NYC ASPDP Professional Development Course Catalog
NYC ASPDP Professional Development Course Catalog
NYC ASPDP Professional Development Course Catalog Spring 2015 Registration Opens on December 15, 2014 Registration Closes on March 4, 2015 Courses begin February 16, 2015 About NaMaYa Our name means purpose…and our purpose is to provide the technology solutions to teachers and schools in order for them to deliver the best opportunity for students to thrive and reach their full potential. NaMaYa’s fully customizable, cloud-based professional development platform delivers feature-rich training materials via any web browser. Select courses from our full library of pre-built training content from leading education experts or upload your own custom training content. NaMaYa PD is ideal for cost effectively delivering a wide variety of online training courses, skill development resources, and legal compliance seminars for teachers, administrators and other education system personnel. Individual teachers can earn credit toward their 5-year recertification requirements, to meet salary increase requirements, or even a Master’s degree. They will enjoy professionally facilitated, self-paced courses supported by online professional learning groups to help increase the communication and learning options. 2 Table of Contents About NaMaYa 2 21st Century Learning 4 Effective Instruction 8 Special Education 14 Leading Effective Schools 17 Common Core 21 Graduate Credit / Master’s Program 30 Course Instructors/Content Creators 31 3 21st Century Learning Educators will learn how to leverage technology to create an engaging and personalized environment to meet the emerging educational needs of this generation. 214 Digital Citizenship: Teaching Safe and Effective Use of Technology Instructor: Glenda Springer Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students for a world and a society steeped technology. This course focuses on helping teachers and their students develop an understanding of technology's opportunities and limitations. The goal of this course is to make participants conversant in the terms, perspectives and resources associated with digital citizenship in their professional practice, and to consider ways to integrate digital citizenship into their classrooms. Participants will create their own ePortfolio using free, publicly available Web 2.0 tools that will be used to increase their digital presence and enhance their professional practice. Topics addressed include understanding the digital footprint, technological bias, technological impacts on individuals, society and the environment; integrating media literacy into the curriculum, and addressing online behavior and safety, as well as "hot button" issues, such as sexting and cyberbulling. 242 Enriched Learning Projects Instructor: James A. Bellanca In this on-line course, participants examine Project Based Learning as an innovative and integrative model for teaching and learning within the Common Core English Language Arts Standards. Participants will investigate with the PBL model by differentiating projects as a means to increase students’ academic success and 21st Century Skills. Participants will explore how to engage students’ motivation and provide a powerful tool for differentiating instruction. Participants are guided to select Common Core ELA standards that align with grade level being taught and topic selected. Danielson Components are integrated in each “create” lesson and module using evidence based instructional strategies and authentic assessment tools. In addition, participant selects one component and sets it as a goal to improve during the teaching with the designed lessons and projects. Individuals may also select National Board Proficiencies to add to this requirement. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 4 21st Century Learning (cont.) 219 Guiding Girls Through Relational Aggression Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This course provides an overview of relational aggression, female bullying, and the dynamics that lead to the causes and effects of this phenomenon. Each succeeding module enriches and leads to in-depth knowledge of the types of relational aggression, what feeds and diminishes the bullying, and how to help girls learn to make positive choices to solve their own friendship problems. Relational aggression is the predominant method of bullying used by females. Starting as early as 2.5 years, this dynamic can interfere with relationships and academic progress in grade school girls, tweens, and teens. Without understanding the dynamics of relational aggression, many girls don’t realize their ways of relating might actually be bullying. Some girls know exactly what they’re doing. Without intervention, relational aggression can persist. 226 No Child Held Back – Creating a New Vision for 21st Century Learning Instructor: Michael DeMario No Child Held Back is an approach to education that allows every child to thrive. Every child - no matter his or her socioeconomic background, learning style, or life circumstances. This approach was not developed in a vacuum. The world around us has reached an inflection point at which we have sufficient technological maturity, and global connectivity to deliver all the major elements that will allow us to fulfil this important work. This course will allow educators to research the foundations of No Child Held Back and how to utilize the program to inspire all students to reach their full personal and academic potential. This course will teach educators how to get real help, real help you need and deserve to ensure success for you and your students in the classroom and beyond. This course will stress how to differentiate instruction on the individual level in order to maintain high student motivation, as well as keeping aligned with the new rigorous Common Core State Standards. 230 The Flipped Classroom Instructor: Michael DeMario One of the hottest buzz phrases in education today is the “flipped classroom.” The premise behind the flipped classroom is to create an environment where the lecture and homework aspects of a course are reversed. Today’s student, who is more tech savvy than ever before, is equipped to access content at home, replacing the traditional in-class lecture. This then allows for class time to be spent applying concepts and completing guided practice activity with an increased opportunity for student questioning. Flipped lessons provide for more active learning opportunities with students taking more responsibility reaching learning objectives. This course will analyze the theories and research supporting flipped lessons, as well as introduce educators to online tools and resources to create a successful and meaningful flipped experience. Participants will explore and utilize many free resources including TED TALKS, Khan Academy and the NY Times. 5 21st Century Learning (cont.) 231 What Every Teacher Should Know About the Brain and Learning Instructor: Dr. Donna Walker Tileston This course examines how learning occurs and the implications for helping all students to be successful. Participants will look at the factors that identify being smart and the factors that label us as slow learners or overachievers. Participants will look at the factors that help students take in information at a more efficient rate and the factors that help students to retrieve information from long-term memory. Information on the importance of activating prior knowledge and on providing opportunities for reflection will be discussed. Participants will learn tactics to help students learn and remember declarative knowledge and the importance of procedural tools. Participants will make connections between the information on how learning occurs to ways to prepare and teach effective lessons. Instruction is focused on providing participants with information and practice that will lead to greater awareness of the factors that affect learning and how to maximize positive teaching tools in the classroom. 232 What Every Teacher Should Know About Today’s Diverse Learners Instructor: Dr. Donna Walker Tileston Success in the classroom is not just a matter of knowing your subject; it is a matter of knowing your students. Having a working knowledge of the human development of students in regard to mental, physical, social, and emotional development can be critical to the success of the teaching and learning experience. Early practitioners believed that students came to the classroom as a blank slate ready to be filled by the all-knowing teacher. Today's educators know that students come to the classroom with a variety of experiences and prerequisite skills for learning, and that the teacher is more coach and mentor than imparter of all knowledge. This course will provide teachers of any grade level and discipline with realistic information, strategies, and practices related to teaching students today. Participants will look at the factors that make students diverse and the instructional implications for teaching to diverse populations. Information on building resiliency, fostering a sense of community within the classroom, the importance of teaching to student modalities and the effects of poverty on student learning are included. 