Saint Paschal Baylon Parish
Saint Paschal Baylon Parish
Saint Paschal Baylon Parish 155 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks California 91360 P: (805) 496 0222 F: (805) 379 2506 Sunday March 15th 2015 Eucharistic Liturgies Sundays: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:45AM, 12:30PM (Spanish), 5:30PM Monday—Friday: 6:30AM, 8:15AM Saturday: 8:15AM 5:30PM, (Vigil) 7:00PM (Spanish) Holy Days: 6:30AM, 8:15AM, 12noon, 5:30PM, 7:00PM (Spanish) Parish Office Hours Monday—Friday: 9:00AM—9:00PM Saturdays: 9:00AM—5:00PM fice Sundays: 9:00AM—12:30PM Adoration Chapel 6:00AM—10:00PM (Open to all) 10:00PM—6:00AM (Code required) Confessions Saturdays: 3:30PM—5:00 PM Sacraments Marriage: Arrangements made at Parish OfEnglish Baptisms: 1st Sunday of the month Spanish Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of the month “You shattered my darkness Washed away my blindness Now I’m breathing in and breathing out I’m alive again” Matt Maher Alive Again Who is Matt Maher? See Page 6 For More Information. Fr. Michael Rocha, Pastor 805-496-0222 Ext: 103 Fr. Marc Angelo, Associate Pastor 805-496-0222 Ext: 125 Fr. Toribio Gutierrez, C.M. Associate Pastor 805-496-0222 Ext: 170 Fr. Joseph M. Scerbo, S.A., Ph.D. 805-496-0222 Ext: 106 Senior Deacon Jim Robinson 805-496-022 Ext: 123 Deacon Mitch Ito 805-496-0222 Ext: 122 Deacon Guillermo Rodriguez 805-496-0222 Ext: 133 Deacon Dave Lawrence 805-496-0222 Ext: 134 PASTORS CORNER In today’s Gospel Jesus calls up the memories of Moses. He refers to the time when it was believed that snakes were doing God’s will by biting Israelites. To remedy the situation, God told Moses to fashion a bronze serpent and hold it up; God then saved the life of all who looked upon it. The symbolism of this drama demonstrated that just as Moses could fashion a model snake, so God the Creator could control death and life. The story also intimates that people can face what they most fear and not be overcome if they believe in God’s life-giving power. We are not far off from Good Friday. On that day, Jesus, the Son of Man, will be lifted up. But now, unlike in the time of Moses, the action of the people is not just to see and be cured, but to believe. The result will not be a return to health, but a movement to eternal life. In this fourth week of Lent, we are invited to remember that salvation is more than a theory, and it often has nothing to do with physical safety. We are saved by the great love of God, manifest in the one lifted up to show the way to eternal life. Those who believe are God’s handiwork, sharing his life and continuing his works. In one of Charles Schultz’ “Peanuts” cartoons, Snoopy is sitting on the roof of his doghouse, typing a letter that says: “Dear God, I just want to say I love you.” In another strip, Peppermint Patty is telling Snoopy her troubles. She laments the horrible week she has just endured and asks him, “What do you do when everything goes wrong?” Snoopy’s response is to give Patty a big kiss on her cheek. “That’s good advice,” Patty says. Snoopy reminds us that love is always the best answer for us to give and the one to receive. Best of all, the one who loves us most is God. Jesus loves us incredibly and that is why he was willing to be lifted up on Good Friday. A few weeks ago many of you once again gave the gift of life during our most recent Blood Drive. Again, under the enthusiastic coordination of Gene Nestor, our community showed that they cared. Thank you Gene and thank you St. Paschal community for your contributions. I have attended the Friday Fish Fry’s over these last few weeks. It is so good to see so many parishioners coming together. But even almost more impressive are the number of volunteers - young and older - coming together to help to serve our community and to serve in the community. Under the sponsorship of the St. Paschal Men’s Club we are celebrating our parish family during this annual Lenten experience. Thank you Men’s Club and all the great volunteers for your outstanding service. Just a reminder that on Tuesday, March 24th at 7:00pm. we will be celebrating our Lenten Penance Service. Several priests will be coming to help our community better prepare for Easter by hearing confessions. Please take advantage of this opportunity, when extra priests will be here, to celebrate this very important