Congratulations - eBlack Champaign
Congratulations - eBlack Champaign
Gamma Upsilon Psi Society ~ the:iUAXX3M 0/all~ ~ w . ~ · foOWJl~ ~trXYnWn~wk~~. rr (jocf 6e tfie g(ory · (jreat tfiings :He fias cfone. 0 ~v. &!Jv{rs.!RvJ.'Davis !Jv{r. rt erry !Jv{oore Mrs. Carolyn McGee 68 69 1 I, , I' I' '1 / I ero: ((~ootf(~ THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN JJ Fm gradWe have been knowing each other through the years! I can say you liave been a Won derju rfriend that has been there for me. gust· think:., we were together when we were uttfe k~ andWe dUn Jt eVen know it Wow We are the cfos offriends. I know Where eVer We go in ufeJ we wirr stay in contact hoyefurfy. We wirrbe together in corfege. rJ3ut if not We wirrarways maintain the . riendshiy We have. f})onJt fet anybody terryou that youJre not going to be anybody through rife because you wirrsucceedandfufjirryour endeavors! SALUTES GAMMA UPSILON PSI SOCIETY The commitment of the Unive!5ity of illinoiS to the most fUndamental prtndples of academic treedom. equality of opportunity. and human dignity requires that dedsions involving students and employees be based on individual mertt and be free ffom invidious disaimination in all its fOrms, We support your efforts to promote, encourage and assist deserving young women in their pursuit ofbigher LoVe yaJ educatiOIl ' !Jl(ways 9vfs. criffany Osfer 70 Office of Affirmative Action Larine Y. Cowan Assistant Chancellor and Director (217) 333-0885 DIVERSITY 71 l """ ' ! CONGRA TULA TIONS To ALL OF THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE Best Wishes Elizabeth Bowie 1996 DEBUTANTE COTILLION American Legion Post #559 Champaign, Illinois 61820 Board of Directors UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION Zt ~.~ Serving University of Illinois employees and their Officers Henry Booker - President 1.L. Williams - Vice President Fred Cobb - Secretary Kelvin Coburn - Treasurer Willie Gordon Terry Kizer Bernard Jackson Nathan Henderson - Commander Jesse Powe -1st Vice Jay Jackson - 2nd Vice Martin Fitzpatrick - Finance Officer Tracy Thomas - Sgt. At Arms W. C. Hampton - Chaplin Lawrence Shelton - Historian Seon Williams - Adjutant families since 1932 c56est CWifhes O(]}ebuttmte c56eth 6@(Jwie UIECU salutes The Gamma Upsilon Psi Society for another year of supporting the young women of today '1own ~ Country Catering service Quality Catering at Reasonable Prices University of Illinois Employees Credit Union 2201 South First Street Champaign, IL 61820 333-0590 URBANA I • 74 It) ~ ~ a: CHECK INTO THE BENEFITS OF CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP 72 t ! FARM & FLEET P.O. Box 828 Urbana, IL 61801 217/328-2122 URBANA COUNTRY CLUB 5 E+W N LABOR LOCAL 703 HALL 73 Congratulations Beth Bowie !I I PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE SERVICE • •J~ - 1'1 I Con8ratulations Bethl - SALfS RfSII)[NTIAL RS ----COUNCIL PROIISSIONAI. INSURANCE AGENT STRICKLEN INSURANCE AGENCY Nina J. Cottrell Executive Vice President III Residential Sales Council 430 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 Telephone: (3~2) 321-4444 Fax: (312) 329-8882 E-mail: . JOHN P. STRICKLEN 3 LINCOLN SQUARE, BOX 68 URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801-0068 OFFICE: 217/328-1612 RESIDENCE: 217 1 356-2739 To r:Betfi r:Bowie r:Best Wisfies ana Love -<~> cfJat'sfipparel v , Quality is a must. .. and Fashions in to Plus! 1208 N. Champaign St. Champaign, IL 61820 217-356-3952 Trunk Shows by appt Pat Walker Personal Fashion Consultant . 74 75 f lIThe lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid "Clhe hea",t of the f",udent fjdtdh knowledfje; and the ea", of the ~eekdh knowledfje. elf man' ~/ 'I Psalm 27:1 wi~e woman' ~ fjift makdh ",oom fo", him, and {;",infjdh him {;efo",e fj",eat men. Love, Your Grandmother Sarah A. Carey I I Proverbs 18:15 & 16 Legunie, Loretha, Leslie, Lennis Mark and Onzja Lemar Hannon WE CONGRATULATE ELIZABETH BOWIE Congratulations ~ ~ .... To Beth, May God Grant You The &'>erenity To Accept The Thinc;s You Cannot Chanc;e, The Courac;e To Chanc;e The Thinc;s You Can, And The Wisdom To Know The Difference. AMEN - -- TeRo S Beauty & Nail Salon Full Service Salon For Entire Family Hair Care - Hair Weave - Sculptured Nails Manicure - Pedicure - Facial Beauty Cosmetics Contemporary Jewelry Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® ~Ij;'~ A" Il)) V./ ~ 'NIUU.NCI 111 West Church Street Champaign, Illinois 61820 (217) 359-0490 ARTHUR B. COOPER, JR. Agent 408 N R,,",. S,", A Urbana, IL 61801 Off.: (217) 344-1900 Fax: (217) 344-9191... 