June/July 2015 Newsletter - Collins
June/July 2015 Newsletter - Collins
June/July 2015 Newsletter Collins-Maxwell Class of 2015 Row 1: Georgia Kennedy, Lindsey Page, Sara Rodgers, Breanna Peters, Sylvia Gillespie, Courtney Sexton, Chantel Maxwell, Morgan Hudson, Kelsey Green Row 2: Page Walls, Aubrey Kahler, Danyell Risdal, Tera Porter, Abbey Appelgate, Taylor Charron, Katherine Hodge, Riley Ewing, Kaleb Smith Row 3: Colin Thomson, Bradley Tyrrell, Jacob Hallett, Jacob Hennick, Sean Deakins, Andrew Lindemoen, Hunter Clement, Connor Johnson Row 4: Wade Quigley, Joseph Nissen, Garrett Husske, Seth Balke, Dustyn Earles, Patrick Girard, Shane Swallwell, Drake Caple, Bryce Bane, Joseph Kirkpatrick C-M Middle/High School 400 Metcalf Street Maxwell, IA 50161 (515) 387-1115 (515) 387-8842 (fax) C-M Elementary School 416 4th Avenue Collins, IA 50055 (641) 385-2446 (641) 385-2447 (fax) Our Mission: To prepare responsible individuals for the future through academic and social experiences. ANOTHER GREAT YEAR! GOODBYE TO GREAT STAFF I just want to take a moment to celebrate our staff members who are taking positions in our districts next year. It is always sad to lose great people – and difficult to replace them. I have appreciated their generosity, their passion, their compassion, and their dedication to the students, staff and communities of Collins-Maxwell. We are better for knowing them, and we are wise to keep them as friends even as they leave us as colleagues. INTRODUCTION OF NEW 6-12 PRINCIPAL, JORDAN NELSON As the new 6-12 Principal at Collins-Maxwell, I am extremely excited to get started on a new endeavor for myself and a new school year! I have had some great interaction with staff, students, parents, and community members already, and I look forward to meeting many more of you as my time here goes on. My wife Shelly and I live in Pleasant Hill. We have 4 kids, Alyson, Hunter, Hailey, and Luther and cherish our time we get with them. We travel a lot, mainly because her family is from Mason City and mine are in Wisconsin (go Badgers!). This year marks my 12th year as an educator. My first four years consisted of teaching Elementary and High School Phys Ed as well as a Career Planning course at SCMT (Sheffield). I was also Athletic Director, Head Boys Basketball and Girls Track Coach, Assistant Varsity Football Coach and taught drivers' education. In year five, we entered into a whole-grade share agreement with a neighboring district to form West Fork, where I was for another four years. I taught middle school Computer Apps and Health and continued coaching. For the past three years, I have been the Dean of Students and Head Boys Basketball Coach at Carlisle High School. My educational opportunities have been great, and I expect a lot of those great experiences at Collins-Maxwell! Go Raiders! ~ Jordan Nelson (Mr. Nelson will begin working some in July, so please call to stop in and introduce yourself. We will certainly welcome him during our Open house events in August.) JOBS TO HIRE: Media Center associate for MS-HS in Maxwell (starting in August) SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE SUMMER HOURS: The district office in Maxwell will be open from 8 AM to 4 PM on Mondays through Thursdays during the months of June and July. We will be closed on Fridays. We return to normal five-day weeks in August. ~ Jason Collins-Maxwell Graduation 2015 Pictures provided by: Beth Caple & Cody Coffelt 2015 Collins-Maxwell CSD Graduation Valedictorian: Seth Balke Salutatorian: Breanna Peters Special awards and Scholarships and recognitions: 1. The following students earned an academic letter during H.S.: (To achieve this honor students must have earned a 3.0 GPA or above for two consecutive semesters.) Abbey Appelgate Seth Balke Drake Caple Taylor Charron Hunter Clement Sean Deakins Dustyn Earles Sylvia Gillespie Patrick Girard Jacob Hennick Katherine Hodge Morgan Hudson Abbey Kahler Georgia Kennedy Joseph Kirkpatrick Andrew Lindemoen Chantel Maxwell Lindsey Page Breanna Peters Tera Porter Danyell Risdal Sara Rogers Courtney Sexton Colin Thomson Page Walls 2. Seniors that have been on the Honor Roll every semester throughout H.S. and have also received an academic letter: Abbey Appelgate Seth Balke Drake Caple Taylor Charron Sean Deakins Dustyn Earles Sylvia Gillespie Patrick Girard Jacob Hennick Katherine Hodge Aubrey Kahler Georgia Kennedy Joseph Kirkpatrick Andrew Lindemoen Breanna Peters Tera Porter Danyell Risdal Colin Thomson 3. Bill and Gene Atwood Memorial Scholar/Athlete Award Recipient: Patrick Girard 4. Heart of Iowa Conference Academic & All Activity Awards. This award is given to students that have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have participated in enough conference activities throughout their four years of high school to accumulate 14 points. One point is awarded for participation in each conference activity each year. This year’s recipients are: Seth Balke Drake Caple Patrick Girard Breanna Peters 5. 2015 Maxwell Alumni Association Scholarship: Sara Rogers 6. Mother’s Club Scholarship Recipients: Abbey Appelgate Seth Balke Drake Caple Sean Deakins Jacob Hennick Aubrey Kahler Breanna Peters Tera Porter Courtney Sexton 7. Maxwell Church of the Brethren Scholarship: Taylor Charron 8. Laura Pearson and Phyllis M. Shackelford Memorial Scholarship: Katherine Hodge 9. Masonic Lodge #99 Scholarship: Tera Porter 10. Burke Corporation Scholarship: Breanna Peters 11. American Citizenship Award presented by the Iowa Bar Association: Seth Balke 12. Maxwell American Legion Auxiliary Unit 249 Merit Award Winners: Abbey Appelgate Seth Balke Drake Caple Taylor Charron Jacob Hennick Morgan Hudson Garrett Husske Aubrey Kahler Andrew Lindemoen Lindsey Page Breanna Peters Tera Porter Danyell Risdal Courtney Sexton 13. The Nevada Bicentennial Chapter of the American Business Women's Association Scholarship: Breanna Peters 14. Iowa Football Coaches Association Scholarship: Patrick Girard 15. Jonathan Wright Memorial Scholarship: Jacob Hallett 16. Mary Greeley Auxiliary Scholarship: Breanna Peters 17. Jake Moorman Memorial Scholarship: Garrett Husske 18. Collins Lions Club Scholarship: Breanna Peters, Aubrey Kahler, and Taylor Charron. 