Our Lady of Lourdes Church


Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
(516) 599-1269
65 Wright Ave, Malverne, NY 11565
website: ww.OLLChurchMalverne.org
Rev. Frank J. Parisi, Pastor
Rev. Richard R. Donovan, In Residence
Rev. Andres Fernandez, In Residence
Rev. Chux Okochi, In Residence
Rev. Marcellus Gorleku, Weekend Assistant
Deacon Francis X. Cove
Deacon Richard H. Portuese
Fourth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Celebration of the Eucharist
Holy Day Eve:
Holy Day
9:00 am
9:00 am & 5:00 pm
7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm & 5:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:30am, 9:00 am, 7:30 pm
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: First Saturday of every month after the 9:00am Mass.
Those who are seriously ill or about to undergo serious surgery are encouraged to receive the
Sacrament of Annointing of the Sick. In the event of an emergency, please call the rectory to
make arrangements with a priest. If you are unable to attend church, call the rectory office so
that a Eucharistic Minister can bring you the Eucharist.
Rectory Office:
(516) 599-1269 / fax: (516) 887-9517
9am—12pm, 1pm—5pm, 7pm—9pm
Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of each month at
2:00 pm. Parents and Godparents are asked to attend a Baptismal Preparation class prior to
the Baptism. Please call the rectory to register.
Business Mgr:
Music Director:
Youth Director:
Thomas Letourneau
Carol Grossi & Yole Santino
Stephen Harth
Linda Baldacchino (516) 241-1896
Kevin Dieck & Rocco Bruzzese
(516) 660-0364 / (516) 660-0365
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance and
prior to wedding reception plans. Please call the rectory to make an appointment with a priest
or deacon.
Religious Education:
(516) 599-7222 / fax (516) 599-2256
Mary Lasar
Marybeth Malone
School Office: (516) 599-7328 / fax: (516) 599-3813
website: www.OLLMalverne.org
Mary Carmel Murphy
Magdalen Hamilton—Roldan
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are held on Saturdays from 4:00pm to 4:45pm or
at other reasonable times by making an appointment at the rectory.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday of each month at 8pm by the Human Life
Committee and the Nocturnal Adoration Society ending with Benediction at 10:00pm.
Second Thursday of each month from noon until Benediction at 4:45pm.
Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesdays after the 9:00am Mass.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: If you or someone you know is interested in
becoming a Catholic or completing their entrance into the church through Baptism, Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the rectory.
Rosary: Each day beginning at 8:40am in the Church
In Your Prayers Please Remember The Sick and
Hospitalized Members Of Our Parish Community
Monday, February 1st ~ Weekday
9:00 am
Vincent Mattone (d)
Matthew Amarante
Carmel Carleo
Vito Catalano
Gerardina Corrado
Deacon Frank Cove
Garrett FitzGerald
Teresa Isidore
Barbara Kretkowski
Tuesday, February 2nd ~ The Presentation of the Lord
9:00 am
Edward A. Zimmermann (d)
Wednesday, February 3rd ~ Weekday ~ Saint Blaise, Bishop
and Martyr; Saint Ansgar, Bishop
9:00 am
Bridie F. Noonan (d)
Peter Levantino
Kevin Ledwith
John Panaro
Claire Parisi
James Rodman
Laura Ruggiero
Robert Schafer
Krista Verni
The names will remain for six consecutive weeks unless the
Rectory Office is notified.
Thursday, February 4th ~ Weekday
9:00 am
Robert O’Connor (d)
Our Parishioners Serving
In The Military
Friday, February 5th ~ Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
9:00 am
Carol Ann Jewels (d)
Please keep all our Military and Support Personnel
in your prayers especially:
Saturday, February 6th ~ Saint Paul Miki and Companions,
9:00 am
Conversion of Political Leaders
to the Culture of Life
Martin Gibson (d)
5:00 pm
Julia Composto (d)
United States Air Force
1st Lt. William F. Cosgrove
United States Navy
LT Michael Annunziata
Lt. Geoff Hendrick
IC2 Bryanne Heim Iddings
LTJG Ryan Patrick Mahon
Sunday, February 7th ~ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am
Steve Capri (d)
9:30 am
Matthew Klein (d)
11:00 am
Carolina DiMaggio (d)
12:30 pm
For Our Parishioners
Mandy Breen (d)
James E. O’Brien (d)
Salvatore & Lucy Schipano (d)
Deceased members of the Schipano Family
John & Catherine Woodruff (d)
5:00 pm
Anna & Joseph Lusardi (d)
United States Army
Spc Andrew J. Baez
Major Thomas Barrett
Spc Lotachukwu Okoye
Spc Tucker Andrew Peterson
United States Marine Corps
L Cpl Kristofer Katzenberger
CWO-4 Kris Kurrus
“Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect
us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in
our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.
