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Newsand Views
Newsletter of the Divine Providence Province
June 2015
Let's go to “Como” to our DNA -Genesis & Pay heed to our
Religious Life!
We look at the panoramic vision and
mission of Como: The first generation
of our confreres and sisters, along
with our poor, stayed under the
same umbrella like in Noah's ark.
professional schools; printing press;
homes for the elderly; home for
good children; agricultural colonies;
parishes; chaplaincies; oratories;
after-school programs; assistance to
immigrants; homes for orphans, etc.
Analyzing the human resources,
the average age would have been
20 to 30 and full of energy and
Venerable Bacciarini
United States
enthusiasm, creativity and joy, they
were able to spread the charism
and mission through sacrifices and
with heroic virtues. But we have to
take into account the reality of the
two congregations during the time
of evangelization - with a different
mentality, different people and
language, and way of understanding.
Do we think that these communities
were without problems? Certainly,
our first Guanellian communities had
problems due to weak personalities;
poor dedication to the spiritual life,
meditation, visits, spiritual exercises,
and reading; abuses in the area
of relationships and in the use of
food and alcohol; reckless excesses
of grumbling and gossip; tensions
in the fraternal life and expense
reporting; reluctance in the practice
of obedience; excessive autonomy in
the mission; difficulty of relationship
between the Servants and the
Daughters; long silences and scarcity
of communication with superiors;
mediocre skills; moral issues with
even some scandal; lack of tradition,
etc. Henceforth, we could notice an
underlying problem of “Identity”
and “pastoral nature”- what kind of
religious do we want to be and which
type of ministry do we want to take
Volume 8 Number 6
But in spite of these difficulties and
problems, the confreres and sisters
were very open to live and absorb the
genuine spirit of St. Louis Guanella.
Therefore, our vocation, in and of
itself, does not consist of merely
organizing our lives, but to share it and
When you are
not praying you
work, when you
are not working
you pray!
On June 12th, we will be celebrating
the solemnity of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, our Guanellian family’s
DNA-Genesis born out of the heart
of a merciful Father. In fact, in our
founder’s life, we can trace 30 little
sermons on the Sacred Heart invoked
in many titles. In Asia, we begin our
new pastoral year from June onwards
whereas in America it begins in
September, therefore I want to focus
on “our origins,” especially the attitude
and style of community, the way they
evangelize, handle problems, etc.
St. Louis Guanella
to be poor like them. For real monks,
whose first work is to be always of
God, witnessing to our origins with
the spirit of “Prayer and Suffering.”
The modern monks are those who
spend time between contemplation
of Christ and service to the poor
in action. The importance given by
Father Guanella and the tradition of
our first common prayer was “when
you are not praying you work, when
you are not working you pray.”
Finally, the community and mission: Father Guanella
always insisted on growing in the "Bond of Charity"
and sense of belonging with an attitude of benevolence
and courtesy during times of opposition and conflict.
I admire the wisdom of our founder to read and
understand others in three perspectives: persons are
“saveable, redeemable and educable.” Don Guanella was
more practical and convinced that there is not much
time to waste; the keyword is to do, do quickly and
serve immediately because "Caritas Christi Urget Nos”the Charity of Christ impels us.
Fr. Soosai Rathinam
June Calendar of Fr. Provincial
Legazpi: Annual Assembly of Confreres
Return to India
Cuddalore: New Parish Priest Installation
Ceremony - Sagaya Matha Parish
Avadi: St. Antony’s Shrine Feast & First
Communion Mass
10-11 Chennai: Meeting with Deacons - DGMS
Chennai: Renewal of Vows with Devotion DGMS; New Pastoral year input Session with
House Council
15-16 Krishnaperi: St. Paul Boys Home Visit
Departure to Rome
23-26 DPP Plenary Meeting with General Council
Return to India
Divine Providence Province-New Assignments/Approvals/Permission
It is with joy and thanksgiving that I announce the new
assignments for the priest confreres of the Province. I
thank them for the docility in which they have accepted
their assignments. Also, I am announcing the approvals
that were granted to confreres for further studies as well
as permission for ministry outside of a community.
