Ève Brodeur
Ève Brodeur
RESUME Ève Brodeur info@evebrodeur.com • 514-378-9673 • www.evebrodeur.com R E S U M E Ève Brodeur Thank you for taking this time to get to know Eve Brodeur, a 14 year old motocross racer from Laval, Quebec, Canada. Eve and her family, the Brodeur racing team, have been around motocross and race tracks for the past two decades. Eve has literally been raised at motocross race tracks from all over Canada and the U.S. Eve began riding at the age of four and racing at five. She has always been racing both the boy’s and the women’s classes. The year 2013 was very successful for Eve as she entered her second year in the Women A class on her 150SX bike. Finishing second (behind a top American racer) in 5 out of 6 races in the Canadian Women National, Eve will be running her National #3 in 2014. In the Quebec Provincial, Eve was crowned the Women Open champion, winning 23 out of 36 heat races she entered in the Women’s classes in that series. Another highlight of her 2013 season is her third place at the Walton Canadian Amateur National. We are looking forward in representing your organization in 2014 ! Next winter, Eve will compete in selected Arenacross and will be training hard, at the gym here in Laval and in North Carolina during her school break, in order to prepare herself and be ready for next summer (2014). Eve is a really dedicated young girl and when she sets her mind on her goals, nothing will or can stop her. All this training and travelling takes commitment and determination from riders and their family and we couldn’t do this without both our long time and new partners. More information on Eve can be found on the next few pages, as well as on her website, www.evebrodeur.com. info@evebrodeur.com • 514-378-9673 • www.evebrodeur.com R E S U M E Ève Brodeur BIO INFO D.O.B Grade Height Weight November 25, 1999 8th 5’5’‘ 125 lbs Bikes 2014 KTM 250SX 2013 KTM 150SX Class Women A, Schoolboy, Junior C INTEREST • Kinball - Dance - Movies - Training • Be with my friend at the races every weekend CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Date 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2008-12 2010 2007 Event Walton Transcan Canadian Amateur National Canadian eastern Women National series CMRC AMXQ Women Open AMA Arenacross National championship Walton Transcan Canadian Amateur National Canadian eastern Women National series Loretta Lynn's Regional Loretta Lynn's National CMRC Quebec championnship Montreal supercross participant CMRC Quebec championship Montreal supercross KTM Mini-Star Class Women Women Pro Women Girls 9-13 Women Women Pro Girls 12-15 Girls 9-11 Women Junior 65cc-85cc-Supermini Women Junior 50cc Result 3rd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 5th 3rd 2nd 2nd 10th 2014 GOALS 2014 SCHEDULE • To win CMRC-AMXQ provincial Championship • To win the Walton Trans-Can Canadian Amateur National in the Women’s class • To place top 3 in the CMRC eastern Canadian National series Women’s Pro class • CMRC National eastern Women series • Selected North-east Loretta Lynn’s Area and Regional qualifier • CMRC-AMXQ Quebec Provincial Championship • Walton Trans-Can Canadian National Amateur championship • Albany N.Y Arenacross • North East AMA Arenacross • Florida Mini OS info@evebrodeur.com • 514-378-9673 • www.evebrodeur.com R E S U M E Ève Brodeur MEDIA INFO Let us promote your product !!! There are many benefits to teaming up with us. Here are a few benefits your company could gain in helping us; • We have a very clean and professional pit presence; we display our sponsor’s banner when given to us. They are placed in the VIP parking at AMXQ/CMRC’s events. • An active website and Eve’s blog with huge partner promotions. • We make sure that the people who support us get full recognition for all their help. We are very proud of our sponsors. www.mxquebec.ca www.guaranteedmx.com www.motocrossquebec.ca www.mxpmag.com www.insidemotocross.ca www.directmotocross.com Bienvenue SECTEUR FABREVILLE SAINTE-ROSE MES VOISINS 35 183 EXEMPLAIRES • 1e ANNÉE – No 9 Viaducs Dagenais et Saint-Elzéar Photo Pépé • Regular appearances in the following Motocross websites. Des voies seront fermées Photo Agence QMI La crise à l’urgence est stabilisée Page 4 Photo Collaboration spéciale Page 3 Ève Brodeur est un phénomène du motocross Page 5 info@evebrodeur.com • 514-378-9673 • www.evebrodeur.com p
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RESUME Ève Brodeur
All this training and travelling takes commitment and determination from
the team, family and myself and we couldn’t do this without both our
long time and new partners.
More information can be fou...