Narren Blatt 2011
Narren Blatt 2011 Der Phoenix Club wird 50 Wir feiern weiter Zünftig Prinz Erik I. Prinzessin Jillian I. W Greetings from the Elferratspresident elcome to the 46th season of Karneval at the Phoenix Club. This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Phoenix Club and chose our theme accordingly: “Der Phoenix Club wird 50, wir feiern weiter zünftig”. We celebrate 50 years of a home for originally German immigrants, but even more so a cultural center of German culture in Southern California. Shortly after founding the Club the first Karneval event was celebrated and the Karneval Group, with today over 60 active members has become not only the largest, but also one of the most active groups of the club. Karneval group members have always been very active members of the club, almost every club board of directors had Karneval members on the board. Karneval in the Phoenix Club has always been the most visited club event outside Oktoberfest, drawing hundreds of guests per event. And, I am very happy to see that is still so in the 50th year of its existence. Faced with similar challenges as the club, the Karneval group has managed to stay young and draw new members every year. Through a very close relationship with the Phoenix Club Youth Dance group and involving the parents we stay young and continue to celebrate a great German tradition and provide good entertainment to a fun loving audience. And with that said, let’s one day celebrate “50+50, wir feiern weiter zünftig” - at the Phoenix Club. Helau und Alaaf, Holger Claus Elferrats-Präsident und Gruppenleiter Dear Members of the Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft im Phoenix Club, It seems only yesterday since I wrote similar lines for your 2009/10 season! All of you presented us with another fun filled, successful Karnevals Season and now you are in full swing for your 46th season! Wishing all of you a great 2010/2011 celebration with lots of fun, surprises and many guests to attend all your functions for the 5th Jahreszeit! Thank you for continuing your support for the Phoenix Club. Helau and wishing all of you a Happy New Year! Hans J. Holste, President 50 Jahre Phoenix Club Der Karneval ist ein wesentlicher Teil des Klublebens. Die Karnevalisten befassen sich das ganze Jahr über mit den Vorbereitungen, einschließlich Fundraiser und Kartoffelpfannkuchen backen. Dann geht es los, ehe wir uns versehen ist Aschermittwoch, und die fünfte Jahreszeit ist vorbei. Besonderer Dank gebührt den Smileys und der Prinzengarde für die vielen Übungs– stunden. Seit die Jugend-Tanzgruppe an der jährlichen GALA Veranstaltung der GAMGA “Vereinigung Deutsch Amerikanischer Karnevals Gesellschaften” teilnimmt, funktioniert die Zusammenarbeit mit der Karnevalsgruppe viel besser. Einige Eltern der Jugendlichen hatten so viel “Spass an der Freud”, dass sie der Karnevalsgruppe beitraten. Mit Hilfe von Spass und Begeisterung haben wir heute im Phoenix Club eine der besten und größten Jugendtanzgruppen der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Vereine. Der Phoenix Club braucht dringend die uneingeschränkte Kooperation aller Gruppen und der umliegenden Vereine. Viele GAMGA Mitglieder und der GAMGA Vorstand freuen sich schon auf die Prunksitzung. Alaaf und Helau Walter Lubke GAMGA Präsident This page sponsored by: RLH Industries Inc., 936 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92876, 714.532.1672 (Robert Harris) CKD Industries Inc., 501 E. Jamie Ave., La Habra, CA 90631, 714.390.2161, (Rolf and Rosie Hess) CTM Racing Products, 32991 Calle Aviador, San Juan Capistrano, 949.487.0772, Fax 949.497.0772, (Rudolf & Margrit Graef) Proklamation 2010/2011 F irst and