- Bannockburn Community Website


- Bannockburn Community Website
Bannockburn News
Issue 6: August 2005
Local Character 2 £25,000 Grant 3 Community News 4 Police News 5 Business Guide 6 1950 Gala 6 Youth Club 7 Prize Competition 8 YOUR COMMENTS
For Bannockburn News to
stay a success we need
your comments and contributions. Let us know what
you think. Giving us your
comments couldn’t be easier. You can:
Phone Derek Robertson on
01786 489 301 or Joe
Smith on 07802 186 608
By letter to The Editor,
Bannockburn News
c/o 52 Myreton Drive,
Bannockburn, FK7 8PX.
Email us at:
The deadline for contributions for the next issue is:
Friday 9 September 2005
Who is the Boss?
sn’t it funny how you
can live in a place for
ages - your whole life
even, and still be
learning about it and its
people. That’s what happened when Isabell
MacDiarmid called me
to chat about Boss
Gardener. He’s an
award winner. There is
a life-size statue to him.
He is a Bannockburn
laddie - real name John
laughed and told him to stick to
his gardens. But John cited his
father’s frequently reiterated admonition: "Me boy, if ye have
nothing to do, go plant a tree and
it’ll grow while ye sleep.”
Applying the sea bent grass in
the shifting sands, as he had
done successfully in the Firth of
Forth back in Scotland, he was
convinced he could create his
vision in the hundred thousand
acre area.
Needless to say John did it.
A further insight into the man
comes from his refusal to
have Keep off the Grass or
No Trespass signs. John’s
view was that the gardens
were for people to sleep in,
play in and enjoy.
Beyond being a local
hero John is a super
example of a goal setter,
an achiever, tenacious,
hard work and single
And in another insight, as the
city fathers added statues to
the park John (who hated
them and called them
“Stookies”) planted trees
around them.
John was born in 1846
hereabouts. After following his dad as a Dairyman along the Bannock
he got a job as gardener
at Bannockburn House.
By his twentieth birthday
he was studying horticulture at Edinburgh’s Royal
Botanical Gardens. By 1870
he had emigrated to California.
And his redwood ambition . .
.he planted his first at age 80.
By the time he died at 97,
and working almost until his
final day, the redwood grove
was thirty feet high.
With his goal of planting a million
trees (firs, pines, redwoods, eucalyptus), for fifteen years he
In America’s west coast he
planted and planted. And as they
discovered the Sequoia Semgrew, so San Francisco grew,
prervirens—the “evergreen”
from a village to a city.
redwoods— the oldest living
Then John had his idea for rethings on earth.
claiming the extensive Golden
McLaren looked at them and
Gate area sand dunes and creatsaid, "I, too, would like to
ing a park. Again people mocked
grow redwoods." Men who
him and newspapers said it was
knew the young Scotsman
Honoured with the title of
Boss Gardener, this Bannockburn achiever planted 2
million trees in his lifetime.
Two questions spring to mind.
Are there any relatives of John
McLaren still living in the Bannockburn area? If so please get
in touch.
Secondly anyone wanting to
know more of John McLaren’s
story please get in touch as this
is just a small insight to the man.
A Bannockburn Plant
Having always been interested in gardens, I remember
as a three year old, asking
my grannie to tell me about a
special plant she was growing in her East Murrayfield
garden. Here is the story.
My grandpa built a new house
for all his family in 1901 and
grannie was soon creating a
garden there. She had been
born and brought up in a
thatched cottage in Firs Entry
(the back entrance to the now
demolished Hillpark House).
Great grannie, her mother,
gave her a piece of a plant
which she called FUNKIA to
add to her collection. In 1931
my mother was given part of
the plant for her new garden.
As years went by, I
realised that this
plant was part of the
now fashionable
HOSTA family. In 1954 when I
married, yes you’ve guessed, I
too planted a piece in my garden.
now back in Bannockburn. And my
daughter also has
enjoyed growing her
hosta which is enjoyed by her
family - still in Bannockburn.
I reckon grannie’s tough old plant
must be al least a hundred and
fifty years old. Six generations at
Since then it has graced gardens in our various homes. It’s least.
