January 2013 Newsletter - Lowell First Church-Home
January 2013 Newsletter - Lowell First Church-Home
January 2013, Volume 23, No. 1 Pastor’s Perspective Dear Friends, What does the word, “multiplying” mean to you? Do you start thinking about math homework? Do you start thinking about how your debt doubled or tripled in the past couple months? Do you start thinking about how blessed you are, and how those blessings have themselves doubled or tripled in recent days? What does that word conjure up in you? Francis Chan in his new book, Multiply, suggests that for every disciple or follower of Jesus’ way of living life, there should be an intentional and missional passion for seeing others find Jesus’ way of life too. At LFC, I believe we have that passion! I see it lived out in our corporate decisions and our weekly worship gatherings– we are together a people who desire to be disciples multiplying disciples! But what about you? Do you personally have that passion? Can I tell you some shocking news? The secret to the Good News of God’s love was not just Jesus. I know...I am either going to be struck with lightning for making such a comment or I have at least peaked your interest long enough to hear me out. I mean, really, if God’s Good News was introduced only in Jesus, the whole mission and ministry would have been wrapped up in the three brief ministry years of Jesus. That would have been it. Now don’t get me wrong, those three years were significant (especially if you are a healed passerby, or if you happened to be a fisherman who hung out with the very Son of God)! But the story doesn’t end there, does it? The Story of God’s Good News doesn’t end because at the conclusion of his earthly ministry, the resurrected Jesus promises His Spirit– the very Spirit of God– would come and empower the disciples to be disciple makers! And it is an amazing story, albeit quite messy since humans can tend more towards human spirit than Continued on page 2... The Monthly Newsletter of Lowell First Church of the Nazarene Phone: 978.453.1063; Fax: 978.453.1800; MVCDS: 978.452.2462; E-mail: churchoffice@lowellfirstchurch.org Web Site: www.LowellFirstChurch.org How & Who To Contact: Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm Church Office Contact Information: Phone: 978.453.1063; Fax: 978.453.1800 MVCDS: 978.452.2462 E-mail: churchoffice@lowellfirstchurch.org All God’s People Ministers Dr. John V. Megyesi Senior Pastor Kim Ho Tom Quattrociocchi Pastoral Staff Denise Beausoleil Office Administrator Arlene Hardy Director, (MVCDS) Merrimack Valley Christian Day School LFC’s Weekly Ministries: Sunday School (for all ages) ~ 9:30am Cambodian Worship Service ~ 9:30am Pastor’s Prayer Team ~ 10:30am Pastors Perspective cont. Divine, but it is an amazing testimony of what God can do in those who daily follow Jesus, seeking to multiply the effects of the “Kingdom Come On Earth” as they did everything in their power and by the Holy Spirit’s power to make fishers of men, women and children. As we begin this new year, it will be our congregational call to invite you (with everything you’ve got) to carry on that mission of multiplication! Beginning with our Wesleyan Covenant Service on January 6th, we will be talking about attending to each other and Christ as a faithful community in Christ. (Remember, the words of this covenant will be very pretty and sweet, but to join in such a covenant means that we are willing to make the commitment to be there for each other in the joys AND the pains of life, no matter “who” they might be. And this also means that we will consider more deeply our personal commitment to Christ through the community– this means that we need to ask God if we are being faithful in our giving of time, talents and treasures!) And right away on January 13th, we will talk about how that commitment calls us out into our local community and world with invitations to the free life God offers to ‘disciples’ of Jesus spiritfreeing way of life. I’m glad you are on that journey with us and I pray that God stirs within you a passion to multiply. For He who began a good work is faithful among the faithful to complete it! Making Steps To Multiply, (Anyone invited!) Sunday Worship Celebration ~ 10:45am Sunday Night House Church ~ 6:00pm Wednesday Night Family Ministries 