
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
Finding Your Soul's Purpose
Through Meditation,
Past Life Regression, and
Inspirational Writing
Who We Are
with Joanne DiMaggio
Saturday, October 2, 2010
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
$35 per person
Forest Lakes Pavilion
1828 Pavilion Circle - Charlottesville, VA
Edgar Cayce gave 1900 life readings between 1923-1944.
People came to Cayce for these readings because something
in everyone is hungry for a sense of meaning; for some
purpose of being. The Cayce life readings described how
each soul is born with a unique mission in life—that every
one of us is specially equipped with talents and abilities that
give us the potential to make a needed contribution to the
world. One familiar adage of the Cayce readings was: Be not
only good, but be good for something.
This full-day workshop at a new location—the Forest Lakes
Pavilion—will enable you to discover your life's purpose in
two unique ways, both using meditation. Through a past life
regression designed to gather helpful resources from the
past, you will be able to clarify your understanding of your
soul’s purpose to help you live it more fully. Through
inspirational writing, you will contact your higher self, guides,
angels, or Source—to ask for more information about your
purpose in this life.
Throughout the day you will engage in exercises that will
help you define your purpose and deepen that understanding
through your interaction with others in the group. By the end
of the afternoon, you will write your soul’s own Mission
We represent the Charlottesville area of
The Association for Research and
Enlightenment (A.R.E.), a not-for profit
organization founded in 1931 by Edgar
Cayce to research and explore
transpersonal subjects. With an
international headquarters in Virginia
Beach, VA, the A.R.E. community is a
global network of individuals who offer
conferences, educational activities, and
fellowship around the world.
Most of our regular monthly programs at
held at Unity Church in Charlottesville,
while some are held at smaller venues
such as a private home or the Forest Lakes
Pavilion. Be sure to read program
descriptions carefully to find the correct
location and check with our website,
www.arecville.org for the latest news.
Joanne DiMaggio, Coordinator
P.O. Box 6475
Charlottesville, VA 22906-6475
Email: are.cville@gmail.com
Website: www.arecville.org
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Edgar Cayce on Astrology
and the Psychological
Patterns of Disease
The Resonance Method of
Past Life Recall:
With Lynn Koiner
Uncovering Clues to the
Late, Great You!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. - $10
Unity Church in Charlottesville
With Joanne DiMaggio
Saturday, October 30, 2010
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - $15
Since the early 1970s, Lynn Koiner has been researching
medical issues in the horoscope. Her first case studies
were with diabetes. Then, discovering an A.R.E.
Scleroderma Support Group in New York City, she
began researching scleroderma and the Cayce readings.
Using the Cayce remedies, this is the most curable of the
incurable diseases.
Lynn’s program will be geared towards non-astrologers.
She will discuss many common illnesses and possible
remedies, many obtained through the Cayce readings.
Cayce said that there were 13 different types and causes
of arthritis. Lynn has uncovered most of them.
As time allows, Lynn will discuss:
1) Auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, Fibro-Myalgia,
Scleroderma, MS
2) Stress diseases such as IBS, heart disease and
3) Respiratory disease such as asthma but including
4) Aging diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Osteoporosis,
and Arthritis
5) Cancer
6) Wilson's Syndrome and the effect of low body
temperature on health
7) Blood sugar diseases such as Diabetes
8) Diseases affecting the skin such as Rosacea and
9) Disease of inflammation and how to cure them.
Fall 2010
Forest Lakes Pavilion
What could be more exciting the day before Halloween
than to go on a past life treasure hunt? This is especially
fun for people who love to uncover a mystery. The
Resonance Method of Past Life Recall is a gentle, nonthreatening technique that does not require an altered
state of consciousness. Ideal for beginners, this method
has proven to be an effective way for new seekers and
skeptics alike to begin their past life exploration.
With the Resonance Method, you become a past life
detective. You examine every aspect of your being,
compiling the data through a simple, yet in-depth
analysis of who you are today that enables you to put
together bits and pieces of a puzzle to give you the first
glimmerings of a past life identity.
Using a specially designed workbook and very simple
relaxation techniques, you will explore things you
resonate to—like cities and countries; music;
occupations; art; languages; body karmas; food, race &
skin color; hobbies; cultures, etc.