Foremost I would like to welcome you all, To the wonderful season called KARNEVAL!! As I look around this crowd and see each and every face, I can’t help but wonder, How in the world did I end up in this place. As most of you know I am Bayer to my core, From Lederhosen to Gamsbarts, And Ludwig to Hacker-Pschorr. So how did this Trachtler, Who’s blood is Weiss and Blau. End up in front of you, Saying Phoenix and Helau. Well it started with a beautiful girl, As most of the time it does. She captivated my heart, And showed me a whole new world. The women wore no dirndls, The men no Lederhosen. These were replaced with short skirts, Narrenkappen and medals called Orden. What seemed like different worlds, But both now felt like home. This prince had made the journey, From Neuschwanstein to the Kölner Dom. And with my Princess by my side, And the support of one and all. I invite you all to celebrate, Von Weiss und Blau zum Karneval. So the introductions are through, You know us, and we know you. Now let me give you a few guidelines, That we have laid out for you. 1. Dance, and dance some more. Like you’ve never danced before. We expect to always see you out on this dance floor. 2. If you happen to leave the dance floor we hope you don’t go far. Unless it’s to the restroom, Liebeslaube, or the bar. 3. You must dress in costume every night we have a theme, it really is a lot more fun, dress up and you will see. 4. Keep an open mind and don’t be too uptight, for Karneval has one theme every night, and it’s called Kussfreiheit!! 5. We ask that you have fun and leave your problems at the door, and please don’t forget...there’s no crying at Karneval. 6. If you hear the Polonaise don’t try to run away, instead jump to the front and help lead the way. 7. Bring your family or bring some friends, even bring some of your enemies and make amends. 8. We encourage you to take pictures, and smile when their took. But keep those other photos off the web, twitter, and facebook. 9. When you hear Hände zum Himmel get up out of your chair, and if Fliegen comes on after get those hands up in the air. 10. So here’s the final guideline, let’s call it more a vow. It’s never Blau und Weiss, It’s always Weiss und Blau! Anaheim, den 11. November 2010 Seine Tollität Prinz Erik I. (Schwarze) und Ihre Lieblichkeit Prinzessin Jillian I. (Schwarze) Elferrat 2011 (Left-Right) Joe Spaziano (Kellermeister), Mark Davis (Prinzenadjudant), Heino Moeller, Henry Wöbken, Richard Berger (Ordensoffizier), Walter Lübke, Holger Claus (Elferratspräsident), Rudi Graef, Frank Wittmann, Hans Zuckett, Gerd Wilke, Alfred Hauptmann, Jürgen Picard (Musikmeister) This page sponsored by: Elferrat und Ordensoffizier und Mutter der Gruppe, Richard und Bertha Berger Importer and Exporter of Cotton and Cotton Byproducts, Santa Ana, CA - Hans J. Holste, President/Owner AKG Karnevalsgruppe 2011 Hofdamen: Prinz Erik I. and Prinzessin Jillian I. Elferratspräsident & Gruppenleiter: Holger Claus Elferratsvizepräsident & Social Ambassadors: stellv. Gruppenleiter: Heino Moeller Schatzmeister: Margit Graef Stellvtr. Schatzmeister: Rich Herber Aufmarschleiter: Schriftführerin: Vivian Ringen Jester/Hoppeditz: Hofmarschall: Richard Lund Jester/Hoppeditz: Prinzenadjudant: Mark Davis Mutter der Gruppe: Musikmeister: Jürgen Picard Banner: Jutta Cronin Ehrensenatoren: Gerda Wisser Standarte: Karl Wittmann Fahne: Theresa Schmitt Ehrenmitglieder: Hof-Fotograf: Wilma Wilson Kellermeister: Joe Spaziano Dame de Fleur: Virginia Lund Decorating & Baloon Art Joe Spaziano Decorating & Baloon Art Diana Spaziano Decorating & Baloon Art Kirsten Walter and many volunteers Olga Donaldson Margrit Graef Gretl Hirschl Kerstin Claus Roberta Hauptmann