News and Views - Servants of Charity
News and Views - Servants of Charity
News and Views Newsletter of the Divine Providence Province Learning from the Founder October 2010 Volume 3 Number 10 from the mouth of God, proclaimed especially in the sacred liturgy. In the sacred Writings the Father comes to meet his sons with love to speak with them heart to heart. His word draws us together, communicates to us the sublime knowledge of Jesus Christ and spurs us on to action. At the table of this bread for the soul we come to regenerate our As we wait for the announcement of his life and to receive light so that we might Canonization, it is important to recall recognize the designs of Providence in all what our Constitutions describe as our that happens” (C 31). vocation to holiness: October is a very special month for Guanellians during which we remember and celebrate the “pass over” of our Founder into eternity and the Church’s official recognition of his holy and virtuous life that shines as model and example in the eyes of all those who strive to follow the Lord Jesus. To Father Guanella, Jesus was indeed everything! Jesus was to him not only the visible incarnation of the Father but also the companion, the elder Brother holding his hands and guiding his steps on the daily journey to the Father, on the path toward the high peak of holiness, walking through the alleys of poverty, searching and caring for the needy and the lowly. What sustained and nurtured our Founder’s faithful climbing of the mountain of the Lord? We know the clear answer. It is an open secret revealed to us, his children, and recorded in our Rule of life: Breaking the Bread of the Eucharist to become ‘Eucharist’ Ourselves “The Eucharist is the life of the Institute, which, like the sun illumines, warms up and makes the soil bring forth fruit, a true paradise on earth for all who firmly believe. The community looks at the Eucharistic sacrifice as the source and climax of its life. The members celebrate it every day, uniting their own ‘prayer and suffering’ to the oblation of Christ, our Passover. They draw renewed energy from their communion with the Body of the Lord for preserving unity and charity and for becoming bread broken for the life of the world.” (C 32) “As the Host after the Consecration becomes the true Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the same way you too suddenly by the grace of the Sacraments are transformed into a heavenly creature. What a wonder of power and mercy of Welcoming and sharing God’s our God and Lord! Similarly the wine Word is transformed into the purest Blood of Jesus Christ. That very Blood flows “The real food sustaining us on our through the veins of your heart and so journey is every word which comes continued on pg. 2. “ The Servants of Charity, especially the young, must always pray without stopping. “ “In our journey to sanctification we are guided by the spiritual experience of the Founder: for us too ‘life means Christ’” (C 30). Blessed Luigi Guanella (1910 Reg) you are transformed, without losing your individuality, into the Body and Blood of the Man-God. In the most solemn moment of Holy Communion you are one with Jesus and He is one with your heart. Surrender totally to the Lord and you will see the wonders of his Divine Mercy and infinite power.” (L. Guanella, The Foundation) Praying always, everywhere “We need prayer as our life’s breath. As a bird soars in the air and as a fish swims in the water, likewise your soul must continually live in God, breathe for God. Prayer is the voice that comes out spontaneously from the heart. It is the voice of the child who calls, the cry of the little one who longs for his mother. We can pray in church and at home, in the room and outside, kneeling and standing, during work or rest time, by day and by night. The heart is the life of our body; prayer is the life of the Christian soul.” (L. Guanella, The Foundation) The Servants of Charity, especially the young, must always pray without stopping (1910 Reg). The best method of prayer is the Our Father. Listen and deeply feel it! In the Lord’s Prayer it is a son who speaks with his heart in this way: “O Father in heaven I am yours. Provide me a work to keep myself busy, a bread to live. As for the rest, help me to praise you and make you loved by everyone. When will I see you, O Dad, in Paradise?” With the Our Father you pray: “Make me holy, O Lord. Whether I live or die, I want to be with you. This is essential for a Christian!”Remember frequently: the one who sustains and consoles you is the Lord who has created you. Hope in Him and live serene! (L. Guanella, The Foundation) Journeying in the company of the poor We journey to the Father enriched by the presence of our brethren, especially the poorest: we share their sufferings and aspirations, we stay with them and pray with them, happy to share