out along
with request to teachers and educators to discuss internet safety topics with children, more
than 500 drawings were received from all regions of Latvia.
The best drawing from Latvia was considered drawing by 8 year old Aleksa and her drawing
was sent to the international online competition. The second place was given to 6 year old
Vladislavs drawing and third to 6 year old Aleksandra drawing.
2nd place Vladislavs (6 years old)
1st place Aleksa (8 years old)
3rd place Aleksandra (6 year)
Educational work
Seminars, conferences and training sessions
Some of the most important seminars and conferences were:
January 2009
Two seminars were organized for pupil’s self – government coordinators in cooperation with
The State Youth Initiatives Centre. Informative presentation about cyber bullying, breaches online and psychological effects of internet content to children were prepared and distributed to
participants. Participants have provided further information in their schools on internet safety..
May 2009
Informative seminar for parents was organized in May 2009 during exhibition „Children’s World”
in Riga. Parents were informed about risks online and about psychological aspects of children
being online.
June 2009
In cooperation with Pro Futuro - organization dealing with dyslexia problem – a seminar was
organized for children with dyslexia (reading and spelling disorder) to improve their knowledge
about safe use of internet.
November 2009
Organized training for librarians of all regions in Latvia. All participants of the training further
on will act as trainees. They have organized further trainings for other librarians in their regions
based on materials and presentations provided by Centre.
Centre continues to participate and organize educational seminars and training sessions in
schools, libraries both in Riga and regions. During recent two years in total 77 informative and
educative seminars have been organized for 3144 people covering all Centres’ target groups.
Out of those 542 people have been informed and educated by 36 librarians and teachers trained by the Centre.
Summer 2010
During summer months June, July and August Centre’s representatives participates in 20 summer camps for children in different cities in Latvia. Discussions, creative workshops and informative training sessions were provided to more than 680 children.
October 2010
From 5th to 7th October Centre participated in initiative organized by ESET Riga where online
Skype videoconferences were organized for teachers from 43 schools of all regions of Latvia.
In 1 hour sessions information was provided by both ESET Riga representatives on their latest
products and antivirus programmes, and Safer Internet Centre gave presentation about internet safety themes: children behaviour on the internet; children posting personal information
on the internet (images, video, home addresses etc.); how teachers should educate children
and what are the most important thing children should know to avoid internet risks.
On 8th October Centre’s representatives participated in an event organized by Dikļu Library
„Children Literature Magic”. Three interactive working sessions were organized for both children
and adults on internet safety.
On 19th October conference for social workers, social pedagogues and school psychologists
“Child Sexual Abuse Online and Offline” was organized. In total 126 specialists from all Latvian
regions participated in the conference and acknowledged its value and necessity. This was the
first conference organized dedicated to the topic of sexual abuse of children, mentioning topics as – links between online and offline child sexual abuse, signs and consequences of sexual
abuse, information on the current situation in Latvia in the rehabilitation possibilities for children and the probation process of the sex offenders as well as information on where to report
online and offline child sexual abuse.
November, December 2010
Centre’s representatives participated in the regional meeting of orphans’ court representatives
providing information on child sexual abuse problem both online and offline. Information was
provided to more than 180 orphans’ court workers who will use the information in their own
everyday work as well as give information further to co-workers and other regional specialists
in the field of Children’s’ Rights Protection.
Informative and Educational Materials
Informative material on internet content filters
Independent experts were invited by Centre to test and compare available content filters and
parenting control tools. Material is valuable for every parent who is concerned about his/her
children’s safety online. Material consists of description of the tools functionality and usability
as well as the quality of content filtered in Latvian. Along with descriptive material videos with
instructions and information of the test conducted were developed.
Informative material on safety using mobile phones
In co-operation with one of the mobile operators in Latvia Bite Latvia an informative and educational material was developed on safety using mobile technologies. Material contains information about mobile phone usage, safety tips for parents on what information to consider
when purchasing mobile phone for children as well as tips for children on what to take into
account and consider while using mobile phones.
Practical recommendations and useful advices was developed and published in cooperation
with publisher Zvaigzne ABC. Target audience of this book is schoolchildren and their parents,
but also teachers can find all the necessary information about safety online. Each theme in the
book is supplemented with practical tasks.
Guide for Teachers „Internet Safety”
The Guide was developed in cooperation with support of Centres’ Teacher Panel. The Guide in
a simple language provides information on internet safety questions – both for teachers and to
be used in the process of informing children about internet safety issues. Each theme is supplemented with practical tasks and working pages that can be used in the educational process.
