tema: en que se parecen
tema: en que se parecen
CIBERTAREAS # 4 ESPAÑOL LENGUAS INDÍGENAS Repite y memoriza el coro del himno nacional mexicano en náhuatl. HIMNO NACIONAL MEXICANO NÁHUATL. HIMNO NACIONAL MEXICANO EN ESPAÑOL. Coro Mexicame xiuiki xitkamaki Xikpisto teposmej uan yolkamej Tlauiuiyokas latlajko tlaltikpak Ual nauatis tepostla topon Coro ¡Mexicanos al grito de guerra al acero aprestad y el bridón y retiemble en su centros la tierra al sonoro rugido del cañón! En la receta para preparar la ensalada de frutas se emplearon palabras como jícama y chile, que por derivarse del náhuatl, reciben el nombre de nahuatlismos. Esta lengua indígena contribuyó al enriquecimiento del español con gran número de palabras. Tejocote: Fruto y tristura por el campo riegas. Tepozán: Solitario a la orilla del sendero. Capulín: Netzahualcóyotl de tu fronda inquieta en el refugio se acogió fiado. Ahuehuete: Patriarca de los árboles, tus frondas sacudidas por vientos milenarios. Ocote: Tú siempre lloras, rumoroso ocote, mas en perlas tus lágrimas se mudan. Oyamel: Todo eres bello por ti sube el alma a otras alturas y en la paz reposa. En México abundan los nahuatlismos en el vocabulario debido a la herencia cultural de nuestros antepasados prehispánicos. I.- Investiga otros nombres de origen náhuatl y formula una lista de diez palabras con su significado. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________________________________ 10.___________________________________________________________________________ EL NÁHUATL Y SU IMPORTANCIA EN EL ESPAÑOL EN MÉXICO. II.- Resuelve el siguiente crucigrama de lenguas indígenas. 2 1 n t 4 t 6 3 y 5 s z l 7 c 8 Horizontales 1.- Lengua que se habla en Michoacán. Tiene siete letras. Ellos siempre le llaman purépecha. 3.- En Yucatán se habla también el …. l Verticales 2.- Se habla en el D.F. y es la lengua de Nezahualcóyotl. 4.- Empieza con “t” y se habla en Puebla y Veracruz. 5.- También se habla en Chiapas, inicia con “z”. 8.- Una de las lenguas de Oaxaca. Termina con “I” 7.- En Coahuila aún se habla. 6.- Es lengua tradicional de Sonora. III.- Reúnete con otro compañero y resuelvan el crucigrama. Observen las palabras derivadas del náhuatl. 1 T A T E M A R I 3 2 E 4 Z G C 9 10 A T 5 11 6 P Y 7 8 G T J 1. Quemar. 2. Reata. 3. Terreno donde se cultivan flores y verduras. 4. Hierbajo. 5. Amigo. 11. Especie de lobo. 6. Esteras de palma que usan para dormir. 7. Maizales. 8. Pavo. 9. Agave, planta. 10. Búho. El tema en un poema de Nezahualcóyotl. Yo Nezahualcóyotl lo pregunto: ¿Acaso de veras se vive con raíz en la Tierra? No para siempre en la Tierra: sólo un poco aquí. Aunque sea de jade se quiebra, aunque sea de oro se rompe, aunque sea plumaje de quetzal se desgarra. No para siempre en la Tierra: sólo un poco aquí. Nezahualcóyotl. ¿Después de la primera lectura podrías decirnos de qué se trata el poema? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ En poesía, a esta repetición de versos que enfatizan una idea, se le llama estribillo. Si observas con cuidado: “no para siempre en la tierra” y “sólo un poco aquí” presentan ideas parecidas, dichas de diferente forma, pero que enfatizan una misma idea. A esto se le llama poesía en paralelismo, y los poetas nahuas, como Nezahualcóyotl, lo emplearon mucho. ¿Podrías descifrar el sentido de estos dos versos con tus propias palabras? ¡Claro que sí! Razona y escríbelo en las siguientes líneas. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Si tu respuesta gira en torno a la idea de que la vida en la tierra dura poco y que alguien o algo persiste aquí por poco tiempo, has acertado. León Portilla, el autor del libro que nos ha servido de guía, lo dice de la siguiente manera: “Si el jade y el oro se quiebran y rompen, los rostros y los corazones, más frágiles aún, por muy nobles que hayan sido, como las flores habrán de secarse y cual si fueran pinturas quedarán borrados”. Para redondear estas últimas palabras, transcribiremos cinco versos más de otro poema de Nezahualcóyotl, que nos dice: “Como una pintura nos iremos borrando. Como una flor nos iremos secando. aquí sobre la tierra”. ¿Te ha gustado cómo lo dice Nezahualcóyotl? ¿Es acertado cómo lo descifra León Portilla? Coméntalo con tus compañeros Datos biográficos. A continuación te ofrecemos algunos datos más sobre Nezahualcóyotl, para que lo conozcas mejor. Nació en Texcoco en el año 1402; sus padres fueron Ixtilxóchitl, el viejo y Matlacihuatzin, hija de Huitzilíhuitl. Estudió en el calmécac de Texcoco, y cuando tenía 16 años murió asesinado su padre, y su pueblo fue sometido a los tecpanecas. Nezahualcóyotl siguió preparándose. En 1430 conquistó el reino de Coatlinchan y fue coronado, en 1431, después de la total derrota de los tecpanecas. La obra de Nezahualcóyotl es abundante y valiosa, por ejemplo, libros de leyes y una serie de poesías que nos muestran la profundidad de su pensamiento. Por ello es conocido, como habíamos dicho, como el “El rey poeta”. Muere a los 71 años y, al sentir que su fin se acercaba, dio a conocer su decisión de ser sucedido en el gobierno por su hijo Nezahualpilli. Investiga en diccionarios y enciclopedias qué era el calmécac en el mundo náhuatl. INDIGENISMOS. IV.- Las palabras son indigenismos. Cópialas con su significado. 1.- molcajete – mortero de piedra o barro que se usa para triturar o moler. 2.- tejolote – mano de piedra del molcajete o mortero. 3.- comal – utensilio redondo, de barro o metal, que sirve para cocer, calentar tortillas, alimentar o tostar granos. 4.- chipote –chichón, hematoma. 5.- chiquihuite – canasto, cesto de carrizo. 1.-_____________ __________________________________________________________ 2.-_____________ __________________________________________________________ 3.-_____________ __________________________________________________________ 4.-_____________ __________________________________________________________ 5.-_____________ __________________________________________________________ V.- Completa los siguientes enunciados, sustituyendo el número que aparece debajo de la línea con la palabra del ejercicio anterior que corresponde. 1.-Tengo un _______________ en la rodilla a causa del golpe que me di. 4 2.- Con el _________________ y el ______________________ se preparan exquisitas salsas mexicanas. 1 2 3.- Me gustan las tortillas cocidas o calentadas en el _____________________. 3 4.- Algunos indígenas son expertos en elaborar el _________________________. VI.- Busca en el diccionario el significado de los siguientes indigenismos y escríbelos donde corresponda. 