the texian - The Sons of the Republic of Texas
the texian - The Sons of the Republic of Texas
THE TEXIAN The Official Publication of The Sons of the Republic of Texas VOL V NUMBER 2 APRIL 2012 DAWN AT THE ALAMO March 6, 2012 5:30 AM - “Dawn at the Alamo”. One hundred and seventy-six years hence, at the exact time and place, the Sons of the Republic of Texas came out in force to REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!! About twenty five members of the Alamo Chapter, twelve of the Travis Chapter and several SRT dignitaries from around the state joined with the San Antonio Living History Association to commemorate the event. Jim Massingill, President of the Alamo Chapter led the group in a toast to the fallen. The group then retired to the Menger Hotel cont. pg. 3 PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE David Hanover, KSJ The 90th Annual Meeting afforded our members and guests a wonderful weekend of fellowship and memories in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas. A special thanks to the members and wives of the host chapter, the John O. Meusebach Chapter #48, for their hearty Texas welcome and SRT banners on display; they were led by Event Chairman Joe G. Ginn, KSJ, and Cochairmen Sam Smith, KSJ, and Chapter President Dr. Stephen Short. Record numbers enjoyed the hospitality suite, coordinated by Tom Houston and Joe Davidson. There were a number of first time attendees, some traveling from as far away as Pasadena, California; our Summerfield G. Roberts Award winning author traveled from New York City to show his appreciation. Our organization is the beneficiary of scores of past volunteers who gave tirelessly of their time, talents and resources. Two such examples are the late Malcolm D. McLean, KSJ, and Past President General Joe E. Ericson, KSJ, in whose memory our Summerfield G. Roberts Award Luncheon and Annual Awards Banquet were dedicated, respectively. We were honored to have the Ericson family in attendance. Last year, the 175th anniversary of Texas independence was exciting, indeed. Let us use that milestone year, filled with celebrations, proclamations and positive publicity, as an example what we should do every year to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved the independence of Texas. Hopefully, you saw the “sea of Stetsons” in the March 9, Wall Street Journal, as our members celebrated March 6, at Dawn at the Alamo. Simply by being at the same place at the same time each year, our mission, purpose and goals were on display around the world. I am deeply honored to serve as your President General and stand ready to assist in any way possible. What a great time to be a member of an organization that is growing and excited about keeping Texas history alive. We are truly blessed cont. pg. 2 WHAT’S INSIDE Dawn at the Alamo........................ 1, 3 President General’s Message .... 1-2 Janet’s Korner ...............................2 In and Around Texas ...............3, 13 90th Annual Meeting .................. 4-6 Piney Woods Chapter #52 ..............6 Texas History Lecture Series .... 7-8 Memorial Service ..........................9 2012 Annual Meeting.............10-11 San Jacinto Day...........................12 New Members ....................... 14-15 Calendar of Events ......................16 PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE cont. from pg. 1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2012 - 2013 to have a great group of volunteers, enjoying what they are doing, serving at all levels of the organization. Please remember, all members are welcome at all quarterly meetings. Make your plans now to attend Tomball, Marshall and Victoria in 2012! God Bless Texas! JANET’S Korner By: Janet Knox Administrative Assistant email: 1717 Eighth Street Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-6644 Left to right front row: David Stone, Chaplain General; David Hanover, KSJ, President General; Tom Houston, First Vice President General; Robert Kendall, KSJ, Second Vice President; and Janet Knox Administrative Assistant. • The next Quarterly meeting will be June 8-9, 2012 in Tomball at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 14100 Medical Complex Drive, Tomball, TX 77377; (281)357-1500; May 12, 2012, is the cutoff date. Rate: $89. +Tax (GROUP CODE is “SRT”) Please identify yourself as SRT! Left to right back row: Edward A. Heath, Treasurer General; Randy Pollard, Historian General; Bob Steakley, Secretary General; Joe R. Davidson, Executive Committeeman; Sam F. Clark, KSJ, PPG, Executive Committeeman. • Remember: All active duty personnel, your dues are waived. Please notify SRT office by email, postal service or telephone. • If you have not paid $10 for your 2012 copies of The Texian you will have to view the issues on our website. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES 2012 - 2013 • Those members that have not paid their 2012 dues are now considered delinquent and must pay a $50 reinstatement fee plus the $40 dues fee. • The KSJ Yearbook for 2012 is now available! This yearbook contains all the names, dates, and bios for every Knight through the last investment on March 24, 2012. The yearbook is printed and posted in a three ring binder. The price is $25, which includes printing and shipping. Please submit orders to Janet. • Please note that any applicants for membership in the SRT must have 3 signatures of recommending SRT members. All applicants must specify affiliation with a local chapter, unless residing out of state. (Chapter affiliation entails no obligation to attend meetings.) Application must be typed and notarized and don’t forget the check. Right to left Front row: Bob Steakley, Frontier District; Joe Pyle, Piney Woods District; Arthur O. Evans, Gulf Coast District. • I would like to thank you for the articles and pictures you are sending for your newsletter; they have been GREAT. I need YOUR help with articles and pictures. If your chapter has or will be celebrating any events PLEASE email me at: I will be putting the July issue together for publication, deadline is June 4, 2012. Right to Left Back row: Kenneth Pfeiffer, Heart of Texas District; John Knox, Post Oak District; John Homman, Lone Star District; Ronald W. Brown, San Jacinto District. (Not shown David. J Temple, North Central District and William D.”Buddy” Power, North East District). 2 DAWN AT THE ALAMO cont. from pg. 1 for breakfast. More than three hundred were in Alamo Plaza to witness the event. The Wall Street Journal published a photo of the Alamo and several SRT members in their March 7th edition along with an article discussing the city of San Antonio’s efforts to improve the plaza. IN AND AROUND TEXAS SRT GRAVESITE MARKING Members of The Sons of the Republic of Texas assist with designation of the Moss Ragsdale Cemetery as a Historic Texas Cemetery. From left to right, Donald Morgan, Marvin Morgan, Tom Jackson, Bobby Smith, Dr. Tom Bohmfalk, John Thompson, Tom Green, and Bob Clark gather at the gravesite of James Campbell Ragsdale, a veteran of the War for Texas Independence and involved in the Runaway Scrape. On March 31, 2012, members of the Sons of the Republic of Texas gathered on the ranch of Steve and Lynn Young to take part in the designation of the Moss Ragsdale Cemetery as a Historic Texas Cemetery. Speaking at the cemetery was Anne Shelton, RIP Guardian Coordinator with the Texas Historical Commission, Geri Burnett, Chairperson Milam County Historical Commission, and Jackie Thornton, Milam County Historical Commission. Ms. Thornton spoke of the historical importance of the Moss Ragsdale Cemetery. Present at the designation were many descendants of the soldiers buried in the cemetery, including Dr. Tom Bohmfalk of Georgetown. In Memoriam Name Chapter William Gene Burleson David Henry Mahavier Dr. Malcolm Dallas McLean Patrick B. Nolan, Ph.D. James Robert Nutt 38 36 14 3 Hometown Enumclaw, WA Spring, TX Georgetown, TX Huntsville, TX College Station, TX 90th ANNUAL MEETING A SUCCESS The 90th Annual Meeting of The Sons of the Republic of Texas was held at the Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel & Conference Center in Kerrville, March 23-25, 2012. The host chapter, the John O. Meusebach Chapter #48, Fredericksburg, extended a warm Hill Country welcome to attendees. The most members and guests in recent years attended the hospitality suite on Friday afternoon and both awards banquets on Saturday. Saturday morning activities included the Executive Committee and Knights of the Order of San Jacinto meetings, followed by the Summerfield G. Roberts Award luncheon. City of Kerrville Mayor David Wampler welcomed everyone to