Pastor`s Corner - St. John`s United Methodist Church


Pastor`s Corner - St. John`s United Methodist Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church
1888 ~ 2016 Celebrating 128 Years of Serving God
Inside this issue:
Walk to Emmaus
Children’s Ministry
Finance Director
Lay Leader
Weekly Activities
St. John’s History
Pumpkin Patch
Keeper’s of the Wild
Christian Education;
Team Meetings;
Bible Readings;
Birthdays &
Office Hours/Staff
Our Mission:
To Transform Lives and
Make Disciples for
Jesus Christ
Pastor’s Corner
James Harnish has published some great guides for
Lenten study over the years. Out of “Living with the Mind
of Christ,” James asked this question: What does it take
to change your mind ?
He was not referring to changing your mind on the small
stuff, like what model car will you buy, the destination of
your next vacation, or how you will lay out the furniture this
month in your living room. He is speaking to fundamental change, the real and
radical change that results in practical changes in the way we live out our lives.
One of the most eloquent passages offered in the New Testament was written by
the Apostle Paul and recorded in his letter to the Philippian church (Phil. 2:1-11 ).
His purpose is as challenging as it is clear. He is determined to change our
minds. The call he pronounces is to “…be of the same mind, having the same
love, being in full accord and of one mind” (v. 2). We too are challenged today to
“…let the same mind be in us that was in Christ Jesus” (v. 5). This is a way of
thinking that determines action. We might use the word mind-set. It is that
fundamental foundation on which we build our lives. It becomes that internal
frame of reference through which we perceive everything else.
The faith we receive as God’s gift to us is no small adjustment on the exterior of
our lives. It is not a self-help manual to make our lives run smoother. The Apostle
Paul is not a pop psychologist offering quick bits on self-improvement. To
become a follower of Jesus requires a radical reorientation of our thinking
resulting in an equally radical transformation of our living. It calls for nothing less
than the mind-set with which Jesus came into
this world, lived, died, and rose again becoming
the mind-set by which we live, die, and are
raised to new life.
And that truly is like the mocha grande of change
we are talking about as we talk about following
Christ! Choosing to follow, to be a joyously
obedient disciple of Christ means nothing about
ourselves remains the same.
Everything changes forever!
Lord, help each one of us through this Lenten season, make the time to fully commit our lives to
becoming faith-filled disciples (followers) of Christ, so that we may bear witness to God’s great love
in refreshingly new and deeper ways throughout our lives together as Your church.
See you at the cross each Sunday, Pastor Mike
Portions of this newsletter input are taken from: Harnish, James A. Living with the Mind of Christ: A
Lenten Study for Adults, (Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2005) introduction, pages 9-10.
The Walk to Emmaus...A Secret Society?
When I first started attending St John’s UMC in Kingman Arizona, I kept hearing what seemed to be
whisperings of The Walk to Emmaus. In the beginning I never gave it much thought, but year after year
I would hear of people attending this mysterious walk. What was it? Was it a 3 day treacherous hike
through the desert? As the years past, I felt God nudging me to get more information and to consider
attending. I finally invited myself to one of the Emmaus Community gatherings and met a bunch of happy, fun people. We worshiped God, sang songs, had fellowship, and yes ate lots of food. I didn’t have
to give it a second thought, I attended women’s walk #62 in the fall of 2012.
Though a person desiring to attend a weekend walk, needs a sponsor, what I found out, is that the Walk
itself is NOT a secret society nor is it 3 days of hiking! The Walk to Emmaus, is a Journey with Christ
(as shared in Luke 24:13-35), while getting to know a group of wonderful like-minded Christian men and
women (the men’s and women’s walks are held on separate weekends). It is a three day weekend
beginning on a Thursday evening and running through Sunday afternoon; open to
members of any Christian denomination and is for the development of Christian leaders who have a
desire to strengthen their spiritual lives, may have unanswered questions about their faith,
understand that being Christian involves responsibility and are willing to dedicate their everyday lives to
God in an ongoing manner.
The weekends revolve around discussions that center around fifteen talks given by laity and clergy and
these talks present the theme of God’s grace, how that grace comes alive in the Christian
community, and how it expresses itself in the world. In addition to the life changing talks, the
weekends are also filled with fellowship, worship, singing, laughing, learning, praying, reflecting and
communion. You will leave with an experience of Christian love in action that will equip you for new
levels of grace filled service and leadership.