1. Ixtle -______________________________________________________________________ 2. olote -_____________________________________________________________________ 3. cacahuate -__________________________________________________________________ 4. petate-_____________________________________________________________________ 5. tejocote -___________________________________________________________________ 6. guajolote -__________________________________________________________________ 7. huarache-__________________________________________________________________ 8. jorongo -___________________________________________________________________ 9. huacal -____________________________________________________________________ 10. chayote -___________________________________________________________________ 11. petaca -___________________________________________________________________ 12. itacate -_____________________________________________________________________ VII.- Escribe un enunciado con cada uno de los indigenismos del ejercicio anterior. Subráyalos con color verde. 1.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 7.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 8.- ______________________________________________________________________________ 9.-_______________________________________________________________________________ 10.-______________________________________________________________________________ 11.-______________________________________________________________________________ 12.-______________________________________________________________________________ VIII.- Lee el texto en ambas versiones y subraya las palabras indígenas que se asemejen al español. La mujer que no creía en nada Jujamu kaita sualeme En mi comunidad, que es indígena, se tienen ciertas tradiciones y costumbres, una de ellas es la ofrenda a los fieles difuntos. Mis abuelos cuentan de una señora que no creía en nada, que se burlaba de las creencias. Itom joakapote yun jita jipure jitam Sualiwamta, wepúlaka, jume kokkolam jita jojoriame. Ito, tottom itow o ettetej way jamulo kaita sualeniata, jita suaiwamta aaubuay animam mikway, símme joompo june mojjim jojowa, jume animan amikbechivo. Oooctubreta tawarim chupeyyo, mu mojim jojowa noviembreta enjubua nateyo jume takas nojjim, sextultuki jamut ka noijbarrek kaita sualeka, jamut ka noijbarek kaita sualeka, wanay tuk ju a kunawa au nonokak, wanay tuk ju a kunawa au nonokak, tuka nasukweyo, nent k au jiawak “Juana nojimme buásek” wanaytuk sepyejteka am jotaytek may mmaujlataka, wanaytuck chikti wasuktiapo am jojua´. María Vega Flores. 5° grado. Escuela Venustiano Carranza. Lengua: mayo. El Fuerte, Sinaloa El día de Muertos, en todas las familias, se tiene como costumbre hacer tamales para ofrecerlos a los familiares que han fallecido, esto se hace el día 31 de octubre. Cuentan que una vez esta señora no preparó tamales a su esposo ya fallecido y que a media noche cuando estaba muy a gusto dormida escuchó la voz de su marido que decía querer sus tamales; se asustó tanto la mujer que a esa hora se levantó y los preparó SOBRE PARA CARTAS POSTALES. I.- Completa los datos que se te piden para llenar un sobre. Considera tus datos para el remitente y los de tu maestro o maestra para destinatario. Frente del sobre Destinatario Nombre de la persona a la que se le envía la cata: _______________________________________________ Dirección: _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (calle, número, colonia, ciudad, estado o entidad federativa, país, código postal) Reverso del sobre Remitente. Tu nombre:_____________________________________ Tu dirección:__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (calle, número, colonia, ciudad, estado o entidad federativa, país, código postal) MATEMÁTICAS DE CENTÍMETROS A PULGADAS. Libro SEP págs. 99 a 103. Guía Santillana págs. 212 y 213. Establece relaciones entre unidades del Sistema Internacional de Medidas y del Sistema Inglés. 1.- Completa la tabla en los recuadros no sombreados Sistema Inglés Nombre Siglas Equivalencias Sistema Internacional de medidas Milla terrestre yd km m Yarda ft in m cm Pie in m cm Pulgada m cm 2.- Después de haberte memorizado las equivalencias de las medidas del sistema inglés, ahora resuelve los siguientes problemas: a) ¿Cuál es la estatura de María en metros, si mide 4 pies y 5 pulgadas? _____________________ b) ¿Raúl compró un rollo de cable de 50 yardas, ¿ A cuántos metros equivale? ________________ c) ¿Cuántas millas se forman con 25 kilómetros? ______________________________________ d) ¿Cuántos metros recorrió un atleta, si logró avanzar 10 millas?_________________________ e) ¿Cuántos metros recorrió otro atleta, si logró avanzar 17600 yardas?____________________ DESCUENTOS Y PORCENTAJES. Libro SEP págs. 104 a 107. Guía Santillana págs. 214 y 215. Resuelve problemas de porcentaje. 1.- En las tiendas de ropa es común que haya descuentos. Completa los datos de la siguiente tabla calculando los porcentajes que se indican de los precios de cada prenda. Calcetines Camiseta Playera Corbata Camisa Pantalón Suéter Saco Precio $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $100.00 $125.00 $150.00 $175.00 $200.00 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 55% 2.- Usa los resultados de la tabla para responder cierto (c) o falso (f) en cada una de las siguientes frases 10% de 75 es igual a 75 ÷ 10 20% de 100 es igual a 100 ÷ 20 5 % de 25 es igual a 25 ÷ 5 30% de 150 es tres veces 10% de 150 50% de 200 es igual a 200 – 50 3.- Resuelve los siguientes problemas: a) Si de 200 competidores 30 son menores de 8 años. ¿Qué porcentaje de alumnos son menores de ocho años? __________________________________________________________________ b) Ciertos alimentos tienen una parte que no es comestible, como la cáscara y las semillas. Si a una piña mediana que pesa 1800 gramos se la quita la cáscara, quedan 954 gramos de pulpa. ¿Qué tanto por ciento de la piña es comestible o de pulpa? _________________________________ c)Porfirio trabaja como pintor y le pidieron que pinte el 75% de una pared que mide 8 m de largo y 3 m de ancho. ¿Cuántos m2 debe de pintar? ______________________________________ d) Un estudiante resuelve correctamente 18 preguntas de un examen con un total de 25 preguntas. ¿Qué tanto por ciento de las preguntas del examen respondió correctamente? ____________________ e)Un estudiante sacó 7 en Matemáticas el primer bimestre y 7.7 en el segundo, por tanto, aumentó su calificación en un …_______________________________ f) ¿Cuánto es el 100% de una cantidad si sólo se sabe que el 20% es igual a $ 1200?______________ y ¿Cuánto es el 75 % de esa misma cantidad?