Kerrville. Several chapters competed for the “Three-Legged Willie” Chapter Archives Award, based on three categories of chapter membership size. The winners were: Lone Star Chapter #58, Conroe/The Woodlands (0-50 members); Alamo Chapter #40, San Antonio (51 to 150 members); and San Jacinto #1, Houston (150+ members). The William Gordan Bachman Award for the largest percent membership gain was presented to the John O. Meusebach Chapter #58, Dr. Stephen Short, President. Arthur Evans III, John Homman and Will Haddock received special recognition by being named to the President General’s List. Seventh grade Texas history teacher Cindy Howard from Knox Junior High School in Conroe won the Educator of the Year Award, and author Gary S. Zaboly won the prestigious Summerfield G. Roberts Award for his book An Altar for Their Sons: The Alamo and the Texas Revolution in Contemporary Newspaper Accounts; Mr. Zaboly traveled from New York City to receive the coveted award and expressed his sincere gratitude for the honor and for the Texas hospitality. The annual members’ meeting convened for business and included the election of officers for the term 201213. The San Jacinto Chapter #1, Houston, claimed the “Come and Take It” trophy for having the most members present for the meeting. Ron Johnson from Pasadena, California, took the honor of the member traveling the longest distance to attend the Annual Meeting. The evening awards banquet was well attended, with dinner music provided by Sonia Johnson and Dr. Sabrina Adrian. After dinner, the District Representative of the Year was presented to John Homman, Lone Star and San Jacinto Districts. An honorary membership was presented to Michael Bailey for his promoting the purpose, mission and goals of SRT. The Distinguished Service Award was presented to Ronald W. Brown, Immediate Past President of the San Jacinto Chapter #1, Houston, for his exceptional service to the organization. After installation of the Executive Committee and District Representatives, the evening closed with the investiture of newly installed President General David Hanover as a Knight of the Order of San Jacinto, the highest honor attainable within The Sons of the Republic of Texas; the mark of honor was originated and established by General Sam Houston in 1843. Congratulations to all of the award winners for their giving of time, talents and resources to promote Texas history and The Sons of the Republic of Texas. Mark your calendars now for April 12-14, 2013, for the 91st Annual Meeting at the Holiday Inn in Tyler. 4 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD WINNER SUMMERFIELD G. ROBERTS AWARD WINNER Gary S. Zaboly (R) was the winner for his book: “An Altar for Their Sons: The Alamo and the Texas Revolution in Contemporary Newspaper Accounts.” Award presented by First Vice-President David Hanover (L). Ronald W. Brown. HONORARY MEMBER DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE YEAR Michael Bailey (R) with PG Sam F. Clark, KSJ (L). John Homman (L) and Second Vice-President Tom Houston (R). NEW KSJ EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Cindy Howard (L) with PG Sam F. Clark, KSJ (R). KSJ 2012 Sir Knight David Hanover, KSJ. Photos courtesy of Gary L. Evans 5 CHAPTER ARCHIVES AWARDS San Jacinto Chapter #1. Alamo Chapter #40. William J. Bryan Chapter #14. Photos courtesy of Gary L. Evans PINEY WOODS CHAPTER #52 (L-R) Sherry Skorkowsky, President, DRT Tyler Chapter and Dr. Tom McCall, President, SRT Piney Woods Chapter # 52, Tyler, Texas, Texas Independence Day luncheon, March 2, 2012, at Spring Creek Barbeque, Tyler. Piney Woods Chapter #52, Tyler, chapter members Dr. Sam Hopkins, David Hanover, Chapter President Dr. Tom McCall, L.D. McWilliams, Britton Lee and Steve Lee proudly display “Texas” shirts and ties during the Texas Independence Day luncheon, March 2, 2012, at Spring Creek Barbeque, Tyler. (L-R) Anna Lee and chapter members Steve Lee and Britton Lee offer “A Toast to Texas” at the Piney Woods Chapter #52, Texas Independence Day luncheon on March 2, 2012, at Spring Creek Barbeque, Tyler. 