76 ~ ~ , ~~_~_ > d, t'~~ lJJ?~# ~~ 1m __ I~ I I I1IIIIIIIM STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 77 "1 . 'i' 1il l CONGRATULATIONS BEIH Congratulations Beth! You've done a great job! Keep it up! "Don't let anything stop you. There will be times when you'll be disappointed, but you cant's stop. Make yourself the very best that you can make out of what you are. The very best!" Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander Nicole ("Nikki'~ Lewis Jean Burkholder Florida A&L\1 University Tallahassee, Florida WISHING YOU MUCH SUCCESS Congratu[ations ~eth ~owie II: ! i *** Debutante Eliazbeth Ellen Bowie Courage is the [adder on which a[[ other virtues mount. £4cknowfedge (j01J first - £4[[ elSe fo[[oWS! *** Bruce Stoffel Grants Management Division City of Urbana Urbana, Illinois 78 Mrs. Kathryn B. Humphrey i I ...... ". p'" :,,·1 1.. ·s 79 ,' I ~I""" i T I I i I, I Beth, You are now embarking into your future. Let the light of love and Christianity that the Lord has showered upong you shine as brightly and as brilliantly as you are. Remember to hold to God's unchanging hands and step out on faith. God is giving you the world. So go out nd conquer it. We love you, BOODLES!! Phyllis Clark and, of course, DAWN Congratulations to Elizabeth Bowie and a/l of the \ Good Luck Elizabeth CHAMPAIGN· MONTICELLO· RANTOUL G.R. CALLAIIAN. D.D.S.• MS. R w. SHAFER. D.MD.• MS. 318 Garrard S1. Rantoul, IL 61866 (217) 892-4246 507 S. Second S1. 1006 S. Market St. Champaign, IL 61820 Monticello, IL 61856 (217) 356·9595 (217) 762-9421 FAX: (211) 356·6435 1Jebutante f£{izabetn Cotillion participants from the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District America's best Little Transit System providing transportation for everyone to jobs, to school and to recreation. Serving you and our community for over twenty five years. (rcrrust in tfie Lora witfi a{{ tfiine !f{eart j ana {ean not unto tfiine own unaerstanaing . In a{{ tfiy ways ac/(now{eage !f{im, ana!f{e sfia{{ airect tfiy patfis." Proverbs 3:5-6 Love, 2\96ert ana 2\9saCina Lewis 384-8188 80 81 Pffl' I ! ' Ii. 'I I i I Congratulations Beth ":lesus eSlilleSaves)7 God is Almighty. He is the only one I know , that can carry the true definition of Almighty. He brought you a long ways, Baby. , I I eS£erman and!Paula Whitfield from 23rownsbury gnc//anapof:s Ms. Dora Pope Doe's Day Care 384-8192 i ' I ' ~ !DEtuianiE I!' , I ' I i , i I ' • To God Be The Glory Psalms 139:14 EUzatEih Bow-IE Best liVishes Beth! t!onj'lafULafion~ and;;E~f Love) Byron) Jill Byron Jr.) Aaron and Deron aTi~hE~/ ~InEIn;;E'l fo lEE} fhE aTO'ldf'l~f in yOU'l itfi. 82 83 T i "Together Again Reunion Committee" c900d luck in the <Yotfllion and with pourflture endeavors. Co'Wratuhtions To Elizabeth &' !lIest U'isnes From her "Granna" and Brother Lawrence David Alwaps keep ptide in poursefand the things pou do! rche @?edmOJlS Ronald Dix, Pres. - Margaret Keys Vice Pres Mary Hillsman, Sec'y - Othelia Lillard, Tres. Sarah Carey, Chaplain - Regina Patterson Celester Brown - Shirley Brown Pauline Severado - Paulette White Howard Epps Kelvin & Kathy Coburn CJ&n~ ~na, @2.eginald andGKinnep Best Wishes El iZQbeth Debutante Elizabeth Bowie : :1, i i CYNTHIA J. PRIDEMORE I' ! ' American Legion Auxiliary Post #559 Champaign, Illinois 61820 IIis saidolsell-resPlJc!, ~lInlJ cannol give aperson IhalwhichhlJ alreadY POSSlJsse6. " FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP OF COMPANIES Agent PRIDEMORE AGENCY Maurin8 D. 88// 84 i 4" TIlinois House of Representative Laurie Epps - President Betty Algee, Membership Vice·President Mary Purdie - 2nd Vice President Lola Cockrell - Treasurer Felicia Cockrell- Chaplain Joyce Catching - Historian Lethar Mae Wilson - Sgt. At Arms Melva Phillip - Secretary ProClamalion. March 1, 1802 Business: (217) 431-1414 Residence: (217) 354-4836 Fax:: (217) 431-1297 Congratulations and Best Wishes Officers -TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE Depend on Farmers for Ufe 405 W. Hamiliton, Danville, IL 61832 Debutante Elizabeth Ellen Bowie I jOb Timothy V. Johnson Deputy Majority Leader State Representative Capitol Office 314 State House Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8173 85 District Office 129 W. Main Urbana, L 61801 (217) 384-5336 ..