Cynthia Wallace Virginia Lund Rich Herber Megan Spaziano Vanessa Dimnik Bertha Berger Konsul Erhard Loeser Michael Meinardus Hans Klein V Rolf Pechmann Patsy Miele V Willi Gerstner Margie Baurmann Paul Morello Egon Kummetz Rosi Kummetz This page sponsored by: Musikmeister D.J. Service, 714.390.2161,, Ebay CD Store: (Jürgen Picard) Calendar Karneval Kalender 2011 Der Phoenix Club wird 50, wir feiern weiter zünftig Session 2010/2011 at the Phoenix Club Phoenix Events (shown in black) in Ballroom or Festhalle Jan 14-15 Fri-Sat “GAMGA” Las Vegas Gala Ball in Las Vegas BlueBirds Showband Jan 22 Sat, 7:11 pm “Karneval in Bavaria” Express Band Jan 23 Sun 3:11 pm “Prunksitzung” Musikmeister DJ Jan 29 Sat 7:11 pm “Karneval in San Diego” Feb 5 Sat 7:11 pm “Karneval at the LA Turners” Feb 12 Sat 7:11 pm “Karneval auf der Reeperbahn” Musikmeister DJ Feb 13 Sun 1:11 pm “Kinderkarneval” Musikmeister DJ Feb 26 Sat 7:11 pm “Grand Costume Ball” BlueBirds Showband Mar 9 Wed 7:11 pm “Aschermittwoch Heringessen” Mar 12 Sat 7:11 pm “Lumpenball” Costume White Blue German Satire Karnevalistas visiting in San Diego Karnevalistas visiting LA Turners BlueBirds Showband “Mardi Gras in Red Light District” Youth Group Karneval - Flower Power “Fish Dinner at the Loreley” Rag Ball” Musikmeister DJ Doors open one hour prior to Event. Website: This page sponsored by: Mattern Sausage and European Deli, 4327 East Chapman Ave., Orange, CA 92669, 714.639.3550 (Willi und Anni Mattern) WL Tools, (Walter und Margitta Lübke) 714.525.0691 - 714.525.1142 GAMGA-Tanzpaar Rob and DeeAnne Gunnemann, Phone: 909-534-4553 or 714-206-4949, Email: SSSsnapShots The Los Angeles Turners wish the AKG a successful Karneval-Session and welcome everyone to our Events at the new Turner Center in Westchester, right at LAX! The LA Turner Center Your Hi Tech Event, Seminar and Presentation Center in the Heart of Westchester Offers the I deal Space for HOLIDAY PARTIES, CORPORATE EVENTS, SEMINARS, PRESENTATIONS, PRIVATE EVENTS, AND OTHER CELEBRATIONS For a Quote please call: 323. 247.7503 visit our Website: or send us an Email: This page sponsored by: California Lithograph Printing, 13901 Seaboard Circle, Garden Grove, CA 92843, Phone 714 554-0044, (Gerhard Fehrmann) AHA Media Group,, PR & Media Production, Internet Service, Layout & Pre-Print. Ph: 310.926.7699 (Alexander Hast) Prinzen und Prinzessinnen der Ph Albert I & Anni I 1972/73 Albert Schardt & Anni Schanz Karl I & Lisa I 1977/78 Karl Manfred I & Margo I 1989/90 Karl Fries & Lisa Sarabyn Manfred Walter & Margo Hagen Siegfried I & Gisela II 1985/86 Hans II & Sheila I 1981/82 Siegfried Schuster & Gisela Simons Hans I & Ursula I 1967/68 Hans Klein & Ursula Wassner Hans Steiner& Sheila Schleiermacher Heinz I & Sieglinde I 1975/76 Heinz Kahl & Sieglinde Anderson Ernst I & Anni II 1973/74 Ernst Rieder & Anni Hemm Albert II & Margarete I 1986/87 Josef I & Sigrid I 1969/70 Albert & Margarete Helmbrecht Josef Herget & Sigrid Kunkel Günter I & Jutta I 1990/91 Günter Kunkel & Jutta Cronin Gerhard I & Kim I 1982/83 Gerhard Moos & Kim Ploschek Georg I & Susie II 1978/79 Georg Schanz & Susie Dodson Willi I & Gusti I 1970/71 Willi Alders & Gusti Herget Paul I & Gisela I 1974/75 P. Gunnemann & Gisela Portmann Helmut I & Kate I 1987/88 Helmut Klopsch & Kate Trammel Paul Casper I & Doris I 1991/92 Paul Greven & Doris Schleiermacher Manfred I & Margie I 1979/80 Willi III & Ingeborg I 1983/84 Manfred & Margie Baurmann Willi & Ingeborg Gerstner Roland I & Irmgard I 1971/72 Paul II & Susi 1 1976/77 Willi II & Lucy I 1980/81 Alex I & Diana I 1984/85 Roland Kern & Irmgard Kahl Paul Jager & Susi Mattegit Willi Maul & Lucy Hill Erwin I & Evi I 1988/89 Jürgen I & Cynthia I 1992/93 Alex