ECOSMART International Conference – Environment at a


ECOSMART International Conference – Environment at a
International Conference – Environment at a CrossrOards: SMART
approaches for a sustainable future
November 12-15, 2015
The conference marks the 115th year of Geography education at the University of Bucharest, and the
25th anniversary of the Faculty of Geography.
University of Bucharest – Faculty of
Geography, Department of Regional
Geography and Environment
With the support of:
Thursday, November 12
Sala de Marmură (Marble Room), National Military Center
Registration desk
Registration of participants
Introduction and welcoming moment
Professor Cristian Ioja
Speech of the Ministry of National Education
Ministry for Higher Education Professor Gigel Paraschiv
Speech of the University of Bucharest
Rector Professor Mircea Dumitru
Faculty of Geography at 25 years
Dean Professor Laura Comanescu
Speeches from Deans of Geography Faculties, Alumni and Partners
Lunch Break
Coffee break
Professor Honoris Causa Festivities
Profesor Emmanuel Reynard, University of Lausanne
Professor Jurgen Breuste, University of Salzburg
Plenary 1
Plenary 2
Plenary 3
Plenary 4
The heritage value of landforms
Emmanuel Reynard, Switzerland
Scenarios for sustainable European cities securing human well-being and biodiversity
Dagmar Haase, Germany
Development of A Watershed Science for Sustainable Water Resources Management
Chansheng He, USA
The Crau plain (west of Provence), a land of economic and ecological issues changing
Gérard Beltrando, France
Coffee break
Plenary 5
Plenary 6
Plenary 7
Plenary 8
Official Dinner
The concept of eco-cities - Implementing the ecosystem service approach and reduce resource consumption
Jurgen Breust, Austria
A New Approach on the Land Capability Classification
Ibrahim Atalay, Turkey
Geography in a Global Environmental Change Context
Dan Bălteanu, Romania
What does rural smart development means for Romania?
Ioan Ianos, Romania
Friday, November 13
Registration desk
Registration of participants
Sala Stefan cel Mare
Workshop Challenges in the assessment of urban ecosystems services, organized by
Society for Urban Ecology, South Eastern Europe Chapter
Live Stream
Chairs: Jurgen Breuste, Cristian Ioja
Why to be a SURE member? President SURE, Jurgen Breuste
SURE SEE Europe Chapter – targets and approaches. Overview of Urban Ecosystems
Services Assessment in Romania
Cristian Ioja, Romania
Compact cities vs. living quality – applying the ecosystem services approach for building
sustainable cities
Martina Artmann, Germany
Assessing the fragmentation of the green infrastructure in Romanian cities using fractal
models and numerical taxonomy
Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Ion Andronache, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Daniel Peptenatu,
Heterogeneity predictors of urban green infrastructures in Romanian cities
Denisa Lavinia Badiu, Cristian Iojă, Maria Pătroescu, Simona Raluca Grădinaru, Alina
Constantina Hossu, Romania
Discussion: Proposed subject> Are green infrastructure the most important component of
urban areas that provide ecosystems services? How could be included the urban
ecosystems services approach in territorial planning?
Components of micro-climate modification effect of urban shade trees – integrated
approach promoting the development of ecosystem service indicators
Ágnes Takács, Márton Kiss, Ágnes Gulyás, Noémi Kánto, Hungary
Air temperature regulation by urban trees and green infrastructure
Vânău Gabriel Ovidiu, Iojă Ioan Cristian, Onose Diana Andreea, Șandric Ionuț, Grădinaru
Simona, Uţa Mihaela, Romania
Sala Norvegiana
Workshop Geography of Health and Health Care –Spatial Inequalities and inequities in
health and healthcare provision: embodied landmarks for territorial systematic
development, organized by National School of Public Health and Management
Bucharest and Geodemographic and Territorial Analysis Research Center
Chairs: Silvia Gabriela Scintee, Liliana Dumitrache
Geographical distribution of avoidable hospital conditions, Romania, 2013
Marius Ciutan, Silvia Gabriela Scintee, Mihnea Dosius, Cristina Mototolea, Cristian
Vladescu, Romania
Romanian Health Care Professionals (Im)mobilities and Their Migration Strategies
Liliana Dumitrache, Mariana Nae, Daniela Dumbraveanu, Romania
The territorial patterns of hospital services delivered for aggressions in Romania in
Cristian Vladescu, Mihnea Dosius, Simona Musat, Silvia Florescu, Romania
Potentially life-threatening vascular events (myocardial and cerebral infarction) geographical distribution and temporal evolution
Carmen Sasu, Marius Ciutan, Silvia Gabriela Scîntee, Simona Musat, Romania
Water sanitation and health in Calarasi County
Cristinel Sandru, Romania
Romanian Landscapes of Care Paradoxes: Geographical Divide in Health Care Needs
and Health Care Supply
Mariana Nae, Liliana Dumitrache, Gabriel Simion, Daniela Zamfir, Romania
GIS datasets – the foundation for analysis of health care patterns and ageing in
Gabriel Simion, Liliana Dumitrache, Suditu Bogdan, Mariana Nae, Romania
Barriers to access healthcare for a social vulnerable group: the case of Roma minority
in Smârdioasa, Romania
Andreea Ionela Gaciu (Pene), Romania
Cofee break: 11.00-11.30
Discussion: Which methods could be promoted in order to better evaluation of urban
ecosystems services? How could be included the monnetary value of regulatory and social
ecosystems services?
