School District of Neillsville Staff Handbook 2014-2015


School District of Neillsville Staff Handbook 2014-2015
School District of Neillsville
Staff Handbook
Animals in the Classroom
Animals in Schools-Request for Permission
Animals in Schools-Student Verification
Animals in Schools-Staff Verification
Anti-Idling Policy
Appliance Policy
Equal Opportunity –Equal Opportunity Complaint Procedures
School Closing Procedures
Emergency Contacts
District Organizational Charts
Discrimination and Harassment
Employee Absence and Substitutes
Staff Absence Chart
Calling Trees
District Expectations of Employees
Acceptable Use of Technology
Breastfeeding Employees
Cell Phone Use
Child Abuse Reporting
Conflict of Interest
Contracts and Conflict of Interest
Criminal Background Checks/Charges/Convictions – Obligation to Report
District Property
Drug Alcohol and Tobacco-Free Workplace
Energy Savings
Equipment Check Out
False Reports
Financial Controls and Oversights
Fraud and Financial Impropriety
Gifts and Sale of Goods and Services
Homeless Students
Outside Employment
Personal Appearance/Staff Dress Code
Personal Property
Personnel – Student Relations
Political Activity
Professional Growth Requirement to Stay Current
School Calendar
Student Discipline
Student Dismissal
Work Spaces (Desks, Lockers, etc.)
Workplace Safety
Violence/Bullying in the Workplace
Employee Acknowledgment
The district recognizes that animals have educational value in the school setting, but only under conditions that
insure the safety and well being of the students, staff, and the animals. Live animals may be brought into the
classroom as part of a written curriculum with written approval of the building principal and providing the
provisions of this policy are met. Guidelines must be followed with respect to having animals present on school
grounds and in school buildings. The teacher or caretaker must handle and maintain the animal(s) according to
recommendations of the Wisconsin Humane Society and the Wisconsin Division of Health. Service animals as
defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, for use by faculty, staff, and students will be allowed in
the school buildings provided the health, safety and welfare of students, staff and the animals are not
compromised and as long as animal waste guidelines are followed. Modifications may be required to provide
for the health, safety, and welfare of all students. Animals professionally trained for use in law enforcement
activities will be allowed as needed.
Animals on district grounds should always be part of a well-documented curriculum that details how the
animals will be integrated into the classroom setting.
1. The teacher or caretaker must:
a. Receive permission from the building principal, before any animal is brought on to school
grounds or into a school building. (Request for Permission Form for Animals in the Classroom)
b. Notify parents/guardians in writing, prior to the animal being brought to school. A verification
form from parents/guardians that students do not have any known allergies to the animal(s) must
be kept on file. If individuals exhibit adverse reactions to the animal(s), the animal(s) must be
removed from the building (Student Verification Form for Animals in the Classroom)
c. Notify building staff members, who will be near or handling the animal, of the animal’s
presence. Staff members must also be allowed to verify that they do not have any known
allergies to the animal. (Staff Verification Form for Animals in the Classroom)
d. Only animals known to be in good health and appropriately immunized will be allowed in the
school buildings. Documentation from a veterinarian is required for each animal.
e. If an individual is bitten or scratched by an animal and the skin is broken, the affected area
should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water and then the incident must be reported to the
legal guardian, principal and school nurse. The district’s student accident report or staff accident
report must be completed.
f. Provide first aid to any individual who is bitten by an animal and use the district’s accident
report to properly document the incident. Public Health authorities will be notified when
necessary to determine the appropriate action(s) to follow.
g. Make provisions for the care and maintenance or removal of the animal during the period of time
when school is not in session.
2. Animal(s) must be humanely and properly housed in cages, aquariums, etc., specific for the species.
Animal cages, aquariums, etc., and the surrounding areas must be meticulously maintained and
completely cleaned at least weekly. Animal waste and materials from animal cages, aquariums, etc., will
be removed and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Students are not allowed to handle or clean up
any form of animal waste. Waste materials from animals should be bagged separately, sealed and
disposed of in an outside waste receptacle. Note: custodial and maintenance staff are not responsible for
animal care or maintenance.
Animal(s) will not be at large in classrooms or in the building. Locate the animal(s) away from water
fountains and sinks where students and staff wash hands. Animal(s) will never be permitted in areas
where food is prepared or served. Hand washing by staff and students is required before and after
handling animals.
No reptiles or amphibians will be permitted in grades EC through 8th grade classrooms. In grades 9-12,
reptiles and amphibians will be permitted, but must be maintained in a science laboratory, or by a person
who is very knowledgeable about reptiles and amphibians’ husbandry and appropriate procedures are
put in place for handling the animal and clean up after animal activities.
Students may bring pets in for show and tell, unit study, etc. for a limited time. Principal permission
must be granted and the owner/parent/guardian must remain with the animal(s) and provide supervision
during its entire stay in the classroom. In addition, the Request Form, Student Verification Form and
Staff Verification Form must be completed prior to the animal(s) classroom visit.
Students are prohibited from taking any animal(s) home with them.
No animal may be transported on a school bus without the express, written authorization of the building
principal. This does not apply to service animals specially trained to aid disabled persons.
Animals are not allowed on school grounds for sporting events or other school activities. Special
permission may be granted for mascots or other special occasions. A Request for Permission for
Animals on School Grounds Form must be submitted and written approval received prior to the animal
being on school grounds.
Unacceptable animal(s) in a school building include:
Wild or undomesticated animal(s)
Reptiles/Amphibians except for higher grade level classrooms, grades 9-12
Stray animals
Any dead or skeletal remains of an animal (non-processed)
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Request: _____________________
Building(s): ___________________________________________________________________
Grade(s): _________________________ Room #(s): __________________________________
Type of Animal(s): ________________________________________________________________
Duration of Visit: _______________________________________________________________
1. All parent/guardian allergy forms have been returned concerning their child’s allergies to animals.
2. Do any students have known allergies to the animal you intend to have in your classroom?
- Number of students who have allergies to animals or animal dander: ________
- Number of students who have asthma: ________
3. Did any parents/guardians express concern about having an animal in the classroom?
4. Do any staff members have any known allergies to the animal you intend to bring into the classroom or
have a compromised immune system?
5. Is this animal healthy? Include veterinarian report.
6. Does your animal require immunizations? (If so, please attach a copy of recent immunizations.)
7. I understand the importance of good hygiene and will require the students to wash their hands before
and after touching the animal and before and after providing for the animal’s care in any way. Students
will not be allowed to clean animal waste. Individuals who have eczema, cuts, sores, or abrasions will be
asked to cover the area, i.e. long sleeves, bandages, etc. . . .
8. If requesting long term visitation to the district, I have looked into and will follow the recommendations
made be recognized animal agencies for the type of housing and diet that is required for this particular
animal. (This information is available from most humane agencies and veterinarians.)
9. I have read and understand the district’s animal policy and will follow the procedures that are in place.
10. Describe arrangements for the animal beyond the school day.
Nights: _________________________________________________________________
Weekends: ______________________________________________________________
Vacations: ______________________________________________________________
NOTE: Classroom animals cannot be transported on school buses and custodians are not responsible for
animal care or cleaning.
11. I agree that if an individual is bitten or scratched by an animal and the skin is broken, the affected area
should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water and then the incident must be reported to the legal
guardian, principal and school nurse. The district’s student accident report or staff accident report must
be completed. Every incident must be reported to the school office staff as soon as possible after the
12. A copy of the curriculum that details how the animal will be integrated into the classroom setting has
been submitted to the building principal.