- II· f I· '. I ELIZABETH: NES ENTERPRISE IJNII1()11)IS tfF~/7~ILI,4/-I~ "U" .- - .- ,"",,'I mea ruu/ )I)~)) I (~lll~ IN)) IJS'rllIlll~ SP()ll'rS m~ g/~/ Congratulations, Good luck, and MAY GOD BLESS YOU! Our dream is that the World will Pres. - Mrs. Josephine Bibb 1st Vice Pres. - Mrs. Celester Brown 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. Sarah A. Carey Recording Sec'y - Mrs. Margaret Whitlock Asst.- Mirs. lvadale Foster Financial Sec'y - Mrs. Audrey Brandon Corresponding Sec'y - Mrs. Elizabeth Qoyd Treasurer - Mrs. LaVada Thronton tum to God, and focus on 11)~S'rllIJllllNl' Bobby Hunt , ! Senior Women Auxiliary of Laura Lee Fellowship House ! :15(;-111111:) Education. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Butler and Family If at first you dont succeed, Congratulations Elizabeth and Best wishes you can depend on the Lord. You will succeed, in future endeavors. Pricilla Derrickson Bradberry Danville, Illinois Mr. (Q Mrs. Andrew 8>tafford Danville, Illinios You Have Our Prayers For This Initial Success And For All Subsequent Success! Con8ratulation& to Beth from 8hear Profe&sionals SHEAR PROFESSIONALS A world apart - A world of difference James and Jean Clem Bailey 1718 W. Bradley Ave., Champaign, IL 61821 (217) 352-0450, 352-0451 86 87 SJ)~:e;~ ~ aowie I I I I I I i I I i , I 1 :1 I !Be1i <l!Vi1he1 iln cJ!chieo-in9 'You~ §oaf1. BEST WISHES TO , B.if f14{'.ihe.i "God Bless You, Elizabeth" ,I ELIZABETH ELLEN I I BOWIE £.itE {!ou1in ~a~ah-cfaine ! 4 a .i.i Rof. andSis' too SDood Love, Phillip and Janyce Shaw I ~~-~kakd ~~~/7//O~' L~'"~ I.,.., on -/7' Congratulations ~~and & A4A /:B~~~totkka ~~~~~J -~~ ~cwu:f~. ~~ ~ g~IT~L: ~Lr! olfcrp c90d bless pou. .Best Wishes Eldridge & Orita Walker ~t6p 88 89 Congratulatons To A Beautiful Debutante "EPk i6 a ~ tAiny, toid , I II " Elizabeth Ellen Bowie Champaign!Urbana's Largest Natural Food Store and Deli Fresh Produce Herbs & Spices Whole Grains Natural Cheese Fresh Baked Breads Coffees & Herb Teas Vitamins & Supplements Mrs. Lucille Day Danville, Illinois ,I: ~that~wkn~ To one of my brightest students. May you continue on the road of life. Always put God first. ~- cAne!~ i6 OWJC~. c:g~aed Elaine Harmon §od akM (!Iou;. rS(r/in. !J fl6MV ~ , ,I /I 306 W. SPRINGFIELD - URBANA (217) 328-1655 Debutante Elizabeth Bowie Good Luck BEST WiS~ES Beth ElizAbET~ Congratulations! ANDREW DAVIS Al Gardner Insurance Danville, Illinois 442-6500 FROM KAREN TURNER ANd FAMily ElEXES, AMbER, ANd PRESIDENT ~- -~ ANDY'S ENTERPRISE & AUTO BEAUTY 1114 North Market PROFESSIONAL DETAILlNG- AUTO BEAUTY LIMOUSINE SERVICE - 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE KARlTON 515 N. MARKET STREET CHAMPAIGN, iI 61820 90 THESEABOAT Congratulates Debutante Elizabeth Bowie Champaign, Illinois 351-6209 AUTO SALES 352-0143 OFFICE 352-3859 FAX 352-6176 TOWING 352-6969 91 "UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH." (1 tnow my p{ans for you, p{ans for gooa not for evi[ tfiat you migfit fiave a future ana a fi ope. Nay God J3lecBcB and Keep You Matt. 16:18 Greater Shiloh Baptist Church Rev. H. L. Reed, Pastor Congratu{ations C£fizabeth in the 24th !l4nnua{ coti{{ion ~a{{ as one of the outstanding !l4frican !l4merican 1Jebutantes. 1J I I I I :I I From the home of our President, Bill Clinton in Arkansas. Jeremiah 2a: 11 NF. (If Nf'cB. CJjffNcDole cEhFevepof't? houjcBiana Don and Christine Carter Raybonlene Daniels & daughter, Briana Congratulations. GIBSON II "Go To The Too" ... MEMORIAL CHAPEL I • oh ~ Good Luck Beth 314 N. Washington Danville, II 61832 Hope You Reach Your Goal. AC 217 442-3483 John E. Gibson, Sr. , Director SERVING VERMILION AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES Service with quiet dignity and thoughtful consideration - Our Aim LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU . 92 L Elizabeth From Bessie Faucette Dallas, Texas Home of the World Champion Dallas Cowboys!! "It's In Your Reach!" Pres.