6 Group Purchase Discounts Available. 21st Century Learning (cont.) 237 Blended Learning for Beginners Instructor: Michael DeMario Blended learning has continued to gain momentum in the world of education in recent years. Many teachers would love to try blended learning, but don’t know where to start. This course will explain the basics of blended learning and introduce the participant to basic and easy resources to start implementing blended learning into their classrooms tomorrow! Participants will create worksheets, lesson plans and a unit plan that put blended learning into practice. As an instructional tool, blended learning has the power to continue transforming the face of modern education - be an element of change! This course is appropriate for all K-12 educators. 234 Cultural Responsiveness in Every Classroom Instructor: Sharrokky Hollie This course is an in-depth analysis of the theory and practice of cultural diversity in educational contexts through the specific lens of culture and language, using the principles of culturally and linguistically pedagogy. In particular, teachers in urban multicultural environments will be prepared with key culturally compatible instructional strategies and the utilization of appropriate materials and methods for working with culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse student populations. 7 Group Purchase Discounts Available. Effective Instruction Interested on how to be a more effective teacher? How to master project based learning and cultural responsiveness? NaMaYa offers the latest courses to increase your effectiveness. 236 Collaborative Practices for Inclusive Classrooms Instructor: Toby Karten Students in inclusion classrooms present varying learning, social, behavioral, emotional, communicative, physical, perceptual, sensory, and cultural levels, backgrounds, and challenges that require specific instructional plans, strategies, and supports. This diversity necessitates the thoughtful and innovative expertise of leaders, coaches, and both general and special education staff who collaboratively assist students. This online learning environment explores how inclusion interventions, grounded on principles like establishing prior knowledge, differentiated instruction, universal design for learning, multiple intelligences, multisensory approaches, peer mentoring, self-determination, and cooperative learning organize an inclusive general education classroom. Assignments include readings, discussion posts, reactionary papers, online research, and the completion of an inclusion portfolio. Feedback will be ongoing throughout the term by completing inclusion checklists, lesson note templates, and inclusion improvement plans. Required Materials and Texts: Inclusion Coaching for Collaborative Schools (Book) 212 Creating Learning Classrooms: Support for Danielson Framework Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn One of the challenges facing today’s teachers is the fact that today’s students need to acquire skills habits of mind that were not the focus of classrooms in the past when the focus was on learning content. Today’s students need to now learn not only the content, but how to work with that content in a manner that requires them to work collaboratively with others to analyze information and solve problems, communicate using academic language, take risks and try ideas, make judgments, and be innovative and creative. Unlike some aspects of the academic content, these skills and habits of mind are not something that can be learned through direct instruction. Students need to experience the content through lessons in classrooms that encourage the development of these 21st Century skills and habits of mind. The focus of this course is to provide educators and leaders proven methods and support for transforming their teaching space into a 21st Century learning classroom. This interactive course is designed for jobembedded learning and practical application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the classroom design and practices that are essential in learning classrooms. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 8 Effective Instruction (cont.) 214 Digital Citizenship: Teaching Safe and Effective Use of Technology Instructor: Glenda Springer Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students for a world and a society steeped technology. This course focuses on helping teachers and their students develop an understanding of technology's opportunities and limitations. The goal of this course is to make participants conversant in the terms, perspectives and resources associated with digital citizenship in their professional practice, and to consider ways to integrate digital citizenship into their classrooms. Participants will create their own ePortfolio using free, publicly available Web 2.0 tools that will be used to increase their digital presence and enhance their professional practice. Topics addressed include understanding the digital footprint, technological bias, technological impacts on individuals, society and the environment; integrating media literacy into the curriculum, and addressing online behavior and safety, as well as "hot button" issues, such as sexting and cyberbulling. 217 ELLs; Creating Systematic Change for Academic Achievement Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This comprehensive instructional course provides educators and administrators with research-based methods to effectively address the needs of English Language Learners in daily classroom practices in order to meet state English Language Proficiency and content area standards. The focus of this course is to support educators in identifying the needs of their English Language Learners and learning how to plan and facilitate a classroom where all learners can engage in structured interactions to develop and practice Academic English tied to content concepts. They will be introduced to a seven step process including; organizing a classroom where all children are involved in the learning process, how to plan focused learning objectives tied to standards, strategies for developing academic vocabulary and structures that students can use to practice and apply content and language in meaningful ways. This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to think through how to better incorporate the instructional practices necessary for ELLs. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 9 Effective Instruction (cont.) 242 Enriched Learning Projects Instructor: James A. Bellanca In this on-line course, participants examine Project Based Learning as an innovative and integrative model for teaching and learning within the Common Core English Language Arts Standards. Participants will investigate with the PBL model by differentiating projects as a means to increase students’ academic success and 21st Century Skills. Participants will explore how to engage students’ motivation and provide a powerful tool for differentiating instruction. Participants are guided to select Common Core ELA standards that align with grade level being taught and topic selected. Danielson Components are integrated in each “create” lesson and module using evidence based instructional strategies and authentic assessment tools. In addition, participant selects one component and sets it as a goal to improve during the teaching with the designed lessons and projects. Individuals may also select National Board Proficiencies to add to this requirement. 219 Guiding Girls Through Relational Aggression Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This course provides an overview of relational aggression, female bullying, and the dynamics that lead to the causes and effects of this phenomenon. Each succeeding module enriches and leads to in-depth knowledge of the types of relational aggression, what feeds and diminishes the bullying, and how to help girls learn to make positive choices to solve their own friendship problems. Relational aggression is the predominant method of bullying used by females. Starting as early as 2.5 years, this dynamic can interfere with relationships and academic progress in grade school girls, tweens, and teens. Without understanding the dynamics of relational aggression, many girls don’t realize their ways of relating might actually be bullying. Some girls know exactly what they’re doing. Without intervention, relational aggression can persist. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 10 Effective Instruction (cont.) 223 Interventions for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Differences Instructor: Toby Karten This course provides strategies for staff that instructs or develops instructional programs for students with dyslexia and other reading differences. Learn how to align the appropriate interventions to strengthen literacy skills across the curriculum. Help learners develop compensatory strategies with fluency, sound-symbol association, reading comprehension, vocabulary, written expression, and auditory processing skills to become better readers. Specific emphasis will include how to infuse technology with the appropriate digital tools to increase the reading skills and level of students. 