_________________ PAGUÉ SÓLO LA MITAD Ó 50% DE SU PRECIO TOTAL. Libro SEP págs. 108 a 111. Guía Santillana págs. 216 y 217. Representa un porcentaje de diferentes formas. 1.- Completa las tablas con las diferentes formas de expresar el tanto por ciento. Tanto Fracción Número Tanto Fracción Número por decimal decimal por decimal decimal ciento % ciento % 10 0.48 / 100 33 % 0.03 99 / 100 50 % 2% 222 % ¿QUÉ NÚMEROS LO DIVIDEN EXACTAMENTE? Libro SEP págs. 121 a 125. Guía Santillana págs. 272 y 273. Encuentra los divisores de un número. 1.- Ilumina el recuadro que contiene un divisor de los siguientes números 16 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 30 32 40 48 45 1 2 3 4 5 8 10 25 22 24 26 28 30 35 45 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2.- Anota en el paréntesis la letra correspondiente de acuerdo con los divisores de cada número. a) 54 b) 21 c) 88 d) 32 e) 99 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 1, 3, 7, 21 1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 22, 44, 88 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54 3.- Encuentra los divisores de los siguientes números. a) Los divisores de 81 son: ______, ______, ______, ______ y ________ b) Los divisores de 47 son: _______ y ________ c) Los divisores de 79 son: ______ y ______. 4.- En la sopa de letras encuentra los divisores de 60. Son 12 números J K D I E Z W S T O C O C H O E S R R I S I E S I S E T N L T E C O D I A C U N O P F X N U O T R E S N Z T C A E C N I U Q A M Ñ V E I N T E B DE DECIMALES A FRACCIONES. Libro SEP págs. 126 a 128. Guía Santillana págs. 274 y 275. Expresa fracciones como números decimales y números decimales como fracciones. 1.- Completa las siguientes tablas: Número Fracción Cuatro décimos 25 /100 Tres milésimos 2 /1000 Seis centésimos Número dos décimos Decimal .003 Trescientos décimos .06 Seis centésimos 2.- Ubica en la recta numérica los números que a continuación se presentan: 2 .3 .6 .25 /4 8/1012/20 3.- Completa las siguientes tablas, recuerda aproximar hasta milésimas. Número decimal Fracción Número decimal Fracción 3 .2 /4 1 /3 .10 8 2 6 /9 /9 /5 .25 .35 4 2 .45 /8 /4 EL ORDEN ES IMPORTANTE. Libro SEP págs. 129 a 133. Guía Santillana págs. 276 y 277. Resuelve problemas de conteo que involucren permutaciones sin repetición. 1).- ¿De cuántas maneras se pueden ordenar 6 discos en un estante? _________________ 2).- ¿De cuántas maneras se pueden sentar 5 personas en una fila? ___________________ 3).- Se tienen 3 libros: uno de aritmética (A), uno de biología(B) y otro de cálculo(C), y se quiere ver ¿De cuántas maneras se pueden ordenar en un estante? _______________________ 4).-Diez jóvenes decidieron celebrar la terminación de sus estudios en la escuela secundaria con un almuerzo en un restaurante. Una vez reunidos, se entabló entre ellos una discusión sobre el orden en que habían de sentarse a la mesa. Unos propusieron que la colocación fuera por orden alfabético; otros, con arreglo a la edad; otros, por los resultados de los exámenes; otros, por la estatura, etc. La discusión se prolongaba, la sopa se enfrió y nadie se sentaba a la mesa. Los reconcilió el camarero, dirigiéndoles las siguientes palabras: -Jóvenes amigos, dejen de discutir. Siéntense a la mesa en cualquier orden y escúchenme Todos se sentaron sin seguir un orden determinado. El camarero continuó: -Que uno cualquiera anote el orden en que están sentados ahora. Mañana vienen a comer y se sientan en otro orden. Pasado mañana vienen de nuevo a comer y se sientan en orden distinto, y así sucesivamente hasta que hayan probado todas las combinaciones posibles. Cuando llegue el día en que ustedes tengan que sentarse de nuevo en la misma forma que ahora, les prometo solemnemente, que en lo sucesivo les convidaré a comer gratis diariamente, sirviéndoles los platos más exquisitos y escogidos. La proposición agradó a todos y fue aceptada. Acordaron reunirse cada día en aquel restaurante y probar todos los modos distintos, posibles, de colocación alrededor de la mesa, con objeto de disfrutar cuanto antes de las comidas gratuitas. Sin embargo no lograron llegar hasta ese día. Y no porque el camarero no cumpliera su palabra sino porque el número total de combinaciones diferentes alrededor de la mesa es extraordinariamente grande. Estas son exactamente _____________________________ 5).- Hay en clase 12 alumnos. ¿En cuántas formas diferentes pueden sentarse en los pupitres? ____________________________________ PARA DIVIDIR EN PARTES. Libro SEP págs. 134 a 137. Guía Santillana págs. 278 y 279. Divide un número fraccionario o decimal entre un número natural. 1).- Mis primos dejaron 4/8 de un pequeño pastel para que lo repartiéramos entre mi mamá y yo ¿Cuánto nos corresponde a cada uno? _______________________________________ 2).- En la panadería “Doña Lupe” los 8/15 de la producción de pan que quedaron durante el día, se repartirán entra las dos casas hogar de niños pobres ¿Cuánto nos corresponde a cada una? __________________________________________ 3).- Sofía compró 8/12 de metro de listón y lo va a cortar en 4 partes iguales ¿Cuánto medirá cada parte del listón que corte? ________________________________________ 4).- Lupita tiene 3/8 de una cartulina color blanco y 4/16 de cartulina color rosa, ambos colores los va a repartir a sus dos amigas, ¿Qué parte les entregará a cada una de ellas? ________________ _________________________________ 5).- Don Tomás el pintor repartió los 5/8 del bote de pintura que tenía en 4 recipientes para poden a sus ayudantes a trabajar ¿Qué parte le tocó a cada uno? _____________________ 6).- En una papelería se venden gomas de diferente tamaño a diferentes precios, Pedro pagó las siguientes cantidades, según la cantidad de gomas que compró de cada una. Calcula el precio de cada goma según su tamaño. Número de gomas Tamaño de goma Costo total Costo de una goma compradas Grande 12 $ 150.00 Mediana 8 $ 60.00 Chica 22 $ 93.50 POLÍGONOS EN EL CÍRCULO. Libro SEP págs. 138. Guía Santillana págs. 280 y 281. Traza polígonos regulares inscritos en una circunferencia. 1) Traza los polígonos regulares que se indican, inscritos en la circunferencia indicada. Cuadrado Pentágono regular Decágono regular OBTENIENDO (pi). Libro SEP págs. 139 y 140. Guía Santillana págs. 282 y 283. Calcula la longitud de una circunferencia. 1) Escribe el nombre de lo que se indica en cada figura: ________________ 2) ______________ ______________ ______________ Observa con cuidado y calcula completo, el perímetro de las siguientes figuras: 17 cm. P = ____________ 3 m. P = _____________ 23 cm P = _________________ 3) En su clase de atletismo Ana recorre 5 veces la pista circular de su escuela, ¿Qué distancia recorre si el diámetro de la pista es de 6 metros? _________________________ 4) Para fabricar las ventanas de una casa, se utilizaron dos tipos diferentes decírculos ¿Cual será el perímetro de los dos círculos si sus diámetros son de 2.5 m y 1. 