LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 Inception Report 30/09/2009


LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 Inception Report 30/09/2009
LIFE Project Number
Inception Report
Covering the project activities from 01/01/2009 to 30/09/2009
Reporting Date
Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with Juniperus
spp. in Crete and the South Aegean (Greece)/JUNICOAST
Data Project
Project location
Project start date:
Project end date:
Total budget
EC contribution:
(%) of eligible costs
Greece, Crete and South Aegean
1.501.210,00 €
1.125.908,00 €
(%) 75
Data Beneficiary
Name Beneficiary
Contact person
Postal address
Project Website
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic
Studies / Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Mr. George Kazakis
Alsylio Agrokipiou, 73100 Chania, Crete, Greece
+30 28210 35000
+30 28210 35001
1 Table of contents
1 Table of contents ..................................................................................................................... 2
2 List of abbreviations................................................................................................................ 2
3 Executive summary ................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 General progress............................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Assessment as to whether the project objectives and work plan are still viable.............. 3
3.3 Problems encountered. ..................................................................................................... 4
4 Administrative part.................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Description of project management ................................................................................. 5
4.2 Organigramme of the project team and the project management structure ..................... 6
4.3 Partnership agreements status (incl. date of signature) and key content.......................... 8
5 Technical part.......................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Actions ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Availability of appropriate licences and authorizations................................................. 20
5.3 Envisaged progress until next report. ............................................................................. 21
6 Financial part......................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 Putting in place of the accounting system. ..................................................................... 23
6.2 Continued availability of co financing. .......................................................................... 23
6.3 Costs incurred (summary by cost category and relevant comments)............................. 23
7 Annexes................................................................................................................................. 26
2 List of abbreviations
ERT: Electrical Resistivity Tomography
FDC: Forest Directorate of Chania
FDL: Forest Directorate of Lasithi
GCPs: Ground Control Points
GPR: Ground Penetrating Radar
GIS: Geographical Information System
GPS: Global Positioning System
MAICh: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
NKUA: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
PTA (Periferiako Tameio Anaptiksi): Regional Development Fund of Crete
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
3 Executive summary
The general objective of the Junicoast project is to promote and enable the long term
conservation of the 2250* priority habitat (Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.) in Crete and
the South Aegean (Greece) where the distribution of these habitats is mainly confined. All the
actions of this project are being carried out in all the Natura 2000 designated habitats of Crete
comprising approximately 54 % of the total number of this habitat type in Greece.
Additionally, dissemination actions are being carried out in the South Aegean providing the
opportunity for the wider protection and restoration of this habitat.
The project started on time and during this reporting period (1.1.2009 – 30.9.2009) all
“preparatory actions” have started and are currently being implemented. All “concrete
conservation actions” except action C8 (Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone
species) are scheduled to start by the beginning of 2010. Action C8 started on time and is
currently being implemented. The “public awareness and dissemination of results” actions D1
(Development and implementation of a communication strategy), D2 (website development)
and D3 (environmental education campaign) started on schedule and are currently being
implemented. Actions D4, D5, D6 and D7 are scheduled to start in the future. The “overall
project operation and monitoring actions” (E actions) are also being implemented on schedule
and without any notable obstacles.
In the present report, the proceedings and the envisaged progress until the next report of each
particular action are concisely described. Moreover, the costs incurred (summary by cost
category and by action) are reported. The report is accompanied by the relevant annexes.
3.1 General progress
The project started on the 1st of January 2009. During the reporting period for the inception
report (01.01.2009 – 30.09.2009), actions A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, C8, D1, D2,
D3, E1, E3, and E5 have started according to the project work plan (see annex 7.5 Table
Project actions, provisioned and modified time table). The general progress of the project
implementation is considered thus far to be satisfactory.
3.2 Assessment as to whether the project objectives and work plan are still viable
The primary aim of this project is to promote and enable the long term conservation of the
coastal dune habitats with Juniperus spp. in Greece.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1. To contribute to the consolidation and dissemination of a knowledge base for the
protection, restoration, monitoring and evaluation of coastal dune with Juniperus spp.
habitats in Greece.
2. To understand, quantify and halt natural and anthropogenic threats that contribute to
the long term degradation of this habitat.
3. To design and implement actions for the protection and long term restoration of
coastal dune with Juniperus spp. habitats.
4. To provide support for better environmental governance in Natura 2000 sites through
stakeholder involvement and training.
By relying on the preparatory actions in Crete, the project will allow the consolidation of a
national knowledge base providing insight on the abiotic and biotic factors that influence the
habitat structure and quality but also on the effects of anthropogenic pressures (specific
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
objective 1 and 2). These will be followed by the concrete conservation actions in Crete
targeting the main natural and anthropogenic threats which will put into practice, test and
evaluate actions and methodologies unfamiliar to the Greek habitat’s context (specific
objective 3). Being a demonstration project, the public awareness and dissemination of the
results will be carried out on a national level using a multi-stakeholder communication
strategy allowing the promotion of the concrete conservation in the South Aegean (specific
objective 4). This will be achieved by using a participatory approach and stakeholder
engagement from the onset of the project which will include:
An environmental education campaign raising public awareness and long term support
for the project in Crete and the South Aegean,
The provision of training and guidelines on habitat protection and restoration methods
at a national level,
The creation of local, national and European networks for the protection of this
Based on the above and preliminary work in progress it appears that the project objectives and
work plan are still very relevant, valid and viable. To date, no changes are considered
necessary, regarding the primary aim and specific objectives of the project, neither its general
work plan. However, minor changes in the foreseen end-date of some actions and in the
submission dates of their corresponding deliverables (actions A1, A2, A3, A5, A7, A8, A9,
C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7) are considered at this stage to be necessary (see annex 7.5 Table
Project actions, provisioned and modified time table). The justification for these delays is
stated under each section describing the progress of the individual action below.
3.3 Problems encountered.
Certain technical difficulties which arose were dealt with due to the timely interventions of
the coordinating beneficiary.
Worthy of reporting, is a difficulty faced with regard to the priority habitat in Falasarna
(GR4340001). The mapped 2250* priority habitat included in the Junicoast proposal,
following site visit, was established to be fragmented and traversed by a tarmac road cutting
the habitat in two. Moreover, it is evident that the habitat is occupied by several private land
During the first field visits to the site, the team encountered an elderly individual, who
reproached us for trespassing, and claimed to be the private owner of part of the habitat.
Immediate action was taken by the project manager, who organised a meeting with two of the
landowners to try and mediate the situation. The project manager described the project and
proposed actions, and requested the collaboration of the land owners. The project manager
explained to them that their land ownership would not be jeopardised by this project, which
was of major concern to them.
During the project manager’s visit, one of the land owners raised the question why the project
actions will be carried out only in the site mentioned in the project proposal and not in a
nearby locality where sand dunes with Juniperus trees are also found. The project manager
asked the land owner to show him which site he was referring too, and following the site visit,
it was in fact established that this is a 2250* classified habitat, but which has not been mapped
as such in the NATURA2000 network, and was thus not included in the proposal. The
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
location and pictures of this new potential habitat are presented in annex 7.3.
It is thus proposed, that during the implementation of the Junicoast proposed actions for
Falasarna, both sites will be considered and actions will be implemented according to context
specific suitability of each site. Moreover, through the close collaboration of the coordinating
beneficiary with the municipality of Kissamos (for details see A.6 deliverable) we envisage
that any issues that may arise will be dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
Details regarding, small modifications to schedule are presented analytically in Section 5,
action by action. It should be emphasised that the project duration is not expected to be behind
schedule; and that all actions will be completed within the 4 years project period.
4 Administrative part
4.1 Description of project management
The project management team with the collaboration of the other beneficiaries, and input
from various stakeholders, have carried out a number of activities to ensure the effective
implementation of project. Apart from the mentioned activities in the proposal i.e. kick off
meeting, 1st scientific committee meeting, and the stakeholder committee meeting, a number
of other meetings and activities have been held to ensure the support and necessary
collaboration for the project. These have taken place under the stakeholder consultation action
A.6 as well as the D actions and are described in detail in Section 5 and deliverable reports of
action A.6 submitted together with this inception report (see annex 7.2).
The kick-off meeting of the project, organised by the coordinating beneficiary (MAICh) and
attended by the associated beneficiaries (NKUA and FDC) took place at the premises of the
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania on the 22nd of January 2009 (Action E.1). The
FDL was not able to attend, due to a national strike that took place on the day, resulting in the
closure of the road between Lassithi and Chania. (For agenda and minutes of the Kick off
meeting and publicity, please see Annex 7.3). For this reason, another meeting between
MAICh and FDL was organised at the offices of the Forest Directorate in Agios NikolaosLassithi on the 18th of February 2009, where all financial and technical issues as well as
project reporting and dissemination matters were discussed.
The 1st Scientific committee meeting of the project took place at the premises of the
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania on the 26th and 27th of February 2009. This
meeting was under the framework of action E.3 (scientific committee) of the project. The 1st
Scientific committee meeting was organised by the coordinating beneficiary (MAICh). Chair
person of this meeting was Mr. George Kazakis (project manager) and the objectives of the
meeting were:
• To present the project,
• To discuss the methodologies of the project actions and the problems/difficulties that
might be encountered during the 1st year of the project.
• To discuss potential collaborations, integration of methodologies/results and exchange
of data between the project beneficiaries in order to facilitate the completion of the
preparatory actions and the proposal of effective concrete conservation actions.
• To visit the Elafonisi study site (GR4340015) and acquire a first assessment on the
present status of the site.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Initially Mr. George Kazakis, Mr. Dany Ghosn and Dr. Kalliope Pediaditi presented
analytically the project’s actions and the agenda of the meeting. Following the project
presentation, a round table discussion examining the materials and methods of each action
took place. Each preparatory action methodology was discussed in detail (See Annex 7.3 for
agenda, details and outcomes of meeting).
The 1st stakeholder committee meeting (E.4) took place at the premises of the
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania on the 25th of February 2009, conjointly with
the stakeholder workshop carried out under A.6, (See Annex 7.2 for details). During this
meeting the stakeholder committee was established, as well as future collaboration for the
Finally, the project manager and the coordination team of MAICh are in continuous
communication with the associated beneficiaries, the external consultants and local
stakeholders of the project in order to ensure the appropriate evolution of the project and the
achievement of the deliverables and results on time as required by the common provisions.
Regular email communication and consultation with scientific committee members has been
taking place through this reporting period.
4.2 Organigramme of the project team and the project management structure
The management structure of the project is as follow:
MAICh: Coordinating beneficiary
Project Manager: Mr. George kazakis responsible for the overall project coordination and
Researchers and field assistants: Mr. Dany Ghosn, Dr. Kalliope Pediaditi and Ms. Christina
Fournaraki assist the project manager in ensuring the accomplishment of the project’s goal,
objective, activities, and results; provide essential assistance required to carrying out various
actions of the project.
Technicians and field assistants: Ms. Hlektra Remoundou, Ms. Eleni Markaki. Mr. Nikos
Psilakis and Mr. Alexis Adonakakis provide essential assistance to the researchers and the
project manager required to carrying out various actions of the project.
Financial Administrator: Ms. Artemisia Lioni responsible for the financial management of the
NKUA: Associated beneficiary
Responsible for the NKUA team: Prof. Kostas Thanos
Researchers and field assistants: Prof. Kyriakos Georgiou, Dr. Dimitris Sarris, Dr. Penelopi
Delipetrou, Mr. Adonis Kaltsis and Ms. Eleni Skourti assist the responsible of the NKUA
team in ensuring the accomplishment of the NKUA actions.
Financial Administrator: responsible for the financial management of the NKUA actions.
PTA (FDC and FDL): Associated beneficiary
Responsible for the FDC team: Dr. Chara Karioloaki (Director of FDC)
Senior staff: Mr. Ioannis Fotakis responsible for the overseeing and execution of key concrete
conservation actions.
Responsible for the FDL team: Mr. Emmanouil Kouthoumas (Director of FDL)
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Senior staff: Mr. Matheos Filippakis responsible for the overseeing and execution of key
concrete conservation actions.
Financial Administrator: responsible for the financial management of the NKUA actions.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
4.3 Partnership agreements status (incl. date of signature) and key content
The partnership agreement has been developed and signed by all beneficiaries (Annex 7.1)
5 Technical part
Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. is a priority habitat (code: 2250*) of the Habitats Directive.
Currently in Greece there is no documented evidence that active conservation measures have
been implemented for the protection and restoration of this threatened habitat. This
demonstration project is putting into practice the testing, evaluation and dissemination of
actions and methodologies that are unfamiliar to the Greek geographical, ecological and
socio-economical context. The distribution of these habitats in Greece is mainly confined to
south of the country. This project is dealing with all the known localities of the habitat in
Greek Natura 2000 network in the regions of Crete and South Aegean. All the actions of this
project are being carried out in all the Natura 2000 designated habitats of Crete comprising
approximately 54 % of the total number of this habitat type in Greece. Additionally,
dissemination actions are being carried out in the south Aegean providing the opportunity for
the wider protection and restoration of this habitat. The particular project sites in Crete were
selected for the demonstration aspect of this project due to their high ecological significance,
the serious threats that demand immediate response, and their geographical distribution that
allows preservation of high proportion of this habitat type (ecological coherence) by using
rational financial means. Additionally, the sites in Crete are suitable for the demonstration
purposes of this project as they are representative of the full range of habitat contextual
characteristics and threats of all habitat localities in Greece. Therefore, this project through its
national multi-stakeholder communication strategy, is attempting to promote similar concrete
conservation actions in the south Aegean, disseminate the lessons learnt, promote and provide
training of the (demonstrated trial) techniques and methods nationally, as well as to raise
public awareness, ensuring the wider conservation of this priority habitat throughout Greece.
