A Political Action Task Force for Illinois` Primary
A Political Action Task Force for Illinois` Primary
Winter, 2010 Vol. 19, No. 1 •• Business Manager’s Letter P O L I T I C A L AC T I O N TA S K F O R C E •• By James T. Sullivan Illinois’ primary election is Local 130 Plumbers Help “Get Out the Vote” Plumbers Local 130, UA identifies government leaders whose beliefs and voting records show support •• over, but I can’t let it pass without recognizing the for organized labor and working Americans, in hopes that its members will remember the candidates •• hundreds of members who on the side of labor when they vote and keep them in office. On the final two Saturdays in January, days helped Plumbers Local 130 before the February 2nd primary election, Local 130 members put even more muscle behind their sup•• get out the vote for our port by taking their case to other Chicagoans who vote. More than 200 Local 130 plumbers volunteered •• favored candidates. On both days to distribute campaign literature to voters in targeted Chicago neighborhoods. The Local 130 two Saturdays in late Political Action Task Force joined volunteers from other trades in a larger canvassing effort coordi•• January before the polls nated in part by Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan’s office. opened, we organized vol•• unteers to go into the com“I don’t believe any Local union gave more support than Local 130. For this I am especially proud,” •• munity and distribute literature about candidates who said Local 130 Business Manager James T. Sullivan (see Business Manager’s Letter, at left, for more support issues critical to working Americans and their •• families. On both days, Local 130 brought out more about the program). Volunteers assembled at the union hall each morning before hitting the streets. Here they not only 200 members to join a Political Action Task Force •• than picked up their instructions for the day and a cup of coffee but also met and shook hands with the canthat combined volunteers from several trades. I don’t •• believe any Local union gave more support than Local didates they pledged to help. Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias personally thanked several For this I am especially proud. I want to thank Local 130 members for their efforts to help him become the Democrat’s nominee to fill the U.S. Senate •• 130. every volunteer, here in this column and in this issue of seat vacated last year by Barack Obama. He was joined by Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes, who hoped the Plumber’s Quarterly (see names of volunteers on to become the Democrat’s choice for the next Illinois Governor. Many other leaders seeking new office, •• page 5). published here, also showed up at the union hall to greet volunteers. Their pic•• I also want to thank the candidates who visited our asturesseenas inwelltheasphotos the names of volunteers from Local 130 are published here and on pages 4 and 5 to say thank you to all who helped make both Saturday outings successful! hall on both days, Jan. 23rd and 30th, to greet vol•• union unteers and express their appreciation. They included •• Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, who will run for Senator in November; Illinois Comptroller Dan •• U.S. Hynes, who narrowly missed becoming the Democratic for Illinois Governor; Terrence O’Brien, who •• candidate competed for the job of Cook County Board President; •• and a number of other candidates. I’m sorry that not all favored candidates won. Now, however, we must •• our turn our attention to the November 2010 election. One that makes this election especially important is •• thing that it will occur during a census year. Population shifts •• may require the redrawing of district lines and cause significant changes in political representation. •• Obviously, Democrats will want to hang on to the power gained in the last presidential election, since the politi•• cal party in power has the upper hand in how boundary •• lines are drawn. Every 10 years, at least a few districts change, sometimes shifting their representation from a •• Democratic to a Republican legislator. •• Our purpose here not only is to support one party over but also to get behind candidates who back the •• another plumbing trade. Plumbers Local 130 has fought long hard for a tough licensing law in Illinois. It’s a fight •• and that must continue, however, to thwart the efforts of •• those who seek to weaken or eliminate Illinois’ Turn to page 4 for more on Political Action Task Force days. License. Putting and keeping candidates in •• Plumbing power who understand and support us is our goal. •• Please remember them in the November election. PCA Holds 2010 Installation Dinner the current construction recession isn’t over. •• Obviously, However, I am gratified to report that at least there The Plumbing Contractors Association of Chicago and Cook County’s 2010 Installation Dinner took to be a silver lining around the dark clouds as •• seems place Saturday, Jan. 23, at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers. President Emeritus Albert Gehrke we approach the summer construction season. A the celebratory gavel to Jerry C. Roberts III, of JSR Enterprises, Inc. Jerry was inducted as the •• number of contractors have told me that there are bids passed PCA’s new president, along with the 2010-2011 Board of Directors, by Business Manager James T. there and this time many of the projects appear to •• out Sullivan. PCA members, guests, union officials, industry leaders, and political dignitaries including have better chances of getting built. It’s not simply the Mayor Richard M. Daley attended the dinner. of exercise in futility that contractors witnessed •• kind year. This time the projects have a timeline, with Jerry Roberts, a 30-year veteran in the plumbing industry, founded JSR Enterprises, Inc. with his wife, •• last start and completion dates, and the financing is more Sharon, in 1986. They made commercial, industrial, and institutional customers their primary business. There are jobs for commercial expansion, in •• available. Jerry and Sharon, who have received numerous awards and recognition over the years, continue to strive the healthcare industry and in the public sector. The for greatness. In his acceptance address, Jerry vowed to strongly emphasize education, the need for of Chicago has money set aside for schools, police •• City political involvement, and for member involvement during his two-year term. fire stations and other projects. Anyway, the plans •• and are drawn, the land is set aside and finally the money is President Emeritus Al Gehrke presented Robert Abbott of Abbott Industries, Inc. and former Local 130 there. Will it be enough to get every Local 130 plumber Manager Jerry Sullivan with the association’s 2010 Hall of Fame Awards. The awards honor •• back to work? Probably not, but at least we are seeing a Business individuals who have shown a great deal of personal commitment, ingenuity and passion to improve the more confidence in the construction market this •• little plumbing industry. year than last year. I am hopeful that the horizon will •• continue to turn brighter in the months ahead. Robert Abbott has served Local 130 as an officer and as a delegate to past U.A. Conventions. As a in the field, Bob helped build many of the high rises and skyscrapers that make up Chicago’s •• At the last