fraternally faith, hope, love. (C 30) Dear Confreres and friends, as we prepare to celebrate our Founder’s Day, waiting with the whole Church to call him St. Luigi Guanella, let us continue learning from him how to live and love the Lord in our brethren more generously and faithfully. In this pastoral year, let us in particular imitate and make our own his way of praying: heart to heart, with childlike trust and simplicity, alone and in community, continually and everywhere. Let us never forget our commitment to “pray with our poor”, breaking with them not only the material food on the table, but also the good news of a Father who never stops searching, waiting, running toward, and passionately embracing his children, starting always with the least, the last and the lost. May the Virgin Mary who mirrors and extends to us all, in her unique way, the tenderness of the Father, be always at our side in this special Guanellian month that is also the month of the Rosary and of the Missions. Fraternally in Christ, Fr. Luigi Provincial Council Meeting SPRINGFIELD - The annual council meeting in the USA of the Divine Providence Province was held September 21-24. The council was blessed and honored to have Fr. Alfonso Crippa, our Superior General, present among us. In addition, Fr. Piero Lippoli, General Secretary and the General Council “link” to the province, also blessed us with his presence. They were four full-day meetings and many topics were covered. The provincial, Fr. Luigi, gave a report as well as reports from each of the three nations of the province. Fr. Peter Sebastian and Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, provincial treasurer, informing the council of the financial standing and issues within the province and its communities, also presented a financial administration report. The vocation promotion and formation programs were discussed for each country and Fr. Rathinam presented a report of his recent visit to Vietnam and the Philippines. The council also discussed the sustainability of our mission projects, preparation for the canonization of our Founder, the formulation of wills of the confreres, clarification concerning home visits and specific issues concerning some confreres. The meetings were planned for this time so that all of the confreres could participate in the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Servants of Charity presence and founding of the St. Louis Center in Chelsea, September 19th, and Don Guanella School in Springfield, September 26th. They were wonderful, momentous and grace-filled events that recalled the past and pointed to a hope-filled future for the Servants of Charity in the USA. October 2010 Calendar of Fr. Provincial Springfield: Community Day of Recollection and Local Council Meeting 5 Chelsea: Community Day of Recollection and Local Council Meeting 12-20 Mexico: Visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe Province 20 Philippines: Arrival in Manila 22 Quezon City: Community Day of Recollection 24 Quezon City: Feast of Bl. Luigi Guanella with the Community 27 Philippines: Meeting with the Bishop of Bataan 2 2 Works of Providence First Regents Gathering VATLURU - The Karunalaya Boys Home students received new uniforms to go to school. Distributing them to the boys, Fr. Kuriakose reminded them to pray for the benefactors and to thank God for His Providence. CHENNAI - After a challenging three-month ministry, the brothers in regency gathered for the first time in the DPP Office at Chennai to review, to reflect and to rationalize. Though they came back from different mission stations, they had the same fun, games and similar experiences; they shared their feelings, ideas, successes and difficulties. Hands-on training was given at Don Guanella Rehabilitation Center; they were with the children learning the Guanellian mission. The gathering ended with a pilgrimage to shrines and an evaluation of their regency. The tailoring course for the girls of our parish who have dropped out of school was restarted. We give them an opportunity to learn a trade to provide for themselves in society. All the trainees thanked Frs. Kuriakose and Kulandai Samy for their generous help. First Aid Seminar For Postulants SIVAGANGAI - To acquire knowledge about medicine and sanitary first aid practices, ten of our postulant brothers from Sivagangai attended a course at Arockia Hospital for a week. Two doctors and a nurse led the class, which began on August 16th, to teach us some fundamental medical skills. Respiratory problems, heart attacks, wounds and diseases, AIDS, blood cells and circulation, bones and joints, fractures and bandages were all topics that were covered during the week. We thank them for nourishing our minds. ‘Mamma’ is Born into Eternal Life VATLURU - Thalari Mariama, an 85 year-old lady known to all as ‘Mamma,’ passed away on September 4th. She was from a poor and abandoned family of Vatluru, Andhra. Members of Sacred Heart Church were taking care of her for the last six years. God was working in her life through the teachings of Blessed Luigi Guanella. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Anniversary of the Death of Sr. Erina CUDDALORE - The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated in Vatluru parish’s substation Koppaka, Sahaya Matha Parish, Cuddalore, and Don Guanella Rehabilitation Center on September 8th. Each place had a car procession, creative rosary and the Holy Eucharist. Solemn High Mass was celebrated at DGRC. The Guanellian family joined together to pay tribute to Sr. Erina, the former Superior Delegate of the Indian Delegation of the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, on September 16th. The superior spoke about Sr. Erina, “In whatever she did, she stood out like a glowing lamp spreading light and love on all.” Sr. Emelda added, “She had a child’s heart. She lived as a peace maker in her lifetime”. 3 Legion of Mary Goes on Pilgrmage to see life as a vocation and a gift, and teach them to truly live. Let us therefore help the youth to discover the meaning of life and plan their futures properly.” Teachers Day and Blessing from Mary CHENNAI - Don Guanella Rehabilitation Center celebrated teachers’ day on September 2nd. We honored the teachers and remembered their service. Providence was abundant during this month through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. On their birthdays, Joshita, Asvin and Raju were with us playing, chatting, CUDDALORE - Members of Legion of Mary from smiling and helping us in every way possible and they Sahaya Matha Parish made a pilgrimage to Chennai. served dinner to our children. On their Wedding They visited holy places like St. Thomas Cathedral, Anniversary, William and Claudy, our benefactors, Our Lady Of Good Health Church and many other brought food to our children. Members of Cotronix Charitable Society visited our house and thanked us for important churches of Chennai. our service to the ‘good’ children. Providence Provides For The Needy VATLURU - Providence has done wonders in our Parish at Andhra. One of the textile manufacturers in Eluru, R 9000, distributed bed sheets for the boys of Karunalaya and some of the poor parishioners. Fr. Kuriakose thanked the sponsors for their magnanimity and generosity. Colorful Sunday DGRC CHENNAI - Don Guanella Oratory held a drawing competition on September 12th. There were 100 children who actively participated and drew beautiful pictures of nature and God. The competition was successful because their inner talents were shared. . Teachers Day Celebration CUDDALORE - Teachers Day was celebrated on September 5th at Don Guanella Boys Home. There was a cultural program to entertain and honor our teachers. The boys left on holiday for a week after having finished their quarterly exams. Brothers Assist at Shrine BANGALORE - Humanity is divided into two: those who need help and those who can help. The brothers of Guanella Preethi Nivas exemplified those who help New Focus in Youth Ministry by their service at Our Lady of Good Health Shrine in Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore August 29th to September BANGALORE - In this year dedicated to the youth of 8th. The brothers cared for the shrine, which is close the Church, Fr. Lourduraj shared his knowledge of Youth to the seminary, during its feast days. They prepared Ministry. In speaking to the brothers of Bangalore he the Liturgy, distributed Communion and managed the said, “We must free our youth from social conditioning religious items booth. “Your zealous work has brought such as caste, class, gender and prejudices that prevent Glory to God,” said the Archbishop of Bangalore in his them from living as free persons. We must enable them words of thanks. 4 My Beautiful Days In India After five weeks, it’s time for me to leave India and return home to Italy. This was something more than a holiday, I had always wanted to see India, so when I met Fr. Luigi and he invited me to come here, I immediately accepted. During my stay, I visited all the Guanellian houses and was welcomed everywhere with warm hospitality. secondary school, to judge the debate. It was a fruitful discussion and we came out with good results. At the minor seminary in Cuddalore, we harvest rice three times every year. We had a good time working together as one Guanellian family during this harvest. All the brothers worked hard and now partake in the sumptuous food. Visit of Provincial Vicar SAIGON - The Provincial Vicar, Fr. Soosai Rathinam, SdC, visited Vietnam Sept 8th-12th. In the presence of Fr. Rathinam on the 9th, the local parish priest, Fr. Trung, blessed I have to say “thanks” to each one of you, because I the rented house, came to know so many new things about