The assignments are effective as of June 1, 2015. Please
offer your prayers for these confreres as they enter into
another chapter of their lives striving to “walk in the
footsteps of Don Guanella.”
1. Fr. J. Ronald Jesiah- First Councilor and Rector,
Guanella Bhavan Seminary, Community of Vatluru
2. Fr. K. Maria Paul- Councilor and Director of the
Communications Office for India, Community of
3. Fr. M. Praveen Jeba Kumar- Councilor and Mission
Collaborator of Don Guanella Special School
(DGSS), Community of Chennai
4. Fr. A. Periyanayaga Samy- Councilor and Parish
Priest, Sagaya Matha Parish, Community of
5. Fr. A. Kanikkai Raj- Councilor and Treasurer Don
Guanella Boys Home (DGBH), Community of
6. Fr. T. Anandhan- Councilor and Treasurer St.
Joseph Seminary, Community of Cuddalore
7. Fr. R. Lawrence Thambusamy- First Councilor,
Director of Nazareth Illam and Treasurer,
Community of Thalavadi
8. Fr. Benson- Councilor, GPN Bangalore and Incharge of the Aspirancy Program and the residence
in Mysore
June 2015
9. Fr. J. Arputharaj- Councilor, Sivagangai and
Treasurer and In-charge of land development in
the Madurai Mission
10. Fr. A. John Peter- Councilor and Treasurer,
Community of GPN Bangalore
11. Fr. A. John Kennedy- Councilor and Director of
the Aged Home, Community of GPN Bangalore
12. Fr. A. Bernandes- Councilor, Treasurer and
Assistant Director of Guanella Karunalaya,
Community of Vatluru
13. Fr. S. Periyanayaga Samy- as Director of Boys
Home, Krishnaperi and councilor in Sivagangai
14. Fr. M. Vincent- Councilor, Assistant Parish Priest
and Administrator, Community of Kumbakonam
15. Fr. D. Francis Sunil Kumar- Councilor and
Formation Collaborator, Guanella Bhavan
Seminary, Community of Vatluru
16. Fr. A. David Jayaraj- Approval for Msc Studies
in Counseling and Psychotherapy, “Anugraha”Nochiodaipatty-Dindigul
17. Fr. S. Sagayaraj- Approval for Studies in Pastoral
Counseling and Religious Formation at National
Vocation Center, Pune
18. Fr. C. Lourdu Raj- Permission for Ministry outside
of a Community- Assistant Parish Priest, St.
Joseph’s Church, Lalgudi S.O. T.V. Nagar, Trichy
19. Fr. A. Perianayagasamy- Approval for Msc Studies
in Counseling and Psychotherapy, “Anugraha”Nochiodaipatty-Dindigul
Venerable Aurelio Bacciarini, Servant of Charity; Bishop of Lugano, Switzerland
80 Years after his Death
by Fr. Joseph Rinaldo
Bishop Bacciarini died on June 27, 1935. His legacy
can be summarized in the words he pronounced right
after his election as Bishop of Lugano, Switzerland.
“The Bishop is the father of the poor, the friend of
children, like Jesus Christ, the consoler of the afflicted
who cries for the pain of all like it were his own and for
all, he comforts, helps, saves.” A Saint is a living page
of the Gospel; the incarnation of a bundle of Christian
virtues in the life of a person;
a handful of divine life that
God wanted to make visible
within the pilgrim Church
here on earth.
Bishop Aurelio Bacciarini
is a fragment of the infinite
power of God who manifests
His main trait in exercising a
fatherly mercy.
Bishop Bacciarini went
through a very complex and
difficult life. Because of his
constant physical suffering,
Pope Pius XI called him, “Job
of the Catholic Episcopate.”