6 SUCCESSFUL TEXAS HISTORY LECTURE SERIES AT LONE STAR COLLEGE-TOMBALL SPONSORED BY THE SONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS The Spring Semester 2012 ended with rave reviews for The Sons of the Republic of Texas sponsored Texas History Lecture Series. When asked why the Texas History Lectures were successful, Denton Bryant, who has chaired the Lectures for the past 3 years said, “ The quality of the speakers and the knowledge they have, make the topics interesting”. Most of the students are age 50 and up and have signed up to attend these classes through the Academy for Lifelong Learning. More than half of those attending are new to Texas and want to know what gives Texas such a rich history and who were the inhabitants of Texas during the days of the Texas Republic 1830’s and 1840’s. On February 8, 2012, the Texas History Lecture Series kicked off with David Hanover, First Vice-President, giving a very fascinating account of the “Cherokee War of 1839”. The presentation gave an overview of the social and political forces leading to expulsion of the Cherokee Indians from Texas by the Republic of Texas Army. Students were given a powerpoint tour of the East Texas locations where the war occurred near the Neches River. The Second Presentation titled “The Alamo - Past and Present” was delivered by David Martin, Past President of the Lone Star Chapter #58. An interesting subject was the history and ownership of San Antonio de Valero Mission, which later became the Alamo. Students were surprised to learn of the actual size of the Alamo Complex and the pending plans for the restoration of the original buildings and walls. On February 15, 2012 the session began with a presentation on the “Treaty of Velasco” by Eron Tynes who is a Past President of the San Jacinto Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and an Honorary Member of the Lone Star Chapter of the SRT. Students received copies of two Velasco Treaties signed by President Santa Anna after the Battle of San Jacinto. The treaties recognized Texas as an independent republic with the Rio Grande River as the border with Mexico and sent the Mexican Troops back to Mexico. The second session was delivered by Charlie Fogarty, Honorary Member of the SRT and owner of the renowned Steamboat House Restaurant which was designed to resemble Sam Houston’s last home. The title was “ The Life of Dick Dowling and the Battle of Sabine Pass”. Students learned about Houston’s forgotten entrepreneur and Civil War Hero. cont. pg. 8 SRT Certificate of Appreciation was presented to David Hanover (R) by Denton Bryant (L). Dr. Roy Lazenby Past President of the college welcomes the Sons of the Republic of Texas to the Lone Star College-Tomball Campus. 7 SRT Certificate of Appreciation was presented to David Martin (R) by Denton Bryant (L). cont. from pg. 7 SUCCESSFUL TEXAS HISTORY LECTURE SERIES AT LONE STAR COLLEGE-TOMBALL SPONSORED BY THE SONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS On February 22nd Dr. Caroline Crimm, who recently retired as the Chairman of the History Department at Sam Houston State University, delivered a very interesting lecture. Students were impressed with the knowledge of Dr. Crimm as she shared “A Comparison of Two Women in Early Texas”. They learned about Hispanic and Anglo laws in regard to women during the early years of the Republic of Texas and before Texas became an independent republic. The two women were Petra Vela, later the wife of Texas rancher Mifflin Kennedy and Patricia de la Garza de Leon, wife of the founder of Victoria, Texas. SRT Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Charlie Fogarty (R) by Denton Bryant (L). David Hanover’s Lecture included Pictures of Mirabeau Lamar and David G. Burnet. SRT Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Dr. Caroline Crimm. 2012 TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY IN HENDERSON CO. Henderson County Commissioners Court met on Tuesday, February 28, in preparation for Texas Independence Day, March 2. (L-R) Henderson County Commissioners Wade McKinney and Joe Hall, County Judge Richard Sanders, James George Chapter President Charles Luna, Henderson County Commissioners Ronny Lawrence and Ken Geeslin. (Photo courtesy of Athens Daily Review) Coverage for both events was publicized in a lengthy “Happy Birthday Texas” article in the Athens Daily Review. Congratulations to the James George Chapter #59, Athens, for promoting the historic date in the community. (L-R) James George Chapter President Charles Luna and Athens Mayor Randy Daniel present a proclamation