December 30, 2007 - St. Margaret Mary Parish


December 30, 2007 - St. Margaret Mary Parish
St. Margaret Mary Parish
January 7, 2007
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1450 Green Trails Dr.
Naperville, IL 60540
5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
Monday - Saturday
8:15 a.m.
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 5:00
9:00 - 3:00
Parish Office: 369-0777
Fax: 369-1493
Religious Ed. Office: 369-0833
All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540
961-6125 --
New families are warmly welcomed to St.
Margaret Mary Parish. You may register
your family by coming to or calling the
parish office.
Food For The Journey
Scripture Readings for the Week
Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to
4:30 PM or anytime by request.
2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month following the 12:15 Mass. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements for Baptism
and required Preparation Meeting.
Six months preparation required. Parish
music policies, which reflect Diocesan
guidelines, are to be followed.
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Mission Statement
As a worshipping Roman Catholic parish family we
are guided by a collegial partnership of laity, pastor,
and ministerial staff. Together we seek to foster
spiritual growth through the active practice of
Christianity. By the sharing of our Godgiven talents and resources with all
God’s people, we strive for peace and
justice as the “Parish with Heart.”
Our Parish Mission
You are invited to join with fellow
parishioners in prayer and reflection.
Jesus at Table:
What His Manners Teach Us!
Two-Session Book Study& Video Reflection
7:30—9:00 pm, Rm. #9
Wednesday, January 9
(pages 1—112)
& Wednesday, January 16
(pages 113—173)
January 20-22
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 20
“Jesus Confronts Our
Religious Prejudices”
Monday, Jan. 21
“Jesus Confronts Our
Social Prejudices”
In this classic work on the meaning of Jesus, Fr. Nolan
gives us a portrait of Jesus the man, as he was before he
became enshrined in doctrine, dogma and ritual— a man
deeply involved with the real problems of his time. Many
of these problems are also familiar to us living in this
age. As the author says, “Nothing about Jesus will be
presupposed or assumed. ...My interest is in the man has
he was before he became the object of Christian faith.”
Tuesday, Jan. 22
“Jesus Challenges us To Love
As God Loves”
Presenter: Fr. Bill Burton
• All services from 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in church
Books may be purchased for $15
from the parish office
beginning January 2nd.
(Office hours are 9:00 am—5:00 pm.)
• Refreshments will be served at 8:45 p.m.
• Baby-sitting available
• Religious books and articles will be for sale
For more information, contact Tom Cordaro, 369-0777.
Feast of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God
Jan. 1
In your mercy, O Lord,
forgive what we have been in the past,
consecrate what we are trying to be in the present,
and lead us by your word and Spirit into the brightness
of the future.
Holy Day of Obligation
Dec. 31 — 5:00 p.m. (no 8:15 a.m.)
Jan. 1 — 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. (no 8:15 a.m.)
Clothing Drive
St. Vincent de Paul
Jan. 5 & 6
Fr. Jonathan Foster, OFM
“The Grace of
Too Many Responsibilities, Not Enough Time”
We’ll be collecting clean clothing, coats, shoes,
linens, bedding and house wares for the
needy. Please put your donations in heavyduty bags or boxes, taking care in packing fragile items. The SVdP truck will be in our parking lot near the main entrance. Donations will
be accepted Saturday, Jan. 5 from 4:30 – 6:15
p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 6 from 7:15 a.m. to 2:00.
Volunteers will be there to unload donations
from your vehicle onto the truck. Tax
receipts are gladly given for all donations. For
pick up of large, heavy items, call 630-2314658 and SVdP will send a truck to your home.
For additional questions, contact Mark
Oliphant at 630-548-4862.
Wednesday, Jan. 9
9:15—11:15 a.m.
“Thank You For Helping Us
to Help Others”
COR Center
Baby-sitting upon request
Fee: $7
New Beginnings
Who has not been irritated by the person chatting endlessly on
their cell phone with little regard for those around them? Who
has not been overwhelmed by the flood of emails that never end,
and the list of “to do’s” that mount each day? How can God be
found in the midst of these frustrations? This presentation will
review the meaning of grace and help participants discover
God’s presence in these daily experiences.