The sites with priority habitat of this project are shown in the table below:
Elafonisi (GR4340015)
Municipality of Pelekanou
Gavdos Island (GR4340013)
Community of Gavdos
Gavdos Island (GR4340013)
Agios Ioannis
Community of Gavdos
Gavdos Island (GR4340013)
Community of Gavdos
Chrysi Island (GR4320003)
Chrysi (east habitat)
Municipality of Ierapetra
Chrysi Island (GR4320003)
Chrysi (west habitat) Municipality of Ierapetra
Falasarna (GR4340001)
Municipality of Kisamos
Milos Island (GR4220005)
Municipality of Milos
Polyaigos Island (GR4220020)
Municipality of Kimolos
Naxos Island (GR4220014)
Municipality of Naxos
Rodos Island (GR4210005)
Municipality of Rodos
(See Map of the general location of the project area, annex 7.3)
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5.1 Actions
5.1.1 Action A.1: Landform and land degradation processes in dune systems
The purpose of this action is to conduct surveys that will map and describe the landforms,
structures and processes on the surface and the subsurface of the habitat to the depth of
Juniperus tree rooting system. This action started on schedule and the activities performed up
to now include:
• Literature review on the geomorphology, landform and land degradation processes in
dune systems
• Geo-referenced geo-physical transects using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
in the following Cretan sites: 4 in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, 5 in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 5 in
Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, 7 in site1-Chrysi and 4 in site2-Chrysi.
• Transect with Ground penetrating Radar (GPR) in the following Cretan sites: 1 in
kedrodasos-Elafonisi, 4 in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 4 in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, 7 in site1Chrysi, and 4 in site2-Chrysi.
• 1.2 m soil core samples, soil profile description and soil sample analysis in the
following Cretan sites: 3 in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, 2 in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 1 in Agios
Ioannis-Gavdos, 1 in site1-Chrysi, and 1 in site2-Chrysi.
• Landscape unit description and first observations on erosion patterns in KedrodasosElafonisi, Lavrakas-Gavdos and site1-Chrysi.
• Hydrological modelling in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi.
• Acquisition of ground Control points (GCPs) in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, Agios IoannisGavdos, and the whole island of Chrysi.
• Vegetation description along all ERT transects in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, SarakinikoGavdos, Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, site1-Chrysi and site2-Chrysi).
• Water sampling and analysis in Lavrakas-Gavdos.
• Photo documentation from all Cretan sites (Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, Sarakiniko-Gavdos,
Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, Lavrakas-Gavdos, site1-Chrysi, and site2-Chrysi).
No major problems are encountered in implementing this action. However, we would like to
modify the foreseen end-date (31-3-2010) of this action and the submission date of the
corresponding deliverables by 3 months (modified end-date by 30-6-2010) in order to ensure
that all necessary fieldwork is completed, taking into account that access (by boat) to Gavdos
island can be difficult in winter and that there is no access to Chrysi islet during the winter.
It is envisaged that by the next reporting period (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) this
action will have been completed and the following activities will have been carried out:
• Geo-physical transects measurements using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
in Falasarna
• Transect with Ground penetrating Radar (GPR) in Falasarna
• Soil core samples in Falasarna
• Water sampling and analysis (where available)
• Data input and processing
• Data analysis
• Production and submission of geomorphological maps of all Cretan sites (foreseen
end-date 31-3-2010)
• Write-up and submission of the report on landforms, structures and processes of the
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
dune systems (foreseen end-date 31-3-2010)
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.2 Action A.2: Determining the dune system plant communities’ composition and
The purpose of this action is to conduct surveys to determine and describe the composition,
the structure, and the ecological processes of juniper woodland communities on all Cretan
sites. Although this action started on schedule, plot establishments and vegetation sampling
could not be completed during spring 2009 on Chrysi Island and Falasarna due to lack of
time. By the time the vegetation sampling in the 3 sites of Gavdos and Kedrodasos- Elafonisi
were completed, the vegetation on Chrysi Island and Falasarna had dried out.
Therefore, vegetation sampling will need to take place in early spring 2010, during the
flowering season. We would thus like to modify the foreseen end-date (31-3-2010) of this
action and the submission date of its corresponding deliverables by 3 months (modified enddate by 30-6-2010) to accommodate this change.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• Literature review on various topics such as dune system plant communities’
composition and structure, and the ecological processes of Juniper woodlands.
• Geo-referenced 30x30m plots, each including two relevés (10x10m and 3x3m subplots) have been established in the following Cretan sites:
• 6 in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, 4 in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 6 in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, and 8
in Lavrakas-Gavdos.
• Species composition and cover have been measured in all established plots and relevés
• GPS measurements of all individual trees within the 30x30m plots in all sites of
Gavdos (Sarakiniko, Agios Ioannis, and Lavrakas).
• Photo documentation from all Cretan sites (Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, Sarakiniko-Gavdos,
Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, Lavrakas-Gavdos, site1-Chrysi, and site2-Chrysi).
• Data input of all measured plots and relevés (sub-plots).
It is envisaged that by the next reporting period (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) this
action will have met its objectives and the following activities will have been carried out:
• Establishment of vegetation plots and vegetation sampling on Chrysi Island and
• GPS measurements of all individual trees within the 30x30m plots on Chrysi Island
and Falasarna
• Data input and processing
• Data analysis
• Production and submission of maps of specific areas within the habitats in need of
restoration (modified end-date 30-6-2010)
• Write-up and submission of the report on plant associations, community types,
composition and structure of the dune systems (modified end-date 30-6-2010)
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
5.1.3 Action A.3: Composition and structure of Juniperus populations
The purpose of this action is to quantitatively determine and describe the population
composition and structure of the typical species of habitat type 2250*, Juniperus oxycedrus
subsp. macrocarpa and Juniperus phoenicea, in the Natura 2000 sites of Crete. This action
started on schedule and the activities performed up to now include:
• Literature review on various topics such as studies on the genus Juniperus,
communities of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa on Mediterranean sand
dunes, and Sex ratio in dioecious plant populations.
• GPS measurements of all individuals of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa and
Juniperus phoenicea within the habitat type 2250* in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi and
• Determination of the Juniperus population size as well as numbers of trunks per
individual in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi and Falasarna.
• Determination of the Juniperus population sexual ratio in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi and
• Sampling of tree cores from selected individuals of Juniperus for age structure
estimation in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, and
• Sampling of cones and seeds for reproductive biology studies in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi.
• Photo documentation from Kedrodasos-Elafonisi, Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios IoannisGavdos, and Lavrakas-Gavdos.
No major problems are encountered in implementing this action. However, we would like to
modify the foreseen end-date (31-3-2010) of this action and the submission date of the
corresponding deliverables by 3 months (modified end-date by 30-6-2010) in order to ensure
that all necessary fieldwork is completed, taking into account that access (by boat) to Gavdos
island can be difficult in winter and that there is no access to Chrysi islet during the winter.
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
• Supplementary visits to the four sites of interest
• Data input and processing
• Data analysis
• Write-up and submission of the Report on population size, age-size structure and sex
ratios of the Juniperus populations (modified end date 30-6-2010)
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.4 Action A.4: Habitat mapping
The purpose of this action is to conduct a survey to accurately identify and map the target
habitats at all Cretan sites. This action is being carried out according to schedule, will be
completed and have met its objectives, by its actual foreseen end-date (31-3-2010).
To date the activities carried out include:
• Topographic maps (scale 1:5000) of all Cretan sites were scanned and geo-referenced.
• Digitizing of all topographic maps of all Cretan sites is in progress.
• Aerial photos of 1968 (scale 1:15.000) of all Cretan sites have been bought
• Recent aerial photos (1992 and 2004, scale 1:8.000) where available (Gavdos and
Chrysi islands), have been bought.
• Scanning and geo-referencing of all aerial photos are in progress.
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GPS data collected from Kedrodasos-Elafonisi and all sites in Gavdos were imported
into GIS.
It is envisaged that by the next reporting period (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) the
following activities will have been carried out:
• GPS data collection from Falasarna and Chrysi
• Identification of habitat boundaries in all Cretan sites
• Data input into GIS
• Production and submission of all Cretan habitat maps (foreseen end-date 31-3-2010)
5.1.5 Action A.5: Visitor impact assessment
The purpose of this action is to undertake a visitor impact assessment in order to ensure the
effective implementation of visitor management actions in all Cretan sites. This action started
on schedule, and the activities carried out so far, include:
• Literature review on various topics such as recreation ecology, methodologies on
visitor impact assessment and measurement of visitor impacts on sand dunes.
• Vegetation damage surveys for Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, LavrakasGavdos and Kedrodasos-Elafonisi.
• Measurements of visitor numbers and tents (intensity and distribution) on a monthly
basis starting from May/June in Chrysi, Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios Ioannis-Gavdos,
Lavrakas-Gavdos and Kedrodasos-Elafonisi. (using GPS).
• Path density using GPS has been recorded in Chrysi, Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios
Ioannis-Gavdos, Lavrakas-gavdos and Kedrodasos-Elafonisi.
• Visitor Survey Questionnaires were developed and piloted and revised for all Cretan
sites apart from Falasarna.
• On site surveys have been conducted for Chrysi and Kedrodasos-Elafonisi off peak
and on peak samples are obtained for representativeness.
• Questionnaires with stands and “Junicoast” pencils from recycled material have been
placed on boats to Gavdos and Chrysi as well as tavernas.
• Meetings with tourism and local representatives to obtain an overview of tourism flow
and waste quantities.
• Walks through the habitat with permanent visitors indicating problem areas and
recommendations for visitor management measures were carried out on several
• A visitor consultation meeting in Gavdos, with campers in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos took
place on the beach of Agios Ioannis on the 5th of July 2009. During this meeting, the
coordination team of MAICh presented the project and an open discussion with the
campers on the different actions to be implemented took place. (see Annex 7.3 for
minutes of the meeting)
• Input of obtained questionnaires into an excel file and preliminary analysis
However, as this is an integrated assessment, it requires input from action A.2 in order to
analyse the results regarding vegetation damage. We would thus like to modify the foreseen
end-date (31-3-2010) of this action and the submission date of its corresponding deliverables
by 3 months (modified end-date by 30-6-2010) to accommodate this.
It is envisaged that by the next reporting period (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) this
action will have been completed, its objectives achieved, and the following activities will
have been carried out:
• Spatial data input and processing
• Tourism Survey analysis
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Vegetation damage survey in Chrysi
Analysis of Vegetation damage data
Litter survey
Production and submission of maps illustrating the location of visitor management
concrete actions (modified end-date 30-6-2010)
• Write-up and submission of the report on visitor impact assessment (modified enddate 30-6-2010)
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.6 Action A.6: Stakeholder consultation
The purpose of this action was to establish the stakeholders’ level of awareness, perceived
values, threats and recommendations for conservation of the habitat in their localities. This
action started and was completed on schedule, fulfilling all its objectives. The results of this
action are presented in detail in the five deliverable reports submitted with this inception
report. Indicatively what has been carried out is:
• 1 stakeholder workshop at MAICh (25-02-2009)
• 1 community workshop in Gavdos (04-07-2009)
• 35 interviews with stakeholders
• Community surveys in Kissamos, Pelekanou, Inahoriou, and Ierapetra municipalities
• Door to door Survey Gavdos community
• Questionnaire Data entry, interview transcription and analysis
• Production of 1 report with stakeholder and community consultation result per site (4)
• Production of 1 report with results of stakeholder consultation method effectiveness
Please refer to Annex 7.2 to read the deliverables of this action (Report on community
surveys and stakeholder consultation, and the effectiveness evaluation report on stakeholders’
consultation methods) submitted together with this inception report.
5.1.7 Action A.7: Elaboration of long term monitoring protocols and selection of
The purpose of this action is to develop long term monitoring protocols which will enable the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the concrete conservation actions as compared to the initial
situation, objectives and expected results. Although this action started on schedule, it needs to
take into account the results of A.2, A.3 and A.5. Therefore, a one month extension is
requested to develop indicators reflecting these topics. Activities under this action performed
up to now include a literature review of existing indicators data bases and tools.
It is envisaged that by the end of the next reporting period (Mid-term report by the 31-122010) this action will have been completed (modified end-date 31-7-2010) and the following
deliverables produced:
• A compendium with monitoring protocols to evaluate effectiveness of concrete
conservation actions and habitat status (modified end-date 31-7-2010)
• Monitoring protocols to evaluate public awareness and dissemination action
effectiveness (modified end-date 31-7-2010)
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.8 Action A.8: Elaboration of target habitat protection and restoration specifications
The purpose of this action is to propose protection and restoration specifications for the
habitat 2250* in the Natura 2000 sites of Crete. This action started on schedule, and the
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
activities carried out so far include a literature review on habitat-specific conservation and
restoration techniques.
Although the action started on schedule, as in action A.7, it needs to take into account the
results of actions A.2, A.3 and A.5; thus, a one month extension is needed to ensure that all
necessary data are collected before entering the final stage of the action.
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
• Data input and processing
• Data analysis
• Visits to the sites of interest
• Production of a working manual including specific protection and restoration
specifications for the habitat 2250* at each site (modified end-date 31-7-2010).
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.9 Action A.9: Determination of the Governance structure and legal status
The purpose of this action is to determine the governance structure and the legal status of the
Coastal dune with Juniperus spp. habitats in Greece. Although this action started on schedule,
obtaining key interviews with some stakeholders has proved challenging, therefore a three
month extension is requested to provide more time for transcription, obtaining the remaining
interviews and analysis of results. The activities under this action performed up to now
• Literature review on environmental governance and governance evaluation
methodologies and theory
• Literature review of relevant studies carried out in Greece, as well as of past studies
conducted and plans proposed for Cretan sites.
• A series of interview templates where developed and piloted
• Stakeholders’ analysis.
• Interviews with 35 key governance bodies as well as individuals who have authority,
responsibility or "ownership" of the target habitat on national, regional (Crete and
south Aegean) as well as local level.
• Interviews are being transcribed and are currently being processed.
