June / July 2016 Bannockburn Newsletter


June / July 2016 Bannockburn Newsletter
J u n e — J u ly 2 016
Bannockburn newsletter
President’s Message (1-2)
Tree Removal Permits (1)
Building Permit Info (3)
Summer Watering Restrictions (3)
Property Tax Bill Due Dates (3)
North Avenue Construction Update (4)
Deerfield Farmers Market (4)
Bannockburn Book Club (5)
Pet Owner Responsibility (5)
Bannockburn Garden Club—Invitation
Father’s Day (6)
Community Safety Day Flyer(7)
Village Hall
at Work (8-10)
Closed on Fourth
 Deerfield Family Days (10)
of July
Slowly our Midwest weather pattern is turning from cold to warm. With
that warmth comes new flowers, re-emergence of life, the need to clean out
after the winter, and also a variety of Village of Bannockburn community
Bannockburn Beat (11)
Upcoming Meetings, Staff Anniversaries
and Village Contact Info (Back Page)
Insert—Old Fashion Picnic & Concert
in the Park Event Info
Insert– Wine and Cheese Gathering
Village Hall Closed
on 4th OF July.
In observance of the Fourth of July
Holiday, the Village Hall will be
closed on Monday, July 4, 2016.
Department is open 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. For non emergency
issues, please call 847-945-8490.
In this Newsletter you will find:
Garbage Amnesty Day is June 6th
Now is a great time to clean out your basement and garage. All of those
household items that you have been hanging on to for many years can now go
out to the curb. No paint, gasoline or solvents. No tires, dirt or large
landscape materials.
Citizen & Deer Surveys
Congratulations to the Adley family of Sterling Drive. Their survey was
randomly drawn as the winner of the set of 4 Bannockburn Cocktail Glasses.
In addition, the “One More Question” drawing of another set of 4
Bannockburn Cocktail Glasses was won by the Kim family of Telegraph Rd.
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the surveys.
If you would like to see the full results of the survey responses the Village
received this year, they can be found on the Village of Bannockburn website
summary of the results are located on the next page.
Continued on page 2
Ash Tree and/or Dead/Diseased Tree
Removal—Don’t Forget the Permit
As ALL of the Ash Trees continue to die by the hands of the
Emerald Ash Borer (see the picture to the right showing the
marks left by the insect), please remember that you still
must apply for a tree removal permit from Village
Hall to have dead or diseased trees removed from your
property. There are no fees associated with the review of
dead or diseased trees on your property and you typically
have approval to remove the trees within 5-7 business days.
Remember, tree removal companies are NOT permitted to
work on the weekends without special permission from the
Village. The permit can be found online at:
Page 2
June—July 2016
Summary of Citizen/Deer Survey Results
We received 56 responses this year (27 online & 29 paper copies).
When comparing 2015 to 2014, and looking at the “Service or
Condition”, “Public Information & Communication”, Public
Information & Communication – Police and Admin Staff”,
“Citizen’s Interaction with Village Government”, Citizen’s
Perception of Bannockburn” and the “Perception of Bannockburn
Green Retail Center”, the Village improved the satisfaction scores
on 19 of 37 of the total topics.
We also added a new category regarding the Village’s use of road
salt. The score indicated the perception regarding our use of salt
was “about right”.
The “Service or Condition”, “Public Information &
Communication”, “Public Information & Communication related
to Village Staff and Police Department Staff” all had scores of
greater than 4, which indicates satisfaction with those services.
The areas which are still below the “satisfied” range are “Interaction
with Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals” (3.94),
“Interaction with Architectural Review Commission” (3.67),
“Quality of Retail Stores” in Bannockburn Green (3.97) and
“Quality of Restaurants” in Bannockburn Green (3.44).
When comparing 2015 to 2014 in regards to the event satisfaction,
Staff would note the following percentage score differences:
Concert in the Park saw an increase of 5.74% in satisfaction;
Community Safety Day at Bannockburn Green Retail Center saw
an increase of 6.25% in satisfaction; the Bannockburn Day Festival
saw an increase of 2.49% in satisfaction; the Golf Scramble saw an
increase of 9.28% in satisfaction; and the Winter Hayride and Singa-long saw an increase of 7.58% in satisfaction.