- Janet Alexander V. Pres.- Beverly Frison Corr. Secy. - Judith Cottrell Asst. Secy. - Phyllis Parker Treas. - Doris Smith Fin. Secy. - Alice Payne Pub!. - Leslie Cunningham Ron Oehmke 93 Josephine Bibbs Gladys Davis Jean Hopper Madeline Cheek Johnnie Carey II 1 : i I I I ' I' I 1 , I. ! , I 1 I • Marie Lee & Children Josie & (Jordon) Clapper Linda & Dick Ballard Carol Ann & Bob Hurt Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Thompson Leek & Sons Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. Lee Foster Margie M. Woodard T & V Creations Donald Glenn White Sylvia Nesmith, Kenny & Marysa Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. McCoy Hazel Slaughter Dessie E. Mason Doris J. Smith Evelyn A. March Peggy A. Woodard Ruth Waddell Romadelle Austin Tom & Tina Pruitt Dorothy L. Summers Leslie & Roosevelt Cunningham Florence C. Washington Heel to Toe, Inc. Nathaniel & Lisha Banks Dr. & Mrs. David Fields Michael & Darline Fehr Lolita Collier Mrs. Patricia A. Bush 94 , ,: ~ flVe [ave you and are proud of you. Love, (jrandma and (jrantfpa 95 To My Lovely Granddau8hter Mya Brown GOOd~ck! ill !.II '111' ', I 1 East 0l. Louis, Illinois ,I I I i I Nay you achieve allyour goal<B and he <Bucce<B<Bful in life. Never IOcBe Faith in God and you will never IOcBe Faith in your<Belf Love, Grandmothef', Annie t. l3rown c9 Uncle, Andre L. l3rown " I I' I I I' I I I 1 I I 1 WeBB'! &. ~&ert CHi[[ ~tft qnBram S\(ar,! &. Winston CHarris (fern (forney &. ~mfa ~t[e Congratulations Mya Continue to go towards your dreams. Cyrus and Charlotte Johnson 96 97 !I '. . i s , j .. I Mya (40 Fo, It We love you Mra! Fredrick Brown (Daddy) Daryl Yarber Po Boy's BAR-B-Que 58 E. Columbia Champaign, IL 61820 ! ! I I MyA CONGRATULATioNS ANd God BLESS! WE ARE pRoud of you. ~est wishes to !J0u AOr.l sueeess io All !Jour eor.leAvors. £l!}A!J qor.l bless !J0u AlwA!Js. ~reor.lA Cooper RobERT &. GRETA STACliES S, JAmil!J i I I' , , I I I Mya, Congratu{ations on your success ana continue to reach for acaaemic new heights I , , , I : i! Reach for the stars and dream! + Congratulations! (jary, Mary & 2?.ysse[[ tJ3rown Elvis & Ridley L. Brown H~. (1~AJ,A~7~~/~':i:AAAI/, -If,,,,,.,r .............. ~ • - ~ -r ~~~:tt,e, ~. y.()(4/1}.(. Best Wishes ~ ~~~.Wt Starks Sistes Louisville, Ky ~ ~ttu/LL~:to ~t~~ kwtl T~~F~ 98 L 99 r I ~,' Good luck in your endeavors. A ANTIQUE CLOCKS SOLD . i BOUGHT REPAIRED :! I Avon ! INVESTOR'S ANTIQUES Go for it! Ethel E. Bridgewater Independent Sales Representative II~ ~ 4tJ etJe!t Con8ratulations, as you build on the foundation provided by Marvin, Birdie and Marilyn. mud u ~ mud u ~," Luke 12:48 BRUCE HANNON 1208W. UNION STREET CHAMPAIGN, IL 61821 To buy Avon APPOINTMENT 217-352-3646 . Melvin (9 Grace Mitchell contact me at 217-328-1174 Love, Marcus, La' Rufus & Bertha Mitchell i 'I 'I' ., Congf'atu[ations, fX."ta. ., !! I' I , I 'I Congratulations to the young women being honored at the 1996 Gamma Upsilon Psi Society Cotillion Ball. cYompliments if (jooi Cue/(: 0 our Pue/(t .~ rr o£v(a:son &' CJiJollS c:funeral cYeome o£v(adisonvil~ CXentuckp 1f21f3J ~f'om !I ! S{g~e and ~semaf'"t il \Bf'iggs, Sf'. &. ~amU"t FIRSfOFAMRIO\Bank 100 :Ms. J2l.. &:Mr. P. & :Mr. :J{. &:Ms. C. &:Ms.P. 101 ~"II ~,' Good luck in 'I your endeavors. I 'i A ANTIQUE CLOCKS '" I i! i i :' I : ',I SOLD BOUGHT REPAIRED Avon INVESTOR'S ANTIQUES II~ ~ 4IJ efJeIt Go for it! Ethel E. Bridgewater Independent Sales Representative . Con8ratulations, as you . build on the foundation provided by Marvin, Birdie and Marilyn. madu~madu ~," Luke 12:48 BRUCE HANNON '.' 1208 W. UNION STREET CHAMPAIGN,IL 61821 I To buy Avon APPOINTMENT 217-352-3646 , 'I, Melvin (9 Grace Mitchell contact me at 217-328-1174 Love, Marcus, La' Rufus & Bertha Mitchell I I i II I I I' I iii i I ! I I I I, I' 'I Congratu(ations, ~1a. !!i !I I II., II Congratulations to the yOlmg women being honored at the 1996 Gamma Upsilon Psi Society Cotillion Ball. 6>(7mplimmts if (joocf {uct: 0 our Puctl cr oU't/J'(7n &' Qffj(7ns cfuneral c#f](7me oU'adis(7nvil~ GKentuckp lf2lf3 J ~rom S(g~e and ~semar1 CBrlggs, 100 Sr. & ~amU1 !Ms . .9!. & !Mr. P. &!Mr.:Jl. & 9vf.s. C. &9vf.s.P. 101 Congratulations, Mya • !'II . , \tcrt~~~s)t ~~ I '.1 I ...""l'" .." -P iii II'·1 Auto Body II , 1)au-e 