Fr. Jonathan Foster is a popular speaker and preacher at St. Margaret Mary Parish. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Adult Development. a self-help group for those experiencing the
difficulties of separation, divorce, death, or loss
of a significant relationship. The focus is
spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical
well-being, and to provide the atmosphere of a
safe social situation.
New Beginnings is a non-profit group
sponsored by the Catholic churches in
Naperville and meets at St. Raphael Church.
For more information, please visit:
A Family Blessing for the New Year
Blessed are you, our God, font of each new year’s beginning. You are the life of every family, from
Abraham and Sarah to Mary and Joseph And in all who are your family by covenant.
Blessed are you who have given us the gift of our family, and rebirth in the family of your Son’s disciples.
As we take leave of a year grown old, knit us together in deepening affection,
And make us ready to embrace the new year’s promise and peril as a family filled with trust in you and in each other,
and in Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.
Junior High
R. E. (preschool – 5th grade)
A Very Special Thank You…
to all the children who donated to “Jesus’ Christmas Present” - the Mendota Food Resource Project will provide many families in the future an
opportunity to feed their children from the seeds you provided.
Classes will resume on Jan. 5.
May 2008 be a year that brings
good news, achievements, happiness with family and friends,
more peace in our world, and
especially, a closer relationship
with our God!
First Communion…
is scheduled for the last two Sundays of April. Parents of second graders will
be receiving information concerning First Communion shortly. Please mark
your calendars for all the significant days and times connected to our preparation for this Sacrament. Our first meeting for parents only will be Jan. 29/30.
If you do not hear from us by Jan. 7, please call the R.E. office to verify that
we have your child’s name.
Journey Groups
All Journey groups will resume
their meetings on Monday,
Jan. 7. We will be back to our
regular schedule, beginning our
meetings in church!
Catholic High School Placement Exams
Placement exams for 8th grade students considering attending a Catholic high
school will be given on the following dates:
Aurora Central Catholic High School
(630-907-0095, ext. 20)
Jan. 5, 8:00 a.m.
Benet Academy
630-969-6550 or
Jan. 12, 9:00 a.m.
St. Francis High School
630-668-5800, ext. 120
Jan. 12, 8:00 a.m.
Rosary High School, Aurora
(All girls school) 630-896-0831, ext. 12
Jan. 12, 8:00 a.m.
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church available by free subscription on line at
subscribe.html. The Compendium includes 589 questions and answers on the
Catholic faith and was first published in 2005.
Cluster Ski Trip
There will be a Junior High Cluster Ski Trip on Monday, Jan. 21,
to Grand Geneva in Wisconsin.
Information and permission slips
are available at the Junior High
table in the Parish Center. All
forms and money must be in
by Jan. 10. All Naperville
parishes are involved, along with
St. Dominic and Our Lady of
Mercy and Holy Spirit.
Help Needed
We have two opportunities for service for 2008. If you are interested in
planning either of the following
event, please call Sr. Madelyn at
630-369-0777 by Jan. 10. Join one/
both of the committees and get to
know other parishioners while enhancing SMMP’s community spirit.
"Give Us Our Daily Bread"
Saturday, Jan. 19
8:00-9:30 AM - COR Center
Speaker: Al Gustafson
Donation: $7
1. A Valentine Mass/Brunch for
SMM parishioners to be held on Sunday, Feb. 10.
2. The Threads (Intergenerational
Religious Education event) to be held
on Friday, May 2. This event will
focus on the Feast of Pentecost.
Have Extra 2008
Before you throw away or recycle
your extra 2008 calendars, please
consider bringing them to SMMP
and depositing them in the marked
box in the narthex atrium by Sunday, Jan. 13. They will be donated
to the Sharing Connection.
Retrouvaille Weekend
For Troubled Marriages
Without attention and care, marriages
wither. Couples slowly drift apart or
are torn apart by terrible words and
actions. Retrouvaille is helping couples put the pieces back together and
rebuild loving relationships.
Retrouvaille begins with a weekend
experience led by trained married
couples and a priest and held at
St. Charles Pastoral Center in
Romeoville. For information, call
Al Gustafson
When you ask someone what a Christian believes, they will tell you with
ease…“Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross and rose from the
dead.” When you ask someone what a Christian does, they will likely struggle…“apart from going to church, I am not too sure.” This is because the life
of a Christian in our society usually doesn’t look a whole lot different from
the life of anybody else. That all changes when that one all too familiar line
of the Lord’s Prayer penetrates our hearts and never leaves us the same again.
