From the Pastor`s desk…… - Cayce United Methodist Church
From the Pastor`s desk…… - Cayce United Methodist Church
Web address: Church email address: Church phone number: 794-3200 Cayce United Methodist Church 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC 29033-3104 Phone: (803)794-3200 Fax (803)794-6191 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Staff Rev. Joseph R. James, Jr. Senior Pastor Rev. Joe Cal Watson Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Cynthia Hutchison Administrative Assistant Mr. Cal Atwood Financial Secretary Mr. Craig Coelho Director of Music Ministries From the Pastor’s desk…… This Sunday, August 16, we will celebrate our covenant with Davis Early Childhood Center for Technology. As you remember, we have distribute notecards with the names of each staff member and teacher at the school. You will be invited to take a card and pray for that person this year. We also ask that you write a note or send a card of encouragement several times throughout the year. We will also be inviting church members to become a reading mentor for a child at Davis. There will be more information about this coming soon. Finally, remember we are actively engaged in the backpack ministry there. We will pack weekend meals for 60 children this school year. This program increases every year because of your generosity. Yet, we remember that 98% of the student body qualifies for this program. We manage only to meet the need of almost 10% of them. Cayce UMC is making a difference at Davis Early Childhood Center for Technology, thanks be to God. Kathryn Williams Hand Bell Choir Director Peace, Mary Alice Coker Nursery Director Joseph Rev. Sam Harmon Pastor Emeritus 3104 August 16, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 CONGREGATIONAL NEWS Calling All Kids ages 3 - 3rd grade Join us in Sunday School on September 13th as we start “Faithbuilders”. We will build projects with Legos while we learn about God, Jesus, and the Bible as we build our faith one block at a time. You don’t want to miss out on all the fun. There may be some special Lego treats to enjoy for snack, too! CAYCE KIDZ/SONSHINE GANG KICKOFF Cayce Kidz and Sonshine Gang will kick-off the year with a lake day. (Parents, you are invited too!!) Join us Sunday, September 13th at Pine Island Shelter 5 starting at 1:00 pm for all the fun! We will cook out, swim, paddle board and kayak. Be sure to bring your bathing suits, sunscreens, towel, sand toys, floats, beach chairs and anything you need to enjoy the day. Look forward to seeing everyone there. NEEDED FOR GOD’S HELPING HANDS August Juice & Jello VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY We are seeking people, beginning on Wednesday, September 9th, to help pack bags for our Davis Backpack Ministry. We will be packing and distr ibuting 60 bags per week this school year with September 11th being our first distribution date. We will need volunteers for 20 weeks, for probably 1 to 11/2 hours a week as we also coordinate with students from USC to help pack every other week. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful outreach ministry, please contact Charlie or Lynn McClure at 791-5087 or email at We will need your name and best way to contact you. Remember - if everyone does a little, no one has to do much - and what a wonderful way for our church to minister to children! MORE CONGREGATIONAL NEWS CAYCE CARES! Let’s remember our homebound members with a card and a note! A big Thank You to those of you who send cards . Thanks for adding a note of cheer to someone’s day, even when the recipient of your card does not know who you are or you do not know them very well! **Please remember to visit our Shut-In board. ATTENTION: ALL WOMEN/CHILDREN OF ALL AGES! Guess What? Myrtle Mae, comedienne par excellence and spiritual entertainer is coming to our UMW meeting September 24th at 6:00 pm. J ust br ing your self and vittles for supper at 6:00 pm in Chamber s Hall. Then let the FUN begin!! GRANDPARENTS Grandparents day is September 13, 2015. We will be honoring our grandparents with a breakfast reception that morning from 8:30 am - 10:00 am. in Chambers Hall. We will be serving muffins, yogurt, fruit, granola bars, juice, milk and coffee. Come enjoy fellowship and bring lots of pictures of your grandchildren. We would like to say thank you to our church family for their prayers, love, concerns, cards, and