FALL 2012 - North Island College


FALL 2012 - North Island College
Notes from the Chair
September 15, 2012 Another semester is upon us and your
committees are planning another
wonderful year of courses and activities to
challenge, entertain and teach you.
10am - 12pm
Stan Hagen Theatre, NIC
Each course presenter will give a
three minute presentation
describing his/her course.
September 17, 2012
Course Registration begins online
at www.nic.bc.ca/ec at 9:00 am or
in person at the Registration Office.
Check website or phone 250-3345000 local 4602 for details.
September 29, 2012
Lecture Series begins
Stan Hagen Theatre,
Our recent member survey has shown
that 47% of you look to CVEC for
learning opportunities, 22% are
seeking social interaction and 18% are
here to be entertained. The remainder
aren’t sure! This fall, as part of our
Strategic Planning process, we are
planning to use these statistics to
review our programs to ensure that
we are meeting your expectations
and to identify what we can do
better. You can help us with this by
providing ideas and suggestions that
would enhance your enjoyment of
our college. Please contact any of our
committee volunteers or send an email
to www.cvec.nic.bc.ca.
Les Corbett
A further challenge for our volunteers
this year is that we are undertaking
the conduct of a Third Age Learning
(TAL) conference to provide an
opportunity for individuals, from
all across the province, who are
operating or anticipating creating
Third Age Learning programs to come
together, share experiences, gather
ideas and develop best practices. The
conference will, subject to availability
of funding, be in May 2013 and will
be a concerted effort by a group of
volunteers, so keep it in mind.
North Island College
Week of
October 1 2012
Fall semester begins.
Since its inception, CVEC has provided
over 6900 members
with more than
600 courses
all delivered by Volunteers.
What a fantastic
record and
congratulations to
all those who do all
the work to make
it possible!
ELDERCOLLEGE • Tel: 250.334.5000 Local 4602 • Email: eldercollegeCV@nic.bc.ca
How to Register On-Line
at www.nic.bc.ca
Notes from the Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
North Island College has recently made changes to the Log-in
process of NIC Connect. The main change is that your UserID is now
the letter “n” followed by your student number. Eg. n0123456.
Please note that your UserID is always “n” followed by a seven digit
How to Register On-Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Survey Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introducing Shirley Reynolds . . . . . . . . 3
Interview with Robert Burns
. . . . . . .
Modern-Day Mystic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fall Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Four week courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Computer Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Short Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Saturday Lecture Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Courses at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Course presenters for future
ElderCollege courses
If you are interested, please contact
Christine Dickinson, Chair of our
Curriculum Committee, through the
ElderCollege contact number,
250-334-5000 local 4602.
We encourage you to use your personal NIC Connect
account when registering. This registration process is
much faster for you as it eliminates the need to enter
your contact information each time.
1. Open www.nic.bc.ca and click on the NIC Connect link at the top
2. Click on “Log In” and enter your UserID and password.
3. Click on “Continuing Ed/Elder College”, then click on “Register
for Classes”.
4. Course Type = ElderCollege, Location = CV Comox Valley Campus.
Leave the other boxes blank. Click on “Submit”.
5. Click the box in the Select column for ALL courses you wish to
register for and then click on “Submit” at the bottom of the
page. Remember to get your membership!
6. Review your selected courses. If the courses look correct, under
“Choose one of the following” choose “Register Now (check
out)”. For “Payment Type” specify your credit card type.
7. At the “Processing My Credit Card Payment” screen, click
“Continue”, which will bring you to the PayPal screen.
8. Enter your credit card information, and then click “Pay Now”.
Only click “Pay Now” once. It takes a short time to process.
No Scent Policy
Just a reminder that all members of
ElderCollege are asked to respect
the “no scent” policy and refrain
from using any scented products
before attending any of our events.
Some members suffer from mild to
severe allergic reactions to these
products, and we want to ensure
the comfort and well-being of our
Survey Results
The Executive Committee would like to thank everyone
who took the time to participate in the online survey
issued in April. We had over 300 responses, which
is considered an extremely high response rate and
answered the first survey question, “How important is
ElderCollege to you?”.
The survey focused on how well the present timing
of classes, course topics and communications suits the
needs of the membership. It also solicited directions
for further planning. For instance the membership
expressed an interest in four week courses; the vast
majority read and enjoy the newsletter, and email,
for most, is an acceptable way to get information. In
addition the survey provided an overview of which
subject areas are of the most interest and hundreds of
suggestions were made for additional courses.
The survey results have provided us with a great deal
of material to work with. Over the next year we will
be using this survey to help us continue to plan and
develop the courses and communications tools needed
to meet the needs of the almost 1000 members.
To see the full results of the survey, complete with
graphs, check out www.nic.bc.ca/ec and click on
survey results.
Shirley Reynolds is
the new Regional Training
Officer for North Island
College, replacing Carolyn
Kirk-Albert, and will
be our liaison with the
college. Shirley moved
here from Alberta, where
she worked most recently
at Mount Royal University
in Calgary. She is happy
to be in the Comox Valley
and is very excited to meet
everyone and to work with
North Island College and
All memberships
expire August 31
Remember to get your new
membership! Also, please check your
receipt when registering to confirm
you are in the right class and the time
and location of the class. Our courses
(all offered by volunteers) have limited
space, so register early on September
17 to assure a seat.
2012 FALL
Robert (Bob) Burns
By June Haner
How many of us realize that the Comox Valley is home to a growing diaspora of ex
“Fort McMurrayites”? Robert Burns and his wife Deanna are two such residents drawn
to the area by friends who were enjoying the mild climate and lifestyle.