Please let us know if any of our Military and Support Personnel have
returned home safely, so that we may update our prayer list.
Pray for Priests
God, our Father, please send us holy priests, all for the Sacred and
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all for the Sorrowful and Immaculate
Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph. We pray that the Blessed
Mother wrap her mantle around your priests, and through her intercession strengthen them for their ministry. We pray that Mary will
guide your priests to follow her own words, “Do whatever He tells
you.” (Jn 2:5) May your priests be holy, filled with the fire of your
love, seeking nothing but your greater glory and the salvation of souls. Amen.
The Sanctuary Lamp burns
In Memory of
Raffaela J. Schipano
Requested by
Terry Morris
Rev. Msgr. Richard Henning
Rev. Luis Humberto Herrera Gomez
Rev. Robert S. Hewes
Rev. John Hien
Rev. Frederick Hill
Rev. Richard P. Hoerning
For Pope Francis I
Time, Talent & Treasure
Grant eternal peace to those whom
You have called unto yourself, O Lord
Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life
Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary
January 24, 2016:
Last Year:
Msgr. Pablo Rodriguez
Wedding Banns
From the Pastor’s Desk
Banns II:
MatthewVentimiglia, St. Raphael’s,
Astoria & Elisabeth Tulley,
Our Lady of Lourdes
Banns I:
Brian Michael Patrick Hughes &
Tiffany Ann Lucia,
both of Our Lady of Lourdes
A Big Thank You
to Rocco Bruzzese and
Kevin Dieck who were
assisted by Joe, Kevin,
Liam and Brian for the
fine job they did last
weekend digging us out
from the storm. Those of
you who were able to be
here know that the paths
and steps were cleared, the walks were shoveled and the
parking lot was accessible, making it much easier for us
all to get in and out of church. In your name I thank
them for the long hours they put in to assure our safety!
On Sunday, February 7 at the 12:30 pm
Mass, all couples who are celebrating their
anniversary during the month of February
are invited to renew their marriage vows
and receive a special blessing for married
couples. We encourage all to participate in
this very special tribute.
Be Sure to Save the Date
I invite you to set aside the time to be
with us for what I promise you will be a tremendous opportunity to grow in God’s grace. Our Parish Lenten
Mission, “Christ Be Our Light”, will be held during the
first week of Lent which, believe it or not, is almost upon
Our mission will be conducted by Father Charles
Coury, CSSR, a Redemptorist Missionary. Father will
preach at all of the Masses on the weekend of February
13-14, inviting you to take part in what I’m sure is going
to be a dynamic parish mission on Monday thru Wednesday, February 15-17. Father will deliver a brief homily
at the 9:00 Mass each of those days. His major presentation will be given as the homily during the Mass to be
celebrated at 7:00pm each of those evenings.
Father Coury was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was ordained in 1976. He served for 26 years
in Brazil before being sent to Rome for higher studies in
Spiritual Theology. He has also ministered for five years
in Beirut where he serves as a chaplain for Mother
Theresa’s nuns and a spiritual director for the local
Father Coury came back to the United States in
2013. After spending some time in the Bronx, he was
sent to Guadalajara, Mexico before taking up his present
residence at the Redemptorist Parish of Most Holy Redeemer in Manhattan.
Further information will be provided in our upcoming bulletins. For now, please put this time aside
and plan to be with us as Father helps us enter into the
holy season of Lent!
Father Frank
Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong
love that grew between us. To work that love into practical
things nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind
and loving and hearts always ready to ask for forgiveness as
well as forgive. we put our marriage onto your hands.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be
celebrated on the First Saturday of each month after
the 9:00 am Mass for those who are entering a hospital
or have a serious illness. Please sit in the pews on
Mary’s side of the Altar.
