Fr. Soosai Rathinam - Servants of Charity
Fr. Soosai Rathinam - Servants of Charity
News and Views Newsletter of the Divine Providence Province March 2014 Volume 7 Number 3 Luxurious Poverty...U-Turn!!! avoided “spending uselessly and refusing ourselves what is necessary for food, clothing and health." Our founder underwent umpteen sufferings, miscomprehensions, the FOUR F’S (fame-hungry, freddo-cold, fumo-smoke, fastidiadversity) He always encourages us to love poverty, love the cross, and embrace penances and thus we can ascend the ladder of perfection. Our Holy Father’s Lenten message is an eye opener to make an examination of conscience on a life of evangelical poverty in three types (of destitution): material, moral and spiritual and show our ‘Diaconia’ in meeting the needs of the poorest and alleviate the poverty with compassion, tenderness and solidarity of His love. Lent is a fitting time for self-denial in order to enrich others by our own poverty and solidarity. The recent Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India also urged us to become an example of simplicity, transparency, justice and mercy in a society polluted by corruption and violence. St. Joseph loved poverty and suffered the privation of life with patience and without murmur or complaint! He is a model of patience and was full of the virtue of humility and, with a righteous attitude, obeyed the plan of God. May he bless each one of us to be generous through our personal and community poverty! Fr. Soosai Rathinam “ Bring in the most abandoned of all, sit him at your table and make him yours, because he is Jesus. “ “No one can live without delight and that is why man, deprived of spiritual joy, goes over to fleshly pleasures” (Thomas Aquinas). Our reliance on other persons and attachment to worldly possessions in this hedonistic culture is quite normal. For some, a car is a wife for others, computers, cell phones, friends and financial security and so on and so on. I have trusted him/her like a mountain but he/ she has abandoned, betrayed me… these are the desperations and cries of today’s lives. In this context, possessions lead to attachment which leads to greediness and a grabbing mentality. Instead of relying on material security, we should rely on God and in His Providence and thus we become voluntarily poor like St. Francis of Assisi who said “My God and my all” which was his prayer. In the life of Jesus, He identified Himself with the poor and His lifestyle had no security, comfort, permanent house, and He was even buried in a borrowed grave. The followers of Jesus also left everything- nets, boats, hired servants, tax office, etc. “Give what you have to the poor” and "poverty depends on Charity," says our father of the poor St. Guanella. His eyes were able to see Jesus in the poor, “the most abandoned of all, bring him in, sit him at your table and make him yours, because he is Jesus”. Fr. Guanella warned the religious “let the two sins against providence be March Calendar of Fr. Provincial 1 Bangalore: Formators gathering at GPN 3 Mysore: Superior General visit at Preethiya Sevakaru 4-5 Thalavadi: Nazareth Illam 10-15 Krishnagiri: Annual Retreat 18-20 Poonamallee: Personal Meetings at DGMS 22-23 Kumbakonam: Our Lady of Providence Church 24-26 Dindigul, Madurai and Sivagangai: Pastoral Visit 28 Skype Council Meeting First Steps at Pforzheim Time to withdraw and leave younger people to building the future in this new tent of charity. As the rumors of the official introduction of our new confreres has passed and all visitors have returned to their apostolate domiciles, the daily normality has begun for Fr.Wieslaw as the director of the Guanellian community, while Fr. Rocky continues his German lessons at Freiburg until April 1st. Everyone knows that new beginnings are quite difficult, and one must be careful moving during the first steps in an unknown environment. But our two pioneers are doing their best to obtain sympathy in their new pastoral field. The daily work of the MCI absorbs the attention of Fr. Wieslaw, and the weekends also fulfill the apostolate of Fr. Rocky, who is working between Freiburg and Pforzheim. New relationships have been established with the St. Josef nuns at St.Trudpert Catholic Hospital, where our confreres are celebrating Holy Mass twice a month for the thirty sisters