13. I understand the risk of developing illness due to contact with some animals. I understand that
transmission is from both direct and indirect contact of the animal. Cleaning cages, aquariums, etc. of
animals may be done in the sink, but must be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with
absolutely no debris flushing down the sink. I am required to wear all applicable and appropriate
personal protective equipment when performing these tasks.
14. Describe the animal’s diet: __________________________________________________
I agree to follow, and direct the children I teach to follow, the district policy and procedures regarding animals
in school. I understand that the district and I are responsible for the safety and welfare of the students and staff,
and also for the humane treatment and welfare of the animals we have at the school.
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Principal approval section:
Principal has consulted with the school nurse one week prior to final approval in regard to all student
allergy concerns within the building.
Principal’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
The health, safety, and welfare of each student are of the utmost importance to the district. Thus, this form,
completed by a parent/guardian, must be on file for each student before an animal may be brought into the
classroom. If the health status of your child changes during the year, notify your child’s teacher.
Parents/guardians should also report any known allergies/asthma to the school nurse for your child’s protection.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
Teacher’s Name: _____________________________________Grade: _________ Room #: __________
1. Have any known allergies? YES
If yes, please explain:
2. Have asthma? YES
If yes, please explain:
3. Take medication for allergies or asthma? YES
If yes, please explain:
4. Have a known allergy to a specific animal? YES
If yes, please explain:
5. Have or ever had a severe allergic reaction? YES
If yes, please explain:
6. Have a fear of animals? YES
If yes, please explain:
Do you give permission for your child to occasionally hold or help care for a classroom animal?
If no, please explain:
Additional Comments:
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
The health, safety, and welfare of each staff member is important so this completed form must be on file for
each staff member annually before an animal may be brought into a classroom or area that is in close contact to
you. For your protection, should your health status change during the year, please notify the principal. Staff
should also report any known allergies/asthma to the school nurse. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Name: _____________________________________ Position:__________________________________
Building: ___________________________________
DO YOU . . .
1. Have any known allergies? YES
If yes, please explain:
2. Have asthma? YES
If yes, please explain:
3. Take medication for allergies or asthma? YES
If yes, please explain:
4. Have a known allergy to a specific animal? YES
If yes, please explain:
5. Have or ever had a severe allergic reaction? YES
If yes, please explain:
6. Are you apprehensive or afraid of animals? YES
If yes, please explain:
Additional Comments:
Staff Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
The district is committed to providing a healthy and productive environment for all persons using our school. In
light of the significant risk posed by school bus exhaust emissions, especially to children, the district is
implementing an anti-idling policy. This policy is intended to improve the health and safety of all individuals in
or around the school and school grounds and reduce risks associated with exposure to diesel exhaust (such as
aggravated respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, decreased lung function, acute respiratory symptoms, and
chronic bronchitis). Queuing of buses for pick-up and drop-off as well as periods of idling during the bus
commute itself can cause particular problems. The following steps indicate the exact timing of specific changes
to current operations and outline the procedures for conflict resolution and enforcement.
A. Implementation of a policy to reduce exposure of children to school bus exhaust emissions, also
known as diesel exhaust emissions.
Beginning immediately, the district requires all buses to limit their idling on school grounds to improve
surrounding air quality; protect the health of drivers, students, and others; conserve fuel (save money);
and decrease engine wear.
B. Policy Guidelines to Reduce Exposure to School Bus Exhaust Emissions.
This rule applies to any bus service, including home-to-school, activity, or charter transportation.
To the extent possible, eliminate idling upon reaching your destination:
- While waiting for passengers to board at place of origin, all engines should be shut off.
- When arriving at your location, all buses should be shut off as soon as it is practical; buses should
not idle while waiting for passengers.
During morning start-ups, buses should idle no longer than necessary to bring engines to proper
operating temperature and to defrost all windows.
Exceptions to the policy may be made when the air temperature is below 32 degrees, and when it is
necessary to run the engine to operate required safety equipment or to maintain a safe environment for
passengers with special health needs. The guidelines for maximum engine idling are:
- Above 32° F: 3 minutes
- Between - 10° and 32° F: 10 minutes
- Below - 10° F: no limit
C. Conflict Resolution.
Bus drivers, employees, and visitors are expected to honor the anti-idling policy at all school buildings
and facilities by shutting off their engines upon arrival. Individual complaints or concerns regarding the
implementation and/or enforcement of this policy should be discussed with the maintenance supervisor
of buildings and grounds, who will contact the individual bus driver. Concerns about staff or parents
who idle their vehicles on school grounds can be directed to the District Office.
D. Enforcement of Policy.
All persons share in the responsibility of adhering to and enforcing this policy. Any person violating this
policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
Introduction and Commitment
The School District of Neillsville is firmly committed to providing students, staff, and visitors with a safe and
healthy environment. Therefore, the purpose of the Appliance Policy is to protect the district’s students, staff,
and visitors by complying with all federal, state, and local regulations.
The objective of this Appliance Policy is to eliminate residential appliances throughout the district for failure to
meet NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) Commercial Appliance Certification standards. Appliances and
products that fail to meet the NSF Certification also fail to meet standards and regulations adopted by the
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). The DSPS regulates public entities, just as
OSHA regulates private companies. Appliances such as coffee makers, ovens, pizza ovens, microwaves,
refrigerators, mini-fridges, toasters, blenders, and other such residential appliances that fail to contain the NSF
Certification must be removed from the district grounds.
The district administrator and staff are accountable for defining, implementing, and effectively maintaining the
Appliance Policy. The district administrator and staff will provide the training, documents, leadership,
resources, and accountability to ensure compliance, conformance, and continual improvement of this policy.
The district administrator and staff will annually audit the policy and all coordinating information.
This policy will verify that only NSF Certified appliances are allowed within the classroom, meeting the DSPS
regulations and standards. The determination of such NSF Certified appliances is performed through:
Identifying the location of the product/appliance manufacture label/tag
Identifying the NSF Certification on the manufacture label/tag, or lack thereof. Examples of:
a. NSF Certification Logos:
b. NSF Certification on product label:
c. Example of a product without NSF Certification
When an appliance/product is found that does not contain an NSF Certification:
a. The date found shall be written on the product with a permanent writing utensil; and
b. The appliance/product shall be placed in the correlating teachers’ lounge for ownership to claim;
c. Returned to the owner and removed from district grounds;
d. NOTE: If an owner has not claimed the appliance/product after one week of the identification of
a non-NSF Certified appliance/product, the district will take actions to remove the
The following procedures shall be followed under the Appliance Policy for labeling:
The identity of the Appliance/Product and the NSF Certification will both be located on the same label.
No other labels, such as the UL Commercial labels, will be accepted for classifying the product in the
classroom as a commercial product within the district.
The owner of an NSF Certified product utilized within the district, shall write with a permanent writing
utensil; in an easily noticeable place on the appliance/product; all of the following:
a. His/Her first and last name
b. Home phone number
c. Classroom contact number
d. Home address with zip code
The district will not purchase any appliances for use within classrooms with the exception of appliances
in family and consumer education or other curriculum related areas.
Appliance Policy training is made available to all staff and is performed annually.
Appliances/products found during regularly scheduled audits shall be returned to the owner for removal from
district grounds. If an owner cannot be determined after one week of the identification of a non-NSF Certified
appliance/product, the district will take proper actions to remove the appliance/product from district grounds
while following all local, state and federal standards and regulations.
It is the policy of the School District of Neillsville (District) that no person may be illegally discriminated
against in employment by reason of their age, race, creed, color, disability, pregnancy, marital status, sex,
citizenship, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, arrest record, conviction record, military service,
membership in National Guard, state defense force or any other reserve component of the military forces of
Wisconsin or the United States, political affiliation, use or nonuse of lawful products off the employer’s
premises during nonworking hours, declining to attend a meeting or to participate in any communication about
religious matters, the authorized use of family or medical leave or worker’s compensation benefits, genetic
information, or any other factor prohibited by state or federal law.
