May - Trinity Lutheran Church


May - Trinity Lutheran Church
May 2016
The monthly newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Fergus Falls, MN
Trinity Calls Candidate
Pastor Lange
Life of Jesus through Music 2
Orphan Grain Train
Vacation Bible School
Trinity Events
Myths of Closed Comm. 3
Elder Zone 1 Potluck 3
Voters’ Meeting
LAMP Fundraiser
Winter Wear
Meals by Wheels
Missionary Moment
LWML Convention
LWML Luncheon
Church Directory
Stephen Ministry
LIC Scholarship
Mall Walkers
Men’s NetWork
Campbell’s Labels
Graduation Recognition6
Food Shelf Report
4 to the 4th
Jastram Update
Preschool News
Church & School Info
May Calendar
Daily Readings
Philosophy of Ministry
Our primary goal is to
bring lost souls into a
personal relationship with
Christ and strengthen the
faithful in their relationship
with Christ. We achieve
this by education of all
members in the true Word
of God through worship,
Christian education and
day school. We believe that
through education,
spiritual growth will occur
and membership in the
kingdom will increase.
Trinity Lutheran
Calls Candidate
Noah Rogness
It is an exciting time in the life of our congregation! The
Lord is sending another under-shepherd to feed and care
for His flock gathered at Trinity Lutheran Church and
Preschool, as Noah Rogness was placed with us at the Call
Service held in Kramer Chapel at Concordia Theological
Seminary on Wednesday, April 27. Candidate Rogness is
34 years old and is from Alexandria, Virginia. He served
his vicarage at Trinity Lutheran Church in Palo Alto,
California, under the supervision of Rev. Stewart Crown.
He is married to Rebekah (nee Breitbarth) who is 28 years
old and is also from Alexandria, Virginia. They have two children, a daughter (Lydia) who is 1 year
old and a baby boy who was born in January of this year. (The photo was taken prior to his arrival
and at the time of this writing more information was unavailable.)
Noah served as a Chaplain Assistant in the United States Army Reserve. He is currently assigned
to the Office of the Chief of Chaplains as a Reserve Soldier. Rebekah is a small business owner
(Rogness Communications, LLC), pro-life public relations, campaign staff and congressional
Please keep Noah in your prayers as he completes his studies at the seminary. Keep Noah,
Rebekah and their children in your prayers as they prepare to move to Fergus Falls. Soon we will
know more about the timing of their coming, installation date and the like, but now is the time for
us to get everything prepared for their arrival. In the near future there will also be opportunities
for you to help with their welcome to Trinity. Watch the bulletin for more information.
With the addition of our Associate Pastor, the ministry carried out at Trinity Lutheran will be
enriched in a number of areas. Our ability to carry out better outreach, assimilation, youth and
family ministry, and the number of Bible classes available are just a few of the areas of ministry
that will be enhanced with the addition of Pastor Rogness. The pastors will split preaching
responsibilities approximately 50/50 with the visitation pastor being the one who does not have
preaching responsibilities that week. The Senior Pastor will be responsible for the overall
administration of the parish programs while the Associate Pastor will be responsible for overseeing
the parish programs and events assigned to him.
One of the first items on the agenda is for both pastors to attend a two-day retreat to work
through their job descriptions and lay out plans for carrying out the ministry at Trinity Lutheran
Church and Preschool. This will allow us to “get on the same page” as we start our work together.
I ask for your prayers that God will guide and assist us in carrying out our ministry to you.
~ Pastor Christensen
Inside this issue...
Summer 2016
Vacation Bible School
Page 2
Preschool News
Page 7
Spring Rally
Page 5
May Calendar
Page 10
Pastor Lange
To All Who are Moved by the Spirit:
In an old Charles Atlas body-building ad, a bully kicks sand in the face of a young man sunning himself on the beach with his girlfriend. She is obviously disgusted with him for letting this happen. But the poor guy has some very frail features and he cannot dare
do anything about it.