Hertfelder & Diana Theer Erwin Simons & Evi Rose Jürgen Maerz & Cynthia Wallace oenix Club Karnevalsgesellschaft Walter I & Marlies I 1993/94 Walter Lübke & Marlies Garmon Alfred I & Roberta I 2001/02 Oskar Willi I & Renate I 2005/06 Ken I & Marlies II 1997/98 Alfred & Roberta Hauptmann Willi Gerstner & Renate Halstead Ken & Marlies Garmon Günter II & Ursula II 2002/03 Gary I. & Caroline I. 2009/2010 Günter Sommer & Ursula Ryder Gary Bonie & Caroline Shackelford Werner I & Heide I 1994/95 Werner Kurkowski & Heide Fischer Mark I & Heidi I 2006/07 Rob I & Sharon I 1998/99 Mark & Heidi Davis Rob Gunnemann & Sharon Dietz William I & Ingrid I 2003/04 Bill Jarosz & Ingrid Simmons Werner II & Olga I 1995/96 Werner Kurkowski & Olga Donaldson Harold I & Kerstin I 2007/08 Hans III & Margitta I 1999/00 Harold & Kerstin Wurmnest Hans & Margitta Lietz Frank I & Inga III 1996/97 Joseph II & Kristen I 2000/01 Hans Eric I & Stefanie I 2004/05 Richard I & Virginia I 2008/09 Frank & Inge Wittmann Joseph Rheinisch & Kristen Sorenson Hans & Stefanie Reisch Richard & Virginia Lund Erik I. & Jillian I. 2010/2011 Erik & Jillian Schwarze Prinzengarde - The W e are the Prinzengarde, the Royal Guard to the Prince and Princess, from Anaheim, California. We belong to the Anaheim Karnevals Gesellschaft in Anaheim. We participate in German Karneval and enjoy dancing. We perform highenergy dance routines each year to entertain audiences at Karneval events, and other German cultural events during the year. This year the Prinzengarde received great help with choreography from Kilian Witzel, a Prinzengarde trainer in Germany. In the Prinzengarde we have a total of seventeen dancers including our Funkenmariechen, Kirsten Walter and our Tanzmariechens, Megan Spaziano and Vanessa Dimnik. F or the 2010-2011 Karneval season, the Prinzengarde will be performing at Karneval events at the Phoenix Club, as well as, traveling to Las Vegas for the annual GAMGA Gala, to Los Angeles for the Turner’s Karneval event and to San Diego to visit our friends the German American Societies of San Diego. The Prinzengarde is always looking for new members. The current Dancing for Prinzenpaar dancers range in age from 16 to 50’s. Practices are held once a week beginning in April, prior to the Karneval season. Karneval performances are scheduled in November, January, February and occasionally March. Please contact our captain if you are interested in joining our group. Angela Kiesel Tanz Kapitän Tel. (714) 624-0461 Funkenmariechen: Kirsten Walter Tanzmariechen: Megan Spaziano and Vanessa Dimnik Kapitän: Angela Kiesel Heidi Davis Sacha Duigou Joanna Duarte Mat Gunnemann Becky Haberstroh Sandy Hernandez Letti Lenoir Berit Levato Mona Lübke Valerie Nong Katy Ringen Vivian Ringen Stephanie Zimmermann The Hofstaat SSSsnapShots 6 The Krüegermann Family Manufacturer of over 20 different items of the highest Quality: Pickles, Sauerkraut, Rotkohl and more... Since 1896, our family with four generations of experience, has been following a time-honored tradition of combining old country recipes with the finest selected ingredients. Originally founded in Lübbenau Spreewald, Germany, Kurt Krüegermann immigrated in 1961 to sunny California, four months before the Berlin wall went up. Using only the freshest local produce, The Krüegermann Pickle and Sauerkraut Company in California has been making the finest pickle products, Sauerkraut and Rotkohl in the United States since 1964. Try any of our products and you will be convinced of our dedication to quality, taste and freshness. Krüegermann Pickle & Sauerkraut Co. 2824 Gilroy Street Los Angeles, CA 90039 Tel: (323) 662-9313 Fax: (323) 662-7616 ...wishes the Anaheim