Reasonable accommodations shall be made for qualified individuals with a disability, unless such
accommodations would impose an undue hardship on the District. A reasonable accommodation is a change or
adjustment to job duties or work environment that permits a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to
perform the essential functions of a position or enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment compared to
those enjoyed by employees without disabilities.
Requests for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or under the Wisconsin Fair
Employment Act from current employees must be made in writing in accordance with District policy.
A. Informal Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedure
The District encourages informal resolution of complaints under this policy. If any person believes that the
School District of Neillsville or any part of the school organization has failed to follow the law and the rules of
§118.13 Wis. Stats., Title IX, Title VI, Section 504, or in some way discriminates against students on the basis
listed above, he/she may bring or send a complaint to:
John Gaier, District Administrator
School District of Neillsville
614 East 5th Street
Neillsville, WI 54456
(715) 743-3323
B. Formal Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedure
Step 1: A written statement of the grievance shall be prepared by the complainant and signed. This grievance
shall be presented to John Gaier, District Administrator, within ten (10) business days of receipt of the written
reply to the informal complaint. The district administrator shall further investigate the matters of the grievance
and reply in writing to the complainant within twenty (20) business days by certified mail.
Step 2: If the complainant remains unsatisfied, he/she may appeal through a signed, written statement to the
Board of Education within ten (10) business days of his/her receipt of the district administrator’s response in
Step 1. In an attempt to resolve the grievance, the Board of Education shall meet with the concerned parties and
their representatives within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of such an appeal. A copy of the board’s
disposition of the appeal shall be sent by the board clerk to each concerned party within twenty (20) business
days of this meeting by certified mail.
Step 3: If, at this point, the grievance has not been satisfactorily settled, further appeal may be made to the
Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington D.C. 20201.
Legal Reference: WI Statutes 118.13
Policy Reference: District Policy AC
Should inclement weather or other emergency situation(s) require the District to close school(s), the following
procedures shall be followed:
Local television and radio stations will be notified by 6:00 a.m. or as soon as practical. Employees are
encouraged to monitor TV and radio stations for closing announcements. In the event the District is
closed, full or partial days may be made up at the discretion of the District.
In the event of a medical or other emergency that needs immediate action from emergency personnel, call 911
and then inform your immediate supervisor as soon as practical.
In case of a building emergency call: Dave Hohenstein – 715-797-1373.
In case of other emergencies call your immediate supervisor:
John Gaier – 715-937-1081
Craig Anderson – 608-212-0696
Tim Rueth – 715-937-1068
The Board of Education desires the district administrator to establish clear understanding on the part of all
personnel of the working relationships in the school system. Lines of direct authority should be those approved
by the Board and shown on the District’s organizational chart.
Personnel shall be expected to refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrator/supervisor to
whom they are responsible. That administrator/supervisor shall refer such matters to the next higher
administrative authority when necessary. Additionally, all personnel will be expected to keep the person to
whom they are immediately responsible informed of their activities by whatever means the person in charge
deems appropriate.
It is expected that the established lines of authority will serve most purposes. All personnel shall, however,
have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative authority to the next higher authority and
through the appropriate successive steps to the Board of Education.
Additionally, the lines of authority do not restrict in any way the cooperative, sensible working together of all
staff members at all levels in order to develop the best possible school programs and services. The established
lines of authority represent direction of authority and responsibility and represent avenues for a two-way flow of
ideas to improve the program and operations of the school system.
District Administrator
A. Business Manager/Bookkeeper
B. Administrative Secretary
C. Principal Grades 7-12
D. Principal Grades PreK-6
E. Technology Coordinator
F. Instructional Facilitator
G. Transportation Supervisor
H. Maintenance Supervisor
I. Food Service Supervisor
J. MMC Contracted Staff Including School Nurse
K. CESA Contracted Staff to the School District including school psychologist, district special ed director and
any other CESA staff in conjunction with CESA administrative staff
2. Principal Grades 7-12
A. Teachers
B. Dean of Students
C. Counselor
D. Aides
E. Clerical Staff
F. Athletic Director
G. Coaches
H. Advisors
I. Librarian
J. Students
3. Elementary Principal Grades PreK-6
A. Teachers
B. Counselor
C. Aides
D. Clerical Staff
E. Students
4. Maintenance Supervisor
A. Custodians
B. Maintenance Staff
5. Transportation Supervisor
A. Mechanic
B. Bus Drivers
C. Bus Riders
6. Food Service Supervisor
A. Food Service Staff
B. Meal Patrons
The District is committed to providing fair and equal employment opportunities and to providing a professional
work environment free of all forms of illegal discrimination, including harassment. The District shall not
tolerate harassment based on any personal characteristic described under EQUAL OPPORTUNITY on page two
of this Staff Handbook. Harassment and other unacceptable activities that could alter conditions of
employment, or form a basis for personnel decisions, or interfere with an employee’s work performance are
specifically prohibited. Sexual harassment, whether committed by supervisory or non-supervisory personnel, is
unlawful and also specifically prohibited. In addition, the District shall not tolerate acts of non-employees
(volunteers, vendors, visitors, etc.) that have the effect of harassing District employees in the workplace.
Harassment can occur as a result of a single incident or a pattern of behavior where the purpose or effect of such
behavior is to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Harassment encompasses a broad range of physical and verbal behavior that can include, but is not limited to,
the following:
A. Unwelcome sexual advances, comments or innuendos
B. Physical or verbal abuse
C. Jokes, insults or slurs directed toward the protected groups set forth above (Such comments are
unacceptable whether or not the individual within the protected class is present in the workplace to
overhear them and whether or not a member of a class professes to tolerate such remarks)
D. Taunting based on personal characteristics described above intended to provoke an employee
E. Requests for sexual favors used as a condition of employment or affecting any personnel decisions such
as hiring, promotion, compensation, etc.
All employees are responsible for ensuring that discrimination and harassment do not occur. It is the intent of
the District to comply with both the letter and spirit of the law in making certain illegal discrimination does not
exist in its policies, regulations and operations. Anyone who believes that he or she has been the subject of
discrimination or harassment or has knowledge of violations of this policy shall report the matter in accordance
with established complaint procedures. All reports regarding employee discrimination or harassment shall be
taken seriously, treated fairly and promptly and thoroughly investigated. Individual privacy shall be protected
to the extent possible. There shall be no retaliation against any person who files a complaint under this policy.
The District shall take appropriate and necessary action to eliminate employee discrimination or harassment.
Actions that result in discrimination on a basis not related to an employee’s job performance or those that are
determined to be harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
All employees have a duty to report incidents of potential discrimination or alleged harassment to their
immediate supervisor or designated equal employment officer. Employees who fail to report incidents of
potential discrimination or alleged harassment, as described above, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including dismissal. In addition, supervisory employees who fail to respond to discrimination or
harassment complaints or to act on their knowledge of violation of this policy will likewise be subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
The District expects employees to make every effort to be present for work. Employees are expected to adhere
to their assigned schedule. In order for the schools to operate effectively, employees are expected to perform all
assigned duties and work all scheduled hours during each designated workday, unless the employee has
received approved leave. Breaks and meal periods may only be taken during times designated by the
employee’s supervisor/building administrator. Any deviation from assigned hours must have prior approval
from the employee’s supervisor/building administrator.