So he decides to add to his muscle power by sending for the body-building course. For hasn’t the mighty Charles Atlas confessed
that he himself was at one time a 98-pound weakling? The young man with sand in his face begins the course. Soon muscles grow,
biceps expand. In the final scene, now grown to the size of Hercules, he punches the bully right in the nose, much to the appreciation
of the girls in the audience. The moral of the story is: Expand your potential with a good body-building course. Become what you
really are. Don’t go through life with only half of your muscle power!
In the spiritual realm, this is just as true. In fact, ads have appeared that encourage us to draw on the very energy of the universe.
They show a dove flying out a man’s mind into the far reaches of the universe, apparently symbolizing the flight of a man’s thoughts
into eternity.
The dove is very fitting for Pentecost, but most of us don’t believe these ads at all. We don’t feel that our minds can dip into the energies holding the universe. We’re aware of our weaknesses. Besides, we’ve got too many earthly things to think about and take care
of , don’t we? But, the apostle Paul in Ephesians 2 tells us to become what we are. Why? Because in Baptism the Holy Spirit gives the
potential to make us God’s child forever.
There is a big difference, however. The Holy Spirit is not like a set of muscles to flex on the beach. He is not a power that enables us
to punch our competitors right in the nose. The Holy Spirit is a power for peace and unity among human beings, especially within the
church. Magazine ads tell us to tap the secret energies of the universe to get ahead, to be successful, to beat out the competition.
That’s a lot of foolishness. There is no such power in us, unless it’s from the devil; and his days are limited. The real power in this
universe is the Spirit of God, the Spirit poured out on the disciples on Pentecost Day. That Spirit of God is the Spirit of love and
peace. God has created us for that in our Baptism. He calls us to become what we are and to be what we are among others around us.
God has given you potential in His Son that the world cannot even begin to imagine. Your real success will be determined, not by
how far you go in the business world, or by how much money you make, but rather by how much you developed, with the Spirit’s
help, the gifts God gave you in your Baptism.
And they are free in Jesus Christ. In Him become what you are!
~Pastor Lange
The Life of Jesus Told Through Music
Orphan Grain Train Collection
We invite everybody to come to The Life of Jesus
Through Music performance on Wednesday, May
4th at 7:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. We are
celebrating our Savior using the melody of music. We have
many great performances from the New Praise Choir, Praise
Band, soloists, duet singers and instrumentalists. It is free to
come, so don't be afraid to attend and bring family and
friends. We look forward to seeing you there, thank you very
Trinity is collecting new socks and underwear
for children at the Le Paso Mission in Texas. The
collected items will be taken to the Pastor’s Conference on May 9th. The children must have
socks and underwear to attend school. Look for
the OGT display in the Narthex. Thank you for helping the
In addition to the socks and underwear, a collection basket is
available for donations to purchase Spanish Catechisms and Arch
Books to send with the socks and underwear.
Vacation Bible School
June 6-10, 2016
Ages 3 thru 6th Grade
We need YOU! Be part of Barnyard Roundup VBS! God’s children ages 3 through 6th grade will learn that Jesus gathers
us together at Barnyard Roundup VBS. AND, every child will hear the Good News that Jesus, their Savior, is with us and abundantly
provides for all our needs. He also protects and saves us—now in this world and forever too! At Barnyard Roundup VBS, as VBS staff
you can live out the theme “Jesus Gathers Us Together” as you share the message and the fun with kids! If you can help full or part
time, we have many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Call Esther at 218-826-6389 or 218-316-2924 or e-mail, for more information. Join us to see how Jesus gathers us together!
Children ages 3 through 6th grade are encouraged to register today for this week of Vacation Bible School!
Registration forms will be available in the Narthex or register online through our website at
Myths Surrounding the Practice of Closed Communion
We continue our study of the myths surrounding the practice of Close Communion with
MYTH # 2 - “Close Communion is a recent church practice.”
Close Communion dates back to the time of the early church. It is Open Communion that is the recent Church practices.
Origin, an early church pastor, (b 185 A.D.) once drew a comparison between the Christians and the philosophers of his day
whom anybody could attend and listen to. “The Christians,” he said, “on the contrary test every man first and instruct him privately until he gives demonstration of trustworthiness and an orderly life. Only then is he admitted to their assembly as a
‘hearer.’ This goes only for the Service of the Word.