there; most of them from Kerala, South India. Fr. Wieslaw has been introducted to the director of Charitas Pforzheim, Mr. Lemke, who during the meeting on February 6, 2014, made a surprising offer to help our confreres obtain practical experience in his numerous disabled and elderly homes. He also offered to channel the efforts of our Procura into a districtwide fundraising campaign in favor of the project which Fr. Mimi had so longingly dreamed; the creation of a special center for the children of parents with leprosy on Mindanao in the Philippines. He was also open to eventually support our new presence in Ho-ChiMihn, Vietnam. Meanwhile we are waiting for feedback from Fr. Charlton Viray in Manila and Provincial Treasurer, Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, for the new religious and disabled residence in the former City of Saigon. Another interesting initiative was our contact with the Mother General of the St. Josef Daughters in the Abbey of Münstertal, in order to join forces in India between the Guanellians and the DSJ in Kerala, AP and TN with the intention of creating a common Pious Union in India. During the short visit of Provincial Fr. Rathinam, we have detailed this project, and in a short time we shall get a formal reply of the DSJ of St.Trudpert after the return of Mother Simone from India and the translation into the Keralian/Tamilian language of the Pious Union targets. Holy Providence has furthermore blessed our efforts for a significant Project in R.D. Congo, where Fr. Guido Mattarese has conceived a five hectars irrigatiton project at Bateké in order to redeem several disabled boys and girls through manual labor. This project will be approved on 3/27/14. We ask our Indian communities to pray also for the positive results of both projects; a van for Sivagangai and a kitchen for Vatluru. Both will be submitted at the end of March to the awarding commission of our greatest benefactors, Kindermission at Aachen. Finally in my introduction, I stated my firm decision to slowly withdraw from my activities. Starting in April, Fr. Rocky will begin contributing to our DPP bulletin, while Fr. Wieslaw will write about some issues for the Italian and Polish news. The time of Gero as procurator is coming to an end, and soon I will take up a better task; that of the silent carpenter Josef helping my community to construct a new building on a solid basis. If the procurator nomination does not end in December 2014, I'll resign and eventually find someone else to continue the precious work of this Guanellian entity. Somehow it will be a pity because “begging" for unknown poor people is a very sensitive art which requires tact, savoir faire and a real passion to dedicate someone's whole personality into the solidarity of love. If this happens "our Patrons" will be the ones who are abandoned, and they will continue to suffer injustice! Still, I did not start singing the 'Canticle of Simeon,' because I'm convinced that in God's vineyard there is still a need for old, experienced arms, minds and especially inflamed hearts! To all our readers around the globe, I wish copious Blessings from God, and a Joyful Easter Season. May the Lord inspire and link the minds of all those who have to decide about the future presence of Guanellians in my blessed and very generous adopted Homeland. Et nunc, Domine, dirige animam meam quia nemo Profeta in patria sua est! Gero Lombardo, German Guanellian Procura 2 Camaraderie and Support Communio 2014 Chelsea - Even though Michigan has been experiencing one of the coldest and snowiest winters in the last 36 years, the camaraderie amongst our Guanellian supporters was warm inside the dining hall at St. Louis Center on Thursday February 6, 2014, as fifty supporters came out to enjoy “Pasta and the Priests.” This event, which has now become an annual affair, is an outgrowth of the Fall Dinner Auction in November, when supporters bid on an opportunity to join the Servants of Charity during the month of February for a beautiful pasta dinner, a glass of wine, and the privilege of sitting down with our priests and breaking bread with them during a meal. Fr. Enzo Addari, administrator of St. Louis Center, thanked everyone for attending, and reminded them, “You are doing God’s work by being here, and our children and adults need your continued support for the