sacrament. If it has been awhile, or a long time, do not be afraid. If you feel a longing in your heart it is probably Jesus inviting you to come and be reconciled. All are welcome. May this Lenten time of grace fill you all with hope and God’s all-embracing and forgiving love. Father Michael Rocha LA ESQUINA DEL PARROCO En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos recuerda el tiempo de Moisés y menciona aquella vez cuando se pensaba que las serpientes hacían la voluntad de Dios al morder a los Israelitas. Para remediar la situación Dios mandó a Moisés a hacer una serpiente de bronce y levantarla; Dios entonces le salvó la vida a todos aquellos que al ser mordidos miraban la serpiente. El simbolismo de este drama demostró que al alzar Moisés la culebra Dios demuestra su poder sobre la vida y la muerte. El cuento también indica que la gente debe enfrentar sus miedos sin dejarse controlar por ellos, siempre y cuando crean en el poder salvador de Dios. No estamos tan lejos del viernes santo, en aquel día, el hijo del hombre será levantado también. Pero ahora, a diferencia del tiempo de Moisés, la acción de la gente no es observar la culebra y ser sanos, sino creer. El resultado no es sanar de nuevo sus cuerpos, sino que es un movimiento hacia la salvación eterna. En este cuarto domingo de cuaresma, estamos llamados a recordar que la salvación es más que una teoría y que a menudo no tiene nada que ver con la salvación física. Somos salvos por medio de la Gracia de Dios, manifestada por aquel que fue levantado, como camino hacia la vida eterna. Aquellos que creen son la obra de Dios, compartiendo su vida y su obra. En una de los caricaturas de Charles Schultz, Snoopy está sentado en el techo de su casa de perro, escribiendo una carta que dice “Querido Dios, solo quiero decirte que te amo.” En otra Peppermint Patty le cuenta a Snoopy sus problemas y se lamenta de la semana terrible que ha tenido. ¿Qué una hace cuando las cosas te salen mal? La respuesta de Snoopy es darle un gran beso en la mejilla y Patty le dice, ese es tremendo consejo. Snoopy nos recuerda que el amor es la mejor respuesta para dar y recibir. Lo mejor de todo es aquel que nos ama más, Dios. Jesús nos ama increíblemente y por eso está dispuesto a que lo alcen en la cruz el viernes santo. Varias semanas atrás, ustedes dieron el regalo de amor al donar sangre, bajo la coordinación de Gene Néstor, nuestra comunidad mostró que se interesa por esas cosas. Gracias a Gene y gracias a nuestra comunidad por contribuir. En las pasadas semanas he participado del Pescado Frito los viernes, me alegra ver a tantos parroquianos compartiendo juntos, pero aún más impresionante es el número de voluntarios, jóvenes y adultos, unidos para ayudar a la comunidad y servir a la comunidad. Bajo el patrocinio del grupo de hombres de la parroquia estamos celebrando la cuaresma juntos. Gracias al grupo de hombres y sus voluntarios y por su labor extraordinaria. Quiero recordarles que el martes marzo 24, a las 7:00 pm tendremos nuestro servicio penitencial, varios sacerdotes vienen para ayudar a que nuestra comunidad se prepare para la pascua. Aprovéchese de esta oportunidad al tener extra sacerdotes para tan importante sacramento. Si tiene un gran deseo en su corazón es probablemente que Jesús lo está invitando a que venga a reconciliarse con él. Todos son bienvenidos. ¡Qué este tiempo cuaresmal de gracia los llene de esperanza y del amor incondicional que lo perdona todo. Padre Michael Rocha 2 PARISH INFORMATION Parish Phone Directory Weekly Mass Intentions Pastoral Center: 805-496-0222 Week of: Sunday March 15th 2015 Bookkeeper Ext: 102 Marsha Blanton Business Manager Ext: 104 JoAnn Zullo Youth Outreach & Bulletin Editor Ext: 169 Robert Batch Director of Music Ministry Ext: 111 Kevin Stoller Hispanic Ministry Ext:116 Irma Diaz RCIA Ext: 0 Jazmir Fajardo Religious Education Ext: 115 Kathleen Brown St. Vincent de Paul Society Ext: 109 School Principal 805-495-9340 Suzanne Duffy The University Series Ext: 119 Bob Jordan Altar Server Schedule (Bold = MC) SUNDAY 7:30 Richard Thorsen (D) 9:00 Jo Beth Ginther (D) 10:45 JoAnn Silva (D) 12:30 Jesus Cervantes (D) 5:30 The Qualizza Family (D) MONDAY 6:30 John Hoydic (D) 8:15 Glen M. Gomez (L) TUESDAY 6:30 Kathryn K. Gomez (L) 8:15 Vincent Tunzi, Sr. (D) WEDNESDAY 6:30 William Morales (D) 8:15 Carmen M. Gomez (L) THURSDAY 6:30 Elsie Marie Duleba (D) 8:15 Loretta Gibson (D) FRIDAY 6:30 Ellen Urick (D) 8:15 For the peaceful repose of the soul Of SPBS Mom, Cristen Calfo (D) SATURDAY 8:15 Barbara Silva (D) 5:30 Living and Deceased Members of ICF. 7:00 Marta Murphy (D) SUNDAY 7:30 Richard and Nanette Sorg (D) 9:00 Mark Tortorici (D) 10:45 Angela Karunaratne (D) 12:30 Ricardo Mejia (L) 5:30 Joseph Garzon (D) Prayer Intentions Joan Rathbun; Kathy Clark Repose of The Soul Harold Rinebold; Shirley Paris; Anna Nerguizian; Martha Brown; Vincent Lynn Wedding Anniversaries Jim and Darlene Salas: 15 Years TODAY! 