In the early church these hearers were then dismissed before the celebration of Holy Communion. Also, the catechumens,
even though they were making progress toward being received as communicate members, were dismissed. During the Sacrament
of the Altar the doors of the assembly were closed and were guarded by deacons and sub deacons” (Eucharist and Church Fellowship in the First Four Centuries, Werner Elert, p. 75).
Before a guest in the early church could be admitted to the inner communion of the local congregation, two requirements
had to be met: 1. He had to have on his person some proof that he belonged to a Christian church; and 2. The church to which he
belonged had to be orthodox. The Council of Carthage in the middle of the 4th century declared that no admittance to communion should be granted without a letter from one bishop.
This explains the practice of “letters of transfer” today. Why else do we send such letters of transfer other than to show that
those mentioned are ready to be received as communicant members of another congregation?
Polycarp, Justin Martyr, the Didache, the Clementine liturgy, and other church documents and writers form the first century
A.D. all speak of closed communion and practiced it. If anything is evident from a study of the early church it is that they considered the Sacrament of the Altar to be something of serious moment and consequence. Elert of that time, “The modern theory that
anybody may be admitted as a guest to the sacrament in a church of differing confession, that people may communicate to and
fro in spite of the absence of full church fellowship is unknown in the early church, indeed unthinkable.” (Elert, p. 175).
Open Communion 4 was forced upon the Lutherans in Germany in 1817 as a result of the Prussian Union. Emperor Frederick
William III ordered the Lutherans to admit to their altars Reformed Christians even though their teachers stoutly denied the real
presence of Christ in the Sacrament. The Lutheran State churches in Germany continued the historic practices of close communion but suffered political consequences. This was especially true of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, or the Old Lutheran
Among early Lutheran’s in America open communion practices spread, but in 1875 the General Council adopted the Galesburg Rule, which turned back this general trend. It stated: “I. Lutheran pulpits are for Lutheran ministers only. Lutheran altars
are for Lutheran communicates only. II. The exceptions to the rule belong to the sphere of privilege, not right. III. The determination of the exceptions is to be made in consonance with these principles by the conscientious judgment of pastors, as the cases
arise.” The predecessor bodies of both the LCA and ALC officially kept this rule. The constitution of the old American Lutheran
Church (1930) contains this statement: “The Synod regards unity in doctrine and practice the necessary prerequisite for church
fellowship, and therefore adheres to the rule, ‘Lutheran pulpits for Lutherans only,’ and rejects unionism in all its forms.” The
1991 edition of the small catechism published by Concordia Publishing House for the Missouri Synod teaches close communion.
On page 240 the question is answered: The Sacrament must not be given to the following: A. Those who are openly ungodly and
unrepentant; B. Those of a different confession of faith, since the Lord’s Supper is a testimony to the unity of faith; C. Those who
are unable to examine themselves to the unity of faith; D. Those who are unable to examine themselves, such as infants and people who have not received proper instruction, or the unconscious.
Four different “open” communion practices can be distinguished in contemporary practices; 1) For all who come forward, without any personal knowledge of who
may come forward. 2) For all who are baptized and believe. (This may include infants, as is the case with the ELCIC.) 3) For all who believe in the real presence of
Christ in the sacrament. 4) For all who publicly confess the doctrine of salvation in all its articles together with the members of that congregation or synod. In the fullest sense of the word only the first is an open communion. The others all have some degree of closure.
The central disagreement between the Reformed and Lutheran positions on the Lord’s Supper is much deeper than a disagreement on the doctrine of the real presence.
The central disagreement is on the doctrine of the incarnation. The major argument advanced by the Reformed in denying the real presence was that the “finite cannot
contain the infinite; (finitum non capax infiniti); that is, finite bread can never contain the body of the infinite Christ. Lutherans however teach the full communion of
God and man in Christ Jesus at His birth, that the body of Jesus did contain the second person of the Trinity, and still does to this day. Luther later wrote, “He whom
the world could not enclose doth in Mary’s lap repose.”
Elder Zone 1 Fellowship Lunch
Elder Zone 1 will be meeting for a fellowship
lunch on Sunday, May 22 at 12 noon in the
Fellowship Hall. David Hauser will be bringing Chicago Style hotdogs and beverages. The sides, salads,
chips and desserts will be potluck. Are you in Zone 1? Check
to see and sign up in the Kiosk to join us!