Page 2
Bannockburn News
Rev. Patrick Burke M.Th., STL., Ph.D
ocal parish priest,
Patrick Burke will be
leaving Bannockburn
in September after
being appointed to the Catholic Church's most senior doctrinal body in Rome. There
he will work in the department which was until recently
run by Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. At 40 years old, he
will be the highest placed and
youngest Scottish RC Church
member in the Vatican.
Fr. Burke has been a popular
figure in the village for many
years and has forged close
links with various groups and
community projects. His tireless work for the youth of the
community will be sorely
missed by all in Bannockburn
and Cowie.
“Reinterpreting Rahner.”
Fr. Burke studied Theology
and Philosophy at St Andrews
before going on to the Scots
College in Rome to study for
the Priesthood. He completed
degrees in Philosophy and
Theology at the Gregorian
University in Rome and was
ordained in 1991.
Fr. Patrick is also Chaplain to St
Modan's High School in Stirling.
After a period as a curate in
West Lothian, he returned to
Rome to do a doctorate in
Theology. During this second
period in Rome, he lived at the
Teutonic College in the Vatican.
It was there that he met Cardinal Ratzinger who came regularly to the College and who
shared an interest in the theology of Karl Rahner on which Fr.
Fr. Burke was born in Zimbabwe,
moved to Scotland in 1982. He
speaks German and Italian. As
well as being Parish Priest in
Bannockburn and Cowie he is
also editor of Faith magazine.
He will leave the parish at the
beginning of September and take
up his new position on 12 September 2005.
Burke was doing his doctorate. Fr. Burke completed his
doctorate in 1997 and his
thesis was subsequently published by Fordham University
Press in 2001 under the title
Bannockburn Abroad
enny (previously of
Rosecot, Whins of Milton) who now lives in Australia, sent us a leaflet entitled
“Bannockburn Sluicings”. It
relates to an area in the
Otago Goldfields Park in the
south island of New Zealand.
The last major mining was in
the 1930s when gold was 6d
an once. At the time mining
was used as a top up to unemployment benefit of just
about 16 shillings a week.
Fr. Pat is quoted as saying “My
sadness at leaving my parishioners in Bannockburn and Cowie,
is tempered by excitement at the
prospect of the new challenges
which lie ahead”. Congratulations
and ciao to Fr. Pat, definitely a
hard act to follow.
Malcolm & Marie
Would like to thank Family
and friends for the generosity and kindness extended to
us both on the occasion of
our wedding.
Special thanks to:
Today you can visit BannockAlison McAlpine, Registrar
burn Sluicings’ and take the
Trudy Todd, Flowers
One and a half cups of oatmeal It was in May 1861 that Gabrial 2½ hour trail. This self-guided
Cakes by Louise
Read announced his gold dis- walk will allow you to view the Willie Muirhead, Photographer
in a pan
Cowie Miners Welfare
Add three cups of water or milk covery in Otago. Within a year, terraces, huts and many phoprospectors had flocked to the tographic plaques that illusAnd
Bring to the boil and simmer for
trate the mining operation.
area and one gully that was
Alex Graham & Family
six minutes stirring occasionally
explored was the Bannock(Caterers)
So, if any readers visit of have
using a spurtle
Add salt or sugar to taste
For making the day so
Between the 1860 and 1930s
Bannockburn gold and quartz
Also, what other Bannockmining had its ups and downs. burn’s abroad have you vis45g of oatmeal to 310g of milk
A donation to
It cost 6d a day in 1887 to de- ited. Send us your photos as
or water
Hospice has been
made in lieu of thank you cards
tailings into the sludge channel.
Microwave the oats uncovered
on high (650 watts) for 4 minutes
Stand for 2 minutes
This month’s employee of the where Ian has been as the area
Add salt or sugar to taste
month award goes to a well
is spotless. Ian started work on
Bannockburn’s Brilliant Employee
If you can
on these
recipes let
us know
kent face in the village, our
local and loyal “highway technician” Ian Todd. Ian has
been cleaning the streets of
Bannockburn for nearly 27
years and as well as a dedicated employee of Stirling
Council he is also a font of
knowledge of all matters local.
4th December 1978 and remembers the weather as being the
worst he has ever encountered
but he kept at the job and is
now as synonymous with Bannockburn as Robert the Bruce.
Well done Ian and keep up the
good work BUT everyone could
make Ian’s job easier by using
Ian was nominated by Eileen
the bins provided. Don’t drop
Dudgeon of Quakerfield and
litter, bin it. Help Ian keep the
Eileen said you can always tell streets clean and tidy.