A friend recommended the ElderCollege
through university, first headed for
Saturday Lecture Series to Bob not long
Sudbury, Ontario but two years later the
after he moved to the Valley and while
offer for a “free ride” back to Alberta
attending the sessions he heard that
and a job in Fort McMurray brought
volunteers were needed. Before long
them back to their home province.
Bob found himself immersed in the inner
and outer workings of our all-volunteer
In 1973 Fort McMurray was a little
organization. At present he is at the
pioneer oil town of 7000 young and
forefront of the Computer program
hardy souls. Deanna describes the remote
and within that program he has taught
site with its gravel roads surrounded by
a digital photography class. He is a
wilderness as “rubber boots and blue
member of the Curriculum Committee,
jeans country.” It was also an exciting
and has just finished a two year stint as
and diverse place to raise their daughter.
a Member-at-Large. This past year he
Bob enjoyed his work but over the years
has been one of the leaders of “Scenic
as Fort McMurray grew so did the stress
Saunters”, which provides a great
of the job with changes in management
opportunity for EC members to take in
style. Bob retired without regret and he
some of the many walks in the area.
and Deanna moved to Edmonton before
choosing the Comox Valley as their home.
This energetic member grew up in a
Besides ElderCollege, Bob enjoys golfing
“company town” near Leduc, Alberta.
and he and Deanna are close to their
His father, from a pioneering family in
daughter who lives in the Vancouver area.
the area, was employed in the newly
burgeoning oil industry while Bob was
An analytical person, Bob has given some
growing up. Bob and his brother lost
thought to the future of ElderCollege. He
their mother in a tragic train accident and
says it is important for the organization
their father remarried when Bob was still
to be flexible and innovative in terms
a pre-schooler. Five more children were
of reaching out to the community at
added to the family over the years. He
large. We can only hope that Bob will
does not idealize his childhood, which
continue to assist our organization as it
was not the easiest one, but he found
expands and works towards his vision,
school a source of satisfaction, and
shared by others, of more inclusiveness.
credits an uncle who later encouraged
If Bob is a good example of what expats
him to go on to university where he
from Fort McMurray have to offer,
earned a degree in chemical engineering.
we can only say, “Bring them on!”
He and Deanna, who had assisted him
A friend recommended
the ElderCollege
Saturday Lecture Series
to Bob not long after he
moved to the Valley and
while attending the
sessions he heard that
volunteers were needed.
Modern-Day Mystic:
Doreen Hynd
By Judy Brooks
Originally from Australia, Doreen travelled to many parts of the world before calling
Denman Island her home. At 86, Doreen’s vibrant energy and sense of purpose is
evident to everyone who meets her, including those who know her as the T’ai Chi
course leader at ElderCollege. Her class, held at the Aquatic Centre, is usually full to
capacity, and for her very enthusiastic followers, she teaches an extra class at St. John
the Divine in Courtenay.
T’ai Chi (essence) Ch’uan (exercise) is
her student. Doreen spent the next 16
described as a discipline of the mind and
years learning the T’ai Chi Ch’uan way, in
body, an exercise-art that successfully
effect, becoming Sophia’s protégé. After
puts these elements in harmony with
12 years, she was considered ready to
each other, with the goal of achieving
lead her own class and started teaching,
balance in movement, representing
first at the State University School, then
change, and tranquillity, which comes
at the United Nations School, and finally
from being centred and calm.
returning to Carnegie Hall to teach there,
as Sophia wanted to do more writing.
As a young woman, Doreen moved from
a dairy-farming region of Australia to
Later in life, Doreen was ready to leave
Sydney, where she worked at a US military
the hustle and bustle of New York City.
base. There, she met her husband, an
She came to the west coast of the USA,
American Air Force pilot. They spent
ultimately settling in the Northern Gulf
several years in Bangkok but when WWII
Islands of Canada. Before long, she heard
ended, Doreen went back to her roots
about CV ElderCollege, where later she
in Australia. She developed an interest
would be invited to lead a class. Doreen
in T’ai Chi, learning from a Korean
refers to the eight-week-long semesters
master, first in the Yang style and then
as a “glorious time”, and marvels at
in the Wu style. At the same time, she
the openness of her students. She has
was reading about Sophia Delza, an
been a course leader for six years and
esteemed Master Practitioner of T’ai Chi
thoroughly enjoys both the teaching and
Ch’uan, whose studio was located at
the learning aspects of her involvement.
Carnegie Hall in New York City. Doreen
dreamed of becoming her student.
What began as a dream, became a choice
that developed into a lifelong passion
By then, Doreen’s two daughters were
which continues to nurture her spirit. The
living in Connecticut and working in New
focus she has given to refining her craft
York. She made a bold decision to move
over the years is reflected in her overall
there and pursue her goal. She contacted
approach to life. It is a way of being
Sophia Delza and was soon accepted as
in the world that suits her very well.
2012 FALL
At ElderCollege the
learning process is
lively, full of discussion,
controversy, and humour.
Everyone 55 and over is
encouraged to join and
participate with NO
exams, NO grades, and
NO pressure.
Registration begins on
Monday, September 17, 2012
at 9:00 am precisely.
You can register by one of the
following methods:
• Register at www.nic.bc.ca/ec
• In person at
NIC Registration Office
Credit Cards will be accepted
ONLY online or in person.
Cheques are acceptable in person.
Dates are subject to change
without notice. Please read your
registration receipt carefully
to ensure that you have the
correct date, time and classroom
number for your courses.