Teachers and educators using their professional experience and personal expertise can then
decide which topic is important to which age group. Guide is accessible online on the web
site and was sent out electronically to schools and libraries. In the next
period it is planned to provide teachers with printed versions of the Guide as well.
Study Book „Internet Safety. Practical recommendations and useful
Surveys and Researches
Centre considers surveys and researches crucial activity and main information provider for
planning and implementing activities for all target groups. Surveys and researches allow Centre
indentify areas where additional information should be provided to target group as well as to
follow the level of knowledge about internet safety issues in society.
Test for 6th Grade students „Internet Safety”
The Safer Internet Centre in Latvia in cooperation with Ministry of Education and Science organized “Internet safety” test for students of the 6th grade. The aim of the test was to find out what
is the knowledge, skills and attitude towards internet safety of children aged 11-13.
The test was developed based on the curriculum of “Social science” with the help of Latvian
Safer Internet centre. The test contained 30 multiple choice questions and situation analysis.
Students had 40 minutes to give their answers. The test had to be filled out electronically and it
was available in both Latvian and Russian languages.
In general the results of this test show that knowledge and skills on internet safety is at a satisfying level and are sufficient. Correct answers to all the questions were provided by 55.7% of
The best knowledge and questions that could be considered the easiest for students, where
more than 80% provided correct answers, were concerning cyber bullying. Most of the children
are aware that cyber bullying should not be tolerated and should be reported to parents, teachers or children helplines.
Only 38% could answer correctly to questions concerning copyright – what kind of materials
are protected with copyrights and when can these materials be shared, when this sharing becomes illegal. Even fewer children, only 32% could provide correct answers to question about
what are the potential harmful aspects of social networking.
Survey in Schools
Centre’s partner the Inspectorate conducted a survey in several schools in Latvia on their knowledge and understanding of Internet threats – cyberbullying, posting of personal information
online, internet addiction, etc. The survey was conducted from April to May 2010 and 597 children participated in this survey – 303 girls and 294 boys.
Research „Modern Technology Usage and Internet Safety”
This research was conducted from May to June 2010 and provides information on knowledge
of internet safety issues and habits of modern technology usage of children, adolescents, their
parents and teachers. Research was conducted using quantitative research method – indirect
computerized interview – and provides results of 2017 respondents. Information on the research conducted was disseminated in schools inviting teachers to inform their students about
the survey happening and use the computer lessons for filling out the questionnaire. Teachers
also participated in the study and completed the questionnaire for teachers.
Key results of the research show:
✓✓ By the age of 13 more than 90% of children use internet and they own personal mobile
✓✓ 35% of children aged 6 – 13 and 54% aged 14 – 18 claim, that their parents do not limit their
mobile phone usage by any means;
✓✓ 42 – 47% children and adolescents consider that internet usage can’t cause any threats to
✓✓ More than 40% of children and adolescents acknowledge that they have come across on
unpleasant pornographic materials, which have been accessible without any warnings.
39% say that they have come across violent materials. 22 – 31% claim they they have been
bullied online. 10% aged 6 – 13 and 19% aged 14 – 18 claim that they have received sexual
proposals from adults;
✓✓ 19% say that they have received unpleasant calls and SMS via mobile phones; 9% say that
they have received threatening SMS or materials via mobile phones and 5% claim that they
have received unpleasant sexual materials or SMS in their mobile phones;
✓✓ The general trend is that children and adolescents have good understanding of what is
and is not appropriate online 10 – 13% children and adolescents claim that they have been
bullying someone whether using mobile phone or internet.
Activities at European level
It is very crucial to contribute to different activities at European level, not only to share the best
practice and experience gained at national level, but also to learn from other countries. Every
year there are 2 INHOPE and 4 Insafe meetings, where issues related to common European
Level activities are discussed, network expansion possibilities and policies at European Level
concerning modern technology safety issues. Centre actively contributes to activities initiated
by European Commission as Safer Internet Day and Safer Internet Forum.
Safer Internet Forum
Every year in October European Commission in the scope of Safer Internet Programme organizes Safer Internet Forum. It takes place in Luxembourg for 3 days and brings together participants from all European Union countries. European Commission representatives are always
present at the forums as well. The information gained in these forums is then used by Safer
Internet Programme coordinators to plan the future and development of the Safer Internet
Programme and in the field of internet safety.