7:00pm -Caravan Program (September-June) -Apex Youth Ministries -Adult Bible Study -Choir Rehearsal (September-June) Pastor Megyesi To Mark & Joy Metcalfe on the birth of their grandson, Levi Emmanuel Patnode on Friday, December 14th! and To Arlene Hardy on the birth of her granddaughter, Charlotte Kay Steiling on Tuesday, December 18th! Nazarene Missions International Kathi Brockman, Missions President Work and Witness- Are you interested in participating in Work and Witness? If you are, please contact Kathi Brockman or Pastor Tom. We are creating a planning team to begin thinking about how and where we may serve. The Open Pantry Of Greater Lowell January Item–Canned Vegetables CCKs (Crisis Care Kits) January Item–Hand Towels LFC “Souper Bowl” Soup & Chili Fest- Do people gush about your soup, stew, chili, or chowder? Well, this is your chance to enter your creations into the LFC Mission Council’s “Souper Bowl” Soup & Chili Festimmediately following morning service on Sunday, February 3rd! Sign up at the welcome center and feel free to enter more than one item. All soup, stew, chili, and chowder recipes will be voted on and certificates will be presented for the best entries. Don’t have an item to enter? Don’t fret! We also need donations of bread, salad w/ dressing, and desserts so sign up at the welcome center today! Nonperishable food items for the food pantry will be collected at the door. The LFC Missions Council presents…Nazflicks’New Movies for the New Year! We’ve added new movies to the Nazflicks movie list and invite you to sign up to rent one of our new films featuring Gigi: God’s Little Princess, Hoop Dogz, iShine volumes 1 and 2, Max Lucado 3:16, Paige Armstrong’s Sermonettes, The Public Life of Sissy Pike, Love at First Sight, Relapse, Sunday Bible Toons, and Veg gie Tales: Girl Power, Larry Boy and the Fib from Outer Space, and Sweetpea Beauty. Haven’t rented a Nazflicks film yet? No need to worry! LFC is making a variety of Christian movies available for you to borrow! From children’s films to teen films, family films to romance, comedies to documentaries…there’s something for everyone. See Becky for more information. NazFlicks brings Christian movies to you! Watch by yourself, with family, or with friends…share the life-changing word of God through film. Coming to a foyer near you Sunday, January 6th, 2013! *While LFC does not fully endorse the contents of each movie, we do encourage the watching of these movies as a way of informing or clarifying our personal convictions and faith. For more information on any Missions item, please visit the Nazarene Missions International (NMI) table in the foyer . Cambodian Congregation News Pastor Kim Ho Out with the old and in with the new! Year 2013 has arrived! Each year seems to arrive so quickly. Every year I enjoy watching the ball drop at Times Square in New York City. This Ball Drop is updated every year in accordance with new technologies. I am inspired with great joy in my heart that I have Jesus as my Savior. I really thank God for His love and the riches of His grace provided so abundantly to us as His dear children. In this New Year I pray that God will guide us into a new Vision, new Hope, Peace, Joy and Faith, and will bring these promises into the lives of other Cambodians in the Lowell community. Let us humbly trust in Him and praise Him for He has shown us such revelations of His will. Happy New Year! MVCDS News Merrimack Valley Christian Day School Our January events include Parent/Teacher conferences/ progress reports, as well as Pastor John's Bible Story (Manna) Pizza from Heaven on the 17th. Then, on January 30th we will talk about Martin Luther King's dream and enjoy a Winter Festival! We wish everyone a HAPPY, HEALTHY and BLESSED NEW YEAR! Arlene Hardy, Director A Quality Education in a Distinctively Christian Environment For information or a tour, please stop by the office or contact Arlene Hardy or Sheila Robinson @ 978-452-2462 or visit us on the web at loveisthelogo.com Music Ministries Rick Hall, Worship Director All the opportunities to celebrate Christmas go by quickly once the season comes! Jazz Band, Children's Musical, Christmas Eve...probably became a blur... hopefully a joyful blur that left your heart touched by joy and gratitude underneath the tiredness! Thank you to