Wetlands change in urban areas – key indicator for ecosystems services assessment. Case
study: Bucharest city
Cristian Ioja, Gabriela Osaci-Costache, Romania
Plant species from Bucharest as indicators of urban conditions
Onete Marilena, Manu Minodora, Bodescu Florian, Moldoveanu Mirela, Florescu Larisa,
Discussion> Is it land use change an indicator for ecosystems services assessment? How
could be quantified the impact of land use changes on ecosystems services supply in
urban areas?
Restoration of Degraded Urban Ecosystems for Healthy Cities- Developing technical and
scientific references for Nature-Based Solutions
Yangang Xing, Phil Jones, Graham Ormondroyd, Simon Curling, United Kingdom
Can biodiversity conservation be promoted when other services are targeted for urban
Oertli Beat, Demierre Eliane, Switzerland
Discussion> How could be improved the capacity of urban areas to provide ecosystems
services? Are ecocities a solution for improvement the quality and quantity of urban
ecosystems services?
Final Discussion> How is the steps for improving the data gap in Romanian urban
ecosystems services assessment? What projects could be promoted in these areas? What
are the common topics?
13.00-15.00 – Lunch
15.00 17.00 - Visit to Vacaresti areas (urban wetlands – new paradise for wildlife) meeting point in the front of National Military Center (conference site) at 14.45 at clock
(free of charge).
Geographic Accessibility vs. Affordability to Health Services. Case of Ilfov County,
Petronela Nistor, Romania
Relationship between the health care needs and the accessibility of the health care
services in Botosani county
Teodora Estera Ursulică, Romania
Influence of population lifestyle on local health profile. Case study: Ialomita county
Ana-Maria Talos, Romania
Rotonda Tudor Vladimirescu
Section Sustainable territorial planning
Chairs: Alma Zavdonik Lamovšek, Athanasios Alexandru
Urban Landscape Quality Index – planning tool for
evaluating urban landscapes and improving the quality of
Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis, Cristiana Maria Ciocanea,
Mihai Razvan Nita, Diana Andreea Onose, Irina Nastase,
The impact of motorway construction on land use changes
Mojca Foški, Simon Sevnšek, Alma Zavdonik Lamovšek,
Urban lakes in Bucharest – ecological significance of
phytoplankton pigment fingerprint in the plankton foodweb
Mirela Moldoveanu, Marilena Onete, Athanasios Gavrilidis,
Alina Dumitrache, Ciprian Bîrsan, Larisa Florescu, Romania
The dynamic master plan - an innovative approach in
contemporary urban and territorial planning
Tiberiu Florescu, Andrei Mitrea, Romania
Transport Information System: road infrastructure and
transport networks (present and future) in the wilaya of
Abdelkader Abdellaoui, Abdelkader Medjdoub, Belal Ramzi,
France, Algerie
Linking territories: transport planning around Bucharest
Baidan Ana Magdalena, France
Steps in understanding the role of instability upon urban
Andrei Schvab, Igor Sirodoev, Mirela Paraschiv, Natasa
Văidianu, Irina Saghin, Romania
Spatial patterns in urban landscapes: urbanization and
urban forests. Case study: Brașov-Săcele, Romania
Irina Iulia Năstase, Romania
Sala Spectacole
Section Challenges in Water Management
Sala Gotica
Section Urbanization and territorial cohesion
Chairs: Petre Gastescu, Liliana Zaharia
Chairs: Nicolae Popa, Igor Sirodoev
The lakes of the Romanian Black Sea Coast-anthropic
modifications, hydrological features and state-ofthe-art
Petre Gâştescu, Petre Breţcan, Dacian Teodorescu,
The impact of IT companies evolution over the business
environment development and labor market in Romania
Silviu Cojocaru, Cristian Draghici, Camelia Cojocaru, Romania
Assessing the physical quality of the Coşuştea River
using the Qualphy method
Gabriela Moroşanu, Gisèle Verniers, Liliana Zaharia,
Sustainable water and energy use for irrigation
Bojan Đurin, Toni Kekez, Croatia
Ethnographic and Psychometric methods addressing
vulnerability and adaptation to floods in the Lower
Danube, Romania
Iuliana Armas, Cristina Posner, Romania
The mineral waters in Rupea and their exploitation
Rodica Mereț, Romania
Hydrometrical and hydrological field tests at
Gabriel Minea, Mary-Jeanne Adler, Romania
Periurban areas and land use structure in Romania at LAU2
level: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis
Cristina Lincaru, Draga Atanasiu, Vasilica Ciuca, Speranta
Mutations in the evolution of the growth poles and in setting
up regional balances from Romania
Nicolae Popa, Romania
In search of emerging polities: a content analysis of thematic
agendas of selected European cross-border cooperation
Valentin Cojanu, Alexandru Gavriș, Raluca Popescu, Romania
Urbanization and territorial cohesion. Case study: Region of
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Manuela-Ana-Maria Anghel, Romania
Will learning from post-socialist changes help us to stop
wasting our resources?