The weekend is just the beginning of your four-day journey, which is simply walking closer with Christ
for the rest of your life. To help ensure this new closeness with Christ, “pilgrims” (those who have
completed a walk) are encouraged to form reunion groups, or accountability groups. The Emmaus
Community also has regular potluck gatherings, every other month, as I mentioned above.
There are also yearly chances to give back to the community by serving on future walks.
The upcoming walks for the year 2016 are October 6-9 for the men and
October 20-23 for the women. Couples are highly encouraged to attend walks consecutively, though it
is not a requirement. For further information on the Walk to Emmaus, see Pastor Mike or for an
application email Heidi Heer at or call her at 928-565-0213.
Tracy Sheehy
Southern Nevada Walk to Emmaus
Community Lay Director
Wednesday Night Young Adventurers
We are getting ready to start 13 interactive lessons that will help kids experience the
wonder and adventure of the Bible. We are going to build our way through
“God’s Word” by using Legos.
February 3: “God calls us by name”
February 10: Ash Wednesday study.
We would like our families to come and stay for the Ash Wednesday worship
service at 7p.m.
February 17: “Cross Power”
February 24 : “We are God’s masterpieces”
We meet at 5:30 p.m. for a meal together. At 6p.m. we leave to go to study.
Ages are 3 years old thru 3rd grade.
Children’s Church - Sunday mornings during our Praise & Worship service
February 7: “ God wants to be your friend” 1 Samuel 17:32-49
February 14: “ We love God more than anything” Daniel 1:1-16
February 21: “ Sticking up for God shows our love” Acts 4
February 28: “ We thirst for God’s love” Psalm 42:1-8
Endings and New Beginnings
It is with great pleasure I can inform you, the congregants and friends of
St. John’s United Methodist Church, that we were able to pay 100% of our
Conference apportionments. And the most wonderful thing is that we were able
to do so prior to the end of calendar year 2015. This is the first time since I have
been Treasurer/Finance Director that we have accomplished this momentous event. Oh, we have paid 100% before but usually going into the next January to make it so.
Thank you all for your generosity and commitment to St. John’s and our Lord.
New Beginnings
In all things I have shown you that…we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he
himself said, “It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35). And indeed it is. Which of us cannot recall
the look of surprise and thanks for the Christmas gifts that we labored to give to those whom we love? And the
joy written on their face when that gift is received with thanksgiving, means more than all the gifts we have
received. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Jesus gave of Himself, sparing not even His life in death, in order to give us back to our Father in heaven. He
knew that in giving, you get more because in giving joy is multiplied: The one who receives and the one who
gives both rejoice in what is given and received. What is more the one who receives is thankful and only wants
to give back to the one who gave so generously.
So also with our tithes and offerings in the church. We want to give because we have received from God all that
we are and all that we have. Our giving does not originate in what we must do to earn God’s favor. We have
God’s favor because of the gift of His Son, Jesus. Therefore, we are made free from the compulsion of giving.
Our tithes and offerings are to be freely given in thanksgiving for what God has so generously given to us.
So why does the church so often struggle to make budgets? Why does the church always seem stretched so
thin? After all the church is the place where God not only gives to us once, but continually again and again.
And what gifts God gives! He gives us the forgiveness of sins, pours out His grace and mercy because He loves
us. So why does the church struggle?
It is because sin still clings to us. Our sinful nature makes us selfish and miserly. It leads us to believe that we
can have our cake and eat it too. Because of sin we want to receive, but not give. We want God’s blessings, but
we don’t want to share them with those around us. We want to remain comfortable in our own self-contained,
neat and tidy lives, without the headaches of loving those around us by helping them in their time of need.
Remember that God has placed you in a church, not only to receive His grace and mercy, but also to use you to
bless others. We are to be His hands and feet here on earth. Your tithes and offerings ensure that those around
you have a pastor to preach the life-saving and life-giving Word of God. They ensure that the lights and heat and
air-conditioning are working. They ensure there is water for Baptism and elements for Communion. Everything
the church does. It is able to do by and through the generosity of the members and friends who worship
together. So remember the words of our Lord Jesus. It is more blessed to give than to receive. And remember
the joy that attended the gifts you gave at Christmas. This same joy attends your gifts to the church.