When you put all these clues together, you can begin to
see patterns that will help you to solve the mystery of
who you were in the past.
For those who wish to explore their past lives further, a
group regression after the break will end the session.
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
Finding The Guidance Of
Greater Mind Through
Synchronicity and The I
with Frank Pasciuti, PhD
Saturday, November 13, 2010
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. - $10
Unity Church in Charlottesville
According to Edgar Cayce, Mind is the active force
in nature that propels changes. Dr. Pasciuti believes
that it’s this active force of Mind that lies behind the
manifestation of synchronistic events and the
workings of The I Ching Book of Changes.
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who coined the
term synchronicity, also wrote the introduction to the
Wilhelm/Baynes translation of The I Ching. Jung
distinguished synchronicities from random
coincidental events by their relevant meaningfulness
in our lives. He believed when a synchronicity is
perceived, and its meaningfulness is intuitively
discerned, it can contribute to our needed guidance
and growth.
It’s uncanny when we behold a significant
synchronicity. To experience the coincident timing of
a seemingly random material event that meaningfully
aligns with our internal psychic state can leave us
with a numinous feeling. And that same feeling can
arise when we consult the I Ching with a personal
question and receive a hexagram filled with the
wisdom that’s ‘just right’ for the guidance we seek.
Jung likened the I Ching hexagrams to a “Catalog of
After more than 30 years of personally employing
the I Ching and conducting psychotherapy, Dr.
Pascuiti has discovered that similar insights can be
achieved through both processes. He has also found
that when the I Ching is consulted under conditions
that simulate psychotherapy, its synchronistic process
may be further enhanced.
Dr. Pascuiti will explain how to establish those
conditions, teach participants more about the
synchronistic process; the profundity of the I Ching,
and the way the greater Mind may be harnessed to
assist in one's evolution of consciousness.
Experienced • Sensitive • Knowledgeable
M.Ed. Counseling Psychology - Jungian
Trainer, Educator, Practitioner – Experiential Methods
30+ years Experience - Alternative Healing Arts
Recorded Session(s)
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
Hypnotherapy Certification Programs
Allen Chips, DCH, PhD
Dee Chips, BSW, CRM
Become a "Certified Hypnotherapist" through the National
Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH). Your instructor, Dr. Allen Chips, is an internationally renowned author,
trainer, and speaker on clinical hypnotherapy, spiritual growth
and Edgar Cayce for over a decade. His worldwide distributed
books include, Clinical Hypnotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach
(2ed), and Script Magic: A Hypnotherapist's Desk Reference (2ed).
Participants often learn and experience the process of change and
transformation from this entry-level hypnotherapy certification program.
As a new profession, or an adjunct to a private practice, clinical hypnotherapy often provides prosperity and personal fulfillment. (Education
CEUs available for licensed professionals.)
NATH Training Schedule
September 20-25: Entry-Level Hypnotherapy Certification Program: Outer Banks, NC
September 27-Oct 1: Past Life/Life Between Lives Certification Program: Outer Banks, NC
October 27-31: NATH Annual Convention with dozens of presentations and workshops
November 1-6: Master Level Hypnotherapy Certification Program- A.R.E. Headquarters, VA Beach
296-MIND; www.Holistictree.com; Admissions@holistictree.com
PO Box 7220
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Meditation Retreat
Simpsons Hollow Bed & Breakfast
Two-bedroom, full-kitchen apartment on a mountainside. Filled
with Cayce-related reading material for your soul’s growth and
your body’s relaxation. Easy access 25 miles south of
Charlottesville but very secluded. Outdoor Jacuzzi for four.
Private hiking trails to the mountaintop. Full breakfast. Dinner
available on arrival upon request. $100 per night.
For information, visit www.simpsonshollow.com
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
An Astrology consultation is a tool. In the right hands,
it helps you grasp the underlying significance of
current issues. In the right hands, it shines
the light of insight into your Life. And
in the right hands, it reveals the
tools you can use to change.
For an Astrology Consultation
please contact
Francesca Toscani
Just released!
Get these inspirational mini-books that are filled
with spiritual concepts and Universal Law.
