im Himmel im Himmel


im Himmel im Himmel
Prinz Peter I.
Prinzessin Loraine I.
Greetings from the Elferratspräsident
Welcome to the 47th season of Karneval at the
Phoenix Club in Anaheim. After a super long
season 2010/2011 we started on a truly remarkable Karneval date 11/11/11 with a truly
remarkable attendance. We therefore celebrate the
season as “Anaheim Karneval im 11. Himmel”. (Anheim
Karneval in 11. heaven). And, we are looking forward to
heavenly events in January and February.
Karneval war immer ein wichtiger
Teil des Klublebens im Phoenix Club.
AKG Karnevalisten arbeiten das ganze
Jahr lang an ihren Auftritten und der
Organisation ihrer Veranstaltungen. Wir
freuen uns, dass die AKG ein so wesentlicher Teil der GAMGA geworden ist und
ständig mithilft, die jährliche GAMGA
Gala in Las Vegas zu einem besonderen
Ereignis für Karnevalisten aus der ganzen
Welt zu machen. Herzlichen Dank dafür
und viel Erfolg in der laufenden Session!
Alaaf und Helau
I am very happy that this season we have one
of the biggest Prinzengarde in the history
of the Anaheim Karneval. You should definitely come and see their very impressive
show. And there will be more. Our Smileys
have been practicing hard, even the Elferrat may show off – and of course we expect
friends from other groups to come and put
up a good show.
So, I hope to see you at one, or better all, of our events and hope that you will
bring a couple “angels” with you to celebrate Karneval in 11. Heaven.
Walter Lübke
GAMGA Präsident
Helau und Alaaf,
Holger Claus, Elferratspräsident und Gruppenleiter
ear Members of the Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft im Phoenix Club,
It was a distinct pleasure for me to surrender the key to the Phoenix Club to the AKG
for another successful and fun-filled season. Wishing all of you another
great celebration with lots of fun, surprises and many guests to attend all
your functions for the 5th Jahreszeit! Thank you for your continuing
support for the Phoenix Club.
Alaaf, Helau and wishing all of you a Happy New Year!
Hans J. Holste, President
Peter: Ladies and Gentlemen, Närrinnen und Narren,
Jecken, angels, devils, Damen und Herren,
Eh, whatever you feel like calling yourself today.
My princess and I have a few words to say.
Welcome to the Phoenix Club in Anaheim,
We hope each guest has a devilish’ good time.
11 Uhr 11, 11. 11. 2011 With so many elevens, I lose track of myself.
Loraine: I am Loraine the First, and this is my handsome prince, Peter.
I’m from the heart of Texas, the land of beef eaters,
He comes from Köln, the grand Karnival place,
And in Ka-li-for-ni-a I fell in love with his face.
Peter: So, with Himmel und Hölle as our Karneval theme,
There can’t possibly be a better Royal team.
Loraine: Because heaven brought us together as if with a spell,
Peter: And when I don’t behave, Loraine makes my life hell!
Loraine: I was born a Gemini, and so was he,
And when it comes to Geminis, all the experts agree:
With Geminis, you get two for the price of one.
So, our motto is double the trouble and double the fun!
Peter: We command you, dear subjects and we ask for no more
To act out the things that Karneval stands for:
Double kissing, double drinking, double dancing, hurrah!
And costumes to rival the best Mardi Gras!
But if you refuse to be naughty and nice,
Prinzessin Loraine will take care of you…twice!
Peter and Loraine: So listen closely and listen clear
The Doppel Gemini Royals are here
And when you see us, no need to bow
But we’ll always return a Phoenix Club Helau!
Anaheim, den 11. November 2011
Seine Tollität Prinz Peter I.