union meeting I talked about opportunities plumber beautiful skyline. He and his wife, Delores, opened Abbott Industries, Inc. in 1973. Bob has spent many journeymen to enhance their skills at the Local •• for hours coaching young men and women on opportunities in the mechanical trades. For these and other 130 Training Center. There are a number of continuing reasons, he is a very deserving recipient of the Hall of Fame Award. education courses now in place — and more are coming •• continued on page 6 continued on page 10 • Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias (center) embraces Ed Guerra (left) and Bob Shockey, two of the hundreds of Local 130 volunteers who worked to campaign for the future U.S. Senate hopeful and other candidates in the February 2nd Illinois Primary Election. ATTENTION ALL LOCAL 130 CONTRACTORS: The new Remittance Report will be used beginning May 1, 2010, for hours worked in April 2010. To familiarize all contractors who employ Local 130 plumbers and technical engineers with the new report, Local 130 will conduct a twohour seminar to demonstrate the new, more automated reporting format and process. The seminar will be offered at the union hall, in the morning and afternoon, on the following dates and times: Tuesday, April 6 • Wednesday, April 14 • Thursday, April 22 • Tuesday, April 27 Morning sessions will take place 9:00 - 11 a.m. Afternoon sessions are 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Who should attend this program? The seminar is intended for personnel who are responsible for company’s monthly contractor report. Advance reservations may be made by calling Marge (ext. 148) or Judy (ext. 147) at (312) 421-1010. •• “Rebuilding Together” Returns on April 24th •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • A special planning meeting will take place on April 22nd. That’s the Saturday set aside for this year’s day of community service to help out our neighbors in need. We need volunteers to visit designated homes to install, service and repair sinks, toilets or water heaters to assure that these people have safe plumbing systems. We’ll work with the City of Chicago, which will identify qualified homeowners; with our contractors, who will supply trucks and vans; and with suppliers, who will help furnish materials. We are hoping for another strong turnout from Local 130 volunteers. Please help. Contact the Union Hall at 312-421-1010. Assignments will be given at a special meeting on April 22nd, before the event. Wear the button every day on the job. Contact Numbers For members of Plumbers Local 130, UA While you may ask to be connected to any of the following offices when calling the union hall, it might save you time to call the office you want directly. Here are the telephone numbers. Please keep them for your future reference. Union Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312-421-1010 Pension Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312-829-1262 Welfare Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312-226-4200 Legal Services Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312-861-0808 Apprentice School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312-421-1028 Plumbing Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312-263-2112 Show you are a proud union member of Local 130, UA. Plumbing Contractors Assn . . . . . . . . . . . .312-563-9526 Joliet Office (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .815-725-0278 In this Issue… Political Action Task Force Helps Pols for Plumbers. Several hundred volunteers pitch in to get out vote. . . . . . . .1 PATF in Action – 4 Plumbing Contractors Association Installs New Leaders. New president will emphasize more involvement by members and government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Local 130 to go “Rebuilding Together.” The call is out for volunteers and materials for April 24 community service project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Kids Christmas Party – 8, 9 2010 Brings Tougher Laws Controlling Use of Cell Phones Behind Wheel. See what else has changed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Safety Contest Winners Announced. Are you one of them? See what they won, besides their well being. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Plus Photos Galore: Annual Turkey Raffle…Neighborhood Kids Christmas Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 9 & 11 Annual Turkey Raffle – 11 Plumber’s Quarterly • 2 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • Unity Conference 2010 The 2010 Union Affiliated Contractors Unity Conference was held Feb. 3-5 in Innisbrook, Florida. Participants spent their time learning about new trends in the plumbing industry, attending educational seminars, and networking with other UAC members. The conference enjoyed good attendance, and members are already looking forward to next year’s event. Letter from the Chairman H appy New Year to everyone! 2010 could potentially be a big year in our industry. Have you prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there? The PCA and Plumbing Council are cosponsors with Craig Thomas the MCA in offering training programs for field supervisors, project managers and owners. There are a wide variety of subjects that will meet the needs of most companies. There are safety programs being offered to train, update and certify your apprentices and journeymen. Many have asked, “Why should I train them? They are only going to leave me.” If they do not leave, you have an untrained work force. How efficient and productive will you and they be? Al Gehrke has completed his term as the PCA President. Everyone should thank Al for the tremendous job he has done over the last two years. Al handled industry issues with respect and professionalism. Thank you, Al, for your service in representing the contractors. It did not go unnoticed. I am looking forward to working with the new PCA President, Mr. Jerry Roberts. Jerry and his board were sworn in at the Installation Dinner on Jan. 23rd, by James Sullivan. Congratulations and best wishes to Jerry, the officers and directors on their election. The Plumbing Council board stands ready to work with you during your term. Whether you are an apprentice, journeyman, union official or contractor, the industry needs your support. When work is slow, the non-union factor becomes more of an issue since there is less work. Everyone needs to be committed to what union labor and contracting stands for: fair wages and benefits, quality work, a trained work force and competitive pricing. We cannot wait for others to do the work. Each of us needs to do our part. If we wait for someone else to do what needs to be done, that someone else could be the non-union worker or contractor. Let’s start this year by renewing our commitment to these issues. Craig W. Thomas, Chairman Plumbing Council of Chicagoland Conference participants enjoyed a tour of the Tampa Bay Water Desalinization Center. UAC President Bob Melko, of Bishop Plumbing, Inc., offers congratulations to new PCA President Jerry Roberts, of JSR Enterprises, Inc. New Year Brings New Laws for Contractors On Jan. 1, hundreds of new laws and changes took effect. This article highlights a few critically important changes to Illinois’ Prevailing Wage Act, new bans on use of cell phones and PDAs, and changes to Illinois’ lien law. Also provided is an update on