19. Staff Recognition Scholarship: Drake Caple and Lindsey Page 20. CMB Booster Club participation plaques. These plaques are awarded to graduating seniors who have spent all four of their high school years involved in a particular activity or activities: Abbey Appelgate- Volleyball, Softball Seth Balke- Basketball, Baseball Bryce Bane- Golf Drake Caple- Cross Country Hunter Clement- Football Sean Deakins- Golf Patrick Girard- Football, Basketball, Track Jake Hennick- Football, Wrestling, Golf Katherine Hodge- Soccer Morgan Hudson- Volleyball, Softball Garrett Husske- Golf Andrew Lindemoen- Football Chantel Maxwell- Cross Country Joseph Nissen- Football, Basketball, Track Breanna Peters- Volleyball, Softball Courtney Sexton- Cheerleading Colin Thomson- Basketball, Track 21. United States Army Reserve Scholar Athletes: Patrick Girard and Abbey Appelgate 22. Bernie Saggau Award presented by the Iowa High School Athletic Association: Patrick Girard 23. E. Wayne Cooley Award: Breanna Peters 24. Clay and La Vonne Robison Scholarship Recipients: Abbey Appelgate Seth Balke Drake Caple Taylor Charron Hunter Clement Sean Deakins Dustyn Earles Riley Ewing Patrick Girard Jacob Hallett Jake Hennick Katherine Hodge Garrett Husske Aubrey Kahler Georgia Kennedy Joseph Kirkpatrick Andrew Lindemoen Joey Nissen Lindsey Page Breanna Peters Tera Porter Danyell Risdal Sara Rogers Courtney Sexton Page Walls CONGRATULATIONS! June Calendar MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 MS BB at Baxter vs. C-M 10:00 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 MS BB at Baxter vs. Nevada 10:00 MS BB at Baxter vs. Nevada 10:00 MS SB at Baxter vs. Saydel 10:00 MS SB at Baxter vs. B-F 10:00 MS BB at Baxter vs. Saydel 10:00 HS BB at PCM 5:15 HS SB at Collins vs. S-H 5:30 MS SB at C-M 10:00 HS BB at N-P 5:15 MS SB at Baxter vs. N-P 10:00 HS BB at C-M 5:15 MS SB at Ballard 9:00 HS BB at Collins vs. S-H 5:15 HS SB at PCM 5:30 9 MS BB at Baxter vs. N-P 10:00 SATURDAY 6 HS SB at Ogden 5:30 HS SB at Collins vs. N-P 5:30 8 FRIDAY 5 10 MS BB at R-S 10:00 HS BB at Collins W-M at 5:15 11 12 HS BB at Collins vs. R-S 5:30 MS BB at Baxter vs. PCM 10:00 HS SB at Collins vs. R-S 5:30 MS SB at Baxter vs. PCM 10:00 13 MS BB at B-F 10:00 HS BB at C-N TBA HS BB at Saydel 5:15 HS SB at Collins W-M at 5:30 HS SB at Saydel 5:30 HS SB at L-S Tourney 9:00 HS SB at Green County 5:30 HS SB at C-M 5:30 15 16 MS BB at Baxter vs. S-H 10:00 17 MS SB at Baxter vs. Ballard 10:00 18 MS BB at Baxter vs. Ballard 10:00 MS SB at Baxter vs. S-H 10:00 HS BB at Collins vs. Nevada 5:15 HS BB at Gilbert 5:15 HS SB at Collins vs. Nevada 5:30 19 20 MS BB at C-M 10:00 MS BB at W-M 10:00 MS SB at Baxter vs. C-M 10:00 HS BB at Greene County 5:30 HS SB at Collins vs. V-M 5:30 HS SB at E-M 6:00 HS BB Tourney at W-M TBA HS SB Tourney at W-M 9:00 HS SB at Gilbert 5:30 BOARD MEETING 7:00 pm 22 23 MS BB at Saydel 10:00 MS BB at Baxter vs. B-F 10:00 24 25 MS BB at Baxter vs. Gilbert 10:00 MS SB at Saydel 10:00 HS BB at Collins vs. N-P 5:15 HS SB at N-P 5:30 30 MS BB at PCM 10:00 MS SB at PCM 10:00 HS BB at Collins vs. C-M 5:15 HS SB at Collins vs. C-M 5:30 27 MS BB at Ballard 10:00 MS SB at N-P 10:00 HS BB at S-H 5:15 MS SB at Baxter vs. Gilbert 10:00 HS BB at Ballard 5:30 HS SB at S-H 5:30 HS BB at Collins vs. PCM 5:15 HS SB at Collins vs. Ballard 5:30 HS SB at Collins vs. PCM 5:30 29 26 MS BB at N-P 10:00 Collins SB Tourney 9:00/11:00/1:00/3:00 July Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY 2 MS BB at Nevada 10:00 FRIDAY 3 SATURDAY 4 HS BB at Collins vs. Saydel 5:15 MS SB at Nevada 10:00 HS SB at Collins vs. Saydel 5:30 HS SB at R-S 5:30 6 7 HS BB at R-S 5:15 8 9 Regional SB TBA Regional SB TBA HS BB at Collins vs. W-G 5:15 HS BB at Madrid 5:30 10 11 Regional SB TBA BB Districts TBA 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 BOARD MEETING 7:00 pm 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 End of the Year Poem You are a very special person and you should know, how I loved to have you in my care, how fast the year did go! Please come back to visit me as through the grades you go, try hard to learn all that you can, there is so much to know! One thing I tried to teach you to last your whole life through is to know that you are special just because you are you! Notes From The Nurse Kindergarten and Freshmen Parents: It is a requirement that all kindergarten and freshmen students have a dental screening completed. The purpose of the screening is to improve oral health of Iowa’s children by early detection and treatment of dental disease. Also to promote the importance of oral health for readiness and learning! A screening can be completed at your dentist this summer. Please ask your dentist to fill out the Dental Screening Form and send it to the school. Any visit to the dentist in the last year counts towards this requirement. Immunization records: Please send in updated immunization forms after each vaccination. It is a state law that all students are up to date on their immunizations. *Preschool students cannot attend preschool without an up-to-date immunization form on file. * 7th grade students are required to have an up to date Tdap. If your child has not been immunized, please contact your physician’s office to schedule this immunization before the start of the 2015-2016 school year. Sick policy: Please remember to keep your child home if they have the following symptoms: Fever (100.0 or higher), vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours, and/or red, mattery eye(s). The child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol/Ibuprofen). I will make a phone call to you if I feel your student is not able to stay in school. Please keep the offices updated on any phone number changes. Med Policy: All medications are to be kept in the nurse’s office in a locked cabinet. If your child needs to take a medication at school, have them bring it to the nurse before school starts for the day. There will be over the counter medication available also. These medications