- Bannockburn Community Website


- Bannockburn Community Website
Bannockburn News
Issue 10: April 2006
Silence . . .
Local Character 2 1959 Retiral 3 Community News 4 Police News 5 Business Guide 6 Since Last Issue 6 Cadets Return 7 Prize Competition what’s wrong in the village and
8 Aside from this nothing. So to what should be done or spend
For Bannockburn News to
stay a success we need
your comments and contributions. Let us know what
you think. Giving us your
comments couldn’t be easier. You can:
Phone Derek Robertson on
01786 489 301 or Joe
Smith on 07802 186 608
By letter to The Editor,
Bannockburn News
c/o 52 Myreton Drive,
Bannockburn, FK7 8PX.
Email us at:
The deadline for contributions for the next issue is:
Friday 19 May 2006
We don’t get
and feel
Not quite
what we
ast time we focused
on the vandalism
and related issues in
in our village and we
asked you to get in touch.
Joe and I, as Editors of Bannockburn News, received
one response. That’s right
just one. Bannockburn Primary School used our last
issue to promote discussion among the children
(see page 7).
Soapbox Pro-active
Get some proportion
Of course it’s not all doom and
that same hour in the company of gloom. Bannockburn News
like-minded people doing stuff to readers will know about the
try and improve the village? (see great works that go on in the
panel above.)
village. We have toddler
groups, football teams for young
Is it too easy to complain? people, rugby, Taekwon-do,
The “Silent Majority” give It is always easy to complain; to
cadets, etc. And those are just
discuss and review what is going a few of the things we have feapermission?
on and to speak with people who tured in Bannockburn News.
Have we communicated by
will listen about what needs to be There are people doing lots of
our non-communication?
Have we given permission for done. Complaining without taking productive things and doing
them well.
what’s happening now to con- responsibility is easy and it can
be good because it makes us feel
What’s Next?
good. It’s a comfortable place to
Are we a community? be. As the Americans say “there I believe it was Mark Twain who
said: “If we always do what
Are our references to being a are plenty of Monday morning
we’ve always done, we will alcommunity now unrealistic?
ways get what we’ve always
Are we deluding ourselves,
Are we subcontracting?
clinging to rose-coloured
When the calls are: “The Police
memories of the “good old
So let’s resolve to make use of
should be doing this”, “The govdays” when we were “happy
our energies and talents to get
ernment should be doing that”,
but poor”? Is the reality that
active and be full members of
“The council should be doing the our community.
we are edging ever closer
next thing”, are we subtowards the anonymity of a
There are plenty of options for
faceless commuter town, with contracting the perhaps now elu- you. Join a group, start a group
people staying here because sive “community” to paid employ- become part of something.
it’s handy for the bigger cities. ees?
Community Council, The ComOf course, we need these valumunity Trust, toddlers, fishing,
Did we ask the wrong
able services but have we got
football, dancing, whatever. Dequestion?
used to avoiding our own respon- cide how much time you are
Perhaps the question in the
sibilities as members of the com- prepared to serve and make it
headline last time of “What’s
munity by placing too much of the happen.
to be done” found everyone
responsibility on to them? Does
out. If we had asked “What’s the term member of the commu- Use your current talents or chalgoing wrong” we may have
nity imply being active: involved? lenge yourself to learn new
ones. It’s up to you.
struggled under the weight of Could it be better if we worked
your letters and emails.
Final thought
closely and constructively with
Because we asked about
health, policing, youth support,
Our young people will be off the
what to do, we maybe reand all the other services operat- streets and doing more convealed a Bannockburn weak- ing in Bannockburn.
structive things in the Communess. Ask yourself this ques- If we don’t we could be in a self
nity Centre and elsewhere as
tion. Would I rather spend an fulfilling situation (see panel on
soon as more village adults volhour in the company of likeunteer.
the left).
minded people discussing
follow up on the lack of response, I have set out some
challenging questions for ourselves to provoke reflection,
discussion and most importantly action.
Page 2
Bannockburn News
Agnes Bayne
Agnes is originally from
Bo’ness and moved to Bannockburn when she married Bill
Bayne. She first met Bill, when
she was 15, at the old bridge in
Stirling - it was love at first
sight. The happy couple stayed
in various locations in Bannockburn moving from Park Crescent to Quakerfield via Station
Road and Randolph Crescent
with their family of Nina, Grace,
Christine, William and the
“bairn” Bruce.