the now-repealed increased Personal Property Replacement Tax on partnerships, LLCs and LLPs. CELL PHONES, PDAs AND EMAIL Starting Jan. 1, Illinois law bars use of cell phones in school and construction zones. There is an exception for using the phone in voice-activated mode. It is unclear if any other hands-free devices (i.e. a wireless car piece) are exempted. Also prohibited is composing, sending or reading text messages, instant messages and email on a cell phone or surfing the Internet while driving. The City of Chicago has implemented a $100 fine for using cell phones without a hands-free device while driving, increasing the fine to $500 if ticketed for the offense while involved in an accident. NEW NOTICE REQUIRED UNDER MECHANICS LIEN LAW Effective Jan. 1, a contractor for improvements of an owner-occupied single-family residence must give the owner written notice within 10 days after recording a lien against any property of the owner. The notice is served when it is sent or personally delivered. If timely notice is not given and, as a result, the owner has suffered damages before notice is given, the lien is extinguished to the extent of the damages. The mere recording of the lien claim is not considered damages. This new law does not apply to subcontractors of a general contractor on the project. The law applies only to contracts entered into after Jan. 1, 2010. ILLINOIS PREVAILING WAGE ACT Starting Jan. 1, public bodies must notify contractors in writing and contractors must notify subcontractors in writing that a project falls under the Prevailing Wage Act when the contract is awarded with or without a public bid, contract or project specification. Contractors that fail to provide proper written notification to a subcontractor that a project is subject to the Act will be held financially responsible for any interest, penalties or fines. Similarly, public bodies that fail to notify contractors that a project is subject to prevailing wage requirements will be held responsible for any interest, penalties or fines. INCREASED TAX ON PARTNERSHIPS, LLCs, and LLPs REPEALED In October, you were informed of a new Illinois law that would have required partnerships, limited liability companies (LLC), and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) to pay the 1.5% Personal Property Replacement Tax on professional fee income in addition to the 3% personal income tax on distributive shared income that each partner is already required to pay. This tax change would have effectively increased some of our members’ tax burden by as much as 50%. We pushed hard for a repeal of this new tax change and were successful in the repeal effort. On December 16, Governor Quinn’s signature officially repealed this tax change. SOURCE: Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA) NOTICE: Please call the Plumbing Council office or email Lisa Oakes at lisa@plumbingcouncil.com if you would like to be added to the Plumbing Council’s email update system. 2010 Plumbing Industry Scholarships The Plumbing Industry Scholarship is a $2,500 award given annually to a Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Union Local 130, UA immediate family member (including if member is a legal guardian of the applicant). Members must be in continuous good standing membership and must work for a company under contract with Local 130. Immediate family members of the office staff of the Plumbing Council, Plumbing Contractors Association or the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Union Local 130, UA and Plumbing Council Contractors offices are eligible. Four scholarships will be awarded in 2010. Applications for the 2010-11 academic year are currently available online at www.plumbingcouncil.org or by mail. Upcoming important dates for this year’s scholarship program are: 03/01/2010 Deadline for returning applications to the Plumbing Council (must be postmarked by March 1st). 05/01/2010 Scholarship recipients will be notified. The recipients will be honored at a dinner in May 2010. For additional information or applications, please contact the Plumbing Council office at 312-263-6612. Plumber’s Quarterly • 3 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• A Political Action Task Force for Illinois’ Primary Election Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation Board President Terry O’Brien gets a souvenir cap from Business Manager James Sullivan. Judge Mary Katherine Rochford with Business Manager James Sullivan. (Top, left) Local 130 Plumbers James Mallett, Darius Hammond and two sons. Plumber Mike Tierney (left) wtih Judge Mary Katherine Rochford and Judge Raymond Mitchell. Plumber Steve Kawar with daughter relax at the beginning of the day. (From left) Tom Gavin, Recording Secretary; Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois State Treasurer; James Sullivan, Business Manager; Dan Hynes, Illinois Comptroller; and James Coyne, Financial Secretary/Treasurer. Safety Incentive Program Winners Awarded by Plumbing Council, 4th Quarter (10/01/09 – 12/31/09) $500 $500 $250 $250 $250 $250 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Juan Garcia Julio Cabrales Peter Szyszka Brian Harvey Louis Mezzano Ron Stirling Gustavo Hernandez Andrew S. Gunka Steven Johnson Sarah Stigler David A. Millsaps, Sr. John Wruck Wendell Brown Cordel Alruh Nicholas Zielke Scott Sprague Chad W. Miller Robert Sieloff Jeff Johnson William Pierce John Gigac Ivan Kelenc Tim Sack Maurice P. Harris II Greg DaVault Thomas M. Peterson Miroslaw S. Chynek Lee Reinboldt A & H Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Andrew McCann Lawn Sprinkler R. Carrozza Plumbing Co., Inc. Charles F. Bruckner Plumbing P.J. Fazio Plumbing Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Andrew McCann Lawn Sprinkler A & H Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co. A & D Plumbing, Inc. P.J. Fazio Plumbing F.J. Kerrigan Plumbing Co., Inc. Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co. Bishop Plumbing Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Ravinia Plumbing & Heating Co. Litgen Concrete Cutting & Coring Co. Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating A & D Plumbing, Inc. TMS Mechanical, Inc. A & H Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating R. Carrozza Plumbing Co., Inc. Warren F. Thomas Plumbing $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Daniel Knight David Sullivan Tom Stob Jim Helfrich William N. Barzowski Timothy P. Tholl Nicholas Piwowarski Russell Rebhorn Anthony Albergo Paul L. Anderson George Thomas Wojciech Dudzik Michael Foody, Jr. Jose L. Quintero James Kucala Robert K. Abbott Thomas Bruckner Mark Schaefer Blake Hall Michael Hannon Bob Krueger Michael Faloona Jeremy Rollo Mike Guilfoyle David Irvine Jim Derose Daniel Welch David Yanko Drawing held on January 18, 2010 Plumber’s Quarterly • 4 Barry Thomas Plumbing, Inc. Charles F. Bruckner Plumbing Advance Mechanical Systems Heritage Plumbing Company R. Carrozza Plumbing Co., Inc. O’Sullivan Plumbing Inc. Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Ewing/Doherty Mechanical Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating R. Carrozza Plumbing Co., Inc. Warren F. Thomas Plumbing R. Carrozza Plumbing Co., Inc. M.F. Construction Contractors O’Sullivan Plumbing Inc. Provancal Brothers Abbott Industries, Inc. Charles F. Bruckner Plumbing J.S.R. Enterprises, Inc. Advance Mechanical Systems T & J Plumbing, Inc. Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Ewing/Doherty Mechanical Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating Plumbing Mechanical Contractors F.J. Kerrigan Plumbing Co., Inc. Robert F. Phillips Co., Inc. C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co. Bruno Francis Plumbing •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Plumbers Local 130 Thanks Our PATF Volunteers Nicholas Acevedo Linear S. Alexander Scott E. Allen Alan M. Anderson Jason N. Angelopulos Gary M. Anish Jr. Gary M. Anish Sr. Mark A. Avina Ashraf O. Ayyad Edward Baker Dieter R. Balder James E. Barbee Cristina E. Barillas Aaron C. Barrett James Bartlett Jr. Jeffry J. Battaglia Geraldin L. Bean Charles W. Bell David M. Bell John J. Bellisario Erik J. Berman Robert D. Bernstein James M. Bielanski William H. Bielanski Joseph A. Bielawski John S. Bojan Christin M. Bondie Frank E. Borkowski Daniel J. Boyle Daniel S. Brace Patrick Brooks Billy J. Brown Christop H. Burd Brendan M. Butler Raymond Bynum John S. Byrne Timothy R. Cagwin Jose Calderon Brian J. Campbell Raymond D. Campbell Thomas S. Campbell Eric Candelaria James P. Cantillon Aldo Cardelli Timothy B. Carleton Robert L. Catlin Kevin P. Chambers Thomas J. Chambers Don E. Chavez Chris C. Clancy Thomas Conway Dennis L. Cooks Brian M. Cooney Terence Cox James F. Coyne Clinton J. Crotty John D. Cummane Anthony M. Dalton Scott W. Davis Tony V. Defranco Edward T. Dempsey David B. Devine Brian Doornbos Brian J. Doyle Thomas F. Durkin Eduard Echevarria Andres Echeverria Scott N. Elliott Ryan J. Fair William C. Fallon Lester T. Farber Robert C. Farrell Thomas D. Feddersen Catherin R. Feit Eduardo Feregrino Gary W. Festavan Charles W. Fitzpatrick Michael D. Flisk Ruben Flores Jr. Justin Flynn Lou J. Gaal Iii Ciro Gaimari Anthony V. Gallo Jose D. Gamez Michael L. Gannon Alex Garcia James D. Garrison Timothy M. Garrity Jeff Gavin Thomas E. Gavin Eric M. Gavrick Stephen Geraghty Gary Gersky Thomas Girman Bradley L. Goble Carlos G. Gomez Antonio Gonzalez Bradley Gourneau Donald M. Graves Kenneth J. Grigoletti Eduardo Guerra Darrius J. Hammond Tracey E. Harrison Edward Heit Michael D. Henderson William Henry Jr. Juan R. Hernandez Rosalba. Hernandez John P. Hosty Gary W. Howard Edward Hoyas Howard Hughes Lolita Hughes Gerard M. Huitink Andrew Hulede Nikola Icitovic David A. Irvine Marion E. Jackson Kenneth F. Johnson Steven E. Johnson James J. Jolivette Anthony Jones Tyras M. Jones Stephen T. Joyce Jr. Stephen T. Joyce Angela M. Kane Kevin S. Kane William P. Kane Timothy M. Kavanaugh Ryan Kelly Brian J. Kesten John M. Khym Gordon R. King Steve J. Kleszczewski Robert Kogut Kenneth D. Kolosh Scott A. Kopper Kyle R. Kuhlman Timothy F. Kurek Anthony J. Lamartino Patrick H. Larocca Sylvster Larue Richard S. Leick Jonathan A. Lemke Daniel M. Lenzen Joseph H. Lenzen Eduardo Leon John P. Lobough Manuel M. Lopez Thomas A. Lowry Joseph K. Lucas Martin P. Lucas Raymond Lukas Jr. Eric A. Lussenhop Michael C. Lydon Brian L. Lynch Edward P. Lynch Robert C. Lyons Francisc Macias James M. Majerowicz James M. Mallett Bryan J. Malloy James E. Malloy Kevin R. Maloney Charles E. Margewich Davor Markovich Charles L. Marquardt Antonio Martinez William E. Matthies Jason M. Matula Patrick F. McCarthy Brian. McDonald John D. McEneany Thomas J. McEneany Michael M. McGaughan Michael J. McGing Dennis McNamara Joseph A. Merkel Karlos Meza David Meziere Charles M. Mielke Dennis F. Mitchell Thomas P. Mitchell Timothey M. Mitchell Edgar J. Monarrez Patrick J. Morrin Simon E. Munoz John P. Murphy Jr. John P. Murphy Sr. Rafe M. Murphy Michael C. Murray William J. Mutnansky Robert A. Nadziejko Jeffrey J. Nagel James D. Naughton Eryk K. Niewielski David A. Novak Edward D. O’Connor Richard C. O’Connor Homi A. Odisho Edward J. O’Gara Ryan M. O’Keefe Michael O’Malley Michael T. O’Malley Grzegorz A. Owerczuk Maksim Pakhuto Frank Paulette Jr. Frank J. Paulette David M. Pawlak Carla Y. Payne Bruce J. Pendleton Victor M. Perez Kevin A. Phipps Thomas W. Pluess Carlos Quinones Paul J. Raccuglia Adalbert Ramirez Jr. Robert J. Rathke Lee Rebollar Mark P. Regan Lance T. Reyes Marte G. Reyes Jones L. Richmond Denis E. Riordan Richard Rizzi Jay E. Rodak George Rodriguez Paul Rodriguez Vilma E. Rodriguez Frank C. Romano Jr. Leonel A. Romero Anthony M. Rottman John X. Rottman Michael J. Rottman Brian T. Roy Christop M. Ryan Jonathon D. Salas Juan Salazar James R. Saliano Lonnie L. Sanders Ryan K. Sauers Daniel B. Savoia Heinz J. Schelhammer Jr. John J. Schreiber Jr. Andrew T. Scienski Ryan A. Scott James O. Seibert William Sershon Michael E. Shea Patrick J. Shea Daniel Shelley Matthew M. Shepherd Kevin C. Sherlock Robert Shockey Scott M. Skarbek Thomas J. Skarbek Thomas M. Skarbek Adrian Solis Robert M. Speciale Scott H. Sprague Stefan Stawarz Dorene D. Stefaniuk Joseph D. Stern Michael A. Stevens Lee Stewart Ronald J. Stewart Adam W. Stirling Robert J. Stob Joseph W. Strong Thomas D. Sullivan Steven J. Sunde Randy J. Swanson Ulick Sweeney Michael Szymanski Larry L. Taylor Dave A. Thompson Patrick A. Thornton Christia W. Tichelar Michael T. Tierney Terence A. Tobin Paul B. Tucker Kenneth A. Turnquist David Tyrpin Chris Ulrich Brian P. Van Gelder Florin Vasilas Bradley A. Velasquez Larry D. Wagner Qubia Walls Bill K. Wan Kevin J. Ward Edward I. Ware Przemysl Wasiak Craig N. Weeks Christopher J. Wietting Leonard F. Wietting Matt Wietting Justin T. Williams Patrick T. Wirtanen Thomas R. Witt Brendon P. Witte John J. Yock Jr. Thomas W. Yonan Michael A. Youchison John V. Zambetti Jose F. Zamora Wayne Zibell Plumber’s Quarterly • 5 •• PLUMBING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY •• President’s Message •• Greetings members. I hope everyone had a great hol•• iday season! It gives me a wonderful feeling of pride to be President of the PCA. We should all give thanks •• for what we have and remember those who are not as fortunate. I think that during these slow times we can •• all benefit from taking advantage of our educational •• seminars to better our businesses for the future. •• As most of you know, the Occupational Safety and Administration (OSHA) is using an influx of •• new inspectors to crackHealth down on businesses with workplace safety viola•• tions. Already this year, the agency’s southeast region, which includes has beefed up its staff by 31, with most of those new employees •• Georgia, involved in enforcement activities. Lawyers specializing in labor and •• •• •• IMSCA Gubernatorial Debate – Jan. 11 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule •• April 2010 •• Starts U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Renovation, Repair, and •• The Painting Rule (RRP) is designed to prevent what “disease detectives” at the nation’s top public health agency, report as the “most probable •• CDC, of childhood lead poisoning. •• cause” Illinois Department of Public Health estimates that more than 81,000 •• The children are being harmed by lead, based on recent research regarding the of lead on children’s development. Lead poisoning in children can •• impact cause irreversible brain damage, and even at very low levels can lead to: •• • Learning disabilities, such as speech and language disorders. •• • Behavioral problems, such as aggression and hyperactivity. •• • Delinquency and criminal behavior. •• Lead poisoning is entirely preventable! But it requires special training for certain work