Igor Sîrodoev, Romania
Groundwater Resources from Slănic Basin. Case
Study: Penteleu – Blidaru Spring
Radu Pitigoi, Mihaela Verga, Andreea AndraToparceanu, Romania
Urbanisation and Whistleblowing as Disaster Risk Reduction
Radu Ionescu, Romania
Trends in low-flow variability of Romanian rivers
Ileana Tanase, Romania
The Role of Church in Preserving Local Identity within the
Area of Danube Gorge
Ilie Radoi, Romania
The analysis of the flash floods from the Uz
hydrographic basin registered at the Dărmănești
hydrometric station
Ioana-Delia Miftode, Gheorghe Romanescu,Romania
Computing seismic loss estimates within a big city. Bucharest
case study.
Dragos Toma-Danila, Iuliana Armas, Romania
Coffee Break
Sala Bizantina
Rotonda Tudor Vladimirescu
Section Novel Teaching Strategies in Geography and
Environmental Sciences
Chairs: Mihai Ielenicz, Octavian Mandrut
Constantin Brătescu – a life dedicated to modern
Mihai Ielenicz, Romania
Geography and Environment in the National Curriculum
Octavian Mandrut, Romania
Literary text as a didactical tool in geography.
Applications with the “Book of Apolodor” by Gellu Naum
Dorina Cheval, Teodora Marchiș, Romania
Teaching and assessing skills in environmental
geography in a bilingual class
Florina Paunescu, Romania
Using photos in geography lessons
Iulian Sandulache, Catalina Sandulache, Romania
A review on geomorphology today. Denudation and
stripping – minimum resistance at base level.
Antoneta Stoica, Romania
Sala de Spectacole
Section Applied Geormorphology
Sala Gotica
Section Environmental Sciences
Chairs Alfred Stroe Vespremeanu, Hamza Amireche
Chairs: Virgil Iordache, Ioan Marinescu
Storm climate and morphological responses (from short- to
long-term scales) on the Danube delta coast
Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe, Florin Zăinescu, Florin Tătui,
Luminița Preoteasa, Romania
Wetlands - a significant feature of the salt karst
landscape in the Meledic Plateau
Daniela Strat, Romania
Degradation of natural environments in the Algerian
Oriental Tell: case of Beni Haroun dam basin
H.Amireche, D. Dekoumi, Algeria
Shoreface Dynamics and Evolution on Danube Delta Coast
Florin Tatui, Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe, Florin Zainescu,
Stefan Constantinescu, Romania
Evolution of the Sulina mouth based on historical maps
Marius Budileanu, Romania
Evaluating anthropogenic influence in Bucegi Natural Park,
Romanian Carpathians
Bogdan Olariu, Romania
Sensitivity assessment to erosion of the Romanian Black Sea
Mădălina Elena Ristea, Romania
Using natural tracers to track the groundwater flow path
and the residence time in a mining area
Alexandra Iulia Cozma, Călin Baciu, Romania
Assessment of GSM HF-Radiation impact levels within
urban residential area of Craiova city
Ioan Eustatiu Marinescu, Claudiu Popîrlan, Romania
Public georeferenced data sets for coupling plant scale
and catchment scale
Virgil Iordache, Radu Lăcătușu, Marilena Onete, Ion
Stelian, Aurora Neagoe, Răzvan Orza, Gabriel Burtea,
Florian Bodescu, Daniel Scrădeanu, Romania
First transboundary protected areas in Caucasus
N.Elizbarashvili, G.Meladze, D.Svanadze, R.Elizbarashvili,
The assessment of regulatory ecosystem services: the
case of the sediment retention service in a mountain
landscape in the Southern Romanian Carpathians
Sorina-Mihaela Bogdan, Ileana Pătru-Stupariu, Liliana
Zaharia, Andreea Andra-Topârceanu, Romania
Simulating landscape dynamics in pasture-woodlands of
the Southern Carpathians: land-use guidelines for
maintaining habitat diversity
Ioana Stoicescu, Ileana Pătru-Stupariu, Alina TudorHossu, A. Peringer, Romania, Switzerland
Sala Bizantina
Sala Stefan cel Mare
Section GIS and Remote Sensing Applications
Live Stream
Chairs: Iuliana Armas, Stefan Constantinescu
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and East Atlantic / West
Russia (EAWR) indices variations impact on water
turbidity in the Danube Delta coastal area
Sorin Constantin, Ștefan Constantinescu, Florina Grecu,
Comparison of multi-temporal differential
interferometry techniques applied to the measurement
of Bucharest city subsidence
Iuliana Armas, Mihaela Gheorghe, Romania
Geo-spatial technology and the Environment
Santiago Giraldo Anduaga, USA