It is envisaged that by the end of the next reporting period (Mid-term report by the 31-122010) this action will have been completed (modified end-date 31-3-2010) and the following
activities and deliverables will be completed:
• Conducting remaining interviews
• Data input and processing
• Data analysis
• Write up and submission of the report on Report on Governance structure (modified
end-date 31-3-2010)
• Write up and submission of the report on habitat legal status (modified end-date 31-32010)
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.10 Action C.1: On site habitat demarcation
The purpose of this action is to demarcate the on site boundaries of the habitats in all Cretan
sites. This action will start according to the schedule on the foreseen start-date of 01-01-2010
and it is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
5.1.11 Action C.2: Waste removal
The purpose of this action is to remove existing solid waste present on all the Cretan sites
within the boundaries of the habitats. This action will start according to the schedule on the
foreseen start-date of 01-01-2010 and it is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
5.1.12 Action C.3: Enhancement of juniper regeneration
The purpose of this action is to protect the existing natural regeneration of junipers and to
enhance, wherever needed, the seedling populations. This action needs to take into account
the results of A.3 and A.8. Therefore, we would like to move the foreseen start-date and the
foreseen end-date of this action by three months. Consequently, the modified-start date would
be 1-3-2010 and the modified end-date 30-6-2012. It is envisaged that its objectives will be
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.13 Action C.4: Restoration of the floristic composition and structure of the target
habitat 2250*
The purpose of this action is to restore the floristic composition and structure of the Juniperus
shrub (habitat 2250*) to a desired state at the Cretan sites of the habitat. The exact locations
of necessary interventions, the selection of the species, the number of plants planted, the
planting design and the desired male/female ratio cannot be determined beforehand, as they
depend on the results of actions A.2 and A.3 and the guidelines of action A.8. Therefore, we
would like to move the foreseen start-date and the foreseen end-date of this action by three
months. Consequently, the modified-start date would be 1-3-2010 and the modified end-date
30-6-2012. It is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.14 Action C.5: Fore dune stabilization through vegetation restoration
The purpose of this action is to implement concrete conservation actions needed to inhibit
land degradation processes identified in action A.1 namely sand removal through wind
erosion. This action needs to take into account the results of A.1, A.2 and A.8. Therefore, we
would like to move the foreseen start-date and the foreseen end-date of this action by three
months. Consequently, the modified-start date would be 1-3-2010 and the modified end-date
30-6-2012. It is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.15 Action C.6: Visitor management intervention and infrastructures
The purpose of this action is to protect the habitats from the impacts of tourism such as
vegetation and tree damage, sand dune erosion and littering through the proposed visitor
management interventions and infrastructures. The proposed concrete conservation actions
will be reviewed and revised in the specifications (action A.8) following the outcomes of the
following preparatory actions: A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and A.5. Therefore, we would like to move
the foreseen start-date and the foreseen end-date of this action by three months. Consequently,
the modified-start date would be 1-3-2010 and the modified end-date 30-6-2012. It is
envisaged that its objectives will be met.
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
5.1.16 Action C.7: Design and installation of Signs
The purpose of this action is to design and install on all Cretan sites directional and
information signs in order to help protect the habitats by minimizing visitor impacts and
threats. This action needs to take into account the results of A.5 and A.8. Therefore, we would
like to move the foreseen start-date and the foreseen end-date of this action by three months.
Consequently, the modified-start date would be 1-3-2010 and the modified end-date 30-62011. It is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
For time schedule see annex 7.5 Project actions, provisioned and modified time table.
5.1.17 Action C.8: Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species
The purpose of this action is to collect, store, and propagate the keystone species of the
coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. outside of their natural habitat thus enhancing their
conservation ex situ. This action is being carried out according to schedule, will be completed
and have met its objectives, by its actual foreseen end-date (31-12-2012).
To date the activities carried out include:
• Seed collection of Juniperus oxycedrus spp. macrocarpa from Sarakiniko-Gavdos,
Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, Lavrakas-Gavdos, Chrysi site1 & site2, and KedrodasosElafonisi.
• Seed collection of Silene succulenta (Key stone species) from Chrysi.
• Seed collection of Ononis hyspanica (key stone species) from Sarakiniko-Gavdos and
• Seed collection of Cistus parviflora (key stone species) from Agios Ioannis-Gavdos.
• Cuttings from Juniperus oxycedrus spp. macrocarpa from Kedrodasos -Elafonisi.
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
• Draft protocols for seed collection, handling and storage
• Draft protocols for seed germination
• Seed collection and cuttings from Juniperus oxycedrus spp. macrocarpa from all
Cretan sites
• Seed collection of Key stone species from all Cretan sites
• Production and propagation of plant material (Juniperus oxycedrus spp. Macrocarpa
and key stones species)
5.1.18 Action D.1: Development and implementation of a communication strategy
The purpose of this action is to develop and implement a communication strategy to raise
awareness and disseminate the results of this project in Crete and the South Aegean.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• Literature review on best practice regarding environmental education and participation
• Development of draft education program to be reviewed with education network.
• Communication and information about the project with primary and nursery school
teachers including environmental education bodies from pilot sites.
• Educational and tourism representatives were invited to the stakeholder meeting and
asked to provide input on the development of the educational and dissemination
• Through A.6 interviews and aforementioned meetings and literature review- site
specific and national communication strategy is being formed.
• Short TV interview (onsite-Chrysi Island) on the National Television Channel (NET,
Menoume Ellada). Broadcasted on Sunday 5th of July 2009 and again on the 18th of
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
August 2009 at 13:00.
• Two interviews on a Local TV Channel (Chania, Nea TV), during the 1st stakeholder
consultation meeting. Broadcasted on the 25th of February 2009.
• 5 Articles and 9 Press releases published in local newspapers (Chaniotika Nea,
Kyrikas, and Anatoili).
See Annex 7.3 for detailed breakdown of publicity activities.
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
include the following:
• Based on the results of the education and tourism meetings foreseen later on this year,
the sequence of education material (i.e. leaflets, T- shirts etc) will be determined.
It is envisaged that this actions objectives will be met.
5.1.19 Action D.2: Website development
The purpose of this action is to develop, update and maintain a project website.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• Website developed and launched ( in March 2009.
• Website being maintained and updated regularly.
• Web statistics available from May to 25th of September 2009
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
• Continuous website maintaining and updating
It is envisaged that this actions objectives will be met.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
5.1.20 Action D.3: Environmental education campaign
The purpose of this action is to carry out an environmental education campaign aimed at
increasing the public’s environmental knowledge to enhance people’s values of habitat and to
promote participation in their management.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• Meetings with environmental education representatives and primary schools head
masters from localities.
• Participation of education and tourism representatives at first stakeholder workshop at
• Development of draft educational programme for review and enhancement with
participating teachers
• Meetings with key tourism stakeholders to discuss visitor information provision needs
and appropriate media (boat owners, local tourism entrepreneurs, tourism guides and
hoteliers and travel agent representatives of Crete, Greek National Tourism
Although the proposal recommended the execution of separate workshops for tourism
representatives and education instructors, the action was modified following telephone
communication with a number of representatives. It was established early on in the project,
with A action results not being available, and due to travel barriers and time restrictions, that
informal meetings and communication with representatives were more appropriate. Moreover,
key representatives were invited to the stakeholder workshop in order to promote the sharing
of ideas and values between different stakeholders, as well as to promote an overview of the
project and its actions. Both tourism and education representatives, pointed out the need to
conduct meetings or workshops in the localities of the representatives, as well as to pay
attention to timing suitability in order to ensure participation.
Tourism representatives wished to be contacted when promotion and information material is
available for dissemination, and prior to the beginning of the tourism season.
Education representatives noted that they also want educational material to be ready and the
workshop to be carried out during autumn.
Project objectives are in the process of being achieved and the envisaged progress until the
next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would include:
• Execution of environmental education workshops
• 2 student weeks at MAICh
• Local events
• Workshops with tourism representatives
5.1.21 Action D.4: Training for habitat protection and restoration
The purpose of this action is to train stakeholders involved in the protection of coastal dune
Juniperus spp. 2250* habitat throughout Greece, (e.g. forest directorate staff, government
officers, etc) in the demonstrated trial techniques for habitat restoration and protection. This
action will start according to the schedule on the foreseen start-date of 01-01-2012 and it is
envisaged that its objectives will be met.
5.1.22 Action D.5: Production and dissemination of habitat protection and restoration
The purpose of this action is to produce and disseminate protection and restoration guidelines
at the end of the project to the various stakeholders involved in the conservation and
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
management of this priority habitat throughout Greece. This action will start according to the
schedule on the foreseen start-date of 01-07-2011 and it is envisaged that its objectives will be
5.1.23 Action D.6: Dissemination of findings to the scientific community and Layman’s
The purpose of this action is to disseminate the findings of the project to the international
scientific community. This action will start according to the schedule on the foreseen startdate of 01-01-2011 and it is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
5.1.24 Action D.7: After-LIFE communication and conservation plans
The purpose of this action is to develop and disseminate After–LIFE communication and
conservation plans at the end of the project. This action will start according to the schedule on
the foreseen start-date of 01-07-2012 and it is envisaged that its objectives will be met.
5.1.25 Action E.1: Project coordination and management
The purpose of this action is to ensure effective project coordination and management
enabling the achievement of the projects objectives according to the schedule and quality
standards. This action is being carried out according to schedule.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• Translation of the proposal from English to Greek.
• Partnership agreement developed and signed.
• Kick-off meeting at MAICh premises on the 22nd of January 2009 (MAICh, NKUA
and Forest Directorate of Chania).
• Meeting with Forest Directorate of Lasithi on the 18th of February 2009.
• Frequent contacts with associate beneficiaries and daily project meetings at MAICh.
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
include the continuous follow up of proposed actions schedule, scheduling of meetings etc,
thus ensuring the achievement of the entire projects objectives.
5.1.26 Action E.2: Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the project
The purpose of this action is to monitor measure and document the effectiveness of the
concrete conservation as well as dissemination actions implemented through this project in
improving coastal dune with Juniperus spp. habitat status, halting identified threats as well as
raising stakeholder awareness of this priority habitat. This action will start on its foreseen
start-date of 01-07-2010.
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
include, initiation of monitoring actions based on defined indicators of A.7. It is envisaged
that this actions objectives will be met.
5.1.27 Action E.3: Scientific Committee
The purpose of this action is to establish a scientific committee which will advise and evaluate
the scientific quality of the work undertaken for this project.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• First scientific committee meeting held on 26th of February 2009 in MAICh
• Field visit to Kedrodasos-Elafonisi on the 27th of February 2009.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Minutes of the 1st scientific committee meeting have been produced.
Regular informal communication with committee members, for consultation on
methodological issues
For more information on the 1st scientific committee meeting, please see attached annex 7.3
which include the agenda, list of participants and minutes of the 1st Scientific committee
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
include organisation and execution of one more scientific committee meeting.
5.1.28 Action E.4: Networking with other similar LIFE projects
The purpose of this action is to establish networks with other relevant Life Projects. This
action started ahead of schedule, with contacts being made with a number of similar LIFE
projects. It is envisaged that the objectives of this action will be achieved.
5.1.29 Action E.5: Stakeholder Committee
The purpose of this action is to establish a stakeholder committee which will assist the project
by providing the necessary support and commitment as well as information to overcome
external, political, administrative, and management issues that may arise.
The activities under this action performed up to now include:
• First stakeholder committee meeting held on the 25th of February 2009 in MAICh.
• Establishment of the stakeholder committee.
• Regular informal discussions with committee members
The envisaged progress until the next report (Mid-term report by the 31-12-2010) would
include regular informal communication with stakeholder committee members on a needs be
basis, as well as the execution of a formal meeting to discuss concrete conservation actions,
once specificationsA.8 are prepared.
5.1.30 Action E.6: External auditing
Following initiation of the project and set-up of the cost centre, it was quickly realised that
two financial external audits, conducted in conjunction with the mid term report and the final
report would be adequate, as additional ones are not mentioned in the common provisions.
The number of audits has been reduced to two thus, minimising the administrational burden,
whilst at the same time providing a more representative and complete picture of expenditures.
Therefore, we have decided to conduct only two financial external audits in conjunction with
the mid-term report and the final report (see Gantt chart with schedule of progress and
planned actions, action E6). The expenses of the first financial audit in conjunction with the
mid term report will covered by MAICh whereas the expenses of the second and final
financial audit in conjunction with the final report of the project will be covered by action E6
“External auditing”.
5.2 Availability of appropriate licences and authorizations
Not relevant
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
5.3 Envisaged progress until next report.
The next progress report consists of the Mid-term report which will be submitted on the 3112-2010 in conjunction with the second payment request and external financial audit. By then
it is envisaged that all preparatory A actions will have completed and their deliverables
submitted (See Section 5.1 for detailed description of remaining tasks). In addition,
milestones for actions C7, D2, E3, & E5 would have been achieved.
During this period, all concrete conservation C actions will have been initiated and well in
progress. Their detailed schedule of tasks, will be formulated following the submission of A.8
specifications report, and be described accordingly in the mid-term report.
Actions D1, D2 and D3 will continue their implementation according to schedule (See
Section 5.1 for detailed description of envisaged progress), whereas, Actions D5, D6 and D7,
will start following the submission of the mid-term report.
So far E actions have been carried out to schedule achieving milestones of Actions E3 and E5.
In fact, action E4 “networking with other similar LIFE projects” has started even earlier at the
beginning of this project. It is envisaged that remaining action E2 will start and be carried out
according to schedule. A modification to E6 has been proposed (See Section 5.1.30) in
compliance with common provisions financial statement requirements and its objectives will
be achieved.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Gantt chart with schedule of progress and planned actions
Start date
Inception report
End date
Mid-Term report
Overall project schedule
Start date
Inception report
Progress report
Final report
End date
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
6 Financial part
6.1 Putting in place of the accounting system.
The accounting system of the whole project is still under construction and it is envisaged to be
ready by October 2009. However, the coordinating beneficiary (MAICh) and the associated
beneficiaries (NKUA and PTA) have registered the project on a separate cost accounts in their
respective accounting systems.
6.2 Continued availability of co financing.
All project beneficiaries (MAICh, NKUA and PTA) will continue to co-finance the project as
declared in their respective official declaration for the project co-financing.
6.3 Costs incurred (summary by cost category and relevant comments).
Budget breakdown categories
Total cost in €
Costs incurred
% of total costs
from the start
date to
31.08.2009 in €
1. Personnel
2. Travel and subsistence
3. External assistance
7. Other Costs
8. Overheads
4. Durable goods
5. Land purchase / long-term lease
6. Consumables
Costs incurred are calculated until the end of August 2009
The external assistance category shows a low % of the total cost because external assistants
will be fully paid only after the submission of the corresponding deliverables. Additionally,
the consumables category also shows a low % of the total cost because preparatory actions
have not finished yet and concrete conservation actions have not started. However, it is
expected to fulfil the originally proposed level of expenditure by the end of the project.