1)ieuH-9~' () ettH-e't !I i ! , , 101 EDGEBROOK IL 6 I 820 CHAMPAIGN, PH. (2 I 7)398-83 I II:' i' ill I, , I I I 'ii 1,1' Ii i I: I I ! I iii II' " I I 102 ~ Lorelei Williams Mrs. Genevieve Stratton Blanche Jackson Tillie Mae Small Estelle Menifield Marilyn Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Dong Clegg Katie Clegg Luther & Gloria Ware Tom Bonnell Margaret Bonnell Doug Wilkens Bill & Sally Fiscus Margret M. Caston Terry Brantely Steve & Debra Henry Bill & Mindy Paul Eunice Rivers David & Halestine Session 103 n·'' i·:'' I "~ I I i ! cr 0 m~ dautJhter %Shaundra ContJratu(ations! q'm '\'er~ proud of ~ou. ~member this Y'oruba pro'\'erb - '.CNQ one can uproot the tree which God p(anted!" I L Scruggs Memorial C.M.E. Church I "The church where holiness is real :e=:::::#:t~~~~~~==~ and the full gospel is preached! 3676-80 Cook Ave.• St. Louis, MO 63113 • 314-533-5444 ...£a ~haund7-a, I , " I" I i'll I ' , , I, 'I ',! ' iff a ta2k i2 onc& b&f)un, n&rJ&7- l&arJ& it till it' 2 don&. !B& th& labo7- f)7-&at 07- 2mall, do it <W&llo7- dVot elft elfl£' ************ I' ...£&t !l0U7- lif)ht 2hin& b&f07-& m&n that Clh&!l ma!l 2&& !l0U7- flood w07-k and §107- if!l !l0U7- 'Jath&7- in ctf&arJ&n. I I,'" , ' i , , I' I i,l, " 9'~ ~ ~~uu~~~~ ~>-n€.~ra,u~r,on • and skf¥' a& .uo-eeL; a& ~ are. ~'\'eY'a! sPa ~ Grann~ 104 Bishop Dotcy 1. Isom, Presiding Prelate 'Rev. James Morris, Presiding Elder Rev. John Deron Johnson, Pastor 105 CONGI2ATULATION81 CONC~ATULATIONS I I ! I Iii Il,i !: I Dear La8haundra, Debutante LaShaundra Diane Lo'kett This is another stair on the . 8tairway of life. Weare very proud of your, and as we pray for youWe pray for God to continue to bles<s you, and keep you in His care. As you embark upon future endeavors, we encoura8e you with these words by Helen 8teiner Qice PRAY FOR A PURPOSE to MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING, And PRAY FOR THE JOY of UNSELFISH GIVING, For GREAT IS YOUR GLADNESS and RICH YOUR REWARD When you make your LIFE'S PURPOSE the choice of the Lord. riJe ~ 90«/. PThe~ (Your Dad & Velma) 106 You lire 1I brigbt, intelligent lind tlllented 310ung llld31. We lire proud to join 310ur fllmil31l1nd otber friends in wisbing tbe best for 31ou. Robin A. Orr Geraldine G. Peeples Karen L. Zotz 107 't'l .,' i I : I f To my niece, LaShaundra II I I .', i i. III· Congratulations LaShaundra Lockett Congratulations and Best Wishes in all that you do. I am very proud of you. Frank &Georgia Atchison Inglewood, California 90302 Love, Uncle Wayne & Aunt Sheila Con8ratulations La8haundra Con8ratulations Debutante -La8haundra Lockett DEAR LAS~AUNdRA, CONGRATUlATioNS!! kNOW OUR fAMily is VERy pRoud of you. Wis~iNG you TIiE bEST T~ROUGIi YOUR COllEGE YEARS ANd bEYONd. Best Wishes <9 Your Cousins Ed <9 June Thorpe Keep the faith <9 Prayer Marvarine Pirtle, Ether Huffman, (9 Katherine McCutchen 108 I II SiNCERLy, MARjORiE SO~N 109 ~,J'" I "' ....., -' 'Fr. I 'i ' ( I ~ ~! ,• ' LaShaundra~ :7JesfWishes Congratulations! , II " I I ;j !3ac5haundra MAY YOUR LIFE BE AS BEAUTIFUL AS IT WAS IN THE MIND OF GOD WHEN HE FIRST THOUGHT OF YOU. We musl use lime crealiueij... andJ;reuer reai/ze Ihallhe LaShauDdra, Best Wishes and Congratulations. Congratulations &Good Luck in your future! lime 1~' almays ripe 10 do ri!lhf. LaShaundra Martin Luther King, Jr. 'I Love & God Bless You! Your Family In Florida David, Dionne Brianna Kersh From: Carla Tillman 7 Bobby Hunt & Natialie D. Jackson ~g;.~ Good luck lASHAuNdRA {?~~~-' La8haundre., -Ea{?~ .!kJ~~~~~ I , I ! cnd!He~~to-~ eafd;~ uxnf; to- 6e-. ~ SHiRlEY, lAToNYA ~-cnd~~fln & ~ AsiA AdkiNs Con8ratulations on your fine achievementl May you have many more in your future. Hiram Lodge # lOAF.. and AM. Eddie Jones WM.. Rose of Sharon #3 O.E.S. Dorothy 1. Luckey WM. Arthur Johnson WP. UJmt;1I~ ~ CfIJIan &, uIJIJ.ed Ellyn (9 Ellis Bromber8 fTrent; I '~.,. LJ I 110 111 1"-:; - _-----~ ___ ~ \ Congra tula tions LaShaundra CONGRATULATIONS LaShaundra Marketing, Public Relations and Communications Support ! , I, , , I II I ,I I , I ,I ' Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path. Proverbs 3:5, 6 Scherer Congratulations Debutante LaShaundra Lockett t Create a pure heart in me, on God, and give me a new and steadfast spirit. Psalm 51:10-11 Mr. John Smith