To obtain a refund for a course
in which you have registered,
you must withdraw from the
course no later then seven days
prior to commencement.
(Membership fees are not refundable).
Members cannot change courses
once classes have begun.
You must be an ElderCollege
member to register for all courses.
$11.20 Annual Membership
(CVEC 0001)
$36.96 Courses (per course,
unless otherwise noted)
$36.96 Lecture Series
$11.20 Short Courses
4 Week Courses
Prices include HST
NOV. 12
CVEC 2250
Jill McLaren
Tues. Oct. 2 - Nov. 20
1:00 - 2:30
Meet a different Comox Valley author
each week. Enjoy listening to authors
read selections from their published
works. Discuss with authors what inspires
them to write, how they choose their
topics, and their personal experiences in
the writing and publishing process.
CVEC 1980
Joyce Lindemulder
Thurs. Oct.4 - Nov. 8
10:30 - 12:00
Students will be introduced to the
elements of art and design. Throughout
the course, materials from Emmy Award
winning PBS TV series ART 21 will be used
in conjunction with current exhibitions
at Comox Valley Art Gallery to discuss
contemporary art (art created in the 21st
Century). Students will complete the
course with tools with which to better
see, explore, appreciate, and talk about
current visual arts.
CVEC 6318 Dr. Ken Newman
Mon. Oct. 1 - Dec. 3 2:30 - 4:00
Our atmosphere allows and sustains all
life on this earth. How does this thin layer
of gas protect us from the lethal radiation
from the sun and how are we abusing
and threatening its integrity? Topics to be
covered will include upper atmosphere
ozone issues (the ozone “hole”),
greenhouse gases and climate change,
photochemical smog, and air pollution.
CVEC 2461
Barbara Colwell
Tues. Oct. 16 - Nov. 20
11:30 - 1:00
The objective of this course is to provide
students with a base vocabulary and key
grammatical structures in the French
language and then help them to use them
in order to express themselves. Common
topics such as greetings, the weather, our
families, around the town, and shopping
are likely to be covered. Class participants
should bring a French/English dictionary.
CVEC 2480
Wendy Johnson
Thurs. Oct. 4 - Nov. 22
11:30 - 1:00
This class offers the essentials that will
allow visitors to Latin America to connect
politely and with friendly intent at a basic,
conversational level with the Spanishspeaking people they encounter. Reading
a menu, interacting with shop-keepers,
understanding directions, and taking
taxis and buses will all be touched upon.
Correct pronunciation is emphasized.
There will be homework.
CVEC 6319
Robert McDonald
Tues. Oct 2 - Nov. 20
11:30 - 1:00
Big History tells the story of the universe
from the Big Bang forward to the present
as one continuous story. Using Astronomy
to start with, then moving into Geology,
then Biology, then Primatology, then
Anthropology and finally recorded History.
The course will look at big patterns; things
like increasing complexity, increasing
energy flows, improving communication
(starting with DNA, then writing, trade
routes and finally electronics), cycles of
growth and extinction, and increasing
CVEC 6252
Dave Mosher
Tues. Oct. 2 - Nov. 20
2:30 - 4:00
This course is intended for the complete
beginner with no or very limited
knowledge of the game. A cards-on-thetable approach is taken so the student
starts handling the deck very early on
in the course. In addition to various
exercises, each lesson includes the teacher
leading the student through the bidding
process of four hands. While the emphasis
is on bidding, given adequate time, play of
the hand is also introduced.
CVEC 6315
Betty Donaldson
Thurs. Oct 4 - Nov. 22
11:30 - 1:00
It is not necessary to be a scientist to
appreciate local watersheds that shape
the Comox Valley: the Courtenay River
(K’omoks) Estuary, the Tsolum and
Puntledge rivers and 3 urban creeks.
Volunteers who help sustain these
shorelines and waters will share their
enthusiasm for human and natural history,
and identify the unique biodiversity
features of each area. Weather permitting
we will have one on-site class to view some
spawning salmon.
Civilization. This term works by Sartre,
Wright, Welty, Lessing, and Balzac will be
included. Participants will read material
from the required text in preparation for
the class, about 2-3 hours reading per
week.(Text book Great Conversations 5
available from greatbooks.org $20).
CVEC 1835
Phyllis Giovannetti
Mon. Oct. 1 - Dec. 3
1:00 - 4:00
This is an Opera Appreciation class
designed for members with limited or no
operatic experience. Seasoned opera lovers
are also welcome. Stories of the operas,
discussions of composers and singers as
well as plenty of music from DVDs and CDs
will prepare you to more fully appreciate
the HD ‘live’ Met Operas that are shown
at the Rialto Theatre in Courtenay. Class
participation is valued and you can
expect to have fun. Leave with visions of
spectacular opera performances in your
head, beautiful music ringing in your ears,
and the boldness to sing opera in your
shower. A course materials fee of $5 (for
DVDs and CDs) will be collected at the first
session. All are also available on loan from
the instructor.
CVEC 6270
Dan Hinman-Smith
Mon. Oct. 1 - Nov. 19
11:30 - 1:00
“In Troy, there lies the scene.” So wrote
William Shakespeare, drawn in by the
legends associated with Troy’s ten-year
struggle against an alliance of Mycenaeanera Greek kingdoms. In Search of the
Trojan War will explore the history,
mythology, and literature of that conflict
through lecture, documentary, reading,
and discussion. Course themes will include
both Bronze Age archaeology and Troy as
a continuing symbol of war.