This year the “one last question survey” was added which asked
“what specific qualities about Bannockburn attracted you to the
Village when you originally purchased your home?” The top three
qualities were “lot size”, “natural physical beauty” and an
“abundance of trees and landscaping”.
Regarding the deer survey, a majority of the respondents felt that
deer activity was the same. Additionally, the most common
choice for “number of times deer were seen on the property” was
“between 1-10” (for the entire year).
The Bannockburn Wine and Cheese Party
On Friday, June 3rd, from 5 PM—7PM Heinen’s Grocery store and the Village of Bannockburn will co-host a wine and cheese
gathering at the Village Open Space Shelter. This is a great opportunity to come out and meet your neighbors. Check out the
details on the separate flyer that is enclosed with this newsletter. Please RSVP to Joan Koriath
(Jkoriath@villageofbannockburn.org) so we can properly plan the event. Please note that this is an adult only event.
Bannockburn Community Safety Day
On Saturday, June 11th from 10 AM-2 PM the Village of Bannockburn Police Department will be hosting the annual
Community Safety Day. Community Safety Day will be held at the Bannockburn Green Retail Center and will allow
you to visit with the Village’s Police officers and Fire fighters from the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Department. There
will be Police and Fire vehicles for the kids, car seat inspections, health screening as well as live entertainment. All the
details can be found on the separate flyer that is enclosed with this newsletter.
Keep yourself informed
In addition to the newsletter, the Village’s website of www.bannockburn.org, and the Bannockburn Police
Department Facebook page, you can stay informed about village events through a group email that I maintain. You will
be blind copied to protect your email, but you can stay informed. Send me an email at frankrothing@comcast.net to be
added to or deleted from the list.
If you have any questions or comments about the Village, please contact me at frothing@villageofbannockburn.org or
my cell at 773-255-9137. Thanks for your support.
Frank “Bud” Rothing
Page 3
June—July 2016
Building or Remodeling? — You May Need a Permit
Bannockburn Residents contemplating repaving or redesigning their driveway, remodeling,
adding an addition, installing sheds, fences, putting in a patio or any other structures on their
property must come to the Village Hall to seek a permit and to follow procedures. Performing
work in your home or on your property without a permit may result in unnecessary delays and
fines. The Village has been and will continue to be diligent in enforcing
these codes. The Building Permit Applications are found online at:
Summer Watering Restrictions
Ordinance 90-9 prohibits lawn sprinkling between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
from May 15th to September 15th. Contact the Village if you have newly planted sod or landscaping that
requires water during these hours.
Please check the website in the event of extended high temperatures without precipitation
for further information about necessary restrictions.
Everyone should have received their 2015 Property Tax bills in the mail by now and it is important to note that the
first installment of the property tax bill is due soon. The installment due dates for your tax bill are as follows:
June 2nd - 1st Installment due
September 2nd - 2nd Installment due
Please note that the Lake County Treasures Office also has your property tax bill information available on their
website. Go to www.lakecountyil.gov/508/Current-Payment-Status and enter your property PIN or address, it
will pull up your recent tax bill (as well as your historical tax bills).
There are a variety of payment options available to you, all of which can be found on the Lake County Treasurer’s
website at www.lakecountyil.gov/528/Payment-Options
Page 4
June—July 2016
North Avenue Construction Project Update
As illustrated on the Village website and presented at Open Houses in the fall of 2015, the North Avenue
Improvement Construction project between the Village of Deerfield and the Village of Bannockburn will be starting in
the coming months. This project will completely reconstruct North Avenue (which is in Deerfield and Bannockburn),
replace a 10-inch water main, install new curb and gutter, as well as install an enclosed storm sewer system within the
road right-of-way. There will be temporary road closures to through traffic, however, North Avenue will remain
open to local traffic.