Bannockburn News
Page 3
“Eat it up—It’ll stick tae yer ribs!”
ow many of us have
heard that saying in the
past. A mother or granny
trying to convince a bairn of
the nutritious value of porridge set before them as
breakfast or maybe dinner
usually said it.
place of a miller by the name of
Alexander Calder. Mr Calder, a
native of Chapel of Garioch,
Aberdeenshire, served his apprenticeship at Mill of Wartle,
Rayne. After some time as a
journeyman he came to Milton
Mills. Most of the time he was
a sub-tenant of the farmer Mr
The mother or granny was
right. Over one hundred years Muirhead who in turn leased
ago it was recognised that of all the mill from Sauchie estate.
the cereals, oats were the rich- The power for the mill came
from a clean renewable energy
est in nutrition and only maize
source, nowadays the Holy
had a higher fat content.
Grail of governments everyNowadays it is a favourite of
celebrity chefs and the rich and where. A dam was built at
Chartershall and water was
famous who consider it to be
sent by means of a lade to
the super health food that it
drive the mills then it was reprobably is.
turned to the Bannock to be
As well as porridge, oatmeal is used further downstream. Meal
used to make oatcakes, brose, milling was only part of the
work. The mill had a threshing
gruel, sowans, bladich and
machine, a pot barley mill, a
budrum. If you know what the
bruising machine and a breaklast five are and the difference
ing machine which could prebetween them you certainly
know your oats. Around 1900, pare oats, barley, Indian corn
and beans for animal feeding
18,000 acres were under oats
in Stirlingshire, each acre produced about 38 bushels weighing around 40 pounds each. I
make that to be an awful lot of
Milton Mill was once the work-
the miller then dried by means
of a kiln. Anthracite from Millhall was burned under metal
plates and the oats turned three
times to dry them to the heart.
The oats were cooled before
going through riddles to the
shilling mill where the husk was
removed by the shilling stones.
Next came the scree to remove
the dust and then the fanners to
separate husk from the oat,
which is now termed a groat. A
repeat of this operation may
have been necessary to improve quality. The groats were
then passed through a fine
sieve, and any foreigners such
as barley, beans or wheat
which may have got into the
system were removed and the
groats were finally ready to be
ground. The grist (size) is set
and the groats went through the
meal stones and a final sieve to
be packed and delivered to the
dealer for sale. These oats
were popular in the Stirling area
and beyond.
about by the attention and care
given by Mr Calder in the production of this important foodstuff. The oats were chosen by
See the two recipes on page 2.
e recently received
great news about fulfilling our local Community
Plan to develop Ladywell
Park. Here is what Fresh
Futures for Scotland said
about the award in the national press.
“A plan to build a community
park in Bannockburn is today a
step closer following a funding
award of £25,000. The award
has been made to Bannockburn Community Trust through
the Fresh Futures Transforming Your Space grant scheme
which supports projects which
improve local quality of life in
Scottish communities.
The award to Bannockburn
Community Trust is among the
final awards to be made
through the Transforming Your
Space scheme, which has
allocated a total of £4.5 million
to over 100 projects since
Glasgow Road
01786 811666
Special Events
Saturday 27 August
Mr.Joe Bangles
Saturday 10 September
Jo Cassidy
Entertainment most Saturdays
Sunday Carvery
Superb fresh food served
from 12.30-6pm
New Bar Menu
New modern bar menu now
available including a light
“PARRITCH, SCOTIA’S HALEbite section served from
The oatmeal produced at Milton
SOME FARE!” Was the headMills was some of the best in
ing for an early form of advertis- 12noon-8.30pm last orders
Scotland; this was brought
ing for Alexander Calder’s oat-
Our Community Trust Secures £25 000
King Robert Hotel
2003. The Transforming your
Space programme helped people in some of Scotland's most
disadvantaged communities
improve their local environments by making them safer,
healthier, greener, cleaner,
better designed, more welcoming and accessible to all. The
Fresh Futures programme is
jointly administered by Scottish
Natural Heritage and Forward
Scotland. It uses lottery funding to support projects that will
improve local quality of life in
Scottish communities.