are: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, Tums, and topical lotions/creams. Students will only receive these if parents have consented for their child to have these medications. The nurse will do a thorough assessment and based the assessment findings the nurse will decide whether over the counter medications are needed or not. Students are allowed up to 5 combined doses of Ibuprofen and/or Tylenol throughout the school year. Community Hands Only CPR Class When: Monday June 15 Time: 4pm-8pm: 15 minute classes Place: Wright Learning Center, Colins, IA Cost: $5 What: Hands Only CPR training class: Hands Only CPR is without mouth-mouth breaths. Hands Only CPR is a two-step process, focused on compressions only, to save someone’s life. This class is geared toward non-medical personal that have never been taught CPR. Jill Peters, the Collins-Maxwell School Nurse, will offer this class. Please become part of the movement to train 300,000 people, in the Des Moines area, in Hands Only CPR by 2020. If you are interested please call Jill Peters and sign up for a 15-minute time slot. The class will only be 15 minutes long. Thank you for being proactive in savings someone’s life! Jill Peters 515-681-3337 The students K-5 participated in iMile. They ran, jogged, or walked one mile around the track at the Elementary. Our community had the opportunity to pledge money towards this event. We raised $630 that will be used to help the children and families at Blank Children’s Hospitals through the Child Life Department! Thank you so much for everyone that was able to contribute! MS/HS News MS Students of the Month: May 2015 These students have shown a positive attitude, respect for persons and property, and commitment to studies and activities. Mika Dvorak Mika is an 8th grader and the daughter of Troy Dvorak and Dena and Christian Schlosser. In school Mika is on the volleyball team and is a cheerleader. Mika's favorite TV show is The Voice. In her free time Mika enjoys playing with friends, her family, and Sundance and Sammy her dogs. Josie Lewis Josie is a 7th grader and the daughter of Ryan and Sarah Lewis. Josie stays busy by being involved in Girl Scouts. In her free time she enjoys reading, spending time with family and listening to music. HS Students of the Month: May 2015 These students have shown a positive attitude, respect for persons and property, and commitment to studies and activities. Jacob Hennick Jacob is the son of Dennis and Darice Hennick. His activities include football, wrestling, golf and student council. Bradley Tyrrell Bradley is the son of Justine Robertson and Matthew and Michelle Tyrrell. His activities include robotics, speech, choir, fishing, hunting, and gaming. ChaMps News Prom is a fun time for high school students, but it can also be a dangerous time. The Collins-Maxwell ChaMps group organized a mock accident to bring awareness to the dangers of drinking and driving during graduation and prom season. ChaMps worked for close to two months with the help of Story County YSS to put the event together. The Story County Sheriff's Office, Bacon Funeral Home, Ness Towing, Maxwell First Responders, C-M staff, and many parents helped to make the event a success. Paramedics load senior Taylor Charron onto a stretcher. A Story County Deputy gives sophomore Creighton Caple a sobriety test. The Coroner and a Deputy prepare to move junior Brady Stover's body into a body bag. Maxwell first responders tend to Senior Lindsey Page as she watches the coroner tend to her deceased boyfriend. Collins-Maxwell staff carry Brady Stover's coffin. Wes Stover speaks at his son's mock funeral. Elementary News ELEMENTARY FINALLY GETS RELAYS IN On Friday, May 15th the Lil Raider Relays were held on the school soccer field in Collins. We fought the weather and the weather won, twice, but our students won in the end. We had a beautiful day to enjoy the kids and all the events that they perform. The afternoon started with a lunch for students, parents, grandparents and friends followed by our opening The Olympic Fanfare is played as the students’ parade around the track. Then a welcome to everyone, the National Anthem, sung by the elementary choir and then on to the activities. As always, they were well attended and enjoyed by a big crowd. Thank you to everyone who helped with the events and helped the day to go smoothly. Mr. Lewis Elementary PE 1st Grade Kindergarten Urijah Courter Clayton Dunblazier* Lily Ellis Rian McNear Brecken Novinger Emma Olson Ava Pasquariello Jayden Peters Rosie Reed Marlo Thompson Jackson Waters* Joel Waters* Harper Wendt 3rd Grade Drew Christie Sophie Comegys Audrey Girard Zoe Hudson Davyn Jurgens Elliott Kane Owen Lawrence Coal Myers Emma Pasquariello Kenik Pierce Gary Purdy* Roman Smith* Aiden Solomon Anabelle Turpen Hunter Vincent Kyra Wang Chloe Wierson Austin Boege Grayce Coree Jacob Dell Lacy Ferrari Reed Markley Lucas McDonough Haylee Merryman Quintin Weingartz Cooper Wierson 2nd Grade Maci DeRonde Mackenzie DeRonde Kara Goering Samantha Jones PERFECT ATTENDANCE COLLINS-MAXWELL ELEMENTARY QUARTER 4 2014-15 5th Grade 4th Grade Marissa Boege* Marshall Day Caleb Dvorak Blake Huntrods Haley Jones Lara Jones Hunter Lee Juan Ramirez Mary Staudt Payton Steele Braden Thompson *All Year Perfect Attendance! Joseph Butcher* Kaleb Carney Ava Decklever* Isabelle Hill Alexis Houge Janeʼe Jones Parker Lawrence Clayton Leslie Wyatt Lewis Olivia Lucy Kaiden Martin* Douglas Maxwell Kayden McKinney Elementary Class Lists 2015-2016 Kindergarten- Mrs. Ericson Montanna Anderson Arrow Allen Robbie Barton Easton Bergmann Austin Haywood Karver Higgins Tanner Heaps Andrew Jacobson Evan Johns Adalie Kane Sydney Longren Kaia Magana Addison Nicolaisen Riley Pritchard Annabel Ramirez Steven Reisdorf Cooper Schlosser Ariel Sievert Rylee Struthers Gavin Swaab Gracyn Swaab Gage Swaab Journey Taylor Toriah Telford Hunemuller Eva Thompson Justin Ward GiGi Wentze 1st Grade – Mrs. Bane Kaylee Atwood Lilliann Baldwin Jackson Benton Caleb Coffelt Chloee Glenn Zeah Loyola Rian McNear Carson Myers Brecken Novinger Ava Pasquariello Jayden Peters Alias Sanders Piper Schlosser Jackson