in honor of Texas Independence Day. March 2. (Photo courtesy of Athens Daily Review) 8 WILLIAM JOEL BRYAN SRT CHAPTER HOLDS TEXAS CITIZEN MEMORIAL SERVICE BRYAN - The William Joel Bryan Chapter #14 - Sons of the Republic of Texas held a Republic of Texas Citizen Memorial Service March 28 at the Boonville Cemetery in Bryan, Texas. The cemetery is the old town site of Boonville, Texas, and was the Brazos County seat in the early years. The arrival of railroads and expanded infrastructure caused the center of commerce to move a few miles west. The service began at 11 a.m. and was led by Publicist Blair Fannin, Vice President John Hicks and President George Nelson. Secretary Mervin Peters provided a detailed description of the four documented citizens of the Republic of Texas buried there: • James I. Bowman (June 29, 1798- June 29, 1861): Served as the first county clerk of Brazos County and purchased one of the first lots in Boonville. • John Foley (1802-1857): Was one of the signers of the petition in 1841 to form a new county from a portion of Robertson County (initially called Navasota County), however one year later was renamed Brazos County. • Dr. John Leonard Randal (Feb. 11, 1800-April 11, 1874): Republic of Texas physician and senator. He was assistant surgeon for the United States Army during the Mexican War. • Harvey Mitchell (Birth unknown – Jan. 1901) Served Boonville as deputy clerk, county clerk, surveyor and chief justice. Led in building churches and Brazos County Courthouse during 1845, 1853 and 1878. Following a reading of brief biographies of each by Secretary Mervin Peters, Vice President John Hicks led the 21 attendees to each grave site at which time he unveiled the Citizen medallion that had been placed there by the chapter. Following the ceremony, the meeting adjourned temporarily to reconvene at C&J Barbecue. The program featured Dr. Walter Buenger, a professor of history at Texas A&M University. Buenger teaches courses in U.S. History, The History of the South and Texas History. His research focus is Texas since 1820. His program topic was Life in Texas: 1820-1846. Additionally, Secretary Peters said the club was recognized with a state archives award at the State SRT meeting in Kerrville in the small chapter category. -Submitted by Blair Fannin, publicist for William Joel Bryan SRT Chapter #14 William Joel Bryan Chapter #14 - Sons of the Republic of Texas members and guests at the Republic of Texas Citizen Memorial Service event March 28, 2012. Publicist Blair Fannin leads the Republic of Texas Citizen Memorial Service March 28, 2012, at the Boonville Cemetery hosted by the William Joel Bryan Chapter #14 - Sons of the Republic of Texas. William Joel Bryan Chapter #14 - Vice President John Hicks unveils a Republic of Texas Citizen Medallion marker at the gravesite of Harvey Mitchell during the March 28, 2012, memorial event. 9 2012 ANNUAL MEETING KERRVILLE Photos courtesy of Gary L. Evans 10 2012 ANNUAL MEETING - KERRVILLE Photos courtesy of Gary L. Evans 11 SAN JACINTO DAY The Official State of Texas Ceremony commemorating the 176th Anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto was held Saturday, April 21, 2012, a beautiful sunny and cool morning at the San Jacinto Monument at the San Jacinto Battleground. Master of Ceremonies, Ron Stone, Jr., carried on the tradition of his father, the late Sir Knight Ron Stone, KSJ. Deer Park High School Army JROTC Color Guard presented the Colors followed by the Pledges to the U.S. Flag and Texas Flag and singing of “The National Anthem” and “Texas, Our Texas.” SRT’s President General David Hanover, KSJ, and Education Committee Chairman Denton Bryant presented the SRT Essay Contest Scholarships to the First Place Winner-Bethany Rachel House of Belton High School; Second Place Winner-Rachel Ruth Fallin of Seven Lakes High School, in Katy; and Third Place WinnerMadeline Thompson Stone of Stratford High School, in Houston. The Sailors of the Year Awards of the San Jacinto Chapter SRT were awarded to EM1 Andrew Shelley and MM2 Timothy Gaus of the submarine USS Texas (SSN 775). Commanding Officer Andrew Hertel and Chief of the Boat MMCS Matthew Harris were also in attendance from Hawaii, where the USS Texas has been stationed. Former Mayor Bill White of Houston presented insights into Texas history, recalling