Employees who are unable to report to work shall follow the applicable procedures for reporting his/her
absence. Any time spent not working during an employee’s scheduled day must be accounted for using the
appropriate reasons. The District will monitor attendance and absence patterns. Theft of time and/or improper
modification of time worked records will be investigated and will result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination. Failure to notify the District of an absence and failure to report to work on such day
could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Failure to return to work the day following
the expiration of an authorized leave of absence may result in termination of employment.
When a regular employee is to be absent from school and a substitute is needed, it is the responsibility of the
employee to call their direct supervisor or person designated to handle employee absences for each area. If
possible, such notification should be made the evening prior to the time of absence, or before 6:00 a.m. This
will help to provide time for obtaining a substitute.
If a substitute is needed, you are to notify your supervisor. Do not call a substitute yourself.
Instructional and Support Staff, Whom to Call:
Mr. Anderson – 608-212-0696
Mr. Rueth – 743-4628 or 937-1068
Abel, Don
Abel, Joy
Arndt, Amy
Bergemann, Michelle
Bredlau, Brenda
Brey, Debra
Buchholz, Jenny
Clemens, Melody
Diestler, Diane
Fabian, Donna
Gilbertson, Shyla
Graham, Danielle
Guibord, MariRuth
Gunderman, Ashley
Gurney, Stephanie
Hagedorn, Nancy
Hamm, Krista
Hauge, JoAnn
Henchen, LeeAnn
Hoeser, Nicole
Hohenstein, Carole
Kosmosky, Amy
Kuhn, Jamie
Kunze, Marcy
Luebke, Monika
Matson, David
Mayer, Kari
Meurett, Steve
Miller, Jane
Mohr, Deb
Neville, Jill
O’Leary, John
Perkins, Christina
Perushek, Tammy
Poeschel, Courtney
Reed, Jeanne
Robida, Jenny
Rueth, Jodi
Scheider, Jessica
Schmidt, Carrie
Schmitz, Michelle
Selvik, Ryan
Steen, Elizabeth
Weiers, Dawn
Attoe, Wendell
Backaus, Julia
Bechtel, Julie
Brommer, Mark
Bryant, Scott
Caldwell, David
Chose, Kaia
Conner, Susan
England, Mary Lou
Fravert, Desiree
Gaier, Karen
Gehrke, Kathy
Gerhardt, Amy
Glaze, Carol
Glaze, Dean
Hamm, Gloria
Hand, Corina
Hanson, Jeff
King, Duane
Klieforth, Laurie
Kren, Adam
LaMont, Jeremy
Lansing, Myanna
Luchterhand, Adam
Maenner, Courtney
Matson, Tammy
Meurett, Lori
Noack, Ashley
Oberbeck, Sue
Opelt, Holly
Pagenkopf, LaVonne
Roenz, Matt
Seelow, Delilah
Short, Rebecca
Stanley, Randi
Swita, Scott
Vance, Kerry
Vornholt, John
Vornholt, Sue
Warren, Sara
Waters, Brian
Dale Erickson – 715-613-2774
All Bus Drivers
Dave Hohenstein – 715-333-2224
All Custodians
All Maintenance Staff
Carolyn Orlowski – 715-937-4162
All Kitchen Staff
Neillsville 4K-6 Elementary 2014-2015 Calling Tree
John Gaier
Tim Rueth
Craig Anderson
T/J Rueth
D Erickson
D/C Hohenstein
Headstart (Carol)
L Stodden
S Slenczka
T Perushek
C Orlowski
C Moseid
J/D Abel
D/M Diestler
J Hauge
J Miller
R Selvik
S/L Meurett
J Robida
L Stodden
D Brey
J Neville
J Scheider
J/D Abel
L Henchen
S Karnau
L Henchen
A Kosmosky
B Bredlau
E Steen
M Guidbord
S Gilbertson
S Schmitz
C Hohenstein
D Graham
J Reed
K Smith
M Kranz
M Kunze
C Poeschel
J Neville
A Arndt
J Kuhn
J O'Leary
K Mayer
M Luebke
A Gunderman
D Brey
N Hagedorn
C Schmidt
D Weiers
S Gurney
K Hamm
M Clemens
T Perushek
C Perkins
D Mohr
B Schulte
J Buchholz
M Bergemann
N Hoeser
Neillsville Middle/High School 2014-2015 Calling Tree
John Gaier
C Anderson
T Rueth
J Hanson
C/T Anderson
T Rueth
J Backaus
B Waters
T/D Matson
D Seelow
K Vance
C Hand
B Short
S Conner
K Gaier
R Stanley
K Gehrke
J/S Vornholt
B Dickinsen
D King
S Warren
P Holger
C Caldwell
K Chose
J Backaus
A Gerhardt
A Kren
M Roenz
S Oberbeck
A Noack
M Brommer
J LaMont
L Klieforth
B Waters
A Luchterhand
S Swita
D Fabian
M Craig
L Pagenkopf
C Maenner
G Hamm
H Opelt
T Matson
S Bryant
W Attoe
D/C Glaze
J Bechtel
ML England
S Rudesill
D Fravert
*The underlined individuals should call
all of those below them on the list.
*If there is no answer, leave a message
for the person to call you back. Please
continue calling with the message.
*If you have any questions or have names
to be added or subtracted from the list,
please contact Craig Anderson.
Thank you for your help with this process.
Support Staff 2014-2015 Calling Tree
C Orlowski will contact all kitchen staff
D Erickson will contact all bus drivers and Jim Drescher
D Hohenstein will contact all custodial staff
J Gaier will contact all board members
L Anason
B Arndt
A Buchholz
C Conner
C Elmhorst
A Glinski
D Hinkelmann
J Reinart
S Schmidt
*The underlined individuals should call
all of those below them on the list.
*If there is no answer, leave a message
for the person to call you back. Please
continue calling with the message.
*If you have any questions or have names
to be added or subtracted from the list,
please contact Craig Anderson.
Thank you for your help with this process.
Food Service
K Butts
C Dammann
C Decorah
M Liedtka
T Mallory
T Opelt
K Watson
K Weiler
Bus Drivers
H Magnuson
M McDonald
T Schmidt
F Schoen
M Schultz
J Shilts
L Urban
L Winegarden
J Wren
R Ystad
Board of Education
P Grap
D Heiman
R Opelt
D Poeschel
S Voigt
The District expects its employees to produce quality work, maintain confidentiality, work efficiently, and
exhibit a professional and courteous attitude toward other employees, parents, and students. The District
expects employees to comply with all applicable board policies, work rules, job descriptions, terms of this
Handbook and legal obligations.
The District expects employees to comply with the standards of conduct set out in board policies, this
Handbook, administrative regulations, and with any other policies, regulations and guidelines that impose
duties, requirements or standards attendant to their status as District employees. Violations of any policies,
regulations and guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
The District provides a wide array of technology resources for the purpose of education. This agreement
outlines appropriate use and prohibited activities when using the technology resources. Every staff member is
expected to follow all guidelines stated below, as well as those given orally by the administration and to
demonstrate good citizenship and ethical behavior at all times.
In accepting this agreement, District staff acknowledge the following rules and conditions:
As a District staff member, I understand that my school network and my email accounts are owned by the
school district and are not private. The District has the right to access my information at any time.
I will use computers in conformity with laws of the United States and the State of Wisconsin. Violations
include, but are not limited to, the following:
Criminal Acts – These include, but are not limited to, “hacking” or attempting to access computer systems
without authorization, sending harassing email, cyber stalking others, viewing or sending any pornography,
vandalism, and/or unauthorized tampering with computer systems.
Libel Laws – Publicly defaming people through the published material on the internet, email, etc…
Copyright Violations – Copying, selling or distributing copyrighted material without the express written
permission of the author or publisher (users should assume that all materials available on the Internet are
protected by copyright), engaging in plagiarism (using other’s words or ideas as your own).