Waters 1st Grade – Mrs. Haupert Noah Andersen Urijah Courter Clayton Dunblazier Lilyann Ellis Hope Heidemann Donovan Henry Tiffany Kellogg Grace Kimberley Cameron Nicolaisen Emma Olson Briann Pitcherello Miguel Ramirez Rosalei Reed Marlo Thompson James Tyler Harper Wendt 3rd Grade – Mr. Rimathe Skyler Anderson Hunter Barfels Ian Beattie Isaac Brown Jessica Bunn Harley Clair Maci DeRonde Mackenzie DeRonde Colton Dunblazier Josef Dvorak Kara Goering Xavier Haywood Samantha Jones Anya Lee Freddy Lopez Erik Meseke Keaton Mitchell Alex Olson Gianna Pitcherello Lucas Robinson Nate Smith Kaden Steele Ellie Toney 4th Grade – Mrs. Fricke Gabe Benton Sophie Comegys Kai Decklever Levi Elding Tyler Gross Austin Hennick Elliott Kane Destiny Kellogg Owen Lawrence Natalie Myers Emma Pasquariello Gary Purdy Kiera Ruiz-Genovese Brody Sampson Electra Sanders Aiden Solomon Jade Tyler Kyra Wang Braden Wentzel Nathan Wheeler Kyle Wessels 4th Grade – Mrs. Meinerts Addison Anderson Drew Christie Lana Ferrari Jonah Gardner Chloe Glasgow Allie Hartgers Erica Houge Zoe Hudson Tyler Huff James Jackson Isahias Jaramillo Davyn Jurgens Gracie Leslie Coal Myers Kenik Pierce Luke Plunkett Bobby Robbins-Saffeels Ashling Scott Roman Smith Anabelle Turpen 2nd Grade – Mrs. Birchmier Katie Bell Jaxson Cox Matthew Crooks Jacob Dell Lacy Ferrari Alina Goldie Landon Flowers Benjamin Magana Stetson Kane Reed Markley Lucas McDonough Haylee Merryman Camden Post Sam Sievert Caden Struthers Hailey Wang 5th Grade – Dr. Gross Madison Arthur Joseph Barton Marissa Boege Miranda Cory Marshall Day Caleb Dvorak Seqouia Haywood Delanie Hudson Blake Huntrods Jace Huntrods Luke Huntrods Lindsey Lamb-Pitcherello Hunter Lee Caleb Vasquez-Adame Jacob Waltemeyer 2nd Grade – Miss Willman Jonas Baldwin Ellian Binns Austin Boege Levi Brown Grayce Coree Dominick Foster Gabe Gardner Dillon Howerton Ava Hyde Evan Jacobson Ashlyn Leslie Dalton Martin Ellie McDonough Triona Scott Tynan Telford Bell Logan Welch Cooper Wierson 5th Grade – Mrs. Harms Connor Barfels Dane Beattie William Booth Koleton Goering Haley Jones Marrissa Kellogg Kelsey Lopez Colin Post Meyaurah Pratt Juan Ramirez Kaleb Ruiz-Genovese Mary Staudt Payton Steele Braden Thompson Dylan Toney Music & Band News Thank You, Music Booster Sponsors! With funding from our sponsorship drive this year, the Collins-‐Maxwell Music Booster Club purchased “new-‐to-‐ us” platform risers for the choir room and a *BRAND NEW* clavinova! The platform risers are already being used each day in the choir room but can also be easily transported into new locations for events like our annual Lasagna Dinner. We purchased a set of 30 pieces that can all be interlocked together as shown above. They are already proving to be sturdier and safer than our old ones and help us to use our space more efficiently as the choir continues to grow in enrollment! The clavinova is an electronic keyboard (shown on the left) that doesn’t require the annual maintenance and tuning like an acoustic does. It has the full range of keys, which are weighted to feel like real piano keys as well as the traditional pedal options. This keyboard also features several bonus functions like the ability to transpose, change “voices”, and connect to a computer. THANK YOU! 6th Grade Honor Band On March 26th, select band students traveled to North Polk High School to perform in an honor band with other area schools. The schools included: North Polk, Bondurant-‐Farrar, Madrid, Gilbert, and Collins-‐Maxwell. Students rehearsed all afternoon and then gave a concert in North Polk’s auditorium. Congratulations to: Drew Jones, Hannah Leonard, Mason Markley, Maddy Meseke, Rachael Purdy, and Elise Robertson for representing our school so well! CONGRATULATIONS! This year at State Large Group Contest on Friday, May 8 in Grundy Center, both the High School Concert Band and Concert Choir received Division II ratings of “Excellent” from a panel of three expert judges. The students performed at a very high level and conducted themselves at an even higher one, representing Collins-‐Maxwell with pride. Great job! 2014-‐2015 Music Letterwinners and Awards The following students were recognized at the 6-‐12 Spring Concert as first-‐time letterwinners in chorus: Elisabeth Balke (9), Jena Barrett (11), Ethan Cozad (11), Abbigail Ericson (9), Carter Fricke (9), Morgan Hudson (12), Payge Jurgens (11), Aubrey Kahler (12), Faithyna Leonard (9), Travis Lindemoen (9), Chantel Maxwell (12), Tera Porter (12), Brynne Pritchard (9), Courtney Sexton (12), Whitney Spencer (9), Frank Sposeto IV (9), Saylor Wattonville (9), and Dylan Williams (11). Repeat letterwinners in choir, earning a bar: Creighton Caple (10), Taylor Charron (12), Connor Johnson (12), Aubrey Kahler (12), Chasity Moody (11), Lindsey Page *twice (12), Breanna Peters (12), Charles Robertson (11), Sara Rogers (12), and Bradley Tyrrell (12). First-‐time letterwinners in band: Brianda Bane (9) and Maxwell Van Maanen (9). Repeat letterwinners in band, earning a bar: Seth Balke (12), Bryce Bane (12), Jena Barrett (11), Bre Botterbrodt (11), Drake Caple (12), Patrick Girard (12), Payge Jurgens (11), Chantel Maxwell (12), Sara Rogers (12), and Toni Spencer (11). Congratulations to the students who were voted Most Valuable Performers by their peers: 9th Choir: Whitney Spencer 9th Band: Brianda Bane 10th Choir: Creighton Caple 10th Band: Jack Cheville 11th Choir: Bre Botterbrodt 11th Band: Bre Botterbrodt and Toni Spencer 12th Choir: Lindsey Page 12th Band: Patrick Girard Directors’ Awards: Most Improved: Morgan Hudson (Choir), Jack Cheville (Band) Outstanding Senior: Taylor Charron (Choir), Seth Balke (Band) John Philip Sousa Award (Band): Chantel Maxwell I WAS BORN WITH MUSIC INSIDE OF ME. IT WAS A FORCE ALREADY WITHIN ME WHEN I ARRIVED ON THE SCENE. IT WAS A NECESSITY FOR ME LIKE FOOD OR WATER ~ RAY CHARLES Raider Athletics 2015 CMB JV/V SOFTBALL 2015 CMB JV/V BASEBALL Date Opponent Location Time June 1 North Polk JV/V Collins 5:30 June 3 PCM JV/V Monroe 5:30 June 4 South Hamilton JV/V Collins 5:30 June 5 Ogden JV/V Ogden 5:30 June 8 Colfax-Mingo JV/V Colfax 5:30 June 9 West Marshall JV/V