Drawing was always a favourite
hobby of Agnes. Her natural
talent was uncovered 30-years
ago when she went to a night
school class for oil painting at
Bannockburn High. She has
since produced over 100 paintings ranging from landscapes
to portraits. Indeed she once
had some of her paintings
shown at an exhibition in
Grangemouth Town Hall.
his month’s local
character is octogenarian Agnes Bayne.
Unbeknown to a lot
of people, Agnes has a surprising hidden talent. She is
an accomplished artist and
her paintings are seen the
world over in the homes of
friends and families.
An estimated five million people lose money to low-cost
mass-marketed scams in the
UK every year, at a cost of up
to £1 billion per year to the
victims. Lottery scams capitalise on the need for money,
clairvoyant scams exploit people’s fears, and others such
as miracle health or beauty
cures prey on anxieties about
health or personal appearance.
An online quiz produced by
the Office of Fair Trading
highlights the approaches and
techniques used by different
scams, and provides tips on
how to avoid falling victim to
the scammers. You can get
the quiz by visiting either
business/tradingstandards/tsscams.htm or the OFT site at
Once someone has sent off
money or personal information
showing that they are susceptible to a particular type of
scam, they will usually be
placed on a ‘sucker list’ by the
scammers, and targeted repeatedly.
Brian Wilson
Trading Standards, Stirling
01786 443322
Not content with bringing up a
family, and painting, Agnes was
also a dab hand at making
wedding cakes. Many a young
bride and groom has cut into
one of her tiered masterpieces.
Agnes lost her husband Bill
many years ago and has since
moved into Greenacre Court.
She has been ill recently but is
now getting back to her old self.
As well as having 5 children
Agnes has 8 grandchildren and
3 great grandsons.
For years, Agnes was known as
a regular walker with her old
dog, Blue. Everyone knew her
and the dog. Let’s hope that we
see her out and about again
Here’s to a real local character.
Bannockburn Abroad
hen on holiday visiting family in
Melbourne, Australia recently, we
just had to visit the town of Bannockburn.
It’s just outside (30 miles) Geelong.
As our children Eilidh and Robbie both go to
Bannockburn Primary School, they were very
interested in seeing what the BPS of Australia
had to offer.
The playground had a huge (covered for the
sun) play area, basketball court and swing
park within its grounds. The kids said they
wouldn't swap their school for the Australian
The Shire Hall has photos and other memorabilia from "our" town - mainly taken there by
my husband's late mother - Helen Young
(nee McGilchrist). She took photos, etc there
on her many visits to her son Alister. He has
been down under for over 30 years.
Perhaps one of the most telling things that struck us
about the Bannockburn at the other side of the world
aside from the great facilities was the strong community spirit.
Bannockburn’s Retiring Employee
Crossing Patroller Christine Paterson is hanging
up her lollipop at St.
Mary’s Primary School in
Bannockburn. The popular lollipop lady is retiring
after 12 years service.
Christine joined the team in
August 1994 for what was to
be a 2-year contract but
ended up staying for 12
Christine has found her job
rewarding and she has very
fond memories of the past
12 years. She will miss the
many changing faces she
has watched grow up over
these years.
Christine, from New Park
Road in Bannockburn,
started her working life in
1960 as a telephone phone
operator with British Telecom
in Stirling’s Cameronian
Street where she enjoyed 33
years of service with the
Christine has 3 grand children and 2 great grand children and is looking forward to
spending even more time
with them and taking lots of
holidays in her caravan.
Bannockburn News
Page 3
The Lochgelly Tawse
o you know what a
Lochgelly tawse is?
If you are a certain
age and were at the
opposite end from the
teacher you certainly will.
still made to the highest standards, proudly embossed in the
middle with the above names. A
punch-hole adorned the
teacher’s end so they could
hang it up. Also at that end was
Teacher used it to inflict corpo- embossed the weight of the belt,
“lightweight”, “medium weight”,
ral punishment. Popular with
“heavy weight” or “extra heavy
teachers from around 1880, it
lasted just over 100 years until weight”. All these belts split into
the authorities prohibited its use a two or three pronged tail. In
general, it was twenty odd
in public schools. It was first
made by R. Philp & Son. Mak- inches long and 3/16” to 3/8”
thick. (0.5 a metre and 4.5mm to
ers Lochgelly, then by G.W.