success of our organization.” Manila - The communities of priests, sisters and brothers of the Servants of Charity, Caritas Sisters of Jesus, Dorothy Sisters of St. Paula Frasinetti and Carmelite Missionary (CM) in Brgy. Pasong Tamo gathered at the CM Novitiate Formation House in Centerville Subdivision for the annual Communio on February 1st. The evening began with Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Charlton Viray, SdC. An icebreaker activity followed. Games were played to warm the occasion. There were bao racing (coconut husk racing), cup stacking, word making/puzzling (CHRISTO) and song singing with the lyrics of Lord, Jesus and Faith. Presentations were also given by the different religious congregations; the CM sisters dramatized the life of their founder through dance; their novices presented the song “One Bread, One Body;” a song and dance by the Dorothy sisters; aerobics presentation by Caritas sisters; and “Far Greater Love” was sung by the Servants of Charity brothers. Dinner was then served; followed by a movie on the life of St. Charbel Makhluf. Communio ended with a prayer program led by Sr. Socorro Garachico, CM; choosing prayer partners and exchanging candles with the words, “be a bearer of Christ’s light” in celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life. Valentines Dance at SLC Chelsea - In honor of St. Valentine, Caitlin Blomquist, fitness specialist at St. Louis Center, organized a dance for the residents and participants of the Community Fitness Program held February 13th. The main goal was to make it fun for the residents to 'move more.' Each group prepared a dance presentation. The highlight was the ballet performance by the women of St. Louis Center. The Chelsea High School Girls Basketball team came to help the residents with dancing to old favorites like the 'Hokey Pokey,' as well as new ones like the 'Cha Cha Slide.' The parents of the teenage girls were so happy to see their daughters making a difference in the lives of people less fortunate than themselves. Healthy snacks were served and the entire crowd enjoyed dancing. Youths Attend 'Love Forum' Manila - On February 23rd, 72 youths from different walks of life attended the Love Forum at the Servants of Charity compound. The Love Forum is another group partnered with the Live Pure Movement that advocates purity and chastity especially to the youth. The event began with a doxology by the Guanellian Youth Ministry (GYM). A “getting to know you” game broke the ice among the attendees of the event. Then the actual Love Forum followed; emphasizing the love that should be given to every individual, the way Jesus loved, was made clear by the speaker. After the presentation, the GYM entertained the crowd with dance. Searchee-Searcher game followed and brought more joy to the event. 3 Superior General visits Soosai Thottam “An Inn for those who have No One” Madurai - On February 1st in the name of St. Louis Guanella, the superior general, Fr. Alfonso Crippa, and Fr. Gustavo De Bonis visited Soosai Thottam. The confreres and Guanella Karunai Illam mission beneficiaries welcomed them wholeheartedly. Their presence at Soosai Thottam brought marvelous joy and spiritual nourishment especially for fifteen guests that came to see the mission. Fr. Crippa praised the work being done at Madurai for the good of the needy brethren. His visit boosted the movement of grace and brought conversion, that is a renewal of quality of life to the confreres; their personal life, fraternal life and Guanellian mission. It also helped improve their ability to serve the beneficiaries. Fr. Crippa witnessed the presence of the Lord in each confrere and their mission. Mr. Manogar, a benefactor, and his family provided a meal for the community in honor of the superiors. Bangalore - The Novices of Guanella Preethi Nivas and their Master went to Thalavadi on a mission exposure for one week. The Guanellians at “Nazareth Illam” minister to mentally ill patients with some government aide. The sixty patients came from three different districts of Tamilnadu, where they were picked up from the streets, were unattended, violent and pathetic. The service of Guanellians to these inmates is praised by neighbors and anyone who visits, in fact they are ready to help provide for the needs of the center, because the priests commit