Wildfires in temperate areas. A national level approach
Bogdan Mihai, Ionut Savulescu, Cristian Ioja, Maria
Visan, Romania
Practical solutions for exploiting the SIAFIM vulnerability
map fires
Maria Vișan, Margareta Sima, Romania
A multiscale analysis of Bucharest’s GDP on a NUTS 3
George Secăreanu, Romania
Interactive map – a GIS tool for informing and
monitoring the implementation of Romanian transport
infrastructure projects
Robert Dobre, Marcel Boloș, Laurentiu Ilie, Mădălina
Teodor, Ancuța Netcu, Romania
GeoEduGIS – a GIS geodatabase for educational
Mihai Niculiță, Dan Cristea, Romania
Sala Norvegiana
Section Geodemograpy and tourism
Sala Gotica
Section Sustainable spatial planning
Chairs: Corneliu Iatu, Marek Zoladek
Chairs: Iuliana Nichersu, Ana Irina Lequeux-Dinca
Transformation of tourism infrastructure in high mountain
area - Based on selected areas
Marek Zoladek, Poland
Recent dynamics of the most disadvantaged rural areas
in Oltenia (Romania)
Emanuel Bureța, Romania
Rural tourism, a development vector in the Maramures
Alina Simion, Mihai Hotea, Romania
The commons and their tragedy - implications for postcommunist Romania
Ana Irina Lequeux – Dinca, Romania
Tourism planning and development in Baiului Mountains,
Romanian Carpathians
Ligia Barbalata, Bogdan Olariu, Romania
Multi-criteria cause- effect analysis for the integration of
flood risk management into spatial planning
Iuliana Nichersu, Iulian Nichersu, Romania
Types of Tourism in Tara Vrancei Land
Catalin Iorga, Romania
Homelessness and the quality of the urban environment
in Bucharest
Mirela Paraschiv, Igor Sîrodoev, Natașa Văidianu, Andrei
Schvab, Romania
Geodemographical characteristics of population in Balacita
Piedmont Plateau
Amalia Mihaela Oglindoiu, Romania
Exploring social vulnerability Index in Bucharest at the 2011
Iuliana Armaș, Alexandru Gavriș, Romania
Deva population, past and future
Iuliana Vadan, Romania
Socio-economic activities, religious presence and urban
visibility. The case of Romanian immigrants in Catalonia
Adriana Șuiu, Romania
Assessment of national policies and strategies of tourism
development in the post-communist period
Corneliu Iatu, Mihai Bulai, Romania
Vernacular and Technology. In Between
Mihaela Hărmănescu, Cristina Enache, Romania
Analysis of forest fund evolution between 2000-2012
using fractal analysis
Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Ion Andronache, Romania
How long did trips last at the end of the XVIIIth century
according to Specht’s map? Case study – Saac district
Alexandru Ionuț Cruceru, Cezar Buterez, Romania
Monitoring Pollution Level in Railroad Right-Of-Way
Alexandr K. Strelkov, Sergey V. Stepanov, Svetlana Yu.
Teplykh, Ashot M. Sargsyan, Russia
Rotonda Tudor Vladimirescu
Section Climate change adaptation
Sala de Spectacole
Section Applied Geomorphology
Chairs: Monica Dumitrascu, Sorin Cheval
Chairs: Mihai Bogdan, Ginesu Sergio
Speleothems as archives of environmental change information
Virgil Dragusin, Romania
Examples of polycyclic intrusions in granitic magmas in Sardinia (Italy, western Mediterranean
Sea): some geomorphologic considerations
Sergio Ginesu, Manuela Capula, Italy
Characteristics of atmospheric instability in Titu plain. Case study: Severe
convective phenomena, July 14, 2015
Adrian Tiscovschi, Robert Manta, Sipos Zoltan, Mihaita Hustiu, Romania
Assessment of socio-economic vulnerability to dryness and drought phenomena
in the Oltenia plain. A preliminary approach
Monica Dumitraşcu, Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrică, Carmen Dragotă, Ines
Grigorescu, Cristina Dumitrică, Romania
Climate warming between 1961-2009 in the main agricultural region of Romania
Remus Prăvălie, Georgeta Bandoc, Cristian Patriche, Romania
Post Little Ice Age climate and vegetation changes: implications on permafrost
processes from Retezat Massif
Răzvan Popescu, Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe, Nicolae Cruceru, Olimpiu Pop,
The necessity for hail suppression system in vineyard and orchard areas from
Vasilică Istrate, Liviu Apostol, Ovidiu Miron Machidon, Aurel Dănuț Axinte, Daniel
Florea, Romania
Effective Monitoring and Alerting of Urban Heat Island Effect on the Indoor
Thermal Risk in Bucharest (Romania)