Karnevalsgesellschaft im Phoenix Club a successful Session 2010-2011 for Dummies So, someone invited you to German Karneval and you have no idea what to expect? Well, to begin with German Karneval is not American Mardi Gras. The festivities you may have seen in New Orleans drew their beginnings from Karneval in Germany, but that’s about it for what they truly share. So, what is German Karneval? Karneval in Germany began in the 16th century to allow commoners to mock the monarchy and politicians without fear of retribution, but it really took off in the 19th and 20th centuries. Therefore many “official” Karneval costumes copy some of those old official uniforms and dresses. Karneval is nicknamed “The 5th Season” in Germany and starts on 11.11 at 11:11am and lasts until Ash Wednesday (which is in February or March of the following year). In Germany, the core time of the Karneval season are the two (2) weeks before Ash Wednesday. Some areas of Germany will basically shut down during the last week before Ash Wednesday – where people will party for 4-5 days in a row at street parties, bars, events, and in their homes. On Rosenmontag (the Monday before Ash Wednesday) in the City of Köln (Cologne), over 1.5 million people will turn out to celebrate and to watch the 3 mile long Karneval parade. That same day, one could travel away from Köln and find other cities where 200,000 – 500,000 people have turned out for festivities in a particular city. The fact is Karneval is THE BIG EVENT during winter time in Germany. While there is no “true” recipe for Karneval, most cities have certain traditions that have come forward from the 16th century. However, many traditions can and do vary from city to city, town to town. They do though, share a few common attributes: Elferrat - the “committee of 11” are basically the organizers of the events. The Elferrat wears distinctive uniforms and - especially important - ”funny” hats. Royalties - most areas have “royals” that reign over the city during the Karneval season. The most common is a Prince often ac- companied by a princess. The royals are surrounded by MANY “supporters” that have various functions (usually in a funny way)., e.g. there is a Prinzengarde (guard of the prince) - which may consist of (pretty) women - whose only task is to dance. Show dance performances during the events - Some performances can be really artistic while others are just slapstick (i.e. men dressed as women). The performers are all amateurs, only performing during the season (but practicing all year long!) Orden (medals) - every Karneval Club creates its own medal for each season. People dress up for Karneval events. The best comparison would be American Halloween. The big difference is that for Karneval people definitely dress up “funny” Fun - the fun is mostly created by the audience by dressing up, dancing - and usually by a bit of drinking. However there are also more formal events where stand up (amateur) comedians provide quite a show, making timely fun of local or state events or themselves. Common rules are often abandoned, e.g. kissing strangers and provocative clothing (for women) is quite normal. This page sponsored by: Italian Luxury Patio Heaters - (Michael Oertel) 949-282-9652, 714-719-6386 Old World Restaurant-Deli & Bakery, Huntington Beach, 714.895.8020, (Familie Bischof) Learn to celebrate German Karneval in America People need fun and relaxation. You had four weeks to clean up the Christmas tree, three weeks to recycle the bottles of the New Year’s eve party - now what? Go to German Karneval! What can you expect? German Karneval in America follows more or less the rules and tradition of the “original” Karneval. There will be a program