Dave Chevalier
Finance Director
A Big Hairy Deal?
I had an enlightening experience on Christmas morning and thought I’d share it with you. It went something like this:
So it’s Christmas morning and my bathroom sink is clogged. It’s disgusting, slimy tooth paste foam is just floating in
the sink. The water level isn’t getting lower and I still have to finish getting ready for the day. I get an old cup and start
to bail the water from the sink into the toilet. With every scoop, splat and gag, I feel myself getting more and more
It’s not fair that my hair is falling out anyway. Women aren’t supposed to go bald! The doctor says it’s probably a result
of my stomach surgery but that’s not fair either. I didn’t do anything to cause the problems with my stomach. I was kind
of glad that I was losing a little bit of weight after the surgery but honestly, I’d rather be a bit chubbier and still have
hair. I even began to think that maybe God just got tired of keeping track of how many hairs were on my head!
Scoop, splat, gag.
I try to look at the bright side. At least my hair isn’t falling out because I’m having chemo or something. I know so many
lovely people that have serious health problems. I should be grateful that I am healthy. But as I wait for Christmas
peace to overwhelm my aggravation, I just end up feeling guilty because at the moment, I don’t feel the peace that was
promised. Scoop, splat, gag.
I’m pretty ticked off at my husband too. I’ve been hinting around for days that my bathroom sink drain was getting slow.
He was supposed to do the dinner dishes last night too and he didn’t. Now I have to clean up the kitchen before I can
even cook all three meals for us today plus make them festive too. He spends more time in the kitchen at the church,
and when the drains were slow at church; he was all over it helping to get them fixed, but would he pour a little Drano
down mine once in a while, no….. Scoop, splat, gag.
I try to be grateful. At least I have my loved ones at Christmas. I think of the people I know who have lost their loved
ones. They’d give anything to have them back and wouldn’t mind one bit if they didn’t do the dishes. I think of the
people who have lost their loved ones in the recent terrorist attacks, and the mom who lost her baby earlier this week.
But while I wait for Christmas love to overwhelm my aggravation, I feel even guiltier because I can’t force
compassionate thoughts to make me feel the love that was promised. Scoop, splat, gag.
I retrieve the bottle of Drano from the garage. It’s the one that comes with that plastic, spiky thing designed specifically
for hair balls. I bought it weeks ago when I noticed that my hair was falling out and the sink was draining slowly but I’ve
put off using it. I don’t know why I put it off. It was just easier to ignore and avoid the problem.
As I twist and pull the stinking ball of hair and drain gunk out of my drain, I try to be mature and recognize my own
faults in this situation. But I find myself making excuses. After all, I do not have the ability to control whether my hair
falls out or not, do I? But then, well, I could eat a better diet and take my vitamins more regularly. I could have taken
the time to wipe the hair out of the sink instead of just rinsing it down the drain every morning. I could have asked my
husband directly instead of hinting around and then getting all resentful when he didn’t take the hint.
I could have poured the Drano in several days ago.
Suddenly, the hair ball is out! I wrap it in a plastic grocery sack and throw it away. I turn the hot water on full blast and
it drains immediately! It even made that satisfying gurgling sound that drains make when they flow freely. I am
suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. I am happy and so proud of myself. I find myself filled with Christmas joy and
actually tearing up with love and compassion for all the people I’d been thinking about. Seriously? Am I emotionally
unstable? How can it be that removing a hair ball could be, well….such a big, hairy deal?
So, I sat down on the lid of the commode and grabbed a bit of tissue to blot my tears as I pondered this occurrence. I
figured out that life is one big, hairy deal and sometimes it can turn into a stinky, slimy mess. And even though there’s
an awful lot of it that I have no control over, there are many things that I can do to make it flow better. I made a New
Year’s resolution to seek God’s help to manage the big, hairy deals of life the best I can before they become stinky,
slimy messes. Happy New Year! I pray that your whole year may be filled with Christ’s peace and love and that you
seek God’s help to do your best to manage your life and find joy in everyday challenges.
Proverbs 6:4 Don't put it off; do it now! Don't rest until you do. (New Living Translation)
Patty Hockingberry
Lay Leader
Nana’s Heart for Missions
Fry Bread Luncheon & Auction
Sunday, February 14, 2016
11:30 a.m.