225 Mastering Project Based Learning Instructor: Thom Markham Mastering Project Based Learning, a 12-week online course that will help you learn world class best practices for project based learning (PBL). Regardless of your subject or grade level, you will find this course gives you the exact tools and methods necessary for designing and delivering a well-crafted project in your classroom. In the 12 weeks, you’ll move through several distinct phases of learning about PBL. Initially, you will learn the methods and requirements for setting up the classroom environment and norms that are essential for PBL. Once launched, you will then begin to use the key design principles necessary to plan a project, including setting up the problem and crafting an assessment plan. From there, you will be exposed to a broad range of field-tested techniques and strategies that help move the project along smoothly, and that lead to a successful conclusion of the project. By the end of the course, your project plan will be complete—and ready to go. 226 No Child Held Back – Creating a New Vision for 21st Century Learning Instructor: Michael DeMario No Child Held Back is an approach to education that allows every child to thrive. Every child - no matter his or her socioeconomic background, learning style, or life circumstances. This approach was not developed in a vacuum. The world around us has reached an inflection point at which we have sufficient technological maturity, and global connectivity to deliver all the major elements that will allow us to fulfil this important work. This course will allow educators to research the foundations of No Child Held Back and how to utilize the program to inspire all students to reach their full personal and academic potential. This course will teach educators how to get real help, real help you need and deserve to ensure success for you and your students in the classroom and beyond. This course will stress how to differentiate instruction on the individual level in order to maintain high student motivation, as well as keeping aligned with the new rigorous Common Core State Standards. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 11 Effective Instruction (cont.) 228 Strategies for Meeting the Needs of Students with Emotional Disabilities Instructor: Michael DeMario Students with emotional disabilities are being educated in the mainstream setting at an increasing rate. This course will provide strategies and techniques for meeting the needs of the emotionally disabled student in the mainstream classroom. Participants will research, analyze and develop strategies on building positive personal relationships with students and behavior modification. This course will offer recent research on behavior modification programs and their implementation in the classroom. Through internet articles, websites and case studies, participants will focus on how to provide the essential structure that students with E.D. require, even during “unstructured” activities and transitions. This course is beneficial for both regular and special education teachers. 230 The Flipped Classroom Instructor: Michael DeMario One of the hottest buzz phrases in education today is the “flipped classroom.” The premise behind the flipped classroom is to create an environment where the lecture and homework aspects of a course are reversed. Today’s student, who is more tech savvy than ever before, is equipped to access content at home, replacing the traditional in-class lecture. This then allows for class time to be spent applying concepts and completing guided practice activity with an increased opportunity for student questioning. Flipped lessons provide for more active learning opportunities with students taking more responsibility reaching learning objectives. This course will analyze the theories and research supporting flipped lessons, as well as introduce educators to online tools and resources to create a successful and meaningful flipped experience. Participants will explore and utilize many free resources including TED TALKS, Khan Academy and the NY Times. 245 What Does it Mean to be on the Spectrum? Instructor: Michael DeMario We have all heard the expression, “on the spectrum,” but what does it mean? What implications would this have on your classroom? This courses will review the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Participants will examine best instructional practices and methodologies. This course is appropriate for all teachers K-12. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 12 Effective Instruction (cont.) 231 What Every Teacher Should Know About the Brain and Learning Instructor: Dr. Donna Walker Tileston This course examines how learning occurs and the implications for helping all students to be successful. Participants will look at the factors that identify being smart and the factors that label us as slow learners or overachievers. Participants will look at the factors that help students take in information at a more efficient rate and the factors that help students to retrieve information from long-term memory. Information on the importance of activating prior knowledge and on providing opportunities for reflection will be discussed. Participants will learn tactics to help students learn and remember declarative knowledge and the importance of procedural tools. Participants will make connections between the information on how learning occurs to ways to prepare and teach effective lessons. Instruction is focused on providing participants with information and practice that will lead to greater awareness of the factors that affect learning and how to maximize positive teaching tools in the classroom. 232 What Every Teacher Should Know About Today’s Diverse Learners Instructor: Dr. Donna Walker Tileston Success in the classroom is not just a matter of knowing your subject; it is a matter of knowing your students. Having a working knowledge of the human development of students in regard to mental, physical, social, and emotional development can be critical to the success of the teaching and learning experience. Early practitioners believed that students came to the classroom as a blank slate ready to be filled by the allknowing teacher. Today's educators know that students come to the classroom with a variety of experiences and prerequisite skills for learning, and that the teacher is more coach and mentor than imparter of all knowledge. This course will provide teachers of any grade level and discipline with realistic information, strategies, and practices related to teaching students today. Participants will look at the factors that make students diverse and the instructional implications for teaching to diverse populations. Information on building resiliency, fostering a sense of community within the classroom, the importance of teaching to student modalities and the effects of poverty on student learning are included. 237 Blended Learning for Beginners Instructor: Michael DeMario Blended learning has continued to gain momentum in the world of education in recent years. Many teachers would love to try blended learning, but don’t know where to start. This course will explain the basics of blended learning and introduce the participant to basic and easy resources to start implementing blended learning into their classrooms tomorrow! Participants will create worksheets, lesson plans and a unit plan that put blended learning into practice. As an instructional tool, blended learning has the power to continue transforming the face of modern education - be an element of change! This course is appropriate for all K-12 educators. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 13 Special Education Courses are designed to ensure that teachers of students with disabilities understand how to create an environment that allows the student to be educated effectively. 