all musicians, directors and technical staff who participated in all of these presentations; it is amazing that so many events involving so much talent come to pass! I would like to invite men and women from grade 9 through senior adult age who are interested in musical involvement in singing, playing an instrument or helping on the technical side to let me know. We would love to have new people join us especially as we begin to look forward to the Easter season of celebration! Blessings! Call me at 978-996-5351 (c) or 978-934-9896 (h) or email me at rh2u5@aol.com for more information. St. Paul’s Soup Kitchen @ Eliot Church, Lowell This month we serve on: Monday, January 28th Questions? Contact Lorrie Arsenault, Pastor Tom or the Church Office if you would like to volunteer… Volunteers are always welcome! “And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” I Thessalonians 5: 14 “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.” 1 John 1:7b (NIV) Sunday, January 6th, 12:30 pm Taking Down You are invited to join us once The Greens again following the 12 Days of Christmas for a potluck after our Morning Worship Service followed by the return of decorations from around the building- as you know, many hands make light work! Senior Adult Ministries Laura McDonald, Coordinator Making A Difference! Bible Study GroupGenerally we meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month at 10:30 a.m. as Pastor John leads a study which is followed by a homemade lunch prepared by Laura McDonald. All you need to bring is your Bible and an open heart! This month we will meet on January 3rd and 17th for our Bible Study. Also, if you need more information, please contact Laura McDonald at 978-226-5652. And remember, this is the group that will help plan our upcoming Senior Adult Day Trips!!! Interested? =) Sunday School Ministries Denis Desrochers, Superintendent This month I would like to ask everyone that currently attends one of our Sunday School classes to share your experience with me either in person or by email as to how God has used your Sunday School class in your Christian walk. I would like to take some of those experiences and begin sharing these stories. I would encourage you to reach out to others and share how God is working in and through our Sunday School classes each week and show how Sunday School is not only for kids. In every one of our classes we offer each week we have open discussions as to how the Word of God applies to our everyday life. I invite you to come out and join us for Sunday School so we in turn can encourage one another and learn and grow together in Christ. We have classes for every age group and multiple classes for adults. Children’s Sunday School Classes We offer Children’s Sunday School classes for pre-kindergarten – kindergarten ages, and grades 1-6. The classes are filled with fun activities and engaging age appropriate class discussions. Each class also has different Bible lessons, fun crafts, and interactive games each week. We also have nursery and toddler care available during the Sunday School hour. Teen Sunday School Classes We have a class available for Grades 7-12. This interactive class encourages discussion with engaging age appropriate discussions. We will also break the class into smaller groups depending on the subject being discussed. Adult Sunday School Classes Cheryl Conlin and Lillian Ferreira are teaching the curriculum offered by Nazarene Publishing House Pastor John is teaching a conversational study of Psalms Please note: We are still looking for people to help in supporting the Children’s Sunday School program. Please contact Kristi Knepp or Denis Desrochers in the Lay Ministry Office (previously the Sunday School Office) or at mr.dj.des@comcast.net for more information. If you have any questions about any of the classes offered or any questions about Sunday School, please speak to Denis Desrochers in the Sunday School Office or contact Denis Desrochers at mr.dj.des@comcast.net. Have you read this passion inspiring, book yet? Be listening to how you can buy a copy from our Sunday School Ministries this month... Children’s Ministries Kristi Knepp, Children’s Director Caravan News Becky Morse, Director Our Caravan Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, January 9th from 7-7:30PM