$10 for full fry bread taco and desert taco
(Other prices will be posted)
A fundraiser to help support mission vision for St. John’s. Proceeds will go towards to Nana’s Pantry
and other mission projects.
Do you have time to volunteer? We will be setting up Friday 12/13 at 6pm. We also need cooks and
auction assistants. See Tammy in the lobby on Sundays or call her.
Donations wanted for Auction:
* Unused Christmas Gifts you didn’t necessarily ask for
* Sale —you know there are some great sales out there as merchants bring in new items!
* Service Certificates—Can’t afford or think of what to purchase?
Do you have a special talent you could donate time? You know like: House sitting, Dog Grooming, Cleaning,
Computer Repair, Baby-sitting, Baking, Meals, Shopping...the list is long!
* Artwork, crafts and hobby items.
Please have donations to the church on
Friday, February 12th
Contact Tammy 303-0389 or for more information
Clothes Closet
We have had several volunteers step up to help continue our Cloths Closet Ministry.
The closet will be open the Fridays of Food Box distribution (2nd and 4th Fridays of
the month from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.). It can also be available upon appointment. It is
very crowded but we have a team who is going to thin it out and set up for
adult seasonal attire.
Clothing is offered at a nominal price depending on qualifications. If this is a
ministry that you would like to support by volunteering to organize, wash or
distribute the clothing please see Lea Eastman or Tammy Tahbo.
Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Men of ALL ages are invited to come and discover the truths of God’s Word.
Join us on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. for Coffee, Donuts, and
Fellowship followed by Bible Study at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Studies (August thru May)
5:30 p.m. ~ Bible Study led by Mort Tucker—Resource Center
5:30 p.m. ~ Youth Group Devotional (Grades 7-12) —Fellowship Hall
5:30 p.m.~ TwIST (Grades 4—6)—Room 6
5:30 p.m. ~ Young Adventurers (3 yrs.—3rd Grade) - Room 7
6:30 p.m. ~ Bell Choir—Mondays (September thru May)
5:15 p.m. ~ The Heart of Worship Praise Band—Thursdays
7:00 p.m. ~ Chancel Adult Choir—Thursdays (September thru May)
St. John’s offers Boy Scout and Girl Scout Programs throughout the week.
Please contact the Church Office at (928) 692-8828 Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please call the Church Office at (928) 692-8828 Monday thru Thursday
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for more information on any of these classes.
Scrap & Faith Booking Fellowship Returns
2nd & 4th Saturdays
1 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Back by popular demand our little fellowship is meeting again!
It’s a time to get together with other people who like to create
scrapbooks, photo albums or faithbooks.
Gather with other people who enjoy creating books/albums of their special times
and memories. Bring your project and supplies (book, paper, photos,
embellishments, laptop or whatever you use). Some of us will have basic supplies
like paper cutters, cricuits and ideas to share.
We’re not formal—we’re busy people! Come and go as you need. Come once a month
or come for just an hour. Invite your friends—bring your older children who may
want to start putting their memories into these great books.
Contact Jamie Zorn or Tammy Tahbo if you have questions.
February dates are the 13th and 27th.
Join us after the women’s fellowship on the 13th—we look forward to seeing you!
Photos from St. John’s Past
Do you recognize anyone?
Have you ever wondered what happens to the pumpkins that are left-over in our
Pumpkin Patch each year?
Well let me show you!
Our left-over pumpkins are donated to Keepers of the Wild out in Valentine.
The animals seem to really enjoy them!
Children’s Worship: Sundays during the Praise & Worship Service
(children ~ ages 3 yrs. old thru 6th grade)
1:30 p.m. ~ Growing Deeper Bible Study
Team Meetings Schedule!
Human Resources Team ~ 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:45p.m.
The February meeting will be Thursday, February 11th in the
St. John’s Resource Center.
Vitality Team ~ 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
The February meeting will be Tuesday, February 9th in the
St. John’s Resource Center.
Nurture Team ~ 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
The February meeting will be Tuesday, February 9th in the St. John’s Chapel.
Administrative Team ~ 4th Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m.
The February meeting will be Tuesday, February 23rd in the
St. John’s Resource Center.
Church Council ~ 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
The February meeting will be Tuesday, February 23rd in the
St. John’s Resource Center.