The Business Breakfast series continues its exploration of the Lord’s Prayer
with a line that is both comforting and disturbing for those of us who live and
work in the marketplace. In this one line, Jesus prays to live in the present,
and to live so there is enough for all. To live in the present is to live with
freedom and peace, while to live so all may have enough is to live as though
my life is not about me. We Christians start living one day, one moment at a
time and start living with a perspective that is bigger than just me, my family
and my company…our lives would look a whole lot different. Come and see.
Al Gustafson is the past director of the Crossroads Center for Faith & Work at
Old St. Patrick's Church in Chicago. He is a founder and past president of the
Career Transitions Center of Chicago, a not-for profit-organization supported
by ten diverse faith communities, serving the needs of those who are unemployed and in the throes of job transition. He continues to be involved at Old
St. Patrick’s Church and the Career Transitions Center as a spiritual director
and retreat facilitator. Al serves as chairman of the board of the Institute for
Catholic Bioethics at St. Joseph University in Philadelphia and as the president of a private foundation serving the development and education of children at risk. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Catholic Theological Union as well as degrees in accounting and theology.
To register, call 630-369-0777 by Wednesday, Jan. 16.
Weekend Retreats
Are you 5, 18, 20, 35, 45, 55, 95?
Then Threads is for you!
Are you single, married, widowed?
Then Threads is for you!
What is Threads?
Threads is an intergenerational religious education experience for people of
ALL ages. Whether you are married or single, whether you have children or
don’t, whether you are a senior citizen or a child, you are invited.
What happens at Threads?
Threads begins with a meal at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center, followed by a
prayer service in Church. Well-designed, experiential learning sessions for the
various age groups form the heart of the evening. Childcare is provided for
those under four years of age. The evening closes with prayer at 8:15 PM.
Why is it important to attend Threads?
Why Empty Nesters need to attend: You’ve lived a lot of life. You’ve clung
to God in good times and in difficult time. Those younger than you need to
see and hear how faith is alive in you.
Why Parents need to attend: Children of all ages need to see how much faith
means to you. Participating in faith-enriching experiences helps ensure your
child keeping the faith.
Why Students need to attend. The world needs people who practice Christian
virtues. These events help you learn more about Jesus and his ways. They motivate you to put these lessons into practice.
The following retreats are held at the
beautiful Warrenville Cenacle ,where
you have your private room. While
the retreats are billed as ‘quiet retreats,’ there are opportunities for
small group sharing and conversation
at meals. Fr. Jonathan Foster and Sr.
Madelyn Gould give conferences. To
register, call 630-369-0777. The cost
of these retreats is $160.
For Women:
The theme of this year’s retreat is
“Breakfast in Galilee.” The presentations will include:
-I’m Going Fishing (Presence)
-Cast the Net to the Other Side
-Come, Have Breakfast (Eucharist)
-Simon Peter, Feed My Sheep
Registration deadline: Jan. 25.
For Men:
The theme of this retreat is “Lamps
Unto Our Feet – Rest, Vigilance,
Simplicity, Forgiveness.” Each
‘lamp’ (rest, vigilance, simplicity,
forgiveness) will be the focus of the
Registration deadline: March 1.
When are the Threads events?
Friday, February 22 – “Lent: Soul-Filled Music and Stories”
Friday, May 2 – “Pentecost: Happy Birthday to Us!”
Call to register: 630-369-0777 Cost: $8/person; $30/family.
A Scripture Reflection
Jesus, the Refugee
Matthew 2:13-23
In our age of millions of refugees, from Darfur to Iraq and many points between, it may be significant to note that Jesus
and his family were also refugees. They, too, were homeless. They too, were separated from family and friends. They,
too, in all probability, lived in poverty. They, too, were victims of a paranoid and heartless tyrant who placed little value
on human life.