The priests of the parish are always
available for the Anointing of the
Sick if you or someone in your
family is seriously ill.
We offer opportunities for donations to be made on
special occasions in memory of loved ones both living and
deceased through the placement of Altar Flowers in the sanctuary
or by memorializing the Sanctuary Lamp that burns near the
Tabernacle, the Altar Bread, and the Altar Wine for the week.
Main Altar Flowers: $80
Tabernacle Bouquet: $30 each
Sanctuary Lamp: $25 ~ Altar
Bread: $25 Altar Wine: $25
An acknowledgement of your memorial
will appear in the Sunday bulletin.
Please come to the Rectory Office
to make arrangements!
February 6th & 7th
On Superbowl weekend, February 6th & &7th at all Masses the
teens from this parish will be collecting money for our local soup
kitchens as they do each year. This year a portion of that money
will also go to our MIDNIGHT RUN. We will also be collecting
items to be distributed by our young people to the homeless on
the evening of Feb 12th on the streets of NYC with the
MIDNIGHT organization.
CLOTHING (mostly Men's)
****SNEAKERS (gently used)
-Long Sleeve Shirts, Pants, Sweats, Hoodies
-New Socks, New Underwear
-Gloves, Scarves, Hats
BACKPACKS (gently used)
TOILETRIES most needed - disposable razors, small shaving creams,
small hand sanitizers
If you are a high school teens interested in participating in our midnight
run please call Linda at 516-241-1896. All teens participating must help
with the Feb 6th & 7th collection as well as attend the prep night
February 11th.
First Friday Evening
February 5th ~ 8:00 pm
Reflection for Next Sunday, February 7, 2016
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11
Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
“They left everything, even their nets, and followed Jesus.”
All three readings today relate stories of a call issued by
God, and of a hesitant response born of a sense of unworthiness. Yet each of them—Isaiah, Paul, the first disciples—
was reassured and ultimately accepted their mission. We
too can feel unworthy to follow Jesus at times. As we hear
these readings proclaimed today, let us listen for the reassurance that we need in order to accept the call that we have
been given.
Prayer Hour for Life
The Real Presence of Christ is the gift He gave us
at the Last Supper and when we come to church, we are
truly in the presence of our God, our Creator and our
On the First Friday of each month, we gather before our Eucharistic Lord to pray that the culture of life
will prevail over the culture of death, that respect for all
human life from conception to natural death will be restored in the hearts and minds of all God’s children.
Please join us for a Holy Hour of prayer before
Jesus in the Eucharist on the First Friday of each month
from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. It may be a sacrifice to set
aside this time, but time spent in the presence of the
Lord is its own reward.
Focus Questions:
1. When have you been wonderfully surprised by God?
2. When have you felt unworthy of God’s call?
3. Describe a time when you refused to give in to weariness and frustration.
Children & Family Reflection:
The disciples were very surprised at the number of fish they
caught after following Jesus’ instructions. When have you
had a happy surprise?
Nocturnal Adoration
We are so privileged to have Nocturnal Adoration in
our Parish. We meet on the first Friday of the month to
pray to Jesus exposed in the monstrance. If you are
looking for a way to show devotion to our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament, please join us.
St Vincent de Paul Society
In the Gospel today, Jesus shows us that we are called
to place Gospel values before any other values and to
be willing to put our lives on the line for them. Taking
care of God’s poor is indeed living Gospel values.
Lent is fast approaching and it will be a good way to
prepare for this time of penance. The next Holy Hour
will be Friday, February 5th from 9:00 pm—10:00 pm.
In the month of January, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist many
families, providing food as well as help with utility,
rent and other bills. Thank You!
Jesus will be there—Will you?
Please Join Us
The Human Life Committee invites you to join us at
our next meeting for conversation and fellowship
on Saturday, February 6 in the Church Hall after the 9:00 am Mass.
Food Pantry
Jelly, Ready Made Pasta Sauce,
Soap, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal
Where is the pro-life Movement after 43 years of
Roe v. Wade? You may be surprised to learn that
we’re winning the cause for life, but the struggle is
far from over. There are new challenges to the
dignity of the human person—not only the lives of
pre-born babies, but also the lives of the sick and
the elderly. To keep up-to-date on the Pro-Life
Movement, please join us on the first Saturday of
each month.