themselves to serve them with immense love and live with them as one family. This mission has brought the identity of our institute to the lime light. The four novices were trained in how to serve them before interacting with the inmates; creating a bond with the inmates; some of whom then shared about their families, life stories and explained their journey to Nazareth Illam. Though the inmates do most of the works of the center, it was a time of joy for Perpetual and Diaconal Ordination the novices to be with them, chatting, working, feeding Chennai - After six months of very intensive and playing. The medical treatment, loving ambiance of the house, concern, love and care of the fathers preparation, ten cure them. Some of them even recover and return brothers were finally home presented to the altar by the Community Canonical Visit and Institute of Chennai. On Feb Cuddalore - The grace of St. Louis Guanella 11th, the Feast of Our filled St. Joseph's seminary on February 15–16th. On Lady of Lourdes, a behalf of the community Fr. Visuwasam welcomed tremendous gift was the Superior General and the Secretary General given to the DIVINE with garlands; Fr. Alfonso as Abba Father, Fr. PROVIDENCE Gustavo PROVINCE. That evening in the presence of their parents, relatives and as Mother Mary friends, Brothers Achariyam, Anil Francis Kumar, Arul, and Fr. Soosai as Charles, Edal Vinoth Joe, Francis Sunil Kumar, John Jesus, the blessing Kennedy, Loyola Diraviam, Prakesh Philemen Raj and of the Holy Vincent professed perpetual vows at St. John the Baptist Trinity. Everyone to church, Poonamallee. Frs. Alfonso Crippa and Gustavo processed the chapel for Debonis were present, Fr. General Superior celebrated the holy Mass during which the young men courageously adoration. Later, Superior said 'yes' to the Lord. Fr. Alfonso delivered a short homily the with the message of religious consecration. He encouraged General had a the brothers to grow in charity and the charism of our personal chat with each confrere of the community. That founder. The following day was their Diaconal Ordination evening all the seminarians gathered for a conference. The Superior General and the Secretary General taught the followed by a fellowship meal to celebrate. 4 seminarians about the congregation and the expectations were taken to different rides to participate joyfully. Younger children were accompanied to one particular of our founder. area and elder students were accompanied to a different On Sunday, Holy Mass was celebrated by the superiors at one. The most entertaining events were water games. Sahaya Matha church. The parishioners honored them Nearly three as our founder, gave them Ponnadai and performed a hours of cultural program. In the evening local confreres held time was a council meeting with the superiors. Afterwards, spent by the seminarians and students of Don Guanella Boys children home, gathered for Agape; also performing a cultural in the program. Fr. Crippa, Fr. Gustavo and Fr. Rinaldo water. They enjoyed the celebrations and congratulated the enjoyed the community. day to the fullest. They Parish Welcomes Superiors played in Cuddalore - On February 16th, the Superior Queensland until 7.30 PM. Their faces looked sad when it was time to leave. Upon returning home safely, they thanked Fr. Provincial who, though busy with canonical visitation, gave permission for the picnic, and Fr. Samson who drove the van safely. Superiors Visit Anbagam Sivagangai - On February 19th the Superior General, Fr. Alfonso Crippa, the Secretary General, Fr. Gustavo and the Provincial Superior, Fr. Soosai arrived for a visit. The children were eagerly waiting to see them. Upon arrival at Anbagam, the good children welcomed them and honored them General, Secretary General with garlands. The good children were in return and Provincial Superior given love and affection. Superior Kulandaisamy, visited Sahaya Matha Director Paulraj, Church. The parishioners and Administrator were happy to welcome Franklin also them and participate in welcomed them the holy mass offered for the people of God. After honored them with the mass, the newly elected parish council organized Ponnadai. The a short program for them including the presentation children of Anbagam of a traditional shawl and small gift to each major performed wonderful superiors. The people