I don’t think it is too
extravagant even portraying
him as a new Moses praying
on the mountain for his
people. At Montecassino
Abbey there is a statue of
Moses praying with his hand
raised to heaven. It is the
true picture of those monks
living at the monastery
that, like satellite dishes, are
always ready to receive God’s
blessings on behalf of men.
The successor of Bacciarini
in the See of Lugano,
Switzerland, Bishop Joseph Martinoli, said of his
immediate predecessor, “Bishop Bacciarini accepted a
special mission from the Lord for the well-being of his
diocese, a diocese that was going through a turbulent
period of its life. I am convinced that his mission is not
yet over. Perhaps, its most important part is not yet
June 2015
The Church, the Christian life of the faithful of his
diocese in Ticino, the members of the two Guanellian
Congregations, the Servants of Charity and the
Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, the many friends
of St. Louis Guanella are the subjects of “this mission
not yet accomplished” for bringing back the splendor
of God’s grace in the soul of every person.
Eighty years have already passed since the departure
of Bishop Bacciarini
from this earth. In
a time of hurry and
of swift changes like
ours, even people of
recent history already
seem ancient.
Instead, the models of
holiness that populate
the Church and bring
new vitality to her are
like new blossoms
born from the roots
of the century old
olive tree of hers.
God constantly gives
extraordinarily great
persons to His Church.
Bacciarini had been a
great Bishop because
he was a great man of
prayer: a flower rich
in virtue, especially
the luminous virtue of
There is no problem
subscribe to all the
pastoral decisions that
Bacciarini had made
years ago. Everything
that is solid and essential to the life of the diocese, and
still exists today, should be ascribed to his holiness.
Bishop Bacciarini was essentially a contemplative in
action. He acted with tireless readiness and zeal. But
the soul of his apostolate was his constant prayer. He
was aware that the Lord is always waiting for man to
open himself to Him; that the privileged door, allowing the Holy Spirit to
come in, is prayer.
The cause for his Beatification is already advanced at the Vatican. Experts
are working to uncover those precious pearls that the Lord Himself had
mounted in the heart of this holy Bishop.
Their job is to uncover the action of God’s grace in this holy soul, a soul
that had carried out the virtues of faith, hope and charity in a heroic way
together with all the other Christian virtues. Bishop Bacciarini was declared
Venerable by the Church on March 15, 2008. In our times, we need his help
and protection more than ever. May his intercession touch the Heart of Jesus
to hold in His heart the poor, the handicapped the elderly, the oppressed
and the persecuted.
Bishop Bacciarini the day of his first Mass.
Church of the Sacred Heart in Lugano, Switzerland where Bishop Bacciarini is buried.
Prayer for the Intercession of Venerable Aurelio Bacciarini
June 2015
God, Father of endless love, through the Heart of Jesus your
Son, you have revealed the mystery of your love for each of
your children. By your power you alleviate our labor and
suffering through the Holy Spirit. May you be praised forever.
In your mercy you have sent to your Church your faithful
servant, Bishop Aurelio Bacciarini, to strengthen the faith of
your people as an example of your compassion for the poor
and inspiration of hope in his long suffering. Through his
intercession give us, your children, the grace we are asking
with confidence … Give us the strength to accept and love
your will where we firmly believe we can find our peace. We
ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Pilgrimage to Goa
BANGALORE - To celebrate the Centenary Birth of St.
Louis Guanella in Heaven, the Indian confreres organized
a four-day pilgrimage to Goa, to the place of St. Francis
Xavier, acclaimed as “the Apostle of India.” As gift of his
missionary work, God granted him an incorrupt body
which is preserved in the Bom Jesus Basilica in Goa. St.
Guanella himself was a great pilgrim who travelled to
the Holy Land, Lourdes, Fatima, Pompeii and America.