und Ihre Lieblichkeit Prinzessin Loraine I. (Klotz)
Prinzen und Prinzessinnen
der Phoenix Club Karnevalsgesellschaft
Gustav I & Inge I 1966/67
Gustav Kruger & Inge Simons
Hans I & Ursula I 1967/68
Hans Klein & Ursula Wassner
Clemens I & Inge II 1968/69
Clemens Schmitt & Inge Meister
Josef I & Sigrid I 1969/70
Josef Herget & Sigrid Kunkel
Willi I & Gusti I 1970/71
Willi Alders & Gusti Herget
Roland I & Irmgard I 1971/72
Roland Kern & Irmgard Kahl
Albert I & Anni I 1972/73
Albert Schardt & Anni Schanz
Ernst I & Anni II 1973/74
Ernst Rieder & Anni Hemm
Paul I & Gisela I 1974/75
Paul Gunnemann & Gisela Portmann
Heinz I & Sieglinde I 1975/76
Heinz Kahl & Sieglinde Anderson
Paul II & Susi 1 1976/77
Paul Jager & Susi Mattegit
Karl I & Lisa I 1977/78
Karl Fries & Lisa Sarabyn
Georg I & Susie II 1978/79
Georg Schanz & Susie Dodson
Manfred I & Margie I 1979/80
Manfred & Margie Baurmann
Willi II & Lucy I 1980/81
Willi Maul & Lucy Hill
Hans II & Sheila I 1981/82
Hans Steiner& Sheila Sehleiermacher
Gerhard I & Kim I 1982/83
Gerhard Moos & Kim Ploschek
Willi III & Ingeborg I 1983/84
Willi & Ingeborg Gerstner
Alex I & Diana I 1984/85
Alex Hertfelder & Diana Theer
Siegfried I & Gisela II 1985/86
Siegfried Schuster & Gisela Simons
Albert II & Margarete I 1986/87
Albert & Margarete Helmbrecht
Helmut I & Kate I 1987/88
Helmut Klopsch & Kate Trammel
Erwin I & Evi I 1988/89
Erwin Simons & Evi Rose
Karl Manfred I & Margo I 1989/90
Manfred Walter & Margo Hagen
Günter I & Jutta I 1990/91
Günter Kunkel & Jutta Cronin
Paul Casper I & Doris I 1991/92
Paul Greven & Doris Schleiermacher
Jürgen I & Cynthia I 1992/93
Jürgen Maerz & Cynthia Wallace
Walter I & Marlies I 1993/94
Walter Lübke & Marlies Garmon
Werner I & Heide I 1994/95
Werner Kurkowski & Heide Fischer
Werner II & Olga I 1995/96
Werner Kurkowski & Olga Donaldson
Frank I & Inga III 1996/97
Frank & Inge Wittmann
Ken I & Marlies II 1997/98
Ken & Marlies Garmon
Rob I & Sharon I 1998/99
Rob Gunnemann & Sharon Dietz
Hans III & Margitta I 1999/00
Hans & Margitta Lietz
Joseph II & Kristen I 2000/01
Joseph Rheinisch & Kristen Sorenson
Alfred I & Roberta I 2001/02
Alfred & Roberta Hauptmann
Günter II & Ursula II 2002/03
Günter Sommer & Ursula Ryder
William I & Ingrid I 2003/04
Bill Jarosz & Ingrid Simmons
Hans Eric I & Stefanie I 2004/05
Hans & Stefanie Reisch
Oskar Willi I & Renate I 2005/06
Willi Gerstner & Renate Halstead
Mark I & Heidi I 2006/07
Mark & Heidi Davis
Harold I & Kerstin I 2007/08
Harold & Kerstin Wurmnest
Richard I & Virginia I 2008/09
Richard & Virginia Lund
Gary I. & Caroline I. 2009/2010
Gary Bonie & Caroline Shackelford
Erik I. & Jillian I. 2010/2011
Erik & Jillian Schwarze
Peter I. & Loraine I. 2011/2012
Peter & Loraine Klotz
Karneval Kalender 2012
Anaheim Karneval im 11. Himmel
Session 2011 / 2012 at the Phoenix Club
(Left-Right) Gary Bonie (Kellermeister), Jürgen Picard, Richard Berger, Frank Wittmann, Rudi Graef, Paul Morello, Holger Claus (Elferratspräsident),
Richard Lund (Prinzenadjutant), Walter Luebke, Mark Davis (Orden Minister), Heino Moeller, Gert Wilke, Alfred Hauptmann
Not shown: Hans Lietz - Hofmarschall, Rich Herber - Treasurer, Joe Spaziano
This page sponsored by: RLH Industries Inc., 936 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92876, 714.532.1672 (Robert Harris)
CKD Industries Inc., 501 E. Jamie Ave., La Habra, CA 90631, 714.390.2161, (Rolf and Rosie Hess)
CTM Racing Products, 32991 Calle Aviador, San Juan Capistrano, 949.487.0772, Fax 949.497.0772, (Rudolf & Margrit Graef)
January 13-14 Celebration in Las Vegas, Texas Station
January 21 Karneval in Heaven and Hell Bad Girls from Heaven, Good Boys from Hell
January 22 Prunksitzung
3:11 PM German Satire
January 28 visit to San Diego
January 29 Kinderkarneval San Diego
February 4 visit to LA Turners
Music by the BlueBirds
February 11 Karneval on the ReeperbahnKarneval in the Red Light District
February 12 Kinderkarneval 1:11 PM Children’s Karneval
February 18 Karneval in Paradise
Sun, Sand & Surf
February 25 Lumpenball
Rag Ball
All AKG events begin at 7:11 pm unless otherwise stated, doors open one hour prior to event.
e are the Prinzengarde, the Royal Guard
to the Prince and Princess, from Anaheim,
California. We belong to the Anaheim Karnevals Gesellschaft in Anaheim. We participate
in German Karneval and enjoy dancing. We
perform high-energy dance routines each year
to entertain audiences at Karneval events, and
other German cultural events during the year.