CVEC 4920
Tom Furlotte
Wed. Oct. 3 & Oct. 10 (classroom)
4:00 - 5:30
Sun. Oct. 14, 21, 28 and
Nov. 4, 18 (off campus)
1:00 - 4:00
Geocachers seek out hidden treasures
utilizing Global Positioning System (GPS)
coordinates posted on the internet. The
course consists of 2 classroom lectures
lasting approximately 1 hour and will be
held one week apart then followed by
5 weekend days. Classroom lectures will
include GPS theory, geocaching web page
navigation, and practical exercises outside
NIC. Weekend classes will be guided
geocaching excursions to pre-existing
caches in the Valley.
CVEC 6210
Ken McKenzie
Tues. Oct. 2 - Nov. 20
11:30 -1:00
The course consists of reading and
discussing great works of Western
CVEC 5505
Riki Jager
Tues. Oct. 16, 23, 30,
10:00 - 12:00 Thurs. Oct. 18 and 25
10:00 -12:00
Tues. Nov.6, 13, 20
(off campus)
10:00 - 12:00
For those who have been reluctant to
venture onto forest trails, this course
will begin with indoor instruction and
exercises, then proceed to outdoor trail
walking. Instruction will focus on posture,
flexibility, balance, and breathing issues.
Doctor’s permission required if recent
surgery or medical treatments have
affected physical activity. Sturdy footwear
required, walking poles optional. No dogs
CVEC 6445 Judy Norbury
Thurs. Oct. 4 - Nov. 22
2:30 - 4:00
This course will present a broad
overview of India, touching upon history,
religion, social structure, caste system,
transportation, and politics as seen
through writing (suggested novels) and
the presenter’s own experience and
2012 FALL
ELDERCOLLEGE • Tel: 250.334.5000 Local 4602 • Email: eldercollegeCV@nic.bc.ca
CVEC 7350
Richard (Dick) Leach
Wed. Oct. 3 - Nov. 21
4:00 - 5:30
All you ever wanted to know about beer
but never got the chance to ask. We
cover history, manufacturing, ingredients,
quality, beer styles, marketing, and of
course, we will sample various types of
beer and investigate some of the common
off-flavours found in beer.
CVEC 6450
William Ellis
Fri. Oct. 5 - Nov. 23
10:00 - 11:30
The object of the course is to gain some
understanding of the themes and issues of
Middle East politics and an appreciation
of their complexity. Beginning with an
overview of each country’s history, the
common themes of the role of Islam,
tribalism vs nationalism, sources of power,
internal and regional rivalries, and Western
influence will be reviewed for six countries
in the region.
CVEC 5525
Jim Cooper
Tues. Sept. 25 - Nov. 13
1:00 - 4:00
Hikes will follow some of the most
beautiful local river and mountainside
trails. These 2.5 - 3 hour hikes will
typically cover 6 to 8 kms through varied
terrain; walkers should be comfortable
with occasional steep, rocky, and
muddy conditions. Sturdy, waterproof
footwear is recommended. There will be
8 walks, weather permitting. Dogs not
CVEC 5510
Joan and Roy Taylor
Thurs. Sept. 27 - Nov. 15
1:00 - 3:00
These weekly, leisurely paced, flat-terrain
walks will follow park and forest trails,
beaches, and old logging roads. Each walk
will be from 1 to 2 hours long. Dogs are
welcome. For Snowbirds heading south
in November, this series of 6 walks will be
CVEC 5521
Bucky Buchanan
Thurs. Sept. 27 - Nov. 15
1:00 - 4:00
Explore the autumnal Comox Valley in
this series of walks in the Cumberland
Forest, on Mt. Washington and along the
banks of the Puntledge, Brown’s, Tsolum,
Oyster, Trent, and Rosewall Rivers. Each
will be 6-8 km long and take a leisurely 2
plus hours, allowing ample time to smell
the flowers and take photographs. Most
of these trails will have occasional steep,
muddy or interesting sections. Dogs
CVEC 1885
Laura Anne Bateman
Mon. Oct. 1 – Dec. 3
4:00 – 5:30
Share the joy of singing with other novice
singers. You will have an overview of
the singing process, developing the basic
technical skills of posture, breathing,
tone, resonance and diction. This fun,
mixed-voice class is for singers who may
be preparing to join a choir or who simply
love to sing. Many styles of music will be
New! Four Week Courses
ART IN PARIS, 1890 – 1920
CVEC 1950
Dr. Daniel Mato
Wed. Nov. 7 – Nov. 28
1:00 – 3:00
Paris has been viewed as the centre of
modern art in Europe in the late 19th and
early 20th century. Artists who shaped
various movements during that time
include Monet, Matisse, Picasso, Braque,
Rodin, Lautrec, Cezanne, Gauguin, Van
Gogh. It was a time and place that led
Gertrude Stein to comment “that Paris
is where the 20th century was!”. It was
an extraordinary period of change,
innovation, and revolution in the art
CVEC 4612 Jonathon East
Tues. Oct. 2 – Oct. 23
3:00 – 5:00
Learn about building, programming and
hosting a personal web page. It can be a
post office box for you, your family and
friends to exchange messages and photos.
It would do some of the things that Face
Book does, but is more personal.
CVEC 5530
Michael Naish
Wed. Sept. 26 - Oct. 17
10:00 - 4:00
These hikes will be led by an experienced
member of the Comox District
Mountaineer Club. They will be lengthy,
vigorous hikes of 4 to 5 hours that will
take participants on some of the steeper,
more rugged trails such as those atop
Mount Washington, the Ripple Rock trail,
and the BC Hydro dam-up-to-trappers’
cabin route. Hikers must be prepared for
rugged, sometimes challenging terrain.