Bannockburn Community Trust
have been helping young people design and fund-raise for
the new area within the Ladywell Park. The Transforming
Your Space Grants Panel liked
the design of the seating and
social spaces for all ages, the
use of native plants, and the
safe but challenging teenage
area, that includes a shelter,
that young people will help to
build. Paths will be made from
recycled materials, and the
shelter has been designed in a
traditional style that will incorporate elements of local history
through engravings. The project’s decks and seating will be
made from reclaimed wood
and stone.”
We are delighted to have received this funding and are
grateful for the support Forward Scotland has given us.
We now have raised approaching £90,000 so we can begin
putting the plans for the park
into action.
If you haven’t seen them already, please check out the
plans on the Community Noticeboard outside the library.
Or come along to a Community
Trust meeting - See page 4
New A la carte menu soon
to be introduced.
New Head Chef
Welcome Gerry Trial our
new executive Head Chef
who has worked in France
for many years.
Christmas Party Nights
Please ask about our Party
Nights throughout December The Xmas and New
Year Menus are available at
the King Robert
Wedding Venue
We offer fantastic rates for
weekday and Sunday weddings. Please call in for a
complimentary drink and a
“show round.”
Excellent prices
Tremendous value for
Page 4
Main Street,
20th August
Flying Emperors
Friday 26th August
27 August
Men in Black
3rd September
Totally Tropical
10th September
Absolute 80s Show
17th September
Bannockburn News
Dear Daphne . . .
Daphne is here to provide advice on a range of subjects.
that’s when you tell your parents and blame your big sis.
Surely even a slim chance of a
My parents are due to go on drunken fumble is better than
holiday soon leaving me (16) and having a clean house.
my 17 year-old sister at home.
My problem is that she has alI am a 28 year old male
ready organised a huge party in and most of my friends have
the house. I just know there will now started to settle down with
be trouble. It’s already getting
girlfriends or wives. My social
out of hand with people coming
circle is not what it once was. I
from all over. Should I tell my
have however started hanging
parents and have my sister go raj out with a new guy in the village
at me or do I go along with her
who everyone likes and is outgoing and friendly. He has
plans and hope for the best?
asked me to go on a camping
holiday with him but to be truthWait a minute! Stop the
ful I’m not too sure about his
Bus! Your “Dilemma” is you
intentions. He always chats to
don’t know whether to have a
party with a house full on single the girls but I’ve never seen him
17 year-old girls, or clipe to your on a date with one. Please
help. I don’t want to end up in
parents, fall out with your sister
an embarrassing situation on
and just say in??? That’s no
dilemma as far as I can see!
My advice would be to have the
party, and if it gets out of hand,
I think you need to be
asking yourself why, if women
won’t touch you with a barge
pole, do you think a man would
find you anymore appealing?
As your friend seems to be able
to get on with the ladies, maybe
you should be asking him for
tips! As for the camping holiday, there’s no reason why you
can’t go with your friend. But if
he tries to get a bit fruity with
you, just let him know you are
flattered but have no interest in
any backdoor shenanigans!
Are you desperately seeking
Daphne’s advice.
If so contact us.
Discretion assured.
(The legend returns)
24th September
1st October
Sue Roberts
8th October
Colin Barbour’s Madhouse
Why not combine
a Cabaret
With a famous
McQ’s Meal.
Set menus
available for larger
Groups from £8
illpark residents will
shortly be receiving a
leaflet about their new Community Centre.
Secondly people will be encouraged to give their views and
thoughts about the plan and
what they would like to see takThe leaflet will cover three main ing place in the centre.
And thirdly the leaflet will invite
areas. Firstly it will give inforpeople to give comment on anymation about the new centre's
development and include plans thing else that they would like
the HELPP group to look at or
of its layout.
There will also be a HELPP
meeting on 10 August in the
Miners’ Welfare at 7.30pm.
Topics for discussion will include an item from the Clarke
Street residents.
For further details please call
Carol McDonald on 01786
489785 or Wilma Comrie on
Meetings last Wednesday of each month
7pm Community Centre
e held our AGM on
Wednesday 27 July and
were disappointed in the turnout of one member.
Members (all 51 of you) will
shortly receive your AGM pack
including our Annual Report and
Financial Statement.
Undaunted, we reviewed our
progress over the year and began to look forward to the rest
of this year and beyond.