Checklist for you
Gifts for family and friends
Stocking stuffers
Sized for pocket or purse
Available now on Amazon.com
Diane L. Berlin
Author, Lecturer, Spiritual Counselor
Be sure to visit our website
for the latest information on
programs and news!
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
How Edgar Cayce—And Atlantic University—Changed My Life
By Joanne DiMaggio
On November 20, 2010, Atlantic University—the
educational institution founded by Edgar Cayce—will
celebrate its 80th anniversary. As with most anniversaries,
it is a time to reflect on the impact this incredible school
has had on the many souls who have taken courses and
gone on to do their soul’s work. I am one of them—a
proud member of the class of 2010.
I remember thinking right before the impact that this was
it—I was going to die. While Karen and I sustained
injuries, neither was life threatening. She crawled out of
the car and sat on the embankment waiting for the rescue
squad to cut me out of the car. She later swore she
watched this from a viewpoint above us, but I said that
was impossible because we never lost consciousness.
My journey to A.U. began much earlier on November 9,
2000. Prior to that date, I had been involved with the
A.R.E. for 13 years. I was on the Core Team in Chicago
that founded the A.R.E. Heartland Region.
Simultaneously, I was the director of a past life research,
education and therapy organization called PLEXUS. In
1995 I moved to Charlottesville in search of answers to a
past life that had become all consuming. I brought my
past life organization with me and renamed it Athanasy,
the Greek word for “deathlessness” or “immortality.”
But something did happen at the point of impact. Karen
and I noticed that we were somehow different after the
accident. There was something unsettling that neither of
us could identify. No one around us sensed that we had
changed, but we knew we weren’t the same.
Both PLEXUS and Athanasy gave me the opportunity to
meet professionals in the field who became friends,
confidantes and colleagues as I hosted them for our
monthly programs—much like I am doing now for the
A.R.E. Charlottesville area. By the late 90s, my past life
organization had grown and was respected for the
professional journal we produced and the caliber of the
speakers we hosted.
While this was the work of my heart and soul, it did not
generate much of an income, so I chose to supplement
my esoteric work with my more mainstream talents in the
field of marketing and public relations. To that end, I
started a Communications Consulting business with my
close friend and colleague, Karen Cersley.
On a rainy November 9, 2000, Karen and I were driving
along the winding Garth Road to meet with new clients.
Suddenly we saw a car coming around one of the curves.
The driver had lost control and the car was fishtailing. I
slowed as much as possible, thinking it would give him
time to regain control, but to no avail. His car slid
sideways and T-boned my little Pontiac Sunfire.
Soon thereafter I lost interest in metaphysics and no
longer cared about my past life sojourn. What was once a
passionate part of my life now held no interest for me, as
if my life prior to the accident had been a dream. I
remembered it, but I had no emotional attachment to it.
This detachment grew and I began to dismantle my
metaphysical life to live a more mainstream life. I gave
away my books, did not renew my membership in the
A.R.E. and disbanded Athanasy. I withdrew from my
“like-minded” friends until they cycled out of my life—
and that was just fine with me.
And then on the morning of November 9, 2003--exactly
three years to the date of the accident—I woke up and
was back to the person I had been before the accident. In
that brief moment when I awakened, I thought I was back
in November 2000, with my like-minded friends a phone
call away, Athanasy still operating, and my membership
in A.R.E. intact. It took me about ten seconds to realize
that was no longer the case. Everyone and everything I
once held dear prior to the accident was long gone.
For the next three years, I was lost. I was unable to
integrate the experience because I had no clue what had
actually happened. Karen put forth the idea that we were
walk-ins—that another soul came in at the time of the
impact and occupied our bodies—but while I did not
discount that possibility, it did not sit right with me.
Continued next page
Continued next page
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
Atlantic University, continued
During this period, I attempted to reconnect with some of
the friends I had prior to the accident, to no avail. I guess
my explanation was too bizarre, even for them. I
continued to try to sort this out while holding down a
full-time position at an advertising agency and flying
back and forth to Phoenix to care for my ailing father. It
was a very stressful and lonely time in my life.