2 m respectivamente?__________________________________ 5) Para hacer los aros de una cancha de basquetbol, un herrero corta tiras de varilla, posteriormente las dobla para formar los aros. Para que el balón pueda entrar con facilidad se requiere que los aros tengan 34 cm. de diámetro ¿De qué longitud debe cortar cada tira de varilla?__________________________________ 6) Selecciona el perímetro medida de su radio. Diámetro del círculo 5 cm 2.5 cm 6 cm de los círculos de acuerdo con la medida de los diámetros y escribe al final la Medida del radio Perímetro del círculo a)15.708 cm a)9.46 cm a)12.968 cm b) 20.462 cm b) 30.63 cm b) 18.849 cm c)18.634 cm c)7.85 cm c)30.567 cm 7) ¿Aproximadamente cuántas veces cabe el diámetro en la circunferencia? ____________ 8) El diámetro siempre será el doble del ___________________________ 9) Al cociente de la circunferencia entre el diámetro da como resultado __________________ 10) El número 3.1416 se representa con la letra _________________ y se lee ______________. 11) Completa con la letra que falta. C = D C = ¿QUÉ ES MÁS PROBABLE? Libro SEP págs. 141 a 143. Guía Santillana págs. 284 y 285. Identifica los posibles resultados de una experiencia aleatoria. 1.- Si se lanzan dos monedas al aire, ¿Qué es más probable obtener, águila o sol? _____________ ¿Por qué? __________________________________________________________________ 2.- María tiene 30 cubos dentro de una caja, 15 son azules, 10 son rojos y 5 de diferente color. ¿Qué color es más probable sacar de la caja sin observar los cubos? _______________________ 3.- Al lanzar dos dados, ¿Cuál es la suma más probable que se puede obtener? ______________ Libros de Español y Matemáticas SEP y Guía Santillana. I. ENGLISH Level 2 VOCABULARY Look at these baskets and write the name of the vegetables and fruits that are inside. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________________________ II. Write the name of the objects you see. 1. 2. 3. 4. _______________ 1. ________________ _______________ 2. ________________ ________________ 3. ________________ ________________ 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________ 1. _______________ 1. _____________ 2. ______________ 2. _____________ III. Read the definitions and write the correct word on the line. 1. A piece of fruit which can be green, yellow or red.__________________________ 2. It is considered the opposite of sugar.______________________________ 3. A piece of fruit with the shape of a bulb._____________________________ 4. A piece of fruit which has the name of its colour.__________________________ 5. Monkeys like it.______________________________ 6. If you are thirsty, you drink it.________________________________ 7. It is baked and make out of flour._______________________________ 8. They come from hens._________________________________ 9. A white liquid coming from the cows._____________________________ 10. This fruit looks like an orange but it is very sour._______________________ 11. This vegetable makes you cry when you cut it._____________________ 12. If you use hot oil to cook something you are __________________________it. IV. Complete the sentences with one word from the box. add bake boil chop fry mix peel roast 1. John decided to _____________________ the beef for two hours. 2. Put the milk and flour in a bowl and _________________ them. 3. __________________ the onions into small pieces. 4. Taste the sauce and __________________ salt if necessary. 5. _____________________the potatoes, and then put them in water. 6. I want to ________________________ a cake for this weekend. 7. ______________________ the rice for ten minutes. V. Complete with the correct word. bar - carton - glass - cup - loaf - can - bunch - slice 1. a...................of cake 5. a ...............of grapes 2. a ..................of bread 6. a...............of milk 3. a..................of coffee 7. a................of chocolate 4. a..................of water 8. a ................of coke VI. Look at the pictures and complete the crossword puzzzle. 1 2 24 3 4 5 18 6 7 10 9 11 12 13 14 8 25 15 16 17 20 22 19 23 26 21 VII. Match the pictures to the verbs. Write the number in the correct box. 1. peel 7. grate 2. cut 8. pour 3. boil 4. chop 5. slice 9. stretch 10. mix 11. spread 13. knead 14. break 6. mash 12. whisk GRAMMAR I. Complete the chart in Present Continuous. Affirmative Negative I am playing soccer this Sunday Interrogative You aren’t watching TV now Is he swimming? She is travelling to Italy tomorrow Paul and Michel aren’t working in class Are we having a party this weekend? II. Complete the chart in Present Simple. Affirmative I usually play soccer on Sundays Negative Interrogative You don’t watch TV in the morning. Does he swim on Monday afternoons? She travels to Italy every summer. Paul and Mike don’t usually work on Saturdays. Do you often go to parties? III. Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. Look! They____________________________( leave) the house. 1. Briana ______________________________ (cycle) 30 km every day. 2. Sam _________________________________(do) her homework at the moment. 3. My parents __________________________( shop) right now. 4. He usually_____________________________( get up) early in the morning. 5. The lesson____________________________( start) at 9 o'clock. 6. He often_____________________________( wear) a black cap. 7. I ___________________________(meet) my friends in the youth club tonight. 8. My friend ______________________(move) house tomorrow. 9. My birthday _______________________(be) in September. 10. You ______________________(not see) her every day. IV. Underline the correct form of the verb. 1. She is a teacher. She teaches/is teaching Math at my school. 2. Claudia speaks/is speaking English and Spanish fluently. 3. They stay/are staying with us for a few days. 4. Most people like/are liking traveling. 5. I love swim/swimming. 6. I’d love to go/going rappelling. 7. He talks/is talking on the phone at the moment. 8. I live/am living in Lima with my family and my cat. 9. I really don’t like/am not liking sports. 10. She never wakes up/is waking up before eleven! V. Fill in the blanks with am / is / are / do / don’t / does / doesn’t. 1. Excuse me _____ you speak English? 2. Have a cigarette. No, thank you. I _____ smoke. 3. Why _________ you laughing at me? 4. What _________ she do? She’s a dentist. 