Sponsored by
Pastoral Council
In recognition of your dedicated service during the past year,
all parish volunteers and their spouse/guest are invited
to our Volunteer Appreciation Night
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008
SMM Parish Center
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 14
7:30 - 8:30 — Refreshments, Beer, Wine and Appetizers
8:30 - 11:30 — Dancing to the music of the SMMP Jazz
Ensemble featuring members of the SMMP Choir
Name _____________________________________ Phone ________________
Spouse/Guest ________________________________________________
Ministry _____________________________________________________
Email to:,
place in the collection basket or
return to the parish office
Registration must be received no later than
Monday, Jan. 14
World Peace Day Interfaith Prayer Service
Tuesday, January 1st, 7:00 pm
First Congregational Church, 25 East Benton St., Naperville
The speaker for this event will be Venerable Jue Wei, a Singapore-Chinese monastic with the Fo Guang Shan international
Buddhist order. Venerable Jue Wei comes from the Hsi Lai
Temple in Los Angeles county. Since joining the Fo Guang
Shan international Buddhist order she as participated in many
inter-faith programs promoting dialogue, cooperation, tolerance and respect.
Co-sponsors: Pax Christi Illinois, First Congregational United Church of Christ of Naperville, Buddha’s Light International Association, Chicago Chapter, Bahai Community of Naperville, Community United Methodist Church of
Naperville, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Parish of Naperville, St. Isidore Catholic Parish of Bloomingdale, Knox
Presbyterian Church (USA), St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish of Naperville, Church Women United of Naperville, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office of the Wheaton Franciscans, Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Parish of Naperville, West Suburban Faith-Based Peace Coalition, Diocese of Joliet Peace & Social Justice Ministry
Office, DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church.
Finding Work Without Losing Heart:
A Retreat for Women and Men in Job Transition
When: Feb. 27-28, this two-day retreat begins with registration at 8:00
a.m. on Wednesday and concludes with dinner Thursday evening.
Where: Warrenville Cenacle retreat center, Warrenville, IL
Cost: The actual participant cost of the retreat is $95, covering materials,
meals and overnight accommodation in a private room at the Warrenville
Cenacle retreat center. For those who cannot afford $95, a minimum fee
of $15 is acceptable. If your financial situation allows, please give more
than the minimum.
To Register: Call 312.906.9908 or visit
Making the retreat:
Participants come to understand the stages of a transition and how the
transition process is fundamental to human development.
For Young Adults…
in their 20’s & 30’s
Movie Club: If you’re interested in
being in a group who e-mails each
other when they want to see a movie
— no set time or location, just a way
to get people connected who want to
see a movie, this is for you! Contact
Ellen at for more
If you want any other information
about Current, check out!
The spiritual and psychological dimensions of transition are explored to
help answer, “Who am I now?”, “Where is God in all this?”, “What’s
next for me?”
Lead speakers are persons who have endeavored job or career transition
and speak from their experience.
Structured personal reflection and thoughtful exercises provide the opportunity to gain insight and wisdom.
Participants learn ways to pray and find peace during a time of transition
and how to make this time fertile for growing deeper in their relationship
with God.
Spiritual directors and bereavement counselors are available for one-onone consultation.
Looking back on the wonder of the Nativity, we realize that the conception,
pregnancy, and birth that brought forth Our Savior is the same path traveled
by each human being. Each person was “tiny as a snowflake in the beginning, yet infinitely loved by God, as tiny as their Creator was when he became
a human being for our redemption.”
—Fr. Alfonso Aguilar, LC, National Catholic Register, 3/12-3/18/06
The Pro-L.I.F.E. Committee wishes you
a holy and happy New Year!
Automatic Giving
Available at SMMP
You can now have your donations to
SMMP automatically transferred
from either your checking or savings
account, or use your credit card. A
one-time free enrollment will allow
you to regularly contribute, and bypass using checks and envelopes.
Our parish has arranged with ParishPay, a nationwide company that specializes in providing this automated
option to provide this service. It’s
safe, easy, and convenient for you,
and helps our parish!
You can find out more, and enroll
right now at
Or you can call Michael Prus,
Business Manager, at 369-0777,
or e-mail for
more information.
Fr. Paul’s Homily
Preserved Unwounded
(The one to mother Jesus)
Dec. 8, 2007 — Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Gn 3:9-15, 20
Today we celebrate the mystery of
the Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. It is important
to note that by this we mean the conception of the Blessed Mother in
the womb of her mother. This is not
the conception of Jesus.