Sorin Cheval, Dan Constantinescu, Alexandru Dumitrescu, Gabi Caracaș, Romania
A3 Motorway (Predeal – Râșnov Section) - GIS analysis of land suitability, cost and
environmental impact analysis
Georgian Ionuț Purcăreață, Bogdan Andrei Mihai, Ionuț Săvulescu, Robert Răzvan Dobre,
Bârlad catchment – morphometric characteristics
Oana Profir, Gheorghe Romanescu, Mihai-Gabriel Balan, Romania
Morphological considerations on the distribution of tourism infrastructure in the Piatra Craiului
Anca Munteanu, Romania
Landslide hazard analysis in the Luncavăț Catchment, Romania
Radu Irimia, Ionut Sandric, Zenaida Chitu, Bogdan Mihai, Romania
Coastal erosion and its use in northern Sardinia (Italy)
Donatella Carboni, Sergio Ginesu, Marian Marin, Italy
Topography control on freeze-thaw weathering assessment in mountain areas from the
Romanian Carpathians
Mirela Vasile, Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe, Razvan Popescu, Romania
Morphometric aspects in the Humor catchment
Mihai-Gabriel Balan, Eugen Rusu, Oana Profir, Romania
The importance of biogeomorphic interactions in determining the complexity of barrier
Florin Zăinescu, Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe, Romania
Coffee break
Sala Bizantina
Sala Stefan cel Mare
GIS and Remote Sensing
Live Stream
Chairs: Jeni Vasilescu, Ionut Sandric
Chairs: Elena Druica, Elena Matei
Chairs: Donatella Carbonni, Daniel Peptenatu
Active and passive remote sensing techniques for
atmospheric investigation
Jeni Vasilescu, Doina Nicolae, Anca Nemuc, Livio
Belegante, Luminita Marmureanu, Romania
Sustainable regional economic development and naive
prediction models: The case of the greater Bucharest
metropolitan area
Calin Valsan, Elena Druica, Radu Pintilii, Romania
Tourism, basic functionality versus complementary component
of the territorial systems in Romania
Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Daniel Peptenatu, Adrian-Gabriel Simion,
Ana-Maria Ilie, Alexandra Grecu, Romania
High resolution landscape change analysis with
photogrammetric techniques. A case study from Iron
Gates reservoir area (1968-2012)
Bogdan Mihai, Constantin Nistor, Liviu Toma, Ionuț
Săvulescu, Romania
Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment of
an abandoned Uranium mining site. Case study:
Ciudanovita (Romania)
George-Laurentiu Merciu, Florentina-Cristina Merciu,
Andreea Loreta Cercleux, Romania
The assessment of areas prone to flash floods in
Bucegi Mountains (Romanian Carpathians)
Perju Ruth, Romania
Change detection analysis of the spruce forest in the
Romanian Carpathians (1986-2014): an example
from Căpățânii Mountains
Laura Tîrlă, Ionuț Șandric, Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela
Manea, Roxana Cuculici, Romania
Using GIS techniques for assessment the differences
between recorded rainfall from hydrometric stations
and radar products, in Romania
Andreea Mihalcea, Romulus Costache, AndreeaVioleta Manolache, Romania
Mapping land cover using Remote Sensing data and
GIS techniques: A case study of Prahova
Marina-Ramona Rujoiu-Mare, Romania
Shape characteristics of fluvial islets based on GIS
techniques. Case Study: Danube's Islets between
Giurgiu (km 493) and Oltenita (km 430)
Andreea - Florentina Marin, Iuliana Armaș, Romania
Closing ceremony
Sala Norvegiana
Section Sustainable territorial planning
Rural and urban dwelling-houses quality characteristics in
the Romanian Danube valley. A geographical approach
Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrică, Nicoleta Damian, Mihaela
Rodica Persu, Daniela Nancu, Romania
Ecological renewal models – planning approaches in
restrictive environments in Romania’s South West Region
Radu-Matei Cocheci, Catalin Niculae Sârbu, Romania
Semi-subsistence farming development in a Carpathian
declining mining area. A microscale study of landowners’
perception: Stulpicani commune, Romania
Elena Matei, Despina Vasilcu, Octavian Cocoş, Dorin
Matei, Roxana Cuculici, Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie,
Identifying fine scale landscape patterns using waveletsbased techniques
Alin-Ionuț Pleşoianu, Mihai-Sorin Stupariu, Ileana PătruStupariu, Romania
Opportunism vs. Commitment in Romanian Firms: A Case
of Behavioral Economics?