Publication Deadlines
Bulletin Announcements for church events are due to the church office by
Tuesdays at 2:00 PM. Bulletins are printed on Wednesday mornings.
The March 2016 Newsletter deadline is Wednesday, February 17, 2016 by 4:00 PM.
You can e-mail your submissions, with Bulletin or Newsletter on subject line to
Heidi at
I can’t believe that by the time you read this newsletter article, we will have completed
January’s Grapple study “Best Friends Forever”; where we looked at the importance of
choosing the right friends and what the traits of a true friend are. We discussed the
importance of having Christian friends, as well as having non-Christian friends. We
looked at the friendship between Jonathon and David, how Jesus hung out with those
sinners who the Pharisees wouldn’t be caught dead associating with and how this still
happens in life today. We discussed why we are to love all fellow classmates, as well as
all people and finished the four weeks with a study in the book of Proverbs and what it
says about friendship.
The month of February we will get away from Grapple, but will continue looking at
relationships, only we will be discussing how God would have us treat, handle and
relate to Bullies. This 4 week study is taken from a preteen ministry online group that I
belong to and the lessons will be as follows:
Forgive Your Enemies
I Don’t Play That
Wrap-up and Review of the prior weeks
I am expecting and hoping that these four weeks will stimulate some interesting
discussions and prepare us for our Easter study, starting in March.
Also, on January 22, a group of the TwIST parents and kids met to brainstorm about
what mission projects would be good for our Tweens to get involved with. Hopefully,
as you are reading this, we are already underway in preparing for our first project!
Details will follow.
Once again, I encourage you to invite any pre-teen you or your child may know, who
may or may not know the love of Christ, and who may or may not have a church family.
I encourage those parents who attend St John’s Sunday services with their pre-teen(s)
to consider and pray about getting your pre-teen involved with TwIST, and I will
continue to pray that God will speak to you and show you the importance that we
reach these pre-teens during this impressionable time of their lives.
TwIST is for 4th-6th grades (ages 9-12).
Blessings to you all,
Tracy Sheehy
Prayers for our North District Churches
As part of the United Methodist connection we pray to support one another in ministry.
During the month of February please pray for these churches, ministries,
pastors, congregations and communities.
1—Community UMC, Caliente, Nevada ~ Pastor Linda Larsen
2—Federated Community Church, Flagstaff, Arizona ~ Rev. Jessica Goad
3—Trinity Heights UMC, Flagstaff, Arizona ~ Rev. Lynn Bartlow & Rev. Ron Bartlow
Pray Every Day for our Military Members —
Updated 7.9.2014
Devin Arrants, Brian Barnacle, Justin Bayles, John Belcher, Chris Bradley,
Greg Brewer, Dan Brocklehurst, Stacie Brown, Brady Burr, Ryan Burr,
Erik Burris, Ashley Caldwell, Clint Caldwell, Bobby Carlson, Brock Carlson,
Ray Carr, Charles Carroll, Nathanial Castor, Amber Caswell,
Keith Chevalier, Richard Cole, Anthony Costa, Jenny Dalton,
Manny Durst-McCoy, Daniel Eagan, Karen Eagan, Anthony Elliot,
Adam Ernesti, Austin Ernesti, Ben Ferrell, Christie Francis, Adam Georges,
Ethan Granger, Holly Gibbons, Joey Gormany, Brenton Green,
Micah Hamilton, Dammon Hatchell, George Hatchell Jr., Shawn Hicks,
Camerron Higbee, Jessica Huffer, Keith Huffer, Gage Humphreys,
Isaiah Huynh, Brian Illes, Jeremiah Johnson, Travis Johnson,
David Kent, Jeffery Lederhouse, Tyrell Manakaja,
Ryan Miller, Danny Morales, Chaney Maree, Myers, Jessica Naylor,
Jennifer Parker, Jonathan Parker, Katrina Powell, Will Ray, William Ritchie,
Juan Roman, Jamuel Ruiz, Ben Schwartfigure, Sean Schwartfigure, Jared Shulpa,
Matthew Simone, Troy Smith,
Long Term Prayer List—
Updated 10.29.2015
To make changes to this list, please call the church office at (928) 692-8828
Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. —4 p.m. or email us at
We make every effort to keep the names on this list current, and we have a quarterly meeting to
do so. Your help is appreciated so please do not hesitate to contact us.