3 PARISH MINISTRIES & EVENTS SPBC Youth Outreach Tonight: MERGED SESSION 5:30PM Mass: 7PM Session in Hall: Parents Encouraged to Attend! Religious Education PARENTS PLEASE ATTEND MASS WITH YOUR CHILDREN. For students making their First Communion it is essential to attend Mass. Also, be sure to check your child’s Religious Education bag for homework and Information being sent home. Religious Education Class ATTENDANCE Call: Parish Office 496-0222 x O For Questions Call: (805) 496-0222 – Judy (RE Secretary @ x114 or Kathleen Brown, DRE @ x115 Rite of Christian Initiation Have you ever wanted to know more about the Catholic Faith? Join us to discover more about it, or to begin your journey into the Catholic Church. ALL are welcome! Monday evenings—7:15—9:00 PM Church Community Room Contact: Cathie Lawrence: 805-368-3384 OR Jazmir Fajardo: 818-857-6204 Women’s Study CATHOLICISM: A Video Series by Fr. Robert Barron Wednesdays: Church Community Room: 9:00—11:00 AM Contact: Mary Kate Marini: That Man Is You! A 26 week leadership program for men Lenten Fish Fry Come join the SPB Men’s Club for their Lenten Fish Fry on Fridays in the SPB Hall. Great Food, Beverages, and Parish Life! 5:00-7:00PM All Men are invited. Come join us for our Lenten Journey, Wednesdays at 6Am in the hall Breakfast will be served. Bring a friend! Dan Fisher (805)493-0230 Pete Fowler (805)402-7962. Together In Mission 2015 Together In Mission Commitment Goal: $123,900.00 If you haven’t already mailed in your pledge please fill it out and return it as soon as possible. There are blank pledge forms in the back of the church. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the parish office. 805-496-0222 Ext: 104 Consultation of The Faithful Tickets for the Italian Catholic Federation's 29th Annual St. Joseph's Day Italian Dinner on Sunday, March 22nd are on sale now. Come join us for this wonderful family event with great food and live entertainment, prize drawings and more. Tickets, pricing and more information are available by visiting the ICF's table after Mass, visiting our web site at, or calling Cathie at 805-368-3384. (Read about this event online in a Ventura County Star article highlighting our 25th year at http://, and see video highlights on YouTube at The ICF is accepting baked good donations (cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes, and more) for the St Joseph's Day bake sale being held in the parish hall the morning of Sunday, March 22nd. If you would like to donate items, we will happily accept them that morning, but prefer that you bring them to the parish hall the day before (Saturday, March 21st) between the hours of 12pm - 5pm when we will be setting up for the event. Thank you! In preparation for the Synod of Bishops to be held in October 4–25, 2015 on “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World,” the Vatican has asked the world’s bishops for a “broad consultation.” The survey can be accessed at: Bulletin Submission Deadline is Wednesday prior to the Sunday Bulletin. Please send all submissions to 4 SPB SCHOOL 5 PARISH MINISTRIES & EVENTS Adorers Needed! Sign up for time with our Lord in the Adoration Chapel. Sunday: 3am, 2pm Monday: 12am, 2am, 5pm Wednesday: 3am Saturday: 12am, 5pm, 9pm Contact: Dan & Linda Gregoire: 805-492-6618 Thursday Morning Bible Study Thursdays 9:15AM—11:30AM Little Rock Scripture Study: “St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians” Contact: Barbara Durand: (805) 497 1370 Tuesday Evening Bible Study Did You Know? It is safe to keep your child’s personal information personal If your children give out personal information over the Internet, not only is it easy to track, it is tough to completely remove. Emphasize to them how important it is that they keep