Fall 2016 credit and noncredit course offerings. Register early to prevent your preferred course from filling or cancelling due to insufficient enrollment. Information: 410-777-2981. EDUCATION NEW STUDENTS The following credit classes count toward degree, certificate and letter of recognition programs; many credits will transfer to four-year colleges and universities. If you are a new student seeking a degree or certificate, you may apply online or send your application by mail or by fax. Once you have been assessed for English and math as required, you must meet with an advisor before registering. EDU 210 If you are a new student not seeking a degree or certificate, you may submit your application online, in person or by mail and your registration form in person or by mail. Apply online at www.aacc.edu/admissions. Teaching the Adult Learner – 1 cr hr Learn theory and teaching methods related to instructing the adult learner. Focus on identifying principles, standing techniques and teaching strategies that work to create an active learning community for adult learners. 4 weeks – Aug. 29-Sept. 25 870Online VIRTUAL CAMPUS METHODS OF INSTRUCTION EDU 211* Educational Psychology – 3 cr hrs Discover the basic theories of learning and teaching and the application of theory to educational environments. Examine the adaptation of the concepts of behavioral, cognitive and constructivist learning theories to teaching and managing an effective learning environment. Learn about the principles of motivation, classroom management and assessment of student performance. Prerequisite: EDU 133, EDU 214 and passing Praxis scores or equivalent, or a bachelor’s degree. Note: Course requirements include 15 hours of fieldwork, which requires an additional cost and a background check. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 840 W 6:30-8:50 pm Hybrid - AMIL Note: Hybrid section 840 meets every Wednesday. 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 841 W 6:30-8:50 pm Hybrid - AMIL Note: Hybrid section 841 meets every Wednesday. EDU 212 Engaging and Supporting Students – 1 cr hr Examine strategies that support student retention and persistence by reviewing concepts in motivation and learning. Explore and practice communication and coaching skills to engage students and build a collaborative learning community. Create a toolkit of campus resources that support student learning and development and contribute to successful completion. Strategies learned in this course will apply to face-to-face, hybrid/blended, and online course formats. 4 weeks – Oct. 24-Nov. 20 870Online EDU 214 Introduction to Special Education – 3 cr hrs Explore the categories of special education and the characteristics of special learners. Learn about the diverse needs of special education students and the application of appropriate instructional adaptations. Gain an historical overview of special education legislation and legal issues. Prerequisites: EDU 133 or a bachelor’s degree. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 870Online 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 871Online • H ybrid classes require face-to-face classroom instruction meetings (at least 25 percent) with at least 50 percent of instruction occurring online. • O nline classes are conducted via the Internet. Some classes may require meetings for quizzes or taking proctored exams in a testing office. EDU 215* Principles of Instructional Assessment – 3 cr hrs Explore the principles and concepts of educational measurement and the application of assessment measures and processes in the learning environment. Practice using various assessment techniques, interpreting assessment data and recognizing ethical issues in the assessment of learning. Discover the uses of portfolios, development of grading and scoring procedures and construction and analysis of teacher-made tests. Prerequisite: A bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 870Online 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 871Online EDU 216 Technology for Educators – 1 cr hr Survey technologies for educational learning environments. Examine the issues and challenges of making informed and creative decisions regarding the instructional use of technology. Learn about the integration of technologies to enhance the instructional process by increasing engagement and appealing to multiple learning styles. 4 weeks – Oct. 24-Nov. 20 870Online EDU 220 Innovation in Education – 1 cr hr Investigate and analyze a variety of college trends, issues, and challenges and the extent to which they impact student learning, student development, and higher education in general. Examine topics such as new instructional models, alternative educational resources, and innovations described as “disruptive” to traditional college practices. 4 weeks – Nov. 7-Dec. 9 870Online *Course with prerequisite. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. EDU 230 EDU 244* Learn about setting the purposes of the portfolio, then selecting artifacts that support and enhance that purpose. Develop skills needed to identify, analyze and reflect on artifacts appropriate for inclusion in a portfolio, which documents accomplishments and talents. Examine the alignment and organization of artifacts to reflect growth and learning that have occurred as a result of the creation of each artifact. Examine the techniques, processes and instruments for assessing reading performance. Learn about administration of assessment tools, interpretation of assessment data and diagnosis of reading deficiencies. Focus on the utilization of assessment data for selecting instructional methods, facilitating instructional decisions and monitoring student performance. EDU 244 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course. Educator Portfolio Development – 1 cr hr 5 weeks – Nov. 7-Dec. 9 870Online EDU 236 Culturally Responsive Instruction – 1 cr hr Examine the philosophy of multicultural education and its relevance and connection to student achievement for all learners. Learn about strategies to infuse multicultural education into curriculum, instruction, assessment, classroom climate and instructional materials selection. Examine individual cultural attitudes, teaching styles, learning styles and classroom practices as preparation for better addressing the needs of students. Examine research from state and national resources identifying “best practices” to recognize strategies, practices and principles that assist in eliminating gaps among student groups and accelerating student achievement. 4 weeks – Oct. 10-Nov. 6 870Online EDU 241* Methods of Teaching for Elementary Education – 3 cr hrs Discover teaching methodology for effective instruction in elementary classrooms. Learn about the development of learning objectives, selection of instructional techniques and use of materials and resources appropriate for elementary content/ curricula. Explore basic principles of classroom management and applies theories of learning and teaching to the organization and presentation of elementary lessons. Prerequisite: A Bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 13 weeks – Sept. 12-Dec. 18 400 M 7-9:30 pm Arnold EDU 242* Foundations of Reading and Language Arts – 3 cr hrs Examine the theories, processes and acquisition of reading and language arts. Learn about the cognitive, linguistic, social and physiological factors involved in oral and written language development. EDU 242 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course. Prerequisite: EDU 133 and MAT 221 or MAT 222 or MAT 223. Note: Also offered as EDU 242H; credit is not given for both EDU 242 and EDU 242H. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 870Online 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 840 Tu 7-9:30 pm Hybrid - Arnold Assessment for Reading Instruction – 3 cr hrs Prerequisite: A Bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 840 Th 4:30-6:45 pm Hybrid - Arnold Note: Hybrid section 840 meets every Thursday. EDU 245* Materials for Teaching Reading – 3 cr hrs Learn how to select and evaluate materials and resources for the effective teaching of reading. Explore the effective use of text and other media to best meet diverse reader needs. Examine the role of the parent and community in fulfilling the goals of the literacy program. EDU 245 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course. Prerequisite: A Bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 840 Tu 4:30-7 pm Hybrid - EDU 248 Instructional Strategies – 1 cr hr Examine the knowledge and skills specific to the use of instructional strategies and methods in the process of analyzing the teaching environment and individual student needs. Describe adaptations/accommodations or modifications of instruction that will best facilitate learning and the strategies and methods associated with learning. Examine skills for supporting students in regular and inclusive classrooms, resource rooms or self-contained settings. 5 weeks – Aug. 29-Sept. 29 840 Tu 5-6:30 pm Hybrid - Arnold Note: Hybrid section 840 meets every Tuesday. EDU 251* Behavior Management – 1 cr hr Learn about the causes of human behavior and learn technical skills in dealing with the various behaviors of students with special needs. Develop awareness of the feelings that such behaviors arouse in professionals and support staff who work with these students and discover the interconnectedness of the various components that lead to a well-managed classroom. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 111 or ENG 115 or ENG 121. 6 weeks – Oct. 26-Nov. 30 400 W 5-7:30 pm Arnold Note: No class Nov. 23. Note: Hybrid section 840 meets every Tuesday. 871Online EDU 253* Inclusive Secondary Instructional Practices – 3 cr hrs Learn about the requirements of special education mandates regarding the accommodation and adaptation of instruction for secondary students with special needs. Examine individual needs through appropriate adaptations to curriculum, instruction, resources and management techniques for the inclusive classroom at the designated age/grade level. Prerequisite: EDU 214. 4 weeks – Oct. 29-Nov. 19 650 Sa 8 am-5 pm Arnold *Course with prerequisite. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. EDU 261* EDU 264* Explore teaching methodology for effective instruction in secondary classrooms. Practice the development of learning objectives, selection of instructional techniques and use of resources appropriate for secondary content/curricula. Learn about basic principles of classroom management and apply theories of learning and teaching to the organization and presentation of secondary lessons. Examine current world language teaching methodologies and standards. Design teaching strategies to develop student communication skills and cultural awareness. Develop assessment strategies for the K-12 world language classroom. Methods of Teaching in Secondary Education – 3 cr hrs Prerequisite: A Bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 840 Th 4:15-6:45 pm Hybrid - Arnold Note: Hybrid section 840 meets every Thursday. EDU 262* Methods for Teaching Reading in the Secondary Content Area: Part 1 – 3 cr hrs Explore the interactive nature of the reading process in the content area. Examine the use of effective institutional strategies for developing content reading skill, literacy, vocabulary and concepts. Discover the design of instruction that incorporates appropriate methods and materials for developing reading proficiency in the content area. EDU 262 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course. World Language Teaching Methods – 3 cr hrs Prerequisite: A bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission from department chair. 15 weeks – Aug. 29-Dec. 18 400 M 4:15-6:45 pm Arnold EDU 269* Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Instructional Practices – 3 cr hrs Learn about the requirements of special education mandates regarding the accommodation and adaptation of instruction for early childhood and elementary age students with special needs. Examine individual needs through appropriate adaptations to curriculum, instruction, resources and management techniques for the inclusive classroom at the designated age/grade level. Prerequisite: EDU 214. 4 weeks – Oct. 29-Nov. 19 650 Sa 8 am-5 pm Arnold Prerequisite: A Bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 870Online 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 871Online EDU 263* Methods for Teaching Reading in the Secondary Content Area: Part 2 – 3 cr hrs Discover how to implement a coherent literacy program that supports content area learning and literacy. Focus on the use of effective instructional methods and materials in the design of reading programs to meet the diverse needs and backgrounds of students. Examine the use of technology, writing strategies and learning experiences to promote independence in content area reading. EDU 263 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course. Prerequisite: A Bachelor’s degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair. 8 weeks – Aug. 29-Oct. 23 870Online 8 weeks – Oct. 24-Dec. 18 871Online *Course with prerequisite. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternati ve format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239, complianceofficer@aacc.edu or Maryland Relay 711. 7/15 Registration information available at 410-777-2325. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. AACC ID# EDU EDU EDU EDU 111 Course Number 010 Section Number Title 3 Credit Hours 8/25 Start Date ___________________________________ Email address Sample Course * Home * Business * Cell _____________________________ Phone _________________________________________ City First Name Zip Code MWF Days of Week 7-7:50 pm Time HUM 116 Location Program of Study (Major) or * Non-degree seeking State ____________________________________ County Middle Initial __________ _________________ _______ ________________ ___________________________________________________________ TERM: FALL YEAR: 2016 Date Date This form must be accompanied by a completed Direct Billing Voucher for AACPS Employees. Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 c ompliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-‐777-‐2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-‐777-‐1239, complianceofficer@aacc.edu or Maryland Relay 711. 4/16 Director or Assistant Director TEACH Institute _________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature (required) _________________________________________________________________________________________ I request the course(s) indicated above. I understand that by signing this form that if I do not achieve the necessary grade or surpass the reimbursement credit limitation per the negotiated agreement governing my unit of employment that AACPS will recoup the tuition payment directly from my pay via payroll deduction. I am granting AACC the right to release my grade to AACPS for the purposes of tuition payment. By proceeding with this registration I agree to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy and all other college policies as cited in the college catalog. Register Department * Home * Business * Cell Action: Phone _____________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________________ Last Name _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ AACPS CONTRACT CREDIT REGISTRATION FORM Fax: 410-777-1967 • Phone: 410-777-2401 Basket Mail Stop: TEACH c/o Harman Elementary • teach@aacc.edu 7009 Arundel Mills Circle • Hanover, MD 21076 • www.aacc.edu/TEACH TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Care Credential requirements established by the Maryland State Department of Education (MDSE) Office of Child Care. Each class has a content area code that corresponds to the Core of Knowledge requirements. The codes are: C - Curriculum D - Child