Quarterly Voters’ Assembly Meeting
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Will include 2016-2017 fiscal year budget
Eat at the Pizza Ranch
LAMP Fundraiser
Come and eat pizza, chicken, and all the fixin’s and support
our LAMP team on Mondays, May 9 and May 23 from 5:00 pm
to 8:00 pm both nights. LAMP volunteers will be bussing tables for a percentage of sales and all tips each evening. Fun,
Food, and Fellowship— can’t beat that combination!
We have opportunities for additional LAMP volunteers this
summer! Consider and pray about serving our Lord in this
way. If interested, please see any member of the Global Outreach Board or other LAMP volunteers. Our next LAMP
meeting will be held on Sunday, May 15th at 7:00 pm at Trinity.
Warm Winter Wear Needed
Meals by Wheels
A group of people have been working on making stocking
caps, scarves, head bands, and mittens to give to people in
need of warm winter wear. They have been knitting or crocheting them. They are going to be meeting at the church the 4th
Thursday of each month at 1:30 pm to share ideas, work together, and have some fun. Next meeting is May 26th. Anyone
that has or might have any kind of interest in supporting this
project is invited to meet with the group. Several people have
graciously donated yarn for this use. There is plenty of yarn
available, some knitting looms and people willing to teach how
to make the items. So you can just come. About 150 items have
been given to Orphan Grain Train for distribution and we are
working at getting items ready to be taken along by the LAMP
group to Norway House and Shamattawa, Manitoba in July. If
you have any questions contact Donna Christopher at 218-998
-4273 and Nadine Drevlow at 218-770-3679.
Opportunity to Serve
Trinity is involved in the Meals by Wheels program in Fergus
Falls. The program delivers approximately 14,000 meals annually to residents in Fergus Falls. Area church volunteers deliver
these meals. The rotation that Trinity has is 2 weeks in duration and occurs about every 3 months or 4 times per year. The
meals are picked up at the Senior Center anytime after 10:45
and to 11:00 am, Monday through Friday. They take on average less than 1 hour to deliver. There is a need for 5 qualified
drivers for every rotation. It works out well to have a second
person along in many cases to assist with the delivery, although some do their routes alone. The co-coordinator for Trinity is Char Dale. If you feel that you would like to assist with
this community outreach effort, please contact Char at 218-531
-1187 or 218-517-0114. She will be more than happy to train-in
any new drivers to the task. The next opportunity to serve in
this capacity will be May 30th through June 10th. We thank all
of our dedicated volunteers that have assisted with the last
delivery in February.
Monthly Missionary Moment— Georgia Witt serving the Lord in Kenya
Georgia Witt serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a GEO
(globally engaged in outreach) missionary in Kenya. Georgia works primarily with Matango
Lutheran Theological College (MLTC) located in western Kenya. Her responsibilities include
assisting seminary students with research needs, accessing resources and navigating the college’s
library. She also helps organize the new library facility, working with leadership to determine
resource placement, layout and patron flow. Georgia supports the head librarian as needed so
staff and faculty of the college can pursue higher degrees and training.
Georgia was born in Chicago, Ill., and her home congregation is Christ Lutheran Church, Platte
Woods, Mo. She received a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of WisconsinWhitewater. She also did some graduate work at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, and
earned an academic minor degree in library science. Before heading to the mission field, she
taught kindergarten- through high school-aged students in Illinois and Texas. She also worked as
the district librarian for Orange Grove Independent School District in Texas. In addition, Georgia
served as an international teacher in Bogota, Colombia, and as a missionary teacher in
Cameroon, Africa, prior to her serving in Kenya.
Please pray for Georgia as she serves in Kenya. Please pray God gives her strength and peace as she transitions to life in Kenya,
learning the culture and the language. Ask God to sustain her as she is away from family and friends in the United States and is
lonely and missing them. Pray for her ease in learning the college’s library system. Ask God to bless Georgia with good health and
abundant stamina so she is able to serve the seminarians in their learning and research. Let us give thanks to God for Georgia
serving His children in this part of the world.
