Contents Been Away from Church for a While?


Contents Been Away from Church for a While?
August 2016
The monthly newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Fergus Falls, MN
Been Away from Church for a While?
From the Pastor’s Desk
Myths of Closed Comm.
Adult Instruction Class
Pastors’ Retreat
Trinity Events
Meals by Wheels
Pictorial Directory
Student Addresses
Youth Planning
Preschool Begins
OGT Sunday
Missionary Moment
NEW Website Designs
Rally Day
Youth Photo
Member Life
Homebound Birthdays
Pray for…
Church & School Info
August Calendar
Daily Readings
Philosophy of Ministry
Our primary goal is to
bring lost souls into a
personal relationship with
Christ and strengthen the
faithful in their relationship
with Christ. We achieve
this by education of all
members in the true Word
of God through worship,
Christian education and
day school. We believe that
through education,
spiritual growth will occur
and membership in the
kingdom will increase.
Attending church is not about what we are doing for God but rather about
what God has done and is doing for us in delivering forgiveness, life, and
salvation to us through His Word and Sacraments. Thus we refer to
worship as “Divine Service” ~ God serving us. In Divine Service God
delivers to us the fruit of what Christ purchased once and for all in His
death and resurrection. We respond with our praise, prayers, offerings,
and songs.
I am often told that we can worship God in other places, yet those who
suggest such a thing are never able to elaborate on exactly what constitutes
such “worship”. I can guarantee that what is not going on in just any place
is what is most important, and precisely what such worship lacks, namely:
the sound preaching of God's powerful Word, the administration of Holy
Baptism, the speaking of confession along with the hearing of absolution,
and the distribution of the Lord's Supper according to Christ's
institution. It is those precious things that makes church, the Church. And
that's what creates and sustains faith and preserves us in repentance, faith,
the holiness of God, and trust in the Lord's promises.
What does God’s Word say about neglecting the assembly of the
church? “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy
places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for
us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a
great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in
full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil
conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the
confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not
neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one
another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews
10:19-25 ESV)
There are many things that might entice you away from Divine Service,
especially during the last days of summer, but I write this to encourage you
to be regular in your attendance at Divine Service.
~ Pastor Christensen
Inside this issue...
August Pictorial
Directory Appts
Page 3
Church &
Page 5
Prechool Year
Page 6
August Calendar
Page 8
Myths Surrounding the Practice of Closed Communion
(adapted from The Seven Myths of Close Communion – by Rev. Bernard Worral)
MYTH #4. We are judging the hearts of people to whom we deny the Sacrament of the Altar.
We cannot judge the inner thoughts, beliefs and attitudes of people; only the Spirit who “searches all things” can do this ( I Corinthians 2:10). We judge the confession of the lip, not the faith of the heart. We listen to what people say of their faith, and not
what we can see of their faith in their heart. If someone confesses they are a members of the Methodist Church and they wish to
commune with us we must assume their heart is also in the Methodist Church and that they truly believe that the words of Christ,
“This represents my body...This symbolizes my blood.” They may indeed, in their hearts, believe in the real presences, simply
trusting these incredible words to be true, but we must make more of their confession than of our ability to read their hearts. We
must stake everything on what they say and do, and nothing on what we think or hope they may believe. 1
The same is true of our own members whose hearts we also do not know. Luther said, “If someone does not confess something
about which I have suspicions, I should diligently question him. But if he denies everything, I must make more of his denial than
of my conjectures, and if he insists on it, I must also administer the Sacrament also to Judas, the traitor, but to his perdition.” (What Luther Says, p. 810).
In this same vein we must not over burden pastors with a sense of accountability that exceeds the Chief Shepherd’s expectations. The watchman is command to sound the warning in the hearing of all (Ezekiel 3:17-19) not go about seeking to save people
who reject that warning. Confirmation does allow for private inquiry, but beyond this we must make more of what individuals say
and do. If communicants will not heed a public warning, and they drink to their own judgment, the pastor will be “innocent of
the blood of all men” (Acts 20:26). 2
This word “confession” is not to be confused with confession of sins, or guilt. Here it is used in conjunction with Matthew
10:32 and Romans 10:9-10. Jesus said, whoever confesses me before men, I will confess him before my Father in heaven.”