methods to avoid the spread of finely divided and largely invis•• ible dust contamination. •• It is not enough to pick up paint chips, and typical construction cleaning or housekeeping cannot keep pace with the level of hazard gen•• homeowner’s erated. Special set up, cleaning and testing training is required for renova•• tion, which disturbs paint above a certain minimum amount. •• New rules will require all renovators in the United States, including who work on certain types of pre-1978 housing or child-occupied •• plumbers, facilities, to work for certified firms employing at least one certified •• Renovator to follow specific work practices, as of April 2010. •• SOURCE: Nicholas Peneff, DrPH, CIH, Public Health & Safety, Inc. More •• info at rrp-reno.com or leadsafeillinois.org •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• At the Gubernatorial Forum at the Orland Park Civic Center more than 100 attendees listened to all the major party candidates except Gov. Quinn and Andy McKenna. The candidates preJoe Werner (left) and Jerry Roberts (right) sented their credentials and fielded questions. pose for a photo with candidate Dan Hynes The event aimed to help voters make informed choices at the recent Illinois Primary Election. after the debate. Attendees at the PCA’s first Green Seminar of 2010 listen attentively to the presenters. Plumber’s Quarterly • 6 equipment issues are warning their business clients to be ready. Furthermore, please make sure your offices and shops are equipped and in compliance with all the federal posters. Visit h t t p : / / w w w. d o l . g ov / o s b p / s b r e fa / p o s t e r / matrix.htm for additional posters. For those members that have diesel trucks, be aware that State Police are stopping trucks at random to make sure they have road diesel fuel. If you are running off-road diesel fuel, there is a large fine. Jerry C. Roberts III, President Plumbing Contractors Association PCA Holds 2010 Installation Dinner continued from page 1 Jerry Sullivan began his apprenticeship in 1955 and afterward went on to active duty in the U.S. Army. He returned to earn his Journeyman’s card in 1962, and went on to work for several contractors for the next decade. Jerry later became an instructor at the Washburne Trade School, and he taught for 16 years. During this time, he educated more than 2,000 plumbers. Jerry was instrumental in creating the International Convention, which is still held to this day. In 1984, he was appointed Secretary-Treasurer and in 1990 became Business Manager of Local 130. No doubt, Jerry Sullivan is another deserving recipient of the Hall of Fame Award. The PCA is proud to receive this visible show of support every two years at the Installation Dinner and would again like to thank President Emeritus Albert Gehrke and the 2008-2009 Board of Directors for two years of dedicated service and hard work that have helped to better the plumbing industry. Mayor Daley is welcomed at the Installation Dinner by (left) PCA Executive Director Dan McLaughlin and incoming President Jerry Roberts and his wife, Sharon. President Emeritus Al Gehrke presents Hall of President Emeritus Al Gehrke presents Hall of Fame recipient Jerry Sullivan (left) with his Fame recipient Bob Abbott with his award. award. The PCA’s 2010-2011 Board of Directors: (Front row, from left) Jim Smith, Jerry Roberts, Lori Abbott, (Second row) Dan McLaughlin, Brian Wilk, Al Gehrke, Terry McCarthy, John Baethke, Bill Johns, Mike DiFoggio, Mike Chapel, Ed Connelly, Gil Boersma, and Steve Weinberg. •• PENSION FUND NEWS •• Retirees Return to Union Hall for Annual Turkey Raffle • You might believe that retired plumbers don’t miss their jobs very much, and in some respects your assumption might be correct. What’s very apparent, on • • the other hand, is that Plumbers Local 130 retirees do miss one another, as is evident in the large turnout for get-togethers that the union and Pension Fund • host for them during the year. Take, for instance, the Annual Turkey Raffle for Retirees. More than 200 retirees showed up at the union hall in November • •• to enjoy lunch together and a few hours of fun and entertainment. There was plenty of time to say hello to old friends and meet new ones before and during lunch, which was served in the downstairs hall. After lunch, the • raffle wheel started its spin and the prizes flowed into the hands of many winners. Retirees also enjoyed a presentation about the Chicago Bears, given by • • Brian McCaskey, a member of the NFL franchise-owning family and a grandson of the late George S. Halas. He brought a special point of view, as a Halas • family member, and many interesting and humorous anecdotes about the team and its players and coaches. •• It is always great to see the familiar faces at this and other retiree events organized by the Pension Fund. We thank everyone who joined us at this year’s • •• Annual Turkey Raffle! •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• The 401(k) Plan • • New Retirees as of the To enroll in the 401(k) Plan, receive additional • information on MassMutual’s services or check • on your existing account, please contact: • Last Quarterly MassMutual at 800-743-5274. Participants can • • also get information from MassMutual’s Web site, • •• wrs.massmutual.com. October 2009 Thomas M. Jaslowski •• Alan V. Anderson Douglas V. Lavezzi Terry Drew John T. Nickelson Keep Advised of Your •• Gene R.Hyken Jan Niewielski •• Pension Benefits Robert J. Jerrick Nicholas J. Saviano •• Terry J. Musto, Administrator of Joseph J. Kath Randall L. Tedei the Pension Fund, requests that •• participants of the Pension Plan Nicholas P. Mihalko •• December 2009 not yet retired, write or call the •• November 2009 John W. Braglia Pension Fund Office at 312-829Steven P. Allott Noel Dalzell 1262 to receive their Pension •• Credit Report. Please review your Kent R. Duffy Peter Dini •• report and notify the Fund John F. Flader Robert E. Rigsby •• promptly of any errors or omisDana R. Heeres William F. Schlenker sions. After reviewing, save the •• Donald E. Ivins report for your records. •• Retired plumbers Tom Gilmore (left) and Tom Matson. Retired technical engineers Perry MacDonald (left) and Dick Uzzel. Business Manager James Sullivan with retired plumber Tom Sullivan (recently deceased). (Left) Tom Bloniarz, retired officer, Earl Jackson, business agent, and Bob Seibert, retired business agent. Field Representative Kevin Sherlock (from left) with retired plumbers Ed Cargill and Silky Sancroft. Brian McCaskey draws winners from the raffle drum with James Sullivan. James Coyne and James Sullivan present Brian McCaskey (center) with a souvenir ball cap and thank the guest speaker for sharing his stories about the Chicago Bears. (From left) Paul Kirchoff, Bob Nadziejko, Joe Albergo, Pete Diamond and Frank Raguso. Plumber’s Quarterly • 7 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Hundreds Celebrate Ann December 17, 2009 At least 800 more neighborhood children made it to one of the biggest, if not the best, holiday bash of the year. Once again, it was possible through the generosity of Local 130 plumbers who donated or volunteered. Thanks to everyone for their help. Retired plumber Pat Battaglia and wife, Diane. Mayor Richard Daley (center) joins the party with James Coyne and James Sullivan. Retired plumber Sanford (Silky) Silkroft hands off a bag of goodies to an anxious