Pro-Life Corner
From its earliest days, the development, research, and promotion of the pill were built on lies-lies which continue today. Women are irreparably harmed by those lies. Children
are killed by those lies. And society hangs in the balance because America has not been told the truth. Learn more at
Principal’s Corner
Religious Education
“Kindness is a smile given to both a
stranger and friend who’s dear from a
concerned and caring heart—a heart
with eyes most clear. Kindness is a
gentle word, like those of hope or cheer,
from a loving, tender heart—a heart with
ears that hear. Kindness is the simple
things, the smallest act or tear, from a warm,
responsive heart—a heart that’s most sincere.”
Today, January 31st begins
Catholic Schools Week! We will
be hosting an Open House in the
school following the 9:30 am
Mass. Please join us to view the
many creative and exciting projects of our students, especially
our vibrant Middle School! Tours of the school will
be available and new families may register right
Second Grade Mass in Slow Motion
The Mass in Slow Motion will be celebrated on Tuesday
evening, February 23rd at 7:00 pm in the Church. All second graders are expected to attend the Mass. All parents
are also invited to this very special Mass.
We will be having a variety of events occurring
this week from class “Faith Painting” on Monday,
a “Space Assembly” and 6th Grade Bible Service
on Tuesday, Sports and Game Day on Wednesday and Movie Afternoon with Dress Down on
Thursday. Our 1st grade All Saints Day Prayer
Service will be on Friday which is an early dismissal day. PJ Day for Nursery and PK is also on
All eighth grade students who did not attend their Mass in
Slow Motion must attend. You will be notified by the Religious Education Office if you must be there on the 23rd.
Seventh and Eighth Retreats
The retreats for the 7th and 8th grade Confirmation
Preparation students will be held on Saturday, February
27th in the School Hall. All 7th and 8th grade students
(including those from Our Lady of Lourdes, Religious Education and Brother Fox) must first attend 9:00 am Mass.
They should arrive at 8:45 am. Immediately following
Mass, all 7th graders will go to the hall for their retreat
which will end at 11:30 am.
Please join us as we continue to pray for the success of all our Catholic Schools and the rich traditions of academics and faith so successfully provided by them.
8th graders will return to the hall between 12 noon and
12:15 pm. Their retreat will begin at 12:30 pm and end
at 2:30 pm.
Share God’s loving mercy!
All Parish & School Volunteers
At the insistence of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please be aware that
No Group or Organization will be able to schedule their events until we
have an updated roster of volunteers from each group.
Parish Mission Statement
Every parish & school volunteer must have completed the following:
 Background check
 Virtus Workshop
 Code of Conduct
We, the parish family of Our Lady of Lourdes, are a faith-filled
people who welcome all to join us as we listen to the Word of
God and celebrate Eucharist together. We encourage each
other to grow in Christ as we use our God-given gifts to serve
the people of our community. Through the Holy Spirit we are
inspired through our patroness, Our Lady of Lourdes, and we
strive to imitate her charity and love in
making the will of God our own.
To register for VIRTUS go to: www.virtus.org or website at:
St. John Bosco, Feast Day January 31st
Patron of Christian Apprentices, Editors,
Publishers, Schoolchildren, Young People
If you or someone you know has experienced an incident of sexual abuse by
clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please contact
the office for the Protection of Children and Young People. The office maintains a
special phone for these situations: 516-594-9063.
Rosary Altar Society
Our Lady of Lourdes
Family Breakfast
Our Lady of Lourdes Thrift Shop is
open Wednesdays from 9:30 am to
2:30 pm and on the first Saturday of
each month.
Please join us for some delicious
food, great company, wonderful
prizes and raffles! All parishioners are welcome!
There are no RAS Open Meetings
during January and February.
Sunday, February 7th
9:00 am to 12:30 pm
OLL School Hall
All parishioners are invited to volunteer to be a part of
the offertory procession at the Mass which you attend.
This may be especially appropriate if the Mass is being
offered for a relative or friend!
Please see one of the ushers before Mass
begins to make your intention known.