And Paul writes, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the
dead, you will be saved. For it with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess
and are saved.” Faith in the heart is known only to God, but when it is confessed upon the lip, it can be known by all.
Luther says, “This is not the responsibility of the minister. His responsibility is only to offer the man the true Word and the
true sacrament. But I am not worried about whether he truly believes. I serve him because of the confession, which I hear,
may the condition of his heart be whatever it please. I stake a hundred souls upon it that the absolution and Sacrament are
right. I must believe him when he tells me that he is penitent. If he is deceiving me, he is deceiving himself. The Sacrament
and absolution are nonetheless true. If I gave someone ten florins and he considered them only counterfeit—there the money
lies before his eyes; if he does not properly evaluate it, the guilt and the loss are his.” Luther also said, “I hold that it is
enough that he who desires to be communed be questioned be so understanding that the need be explored only once in his
life or not at all.” (Ewald M. Pless, What Luther Says, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, 2:810)
Adult Instruction Class
Adult Instruction Classes (AIC) will be offered beginning in September. This class will cover all the basics of what we
believe, teach and confess in our church based on the teachings of Holy Scripture. Any person interested in joining Trinity
Lutheran or just learning more about Christianity and what we teach is encouraged to attend.
This is also a great refresher class for members, especially if it has been a few years since you were confirmed.
If you are interested in taking the class please use the sign-up sheet in the Narthex or call the Church Office to have your
name added. If you have questions, please speak to one of the Pastors.
The class is free and there is no obligation to join Trinity, but we sincerely hope that you do.
Pastors’ Planning Retreat
When you looked at the August church calendar you may have noticed that there is a “Pastors’ Planning Retreat” on the
schedule and wondered what those pastors were up to. As Pastor Rogness and I begin our work together it is very important
that we actually work TOGETHER as a team. Pastors are trained at the seminary to be “Lone Rangers”, in other words, work
alone. Since I’ve only been a Senior Pastor once before and he’s never been an Associate Pastor before and since we both
want what is in the best interest of Trinity Lutheran Church and School, we are taking time for a planning retreat. At this
retreat we will spend time working through the division of responsibilities as laid out in our job descriptions and make plans
as to how we will carry out that work. We will also do the scheduling for Divine Service (i.e. preacher, liturgy, special
emphasis, etc.) and discuss AIC and Bible studies for the next several months.
At a Midwestern Fair, spectators gathered for an old fashioned horse pull. The Grand Champion horse pulled a sled with
4,500 pounds on it. The runner up was close, with a 4,400 pound pull. Some of the men wondered what the two horses
would pull if they were hitched together. Separately they pulled a total of nearly 9,000 pounds, but when hitched and
working together as a team, they pulled a total weight of over 12,000 pounds! This illustrates what we are striving to
accomplish in our team ministry at Trinity and the reason that planning together for that work is so important.
Please pray for your pastors that selfish ambition and sinful pride will never get in the way of our working together in the
care of God’s people gathered at Trinity.
~Pastor Christensen
Meals by Wheels Fundraiser
Local Outreach Board Thanks
Support Meals by Wheels by attending their fundraiser meal
on Thursday, September 22 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the First
Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. The Underwood Lions will
be cooking pork chops. Mark your calendar and help support
Meals by Wheels.
The Local Outreach Board
thanks the many members of
the congregation who participated in our efforts to print an
up-to-date Trinity directory. In
the previous directory, there
were 153 units pictured. This
year we have had 110 family units who have come in for pictures so far. It was a pleasant experience. People came on
time for appointments thereby giving us a little time to visit.
LifeTouch was very cooperative, had an efficient, wellqualified staff, and generally made it a good experience.
We are now signing up those who were not able to participate in July for photo appointments on Tuesday, August 2
and Wednesday, August 3. You may sign up online at or in the narthex on Sunday, July 31.
For those members who are unable to come to church, we
hope that their pictures can be taken and digitally sent to
Laura at the office. We encourage everyone to participate
and help to urge all members to be a part of the new
Since we were anxious to include ALL members of Trinity
in our directory, we did call all those who had not signed up.