Now theologians through the ages
have argued about this, and we have
to keep in mind that when it comes
to mysteries of faith no one can explain them. Not the most brilliant
theologian can explain the mystery,
so we should not bother trying. Often
what theologians do is just say things
in Latin, and then that’s supposed to
explain it, but, of course, it doesn’t.
In fact, a man with as sound judgment as St. Thomas Aquinas believed
it was impossible; he rejected this
doctrine. But in the long run the
Church has come to accept it. It
became officially a part of the
Church’s teaching in 1854, so not
that long ago.
Now the reason why it’s very difficult for us to understand the mystery
of the Immaculate Conception is that
it has to do with sin, and we don’t
understand sin. We don’t understand sin because we don’t understand temptation. That’s why the
first reading was taken from the Book
of Genesis. In that book the sacred
author tells us a very important story
about ourselves, only it’s cast as a
story about Adam and Eve. In the
story the question is: Whom do you
trust? The original temptation that
Eve faced and that Adam faced was
Eph 1:3-6, 11-12
not to trust God, to believe that
somehow one can take better care
of oneself than God can. That’s the
original temptation. As it is described in the first reading Eve
swallowed the lie that the serpent
offered her that, you know, God
doesn’t really want the best for you.
God doesn’t want the best for
you—that’s the lie. In fact, God
knows that if you take it upon yourself to decide what is good, what is
bad, what is right, what is wrong—
called eating the fruit of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil—if
you do that for yourself, you will be
equal to God, and God doesn’t want
you to be equal to him. So strike out
on your own! And that’s what she
did. That is the history of the human race—striking out on our
own; trusting in ourselves, not
in God.
Now that creates an illusion that we
actually can be independent of God.
We actually cannot. We have free
will, yes, but we cannot be independent of God.
Mary was preserved from the illusion that she could ever be independent of God. She always lived
as a branch on the vine. She never
believed herself as a separate entity.
She never tried to be autonomous.
She was always devout and obedient to her Lord. In this way she
served God through her whole life.
Now we can ponder, although never
completely understand, why it is
Lk 1:26-38
that God chose to elevate the Blessed
Mother even in her own conception
in her own mother's womb. I think
the reason is this: that Jesus had to go
through infancy and childhood, just
like any human being. Although he
was the Son of God, he was vulnerable. Now as he grew and matured,
he took upon himself all the evil in
the world, when he was ready to do
that. But as in infant, perhaps, he
would have been too vulnerable
had he lived with someone who
didn’t really, totally devote herself
to God. He may not have been ready
to confront evil at such an early age,
as we are not. And let’s face it, we
are wounded by our families. Even
when they don’t try to wound us,
they do. Why? Because they are
wounded. Well, Mary wasn’t. And
she preserved Jesus in his infancy
and childhood until he was ready
to take the cross upon himself.
So as we think of the Immaculate
Conception and ponder its meaning,
we have to remind ourselves that God
in preserving the Blessed Mother
from sin did not deprive her of any
human qualities. Rather, he allowed
her to become more human, since
sin diminishes our humanity. And
in creating her thus this way, he
really began something which is a
recreation, a new order according to
his will, an order that we are now
invited into. And we can keep in
mind that God has called us all to this
sort of obedience and devotion that
the Blessed Mother always had.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Masses for the Week
Monday—Dec. 31
5:00 p.m.—Shirley Koloseike — William Koloseike
Tuesday—Jan. 1/BVM, Mother of God
9:00—For the Parish Family
10:45—Greg Kolman — Terri, Adam & Kristin
Wednesday—Jan. 2/Basil the Great & Gregory
Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors
8:15—Tom Rafter — Fr. Paul Hottinger
Thursday—Jan. 3/Holy Name of Jesus
8:15—June Skepnek — George & Tina Skepnek
Friday—Jan. 4/Elizabeth Ann Seton/Religious
8:15—Raymond Stasinski — Talbot Family
Saturday—Jan. 5/John Neumann, Bishop
8:15—Helen Peacey — Talbot Family
5:00—Lawrence Doyle & Peter & Claire Faye
Sunday—Jan. 6/Epiphany of the Lord
7:30—Margaret Aarnio — Studenic Family
9:00—For the Parish Family
10:45*—Howard Schnittker — Derrico Family
12:15—Tessa Casten — Patricia Green
Jan. 5
Jan. 12
Jan. 19
Jan. 26
Fr. Paul
Fr. Stan Orliklewicz
Fr. Paul
Fr. Paul
Please remember in your
prayers those members of
our parish and family and
friends who have recently passed away.