He presented pilgrimage as a model of spiritual practice
to attain growth in the spiritual life and as a foretaste of
our final pilgrimage to Heaven. Sixteen young Indian
Guanellian priests made this special pilgrimage May
4-8th with the same sentiments of our Founder. They
celebrated Mass at the main altar of the Basilica and
prayed for the Congregation, the Divine Providence
Province, the seminarians, beneficiaries, benefactors
and the Guanellian Laity. They prayed especially that
all Guanellians may be filled with the same missionary
spirit of St. Francis Xavier and St. Louis Guanella.
Renewal of Vows
May 26th, nineteen
vows before Fr.
the Don Guanella
Another eighteen
seminarians renewed their vows at GPN, Bangalore, in
the presence of Fr. Visuvasm, Provincial Councilor, and
the Guanella Preethi Nivas community. The Seminarians
were indeed very happy to renew their vows during the
year of consecrated life as well as 149th Ordination
Anniversary of our Founder. During the homily, Fr.
Provincial urged them to renew their energy and life
style. He stated that many are sacramentalized but not
evangelized. He listed some reasons that religious leave
the congregation: absence of spiritual life, loss of sense
of community, loss of sense of belonging, or affectivity
of women or the world.
He also classified the religious into three groups: those
whose activity is very little; those who do their work
for the sake of doing, without enthusiasm; and those
who are always ready to take any step to live a holy
life. Therefore, as Guanellians let us strive to become
generous religious like our Founder, taking the Holy
Family as a perfect model for religious life.
June 2015
Guanellian Co-operators Born in India
BANGALORE - May 30th is a day that will be
remembered in the history of the Guanellian community
in India; the third branch of the Guanellian community
was formed when eight Lay Members professed their
promises to become Guanellian Co-operators. These
people have spent at least three years in the Guanellian
Lay Movement, they know the charism of our Founder
and had formation according to the statutes of the
Guanellian cooperators. Upon their written request to
the Provincial Superior, they were accepted based on
their spirituality, Guanellian Charism and concern for
the downtrodden and marginalized in society.
Fr. Kolandai accepted their promises on behalf of the
congregation. During his homily, he encouraged the Cooperators to continue their mission activities and make
Christ the focal point of their lives. Please pray for them
as they continue in the
GLM: Mr. Domnic Tilak,
Miss Stella Mary John.
Miss Emaculate Mary,
Mr. Jayaraj Anthony, Mr.
Anthony Dcunha, Mrs
Janet Arana, Mr. Peter
Arana, Mr. Abel.
New Students at the School of Holiness
BANGALORE - The Guanella Preethi Nivas community
was glad to welcome three postulants into the novitiate
on May 30th. The entrance ceremony was part of the
Holy Eucharistic Celebration. With innocence in heart
and words, the postulants expressed their deliberate
desire to enter into the school of holiness in order to
learn more about
their vocation and
the charism of the
petition was accepted
officially welcomed
by Fr. Kulandai - the
Provincial delegate
who gave them the
Holy cross and the Constitutions & Regulations of our
congregation. Fr. Kulandai in his homily advised the
novices about the importance and the need of novitiate
life to live out the religious life. Novices Jerome,
Philomin and Yesu Babu were congratulated by all the
confreres, sisters and GLM members. Finally they were
entrusted to the direction of Fr. Adaikalam, the Novice
Master. The novices were filled with happiness for the
brave decision to follow the Lord more closely.
New Chapel in Samar
and religious community. The group visited the
Immaculate Conception Cathedral-Cubao (Diocesan
MANILA - Through
priests), the Shrine of the Divine Word (SVD priests
the generosity of
and brothers), Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine
local and foreign
(Carmelites-OCD), National Shrine of Our Lady of
donors, a chapel
the Rosary-La Naval de Manila (Domincans) and the
was rebuilt after
National Shrine of our Lady of Lourdes (Franciscan
Capuchins). The pilgrimage was planned in connection
with the celebration of the Centennial of the Death of St.
typhoon Yolanda.