Waterproof hiking gear and sturdy boots
are recommended.
CVEC 1725 Heather McFetridge &
Ricarda Van Orden
Wed. Oct. 3 – Oct. 24
1:00 – 4:00
Like last semesters’ Novels and Politics,
this course will showcase a weekly film
significant to the film industry and either
reflective of a political reality or a historical
record of a political event or movement.
After the film, class participants will discuss
how the film reflected the reality of the
featured event. Background reading will
be available prior to each class. Suggested
essays and/or film reviews will be
recommended for each film.
CVEC 6328
Dixon Edwards
Wed. Oct. 3 – Oct. 24
2:30 – 5:30
This course focuses on some small and
large aspects of geology. A geological
fundamental is the ability to identify
minerals and rocks. Participants will
discover the minerals and rocks that
form the beach pebbles and bedrock in
the Comox Valley. On a grander scale an
overview of the geology and geological
history of Canada will be presented.
CVEC 4573
Blair Martin
Fri. Nov. 2 – Nov. 23
1:00 – 3:00
This course is for people who have become
very conversant with and attached to
their iPad. We will discuss apps, the cloud,
share information on our favourites and
talk about the many ways that the iPad
has replaced our laptop and desktop
computers. The course will provide further
opportunities to discuss: Internet, Email,
Photo and Video, Reference, Educational,
Business and Personal applications, and
CVEC 5710
Janet Reschke
Mon. Oct. 1 - Nov. 5
8:30 – 10:00
It is perfectly natural that you wonder
how to go about planning for your
retirement life; where to start and how
to attain meaning and fulfillment. Using
the Retirement Dimensions tool, you will
develop a greater understanding and
appreciation of yourself. In this course,
you will design your own personal blend
of activities that can bring you meaning
and fulfillment in your retirement.
explored, including folk songs, ballads, art
songs, musical theatre and basic harmony.
No previous musical knowledge or
experience is required. SOCIAL SAUNTERS
CVEC 5515
Bob Burns
Wed. Sept. 26 - Nov. 14
10:00 - 12:00
For those who want to smell the flowers
and experience the outdoors at a leisurely
pace, join us for a shorter, gentler version
of Scenic Walks. Each week, we will go
for a 1 or 1.5 hour walk on flat terrain
to explore beaches, trails or old roads,
and enjoy each others’ company while
communing with nature. Afterwards, we
will go for coffee and perhaps do lunch.
Dogs are welcome.
CVEC 6110
Jean Higginson
Wed. Oct. 3 - Nov. 21
11:30 - 1:00
Time can be seen through many different
lenses –– through myths and stories,
through theories ancient and modern,
through our public communications and
daily experiences. In this course, we will
examine and discuss this immense and
Computer Courses
CVEC 4550
Phil Smith
Wed. Sept. 26 - Nov. 14
8:30 -10:30
A course for those not conversant with
Macs, and those with minimal experience
on computers. You will learn about the
Mac OS X Lion operating system; Time
Machine, a back-up program; e-mail
messaging etiquette, how to manipulate
text by cut and paste or edits. Explore the
world wide web. Students will be charged
a fee of $15.00 for the manual payable at
the first class.
CVEC 4113 Norm Flower
Fri. Oct. 5 – Oct. 26 (four weeks)1:30 – 3:30
Learn to keep your computer running
efficiently using Windows 7 applications.
Safely and completely delete unnecessary
files and programs, find and remove
duplicate files, and delete temporary
files. Learn how to save your data, create
images of your operating system, and use
System Restore.
endlessly fascinating field of enquiry.
CVEC 5450
Doreen Hynd
Wed. Oct. 3 - Nov. 21
11:30 - 1:00
Tai Chi Chu’uan is an ancient exercise art
practised for physical, emotional, and
mental well-being. This perfect weaving
of movement with circular form helps to
calm the disposition and concentrate the
mind. It develops supple muscles, flexible
joints, and increases circulation. A lifelong
exercise, it is valid at any age for men and
women. This is an introductory course.
One’s present mobility should not be a
CVEC 5455
Monika Staub
Fri. Oct. 5 - Nov. 23
11:30 - 1:00
The focus of Taoist Tai Chi is health
improvement. Taoist Tai Chi, internal art
of health, is made up of 108 movements
which work the entire body and help
with strength, flexibility and circulation.
It is a form of moving meditation. This
course is perfectly suited for those who
are new to the practice of Tai Chi so
beginners are welcome; the instructor will
focus on demonstration followed by class
CVEC 6280
Elizabeth Fussell
Thurs. Oct. 4 - Nov. 22
1:00 - 2:30
In this course we’ll read chapters of
Huston Smith’s The World’s Religions
with a focus on the values, virtues,
impulses and personages that lie at the
heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Through the readings, class discussion, and
accompanying presentations we’ll expand
our “religious literacy” and discover a
more nuanced understanding of these
three religions which have had such a
profound and dynamic influence on our
CVEC 2310
Marvin Haave
Thurs. Oct. 4 - Nov. 22
10:00 - 1:00
Writers or would-be writers of any level
of experience bring their own writings to
share, to be heard and gently critiqued by
others in the class.
It is strongly recommended that students have a USB drive
of at least 32 MB for the computer classes.