and there will usually be dancing. It will be a mixture of German Oktoberfest songs and other “normal” ballroom dance music. If you expect a rave party, this is the wrong place. The events will usually have a theme and you are strongly encouraged to dress to the theme - no limits set. You want to show off - and you can. This way you can also go after one of the prizes in the costume contest! The program will have a series of formal steps, like marching in of the Elferrat and the royalties, greetings of guests and giving medals to honorees. But this is mixed with jokes and dance performances that often even involve the audience. Don’t expect Circue de Soleil, but dances with a good beat, some slapstick, and unusual dresses will certainly entertain you. The important part is you, the friends you bring, and perhaps a designated driver! Everything will be over by the next morning, and often you won’t leave until then. The evening, costumes, dancing and drinks, are meant to celebrate and enjoy the craziness and freedom of that night. You are certainly encouraged to dance - even if you can’t (you won’t be alone!) – Enjoy, this is Karneval!!! Helau - Alaaf... THE SMILEYS From left to right: Frankie Anley, Hildegard Moeller, Margitta Lubke, Princess Jillian and Prince Erik Schwarze, (Queen Mother) Pat Slames, Marlene Rakeman, Margrit Graef, Siegrun Wrembel. Not shown Gerda Wisser, Jutta Cronin (shown in small picture left), Hanna Habareder, and Roberta Hauptmann. T he SMILEYS are happy and excited to dance this year. We have been practicing our routine in anticipation of performing in this year’s Karneval season. We also welcomed three new dancers from the Schuhplatter, they are terrific gals and a big plus to our group. Margie Baurmann, our teacher who moved away last year, has periodically dropped by to give us her expert opinion and guidance (Greatly appreciated!). Congratulations to the Phoenix Club’s 50th Anniversary! This page sponsored by: Soaring Gruppe, Heino Moeller We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to the Karneval Group, the Phoenix Club and everyone who with their devotion and love has made Karneval in Anaheim lots of Fun. Hildegard Moeller, SMILEYS leader Kinderkarneval Youth Dance Group Dives into Kinderkarneval with Flower Power T he Phoenix Club Youth Dance Group and Junior Prinzengarde is ready for the 2011 Karneval season. We cordially invite all the children and those “young at heart” to join us for Kinderkarneval “Flower Power”. The official coronation of Kinderkarneval Prinz Kobe I. and Prinzessin Amanda I. (picture left) will take place on Sunday, February 13th at 1:11 pm in the Phoenix Club Ballroom. This season the Youth Dance group would like to send our heartfelt thanks to the many Phoenix Club groups and members who have provided us financial support. An extra special thanks goes to the GAMGA organization for its generosity and to our friends at the GASA for their participation at our events! Through these donations and efforts our little group has flourished and grown. Come in costume and join in the festivities including music, dancing, games, a costume contest with prizes and a traditional Karneval performance by the Youth Dance Group. Youth Dance Group members Choreographer and Dance instructor: Kirsten Walter Jesters: Megan Spaziano and Vanessa Dimnik Junior Funkenmariechen: Samantha Spaziano Junior Tanzpaar: Aidan Davis and Sophia Davis J Martin Claus Christina Cortes Sophia Davis Aidan Davis Joanna DeWitt Vanessa Dimnik Chantel DiSandro Jocelyn Duarte Oscar Duarte Andy Gunnemann Penelope Klein Christopher Lenior Jaqueline Lenior P Chiana Levato Maya Levato Sidney Lund Mikeala Miles Delaney Powell Nate Powel