You can support Georgia’s ministry by giving online at or by sending a check payable to LCMS
(memo: Witt) and send it to LCMS, PO Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
LWML 27th Biennial Convention
June 20-22, 2016 in Willmar, MN
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Minnesota North District will be gathering in Willmar, MN to hold its 27th Biennial
District Convention on June 20-22, 2016. The theme is “Heir of God’s Abundant Love,” I John 3:1a.
Registration begins on Monday, June 20th at 11:00 am at the Willmar Conference Center. The convention begins with a worship
service at 7:00 pm. Convention business will be electing officers for the following biennium, adopting mission grant goals for
mites, and bylaw changes. This past biennium, LWML MN North women have given $136,000 towards LWML MN North mission
grants plus thousands towards LWML mission grants.
Keynote speaker will be Gary Thies, Director of Mission Central, Mapleton, IA. The Chord-Ayres will provide entertainment.
The Bible study leading is Rev. Don Stauty Pastor at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Virginia, MN, and Redeemer Lutheran Church,
Aurora, MN. Cheryl Mattil, LWML Strategic Plan Facilitator, will be the LWML Representative in attendance.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in the choir, Kandi-land Krusade Mite Walk, breakout sessions, and servant
and events.
The women will be gathering items for local Willmar agencies as well as doing servant events at the conference center. Ingathering items are posted on the District website
Speak to Nadine Drevlow, Trinity’s LWML President, about obtaining a registration form or visit the District website to download a copy. Registration fee goes up after May 15.
Bring your family for the recreational activities in the Willmar area while you attend the convention.
Trinity’s LWML Spring Luncheon
NEW Church Directory
The LWML May Luncheon is just a few days from now! Saturday, May 7th beginning at 9:00 am with the Crafters and
their amazing array of handiwork articles they have spent
many hours in making. At 10:00 am we will begin our program. It’s one you don’t want to miss. We have two very interesting and enjoyable speakers engaged. Actually they are even
married! “Meet the Pastor and His Rib, Diane” is the title.
Come prepared to ask some questions and learn a lot! We also
plan to use our voices in some good old songs. Following the
program will enjoy a delicious salad luncheon prepared by
Circle 1. They are great cooks! Come and enjoy and bring your
relatives and friends too. May 7th at 9:00 am. Tickets are on
sale in the narthex— Adults: $7.00, Children: $3.50— or call
Marion Erlandson at 736-6242. Mark your calendars now and
call your friends.
After six years, members are commenting, “We need to update our Trinity directory. There are so many new members
and some of those who are in the 2010 directory are no longer
with us.” So, we have engaged LifeTouch, (a different company than last time) and have planned the schedule. Most of the
group pictures will be taken in May while things are still buzzing. The individual and family pictures are scheduled from
July 12 – 16 (there will be a lot of discount offers) and August 2
– 3. Mark your calendars now!
Each participant will get a free portrait, a free directory and a
chance to order more pictures. They have promised no high
pressure salesmanship and that the appointments will not take
over half an hour or less.
We will have online sign-up, automatic telephone information and also a chance to schedule an appointment in the
narthex. We think you’ll be pleased with the whole procedure.
Update on Stephen Ministry @ Trinity
Your Stephen Ministers will be completing their 50 hours of training in May and will be ready to be assigned care receivers in
June. Please think about who you know that might need the support of a Stephen Minister. Examples of a person who may need
care include those in crisis who may be dealing with:
 hospitalization
 a terminal illness
 the death of a loved one
 unemployment
 divorce
 a severe financial setback
 a natural disaster
 the aftermath of a fire.
Less obvious crises include:
 retirement
 the stress of moving
 being a victim or perpetrator of a crime.
We are looking to the congregation to help us find care receivers. If you know of someone who may be in need, please talk to
that person and, if they are interested, get their permission to share their name with Pastor Christensen or one of the Stephen
Ministry Leaders: Dave Schlicker, Esther Schlicker, or Shari Sorkness. Dave and Esther's home telephone is 218-826-6389. This
would begin the process of lining up a Stephen Minister with a care receiver. Every part of this ministry is kept in total
Lutheran Island Camp Scholarships
The theme “Extraordinary Flying Things” will be explored
this summer. LIC has added and expanded some exciting new
youth camps, yet many favorites are back too. Scholarships
are available to youth members of Trinity. The application
and camp brochures are located on the table near the bulletin
board in the Narthex. Please fill out and return the application
by MAY 1ST to Holly Beighley, Sue Heidorn, Gene Prause, or
it may be turned into the Church Office.