COMMUNICATIONS I I ! I! ,,',I ' !: , Mr. & Mrs. David Hickman & Family 408 Bmkwood Ct. west Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 367-0038 , Ii' 'I , I ,i , I' " I' ill I rr0 LaSfiauntfra, , I!, 'i ' Illil , i "1 , I I , I i,1 I Congratu[ations witfi mucfi success in tfie future. :'1 I I I i ConBratu[ations ?Iou can ck att IhifUJ6 IhroUIJ Chri61 who & 6lrefUJlhen6 'Iou. Good~ck c %Sftaundra I Love, JR and Edna Pelmore Love you, ~gina[d, Car[a, Sliami/(a &rramyra 112 AIrs. AlargaretAlinor 113 r mezt iMizlrez &: §UI:rezz , ,I , Mr. & MrS. Bishop Sibley Encore Books Mme. Gayle Powell Ml: &Mrs.Rupp:rtAlliwning Eld. J.R. & Mildred Feazell Mrs. Dorothy Luckey Mrs. Pearl Evans Marjorie Mead Mae Kendrick Theresa Johnson i , " i I dlI1t. Zion P't09£Hio-£ 23aptLd (!hl.L'rh ~t. PeuMbu't9' 'JLo'tida 33712 , , ,ii' I , : " i ,I'I' ! Ii I II, 'i II Ii! I' i, I : i I , CO"f}ratu/ation6 to clShauruira clochett ConSf'atu[ations on &eins a de&utante! q wish ~ou were in a[[ of ~our dreams. q wire a[wa~s [o-ve ~ou and &e proud of what ~ou do. q 'lg-ve Y'ou. 'lg-ve, S\(omma I , ,i " I I I 114 115 ti· t I " I I I Christina -- , I, " I , I I , ! G} will ~ k ~0/Jrk. 0'4~fo~~andr/ Jrk kIieve~ the;; will<XJme ~. CWe are "er't proud of 't0u• ~wa'ts remem&er that God shaff suppf't aff 'tour needs according to Cflis riches in gfor't &'t Christ EJesus. (fPftifippians 4:19) SlgveCTFte Caro[ine ~ami[~ God Bless You! Jayna & Anthony Shana, Alexis, Ty, MarIana, Chris, Angie, Wayne 116 117 I I CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NIECE Congratufations to tfie 961})eos ana t£scorts [ STORCH PHOTOGRAPHIC I 2211 North Barker Road Champaign, IL 61821 I [ 1 CHRISTINA MARSHALL Love and God's continued blessing to you. 1 ...................................................... · . ~ I' . I I I • ! I : COUPON : : : : This coupon is worth $10.00 towards your next photo sitting, graduation photos, family or wedding pictures. call :· STORCH PHOTOS ·· ··.. .... ....... .........863-2837 ........ ..... ...... ..... ...... from CEMCO Valet Service, Inc. P. O. Box 49560 Chicago, Illinois 60649 Clarence E. and Leori C. Moore - Principals . ~ C!(rUE {[igqt <£Lqurrq - :rgaptist God Bless and Keep YOU. 'The Church Dedicated to Restoring the Neighborhood to a Brotherhood" I, 7300 SOUTH MARYLAND AVENUE. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60619.994-1381 Rev. A. Harold White, B.R.E., D.O. Pastor Residence: 434-1860 Matthew 21:22 i ! i I II i I Office: 846-6567 Church: (312) 994-1381 Fax: (312) A·CHURCH (224-8724) Community Center: (312) 846-2988 And all thin8s, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believin8, ye shall receive. ASSOCIATE MINISTERS REV. L. KIDD, Asst to Pastor REV. V. BAKER, Associate REV. J.D. WILSON, Associate ASSOCIATE PASTORS REV. c.c. CARTER REV. C.E. KING REV. L McCLAIN REV. W. PHILLIPS Grandparents John Henry and Nara Tunstall D. HUGHES Chairman Deacons B.MADISON Chairman Trustees GLADYS GILL Secretary Congratulations and Best Wishes To Christina Marshall Your True light Family Wishes only the best for you as you Take this step. The Scripture Says: A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines, but what a shame to see a lad who sleeps away his hour of opportunity." (Proverbs 10:5 TLB) II GO FORTH WITH YOUR EDUCATION, AND GET ALL YOU CAN NOW! Dr. A. Harold White, Pastor 752·2912 118 .'" i 119 x. . SUi 1, i Pages For All Ages Bookstore i I ,[. roup {oca{{l-owned, independent 6ookstope. since /988 ! Xesl W1~";;es. 112 /0 spr112!l' Best Wishes Christina Marshall ~TlC Hold fast to your drerunsl W112ler llHflalways lurn . o1. \.n~QEC&ION6 At The Old Farm Shops Kirby and Mattis Champaign 351-7243 800-228-7243 " '·1' JON JIMENEZ Ch7,l~tlna dl!{a7,~ha[[ ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ...... PN3NJaTflA'XEM4Ls:RIICES 905 S. Neil Street Suite B Champaign, Illinois 61820 217-398-2100 FAX: 217-398-5124 PAGER: 800-602-7924 120 , -~ flnni !MOore Art Consultant (312)994-9664 Henrine Luckett Casey AFFORDABLE OIL PAINTINGS ART SHOWS Commercial - Private Showings Debutante Christina Marshall fJ0 !bebutante 'i AFFORDABLE OiL PAINTINGS Ch'l-i~tina, !Be~t CV1Ii~he~ I , gO\ Conf}'l-atulation~ M~A~D~ & !Be.~t \Wi~he.