religion, the current home history, customs, politics… and you introduced me to of the Servants of Tamil movies. You dressed me up in Indian style; you Charity in Vietnam, and the newly prepared chapel. The showed me monkeys and elephants (you even made house can accommodate eight students and two priests. me ride one!) Somebody tried to teach me to eat with At present, there are five students. Three of them have my hands but they had to give up! graduated and two have completed high school and are There was also time for something more… Spirituality. studying at the university. I come from the place of your Founder but did not Pigrimmage to Christ the King know anything about him. I was awestruck by the service and mission that you do for the people. Visiting other countries to learn their culture and customs is SAIGON - While Fr. Rathinam was visitng, we went very enriching. I enjoyed every moment of my stay. on a pilgrimage to the mount of Tao Phung. It is very surprising to see a statue of St. Joseph’s Seminary Holds Debate and Christ the King Harvests Rice 28 meters tall in a communist CUDDALORE - On September 11th, Brothers of country. The St. Joseph Seminary organized a debate on the topic, statue is on “Who Is Playing A Vital Role in The Growth of Today’s the top of Tao Youth, Parents or Society?” The whole seminary was Phung. It is a divided into very significant two teams, event because Don Guanella of the fact and Chiara we began the Bossatta. academic year with the blessings of Christ the King. The resource It reminded me of the fact that Fr. Guanella, in the persons beginning, wanted his congregation to be called sons of were invited the Sacred Heart. from the St. Marina, Guanellian Volunteer Joseph’s higher 5 Fr. Soosai Presents Tutelage Program QUEZON CITY - Rev. Fr. Soosai Rathinam, Provincial Vicar, is in charge of the Tutelage Program for young priests, a program to encourage growth in communion and fraternal living. When we met, he thanked the community for our service to the province and encouraged us to grow further in our mission. Being his first visit, he gave an orientation about the program and took time to meet each confrere personally. The motivation for the program is not only updating and giving lectures, but also the process of conversion and transformation of the person. He enlightened us about the role of a superior; gave input on spiritual and communal growth, and to be joyful and tireless servants of the poor. It was an informative and energizing meeting. Team Building 2010 LEGAZPI -The staff of Harong Kan Sagrada Familia gathered at Casa Basilisa, Guinobatan, Albay September 10th to attend a Team Building Retreat. The objective was to gather in an atmosphere different from the usual Day of Recollection the staff undertakes each year; foster a wholesome working relationship with one another; and to discover one’s potential for capacity building, leadership training, team work and advocacy in order to carry out the center’s vision and mission for the benefit of the special persons entrusted to their care. Games were played to allow the participants to bring out their potential in a leisurely way. The facilitators, Rene Castro and his son Butch, taught the participants that the best they can contribute is their individual talents; ideas were spontaneously shared to make the different activities more lively and enjoyable. Participants filled out evaluations of the activity to see if the objectives were met. The staff can testify that it was a success because they look forward to another activity soon. First Communion at Guanella Center QUEZON CITY - On the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8th, there was a celebration of first Holy Communion at the Guanella Center. Eight children, who had Catechism lessons from Mrs. Marsha, Mrs. Vilma and our seminarians, received the Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. A living Rosary was prayed before celebrating the Holy Mass, the relatives of the children and Guanella Center benefactors participated in the living Rosary and Holy Mass. Fr. Soosai Rathinam, the Provincial Vicar, led the Rosary and shared his inspirational message on the Blessed Mother. The children actively participated by offering roses to Mary. After Mass, which was presided over by Fr. Dong and Fr. Selva, the First Communicants were given Certificates and religious articles. A luncheon followed the Celebration. Fr. Jerin Visits HKSF LEGAZPI -Fr. Jerin Prasana, SdC visited the Harong Kan Sagrada Familia community during the first week of September. As he is full of enthusiasm for the mission, he was requested to share his experience and his spirit for mission with our search-ins and pre-seminarians. On Sunday, Sept 5th, he offered his thanksgiving mass for our community and the faithful who gather at HKSF. His homily was a thoughtful message to the faithful to choose Christ as the center of their life. After the Holy Mass, people greeted him and kissed his holy hand. A reception followed with all our residents, staff and pre-seminarians. Best wishes to Fr. Jerin in Manila and Vietnam. 