I would ask everyone in Bannockburn to consider this question, “Why is it we can fill a hall
with local people to complain
about an issue yet we can hold
a meeting of people wanting to
contribute to their community in
a phone box?”
As you can imagine with three
active volunteers there are limits to what we can do to deliver
the Bannockburn Local Community Plan. Our successes
range from the Family Fitness
classes, to helping the Community Centre bowling group
through to major projects like
our role with the Ladywell Park
working group.
Answers on a postcard please.
The serious point we want help
with, is how can we get more
people involved, as members
and volunteers.
Volunteering to help the Trust
does not require specialist
knowledge. Does not require a
lot of your time. Does not require your money. Is not painful.
It does offer you a learning
opportunity. It does offer the
satisfaction of achieving things
to help the village. It does help
you meet people. It does help
you to do something about a
subject that interests you such
as heritage or healthcare.
Let’s not sub-contract the development of a village of 7500
people to three volunteers.
Bannockburn News
Page 5
Our Community Police Officer
KEVIN CHASE TEL 01786 812222
s I am typing this I am
currently helping Susan
Smith for the forthcoming
Summer Activity Week. This
year is my first at the event
and I am looking forward
greatly to meeting the kids
who will be entertained by
Stirling Albion as well as
As it is the summer and people
are leaving for holidays I feel
that it is prudent to mention
home security. Although
housebreaking remains relatively low within Bannockburn
there are still avenues for occupiers to consider for securing their homes from possible
intrusion. An obvious example
of this is please do not leave
small items such as keys, mobile phones and wallets/purses
in open, view especially when
you are not at home. Consider
leaving them in a drawer. If
you do go away, cancel the
regular deliveries that you receive, like milk and papers.
Also get friends and
neighbours to remove your
Friday 19 August, 7.30pm
mail from inside your home.
Most housebreakings that occur are opportunist and the
offenders will see what is available before breaking into the
Improve outside lighting and fit
a PIR sensor light at the rear
or the side of the house. Consider fitting window locks, especially on the ground floor.
Also consider extra security
such as spy holes and door
chains when within your home.
Purchase dummy alarm boxes,
if you do not have an alarm, to
place at the front and rear of
the house. Finally, when leaving home, secure the main
access doors with the mortice
This added form of security not
only makes the door far more
secure, it also makes it harder
for a criminal to enter the property.
Camerata Scotland
Camerata Scotland, the preprofessional chamber orchestra of
The National Youth Orchestras of
Scotland, performs a wide range of
masterpieces, conducted by William
Conway and joined by violin soloist
Kai Gleussten.
Tickets: £8/£4 concessions,
Children/Students £2
Friday 26 August, 7.30pm
the policing of G8 and the disorder that occurred during the
early hours of the 7th of July.
The officers that were involved
within Bannockburn were dealing with a violent and dangerous situation, which is startling
considering the minimal
amount of damage suffered by
the community.
Have a wonderful Summer.
If you have any information in
relation to drugs activities can
you please contact myself or
I would also at this time like to
thank the members of the com- alternatively you can contact
munity who have come forward Crimestoppers anonymously
on 0800 555 111.
to pass their appreciation for
Community Council—Updates
A new home at Forthbank for St
Modans High School moved a
step closer following a series of
decisions by Councillors at the
end of July.
The Planning Panel also met
to consider the application for
the new school, sports pitches
and car parking and permission was granted subject to
The Economy Committee heard approval by Scottish Ministers.
An application to develop 92
the educational case before
approving the recommendation houses on the present St Modans site was also granted
to relocate St Modans High
planning permission, again
School to a new site at
Forthbank, Stirling. The recom- subject to approval by Scottish
mendation was made following Ministers.
a period of consultation with the This move finally puts to rest
pupils, parents and teachers of the proposal to locate the new
St Modans and associated pri- school adjacent to the existing
mary schools, the Roman
Bannockburn High which
Catholic Church, the local com- caused so much local opposimunity as well as local MP’s,
tion earlier in the year. It was
MSP’s and elected members.
agreed overwhelmingly that St
During the consultation period a Modans needed to be replaced
public meeting was held where but the manner in which the
Gateway consortium and Stiroverwhelming support for the
relocation was given. Concerns ling Council tried to railroad the
people of Bannockburn was
raised surrounding safety, acnot acceptable but they never
cess and transport were addressed and resolved with par- anticipated the united front of
all parties in objection. Power
ents and other interested parto the People.