~ Printing Wrth An Explosive Touch 'J'l-om: John, c:J/J{iche.LLe., Jon PO. Box 2993 Prairie View, Texas 77446 &~hawna (800) 219 - 4557 121 r I i! CWe are allproud qipou. c:f;ood luok in allpour dreams. s CWomen c:f;uild at CCnnltp Sherie Yvette cS3nvnt.· @he (;BaM cS3amdy ~kMwf3~dk Runway, Print and Commercial Model (;BaM" May (jod6fess you a[ways Christina and remember Phi[[ipians 4:13~ ((1 can do a[[ things through Christ which strenglienth me. Multi Listed Voice Mail #: 3121714-5497 Dock Walls - Manager: 312/955-7727 m. \Best wishes and rUCK to a[[ the CDe&utantes &. especia[[-~ m! &uda!~ Chl'istina! G~on Gil'[! fJ'1ie 'lfarris CFamify from: <Bruce <Brown "Whitney Houston" Look-A-Like Mickey Lyod Women's Guild ofTmity DCC Ola & Anthony Bower Florida & C. W. Garrett Nadean Randle Carlos Calhoun Carmen Muntz and Family Sherrie & Julius Johnson Angela Cooper Chris Marshall Bobby Hunt William Q. Renfro Barbara Fields Sandra Turner JoAnna Johnson Joy Grizzard Valena Adkinson Irene Skulark Charlotte Blackman William & Mary Withers Wayne & Shelonda Williams Jerome & Joyce Hale Christina & Family 123 i State Sunday School Department Congratulations Anita~ to Your mother~ and father are ver! proud of !ou! ~e wish~ !OU Cuck in ever! area of Cife! 0'\a! God &Cess !ou! ~ T\(wa!s ?:/our Parenb I• II Elder Evell Knight Mrs. C1eolia Penix , 1.1 , Anita Nash State Sunday School Superintendent 5th Jurisdiction ofIllinois State Sunday ScI;IOOl Field Representative 5th Jurisdiction ofIllinois 1 I, ' I I I ·W MWBG BIKERS BS LK BD VLL GD NS JESUS~ FRIENDS INMATE NEWS Jesus' Friend Burpy Thomas MBS District Superintendents Representatives Bishop B.E. Goodwin Blessed Hope Enunanuel Friendship Good Hope GoodNews Greater Love Light of the World Love & Joy Macedonia Mount Calvery New Greater Northern New Jerusalem New Pentecostal Number Eight Rehoboth Southeastern E. Barlow J. Woodall S. Whiting M.Mitchell J. Peacock R. Hall W. Williams E. Jones L. Robinson W. Bibbs E. Parham D. Scott C. Washington L. Pearson G.Bond R. McNutt A. Pullen L. Thompson Mrs. T. Alford, Assistant Field Representative Mrs. M. Woodard, Assistant Field Representative Mrs. H. McLean, Courtesy Lady Mrs. C. Smith, Assistant Secretary Mrs. P. Barlow, Financial Secretary Elder C. Washington, Assistant Superintendent Elder C. Nash, Assistant Superintendent Elder A Pullen, Assistant superintendent Mrs. P. Clark, Corresponding Secretary 124 G. Washington T. Alford M. Bell J. McIntyre E.Lundy J. Cleaves M. Harris A. Davis M. Kincaid O. Greer M. Mayfield T. Washington D. Diggs M.Land P. Clark M. Cowen 125 Best Wishes Anita American Legion Post #559 Champaign, Illinois 61820 Our prayer andbesl WIJ:.hes are wil£you asyou embar£ on your I I educalIonalpursuIls. We WIJ:hyou conlinuedsuccess. "!k allihy ways ac£nowledje hIm, andJfe shalld/recllhy palhs. Board oj Directors Officers Henry Booker - President Nathan Henderson - Commander J.L. Williams - Vice President Jesse Powe - 1st Vice Fred Cobb - Secretary Jay Jackson - 2nd Vice Kelvin Coburn - Treasurer MartinFitzpatrick-Finance Officer Willie Gordon Tracy Thomas - Sgt. At. Arms Terry Kizer w.e. Hampton - Chaplin Bernard Jackson Lawrence Shelton - Historian Jj Seon Williams - Adjutant Provberbs 3:6 CIB Central Illinois Bank Mrs. Rosa Marie Smtih Compliments of the Fifth Jurisdiction ofIllinois Church of God in Christ Women's Department "Community Banking - The Way It Used To Be" Supervisor Ros.a Marie Smith Bishop Samuel S. McCarthy, Prelate 126 127 'f'i -I I ,j , I , ! : 1 ': i Pages For All Ages Bookstore Your locallv-owned, independent bookstore. since 1988" Anila, Wisdom is 8realer lhan knowled8e, for wisdom includes knowled8e and lhe due use of it. - Joseph 8evelli Capponi At The Old Farm Shops Kirby and Mattis III I Champaign I I From: 351-7243 800-228-7243 Qulhie Hillsman -E~c9)I~ !BE.a.u1lful dfand~ Can !BE.IjjOU't~ "I ,I! C~n~.J[]ENTAlL FULL NA1[]L§ §lERV][C1E I I I WAL MART SAM'S CLUB PLAZA 1006 W. Anthony Dr. #C Champaign, IL. 61820 Tel: (217) 351 - 7913 :::::> SERVICE SHORT Acrylic Nails Full Set ..................................................................... $26.00 Acrylic Nails Fill In ........................................................................ $16.00 Acrylic Nails Over Lay ................................................................... $25.00 Curve Nails Full Set ........................................................................ $33.00 Sculpture Nails ................................................................................ $34.00 Gel Full Set ..................................................................................... $40.00 Gel Fill In ........................................................................................ $25.00 Mon. - Wed.: Full Set - $24.00, Refills - $15.00 MEDIUM $30.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $39.00 $45.00 $30.00 ,..--O-P-EN-----, Appointment or Walk-Ins Welcome 7 Days A Week Mon- Sat 9:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (jift Certificate .9LvaiIaEfe 11 :00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. c!100d/ud;~ tWufletthe ~ 0/ c!1odk wid OU# ;;ou a4 ;;ou fUll!~ ~/ Sun: I I ; 128 129 . ~ --------===-~--------- - = Congratulations, Anita EVANGELIST CLEOLIA PENIX 2408 Elm Street, Rockford, IL 61102 Congratulations Anita clfnita, CONGRATUlATioNS {!onf}~atu[ation1- ! TO ANiTA NASH Residence: (815 968-7368) Work: (815) 968-9965 Slate Sunday ScnooI FieId~e of51hJurisdictionoflllioois ANd IT IS TIME TO TAKE TIm LIMIT OFF OF GOD. from: Happy House Day Care Home Prop. Jenny McMath 3214 Saratoga Champaign, IL 61821 351-7869 DCFSIP.A. accepted clfim fo~ 1-UCC£1-1-, All THE DEbUTANTES c::Nothinf} "'££1-1-. CAROl & TOPPER STEiNMAN Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. - Ephesians 3:20 %!Mj;Sweet54nita. $e encouragedanc{be af[tliatyou can be in Christjesus. ~rrA GtST'W1S1-kS TO ya)~D Conf}-ratu/alion6 ,I. N::'vk:R Lat SKJ-IT IT YCLR ~',i Anita / MITSUBISHI MOTORS P'rom your(jranny 54nnie Preston I· II DIAMOND S ALE S -G U I L D Robert & oflnJa Cfemon6 ~: Authorized Dealer 130 131 PROSPECT MITSUBISHI 708 W. Anthony Drive Champaign, IL 61821 Phone: (217) 398-1222 Fax:: (217) 398-1299 l 1 \ I I 1 Gaad Luck Anita Congratulations .!2Lnita! From: Charla Henry Miss Henry's Style Shop Specializing in Unisex Hair Cutting and Styling i 408 E. Tremont Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 398-2076 ! Anita, Cong,atulation,! Mall llou, futu,e endeavo" he with lull pewa,d, in the Lord. !From 'Everyone ..9Lt gcLP may Care 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday Perlevalil & Cbarlotte BU"it 1-74 & LINCOLN· URBANA IL, PH. 328-1514 Be positive and pass it on - May the Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee. Aoita, Coo9ratulatioofl ~ememDer: Hiram LOOge #10 AF.. and AM Eddie Jones W M. Rose of Shaon #3 O.E.S.. t\y ~od fball fUpp~ all your Deedf accordiD9 to bif ricbu iD 91o~ Dy Cbrift JUUf - rbilippiaDf 4:13 Rose of Sharon #3 O.E.S.. Dorothy J. Luckey WM Arthur Johnson W.P. ~m~'WJr ~\mta\ mf ~,~ il ~\ri~ JeanDrish 409 East Grove Street Champaign, IL 61820 Evangelist Judy Woodall Church: 352-3546 I I 132 ;1 '.i"I! L·'I" 133 .....m' r'1 II' ~r ! - Best of Luck in the Cotillion & with all your future endeavors! r.Best Wis lies! Good hUCK Adta! JKnow you will be quite cBuccecBcBfu/! Juay r.B. Camp6e{{, pli.'iJ. laTy M. Spirer Indl:oitfua{aru£(jroup tIfzerapy dziU/!JltfuU;!Jamify Edison Middle School 310!lfora'IJri:ve Cfzamplign,IL 61821 ~ BANK:ONE. Whatever it takes~ BANK ONE, CHAMPAIGN·URBANA . 201. West University Avenue, Champaign Country Fair Shoppmg Center, ~hampajgn; Centennial Plaza, Champaign Round Bam P!~a, Champ~lgn; 220 North Highway Avenue, Deland 100 West Washmgton, Monticello; 219 West Center Street. Monticello 405 North Broadway Avenue, Urbana Member FDIC , ~ '! ~ 134 5Q3.B Creve Coeur Dr. Champaign,IL61821 {217}398-6119 - BookerT. Washington II Kevin Malone American General ute and ACcident Insurance Company Success is to be measured not so muchbythe position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. J.\ fRI;i'lfJ J.\t.'JVJ.\Y5 50i'IYJ.\ 8RO'JVi'll;; Agent A Subsidiary of American General Corp. Good ~ck CT0 7\(( CTFte CDe&utantes! XtumJCeJge is [ik§ agarcfen: ifit is not CU£tivatet£ it cannot be ftarvestetf. -(juinean Proverb D.O.V.E. o· - "Service is our specialty" (217) 366-3620 Diane Scott Olline Taylor Vickie Hutchinson Entrepreneurs 217.:J52~ • Sales Coorclinator Administrator Publicity Coorclinator Ramions. Parties. TraveWacation 135 lblnbdtitrgt •
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