6 St. Louis Center’s 50th Anniversary Celebration have been blessed by fifty golden years of the loving priests of the Servants of Charity who share in the charism of Fr. Guanella.”s CHELSEA - To view additional photos of the 50th Anniversary Supporters of St. event, please visit the St. Louis Center website at www. Louis Center in Chelsea experienced a wonderful day SLC Fun Run of thanksgiving on Sunday September CHELSEA - On Wednesday, September 15, 2010 the 19, 2010 as three St. Louis Center Aktion events made up the Club challenged their peers celebration of “50 Years of Service and Education.” The to a Fun Run/Walk to help day began with a groundbreaking ceremony at St. Louis raise money for Faith in Center, followed by a Celebration Mass at St. Mary Action. The mission of the Parish, and concluded with an exquisite dinner at the St. Louis Aktion Club is to beautifully decorated St. Mary Parish Hall. Over 300 help people with disabilities people were in attendance at the event. discover their talents and put them to use by Members of the Servants of Charity Congregation came from as far doing community service away as Rome, and fundraising projects that support others who are Italy; Chennai, in need. The 2010 St. Louis Center Fun Run would India, Legazpi, challenge each resident to participate and solicit pledges Philippines, and for laps completed. It was later decided that the money Mexico City, raised would be donated to Faith in Action, a faithMexico; to join based nonprofit organization that provides assistance with their local and resources to people. brothers in celebration of this USA Assembly 2010 event. Of special note was the presence of the Father General of the Servants of Charity, Most Rev. Alphonso CHELSEA - Before the celebrations marking the 50th Crippa from Rome, who presided over the Celebration Anniversary of the Servants of Charity’s presence in the Mass with his Excellency, Bishop Emeritus Carl F. USA, the communities held the annual assembly at the St. Mengeling of Lansing. Louis Center on September 15-17. Besides the confreres Starting at St. Louis Center in the morning, a working in the USA, Fr. Alfonso Crippa, SdC, Superior groundbreaking ceremony was held to bless and dedicate General and Fr. Pietro Lippoli, SdC, Secretary General the construction of a new administrative/therapy wing from Rome, and members of the Provincial Council that will be built at the front entrance of the original from India and the Philippines were also present.As an added bonus Fr. Enrique Colafemmina, Provincial building. At noon, the Servants of Charity priests joined Bishop of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, came to visit Mengeling, Monsignor Steven Raica, and Rev. William from neighboring Mexico. The purpose of the assembly J. Turner, Pastor of St. Mary, for a Celebration Mass to was to reflect on the past fifty years, assess the present honor the fifty years of St. Louis Center. Making note situation and plan for the future. Vocation promotion, of Blessed and personnel occupied a considerable amount of time. Luigi Sr. Durstyne Faman, OP, Guanella, Director of Vocation Office Bishop for the Adrian Dominicans, Mengeling gave a stirring presentation said on the strategies, means and during his tools necessary today for homily effective work in the field of that, “We vocations. 7 Don Guanella Village Golden Jubilee SPRINGFIELD - On Sunday September 26, 2010, the Most Rev. Robert P. Maginnis, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, was the celebrant of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Servants of Charity. Fr. Alfonso Crippa, superior general, Fr. Luigi De Giambattista, provincial superior, Fr. Joseph Rinaldo of St. Louis Center in Chelsea, Michigan, and the Confreres of the provincial council and the local community were also in attendance. Our residents knew that they were at the center of the celebration. Some of them were co-founders of Don Guanella School, along with the first Servants of Charity priests who started the school in October 1960; together giving “Bread and the Lord” to many boys. Many families and former students now living on their own; came back to their Alma Mater to celebrate with old friends and new. The main attraction was a slide show of pictures from the old days. Many recognized themselves in their younger days, recalling the names of priests, Sisters, teachers and staff who cared for them. We are grateful to Charlie Grace, Sr., a great singer and composer, and Chris Burke who, before being a TV star, spent years here at the school as a student. We thank all who participated, especially