SJCH nsltr Summer09 - St. Joseph Children`s Home
SJCH nsltr Summer09 - St. Joseph Children`s Home
NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 245 LOUISVILLE, KY Residential Treatment • Child Development Center Therapeutic Foster Care • Adoption Services 2823 Frankfort Avenue Louisville, Kentucky 40206 502-893-0241 • 502-896-2394 (fax) ResidentialServices Treatment • Child DevelopmentCenter Center •• Specialized Therapeutic Foster Foster Care Residential • Child Development Care && Adoption AdoptionServices Services Giving Children a Home Summertime Celebrations — Planning for the Picnic Change Service Requested 160th Annual Orphans’ Picnic Saturday, August 8 – from 11 am until Midnight Join us for Friday Night Live! August 7 from 5 pm - 10 pm Summer 2009 Summer 2009 Giving Save the Date! Friday, August 7 Friday Night Live/St. Joseph Alumni Reunion Saturday, August 8 159th Annual St. Joseph Orphans’ Picnic Saturday, August 22 St. Joe’s Volleyball Open Friday, September 18 Cirque du Soleil, Feather & Diamonds Gala Thursday - Sunday, November 5 – 9 Bargain Barn’s Christmas Bazaar Friday, December 11 WDJX/St. Joseph Bunco Breakfast Call St. Joe’s at 502-893-0241 for more information. Do you have a seasonal address? Did you know that your newsletter is returned to us while you’re away? It is possible to have newsletters delivered to a seasonal address which keeps you updated on all events and news from St. Joe’s. To update your records contact Barbara Dorf at or (502) 893-0241, ext 262. Children a Home since Alumni Reunion ✔ Organize a cake baking party at your home or your parish and bake as many cakes as you can for our fabulous cake booth. Did You Once Live At St. Joe’s? In case of rain, this event is cancelled. St. Joseph Day Thanks to all who celebrated St. Joseph Day on May 18, including Margie Kastlhun Hering and her daughter, Cass Nagy, from Florida. Purchase gifts made by St. Joe’s kid s. Come with your family and join other St. Joe Kids for a relaxing evening and listen to the music of a live band on the grounds where you once played. Friday Night Live! Music on the Law n. St. Joseph Children’s Home 2823 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky This is a chance to renew acquaintanceships and share stories of your days at St. Joe’s. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs. Fish, fries, brats, hot dogs, and beverages will be available for purchase. For more information, contact Rob Gividen, President of the Alumni Association at (502) 8026032, or email at Or you may contact Debra Thompson at the Home at (502) 893-0241. ✔ Call all of your friends and family and tell them to meet you at Friday Night Live on August 7th and the Orphans’ Picnic on August 8th! ✔ Tell everyone you know that St. Joseph has many sponsorship and volunteer opportunities at the Picnic. 1849 All former St. Joe Kids and their families are invited to join in a reunion to be held at the St. Joseph Orphans’ Friday Night Live event, August 7, 2009, from 5:00 to 10:00 PM. Picnic Check List served. icken dinners Over 5,000 ch Free Parking Enter from Brownsboro Road. Someone will win a car at midnight ! G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e ✔ Purchase and sell raffle tickets for the Capital Prize, Flat screen TV, Weekend Getaway and Fine Dining raffles. ✔ Spread the word about the programs and the mission at St. Joseph Children’s Home. Executive Director’s Corner Summertime is always an exciting and eventful time here at St. Joe’s. The premier event, of course, is the annual picnic. It is thought to be the 12th largest event in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and has been held longer than the Kentucky Derby. This year we celebrate our 160th picnic which began as a way to pay off the mortgage at our original site. One of the photos in this issue shows the presentation of a cane which was given to a Mr. J.H. Clemens on Feb. 15th,1881 at the annual “fair” for St. Joseph Orphanage which was located in the basin of the city. The cane surfaced as part of Mr. Clemens’s estate and was returned to us for safe keeping. The fair eventually became our annual picnic and continues to provide much needed support for our mission. Although the picnic is an important part of our fund raising efforts, we still rely on other events and donors to provide the majority of support to supplement our state funding. We happily recognize some of our recent donors and events in this pictorial issue Additionally, we highlight some of our activities, including T Barry Walker the photo exhibit of our residential kids which received regional recognition and press at their very own art gallery opening downtown. We especially thank Mary Carothers and her talented U of L students for this collaborative effort. They made a lasting impression on the lives of our children. Auction