5. I _________ want to go out. It _______ raining. 6. Where ________ you come from? From Canada. 7. How much ________ it cost to send a letter to Canada? 8. I can’t talk to you at the moment. I __________ working. 9. George is a good tennis player but he __________ play very often. VI. Put the verb in present continuous or present simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Excuse me, ________________________ (you/speak) English? Tom _____________________________ (have/shower) at the moment. They _____________________________ (not/watch) television very often. Listen! Somebody __________________ (sing) How often ________________________ (you/read) a newspaper? Excuse me, but you _________________ (sit) in my place. Oh I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I ________________________ (not/understand). Please speak more slowly Where are you Roy? I am in the office. I __________________________ (read) What time ________________________ (she/finish) work every day? You can turn off the radio. I _______________________ (not listen) to it. He ____________________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He usually ___________ (walk). Don't give Jan any cheese. She ______________ (hate) it! Look! Junko ______________ (jump) into the water. Once a week, Sheila ______________________ (go) to an art class at college. I ___________________ (go) to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come? VII. Correct the mistakes in these sentences: 1. We looking for a bigger flat to move in. 2. The soup is tasting delicious. 3. Jenny and Mary is doing the shopping. 4. Normally, I am not listening to rock music. 5. My brothers play in their room now. 6. Are you paint the gate? VIII. Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Paragraph 1: Peter has got a pet dog called Rocky. Rocky usually___________________(sleep) under Peter’s bed. Everyday Peter____________________(take) Rocky for a walk in the park but today he ___________________________(run) near the river. Peter and Rocky ________________________(play) soccer at the moment. They often_____________________(play) together. Rocky’s favourite food are bones. Today Rocky_______________________(eat) a big bone. He’s very funny. Paragraph 2: Next week, my friends and I __________________(go) camping on the beach. I _______________ (organize) the food, because I ______ _________ (like) cooking seafood. Dave ________________ (have) a big boat, so he ________________ (plan) a fishing trip. Sam ________________(bring) the tent — he ________________ (go) camping every year, so he __________________ (have) a great tent and lots of other surfing equipment. My wife __________________ (think) we're crazy. She ___________________ (like) holidays in comfortable hotels, so she ________________ (take) a trip to New York instead. IX. Put the words in order and write correct sentences: 1. the / are / car / they / washing / . ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. listening / I / to / am / music / . ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. never / up / Beckham / late / gets / . ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. brother / playing / not / my / games / is / computer / . ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. doing / they / what / are / now / ? ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. the / are / moment / homework / at /they / doing / their / . ________________________________________________________________________________ I. READING Read the following texts carefully and then answer the questions. Lia usually gets up at seven o’clock. She has coffee and toast for breakfast. She always goes to school by car but today she is riding her bike. In the afternoon she eats lunch at three thirty, then she does her homework. Today she is going to the movie theatre, Andrew is going with her. After the film they are walking home. At night, Lia usually watches TV and at ten thirty she goes to sleep. 1.- At what time does Lia get up? ____________________________________________________________ 2.- What does she have for breakfast?__________________________________________________________ 3.- What is she doing today? _________________________________________________________________ 4.- What does she do in the afternoon? _________________________________________________________ 5.- Where are Lia and Andrew going? __________________________________________________________ Answer true or false. 1.- Lia has ham and eggs for breakfast______________ 2.- She goes to school by train______________ 3.- Today she is riding her bike______________ 4.- In the afternoon she does her homework__________________ 5.- At night Lia usually listens to music_____________________ 6.- At nine thirty she goes to sleep______________________ THE PIANIST My name is Mia Lynne Lindstrom. I am a pianist. I began studying the piano when I was three years old. I am ten years old now. I play the piano in the junior orchestra at the community college. We give a concert twice a year. I am always practicing new music for the next concert. During the school year, I take four piano lessons every week from my piano teacher, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor teaches piano lessons at the college. In the summer, I take two lessons every week. I practice playing the piano about ten hours every week. I practice very hard because I want to learn everything about playing the piano. The piano is a very interesting instrument to play. I like reading the notes, moving my fingers on the keys, and hearing the beautiful music. It is sometimes difficult, but I always practice until I can play the music perfectly. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up. I do know that playing the piano will always be a major part of my life. It is very special to me. 1. When did Mia start playing the piano? _____________________________________ 2. Where does she play the piano? _________________________________________ 3. How many piano lessons does she take during the school year? __________________ 4. Who is Mia’s teacher? ________________________________________________ 5. How many lessons does she take in the summer? ____________________________ 6. Is playing the piano special for Mia? ______________________________________ 7. Do you think Mia will be a good pianist when she grows up? ____________________ II. Read and answer the questions. Lasagna comes from Italy. It is made of pasta, meat, tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes, people add aubergine. Omelet is popular in the UK. You can mix ham, onions, leeks and asparagus into the egg to make a delicious omelet. Sweet and sour pork is from China. In this dish, there are small pieces of pork, mixed with sugar, onion, garlic, pineapple and soy sauce. The sauce tastes very sweet. Curry comes from India and Thailand. You can use different meats and vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. 