Family of Barbara Barnes, Wil and Diane Books, Louise Botts, Katie Burkes, Jennifer Casey,
Theresa Chavez, Dennis Corder, Family of David Croxell, Jean Dalton, Family of Tracy Davis,
Sally Diehl, Tom Dobbins, Debra Eberly, Emmalyn Faris, The Family of Richard Ferguson,
Jerry & Pam Fink, Gary Forde, Steven Frazine, Vera Gates, Carol Halen, Family of Chuck Hart,
Shirley Hiestand, Jeanne Higginbotham, The Family of Helen Honsinger,
The Family of Alma Hills, Ken Hills, Paula Hupp, John Kloosterman,
Ed Krause, Ann Krueger, Family of Mary Lawrence, Amy Lunsford,
Manuel & Anthony, Krisha Matthews, Brandy McCoy,
Zoe Partee, Micah Rincon, Betty Rowe, Mick Sapp, Debbie Scott,
Marilyn Sherman, Rodney Shutts, Karran Smith, Micheal Smith, Rod Smith,
David Stott, Karen Spira, The Family of Ruth Sublet, Jeremy Thomas,
Bob Tomicich, Al Trathen, Vivian Vallez, Don Waller, Lois Waller, Pam Wally,
Tina White
February Daily Bible Readings
Psalm 51, 54; Mark 6:47-56
Psalm 138, 139; Mark 7:1-23
Psalm 24, 29; John 7:14-31
Psalm 64, 65; Mark 7:24-37
Psalm 68; Mark 8:1-10
Psalm 72; Mark 8:11-26
Psalm 70, 71; Mark 8:27-9:1
Psalm 69, 73; Mark 9:2-13
Psalm 75, 76; Mark 9:14-29
February Birthdays
February 1—Greg Cropper
February 4—Theresa Chavez
February 5—Chris Moody
February 6—Nathan Zorn
February 8—Marva Jensen; Pam Smith
Wed—10 Psalm 114, 115; John 12:24-32
February 9—Dawn Pennington
Psalm 25; John 1:1-18
February 12—Scott Larson
Psalm 26, 28; John 1:19-28
February 13—Judy Smith
Psalm 102, 130; Luke 18:9-14
February 14—Craig Padgett
Hannah Langewicz
Psalm 37; John 1:29-34
February 15—Lupe Flores; Roxana Richmeir
Mon—15 Psalm 31, 35; John 1:35-42
February 20—Mykenzie DeVries
February 22—David Burkes; Brittany Noland
Psalm 30, 32; John 1:43-51
Wed—17 Psalm 98, 103; Mark 2:18-22
February 23—Dave Kopecky
Psalm 41, 44; John 2:1-12
February 24—Hanna Padgett
Carol Ann Zeyouma
Psalm 47, 48; John 2:13-22
Psalm 49, 53; John 2:23—3:15
February 26—Andrew Shelton
Psalm 59, 60; John 3:16-21
February 27—Michaela Grzanich
February 25—Marilyn Sherman; Pat Watkins
February 28—Dee Hudson; Alec Rowley
Mon—22 Psalm 51, 54; John 3:22-36
Psalm 138, 139; John 4:1-26
Wed—24 Psalm 24, 29; Mark 3:31-4:9
Psalm 57, 58; John 4:27-42
Psalm 61, 62; John 4:43-54
Psalm 72; John 5:1-18
Psalm 70, 71; John 5:19-29
Mon—29 Psalm 77, 79; Mark 5:21-43
open hearts, open minds, open doors
Rethink Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church Newsletter
Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors
KINGMAN AZ 86409-3083
Church Staff
Senior Pastor
Church Office Hours
Rev. Michael Herdt, Sr.
Office Administrator
Heidi Heer
Dave Chevalier
Traditional Music Director
Contemporary Music Director
Karin Kopecky
Christopher Commisso
Preschool Director
Trudy Mixon
Children’s Church School Coordinator
Karissa Tahbo
Connection Staff
District Superintendent
Resident Bishop
Rev. Dan Morley
Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Friday 8 am-3:30 pm
(928) 692-8828/Fax (928) 692-8799
Sundays as St. John’s UMC
9:00 am Praise & Worship
9:45 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Traditional Worship
11:00 am Youth Group
1:30 pm Growing Deeper
Bible Study