Inside - South Bay Wheelmen


Inside - South Bay Wheelmen
Turning Circles
Newsletter of the South Bay Wheelmen
September 2012
Gadgmo Nihon Recursive Pocket
- Gadgmo Nihon Recursive Pocket
- Race Results
- Baxter Time Trial action
- My bike has a cousin on Mars!
- Dave Richardson Race Series schedule
- Looking forward & discount info
(contributed by Jeff Dykzeul)
We got multi-cultural for ya here. Have you met the Mayor of Central Park, SBW member Alan Geiger? Alan is a true New Yawka, yet loves
the South Bay here in California, splitting his time between the two. He also is an aficionado of many things Japanese, including his wife,
yet spends vacation days cycling from Hotel Dory in Riccione, Italy. Multi-cultural, I told ya.
I met Alan many years ago after he moved to the South Bay part-time and started
showing up for the Doctor’s Ride at Malaga Cove Plaza in PV. Soon after that he
handed me a little zippered plastic pouch with fiber reinforcing strips embedded in it.
“This is perfect for replacing the chintzy sandwich bag in my jersey pocket,” I thought,
and it was. My ID, cash, keys, credit, pen, ride leader waiver form, and Catalina Coffee
frequent buyer card all fit in it and ride with me. I have been carrying that zippered
pouch ever since then on every bike ride I have done – various places in California, in
Michigan, in Baja, in NYC Central Park (with Alan), in the San Juan Islands and in
A local cycling blogger, known as the “wankmeister”, referred to the pouch as “the best
bike gadgmo I ever didn’t buy.” With a nod to wanky, I call it the “Gadgmo Nihon
Recursive Pocket” - a pocket IN your pocket. You have my permission to acronymize
it as GNRP. Special as I may be, Alan has been spreading the GNRP wealth around.
Why does he do it? Here is what he has to say:
GNRP (above)
The reason that I’ve been doing this for over ten years was not for celebrity or economic gain, but to make people smile. What other way
could I possibly do this? I’m unlikely to discover cures for nasty diseases, save a life, become a terrific guitarist or singer. I can give out just
so many homegrown oranges, Mikan, tomatoes, etc to neighbors and friends. Being very lazy, what easier way could I possibly have found
to brighten someone’s day than giving out these things? Riders going home just after having gotten one, despite maybe being dropped by
a group of Freds, will most likely be happier than when they left home.
Our older daughter, who claims to be doing pediatric cardiology, but maybe doing little more than cycling, while dodging “those pesky
(continued on page 3)
Rick Lilleberg
at Brentwood GP
courtesy of
Paul Anderson
Racing results:
Ladera Ranch
San Diego Omnium
Leadville 100 MTB
Socal Cup #8
Socal Cup #9
Jeff Krivokopich 9th Cat4 & 8th 30+ Cat4/5
Andrew King 2nd Cat3/4
Mike Fleming 6th & Rick Lilleberg 8th 60+
Marq Prince 10 hours 56 minutes
Chuck Winn 7th Cat4 & 3rd 30+ Cat3/4, Jeff Krivokopich 17th Cat4 & 5th 30+ Cat3/4,
Deo Asuncion 10th 50+ & 3rd 55+, Mike Fleming 6th 60+
Chuck Winn 6th Cat4 & 8th 30+ Cat3/4, Jeff Krivokopich 8th Cat4 & 7th 30+ Cat3/4,
Deo Asuncion 2rd 55+, Mike Fleming 2nd
Congratulations to all who wore the SBW uniform this year in support of the club. One race or many, everyone's effort added up to an unofficial
14th place team finish in the SCNCA rankings. This is out of well over 100+ clubs that were represented in the races this year. Individual awards
and recognition will be given at our annual Fall Pizza party. Date TBD...but likely towards the end of October.
(con't from page 1)
little patients“, has taken over from me in NY, and after stealing all my cycling buddies in Central Park, is now giving out pouches, but,
as a stingy brat, the only recipients are likely to be good looking Cat 2′s.
The saddest memory this has revived is of Earle in NY, who died of
cancer last year, a CRCA racing brother and the most beloved guy in
Central Park, who kept me laughing with jokes, mostly racial, during
countless repeats up Harlem Hill. Somehow I had missed him when
giving them out, but he had seen the pouches being drawn by fellow
riders at coffee stops around the city. Sliding up next to me one
morning he asked me to “show the brother some love”. Even then he
knew that I loved him, but it took his death for me to know how much.
Few know this, but in my dotage, distribution has gone beyond the
cycling community (those patient enough to ride slowly and talk to me).
My neighbors all have them, as do the doormen and maintenance
guys in our building in NY, a sample lady at Costco ( a matched set of
all sizes on September 23, her birthday).
(Ed note: In case Alan overlooks you in his largesse, the GNRP is available for
purchase at Daiso, on Artesia in the city of Gardena.)
local GNRP users at Malaga Cove Plaza (Alan Geiger, right)
Ted Ernst on the 6/24 Baxter TT:
Another great and fun Baxter TT turnout!
22 riders braved the elements defying gravity and the clock on June 24 at the Carson Course keeping this year's participation at all
time highs. Way to go South Bay Wheelmen!
Several riders had personal bests, and the full list and updated results will be posted soon.
The families and spectators are attending giving the races added energy from cheering and jeering (fun kibitzing) from the sidelines
spurring the racers to greater efforts of speed. Are we having fun or what !!??