After my father passed in 2006, I decided I needed to get
a handle on my life. If I wanted to go back to the person I
was before the accident, I would have to retrace the steps
that brought me there in the first place. It was then I
thought about Edgar Cayce and Atlantic University. If
anything could gently ease me back, it was reconnecting
with the Cayce readings and taking classes through A.U.
I did both and as I hoped, I slowly regained my
confidence and reconnected with my soul’s purpose.
In August 2008 I got the go-ahead to start an A.R.E.
“chapter” in Charlottesville and in January 2009 we
began having monthly programs at Unity Church.
Through my work as coordinator for the Charlottesville
area, I met many wonderful new “like-minded” friends
who lovingly filled the empty places in my heart, which
my pre-accident friends had once occupied. I also began
to develop relationships with some of my extraordinary
mentors at A.U., and others affiliated with the A.R.E.
who came to Charlottesville to do programs for us. My
cup was running over with these sincere and supportive
souls who brought great joy into my life.
One of those souls is P.M.H. Atwater, one of the most
renowned authorities on Near-Death Experience (NDE).
As it just so happened, toward the end of my three-year
term at A.U., I took an elective class on NDE (IS510).
One of the books on the required reading list was Coming
Back to Life: Examining the After-Effects of the NearDeath Experience by P.M.H. Atwater. In Chapter 3,
P.M.H. explores “Major After-Effects” of an NDE. One
of them was: “Difficulty Understanding Time Sense or
References to What Occurred in the Past or Might Occur
in the Future—A Sense of Timelessness.”
Eureka! That was it! That was the perfect explanation
for what happened to me after the accident.
Everything was “somewhat impersonal” and yes,
indeed, I “could not fully identify” with my prior life.
There definitely was a “line of demarcation”
separating my pre- and post-accident life.
It took nine years, but I finally had my answer, and
that was all because of the class I took at A.U. No
knowledge I had gained before that class had helped
me understand what happened—and now I did.
P.M.H. and I attend the same Unity Church. I
approached her about doing a Near-Death Experience
program for us, which she generously did last
summer. I briefly told her about my experience and
she said that even though I did not “die” the fact that
I thought I was going to die at the moment of impact
triggered the same symptom as someone who
actually does die. My psychic friend, Betty Riley,
confirmed that, offering me the explanation that at
the moment of impact, my astral body shot out of my
physical body, thus giving me my own NDE.
My life has changed completely over the last nine
years and I’ve learned many lessons. Those souls
who are with me now are nearer and dearer than
those who left, for which I am so grateful. I cannot
put into words the enormous positive impact that
A.U. and Mr. Cayce continue to make in my life. It is
not merely because of what they bring in terms of
wisdom gained through the study of transpersonal
topics. It is much more than that. It is helping a lost
soul find its way home, reconnecting to Source and
understanding its place in the continuum of life.
See how A.U. can change your life.
Imagine my surprise when I read the following:
“recollection of events that occurred before their episode
was different. They could still remember past events, for
the most part, but the process of that memory seemed
slower, somewhat impersonal, as if they could not fully
identify with it.” Later she wrote, “Any number of
survivors described a ‘line of demarcation’ that seemed to
have formed at the time of their experience, separating
those things before from anything that came after.”
Charlottesville Area Newsletter
Fall 2010
Upcoming Programs at
Virginia Beach
October 7-10 Zahi Hawass’ Secrets from
the Sands: Our Annual Ancient Mysteries
Conference—Atlantis, Egypt, Lemuria,
October 22-23 Gary Renard on Truth is
All There Is: The Miracle of Divine Love and
November 12-14 Visitors from Hidden
Realms: UFOs, Crop Circles, and
Extraterrestrial Encounters
December 29-31 Spiritual Resolutions:
Keeping Our Soul’s Promises—the Annual
New Year’s Conference.
For Information on A.R.E. Conferences,
visit www.edgarcayce.org/conferences
A.R.E. Charlottesville
P.O. BOX 6475
Charlottesville, VA 22906-6475
Past Life Regressions
Joanne DiMaggio, M.A., CHt
Over 20 years experience exploring how issues of the
past impact the present
Graduate of Eastern Institute of Hypnotherapy
Member of Nat’l Assoc. of Transpersonal
434-242-7348 /joannedimaggio@embarqmail.com