Sad to say, many could not be reached because their land
line had been disconnected and we did call those who had
not signed up. There were also some who said they were no
longer living in Fergus. We urged them to contact Pastor
Christensen or an elder so they could be acknowledged and
transferred to a closer congregation.
We are anxious to keep in contact with all members of
Trinity, so please contact Trinity via the church office (218736-4869) or email (trinity
May the Lord bless Trinity and all its members.
Trinity Ladies Gathering & Bible Study
Attention ladies of Trinity! Let’s get together! Join us on
Saturday, August 20 at 9:30 am for a Bible study, coffee, food,
fellowship and a pontoon ride. Please bring yourself and your
Bible. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet Mrs. Becky
Rogness! We will meet at
9:00 am in the church parking
lot to carpool to 24894 Wall
Lake Point Circle, Fergus
Falls, MN. If you have any
questions contact Diane Christensen or Mary Jo Schwarz.
College Student Addresses
Do you have a college student? The Human Care Board
sends these students a quarterly letter and Portals of Prayer
devotional booklet. Please contact the church office with your
student’s current mailing address and contact information.
Thank you!
Youth School Year Planning
The Trinity Youth will be meeting in August to plan for the
new school year! Our planning meeting date is still yet to be
We are actively seeking new members for the Trinity Board
of Youth. If you would like to help shape the young people of
our congregation, please contact Wayne Goerdt.
Why Join and/or Support the Lutheran
Women’s Missionary League (LWML)?
One of the objects of the LWML is to
promote growth in Christian knowledge.
That knowledge is about God who gives
us everything including sending Jesus,
the Perfect One, to die for us the Imperfect Ones, so that we can be saved and go
to heaven. The LWML promotes that
growth in Christian knowledge locally, regionally, and nationally. Locally, there are opportunities for Bible Study for
Trinity ladies at circle and society meetings, rallies, retreats,
district and national conventions and at
There are also opportunities for providing financial aid to
support missions that promote growth in Christian
knowledge in areas we cannot. Local and regional mission
work is supported by the money received from offerings at
society meetings and Sunday morning fellowship. Regional
and national mission work is supported by the mites received at circle and society meetings and the first Sunday of
the month service. That is combined with the mites of other
LWML societies for larger projects. At the conventions the
missions supported by the LWML give very interesting reports about the work being done to promote Christian
knowledge. You are invited to come to circle and society
meetings beginning in September to participate in promoting growth in Christian knowledge.
New Preschool Year Beginning Soon!
Summer is almost over! Preschool begins Tuesday, September 6, 2016. We are blessed by God with 28 registered
students. We will be offering 3 classes, 2 classes for our 17
Tuesday/Thursday students (3- and 4-year-olds) and 1 class
for 11 students who will come Monday/Wednesday/Friday
(4- and 5-year-olds). The school board and teachers will be
welcoming our new students back to school on Wednesday,
August 31 at 5:30 pm. We are looking forward to another
great year.
We are still accepting enrollment at this time so if you
know of someone interested, they may call the school at
218-736-5847 or go on our NEW website at
Orphan Grain Train Sunday
August 7, 2016
Sunday, August 7, 2016 is Trinity’s Orphan Grain Train
Sunday with Gene and Darlene Pasche as our guests. The
Human Care Board would like you to consider donating a
NEW backpack filled with school supplies on this special
 NEW Backpack
 2-3 spiral notebooks
 Pencils
 Pens
 Package of construction paper
 Crayons
 Ruler
 Glue sticks
 Blunt scissors
 Washable markers
 Pencil sharpener
 Erasers
Please join us in the narthex for summer pizzas served by
the Human Care Board followed by a presentation by Gene
and Darlene Pasche in the sanctuary.
— The Human Care Board
“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these
my brothers, you did it to me.' ” Matthew 25:40b
Monthly Missionary Moment— Rev. Lawrence & Tina Matro
Serving the Lord in the Oceania Region
Rev. Lawrence and Tina Matro serve the Lord as career missionaries through The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in the Oceania region, based in Papua New Guinea. In this
role, Lawrence helps to develop and implement a mission strategy for this region and works
to establish and maintain partnerships with other regional church bodies. He also ministers
to the other missionary staff in the region and is involved in theological education.