Megan Spaziano Samantha Spaziano Rebecca Spaziano Savannah Strozier We look forward to seeing you there! Phoenix Helau! For more information about joining the Youth Dance Group (Boys and girls ages 3-18 yrs) contact: Heidi Davis, Group Leader (714) 871-8227, Email: This page sponsored by: Holger & Kerstin Claus Siegrun und Manfred Wrembel Alpine Village Cosmetics, Herbs, Teas and Imported Items; Eleonore & Bruce Kish, email: Flower Power Prinzenpaare der Jugendtanzgruppe 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 Prinz Kobe I. (Rodriquez) Prinz Oscar I (Duarte) Prinz Rusty I (Cronin) Prinz Chris I (Lenior) Prinz Martin I (Claus) Prinz Mathew I (Gunnemann) Prinz David II (Pederson) Prinz Robert I (Claus) Prinz Rene I (Claus) Prinz Tim I (Pullin) Prinz Kevin I (Belhumeur) Prinz Saiid I (Ghahreman) Prinz Christopher I (Mendez) Prinz David I (Belhumeur) Prinz Kurt I (Hauptmann) Prinz Arthur I (Dunne) Prinz Manfred I (Baurman) Prinz Robert I (Wisser) Prinz Carlos I (Skubacz) Prinz Huby II (Schroeder) Prinz Huby I (Schroeder) Prinz Jon-Michael II (Zellhoefer) Prinz Jack I (Hix) Prinz Justin I (Merz) Prinz Joe II (Spaziano) Prinz Jon-Michael I (Zellhoefer) Prinz Joe I (Spaziano) Prinz Eric I (Munzner) Prinz Noah I (Muller) Prinz Raymond I (McMahon) Prinz Kristian I (Twombly) Prinz Karl I (Friess) Prinz Michael I (Muller) Prinz Jeff I (Kahl) Prinz John III (Gunther) Prinz John II (Gunther) Prinz Richard I (Hirschl) Prinz Mark I (Sarabyn) Prinz John I (Gunther) Prinzessin Amanda I. (Hernandez) Prinzessin Mikaila (Miles) Prinzessin Chantel I (Disandro) Prinzessin Vanessa I (Dimnik) Prinzessin Samantha I (Spaziano) Prinzessin Alexandra II (Klotz) Prinzessin Megan I (Spaziano) Prinzessin Nicole I (Ringen) Prinzessin Crystal I (Hinkle) Prinzessin Katy I (Ringen) Prinzessin Jenna I (Belhumeur) Prinzessin Nancy I (Villalobos) Prinzessin Charlene I (Wantz) Prinzessin Nikki I (Buzdar) Prinzessin Alexandra I (Kish) Prinzessin Olenka I (Langen) Prinzessin Kirsten I (Walter) Prinzessin Daniela I (Garisek) Prinzessin Gina I (Lübke) Prinzessin Linda II (Lübke) Prinzessin Tanya I (Skubacz) Prinzessin Shoshana I (Garisek) Prinzessin Autum I (Mann) Prinzessin Erika I (Birtler) Prinzessin Stephanie I (Zellhoefer) Prinzessin Katie I (Habereder) Prinzessin Linda I (Mayerhofer) Prinzessin Heidi III (Baurmann) Prinzessin Tina I (Kramer) Prinzessin Erica I (Böhrer) Prinzessin Heidi II (Stoehr) Prinzessin Lisa I (Tomazelli) Prinzessin Patrice I (Langevin) Prinzessin Sonja II (Fischer) Prinzessin Heidi I (Delaloye) Prinzessin Michelle I (Hartmann) Prinzessin Marilyn I (Böhrer) Prinzessin Sonja I (Fischer) Prinzessin Kathy I (Borowitz) Eine tolle Session 2010/2011 wünscht Alpine Village Cosmetics Ihre deutsche Drogerie Wir führen alle bekannten deutschen Qualitätsprodukte für das Wohlbefinden der gesamten Familie, wie: Aufbaumittel von Doppelherz, Klosterfrau, Abtei, Salus, usw. Alles für die Körperpflege, Badezusätze von Kneipp, Dresdner Essenz u.a., Shampoo, Haarpflegemittel, Baby-Pflegemittel von Penaten, 4711, Tabac, Tosca, Kräutertees, Kosmetik und Geschenkartikel, inklusive deutsche Maniküre & Pediküre Sets und viele andere Produkte. Gerne schicken wir Ihre Bestellung mit der Post oder UPS direkt ins Haus 833 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 129 Torrance, CA 90502 (310) 329-8273 „Germany’s leading beer brand” Bitburger Premium Beer is brewed to the highest standards and has a great unique taste. Please contact Michael Meinardus, Sales and Marketing Manager North America, P.O. Box 1597, Kamuela, HI 96743, Phone 808 889-6971, Fax 808 889-5052, Mobile 818 355-9671, e-mail: * *„Another Bit please.”
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