This year the Prinzengarde received great help
with choreography from Kilian Witzel, a Prinzengarde trainer in Germany. In the Prinzengarde
we have a total of twenty-one dancers including
our Funkenmariechen, Kirsten Walter and our
Tanzmariechen, Megan Spaziano and Vanessa
For the 2011-2012 Karneval season, the Prinzengarde will be performing at Karneval events
at the Phoenix Club, as well as, traveling to Las
Vegas for the annual GAMGA Gala, to Los
Angeles for the Turner’s Karneval event and
to San Diego to visit our friends the German American Societies of San Diego. The
Prinzengarde is always looking for new
members. The current dancers range in age
from 16 to 40’s. Practices are held once a
week beginning in April, prior to the Karneval season. Karneval performances are
scheduled in November, January, February
and occasionally March. Please contact our
captain if you are interested in joining our
Angela Kiesel, Tanz Kapitän
Tel. (714) 624-0461
Funkenmariechen: Kirsten Walter
Tanzmariechen: Megan Spaziano
and Vanessa Dimnik
Kapitän: Angela Kiesel
Martin Claus
Heidi Davis
Sacha Duigou
Joanna Duarte
Becky Haberstroh
Sandy Hernandez
Alexandra Klotz
Christopher Lenoir
Jacqueline Lenoir
Letti Lenoir
Berit Levato
Mona Lübke
Mikaila Miles
Valerie Nong
Katy Ringen
Vivian Ringen
Jillian Schwarze
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...wishes the
Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft im
Phoenix Club a successful Session
Anaheim Karnevalsgruppe
Prinz Peter I. and Prinzessin Loraine I.
Elferratspräsident &
Holger Claus
Elferratsvizepräsident &
stellv. Gruppenleiter:
Richard Lund
Rich Herber
Stellvtr. Schatzmeister:
Margit Graef
Vivian Ringen
Hans Lietz
Richard Lund
Jürgen Picard
Banner:Jutta Cronin
Gerda Wisser
Martin Claus
Fahne:Theresa Schmitt
Wilma Wilson
Gary Bonie
Dame de Fleur:
Virginia Lund
Decorating & Baloon Art
Joe Spaziano
Decorating & Baloon Art
Diana Spaziano
Decorating & Baloon Art
Kirsten Walter and many volunteers
Hofdamen: Olga Donaldson
Margrit Graef
Kerstin Claus
Social Ambassadors:
Cynthia Wallace
Virginia Lund
Jester/Hoppeditz: Jester/Hoppeditz: Joe Spaziano
Erik Schwarze
Konsul Erhard Loeser
Michael Meinardus
Hans Klein V
14 Years of Smile(y)s
In 2012 THE SMILEYS are celebrating our 14th Anniversary at the Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft of the Phoenix Club. Wow! the years have
gone by so quickly. That’s what happens when we are having fun, specially this year. THE SMILEYS are very happy training, we have a wonderful
choreographer by the name of Todd. He teaches with enthusiasm that is
contagious to all of us. We are ready and looking forward to performing this season. We are especially happy to welcome back Gisela after her
surgeries. Go Gisela! ! !
Music and Choreography by Todd Van Dorn
Costumes by Blanca Jimenez
Hildegard Moeller, SMILEY LEADER
Ehrenmitglieder: Rolf Pechmann
Patsy Miele V
Willi Gerstner
Margie Baurmann
Paul Morello
Egon Kummetz
Rosi Kummetz
THE SMILEYS from left to
right: Margitta Lübke, Jutta
Cronin, Hanna Habereder, Frankie
Anley, Margrit Graef, Hildegard
Moeller, Roberta Hauptmann, Gerda Wisser, Gisela Simons, Marlene
Rakeman. Not shown: Siegrun
he Phoenix Club Youth Dance
Group and Junior Prinzengarde cordially invites all the
children and those “young at heart”
to join us for our 2012 season
“Kinderkarneval in Schlaraffenland”. Schlaraffenland is another
name for the land of your hearts
desire, or in our case “Candyland!”,
a very fitting Karneval theme!
The official coronation and proclamation of Kinderkarneval Prinz
Aidan I. and his Prinzessin Sidney
I. (photo right) will take place on
Sunday, February 12th at 1:11 pm in
the Phoenix Club Ballroom.
This season the Youth Dance group would like to
send our heartfelt thanks to the many Phoenix Club
groups and members who have supported us. An extra special thanks goes to the GAMGA organization
for its generosity and to our friends at the GASA
for their participation at our events! Through these
donations and efforts we can continue to pass along
wonderful German customs, like the celebration of
Karneval, to the next generation.