$12 per adult ~ $8 per child (max $50 per family)
No payments at the door.
Bulletin Reflection
Jeremiah declares that the Lord knew him before he
was born and dedicated and appointed him to his role
as prophet even before he drew breath. We too, are
known and sent by the Lord. What deeds of love and
service are mine to perform?
Children’s Corner
Enjoy a relaxing breakfast as your children are
entertained with crafts and activities!
****Please make checks payable to: OLL PTL.
Coming Up This Week
You may send your payment and completed form
to school in an envelope marked:
“Family Breakfast” or mail to:
Roseann Schiller
134 Park Blvd., Malverne, NY 11565
Monday, February 1
2:30 PM ........... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
7:00 pm ........... 7th & 8th Grade Cheerleaders ......................................... School Hall
7:30 pm ........... Al-Anon ......................................................... Rectory Dining Room
7:30 pm ........... Beginner Al-Anon................................................. Rectory Room #2
Tuesday, February 2
9:30 am ........... Cenacle Meeting ............................................. Rectory Dining Room
9:30 am ........... Legion of Mary Meeting ........................................ Rectory Room #2
1:30 pm .......... Scripture Study/Intercessory Prayer Meeting .... Rectory Dining Room
2:30 pm ........... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
7:00 pm ........... Boy Scout Troop #24 Meeting........................................ Church Hall
Wednesday, February 3
9:30 am ........... RAS Thrift Shop till 2:30 pm
2:30 pm ........... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
7:00 pm ........... Grief Recovery After Substance Passing .......................... Church Hall
7:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
7:30 pm ........... 5th & 6th Grade Cheerleader Practice .............................. School Hall
8:15 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Thursday, February 4
2:30 pm ........... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
2:50 pm ........... Girl Scout Troop #2021 ................................................. Church Hall
7:00 pm ........... 7th / 8th Grade Cheerleaders .......................................... School Hall
7:30 pm ........... Rosary Altar Society Board Meeting .................. Rectory Dining Room
Friday, February 5
9:30 am ........... St. Vincent de Paul .............................................. Rectory Room #1
11:50 am ......... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
8:00 pm ........... First Friday Adoration ...........................................................Church
8:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Saturday, February 6
9:30am ............ RAS Thrift Shop till 12:30 pm
9:45 am ........... Human Life Committee Meeting ..................................... Church Hall
7:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Sunday, February 7
8:00 am ........... Folk Group Rehearsal .................................................... Church Hall
9:00 am ........... PTL OLL Family Breakfast ............................................... School Hall
9:30 am ........... Scout Sunday Mass / Post Mass Breakfast .......... Church / Church Hall
11:00 am ......... Rosary Altar Society Mass .....................................................Church
7:15 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Any questions, call:
Roseann Schiller: 887-0856 or
Anne Marie McNierney: 593-5811
OLL Family Breakfast
No. of Adults:__________ No. of Children:_________
Total enclosed:_______________________
Phone Number:_______________________
1st prize
2nd prize
3rd prize
4th prize
5th prize
6th prize
7th prize
$ 50
$ 50
$ 25
$ 25
Tabor Retreat Center
60 Anchor Ave, Oceanside
(516) 536-3004
Presentation of the Lord ~ Paul Turner
The Presentation of the Lord pulls
many favorite mementos from the
Catholic cupboard: candles, blessings,
Christmas and church. The Mass of
February 2 begins with a blessing of
lighted candles held by the faithful,
who glow with the memory of the birth
of Jesus.
The origins of the feast lie in ancient Jewish custom. On the 40th day after childbirth, parents brought the infant to the temple to present him/her to
the Lord and to purify the mother. St. Luke tells us that
Joseph and Mary sacrificed two birds for the occasion
after the birth of Jesus. Count up 40 days after Christmas
and you’ll come to February 2. Until the 1960s, we used
to call this day “The Purification of Mary.” The title
changed for several reasons. We no longer believe that
women who give birth need purification, and the true significance of the feast concerns Jesus coming to the Temple. He is the Promised One, whose light will shine,
beaming rays of hope to all the world. Also on the old
calendar, this feast closed the Christmas season. Now we
end the Christmas season with the Baptism of the Lord.