personal information private. Make sure that they have a strong username and password that does not reveal anything personal. Encourage them not to give out their e-mail address, if they have one. If your children tell you that they have given out personal information online, contact your Internet Service Provider or the site where the information is posted to see what you can do to have it removed. For more information, visit: CONEJO YOUTH FESTIVAL Featuring Grammy Nominated Catholic Musician: MATT MAHER LIVE IN CONCERT & International Catholic Speaker PAUL J KIM Will Resume on April 7th (After The University Series) John's Gospel using Little Rock Scripture Study Contact: Roland Chabot 805 495 5819 Passion Play Fr. Marc and Fr. Toribio invite the Spanish speaking community to participate in the Passion Play to be held on Good Friday. Rehearsals will take place every Sunday after the 12:30 pm Mass in the hall. June 20th 2015 : LaReina High School Buy YOUR Tickets ONLINE! Not familiar with Matt Maher or Paul J Kim? Contact Robert Batch for more information: 805-496-0222 Ext 169 Bulletin Submission Deadline is Wednesday prior to the Sunday Bulletin. Please send all submissions to 6 Lent 2015 Abstinence on all the Fridays of Lent, and on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. No meat may be eaten on days of abstinence (Chicken is meat). Catholics 14 years and older are bound to abstain from meat. The seriously ill, pregnant and nursing mothers, are exempt. 2) Fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting means having only one full meal to maintain one's strength. Two smaller, meatless and penitential meals are permitted according to one's needs, but they should not together equal the one full meal. Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Catholics from age 18 through age 59 are bound to fast. Again, the seriously ill, pregnant and nursing mothers, are exempt. When in doubt regarding the practice of fasting and abstinence, because of a health condition, it is best to consult your physician. Stations of the Cross Stations will be held every Friday during Lent in the Church. 6:00PM: English 7:00PM: Spanish Parish Penance Service Schedule March 16th: March 18th: March 23rd: March 24th: March 24th: March 25th: March 26th: Holy Cross Saint Julies Padre Serra Saint Paschal Baylon Saint Maximilian Kolbe Saint Peter Claver Saint Mary Magdalene Moorpark Newbury Park Camarillo Thousand Oaks Westlake Village Simi Valley Camarillo All Services Begin At 7:00 PM Weekly Scripture Readings Monday: IS 65: 17-21; PS 30:2 & 4,5-6, 11-12A& 13B; JN 4:43-54 Tuesday: EZ 47: 1-9, 12; PS 46: 2-3, 5-6, 8-9; JN 5: 1-16 Wednesday: IS 49:8-15; PS 145: 8-9, 13CD-14, 17-18; JN 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 SM 7:4—5A, 12-14A, 16; PS 89: 2-3, 4-5, 27 &29; ROM 4:13, 16-18, 22; MT 1:16, 18-21, 24A Friday: WIS 1:1A, 12-22; PS 34:17-18, 19-20, 21&23; JN 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: JER 11: 18-20; PS 7:2-3, 9BC-10, 11-12; JN 7:40-53 Sunday: EZ 37: 12-14; PS 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; ROM 8:8-11; JN 11:1-45 “May the Lord of peace give us peace all the time and in every way. The Lord be with us” - 2 Thessalonians 3:16 7 HISPANIC MINISTRY MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Sábados a las 7:00pm Domingo a las 12:30pm CONFESIONES Sábado de 3:30 a 5:00pm GRUPO DE JOVENES Viernes: de 15 años en adelante 7:30pm en el Salón Multiusos GRUPOS DE ORACION Lunes y Viernes 7:00pm Salón de Música EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Sábados de 10 a 11:30 A.M. Si creemos en el inmenso amor del Padre. ¿por qué Dios nos parece tan lejano? ¿Por qué nos parecen tan abstractas las verdades de nuestra fe? Dios es generoso en amor, pero nos llama a corresponderle ese amor renunciando al pecado y poniéndonos bajo el resplandor de su luz. Nuestro peor enemigo es el pecado en el mundo y también en nuestro corazón. Nadie que disfrute de la oscuridad busca la luz, pero si renunciamos al pecado y nos acercamos a Cristo, él disipa las tinieblas y nos resucita a la vida eterna. El segundo impedimento más grande para conocer la plenitud del amor de Dios es el desconocimiento de su amor y de las verdades de nuestra salvación. ¿Cuándo dirías que Cristo se ha hecho presente en tu vida? En la escuela Ext. 116 MATRIMONIOS