child. Mayor Richard M. Daley joins (from left) James Sullivan, Business Manager, Donna Davis, Santas Brian Doornbos, Buddah Richards and Rick Dickinson, and James Coyne, Financial Secretary/Treasurer. Plumber’s Quarterly • 8 Even busy contractors, like Lori Abbott, find time to lend a hand to give the kids some holiday cheer. ual Kids Christmas Party On a Day When Everyone Is a Child Field trips may be lots of fun for first grade school children but they can be stressful for the teachers who accompany them. But the trip to Plumbers Local 130, UA hall on December 17th was anything but stressful judging by the joyful faces of teachers, parents, other adults and volunteers who joined hundreds of first graders at the annual Neighborhood Kids Christmas Party. “We’re excited to be invited back,” said Rhea Patten, a teacher from the Howe School of Excellence, at Chicago and Central Avenues. “It’s a treat for us too,” added Melissa Williams, an assistant. Edie Smith and Diane Davis, two first grade teachers from Mason School, on 18th and Keeler Streets, were also having a good time. So were Louise and Richard Valenzio, a retired plumber. They haven’t missed one of the “Kids” parties yet. They come as volunteers but usually leave wondering if they have received as much or more as the children. “It really gets us in the holiday spirit,” admitted Louise. Like all the other 2nd year apprentices on hand to help, John Salas is right in the spirit too, trading his hardhat and pipe wrench for a red Santa cap. The joy among the children is even more obvious. It is heard in the laughter and seen on the faces of kids whose eyes follow the dancing elves that skip along to the Christmas melody “Let it Snow”… in the deafening crescendo that rises as Santa Claus makes his initial entry down the balcony stairs … and in the outstretched arms and hands that clutch the bright red suit as Santa makes his way across the floor, a huge load of presents slung over his shoulder. There is even joy in the hands that unwrap the hot dogs, ice cream and other treats — and later the bags of gifts received by each child. This year the joy is also heard in the hall full of voices as they yell, “Merry Christmas Mayor Daley,” as Chicago’s mayor appears for a surprise visit. The joy is transferred to the mayor’s face, as he delights in the children’s warm welcome. For those few morning hours, hundreds of men, women, boys and girls are reminded that it is a season of great joy, of giving, sharing, and of receiving so much in the process and celebration. Tom Gavin, Recording Secretary, and Terry Musto, Pension Fund and Welfare Fund Administrator, hitch a ride in Santa’s sleigh. The Skinner School Choir has become a holiday favorite at the annual party. Plumber John Condon joins volunteers helping get bags of presents into hands of the hundreds of kids at the annual Christmas party. Volunteers take a break for this group photo when the party is over and guests have gone home. It takes a trio of Santas, (from left) Brian Doornbos, Buddah Richards and Rick Dickinson, to handle this Christmas dry run. Plumber’s Quarterly • 9 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Business Manager’s Letter •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• — that can expand your plumbing knowledge and arm you with valuable new skills. I want to urge every journeyman who is presently out of work to use this time to avail themselves of these training opportunities. Increasing your knowledge will increase your employability and help you get back to work sooner when better economic times return! Local 130 now offers training programs in Backflow and Crossflow Prevention They will help prepare you to obtain this license, issued through the State of Illinois. If you want to obtain a plumbing license, the school can also prepare you for this test. The Chicago Plumbing Code has changed over the years, so if you obtained your license 10-15 years ago, this is a good time to bring your knowledge up to date. Don’t wait to learn it a little at a time on the job. Do it now, while you are out of work and have the time. At the Training Center, journeymen can also learn all about plumbing service work. We have a course that addresses everything from effective customer service to troubleshooting plumbing problems or repairing the new electronic faucets. Other advanced courses cover blueprint reading, computer-aided design (CAD) and other topics. The UA is currently developing an advanced training and certification program for foremen. The UA also has plans to certify union members in Green Building construction (see page 13). Look for continued from page 1 more announcements about new courses and expanded hours of training for journeymen as Local 130 reshuffles schedules at the Training Center. zens in this great community service project. Call the union hall to get your name on the list or sign up at the next union meeting. When the jobs start returning, make sure that you are prepared. Get the training today that may be required tomorrow. Don’t eliminate yourself from work opportunities because you lack the required training and skills. Gain as many certifications and as much expertise as you can get. Your union will do everything it can to make the training available to you, but you will have to take advantage of it to benefit. Download the continuing education course schedule at http://www.plumberslu130ua.org. Hundreds of Local 130 plumbers joined us at the Nov. 17 union meeting for our Annual Turkey Raffle. As usual there were enough food, refreshments and prizes to go around. Among our special guests were the top competitors in the 2009 Local 130 Apprentice Contest. I was proud to introduce our first prize winner, Tony Albergo, from Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating. I wish him the best of luck as he competes in the upcoming state and regional contests that lead up to the final international UA competition later this summer. He was joined on our stage by several runners up. (See their photos and more of the Turkey Raffle on page 11.) The fun continued on Dec. 17, when Local 130 hosted some 800 school children who visited us for the annual Neighborhood Kids Christmas Party. The union hall became a huge stage where kids were entertained by Santa, his helpers and the Skinner School Choir. We were honored also with a special appearance by Mayor Richard M. Daley, who came to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and join the party. Thanks again to the multitude of volunteers, from our three Santas to the dozens of apprentices, journeymen and retirees who came to feed the children, pass out gifts and make sure it was a special day for each child who came (see photos on pages 8-9). March 13 was the date of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Plumbers Local 130 continues to do an exemplary job as sponsors of Chicago’s annual celebration. I again thank everyone who helped with the parade plans and arrangements. Thanks to all the volunteers handling the selection of this year’s Parade Queen and her court, publication of the Parade book, and to our many parade marshalls and marchers. I hope you were there and enjoyed yourself. Local 130 will pull together its tools, trucks and know how for the 19th Annual Rebuilding Chicago, scheduled for Saturday, April 24. We hope to again put 200 or more volunteers to work handling plumbing repairs in the