Albert Halls
Forthcoming Events
Acari - Stage Hypnotist
A lively, comedy-laced, fun-filled
hypnosis stage show. Acari dazzles
his audiences with wit, charm, charismatic personality and creativity.
A show featuring full audience participation. Adults Only!
Tickets £10/£8 Concession
Saturday 27 August, 7.30pm
Starring Gary Ryan
Gary and his band recreate all the
hits from the two Live albums in a
concert crammed full of popular
Diamond songs including I Am … I
Said, Hello Again, Sweet Caroline On,
Love on the Rocks and many more.
Tickets £12.50; Concessions
£10.50; Children £8.50
Friday 2 September, 8.00pm
Patsy Cline
For more than a decade “Ireland’s
International Lady of Song” Sandy
Kelly has thrilled audiences with her
Help your local community by
crystal clear” interpretation of some
getting involved with the commu- of the greatest songs ever recorded.
nity council, either become a
Timeless hits like “ Sweet Dreams”, I
Fall To Pieces”, “ Crazy” .Sandy is
member, attend a meeting or
joined by some of Irelands finest
have your say on the website.
Tell us what you think (good and musicians and singers.
Support Needed
bad) and we can pass your con- Tickets: £12.50/£11 concession
cerns onto the appropriate coun- Thursday 8 September, 7.30pm
cillor. If you don't do anything the
Lonnie “D” – The Musical
problem will not go away. Remember ask not what Bannock- Sunday 18 September,7.30pm
burn can do for you but what can Julie Felix
you do for Bannockburn.
The community council meeting
on the first Thursday of every
month at 7.30pm in the community centre. The Chair person is
Kirk McInnes assisted by vice
chair, Ian Dawson, secretary
Lorna Parmley, treasurer Linda
Masterson, minute secretary
Elaine Speed and other committee volunteers. Each meeting is
also attended by a representative
from the local Police and our 2
elected councillors - pop along or
leave a message on the website,
your voice is important.
The Rainbow Tour (Adult)
Tuesday 20 September, 8.00pm
Midge Ure
Friday 23 September, 7.30pm
Wild Wrestling Promotions
Friday 30 September, 7.30pm
At The Hop
October Events . . .
Circus Hilarious
Bev Bevan’s The Move 40th
Anniversary Tour
01786 473544
Page 6
Bannockburn News
Bannockburn Gala 1950
Thanks to Alistair, of St
Annes Crescent for
sending in the programme for the Children
Gala day held on 24th
June 1950
Donald Neill the Herald. The day started
at 1.30pm at Bannockburn Public
School then the procession proceeded to
Ladywell park where
The programme itself
the coronation cerecost 6d and is full of
mony took place. It
memorable advertisements featuring the local was Nurse Waugh
business’s of time includ- who crowned the
Queen. At 3pm Mr D.
ing, Gray the Bakers,
Graham officially
D. Stewart, joiners &
opened the Gala and
funeral directors,
sports day.
Mrs J Neilson, high class When asked of the
confections & fishing
weather that day,
Alistair commented
Muirhead’s. fishmonger, that it was always
sunny for the Gala….
butcher and spirit merSounds like all our
childhoods when we
W McRorie the baker of
can never remember
the rain.
Gala Queen for the day
Happy days indeed.
was Joyce Wilson with
Do the Business — Keep it Local
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Baxter’s Florists
Flowers for all occasions
Fresh and Silk Flowers
Main Street
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Same day delivery
Telephone orders welcome
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Bannockburn News
Page 7
BaNnOcKbUrN Youth Club
annockburn Youth
Club has been enjoying its second summer
The Programme has run
from Monday 4th July
through to Friday 5th Aug.
We have been meeting on
Monday and Wednesday
evenings in Bannockburn
Community Centre.
Drumming. Some of us
have also created a model
of Bannockburn as young
people would like to see it.
Watch this space for more
details of this.
The Youth Club will take a
break for a couple of weeks
after the summer programme but Young People
will continue to be busy by
taking part in the Ladywell
Park Improvement Plan
The summer programme
finished up with a trip for
Youth Club members and
staff to M&Ds Theme Park
in Strathclyde Park.
During the summer programme we have been doing things such as DJ skills,
Wire Sculpture, Big Paint
Pens, Streetdance and
Please look out for details
of the Youth Club starting
after the summer holidays.