Trinity Mall Walkers
New Location
Spring is here and we want to be outside so we will no longer have set times to meet at the mall to walk. Of course you
may walk at the mall still, but if you would like to join an
active walking club, please visit with Diane Christensen 307287-3346. We would love to share where and when we will
be walking and having great conversations. Please call and
join us.
Trinity Men’s NetWork May Meeting
Campbell’s Labels for Education
If you have Campbell’s UPCs and/or
lids, please place them in the designated locker down the hall from the Bible
study room before the end of May, if
possible, so we can make use of a bonus
offer. Please keep turning them in after
this too! Our school can get classroom
supplies or even a VISA card to use by
redeeming these labels/lids.
Thank you for supporting our school!
Food Shelf Report
Trinity Lutheran Church members donated 153.2 pounds
of food and $360.00 to the Fergus Falls Food Shelf during
March 2016 which was designated Minnesota Food Share
month. Thank you for your wonderful response! Thank you
to Wendy and Amy Clark for working at the food shelf.
~Darlene Reiter, Liaison
Update from Rev. Daniel Jastram
Trinity’s featured missionary, Dan Jastram, reports that
their official paper work for the visa has come through! They
will be departing for Tokyo on May 10. Please keep them in
prayer for safe travel and for details to fall into place.
Trinity Men’s NetWork will meet on Saturday, May 21st at
8:00 am. Come and enjoy the fellowship and discussion. We
will be continuing our discussion on Islam and what it is all
about. All men ages 15 and older are invited. Please sign up
in the kiosk and remember to invite a friend.
“Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men and be
strong. Let all you do, be done in love.” I Cor. 16:13-14
High School Graduation Recognition Sunday
May 22, 2016
This year the three seniors graduating from high school who
are members of our congregation are Chris Bernard, Dakota
Hedtke, and Marissa Henjum. Praise be to God as these
young people close this chapter of their life and begin a new
chapter of pursuing a God-pleasing vocation. A special blessing and prayer will be offered to our seniors on this special
Sunday, May 22 and they will receive a quilt as a gift from
LWML Circle 2. Congratulations seniors and may our Lord
grant you much success in the future!
44 (4 to the 4th) IS COMING BACK
What is “4 to the 4th” might you ask? 4 Families– 4 Months
– 4 Fellowship– 4 God! Here is how it works. A family might
be a single person, a couple, a couple with children, or two or
more singles who work together as a family. Those interested
in participating are asked to sign up and are then put
together in groups of four. During a four month period these
groups meet once a month in alternating homes and share a
meal and fellowship. Nothing more is expected. The host family sets a date and contacts the others in the group and prepares the main dish. The other participants prepare and bring
bread, a salad, a side dish, and dessert. The next month
another family acts as host and this continues over four
months until all have hosted.
If the host prefers not to entrain in their home, they can
meet at another venue like a restaurant, a park, or at church.
A sign-up and participate. This is a fun way to get to know
our fellow church members better.
Preschool at Trinity News
April is gone and Trinity Preschool is nearing the end of a successful 2015-2016 school year. That means some of our spring
activities are finished and we are wrapping up others. Our Spring Informance was a great time as our teachers informed our
audience about some of the daily things our students do and have learned. Did you know that our classes say the Pledge of Allegiance, Luther’s Morning Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles Creed or that they can recite the 7 days of the week, and
the 12 months of the year, or that they can sing the Doxology, and other hymns? The children had fun acting out Nursery
Rhymes and Bible Stories as they entertained as well as showing their ability to identify, match, sort, and write letters and numbers. If you were not able to attend our Informance this year, we hope you can attend next year, you will be entertained and
learn something helpful to share with others when you are talking about your church’s preschool.