1. Where does lasagna come from?______________________________________ 2. What is it made of? ________________________________________________ 3. Where is omelet popular? ___________________________________________ 4. What can you mix to make a delicious omelet?___________________________ 5. Where is sweet and sour pork from?___________________________________ 6. Where does curry come from? ________________________________________ 7. What can you use to make curry?______________________________________ 8. What food is popular in your country? __________________________________ 9. What is your favourite food? __________________________________________ III. Read the text. A typical day. Hi, My name is Susan. I am ten years old. I am Portguese and I live with my mother, my father and my brother in Lisbon. The day starts about 7 o´clock , when dad and mum get up. We usually have breakfast at 8 o´clock . I like to eat cereal with milk and a toast. After breakfast my brother and I brush our teeth. We all leave the house by 8.30. Dad goes to work. He is a doctor. Mum, my brother and I go to school then my mother catches the bus to her work place. She is a shop assistant. I always have lunch at school. My friend picks me up from school at 18.30. Sometimes we go to the shops and if we are lucky we play with our friends in the park before we do our homework. Dad usually gets home about 19.30 and we all have dinner together. My favourite meals is fish with salad . In the evenings, I sometimes watch TV or chat with my friends on my computer. I go to the ballet on Wednesdays and my brother plays football on Tuesdays. At weekends I play on my computer and I usually go out with my friends. IV. Choose the best title for the text: a. - Susan’s vacation b.-Susan’s daily routine c.- Susan´s hobbies V. Decide if the sentences are true or false. 1. _______The text is about a ten- year old girl. 2. _______She lives in a flat in north-west Scotland. 3. _______Susan gets up at 7 o´clock. 4. _______All the family has the breakfast together. 5.______ School finishes at a quarter past five. 6. _______She likes fish and salad. 7.______ At weekends she goes to the ballet. he following questions about the text. 1. Who is Susan? ____________________________ 2. Who does she live with? ____________________________________ 3. What time does she get up? __________________________________ 4. What does she have for breakfast? ________________________________________ 5. What does she do after school? ___________________________________________ 6. What time does the family have dinner? _____________________________________ 7. When does she do ballet? ________________________________________________ ENGLISH Level 3 Vocabulary I. Read and choose the correct word. Ref: Vocabulary Unit 7 & 8. New Zealand sunburn helicopter market crisps barbecue on his own water-skiing on board bungee-jumping Loch Ness 1. You can buy some ___________ at the local ______________. 2. We took our speedboat to the lake and we all went ____________________ ! 3. Will you like to travel by plane or by ___________________? 4. He doesn’t have an English teacher because he preferred to learn the language ______________. 5. At first, Sheila was scared to go ______________ from the bridge but then she enjoyed this extreme sport. 6. If you don’t put any sunblock, you’ll probably get a bad __________________. 7. _______________ is an island country located in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. 8. Last Sunday we had a _________________ in the back yard. We grilled hot-dogs! 9. _____________ is a large freshwater lake in Scotland where a monster called “Nessie” lives. 10.The people were already ________________ when the ship was set on fire! II. Complete the word. 1. I’ll be away for a c __ __ __ __ __ of weeks. I’ll call you! 2. My brother wants to take a __ __ __ __ ___ ___ l_ tour to Brazil since he doesn’t have any money to go. 3. The President arrived to the place in his __ __ __ __ c o __ __ __ __. 4. Please bring me a s __ __ __ __ __ __ r from your trip! 5. Let’s go visit the __ __ g __ __ ___ . This city has a beautiful Cathedral. 6. We’re going to the concert. Take your b __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ s . You might want to see the band closer! 7. The grocery store was closed so I went to the __ __ __ k __ __ to buy some fruit. 8. The people were waiting in the h __ __ b __ __ __ before getting on board the ship. 9. Mike bought a new __ __ t __ __ b __ __ __ instead of a car to move around the city. 10.Would you like to __ p __ __ d a day in a castle? III. Match each sight with its place, then draw a picture of each sight. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Loch Ness ______ Eiffel Tower ______ Big Ben ______ The Parthenon ______ The Statue of Liberty ______ The Opera House ______ The Colosseum ______ Sydney New York Greece London Rome Scotland Paris GRAMMAR Ref: Pupil’s Book Unit 7. I. Read the text and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in the box. use send have be ask use chat Ten years from now schools will (1)_______________ very different from now. Every classroom will (2)_______________ an interactive board and teachers will (3)_______________ interactive software and the internet to teach every class. Instead of notebooks students will (4)_______________ laptops to take notes and they will (5)_______________ the homework by email. Students will (6)______________ with their teachers after class and will (7)_______________ them for help with their homework. II. Read and match the two parts of the sentences. Write the numbers on the lines. a. My homework is very difficult! _____ 1. I’ll prepare some sandwiches then. b. I’m thirsty! _____ 2. I’ll help you wash them! c. The sink is full of dirty plates! _____ 3. Will you help me, please? d. We haven’t got anything in the fridge! _____4. I’ll have some tea! e. I’m hungry! _____5. Will you go to the supermarket, please? Ref: Pupil’s Book Unit 8 III. Read and write the sentences using BE GOING TO. E.g.: _______________________________ (We - cook a meal tonight) Answer: We are going to cook a meal tonight. 1. ________________________________________________(You - not watch a movie tonight) 2. _______________________________________________ ( He – go jogging every morning?) 