236 Collaborative Practices for Inclusive Classrooms Instructor: Toby Karten Students in inclusion classrooms present varying learning, social, behavioral, emotional, communicative, physical, perceptual, sensory, and cultural levels, backgrounds, and challenges that require specific instructional plans, strategies, and supports. This diversity necessitates the thoughtful and innovative expertise of leaders, coaches, and both general and special education staff who collaboratively assist students. This online learning environment explores how inclusion interventions, grounded on principles like establishing prior knowledge, differentiated instruction, universal design for learning, multiple intelligences, multisensory approaches, peer mentoring, self-determination, and cooperative learning organize an inclusive general education classroom. Assignments include readings, discussion posts, reactionary papers, online research, and the completion of an inclusion portfolio. Feedback will be ongoing throughout the term by completing inclusion checklists, lesson note templates, and inclusion improvement plans. Required Materials and Texts: Inclusion Coaching for Collaborative Schools (Book) 223 Interventions for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Differences Instructor: Toby Karten This course provides strategies for staff that instructs or develops instructional programs for students with dyslexia and other reading differences. Learn how to align the appropriate interventions to strengthen literacy skills across the curriculum. Help learners develop compensatory strategies with fluency, soundsymbol association, reading comprehension, vocabulary, written expression, and auditory processing skills to become better readers. Specific emphasis will include how to infuse technology with the appropriate digital tools to increase the reading skills and level of students. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 14 Special Education (cont.) 225 Mastering Project Based Learning Instructor: Thom Markham Mastering Project Based Learning, a 12-week online course that will help you learn world class best practices for project based learning (PBL). Regardless of your subject or grade level, you will find this course gives you the exact tools and methods necessary for designing and delivering a well-crafted project in your classroom. In the 12 weeks, you’ll move through several distinct phases of learning about PBL. Initially, you will learn the methods and requirements for setting up the classroom environment and norms that are essential for PBL. Once launched, you will then begin to use the key design principles necessary to plan a project, including setting up the problem and crafting an assessment plan. From there, you will be exposed to a broad range of field-tested techniques and strategies that help move the project along smoothly, and that lead to a successful conclusion of the project. By the end of the course, your project plan will be complete—and ready to go. 227 Strategies for Implementing the Common Core with Special Education Students Instructor: Michael DeMario The Common Core has brought wide reaching shifts in K-12 education. While much of the emphasis has been placed on particular content areas – there is still much to examine when discussing best practices for implementing Common Core standards in special education classrooms. Participants will examine how to increase reading and writing skills to meet the diverse needs of learners in today’s schools. This course will examine the curriculum changes that have resulted from Common Core and how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of special education students. Participants will develop strategies for teaching note taking skills, reading comprehension skills, math and writing skills. This course is appropriate for all K-12 educators. 228 Strategies for Meeting the Needs of Students with Emotional Disabilities Instructor: Michael DeMario Students with emotional disabilities are being educated in the mainstream setting at an increasing rate. This course will provide strategies and techniques for meeting the needs of the emotionally disabled student in the mainstream classroom. Participants will research, analyze and develop strategies on building positive personal relationships with students and behavior modification. This course will offer recent research on behavior modification programs and their implementation in the classroom. Through internet articles, websites and case studies, participants will focus on how to provide the essential structure that students with E.D. require, even during “unstructured” activities and transitions. This course is beneficial for both regular and special education teachers Group Purchase Discounts Available. 15 Special Education (cont.) 245 What Does it Mean to be on the Spectrum? Instructor: Michael DeMario We have all heard the expression, “on the spectrum,” but what does it mean? What implications would this have on your classroom? This courses will review the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Participants will examine best instructional practices and methodologies. This course is appropriate for all teachers K-12. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 16 Leading Effective Schools Leadership skills, creating learning classrooms, and effectively introducing technology into the curriculum are all areas of study in our courses for Leading Effective Schools. 237 Blended Learning for Beginners Instructor: Michael DeMario Blended learning has continued to gain momentum in the world of education in recent years. Many teachers would love to try blended learning, but don’t know where to start. This course will explain the basics of blended learning and introduce the participant to basic and easy resources to start implementing blended learning into their classrooms tomorrow! Participants will create worksheets, lesson plans and a unit plan that put blended learning into practice. As an instructional tool, blended learning has the power to continue transforming the face of modern education - be an element of change! This course is appropriate for all K-12 educators. 212 Creating Learning Classrooms: Support for Danielson Framework Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn One of the challenges facing today’s teachers is the fact that today’s students need to acquire skills habits of mind that were not the focus of classrooms in the past when the focus was on learning content. Today’s students need to now learn not only the content, but how to work with that content in a manner that requires them to work collaboratively with others to analyze information and solve problems, communicate using academic language, take risks and try ideas, make judgments, and be innovative and creative. Unlike some aspects of the academic content, these skills and habits of mind are not something that can be learned through direct instruction. Students need to experience the content through lessons in classrooms that encourage the development of these 21st Century skills and habits of mind. The focus of this course is to provide educators and leaders proven methods and support for transforming their teaching space into a 21st Century learning classroom. This interactive course is designed for jobembedded learning and practical application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the classroom design and practices that are essential in learning classrooms. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 17 Leading Effective Schools (cont.) 234 Cultural Responsiveness in Every Classroom Instructor: Sharrokky Hollie This course is an in-depth analysis of the theory and practice of cultural diversity in educational contexts through the specific lens of culture and language, using the principles of culturally and linguistically pedagogy. In particular, teachers in urban multicultural environments will be prepared with key culturally compatible instructional strategies and the utilization of appropriate materials and methods for working with culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse student populations. 214 Digital Citizenship: Teaching Safe and Effective Use of Technology Instructor: Glenda Springer Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students for a world and a society steeped technology. This course focuses on helping teachers and their students develop an understanding of technology's opportunities and limitations. The goal of this course is to make participants conversant in the terms, perspectives and resources associated with digital citizenship in their professional practice, and to consider ways to integrate digital citizenship into their classrooms. Participants will create their own ePortfolio using free, publicly available Web 2.0 tools that will be used to increase their digital presence and enhance their professional practice. Topics addressed include understanding the digital footprint, technological bias, technological impacts on individuals, society and the environment; integrating media literacy into the curriculum, and addressing online behavior and safety, as well as "hot button" issues, such as sexting and cyberbulling. 219 Guiding Girls Through Relational Aggression Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This course provides an overview of relational aggression, female bullying, and the dynamics that lead to the causes and effects of this phenomenon. Each succeeding module enriches and leads to in-depth knowledge of the types of relational aggression, what feeds and diminishes the bullying, and how to help girls learn to make positive choices to solve their own friendship problems. Relational aggression is the predominant method of bullying used by females. Starting as early as 2.5 years, this dynamic can interfere with relationships and academic progress in grade school girls, tweens, and teens. Without understanding the dynamics of relational aggression, many girls don’t realize their ways of relating might actually be bullying. Some girls know exactly what they’re doing. Without intervention, relational aggression can persist. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 18 Leading Effective Schools (cont.) 225 Mastering Project Based Learning Instructor: Thom Markham Mastering Project Based Learning, a 12-week online course that will help you learn world class best practices for project based learning (PBL). Regardless of your subject or grade level, you will find this course gives you the exact tools and methods necessary for designing and delivering a well-crafted project in your classroom. In the 12 weeks, you’ll move through several distinct phases of learning about PBL. Initially, you will learn the methods and requirements for setting up the classroom environment and norms that are essential for PBL. Once launched, you will then begin to use the key design principles necessary to plan a project, including setting up the problem and crafting an assessment plan. From there, you will be exposed to a broad range of field-tested techniques and strategies that help move the project along smoothly, and that lead to a successful conclusion of the project. By the end of the course, your project plan will be complete—and ready to go. 226 No Child Held Back – Creating a New Vision for 21st Century Learning Instructor: Michael DeMario No Child Held Back is an approach to education that allows every child to thrive. Every child - no matter his or her socioeconomic background, learning style, or life circumstances. This approach was not developed in a vacuum. The world around us has reached an inflection point at which we have sufficient technological maturity, and global connectivity to deliver all the major elements that will allow us to fulfil this important work. This course will allow educators to research the foundations of No Child Held Back and how to utilize the program to inspire all students to reach their full personal and academic potential. This course will teach educators how to get real help, real help you need and deserve to ensure success for you and your students in the classroom and beyond. This course will stress how to differentiate instruction on the individual level in order to maintain high student motivation, as well as keeping aligned with the new rigorous Common Core State Standards. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 19 Leading Effective Schools (cont.) 229 Teaching, Learning and Leading in the Urban School Setting Instructor: Glenda Springer This course addresses specific issues and challenges faced by educators working in culturally diverse and economically depressed urban school settings. The main components of the course include demographics of the urban community, expectations and attitudes of the urban societies, the classroom and school settings of the inner-city neighborhoods, motivational instructional strategies, relationship building in the classroom and the community, and facilitation of academic success. The learning topics will focus on the substantive, supportive role of the teacher in the classroom, in the school, and the learning community, reflecting the Children First principle that states "Those closest to the students should make the key decisions about what will best help students succeed". Participants will learn innovative practices and procedures, specific strategies and activities, and guidelines for best practices from urban school reform leaders such as David Silver, Larry Rosenstock and Jeff Duncan-Andrade. Compelling research and analysis on whole school improvement is presented by Tony Wagner (co-director of Harvard's Change Leadership Group) and Wendy Kopp (founder of Teach For America). Throughout this course educators will be challenged to analyze and improve their own teaching practices in light of the growing research and increased understanding of the challenges faced by students in the urban school setting. 230 The Flipped Classroom Instructor: Michael DeMario One of the hottest buzz phrases in education today is the “flipped classroom.” The premise behind the flipped classroom is to create an environment where the lecture and homework aspects of a course are reversed. Today’s student, who is more tech savvy than ever before, is equipped to access content at home, replacing the traditional in-class lecture. This then allows for class time to be spent applying concepts and completing guided practice activity with an increased opportunity for student questioning. Flipped lessons provide for more active learning opportunities with students taking more responsibility reaching learning objectives. This course will analyze the theories and research supporting flipped lessons, as well as introduce educators to online tools and resources to create a successful and meaningful flipped experience. Participants will explore and utilize many free resources including TED TALKS, Khan Academy and the NY Times. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 20 Common Core Courses in this segment prepare educators to effectively teach their students to achieve the English Language Arts/Literacy, and Mathematical learning goals. 201 ABCs of the Common Core for English Language Arts Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This comprehensive instructional course provides educators and administrators proven methods to implement Common Core requirements into daily classroom practices, easily and efficiently. This course also provides an understanding of how to use Common Core guidelines for dramatic improvement of teacher effectiveness and achievement of greater student performance. The focus of this course is to support teachers by illustrating how the Common Core State Standards and Standards for English Language Arts can work together to help students master reading, writing, listening and speaking standards. This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the new Common Core State Standards. 202 Advance the Learning Experience in Your Classroom Instructor: Nina Smith This 40-hour self-paced course is designed for K-12 teachers to be embedded into their daily classroom practice. Assignments require direct reflection in the classroom environment to ensure the transfer between action level, learning/pedagogical theories and reflective practice. Participants will learn techniques to facilitate their students learning, and implement learning improvement throughout the curriculum (CCSS). The use of student-centered strategies in the classroom helps teachers to advance their instructional practice and improve their students’ academic performance by making learning more meaningful for students. The intrinsic motivation to learn we all were born with and the desire for self-regulating our own activity seem to be the two inseparable promoters of the natural learning process. Formal education doesn't always succeed in supporting the development of autonomy, which is why helping students make wellinformed choices improves both learning and life skills. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 21 Common Core (cont.) 235 America's Soundtrack: Creating Common Core US History Lessons that Incorporate Music Instructor: Michael DeMario From YouTube to Ipods – today’s student is surrounded by music. Our country's history can be traced through popular music of the times. Why not use this media to motivate student learning? Popular American music has often reflected the political and social climate of its era. Participants in this course will explore, examine, and “rock out” to some of the music that tells the American story. From Civil War music to modern day rap and pop music – participants will create classroom ready lessons to motivate the 21st Century learner, aligned to the common core. This course is appropriate for K-12 history, music and ELA educators. 204 Building Academic Vocabulary and Comprehension – CCSS (Grades K – 5) Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn In order to be College and Career ready, students must have a rich and varied vocabulary that can help them understand what is being said to them and what they read on a daily basis. Appendix A of the Common Core Standards states, " Key to students' vocabulary development is building rich and flexible word knowledge ". This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the new Common Core State Standards, embed vocabulary instruction in ongoing instruction and expand student vocabulary knowledge. 