Collins 5:30 June 10 Roland-Story JV/V Collins 5:30 June 11 Greene County JV/V Jefferson 5:30 June 12 Saydel JV/V Saydel 5:30 June 13 Lynnville-Sully V-Tournament 9:00 am June 15 Gilbert JV/V Gilbert 5:30 June 17 Nevada JV/V Collins 5:30 June 18 Van Meter JV/V Collins 5:30 June 19 East Marshall JV/V LeGrand 6:00 June 20 State Center Tournament State Center 9:00 am June 22 North Polk JV/V Alleman 5:30 June 24 PCM JV/V Collins 5:30 June 25 Ballard JV/V Collins 5:30 June 26 South Hamilton JV/V Jewell 5:30 June 27 Collins-Day Tournament 9:00/11:00/1:00/3:00 CMB/CAL/Montezuma/Colo-Nesco June 29 Colfax-Mingo JV/V Collins 5:30 (Senior Night) July 1 Roland Story JV/V Roland 5:30 July 2 Saydel JV/V Collins 5:30 July 7,8, & 10th Regionals TBA TBA ~GO RAIDERS~ 2015 CMB MS SOFTBALL Date Opponent Location Time June 1 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 8 June 11 June 15 June 16 June 18 June 22 June 24 June 25 June 29 July 1 Colfax-Mingo Bondurant-Farrar Saydel Ballard North Polk PCM South Hamilton Ballard Colfax-Mingo Saydel Gilbert North Polk PCM Nevada Colfax Baxter Baxter Ballard Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Saydel Baxter Alleman Monroe Nevada 10:00 10:00 10:00 9:00 am 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 Date Opponent June 1 North Polk June 3 PCM June 5 South Hamilton June 8 Colfax-Mingo June 9 West Marshall June 10 Roland-Story June 12 Saydel June 13 Colo-Nesco Tourney June 15 Gilbert June 17 Nevada June 19 Greene County June 20 West Marshall Tourney June 22 North Polk June 24 PCM June 25 Ballard June 26 South Hamilton June 29 Colfax-Mingo July 2 Saydel July 6 Roland-Story July 7 Woodward-Granger July 8 Madrid Location Alleman Prairie City Collins Colfax Collins Collins Saydel Colo Gilbert Collins Jefferson State Center Collins Collins Huxley Jewell Collins Collins Story City Collins Madrid Time 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 TBA 5:15 5:15 5:15 TBA 5:15 5:15 5:30 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:15 5:30 2015 CMB MS BASEBALL DATE OPPONENT LOCATION TIME June 1 June 3 June 4 June 8 June 9 June 11 June 12 June 15 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 29 July 1 Colfax-Mingo Nevada Saydel North Polk Roland-Story PCM Bondurant-Farrar South Hamilton Ballard Colfax-Mingo West Marshall Saydel Bondurant-Farrar Gilbert North Polk Ballard PCM Nevada Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Story City Baxter Bondurant Baxter Baxter Colfax State Center Saydel-Woodside Baxter Baxter Alleman Ballard Prairie City Nevada 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 RAIDER PRIDE! CMB Booster News CMB Athletic Boosters Report The Booster Club would like to thank everyone for their support during the 2014-2015 school year. We were able to donate a total of $25,000 to the CMB athletic program. We are already working on events for the 2015 – 2016 year. There will be several changes. We will NOT have the football jersey auction this fall during Homecoming and we will NOT be hosting the CMB Booster Basketball Tournament in January. To supplement these fundraisers we have some new events to look forward to. Our first event will be the CMB Raider Fest scheduled for August 29, 2015 in Collins. Meet, greet and participate in games run by your CMB Athletes. There will be games for all ages. The Booster Club will be selling tickets for the event soon, pre-event 5 tickets /$1.00 and day of the event 4 tickets / $1.00. Watch for further information! Our goal is to have a fun filled event for our THREE communities to come together and show our RAIDER PRIDE! We will also be sponsoring a Monday Night Football Squares. Your $20.00 donation will enter you in all 17 Monday Night Football games, one Thanksgiving Day game, the IOWA / ISU game and the CMB Homecoming game for the 2015 season. You will have a chance to will $10, $15 or $25 each week. To win you will need to match the number on the front of your booklet with the halftime and/or final score of the games. Next winter we will be hosting a Booster Bash for adults only. This will be a fun night of food, drinks, music, tentative silent and live auction and other entertainment. Please watch for more information in the near future. As in the past we will have a CMB Boosters Sponsorship Drive. You can be a CMB Sponsor for as little at $25.00 up to $500.00. We are changing the Sponsorship slightly for the 20152016 year so watch for updated information. As always we are looking for volunteers to help keep this group a success. We need assistance with the CMB Raider Fest, Booster Bash, Sponsorships, concessions (ordering food, cleaning the stands, stocking the stands, scheduling workers, etc.) and CMB clothing sales. We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm alternating between Baxter and Maxwell. Please JOIN US! Watch our Facebook page and website http://e29995.wix.com/cmbboosters for updates. You can contact the Booster Club at cmb_boosters@yahoo.com with any questions. SHOW YOUR RAIDER PRIDE! !"##$%&'!$()'*+,.'/+##'0$1#2& 3+(4,2+)'5464&('789'7:;< =$>1?'8?::'+>'@';?::'A> ''''' B"$%'4&'C",'6+>1&'D"&(12'E)'(D1'!F/'5(D#1($G'=1+>& '''''''''''''''''''H+,#)'=$G-1('3+#1&'@'<'($G-1(&'I'J;K:: ''''''''''''''''''L+)'"C'M+$21,'01&('@'N'($G-1(&'I'J;K:: '''''OP'M4%9'L4%-'=+%-9'3+%2'Q"##1)E+##9'*4(($%6'!D+##1%61 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' *#4&'F+%)'F",1 We are looking for high quality, hard-working Junior High and High School students to join the CMB Running Raiders Cross-Country teams this next school year. CMB has a rich tradition of Cross Country runners and our future success depends on you! We are looking for athletes wanting to get in shape for basketball or wrestling; wanting to shed a few extra pounds; be part of a family; and anyone interested in learning all about a sport that you can participate in for the rest of your life. Organized practices for High School athletes will begin August 10th. Junior High practices will begin the first week of school. We will be having numerous fun runs and get-togethers all summer long, please contact Coach Jerry Meinerts if you are interested or