3. _______________________________________________ (They - stay out late at night) 4. _______________________________________________ (The baby – sleep all the time) 5. _______________________________________________ ( We - take our bikes with us?) 6. _______________________________________________ (She - meet a few friends) 7. _______________________________________________ (We - not take our dog with us) 8. _______________________________________________ (They – watch a movie?) 9. _______________________________________________ (I- buy a new pair of jeans at my favorite shop) 10. __________________________________________ (They - have a barbecue with their friends) IV. Complete the following sentences using WILL or GOING TO. 1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper? B: I (write) _______________________ a letter to my friends back home in Toronto 2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up! B: I (get) ________________________ you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up. 3. A: I can't hear the television! B: I (turn) __________________________ it up so you can hear it. 4. We are so excited about our trip next month to Spain. We (visit) _____________________ Madrid, Toledo and Barcelona. 5. I think he (be) _____________________ the next President of the Mexico. 6. I feel really tired. I think I ___________________ go to bed. 7. A: Where are you going? B: I ___________________ visit a customer. 8. A: Do you want me to help you? B: No thanks. John _________________ help me. 9. A: Would you prefer tea or coffee? B: I __________________ have some coffee, please. 10. I've already decided. I ___________________ buy a new car. 11. A: What are your plans for next week? B: I ___________________ to fly to New York on business. 12. A: Why are you wearing your uniform on Sunday? B: I ___________________ have a special event at school. 13. A: Do you want to have chicken or beef? B: I think _________________ have beef. 14. A: We need some more ink for the printer. B: I _________________ go to the shop and get some. 15. A: Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier. B: You turn it off and I __________________ phone the safety officer! V. Complete the sentences with WILL or GOING TO. 1. I hope the weather ____________________ (be) nice. 2. I offered him this job. I think he__________________ (take) it. 3. I promise I ___________________ (not tell) your secret to anyone. 4. Take your umbrella with you. It ___________________ (rain). 5. I __________________ (go) to the cinema tomorrow. 6. I __________________ (invite) 50 people to my birthday party and I hope everyone____________ (come). 7. That exercise looks difficult. I___________________ (help) you. 8. Are you sure they _________________ (win) the match? 9. She___________ probably ________________ (stay) until Thursday. 10. We think he__________________ (come) home late at night. 11. When the weather is fine we _________________________ a picnic in our garden. (probably, have) 12. Susan _____________________ the bathroom next weekend. (paint) 13. I _________________________ a walk in the garden this evening. (take) 14. Let's hope that the wind ______________________ away the clouds. (blow) 15. Mary _______________________ a good mark because she has studied hard. (get). 16. Are you sure that you ____________________ in a tent in your holidays? (sleep) 17. Peter _______________________ his new bike in the park. (ride) 18. I hope Jane _____________ me to her party. (invite). 19. I ______________________ dad's car tomorrow afternoon. (wash) 20. Mum thinks dad__________________ come home early tonight. ( not come) 21. It ____________________ very cold in the mountains. Take a sweater with you. (probably be) 22. We ______________________ our bikes in the park. Can you come with us? (ride) 23. It's my birthday next Friday. Mum ______________________ a cake. (bake) 24. It's late. I hope we ______________________the bus. (not miss) 25. Jane and Sue ______________________a present for mum's birthday. (buy) 26. ______________________(you, help)me with the dishes, Julie? 27. Next summer we ______________________at a campsite near a lake. (probably,stay) 28. We ______________________to Scotland this summer. (go) 29. Maybe he ______________________(not have) time next weekend. He’s been very busy. 30. The children ____________________ (not go) trick or treating this Halloween. They don’t have costumes. READING I. Read this article and do the exercises that follow. 1____________________ Is the sun safe? Most people like a good suntan, but how many realize how dangerous the sun can be? If you want to sunbathe, it is important to realize the dangers involved, and follow a few simple rules to protect yourself. 2____________________ First of all, the sun can make your skin drier and thicker. If you regularly spend time with the sun shining directly on your skin, you will soon start to look older than you actually are. Your face and neck are particularly sensitive. 3____________________ But even if you don’t mind looking old, you should note that the ultra violet rays from the sun can seriously damage your skin. If you don’t protect yourself, you risk getting skin cancer. And skin cancer is a serious disease that cannot always be cured. Skin cancer is more common than most people think. In the last 15 years, the number of cases has almost doubled. And research suggests that two weeks of sunbathing a year will eventually increase your risk of getting some kind of skin cancer. So if you are going to sunbathe, there are several things you have to be careful about. 4____________________ You are especially at risk if you have blond hair and fair skin. Skin color is very important when we are talking about the risk of skin cancer. If you have fair skin and red or fair hair, then you burn easily and are more at risk. 5____________________ If you must sunbathe, do at least take some precautions: First of all, you should avoid spending too much time in the sun. Try to stay in the sun as little as possible. You shouldn’t leave your head and face unprotected. You should always wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face and especially your eyes, which are most sensitive. You should always use a high factor sun lotion or sunscreen to keep away the dangerous rays. If you really want to get a tan, you shouldn’t expect to get it all in one week, but should try to get it gradually, over a longer period of time. It is better to sunbathe for ten minutes a day over two or three weeks, than to stay in the sun for an hour each day for five days. Whatever you do, you should never stay in the sun between eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon, when the sun is most dangerous. a) Match these headings with the paragraphs of the article. A Sun and age B Advice to sunbathers C Who is most at risk D Most people don’t know the dangers E Serious damage b) Decide if these statements are true or false. 