Connection Sunday was April 10th. We had 18 students and their families attend Trinity Church and worship with us. The students sang and rang bells during the service. Thank you for all of the warm welcomes and greetings these visiting families received.
Our T-Party will be May 4th for the 18 students in the Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes. Thank you for all the tea items
(cups, saucers, tea pots, tea, food, and workers) that have been donated. It will be a fun time as each class will get a chance to
entertain the other class, plus they will bring in their own plastic tea sets.
2-16-2017 Preschool at Trinity registration is going very well for our 3 classes. (2 day class Tue/Thurs, 3 day class Mon/Wed/
Fri, and the new 5 day class that meets M-F). The 3 & 4 year-old class that will meet 2 days per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays is filling up the very fast. There is still room in all classes, however, do not wait to get your forms in so that we
can decide which classes will be split to keep our numbers under 15 in each of the 3 classes.
Serving Ages 3-5
8:30 am to 11:30 am
 2 days/week
 3 days/week
 5 days/week
Contact Information
Rev. John M. Christensen, Pastor
(cell) (307) 286-1446
Rev. Roger Lange, Emer., Assisting Pastor
(home) (218) 998-0038
Laura Dewey, Secretary
(work) (218) 736-4869
Diane Christensen, Preschool Director/Teacher
(cell) (307) 287-3346
Dawn Carlson, Preschool Teacher
(cell) (218) 770-2278
Church Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 8:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Tuesday via Church Office Telephone Number, 8:00 am—3:00 pm
Church Office Phone
(218) 736-4869
Church Office E-mail
Preschool Phone
(218) 736-5847
Preschool E-mail
Fax number
(218) 739-3667
Prayer Chain
Florence Briese
(218) 736-6470
Media Information
Worship Schedule
Trinity worship
10:00 am Sun Channel 8 (local)
Followed by
6:30 am Tues Channel 8 (local)
Worship for Shut-ins 6:30 pm TuesChannel 8 (local)
9:00 am—Sunday Worship
(Communion on the 1st, 3rd &
5th Sundays of the month)
10:30 am— Adult & Teen Bible Class
10:30 am— Sunday School (Sept. through May)
Trinity worship
The Bible Study
Lutheran Hour
10:00 am Sun KJJK 1020 AM
10:00 am Thur*
7:30 am Sun KFGO 790 AM
9:00 am Sun CSN 88.7 FM
10:35 am Sun KBRF 1250 AM
4:30 pm Sun KFNW 1200 AM
Issues Etc.
6:00 pm Sun KKOK 95.7 FM
24/7 broadcasting at
LCMS Radio
*Only first Thursday of the month.
Church Leaders
Jon Schoening
Vice President
Cindy Schmidt
Special Funds Treasurer
Margie Rasmussen
Financial Secretary
Sandy King
Cheri Anderson
Board of Cemetery
Cal Johansen
Board of Christian Education Esther Schlicker
Board for Day School
David Schlicker
Board of Elders
Rick Drevlow, chair
Rodney Schmidt, vice chair
Wayne Schoening, secretary
Gene Prause
Gary Schmidt
David Hauser
Wayne Goerdt
Marvin Otto
Jerry Pribbernow
Ron Fitzner
Dan Beske
John Hansen
Board of Fellowship
Board of Global Outreach
Board of Human Care
Board of Local Outreach
Board of Stewardship
Board of Trustees
Board of Youth Ministry
Dave Schneeberger
Jan Prause
Phyllis Jastram
Larry Stein
Chuck Dale
6th Sunday of Easter
1 15
6:30 am Men’s Bible 1 10
Study @ LRHC
7:00 pm Board of
7:00 pm Global Outreach Brd
7:00 pm Human Care Board
NO Bible Study at
River Bend Apts.
NO Ex Libris
Memorial Day
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ LRHC
5:00-8:00 pm LAMP 22
Fundraiser @
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Pizza Ranch
Study @ LRHC
6:30 pm Bible Study at
River Bend Apts.
7:00 pm Ex Libris
1:00 pm Caregiver
Support Group
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ LRHC
1:30 pm Knitters &
Last Day of
3 & 4 Year Old
2 19
1:00 pm Quilters
7:00 pm Church Council
7:00 pm Circles 3 & 4
Last Day of
4 & 5 Year Old
1:30 pm Circle 2
1 13
4th Sunday is
2 21
1 14
9:00 am Craft Sale
10:00 am LWML Spring
Please check the online calendar throughout the month for any changes.