1. I will use District technology resources productively and responsibly. I will not use any technology
resource in such a way that would disrupt the activities of other users.
2. I will be polite and use appropriate language in my telephone, email messages, online postings, and
other digital communications with others. I will not use profanity, vulgarities or any other
inappropriate language as determined by school administrators.
3. I will use email and other means of communications (e.g. blogs, wikis, chat, instant-messaging,
discussion boards, etc.) responsibly. I will not use computers, cell phones, personal digital devices
or the Internet to send or post hate or harassing mail, make discriminatory or derogatory remarks
about others, or engage in bullying, harassment, or other antisocial behaviors.
4. I understand that I am an Ambassador for the school in all my online activities. I understand that
what I do on social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook should not reflect
negatively on students, staff, or on the School District of Neillsville. I understand that I will be held
responsible for how I represent myself and my school on the Internet.
5. I understand that masquerading, spoofing, or pretending to be someone else is forbidden. This
includes, but is not limited to, sending out e-mails, creating accounts, or posting messages or other
online content (e.g. text, images, audio or video) in someone else’s name as a joke.
6. I understand that passwords are private. I will not allow others to use my account name and
password, or try to use that of others.
7. I will use District computer resources responsibly. I will not retrieve, save, or display hate-based,
offensive or sexually explicit material using any school owned computer resources or digital devices.
I am responsible for not pursuing material that could be considered offensive.
8. I will not attempt to bypass security settings or Internet filters, or interfere with the operation of the
network by installing illegal software, shareware, or freeware on school computers.
9. I understand that vandalism is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to modifying or
destroying equipment, programs, files, or settings on any computer or other technology resource.
10. I will respect the intellectual property of other users and information providers. I will obey
copyright guidelines. I will not plagiarize or use other’s work without proper citation and
11. I will not use or access files, software, or other resources owned by others without the owner’s
permission. I will use only those school network directories that are designated for my use or for the
purpose designated by the school district.
12. I will follow all guidelines set forth by the District when publishing schoolwork online (e.g. to a
website, blog, wiki, discussion board, podcasting or video server).
13. I understand the Internet is a source for information that is both true and false; and the school is not
responsible for inaccurate information obtained from the internet.
14. I understand that District administrators will deem what conduct is inappropriate use if such conduct
is not specified in this agreement.
15. I agree to abide by all Internet safety guidelines.
I understand and will abide by the above Acceptable Use Agreement. Should I commit a violation, I understand
that consequences of my actions could include suspension of computer privileges and school disciplinary action
which could include referral to law enforcement.
In recognition of the well documented health advantages of breastfeeding for infants and mothers, the
District provides a supportive environment to enable breastfeeding employees to express their milk
during work hours. The Clark County Public Health Department offers a lactation support program for
breastfeeding mothers as well if you have questions or concerns about breastfeeding.
The District s ubscribes to the following worksite support policy. This policy shall be communicated to
all employees in the employee handbook.
Employer Responsibilities
Breastfeeding employees who choose to continue providing their milk for their infants after
returning to work shall receive:
• Milk Expression Breaks
Breastfeeding employees are allowed to breastfeed or express milk during work hours using their
normal breaks and meal times. For time that may be needed beyond the usual break times,
employees may use accrued benefit time, leave without pay or may make up the time as
determined by their supervisors.
• A Place to Express Milk
A private room (not a toilet stall or restroom} shall be available for employees to breastfeed or
express milk. The room will be private and sanitary, located near a sink with running water for
washing hands and rinsing out breast pump parts, and have an electrical outlet. The location of
the room may include other options than those currently in place so long as the additional option
is mutually acceptable to both the employee and employer. Please contact Tammy Matson for
a key to the designated room in the Middle School. This room has a chair and table for your
use, as well as disinfectant wipes.
Employees may use their own cooler packs to store expressed breast milk, or may store milk in a
designated refrigerator/freezer. Employees should provide their own containers, clearly labeled
with name and date. Please contact the school nurse for designated refrigerator/freezer use.
Prenatal breastfeeding classes and prenatal and postpartum information materials are available
through the Public Health Department.
Employees Responsibilities
• Communication with Supervisors
Employees who wish to express milk during the work period shall keep supervisors informed of
their needs so that appropriate accommodations can be made to satisfy the needs of both the
employee and the school.
• Maintenance of Milk Expression Areas
Breastfeeding employees are responsible for keeping milk expression areas clean, using antimicrobial wipes to clean the area. Employees are also responsible for keeping the general
lactation room clean for the next user.
• Milk Storage
Employees should label all milk expressed with their name and date collected so it is not
inadvertently confused with other employee's milk. Each employee is responsible for proper
storage of her milk. If storage is needed in a place other then the employee's own cooler pack,
please consult with the school nurse for proper storage.
• Use of Break Times to Express Milk
When more than one breastfeeding employee needs to use the designated lactation room,
employees may be required to work together to allow each employee the opportunity for milk
expression times which best meet their needs. Prior to use of the room, employees should knock
to ensure the privacy of any other nursing mother present.
All staff must limit the use of cell phones for personal use to scheduled break times only.
A. Except as provided under Wis. Stat. §48.981, sub.(2m), any school employee who has reasonable cause
to suspect that a child, seen by the person in the course of professional duties, has been abused or
neglected or who has reason to believe that a child, seen by the person in the course of professional
duties, has been threatened with abuse or neglect, and that abuse or neglect of the child will occur, shall
report as provided for below in Section B.
B. A person required to report shall immediately inform, by telephone or personally, the applicable District
administrative personnel and the county department of the facts and circumstances contributing to a
suspicion of child abuse or neglect or of unborn child abuse or a belief that abuse or neglect will occur.
Pupil information employees obtain as the result of their employment with the District is confidential and
protected by law unless such information has been designated as pupil directory data as set forth in board
policy. The law and respect for our students require that student issues are only discussed with employees and
parents who need to know the information. In addition to student information, confidentiality is expected in
other areas, including employee or District business information. Any requests for District records shall be
referred to the appropriate administrator.
A conflict of interest is defined as any judgment, action or relationship that may benefit an employee or another
party the employee is affiliated with because of the employee’s position with the District. Employees are asked
to avoid outside activity that may compete with or be in conflict with the best interests of the District.
Employees must disclose to their immediate supervisor information of any transaction that may be considered a
conflict of interest as soon as they know the facts. No employee may use his or her position to obtain financial
gain or anything of substantial value for the private benefit of himself or herself or his or her immediate family,
or for an organization with which he or she is associated.
No employee may negotiate or bid for, or enter into a contract in which the employee has a private pecuniary
interest, direct or indirect, if at the same time the employee is authorized or required by law to participate in the
employee’s capacity as an employee in the making of that contract or to perform in regard to that contract some
official function requiring the exercise of discretion on the employee’s part. No employee may, in the
employee’s capacity as a employee, participate in the making of a contract in which the employee has a private
pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, or performs in regard to that contract some function requiring the exercise
of discretion on the employee’s part. See Wis. Stats. §946.(1)(a) and (b).
A variety of machines and equipment for reproducing materials to assist staff in carrying out their educational
assignments are available to staff in both the school and home setting. Infringement on copyrighted material,
whether prose, poetry, graphic images, music audiotapes, video or computer-programmed materials, is a serious
offense against federal law, a violation of board policy and contrary to ethical standards required of staff. All
reproduction of copyrighted material shall be conducted strictly in accordance with applicable provisions of
law. Unless otherwise allowed as “fair use” under federal law, permission must be acquired from the copyright
owner prior to reproduction of material in any form. Employees are further advised that copyright provisions
apply to all forms of digital media. Questions regarding copyright shall be directed to the district administrator.