236 Collaborative Practices for Inclusive Classrooms Instructor: Toby Karten Course Description: Students in inclusion classrooms present varying learning, social, behavioral, emotional, communicative, physical, perceptual, sensory, and cultural levels, backgrounds, and challenges that require specific instructional plans, strategies, and supports. This diversity necessitates the thoughtful and innovative expertise of leaders, coaches, and both general and special education staff who collaboratively assist students. This online learning environment explores how inclusion interventions, grounded on principles like establishing prior knowledge, differentiated instruction, universal design for learning, multiple intelligences, multisensory approaches, peer mentoring, self-determination, and cooperative learning organize an inclusive general education classroom. Assignments include readings, discussion posts, reactionary papers, online research, and the completion of an inclusion portfolio. Feedback will be ongoing throughout the term by completing inclusion checklists, lesson note templates, and inclusion improvement plans. Required Materials and Texts: Inclusion Coaching for Collaborative Schools (Book) Group Purchase Discounts Available. 22 Common Core (cont.) 205 CCSS: Engaging Students With Writer’s Workshops (Grades 6-8) Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our lesson application approach. This lesson application environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to think through how to better incorporate the instructional practices necessary for implementing a Writers Workshop approach. The goals and priorities for this course are intended to provide opportunities for teachers to proficiently master implementation of the Common Core standards for English Language Arts, using Writer’s Workshop as a vehicle to provide tangible connections between the standards and real-life, hands-on application of literacy instruction within the classroom through student choice, building confidence as writers and through frequent, ongoing collaboration and dialogue. Writer’s Workshop is based upon the premise of three components to encourage such dialogue, through short, concise mini-lessons, leading into independent writing/conferencing and concluding with share time, known as Author’s Chair. 206 Common Core for Mathematics Made Easy Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This course helps teachers by addressing the question of what should instruction look like with the common core standards? How is it different? How is it the same? This course provides extensive classroom video footage illustrating how the Common Core State Standards and Standards for Mathematical Practices can work together to help students master mathematical concepts. This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the Common Core State Standards. Participants will have access to downloadable participant workbooks, a math content specialist is available for course facilitation, targeted classroom video lesson segments, observational protocols, research documents, extended educational materials, and instructional resources. Participants will explore real instructional challenges that many teachers face in their classrooms and will identify strategies to address such complex issues. This professional development is teacher-directed and student-centered. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 23 Common Core (cont.) 207 Common Core: Engaging Students in Complex Textual Reading (Grades 6-12) Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn Selecting appropriate reading material for students is hard. For decades, teachers have known that quality instruction requires a careful matching of reading materials to students. The goal of selecting materials that is neither too difficult nor too easy for students is a task which needs constant attention and adjustments on the part of the teacher. To ensure that students learn to read increasingly complex texts, teachers have to understand what makes a text hard but also engaging. The introduction of the Common Core State Standards has placed a spotlight on text complexity. This course focuses on the quantitative and qualitative factors of text complexity as well as the ways to engage students in this process. We also examine how close readings of complex texts scaffold students understanding and allow them to develop the skills necessary to read like a detective. This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. 208 Common Core: Engaging Students With Writer’s Workshops (Grades 3-5) Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn This course will provide teachers with specific strategies aligned to the Writer’s Workshop model to seamlessly align instruction with innovative techniques to build students’ confidence as writers. This course provides an understanding of how to use the Common Core standards for English Language Arts for improved teacher effectiveness and student performance and achievement, through the specific lens of Writer’s Workshop. The goals and priorities for this course is intended to provide opportunities for teachers to proficiently master implementation of the Common Core standards for English Language Arts, using Writer’s Workshop as a vehicle to provide tangible connections between the standards and real-life, hands-on application of literacy instruction within the classroom through student choice, building confidence as writers and through frequent, ongoing collaboration and dialogue. Writer’s Workshop is based upon the premise of three components to encourage such dialogue, through short, concise mini-lessons, leading into independent writing/conferencing and concluding with share time, known as Author’s Chair. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 24 Common Core (cont.) 209 Common Core: Engaging Urban Students By Integrating the Arts and ELA/History Social Studies Instructor: Glenda Springer This comprehensive instructional course provides educators and administrators proven methods to integrate the Arts with the implementation of the Common Core ELA/History and Social Studies requirements. This course provides an understanding of how to use the Arts with the Common Core Learning Standards of ELA/History and Social Studies for creative, engaging, and effective lessons or instructional units. This course will improve teacher effectiveness and engagement of urban students for increased student achievement. The focus of this course is to support teachers by illustrating how integrating the Arts with the Common Core Learning Standards in ELA and History/Social Students can work together to help students master reading, writing, listening and speaking standards. This interactive online course is designed for jobembedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This online learning environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the new Common Core Learning Standards in ELA/History and Social Studies and the Arts. 212 Creating Learning Classrooms: Support for Danielson Framework Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn One of the challenges facing today’s teachers is the fact that today’s students need to acquire skills habits of mind that were not the focus of classrooms in the past when the focus was on learning content. Today’s students need to now learn not only the content, but how to work with that content in a manner that requires them to work collaboratively with others to analyze information and solve problems, communicate using academic language, take risks and try ideas, make judgments, and be innovative and creative. Unlike some aspects of the academic content, these skills and habits of mind are not something that can be learned through direct instruction. Students need to experience the content through lessons in classrooms that encourage the development of these 21st Century skills and habits of mind. The focus of this course is to provide educators and leaders proven methods and support for transforming their teaching space into a 21st Century learning classroom. This interactive course is designed for jobembedded learning and practical application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the classroom design and practices that are essential in learning classrooms. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 25 Common Core (cont.) 213 Developing Academic Vocabulary and Deep Comprehension Common Core (Grades 6-12) Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn In order to be College and Career ready, students must have a rich and varied vocabulary that can help them understand what is being said to them and what they read on a daily basis. Appendix A of the Common Core Standards states, "Key to students' vocabulary development is building rich and flexible word knowledge". The focus of this course is to support teachers by helping teachers identify ways to expand student vocabulary knowledge and usage within the content area classroom in grades 6-12. This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the new Common Core State Standards, embed vocabulary instruction in ongoing instruction and expand student vocabulary knowledge. 216 ELA Common Core Activities to Build Reading and Writing Skills Instructor: Michael DeMario This course will give educators the opportunity to research the common core for ELA and successful strategies that will help teachers implement these standards. Participants will examine the changes the common core has brought to the classroom and how to create daily lessons that focus on the goals created by these standards. Lesson plans, activities and assessments will be created with a focus on increased literacy and writing skills. This online course will present teachers with an arsenal of note taking, reading and writing strategies to be used in ELA lessons on any K-12 level. The course work will focus on aligning teachers’ existing lessons and activities to the common core standards. All participants will create a unit plan that incorporates all of the common core strategies that are developed in this course. This course is appropriate for all grade level ELA educators. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 26 Common Core (cont.) 218 Engaging Students in Close Reading to Meet the Common Core (Grades 2-5) Course Creator: Teach N Kids Learn Selecting appropriate reading material for students is hard. For decades, teachers have known that quality instruction requires a careful matching of reading materials to students. The goal of selecting materials that is neither too difficult nor too easy for students is a task which needs constant attention and adjustments on the part of the teacher. To ensure that students learn to read increasingly complex texts, teachers have to understand not only what makes a text hard but also fun and engaging. The introduction of the Common Core State Standards has placed a spotlight on text complexity and the art of close reading. This course focuses on the quantitative and qualitative factors of identifying texts that are neither too difficult nor too easy for students but rather, helps them stretch and grow as readers. We also examine how close reading of complex texts scaffolds student understanding of what they are reading at deeper levels and allows them to develop the skills necessary to read informational text like a detective. This interactive course is designed for job-embedded learning and practical classroom application using our virtual lesson study process. This virtual lesson study environment will help facilitate the process for teachers to better incorporate the instructional practices outlined within the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. 221 Incorporating Common Core Standards into your Social Studies curriculum Instructor: Michael DeMario This course will allow educators the opportunity to research the common core for social studies and successful strategies for its implementation. Participants will explore the changes the common core has brought about to educators across the nation and how to infuse the standards in their daily lessons. Lesson plans, activities and assessments will be created with a focus on increased literacy and writing skills. Participants will utilize dozens of reading, writing, and note taking strategies to use with primary source reading documents. Activities will focus on aligning activities and readings to the common core standards. All participants will create a unit plan that incorporates all of the common core strategies that are analyzed in this course. This course is appropriate for all grade level social studies educators. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 27 Common Core (cont.) 223 Interventions for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Differences Instructor: Toby Karten This course provides strategies for staff that instructs or develops instructional programs for students with dyslexia and other reading differences. Learn how to align the appropriate interventions to strengthen literacy skills across the curriculum. Help learners develop compensatory strategies with fluency, soundsymbol association, reading comprehension, vocabulary, written expression, and auditory processing skills to become better readers. Specific emphasis will include how to infuse technology with the appropriate digital tools to increase the reading skills and level of students. 227 Strategies for Implementing the Common Core with Special Education Students Instructor: Michael DeMario The Common Core has brought wide reaching shifts in K-12 education. While much of the emphasis has been placed on particular content areas – there is still much to examine when discussing best practices for implementing Common Core standards in special education classrooms. Participants will examine how to increase reading and writing skills to meet the diverse needs of learners in today’s schools. This course will examine the curriculum changes that have resulted from Common Core and how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of special education students. Participants will develop strategies for teaching note taking skills, reading comprehension skills, math and writing skills. This course is appropriate for all K-12 educators. 238 Taking Common Core to the ELA K-1 Classroom Instructor: Dr. Donna Tileston It is no longer enough to memorize material and reproduce the factual information on a test in order to be successful in the classroom. Today’s learners must understand and be able to use information in real life situations with rigor and confidence. They not only need to know, they need to know why the information is relevant and useful. They must be able to prove their answers to questions as well. Taking Common Core ELA to the K-1 Classroom is a product of three years of research that includes the strategies needed to master Common Core (and other high stakes tests) and the empirical evidence behind those strategies. Participants will receive lesson examples, black line masters to use in the classroom and a wealth of ideas for teaching to the standards. The information is based on The New Taxonomy of Learning, current brain research, using common formative assessments and how to align Common Core to Response to Learning. Learners will be exposed to cutting edge online materials (owned by this author), articles from periodicals, PowerPoint presentations, video, and threaded discussions. Emphasis is placed on using the course in the participants’ classrooms Course Requires Purchase of a special software package on valued at $45.00. You will get information about this at the start of the course. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 28 Common Core (cont.) 239 Taking Common Core to the ELA 2-5 Classroom Instructor: Dr. Donna Tileston It is no longer enough to memorize material and reproduce the factual information on a test in order to be successful in the classroom. Today’s learners must understand and be able to use information in real life situations with rigor and confidence. They not only need to know, they need to know why the information is relevant and useful. They must be able to prove their answers to questions as well. Taking Common Core ELA to the 2-5 Classroom is a product of three years of research that includes the strategies needed to master Common Core (and other high stakes tests) and the empirical evidence behind those strategies. Participants will receive lesson examples, black line masters to use in the classroom and a wealth of ideas for teaching to the standards. The information is based on The New Taxonomy of Learning, current brain research, using common formative assessments and how to align Common Core to Response to Learning. Course Requires Purchase of a special software package on valued at $45.00. You will get information about this at the start of the course. 240 Taking Common Core to the ELA 6-8 Classroom Instructor: Dr. Donna Tileston It is no longer enough to memorize material and reproduce the factual information on a test in order to be successful in the classroom. Today’s learners must understand and be able to use information in real life situations with rigor and confidence. They not only need to know, they need to know why the information is relevant and useful. They must be able to prove their answers to questions as well. Taking Common Core ELA to the 6-8 Classroom is a product of three years of research that includes the strategies needed to master Common Core (and other high stakes tests) and the empirical evidence behind those strategies. Participants will receive lesson examples, black line masters to use in the classroom and a wealth of ideas for teaching to the standards. The information is based on The New Taxonomy of Learning, current brain research, using common formative assessments and how to align Common Core to Response to Learning. Learners will be exposed to cutting edge online materials (owned by this author), articles from periodicals, PowerPoint presentations, video, and threaded discussions. Emphasis is placed on using the course in the participants’ classrooms. 