with lots of one-of-a-kind prizes, and fabulous music by Bobby J. There was excitement in the air when Tim announced that the Foundation had made a $500,000 pledge to St. Joseph Children’s Home! The Event continued on Monday as over 160 golfers gathered at Big Springs Country Club for a round of their favorite outside sport under picture perfect weather. Enjoy!! At the St. Joe’s annual “fair,” held on Feb. 15th, 1881, a cane with a gold engraved head was given to Mr. J.H. Clemens in appreciation of his support to the Orphanage. The cane was handed to down to his son, Richard, who died in April 2008. Barry Walker accepted the cane from Guardiacare’s Diane Ritchey and Becky Smith, who assisted Richard Clemens. Thanks to the Louisville Youth Philanthropy Council! The LYPC is a group of some of Louisville’s finest high school students, working to make a difference in the world. The LYPC “seeks to inspire young leaders in our community to commit themselves to service and the development of their skills in this area.” After touring St. Joe’s and learning more about our programs, the Council granted our children with $5,500 in support of Arts and Music in the Residential Activities Program; AND $1,000 to support our Life Book Project (helping children to rebuild their lives, through scrapbooks). THANKS to Borders Books and Sacred Heart Model School for filling our residential library with brand new books! Borders Books held a book drive, providing the opportunity for customers to purchase over 1,800 books for the library. Sacred Heart Model School donated $1,500, raised through an annual Penny Challenge, sponsored by the Student Council. Tim Coury, owner of Porcini, and Del Farmer, owner of Oxmoor Auto Group, welcomed guests. Tim Coury, shown with event coordinators from left, Phil Blythe, Angie Peyton and Kelly Farmer. Joe B. Hall, former UK Coach, and Denny Crum, former U of L Coach, enjoyed the evening with John Huckestein. Barry THANKS to the William E. Barth Foundation for providing transportation support to our children in residential care. Their grant will assist as we drive the children daily to recreational, educational and cultural field trips; as well as medical, dental, therapy and school related appointments. Young leaders making a difference he 8th annual Porcini/Oxmoor Auto Group Charity Event, a benefit to raise money for the Porcini Children’s Foundation, included a Cocktail Party and scrumptious buffet dinner, prepared by Chef John Plymale at Porcini Restaurant on Sunday, May 17. There was also comedy entertainment featuring Joe B. Hall and Denny Crum, along with an exciting Silent and Live Tim Valentino | courtesy of The Voice-Tribune Summertime Celebrations – Thanks to Porcini and Oxmoor Auto Group for making children a priority Tim Valentino | courtesy of The Voice-Tribune From left, Corey, Charmaine, Trish, Pat and John Francis celebrated St. Joseph’s success. Pat’s father, Michael; and John’s father, John, were raised at St. Joseph Orphanage. John and Charmaine won the Minks Family of Bears from the silent auction. Jockey favorite Robby Albarado donated Derby memorabilia for the live auction. On March 28, the 4th Annual Charity Shoot for St. Joe’s Kids was held by the Greater Louisville Dart Association. GLDA raised $5,000, the 2nd best fundraising year. Thanks to all sponsors, donors and contributors who made the Dart Shoot a success. Barry and Karen Britt Walker welcomed, and thanked members of the GLDA for their support. A special thanks to Jeff Meiman and Dennis Withey for organizing this wonderful event for the children. Thanks to FinCoil Energy Solutions Executives Chuck Russman and Andrew Russman for supporting our children. From left, Chuck, Andrew, Barry Walker, and Thurman Senn, 4th generation Board member. 2 3 G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e Summertime Celebrations – in the Residential Program Summertime Celebrations – in the Foster Care Program I n May, St. Joe’s Foster Care and Adoption staff and families gathered to celebrate successes of the past and present, looking forward to making even more of a difference in the future. Do you feel called to foster/adopt a child? Contact Beth Yeager at or 8930241, ext 238 and she will answer all your questions. The next 10-week training begins September 10 and will be held on Thursdays from 6:00 - 9:30 PM. Please call to register. Congratulations to Holly, High School Graduate 2009! Thanks to Jan Winter, Publisher, Fit 4 Fun Magazine, for underwriting a full page ad in her magazine; and Kathy Rademaker, Foster Parent, for making this happen. The Kentucky Children’s Health and Fitness Fund is a nonprofit organization providing in-school healthy living education and programming for grade K-4 statewide. “Fit 4 Fun” is the title of its health campaign and the name of their magazine. In