Louis Guanella. In each Church, a decade of the Joyful
Mysteries of the Rosary was prayed in the Guanellian
way, using the Guanellian Rosary Prayer Book. Everyone
May 19th Guanellians
was full of gratitude for the opportunity to be together,
to pray and experience God through Mary.
coordinator of the project
and Fr. Charlton Viray,
A New Home for Friends
local superior of Quezon
City community, with Fr. SAIGON - All are called to be prophets to strike-down
Alfonso Asis, Parish Priest and to rebuild. Servants of Charity in Vietnam are
of Bgy. Bagtong, Salcedo, mainly called to build up. The charity center they have
Eastern Samar, blessed been serving for five years was asked to move because of
the newly built chapel. a land problem. The confreres and students are helping
In particular, we wish to this particular group to move to a different place. This
center has a group
thank the many benefactors
of elderly and
in Italy, Spain, Germany
sick people who
and other parts of Europe through our Guanellian
were abandoned
communities who helped in this project. Special thanks
by their families.
also go to Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Christina ConsunjiThe
Gotianun and DMCI, Ms. Tillie Pelagallo, Dr. Carlos
Lanting College, Dr. Dennis Meyer Tan, Mr. Daniel
and Mrs. Nora Gayod and other local benefactors for
are a
their unwavering support and inspiration. Through the
group who really
support of other benefactors, six houses for persons
deserve immediate
with disabilities were built and two fishing boats were
donated to two families. We would like to thank the
many people, who in many different ways, have helped
First Vows of Bro. Khiet
complete this work of God. God bless you all!
SAIGON - Servants of Charity in Vietnam give glory to
for the first Vietnamese student, Bro. Khiet, who
Marian Pilgrimage 2015
MANILA - On May 23rd the Guanellian Family made his first vows in
journeyed on a local pilgrimage to five Churches in Legazpi on May 31,
2015. It was Trinity
Quezon City.
Sunday and the
Feast of Visitation.
hundred thirty
Fr. Felicks and Fr.
Jerin from Vietnam
attended this graceful
event. Bro. Khiet professed his vows with Bro. Rojer.
Fr. Rathinam, Provincial Superior, accepted their
parents, youth,
vows during the Eucharistic celebration. In the same
Mass Bro. Hoang entered the Novitiate with a Filipino
volunteers, lay
student, Bro. Dfs. May God bless their adventurous
journey in the Guanellian religious life.
June 2015
United St
May Devotions at the Shrine
Fun Run is a yearly event at Hudson Mills. It's 32nd
GRASS LAKE - The month of May, being dedicated to Annual event was held on May 8th. Participants are
the Blessed Mother, was an encouraging phenomenon. challenged to walk 3 miles (one lap) for a ribbon, 6
Here at the Pious miles (2 laps) for a trophy or 9 miles (3 laps) for a large
Union of St. Joseph, the trophy. Our residents enjoy this event every year, as it is
month opened with an opportunity to connect with old friends from school,
a solemn celebration teachers and friends.
Angels Among Us
to St. Joseph, the
Worker, on May 1st.
GRASS LAKE - To further
The evening began
beautify and heighten
with exposition of the
the spiritual experience
of pilgrims to the Shrine
and solemn evening
of St. Joseph, two new
prayer. Then the St. Joseph chaplet was recited; devotions
stained glass windows were
concluded with benediction. The evening continued
installed in the sanctuary.
with snacks and a time of sharing how each person
Generous donors provided
came to be a member of the Pious Union of St. Joseph.
the necessary funds that
May Crowning was on Sunday, May 3rd with Mass
allowed the images of angels
celebrated in the Grotto. After Mass, the Rosary was
carrying the Holy Eucharist
recited followed by the crowning of the Blessed Mother.
from heaven to come to
The crown was presented by Annalise, who received her
first communion the day before; Mary Parrish climbed
Fish Fry to Go
up to place the crown on the Blessed Mother. The
CHELSEA - Good friends of
weather was perfect for May crowning. Blessed be the
St. Louis Center, the Knights of
name of the Lord.