Margaret Flores
Bob Manade, father of Mike & Cheryl Manade
The rosary is prayed after
8:15 a.m. Mass
Monday – Saturday
All are invited to participate.
*Interpreted for the deaf
Food For The Journey
Morning Prayer
From the Liturgy of the Hours…
will be prayed in church at 8:00 a.m. Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
All are invited to participate.
Scripture Readings for the Week
1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18
Nm 6:22-27; Ps. 67; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21
1 Jn 2:22-28; Jn 1:19-28
1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Jn 1:29-34
1 Jn 3:7-10; Jn 1:35-42
1 Jn 3:11-21; Jn 1:43-51
Is 60:1-6; 72; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12
If You Are Interested in Becoming Catholic….
We cordially Invite you
To join the RCIA Program. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the way the Church welcomes new members and the way it provides an opportunity for people to find out about Roman
Catholicism without committing to become a Catholic.
For those who embark on the RCIA journey of faith, RCIA provides a wide variety of experiences. You’ll explore
Catholic traditions, scripture, and up-to-date Catholic religious beliefs. There will also be time to socialize and pray together. Sessions begin Wednesday, March 5 from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Please call Sr. Madelyn, 630-369-0777, if you
are interested.
I. Sirach 3:2-7, 12-14 — Those who honor and comfort their
parents shall never be forgotten.
II. Colossians 3:12-21 — You are called into one body. Bear with
one another; forgive one another; let Christ’s peace control you.
Gospel—Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 — Joseph rose, took the child and
his mother, and fled to Egypt.
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777
Parish Staff
Art & Environment Coordinator
Mary Lou Krauss
Pat Henke
Business Manager
Michael Prus
Capital Campaign
Rosalie Fall
Trust in God
Henry Vrbecky, Custodian
Saint Matthew’s account of the flight into Egypt takes
center stage today as we continue to follow the story of the
Holy Family. Once again the angel of the Lord appears to
Joseph in a dream, telling him to take the child Jesus and his
mother to Egypt. Joseph heeds the command and takes them on
what must have been a strenuous journey. Saint Matthew does
not give us any of the details, but we can only imagine what this
journey must have been like. Where did they eat? Where did
they find shelter? What were the roads like? Was Joseph able to
find work? The Holy Family survived in no small measure because they put their trust in God. This is exactly what today’s
feast calls us, God’s holy family, to do. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
Deacons (Permanent)
Deacon Ken Miles
Deacon Terry Taylor
Justice/Outreach Minister
Tom Cordaro
Music Director
John Schlaman
Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Mary Straub
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F.
Pastoral Council President
Jim Krema
Families are where kindness, humility, patience and thanksgiving
are lived and celebrated. People cannot truly teach these qualities
unless they have experienced them.
Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor
Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst.
Jonathan Foster, OFM, Weekend Asst.
SMM Parish Notes
Rosalie Fall & Rita Thompson
Nursery—service for toddlers and preschoolers is available in
Room 16 on the upper level during the 9:00 and 10:45 Sunday
Religious Education
Pastoral Care for the Homebound—Please notify the parish
office, 369-0777, of any parishioner who is hospitalized or
homebound so we can visit, bring the Eucharist, and pray for
them. Hospitals do not notify us of parishioners’ admittance.
Patti Guare
Audio Sets Available for Mass—Each of these units is a
small receiver with an ear piece and volume control. Any audio
transmitted through the microphones at Mass is received and
amplified through the ear piece. If you are hard of hearing and
would benefit from the audio set, please see one of the greeters
before Mass.
Loretta Mercadante
Sr. Elizabeth Crotty, I.B.V.M.
Youth Ministry - Jr. High Director
Youth Ministry - High School Director
Candy Rice
Religious Education Secretary
Religious Education Clerical Staff Assistant
Mary Costello
NAME AND BULLETIN #St. Margaret Mary Parish, Naperville. #832
# OF PAGES SENT (including this one): 13
MSPublisher 2003
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SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please use the special color New Year’s cover. A Happy, Healthy (and wealthy!) New
Year to all of you. Mary