development H - Health,safety and nutrition L - Community P - Professionalism S - Special needs AACC’s TEACH Institute and Parenting Center offer a wide range of online courses for teachers, child care providers, parents and other caregivers through a partnership with ed2go. Online courses provide a convenient and economical approach to learning. Take the short interactive quiz “Are Online Learning Courses Right for Me?” at www.aacc.edu/virtualcampus/noncredit to help you decide if this option fits your learning needs. All courses require Internet access, email and Internet Explorer or other browser. Visit www.ed2go.com/aacc to view the entire online course inventory and for course information including description and cost, and access and registration instructions. For information about these classes and other teacher professional development, child care training or parent education classes, including how to register, call 410-777-2401. Teaching the Adult Learner Explore theory and teaching methods related to instructing the adult learner. Identify principles of adult learning, adult learning styles and motivation. Learn techniques for creating an active learning community for adult learners. Textbook information available at AACC Bookstore. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Also offered for credit, EDU 273. Cost: $127 includes $7 fee. TAD-301-901 Sept. 1-25 ONLN WB Engaging and Supporting Students Examine strategies that support student retention, persistence, motivation and learning. Practice communication and coaching skills to engage students and build a collaborative learning community. Create a toolkit with helpful resources for student learning and development. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. No textbook required. Also offered for credit, EDU 212. Cost: $127 includes $7 fee. TAD-302-901 Sept. 12-Oct. 9 ONLN WB Integrating Technology in the Classroom Learn techniques for integrating technology into classrooms. Discover simple ways to enhance subject material to meet course goals. Use tools such as wikis, podcasts and blogs. Explore standards-based solutions for interactive lesson plans and Web resources. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. OLI-313-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 14 ONLN EDGO OLI-313-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 ONLN EDGO OLI-313-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO Teaching Students with Autism: Strategies for Success CONTENT AREA: S Reach and teach students with autism by understanding how their brains work. Help them turn challenges into opportunities and enjoy the rich perspective they bring to the classroom. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TAR-301-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 14 ONLN EDGO TAR-301-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 ONLN EDGO TAR-301-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO TAR-301-904 Dec. 14-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO Ellen Arnold Ellen Arnold Ellen Arnold Ellen Arnold Empowering Students with Disabilities CONTENT AREA: S Explore common disabilities encountered in the classroom. Learn and master techniques for promoting academic, behavioral and social skills in students with special needs. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TAR-303-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 14 ONLN EDGO TAR-303-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 12 ONLN EDGO TAR-303-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO TAR-303-904 Dec. 14-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO Sara Hardin Sara Hardin Sara Hardin Sara Hardin Teaching Students with ADHD CONTENT AREA: S Learn effective approaches to teach students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Understand the definition of ADHD. Evaluate assessment information to adapt instructional strategies to meet student needs. Discover how ADHD effects student motivation, attention span and memory. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TAR-309-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 11 ONLN EDGO TAR-309-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 ONLN EDGO TAR-309-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO TAR-309-904 Dec. 14-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO Ellen Arnold Ellen Arnold Ellen Arnold Ellen Arnold Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom CONTENT AREA: S Examine the philosophy of differentiated instruction and understand the limitations of a traditional classroom. Practice how to differentiate instruction, meet the needs of a diverse classroom population and integrate subject content and learning profiles. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TMD-303-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 4 ONLN EDGO TMD-303-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 21 ONLN EDGO TMD-303-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO TMD-303-904 Dec. 14-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO Tracey Birch Tracey Birch Tracey Birch Tracey Birch Robin Sellers Robin Sellers Robin Sellers Registration information available at 410-777-2325. Survival Kit for New Teachers CONTENT AREA: C/P Innovation in Education Learn to write winning lesson plans, reach diverse learners through differentiated instruction, communicate clearly, plan memorable events and keep stress at bay. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TMD-306-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 4 ONLN EDGO TMD-306-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 ONLN EDGO TMD-306-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO TMD-306-904 Dec. 14-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO Tracey Birch Tracey Birch Tracey Birch Tracey Birch How to Teach High School Students Learn the latest strategies for teaching high school students. Discover how differentiated instruction can enhance learning in a high school classroom. Plan how to manage classroom activities and behavior using technology, creative lesson plans and innovative strategies. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TOP-302-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 4 ONLN EDGO TOP-302-904 Oct. 1-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO TOP-302-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 ONLN EDGO TOP-302-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO James Thompson James Thompson James Thompson James Thompson Teaching Smarter With SMART Boards CONTENT AREA: P Learn to create SMART Board and SMART Notebook multimedia lessons that engage learners and address diverse needs. Explore the basics of using these tools as well as how to blend text, videos and graphics. CEUs issued. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Cost: $149 includes $72 fee. TTE-303-901 Sept. 14-Nov. 4 ONLN EDGO TTE-303-902 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 ONLN EDGO TTE-303-903 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 ONLN EDGO TTE-303-904 Dec. 14-Feb. 3 ONLN EDGO Technology for Educators Lori Elliott Lori Elliott Lori Elliott Lori Elliott Survey technologies for educational learning environments. Examine the issues and challenges of making informed and creative decisions regarding the instructional use of technology. Learn about the integration of technologies to enhance the instructional process by increasing engagement and appealing to multiple learning styles. CEU’s issued. Text book required. Available in the AACC bookstore. Note: Online course. Cross-listed with EDU 216 Investigate and analyze a variety of college trends, issues and challenges and the extent to which they impact student learning, student development and higher education in general. Examine topics such as new instructional models, alternative educational resources and innovations described as “disruptive” to traditional college practices. CEU’s issued. Textbook required. Available in the AACC bookstore. Note: Online course. Cross-listed with EDU 218 $127 includes $7 fee. TAD-307-901 Oct. 24-Nov. 20ONLN WB Praxis CORE Prep: Writing Skills Review the writing skills necessary for successful completion of Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test. Study grammar and language rules in writing, including error recognition and essay writing. Emphasize test-taking strategies. CEUs issued. Note: Praxis Core is a state-mandated assessment required for earning teacher certification. Cost: $42 includes $7 fee. ETP-319-901 1 session F 5-8 pm Sept. 16 Arnold campus Praxis CORE Prep: Math Skills Review the application of math skills necessary for successful completion of Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test. Review problem solving, reasoning, estimating and interpreting quantitative information, and emphasize test-taking strategies. CEUs issued. Note: Praxis Core is a statemandated assessment required for earning teacher certification. Cost: $47 includes $7 fee. ETP-320-901 1 session Sept. 17 Sa 9 am-1 pm Arnold campus Michael Labino Educator Portfolio Development Learn about setting the purpose of the portfolio, then selecting artifacts that support and enhance that purpose. Develop skills needed to identify, analyze and reflect on artifacts appropriate for inclusion in a portfolio, which documents accomplishments and talents. Examine the alignment and organization of artifacts to reflect growth and learning that have occurred as a result of the creation of each artifact. CEUs issued. Cost: $127 includes $7 fee. TAD-308-901 Nov. 7-Dec. 9 ONLN WB $127 includes $7 fee. TAD-305-901 Oct. 24-Nov. 20 ONLN WB Registration information available at 410-777-2325. PARENTING AND FAMILY LIFE Anne Arundel Community College established The Parenting Center to provide high-quality educational programs about parenting and family life to our community. Visit us at www.aacc.edu/teach. Many of AACC’s parenting courses meet the Maryland Child Care Credential requirements established by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Office of Child Care. Each class has a content area code that corresponds to the Core of Knowledge requirements. The codes are: › › › › › › C - Curriculum D - Child development H - Health,safety and nutrition L - Community P - Professionalism S - Special needs › Parenting One-on-One Parenting One-on-One courses are designed to allow students the flexibility to arrange parenting courses around their busy schedules and to allow for a more personalized approach. Contact the Parenting Center at 410-777-2159 for information