Columbus from Our Lady of Fatima
Receiving Holy Communion
parish brought their famous fish fry
E. PROVIDENCE - Sacred Heart Parish celebrated
to SLC for a special Friday dinner for
First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 3, 2015.
the residents May29th. Many hands
Approximately 20 young boys and girls received
prepared the fish and potatoes and
the Eucharist of the Lord for the first time. Sandy then served the hungry residents.
Duarte helped to prepare the children to receive their
Inspiring the Youth
GRASS LAKE - Fr. Satheesh Alphonse, SdC is the
Fr. Silvio De
chaplain at Huron Valley Catholic School in Ypsilanti, MI.
Nard, SdC
He celebrated Mass for their 8th grade graduating class
on Friday, May 29th. He urged the students to remember
the Mass,
that they are loved as they are and to strive for holiness
each day of their lives. During the graduation ceremony
giving them
he presented the parents with a special prayer for them
to recite daily for their children as they go on to new and
and Blood
challenging endeavors. He also presented each student
with a small statue of their favorite saint that included the
for the first
saints history and a prayer for their intercession. There
Let us continue to pray for these youngsters as they was a time of
look forward to many years of meeting Our Lord in
and fellowship
the Holy Eucharist.
32nd Annual Cooper Fun Run
CHELSEA - An event that supports persons with
disabilities and promotes life-long fitness, Cooper’s
June 2015
June Calendar of Events
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Grass Lake: Mother of Divine Providence Day at
12-14 E. Providence: Parish Feast
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Chelsea: Vocational Retreat for Boys
Grass Lake: Prayer and Pizza Girls' Group
13-14 Manila: Vocation Seminar
Chelsea: Dinner at Paesano's to Honor Fr. Satheesh
Grass Lake: Monthly St. Joseph Day at PUSJ
The Anniversary of the Death of Alexander
Chelsea: Golf & Glory Outing to Benefit St. Louis
The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Anniversary of the Death of Venerable Bishop
Aurelio Bacciarini
Sts. Peter and Paul
Best Wishes and Prayers to:
Bro. Bala Vissampalli: birthday
Fr. Rajesh: birthday
Fr. Peter Sebastian, Bro. Arockia Raj: birthday
Fr. Paul Francis A.: birthday
Bro. Stalin: birthday; Bro. Antony Kalai Selvan, Bro.
Antony Samy: feast day
Fr. John Bosco A.: birthday
Fr. Alfonso Crippa: birthday
Fr. SP Samy, Fr. Vincent: birthday
Fr. Perianayagasamy: birthday; Fr. Francis, Fr.
Francis Assisi, Fr. George, Fr. Johnpaul,
Fr. Jerin, Fr. Lawerence Thambusamy,
Fr. Lourduraj, Fr. Maria Paul, Fr. Rajesh:
ordination day
Fr. Luigi De Giambattista, Fr. Gnanaraj: feast day
Bro. Stalin S.: birthday
Fr. David J., Fr. James Stanley Babu, Fr. John Paul
Have questions or comments
about this newsletter? Contact the
Communications and Community
Relations Office at:
16195 Old US 12
Chelsea, MI 48118 USA
Telephone: 734-475-8430
Britto, Fr. Louis Baskar A., Fr. Periyanayagasamy A.,
Fr. Peter Joseph P., Fr. Praveen Jeba Kumar: ordination
Bro. Arun, Bro. Thambusamy X.: birthday
Fr. Battista Omodei: birthday; Fr. Peter Sebastian, Fr. C.
Paul Arockia Raj, Fr. Maria Paul, Fr. John Paul, Fr.
Peter Joseph, Fr. John Peter, Fr. Paul Francis, Fr. P. Paul
Raj: feast day
Email: news@servantsofcharity.org
Website: www.servantsofcharity.org