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Action number and name
A1-Landform and land
degradation processes in
dune systems
A2-Dune system plant
communities composition
and structure
A3-Composition and structure
of Juniperus population
Spent so far
Projected final
A4-Habitat Mapping
A5-Visitor Impact Assessment
A6-Stakeholder consultation
A7-Elaboration of long term
monitoring protocols and
selection of indicators
A8-Elaboration of target
habitat protection and
restoration specifications
A9-Determination of
governance structure and
legal status
C1-On site habitat
C2-Waste removal
C3-Enhancement of juniper
C4-Restoration of the floristic
composition and structure
of the target habitat 2250*
C5-Fore dune stabilisation
through vegetation
C6-Visitor management
intervention and
C7-Design and installation of
C8-Ex situ conservation and
propagation of keystone
D1-Development and
implementation of a
communications strategy.
D2-Website development
D3-Environmental education
D4-Training for habitat
protection and restoration
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Action number and name
D5-Production and
dissemination of habitat
protection and restoration
D6-Dissemination of findings
to the scientific community
and Layman's report
D7-After-LIFE communication
and conservation plans
E1-Project coordination and
E2-Monitoring and evaluation
of the effectiveness of the
Spent so far
Projected final
E3-Scientific Committee
E4-Networking with other
similar LIFE projects
E5-Stakeholder Committee
E6-External auditing
Costs incurred are calculated until the end of August 2009
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
7 Annexes
7.1 Partnership agreement
7.2 Deliverables (submitted in separate documents)
• D-A.6.1.1 Stakeholder consultation and community survey for Chrysi Island
• D-A.6.1.2 Stakeholder consultation and community survey for Gavdos Island
• D-A.6.1.3 Stakeholder consultation and community survey for Kedrodasos
• D-A.6.1.4 Stakeholder consultation and community survey for Falasarna
• D-A.6.2 Stakeholder Consultation Method Effectiveness Evaluation
7.3 Maps, drawings, technical designs, technical memos etc. as appropriate.
(Meetings minutes, agendas & list of participants)
7.4 Output indicators. Definition
7.5 Others
Table: Project actions, provisioned and modified time table
7.6 Answers to the Questions addressed by the Commission in the letter dated: Brussels,
31 of March 2009 – Ref:ENV/E.4/PO Ares (2009) 62148
LIFE07NAT/GR/000296, Inception report, 30/09/2009
Annex 7.1
Signed partnership agreement
ΣΥΜΦΩΝΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Για το Έργο LIFE+ “JUNICOAST”, LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 1. Συμβαλλόμενα μέρη Το παρόν συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας συντάχθηκε και υπογράφηκε από τους κάτωθι: Α. Το Διεθνές Κέντρο Ανωτάτων Μεσογειακών Αγρονομικών Σπουδών (CIHEAM) Μεσογειακό Αγρονομικό Ινστιτούτο Χανίων (ΜΑΙΧ) Αλσύλλιο Αγροκηπίου 731 00 Τ.Θ. 85 ΧΑΝΙΑ, ΚΡΗΤΗ ως ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΗΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥΧΟΣ ο οποίος στο εξής θα καλείται ως ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥΧΟΣ εκπροσωπούμενο από τον Διευθυντή του κ. Αλκίνοο Νικολαϊδη. Β. Το Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ) [Ειδικός Λογαριασμός Κονδυλίων Έρευνας (Ε.Λ.Κ.Ε.)] (Τμήμα Βιολογίας, Τομέας Βοτανικής, Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος: Αν. Καθηγητής Κώστας Α. Θάνος) Χρήστου Λαδά 6 105 61 ΑΘΗΝΑ ως ΣΥΜΠΡΑΤΤΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥΧΟΣ Α ο οποίος στο εξής θα καλείται ως εταίρος Α, εκπροσωπούμενο από τον Καθηγητή Δημοσθένη Ασημακόπουλο Αντιπρύτανη Οικονομικού Προγραμματισμού και Ανάπτυξης, Πρόεδρο της Επιτροπής Ερευνών. Γ. Την Περιφέρεια Κρήτης ƒ Διεύθυνση Δασών Χανίων, Χρυσοπηγή, 731 00 ΧΑΝΙΑ, ΚΡΗΤΗ ƒ Διεύθυνση Δασών Λασιθίου, Ρ. Καπετανάκη 8, 721 00 ΑΓΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ, ΚΡΗΤΗ ƒ Περιφερειακό Ταμείο Ανάπτυξης Κρήτης Εφόδου 3 και Μάχης Κρήτης 713 03 ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ ως ΣΥΜΠΡΑΤΤΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥΧΟΣ Β ο οποίος στο εξής θα καλείται ως εταίρος Β, εκπροσωπούμενο από τον κ. Σεραφείμ Τσόκα Γενικό Γραμματέα της Περιφέρειας Κρήτης και πρόεδρο του Περιφερειακού Ταμείου Ανάπτυξης Κρήτης. 2. Αντικείμενο Το παρόν συμφωνητικό συντάχθηκε στα πλαίσια του Έργου LIFE+ : ƒ “Δράσεις για την προστασία των παράκτιων αμμοθινών με είδη Juniperus στην Κρήτη και στο Νότιο Αιγαίο (Ελλάδα)”, LIFE07NAT/GR/000296/24‐11‐2008 στο εξής αναφερόμενο ως «Έργο». ƒ Διάρκειας 48 μηνών (από 1‐1‐2009 έως 31‐12‐2012). Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 1 / 8 ƒ
Συνολικού προϋπολογισμού 1.501.210 ευρώ, με ποσοστό χρηματοδότησης της Ευρωπαϊκής Κοινότητας 75% και μέγιστο ποσό 1.125.908 ευρώ. Η σύμβαση επιχορήγησης (Grant Agreement), που υπογράφηκε από τον «Δικαιούχο» και την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή στο εξής καλούμενη «Επιτροπή» και η οποία περιλαμβάνει τις ειδικές διατάξεις (Special Provisions), τις κοινές διατάξεις (Common Provisions), την τεχνική περιγραφή του Έργου (LIFE07NAT/GR/000296/24‐11‐2008) και όλα τα παραρτήματα (1‐4) των ανωτέρω αποτελούν αναπόσπαστα μέρη του παρόντος συμφωνητικού. Οι διατάξεις της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης υπερισχύουν έναντι άλλων συμφωνητικών μεταξύ του Δικαιούχου και των Εταίρων. 3. Διάρκεια Του παρόν συμφωνητικό τίθεται σε ισχύ με την υπογραφή των συμβαλλομένων και με χρονοδιάγραμμα υλοποίησης φυσικού αντικειμένου 31.12.2012 ή τις τυχόν παρατάσεις του. Παύει να ισχύει με την περάτωση του Έργου και την αποπληρωμή των Εταίρων. 4. Ρόλος και υποχρεώσεις του Δικαιούχου 4.1 Ο Δικαιούχος φέρει ακέραια τη νομική και οικονομική ευθύνη έναντι της Επιτροπής για την υλοποίηση του Έργου την επίτευξη των σκοπών του και την διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων του. 4.2 Ο Δικαιούχος σύμφωνα με την σύμβαση επιχορήγησης εξουσιοδοτείται από τους Εταίρους να δρα έναντι αυτών στην υπογραφή της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης και σε πιθανές μελλοντικές διορθώσεις του Έργου. 4.3 Ο Δικαιούχος αποδέχεται όλες τις διατάξεις της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης με την Επιτροπή. 4.4 Ο Δικαιούχος σύμφωνα με τη υπογραμμένη σύμβαση επιχορήγησης είναι ο μόνος που θα εισπράξει τη χρηματοδοτική συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής και θα διασφαλίσει την κατανομή της εν λόγω συνδρομής στους Εταίρους ανάλογα με το χρονοδιάγραμμα εκτέλεσης των δράσεων του Έργου και την ποσοστιαία συμμετοχή του κάθε Εταίρου στον προϋπολογισμό του Έργου. 4.5 Σε περίπτωση που κάποιος Εταίρος μειώσει την ιδία συμμετοχή του στο Έργο ο Δικαιούχος δεσμεύεται σε συμφωνία με τους άλλους Εταίρους στην εξεύρεση των απαραίτητων πόρων για την σωστή εφαρμογή του Έργου. Η Επιτροπή δεν αυξάνει την συμμετοχή της ή το ποσοστό χρηματοδότησης σε καμία περίπτωση. 4.6 Ο Δικαιούχος αναλαμβάνει μέρος των δαπανών του Έργου (συγχρηματοδότηση) που ανέρχεται στο ποσό των 285.588 ευρώ. 4.7 Ο Δικαιούχος είναι ο μόνος συμμετέχων που επικοινωνεί με την Επιτροπή και υποχρεούται να αναφέρει κατευθείαν στην Επιτροπή την τεχνική και οικονομική πρόοδο του Έργου. Ο Δικαιούχος υποβάλλει στην Επιτροπή τις απαραίτητες αναφορές σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 12 των κοινών διατάξεων. Ο Δικαιούχος παρέχει στους Εταίρους αντίγραφα των τεχνικών και οικονομικών εκθέσεων που υποβάλλει στην Επιτροπή καθώς και τις απαντήσεις της Επιτροπής. Ο Δικαιούχος ενημερώνει τους Εταίρους για σημαντικά γεγονότα σχετικά με το πρόγραμμα π.χ. διορθώσεις της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης. Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 2 / 8 4.8 Ο Δικαιούχος συνάπτει, με τους Εταίρους τις αναγκαίες συμφωνίες που περιγράφουν την τεχνική και οικονομική συμμετοχή στο Έργο. Οι συμφωνίες αυτές πρέπει να είναι συμβατές με τη σύμβαση επιχορήγησης που υπογράφηκε με την Επιτροπή, να αναφέρονται στις κοινές διατάξεις και να έχουν τουλάχιστον το περιεχόμενο των οδηγιών που δίδονται από την Επιτροπή. Οι συμφωνίες αυτές υπογράφονται από τον Δικαιούχο και τους Εταίρους και γνωστοποιούνται στην Επιτροπή εντός 9 μηνών από την έναρξη του Έργου. Οι διατάξεις της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης υπερισχύουν έναντι άλλων συμφωνητικών μεταξύ του Δικαιούχου και των Εταίρων. 5. Ρόλος και υποχρεώσεις των Εταίρων 5.1 Οι Εταίροι είναι αποκλειστικά οι ρητά αναγραφόμενες στην πρόταση Έργου οργανώσεις, που έχουν δεσμευθεί, υπό την κατάλληλη μορφή, για την υλοποίηση του Έργου. Οι Εταίροι πρέπει να υπογράφουν τις συμφωνίες που προβλέπονται στο άρθρο 4.8 και εμπλέκονται άμεσα στην τεχνική εκτέλεση ενός ή περισσοτέρων δράσεων του Έργου όπως αυτές περιγράφονται στην τεχνική περιγραφή του Έργου. 5.2 Οι Εταίροι σύμφωνα με την σύμβαση επιχορήγησης εξουσιοδοτούν τον Δικαιούχο να δρα έναντι αυτών στην υπογραφή της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης με την Επιτροπή και σε πιθανές μελλοντικές διορθώσεις του Έργου. Συνεπώς οι Εταίροι εξουσιοδοτούν τον Δικαιούχο να έχει την πλήρη ευθύνη εφαρμογής της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης. 5.3 Οι Εταίροι αποδέχονται όλες τις διατάξεις της σύμβασης με την Επιτροπή, συγκεκριμένα όλες τις διατάξεις που αφορούν τους Εταίρους και τον Δικαιούχο. Οι Εταίροι δέχονται σύμφωνα με τη υπογραμμένη σύμβαση επιχορήγησης ότι ο Δικαιούχος είναι ο μόνος που θα εισπράξει τη χρηματοδοτική συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής και θα διασφαλίσει την κατανομή της εν λόγω συνδρομής στους Εταίρους ανάλογα με το χρονοδιάγραμμα εκτέλεσης των δράσεων του Έργου και την ποσοστιαία συμμετοχή του κάθε Εταίρου στον προϋπολογισμό του Έργου. 5.4 Οι Εταίροι πρέπει να βοηθούν κατά το δυνατόν τον Δικαιούχο στην εκπλήρωση των υποχρεώσεων που έχει βάσει των διατάξεων της σύμβασης επιχορήγησης. Οι Εταίροι οφείλουν να παρέχουν έγκαιρα στο Δικαιούχο τα απαραίτητα έγγραφα και πληροφορίες (τεχνικά και οικονομικά) μετά από αίτηση του Δικαιούχου. 5.5 Κάθε Εταίρος αναλαμβάνει μέρος των δαπανών του Έργου (συγχρηματοδότηση) και επωφελείται από τη χρηματοδοτική συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής. Η συμμετοχή του Εταίρου Α ανέρχεται στο ποσό των 10.000 ευρώ και επωφελείται από την συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής στο ποσό των 162.270 ευρώ. Η συμμετοχή του Εταίρου Β ανέρχεται στο ποσό των 79.715 ευρώ και επωφελείται από την συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής στο ποσό των 239.145 ευρώ. 5.6 Οι Εταίροι δεν υποβάλλουν κατευθείαν στην Επιτροπή έκθεση σχετικά με την τεχνική και οικονομική πρόοδο του Έργου, εκτός εάν τους το ζητήσει ρητά η Επιτροπή. 