All District employees shall notify his/her immediate supervisor or administrator as soon as possible, but no
more than three calendar days after any arrest, indictment, conviction, no contest or guilty plea, or other
adjudication of the employee for any felony, any offense involving moral turpitude, and any of the other
offenses as indicated below:
A. Crimes involving school property or funds
B. Crimes involving attempt by fraudulent or unauthorized means to obtain or alter any certificate or permit
that would entitle any person to hold or obtain a position as an educator
C. Crimes that occur wholly or in part on school property or at a school-sponsored activity
D. A misdemeanor which involves moral turpitude [e.g. an act or behavior that gravely violates moral
sentiments or accepted moral standards of the community]
E. A misdemeanor which violates the public trust
The requirement to report a conviction or deferred adjudication shall not apply to minor traffic offenses.
However, an offense of operating under the influence, revocation or suspension of license, and driving after
revocation or suspension must be reported if the employee drives or operates a District vehicle or piece of
mobile equipment or transports students or staff in any vehicle. Failure to report under this section may result
in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Such report shall be made as soon as possible, but in no
circumstance more than three calendar days after the event giving rise to the duty to report. The District may
conduct criminal history and background checks on its employees. An arrest, indictment or conviction of a
crime shall not be an automatic basis for termination. The District shall consider the following factors in
determining what action, if any, should be taken against an employee who is convicted of a crime during
employment with the District:
A. The nature of the offense
B. The date of the offense
C. The relationship between the offense and the position to which the employee is assigned
The District may supply an employee with equipment or supplies to assist the employee in performing his/her
job duties. All employees are expected to show reasonable care for any equipment issued and to take
precautions for theft. Employees cannot take District property for personal use or gain. Any equipment, unused
supplies, or keys issued must be returned prior to the employee’s last day of employment. District equipment
borrowed for short term use should be returned the next work day.
The District seeks to provide a safe drug-free workplace for all of its employees.
A. Prohibited Acts – Drugs and Alcohol: Therefore, the manufacture, distribution, dispensation,
possession, use of or presence under the influence of alcohol, inhalants, controlled substances or
substances represented to be such, or unauthorized prescription medication, is prohibited on school
premises or at school activities. In addition, the District will not condone the involvement of any
employee with illicit drugs, even where the employee is not on District premises. Employees of the
school system shall not possess, use or distribute any illicit drug or alcoholic beverage as defined in
Wisconsin Statutes while on school premises or while responsible for chaperoning students on schoolsponsored trips. Any employee who possess, uses or distributes any illicit drug or alcoholic beverage on
school premises, or while responsible for chaperoning students on a school-sponsored trip, may be
disciplined up to and including discharge. All school employees shall cooperate with law enforcement
agencies in investigations concerning any violation of this provision.
B. Tobacco Products: Employees shall not use tobacco products on District premises, in District vehicles,
nor in the presence of students at school or school-related activities. Employees who violate this policy
will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment. §120.12(20),
Wis. Stats.
C. Reasonable Suspicion Testing: All employees shall be required to undergo alcohol and drug testing at
any time the District has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated the District’s
policy concerning alcohol and/or drugs. Reasonable suspicion alcohol or drug testing may be conducted
when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has used or is using drugs or alcohol
prior to reporting for duty, or while on duty, or prior to or while attending any District function on or off
District property. The District’s determination that reasonable cause exists must be based on specific,
contemporaneous, accurate observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of
the employee. A trained supervisor must make the observations. Refusal to consent to testing will
result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
D. Additional Testing and Requirements: Employees required to possess a commercial driver’s license
may be required to undergo additional drug testing in accordance with relevant law, board policy, and
administrative rules. Furthermore, before working for the District, a driver must complete and turn in
the “Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Driver Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy/Procedures.”
E. Consequence for Violation: Employees who violate the District’s policies and rules regarding alcohol or
drug use shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Such sanctions may include referral to drug and
alcohol counseling or rehabilitation programs or employee assistance programs, discipline or discharge
from employment with the District, and referral to appropriate law enforcement officials for prosecution.
F. Notification of Conviction: As a further condition of employment, an employee who is engaged in the
performance of a federal grant shall notify the district administrator of any criminal drug statute
conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than three days after such conviction.
Within ten days of receiving such notice – from the employee or any other source – the District shall
notify the federal granting agency of the conviction. 41 U.S.C. 702(a) (1) (D). After receiving notice
from an employee of a conviction for any drug statute violation occurring in the workplace, the District
shall either (1) take appropriate personnel action against the employee, up to and including termination
of employment, or (2) require the employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health agency, law
enforcement agency, or other appropriate agency. 41 U.S.C. 703 [This notice complies with notice
requirements imposed by the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act (41 U.S.C. 702].
All school equipment that is checked out from the building shall be returned the next school day. Please contact
your building principal if you need an extension.
Employees may be disciplined for filing false reports or statements including, but not limited to, the following:
accident reports, attendance reports, insurance reports, physician’s statements, pre-employment statements, sick
leave requests, student records, tax withholding forms and work reports.
The employee shall adhere to all internal controls that deter and monitor all fraud or financial impropriety in the
District. Any person who suspects fraud or financial impropriety in the District shall report the suspicions
immediately to any supervisor, the district administrator or designee, the board president, or local law
enforcement. Reports of suspected fraud or financial impropriety shall be treated as confidential to the extent
permitted by law. Limited disclosure may be necessary to complete a full investigation or to comply with law.
Each employee who supervises or prepares District financial reports or transactions shall set an example of
honest and ethical behavior and shall actively monitor his or her area of responsibility for fraud and financial
impropriety. Neither the board nor any District employee shall unlawfully retaliate against a person who in
good faith reports perceived fraud or financial impropriety.
The District prohibits fraud and financial impropriety, as defined below, in the actions of its board members,
employees, vendors, contractors, consultants, volunteers, and others seeking or maintaining a business
relationship with the District.
A. Fraud and financial impropriety shall include but is not limited to the following:
1. Forgery or unauthorized alteration of any document or account belonging to the District
2. Forgery or unauthorized alteration of a check, bank draft, or any other financial document
3. Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, or other District assets, including employee time
4. Impropriety in the handling of money or reporting of District financial transactions
5. Profiteering as a result of insider knowledge of District information or activities
6. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or propriety information to outside parties
7. Unauthorized disclosure of investment activities engaged in or contemplated by the District
8. Accepting or seeking anything of material value from contractors, vendors, or other persons
providing services or materials to the District, except as otherwise permitted by law or District
9. Inappropriately destroying, removing, or using records, furniture, fixtures, or equipment
10. Failure to provide financial records required by state or local entities
11. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest as required by law or District policy
12. Disposing of District property for personal gain or benefit
13. Any other dishonest act regarding the finances of the District
B. Fraud Investigation: If an employee is found to have committed fraud or financial impropriety, the
district administrator or designee shall take or recommend appropriate disciplinary action, which may
include termination of employment. When circumstances warrant, the board, district administrator, or
designee may refer matters to appropriate law enforcement or regulatory authorities. In cases involving
monetary loss to the District, the District may seek to recover lost or misappropriated funds.
Gambling on District-owned or leased premises is prohibited at all times. Gambling during the workday on or
off District property is prohibited.