Elena Druica, Calin Valsan, Rodica Ianole, Romania
Sala Gotica
Section Tourism as Drivers for Sustainable Development
The traditions as promoter of modernity in changing cultural
Marian Marin, Donatella Carboni, Romania, Italy
The economical valorization of the swamps of BorsarosSancraieni, and the perspectives of the touristic function
Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Camelia Teodorescu, Radu-Daniel
Pintilii, Cristian Constantin Draghici, Daniel Peptanatu, Mircea
Visan, Romania
Ethno-creative zones in Oltenia and their implication into
developing cultural tourism
Camelia Teodorescu, Cristian Draghici, Daniel Diaconu, Radu
Daniel Pintilii, Octavian Teodorescu, Adrian Simion, Romania
Sustainable management of the protected areas. Study case:
Padiș Karst Plateau
Mihaela Ungureanu, Dorina Camelia Ilieș, Ioana Josan, Ovidiu
Gaceu, Romania
Strategies for the commercial exploitation of the western
region’s spa potential
Elena Irina Circiumaru, Romania
Sustainable Management of Tourist Arrivals in Protected
Areas. The case of the Asinara National Park in Sardinia (Italy)
Graziella Benedetto, Donatella Carboni, Gian Luigi Corinto,
The European night of museums - Between Night and
Daniela Dumbraveanu, Anca Tudoricu, Ana Craciun, Romania
Sala Stefan cel Mare
Sala Bizantina
Poster section 1
Distance learning in the Faculty of Geography
Marian Ene, Romania
Sinergy of natural hazards and geomorphosites (in Romania)
Florina Grecu, Laura Comănescu, Romania
The Holy Quran and Environmental Teachings
Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu, Ertan Düzgüneş, Romania, Turkey
Toposequential analysis and cultivation of the land skills Misserghin region (the northern
margin of the Great Sebkha of Oran, western Algeria)
Mostafia Boughalem, Kacem Moussa, Abdelkader Abdellaoui, Mohamed Mazour, Algeria
Changes in sea surface height in the Black Sea basin – comparison between
hydrological drought and wet periods
Cristina Andra Vrînceanu, Ștefan Constantinescu, Romania
Application and validation of the coastal remote sensing and UAV surveillance
techniques within wave-run measurements polygon from 2 Mai – Vama Veche shore
Razvan Mateescu, Danut Diaconeasa, Silica Petrisoaia, Elena Vlasceanu, Dragos
Niculescu, Romania
Decision management – new ways to make better spatial decisions
Diana Popovici, Iuliana Armaş, Alexandra Capră, Romania
Climatology of hail in Southern Romania during 1961–2013
Roxana Cică, Nicoleta Ionac, Sorin Burcea, Roxana Bojariu, Romania
Recent approaches in bioclimatic landscape planning projects
Vladimir Ionut Boc, Romania
The dynamics, forecasting and effects of using renewable energy sources in the
European Union. The case for Romania
Alexandra Constantin, Romania
The impact of meteorological risk phenomena in performing mountain tourism
Ipate Ioana, Ipate Ionuț, Giușcă Ionuț, Giușcă Loredana, Romania
Man-made changes of the relief due to the mining activities within Husnicioara open pit
(Mehedinti County, Romania)
Boengiu Sandu, Ionus Oana, Marinescu Emil, Romania
Evaluation of susceptibility to erosion of the area located at the contact between Lipivei
Hills and Plain Timis - Bega
Dorina Micu, Romania
Holocene coastal dune development and environmental changes in Helis area (NW
Peloponnese), Hellas
S. Athanasopoulou, L. Stamatopoulos,G. Alevizos & A., I. Andrikakos-Langoura, Greece
The rainfalls precipitation recorded between 14th and 16th September 2014 and
morphological consequences that have affected the town Orsova and the village of Svinita
from the Danubian corridor of the Iron Gates
Carablaisa Gheorghe Sorin, Oglindoiu Amalia Mihaela, Grecu Florina, Romania
Geomorphological environment in relation to heritage and tourist sites of interest: The
Roman Edifice with Mosaic case study, Constanta
Andreea Andra-Toparceanu, Mihai Mafteiu, Verga Mihaela, Christian Stanciu, Nichifor
Bogdan, Florina Tatu, Romania
Micromorphology of the landforms emerged as a result of the hydroameliorative systems
in the Romanian plain
Cristina Ghiță, Florina Grecu, Romania
The impact of hidroconstruction of the Iron Gate dam on environment and local
communities in the Danube valley
Văran Claudia Ionela; Țenche-Constantinescu Alina-Maria, Romania
Management and protection measures against floods in the lower sector of the Siret
Marola Diana Alexandra, Romania
Study on the evaporation and evapotranspiration measured on Căldăruşani Lake
Stan Florentina-Iuliana, Neculau Gianina, Zaharia Liliana, Romania
Flood Risk Perception. Case Study: Floods of September 2013 in Cudalbi (Galaţi County)
Laura Comanescu, Alexandru Nedelea, Romania
The natural resources protection and the quality of life