So, even though the date for the Presentation still depends
on Christmas, it has become a feast of ordinary time.
Since it is a feast of the Lord, it takes precedence even
when it falls on Sunday.
The candles you hold for the blessing may come from
your parish, or you may bring your own from home. If
you like to use blessed candles for household prayer
throughout the year, here is your chance to get them. On
the day following this feast, our calendar permits the option of commemorating St. Blase, a bishop and martyr of
the early church. Legend has it that he once freed a child
from choking, and while imprisoned under persecution he
received light from friends who visited his cell with candles. Our church still uses candles from the Presentation
of the Lord in the blessing of the faithful’s throats on St.
Blase’s Day. Blessed candles in our churches and homes
signify the living presence of Christ in our community.
With Christ as our light we warm a lost and wintry world.
Pathway to Health: Saturday, Feb 6, 9:30am—3:00 pm
In this workshop we experience a coherent whole of nutritious food, simple movements, prayer, meditation and life-style practices that lead to our
full thriving. Practical information and guidance will be given, leading to
both understanding and to the desire to make whatever changes are best
for each participant’s unique needs. Donation $60 (continental Breakfast/lunch). Please call to register.
Lent—Time of Deep Darkness and Radiant Light: Saturday, Feb. 20,
9:30am—3:00 pm. During our time together we will reflect on the reality
of light/darkness in our lives and in the world today. Let us learn to never
fear the darkness and to live more fully in the light. Presenter: Sr. maria
Regina Loures, IHM. Donation $60 (continental Breakfast/lunch).
Please call to register
Becoming Free: Friday Feb 26 at 7:30 pm—Sunday, Feb 28 at noon.
Based on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola a presentation of
four steps: Know who your are; Live your calling to the full; Let go of
the results; Rededicate your life to God. Time will include personal reflection and inner work. Focus is on freedom for commitment and the
inner liberty it brings. Presenter: Fr. Thomas Ryan, SP. Donation $200
(overnight), $160 (commuter). Please call to register.
In Solidarity with International Women’s Day 2016: March 4-5, Fri
7:30 pm—Sat. 7:30 pm. The theme is Honoring Women in Public Service and Government. We will tell stories and pray together in our celebration of ourselves and of women who have influenced our lives. We
will explore God’s invitation to us today. Presenter: Sr. Margaret
O’Brien, OSU. Donation: $150 overnight. $115 commuter. Please
call to register.
Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke
Beginning Monday, January 18th
(night session) Mondays 7:30pm—9:00pm or
Beginning Wednesday, January 20th
(day session) Wednesdays 11:30am –1:00pm
(both sessions will continue Mondays and Wednesdays
after those dates)
Blessed Sacrament Church
201 N. Central Ave., Valley Stream
Contact: Lilly Gicala: lillybelle3317@gmail.com or
Tending Your Grieving Heart
Valentine’s Day Workshop
Copyright © 2012 Resource Publications, Inc
Valentine’s Day can be a particularly difficult time
for someone who has lost a loved one. Intended to
celebrate love, this day can bruise an already grieving heart.
Please join the Bereavement Specialists of Good
Shepherd Hospice for a free workshop offering
encouragement, education, coping strategies and support.
The Workshop will be held on
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at Mercy Medical Center,
1000 N. Village Ave, Rockville Centre,
from 7pm—8:30pm.
Seating is limited. Registration is required.
Please call (631) 465-6262.
Spirituality For Singles—Monthly Singles Gathering
Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 8:30 pm
St. Aidan Parish
410 Willis Ave, Williston Park, NY 11596
Our Monthly gathering for singles: discussion, meditation,
socialization. Ages 35+; $5 donation—snacks, pizza and
beverages will be served.
Contact Ray (516) 561-6994 or
In Honor of Black History Month
Help us Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of
Our Lady of Lourdes
Church Hall
Monday, February 8, 2016
The Brooklyn Vicariate for Black Catholic
Concerns &
The RVC Office of Multicultural Diversity
Would like to invite you to a REVIVAL with
Fellowship begins at 7:00 pm
Meeting starts at 7:30 pm
Rev. Freddy Washington, CSSp,
Pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist, Harlem, NY
His many years of working in multicultural settings
have offered him unique insight into the opportunities
and challenges of discovering our true selves, drawing
on all of our cultural gifts to become who we most
authentically are.