in the Sanctuary. All children, parents, and members of the congregation are welcome to join us in celebrating all that our Caravan scouts have accomplished so far. Caravan will resume from 7:30-8pm that evening, following the ceremony. The Caravan scouts will be selling Valentine’s Day Lollipops for 50 cents each in the foyer before and after Sunday church services. Lollipops can be purchased Sunday, January 20th, January 27th, and February 3rd. When you purchase a lollipop, you will be asked to address it to someone at church and these small cards will then be tied to the lollipops by Caravan scouts to be delivered to the recipients on Sunday, February 10th…just in time for Valentine’s Day! On Wednesday, February 6th, there will be a Caravan Meeting at 6:30PM in Room A5 for leaders, parents, and anyone interested in volunteering. We will be discussing March and April events, including the Blue & White Dinner and the Pine Car Derby. Caravan is a Christian scouting program for children grades 1-6. Benson’s Buddies is a weekly kids club designed for ages 4 years-first grade. All children ages 4-grade 6 are invited to attend Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm. Registration is ongoing and is $20 per child with a $40 per family cap. The registration amount can be prorated if a child enters Caravan later in the year and does not make up missed badges. Check our LFC Kidz Klub facebook page! NURSERY SCHEDULE More Children’s Ministries stuff... Brenda Hitchcock , Nursery Director JANUARY 2013 9:30 am JAN. 6 Diane Smith Brenda Hitchcock JAN. 13 Kathi Brockman Brenda Hitchcock JAN. 20 Rachel Desrochers Brenda Hitchcock JAN 27 Ruth Allen Brenda Hitchcock 10:30am Meredith Debow Cathy Stewart Julia Hitchcock Peg Jeffrey DJ Jeffrey Brianna Godwin Jessica Sharpe Charlene Babbitt Joe Foley Kendra Strickland Kara Prahl Hannah Maldonado Cricket ChurchJanuary is a wonderful time of new beginnings. We will learn about the Wise Men, how Jesus grew—just as the children in Cricket Church are growing, and we will learn that Jesus went to church when he was little just like all of us. Although the days are cold and we cannot use the playground, we are certain to find ways to create adventures indoors. Hopefully we’ll have a snowman visit our classroom. Let it snow! And we’ll bake and play and sing and show the love of Christ to all who enter the Cricket Church classroom! Love, Mrs. Pam and Pastor Tom “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. “ Luke 2:40 BIRTHDAYS 2- Janice Lunn 3- Daniel Ruiz 4- Dennis Oliver 5- Rita Smith 6- Pam Duchene, Michael Goes, Rachel Gray, Lilliam Trejo 7- Hannah Oliver, Eric Pape 8- Robert Linton 9- Jim Fulton 12- Jonathan Ruiz 15- Colby Arsenault 16- Bradley Marshall 17- Ron Martin 18- Dellorm Adu 20- Nancy Berube, Salvatore BinantiBerube, Harrington Frazier III, Katherine Huang 21- William Holl 24- Aaron Drew, Taylor Homen, 25- Nathan Stewart 28- Brianna Figueroa 29- Rebecca Morse 30- Timothy Marshall, Milly Mellonakos 31- Kathi Brockman, Kevin Coffey, Victoria Hunt, Dylan Knoblaugh, Emily Metcalfe, Matthew Prahl, Janice Prime ANNIVERSARIES 7– Justin & Jennifer Schaefer The Newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month. Contact Lori Jeffrey with updates and information phone: 603-893-6298 e-mail: l.d.jeffrey83@gmail.com mail: 18 Gardner Avenue NYI– Teen Ministries Chris Knepp, Youth Director Upcoming Activities: Bible Quiz practices @ 6PM on Wednesday nights! Youth Group Meetings each week @ 7PM on Wednesday nights! Teen Sunday School @ the Cove Ministry Center—9:30AM! January 1st—Teen Snow Bowl—Tyngsboro January 19th—Teen Tubing—Nashoba January 25-26th—Teen Quiz Meet—Nashua (be looking at our Lowell Youth Group Facebook page for updates and additional activities) Other News... Teen and Adult Toonerville Rook Join us as we meet together for food, fellowship, and fun at our Teen and Adult Toonerville Rook Tournament on Saturday, January 5th at the Metcalfe Manor. Those interested in learning how to play can arrive for a 4:30PM tutorial while the Tournament begins promptly at 5PM. A sign-up form will be available at the Welcome Center and, as always, players are invited to bring drinks or a snack to share as well as any Rook decks they may have. See you there! Tithes & Offerings... Interested in e-giving