Nastac Maria, Iorgovan Karina, Vatafu Raluca, Romania
Environmental conflict resolution outcomes: comparative analysis of case studies from
the U.S. and Romania
Constantina Alina Hossu, Cristian I. Ioja, Lawrence Susskind, Romania, USA
Quantifying the role of accessibility in the attractiveness of urban parks. Case study
Onose Diana Andreea, Pătru-Stupariu Ileana, Niță Mihai Răzvan, Gavrilidis Athanasios
Alexandru, Năstase Irina, Romania
Evaluating the functional connectivity of Natura 2000 forest patches for mammals in
Niculae Mihaita- Iulian, Nita Mihai Razvan, Vanau Gabriel Ovidiu, Patroescu Maria,
Relief suitability for ski area development and 3D panoramic map of the resort Obârşia
Laurențiu Ilie, Robert Dobre, Mădălina Teodor, Romania
The intervention of the anthropic factor on the Danube floodplain dynamics in the OlteniţaCălăraşi sector
Ştefania (Omrani) Grigorie, Floare Grecu, Romania
Revival of the rice crops in the south of Romania: Pros and cons
Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Laura Tîrlă, Elena Matei, Mihaela Preda, Roxana Cuculici,
Non-invasive monitoring of some organochlorine compounds in eggshells and feathers of
birds from the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, Romania
Marius Lucian Matache, Carmen Hura, Iulia Gabriela David, Laurentiu Rozylowicz, Romania
Sala Bizantina
Poster section 2
Biomonitoring of air pollution in urban areas of southern Poland
Przemysław Szopa, Jacek Czerniak, Andrzej Gajewski, Poland
Arguments for integrative management of protected areas in the cities – Case study in
Bucharest city
Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Laura Tîrlă, Roxana Cuculici, Octavian
Cocoș, Adrian Tișcovschi, Romania
The role of socio-demographic, economic and environmental factors in perpetuating the
conflicts in Yemen
Popa Vasile, Cocoș Octavian, Romania
Demographic changes reflected in the spatial evolution of Braila City
Tatu Liviu, Tatu Florina, Verga Mihaela, Andra-Topârceanu Andreea, Romania
Land use/land cover changes related to mining activities in the Motru-Rovinari coal field
Roxana Cuculici, Romania
Using fractal analysis in modeling concentration trends in the national economy
Ion Andronache, Daniel Peptenatu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Andreea-Karina Gruia, NinaMargareta Groposila, Romania
The public perception and attitude on general environmental problems. Case study :
Constanta and Vidin in the mirror
Opariuc Dan Cristian, Resteanu Alina, Iorgovan Karina, Romania
Effect of different land use types and their implications on land degradation: the case of
the watershed Isser-Tlemcen (Algeria)
Mostafia Boughalem, Abdelkader Abdellaoui, Mohamed Mazour, Algeria
The public perception and attitude on soil and forests pollution Case study : Constanta
and Vidin in the mirror
Opariuc Dan Cristian, Vatafu Raluca, Dragomir Monica Mihaela, Romania
Conversion and urban regeneration in the city of Timisoara. Redefinitions and controversy
Ivan Ramona, Pavel Sorin, Romania
The public perception and attitude on water pollution Case study : Constanta and Vidin
Assessment of functional policentricity in county residence municipalities in Romania
Tache Antonio, Tache Monica, Chifelea Constantin, Romania
in the mirror
Nastac Maria, Opariuc Dan Cristian, Cotan Florian, Romania
The public perception and attitude on air pollution Case study : Constanta and Vidin in
the mirror
Iorgovan Karina, Opariuc Dan Cristian, Dragomir Monica Mihaela, Romania
Evolutionism. Language, logic and thought
Alexandru Anghelescu. Romania
Sustainable development and international tourism: criteria and indicators
Efros Vasile, Romania
An interactive map as a GIS tool for Romanian ski areas management and information
Mădălina Teodor, Laurentiu Ilie, Robert Dobre, Romania
Gaps in transforming the national parks of Romania in ecotourism destinations. Case
Study: National Park Domogled-Cerna Valley
Mioara Clius, Madalina Ristea, Romania
Assessing public perception on protected areas in Iron Gates Natural Park, Romania
Cristiana Maria Ciocanea, Carmen Sorescu, Mirela Ianosi, Vasile Bagrinovschi, Romania
Ground monitoring of the urban heat island in Bucharest in the framework of the
UCLIMESA project
Şandric Ionuţ Cosmin, Iojă Ioan Cristian, Vânău Gabriel Ovidiu, Onose Diana Andreea,
Grădinaru Simona Raluca, Romania
Contextual indicators with potential of activating/fuelling the environmental conflict in
Natura 2000 sites
Cristian Ioja, Mihai-Razvan Nita, Constantina Alina Hossu, Diana-Andreea Onose, Denisa
Lavinia Badiu, Romania
What are the features of Romanian functional urban areas considering the human and
natural capital?