6. Κοινές υποχρεώσεις του Δικαιούχου και των Εταίρων 6.1 Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι διατηρούν ενημερωμένα λογιστικά βιβλία, σύμφωνα με τους συνήθεις λογιστικούς κανόνες που επιβάλλουν η νομοθεσία και οι ισχύουσες κανονιστικές διατάξεις. Για τους σκοπούς ιχνηλασιμότητας των δαπανών και εσόδων, εφαρμόζεται αναλυτικό λογιστικό σύστημα. Διατηρούν κατά τη διάρκεια του Έργου και τουλάχιστον για 5 χρόνια μετά την αποπληρωμή, όλα τα κατάλληλα δικαιολογητικά για το Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 3 / 8 σύνολο των δαπανών, εσόδων και εισοδημάτων του Έργου, για τα οποία έχουν υποβληθεί εκθέσεις στην Επιτροπή (όπου συμπεριλαμβάνονται αντίγραφα των δικαιολογητικών των Εταίρων και των υπεργολάβων), όπως τιμολόγια, δελτία παραγγελιών, αποδείξεις πληρωμών, καταστάσεις μισθοδοσίας, καταστάσεις ωρών εργασίας και κάθε άλλο έγγραφο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τον υπολογισμό και την παρουσίαση των εξόδων. Η εν λόγω τεκμηρίωση πρέπει να είναι σαφής, ακριβής και αυθεντική και πρέπει να υποβληθεί στην Επιτροπή όταν ζητηθεί. Ο Δικαιούχος διατηρεί αντίγραφα όλων των εγγράφων των Εταίρων. 6.2 Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι διασφαλίζουν ότι όλα τα τιμολόγια έχουν σαφή αναφορά στο Έργο και σύνδεση με το αναλυτικό λογιστικό σύστημα. 6.3 Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι εξασφαλίζουν δημοσιότητα στην κοινοτική χρηματοδοτική υποστήριξη όπως αναφέρεται αναλυτικά στο άρθρο 13 των κοινών διατάξεων. 6.4 Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι οφείλουν να μοιράζονται, χωρίς περιορισμούς, την τεχνογνωσία που είναι απαραίτητη για την εκτέλεση του Έργου. 6.5 Στο πλαίσιο του Έργου, ο Δικαιούχος δεν ενεργεί ως υπεργολάβος ούτε ως προμηθευτής έναντι των Εταίρων. Οι Εταίροι δεν ενεργούν ως υπεργολάβοι ούτε ως προμηθευτές έναντι του Δικαιούχου ούτε έναντι άλλων Εταίρων. 6.6 Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι οφείλουν να ολοκληρώσουν έγκαιρα τα παραδοτέα (deliverables) και τα ορόσημα (milestones) του Έργου όπως αυτά περιγράφονται στην τεχνική περιγραφή του Έργου. 7. Υπεργολάβοι 7.1 Η σύναψη συμβάσεων υπεργολαβίας από τον Δικαιούχο ή τους Εταίρους του δημοσίου τομέα πρέπει να ακολουθεί τους ισχύοντες κανόνες για τους δημόσιους διαγωνισμούς και να συμφωνεί με τις κοινοτικές οδηγίες για την προκήρυξη δημόσιων διαγωνισμών. 7.2 Όλα τα τιμολόγια των υπεργολάβων θα φέρουν σαφή αναφορά στο Έργο LIFE+ (δηλ. αριθμό και τίτλο ή συντομογραφία) και στην εντολή/σύμβαση υπεργολαβίας που συνέταξε ο Δικαιούχος/Εταίρος. Σε όλα τα τιμολόγια αναγράφονται επίσης επαρκή στοιχεία, ώστε να αναγνωρίζονται τα αντικείμενα που καλύπτονται από την παρασχεθείσα υπηρεσία (δηλ. πλήρης περιγραφή και κόστος κάθε αντικειμένου). 8. Ευθύνη Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι κατά το τμήμα που αναλογεί στον κάθε ένα φέρουν ακέραια την ευθύνη έναντι τρίτων, μεταξύ άλλων και για κάθε είδους ζημία που προκαλείται σε τρίτους κατά την εκτέλεση του Έργου. 9. Σύγκρουση συμφερόντων 9.1 Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι δεσμεύονται να λάβουν όλα τα αναγκαία μέτρα για την πρόληψη κάθε κινδύνου σύγκρουσης συμφερόντων που ενδέχεται να επηρεάσει την αμερόληπτη και αντικειμενική εκτέλεση της σύμβασης. Σύγκρουση συμφερόντων δύναται να προκύψει ειδικότερα ως αποτέλεσμα οικονομικών συμφερόντων, πολιτικής ή εθνικής Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 4 / 8 συνάφειας, από οικογενειακούς και συναισθηματικούς λόγους, ή από άλλες περιπτώσεις κοινότητας συμφερόντων. 9.2 Κάθε κατάσταση που συνιστά ή ενδέχεται να οδηγήσει σε σύγκρουση συμφερόντων κατά τη διάρκεια εκτέλεσης της σύμβασης πρέπει να τίθεται, γραπτώς και αμελλητί, υπόψη της Επιτροπής. Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι δεσμεύονται να λάβουν αμέσως τα αναγκαία μέτρα επανόρθωσης της κατάστασης αυτής. Η Επιτροπή διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να ελέγχει την καταλληλότητα των ληφθέντων μέτρων και δύναται να απαιτήσει πρόσθετα μέτρα εντός της προθεσμίας που θα τάξει. 10. Τεχνικές εκθέσεις δραστηριοτήτων Ο Δικαιούχος οφείλει να υποβάλλει στην Επιτροπή τις παρακάτω εκθέσεις σχετικά με την πρόοδο του Έργου: ƒ μία αρχική έκθεση προόδου εντός 9 μηνών από την έναρξη του Έργου (μέχρι 30‐9‐
2009) ƒ μια τελική έκθεση εντός 3 μηνών από τη λήξη του Έργου (μέχρι 31‐03‐2013) ƒ μια ενδιάμεση έκθεση προόδου μαζί με την αίτηση καταβολής της δεύτερης δόσης προχρηματοδότησης όπως ορίζεται στο άρθρο 28.3 των κοινών διατάξεων (μέχρι 31‐12‐2010) ƒ μια έκθεση προόδου στο τέλος του τρίτου χρόνου του Έργου (μέχρι 31‐12‐2011) Οι Εταίροι οφείλουν να παρέχουν στο Δικαιούχο τα απαραίτητα έγγραφα και πληροφορίες (τεχνικά και οικονομικά) ένα μήνα πρίν την υποβολή των εκθέσεων στην Επιτροπή και να παρέχουν κάθε επιπλέον πληροφορία εάν ζητηθεί από την Επιτροπή. Ειδικότερα για την τελική έκθεση οι Εταίροι οφείλουν να παρέχουν στο Δικαιούχο τα απαραίτητα έγγραφα και πληροφορίες (τεχνικά και οικονομικά) εντός μηνός από την λήξη του προγράμματος. 11. Επικοινωνία, δημοσιότητα κοινοτικής χρηματοδότησης και οπτικοακουστικό υλικό Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι οφείλουν να ακολουθούν τα οριζόμενα στο άρθρο 13 των κοινών διατάξεων. 12. Εμπιστευτικότητα Η Επιτροπή, ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι αναλαμβάνουν την υποχρέωση να τηρήσουν εχεμύθεια σχετικά με τα έγγραφα, πληροφορίες ή άλλο υλικό που τους κοινοποιούνται εμπιστευτικά και των οποίων η αποκάλυψη θα μπορούσε να βλάψει κάποιον τρίτο. Την υποχρέωση αυτή εξακολουθούν να υπέχουν τα μέρη και μετά την ημερομηνία περάτωσης του Έργου. Οι προσωπικές πληροφορίες που περιέχονται στο Έργο θα καταγραφούν σε ένα μέσο ηλεκτρονικής διαχείρισης που είναι διαθέσιμο στην Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα, σε άλλα Ευρωπαϊκά Ινστιτούτα και στην εξωτερική ομάδα παρακολούθησης του Έργου και οι οποίοι δεσμεύονται με συμφωνητικό εμπιστευτικότητας. Το μέσο αυτό χρησιμοποιείται αποκλειστικά στη διαχείριση προγραμμάτων LIFE. Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 5 / 8 13. Οικονομικές εκθέσεις Οι Εταίροι υποχρεούνται να παρέχουν έγκαιρα στον Δικαιούχο τις παρακάτω οικονομικές εκθέσεις: ƒ Ενδιάμεση οικονομική έκθεση (μέχρι 31‐12‐2010) ƒ Τελική οικονομική έκθεση (μέχρι 31‐01‐2013) Οι Εταίροι υποχρεούνται να αναφέρουν τις δαπάνες όπως ορίζεται στη σύμβαση επιχορήγησης και στις κοινές διατάξεις. Συγκεκριμένα οι Εταίροι πρέπει να συμμορφώνονται με τις δημοσιονομικές διατάξεις μέρος ΙΙ των κοινών διατάξεων. 14. Υπολογισμός δαπανών και ιδία συμμετοχή των Εταίρων στο Έργο Σύμφωνα με τη «δήλωση του Εταίρου Α» (Φόρμα Α3/1 του Έργου) ο Εταίρος Α αναλαμβάνει την εκτέλεση των δράσεων Α3, Α8, C3 και C4 συνολικού εκτιμώμενου κόστους 172.270 ευρώ. Ο Εταίρος Α συνεισφέρει στο Έργο 10.000 ευρώ από ιδίους οικονομικούς πόρους και θα λάβει από τον Δικαιούχο 162.270 ευρώ ως συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής. Σύμφωνα με τη «δήλωση του Εταίρου Β» (Φόρμα Α3/2 του Έργου) ο Εταίρος Β αναλαμβάνει, μέσω της Διεύθυνσης Δασών Χανίων και της Διεύθυνσης Δασών Λασιθίου, την εκτέλεση των δράσεων C1, C2, C5 και C6 συνολικού εκτιμώμενου κόστους 318.860 ευρώ. Ο Εταίρος Β συνεισφέρει στο Έργο 79.715 ευρώ από ιδίους οικονομικούς πόρους και θα λάβει από τον Δικαιούχο 239.145 ευρώ ως συνεισφορά της Επιτροπής. Η αποπληρωμή του Έργου θα βασισθεί στην αξιολόγηση της τελικής οικονομικής έκθεσης από την Επιτροπή και ειδικότερα στην αποδοχή των επιλέξιμων δαπανών του Έργου. 15. Τρόπος πληρωμής Η καταβολή των συνεισφορών της Επιτροπής από τον Δικαιούχο στον Εταίρο Α θα γίνεται στον ακόλουθο τραπεζικό λογαριασμό: Ονομα και διεύθυνση τράπεζας: ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ Υποκατάστημα 554, Κοραή 1 & Σταδίου, 105 64, Αθήνα Αριθμός λογαριασμού: 81706531 IBAN: GR05 0120 5540 0000 0008 1706 531 BIC: EMPOGRAA Ονομα Δικαιούχου: ΕΙΔΙΚΟΣ ΛΟΓΑΡΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΚΟΝΔΥΛΙΩΝ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΠΟΔΙΣΤΡΙΑΚΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ Η καταβολή των συνεισφορών της Επιτροπής από τον Δικαιούχο στον Εταίρο Β θα γίνεται στον ακόλουθο τραπεζικό λογαριασμό: Ονομα και διεύθυνση τράπεζας: ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΛΕΩΦΟΡΟΣ ΙΚΑΡΟΥ – ΠΟΡΟΣ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΥ Αριθμός λογαριασμού: 156 04 003089 54 IBAN: GR97 0433 1100 0015 6040 0308 954 BIC: ABGRGRAA Ονομα Δικαιούχου: ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑΚΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 6 / 8 Οι μεταβιβάσεις των πιστώσεων από τον Δικαιούχο προς τους Εταίρους θα γίνουν λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την χρηματοδότηση από την Επιτροπή, το χρονοδιάγραμμα εκτέλεσης των δράσεων του Έργου και την ποσοστιαία συμμετοχή του κάθε Εταίρου στον προϋπολογισμό του Έργου ως εξής: Εντός μηνός από την καταβολή της πρώτης δόσης από την Επιτροπή στον Δικαιούχο ο Δικαιούχος θα καταβάλλει στον Εταίρο Α το ποσό των 74.000 ευρώ και στον Εταίρο Β το ποσό των 72.000 ευρώ. Εντός μηνός από την καταβολή της δεύτερης δόσης από την Επιτροπή στον Δικαιούχο ο Δικαιούχος θα καταβάλλει στους Εταίρους τα ανάλογα ποσά σύμφωνα με την πρόοδο των εργασιών, το κόστος των εκτελούμενων δράσεων και το χρονοδιάγραμμα του Έργου. Για την καταβολή της δεύτερης δόσης προχρηματοδότησης θα πρέπει να έχει απορροφηθεί τουλάχιστον το 150% της πρώτης δόσης όπως ορίζεται στο άρθρο 28.3 των κοινών διατάξεων. Η αποπληρωμή των Εταίρων θα γίνει αμέσως μετά την αποπληρωμή του Έργου. Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι συμφωνούν ότι όλες οι πληρωμές θεωρούνται προχρηματοδοτήσεις μέχρι η Επιτροπή να εγκρίνει την τελική τεχνική και οικονομική έκθεση και να καταβάλλει τη τελική πληρωμή στον Δικαιούχο. 16. Λογιστικός έλεγχος από την Επιτροπή Η Επιτροπή, ή οιοσδήποτε εξουσιοδοτημένος αντιπρόσωπός της, δύναται να διενεργήσει λογιστικό έλεγχο ανά πάσα στιγμή κατά τη διάρκεια ισχύος της σύμβασης και έως και πέντε έτη μετά την περάτωση του Έργου ή την τελική πληρωμή της κοινοτικής χρηματοδοτικής συνεισφοράς, όπως ορίζεται στο άρθρο 32 των κοινών διατάξεων. 17. Έλεγχοι και επιθεωρήσεις του Έργου Ο Δικαιούχος και οι Εταίροι αναλαμβάνουν την υποχρέωση να παρέχουν στο προσωπικό της Επιτροπής και στα πρόσωπα που αυτή εξουσιοδοτεί δικαίωμα πρόσβασης στους χώρους και τις εγκαταστάσεις όπου εκτελείται το Έργο και σε κάθε έγγραφο σχετικό με την τεχνική και οικονομική διαχείριση των εργασιών, όπως ορίζεται στο άρθρο 33 των κοινών διατάξεων. 18. Εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο και αρμόδιο δικαστήριο Κάθε διαφωνία των συμβαλλομένων μερών για την ερμηνεία και εφαρμογή του παρόντος συμφωνητικού θα επιλύεται κατ’αρχήν συναινετικά με φιλικό διακανονισμό και σε περίπτωση αποτυχίας από τα αρμόδια δικαστήρια Χανίων με βάση την Ελληνική νομοθεσία. Με ιδιαίτερα συμφωνητικά είναι δυνατόν να ρυθμιστούν διμερείς σχέσεις των συμβαλλομένων στο πλαίσιο συνεργασίας τους για την εκτέλεση του Προγράμματος, υπό την προϋπόθεση συμμόρφωσης προς τις διατάξεις του παρόντος συμφωνητικού. Κάθε τροποποίηση του παρόντος συμφωνητικού ισχύει μόνο αν γίνει εγγράφως και υπογραφεί από τους εδώ συμβαλλομένους νομότυπα. Αντίθετες τυχόν διατάξεις υποσυμβάσεων που θα υπογραφούν στο μέλλον δεν δεσμεύουν τους εδώ συμβαλλομένους, παρά μόνο αν τις έχουν προσυπογράψει όλοι νομότυπα. Συμφωνητικό συνεργασίας LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 ”JUNICOAST” σελ 7 / 8 ANNEX 7.3
Maps, drawings, technical designs, technical memos etc.