1 Not many people know that sunbathing can be dangerous. 2 The sun can make you look younger. 3 Skin cancer isn’t very dangerous. 4 If you sunbathe for a couple of weeks a year, there is no danger. 5 You should never sunbathe around midday. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ II. Read this magazine article and do the exercises that follow. The future of computers 1 It is becoming more and more difficult to imagine what our life would be like without computers. They have become essential everywhere: air travel depends on them, the publication of books and magazines depends on them, most communication systems cannot function without them. Computer chips even control your fridge, ___________________ . 2 Computers can already recognize people’s voices, fingerprints and even eyes. They can make calculations a million times faster than the human brain. They can store vast amounts of information and “remember” it within seconds. They can read out texts for people with eyesight problems. _____________________ They can produce films, music and artwork. They can play chess and defeat human chess champions. 3 Still, computers are not able to think creatively and cannot feel. They depend on human programmers and, although they can evaluate information according to logical rules, these rules have to be programmed into them. No computer is capable of having an original thought, ______________________________. 4 However, the processing power of computers is doubling every 12 months. In thirty years’ time, an average home computer will be as powerful as 1,000 human brains. This will give people the opportunity to use computers to do more and more of the jobs that only humans can do at present and might mean an easier life for all of us. On the other hand, it is highly likely that by then, ___________________________. The machines of the future will be able to think and feel just as humans do: they will be able to feel happy or sad and to express their thoughts and feelings whenever they want to. 5 People will be able to scan their brains into computers so that the machines of the future ______________________ but not human bodies. And it is possible that they will feel the need for a body and, as a result, become sad and depressed. There is no knowing what they might choose to do then, but we can only hope it will be for the best. a) Match these headings with the paragraphs of the article: a Computers in the future b Worries about the future c What computers can already do d Computers are everywhere e What computers cannot do yet b) Now put each of these phrases in the right place in the article. 1 but most human beings make millions of such thoughts in their lifetime. 2 They can talk. 3 will actually have human brains, 4 computers will have become fully conscious. 5 television, microwave oven, elevator and air conditioner. III. Read this story and decide if the statements that follow are TRUE or FALSE. When Mary Poppins told the children she had to leave, they both cried. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop them from crying. “Why?” they asked, “why do you have to leave us now? How can we live without you?” She simply repeated that she would be leaving the following day. She knew it was no use telling them anything else now. She just wondered if it wouldn’t have been best to have left without warning them, so that they would wake up in the morning and simply see her gone. They would cry, of course, but now they had started feeling sad earlier. She did not manage to sleep at all that night. In the morning, both the children woke up very early and went to her room to check if she was still there, their eyes red from crying. “I wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye,” she told them and smiled. They failed to smile back. She gave them breakfast and watched them eat and drink in silence. On a normal day, she would have played games with them after breakfast. This time she decided to tell them a story instead. They both liked stories. “Once upon a time,” she started, “there was a beautiful white cat who had five little kittens. She used to spend all day and all night with them, helping them to wash themselves, feeding them, playing with them and teaching them how to hunt and how to protect themselves. The kittens never went anywhere without their mother and always did as she told them. The mother cat invented new games every day to keep her kittens happy; and each new game made use of all the things they had learned in all of the previous games. She used to show them how to play and then she sat back and watched them. When the kittens were three months old, their mother quietly disappeared in the middle of a game. Immediately they stopped and went to look for her. But when they found her, she told them she was leaving them and they would never see her again. Do you think she didn’t love them any more?” asked Mary Poppins. “I don’t know. Maybe she was ill,” said the boy. “No. She never loved them,” said the girl, who was older and could see why Mary had told them this story. “You are both wrong! It is because she loved them so much that when she was sure they could live on their own, when she was sure they didn’t need her any more, she let them live their own lives. When I came here,” she continued, “you needed me. Now you know what you are doing and why you are doing it. And because I love you, I must say goodbye.” She kissed them both, took her bag and disappeared. It took the children a few more years to understand why. But when they did, they were grateful. 1 Mary Poppins didn’t tell the children when she would be leaving. 2 Mary Poppins slept well all night. 3 The children must have been crying all night. 4 Mary usually told the children stories after breakfast. 5 The kittens in the story were badly behaved. 6 The mother cat used the games to teach her children things. 7 The boy thought the cat didn’t love her kittens. 8 The girl realized that Mary had a special reason for telling this story. 9 The cat wanted her kittens to be able to live without her. 10 The children never understood why Mary had left them. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
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