Dick & Son. LTD. Makers Loch- 9mm in new money).
gelly, G.W.Dick. Saddler Loch- In the early days, with large
class sizes, the teacher had little
gelly followed and then finally
John.J. Dick. Maker. Lochgelly. time to listen, far less underMaster saddlers with a ten-year stand pupils’ actions. The
apprenticeship behind them ran teacher used their tawse to punish perceived bad behaviour and
all of these businesses. The
for not understanding the lesschool belt was a sideline but
son! How numbing pain to the
palm of your hands was meant
to increase your learning ability I
will never know.
order “Swap hands” was sometimes given and the other palm
caught the blow. Unsurprisingly
the maker, weight, number of
prongs and workmanship went
totally un-noticed by the pupil.
Not withdrawing the hands and
trying not to cry were uppermost
in the mind, although tears were
One-day in the early sixties,
boys from the old Victorian primary school in Bannockburn
decided to take the teacher’s
belt and hide it. Their simple
logic being, if the belt was hidden they could not be punished.
By the time I became a primary Not so! The boys were caught
school pupil you were punished and their actions seen as gross
for misbehaviour only. The belt- misconduct. They were sent to
ing was conducted in a military the heedie (headmaster) for
fashion with the unfortunate
punishment. A woman teacher
pupil being marched out in front belting you was one thing but six
of the class so everyone could
from a strapping male headmaswitness the punishment. The
ter was quite a different matter,
boy (usually) held out one hand, not easily forgotten.
palm up supported by the other
If you were one of the boys inhand. The teacher held the
“belt” behind their shoulder and volved in this incident or rememswung it down so the tails struck ber it, contact the editors, you
may be able to enhance this
the palm. If more than one “of
the belt” was to be inflicted the
Junior Secondary Retirals 1959
argaret sent this
snap of Miss Kit
Reid and Miss Jean
Kerr’s retrial from Bannockburn Secondary
Its taken at the Allan
Water Hotel in June
1959. Margaret is in the
top left of the back row
next to the Allan Church
Minister of the time, Rev
Stewart Pyper.
No prizes on offer but
who can let us know the
other folks in this picture—maybe you are
there, your mum, gran,
auntie or uncle.
Let us know.
Glasgow Road
01786 811666
Steak and Grill
April 8th
Kirk James
April 15
Trina Reid
April 22
April 29
Linda Daniels
Watch out for our
May events
June 2nd to
Tremendous special offers
and events to celebrate10years at the King Robert
with “The Andersons”
Look out for News Adverts and
leaflets for more details
Party Night Brochures and
events now available for November and December
Excellent prices
Contact us for details
Tremendous value for
Page 4
Bannockburn News
15th April
6th May
4 for 1
13th May
Lewis J Jackson
20th May
Chris Small
27 May
Male Order
3 June
17th June
Young Drifters
24th June
Elvis over Midnight
Daphne is here to provide advice on a range of subjects.
Main Street,
Beatles Tribute
Dear Daphne . . .
Why not combine a
Cabaret with a famous McQ’s Meal?
Set menus
available for larger
Groups from £8
(2 course)
suming you don’t have to pay
and that the holiday will be in
some hot tropical destination . .
. If they’re planning a fortnight
in a caravan in Saltcoats I’d tell
One of my teenage
mates has asked me to them to stick it!
something to be recommended.
go on summer holiday with her. I
You need to be strong and stay
like her, and she’s a mate, but I
off the ciggies, but also try
don’t really fancy a fortnight with
I have stopped
some exercise or eating more
her and especially her family.
smoking for some
healthily. To be blunt, the one
How can I keep everyone
weeks now. While it’s giving
thing to put off the opposite sex
me a growing sense of achieve- more than smelly fag breath is
ment it’s also giving me a grow- a jelly belly, so you need to
ing waist. I’m piling on the
show some willpower!
It’s understandable to pounds and am thinking about
be a bit apprehensive going back on the weed. Help
Are you thick-skinned
about going away from home
enough to seek Daphne’s
with relative strangers, but the
benefits probably outweigh the
negatives. Travel is an educaWell I’m no Doctor,
If so contact us.
tion in itself so live a little and
but I’m fairly sure the
agree to go! Of course, I’m as“Smoke yourself thin diet” isn’t
Radio Music Store plans exhibition
to celebrate 75th birthday
adio Music Store is issuing
an appeal to anybody who
may have old pictures of Bannockburn town centre to help
them with an in-store exhibition.
Bannockburn this year and I
thought it would be fun to expand the display to feature the
many businesses that have
traded alongside us over the
Boss Bill Kane says “We’ve had
a computer screen saver running
in store which shows the only two
historical pictures of the shop we
have; the first is of my father
Frank in our original store way
back in the early 1930s, the second shows the shop we moved
out of to our current location back
in 1978.