were pleased with the wellprograms including organized event. dance, song, and thirukural. Fr. Crippa Wonderful Queensland spoke about the Chennai - The day of happiness, enjoyment and mission in India. Fr. Gustavo gave an enriching talk to amusement was February 16th for nearly sixty students the good children; and they gave their precious blessings of the Don Guanella Evening School; they were taken to to all. Queensland for a picnic. The previous day they were given GLM Meeting instructions about their behavioral pattern at Queensland for safe and careful fun by Bro. Deva and the staff. Rev. Sivagangai - The Guanellian Lay Movement gathered Fr. Samson, Superior of DGMS, started the journey with at Yesuvanam on February19th. Evening adoration a small prayer and, the children were divided into groups was conducted by Fr. Kulandaisamy, superior of the accompanied by particular brothers; especially, Dn. Sunil, community. After adoration, the meeting was began Dn. Loyola and Dn. Achariyam. Upon arrival, the children with many benefactors participating. When Fr. Crippa 5 spoke about the movement he expressed his happiness. Fr. Gustavo also gave some instructions about the movement. The GLM members asked lots of questions with interest and enthusiasm which were answered by the major superiors. When Fr. Kulandaisamy spoke and expressed his goal of trying to reach around the entire diocese. With the help of the GLM, anything is possible. After the meeting holy Mass was celebrated by our fathers and a simple Agape ended the evening. Superiors visit Aspirants Mysore - Preethiya Sevakaru welcomed Frs. Joseph Rinaldo & Visuwasam the Provicial Treasurers of the Divine Providence Province with joy. Fr. Visuwasam celebrated Mass and Fr. Rinaldo preached a beautiful sermon which encouraged and motivated the brothers. At beginning of the month there was a quiz competition for the initiation brothers on the gospel of Mark. The brothers studied well and participated actively. The 2nd classical academy was recently conducted for the initiation brothers on the topic, “Major Evils in our country”. Fr. Ranjith SAC, a Pallotine priest, was invited as the chief guest for the academy; Ursaline sisters were also invited. Our brothers exhibited their talents through speeches, dances, songs and skits. 6 March Calendar of Events 2 Bangalore: Oratory and Evening School Annual Day Celebration- GPN 5Ash Wednesday Manila: Special Ash Wednesday Services 5-6 Sivagangai: Tutelage Program 7 Manila: First Friday Adoration 7-10 Bangalore: Mission Experience for GYM in Thalavadi 8 Chelsea: Vocational Retreat for Boys Grass Lake: Prayer and Pizza Girls Group 8-9 Manila: Vocation Seminar 12 Grass Lake: Mother of Divine Providence Day at PUSJ 14 Pforzheim: Parish Pilgrimage 15 Manila: Lenten Recollection 14-16 Grass Lake: Come and See 16 Grass Lake: GLM Family Day at PUSJ 19 St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Grass Lake: Solemn Celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph Day 23 Cuddalore: Lenten pilgrimage to our Lady of Vallankanni 24-28 Bangalore: Liturgical Training’ for Novices in NBCLC 25Annunciation of the Lord 28 Skype Council Meeting 30 Cuddalore: Lenten Retreat for the People of God - Sagaya Mathat 31 Bangalore: 'Life of the Founder' Seminar for Novices at GPN Manila: Pre-Easter Egg Hunt for Persons with I/DD Best Wishes and Prayers to: 1 2 4 5 10 13 15 17 19 Bro. Jesu Doss: birthday Bro. Prakesh Philemen Raj: birthday Bro. Maria Julian Bernard: birthday Fr. Kulandaisamy: birthday; Fr. John Joseph: feast day Bro. Antony Kalai Selvan: birthday Fr. John Bosco, Fr. Paulraj P.: birthday Bro. Abraham: birthday Bro. Jegan Patrick Daniel: feast day Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, Fr. Soosai Rathinam, Fr. Jayasoosai, Bro. Edal Vinoth Joe, Bro. Joseph Fernandez S., Bro. Joseph S., Peddarappu Joseph, Bro. Vellington, Nov. Joseph Rajarathnam: feast day 20 Fr. Louis: birthday 21 Bro. Rishar Raffee Jegan: birthday 24 Bro. Antony Jayaraj: birthday 25 Fr. Roosewelt: birthday Have questions or comments about this 29 Fr. Ligori: birthday newsletter? Contact the Communications and 30 Fr. Dominic Sebastian Baskar: birthday Community Relations Office at: 16195 Old US 12 Chelsea, MI 48118 USA Telephone: 734-475-8430 Email: Website: 7
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