Pictures of the new potential 2250* habitat in Falasarna (GR4340001)
Kick-off meeting, Agenda of the meeting
“∆ράσεις για την προστασία των παράκτιων αμμοθινών με
είδη Juniperus στην Κρήτη και στο Νότιο Αιγαίο”
Mεσογειακό Αγρονομικό Ινστιτούτο Χανίων
Χανιά, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2009
Πρόγραμμα 1ης συνάντησης
09:00 – 09:30
Πέμπτη, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2009
Προσέλευση – Υποδοχή
09:30 - 09:45
Παρουσίαση εταίρων
09:45 – 10:30
Παρουσίαση του Προγράμματος - Προπαρασκευαστικές Δράσεις
10:30– 11:15
Συγκεκριμένες Δράσεις Προστασίας
11:15– 11:45
11:45 - 12:30
Δράσεις ευαισθητοποίησης και διάχυσης των αποτελεσμάτων
12:30 - 13:30
Χρονοδιάγραμμα – Παραδοτέα - Αναφορές
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
Διαχείριση - Κοινές και Ειδικές διατάξεις
16:00 – 16:30
Οικονομικά – Συμφωνητικό Κοινοπραξίας
16:30 – 17:00
17:00 – 18:00
Συζήτηση - Λήξη
Kick-off meeting, Minutes of the meeting
Η Διεύθυνση Δασών Λασιθίου και η Περιφέρεια Κρήτης απουσίαζαν λόγω μπλόκου
Ώρα έναρξης 10:00 πμ
1) Παρουσίαση του προγράμματος (Καζάκης)
-Αναφορά στα προγράμματα LIFE και στην επιστημονική επιτροπή
-Αναφορά στη συνάντηση των stakeholder για το ποιους άλλους πρέπει να
-Συζήτηση για αλλαγή στο Συμφωνητικό Κοινοπραξίας
-Διευκρίνηση για τα οικονομικά, για τη δεύτερη δόση (Θάνος)
2) Παρουσίαση των Δράσεων Α (Καζάκης)
Α1: Αναφορά στο Πολυτεχνείο και τη μέθοδο γεωραντάρ. Πως μπορούμε να δούμε
τη διασπορά του ριζικού συστήματος. Χρειάζεται άδεια από την Αρχαιολογία για
τη χρήση του μηχανήματος αυτού;
Α5: Αναφορά στα ερωτηματολόγια και τον τρόπο που θα γίνουν (Κάλλια)
Α7: Επεξήγηση για το τι είναι επιδεικτικό πρόγραμμα και για τη σημασία των
δεικτών (Κάλλια)
Α8: Διευκρινιστική ερώτηση για το ποιοι θα κάνουν αυτή τη δράση. (Θάνος)
Α9: Ερώτηση στο δασαρχείο, ποιος είναι υπεύθυνος στο Υπουργείο Γεωργίας
Παρουσίαση των δράσεων C (Καζάκης)
C2: Ερώτηση από δασαρχείο για το πως θα γίνει ο διαγωνισμός για την
απομάκρυνση των απορριμάτων. Προγραμματική σύμβαση με δήμους.
C4: Ερώτηση διευκρινιστική για το πως θα γίνει η αναλογία φύλου. Συζήτηση για
την αυξημένη αναγέννηση στη Γαύδο σε σχέση με τις άλλες περιοχές.
C5: Θάνος: αυτή η δράση μπορεί να γίνει μόνο στη Φαλάσαρνα και μόνο μικρές
κατασκευές στις άλλες περιοχές. Συζήτηση για τις ιδιοκτησίες στη Φαλάσαρνα.
C6: Ερώτηση δασαρχείου για το πως θα γίνουν οι χώροι στάθμευσης και αν στο
Κεδρόδασος υπάρχουν ιδιοκτησιακά προβλήματα.. Τι υλικό θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για
τους ξύλινους διαδρόμους;
Παρουσίαση δράσεων D (Κάλλια)
Συζήτηση για το αν πρέπει να αναφερόμαστε σε κεδροδάση, ποια ονομασία πρέπει
να χρησιμοποιούμε (Άρκευθος, Κέδρος, Αγριοκυπάρισσος) και πρόταση Θάνου να
συντάξουμε ένα κείμενο για την ιστορία των Juniperus.
Παρουσίαση δράσεων Ε (Κάλλια)
Οικονομικά (Καζάκης)
Θα επικοινωνήσει το δασαρχείο με το ΠΤΑ προκειμένου να ξεκαθαριστεί αν
μπορούν να απορροφήσουν τα χρήματα.
Κατά τη διάρκεια της συνάντησης ήρθαν δημοσιογράφοι από τις εφημερίδες
Κήρυκας και Χανιώτικα Νέα
Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with
Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean
MAICh-Chania, 26-27 February 2009
Scientific Committee Meeting AGENDA
Thursday, 26 of February 2009
09:30 – 09:40
Welcome (Project Coordinator-Mr. George Kazakis)
09:40 - 10:00
Overview of the project
10:00 – 12:00
Presentation and review of proposed Preparatory Actions
12:00 - 12:15
Coffee Break
12:15 - 13:30
Presentation and Review of Concrete Conservation Actions
13:30 - 15:00
Lunch (M.A.I.Ch) + Administration
15:00 - 16:30
Presentation and Review of Dissemination Actions
16:30 – 16:50
Coffee Break
16:50 – 18:00
Brake out sessions-
Dinner in traditional restaurant
Friday, 27 of February 2009
09:30 – 18:00
Field trip to the area of Elafonisi (coastal dunes with Juniperus spp)
TEL FOR TAXI TO/FROM CHANIA: 28210-98700, 28210-94300
IN CHANIA, 26-27/02/2009
The first scientific committee meeting of the Life+ Nature project (Life07/
NAT/GR/000296-JUNICOAST) entitled: “Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes
with Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean (Greece)” took place at the premises
of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), on the 26-27/02/2009.
This meeting was under the framework of action E.3 (scientific committee) of the project.
Participants in the first scientific committee meeting were: Prof. Panagiotis Dimopoulos
from University of Ioannina-Greece, Dr. Louis Cassar, Director of the International
Environment Institute (IEI)-University of Malta, Prof. Kerry Godfrey from the University
of Guelph-Canada, Mr. Javier Jimenez Romo from the Municipality of Valencia-Spain,
Prof. Costas Thanos from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens-Greece,
Dr. Ioannis Vogiatzakis and Mr. Panagiotis Nyktas (external assistants) from the
University of Reading-England, Dr. Georgia Valaoras from the external monitoring team
for the Greek and Cypriot LIFE projects, Mr. George Kazakis, Mr. Dany Ghosn, Dr.
Kalliope Pediaditi, Ms. Hlektra Remoundou and Ms. Christina Fournarki from
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania. Chair person of this meeting was Mr.
George Kazakis (project manager) and the objectives of the meeting were:
To present the project,
To discuss the methodologies of the project actions and the problems/difficulties
that might be encountered during the 1st year of the project.
To discuss potential collaborations, integration of methodologies/results and
exchange of data between the project beneficiaries in order to facilitate the
completion of the preparatory actions and the proposal of effective concrete
conservation actions.
To visit the Elafonisi study site (GR4340015) and acquire a first assessment on
the present status of the site.
Initially Mr. George Kazakis, Mr. Dany Ghosn and Dr. kalliope Pediaditi presented
analytically the project’s actions and the agenda of the meeting.
Following the project presentation, a round table discussion examining the materials and
methods of each action took place. Each preparatory action methodology was discussed
in detail. A summary of the main points that were raised are presented below in turn.
ACTION A.1: Landform and land degradation processes in dune systems
The proposed methodology for this action was presented by Mr. Panagiotis Nyktas who
will carry out this action in collaboration with MAICh and the Technical University of
Crete. Proposed start date for data collection was set as April. Landform and land
degradation processes in the dune system will be studied in representative transects and
scattered point measurements following the standard procedures in soil sciences and
physiographic/geomorphological surveys in particular. The potentials of ground
Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) will be tested for their
usefulness for the purpose of this action. Water sampling and measurements of the
ground water table level were proposed in order to determine water quality.
Dr. Louis Cassar pointed out the need to examine the wider surrounding landscape rather
than just the priority habitat itself, largely to understand what processes were operating
within and around the site in question, as well as the possibility of investigating temporal
Mr. Nyktas mentioned that temporal changes present essential information since coastal
dunes present some of the most dynamic landforms. Dominant landscape processes might
differ between sites (e.g. aeolian vs fluvial). In general, a preliminary hydrological
modelling and basin delineation (under the present rainfall) points of a reduced fluvial
influence in comparison with coastal and especially Aeolian processes. This yet, is to be
confirmed in the field.
All participants commented on the issue that all preparatory actions have duration of only
1 year and on the feasibility of examining any temporal change.
Dr. Cassar recommended the examination of historic data e.g. from old aerial photos. The
example of Maghreb sand dunes was presented where changes outside the habitat were
taking place which directly impacted upon the sand dune system and its biotopes. This
point was considered as important in terms of proposing concrete conservation actions
which will address the issue at its core.
Mr. Nyktas mentioned that historic air photos have already been purchased from year
1968 (scale 1:15.000) and their comparison with later air photos (1996) and
contemporary high resolution satellite imagery might reveal significant changes. Inland
processes that might influence coastal sand dunes might be of relevance in the 2 Cretan
sites where greenhouses have been constructed inland.
Prof. Dimopoulos mentioned that in Chrysi Island he remembered using air photos of
scales 1:5.000.
Mr. Nyktas said he will enquire for the largest scale in addition to historic air photos at
the Hellenic Military Geographical Service.
A recommendation of using the line intersect method with a fix point in the hinterland
was recommended. However, it was pointed out that the selected method would have to
take into account the particularities of each site and that there is no one standard method.
Dr. Cassar also recommended that were feasible, boreholes could be sunk in order to
examine the temporal ground water fluctuations.
Mr. Nyktas replied that this has been planed in addition to at least one soil pit in each site.
Soil analysis and comparison of horizons under different cover could reveal the dominant
processes that shaped the sand dunes and the role of vegetation in dune formation.
Dr. Pediaditi raised the question, regarding the LIFE+ funding regulations which point
out that all actions should be carried out within the priority habitat in order to be funded.
Dr. Valaoras pointed out that if the objective of the action does not change e.g. the
conservation of the priority habitat, sampling outside the habitat e.g. the fore dunes 2210
or in the hinterland in order to achieve that aim, as long as justified within the reports, is
Mr. Javier Romo pointed out that from his experience with LIFE projects, this is possible.
He gave the example of actions for the conservation of Mediterranean temporary ponds
which were carried out outside the habitat in order to enable its conservation.
Prof. Godfrey commenting on the same Action (A.1) pointed out the need to integrate the
results and data collection methodology with the visitor impact assessment study (A.5).
He stated that land use needs to be determined in and around the site as well as desire
lines used by visitors (e.g. trails) and transects placed accordingly.
Mr. Nyktas commented that the extent of which degradation is due to visitor impact is
difficult to determine unless a posterior comparison between erosion and visitor intensity
patterns (maps) i.e. comparison control site(s) where there is no evidence of visitor
presence and camping areas and visitors trails. Erosion- compaction data can/ should be
used as an indicator of visitor impacts.
Mr. Javier Romo pointed out the necessity of spatially integrating all data collection by
using a GIS platform. He also pointed out the necessity of identifying how the beach is
nourished and which are the different processes affecting the landscape both natural and
human induced. He transferred the experience of the Spanish case study where they
studied other areas outside the habitat for the implementation of visitor management
infrastructure suitability in order to move the visitor impacts from the actual habitat. He
also pointed out the need to examine historical aerial photos to establish how the habitat
used to be in order to be able to propose effective restoration measures.
ACTION A.2: Determining the dune system plant communities’ composition and
Mr. Ghosn presented the proposed method for A.2 which incorporated the use of plots in
order to determine the dune system plant communities’ composition and structure and
sampling various ecological parameters. Many questions were raised for consideration
regarding the number, the size, the location of plots and the potential of using transects,
and more importantly the issue of integrating data collection methods between various
preparatory actions (mainly A.1, A.2, A.3 and A.5).
Prof. Dimopoulos recommended the re-examination of the same plots sampled in 2000 in
order to be able to examine temporal changes.
Mr. Kazakis asked whether we would be able to trace the exact location of plots
measured in 2000 in order to re-sample.
Prof. Dimopoulos stated he would send all available data for all Cretan sites to examine
the feasibility. A discussion on how to integrate all different data collection followed.
Prof. Godfrey proposed that A.1 transects and A.2 plots should be aligned. In other
words, Prof. Godfrey suggested to try and align transects of A.1 so that they pass through
the middle of the various plots of A.2 and maybe end up with several plots (A.2) along
the transect (A.1)-perhaps passing through different levels of visitor use and the potential
for concomitant impact (A.5).
Dr. Vogiatzakis recommended the following approach to start the integration at the
methodology development phase of the A actions. He Suggested the creation of standard
maps in GIS which are shared amongst all, and that different overlays regarding sitting of
different plots, transects etc would be created for each action. However final research
design would be determined having overlaid existing NATURA2000 permanent plots
(mentioned by Prof. Dimopoulos) in order to maximize integration and capacity to
examine temporal changes.
Prof. Godfrey agreed with Dr. Vogiatzakis and mentioned that the overall idea of using
GIS to create the map and data overlays is vital, and in doing so, this intersection of data
collection and analysis can be more readily achieved.
Dr. Cassar cautioned against the use of the Braun Blanket method for vegetationhowever the need to be able to use the same methods with those in 2000 had to be
considered for the sake of consistency.
ACTION A.3: Composition and structure of Juniperus populations
Prof. Thanos having already started data collection transferred to the group his
experiences and questions which had risen from the field trips of the previous days.