According to the Village Engineer, work is anticipated to start on about July 11, 2016 with the completion of the
project occurring at the end of November 2016.
For additional information about this road project, please visit the Village’s website: www.bannockburn.org/latestnews/2015construction-north-avenue-project/
Deerfield Farmers Market
Join Us Every Saturday Morning
June 18 - October 15, 2016
Metra Commuter Lot at Deerfield Rd. and
Robert York Ave.
Saturdays ~ 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Savor the flavor of the season with fresh produce!
We will be there rain or shine, we hope you will be too!
You will be able to purchase:
Seasonal vegetables and fruit locally grown by farmers in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin
Organic and naturally grown vegetables and flowers
Dazzling fresh-cut flowers, potted flowering plants, annuals and perennials
Freshly baked breads, muffins and cookies
Hand-crafted Wisconsin cheese, tasty maple syrup and honey, and other specialty products
Bake sales and other fundraisers by local community organizations
And much, much more!
Savor the Flavor of the Seasons' Bounty at the Deerfield Farmers Market, this year celebrating our 22nd
season! Each week find fresh-from-the-farm products grown by Midwest farmers and produced by local businesses.
Look for the bright orange carrot. Deerfield's very own place to be every Saturday morning!
Website where you can find additional information and vendor information:
Or utilize the contacts at the following email address: farmersmarket@deerfield.il.us
Page 5
June—July 2016
Bannockburn Book Club
The Bannockburn Book Club is a literary and social gathering which meets each
month in the homes of members. It is open to all residents; there are no fees and no
commitments. Please join us for an evening of lively discussion with friends and
Here is the schedule for the next several months. Mark your calendars and
plan to attend.
On June 21st, we will discuss “Ordinary Grace” by William Kent Krueger at
the home of Anne Laures at 7:30pm. RSVP to Anne via email at
On July 19th, the book is yet to be determined, but we will
meet at the home of Libby Ansani at 7:30pm. RSVP to
Libby via email at libbyansani@yahoo.com.
Pet Owner Responsibility
Failure to clean up after your dog is deemed a public nuisance by the Village
(Ordinance 2004-5) and is subject to a $75 fine per offense. Please be a thoughtful
dog owner and clean up after your pet. Thank you!
Additionally, all dog owners who have not registered their dogs older than four
months are in violation of Ordinance 2004-5 and are subject to the penalties and
enforcement regulations. Please return the completed application. Applications are available
online at: www.bannockburn.org/residents/animals or at the Village Hall. Having your pet
registered also helps us locate animals that may get out of their fences
because the Village knows exactly what type of dog you have.
June—July 2016
Page 6
This is NOT Your Grandma’s Garden Club!
Yes, we like flowers, but we mostly like each other.
This world is connected by technology, but when was the last time you talked to your neighbor in
the yard?
That’s what Grandma got right…friendships formed over the fence & out on the patio.
One of the draws of our Village is the privacy, but it’s also fun to make that good old neighborly
Get to know this eclectic group…all ages represented…so many life experiences. We generally meet
once a month for 2 hours to enjoy programs & topics and activities of interest…good food &
chatter…it’s easy, casual & brings that sense of neighborhood back to ground us. Come discover a
new friend in the neighborhood!
If you would like to be added to our email roster for updates and announcements, please contact
Joanne Burgess via email at Ibjomomma1735@gmail.com
Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day is June 19, 2016.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers of
June—July 2016
Page 7
Page 8
June—July 2016
The following list reflects a summary of activities for the Village of Bannockburn’s
various Commissions and the Board of Trustees. Please feel free to contact the
Village if you have any questions or would like any clarifications. Full agendas and meeting minutes are available
at www.bannockburn.org and all meetings are open to the public.