A. Gifts: An employee or a member of the employee’s immediate family may not accept, directly or
indirectly, any gift, money, gratuity, or other consideration or favor of any kind from anyone other than
the District that a reasonable person would understand was intended to influence official action or
judgment of the employee in executing decision-making authority affecting the District, its employees or
students. It shall not be considered a violation of this policy for an employee to receive entertainment,
food, refreshments, meals, health screenings, amenities, foodstuffs, or beverages that are provided in
connection with a conference sponsored by an established or recognized statewide association of school
board officials or by an umbrella or affiliate organization of such statewide association of school board
officials. Exceptions to this policy are acceptance of minor items, which are generally distributed to all
by companies through public relations programs. Teachers should accept only gifts of token value from
It is the District’s policy for individuals to decline gifts, gratuities or favors from any outside
organization or individual doing business or seeking to do business with the District. Gifts that are
intended for the benefit of the District should be referred to the district administrator for proper
processing under the District’s policy on gifts and solicitations and the terms of §118.27, Wis. Stats.
Gifts of nominal or of insubstantial value and services offered for a reason unrelated to the employees’
position and which could not reasonably be expected to influence a decision could be accepted. Larger
gifts to employees as an individual and gifts of more than a nominal or insignificant value should be
graciously declined. Please refer to §19.59, Wis. Stats. for information on conflicts of interest and for
gifts and solicitations.
B. Sale of Goods and Services: No District employee may receive for his or her personal benefit anything
of value from any person other than his or her employing District to sell, promote the sale of or act as an
agent or solicitor for the sale of any goods or services to any public school pupil while on the property of
his or her employing District or at an activity of his or her employing District. §118.12, Wis. Stats.
Honesty is a core value in the District. Employees shall not create any intentional inaccuracies verbally or on
official District documents such as time sheets, job applications, pupil records, etc.
A. Expectation of Cooperation: In the event of a District investigation or inquiry, every District employee
has an affirmative duty to provide to his/her supervisor(s) or any other District official assigned to
investigate all relevant and factual information about matters inquired except as provided for below in
paragraph “B”. Employees failing to volunteer such information shall receive a directive from an
administrator to provide a statement. The employee’s failure to comply with the directive may
constitute “insubordination”, a violation that may result in disciplinary action up to and including
B. Investigation Interplay With Potential Criminal Conduct: If the alleged misconduct may constitute
criminal conduct by the employee, the employee may be provided a Garrity warning. Garrity vs New
Jersey, 385 U.S. 493 (1967).
C. Administrative Leave: The District may place an employee on paid or unpaid administrative leave
during an investigation into alleged misconduct by the employee.
Outside employment is regarded as employment for compensation that is not within the duties and
responsibilities of the employee’s regular position with the school system. Personnel shall not be prohibited
from holding employment outside the District as long as such employment does not interfere with assigned
school duties as determined by the District. The Board of Education expects employees to devote maximum
effort to the position in which employed. An employee will not perform any duties related to an outside job
during regular working hours or for professional employees during the additional time that the responsibilities
of the District’s position require; nor will an employee use any District facilities, equipment or materials in
performing outside work. When the periods of work are such that certain evenings, days or vacation periods are
duty free, the employee may use such off-duty time for the purposes of non-school employment.
District employees are judged not only by their service but also by their appearance. It is the District’s
expectation that every employee’s appearance is consistent with the high standards we set for ourselves as a
District. Employees are expected to present a well-groomed, professional appearance and to practice good
personal hygiene. Remember, to our students, parents and public, employees represent the District.
The District expects that all employees are neat, clean, and wear appropriate dress that is in good taste and
suitable for the job at hand. The District will not tolerate dress or attire from school employees that the
principal or supervisor considers disruptive, inappropriate, or which adversely affects the educational
Appropriate safety gear shall also be worn at all times as deemed necessary. Any designated employees (e.g.
custodial, cleaning, maintenance, transportation, food service et al), shall not wear open-toed or slip-on shoes
during regular work hours.
A. Liability: The District does not assume any responsibility for loss, theft or damages to personal
property. In order to minimize risk, the District advises employees not to carry unnecessary amounts of
cash or other valuables. If employees bring personal items to work, they are expected to exercise
reasonable care to safeguard them. The District is not liable for vandalism, theft or any damage to cars
parked on school property. This includes any potential damage occurring during a police search of
district buildings and grounds. The District carries no accident insurance or other insurance coverage
for any loss or injury for which the District does not have legal responsibility.
B. Search of Personal Effects: Employees should have no expectation of privacy to items contained in
plain view, for example, but not limited to enumeration to automobiles parked on the District’s property,
items left on top of or within desks and cabinets, lockers, etc. Items not in plain view and contained
within personal property, e.g. purse, satchel, wallet, coat, backpack, etc., may be searched in accordance
with applicable state and federal law.
All District personnel will recognize and respect the rights of students, as established by local, state, and federal
law. Employees shall, at all times, maintain a professional relationship and exhibit a professional demeanor in
their interactions with students. Further, employees shall refrain from engaging in any actions or conduct of a
sexual nature (verbal or physical) directed toward a student, including, but not limited to, sexual advances,
activities involving sexual innuendo, or requests for sexual favors or sexually explicit language or conversation.
Employees shall not form inappropriate social or romantic relationships with students, regardless of whether or
not the student is 18 years old. Employees shall not use profane or obscene language or gestures in the
The board fully supports the right and desire of teachers to maintain a proper disciplinary atmosphere in all
classrooms. The board further realizes that this is necessary if students and teachers are to realize maximum
effectiveness in the cooperative goals of educational excellence.
Employees are free to engage in political activity outside of work hours and to the extent that it does not
adversely affect the performance of job duties, working relationships or District operations. When engaging in
political activity or engaging in discussions of issues of public importance, employees are expected to ensure
that their actions and positions are not attributed to the Employer. Employer resources may not be used for
promoting a particular candidate or political party or for advocating a particular position on an issue that has
become identified as the viewpoint of a particular candidate or party.
Definition of “Employer Resources”: Employees may not use employer resources for political activities.
Employer resources include office supplies, electronic equipment including e-mail, facsimile and photocopying
machines, bulletin boards and other public spaces. (Use of bulletin boards requires authorization of the building
principal and is off-limits to public use.
Definition of “Political” Activities: Partisan “political” activities must be conducted independent of your role
as an employee. The following guidelines are not exhaustive, but are intended to help in differentiating
between those activities that may be viewed as harmful to workplace functioning and those activities that
generally fall outside the “political” activities subject to employer restrictions and intervention. Employees are
expected to avoid the following political activities:
Using working hours or employer resources to solicit money or signatures or to make political
Using non-work hours to solicit contributions, signatures or services from other employees who are on
work time
Posting political materials in areas open to the public (generally, individual work stations that are not
available to the public are exempted from this restriction)
Using the employer’s mailing address as the return address for political solicitations
Providing employer mailing lists to any individual or organization for political solicitations if this
information is not generally available to the public. (Note: the use and distribution of employer mailing
lists to outside parties always requires prior authorization including an assessment of whether fees
should be charged to cover production costs)
Providing a forum for an individual candidate to promote his or her campaign without giving an equal
opportunity to other candidates, for the same office, to participate in the forum.
Political advocacy in the form of clothing items, armbands and buttons that cause a disruption in
operations and/or violate the rights of others including the right to be free from discrimination,
harassment and intimidation in the workplace.
These guidelines are not intended to discourage discussion of controversial issues in the classroom, where such
discussions are consistent with District curriculum guidelines and teaching methods.
This policy is not intended to limit the off-duty activities of employees where District buildings and property
are made available to community groups for meetings and gatherings.
Nothing in this policy limits the rights of the District to sponsor non-partisan political forums in support of
District initiatives, such as building referendums. Nothing in this policy places restrictions on the District’s
freedom to invite speakers with political associations to forums that are not open to the general public.
All teachers shall engage in independent and active efforts to maintain high standards of individual excellence.