Registrarse con 6 meses de anticipación. Hacer cita con algunos de los sacerdotes BAUTIZOS Llamar al 496-0222 Ext. 116 &117 LECTURAS PARA EL DOMINGO 22 DE MARZO DE 2015 PRIMERA LECTURA: Jeremías 31,31-34 SEGUNDA LECTURA: Hebreos 5,7-9 EVANGELIO Juan 12, 20-33 QUINCEAÑERAS Registrarse con 6 meses de anticipación VIVIENDO NUESTRA FE La Constitución sobre la Iglesia en el mundo actual (Gaudium et Spes, 58) al referirse a las múltiples conexiones de Jesucristo con la cultura, afirma: “La buena ¿ Con qué podríamos comparar el amor de Dios? Cuan- nueva de Cristo renueva constantemente la vida y la do Dios reveló a Moisés, se cultura del hombre caído, combate y elimina los errores y males que provienen de la seducción permanente del Identificó como: ¡ Yo soy el señor, el Señor Dios, com- pecado. Purifica y eleva constantemente la moral de los pasivo y clemente, paciente, misericordioso y fiel ¡ pueblos “. Busquemos y encontremos esas conexiones. TANTO AMÓ DIOS AL MUNDO ( Éxodo 34,6-7). ¿Quién podría comprender semejante bondad? ¿ Hay algo en la tierra o en el cielo que se le parezca. Tan potente es el amor de Dios que el pecado y la iniquidad no lo resisten. Así también nosotros, si negamos o rechazamos la fuerza de este amor, corremos el peligro de separarnos de él y sufrir la muerte física y espiritual. El amor de Dios es más poderoso que la muerte misma, porque “Dios es tan misericordioso y nos amó tanto, que nos dio la vida juntamente con Cristo cuando estábamos muertos a causa de nuestros pecados” ( Efesios 2, 4-5). Gracias a Jesús, tenemos el acceso al insondable amor del Padre. La muerte y la resurrección de Cristo son las revelaciones supremas del amor divino.. Jesús nos ha redimido del pecado y de las tinieblas y nos ha dado una vida nueva e incorruptible en el Espíritu. ¿SABÍA USTED? Es seguro mantener en privado la información personal de sus hijos Si sus hijos dan su información personal por medio de Internet, no sólo es fácil conseguir los datos, sino que es muy difícil borrarlos totalmente. Recuérdele a sus hijos la importancia de mantener en privado sus datos e información personal. Cerciórese que tengan un nombre de usuario y una contraseña que no revele información personal y que no den su dirección de correo electrónico a cualquier persona. Si sus hijos le dicen que han dado su información personal en Internet, comuníquese con el proveedor del servicio de Internet o el sitio en donde la información fue anotada para ver qué puede hacer usted para borrar los datos. Para más información, visite: 8 University Series Schedule Monday March 16th All Things Francis. Living the Joy of the Gospel: Amazing Testimony. John Allen Rhett Young St. Julie Billiart Church St. Rose of Lima Church Tuesday, March 17 Ignatian Spirituality: A Key to Understanding Pope Francis. Fr. Felix Just, S.J. Padre Serra Parish Center Religious Liberty and Toleration. Fr. Leon Hutton St. Jude the Apostle Hall Mary, A Woman in Love: The Precious Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother. Dcn. Dick & Franca Dornan St. Mary Magdalen, Msgr. Hughes Hall Myths about the Catholic Church – Old and New! Fr. Joe Shea St. Paschal Hall Wednesday March 18th Ignatian Spirituality: Discernment of Spirits and Discerning God’s Will. Fr. Felix Just, S.J. Padre Serra Parish Center Roman Catholics and Eastern Catholics: Why Are We Different? Msgr. Bill Leser St. Peter Claver Youth Center Ten Universal Principles about Your Life. Fr. Robert Spitzer St. Rose of Lima Church (New Date) Thursday March 19th The Gospel of Mark: Faithful Followers of Jesus. Our Lady of the Assumption, Mulcahy Center Will the Supreme Court say “I do” to Gay Marriage St. Jude the Apostle Hall (New Date & Location) The Role of Parents: How to Keep Your Kids Active in the Faith. St. Julie Billiart Hall The Last Supper: The History, The Mystery. Dave Shaneyfelt An Eastern Catholic Liturgy Msgr. Bill Leser Friday March 20th A Lenten Journey through Scripture and Music. Vincent Dominguez San Buenaventura Mission, Bonaventura Rm. Saving Kids from a Scary World. Mark Mitchell St. Paschal Hall What’s Missing in the Practice of Your Spirituality? Fr. Jim Clarke St. Peter Claver Youth Center Fr. Felix Just, S.J. Dr. Carter Snead Robert Batch St. Paschal Hall St. Peter and Paul Church, Simi Valley FOOD FOR THOUGHT 12:15-1:00pm 12:15-1:00pm 12:15-1:00 pm 9 10 11 12