Lawrence was born in Grosse Point Farms, Mich., and grew up in Warren, Mich. His home
congregation is Immanuel Lutheran Church, Leland, Mich. He received a bachelor’s degree
from Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Mich., and his Master of Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Before becoming a career missionary, Lawrence was an evangelistic missionary in Birip, Papua New Guinea, for eight years. He
also served as a pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Leland, Mich., for 21 years. His hobbies include gardening, doing yard
work, biking, hiking, reading, following sports teams and doing minor auto and home repairs.
Tina was born in Lakewood, Ohio, and her home congregation is also Immanuel Lutheran Church, Leland, Mich. She received a
bachelor’s degree in nursing from Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Prior to heading to the mission field, she
worked as a nurse in various capacities, with the most recent being as a nurse manager and sonographer in a pregnancy care center. Her hobbies include reading, computers and technology, and travel planning.
Please pray for Lawrence and Tina as they serve the Lord in the Oceania region. Ask God to give them strength and peace as they
transition to life in Papua New Guinea, learning the new language and culture. Pray for their transition to life overseas as they
miss the comforts and familiarity of life in the United States. Please also pray for God’s continued care of their elderly parents and
their four adult children as Lawrence and Tina are far away from them. Let us give thanks to God the Matros have answered His
call to serve in this part of the world.
If you would like to financially support Lawrence and Tina, you can do so online at or call 1-888-930-4438
New Church & Preschool Websites!
After months of hard work, we are excited to officially announce the launch of our newly designed Trinity Lutheran Church
and Preschool at Trinity websites! You can find the church website at the same URL,, and you will find the
new preschool website at
The goal with our new websites is to provide church members, visitors, school families, and community an easy way to learn
about our church and school. New features of our sites include:
 Mobile optimization which allows smart phone and tablet users a viewer friendly experience on our websites.
 Members only, password protected page, that includes Congregational Leaders Names & Contact Information, a
Member Directory, a current Constitution, Church Council meeting minutes, monthly Treasurer’s Reports, and
Sunday morning Volunteer Schedules. Please call the church office for the password to this page.
 Unlimited web space for photo galleries and information.
 Expanded email capacity with new personalized email addresses. Please see page 8 for our new staff email
addresses and be sure to update your email address book.
 Completely self-manageable design for quick response to keep our website up-to-date.
Visit and bookmark our new websites today!
Rally Day — September 11, 2016
Sunday School Begins at 10:30 am
Special plans are underway for Rally Day this year. Activities
are being planned for this kick-off to Fall activities within Trinity including Sunday School! We would love to have you join us
on Sunday, September 11 at 10:30 am following the 9:00 am
worship service for a short Sunday School parent meeting AND
a game of kick ball game (weather permitting). Look for an
email or letter for more information in regards to Fall Sunday
School, Catechesis, and Bible History classes all beginning in
The Trinity Youth and friends enjoyed a day at Valley Fair in July.
August Birthdays of Our Physically Limited
August 2
Jon Lahlum
222 N Whitford Street, Apt #604
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
August 17
Wilbert Schultz
P.O. Box 477
Fergus Falls, MN 56537-0477
August 19
Larry Hauge
27415 County Hwy 1
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Let’s shower them with birthday cards on their special day!
Thank you for caring and sharing Christ’s love.
First Nation Children we prayed for over the months of June & July...
Norway House #1: Toby, age 9; Tr udy, age 9; Tyr ell, age 10; Taylor , age 9; Teegan, age 10; Ter r ell, age 9; Syndey, age 5;
Tanis, age 11; Tanisha, age 9; Sierra, age 7; Spencer, age 4; Stacy, age 11; Shanee, age 6; Shanell, age 10; Shemile, age 6;
Serenity, age 11; Serenity, age 7; Shaila, age 9; Rory, age 8; Ryan, age 9; Sandy, age 8;
Norway House #2 & #3: Hannah, age 12; Levi, age 7; Ashtan, age 11; Alexis, age 8; Eden, age 6; Tiffany, age 14; Cailey, age
10; Rickelle, age 8; Jesse, age 9; River, age 10; Ryder, age 10; Tannise, age 8; Easton, age 11; Mecedeze, age 8; Dillon, age 9;
McCalvary, age 6; Virgil, age 11; Alex, age 11; Jordan, age 11;
Shamattawa: Nikan, age 3; Whitney, age 9; Cheneya, age 12; Ler iha, age 7; Angelica, age 8; Dar ilynn, age 14; Tessa, age
10; Maxine, age 9; Melvina, age 8; Terrance, age 8; Audrey, age 13; Katrina, age 7; Ethan, age 8; Mason, age 8; Carly, age 9;
Sharice, age 3; Jeanetta, age 8; Tatiana, age 6; Payden, age 5;
Pray For…
All those prayed for over the months of June & July…
Comfort: Elaine McKittrick’s (Margo Nepper’s aunt) family and friends who mourn her death and celebrate her eternal life
with Christ.