our confreres who are spreading the message of charity to India, the Philippines, and Vietnam. We felt their closeness and their intercession to the Good Lord. The Lord is the One Who works and makes things happen. He protects and helps us. His kindness and care are everlasting. GLM Taking Form in Rhode Island EAST PROVIDENCE - Fr. Peter Di Tullio, SdC took over Sacred Heart Parish in 1987. He has transformed the parish into a vibrant community; he gave new life to a dying school, built a gym for the school and local youth sports activities, opened a Day Care Center for toddlers, renovated the church and most recently, he opened a Day Center for the elderly. Something, however, was missing. Some of the parishioners asked, “Do the Servants of Charity have a Lay Association like the Franciscan Third Order?” That simple question was an inspiration from the Lord to teach them about the Guanellian Family. Fr. Paul Oggioni, SdC has met with a group of parishioners who desire to form the Guanellian Lay Movement. He explained the philosophy and inspiration of the Movement and they discussed ways to develop the GLM in connection with parish, school and individual activities. Friends, benefactors, sports personalities, and entertainment celebrities expressed their admiration and gratitude for the 50 years of ministry toward the most vulnerable. Bishop At a meeting in December, Father Guanella and Maginnis, on behalf of Cardinal Rigali, of his spirituality will be the Archdiocese said, “May the name of discussed in terms of how Father Luigi Guanella be blessed forever!” this will lead to spiritual growth. Future meetings Families of our residents expressed their will be held in March, gratitude for the opportunity of having their loved ones in such a caring facility, May, and September recalling the spiritual atmosphere and 2011 in preparation for their preparation for the reception of First the Canonization of the Communion, Confirmation, and other Founder. religious celebrations. 8 October Schedule of Events 1 Legazpi: Feeding Program Parents Meeting Manila: Living RosaryPersons with Disablities 2 The Holy Guardian Angels Grass Lake: St. Joseph Women’s Guild Meeting Legazpi: Search-In Program Manila: Team Building Seminar by Tita Malou Vatluru: Catechists Meeting 3 Cuddalore: Recollection for Sahaya Matha Parish; Students return to DGBH Karunalaya: Parent Meeting Legazpi: Feast of Our Lady of Buen Viaje Sivagangai: Postulants pilgrimage to Oriyur 5 Chelsea: SLC Residents Aktion Club Meeting 6 Legazpi: Pilgrimage to Naga for Feeding Children 7 Our Lady of the Rosary Vatluru: Rosary and Procession for Our Blessed Mother 9 Chelsea: Vocation retreat for boys Grass Lake: Prayer and Pizza girls group Legazpi: Step Parents Meeting 9-10 Manila: Search-In vocation retreat 10 Grass Lake: GLM Monthly Meeting after Mass 11 Andhra: Recollection for Students by Fr. Kuriakose 16 Manila: Communion Day-Caritas and Carmelite Sisters 17 Manila: Family Day Celebration 18 Springfield: 12th Annual Don Guanella Village Charity Golf Classic 19 Chelsea: SLC Residents Aktion Club Meeting 20 Manila: Adoration for Vocations Sivagangai: Recollection for Postulants 20-21 Manila: SPED 2nd Quarterly Exams 22 Manila: Recollections for Religious and Staff Springfield: Fr. Paul to Paraguay until Nov. 16 Vatluru: Adoration and prayer for parish 23 Cuddalore: Procession of Blessed Guanella at Sahaya Matha Parish Manila: Seminar for SPED 24 Feast of Blessed Luigi Guanella Cuddalore: Solemn Celebration of Founder and Formation of Guanellian Cooperators in Cuddalore; Drama ‘The Life of Blessed Guanella’ Grass Lake: BLG Celebration after Mass Manila: Confirmation for Special Children 25 Anniversary of the Beatification of Blessed Luigi Guanella Legazpi: Holy Mass for the aged and sick Springfield: Guanella Feast Day celebration at Don Guanella Village 25-27 Springfield: Forty Hours Devotion in honor of the Feast of Don Guanella 28 Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles Manila: Launching of Adult Catechisis Best Wishes and Prayers to: 1 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 17 20 21 26 27 28 29 Fr. Kulandi: feast day Bro. Assisi: feast day Fr. Maria Aroikiadoss: birthday Fr. Visuwasam: birthday; Bro. Praveen: feast day Fr. Satheesh: birthday Bro. James Stanley Babu: birthday Bro. S.A. Lourduraj: birthday Fr. Nico: birthday Fr. Eduardo Cerbito: birthday Nov. Aroickia Prabu V.: birthday Nov. Antony Xaviour R.: birthday Fr. Rathinam: birthday Bro. Francis Sunil Kumar: birthday Fr. Peter Di Tullio: birthday Bro. Arul: birthday Fr. Blanchoud: ordination anniversary Bro. Anandhan: birthday Have questions or comments about this newsletter? Contact the Communications and Community Relations Office at: 16195 Old US 12 Chelsea, MI 48118 USA Telephone: 734-475-8430 Email: Website: 9
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