The Architectural Review Commission (ARC) considered the following at the April 19th and May 17th
Installation of an Outdoor Kitchen at 30 Aberdeen Court in the Tarns of the Moor Subdivision, Submitted by Jason Toon. —
A Proposed Grocery Store Development and Associated Improvements (such as: Exterior Elevations, Exterior Lighting,
Signage, Fencing, Parking and Landscaping) on the Property Located Generally at the Northeast Corner of Waukegan Road and
Half Day Road, Commonly Known as 23443 North Illinois Route 43, Submitted by Continental Beeson Corner LLC,
Continental 165 Fund LLC and Chicago Title Land Trust Company Trust No. 126587. — Approved; and
Approval of the Removal and Replacement of Exterior Lighting and Related Improvements on the Property commonly known
as the Bannockburn School located at 2165 Telegraph Road, Bannockburn, Submitted by the Bannockburn School. — Approved.
The Tree Commission had no meetings in April or May.
The Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals (PCZBA) considered the following at the April 4th
(Special) and May 2nd Meetings (April 11th Meeting was cancelled):
Continued Public Hearing for the Consideration of Proposed Zoning Code Text Amendments to Create a New R-1 Specialty
Retail Zoning District for the Village of Bannockburn, Submitted by Village of Bannockburn, Continental Beeson Corner LLC,
Continental 165 Fund LLC and Chicago Title Land Trust Company Trust No. 126587. — Recommended Approval;
Continued Public Hearing for the Consideration of Proposed Zoning Map Amendments, Zoning Code Text Amendments,
Special Use Permits, Variations, and/or other Zoning Relief Necessary in Connection with a Proposed Grocery Store
Development and Associated Improvements on the Property Located Generally at the Northeast Corner of Waukegan Road
and Half Day Road, Commonly Known as 23443 North Illinois Route 43, Submitted by Continental Beeson Corner LLC,
Continental 165 Fund LLC and Chicago Title Land Trust Company Trust No. 126587. —Recommended Approval; and
Public Hearing for the Consideration of Proposed Zoning Code Text Amendments, Special Use Permits, Amendments to
Existing Special Use Permits, Variations, and any other Zoning Relief Necessary in Connection with the Proposed Installation
and Maintenance of Exterior Lighting and Related Improvements on the Property commonly known as the Bannockburn School
located at 2165 Telegraph Road, Bannockburn, Submitted by the Bannockburn School. —Recommended Approval.
The Board of Trustees approved the following at their March 14th, April 11th and April 25th Meetings:
Ordinance 2016-04, an Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the Bannockburn Zoning Code Regarding the Creation of a
New R-1 Specialty Retail District;
Ordinance 2016-05, an Ordinance approving a Zoning Map Amendment and Granting a Special Use Permit for a Grocery
Supermarket and Related Ancillary Uses (23443 North Illinois Route 43);
Ordinance 2016-06, an Ordinance authorizing the Sale of Certain Surplus Personal Property Owned by the Village of
Bannockburn (Reservoir Generator and Computer);
Continued on Next Page —>
June—July 2016
Page 9
Resolution 2016-R-08, a Resolution authorizing a Proposal from Tallgrass Restoration, LLC to Conduct Maintenance and Repair Projects
in the Village’s Natural Areas and Facilities for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 in an Amount Not to Exceed $18,000.00 (Village of Bannockburn’s
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 319 Grant Projects - Waukegan Road to Middle Fork of the North Branch Project and the
Lakeside Drive Restoration Project);
Resolution 2016-R-09, a Resolution authorizing an Agreement between Vito Di Pinto Landscaping and the Village of Bannockburn for
Landscape Maintenance Services at Various Locations throughout the Village of Bannockburn During Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
2016 in an Amount not to Exceed $50,000.00;
Resolution 2016-R-10, a Resolution authorizing an Agreement between Guy Scopelliti Landscape Inc. and the Village Of Bannockburn for
Landscape Maintenance Services in Spring, Summer and Fall 2016 in an Amount not to Exceed $65,000.00;
Resolution 2016-R-11, a Resolution authorizing a Contract between the Village of Bannockburn and Bannockburn Public Works, Inc. for
Public Works Maintenance and Repair Projects in the Village’s Public Areas and Facilities;