Refreshments * Fellowship * 50/50 raffle * Speakers
When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, let the hand of
Al-Anon and Alateen always be there and let it begin with me.
Al-Anon Declaration
Friday, Feb 12 at 7:30pm, St. Brigid Church
75 Post Ave, Westbury, NY
Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday
from 7:00 am—8:00 am on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 FM on Long
Island’s East End. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 pm on Sirius
Radio Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 pm on XM
Satellite, Channel 117. To listen online or receive more information www.ReligionandRock.com.
Saturday, Feb 13 at &;30 pm, St. Joseph Church
108-43 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica, NY
THEME: “An Instigator of Peace”
For information contact:
Brooklyn Vicariate for Black Catholic concerns
#(718) 774-3806 or
RVC Office of Multicultural Diversity
#(516) 678-5800 x239
Molloy College Presents
Catholics, Capitalism, and Climate
Keynote Speaker: Cardinal Peter Turkson
President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Primary Contributor to the Recent Encyclical.
On February 14, 2016
we will be blessed by
Bishop Fernand J. Cheri III, OFM
February 17, 2016 at 2 pm
Molloy College, Madison Theatre
1000 Hempstead, Rockville Centre
Moderated by
Fr. James Martin, Editor-at-large, America magazine
Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of
New Orleans, Louisiana
He is the convener of Go Down Moses
Retreats for African American Young men
and worked with KUJENGA Youth Leadership in Chicago and the St. Louis/Belleville area. He is a
revivalist and preacher whose testimony is “My grace is
enough for you, for in weakness
power reaches perfection”
Event is free, but reservations are recommended. For more
information, or to make a reservation, please contact Molloy
College’s Office of Advancement at (516) 323-4600 or
The Life Center is in DESPERATE NEED
of the following items ...
Clothes for girls and boys (sizes 0-6 and 18-24 months). BOYS
CLOTHING 0-6 months especially needed.
Receiving Blankets, Blankets, Onesies, Stretchies, Bibs
Crib Sheets, Hooded Towels, Wash Clothes, Bottles
(2 cor 12:9)
Bishop will preach at our annual
Toiletries (wipes, baby soaps, shampoos, diaper rash creams, powders, etc.)
Immaculate Conception Center
7200 Douglaston Pkwy, Douglaston, NY
4:00 pm Cultural & 4:30 pm Mass
Non Drop Side Cribs, Bassinets, Pack n Plays, Car Seats, Strollers
Thank you for any help that you can provide to help us
support these women, especially those who are in crisis.
Donations can be dropped off at Our Deer Park location:
1767 Deer Park Ave, Deer park, NY 11729. Any further
questions can be answered at (631) 243-2373.
THEME: “An Instigator of Peace”
CHOIR: Sr. Thea Bowman DRVC/Mass Choir
Community News
Bishop McDonnell HS Reunion: On Saturday, April 23, 2016, for the classes of 1941, ‘46, ‘56, ‘66, ‘71. Mass at Our Lady of Solace at
11:30am, reception at Gargiulo’s restaurant in Brooklyn, NY. Free parking in both places. Guests and other grads are welcome, $90 per
person. Contact Rita Maloney at maloney@blmhs.org or (718) 857-2700 ext 2253.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect Valentine’s Gift? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend just might be what you are looking for. The original and still the best communication weekend for married couples. The next
weekend on Long Island is scheduled for February 12-14, 2016 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, NY. Space is limited. For
more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our website at http://www.wwme.org.
St. Anthony’s Church: 110 Anchor Avenue, Oceanside, NY 11572; 516-764-0048:
“Jesus, Prophet, Poet & Mystic” on Friday, February 5th at 7:30 pm; Keynote Speaker: Sr. Vicki Toale, OP.
 Knights of Columbus Hall ~ Saturday, February 6th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm ~
“Jesus as seen through the lens of artistic expression” by Louise Cella Caruso, Lecturer and independent scholar has
developed a slide show and lecture specific to art espoused to the literature of the Bible;
“Jesus’ Teaching on Forgiveness, the Root of All Good” by Elda Luisi has been a professional actress and workshop
facilitator for over 20 years;
“Jesus as Prophet” by Kevin McCormack, Principal at Xaverian High School and an Adjunct Professor at
Molloy College;
“Jesus, in Our Contemporary World of Movies & Mystery” by Fr. Robert Lauder, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn.