have any questions. Jerry Meinerts jmeinerts@collins-maxwell.k12.ia.us 515-460-1746 Registration 2015-2016 Supply Lists Registration Packets PLEASE READ: Please carefully review and update your students’ information, especially address, phone number(s), and email(s). Elementary Students: If you have student(s) in the middle/high school and elementary, the registration packets were sent home with the elementary student(s). Middle School/High School: If you have someone only in the middle/high school, you will receive your packets in the mail. The supply lists for the elementary and middle school were included in your registration packet. There are extra copies available in the superintendent’s office or on the school website at www.collins-maxwell.k12.ia.us. Sports Physical Form, Emergency Card, and Insurance Registration Deadline The deadline for returning registration forms is July 1. There is a $5.00 per family late fee charge (even if you are eligible for free or reduced meals). It is necessary to have early registration for preparation of classrooms, bus transportation, and the lunch program, so we appreciate your full cooperation. New Enrollment Registration You will need to come to the Superintendent’s office before August 6 to register new students. Registration times are Monday-Thursday 8:00-3:00 in July through August 6. Please call 515-387-1115 ext.1104 first to make sure we are open. IMPORTANT That You Keep Your Packet For Registration It is important you do not lose your registration packet that includes your child(ren)’s registration form(s) with the information from the previous year. Should you misplace your packet, you will have to fill out a blank form with all the information including your student’s doctor’s name and phone number, emergency names and phone numbers, etc. Forms You may or may not have forms included in your registration packet. Please see the opposite side of this paper. It lists the forms that are needed for each grade. If you are missing any forms, please call 515-387-1115 ext. 1104. Money Owed If you owe money from previous school year(s), invoices are included in your registration packet. These fees need to be taken care of before the start of the 2015-2016 school year. Anyone participating in junior high or high school sports, including cheerleading, must have a physical on file before they can participate. Forms are included in the registration packets. Or your doctor’s office may already have them. They also need to fill out a card providing emergency contact information. Everyone participating in sports must have insurance coverage. They need to sign a card stating they have insurance. If you are interested in the school insurance, you may pick up a form in the superintendent’s office or on the school website at collins-maxwell.k12.ia.us. Text Book, Lunch, and Activity Fees If using Payschools, there will not be a surcharge for the month of June, 2015. Pre-school Materials Fee $50.00 Text Book: $50.00 Reduced: $20.00 Lunch: $2.70 Reduced: .40 Breakfast: $1.70 Reduced: .30 Milk: .55 A la Carte items may be available @ various prices Adult Breakfast - $1.95 Lunch Policy Adult Lunch - $3.40 Activity Tickets Adult - $75.00 Student - $50.00 Middle school students will only be able to drop to a negative balance of $20.00. After that point, they will have to bring their lunch from home until their account is caught up. High school students with a negative balance of $5.00 or more will be unable to eat school lunch until their account is made current. All money is to be turned into the superintendent’s office. No payments will be accepted in the lunchroom. All accounts can be monitored on the school website, www.collins-maxwell.k12.ia.us, under the Quick Links section – Infinite Campus. All students, including those on the free or reduced lunch program, cannot have extra milk or food unless they have money in their account. Elementary and MS/HS Lunch Money It is acceptable to include all payments in one check for registration only. During the school year, if you have a family lunch account, you will only need to send a check for that one account throughout the year. Each student you have in your family will be deducted from this one account. Please note that any time you send cash for a lunch deposit, you need to send an exact amount as no change will be given. PLEASE READ - Free and Reduced Forms must be filled out EVERY YEAR The 2015-2016 free and reduced form (The Iowa Eligibility Application) will be available in August. You can pick up a copy in the superintendent’s office or on the school website at collins-maxwell.k12.ia.us. YOU MUST SIGN THE “STUDENT FEE WAIVER APPLICATION” ENCLOSED IN YOUR REGISTRATION PACKET TO BE CONSIDERED FOR FREE OR REDUCED MEALS AND FREE OR REDUCED TEXT BOOK FEES. Fees will not be waived unless this is signed. The waiver is located on the backside of the Fee form located in your registration packet. School registrations and the Fee form/“STUDENT FEE WAIVER APPLICATION” need to be returned by July 1. The free and reduced form will need to be filled out after August 1. If your registration is received after July 1, you are responsible for the $5.00 late fee – THE LATE FEE IS NOT WAIVED. Please call 515-387-1115 ext 1104 if you have any questions. FORMS INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION PACKET Concussion – needed for 7th thru 12th Physical Form – needed for 7th thru 12th Healthy Kids Physical Activity – needed for 9th thru 12th TDAP Immunization Requirement – needed for 7th Certificate of Vision Screening – needed for Kindergarten & 3rd Certificate of Dental Screening – needed for Kindergarten & 9th Food Allergies - needed for Kindergarten, only if your child has food allergies Supply List – Elementary and Middle School Yearbook – K-8 on one side; 9-12 on one side If you are missing any of these forms, please contact 515-387-1115 ext 1104 Payschools Payschools is available for online payment of registration textbook fees, Preschool materials fee, activity tickets, and lunch account payments. For the month of June 2015, there will not be surcharge fees for these 4 items. If