Resolution 2016-R-12, a Resolution authorizing a proposal from Swanson Water Treatment, Inc. to Provide Water Operator Services;
Resolution 2016-R-13, a Resolution amending the Village’s Insurance Coverage to Provide Additional Protection Pursuant to the
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act;
Resolution 2016-R-14, a Resolution authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Powerlink Electric, Inc. for the Purchase and
Installation of a Cummins Onan 230 KW Diesel Generator for the Village’s Water Reservoir in an amount not to exceed $90,000.00;
Resolution 2016-R-15, a Resolution approving the 2016 Bannockburn Green Retail Center Seasonal Plan for Outdoor Seating and Table
Arrangements and Outdoor Uses;
Resolution 2016-R-16, a Resolution approving a Funding Request of $3,500 for the DBR Chamber of Commerce;
Resolution 2016-R-17, a Resolution approving a Performance Agreement between the Village of Bannockburn and Bobby Rex Group for
the Village’s Concert in the Park Event to be held on July 17, 2016 in the amount of $700.00;
Resolution 2016-R-18, a Resolution approving a Contract, as amended, for Musical Services between the Village of Bannockburn and Pete
Zaepfel for the Village’s Bannockburn Day Event to be held on September 11, 2016 in the amount of $200.00;
Resolution 2016-R-19, a Resolution approving the Village of Bannockburn, Illinois Reallocating 2016 Volume Cap to the Village of Buffalo
Grove, Illinois (Village of Bannockburn’s Private Activity Bond Volume Cap Allocation of $157,500.00 to be Pooled into the Lake County
Private Activity Bond Clearinghouse);
Resolution 2016-R-20, a Resolution approving an Agreement between Wunderlich-Malec and the Village of Bannockburn for SCADA
Modifications to the West water Reservoir and Sanitary Pump Stations in the amount not to exceed $14,500.00;
Resolution 2016-R-21, a Resolution Amending Annexation Agreement dated October 10, 2014 by the Village of Bannockburn and the
Owners of Certain Parcels to be Annexed by the Village of Bannockburn (Northeast Corner of Rts. 22 and 43);
Resolution 2016-R-22, a Resolution approving an Amendment to a Boundary Agreement with the City of Lake Forest;
Resolution 2016-R-23, a Resolution approving a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement with the City of Lake Forest;
Resolution 2016-R-24, a Resolution Expressing Appreciation to Susan Knaack for Her Many Years of Service;
Resolution 2016-R-25, a Resolution Expressing Appreciation to Will Montgomery for His Many Years of Service;
Resolution 2016-R-26, a Resolution approving a Proposal from 102.3XLC to Provide Promotional Services for the Village of
Bannockburn’s Community Safety Day on June 11, 2016 in the amount of $500.00;
Resolution 2016-R-27, a Resolution approving a Proposal from FUNTIMES / Don Wilson (DJ) to Provide Music for the Village of
Bannockburn’s Community Safety Day on June 11, 2016 in the amount of $200.00;
Resolution 2016-R-28, a Resolution approving a Final Loan Closing Amendment, Amending the Previously Approved Loan Agreement
between the Village of Bannockburn and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Loan Agreement #L174693, to Confirm the Final
Amount of the Loan at $1,023,232.32;
Resolution 2016-R-29, Resolution approving a Final Loan Closing Amendment, Amending the Previously Approved Loan Agreement
between the Village of Bannockburn and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Loan Agreement #L173279, to Confirm the Final
Amount of the Loan at $75,419.00;
Resolution 2016-R-30, a Resolution approving a Final Loan Closing Amendment, Amending the Previously Approved Loan Agreement
between the Village of Bannockburn and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Loan Agreement #L173208, to Confirm the Final
Amount of the Loan at $948,621.00;
Resolution 2016-R-31 a Resolution approving a Repealed and Replaced Employment Agreement for the Position of Assistant to Village
Resolution 2016-R-32, a Resolution approving a Repealed and Replaced Employment Agreement for the Position of Police Chief;
Resolution 2016-R-33, a Resolution approving a Repealed and Replaced Employment Agreement for the Position of Finance
Director/Assistant Manager;
Continued on Next Page —>
Page 10
June—July 2016
July 3rd & July 4th, 2016
Friday July 3rd—Brickyards Park
Saturday July 4th—Jewett Park
Event Times: Noon—Dusk
Event Times: 7:30AM—5:00PM
Events include: live entertainment, silent auction,
children's entertainment, as well as much more.