It was really good to see Jerry Agnew out after his nasty spill several weeks ago, sporting his halo, but with undeterred enthusiasm
along with Jeff Katz and his bad back.Both were enjoying the racing and being part of the South Bay Family. Get well quickly, guys.
(Ed note: See Baxter TT pictures on a following page)
Gerry Agnew &
Lane Reid
Patrizia Richardson
Ted sends Leo Longo out
Baxter Time Trial action 6/24
the BOSS Toni DiSalvo
Full set of pix at
John McNulty
Randy Longo
Tom Munizza
Teresa Steele
Eric Richardson
Ted Ernst on the 7/29 Baxter TT:
Even though the day started somewhat cool, it was soon comfy warm, and then was sizzling silks hot from our racers
roaring 'round race course in Carson. 22 riders including 6 women crunched the cogs and cooled judges and spectators
alike as they breezed past the official S/F area. Fast time of the day for the ten mile test was John McNulty in 21:49,
closely followed by Lane Reid in 22:43.
Nail biter of the day came with the Super Masters group which had the first four finishing within 12 seconds of one another!!!
Top time was Leo Longo at 23:23 with the Rick Lilleberg, Bruce Steele, and Bill Langstaff all nipping at his back tire!!
Fastest of the determined damsels was Sarah Munoz in 25:43. Mara Muslea, 14, training for triathlons, ran 8 miles on
Saturday and then at our TT did in a most credible 30:07. Mara did admit to having somewhat stiff legs, but powered and
pedaled through. Some of the spectators said they heard the wind humming through the rubber bands on her braces!
Are our racers tough, or what?
At 72, our most senior stomper Jim Heise did a quick 26:50, but no one said they heard his bones clanking, even though
Jim says he heard them! Check our race results on the SBW website for complete results.
The time trials are having large participation and attendance as the riders see how the race against the clock is making their
total riding experience at all levels being greatly enhanced, both for road and track riding. Family and club members are
watching and cheering their clubmates on and it's been a great morning experience for all!! Come out and see for yourself
what you've been missing. Come on out, join the fun, be a gladiator or a spectator, not an absentator!
(Ed note: See Baxter TT pictures on a previous page)
Looking Forward
Weekly club rides
Late Riser - Saturday 9:00am at Catalina Coffee Company, 126 North Catalina, Redondo Beach. For ride leader name &
contact info, go to
Baxter Time Trial Series – Last Sunday of each month, starting February 26 through September. All dates at same Carson
course, where Carson Boulevard dead ends at the Long Beach Freeway.As in the past there are 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. starts.
The 9:00 starters time for the 8:00 starters and vice-versa. For more information contact SBW prez Tom Buescher, SBW race
director Andrew King, or Baxter series leader Toni DiSalvo. Final day – Sunday 9/30 at Carson course.
Dave Richardson Race Series – Begins this month! Schedule for first half of the series:
Sunday 9/16 8:30am, criterium at Torrance Telo course.
Saturday 9/22 9:00am, road race at Encinal Canyon course in the Santa Monica Mountains above Malibu.
Sunday 9/30 8:00am TT at Carson course (combined with final Baxter TT race).
Sunday 10/7 8:30 criterium at Dominguez Hills course.
Saturday 10/13 road race at Bouquet Canyon course.
For more information, contact race director Andrew King at . Rules posted at .
My Litespeed Vortex has a cousin on Mars... Judith Elliot sent along this link
A crew of six from Chattanooga-based LiteSpeed Bicycles, whose parent company is American Bicycle Group, built the framework
of NASA’s rover Curiosity, which landed on Mars... and will spend coming months searching out signs of life.
Jeff D's 2001 Litespeed Vortex, mostly Shimano
NASA's 2012 Litespeed Rover „Curiousity“ with JPL components
Do you have a cycling story or trip report you want to share
with fellow club members? Contact the Turning Circles
newsletter editor Jeff Dykzeul ( ).
Ride leaders needed for Saturday Late Riser ride. Training
opportunities available, meet new people and earn bonus karma.
Contact ride leader coordinator Jeff Dykzeul ( )
or club president Tom Buescher ( ).
SBW Sponsors
Advanced Air -
AgnewBrusavich -
Big Brothers Big Sisters -
Catalina Coffee -
CB Loans -
Chevron -
David Lindstedt / Wells Fargo Advisors
Good Stuff Restaurants -
Greenberg, Whitcombe & Takeuchi, LLP -
Rudy Project -
Stage One Sports -
Ted's Manhattan Cycles -
Xtreme Fitness & Wellness
Sponsor Discounts for members
Get stuffed at Good Stuff Restaurants - 10% for club members. Tell
your server when ordering.
Dave Lindstedt associate VP, investments at Well Fargo Advisors
in Rolling Hills Estates offers complimentary portfolio review and a
preliminary plan with investable assets of $250,000 versus more
than $500,000 for non-club members.
Rudy Project and Nuun Hydration discounts, codes required.
Contact Tom Buescher if interested.
Craig Barton of CB Loans will make an additional donation of $250
to the South Bay Wheelmen on top of his sponsorship for referrals
from club members that lead to a home loan through him. He will
also waive some fees.
SBW Board of Directors
Membership &
Race Director
MBGP Director
Senior Advisor
Tom Buescher
Greg Aden
Tom Herman
John Dimond
Dave Lindstedt
Rick Lilleberg
Andrew King
Alysha Webb
Eric Smith
Ted Ernst
P.O. Box 3224, Redondo Beach CA 90277
Newsletter editor: Jeff Dykzeul