So come in costume and join in the festivities including music, dancing, games, a costume contest with
prizes and a traditional Karneval performance by the
Youth Dance Group.
Youth Dance Group members
Amanda Hernandez and Samantha Spaziano
Junior Funkenmariechen
Jocelyn Duarte
Junior Tanzpaar
Kobe Rodriquez and Rebecca Spaziano
Junior Prinzengarde
Christina Cortes, Sophia Davis, Joanna DeWitt,
Jocelyn Duarte, Oscar Duarte, Chiana Levato,
Maya Levato, Mikaila Miles, Ana Ong, Delaney Powell,
Kobe Rodriquez, Nora Rodriguez, Samantha Spaziano,
Rebecca Spaziano, Savannah Strozier, Alexandra
Tran, Brianna Tran, Christina Tran
Choreographer and Dance Instructor Kirsten Walter
Group leader Heidi Davis
If you are interested in joining our group:
we practice most Saturday’s at 1:00.
This page sponsored by:
Musikmeister D.J. Service, 714.390.2161,, Ebay CD Store: (Jürgen Picard)
Visit - Phoenix Groups for
more information.
Prinzenpaare der Jugendtanzgruppe
Prinz Aidan I. (Davis)
Prinz Kobe I. (Rodriquez)
Prinz Oscar I (Duarte)
Prinz Rusty I (Cronin)
Prinz Chris I (Lenior)
Prinz Martin I (Claus)
Prinz Mathew I (Gunnemann)
Prinz David II (Pederson)
Prinz Robert I (Claus)
Prinz Rene I (Claus)
Prinz Tim I (Pullin)
Prinz Kevin I (Belhumeur)
Prinz Saiid I (Ghahreman)
Prinz Christopher I (Mendez)
Prinz David I (Belhumeur)
Prinz Kurt I (Hauptmann)
Prinz Arthur I (Dunne)
Prinz Manfred I (Baurman)
Prinz Robert I (Wisser)
Prinz Carlos I (Skubacz)
Prinz Huby II (Schroeder)
Prinz Huby I (Schroeder)
Prinz Jon-Michael II (Zellhoefer)
Prinz Jack I (Hix)
Prinz Justin I (Merz)
Prinz Joe II (Spaziano)
Prinz Jon-Michael I (Zellhoefer)
Prinz Joe I (Spaziano)
Prinz Eric I (Munzner)
Prinz Noah I (Muller)
Prinz Raymond I (McMahon)
Prinz Kristian I (Twombly)
Prinz Karl I (Friess)
Prinz Michael I (Muller)
Prinz Jeff I (Kahl)
Prinz John III (Gunther)
Prinz John II (Gunther)
Prinz Richard I (Hirschl)
Prinz Mark I (Sarabyn)
Prinz John I (Gunther)
Prinzessin Sidney I. (Lund)
Prinzessin Amanda I. (Hernandez)
Prinzessin Mikaila (Miles)
Prinzessin Chantel I (Disandro)
Prinzessin Vanessa I (Dimnik)
Prinzessin Samantha I (Spaziano)
Prinzessin Alexandra II (Klotz)
Prinzessin Megan I (Spaziano)
Prinzessin Nicole I (Ringen)
Prinzessin Crystal I (Hinkle)
Prinzessin Katy I (Ringen)
Prinzessin Jenna I (Belhumeur)
Prinzessin Nancy I (Villalobos)
Prinzessin Charlene I (Wantz)
Prinzessin Nikki I (Buzdar)
Prinzessin Alexandra I (Kish)
Prinzessin Olenka I (Langen)
Prinzessin Kirsten I (Walter)
Prinzessin Daniela I (Garisek)
Prinzessin Gina I (Lübke)
Prinzessin Linda II (Lübke)
Prinzessin Tanya I (Skubacz)
Prinzessin Shoshana I (Garisek)
Prinzessin Autum I (Mann)
Prinzessin Erika I (Birtler)
Prinzessin Stephanie I (Zellhoefer)
Prinzessin Katie I (Habereder)
Prinzessin Linda I (Mayerhofer)
Prinzessin Heidi III (Baurmann)
Prinzessin Tina I (Kramer)
Prinzessin Erica I (Böhrer)
Prinzessin Heidi II (Stoehr)
Prinzessin Lisa I (Tomazelli)
Prinzessin Patrice I (Langevin)
Prinzessin Sonja II (Fischer)
Prinzessin Heidi I (Delaloye)
Prinzessin Michelle I (Hartmann)
Prinzessin Marilyn I (Böhrer)
Prinzessin Sonja I (Fischer)
Prinzessin Kathy I (Borowitz)
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