Alina Huzui-Stoiculescu, Georgiana Toth, Alina Chicos, Robert Stoiculescu, Romania
A model of development strategy encompassing creative industries to reduce visual
pollution - Case study: Strada Franceză, Bucharest’s old city
Cercleux Andreea-Loreta, Merciu Florentina-Cristina, Merciu George-Laurențiu, Romania
Impact of migration on economic development and demographic change in the rural space
of Constanta County
Stefan Todica Narcizia, Romania
The analyzes of the urbanistic and ecological potential for regional development in
Szekely Gabriel , Ţenche-Constantinescu Alina-Maria, Romania
Health tourism contribution to the structural dynamics of the territorial systems with
tourism functionality
Draghici Cristian Constantin, Diaconu Daniel, Teodorescu Camelia, Pintilii Radu-Daniel,
Ciobotaru Ana-Maria, Romania
Corabia residents’ perception on industrial tourism development and their effects on local
Teodorescu Adelina, Ionescu Delia, Cueto Carlos, Bira Nicoleta, Romania
Urban tourism. Acoustic comfort of accommodations in Craiova (Romania)
Cristiana Vîlcea, Mihaela Licurici, Oana Ionuș, Romania
A modern approach of what rural tourism means in Soveja and Tulnici villages in Vrancea
Alexandra Capră, Romania
Saturday, November 14
Transylvania field trip
Bucharest field trip – guided tour by foot with the help of our partner Universitur
Price: 50 Euro (to be paid at the Conference desk)
Price: Free
Registration: Please proceed to the Conference desk.
Registration: Please proceed to the Conference desk.
[1] Meeting at 08:00 AM at the University Fountain.
[2] Chitila – land use conflicts in the rural-urban fringe, urban sprawl.
[3] Targoviste – large industrial unit UPET situated in the center of the city,
restructuration, historic character of an ancient capital city, Chindia Tower.
[4] Campulung Muscel – small industrial city of Romania (cement industry).
[5] Rucar – land use conflicts between traditional agricultural and pastoral activities
and the sprawl of tourism, environmental conflicts with the objectives of the Piatra
Craiului National Park.
[6] Bran, Rasnov – castles and strongholds protecting the former border, current use
and problems, lunch break (*visit to the Bran Castle).
[7] Sinaia – former royal resort, present tourism activities, Bucegi Natural Park.
[8] Ploiesti – land use conflicts in a former oil-based city in Romania, commercial and
logistic development of the peripheral areas.
[9] Pipera, Baneasa – environmental conflicts due to the presence of an airport,
transformation of a agricultural settlement in a residential one.
[10] Return at the University Fountain
The tour will start at 10:00 AM on [1] Halelor Street, right in the heart of Bucharest.
We will then reach [2] St. Anthony Square, the area that was first mentioned in a
document as the centre of the settlement. We will then have a glimpse at [3]
Manuc’s Inn, the most famous inn in Bucharest where the stories of famous
merchants and historical figures meet. We will then pass by [4] The Old Princely
Court, one of the most controversial places in Bucharest built by Vlad the Impaler,
where the Dracula paradox will be presented. We will then head down [5] the
French Street, the place of many legends which will frighten and amuse you at the
same time. We will then get to see [6] The Post Office Palace and [7] Caru cu Bere,
a brewery dating back to 1879, where you can later enjoy a glass of beer and a
traditional meal. Another attraction is [8] Stavropoelos church, one of the most
beautiful buildings and an oasis of peace and quiet in the area. [9] Lipscani street,
the most famous commercial street in the old city, will take you back to the
medieval times since we will get to see the ruins of Șerban Vodă Inn. We will go
through [10] the Vilacrosse – Macca Passage and walk up the [11] Victory Avenue,
the must-see of Bucharest. The tour will end in the [12] Revolution Square where
you will get to discover some interesting facts about the recent past of Romania,
marked by the bloody anti-communist revolution in 1989.
* Lunch and entrance costs are included in the price.
* No lunch or personal expenses included in the tour
All abstracts of the accepted papers are included in the Conference Book of abstracts (received by each participant on a cd
in the conference bag). The Book of abstracts is indexed by the Romanian National Library.
Special Issue of the Conference
Procedia Environmental Sciences
Papers will follow a double peer-review process (Editors and Elsevier), as participation at the Ecosmart Conference does not
necessarily guarantees acceptance of the paper.
All papers should follow the standard template available in the Publishing section of the website.
Please send your full paper to the e-mail address: with the subject Procedia Ecosmart until
December 15, 2015.
Note: Papers published in the above partner journals must fulfill the specific criteria and formats imposed by each
journal, as well as accept their peer-review process, as participation at the Ecosmart Conference does not necessarily
guarantees acceptance of the paper.
The location of the Environment at a
CrossrOads: SMART approaches for a
sustainable future Conference is the
National Military Centre.
Address: 1 Constantin Mille, Sector 1,
e-mail: secretariat_dgrm[at]
phone/fax: +4021.310.38.72
post: 1 N. Balcescu Blvd, Sector 1, CP
010041, Bucharest, Romania
Partner Journals
Human Geographies
Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
Annals of University of Bucharest, Geography series
Revista de Geomorfologie (Geomorphology Journal)
Journal of Environmental and Tourism Analyses