the complex chain of title of Texas, beginning with Napoleon’s actions to acquire interests in the territories from Spain, north of the Rio Grande to Louisiana, and Napoleon’s subsequent decision to sell the French territories. General Sam Houston, IV, KSJ, Great Grandson of General Sam Houston, presented the San Jacinto Battle Analysis. About 50 Texas Army Infantry soldiers under the Command of General Sam Houston, IV, KSJ, fired 3 Salutes, joined by the Rolling Thunder cannon crew, to honor the Texas Patriots. Denton Bryant, Chairman of Texas History Essay Contest with the 2011-2012 winners;1st place, Bethany House, 2nd place, Rachael Fallin, 3rd place, Madeline Stone. (L-R) USS Texas (SSN 775) Commander Andrew Hertel, Chief of the Boat MMCS Matthew Harris and Sailors of the Year, MM2 Timothy Gaus and EM1 Andrew Shelley. 12 IN AND AROUND TEXAS CROCKETT MATAGORDA SHOW On March 1, 2012, SRT members, David Crockett and Raleigh Conklin, from Chapter 35, Bay City Texas presented “Davy Crockett and The Lone Star Dream” to the Matagorda Elementary School in Matagorda, Texas. The music and power point selections were done by future SRT member Mike Mahavier. The show was about the life of Davy Crockett and the history of Texas around the time of the fall of the Alamo in 1836. The crew entertained the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades with a mountain man puppet and a Granny Crockett puppet. Air filled cannons thrilled the kids as small fuzz balls, confetti and rubber Nerf balls shot from the cannons. A rifle salute was performed by a dozen children who were chosen from the audience. The children were onstage with coon skin hats and a Kentuckian flint lock cap rifles. The show proceeded to an outside display which was housed on a SRT float where the SRT crew talked about early settlers and period clothing and shot black powder rifles and pistols much to the delight of the children. SUBMITTING ARTICLES TO THE TEXIAN The editor welcomes all submissions of news articles and photos for The Texian. Please submit electronic data using the following guidelines: • Submit text in WORD document format; articles may be edited due to space limitations. • Submit photos as separate attachments in .jpg, .eps, or .tif format. Captions for each photo must be included in the WORD document, either before or after the article’s text. Identify the placement of people (e.g. L-R, center, front row, back row, etc.), with a corresponding key that matches the name of the photo file attachment (e.g. file name Photo 1, Photo 2, etc.). Please limit the number of photos submitted per article 13 NEW SRT MEMBERS Name Jake Howard Andrews Richard Starr Colley Eugene Eddings Steven Lloyd Fields Oliver Casey Herring Henley Alexander Hunter John Hilman Stanley Lawrence Joseph Biediger, Jr. Lawrence Joseph Biediger, Jr. Richard Blane Cagney, Jr. Ray Neal Habermacher Jr Thomas Ashley Jackson Brett Allen Kruse William Paul McLaren Robert Milnor Renshaw Robert Hampton Rogers Jackson Thomas Slade Luther Paxton Sobers Joe Edd Stephens Raymond Cecil Streetman Carroll Garey Willbanks, Jr. Gregory Teal Willbanks Larry Jay Craddock Dr. John Russell Brazil Joseph Dillon De La Rosa Librado Lozano III James Henderson Collins Craig Scott Evans Alan Douglas Hagedorn Michael Ross Jones Vernon Clyde Scott Vernon Clyde Scott Vernon Clyde Scott Vernon Clyde Scott Brian William Bowers Dr. Donald Powell Cole Lee Roy Johnson James Robert Nutt Chapter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 7 7 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 Ancestor Hometown Benjamin Franklin Highsmith William Louis Kaizer Nathan (Nathaniel) Burnett John Frelan Winters Jesse L Herring Peter Swanson Hugh Blackburn Nicholas Conrad Anna Conrad Johanne Frederick Hollien Thomas Habermacher Maria Luisa De Los Santos Coy Jeptha Patterson Ainswoth (Hainsworth) Horace Yeamans Elisha Smith Wyman Robert Moore Samuel Strang John Buck Paxton Joseph Berry Stovall Everett Soloman Ritter Anna Keough Burke Carroll Anna Keough Burke Carroll John Robert Craddock Merriwether Hurt Ussery Lewis (Louis) Kleberg Gwyn Morrison James Potter Collins Elisha Axley Evans Herman Conrad Hagedorn Sylvanus Castleman William Thomas Abner Sarah Elizabeth Kuykenall Thomas Hampton Travis Hampton Haywood Moore David Hall Love George Douglass Hill Michael (Meguil) Shire(s) Santa Anna, TX Corpus Christi, TX Brady, TX Southlake, TX Santa Anna, TX Alexandria, LA Carmine, TX Houston, TX Houston, TX Houston, TX Katy, TX Houston, TX Houston, TX Texas City, TX Houston, TX Ann Arbott, MI Houston, TX Ethel, LA Deer Park, TX Houston, TX Houston, TX Houston, TX Austin, TX Boerne, TX Austin, TX Farmers Branch, TX Austin, TX Elgin, TX Driftwood, TX Austin, TX Coupland, TX Coupland, TX Coupland, TX Coupland, TX College Station, TX Huntsville, TX Bryan, TX College Station, TX 14 NEW SRT MEMBERS Name Mason Patrick Mize Robert Joseph Coffman Larry Kent Alexander Jake Ryan Fields Ted Franks Gregory Michael Gault Philip Anthony Gieger Philip Anthony Gieger Philip Anthony Gieger Marshall Lee Hardy Robert Carl Ohlendorf Jerry Lee Stevens, Jr. Andrew Brooks Barton Valentin Bara Flores Kaleb Scott Guynes Patrick Andrew Harvey Bryce King Harvey Edward Andrew Heath Gary Wayne Humphreys Parker Jay Lewallen Ralph Clifton Smith, Jr. Joe Lynn Weathersby Greyor Eugene York Samuel Lee Beaumont Alton Oswald Eckhardt Donald Stanley Schoch Donald Stanley Schoch Christopher Warren Childs William Clinton Childs Martin John Heins Blair Heins Mathew McKenzie Heins Gary Lynn Guthrie Dennis Alfred Robison Michael Andrew Carr Todd Michael Homman Robin Navarro Montgomery Chapter 17 21 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 48 48 50 50 52 52 52 52 52 53 57 58 58 58 Ancestor Hometown George Grimes John Smither John L.”Jack” Ferguson John Frelan Winters William Fanning Jesse Shelton James Coffman Cathryn Howard Lovell Coffman Jesse Burditt, Sr. Conrad Christoph Carl Ohlendorf George McEnturff (McInturff) George W Massengill Maria Therese Gsell James E Scott Maria Gertrudis Cantu (Navarro) Maria Gertrudis Cantu (Navarro) Richard Heath Andrew Jackson Sowell Abigail McLennan Fokes John Swanson Yarbrough Ulysses Alexander Daniel Weathersby Andrew Jackson Sowell John A. Beaumont Johann Heinrich Ludolph Habenicht Johann Ernst Heinrich Christian Franz Jordon Neal Martin Neal Martin Neal Martin Neal Martin Neal Martin Hannah Sabin Neely Hargrave Neill Robison Richard F. Harrell David Looney Andrew Montgomery Rockport, TX Austin, TX Flower Mound, TX Southlake, TX Cleburne, TX Frisco, TX Burleson, TX Burleson, TX Burleson, TX Wichita Falls, TX Bedford, TX Wichita Falls, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Bandera, TX Adkins, TX Adkins, TX Austin, TX Del Rio, TX Austin, TX Spring Branch, TX San Antonio, TX Del Rio, TX Lynchburg, VA San Antonio, TX New Braunfels, TX New Braunfels, TX Tyler, TX Tyler, TX Tyler, TX Katy, TX Katy, TX Columbus, TX San Angelo, TX Magnolia, TX Jonesboro, LA Richards, TX 15 Calendar of Events 2012 Quarterly Meetings Sept. 7-9 Marshall - Hampton Inn, 5100 South East End Blvd., (Hwy. 59 S, north of IH-20), Marshall, TX 75672 (903) 927-0079; Rate: $89 + tax; Conf. # 8129863 PLEASE identify yourself as SRT! Friday night a group dinner. Saturday morning Executive Committee meeting at the Harrison County Courthouse. Saturday morning antique shopping in Jefferson for guests. Stay over an extra night for special activities planned by the Edward Clark Chapter #18, including lunch and an afternoon tour of Historic sites; Caddo Lake barge tour (lake level permitting), followed by a catfish dinner. Nov. 30-Dec. 1 Victoria - Hampton Inn & Suites, 7006 N. Navarro, Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 573-9911), October 30, 2012, cutoff date. Rate: $119 + tax, 1 king or 2 queen size beds (Group code “SON”) PLEASE identify yourself as SRT! April 12-14, 2013 Holiday Inn South Broadway, 5701 South Broadway, Tyler, TX 75703; (903) 561-5800; March 21, 2013, cutoff date. Rate: $92 + tax; free parking April 21 September 15 October 2 November 3 San Jacinto Day Texian Navy Day on the Battleship Texas Battle of Gonzales Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday (Father of Texas) 2013 Annual Meeting 2012 SRT Events 2012 QUARTERLY MEETING June 8-9 Tomball - Hampton Inn & Suites, 14100 Medical Complex Drive, Tomball, TX 77377; (281) 3571500; May 12, 2012, cutoff date. Rate: $89 + tax (group code “SRT”) PLEASE identify yourself as SRT! 1717 Eighth Street Bay City, TX 77414 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Contact us at: SRT Office: Email: 1717 Eighth Street, Bay City, TX 77414 Phone: (979) 245-6644 Fax: (979) 244-3819