Such efforts shall include keeping current in each specific and applicable area of instruction, board established
curriculum, as well as continuing study of the art of pedagogy. In addition to maintaining high standards of
excellence for the students and school, the teacher will make him/herself available during the contractual year
and day to his/her colleagues for assistance, to the District for services beyond those specifically required as
part of his/her individual contractual duties, and to the community as a valuable resource.
The school calendar shall be determined by the board. The determination of the structure of the days, e.g.
instructional, in-service, workdays, etc., shall be at the discretion of the board.
Staff members are responsible for their own students as well as the entire student body. When sending a
student to the office, be sure to call immediately and explain why the student was sent to the office. On all
discipline referrals, be sure to include the reason for the referral and any action taken. Referrals will be
submitted via e-mail to the principal. Please contact the principal if you need further training in this area.
Teachers should make every effort to contact parents/guardians about referrals from their class and note
these contacts on the mailed form. If students are held after the end of the regular school day for disciplinary
purposes, the parent/guardian shall be notified prior to staying after school.
Teachers shall not dismiss their students earlier than the regularly scheduled time without the permission
of the principal or designee. No student shall leave the school premises during school hours without
permission of the principal or designee granted upon written request of the parent/guardian, or for good causes
known to the principal. Telephone requests for excuse of students from school shall be referred to the principal
or designee, and honored with caution.
Employees shall have no expectation of privacy with respect to any item or document stored in or on Districtowned property, which includes, but is not limited to desks, filing cabinets, mailboxes, lockers, tables, shelves,
and other storage spaces in or out of the classroom. Accordingly, the District may at any time and in its sole
discretion conduct a search of such property, regardless of whether the searched areas or items of furniture are
locked or unlocked.
A. Adherence to Safety Rules: All employees shall adhere to District safety rules and regulations and shall
report unsafe conditions or practices to the appropriate supervisor. Fire safety is an essential element of
having a safe working environment. Employees should know the following:
1. Location of fire alarms
2. Location of fire extinguishers
3. Evacuation routes
4. Whom to notify in case of fire
Employees need to take precautions to prevent fires from occurring. In the event of a fire, the most
important task is to sound the alarm and clear the building. Employees should not risk their safety in
fighting fires.
B. Reporting Requirement: An employee shall report in writing all cases of accident or injury incurred in
the performance of duties, on school property, or at school activities, to the district administrator, or
his/her designee, who shall acknowledge receipt of such report and keep the staff involved informed of
action taken. Employees shall also report, in writing, each accident and/or injury involving a student,
employee or school visitor that he/she witnesses. In addition, all employees are expected to report any
unsafe practices or conditions affecting persons, property or equipment.
C. Weapons Prohibition: Firearms and dangerous weapons are prohibited in all District buildings and in
accordance with all applicable laws. Licensed peace officers who are serving in their official capacities
are the only persons excepted from this prohibition. Firearms and dangerous weapons have the
definitions set forth in the following statutory provisions: Wis. Stats.§§119.25, 120.13(1), 941.235,
948.60, 948.605, 948.61.
D. Disaster Preparedness: All employees must become familiar with building procedures in the event of
emergencies such as fire, tornado, intruders, etc. When drills are staged, every staff member and student
must follow proper procedures.
A. Expectations: Violent behavior of any kind or threats of violence, either direct or implied, which may
relate to the school environment, are prohibited. The District will not tolerate such conduct by its
employees, members of the public, contractors, or visitors. An employee who exhibits violent behavior
shall be subject to disciplinary action up to an including termination and may also be referred to law
B. Prohibited Behavior: Violence in the workplace may include, but is not limited to, the following list of
prohibited behaviors directed at or by an employee, supervisor or visitor:
1. Assault or battery
2. Blatant or intentional disregard for the safety or well-being of others
3. Commission of a violent felony or misdemeanor
4. Dangerous or threatening horseplay or roughhousing
5. Direct threats or physical intimidation
6. Loud, disruptive, profane or obscene language or gestures that are clearly not part of the typical
school district learning environment
7. Physical restraint, confinement
8. Possession of weapons of any kind on District property
9. Stalking
10. Any other act that a reasonable person would perceive as constituting a threat of violence
C. Reporting Procedure: An employee who is the victim of violence, believes he/she has been threatened
with violence, or witnesses an act or threat of violence towards anyone else shall take the following
1. If an emergency exists and the situation is one of immediate danger, the employee shall contact the
local law enforcement by dialing 911, and may take whatever emergency steps are available and
appropriate to protect himself/herself from immediate harm, such as leaving the area.
2. If the situation is not one of immediate danger, the employee shall report the incident to the
appropriate supervisor or his/her designee as soon as possible.
An employee who has received a restraining order, temporary or permanent, against an individual, who
may impact the employee at work, [e.g. verbal or physical contact or proximity has been prohibited or
restricted], shall immediately supply a copy of the signed form to his/her supervisor. The supervisor
shall provide copies to the other appropriate supervisors and inform other employees on an as-needed
D. Investigation and Investigation Findings: The District will investigate all complaints filed and may
investigate other situations where no complaint was filed but was brought to the District’s attention.
Retaliation against a person who makes a good-faith complaint regarding violent behavior or threats of
violence made to him/her is also prohibited.
In appropriate circumstances, the District will inform the reporting individual of the results of the
investigation. To the extent possible, the District will maintain the confidentiality of the reporting
employee and the investigation, but may need to disclose results in appropriate circumstances [e.g. in
order to protect individual safety or to conduct an adequate investigation]. The District will not tolerate
retaliation against any employee who in good faith reports workplace violence.
(To be signed and returned to the Board of Education Office of the School District of Neillsville)
My signature below indicates that I agree to read the Handbook and abide by the standards, policies and
procedures defined or referenced in this document. It is also important to know that additional regulations,
policies and laws are in the District Board Policy Manual and in the handbooks for specific employee groups.
Copies of the Employee Handbook and the District Board Policy Manual are located at the Board of Education
Office and on the District’s website at The Board Policy Manual can be found
under District Information.
I understand that this Employee Handbook supersedes all previous manuals, handbooks, collective bargaining
agreements and personnel policies that I have received or have been advised of by the School District of
Neillsville. I also understand that the information in this Handbook is subject to change. I understand that
changes to provisions in this Handbook will supersede the information summarized in this Handbook. As the
District provides updated policy information, I accept responsibility for reading and abiding by the changes. I
understand that this Handbook does not constitute an employment contract. I understand that by accepting
employment with the School District of Neillsville, I am not being asked or required to provide anything in
return beyond my services. I further understand that only the School Board has the authority to create an
employment contract, and such contract must be in writing and signed by the School District in order to be
valid. Subject to any applicable employment contract under Wis. Stat. 118.21, I understand that my
employment with the District may be terminated by myself or the District per District policies and procedures.
I understand that nothing in this Handbook is intended to confer a property interest in my continued
employment with the District beyond the term of my current contract (if any).
I understand that I have an obligation to inform my supervisor of any changes in my personal information, such
as phone number, address, etc. I also accept responsibility for contacting my supervisor if I have any questions,
concerns or need further explanation about District standards, policies or procedures. My signature on this form
is acknowledgment that I agree that I am legally responsible for any fines or fees charged to the school District
incurred by me (an example may be a traffic citation, e.g. parking ticket, received as a result of my operation of
a District motor vehicle) or reduction in salary for breach of contract. If any contractual relationship between
the District and an employee (or group of employees) conflicts with any provision of this Handbook, the
contract shall govern with respect to that issue.
Printed Name
(The Board Office will maintain this page in the employee’s personnel file. After the employee ceases
employment with the District, the District will maintain this record pursuant to its records retention schedule,
or if none, for a period of not less than 7 years.)