homes of elderly and disadvantaged citi- Pension Fund Birthday Greetings Congratulations & Best Wishes to Our Nonagenarians Thomas N Collins Warren S. Hadad Clark McClurkin 96 Years Palos Park, IL 60464 Birthday – February 13, 1914 88 years Antioch, IL 60002 Birthday – February 10, 1922 86 Years Chicago, IL 60619 Birthday – January 1, 1924 Robert W. Groth Raymond G. Bonick Donald R. Melton 95 years West Laco, TX 78596 Birthday – February 1, 1915 87 Years Chicago Heights, IL 60411 Birthday – January 23, 1923 86 Years Schiller Park, IL 60176 Birthday – January 6, 1924 Walter Holz Richard M. Butler Michael R. OSullivan 95 Years Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 Birthday – January 30, 1915 87 Years Orland Park, IL 60467 Birthday – February 3, 1923 86 Years Orland Park, IL 60467 . Birthday – January 5, 1924 Chester E. Schmidt Alvin M. Kozlowski Albert F. Steinwere,Jr. 95 Years Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Birthday – January 17, 1915 87 Years Neenah, WI 54956 Birthday – December 17, 1922 86 Years Woodstock, IL 60098 Birthday – January 3, 1924 Oscar E. Larson Kevin P. McNicholas Edward G. Bulger 92 Years Palos Park, IL 60464 Birthday – January 9, 1918 87 Years St. Charles, IL 60174 Birthday – December 12, 1922 85 Years Big Sandy, TN 38221 Birthday – February 23, 1925 Morton Jenkins Francis L. Ryan Vincent Carrig 91 years Scottsdale, AZ.85251 Birthday – December 2, 1918 87 Years Northlake, IL 60164 Birthday – January 29, 1923 85 Years Tinley Park, IL 60477 Birthday – January 20, 1925 Robert A. Kyle William L. Breen Andrew W. Eul, Jr, 91 Years Steger, IL 60475 Birthday – December 30, 1918 86 Years Earville, IL 60518. Birthday – February 27, 1924 85 Years Hometown, IL 60456 Birthday – January 4, 1925 Walter J. Tertinger Joseph F. Degiorgio William J. Frapolly 91 Years LaGrange Park, IL 60526 Birthday – February 4, 1919 86 Years Three Oaks, MI 49128 Birthday – December 20, 1923 85 Years Chicago, IL 60647 Birthday – February 14, 1925 Lawrence F. Lowry Russell A. Sack 86 Years Theodosia, MO 65761 Birthday – December 27, 1923 85 Years Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Birthday – February 27, 1925 Raymond E. Malec Frank Schiola 86 Years Spring Hill, FL 34608 Birthday – January 14, 1924 85 Years Chicago, IL 60631 Birthday – January 4, 1925 Happy Birthday – to Those 85 and Over Wallace Shapiro 89 years Battle Creek, MI 49017 Birthday – January 1, 1921 Josef Frank 88 Years Huntley, IL 60142 Birthday – February 19, 1922 NEW OFFICE HOURS Effective March 1, 2010 Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday & Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday (also on Union Meeting days) 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The earlier start time reflects the changing plumbing industry, which has shifted to an earlier work day. Plumber’s Quarterly • 10 •• Annual Turkey Raffle •• •• November 10, 2009 Union Meeting Life’s list of winners who are afraid to even take a chance is a short one. For those members of Plumbers Local 130 who came to the Nov. • • 10th Union meeting, the chance that they wouldn’t leave empty handed was an excellent one! That’s because at the Annual Turkey Raffle, even • the names that aren’t drawn from the big raffle drum win something really nice: How about the chance to get together with your work buddies • •• and not have to do any work? This was the evening’s top prize, and everyone got to share in it! •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Business Manager James Sullivan presents an award plaque to Tony Albergo, the first place win- (From left) Pat Shea, Local 130 business agent, and James Coyne, financial secretary/treasurner of Local 130’s 2009 Apprentice Contest. Joining them are (from left) JAC Contractor er, congratulate Cliff Bruckner for his 2nd place finish in the 2009 Illinois Apprentice Contest. Trustees George Treutelaar, Craig Campeglia and James Bruckner. They are joined by Cliff’s father, James Bruckner, Chas. F. Bruckner & Son, Inc. Cliff Bruckner draws the next winning ticket and presents it to Jim Coyne and Tom Gavin. A lucky winner picks up tickets to a Chicago Bears football game from James Coyne. Plumbers Mark Prchal (left), Phil Amato and Jason Reed know how to have a good time. Local 130 members (left) Frank Giles and Sylvester LaRue. Recording Secretary Tom Gavin (left) and Local 130 member and photographer Dean Battaglia. Local 130 plumbers (left) Jimm Babbitt, Maria Johnson and Kyle Krutilla. James Sullivan with Dieter Balder, Abbott Industies, Inc., a 2009 Apprentice Contest finalist. Plumber’s Quarterly • 11 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• JAC APPRENTICESHIP NEWS Winning Apprentices Honored at Annual Turkey Raffle Winners of the 2009 Apprentice Contest gather for a group photograph. Holding award plaques (from left) are Tony Albergo (1st place winner), Zach Zagata (2nd place) and Kevin Moeller (3rd place). Rounding out the top finalists were eight 4th place winners. As the first place winner, Tony Albergo, employed by Great Lakes Plumbing & Heating Co., will go on to compete against the best from other UA Local Unions at state, regional and international-level competitions. Sign Up for JAC Night Courses The Spring 2010 session is underway at the JAC Training School, where many night courses, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., for a wide variety of topics are available for Local 130 journeymen. Topics include: • Chicago Plumbing Code • Computer Skills • Electricity • Backflow • Drawing & Plan Reading • Welding • OSHA Construction Safety & Health and Hazcom • CPR & First Aid Fliers describing all the above classes and more were recently mailed to Local 130 members. Please call the JAC office, 312-421-1028, if you would like a flier sent to you. Information about courses is also available online at www.plumberslu130ua.org/. There is a small fee for each course. Call the JAC office to register. City of Chicago Plumbing License Test The next plumbing Written Exam is Saturday, June 5, 2010. Applications are due Friday, May 7, 2010. Note: The Plumbing Written Exam will be held at the Best Western South Hillside, 4400 Frontage Rd., in Hillside, IL. The next plumbing practical license test is Saturday, April 10, 2010. Applications were due Friday, March 12, 2010. Note: The Plumbing Practical Exam is held at Local 130 Training School, 1400 West Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 60607 The Licensing Bureau is located at: Department of Buildings, Bureau of Licensing & Registration 120 N. Racine Ave., 2nd Floor, Chicago, Ill. 60607 Phone: 312-743-9058 Applications may be obtained online at www.cityofchicago.org. Click on City Departments link at top of page. Click on Buildings link, then on the Trade Licensing link. For exam schedule, click on Exam Schedule. For application, click on Applications. Plumber’s Quarterly • 12 Greening the Work Force By Don Doherty As the green building movement rolls on, its reach spreads into more facets of construction. The United Association sees a day – not too far away – where even the workers will become “green.” It’s taking steps now to position the union as the leading source of certified green HVACR service technicians, plumbers, pipe fitters and sprinkler fitters. At the UA’s Tripartite Conference in September 2009, Steve Allen, the UA’s Director of Sustainable Technology, LEED AP, outlined the