CVEC 2765
Robert Burns
Mon. Oct. 1 - Dec. 3 10:30 - 12:30
Digital Cameras use a memory card instead
of film, and a computer instead of a
darkroom. Cameras have a built-in image
processor, but photo editing software
adds significant editing capability, and the
ability to select and control changes in the
images. Computer software allows the
opportunity to be truly creative, producing
stunning results outside the camera. We
will work with Photoshop Elements 9 and
windows 7.
CVEC 4555
Marilyn Nicholas
Wed. Sept. 26 - Nov. 14
10:30 - 12:30
This course extends skills learned in the
Basic Mac Course. System Preferences are
more thoroughly reviewed and copy/paste
and word processing skills are refined.
Time Machine is reviewed. iTunes and
iPhoto are covered and then integrated
into an iMovie production. Some previous
Mac experience or extensive Windows
experience is a prerequisite because
this course builds upon the basic Mac
course and requires a knowledge of basic
computer operation.
CVEC 2750 Ron Racine
Fri. Oct. 12 - Nov. 30
11:30 - 1:30
Learn and enjoy the creative process of
picture composition and editing using
digital cameras. Basic rules of composition,
a weekly practice theme, photo reviews at
the beginning of each session, and some
hands-on photo shoots will introduce
you to compositional strategies and to
the image processing tools available
in Photoshop Elements. NIC uses this
Windows program, but the basic principles
apply to other image processing programs.
Knowledge of basic computer operations
(e.g., mouse functions, copy, paste, etc.) is
2012 FALL
CVEC 1775
Vivien Douglas
Fri. Nov. 16 1:00 – 5:00
The developmental history of theatre is both
interesting and entertaining. Explore its ancient
and modern roots, discovering how ‘the shipborne god’, innovative priests, lawyers, sailors,
balletic monarchs, flirtatious orange sellers’ and
ingenious engineers played their parts in the
history of theatre.
CVEC 5915 Donna McKinnon & Linda McLean
Fri. Oct. 26
1:00 – 5:00
This is a class for women who are interested in
considering the joys and challenges of travelling
alone. The presenters will share their own solo
experiences: the motivation for their journeys,
planning, challenges and outcomes. There will
be resource materials and time for Q & A and
discussion. This class may inspire you to design
and take your own journey, or help you to find
a compatible woman to travel with.
CVEC 6267 Alana Gowdy
Fri. Oct. 5
1:00 – 5:00
The need to defend each kingdom against
the Vikings resulted in a new look for Britain.
Vikings came, Vikings went, then came again
with stunning success. This class will take a
light-hearted look at the Viking era and its
CVEC 1850
Lyn Lamers
Fri. Oct. 26
1:00 – 5:00
Did you know that music can build your brain?
This course will reveal the transformative
powers of music, through both listening and
participation. We shall further explore the
findings of neuroscientists who have studied
the brain while engaged in musical pursuits.
Various enjoyable musical activities will
demonstrate how much fun building your brain
through music can be.
CVRC 6316 Jack Minard
Fri. Nov. 9
1:00 – 5:00
The presenters will describe the role of Land
Trusts in BC with the emphasis on Comox
Valley Land Trust and other larger Land Trusts
active here in the Valley. CVLT holds nine active
covenants that legally restrict land use on 275
acres, half of these are on privately owned
property and half are on public properties
(designated nature parks). We will use this
opportunity to answer questions on specific
CVEC 6321
Harold Macy
Fri. Oct. 12
1:00 – 5:00
Take a two-hour easy walk in Headquarters
Creek Woodlot and observe various forestry
Each course is usually four hours long on Friday afternoon from 1:00 - 5:00. It is strongly
recommended that students have a USB drive of at least 32MB for the computer classes.
operations, such as alternatives to clear cutting,
non-timber forest products, low-impact roads,
and discuss the role of spirituality in woodlands.
CVEC 5645
Dr. Thierry Vrain
Fri. Oct. 19
1:00 – 5:00
The Gene Revolution will focus on genetically
engineered food – which crops are engineered
and how, and what effects gene pollution has
on our environment and on our health. Dr.
Vrain will present his personal story starting
with his experiences 25 years ago as a young
genetic engineer, from the promises of a
wondrous technology to its failings of the last
10 to 15 years and the many scientific studies
questioning its safety.
CVEC 6620
Pauline McDougall
Fri. Oct. 12 1:00 – 5:00
The BodyTalk System is a relatively simple but
effective energy-based approach which helps
the body re-balance its systems and improve
health. Poor health is often an indication
that the body’s innate ability to heal and
maintain synchronicity is being compromised by
imbalances usually caused by stress and toxicity.
This unique approach to health addresses the
body in a totally integrated, holistic way.
CVEC 4571
Blair Martin
Fri. Oct. 5 and Oct. 12
10:00 – 11:30
It is much easier to work with Apple’s iPad than
with a conventional computer and is enjoyable.
This class is for those who are thinking of
acquiring one, but have not had an opportunity
to see how they work. We will demonstrate the
basics, let you try some of the “moves”, and
demonstrate some of the things you might do
with it. Ipad not required.
CVEC 4572
Blair Martin
Fri. Oct. 19 and Nov. 9
10:00 – 11:30
This course is for people who may already have
access to an iPad. You will learn the various
“gestures” (finger movements on the screen)
used to control the iPad, and be introduced to
some of the things you might do with it. The
course will demonstrate its most important
capabilities: Internet, Email, photo and video,
reference, educational, business and personal
applications, and games.