Ida Maack’s family and friends who mourn her death and celebrate her eternal life with Christ.
Myron Broschat’s family and friends who mourn his death and celebrate his eternal life with Christ.
In Thanksgiving: Calvin & Helen Johansen who celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on July 13.
Jerry & Shirley Pribbernow who celebrated their 70th birthdays on July 3 and July 9.
Leonard & Marion Erlandson who celebrated their 67th Wedding Anniversary on June 26.
August Zane Drevlow Schunk (Rick & Cindy’s grandson) who was born.
Eli Michael Schwarz (Larry & Mary Jo’s grandson) who was born.
Recovering: Burke Schultz, Arlan Scramstad, Joyce Roehl, Gladys Kenyon, Cheryl Anderson, Jane Rosentreter,
Florence Briese,
Ongoing concern: Junice Meyer, Penny Beske, Richard Quam, Rhoda Wellbrock, Tom Briese, Elaine Culp, Jeremy Elshaug,
Aggie Froehlich, Dick Jochim (Donna Umlauf’s brother-in-law), Dylan Maack (Bob & Janet Maack’s grandson), Robin
Roberts (Austin & Elaine Culp’s daughter), Charles Krause (Margo Nepper’s brother)
Call our prayer chain with special requests you might have during the week. Phone numbers are on the back of the
bulletin. If you would like to be included in Sunday prayers, please fill out the prayer request form in the
mailbox by the church office.
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
Contact Information
Rev. John M. Christensen, Senior Pastor
(cell) (307) 286-1446
Rev. Noah J. Rogness, Associate Pastor
(cell) (612) 385-1183
Rev. Roger Lange, Emer., Assisting Pastor
(home) (218) 998-0038
Laura Dewey, Secretary
(work) (218) 736-4869
Diane Christensen, Preschool Director/Teacher
(cell) (307) 287-3346
Dawn Carlson, Preschool Teacher
(cell) (218) 770-2278
Church Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 8:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Tuesday via Church Office Telephone Number, 8:00 am—3:00 pm
Church Office Phone
(218) 736-4869
Church Office E-mail
Preschool Phone
(218) 736-5847
Preschool E-mail
Fax number
(218) 739-3667
Prayer Chain
Florence Briese
(218) 736-6470
Media Information
Worship Schedule
Trinity worship
10:00 am Sun Channel 8 (local)
Followed by
6:30 am Tues Channel 8 (local)
Worship for Shut-ins 6:30 pm TuesChannel 8 (local)
9:00 am—Sunday Worship
(Communion on the 1st, 3rd &
5th Sundays of the month)
1:00 pm— Sunday Worship on the
1st Sunday of each month
10:30 am— Adult & Teen Bible Class
10:30 am— Sunday School (Sept. through May)
Trinity worship
The Bible Study
Lutheran Hour
10:00 am Sun KJJK 1020 AM
10:00 am Thur*
7:30 am Sun KFGO 790 AM
9:00 am Sun CSN 88.7 FM
10:35 am Sun KBRF 1250 AM
4:30 pm Sun KFNW 1200 AM
Issues Etc.
6:00 pm Sun KKOK 95.7 FM
24/7 broadcasting at
LCMS Radio
*Only first Thursday of the month.