Bill continued, “If anyone has
pictures that show any of the
public buildings or businesses
in Bannockburn from years
gone by, we’d love to see
them. If you bring them into the
store, we’ll take a copy so that
you don’t have to leave the
original. We’ll display as many
of the pictures as we can on
our in-store televisions as well
as on a large plasma screen in
Radio Music Store celebrates 75
years of electrical retailing in
FUN Quiz Night
1st Friday of every
9.30pm in lounge
Call for details
the window”.
“Everybody who supplies pictures for the exhibition will be
entered into a draw to win a
digital camera, to help ensure
that there will be plenty of pictures to help us celebrate our
centenary in 2031!”
Bill added “electrical retailing
has changed significantly since
my father’s day, but it’s his
ethos of simple, sensible service that’s kept us trading for
seventy five years and will do
for years to come”.
The exhibition will be held later
in the year.
Meetings last Wednesday of each month
7pm Community Centre
Ladywell Park Phase
Three Begins
April will bring more than
“showers” to the Ladywell
Park this year. After a long
time in the planning, consultations and fundraising, the
third phase of the regeneration starts on 10 April
(weather permitting!!) and be
completed on 26th May.
Over 2 years’ of hard work and
numerous funding applications
has reached fruition and we are
excited that this stage is now
The environment has played a
key role in all decisions as we
wanted to keep the park’s natural beauty.
Our park has always played a
main role in happy summers for
our people and we will look forward to all age groups enjoying
a “blazing” summer in our new
Phase Four Planning
We would like to hear from you
“Dog Walkers” next. Our canine friends deserve their own
part in the park and we would
like suggestions and ideas.
You can email us on bannockburn.ct@btconnect.com.
In the meantime please get in
touch if you want to help with
our Trust activities.
Bannockburn News
Page 5
Our Community Police Officer
KEVIN CHASE TEL 01786 812222
It’s now my first anniversary
as your Community Police
officer. In this issue, I want to
update you on the recent increased policing at the weekends and let you know about
some parking issues in the
Forthcoming Events
Some Future Highlights
Something for every one
I trust that you would have seen
or heard about the extra officers
within Bannockburn especially
on Friday and Saturday evenings. There has been around
100hours of resources dedicated to walking around Bannockburn streets. Our officers
wear the high visibility yellow
jackets and I know that these
officers have appreciated the
favourable comments from you.
Friday 21 April, 7.30pm
Rod Argent and Colin Blunstone.
Saturday 22 April, 7.30pm
Elvis Collection (Incl 10-piece
Monday 24 April, 7.30pm
Moscow Ballet La Classique
presents Moscow by Night
In particular, we have dealt with
reported incidents of anti-social
behaviour in the Stein Square
and Newmarket Garage areas.
Several acts of vandalism have
been reported to me such as
smashed windows at the Garage and at addresses in Wallace Street.
Tuesday 25 April
Elkie Brooks Live
Thursday 11 May, 7.30pm
Neil Wilson Guitarist
Friday 19 May, 8.00pm
If any members of the .
The Magical Dance of Ireland.
Saturday 20 May
Stirling Provincial MOD.
Scribblers Time
Sunday 21 May
Clive Baldwin’s Jolson Show
Scribblers Stroll
stops where necessary. Entertainment will also be provided at
start & finish so why not make it
a day out whether as an individual, group or family
This year’s Scribblers
stroll takes place on
Stirling on Sunday 30th
April between the StirSponsorship forms available
ling Rugby club and
Mc Q’s (Tartan Arms), from website
www.scribblerspicnic.com or by
telephoning Maureen on 01786No entry fee and no
minimum amount of sponsorship, just as much as
you can raise for our
charities Strathcarron Hospice,
CHAS, Marie Curie
Cancer Care, Macmillan Cancer Relief &
Maggies Centres.
Stroll starts 1pm
(booking in from
12.30). Walkers can
at their own pace
make their way along
the route using the
refreshment & toilet
Scribblers Picnic
Thursday 25 May, 8.00pm
George Hamilton IV
Stirling County Rugby
Grounds at Bridgehaugh, Stirling is the place to be on Sunday 18th June for the annual
Scribbler’s Picnic.
Sunday 28 May
Strathcarron Hospice 25th
Anniversary Celebration
Music, food & drink from 12
noon until late plus entertainment & charity stalls suitable
for all the family, and all profits
donated to 5 cancer charities.
Stallholders application forms
available now for community
groups & charities.