CVEC 1650 Alison D. Maingon
Fri. Nov. 23
1:00 – 5:00
What can images on Greek vases tell us? After
an overview of potters’ techniques and the
uses of vessels, the course will explore ancient
Athenian social “do’s and don’ts” as revealed
through scenes of both myth and everyday life.
CVEC 5642
Dr. Ingrid Pincott
Fri. Nov. 2
1:00 – 5:00
Toxicity is not a matter of “if”, but “how
much”. Learn more about toxins that affect
us and how to help your body face them
using naturopathic therapeutics. Gain an
understanding of principles and practice of
naturopathic medicine.
CVEC 5760
Jill Cornwell
Fri. Nov. 2
1:00 – 5:00
The Living Well, Driving Well mature drivers
workshops are designed to help mature drivers
assess their own driving skills and develop
safe driving habits. Auto Insurance 101 sheds
light on the complicated world of automobile
insurance in BC. These workshops have been
developed by BCAA.
CVEC 6360 Ken Talbot
Fri. Oct. 5
1:00 – 5:00
Nuclear Power: All you would like to know but
didn’t know who to ask. How it works; the real
risks and benefits; the waste issue; how is it
regulated; the Japanese situation; all and more
to be revealed.
CVEC 7378
John Challender
Fri. Oct. 19
1:00 – 5:00
This will be a brief voyage around the major
wine producing countries of the “Old World”.
Wines will be tasted and participants will be
asked to bring their share of the cost of the
wines. Amount will vary with the number of
people who sign up.
CVEC 4780
Peter Sinclair and Robert Burns
Fri. Nov. 16 and Nov.23
1:30 – 3:30
Learn some basic photo editing techniques
using Picasa, a free photo editor, and then
upload your digital masterpieces to the Internet
to share with friends and family or make them
public for the world to view. Easy as pressing a
button; for Mac and PC. Excellent for amateur
CVEC 4010
Nick Karpinsky
Fri. Oct. 26 and Nov. 2
11:30 – 1:00
If you have a Smart Phone, or you are thinking
of buying one, this course will offer insight
into what smart phones are all about, and
what you can do with them. There are many
different models with different capabilities
and operating costs. The Smart Phone now has
Internet, Email, Photo and Video, Reference,
Educational, Business and Personal applications,
and Games.
Music in the Comox Valley
The Comox Valley has incredible musicians in all genres. In this lecture series we will give you the
inside scoop on what it takes to be a musician, what distinguishes one type of music from
another, and the history of some of our well known musical groups.
September 29
Todd Butler
October 20
Jenn Forsland
November 17
Rick Husband and Dale Graham
A contributor to CBC Radio and Television
and a veteran of over twenty years of
live performing as a guitarist/vocalist and
comedian,Todd Butler’s skills are honed to
an exquisite point. He swings easily from
lambasting politicians in hilarious political
parodies to interpreting the latest news
stories with a twist guaranteed to entertain
you with a stunning combination of
musical parody, whimsical wit, outstanding
musicianship, and outrageous satire. In this
first ‘lecture’ of the series Todd will give a
demonstration of some of his musical and/or
political satire and also a demonstration of
various musical styles on the guitar.
For nearly 5 years, Jenn Forsland has played
an integral role in the Valley music scene.
In addition to performing regularly with
a variety of ensembles, she directs the
Celebration Singers, teaches privately and at
two local schools. Jenn has also led the CYMC
Festival Chorus. This lecture will address the
basic elements of directing a choir, including
selecting repertoire, conducting style and
techniques, developing healthy vocal
techniques, creating community, rehearsal
strategies, and performance considerations.
Jazz music is like a big tent with many rooms
and a few holes in the roof. There are many
sub-types of jazz, and it may be hard to tell at
times whether you are inside or outside the
tent! Dale Graham and Rick Husband take
you on a musical tour through the rooms of
jazz, and entertain you along the way.
October 13
June Cannon
June grew up in Scotland, in a musical
family, and started playing traditional fiddle
at an early age, guided by her father and
grandfather. She will be giving us a crash
course in Celtic music – where it comes from,
where it is played now, instruments and types
of tunes played. In a brief demonstration
we will learn the differences between Irish,
Scottish, and other Celtic styles of music and
dance. The lecture concludes with a short
performance of some Celtic fiddle tunes.
October 27
Doug Cox
Doug Cox will give us insight into producing
the Vancouver Island MusicFest for the past
15 years. In addition he will discuss what
life is like as an International touring/studio/
teaching musician, and finally he will talk
about culture and music in the Comox Valley
- where we have been and where we may be
headed in the future.
November 3
Sarah Hagen
This well known local musician will talk about
her life as a freelance classical pianist. As an
artist who always felt that music chose her,
she’ll share her viewpoint on the sacrifices
and rewards, the discipline and the bliss
that are a part of an independent musician’s
life. In addition, Sarah will perform some of
her favorite pieces to further illustrate her
November 24
Pippa Williams
Pippa Williams is the Musical Director of
the Strathcona Symphony Orchestra, our
local orchestra. After a brief history of the
orchestra she will explain how it gives local
musicians an opportunity to participate in
a large ensemble and improve their playing
abilities. Pippa will explain how she selects
a suitable repertoire. The lecture will finish
with a short performance of some of their
December 1
Diane Maxsted, Lindsey Sterk, Lori Mazey
Drawing from archives and primary sources,
Comox Valley Youth Music Centre will give
a brief retrospective into the beginnings of
CYMC, when it was known as Courtenay
Youth Music Camp. Discover the influence
that early Artistic and Musical Directors,
whose names read like a Who’s- Who of the
Canadian cultural scene, had in shaping the
high production standards that are still part
of the CYMC story today. Many international
careers were launched for students at this
summer camp.