A $35 donation includes breakfast, lunch and workshops. Register at the Parish Center or send check to the above address or call for more
St. Joseph Renewal Center: 1725 Brentwood Road, Bldg. #4, Brentwood, NY 11717; 631-273-1187 ext. 123.
 “Gathering of Women” ~ February 2nd from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon; offering: $15; facilitators: Tina Cafaro and Joan Vessio;
 “Living with Alzheimer’s & Dementia” ~ February 3rd from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm; free will offering; presenter: Josephine Daspro,
 “Guided Meditation for Inner Healing” ~ February 3rd from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm; offering: $15 ($25 for individual session by appointment); presenter: Irene Moore, CCH / Meditation Therapist;
 “Deepening Your Spiritual Practice Through the Use of Focusing” ~ February 3rd from 7:00 to 9:00 pm; offering $15; presenter:
Kathy Porter;
 “Ash Wednesday Day of Prayer” ~ “Walking With a Fearless Heart” ~ February 10th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm; offering $45 includes lunch; presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ;
 “Men 2 Men Gathering” ~ February 13th from 8:00 am to 9:30 am; offering $20 includes breakfast; presenters: Michael Dunne and
participants from the group;
 “11th Step Prayer Support for 12 Steppers. A Journey to Spiritual Wholeness”; February 21st from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm; free will
offering; presenters: Josephine Daspro, CSJ and Linda Oristano.
Pilgrimage to Ireland: June 21-29, 2016. Travel with St. Joseph’s College faculty members: Sister Grace Rowland, CSJ and Father
Francis Pizzarelli, SMM. For a detailed brochure call Sister Grace at (631) 654-0199 or email growland@sjcny.edu
Greece “In the Footsteps of St. Paul” Join Fr. Peter Kaczmarek on a pilgrimage to Greece. Thessaloniki, Phillippi, Kalambaka, Delphi,
Corinth, Athens, Kusadasi, Patmos, Ephesus (Mary’s House), Santorini & 3-Night cruise. May 20-30, 2016. $4,399 per person from New
York. Information nights Tuesday, Jan 26, Feb 2 & 9 at 8:00 pm in the Parish Hall at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 29 Northgate Drive,
Greenlawn, NY. For more information please visit: www.pilgrimages.com/revkaczmarek or speak with Fr. Peter at (631) 757-7435.
Girls’ Day-By-Day-Agape (DDA) Retreat: Friday, Feb 12—Monday Feb 15 (President’s Day): For and BY high School teens 15+
years old. Teen TEAM members present talks on their own lives, struggles and triumphs in Christ; Friars, adult Team and CYFM community help facilitate and support. Come to this amazing weekend of prayer, listening, sharing, growing, and feeling the love of Christ. Disconnect from stress and reconnect with what truly matters while enjoying a weekend full of laughter, prayer, music, wonderful meals, and
other awesome teens, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. $140 pp for materials, meals & lodging, Early Bird Fee $125
(must be received by Feb 3); All paperwork and non-refundable $70 deposit must be received by Registration deadline, Tuesday. Feb 9,
2016. For info and application contact CYFM or visit our website: www.cyfm.org and click on “events”. Find us on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram and Flocknote: CYFMGarrison. Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries, 781 Route 9D, PO Box 192, Garrison, NY (845) 4243609.
Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries 5th Annual College and Young Adult Retreat: Fri. Feb 5th at 7pm Through Sun Feb 7 at 3 pm.
“Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instills in us the courage to look into the future with hope.” Pope Francis. Get away
from the world of noise and distraction to the beautiful, peaceful, Hudson Valley. Explore ways of cultivation mercy amid life’s inevitable
challenges and reignite the flames of your faith in a comfortable, relaxing and supportive environment. Price $115 includes lodging, meals
& materials; send non-refundable deposit of $60 and application by Feb 2 to CYFM, PO Box 192, Garrison, NY 10524. Download application from our website: cyfm.org or call us (845) 424-3609.