Firstly he commented on the difficulty of identifying a single Juniper individual due to
the clonal behaviour of the Juniperus species. He pointed out that a single individual can
have over 40 stems, which cannot be identified without damaging the roots or destructive
sampling – which is out of the nature of the project.
He proposed using, gender, similarity (phenotypical) and location / position on the dune
formation to classify a single individual, although he pointed out that this was not a
standardised method, but rather based on his observations following the previous field
visits to Elafonisi. He pointed out that an entire dune could be covered by 1 individual
with many stems. This was agreed as problematic by the group with regards to integrated
data collection as other partners in the field may classify individuals differently (e.g. in
action A.2). It was thus proposed as a starting point that all stems are counted and that
accurate GPS points of each individual would be recorded and shared amongst the
The second difficulty he noted when out in the field was how to determine the age
structure of the Juniper trees. Destructive sampling was not seen as favourable, although
in Elafonisi which was visited, there are many cut branches. However, due to the clonal
nature of the trees, one cannot know the original “mother” tree (main stem) and from
there establish the age. Classification by size and other characteristics was thus proposed.
Recording evidence of natural regeneration and the presence of seedlings were proposed
too. He noted that in Elafonisi there is no regeneration – which he stated as unsurprising
when you have long living species. However, many trees with lots of fruits and some
seedlings on the ground were found. The question thus being why isn’t there any
regeneration occurring?
Mr. Nyktas pointed out that if the age of the trees (or individual stems) might provide
with potentially useful information for the rates of dune erosion/deposition.
The third difficulty he talked about was the short period (January-March) to allow the
discrimination between male and juvenile (non-reproductive) plants (as the male strobili,
in contrast to the female ones, are shed after pollination which occurs early during
January and February). In addition, many of the seeds appear to be empty, and it is
unknown why almost 95% of seeds sampled in November are empty. The need to
collaborate with action C.8 from the onset and as soon as possible was underlined. In
order to create a link with action C.4, he proposed the need to produce clonal plants
(vegetative reproduction using cuttings) and raised the question on how to do this
Mr. Javier Romo transferred his experience from Spain. He noted that they did not
estimate the age of their trees and stated that age can be estimated by extracting a
transversal cylinder from the trunk of the tree. He noted also that they did not use cuttings
for propagation but only seeds. He mentioned also that it was very hard to increase the
germination rate of the seeds, and they are actually following their survival rate in the
field. Mr. Romo stated he would provide Ms Fournaraki the germination protocols and
share know how regarding C.8 action.
Prof. Thanos pointed out that there is evidence of extensive grazing in Elafonisi as well
as camping in the summer, which may be affecting natural regeneration dramatically.
Mr. Kazakis informed the group that a scientist form the USA who is a Juniper
dendrochronologist will be visiting MAICh in the summer and that a visit to the Elafonisi
area would be arranged to share his views on the age determination issue.
Mr. Ghosn raised a question with regard to how to share data collection between action
A.2 and action A.3 as both refer to similar data collection for what concerns the Juniper
trees. It was agreed that once developed, common data collection sheets should be
circulated and there should be a further discussion regarding how to collaborate on this
ACTION A.4: Habitat mapping
Mr. Kazakis stated that the habitat mapping action has already started using 1:5000
military maps of Greece, satellite images and aerial photos. He noted that INSPIRE
specifications by the EC for the production of spatial data will be taken into account.
ACTION A.5: Visitor impact assessment
Dr. Pediaditi described the proposed methodology to conduct the visitor impact
assessment which consisted of both on site observations and surveying in combination
with A.1, A.2, A.3 as well as visitor survey. She noted the importance to share results
between action A.5 (visitor intensity data) and actions A.1, A.2, A.3 in order to be able to
estimate the impact of visitors on:
1. Landform structures (e.g. erosion),
2. Vegetation composition (e.g. vegetation cover, % bare ground),
3. Juniper population (e.g. tree conditions and regeneration data).
Problems regarding feasibility issues and lack of baseline data regarding e.g. visitor
number in order to obtain representative samples where presented.
Mr. Javier Romo pointed out that in Spain they are considering the use of infrared sensors
to establish visitor counts and usage of trails but actually they did not install them. He
mentioned also that currently they are using infrared cameras to detect forest fires.
Dr. Pediaditi commented on the lack of budget to do so. She also raised questions on the
timing of data collection and how a specific impact e.g. erosion caused by natural
processes or by visitors can determined.
Mr Javier Romo pointed out that in Spain they were at the same stage of investigation
and development of methodologies and that they had the same difficulties and questions.
It was agreed to continue communication and exchange of methods for consideration.
Prof. Godfrey proposed the zonation of high/low use and/or no use areas and link to A.1
and A.2 actions. He added that he doesn’t think that we can break down use-levels too
far, but to try to establish some form of value considered perhaps high-use, moderate-use,
low-use and no-use, the latter perhaps being a control site. This may, however, be the
ideal, as we need prior data, perhaps trend data of use, usage patterns, etc. to be able to
identify and classify what we actually mean by these terms.
ACTION A.6: Stakeholder consultation
Dr. Pediaditi reported on the progress already made within this action i.e. the interviews
and the stakeholder workshop carried out on the previous day. The time consuming
nature of this action was pointed out.
ACTION A.7: Elaboration of long term monitoring protocols and selection of indicators
All participants discussed the need to identify practical, feasible and meaningful long
term monitoring indicators and to establish their baselines, as well as the difficulty of
doing so.
Prof. Dimopoulos pointed out that we should try and use the standardised indicators of
the EU for habitat monitoring and said he would send them to MAICh.
ACTION A.8: Elaboration of target habitat protection and restoration specifications
Prof. Thanos pointed out that the implementation of this action would be carried out by
other colleagues from his department. It was pointed out and supported by all participants
that a draft of the specifications should be developed in advance (i.e. March 2010) in
order to be reviewed by the stakeholder committee and the scientific committee prior to
their finalisation. This request was also brought forward during the stakeholder meeting
the day before by various stakeholders. In addition, he suggested that the permanent
monitoring plots (perhaps 50X50 m each) to be established for detailed mapping of the
dune systems should be used for all monitoring purposes as needed within each of the
preparatory actions.
ACTION C.1: On site habitat demarcation
The issue of using “soft-fencing” material (e.g. wooden posts and cordons) and the need
to demarcate only where necessary was pointed out.
ACTION C.2: Waste removal
Dr. Cassar pointed out that attention is needed not to degrade the sites further and create
more damage when collecting the rubbish. The combination of education activities
through beach clean up events with C.2 was encouraged and ideas from Spain were
ACTION C.3: Enhancement of juniper regeneration & ACTION C.4: Restoration of the
floristic composition and structure of the target habitat
The question of how to carry out successfully these actions and feasibility issues were
raised by Prof. Thanos.
Mr. Javier Romo noted that it is preferable to use the same medium from the sites for the
propagation of the keystone species of the habitat.
Prof. Thanos pointed out that regarding the eradication of alien species he would only
remove some Pinus brutia seedlings as a pilot action from Lavrakas site in Gavdos. Of
course each case of invading alien species should be given proper consideration.
Dr. Cassar warned that we must be careful not to change species composition in the area
dramatically over a short time-span.
ACTION C.5: Fore dune stabilization through vegetation restoration
Dr. Cassar pointed out that the title foredune stabilisation may be misleading as foredunes
are, by their nature, unstable environments where sediments budgets are in constant state
of flux as a result of the very dynamics of active dune fields. However Mr. Javier Romo
pointed out that they had a similar activity as fore dunes were reconstructed and
temporarily stabilised in order to ensure that the sand was not blown away. Prof. Godfrey
mentioned that this probably one of the actions that is dependent on the results of
preparatory actions.
ACTION C.6: Visitor management intervention and infrastructures & ACTION C.7:
Design and installation of Signs
The issue of vandalism of visitor’s management infrastructure (boardwalks, rubbish bins
directional and information signs, etc) was pointed out. The issue of long term
maintenance of the visitor’s management infrastructure was raised by Mr. Kazakis. The
possibility of signing Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with the correspondent
municipalities in each area was proposed in order to maintain and ensure the long-term
sustainability of the visitor’s management infrastructure.
The issue of stakeholders in some site requesting toilets even though not included in the
proposal was raised. Dr. Valaoras pointed out that we could include them if deemed
ACTION C.8: Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species
Mr. Javier Romo promised to send protocols on seed germination and storage.
Prof. Thanos noted that a sterile medium (perlite) could be used for the propagation of
keystone species. He also added that juniper seedlings (either found in excessive numbers
in situ or sown from seed in purpose, in the sand) could be transplanted in specific spots
of the site considered as deficient in juveniles or in need of regeneration.
Finally, all the public awareness and dissemination of results actions (D actions: action
D1 – action D7) and the Overall project operation and monitoring actions (E actions:
action E1 – action E6) were discussed and different ideas were exchanged among the
participants in order to ensure that the awareness of all targeted audiences is raised by
using the most effective possible means.
Mr Romo, provided participants with educational and awareness raising material from
similar past LIFE projects in Spain and commitment to collaborate in future awareness
raising activities and networks was established.
First Scientific Committee Meeting: List of participants
Prof. Panagiotis Dimopoulos
Dr. Louis F. Cassar
Prof. Kerry Godfrey
Mr. Javier Romo
Prof. Costas Thanos
Dr. Ioannis Vogiatzakis
Mr. Panagiotis Nyktas
Dr. Georgia Valaoras
Mr. George Kazakis
Mr. Dany Ghosn
Dr. Kalliope Pediaditi
Ms. Hlektra Remoundo
Ms. Christina Fournaraki
Contact details
Associate Professor of Botany and Plant Ecology, University of Ioannina, Department of
Environmental and Natural Resources Management, G. Seferi 2, 30100 AGRINIO, Greece.
Phone: 26410 74119 74112, E-mail:
Director of International Environment Institute (IEI), Office: Room 311A, Chemistry
Building, 3rd Floor, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Phone: +356 2340 2071,
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, College of Management and Economics,
University of Guelph, 117F Macdonald Stewart Hall, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph,
Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada. Phone: 519-824-4120, E-mail:
Ayuntamiento de Valencia Concejalia de Dehesa-Albufera, CV 500, km 8,5,
margen izquierda, ES-46012 Valencia, España, Phone: +34 96 1610347,
Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens GR-15784, Greece. Phone: +30-2107274655, E-mail:
Center for Agri-Environmental Research, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development,
The University of Reading, UK. PO Box 237, Reading RG6 6AR, Room: 1U 20 (new
Agriculture building), Phone: +44 (0)118 378 6149, E-mail:
Alifieridon 8, Chania 73133, Greece. Mobile: +30 697 33 48 943,
Regional Coordinator for South East Europe - Monitoring expert, Astrale GEIE – Prospect
C & S, 14 Asklepiou GR-10680 Athens, Greece. Phone: +30-210-3610088,
Mobile: +30-6945233050, E-mail:
MAICh, Department of Environmental Management, Alsylio Agrokipiou, P.O.Box 85 GR,
73100, Chania, Greece. Phone: +30 28210 35000 (ext.577), E-mail:
MAICh, Department of Environmental Management, Alsylio Agrokipiou, P.O.Box 85 GR,
73100, Chania, Greece. Phone: +30 28210 35000 (ext.577), E-mail:
MAICh, Department of Environmental Management, Alsylio Agrokipiou, P.O.Box 85 GR,
73100, Chania, Greece. Phone: +30 28210 35000 (ext.576), E-mail:
MAICh, Department of Environmental Management, Alsylio Agrokipiou, P.O.Box 85 GR,
73100, Chania, Greece. Phone: +30 28210 35000 (ext.578), E-mail:
MAICh, Alsylio Agrokipiou, P.O.Box 85 GR, 73100, Chania, Greece.
Phone: +30 28210 35000 (ext.553), E-mail:
Minutes of the onsite consultation meeting with visitors that took place in GavdosAgios-Ioannis on the 5th of July 2009
Ώρα έναρξης 19:00
Τη συνάντηση την οργάνωσε η Τσιλαφάκη Ειρήνη ( μόνιμη κάτοικος της παραλίας του
Αη Γιάννη) και η ομάδα του ΜΑΙΧ κατόπιν γραπτής ανακοινώσεως που αναρτήθηκε
στην ταβέρνα του Αη Γιάννη την προηγούμενη μέρα.
Οι παραβρισκόμενοι (περίπου 22 άτομα) ήταν κυρίως επισκέπτες μακράς διάρκειας (όλο
το καλοκαίρι) που έρχονται χρόνια στο νησί και έχουν μια ολοκληρωμένη άποψη για το
τι γίνεται στον οικοτόπο, τις απειλές και τις πιέσεις που δέχεται. Επίσης ήταν
περιβαλλοντικά ευαισθητοποιημένοι καθώς ζουν πολύ καιρό κοντά στη φύση και από ότι
μας είπαν είναι αυτοί που αναλαμβάνουν κάθε καλοκαίρι να συμβουλεύουν τους
υπόλοιπους επισκέπτες του οικοτόπου (να μην πετάνε σκουπίδια, να μην κόβουν τα ξερά
κλαδιά, να μην απομακρύνουν από τις ρίζες του κέδρου την άμμο, να μην ανάβουν
φωτιές και άλλα).
Συνοπτική παρουσίαση του προγράμματος (Γ. Καζάκης)
Ερωτήσεις που τέθηκαν:
Από τι κινδυνεύουν οι κέδροι και ο οικότοπος
Από πού χρηματοδοτείται το πρόγραμμα
Αν το σκάψιμο στις ρίζες των κέδρων για την τοποθέτηση σκηνών επηρεάζει τα
Γιατί δόθηκε ο χαρακτηρισμός οικότοπος προταιρεότητας
Τι μπορεί να γίνει για να εξασφαλιστεί η αναγέννηση του δάσους
Αν χρειάζεται κλάδεμα των κέδρων
Άλλα θέματα συζήτησης- Προτάσεις
Ανταγωνισμός του είδους Juniperus με το είδος Pinus στον οικότοπο αλλά και σε
όλο το νησί
Έλλειψη ευαισθητοποίησης κατασκηνωτών (ειδικά αυτών που επισκέπτονται για
λίγο διάστημα το νησί )
Πρόσφατη καταστροφή από τη νεροποντή
Αργός ρυθμός ανάπτυξης του είδους Juniperus
Ανάγκη καθαρισμού του Λαυρακά από τα ξερά πεύκα για ελαχιστοποίηση του
κινδύνου πυρκαγιάς. Οργάνωση εθελοντικής ομάδας.