Stallholders’ application forms
available now to download on
website for community groups
& charities to raise
funds for themselves.
More information on
helping at our events,
entertainment etc. is
available on the website (see below)
Thursday 1 June, 7.30pm
Heaven Under 18s
Stirling’s premier under 18’s
(Also Thursday 29 June)
Saturday 3 June, 2.00pm
Greyfriars Bobby.
Kenspeckle Puppets
Sunday 4 June, 7.30pm
Presented by Alzheimers
Scotland, Stirling and Clackmannan.
Thursday 8 June
The Blues Band (Paul Jones, etc)
01786 473544
Page 6
Bannockburn News
Since Our Last Issue
Quite a number of follow ups asking people at the moment for
on last time to let you know their suggestions about the development of a new path netabout.
work . They will provide walkPhoto
ing, riding and cycling opportuniFirstly, the photo of Muiraleties in and around the Carron
house soup kitchen of 1926.
Valley. The path plans will also
We were reminded to put the
faces to the names so we have give people of all ages and abilities the chance to feel safer and
obliged here. As usual let us
know if you can complete the
missing name.
Dear Daphne
Someone was driven to send
a note chastising Daphne for
some of her advice. As the
person didn’t give their name
we cannot show it (see our
editorial statement on page 8)
but Daphne does take your
feedback on board. By the
way, remember it’s a joke column.
Carron Valley Paths
The Countryside Service are
A meeting happened in the Carronbridge Hotel in late March
and if you want your say contact
Richard Barron at Stirling Council 0845 277 7000.
Bannockburn’s Brilliant
Has this feature run out of
steam after 10 issues? Let us
know about your suggestions for
next time or give us another
area to focus on. For example if
not employee how about volunteer.
Back Row (from left) David Forsyth, Alex McGhee, Will Cochrane, Jimmy Palmer & Jimmy Forsyth
Middle ??, Jenny Irvine, Jean Forsyth, Janet Forsyth, Aggie Forsyth & Mrs.Neill
Front Row Mrs.Kerr, Lizzie Cochrane, Mary Palmer, Mag
McGhee, Lizzie Somerville and Isa Forsyth. (Young girl standing in
front holding the bellows is Peggy Kerr.)
Do the Business — Keep it Local
Heather’s Hair & Beauty
Warm and friendly service from our staff
Remember we do acrylic nails, waxings, etc.
Use our “Pick up and
Drop off service” for
the elderly and infirm
Concessionary prices for the 65s and over
Morrison Drive, Bannockburn Tel: 815 820
Main Street, Cowie Tel: 811 996
* For ALL your Plumbing & Heating
* Servicing & Installations.
TEL: 01786 812454
FAX: 01786 813576
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Let us design, supply and fit your bathroom
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From start to finish . . .
. . . simple to stunning . . . we do the lot.
Insurance work welcome
For a Free Estimate Call:
Tel: 01786 480 415 Mob: 07967 743 023
Baxter’s Florists
Flowers for all occasions
Fresh and Silk Flowers
Main Street
01786 811404
Same day delivery
Telephone orders welcome
All major credit cards accepted
Linda Field’s . . .OBK
Organised Bookkeeping
Sage software
Payroll services
+ No job to small.
“You know it adds up.”
01786 812 660 ª07960 061 735
Asphalt Specialists
01786 461025
Jo & Co
Manageress/Hairdresser: Vicki
Hairdresser: Nicola (ex- Hair Options)
Our Opening Offers:
£2.50 off Cut “n” Blow-dry
£5.00 off Perm/Colour
Call us on: 01786 816057
Speciality Butchers And
Weekly Wine and
Cheese Special
Farm assured beef and lamb from our
own Craigend farm
McNaughtons Est. 1919
Traynors Newsagents
& Gift Shop
19 Quakerfield
01786 812370
Bannockburn News
Page 7
Cadets Return P6 Pupils Respond
ongratulations to the Teachers and Pupils of Bannockburn
Primary who provided the only response to our call in the
last issue. The pupils read the articles and sent us some
of their responses.
P6 in BPS totally agree there is
too much vandalism in the community. We think there is no
point in vandalism.
P6 have come up with a few
ideas to help
BANNOCKBURN detachment of the Cadets have returned to the village. Their
temporary home is Bannockburn High
Open to boys and girls between 12 (and at high
school) – 18 ½ years old.