Year 2009: 20th to 23rd October
The 2009 edition of the Safer Internet Forum took place in Luxembourg and its main theme
was “Promoting online safety in schools”. The Forum was open for stakeholders from NGOs, governments, researchers, industry representatives, including Internet service providers, mobile
network operators, social networking sites, software developers and etc. Latvia in this forum
was represented by representatives of the Net-Safe Latvia Safer Internet Centre, The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights – helpline, Riga Teacher Training and Educational
Management Academy, Riga Lithuanian secondary school and Centre’s Youth Panel.
For two days adolescents and teachers in separate working groups discussed what could be
done to promote internet safety as a topic in schools. The results of the discussions amongst
adolescents and teachers were then summarized and presented to representatives from European Commission and national Insafe coordinators.
Year 2010: 20th to 22nd October
This year Forum brought together children/adolescents and their parents from 30 countries –
EU, Iceland, Norway and Russia. Adolescents discussed usage of social networking sites and the
role of parents in the educational process of children on internet safety and developed ideas
on how it could be happening better. Parents discussed information on what are the main
threats online and what kind of information would be necessary to parents to discuss with their
children internet safety issues.
Summer Camp on Internet Safety in Romania
July 2010 Safer Internet centre in Romania along with support of Safer Internet Programme organized an international internet safety summer camp in Bran, Romania. The camp brought together youngsters aged 15 – 18 from 10 European countries. Latvia was presented in the camp by
two members of Centre’s Youth Panel – Krista and Austris.
For 4 days interactive discussion and working sessions were organized to discuss what are the
main areas that need to be covered in the field of internet safety and what can youngsters do in
each country to bring attention to questions of internet safety in their own countries and what is
already been done in these countries. Creative projects were made on how, with as little recourses
as possible, to make European level campaigns and initiatives on internet safety related topics.
The projects developed were then handed to Romanian Safer Internet Centre representatives
who promised to give this information to representatives of European Commission.
Work of Hotline
Hotline offers internet users a way of reporting something they suspect to be illegal on the
internet. Hotline investigates these reports to determine if they are illegal, and if so, trace the
origin of the content and forward whether to national Law Enforcement Agency, in Latvia,
Cyber Crime Enforcement Unit or to the appropriate hotline, INHOPE member, of the country
where content appears to be hosted. Each report received will be processed. It is possible to
report anonymously.
Main tasks of the hotline are:
✓✓ provide and ensure a mechanism for general public to report suspected illegal content
✓✓ cooperate with law enforcement in the process of fighting against illegal internet content
✓✓ forward the report to the appropriate body for action (police, correspondent INHOPE
✓✓ inform internet users about the hotline and how to contact it
✓✓ deal rapidly with complaints received
What kind of content is illegal in Latvia and is dealt by Latvian hotline?
✓✓ Adult pornography accessible to children
✓✓ Criminalized Pornography:
✓✓ Materials containing child sexual abuse
✓✓ Bestiality
✓✓ Necrophilia
✓✓ Satisfaction of sexual desire in a violent manner
✓✓ Grooming, activities of paedophiles
✓✓ Racism and hate speech
✓✓ Cyber terrorism, cyber bullying
We strongly encourage society to report illegal internet content online, because it will not report itself! If you have noticed something illegal, please report it to Latvian hotline
or and help us to make the internet environment safer in Latvia!
July 2010 Latvian hotline celebrated 3rd anniversary. During these years a very successful cooperation with Sate Police has been developed; March 2010 the Centre signed a cooperation
agreement with the State Police on the processing the reports on illegal content. This agreement
shows the successful mutual cooperation and the support of the State Police to the Centre in the
fight against illegal and harmful content online.
Hotline statistics on reports received
Violence. Extreme content
Touch of one’s honour/
Hate speech/ racism
Consultations/ queries
During the operating period 2009 – 2010 hotline has received and processed 1220 reports on
breaches online.
689 reports have been on the accessibility to pornographic materials without warnings to children both in Latvia, where it is considered a breach and abroad, where in most cases it is not
considered a breach.
142 reports have been on child sexual abuse material accessibility both in Latvia and abroad.
77 reports on touch of one’s honour and cyberbullying
130 consultations have been provided along with replies to queries with information on what
person should do, where to turn for help and how to solve the particular situation.
34 reports have been on violent materials online – both showing violence and cruelty against
animals and people
72 reports have been on hate speech and racism online.
Most of the recourses reported were hosted abroad and were forwarded to hotlines in appropriate country INHOPE association member hotline.
82 reports were forwarded to the State Police for consultations and further investigation, out of
those 26 reports have helped to initiate applying of criminal liability.