and to schedule a Parenting One-on-One course. Managing Anger in Family Life: One-on-One TPC 323 Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP): One-on-One TPC 324 Learn the principles of this parent education curriculum through individual instruction. Focus on child-rearing issues, parent-child communication and discipline methods. Gain training to improve family cooperation and lessen parent-child conflicts. CEUs issued. $350 includes $335 fee. Parenting through Separation and Divorce: One-on-One TPC 325 Learn to shield children from the parental conflict associated with divorce or separation. Discover tools for managing anger, negotiating peacefully and creating an effective, child-focused co-parenting plan. CEUs issued. $350 includes $335 fee. The Explosive Child: One-on-One TPC 356 Discover ways to direct children away from explosive episodes. Explore why traditional discipline strategies often don't work with behaviorally challenged children. Review the concepts of lagging skills and unsolved problems. Practice collaborative problem solving strategies. CEUs issued. $350 includes $335 fee. Rules, Routines and Rituals: One-on-One TPC 357 Receive individual instruction on establishing rules, routines and rituals that provide the predictability and structure children crave. Discuss how relationships can be improved by creating meaningful rituals. Discover how rules, routines and rituals are linked to childhood resiliency. CEUs issued. $350 includes $335 fee. Learn the origins of problem anger in the home. Practice methods to expressing anger. Learn to channel energy into productive thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Explore ways to develop inner peace and cultivate interpersonal skills. CEUs issued. $350 includes $335 fee. Customized training for parents through schools, churches or community organizations. Dynamic presenters many of whom are licensed professionals in their respective fields. Online courses you can take from the comfort of your own home. Individualized instruction. For information, visit WWW.AACC.EDU/PARENTING. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. AACC’s TEACH Institute and Parenting Center offer a wide range of online courses for teachers, child care providers, parents and other caregivers through a partnership with ed2go. Online courses provide a convenient and economical approach to learning. Take the short interactive quiz “Are Online Learning Courses Right for Me?” at www.aacc.edu/virtualcampus/coned to help you decide if this option fits your learning needs. All courses require Internet access, email and Internet Explorer or other browser. Visit www.ed2go.com/aacc to view the entire online course inventory and for course information including description and cost, and access and registration instructions. For information about these classes and other teacher professional development, child care training or parent education classes, including how to register, call 410-777-2401. Course dates are: Sept. 14-Nov. 4 Oct. 12-Dec. 2 Nov. 9-Dec. 30 Dec. 14-Feb. 3. FON 322 CONTENT AREA: D Understanding Adolescents Learn the three stages of adolescent development. Compare the physical, emotional and social changes during teen years. Understand the importance of adolescent identity formation for adult mental health. CEUs issued. $149 includes $72 fee. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. FON 390 CONTENT AREA: C Home School with Success Take the mystery out of home schooling. Explore the history of home schooling and review laws and regulations, curriculum options and assessment tools. Discover how to provide socializing opportunities and build long-lasting relationships within home-school support groups. CEUs issued. $149 includes $72 fee. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. All courses award CEUs. The cost for each course is $149, which includes a $72 fee. TPC 353 Marriage and Relationships Learn how to build a solid foundation for a healthy marital relationship that will last far beyond “I do.” Gain key strategies for maintaining relationships, balancing a partner’s needs and resolving conflict. CEUs issued. $149 includes $72 fee. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. PARENTING IS TOUGH! Too bad it doesn't come with instructions. ACTUALLY IT DOES. T hey enter our lives without instruction manuals, requiring so much more than our time, love and direction. They bring us great joy and at the same time challenge us in ways we never dreamed. Where can you turn for help? How do you handle tough issues? WHO HAS THE ANSWERS? WE DO. The Parenting Center at AACC. PRACTICAL PARENTING CLASSES We offer family life education classes during the day, evening, weekend and online to accommodate parents’ busy schedules. There are no tests and no grades – just lively instruction with plenty of time for questions. Can’t get away or can’t afford a sitter? With our online courses, you can put the kids to bed and learn from the comfort of your home. Popular topics include: • Parenting the Adolescent • Helping Children Learn Reading and Math • Managing Anger in Family Life • Parenting College Bound Youth • Dealing with Bullies • Managing Sibling Rivalry • Caring for a Grieving Adolescent •Grandparenting • Parenting After Separation and Divorce • Balancing Work and Family Life CUSTOMIZED COURSES If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you. We can bring parenting classes to your neighborhood school, church or community agency. Our experts will design and customize a course to meet the unique needs of your group or organization, such as “Parenting a Child with Special Needs,” “Helping Disorganized Kids Succeed in School” or “Reunited: Family Life After Deployment.” WHO WE ARE Members of our faculty represent a broad range of professionals including child therapists, psychologists, social workers, authors and pediatricians. Registration information available at 410-777-2325. How to register for NONCREDIT classes. REGISTER BY MAIL REGISTER IN PERSON Continuing Education and Workforce Development Arnold campus – CALT 115 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012-1895 Credit card, check or money order (payable to AACC) ATM card, credit card, check or money order. Cash is only accepted at the cashier's office on the Arnold campus, Student Services Center Room 120. Continuing Education and Workforce Development Center for Applied Learning and Technology Room 115, Arnold campus 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-noon Saturday 410-777-2325 Records and Registration / Arnold Campus / 410-777-2325 AACC at Arundel Mills / 410-777-2010 Glen Burnie Town Center / 410-777-2945 Fort Meade Army Education Center / 410-672-2117/3554 REGISTER BY FAX 410-777-4325 Credit card. REMEMBER FULL PAYMENT IS DUE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION WHY DO COURSES SOMETIMES CANCEL? All classes require a minimum enrollment (usually within a week of the course's start date) in order for that course to run. That's why it's so important to register early. If you have signed up for a class and we cancel it, we will contact you. Arnold campus map www.aacc.edu/locationsandmaps Continuing education QUICK LINK TO PROGRAM INFORMATION WITH ADDITIONAL LINKS TO REGISTRATION AND SCHOOL INFORMATION www.aacc.edu/coned Noncredit registration IMPORTANT CONNECTIONS PRINT AN EXTRA REGISTRATION FORM; LOCATE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES www.aacc.edu/noncredit AACC Bookstore BOOKS AND SUPPLIES www.aaccbooks.com Registration information available at 410-777-2325. QUESTIONS? 410-777-2325 (PHONE) | www.aacc.edu/noncredit CEWD REGISTRATION/DROP FORM FAX: 410-777-4325 | MAIL: 101 College Parkway, Attn. ISC - CALT 114, Arnold, MD 21012-1895 | IN PERSON: www.aacc.edu/noncredit/person.cfm STUDENT INFORMATION (ALL APPLICABLE FIELDS ARE REQUIRED) AACC ID NUMBER or LAST FOUR DIGITS OF SSN: STUDENT’S LEGAL LAST NAME STUDENT’S LEGAL FIRST NAME (NO NICKNAMES) HOME STREET ADDRESS CITY COUNTY EMAIL ADDRESS CELL PHONE BUSN PHONE ETHNICITY/RACE (OPTIONAL; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) Hispanic or Latino: YES NO American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African-American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: STATE / HOME PHONE TERM: CITIZENSHIP (SELECT ONE) I am a United States citizen. I am a permanent alien resident*. I have a visa*; visa type _______________________. *Original documentation must be submitted in person before any registrations can be processed. FALL REG/DROP SECTION ID TITLE of COURSE Register ABC-123-456 Sample Course Title WINTER SPRING ________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE SUMMER YEAR: __________ MWF PUB CD: 100 LOCATION COST 10am - 12:30pm GBTC $$$ Out-of-county residents add $10 per class; Out-of-state residents add $25 per class. Payment is due at the time of registration. (REQUIRED FOR EACH FORM) STUDENT SIGNATURE or PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (IF STUDENT UNDER 16 YEARS) DATE It is understood and agreed by your signature that you are hereby responsible and obligated to pay for the above courses. (NO REFUNDS ARE GIVEN AFTER A CLASS HAS STARTED) SEE ENCLOSED CHECK/MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AACC or CHARGE MY: AMERICAN EXPRESS DISCOVER MASTERCARD VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE M GENDER TIMES I certify that the information I have given on this form is accurate and complete. By proceeding with this registration I agree to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy and all other college policies as cited in the college catalog. PAYMENT INFORMATION F SCHOOL CODE: START DATE DAYS of WK Sept. 28 ZIP RESIDENCY (SELECT ONE) I HAVE MAINTAINED MY LEGAL DOMICILE… in Anne Arundel County for at least 3 months. in Maryland for at least 3 months. not in the state of Maryland. GRADE: PURSUING A CEWD CERTIFICATE? ENTER THE NONCREDIT PROGRAM CODE / BIRTH DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) MD REAL ESTATE LICENSE #: COURSE INFORMATION MIDDLE INITIAL EXP. (MM/YY) DATE TOTAL COST The security of all members of the campus community is of vital concern to Anne Arundel Community College. Information concerning campus security and crime statistics is available in the Student Handbook. For copies write: Anne Arundel Community College, Department of Public Safety, 101 College Parkway, Arnold MD 21012-1895. Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239, complianceofficer@aacc.edu or Maryland Relay 711. 07/07/2016
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