* Holy Communion
10:00 am All Saints
12:00 pm Crafters
3:45 pm Catechesis
3:45 pm Bible History
12:00 pm Crafters
3:45 pm Catechesis
3:45 pm Bible History
5:00 pm Board of
Christian Education
NO All Saints
12:00 pm Crafters
NO Catechesis
NO Bible History
6:30 pm Divine Drama
10:00 am All Saints
12:00 pm Crafters
6:00 pm Elders’ Meeting
1:30 pm Circle 1
3:45 pm Catechesis
7:00 pm Ascension
NO Bible History
Worship Service with
7:00 pm Life of Jesus Told
Holy Communion
through Music
8 10:00 am All Saints 1189
1 17
MNN District Pastors’ Conference
6:30 pm Divine Drama
6:30 pm Bible Study at
River Bend Apts.
7:00 pm Ex Libris
6:30 am Men’s Bible
Study @ LRHC
7:00 pm Local Outreach
7:00 pm Trustees Mtg
May 2016
A live, up-to-date calendar is available at
9:00 am Divine Service*
10:30 am Adult & Teen
Bible Study
10:30 am Sunday School
2nd Sunday after Pentecost 29
9:00 am Worship Service
10:30 am Adult Bible Study
10:30 am Sunday School
12:00 pm Elder Zone 1
Potluck @ Church
The Holy Trinity 2 22
Graduation Recognition Sunday
9:00 am Divine Service*
10:30 am Adult & Teen
Bible Study
10:30 am Sunday School
1:00 pm Voters Meeting
7:00 pm LAMP Planning Mtg
Day of Pentecost
10:30 am Sunday School
7th Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day
5:00-8:00 pm LAMP 1 09
Fundraiser @ Pizza Ranch
NO Divine Drama
9:00 am Worship Service 6:30 pm Bible Study at
10:30 am Adult Bible
River Bend Apartments
NO Ex Libris
6:30 pm Divine Drama
9:00 am Divine Service*
6:30 pm Bible Study at
10:30 am Adult Bible Study
River Bend Apts.
10:30 am Sunday School
7:00 pm Ex Libris
11:30 am Board of Youth
1:00 pm Divine Service*
Non-Profit Organization
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The Trinity Tribune is published monthly by
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
1150 W. Cavour Ave.
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Rev. John Christensen
Rev. Roger Lange, Emer.
Assisting Pastor
Article deadline: 15th of each month
Laura Dewey: Secretary/Layout
Pastor Christensen: Editor
Daily readings for May, 2016
1—1 Samuel 2:1-10 / Titus, Philemon
2—Psalm 121 / Hebrews 1-4
3—Psalm 122 / Hebrews 5-7
4—Psalm 123 / Hebrews 8-10
5—Psalm 124 / Hebrews 11-13
6—Psalm 125 / James 1-2
7—Psalm 126 / James 3-5
8—Psalm 127 / 1 Peter 1-2
9—Psalm 128 / 1 Peter 3-5
10—Psalm 129 / 2 Peter
11—Psalm 130 / 1 John 1-3
12—Psalm 131 / 1 John 4-5
13—Psalm 132 / 2 John, 3 John, Jude
14—Psalm 133 / John 1-2
15—Psalm 134 / John 3-4
16—Psalm 135 / John 5-6
17—Psalm 136 / John 7-8
18—Psalm 137 / John 9-10
19—Psalm 138 / John 11-12
20—Psalm 139 / John 13-14
21—Psalm 140 / John 15-16
22—Psalm 141 / John 17-18
23—Psalm 142 / John 19
24—Psalm 143 / John 20-21
25—Psalm 144 / Acts 1-2
26—Psalm 145 / Acts 3-4
27—Psalm 146 / Acts 5-6
28—Psalm 147 / Acts 7-8
29—Psalm 148 / Acts 9-10
30—Psalm 149 / Acts 11-12
31—1 Samuel 2:1-10 / Acts 13-14