You will find details in the
Stirling Observer, Stirling
Council’s Website and on
the Community notice
We are keen to attract new
members aged 12-19. New
1st Year pupils are particularly welcome! Entry is 50p
per week. All entrance
money goes towards new
equipment and activities.
Come along and see what’s
For more information on
Bannockburn Youth Club
and how you can get involved please contact me.
01786 813476
07885 544187
One Stop, Hassle Free ! That’s the Kilgannon Guarantee
Page 8
Bannockburn News
Prize Competition
What’s On
Sponsored by:
Scottish Harness Racing Club
Every Thursday
Harness Racing at Corbiewood
First Race 7.30pm
Congratulations to J McLaughlan, Peterswell Brae who was picked
from all the correct entries to our June edition’s quiz. This issue’s BanAddress:
nockburn puzzler concerns Famous Scots - Past and Present. Mrs M
Robertson, Bannockburn created it and it is open to everyone who lives and
works in Bannockburn.
To enter for the £20 prize, send your completed answers by 9 Sept 2005 to
The Editor, (address on page 1). We will draw the winner from all the correct entries at a Community Trust meeting. Good luck.
Bannockburn Miners’ Welfare
Monday 6.00pm-7.00pm for
Juniors (4-12 year olds)
Monday 7.00pm-8.00pm for
Thursday 5.30pm-6.30pm for
Thursday 6.30pm-7.30pm for
The fighting fitness class is on
a Monday night between
Scottish Church Reformer
First Chairman of the Labour Party
He discovered penicillin
An 18th century explorer of West Africa
Writer of, “The Admirable Crichton”
Every Wednesday 2-4pm £1
inc drink
A king - “The Scottish play”.
10,000 metres winner at 1990 Commonwealth Games
Every Thursday 8-10pm £1.50
inc drink
An electrical unit named after him
Family Fitness
Once an Edinburgh milkman
Every Tuesday
Entertainer who wrote “Roamin in the Gloamin”
Community Centre
Lead singer of Wet, Wet, Wet.
6-6.45pm £2 adult £1 child
second child free
Canal and bridge builder
Inventor of Logarithms
Scottish novelist who loved the Borders
Aberdonian footballer known as “The King”
Founder of the Boys’ Brigade
A regal lady born in Glamis Castle
Famous for “parliamo Glasgow”
A highland hero buried in a grave at Balquidder
Renowned Glasgow born Architect
Carpet Bowls
Community Centre
Family Fitness
Every Thursday
Community Centre
6.30-7.15pm £2 adult £1 child
second child free
Youth Church
(Ages 5 upwards)
Allan Church
Every Wednesday
6.30 – 8 pm
Everyone welcome
Last Time’s Solution
1. Long Line
2. Greenyards
3. Fairgreen Place
4. Traynors
5. Turnberry
6. Ashwood
7. Borestone
8. Coal Wynd
9. Bogend Road
10. Manse Place
11. Old Town Brae
12. Bent Heads
13. Quarryknowe
14. Carseview
15. Rowallan Drive
16. Charters Hall
17. William Wilson
18. Ochilmount
19. Regent
20. Thunder Bridge
Bannockburn Amateur FC (16s)
Bannockburn Amateurs, famous for its hugely successful
adult football team are proud to
announce the start of its first
additional side.
local youngsters are eagerly
looking forward to their first season in Bannockburn’s famous
maroon and blue.
Pre-season training has gone
Playing in Stirling’s SFA Devel- well and with our generous
sponsors, a hard working comopment League, the team of
mittee and the vast experience
of everyone at the club, things
are off to a super start.
Home games will be on Saturdays in Ladywell Park at 10am.
Look out for notices of our
games in local shops.
Guide Hut
4.30 pm
We want to fill this space
with What’s on. Let us know
about your event or regular
activity and we will add it to
the next issue.
Editorial Policy Statement
Bannockburn News is a free community newspaper, produced by volunteers for the people of Bannockburn. The views in it do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Editorial Group. The Editorial Group reserve the right to edit, shorten or not publish any article or letter. We will attribute contributions
to the author and any vested interest will be declared where applicable. The newspaper is funded by our Community Council, Community Trust with
the assistance of local businesses, and our funding partners Stirling Council.