sympathy during Nancy’s illness and death. Thank you to the UMW for bringing the family meal to us. Thank you to Joseph and Joe Cal for their visits and prayers during Nancy’s illness and death. Thurmond, Merle, Jeannie, and Mona Saylor We express our condolences to John Branham in the death of his mother, Vivian Branham on Thursday, August 6, 2015. Please keep John and his family in your prayers. We express our condolences to Danny Brazell in the death of his mother, Loree Brazell. Please keep Danny and his family in your prayers. UMW News August Altar Flower Delivery: J osie Lowr imor e Cir cle August Mission Project: Rur al Mission/J ohn’s Island Upcoming Events - Newswatch September 17, 2015 - Executive Board Meeting at 5:00 pm in Chambers Hall September 19, 2015 - Columbia District UMW 43rd Annual Meeting Shandon UMC, Columbia, SC Theme: “Fill My Cup Lord with Faith, Hope, and Love. Registration Deadline is Sept. 11th. Copies of the registration forms are next to the UMW bulletin board in the tray by the water. Our UMW unit is sponsoring an exciting program for Thursday, September 24th at 6:00 pm and want all women of the church to take notice and mark their calendars NOW! We will start with a covered dish supper (favorite recipes, ladies) and our program will feature entertainment by Myrtle Mae, a born again comedienne from Myrtle Beach. What a treat this will be! Ongoing mission projects: Please continue to save stamps fr om cancelled envelopes, tr imming 1/4” ar ound them, if possible. Also, remember to save your drink tabs for Ronald McDonald House, feed the pink pig bank with change for Nancy K. Perry Children’s Shelter. All are collected by the drinking fountain outside Chambers Hall. Thank you! Remember to read the UMW Bulletin Boards! Prayer List Hospitalized: At Home Members: Dot Buddin, Fr ances Gantt, Har old Gooding, Windy Hall, Everette Mills, Emery Murray, Ethel Weaver, Edie Whitaker, Elisa Williams, Marilyn Warren, Owen Huff. Members in Care Facilities: Marshall Bogan, Kathryn Burkett, Charles Henry, Sam Lucas, Larry Tomms, Harmon McCoy, Jr., Jane Fleet, Helen York, Mary Shedd, Shell Carmon, Noel Yobs, Delila Grambrell, Grace Norris, Narcie Shealy, Loretta McCall, Estelle Rhodes, Juanita Thomason. Other Members and Friends who need our prayers: Mona Saylor, Owen Huff, Evelyn Coggins, Katy Tevepaugh, Nettie Livingston, Owen Livingston, John & Mary Bouknight, Ray Meetze, Roy Floyd, Ann Diamond, Betsy Crick, Tim Shealy, Sam Harmon. Pamela Floyd (Willie’s daughter-in-law), Sherri Shipley (Dot Buddin’s daughter), Perry Clancy (Jan Bonnette’s friend), Wrena Morris (Loy Miller’s sister), Larry Shortridge (Linda Edmond’s brother-in-law), Jenny Burkett (Kathryn’s daughter -in-law), Catherine Wilkes (Imogene & Tommy Rivers’ friend). Members in Military: Adam Harrington Names will remain on our Prayer List for one month. Please notify the church office at 794-3200 if your loved one’s name should remain on our Prayer List for a longer period. Thank you. CUMC HOMEBOUND & SHUT-IN MEMBERS AT HOME: Frances Gantt, 1115 Blakely Ct., West Columbia SC, 29170-3510 Harold Gooding, 1 Lynnwood Rd., West Columbia, SC 29169 Everette Mills, 1100 O Avenue, Cayce, SC, 29033-3131 Emery Murray, 1123 Hilton Point Rd, Chapin, SC, 29036-8366 Juanita Thomason, 1015 Michaelmas Ave., Cayce SC 29033 Elisa Williams, 1118 Naples Ave., Cayce SC 29033 Dot Buddin, 2342 Laurie St. Cayce, SC 29033 Owen & Nettie Livingston, 1543 Dunbar Rd. Cayce, SC 29033 Ethel Weaver, 2168 Fish Hatchery Ln. West Columbia, SC 29172 Edie Whitaker, 102 Hickory Ln. Cayce, SC 29033 Marilyn Warren, 328 Clark St. Cayce, SC 29033 Ann Diamond, 736 L Ave. Cayce, SC 29033 John & Mary Bouknight, 203 Calcutta Dr. West Columbia, SC 29172 Windy & Louise Hall, 102 Oak Ln. Cayce, SC 29033 Bob & Dot Nelson, 203 Old Chapin Rd. Unit 130 Lexington, SC 29072 Evelyn Moss, 122 Cinnamon Hills Ct. Lexington, SC 29072 OAKLEAF VILLAGE Kathryn Burkett, Oakleaf Village, Room 328, 800 N Lake Drive, Lexington, SC, 29072-2907 GENERATIONS OF IRMO Marshall Bogan, 7142 Woodrow St. Irmo, SC 29063 COLONIAL GARDENS ALZEIMERS SPECIAL CARE CENTER Loretta McCall, 3565 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169 STILL HOPES Helen York, Still Hopes 200 Still Hopes Dr., West Columbia SC , 29169 Noel Yobs, 200 Still Hopes Dr. West Columbia, SC 29169 AGAPE WEST COLUMBIA Estelle Rhodes, 2705 Leaphart Rd. Rm 416 West Columbia, SC 