Church Leaders
Jon Schoening
Vice President
Cindy Schmidt
Special Funds Treasurer
Margie Rasmussen
Financial Secretary
Sandy King
Cheri Anderson
Board of Cemetery
Cal Johansen
Board of Christian Education Esther Schlicker
Board for Day School
David Schlicker
Board of Elders
Rick Drevlow, chair
Rodney Schmidt, vice chair
Wayne Schoening, secretary
Gary Schmidt
David Hauser
Wayne Goerdt
Marvin Otto
Jerry Pribbernow
Ron Fitzner
Dan Beske
John Hansen
Board of Fellowship
Board of Global Outreach
Board of Human Care
Board of Local Outreach
Board of Stewardship
Board of Trustees
Board of Youth Ministry
Dave Schneeberger
Jan Prause
Phyllis Jastram
Larry Stein
Chuck Dale
Wayne Goerdt
Fergus Falls, MN
2 21
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Adult Bible
15th Sunday after
Study @ LRHC
1:00 pm Caregiver
Support Group
7:00 pm Brd of Stewardship
7:00 pm Global Outreach Brd
1 19
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ LRHC
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ LRHC
2 18
July 2016
5 6 7 8
12 13 14 15
19 20 21 22
26 27 28 29
7:00 pm LWML Meeting
1:00 pm Quilters
7:00 pm Church Council
7:00 pm Elders Mtg
7:00 pm Trustees Mtg
1 12
September 2016
1 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15 16
18 19 20 21 22 23
25 26 27 28 29 30
2 20
1 13
* Holy Communion
9:30 am Ladies Gathering
& Bible Study at
Wall Lake
Pr. Rogness @ PALS,
Please check the online calendar throughout the month for any changes.
5:30 pm Preschool
Back to School Night
12:00 pm Crafters
12:00 pm Crafters
12:00 pm Crafters
12:00 pm Crafters
Directory Photos
12:00 pm Crafters
1:30 pm Circle 1 @
5:30 pm Board of Ed
7:00 pm Local Outreach Brd
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ LRHC
15 6:30 am Men’s Bible 116
1 08
Pastors’ Retreat
August 2016
A live, up-to-date calendar is available at
9:00 am Divine Service*
10:30 am Adult Bible
14th Sunday after
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Adult Bible
1 14
13th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 am Divine Service*
10:30 am OGT Presentation
11:30 am School Board
11:30 am Board of Youth
1:00 pm Divine Service*
Orphan Grain Train Sunday
12th Sunday after Pentecost97
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The Trinity Tribune is published monthly by
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
1150 W. Cavour Ave.
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Rev. John Christensen
Sr. Pastor
Rev. Noah Rogness
Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Roger Lange, Emer.
Assisting Pastor
Article deadline: 15th of each m on th
Laura Dewey: Secretary/Layout
Pastor Christensen: Editor
Daily readings for August, 2016
1—Habakkuk 3:2-19 / 2 Chronicles 1-3
2—Psalm 57 / 2 Chronicles 4-6
3—Psalm 58 / 2 Chronicles 7-9
4—Psalm 59 / 2 Chronicles 10-12
5—Psalm 60 / 2 Chronicles 13-15
6—Psalm 61 / 2 Chronicles 16-18
7—Psalm 62 / 2 Chronicles 19-21
8—Psalm 63 / 2 Chronicles 22-24
9—Psalm 64 / 2 Chronicles 25-27
10—Psalm 65 / 2 Chronicles 28-30
11—Psalm 66 / 2 Chronicles 31-33
12—Psalm 67 / 2 Chronicles 34-36
13—Psalm 68 / Ezra 1-5
14—Psalm 69 / Ezra 6-10
15—Psalm 70 / Nehemiah 1-3
16—Psalm 71 / Nehemiah 4-6
17—Psalm 72 / Nehemiah 7-9
18—Psalm 73 / Nehemiah 10-13
19—Psalm 74 / Esther 1-3
20—Psalm 75 / Esther 4-6
21—Psalm 76 / Esther 7-10
22—Psalm 77 / Job 1-3
23—Psalm 78 / Job 4-6
24—Psalm 79 / Job 7-9
25—Psalm 80 / Job 10-12
26—Psalm 81 / Job 13-15
27—Psalm 82 / Job 16-18
28—Psalm 83 / Job 19-21
29—Psalm 84 / Job 22-24
30—Psalm 85 / Job 25-27
31—Habakkuk 3:2-19 / Job 28-30