to support LFC? Check out the GIVE-DONATE tab on our website to register for a very simple way to keep your giving to LFC up-to-date and easy to track. So far we are receiving over $600 each week in e-giving– perhaps this opportunity could really benefit you! January 2013 Sun 6 Communion 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Cambodian Worship— Palm Parlor 10:30a Pastor’s Prayer Team— Sanctuary 10:45a Worship Celebration 12:30p Taking Down The Greens Potluck 1:30p CEC Congregation— Palm Parlor 6p Pepperell House Church 7p Brazilian Presbyterian Congregation—Choir Room 13 Mon 7 10:30a Pastoral Staff Meeting— Pastor John’s Study 6 -8p STEP Program—Lunn Recrearium Tue Wed Thu 1 MVCDS & Church Office are closed 12-3p Teen Snow Bowl—Tyngsboro 2 Family Ministries 3 10:30a Making A 6p NYI Bible Quizzing—S3 7p -Caravan— Classrooms -Youth Ministries—F1 -Adult Bible Study— Palm Parlor -Choir Rehearsal— Sanctuary Difference Bible Study & Lunch— Palm Parlor 6p DBSA Group— Palm Parlor 6p STEP Program —Lunn Recrearium 8 10:30-11a Living Waters Center of Hope Bible Study with Pastor Tom—10 Kirk St., Lowell 9 Family Ministries 10 6p NYI Bible Quizzing — S3 7p -Youth Ministries—F1 7-7:30p Caravan Awards Ceremony—Sanctuary 7:30-8p -Caravan— Classrooms -Adult Bible Study—Palm Parlor -Choir Rehearsal— Sanctuary 6p DBSA Group—F1 6-8p STEP Program—Lunn Recrearium 7p Church Board Meeting—Palm Parlor 14 10:30a Pastoral Staff Meeting— Pastor John’s Study 6-8p STEP Program—Lunn Recrearium 15 10:30-11a Living Waters Center of Hope Bible Study with Pastor Tom—10 Kirk St., Lowell 16 6p NYI Bible Quizzing—S3 7p -Caravan— Classrooms -Youth Ministries—F1 -Adult Bible Study— Palm Parlor -Choir Rehearsal— Sanctuary John’s MVCDS Bible Story Time: (Manna) Pizza From Heaven—Sanctuary 6p DBSA Group— Palm Parlor 6-8p STEP Program —Lunn Recrearium 20 21 22 10:30-11a Living Waters Center of Hope Bible Study with Pastor Tom —10 Kirk St., Lowell 23 Family Ministries 24 6p DBSA Group—Palm Parlor 6-8p STEP Program—Lunn Recrearium 27 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Cambodian Worship—Palm Parlor 10:30a Pastor’s Prayer Team—Sanctuary 10:45a Worship Celebration 1:30p CEC Congregation— Palm Parlor 7p Brazilian Presbyterian Congregation—Choir Room Sat 4 5 9a-1p SDA Congregation— Palm Parlor 11 7p-Living Waters Coffeehouse — Living Waters Center of Hope, 10 Kirk St., Lowell (Pastor Tom) 12 9a-1p SDA Congregation—Palm Parlor 10a District NYI Executive Council Mtg. 2-5p GBNCC Board Meeting —Mattapan NED Youth Leaders Retreat @ WHC 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Cambodian Worship—Palm Parlor 10:30a Pastor’s Prayer Team—Sanctuary 10:45a Worship Celebration 1:30p CEC Congregation —Palm Parlor 6p Pepperell House Church 7p Brazilian Presbyterian Congregation —Choir Rm. 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Cambodian Worship— Palm Parlor 10:30a Pastor’s Prayer Team— Sanctuary 10:45a Worship Celebration 11a-1p Cambodian Congregation Christmas Dinner—Lunn Recrearium 1:30p CEC Congregation—Palm Parlor 6p Pepperell House Church 7p Brazilian Presbyterian Congregation—Choir Room Fri Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Merrimack Valley Christian Day School & Church Office are closed 6-8p STEP Program—Lunn Recrearium 28 4:30p St. Paul’s Soup Kitchen—Eliot Church, Lowell 29 10:30-11a Living Waters Center of Hope Bible Study with Pastor Tom —10 Kirk St., Lowell Family Ministries 6p NYI Bible Quizzing—S3 7p -Caravan— Classrooms -Youth Ministries—F1 -Adult Bible Study— Palm Parlor -Choir Rehearsal— Sanctuary 30 Family Ministries 6p NYI Bible Quizzing—S3 7p -Caravan—Classrooms -Youth Ministries—F1 -Adult Bible Study— Palm Parlor -Choir Rehearsal— Sanctuary 17 9:30a Pastor 18 19 9a-1p SDA Congregation— Palm Parlor 10-11a CCAF— New Life Int’l. Church Teens Snow Tubing—Nashoba (time tbd) 25 26 9a-1p SDA Congregation— Palm Parlor District NMI Council Mtg.— ENC NED NYI Quiz Meet—Nashua (Jan. 25-26) NED Ladies Spiritual Renewal #1 for 2013 (Jan. 25-27) 31 6p DBSA Group—Palm Parlor 6-8p STEP Program—Lunn Recrearium NED Ladies Spiritual Renewal ends February 2013 Sun 3 10 17 24 Mon 4 11 18 25 Tue 5 12 19 26 Wed 6 13 20 27 Thu 7 14 21 28 My times are in Your hands. Psalm 31:15, NIV Fri Sat 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23