Να γίνουν όσο πιο γρήγορα γίνεται ενημερωτικά φυλλάδια και αφίσες και να
μοιράζονται στο καράβι, στις ταβέρνες κτλ (ήδη έχει συνταχθεί φυλλάδιο από
τους κατασκηνωτές στα ελληνικά και στα αγγλικά και θα μοιραστεί σε ταβέρνες
της Γαύδου)
Χρησιμότητα ξερών κλαδιών
Σαν κυριότερα προβλήματα και θέματα συζήτησης ήταν ο ανταγωνισμός του είδους
Juniperus με το είδος Pinus στον οικότοπο αλλά και σε όλο το νησί και η έλλειψη
ενημέρωσης των κατασκηνωτών ειδικά αυτών που έρχονται λίγο διάστημα για διακοπές.
Μας έδωσαν φωτογραφικό υλικό από προηγούμενες χρονιές και τα φυλλάδια που έχουν
Published activities
Type of Media
Date of publication
Press release- Kick-off meeting
Local Newspaper
Press release -Kick-off meeting
Haniotika nea
Local Newspaper
Press release -Kick-off meeting
Local Newspaper
Project description
Haniotika nea
Local Newspaper
Project description (html)
Project description
Local Newspaper
Invitation to Stakeholder
Ecocrete (html)
Press release Stakeholder
Ecocrete (html)
Press release Stakeholder
Haniotika nea
Local Newspaper
Local Newspaper
Press release Stakeholder
Press release Stakeholder
Haniotika nea
Local Newspaper
Stakeholder meeting- news
Nea Tileorasi
Local TV
Stakeholder meeting
Haniotika nea
Local Newspaper
Natura 2000
Nea Tileorasi
Local TV
Stakeholder meeting
Local Newspaper
Press release Scientific
Haniotika nea
Local Newspaper
committee meeting
Project description – Chrysi
Local Newspaper
Project description -
ΝΕΤ “Menoume
National TV
1. Press release- Kick-off meeting-Anatoli newspaper 21-1-2009
2. Press release- Kick-off meeting-Haniotika-nea newspaper 21-1-2009
3. Project description and Kick-off meeting –Kirykas 23-1-09
4. Project description and Kick-off meeting Hanotika-nea 23-1-09
5. Project description 23-1-2009
6 Project description Anatoli 29-1-2009
7. Invitation to Stakeholder meeting- 13-2-2009
8. Press release Stakeholder meeting - 24-2-2009
9. Press release Stakeholder meeting – Haniotika-nea 24-2-2009
10. Press release Stakeholder meeting – Kirikas 24-2-2009
11. Press release Stakeholder meeting – Haniotika-nea 25-2-2009
12. Stakeholder meeting- news bulletin Nea Tileorasi 25-2-2009
A copy is available in MAICh data files
13. Stakeholder meeting Haniotika nea 26-2-09
14. Natura 2000 Discussion “Antirriseis” Nea Tileorasi 26-2-09
A copy is available in MAICh data files
15. Stakeholder meeting Anatoli 28-2-09
16. Press release Scientific committee meeting
17. Project description - Chrysi
Haniotika nea 6-3-2009
Anatoli 6-4-09
18. Project description - Chrysi “Menoume Ellada” ΝΕΤ TV 5-7-09
A copy is available in MAICh data files
LIFE+ 2007
Project output indicators
LIFE+ Programme (European Commission)
LIFE+ Nature output indicators
Part 1 - Preparatory actions
Table 1 - Types of preparatory actions planned (A, B actions)
Types of preparatory actions
No. of
Species involved (Latin
Type of habitats
involved (*)
No. of
No. of
No. of
Budgeted cost
Plans of project measures
Action plans
Management plans
Inventories & Studies
Ex ante monitoring
Ex post monitoring
Permit procedures
New Natura 2000 area
Land purchased
Other (please specify)
Total (Every item counted only once)
(*) Identification number and name as in the
9 (A.1, A.2,
A.3, A.4, A.5,
A.6, A.7, A.8,
1 (2250*)
1 (2250*)
Part 2 - Concrete actions
Table 2 - Best practices/concrete techniques//conservation actions/methods planned (C actions)
No. of concrete Species involved (Latin
No. of
No. of
Budgeted cost
1 (2250*)
1 (2250*)
1 (2250*)
1 (2250*)
Type of habitats
involved (*)
No. of
Natura 2000 site creation
Natura 2000 site restoration/improvement
Conservation actions
Ex situ conservation
Removal of alien species
Others (please specify)
Total (Every item counted only once)
(*) Identification number and name as in the
3 (C.3, C.4,
4 (C.1, C.2,
C.6, C.7)
1 (C8)
Total no.of
persons trained
Budgeted cost (€)
Table 3 - Training activities
No. of training sessions*
20 (D3+ D4)
Part 3 - Awareness raising and
Table 4 - Workshops, seminars and
General public
Target audience:
Number of participants:
0-25 participants
25-75 participants
75-100 participants
More than 100 participants
Total budgeted cost (€)
Project website: average number of visitors
per month
Press releases made by the project
General public article in national press
General public article in local press
Specialised press article
Internet article
TV news/reportage
Radio news/reportage
Film produced
Film played on TV
Film presented in events/festivals
Exhibitions attended
Information centre/Information kiosk
Project notice boards
Other (please specify)
Total budgeted cost (€)
Kindergartens/Primary schools
Secondary schools
Higher education establishments
Total budgeted cost (€)
Very specialised audience (e.g.
experts, academics)
No. of
Table 6 - Publications
Type of publication
Layman's report
Technical publications (after Life plans)
Total budgeted cost (€)
Table 7 - Educational activities
Establishment involved
Table 5 - Media and other communication
and dissemination work
Type of media
Specialised audience (e.g. decision-makers)
No. of
ANNEX 7.5 Others
Table: Project actions, provisioned and modified time table
land 1-1-2009
degradation processes in dune
plant 1-1-2009
composition and
A3-Composition and structure of 1-1-2009
Juniperus population
A4-Habitat Mapping
A5-Visitor Impact Assessment
A6-Stakeholder consultation
A7-Elaboration of long term 1-6-2009
monitoring protocols and selection
of indicators
A8-Elaboration of target habitat 1-6-2009
A9-Determination of governance 1-1-2009
structure and legal status
C1-On site habitat demarcation
Not started
C2-Waste removal
Not started
juniper 1-1-2010
Not started
C4-Restoration of the floristic 1-1-2010
composition and structure of the
target habitat 2250*
Not started
stabilisation 1-1-2010
through vegetation restoration
Not started
management 1-1-2010
intervention and infrastructure
Not started
Not started
C8-Ex situ conservation and 1-1-2009
propagation of keystone species
and 1-1-2009
education 1-1-2009
C7-Design and installation of signs
communications strategy.
D2-Website development
D4-Training for habitat protection 1-1-2012
and restoration
Not started
D5-Production and dissemination 1-7-2011
restoration guidelines
Not started
D6-Dissemination of findings to 1-1-2011
the scientific community and
Layman's report
Not started
communication 1-7-2012
and conservation plans
Not started
Not started
Not started
and 1-1-2009
E2-Monitoring and evaluation of 1-7-2010
the effectiveness of the project
E3-Scientific Committee
E4-Networking with other similar 1-1-2010
LIFE projects
E5-Stakeholder Committee
E6-External auditing
Green text: Beneficiary responsible for implementation MAICh
Bleu text: Beneficiary responsible for implementation NKUA
Orange text: Beneficiary responsible for implementation PTA (FDC and FDL)
Answers to the Questions addressed by the Commission in the letter dated:
Brussels, 31 of March 2009 – Ref:ENV/E.4/PO Ares (2009) 62148
Technical issues
Question 1
With respect to the stakeholders’ meeting, there needs to be a follow-up with those
who did not attend, especially for the Municipality of Pelekanos, where the habitat
2250* is located. Contact and cooperation must be sought to plan for the future
protection of the site. Please report on the efforts which have been made to seek the
cooperation of the local municipality.
Answer to Question 1.
Although representatives from the municipality of Pelekanou were not able to attend
the first stakeholders’ meeting, regular contacts and continuous cooperation with the
municipality representatives have been taking place. More specifically,
representatives of the municipality of Pelekanou have been nominated to participate
in the stakeholder committee (action E.5) and will attend future meetings of the
committee. Moreover, various stakeholders’ from the area of Pelekanou including the
municipality have been interviewed in the framework of action A6 “stakeholder
consultation” in order to establish the stakeholders’ level of awareness, perceived
values, threats and recommendations for conservation of the habitat in their localities.
Regular informal communications and discussions with committee members take
place on a needs be basis in order to resolve difficulties that can be expected to arise.
Question 2
Similarly, the unfortunate incident reported in Falasarna indicates that some of the
research and conservation efforts maybe hampered by individuals. Please provide
some information on efforts made to contact the person who did not allow the field
work of Prof. Thanos to be conducted, and on how the situation is being handled.
Answer to Question 2.
During the first field visits to the site of Falasarna, the team encountered an elderly
individual, who reproached us for trespassing, and claimed to be the private owner of
part of the habitat. Immediate action was taken by the project manager, who organised
a meeting with two of the landowners to try and mediate the situation. The project
manager described the project and proposed actions, and requested the collaboration
of the land owners. The project manager explained to them that their land ownership
would not be jeopardised by this project, which was of major concern to them. During
the project manager’s visit, one of the land owners raised the question why the project
actions will be carried out only in the site mentioned in the project proposal and not in
a nearby locality where sand dunes with Juniperus trees are also found. The project
manager asked the land owner to show him which site he was referring too, and
following the site visit, it was in fact established that this is a 2250* classified habitat,
but which has not been mapped as such in the NATURA2000 network, and was thus
not included in the proposal. It is thus proposed, that during the implementation of the
Junicoast proposed actions for Falasarna, both sites will be considered and actions
will be implemented according to context specific suitability of each site. Moreover,
through the close collaboration of the coordinating beneficiary with the municipality
of Kissamos (for details see A.6 deliverable) we envisage that any issues that may
arise will be dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
Question 3
For Action A9 you should consult the related action conducted for Plant MicroReserves (PMRs) for the project Cretaplant (LIFE04 NAT GR 000104) to avoid
overlapping of existing studies and to assess whether the recommendation for
protecting PMRs can also be applied to coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.
Considering that the all four habitats 2250* in Crete are located outside any
designated Natura 2000 sites, there is even more urgency that protected area status
be in force by the end of the project period. Please report on the development of this
task and what can be expected to be put in place in terms of the legal protection.
Answer to Question 3.
We would like to emphasise that in regards to action A.9 “Determination of the
Governance Structure and the Legal Status”, we have consulted the results of the
CRETAPLANT action “Legal Status of the Plant Micro-reserves” in order to make
sure that no overlapping of existing studies would occur.
In your question you mentioned that “the all four of the habitats 2250* in Crete are
located outside any designated Natura 2000 sites”. We would like to confirm (as
mentioned in the project proposal as well) that all the 2250* habitats in Crete are
located within designated Natura 2000 sites (GAVDOS–GR4340013, ELAFONISIGR4340015, CHRYSI-GR4320003 and FALASARNA- GR4340001), but no
management authority has been established for any of them. Moreover,
Environmental Studies for the sites (GAVDOS–GR4340013 and ELAFONISIGR4340015) are still in progress. Therefore, the need of establishing another layer of
protection for these habitats is well recognized. Junicoast within the framework of
Action A9 will take into consideration the results and recommendations of the
Environmental Studies, the procedure followed by the CRETAPLANT project, as
well as any other recommendation in order to ensure a better legal protection of these
habitats before the end of the project period.
Question 4
It was suggested during the Scientific Committee Meeting that a fifth and final
meeting of the Scientific Committee be scheduled at the end of the project (after the
planned meeting in the second trimester of 2012). Please report on any changes to the
scheduled tasks in you inception report.
Answer to Question 4.
During the 1st scientific committee (SC) meeting, a fifth meeting of the committee
was suggested to take place at the end of the project. In order to take this into account,
the planned 4th meeting of the SC initially scheduled to take place in the second
trimester of 2012 is postponed to the third trimester of 2012 (see Gantt chart with
schedule of progress and planned actions in the inception report, action E3).
Question 5
It was noted that many of your deliverables are due at the end date of the project. It is
suggested that you try to prepare some of these at an earlier date, and change the
schedule accordingly in your inception report.
Answer to Question 5.
It is indeed that many of the deliverables are due by the end of the project (31-122012). In this respect, we would like to emphasise that the preparation of these
deliverables will take place well ahead the end of the project during the third trimester
of 2012 ensuring that enough time is available in order to submit them by their
foreseen end-date.
Financial issues
Question 1
You have indicated that a financial audit will take place at the end of each calendar
year. Please note that eligible costs under the LIFE+ Common Provisions include
only the final audit of all project expenditures.
Answer to Question 1.
Initially, we have indicated in the project proposal that one financial audit will take
place at the end of each calendar year. As the eligible costs under the LIFE+ Common
Provision include only the final audit of all the project expenditures and in order to
minimise the administrational burden, whilst at the same time providing a more
representative and complete picture of expenditures, we have decided to conduct only
two financial external audits in conjunction with the Mid term report and the Final
report (see Gantt chart with schedule of progress and planned actions, action E6). The
expenses of the first financial audit in conjunction with the Mid term report will
covered by MAICh whereas the expenses of the second and final financial audit in
conjunction with the final report of the project will be covered by action E6 “External
Question 2
Please provide supporting documentation for the respective tax authorities of MAICh
and the Region of Crete, Forestry Services of Lasithi and Chania regarding the
eligibility of VAT.
Answer to Question 2.
The VAT status of MAICh and the Region of Crete is as follows:
(1) Coordinating beneficiary: International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean
Agronomic Studies / Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAMMAICh) VAT Status- Not recoverable (see below supporting documentation).
(2) Associated beneficiary: Region of Crete, Regional Development Fund of Crete
(PTA) [Forest Directorate of Chania (FDC), Forest Directorate of Lassithi (FDL)]
VAT Status- Not recoverable (see below supporting documentation).