using Payschools, you still need to turn in the registration forms. Payschools may also be used to make payments for late fees and iPad damage fees. The surcharge fees are NOT removed for these items. To use Payschools, go to our school’s web site: www.collins-maxwell.k12.ia.us under Quick Links, click on Payschools. Please follow the instructions given. High School Principal Office Hours The Principal’s office for any student issues will be closed for the summer. Messages and transcript requests will be answered on a weekly basis. Other For questions about camps or games, please contact the coach. Preschool decisions won’t be made until August. C-M TECH Club News Eight of the C-M TECH CLUB members participated in the Iowa State University IT0lympics on April 25-26. Rease Morris, Connor Johnson and Bradley Tyrrell competed in the Robotics Sumo Wrestling, The three had to design a 1ftx1ftx1ft bot that could sense another bot, move towards it and push it out of the ring, while sensing the white line so they didn't go out. They won 50% of their matches on Saturday they competed in several live games. Ricky White, Austin Galbraith and Bryce Bane competed in the Multimedia venue they designed a website, brochure and movie promoting the importance of having a good "digital footprint". They learned how to use a green screen and honed their website design skills. Dustyn Earles and Caleb Sievert competed on a cyber security team. They spend both days setting up a network and defending that network from cyber attacks. Great Job! ~Mrs. Bates Superintendent’s Honor Roll Principal’s Honor Roll Honor Roll Houge Mikayla 7 Kahler Ella 7 Caple Hannah 8 Girard Grace 8 Clark Genevieve 6 Wattonville Saylor 9 10 Sandy Liam 6 Ewing Tate 9 12 Gillespie Grafton 6 McCormick Kayla 9 Rylee 6 Lindemoen Travis 9 Markley Mason 6 Fricke Carter 9 Christie Brooke 6 Sievert Caleb 9 Robertson Elise 6 Birchmier Phelan 9 Smith Alan 6 Pfantz Clair 9 Peters Breanna 12 Scott Bacon Brooke 6 Bane Brianda 9 Risdal Danyell 12 Leonard Hannah 6 Pritchard Brynne 9 Berg Cassidy 6 Balke Elisabeth 9 Pritchard Maggie 6 Galbraith Cody 9 Merryman Rylee 6 Spencer Whitney 9 Purdy Rachael 6 Morris Rease 9 Meseke Madeline 6 Hall-Floden Eric 10 Leonard Lance 6 Bacon Bryce 9 Day Morgan 6 Caple Creighton 10 Hallett Austin 7 Camp Katelyn 9 Jones Drew 6 Baker Hannah 10 Klemme Andrew 7 Haupert Callie 9 Sievert Hannah 6 Applegate Micayla 10 Sinclair Dalton 7 Ross Drake 9 Hudson Sid 7 Maxwell Tucker 10 Davis Carter 7 Galbraith Austin 9 Martinez Zachary 7 Baldwin Kathleen 10 Saffeels Kortnie 7 Mohler Chase 10 Wright Christina 7 Kahler Abigail 10 McKinney Simon 7 Newton John 10 Jones Dante 7 Coughenour Blake 10 Cox Alora 7 Leonard Nicholas 10 Ramirez Alexandra 7 Cheville Jack 10 Calkins Angela 7 Jones Teara 10 Merryman Carter 7 Cox Emma 11 Maxwell Karlie 7 Biery Shelby 10 Kahler Emma 7 Botterbrodt Bre 11 Livesay Brett 7 Coughenour Emily 10 Tillman Joseph 7 Jurgens Payge 11 Van Maanen Mollie 7 Hudson Jared 10 Brown Malibu 7 Twohey Stephanie 11 Meier Tyler 7 Botterbrodt Erin 10 Stover Trinity 7 Spencer Toni 11 Kasper John 7 Hillgren Jason 10 Berg Logan 7 Lindemoen Andrew 12 Girard Eliza 7 Jones Calvin 10 Camp Jaden 7 Page Lindsey 12 Struthers Brennen 7 Harrington Amanda 10 Fullerton Adria 7 Kirkpatrick Joseph 12 Post Connor 7 Tyrrell Madison 10 Sievert Elizabeth 7 Appelgate Abbey 12 Genovese Victor 8 Robertson Hannah 10 Tongay Jayme 7 Caple Drake 12 Leonard Nathan 8 Randels Cheyenne 11 Holst Jillian 7 Charron Taylor 12 Coughenour Trent 8 Toney Kayla 11 Lewis Josephine 7 Kahler Aubrey 12 Clair Hannah 8 Cozad Ethan 11 Tankersley Brailyn 7 Dvorak Mika 8 Bienfang Joseph 11 Hofer Benjamin 7 Jones Gunnar 8 Thomson Colin 12 Pasquariello Olivia 7 Swaab Addison 8 Husske Garrett 12 Klemme Derrick 8 Waltemeyer Grace 8 Walls Page 12 Pointer John 8 Hodge Katherine 12 Jurgens Hanah 8 Hallett Jacob 12 Clement Hannah 8 Bane Bryce 12 Newton Janelle 8 Porter Tera 12 Markley Mikayla 8 Ewing Riley 12 Thomson Ian 8 Earles Dustyn 12 Briggs McKinzie 8 Hudson Morgan 12 Ewing Shayla 8 Clement Hunter 12 Moody Shasta 8 Kennedy Georgia 12 Gass Kayla 8 Tyrrell Bradley 12 Ness Toni 8 Fullerton Caleb 8 Montgomery Skylar 8 Smith Sydney 8 Wierson Josie 8 Scott Mackenzie 8 Cheville Gracie 8 Thomson Brenna 8 Husske Balke Abigail Seth C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Minutes MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING COLLINS-MAXWELL COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT MAY 18, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education met in regular session with President Lowell Crouse calling the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Maxwell Library. Board members present: Bryce Caple, Lowell Crouse, Justin Boege, Brad Plunkett, Mark Huntrods Administrators present: Superintendent Jason Ellingson, Board Sec/Treas/Business Manager Bonnie Mitchell, Elementary Principal Chad Grandon Visitors: Jena Barrett, Michelle and Todd White, Stephanie Twohey, Nicole Ross, Kathleen Baldwin, Carrie Campbell, Jaynee Christian, Toni Spencer, Jacob Skinner, Tucker Maxwell, Richard White, Bryce Bane, Connor Johnson 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Caple, seconded by Boege, to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried 5y-0n. 3. APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS Huntrods motioned, seconded by Caple, to approve the consent items that consist of: o Minutes of the previous meetings: April 13, 2015; April 15, 2015 CMB; April 29, 2015 exempt o Financial reports for April o General fund and schoolhouse fund bills totaling $170,006.40 o Contracts and resignations approved: 1. Deanna Davis and Carrie Goshorn have agreed to be PD coaches next year ($1000 stipend) to be paid from the Teacher Leadership Compensation funds. 2. Faye Tipping has accepted our offer to be our 6-12 vocal music teacher. 3. Mackenzi Birchmier has accepted the 2nd grade teaching position. 4. Cherri Bates has submitted her letter of resignation to take a position with Ankeny. The board would like to thank her for her ten years of service and dedication. 