Events include: pancake breakfast, arts and crafts sales, 10k
race/5k walk, children’s parade, dog show, rides and
concessions, flower show, entertainment, spectacular parade.
Fireworks will start at Dusk
For more information, visit: www.deerfield.il.us/familydays
For information about the family days parade, contact Family
Days Parade Organizer Judy Geuder at
Spectacular Parade will start at noon
Please note that the route for this year's Family Days Parade has been changed
due to the Deerfield Road Reconstruction Project. The parade will start at
Deerfield High School, go south on Waukegan Road, west onto Hazel, and
then end at Park Avenue. Click here for a map.
GOVERNMENT AT WORK, Continued [from page 9]
Resolution 2016-R-34, a Resolution approving a Repealed and Replaced Employment Agreement for the Position of Village Manager;
Approved the Request by the Bannockburn School Parent Organization for Use of the Village’s Shelter and Open Space and a Waiver of
Rental Fees for a Bannockburn School Picnic on June 2, 2016;
Approved a Request by the Bannockburn School Parent Organization for the following: (i) Use of the Village’s Shelter and Open Space, (ii)
Play Music at the Village’s Open Space, and (iii) a Waiver of Applicable Fees for an Ice Cream Social on August 23, 2016;
Approved a Donation of $1,500 to the Deerfield Family Days to Sponsor the Shannon Rovers at the July 4, 2016 Parade;
Approved a Waiver of Competitive Bids for Landscape Maintenance Services at Various Locations throughout the Village of Bannockburn
During Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter 2016;
Approved a Waiver of Competitive Bids for Landscape Maintenance Services in Spring, Summer and Fall 2016;
Approved a Waiver of Competitive Bids for Public Works Maintenance and Repair Projects in the Village’s Public Areas and Facilities;
Approved the Updated Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. Fees (Engineering Consulting Services);
Approved the Continuance of a Public Hearing on a Proposed Amendment to an Annexation Agreement dated October 10, 2014 by the
Village of Bannockburn and the Owners of Certain Parcels to be Annexed by the Village of Bannockburn (Northeast Corner of Rts. 22 and
43) to April 11, 2016;
Approved a Deferral of Plan Submittals under the Tree Regulations (3 Broadleys Court);
Approved a Proclamation Recognizing Arbor Day in the Village of Bannockburn (April 29, 2016);
Approved a Fair Housing Proclamation by the Village President;
Approved the appointment of John Ryan to a Village Commission and the Swearing in of John Ryan to the Village of Bannockburn’s Plan
Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals (PCZBA);
Approved the appointment of Glenn Morris to a Village Commission and the Swearing in of Glenn Morris to the Village of Bannockburn’s
Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals (PCZBA);
Approved the Fiscal Year End Bill Submit List;
Approved the reimbursement of tuition for one college class to Officer Bob Ogden; and
Approved the Budget and Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 as revised.
Page 11
June—July 2016
Start SEEING Motorcycles
Motorcycle Safety Tips
Be Visible: Wear high-visibility clothing to make yourself
obvious. Also flash your brake light two or three times
before slowing down or stopping.
Intersections: Intersections are a common crash site for
motorcycles. Make sure to remain free from other car’s
blind spots by assuming you are invisible and that other
cars have not seen you.
Passing: Drivers must remember to give a motorcyclist
adequate space when passing. Stay in the designated
lanes and do not change lanes quickly.
Following Distance: All motorists should allow a
minimum 2 second “space cushion” when following
another vehicle. In poor weather conditions, allow a
four or five-second following distance.