29169 Larry Tomms, 101 Marjorie Ln., West Columbia SC 29169-3335 AGAPE LEXINGTON Mary Shedd, Apt. 314 5422 Augusta Rd. Lexington, SC 29072 LEXINGTON EXT CARE, 815 Old Cherokee Rd., Lexington, SC, 29072-9041 Harmon McCoy, Jr., #140B JENNI LYNN RETIREMENT CENTER Jane Fleet, 943 Hook Ave., West Columbia, SC, 29169-5332 PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY James Hancock, 700 Devega Dr. Unit 115 Lexington, SC 29072 MORNINGSIDE OF LEXINGTON Grace Norris, 218 Old Chapin Rd. Lexington, SC 29072 Narcie Shealy, 218 Old Chapin Rd. Lexington, SC 29072 LOWMAN HOME Charles Henry, 201 Fortress Dr. White Rock, SC 29177 TWILITE MANOR Delila Gambrell, 2306 Forrest St. Cayce, SC 29033 HAVEN IN THE SUMMIT Sam Lucas, 3 Summit Terrace Rm. 408 Columbia, SC 29229 NHC OF LEXINGTON Juanita Thomason, 2993 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169 WORSHIP NEWS Our 2015 FLOWER CALENDAR has been posted across from the church office. Please come by and sign up for Sundays that you would like to remember or honor a loved one. You can call the church office @ 794-3200 or email us at Altar flowers are available in August: August 23 - both vases WORSHIP Please note that worship will be held in the Chambers Hall another week while the air and heating unit is being replaced in the sanctuary. Sorry for any inconvenience. August 9, 2015 ATTENDANCE Sunday School……………………………….…………92 Sunday @10:30……………………………………….106 CONTRIBUTIONS Weekly Budget Needs………...............…….....$8,023.50 Received 08/9/2015…...…..…...……...………..$6,784.00 Surplus/(Deficit)………..…....................…….$(1,239.50) Year to Date Prorated Budget ........……...….$256,752.00 Year to Date Budget Giving…..…....…….….$240,301.03 Surplus/(Deficit)………........………..............$(16,450.97) Budget Received to Date……...................…..$240,301.03 Expenses to Date......…….....…………...……$226,396.80 Surplus/(Deficit).…….......................................$13,904.23 Special Offerings Anvil Fund………………….……..…….….$145.00 Memorials/Honorariums………..…………..$100.00 Pass Thru……………………………………$315.00 TOTAL…………......…...…...….…..…...$7,344.00 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship/ Holy Communion 9 10 9-9:25 am Choir Prac 9:30 am Joint Sunday School - UMVIM speaker 10:30 am Worship 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 6:00 - Seekers SS Party 17 6:00 Trustees 18 24 25 26 5:45 - Finance 7:00 - Work Area 6:30 - Adult Choir Practice 9-9:25 am Choir Prac 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 30 Connectional Sunday 6 6:30 Missions 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 23 Christian Education Sunday 5 7:00 - SPRC 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 16 Davis Covenant Sunday 4 31 6;00 - Nominations & 6:30 - Adult Choir Leadership Develop- Practice ment CHILDREN’S CHURCH USHERS August 2 Judy Hutchinson Charles Hite Barney Lindley Roby Stone Steve Tevepaugh August 9 Debbie McDonald David Bundrick Scott Newman Joe Brown Steve Tevepaugh August 16 Duane Johnson Roy Elrod Clint Carter Jim Coelho Steve Tevepaugh GREETERS ACOLYTES August 2 Joe Brown August 9 No Volunteer August 9 Hailey Crick August 16 Charles Hite Roby Stone August 16 Elliot Bridges August 23 Zollie Miles August 23 Leah Dufries August 30 Lois Miller Jay Miller August 30 Lola Crotty PARAMENT TEAM August August 23 Loy Miller Sam Harmon Allyson Smith Jeff Temples Steve Tevepaugh August 2 Ages 3-5 Jody Vassey Christie Watts Grades 1-3 Anna Schafer Courtney Hudson August 2 Caroline Ford JC Smith family SANCTUARY ANGELS NURSERY VOLUNTEERS August 2 Sunday School Amber Dufries Worship Katty Hite Ashley Hutchison August 9 Sunday School Christie Watts Worship Steve & Jody Vassey August 16 Sunday School Cathy Coker Worship Janie Elrod Cathy Coker August August 30 Christie Watts Diane Rollison Jay Coker Todd Dufries John Tjaarda Linda Meetze TRUSTEES OF THE MONTH August Gerry Bonnette August 23 Sunday School Martha Park Worship Fay Collier Anna Schafer August 30 Sunday School Christie Watts Worship Alice Stewart, Heather Ford August 9 Ages 3-5 Cynthia & Emily Hutchison Grades 1-3 Ashley Hutchison Andy Tevepaugh August 16 Ages 3-5 Caroline Bridges Nancy Boan Grades 1-3 Heather Ford Mary Kay Face August 23 Ages 3-5 Cathy Coker Jay Thompson Grades 1-3 Todd & Amber Dufries August 30 Ages 3-5 Betsy Crick, Nan Carter Grades 1-3 Charlie & Jill Sellers
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