5. Melissa Goering has submitted a letter of resignation to receive a reduced contract workload for 2015-16. 6. Rebecca Taylor has submitted a letter of resignation from her media associate position. The board would like to thank her for her service and dedication. Motion carried 5y-0n. 4. PUBLIC FORUM none 5. COMMUNICATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Written reports were given to the board from the three administrators. Thank you notes were read from Sue Lee and Cathy Weuve for their retirement. An update on the progress of the facility meetings were given by the superintendent, and the two committee members. Minutes of the meetings are posted on the Collins-Maxwell school website. NEW BUSINESS A. PRESENTATION OF SPANISH TRIP OVERSEAS Carrie Campbell, our HS Spanish teacher, along with Toni Spencer, Stephanie Twohey, Nicole Ross and Kathleen Baldwin gave a presentation on a overseas trip to a Spanish speaking country. They have been researching countries and programs. Baxter and Colfax-Mingo do offer a trip. The cost of the trip would be about $2,100 to $2,300 and they need a minimum of 6 students. If approved they will need to start fundraising this summer to go next year. Motion by Plunkett, second by Caple, to approve the overseas trip to Puerto Rico. Motion carried 5y-0n. B. PRESENTATION BY ROBOTICS CLUB Richard White, Bryce Bane and Connor Johnson were in attendance to request of the board that they approve a stipend for the Robotics Club sponsor. At this time it is not a paid position. The board thanked them for input and told them that a decision won’t probably be made until the later part of June. C. PRESENTATION OF ELEMENTARY LITERACY DATA Chad Grandon, Elementary Principal, and Jaynee Christian, Title 1 teacher, gave the board a presentation on the FAST, MAP and Iowa Assessment scoring on elementary literacy. The results will be posted on the school’s website. D. C2C COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PROJECT PRESENTATION BY STORY COUNTY Jason Ellingson, superintendent, is the district’s representative for this new strategic planning process for Story County. The county is looking at four main goals areas to address in supporting and strengthening the viability of the county and its entities (communities and school districts). The process will last about a year before the final plan will be approved by the Story County Board of Supervisors. E. APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR BREAD No bread bids were received. We will continue to work with Logsdon’s to meet our bread needs, barring any changes. F. APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR MILK Two bids were received for milk. One bid from Anderson Ericson and the other from Hyland Dairy. Motion by Huntrods, second by Caple, to accept the lowest bid for milk from Anderson Ericson. Motion carried 5y-0n. G. APPROVAL OF PRICES FOR BREAKFAST, MILK AND LUNCH FOR 2015-2016 Motion by Caple, second by Boege, to increase all meal prices by $.10 along with a la carte items and adult meals for next year. Milk prices will remain the same. Motion carried 5y-0n. H. APPROVAL OF TEXTBOOK FEES FOR 2015-2016 Huntrods motioned, Boege seconded the approval to maintaining the preschool and K-12 textbook fee at $50 for the next school year. Motion carried 5y-0n J. APPROVAL OF ACTIVITY FEES FOR 2015-2016 Activity fees for the next school year will remain the same at $50 for students and $75 for adults, as recommended by the Athletic Directors, by a motion from Caple, second by Boege. Motion carried 5y-0n. NEGOTIATIONS Motion by Boege, second by Huntrods, to go out of open session and into exempt session at 8:12 p.m. for a negotiations strategy session as per Iowa Code 20.17(3). Motion carried 5y-0n. Huntrods motioned to go out of exempt session and into open session, with a second by Caple at 9:51 p.m. Motion carried 5y-0n. 6. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED NEXT MONTH 7. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Huntrods, second by Boege, to adjourn the board meeting at 9:51 p.m. Motion carried 5y-0n. NEXT MEETING The date of the regular meeting will be June 15, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maxwell Library. Bonnie Mitchell Board Secretary THANK YOU Patrick Girard would like to thank everyone who contributed to his National Honor Society food drive. The boxes of food were delivered to Karen Plunkett and the Food Pantry. Thank you for helping out those in need in our community. School Policy It is the policy of the Collins-Maxwell Community School not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is also the policy of this district that the curriculum, content, and instructional materials utilized reflect the cultural and racial diversity present in the United States and the variety of careers, roles, and life styles open to women as well as men in our society. One of the objectives of the total curriculum and teaching strategies is to reduce stereotyping and to eliminate bias on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, and disability. The curriculum should foster respect and appreciation for the cultural diversity found in our country and an awareness of the right, duties, and responsibilities of each individual as a member of a pluralistic society. Inquiries regarding compliance with federal or state regulations requiring nondiscrimination in programs or employment may be directed to Mr. Jason Ellingson, Superintendent, CollinsMaxwell Community School, 400 Metcalf St., Maxwell, IA 50161; or the Director of Iowa Civil Rights, Department of Education, Kansas City, MO. COLLINS-MAXWELL CSD NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION 400 METCALF STREET CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT MAXWELL, IA 50161 U.S. POSTAGE PAID MAXWELL, IA 50161 PERMIT, NO 2 ECRWSS BOXHOLDER MAXWELL, IA 50161 Superintendent Jason Ellingson 6-12 Principal Kevin Williams Pre-K–5 Principal Chad Grandon Board Members: Lowell Crouse, President Bryce Caple, Vice President Justin Boege, Mark Huntrods, Brad Plunkett Bus Mgr/Bd Sec Bonnie Mitchell
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