following steps: Allen said the UA’s Green System Awareness program has run for three years now. Recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Education Provider Program, it has taught members basic core information, defining the terminology and green building concepts. While this core program will remain as part of apprentice training, the UA will next look to develop individual certification programs specific to the work of its member HVACR service technicians, plumbers, pipe fitters and sprinkler fitters. “Each craft will have its own Green certification program,” he said. The current LEED AP program has been extensively revamped, Allen explained. One is not only going to need to be a LEED AP but also accomplished in a specific specialty area. It’s already in place for the design profession; the people who install and service everything — “the other half of the green building movement” — are next in line. “What we’d like to do next is get our instructors to become LEED Green Associates,” Allen said. To put the effort into motion, General President Bill Hite has approved a plan that will reimburse each local union for the expenses involved in enrollment. (These include a $50 registration fee and $150 exam fee.) The UA hopes this will trigger other instructors to become LEED Green Associates. At the same time, the union wants to begin enrolling UA instructors in the USGBC’s LEED Faculty program. This is attainable for individuals who are experienced with LEED certified building products, have expertise in building design, and experience teaching or public speaking. These requirements already fit the profile of UA instructors, Allen said. The UA has submitted the credentials of one person to the USGBC for status as a LEED Faculty member. This person will have exclusive access into new developments in LEED, to assure that they have the latest information about the rating system. That LEED faculty person will be qualified to develop new training courses. Other UA LEED Faculty persons will then follow. Why is this so important and why now? Allen used a half dozen categories in the current LEED ratings list of points to illustrate how well they connect to the work done by UA crafts. From energy efficient HVAC and plumbing systems that use less water indoors to systems that capture and retain storm water outdoors for later use, it’s all installed and maintained by UA HVACR service technicians, plumbers, pipe fitters and sprinkler fitters. And it adds up to more than half of the available LEED points needed to gain LEED certification status for the building. “So we are a major part of this, and everyone has to realize this,” Allen emphasized. By taking the next step today, establishing LEED associates and accredited faculty throughout the UA, the union will be in a position tomorrow to supply workers properly skilled and certified to handle the burgeoning needs of the growing sustainable construction market. “Imagine that you are submitting a bid and you say, ‘We’ve shown you all our qualifications to build this building — our design, our architects and engineers and everything else. And by the way, our work force is certified specifically in plumbing, pipefitting, sprinkler fitting or HVACR and all the green aspects of these. ‘And also all our instructors are USGBC LEED Green Associates. What’s more, if we need to we can bring in a LEED Faculty person to design a program that pertains specifically to this building.’ How’s that for a unique situation?” Allen asked. And a way to distinguish yourself from your competitor. (Reprinted from JobScope, Fall 2009) LEED points are not only achieved by the people on the design side of construction but also on the installation side. As illustrated here, a significant number of LEED points relate to tasks performed by UA craft workers. The UA believes that the time is coming when the Green building movement will certify installers in addition to methods and technology, and so it is taking steps now to get a fully “Green” work force in place and ready when the day arrives. In Memoriam On behalf of all the sponsoring constituencies of the Plumber’s Quarterly, we would like to express our deepest sympathies to the family members of our deceased members. QUARTERLY DECEASED MEMBERS CHICAGO JOURNEYMEN PLUMBERS’ LOCAL UNION 130 4th QUARTER, 2009 Bartelmey, Mel D. Barzar, Jonathan Becton, McLloyd Boothman, Stanley Collins Jr., Edward Duffy Jr., Thomas E. Dunn, Kenneth E. Gerren, Joseph J. Gibbons, Frank E. Hansen, Jerrold S. Heminsley, John T. Howe, Raymond W. Jotzat, Ronald R. Mangialardi, Gaspare Marion, Steve S. McCarty, William D. Molenhouse, Jacob O. Murphy, Thomas J. Newell, Michael Parzyk, John A. Phillips, Herbert A. Prior, Isaac C. Salerno, Anthony Schneider Jr., Louis Stolberg, William L. Tuider, Harold J. Vanroosendael, Mark E. Zientek, Irvin J. Plumber’s Quarterly • 13 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• NEW OFFICE HOURS Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday & Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday Effective March 1, 2010 (also on Union Meeting days) 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The earlier start time reflects the changing plumbing industry, which has shifted to an earlier work day. •• All Industry Calendar – March-April 2010 Date: Time: Type: •• Local •• 130 U.A. •• Plumbing Council •• •• Plumbing Contractors Association •• •• A.S.S.E. •• South Side Contractors •• •• West Suburban Plumbing Contractors •• •• North & West Side Master Plumbers Club •• • Triangle Plumbing Club Location: April 13 April 24 7:00 p.m. Plumbers Union Meeting “Rebuilding Together” Plumber’s Hall, 1340 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago March 30 April 27 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Board Meeting Board Meeting Maggianos, 240 Oak Brook Center, Oak Brook, IL Maggianos, 240 Oak Brook Center, Oak Brook, IL April 13 April 13 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting Membership Meeting Erie Café, 536 W. Erie Street, Chicago, IL Erie Café, 536 W. Erie Street, Chicago, IL March 19 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. ILPHCC Plumbing, Heating-Cooling Expo Drury Lane Conference Center, 100 Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace, IL March 17 April 21 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting Regular Meeting Sam Buca’s Restaurant, 12231 S. Harlem Ave., Palos Hts., IL Sam Buca’s Restaurant, 12231 S. Harlem Ave., Palos Hts., IL March 17 April 21 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting Regular Meeting Hillside Best Western, 4400 Frontage Road, Hillside, IL Hillside Best Western, 4400 Frontage Road, Hillside, IL April 7 3:00 p.m. Meeting/Bowling Haebettler Bowl, 5250 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, IL For More Information Please Contact Jim Rack at 847-692-2799 April 16 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting e h t e v a S ! e t Da Dawson Technical Institute, 3901 S. State Street, Chicago Friday, August 6, 2010 Cog Hill Golf Course, Lemont, Illinois Prizes • Cocktails • Food Golf & Buffet - $125.00 (includes cart) Buffet Only - $75.00 Plumbing Industries th 45 Annual Golf Outing Visit www.events.org/PIGA for early registration. Plumber’s Quarterly 1340 W. Washington Blvd Chicago, Illinois 60607 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Chicago, IL Permit No. 2237