Erotic/ pornographic website
without warnings
Erotic/ pornographic content in
other websites
Child sexual exploitation/
Work of Helpline
Children Helpline (CH) 8006008 / 116111 was established on
February 1, 2006 with the aim to give a psychological help to
children and teenagers who are in difficult situations in real
life or online. This goal – to hear out children and teenagers,
learning them to speak about themselves and trust others
– is still the most important work of the CH. Helpline joined
Project consortium in January 2009, since then it is also possible to report illegal and harmful
content to the helpline.
CH is one of the structural units of The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights. It is
every child’s right to get advice and support from specialists how to act in a difficult situations.
Almost every day CH receives more than a thousand of calls where children of variety age ask
for help or simply want to have a talk, rarely those are adults who would like to comprehend
their children or grandchildren. Therefore, psychologists should manage and should be capable to speak with a different people about different issues, amongst which the most common
are relations in the school, relations with parents, brothers and sisters, relations between boys
and girls, same as problems they have come across online. CH is free of charge from fixed and mobile phones. CH is accessible:
✓✓ Working days from 08.00 AM – 11.00 PM
✓✓ Saturdays from 08.00 AM – 10.00 PM
✓✓ Sundays from 10.00 AM – 10.00 PM CH is a member of Child Helpline International association and complies with the standards
stated by the association.
Several times per year special campaigns are organized to increase the visibility of helpline by
different target groups:
✓✓ Helpline for parents
✓✓ Helpline for teachers
✓✓ Open days of helpline, when children themselves become consultants of the helpline
✓✓ Helpline for internet safety – organized on the Safer Internet Day
Cartoon for children “Internet Safety”
Main tasks of the Helpline, as a project partner are:
✓✓ answer telephone calls from children and parents related to their use of online technologies,
in particular in relation to harmful contact (grooming), harmful conduct (cyberbullying),
harmful content and uncomfortable or scary experiences of using online technologies;
✓✓ pass reports to relevant authorities when appropriate;
✓✓ actively inform the users of the helpline’s remit and how to contact it;
✓✓ give input to awareness raising strategies;
✓✓ participate in networking at European level and contribute to cross-border discussions and
exchange of best practice.
Statistical data on calls received by Helpline
Categories of calls
Other (including „test”
to regional
Letters prepared
on abuse of the
rights of children
8 167
99 483
108 477
8 498
77 718
86 641
TV program for children “Kas te? Es te!” and “Juniors TV”
Online cases
- Adult pornography
- Child sexual abuse materials
Paedophilia, grooming
Violent materials
Hate speech, racism
Computer/ internet addiction
Emotional harassment online (cyberbullying)
Contact with pornography:
Calls from regional inspectors
In the operating period 2009 – 2010 CH received 195118 calls, in 16 665 cases psychological
consultation were provided, helping to manage crisis situation, in 1 333 cases callers were provided with different other information.
87% of callers are children and adolescents, 13% are adults – parents, grandparents, caretakers,
specialists, teachers, neighbours etc.
67% of psychological consultations were provided to girls and 33% to boys, this proves that
girls are more frequent callers and more often seek help in solving crisis situations.
40% of all callers were aged 12 – 15, 12% aged 7 – 11, 8% aged 16 – 18 and 12% over 18. In 18%
cases the age was not mentioned and could not be determined.
The psychological consultations are provided on different topics varying from violence to questions concerning one’s sexuality, health problems and internet safety.
In 20% of cases problems mentioned had occurred at home in family and in 18% cases – in
Centre’s Planned Activities 2011 – 2012
✓✓ Celebration of Safer Internet Day 2011 and 2012 in Latvia
✓✓ Development of educational materials on internet safety for all target groups – children,
adolescents, parents, teachers and social workers
✓✓ Organization of different seminars, training sessions and other activities
✓✓ Organization of social campaigns on current topics
✓✓ Training of specialists, teachers, librarians and trainers
✓✓ Involvement of kindergartens and universities in the activities on internet safety
✓✓ Development of closer cooperation with mobile operators and internet service providers
✓✓ Development of more educational materials in Russian, and organizing of events for Russian
✓✓ Stronger involvement of Youth Panel in development of informative materials and in the
awareness work of Centre
Contact information:
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us:
Latvian Internet Association
65 – 12 Elizabetes Street, Riga, Latvia LV- 1050
phone: +371 67281312
The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights
53 Ventspils street, Riga, Latvia, LV – 1002
phone: +371 67359128, fax: +371 67359159
Illegal content can be reported:
✓✓ By e-mail at:
✓✓ By online form on
✓✓ Via helpline 116111