241 Taking Common Core to the ELA 9-12 Classroom Instructor: Dr. Donna Tileston It is no longer enough to memorize material and reproduce the factual information on a test in order to be successful in the classroom. Today’s learners must understand and be able to use information in real life situations with rigor and confidence. They not only need to know, they need to know why the information is relevant and useful. They must be able to prove their answers to questions as well. Taking Common Core ELA to the 9-12 Classroom is a product of three years of research that includes the strategies needed to master Common Core (and other high stakes tests) and the empirical evidence behind those strategies. Participants will receive lesson examples, black line masters to use in the classroom and a wealth of ideas for teaching to the standards. The information is based on The New Taxonomy of Learning, current brain research, using common formative assessments and how to align Common Core to Response to Learning. Learners will be exposed to cutting edge online materials (owned by this author), articles from periodicals, PowerPoint presentations, video, and threaded discussions. Emphasis is placed on using the course in the participants’ classrooms. Group Purchase Discounts Available. 29 Graduate Credit / Master’s Program NaMaYa has partnered with several of the nation’s finest universities to offer graduate credits and full master’s programs. To find out more about these programs, please visit the website of the schools below. 30 Course Instructors/Content Creators James A. Bellanca James A. Bellanca founded SkyLight Professional Development in 1982. As its president, he mentored more than a dozen author-consultants as he led SkyLight in pioneering the use of strategic teaching and comprehensive professional development. Prior to meta-analyses that marked the effectiveness of cooperative learning, graphic organizers, and other cognitive strategies on student achievement, Bellanca coauthored more than a dozen texts that advocated the application of these tools across the curriculum, with the theme, “not just for the test but for a lifetime of learning.” Currently, Bellanca is building on the theories of cognitive psychologist Reuven Feuerstein to develop more effective responses to the learning needs of low-performing students whose academic achievement continues to lag behind those who have greater learning advantages. Michael DeMario Michael DeMario is a certified special educator who has dedicated his time to working with students with emotional disabilities on Long Island. He has over 10 years of classroom experience working in a variety of special education settings. He is a professional development course developer for school teachers and has been teaching in this capacity for the past four years. Much of his research and focus has surrounded the Common Core State Standards and blended learning models. He is an Adjunct professor at Ashland University and has been teaching graduate level courses there since 2012. He is a member of the Long Island Social Studies Council and has been recognized as a Highly Effective Teacher in New York State. Sharroky Hollie With nearly 25 years of experience as an educator, Sharroky Hollie has worn several hats. He spent 9 years as Language Arts teacher at the high and middle school levels. For 5 years, he was a central office program coordinator in charge of professional development for teachers working specifically in the area of language development for African American students. Sharroky is also the executive director of the Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing stellar professional development for educators desiring to become culturally responsive. With the Center, Sharroky serves as a national expert, traveling around the country training thousands of teachers. Over the past 12 years, Sharroky and his team have worked with over 100,000 educators. 31 Course Instructors/Content Creators (cont.) Toby Karten Toby Karten, a staff developer, instructional coach, educational consultant, author, adjunct professor, and inclusion specialist, has taught populations of learners ranging from kindergarten to graduate level. Ms. Karten’s first publication, Inclusion Strategies That Work! Research-Based Methods for the Classroom, is an international best seller soon to be released in its third edition. Her numerous resources are widely embraced by educators for their practical application and translation of the research into K-12 classrooms. Ms. Karten has been recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children and the N.J. Dept. of Education as an exemplary educator, receiving two “Teacher of the Year” awards. In addition, Toby Karten received an honorary doctorate from Gratz College for her extensive work in the field of Special Education. Ms. Karten assists school staff as they equip students with the knowledge and skills to lead independent productive adult lives. Her ongoing professional goal is to collaborate with teachers to help them effectively deliver the curriculum standards to students within their least restrictive environments, looking at inclusive placements as viable first options. Thom Markham Thom Markham is a speaker, writer, psychologist, and internationally respected consultant in the critical areas of inquiry based education, project based learning, and creativity. Thom is the author of the best-selling Project Based Learning Design and Coaching Guide: Expert tools for innovation and inquiry for K-12 educators, the co-author of the Project Based Learning Handbook, published by the Buck Institute for Education, and the author of the forthcoming Redefining Smart: Making the mindshift from academic rigor to a culture of inquiry. (Corwin Press). Thom has worked with over 250 schools and districts, and conducted workshops for over 5000 teachers across five continents, providing proven methods and resources for designing high quality, challenging, authentic projects in all disciplines, including science and engineering. 32 Course Instructors/Content Creators (cont.) Nina Smith Nina Smith is a pedagogical consultant who helps teachers to thrive in their profession. She is passionate about good quality education and interested in educational psychology. Nina is an educator, teacher trainer and a mother of four. Concrete teaching experience and insight of the world top-class educational system (Finland) give depth to Nina's 3C model of effective learning and teaching. By providing teachers with personalized tools Nina helps them promote deep learning and create more effective and emotionally safe classrooms. Originally Nina comes from Finland, where she earned her M.Ed from the University of Jyvaskyla. Her travels have taken her to Mexico and the U.S., where she also mentors teachers pursuing their master's degree in Western Governors University. Glenda Springer As a Curriculum Developer specializing in tablet, Web 2.0, video and internet technology tools for integration into the K-12 curriculum and a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Glenda Springer works with groups and individuals to teach them how to use language (verbal and non-verbal) to create rapport, set and accomplish goals, remove limiting beliefs/behaviors and become successful leaders in their profession. Springer has a BBA: Business Administration from Adelphi University and an MA: Curriculum and Instruction - Computer Education from the University of Phoenix Online. Teach N Kids Learn Teach n’ Kids Learn Inc. (TKL) is a dynamic and innovative professional development provider. Since 2009, our products and services have focused on combining job-embedded professional development practices within our online, blended, and face-to-face offerings. Our courses are built on an integrated foundation of research, content, technology and customer service. We provide professional development that combines the best practices in education with the resources and knowledge of highly experienced educational researchers and practitioners. Our goal is to provide opportunities for continuous professional growth to educators across the world. We share the desire to ensure that all students meet high academic standards while learning the practical skills necessary for the 21st century. 33 Course Instructors/Content Creators (cont.) Dr. Donna Walker Tileston Dr. Donna Walker Tileston has served education as a leader in teaching, administration, research, writing, software development, and national consulting for the past thirty years. Her administrative responsibilities have included curriculum development, management, technology, finance, grants management, public relations, and drug abuse prevention programs. For the past fifteen years Dr. Tileston has been actively involved in brain research and the factors that inhibit learning or increase the brain’s ability to put information into long-term memory. Dr. Tileston’s research has been published through Corwin Press under the titles: Strategies for Teaching Differently (1998) and Ten Best Teaching Practices: How Brain Research, Learning Styles and Standards Define Teaching Competencies (2000, 2005) which has been on Corwin’s Best Seller List since its first year of print. This research, along with comprehensive research on teaching and learning, brain research, and research on the urban learner, led Dr. Tileston to write a bestselling series titled What Every Teacher Should Know (2003, 2008). The series has been awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Educational Publishing by the American Educational Publishers Association. 34 125 Court St., Suite 10AN, Brooklyn, NY 11201 917.477.7174 Copyright © NaMaYa Inc., All rights reserved.