Source: The Illinois
Department of Transportation
Severe Weather Preparedness
Severe weather could happen at any time, and each year people suffer or are seriously injured by severe weather
despite advance warning. Take action by preparing yourself and loved ones for emergencies:
Know your risk. Understand the types of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work. During
active weather, stay alert of the forecast by checking radio, TV, or weather.gov.
Take action. Develop an emergency plan based on your local weather patters and practice how and where to
take shelter before a severe weather event. Post the plan in your home where everyone can see it.
Be a Force of Nature. Once you have taken action, tell your friends, family, school staff and co-workers about
how they can prepare, and share the resources you have discovered through social media.
Source: National Weather Service
Scott’s Law—MOVE OVER!
Scott’s Law was passed in 2002 in honor of Scott Gillen of the Chicago Fire Department, who was
struck and killed by a drunk driver while assisting at a crash on a busy Chicago expressway.
Scott’s Law states: “When approaching a stationary emergency vehicle using visual signals, yield,
change to a lane away from the emergency vehicle, and proceed with caution. If a lane change is
not possible, reduce speed and proceed with caution”.
Source: The Illinois Secretary of State
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Permit No. 165
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S t a f f
A n n i v e r s a r y
The Village of Bannockburn’s Board of Trustees
would like to acknowledge upcoming
anniversaries from the Bannockburn Police
Department and Village Hall.
Officer Bob Ogden will celebrate his 6th year with the Village of
Bannockburn on July 19th, 2016.
His service and dedication to the Village of Bannockburn is
greatly appreciated. Thank you!
U p c o m i n g
V i l l a g e M e e t i n g s
All Residents, and other interested persons, are encouraged to
attend the various public meetings held throughout the year.
The Members of the Board and the various Commissions were
elected or appointed to represent all Residents and want to
know your thoughts on issues. All meetings, unless otherwise
noted, are held in the Village Hall (2275 Telegraph Road) at
7:00 P.M. Please feel free to log onto the Village’s Website at
www.bannockburn.org, call 847-945-6080, or stop by the
Village Hall for the latest information, confirm the following
scheduled meetings, or to discuss upcoming issues.
Board of Trustees Meetings
June 13, 2016
July 11, 2016
August 8, 2016
June 27, 2016
July 25, 2016 (Cancelled)
August 22, 2016 (Cancelled)
West Deerfield Township
Residents of West Deerfield Township are invited to attend and
provide their input at the West Deerfield Township Board of
Trustees meetings [www.westdeerfieldtownship.org/].
June 21, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
July 19, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
August 16, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Village Staff Contact Information:
Village Hall Telephone: 847-945-6080
Police Non-Emergency: 847-945-8490
Website: www.bannockburn.org
Police: www.facebook.com/BannockburnPolice
Village Manager—Maria Lasday
Architectural Review Commission Meetings
June 21, 2016
July 19, 2016
August 16, 2016
Finance Director—Linda McCulloch
Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings
June 6, 2016
July 11, 2016 (6:00 p.m.)
August 16, 2016
Assistant to Village Manager—Ryan Mentkowski
(Board of Trustee continued above…)
Police Chief —Ronald Price
Administrative Assistant—Joan Koriath
Date: Sunday July 17th, 2016 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: The Village’s Open Space and Shelter
Gather your friends and family – young and old.
Bring your blanket, chairs, pack your food and cooler.
The Bobby Rex Group will entertain you with great
music from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and more!
The Village will provide the perfect weather, sponsor the
band, mow the grass and will include the local picnic ants.
You’re invited
to a Wine and Cheese
Gathering to meet your
Bannockburn friends &
5 pm to 7 pm
Friday, June 3, 5 pm to 7 pm
Village Open Space Shelter (south of Village Hall
– 2275 Telegraph Road)
Village of Bannockburn & Heinen’s Grocery Store
EMAIL (please include number of total guests):
--OR-PHONE: Call Joan Koriath or Ryan Mentkowski
at Village Hall 847.945.6080 by May 27th.