May, the magazine was distributed to all children in public schools grades K-4 in Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby and Bullitt counties, a total of 55,000 children. The magazine rolls out statewide in September. M ary Carothers’s photography students at U of L collaborated with St. Joe’s Kids in a studio art class. Our kids listened to poets, made up poems, and recorded their voices. They experienced Photoshop using their own pictures. They took pictures of each other. The coolest thing - They drew with light! The best part of the class was modeling as superheroes. The goal was to find a way for our children to be empowered, and to find their inner strength. U of L students helped design costumes and took the portraits. The Art Show was exhibited at the Route Noir Gallery throughout May. At a Special Preview Party our children were indeed feeling empowered as they viewed their portraits while eating cheese and fruit, and sipping sparkling cider. 4 5 G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e Sister Loretta Guenther celebrates her birthday – she is 75 years young! Derby week in the CDC Way to go, Beth! Summertime Celebrations – The Child Development Children are always having fun! Our CDC Derby Princesses were a festive sight in their gowns and tiaras. She loved her door, decorated by the residential children. She has worked at St. Joe’s for 35 years. St. Joseph Children’s Home 2823 Frankfort Avenue Louisville, Kentucky 40206 Telephone: (502) 893-0241 Fax: (502) 896-2394 Sister is now “Colonel Sister Loretta,” thanks to a birthday gift from the Board of Directors. C ongratulations to Beth Yeager, Foster Care Recruiter, for winning the “Burrows for Bunnies” Award for the Foster Care and Adoption float in the Easter Parade, sponsored by the Frankfort Avenue Business Association. Many thanks to the foster/adoptive parents who donated time and materials to make our float a success, particu- Faces of Hope Newsletter Board of Directors Ralph Risimini President Eugene Eckert Vice President/Picnic Chairman Paul Hirn Vice President/Picnic Co-Chairman Robert L. Haner, Jr. Treasurer Earl Hartlage* Financial Secretary M.Thurman Senn Recording Secretary Most Rev. Joseph Kurtz Archbishop of Louisville Thanks to the Sewing Ladies who work so diligently to sew quilts and embroider pillowcases to be raffled on Picnic Day, and also make ‘blankies’ for our residential and adopted children. larly Kathy Rademaker and her friend Felicia Nehring who were the financiers and creative talent. Beth also won a prize for her winning booth at the Earth Day Celebration at the Louisville Zoo. First annual Cars for a Cause is a success! Dr. Barry Walker Executive Director The Sewing Society meets every Monday and Wednesday, 9 AM - 2 PM (lunch included), and Tuesday, 6 - 9 PM. All are Welcome. The CDC children showed their creativity in constructing Derby Parade floats. THANKS to O’Reilly Auto Parts, Primary Sponsor for the First Annual CARS FOR A CAUSE Event, held April 26. Participants and guests, as well as St. Joe’s kids, enjoyed looking over the pristine cars in between music, awards and food. Come shop at the BARGAIN BARN of St. Joseph Children’s Home Treasures uncovered daily! Monday, Thursday & 1st Saturdays of the month 9:00 a.m. - Noon In April we held a celebration luncheon for our wonderful Bargain Barn volunteers. Don’t know how to quilt? They will teach you. Call 893-0241 for more information. Robert Beam* Michael Boone Bernard Bowling* Frank Campisano Del Farmer John Fihe Milton Hettinger* Jeff Lowe Wish Lists Garbage cans on wheels Vacuum cleaners Cleaning supplies Socks/underwear/ boxers Shoes – all sizes, infant to adult Toiletries – deodorant/dish soap Travel toothbrush and soap holders African-American hair products Thin, twin-size blankets (easy to fit in washer) Towels and washcloths Large Rubbermaid containers School Needs School supplies Lunch boxes Backpacks New/gently used uniforms - navy and khaki pants/shorts, solid colored polo shirts Recreation Needs Gift cards – restaurants and outings Art/journal supplies Scrapbooking supplies Electronics All sizes of batteries, especially C, D, 9 volt and AAA Nintendo DS hand-held video games MP3 players CDs Video game systems with games DVD players Radios Remote control cars/trucks Video game chairs Fred A. Nicoulin Chuck Nopper Norbert C. Nopper* Frances Paalz Steve Robbins Billie Satterly Charles Steier* John Straub* *Past Presidents Non-Electronics Board games Bean bag chairs Sporting equipment (both indoor and outside) Legos Visit our updated website for the latest in St. Joseph news. If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically visit: 6 7 G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e G i v i n g C h i l d r e n a H o m e
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