Organize a party every week in
the Albert Hall and if teenagers
have been good they get to go
and if they were bad they stay at
More CCTV should be installed
Your report on vandalism
(Issue 9 of Bannockburn
News) greatly interested P6
in Bannockburn Primary
school. We think you are
perfectly right to find vandalism horrible and are willing
to share some of our ideas.
All of us feel disappointed so
here are some ideas which
may help.
Build a Graffiti wall for spray
artists to work on: might reduce
spray painting on walls etc
The council should:
We hope you find our ideas interesting.
Build a centre for teenagers
to hang about in
Joel P6
Install a purpose built wall
for people to spray paint on
More CCTV should get fitted
in areas currently targeted
by vandals
More Community Wardens
A comment from Kelly:
P6 totally agree that vandalism
has to stop.
We don’t like what vandalism is
doing to our community.
We all hope these ideas
help to stop the vandalism
currently found in our community.
P6, Lewis
Sooner or later people won’t want
to come to Bannockburn and people won’t want to live here either.
01786 813476
07885 544187
One Stop, Hassle Free ! That’s the Kilgannon Guarantee
Page 8
Bannockburn News
Prize Competition
What’s On
Congratulations to M Jenkins whose entry, Cllr Brisley picked from all
the correct entries to our February edition’s quiz. RMS have sponsored
this competition so this fab Digital (DAB) Radio, worth £70, can be yours. I
(Ed) created the quiz with the nicknames of famous singers. The answers
cover a range of styles and eras so you may need to talk with one another. Entry
To enter send your completed answers by 24 May
2006 to The Editor, (address on page 1). We will draw
the winner from all the correct entries at a Community Address:
Trust meeting.
Good luck.
Go and see and hear RMS’ range of DAB radio, from £50.00
The Man in Black (6,4)
The Chairman of the Board (5,7)
The Boss (5,11)
Thin White Duke (5,5)
The Godfather of Soul (5,5)
The Queen of Soul (6,8)
The Velvet Fog (3,5)
Little Stevie (6,6)
Peter Pan of Pop (5,7)
The Voice (3,5)
The Big O (3,7)
The First Lady of Country Music (5,7)
The Little Sparrow (5,4)
The Singing Barber (5,4)
The Old Groaner (4,6)
The Prophet of Love (5,5)
The Prince of Wails (6,3)
The Sheffield Soul Shouter (3,6)
The Silver Fox (7,4)
Slowhand (4,7)
Little PUMAS and kids beginners:
Monday and Thursday
Monday and Thursday
Carpet Bowls
Community Centre
Every Wednesday 2-4pm £1
inc drink
Every Thursday 8-10pm £1.50
inc drink
Family Fitness
Community Centre
Every Tuesday
6-6.45pm £2 adult £1 child
second child free
Every Thursday
6.30-7.15pm £2 adult £1 child
second child free
Youth Church
Allan Church
Every Wednesday
6.30 – 8 pm
(Ages 5 upwards)
Everyone welcome
Boys’ Brigade
Allan Church
Anchor Boys (P2 & P3)
6.30 - 7.30pm
Junior Section (P4-P6)
7.30 - 9.00pm
Company Section
P7 upwards 7—9.30pm
Fridays Guide Hut
4.30 pm
Last Time’s Solution
1. Find Forrester
2. Entrapment
3. The Rock
4. Rising Sun
5. Highlander
6. The Presidio
7. The Untouchables
8. The Avengers
9. Sword of the Valiant
10. The Russia House
11. The Hunt For Red October
12.Time Bandits
13. Meteor
15. A Good Man in Africa
16. Dragon Heart
17. First Knight
18. The Name of the Rose
19. Just Cause
20. Never Say Never Again
Ruby Quirky at the Primary
Bannockburn Primary celebrate
their Ruby Anniversary this
year. The school is looking for
quirky stories, photographs,
articles, etc so that they can put
together a presentation of the
school’s last forty years.
Bannockburn Miners’ Welfare
We ask for all readers to have a
rummage and rake out some contributions to help them out. Also
everyone look out for details of the
celebration concert at the end of
May, when the presentation will be
Friendship Guild
Ladywell Church
Guild every second Monday
New members always welcome
Allan Guild
Allan Church
Every second Monday
Everyone welcome
Editorial Policy Statement
Bannockburn News is a free community newspaper, produced by volunteers for the people of Bannockburn. The views in it do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Editorial Group. The Editorial Group reserve the right to edit, shorten or not publish any article or letter. We will attribute contributions
to the author and any vested interest will be declared where applicable. The newspaper is funded by our Community Council, Community Trust with
the assistance of local businesses.