The North Island College registration system registers only 212
people for the Lecture Series. Each week there are some empty
For those members who are registered, it is recommended that
seats as not everyone can attend every single Saturday. Members
they be seated at least ten minutes prior to the beginning of the
of ElderCollege may pay $10.00 on a first come basis for those
lecture so that empty seats can be made available.
empty seats.
2012 FALL
ELDERCOLLEGE • Tel: 250.334.5000 (Local 4602) • Email: eldercollegeCV@nic.bc.ca
FALL 2012
Courses at a Glance
The Atmosphere:
Our Fragile Shield
CVEC 6318
2:30 - 4:00
Editing Digital Photographs 10:30 - 12:30
CVEC 2765
Get a Grip on Opera
CVEC 1835
In Search of the Trojan War
CVEC 6270
1:00 - 4:00
11:30 - 1:00
Retire to the Life You Design 8:30 - 10:00
CVEC 5710
CVEC 1885
4:00 - 5:30
Afternoon with CV Authors
CVEC 2250
Beginners Conversational
CVEC 2461
Big History
CVEC 6319
1:00 - 2:30
11:30 - 1:00
11:30 - 1:00
Building a Personal Web Page 3:00 - 5:00
CVEC 4612
Increasing Trail Walking
CVEC 5505
11:30 - 1:00
10:00 - 12:00 Note: The Oct 18 & Oct 25 class are on Thursday all
other classes are on Tuesday.
Scenic Hikes
CVEC 5525
1:00 - 4:00
Art in Paris, 1890 - 1920
CVEC 1950
1:00 - 3:00
4:00 - 5:30
1:00 - 4:00
CVEC 6328
2:30 - 5:30
1:00 - 5:00
Nov 16
Intermediate Mac Computers10:30 - 12:30
CVEC 4555
After Alfred
CVEC 6267
1:00 - 5:00
Oct 5
Joy of Beer
CVEC 7350
Building the Brain
Through Music
CVEC 1850
1:00 - 5:00
Oct 26
Comox Valley Land Trust
CVEC 6316
1:00 - 5:00
Nov 9
Four Story Forest
CVEC 6321
1:00 - 5:00
Oct 12
Social Saunters
CVEC 5515
4:00 - 5:30
10:00 - 12:00
Strangeness of Time
CVEC 6110
11:30 1:00
T’ai Chi Chu’uan for Health 11:30 - 1:00
CVEC 5450
The Gene Revolution
1:00 - 5:00
CVEC 5645
Oct 19
10:30 - 12:00
11:30 - 1:00
iPad Level 1
CVEC 4571
10:00 - 11:30
Oct 5 & 12
Comox Valley Watersheds
CVEC 6315
11:30 - 1:00
iPad Level 2
CVEC 4572
10:00 - 11:30
Oct 19 & Nov 9
India: Raj to Present
CVEC 6445
2:30 - 4:00
A Journey of One’s Own
CVEC 5915
1:00 - 5:00
Oct 26
Scenic Walks with Dogs
CVEC 5521
1:00 - 4:00
Looking at Greek Vases
CVEC 1650 1:00 - 5:00
Nov 23
Scenic Saunters
CVEC 5510
1:00 - 3:00
Maintaining Health in a
Toxic World CVEC 5642
1:00 - 5:00
Nov 2
World Religions I
CVEC 6280
1:00 - 2:30
Mature Drivers
CVEC 5760
1:00 - 5:00
Nov 2
Writers Workshop
10:00 - 1:00
Nuclear Power
1:00 - 5:00
CVEC 2310
CVEC 6360
Oct 5
Old World Wines
1:00 - 5:00
CVEC 7378
Oct 19
Digital Photography
CVEC 2750
Power in the Middle East
CVEC 6450
11:30 - 1:30
10:00 - 11:30
8:30 - 10:30
Taoist T’ai Chi:Art of Health 11:30 - 1:00
CVEC 5455
Day Hikes
CVEC 5530
10:00 - 4:00
1:00 - 4:00
Photo Sharing and Editing
CVEC 4780
Smart Phones
CVEC 4010 Computer Maintenance
CVEC 4113
1:30 - 3:30
iPad Enthusiasts
CVEC 4573
1:00 - 3:00
1:30 - 3:30
Nov 16 & 23
11:30 - 1:00
Oct 26 & Nov 2
Lecture Series
CVEC 9000
No classes Monday, Oct 8 & Monday, Nov 12
Class Schedules are subject to change. Please go online at www.nic.bc.ca/ec to
confirm dates and times
Introduction to Body Talk 1:00 - 5:00
CVEC 6620
Beginning Spanish for Seniors
CVEC 2480
Basics: Mac Computers
CVEC 4550
Film and Politics
CVEC 1725
A Brief History of Theatre
CVEC 1775 Art Appreciation/ART21
CVEC 1980
Bridge:Introduction to Bidding 2:30 - 4:00
CVEC 6252
Great Books
CVEC 6210
Wednesday Oct 3 &10
Sundays Oct 14 - Nov 18 CVEC 4920
10:00 - 12:00
NIC/ElderCollege ID Cards
Don’t forget to pick up your ElderCollege
Photo ID at the Registration Office! This
entitles you to access the Library and
Computer Lab.
ELDERCOLLEGE • Tel: 250.334.5000 (Local 4602) • Email: eldercollegeCV@nic.bc.ca